urbansensations · 4 years
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Homes of the future - what can we expect?
With technological advancements and material innovations moving forward  at such a rapid rate, how will our homes change in the future? What a great question! Of course technology and sustainability are key contenders ... but what else might we expect? Check out this article for their predictions.
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soyilianch · 4 years
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𝙴𝚡𝚝𝚛𝚊ñ𝚘 𝚕𝚊 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚍𝚊𝚍 𝚍𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚞𝚊𝚛 𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎. . . . #undianormal #normalizando la #pandemia #People #lifestyles #Indoors / #outdoors #urbansense #citylife #bigénero #lgtbt #pride🌈 #white #elevadores (en Mexico City, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDKO_zdDX5W/?igshid=1hs9yl97625u1
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citynomadi · 4 years
What is the Urban Sense project?
Citynomadi was recently involved in a really interesting Urban Sense project. The purpose of this project was to gather information about Helsinki's air quality and noise levels and then present it for everyday use.
Watch the video and see how it went: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7AStvaxVTU
#UrbanSense #ForumVirium #Stara #Wizense #mobileguide #video #airquality #noiselevels #cityenvironment #citylife #bettercities #cleanercities #YouTube #link #app #playstore #POI #map #web #Tuner #Nomadi #Citynomadi #Finland #story #picture #offline #online
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amkette · 6 years
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Feel The MUSIC Feel the URBAN SENSATION. Featherlight Bluetooth Earphones. Get yourself one at: https://goo.gl/FxyFT2 #UrbanSensation #LoveForMusic #TruBeats #Featherlight
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#urbansenses (at MASAP)
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urbansensations · 5 years
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August has been another busy month for us here at Urban Sensations with more projects on the go and others being completed. Amongst them was this lovely old beauty we helped rejuvenate from an tired rental full of termites - into a beautiful home proud of its charming character. A full renovation throughout including new kitchen and bathroom, floor restoration, rebuilding the termite damaged areas in the back living zone, tiling, window furnishings, lighting, exterior and interior painting and general aesthetic touches means this home is now ready for new tenants and will bring a fantastic ROI for our clients. Check out the before and after gallery to see the transformation.
Spring and Summer are the time of year most people think about making updates to their home. That means it’s a busy time of year for us - so if you’re thinking of renovating, get in touch today for a chat and get your project booked in before we book out! 
After photos
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Before photos
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urbansensations · 5 years
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Hello everyone,
We apologise our newsletter is a little later than usual this month. Unfortunately our provider has been experiencing a few technical hiccups that have delayed delivery. On the brighter side, it means you don’t have to wait so long before our July edition is in your mailbox. Yay!
For those of you that have also missed out on receiving our May edition, please use this link to catch up on some great articles, general updates and project galleries - https://urbansensations.tumblr.com/.
Now back to our usual monthly newsletters ...
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urbansensations · 6 years
What does a low vacancy rate mean for you?
Well, it depends whether you are a renter or an owner.... If you are a renter, it means that shifting properties can be tricky because there aren’t a lot of properties to choose from. it also means that rent is likely to be going up this year - because if you aren’t prepared to pay extra, someone else will be! If you are an owner, you will most likely be thinking - great - finally i can put the rent up! If you have been putting off a much overdue renovation, this news means that now is the perfect time to get this done - sure you will be without rent for 6-8 weeks - however once the renovation is complete you know that there are plenty of people looking for properties and most people will pay a premium for moving into a property that looks new. Our current ROI for renovating rental properties is between 150-270%.
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urbansensations · 6 years
The dreaded spring clean
How does it come around so quickly each year?! Yet here it is again, and there seems to be so much to do. Luckily, Domain has put together this helpful article to help us get the job done. We particularly like the idea of a checklist and being aware of removing contaminating chemicals, making your home safe for family and friends. 
And what to do with all those unwanted items? Why not a garage sale? Get a few of your neighbours involved, put on a BBQ and make if a fun Saturday morning, then reward yourself with a treat using the funds you raise. Or you can take them to your local charity outlet where they can be recycled.
Any other suggestions for an easy spring clean feel free to send them through ... I’m sure we’ll all feel much fresher and more productive after some decluttering. 
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urbansensations · 6 years
Book now for the Reno Ready Workshop - Spring Edition!
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Ever feel like you’ve got too much to do and not enough time to do it? That you’re simply stretched too thin across all the tasks on your to-do list? This reno you’ve got on your hands for example … where to start?! Cue reno overwhelm! OK, you have plans, maybe some vague ideas … but what’s next?
Some days this property game is fun, and you know why you do it – that long-term certainty, your future, your family … but time-wise it’s competing with the priorities of the here and the now.
So, how do you move forward and get this done? You’ve entertained getting someone to manage it on your behalf, but it’s hard to trust someone else to keep to budget, and you can’t afford to lose control. You need to get a grip on this reno business and what it’s all about … you need answers!
Come along to our Reno Ready Workshop and discover the areas of your renovation you need to focus on, how to get them done within budget and how to save yourself valuable time … and sanity.
Featuring our special guest Melbourne Property Stylists with great advice on how to style your home or prepare properties for open for inspections.
Go into your renovation with the confidence and knowledge you need. Book today through our Eventbrite page:  https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/reno-ready-workshop-tickets-51012547904
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urbansensations · 6 years
This is the perennial question ...
