#Yeah I’m bad about tagging stuff
trickster-shi · 2 years
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I posted 10,253 times in 2022
That's 4,193 more posts than 2021!
32 posts created (0%)
10,221 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,115 of my posts in 2022
#teen wolf - 289 posts
#stiles stilinski - 236 posts
#sterek - 120 posts
#derek hale - 109 posts
#sheriff stilinski - 109 posts
#teen wolf fic - 78 posts
#stranger things spoilers - 71 posts
#home across the universe - 35 posts
#writing - 29 posts
#sterek slow burn - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#9:40am and i'm excited that i just need to write the last scene of this current chapter and then it will be finished barring edits
My Top Posts in 2022:
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Category: Gen
Chapters: 1/1
Relationships: Stiles Stilinski & Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski & Sheriff Stilinski
Tags: Theo Raeken (Mentioned), Donovan (Mentioned) Dread Doctors AU, Homeless Stiles Stilinski, Runaway Stiles Stilinski, Thief Stiles Stilinski, Under a Spell, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Food Insecurity, Mental Health Issues, Nogitsune Trauma, Post-Nogitsune Stiles Stilinski
As a last ditch, hold on by the fingernails solution, it was inevitable that the tape would fray down to the last thread and break.
Duct tape wasn't meant to last forever. Literally or metaphorically.
After the fight with Scott in the rain, after Stiles nearly gave into the overwhelming impulse to throw that damned wrench at Scott's head, Stiles knows he can't stay in Beacon Hills. He doesn't have a pack now, and if he tells Dad he'll no longer have a parent. So Stiles leaves. He gets as far as the Jeep will take him and then he walks a little farther.
Away from home, from everyone he knows, Stiles grapples with the lingering murderous and violent impulses that haunt him day and night and tries to survive while remaining invisible. But duct tape only holds things together for so long. It was never meant to be a permanent solution.
20 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
"It took me a while to understand the lesson in my choices and the tragedies.  That's the gift time gives you if you manage to live long enough.  You begin to realize that fear is necessary as a warning system, but you can’t let it grow past that into any form of control over your actions.”
Chapter nine is up!
21 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
Can someone have a talk with my muse? I literally finished and posted a 20k+ chapter to a teen wolf fic yesterday and now I’ve got 5k written on a teen wolf one shot crossover with Jurassic World.
Like, yes, I binged the dino movies over the weekend due to the snow storm, but I did not need another thing to write. I’m trying to finish the first one.
Is anyone even interested in that kind of a crossover?
23 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
Chapter Ten: Beat the Boy
"What happened?"
Mini-Stiles opened his mouth but before any words came out he sensed a high-pitched vibration in the air.  It was like a rubber band pulled tight, then tighter and tighter.  It dug into his head, his chest.  Then it snapped.
Mini-Stiles whipped around toward the gyms.
Stiles was in trouble.
He didn't bother to say anything.  Mini-Stiles just ran, blindly following the magic in the air he knew belonged to his brother.
Chapter Ten has arrived! I think I need a nap, and some chocolate. You're gonna need tissues, though.
24 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Fandom: Teen Wolf, Firefly
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Sheriff Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Jordan Parrish, Alan Deaton, Laura Hale, Derek Hale, Isaac Lahey
Tags: Accidental Child Acquisition, Accidental Teenager Acquisition, Found Family, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Alternate Universe - Firefly Setting, Stilinski Family Feels, Sheriff Stilinski's Name is John, Young Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Not a Firefly Retelling
Summary: John Stilinski used to be a man of the law, a sheriff on his home planet of Beacon 3, and never thought he’d have need to stop off on such a planet as this, but life had long since taught him that what he thought was right or true was usually never what the rest of the ‘verse reflected or practiced.
Much to his everlasting regret and grief.
John finally has his son back after spending seven years trying to free him from the Alliance's Academy, but Stiles did not escape alone and both he and Lydia are harboring deep secrets. With two traumatized kids under his care, a ship in need of repair and extra crew, John goes out on a limb to hire three people on Deaton's recommendation. He sincerely hopes it doesn't bit him in the ass, because these new hires are former Browncoats. John, and his first mate Jordan Parrish, fought under the Alliance.
24 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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neurospicyyy · 7 months
Yes, I threw fits when I was a kid.
No, I wasn’t in control.
No, you shouldn’t judge me for it.
Yes, I am aware you think I had the choice.
But surely you understand I didn’t really have one?
Surly you understand I was struggling?
That I’m still struggling?
That I always will be?
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soullessjack · 2 months
having favorite characters from media with vastly different ideas on morality or like anything ever is so much fun. here’s blorbo bingus who actively kills everyone he doesn’t like and here’s grongo buppy who believes in the magic of friendship and forgiveness and they’re best friends to me
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disengaged · 2 months
alright anorexia is boring, let’s get yolked
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sexynetra · 5 months
I know I didn’t do something wrong that caused the shitstorm yesterday but I still feel guilty about it 🤪🤪 anyways are we at the point where I can make jokes about the person who posted the screenshot or are we all too on edge still lmk
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ask-lilli · 6 months
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hi guess who got a makeover
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carpisuns · 1 year
i love your art! it always brings a smile to my face <3
oh this is so kind 🥺🥺🥺 thank you so much!!
