#William Smee
colinodonoghue · 4 months
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colinodonoghue1: Rest in Peace Chris! Heartbroken! My love and thoughts go out to Erin and the boys! You will be missed brother! You were the real captain!!
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str8up-vanilla · 6 months
(during the missing year)
Smee *knocking on the Captain's door*: Umm sir the crew were wondering if we'd be doing any pillaging today? You've been busy the past week and we're just concerned that-
Killian: If you knock once more to ask me anything you and anyone who questions me will be walking The Jolly's lovely plank!
Smee: R-right of course captain I'll go inform the crew.
Killian *holding a flower*: Right, now where was I...ah, *plucks petal* she loves me *plucks petal* she loves me not
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thepirateandhisson · 7 months
Jared Gilmore (“Henry Mills”) is engaged!!
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caliburn-the-sword · 10 months
i need to know more about smee's backstory because WHY did smee have a magic realms travelling bean. just in his pocket. like obviously to sell it. but where did he get it. why did he get it. what were his dreams before joining hook's crew. what was his grandma like. he deserved more screentime not only as killian's ONLY onscreen friendship but also because it's absolutely WILD that Some Guy just had one of those totally rare, hard to find magic beans. how comedic would it be for him to be acting completely normal in the present like he does and then have a flashback episode dedicated to his backstory and it's like. he was actually the heir of a gang and also dipped into the realm of the fae for funsies and also a retired troll hunter and just have the most convoluted wackers bonkers backstory of any character on the show ever. just completely subvert the expectation of a very plain side character BECAUSE IT WAS ALREADY HALF DONE WITH THE BEAN. WAS HE INITIALLY INTENDING TO USE IT FOR HIMSELF??? BEFORE HAVING TO SELL IT FOR HIS OWN SAFETY??? WHY???
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victoriously-regal · 4 months
Oh my goodness, I just heard about Chris Gauthier. He was only 48. Such a tragedy.
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Rest in peace <3
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*sometime during the s3 gap*
Smee: You need to stop planning your life so far in advance.
Killian: I'm not.
Killian: When the time comes, I want my ashes spread over...
Smee: Emmma? Is it Emma? Yeah, I know.
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chess-blackmyre · 1 year
Shout out to William Smee. Guy just wanted to try to trade a magic bean for immortality. Gets kidnapped by pirates. Gets a front row seat to The Worst Day in this objectively hot pirate captain’s life. And when this guy has the balls to ask for his magic bean back, then the captain’s just like “hows about instead I give you a job and you can come with us to Immortal Island”
This guy had a Really Weird Day about three hundred years ago and the jury’s still out if that was the best or worst thing that’s ever happened to him.
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colinoeyebrows · 2 years
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Once Upon A Time Appreciation Week 2022 Day 2 Favourite Side Character Or Cameo ➯ Mr. William Smee
“Black Beard? But, he's the most cutthroat pirate to ever hoist a sail. After you, of course.”
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A Year Without (6/?)
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Summary: After the curse returns Killian to the Enchanted Forest, he struggles to acclimate to his old life and his old ways. When a bird with a letter and memory potion arrives on his ship, he accepts the challenge to find Emma and help her save her family. Getting to Emma won't be easy and will cost him dearly, but what choice does he have when he cannot go a day without memories of her haunting him?
A03 | CH  1  |   2  |   3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |  8  |  9  |  10  | CUTS
A/N: The "Singapore" in this chapter is an entirely fictionalise pirate port created for plot reasons and because we know Jack Sparrow has a history with this island. I recognise the lasting damage and horrific practices of the historical and very real British East India Trading Company and the British Empire which impacted the real island nation, as well as many, many other countries and peoples. It is not my intent to romanticise or make light of these atrocities. Day 189
“Land, to the starboard,” Mullroy called down from the barrel. 
Hook peered through his spyglass to confirm the sighting, sweeping the horizon until his eyes caught on a green mass, wrapped in a thick grey haze. He lifted the handle resting in his hook enough to direct the ship to the familiar docks. 
The dense jungle of the island and early morning fog hanging heavy over the island were eerily similar to Neverland. However, the sun would soon rise and part the fog, the bright rays reflecting off the thick foliage. The island would appear like an emerald shining against the deep blue sea in the afternoons.
