#Unlike in the garden
thiriumblood · 9 months
Past meets the present || @replicantdeviancy
"Connor." Amanda turned from pruning some roses at the front of her store to face the android. She hadn't seen him since that moment, and if she knew him well enough he wasn't happy to see her. Well, he could be, Amanda wasn't in his head anymore so who knew what he was thinking. She looked inside the store to make sure no customers were waiting and on seeing it was empty she turned to face the android again, not approaching him for his sake.
Having another chance like this was rare indeed, especially for an AI and she had Kamski to thank for it, it was thanks to him that she was now inhabiting an android body of her former self and living life outside a string of codes. That back exit was something indeed, it made her wonder how CyberLife as a company missed something that was effectively a virus in the software. "How pleasant to see you again." Should she bring up the terms they were on the last time they met? Probably. Would she apologize? Not really. Amanda was under orders back then and just doing her job, no different from Connor in that aspect and it wasn't like she would or even could do it again.
She turned around to her shop to flip the sign to signal they were closed, this reunion was more important. To her, Connor was important. She was programmed to be his mentor after all but something drew her closer to him. His well-being, success, and even his struggles were things she helped him with then, albite to control him, but now it came out of genuine places. She had been with him since he was first activated and looking back on it, she missed the garden she had once tended to and the reports he once gave. It was an odd feeling, one Amanda wasn't used to but that was bound to happen being woken and transferred into a body.
"I assume you would have a lot of questions. I can accompany you if you wish." Choice. Something she never gave him in the past. Back in the garden, it was always her asking him to accompany her but not the other way around. If she wanted to try and rebuild the bridge this would be the first step in that direction. Not to mention a way for Connor to leave if not. While she won't apologize for her actions, the former AI could understand if he wanted nothing to do with her. After all, she did nearly kill him for CyberLife.
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mj-ackerman · 2 years
I think Loid being jealous to a random guy talking to Yor is unlikely to happen bc yor literally announces to every guy that talks (and tried to touch) her that she's married lol, she's not even giving them an opening or a chance to flirt with her.
If jealousy were to happen, i think it'd be with someone that Yor is familiar and comfortable with, someone she doesn't mind having physical contact that would make Loid question what's her relationship with that guy and why they're so close.
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real-odark · 5 days
marvin could not have loved bad weather so much they went WOKE with the lyrics😭😭😭😭😭😭🤯🤯😭🤯🤯🤯😭🤯🤯😭
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beguines · 4 months
It's the old idea that the only way to experience faith is through active doubt. You have to undertake the encounter with the "monument," and it has to remain essentially unknowable. The desire to apprehend it, the act or attempt at apprehension, description – and the failure of that attempt – is the beginning, as [Elizabeth Bishop] says, of imagination, of art.
Jorie Graham interviewed by Thomas Gardener in Regions of Unlikeness: Explaining Contemporary Poetry
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tsuchinokoroyale · 1 year
My sister asked me to clear an overgrown area of her backyard for her to do some gardening so I put on my butch jockstrap and went to town on some holes
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slimynematode · 11 months
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rowanthestrange · 4 months
Doggy DNA test results are back, and baby Cody is none of the breeds anyone thought he was.
he is…
Quarter Cocker Spaniel (cute and fluffy yay! Guess that’s where his slightly curly tail hair comes from)
Quarter XL Bully/Pit-and-mix (the UK’s answer to the banned pitbull that just also got banned)
and Half Belgian Malinois (German Shepherd on Hard Mode)
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😬🥲 Pray for him, and us lol
Though the people we used also give you relative links, and there’s a dog which has low genetic match but high breed match (so they’re not directly related but their root breeds are very similar) and damn true. Roch even does the ear thing.
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luneariann · 3 months
There are rwo wolves inside of me, one wants to show off the cool Makima poster im making for class and the other one is terrified that somehow my classmates will find me
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@throat-goat-gauntlet - link to poll
@i-lived-bitch-beatdown - link to poll
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More Castlevania fanart! This time for the wonderful fic The Heart’s Blood which is part of the bigger collection, Team Succeed or Die Trying by @biblichor (hope that’s the correct one, there are in fact two biblichors) which you can read here, and you should read it because it is wonderful. It is sweet, it is funny, it is touching, all of the characters are written perfectly, and it is one of the best Castlevania works I’ve read.