We hear this question asked every day... it’s a great question and the article by Darren Palmer linked above provides some valuable guidance as to where to start. I also urge people to look at their return on investment as well as the purpose of the renovation. You can invest $50,000 in a renovation and not add any value to it - because you have focussed on the aspects that aren’t going to increase value or you’ve tried to do everything on a budget that simply doesn’t work for the works you are wanting to do. Bathrooms and kitchens are a great example of this, as these are generally the two most expensive things to renovate. Sometimes I see people wanting to renovate both zones when they don’t have sufficient funds to complete them both. The end result is a renovation that doesn’t add value because both the bathroom and the kitchen look and feel like they are “half done” - the reason being that’s exactly what has been done. Our recommendation if you have limited funds is to do one room at a time, fitting it out to the quality you want so it is fully done. Then, when funds permit, you can move on to the next room and end up having a quality finish in both.
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urbansensations · 6 years
What does the recent budget mean for the property market?
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We’ve now had a few weeks to digest the implications of the Federal Budget released earlier this month, but what does it actually mean for property buyers? 
Overall, it appears the opinion is one of positivity. 
Smart Property’s angle is that the investment in infrastructure, together with the reduction of personal tax costs, will have a flow on effect in the property market. Meaning savvy investors can focus on the proposed public transport and road developments to identify future property hotspots. 
The Real Estate Conversation quotes REIA President, Malcolm Gunning, as saying “there is nothing in the budget to suggest that interest rates will be lifted in the near future, as inflation is expected to remain within the RBA's target zone.... [the government] focus has been more about the broader economy lifting up affordability and spending, rather than placing restrictions on property.”
However, HLB takes a slightly different approach, saying that the new budget is angled at slowing down property investment and increasing affordable housing, especially for first home buyers. For property investors, HLB summarised that claimable deductions have been reduced, including travel to inspect rental properties and claiming depreciation on plant and equipment installed by previous owners.
As a further flag, Rogers Property Group has highlighted the following: “One thing investors do need to watch out for is the intention to not allow a tax deduction for expenses on vacant land. This is targeted at those that have no intention to build an income producing asset on that land.”
So, overall it looks like things will be mostly business as usual with some potentially promising hotspot zones growing around Geelong, Frankston and towards Monash for Melbourne investors.  
And remember, if you do have an investment property and want to make some claimable improvements before the end of financial year, let us know so we can fit you in for June!
If you are interested in reading the full articles referenced above, we’ve pasted the links for you below:
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash
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urbansensations · 6 years
Building your castle - at what price?
It’s the Australian dream to build your own home, but is it too expensive to achieve? 
“As well as being significantly cheaper to build, Australia has 12 times more land per capita than America. On any measure Australians should expect their homes to be cheaper – but that’s not the case.” - Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA) executive director Kirk Coningham 
Domain has shared reports on international building costs and found that Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane are ranked 19, 21 and 22 respectively in the most expensive areas to build worldwide.
However, the report further reveals that whilst we may be in an expensive build zone, the median house prices are considerably higher than the cost of construction. The Domain chart below shows building costs reflect just 33% of the median house prices in Sydney. 
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On the other hand, it also shows house prices are 12.9 times the median income and therefore ranks Sydney as number 2 on the unaffordability rank. 
So, that returns us to the original question - is building your castle too expensive compared to buying an existing dwelling? What are your thoughts? 
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Photo by Annie Gray on Unsplash
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urbansensations · 4 years
Kitchen inspo
Time for some eye candy in the form of super yummy kitchen islands. How stunning are some of these examples from Homes to Love?! Hope it gives you some food for thought and gets those creative juices flowing.  If you need some help with materials, colours, design or anything else then be sure to give us a call!
Ph 1300 894 648 or email [email protected]
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Photo credit: Anson Smart | Belle; SJB
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urbansensations · 4 years
What’s on your wish list for your home post-iso?
The last few months have been challenging for everyone, no one has been immune from the effects of COVID-19 and we each have a story or more that we will share with others over the coming decades. Your story may be one of despair, loss or anxiety or it may be one of joy, creation, abundance or reflection. Regardless, this year will certainly be one that is remembered for the rest of your life. 
For a lot of people, this event has also provided an opportunity to review their current home and living arrangements. Is it working for you during the Covid lockdown? Are there elements that you now want to change? Perhaps you are now questioning the practicality of open plan living spaces - with both adults working from home and children completing online learning, having a quiet space to work, think and create has become important. Perhaps staring at your own white walls - or those of your colleagues when on a zoom or teams meeting has made you realise that you really do prefer more colour, texture and interesting features in your home?
If this sounds like you, come join us in an evening of discovery of how you can make simple yet effective changes to create a home that works for you. This is the first step in any interior renovation or decoration project - however, its often the most overlooked. We get caught up in what style we want or overwhelmed when we find out that there are 500 different toilets to choose from, or bogged down in the quality of workmanship and details - and then it just becomes too hard. However, if you are crystal clear about what it is you want, all the other decisions you have to make (and there are many) become easier and the end result is bellisimo!
So come join Rosalie when she shares her 15+ years of experience in renovations, to develop your own road map that you can follow to increase the enjoyment of your home.
When:  Wednesday 19 August
Time:  8pm
Where:  Zoom, virtual online workshop
How:  Register your interest via email to [email protected] and we’ll send you the invite link so you can login via zoom
Cost:  Free!
There are only limited places available so we advise you book in today. See you then!
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urbansensations · 4 years
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Bye from Carmen
It’s with a heavy heart that I’m saying goodbye to Urban Sensations at the end of this month. We’ve shared three fabulous years of good times and lots of laughter together as we’ve beautified Melbourne one property at a time. Thank you all for the opportunity to get to know you and share your story. It’s been such a pleasure and an experience I’ll always remember. All the best to everyone, stay safe and sane and I look forward to catching up again in the future. Over to you Rosalie! xx
Ciao for now Carmen
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