During his stays in that cursed realm, the sun in Neverland would never have been so bold. Hook suspected Pan’s hold over the island kept the realm in a permanent state of grey. Perhaps with the death of Pan, the island would more closely resemble the beauty of the island before him. He hoped he never had reason to be certain of his suspicion. 
Once they had reached the docks and moored the ship, the sun had already cleared the morning fog and the town was bustling with trade. The docks smelled of fish being prepared for the market stalls of the nearest street, crews shouted as they tie down their ships, and a few thieves lurked in the shadows looking for opportunity in the chaos. 
Hook had already caught the clumsy fingers of a pickpocket attempting to find something of value in his long coat. He wrapped his hand around the thin arm of the boy, he scowled at the lad until their eyes met. The wild eyes that found his own were hurt and scared, the boy defiant even knowing he'd been caught. They were the eyes of the lost boys, the children abandoned, the woman on the beanstalk. 
He released his grip on the lad, eyes narrowed, "you'd do well to distract your mark before reaching in so brazenly." 
The lad's eyes widened with surprise. He spoke cautiously, eyes darting as if unsure of Hook's intentions, "yes, sir." 
"See that man?" Hook nodded toward a figure across the alley, "the one in the red cap?"
"Aye," the boy replied, still unsure of the change in direction this had taken.
"He has the finest sweets stashed in that heavy coat of his. I'll distract him, you get us both a treat?" Hook winked at the boy as if they were co-conspirators in this heist.
This time, the boy nodded eagerly, likely excited about the prospect of scoring food. Rather than having to trade his stolen wares for too little money and the possibility of getting food in his future. If he were lucky, he'd lift coins from tourists but they often knew better than to carry coins in the port towns like this. 
Hook whistled to Smee, they'd established many forms of communication that did not require speaking during their time in Neverland - even the blades of grass had ears on that bloody island - and ducked into his coat. His first mate twisted around, searching for him in the crowd, the heavy coat at his shoulders flaring wildly around with his movements. 
Hook saw the young boy strike without any indication passing over Smee's features that he noticed.
As the boy ran off, Hook disappeared further into the crowd. The boy deserved everything he was able to retrieve and Hook needed to find a candy shop in addition to the lands that belonged to Sparrow over a century and a half ago.
Day 191
Asking about Sparrow throughout the realms was often followed by an exchange of more and more ridiculous tales and legends that were almost certainly wildly inaccurate. Asking about Sparrow in Singapore was met with either a delighted smile or a creative, but unpleasant, curse. 
After two days of asking around, the crew had combined enough stories to narrow the location of Sparrow's lands to "the spot where the jungle meets the water". They would know the spot was the correct one if they could locate a blackened tree trunk either ten or twenty paces inland from the spot where the two forces touched.
They'd spent the day rowing around the coastline of the island and stopping at every area it appeared the jungle touched the water. When you were navigating around an island that was an emerald in the sea, the jungle and the water touched often. Very often. 
"Capt'n, we really should head back," Smee suggested. 
The sun was setting and soon the water and coastline would appear the same, indistinguishable black. The lantern hanging from their dinghy would not be sufficient to continue the search until morning. But, if they could get one more location searched before they returned, they'd be that much closer to the treasure, to Swan. 
"After we've confirmed this is not the correct joining of jungle and sea."
"You okay, sir?" Smee hurried to continue when Hook frowned at his sudden concern, "only, I've not seen you so set on a path since Milah was lost to us."
"Murdered." Hook corrected, automatically, the sight of her heart turning to dust clear in his mind. 
Swan was lost, but he'd find her. 
"Aye," Smee said softly. His eyes clouded as if he'd been taken back to that moment as well. He cleared his throat, eyes clearing, before he continued, "so, what's gotten into you this time, sir?”
“My motivations are not the purview of my first mate,” Hook responded low, threat heavy in his voice. 
“Sorry, capt’n,” Smee responded quietly.
They rowed on in silence, reaching the coast and pulling the dinghy ashore as the sun finally dipped under the horizon. 
“We will stay tonight and return to the Jolly in the morning,” Hook clipped out, slicing into the thick air that had settled between them. Exhausted, he wrapped his coat around him and settled in for a long night.