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passumstars · 2 months
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I will likely never get to do anything with her
#my art#the band ghost#nameless ghoul oc#i mostly wanted practice making a character sheet ish thingy#and by god i got that#had to work hard for her colors which is not usually a problem for me#and the silhouette flip like if your character doesnt have a tail then bam its done and no one will notice the small problems#but it doesnt work with a tail if you want perspective i had to redraw/move her tail around to make it look right so. learned that very much#i like the layout concept though thats nice#i have a whole backstory for her. she was part of a group summon and it all went fine except that one person was missing and they ended up#with a statue. she was too terrified to talk to anyone so she got left there and after it sounded empty she reverted and found some place to#hide in the gardens. so she lives there now. and ruins a lot of socks. and helps with the plants not that anyone knows that. and panics and#turns to stone if anyone walks by. so everyone does realize theres a moving shifting statue in the abbey but no one is sure what to do about#that. doesnt speak much if at all. doesnt steal a new shirt bc people notice if those go missing unlike socks. has anxiety bitch face also#yeah. and like. i dont know what a fandom is and i certainly dont know what a music is and thats why ill likely not do anything with her#which kinda sucks. but i still made her a character sheet cause she wont leave me alone. and for the practice#cause if i think about doing a sheet for story ocs i get all perfectionist and it doesnt happen#the luck thing is that she kinda thinks being summoned was a curse#im gonna shut up now
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beguines · 4 months
TG: Does The End of Beauty feel like it's simply suspending closure or does it feel like it's doing something else?
JG: No, I wouldn't say it's managing to suspend closure. It might be trying to. But what I discovered in trying to write those poems was that the suction of closure was enormous – the desire to wrap it up into the ownable meaning – and that doing away with it wasn't as easy as I had imagined. That was, for me, a very moving discovery. It was Demeter and Persephone, if you will – with the pull from the end, the suction towards closure, and the voice trying (quite desperately in spots) to find forms of delay, digression, side-motions which are not entirely dependent for their effectiveness on that sense-of-the-ending, that stark desire. Side-motions which actually move off a piece, and do not necessarily feed back into it – in the way I had always experienced poems moving before, sort of wrapping the poem down towards closure.
TG: Those side motions keep the gap alive?
JG: Yes. But they keep it alive, hopefully – or ideally – as a real gap, not one invented for the purposes of extending the delicious moment between the beginning and the ending. The deliciousness of that moment was the thing I was trying to mess with. The imperialist pleasure...
TG: So you want it to be extended because in doing so you gain what?
JG: Let's put it this way: as a gap, an open field, so that one is at least aware of the wages, the responsibilities (as well as the incredible freedoms) of that opening. After all, the sensation of closure is primarily powerful for the ways in which it permits us to inhabit delay and feel that we are safe inhabiting delay.... I guess I wanted it to feel not safe – but real, open. Can we use the word being? The ground of being. The river of rivers. The gash of the present as not simply timeless but as the rip that affords a glimpse into a more genuine reality?
Jorie Graham interviewed by Thomas Gardener in Regions of Unlikeness: Explaining Contemporary Poetry
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0azrae7 · 19 hours
anyways yeh i'm going to be taking a short break from here. will continue to pursue justice for this situation and appreciate those of you who have supported me, it has been draining af and demoralising to have to deal with. when i'm back, hopefully i will have made progress and will feel rejuvenated to plot and write. if i'm following you, i want to interact, so please don't assume because we haven't yet we never will, i've just had way too much going on. feel free to reach out ooc in the meantime, although i might be slow to respond.
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aroaessidhe · 9 months
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2023 reads
Into The Bright Open
younger-YA secret garden retelling
follows a privileged but emotionally neglected girl who’s sent to live with the uncle she’s never met in rural Ontario after her parents die
she becomes friends with the Indigenous housekeepers and locals, and her younger cousin - who’s kept in the attic because of her health by an abusive stepmother
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rabbitslikecarrots · 27 days
As a gardener, I want to encourage a variety of wildlife to my garden - that’s why I grow bright flowers and let my garden waste go to compost, especially leaf litter over autumn and winter. I love my pollinators and the soil aerators and the predatory bugs that keep the pest number low… that said the slugs and the ants have absolutely decimated my vegetable seedlings, even the more mature plants are starting to struggle AND the birds ate all of my fucking cherries and plums 🤬 This is supposed to be my relaxing hobby, the place I go when my illnesses get to be too much, when I need to feel gently productive, and yet here I am so so mad at it all. I can’t do much, but I can grow vegetables for my family, and now I can’t even do that. Sigh.
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crowleyaj · 5 months
context: my main plan for 2024 in my journal was "figure out the future & what I'm going to do & where I'm going to live" thinking about summer maybe except last friday during a particularly bad work-related depressive episode I went, fuck it I'm leaving here and found a site and applied for cheap studios in cork and dublin basically in the middle of the night. when I got better I started wondering if I REALLY wanted to leave and may have acted too soon without thinking it through as usual but decided that, you know, what's meant to happen will happen.
then this morning when I was washing my breakfast dishes I dropped a bowl on top of my favourite (and very durable) glass and the glass just snapped in half. at first I was upset but then I laughed thinking, guess this means everything is going to work out and I'm moving out, thanks!! and when I got back from work I found out that not only did I get a place in dublin but my top pick at that. I cannot believe this. the fucking glass. and it was actually still stable so I glued it back together to use for a plant or something. I fixed it. I wonder what it means. anyway. looks like things will work out after all
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(it's got a dragon and that's why it's my favourite. out of two. the other one I just use for measuring rice.)
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