Day 192
Hook awoke swaddled in his coat, in a dense jungle, heavy with fog; his body tense and mind alert, scanning for threats. His racing thoughts slowed and breathing became less ragged as he slowly started to remember that he was not back trapped in the service of Pan, but seeking a treasure of legend.
Smee, by all appearances, had been awake for hours. He had a small fire started and the smell of fish filled the air. When he noticed Hook stirring, Smee smiled brightly and waved Hook over, “Come eat! Today is gonna be a good one!” 
Where Hook woke up with the sun as an old habit from lifetimes ago, Smee always awoke first and seemed to relish in the delight of having woken up. Hook sat near the fire, accepting the offered fish, “You say that every morning, Smee.”
“Aye, but this time I mean it.”
“You always mean it,” Hook said between bites.
Smee grunted in agreement, tucking into his own breakfast. 
The foliage in this part of the island was the thickest they’d marched through in their exploration, so they were unable to scan for the blackened tree from where they’d shored the small vessel and made their makeshift camp. Pulling a dagger from a sheath in his boot, Hook started walking and chopping a path into the overgrowth. Smee chopped away to Hook’s left side, their progress slow. 
After they fought their way twelve paces in, Smee stopped suddenly. He pointed toward their right, “Sir, is that..?”
Hook followed his gesture, eyes catching on an unnaturally black branch. “Aye! Smee!”
He pulled out his flask and took a long celebratory drink before handing it over to Smee. Tucking the flask back into his coat, they returned to hacking away at the jungle, much quicker, their actions fuelled by the excitement of their discovery. As they approached, the branch became a tree stump, in that same sick black. Their steps were lighter and hearts racing as they approached the stump. 
Hook peered into the remains of the trees, feeling called to the strangeness of the tree. The trunk has been hollowed but was filled with empty rum bottles, all the same spiced rum that Hook favoured. But, one bottle caught his eye. Rather than rum, this was a wine bottle. 
The bottle shone pearlescent with several colours; pink, purple and green, in the hollowed tree, but when Hook’s hand touched the bottle to lift it from the tree, it changed to the deep blue of his brother’s eyes, a blue that he could never forget. 
“Fae wine,” Hook’s jaw muscle twitched, as he considered the meaning of this. Sparrow was a well-known rum connoisseur, but this was dark Fae wine. Had this even been left by Jack centuries ago or was this a pile of bottles discarded by other visitors to this secluded area of the island? 
“Nasty stuff,” Smee answered, eyeing the bottle distrustfully. “I had a sip once. In Agrabah. Woke up a month later, naked as a babe, inna forest in DunBroch. I nev'r got that month back.”
“Aye, I didn’t partake in the wine. But, the food has made for some memorable evenings,” Hook smirked suggestively. 
“Are we headed to the Fae Lands, Cap?” Smee asked with something between excitement and fear crossing his features.
“Keep looking - We know this is the right piece of land. Get the crew and scour Sparrow’s jungle for anything of note to take back with us to the Jolly. Once we’ve done that, we can determine the importance of an empty bottle found in a hollow, black tree trunk.” Hook handed the bottle over to Smee to return to the Jolly Roger when he retrieved the crew and relayed their orders.
He continued deeper into the jungle, slashing aggressive thorns and humming a shanty to himself to keep his pace.
Day 193
A thorough search of the land revealed few additional treasures, but none so seemingly misplaced as the wine bottle. The consensus amongst the crew was that they should meet with the Fae and determine what they knew about the treasure.
Hook suspected many of the crew wished only to see the Seelie Court with their own eyes and experience the food and wines for themselves, but he could not ignore that the Seelie Court held the most power in all the realms. 
Part of that power was a cruelty which lurked in every piece and every heart of the court as if the magic flowing in their veins was corrupted much like the magic that had created the Crocodile. Part of that power was a wealth of knowledge, especially on topics that were often mere whispers or shadows in each realm. 
Hook needed information and even the thinnest morsel of the Fae knowledge would come at a steep cost. Yet, he knew he'd pay their ransom a million times over if there was the slightest chance that it would reunite him with Swan.
Tag list: @kmomof4 @cosette141 @kazoosandfannypacks
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hitchell-mope · 1 year
Sailing for adventure by Gil, Uma, Mr Smee and the Hook siblings
Gil: When the course is laid and the anchor's weighed
A sailor's blood begins racing
With our hearts unbound and our flag unfurled
We're underway and off to see the world
Uma: Underway and off to see the world
Both: Hey, ho, we'll go
Anywhere the wind is blowing
Manly men are we
Sailing for adventure on the deep blue sea
Gil: Danger walks the deck, we say what the heck
Uma: We laugh at the perils we're facing
Both: Every storm we ride is its own reward
Harry: And people die by falling overboard
The Hook sisters: People die by falling overboard
Gil and Uma: Hey, ho, we'll go
Anywhere the wind is blowing
Hoist the sails and sing
Harry: Sailing for adventure on the big blue wet thing
Harriet: I love to see them cry when they walk the plank
Harry: I prefer to cut a throat
Cj: I love to hang 'em high and watch their little feet try to walk in the air while their faces turn blue
Gil (warningly): excuse me?
Cj: Just kidding
The Hook’s: It's a good life on a boat
Gil and Uma: There are distant lands with burning sands
That call across the ocean
There are bingo games every fun-filled day
Smee: And margaritas at the midnight buffet
Gil and Uma: Margaritas at the midnight buffet
Hey, ho, we'll go
Anywhere the wind is blowing
Cj: Should have took the train
Gil and Uma: Sailing for adventure on the bounding main
Uma: The salty breezes whisper
Who knows what lies ahead?
Gil: I just know I’m not meant to lead
The life my father led
Smee: The stars will be our compass
Wherever we may roam
Gil: And our mates will always be
Just like a family
Uma: And though we may put into port
The sea is always home
All three: We'll chase our dreams standing on our own
Over the horizon to the great unknown
Hey, ho, we'll go
Anywhere the wind is blowing
Home and brave and free
Gil: Sailing for adventure
Uma: Sailing for adventure
Smee: Sailing for adventure
All three: On the deep blue sea
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Guess who now owns two copies of the art book because she didn’t think they were ever going to translate it back in mid-2021. 🤡
I do appreciate that the English version comes in hardcover though. 👌😩
I’m not going to go over everything in this because @chidoroki​ has already gushed over it lovingly here and @1000sunnygo​ has the interviews translated here along with a lot of the art across various links here, but some initial thoughts and ramblings while looking through this book again.
• I’m slightly puzzled as to why VIZ decided to rearrange the placement of the interviews before the secret gallery Shirai mentions in the William Minerva note at the end
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「この本の中に "秘密のギャラリー" がある。そこに未だ見ぬ......」
There is a "secret gallery" in this book. I haven't seen it yet ... (via Google Translate)
Morse Code: Read back from here
but it’s ultimately arbitrary. Since this is removed from the English version, the “secret gallery” Morse is also removed from those portions of the book:
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With the replacement Minerva note at the end switched to:
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Thank you for reading this art book!
Which is essentially this earlier page:
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so it’s kind of 🤷 but I guess they needed replacement filler.
• It’s also kind of :/ that the English version puts page numbers on the art instead of in the margins but they probably didn’t want to shrink them.
• I am happy to have printed translated versions of the official site hidden comics for the trio’s name origins, the explanation for why Smee left the pen for Krone, and Norman’s message as William Minerva to the full scorers on the site’s IQ test:
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I’m still unsure of what the exact timeline is for Isabella becoming the Mom of Plant #3, but I like to think the trio were the first children she raised entirely by herself, so I put it at roughly six to seven weeks before Ray was dropped off. (Although I guess she laid off on naming him at least until Norman showed up...? Shirai mentions in the Mystic Code Book that Grandma names the children, so I guess it’s just another 🤷 “you’re putting way too much thought into arbitrary things” moment for me.)
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This is still such a crapshoot Smee kljsdfljk
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And this is still very funny
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nxnadesucrx · 3 months
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swynlake-spill · 1 year
Who had the best Valentine’s Day insta?
omg making a completely subjective judgment of other people's insta game? Why, u didn't even have to ask!
first-- ppl i dont respect: PDA pictograms. WE GET IT. ur in love. no need to shove ur tongues down each other's throats i didnt subscribe to ur onlyfans. BOO to oliver saluki and pacifica northwest GET SOME PERSONALITIES.
now that that's over with. my top five.
5. The Soft Launch: shoutout to Mirabel and Alice for becoming insta-official and showing us how beautiful lady love can be! i do love seeing what a couple actually did with their valentine's day. it makes me feel like i was on the date with them uwu uwu uwu!
4. Cheeky Pic: paging ashlee bonfamille to show horndogs pacifica and oliver how its done with the cutest #tbt that hid her and michael darling's passionate embrace. it's cute, its intimate, but not TOO intimate!
3. Puppy Love: as if i WASNT going to pay tribute to the dog daddies of the day. Smee went the extra mile with a whole frikkin set for beautiful Squeaky. She looks like a queen, and she IS!
2. The Goofballs: this one is for the lovers who like to post unflattering/funny/humorous troll pics of their SO. a couple that laughs together loves together lives together eats together prays together etc. etc. Simba Bonfamille-Lyons wins for having an absurdly out of focus blurry MONSTROSITY. honorable mention to ian for capturing tony in his most deadpan
THE ENGAGEMENT: as if anything else would ever win number one ever. isabela is ENGAGED. she is SEXY. that rock is HUGE. most couple goal EVER. now i just need to be invited to the wedding!!!
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pwlanier · 1 year
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Coulborn and Sons
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hannahhook7744 · 5 days
Canon & Semi-Canon Character List!;
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For @askauradonprep . LMK if you want me to add kids from other disney media like non-descendants books, sequels, and shows.
Descendants (Mobile Game):
Carter (Maybe a gender bent version of Scarlet who is dependent on your character's gender or could be a completely separate character).
Note: Diego de Vil was also in this game, if you want a visual on him.
Elle, daughter of Eric and Ariel.
Evie's Wicked Runway:
Scrapped Characters:
Aziz, son of Aladdin and Jasmine (mentioned in ‘the isle of the lost’).
Anxelin, daughter of Rapunzel and Eugene Fitzherbert (mentioned somewhere unknown as of now).
Hadie, son of Hades (mentioned in ‘Return to the Isle of the Lost’).
Concept Art Characters:
Lil Yaz, son of Yzma.
Quinlynn, daughter of the Queen of Hearts.
Escape from the Isle of the Lost (Book):
Ariana Rose, niece of Aurora and Prince Phillip
Bobby Hood, the son of Robin Hood and Maid Marian.
Derek, the son of Dopey.
Shy, the son of Bashful.
Crabby, the son of Grumpy.
Hap and Cheerful, the sons of Happy.
Snoozy, the son of Sleepy.
Doc II, the son of Doc.
Gesundheit, the son of Sneezy.
Players Mentioned on the Tourney Wiki:
Miguel (#44).
Tyrone (#32).
Akio (#42).
William (#12).
Li (#85).
Emir (#26).
Note: Aziz was also mentioned here on the wiki.
Kids Named Only in the Movie:
Taylor (Coach Jenkins called for him during one of the tourney scenes).
School of Secrets (Book Series):
Opal, the daughter of Mama Odie.
The Tweedledum and Tweedledee cousins, the sons of Tweedledum and Tweedledee.
Yi-min, the daughter of Yao.
Carina Potts, the daughter of Mrs. Potts.
School of Secrets (Web Series):
Unnamed Kid who's Great Uncle is Smee.
Dianne Doan (narration) and Andrea Savo (screen appearances) as Secret Blogger–the unidentified girl filming Auradon Prep's students.
Mark Daugherty as School Reporter.
Blake Rosier as Sleepy Jr, son of Sleepy.
Bashful Jr, son of Bashful.
Ben Stillwell as Happy student.
Maxwell Chase as Jock.
Miles Tagtmeyer as Reasonable Student.
Carlos‘s Scavenger hunt (Book):
Henry (White haired little boy who is Carlos's biggest fan).
Beyond the isle of the lost (Book):
Chester, son of the Cheshire Cat.
Katy/Katy, daughter of the smoking caterpillar.
Twee and Dee, twin daughters of Tweedledee.
Dora, daughter of the Dormouse.
Bill, the former cook of the Duchess's nephew.
Descendants 1 (Movie):
Mal, the daughter of Maleficent and Hades.
Evie, the daughter of Evil Queen.
Jay, the son of Jafar.
Carlos De Vil,  the son of Cruella De Vil.
Ben, the son of Belle and Beast.
Audrey, the daughter of Aurora and Prince Phillip.
Lonnie, the daughter of Fa Mulan and Li Shang.
Chad Charming, the son of Cinderella and Prince Charming.
Jane, the daughter of the Fairy Godmother.
Doug, the son of Dopey and Doug's mother.
Rise of Red (Movie): 
Red, daughter of the Queen of Hearts.
Chloe Charming, daughter of Cinderella and Prince Charming.
Maddox Hatter, the Mad Hatter's son.
Morgie, the son of Morgana le Fay. 
Jack of Diamonds, a captain in the Queen of Hearts' Red Army.
Uliana/Ulyana, the younger sister of Ursula, and the aunt of Uma.
Note: I’ve only included characters who didn’t exist before the movie. So no teenage versions of the adults.
The Isle of the Lost (Book): 
Anthony Tremaine, the son of Anastasia Tremaine.
Beelzebub, the daughter of Lucifer.
Claudine Frollo, the daughter of Claude Frollo.
Clay Clayton, the son of Clayton.
Diego De Vil, the nephew of Cruella De Vil.
Gaston Jr. and Gaston the Third, the twin sons of Gaston.
Ginny Gothel, the daughter of Mother Gothel.
Harry Badun, the son of Horace.
Jace Badun, the son of Jasper.
Jade, the niece of Jafar.
Harriet Hook, the daughter of Captain Hook.
Lagan and Derelict, the children of Flotsam and Jetsam.
LeFou Deux, the son of LeFou.
Madam Mim's granddaughters.
Othello, the son of Iago.
Sammy Smee, the son of Mr. Smee.
Spotted Hyenas, the children of Shenzi, Benzai, and Ed.
Reza, the son of a former Royal Astronomer of Agrabah.
Yzla, the daughter of Yzma.
Descendants Wicked World (Show): 
Freddie Facilier, the daughter of Dr. Facilier.
CJ Hook, the daughter of Captain Hook.
Zevon, the son of Yzma.
Jordan, the daughter of the Genie.
Ally, the daughter of Alice.
Ruby, the daughter of Rapunzel and Eugene Fitzherbert.
Return to the Isle of the Lost (Book): 
Hadie, the son of Hades.
Mad Maddy, the granddaughter of Madam Mim.
Rick Ratcliffe, the son of Governor Ratcliffe.
Hermie Bing, the daughter of The Ringmaster.
Crocodile Descendants, the children of Tick Tock.
Herkie, the son of Hercules and Megara.
Tiger Peony, the daughter of Tiger Lily.
Artie, the son of King Arthur.
Gordon, the son of Grumpy.
Pin, the son of Pinocchio.
Rise of the Isle of the Lost (Book): 
Stabbington cousins,  the children of the Stabbington brothers.
Arabella, the niece of Ariel and Eric
Li Shang Jr., the son of Fa Mulan and Li Shang.
Descendants 2 (Movie): 
Kristie Sita plays an unnamed blonde pirate girl amputee in purple seen in Uma’s Crew. 
Uma, the daughter of Ursula.
Harry Hook, the son of Captain Hook.
Gil, the son of Gaston.
Dizzy Tremaine, the daughter of Drizella Tremaine.
Note: characters of Uma’s crew have been named in her book, but not all of them.
Uma’s Wicked Book:
Jonas, member of Uma’s crew.
Gonzo, member of Uma’s crew.
Bonny, member of Uma’s crew.
Desiree, member of Uma’s crew.
Descendants 3 (Movie): 
Celia Facilier, the daughter of Dr. Facilier.
Squeaky Smee, one of the twin sons of Mr. Smee.
Squirmy Smee, one of the twin sons of Mr. Smee.
Characters Who Were Mentioned That I Have Zero Clue Where They Were Mentioned:
Pirate named Maria/Marya.
If I missed anyone, let me know. Thank you for the help, @casinotrio1965 .
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what's the name of the place we're headed, captain? smee + blue for @pawshapedheart
send me a favorite OUaT character and a color and I'll make you a moodboard
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