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boy-armageddon · 2 months
YES my username on yt is a blood bros reference :33 i need to go to crimes world again i know in my heart and soul that i love her but i seldom show her attention .. i need to care her more ..
HOOFRAY!!!! also pretty please do!!!!!!! for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#such a good album it is Insane that like. you never really see it talked about outside of certain spaces#and even then it was originally derided for being much less heavy than its predecessors#such a smart album lyrically and even in just like certain songs like peacock skeleton with crooked feathers#which btw is my go-to song to introduce people 2 them#for obvious reasons. the way the vocals play off each other#the keyboard#aforementioned lyrics because man they’re good at writing political lyrics that are simultaneously very pointed and relevant to this day#and also just plain fun. the way they word stuff rolls off the tongue very well#which I suppose is very much in part to Whitney being a very literary guy from what I’ve read up about him#SPEAKING OF!!!!! Jesus Christ the vocals. the vocals#(positive)#very very powerful for a guy who was like…. 21-22 at the time of recording I’d reckon?#I know whitney’s vocals are a turn off for the band for most people but imo? it’s one of the main appeals. 2 me he is like an insanely good#vocalist. almost jealous that he can hit those notes as a cis guy and I can’t cause omfg in like. wolf party near the end#HOW DOES A GUY MANAGE THAT…..#I love how they incorporated elements of other genres in it. like I don’t see them as indie rock like people#for whatever reason#like to describe them as in that album#but you can hear the elements. bringing up wolf party again cause nick zinner did some of the guitar in that and he’s in an indie band no?#yeah yeah yeahs or whatevs. they’re cool seeming I should check ‘em out#ALSO sorry I kind of glossed over Blilie. he’s really fucking good in the album obvs!!!!#pretty sure he did the album art which. omfg it’s had an aesthetic chokehold on me as of late#and also just. he has a nice voice#the sort of warbley thing he has and also his screams… goated#contrary to my posting#I’m actually a bliliegirl I’d consider myself lol. Whitney happens to also have a psychic chokehold on me#this is obvious. I go by Johnny and want to go blonde HMMMMM I WONDER WHY..#my bad for rambling in tags I just. I love that album so deeply#it’s very meaningful to my identity and songs like the title track and beautiful horses just. get me right at my core#evil neighing compilation
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catastrxblues · 6 months
oh wait i just realized!! i finally finished my reading goal!! sleep deprived and kinda bleary but happy i guess
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Owl House week!! Everyone’s new designs were so CUTE and I was so excited to draw them!!! :)
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 year
if Mark is autistic then that explains why he gets easily irritated by anything or change, very compulsive, difficult to convince and change. no wonder he is so dangerous
autism is not a good thing, poor of the one who suffers it
I. Was kinda with you for a second there. Like I do think his own mental stuff when he was alive had to do with how he became, like it became ten times worse and more prevalent
But I’m not sure about that last statement.
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writerfae · 1 year
Friday Kiss Tag
I was tagged by @bluehourskyeli thank you so much!
Tagging uhhh… @ink-fireplace-coffee @jessica-writes22 and @treesandwords if you want to (no pressure tho)
Also @deadlycupid I think you might want to see this 👀 (if not that’s fine tho)
From the fire bearer au because I wanted to play around with it
“You are not a monster, Talon.“ Aiden said quietly.
And right there, sitting by the fire with him, with his heart warmed with something else then the familiar burn of anger and fear, Talon almost believed him.
Sensing his doubt Aiden grabbed his face, forcing him to meet eyes with the other fire bearer.
His touch was warm, pleasantly so, but Talon still flinched, taken aback by the sudden gesture.
“I mean it,” Aiden clarified. “Monsters don’t regret. They don’t fear their own anger.”
With an elegant motion he moved to straddle Talon’s legs.
His eyes were fierce as they all but bored into him, almost glowing in the light of the bonfire.
Talon couldn’t move, couldn’t answer, frozen by this sudden lack of space between him and the other boy.
So he only looked back into those deep brown eyes and let them look into his soul.
“If you were a monster, you wouldn’t try to stifle your anger. You’d let it burn down the world.
You would show the world true fear the way it was shown to you. But you don’t. Because you’re a good man, Talon.”
He caressed Talon’s face, eyes soft and warm. “You are good. And I’m not giving up until you see it, too.”
Aiden smiled. Then he surged forward, pressing his lips to Talon’s.
As soon as he realized what was happening, Talon kissed Aiden back avidly, passionately.
He hooked one arm around the other boy’s waist, pulling him closer. With his other hand he reached up to caress the nape of Aiden’s neck.
Talon could feel Aiden’s warmth in the touch of his hands against his face, the press of his body against his own and he remembered what Greta had said about him, how his fire was fueled by his love.
The bonfire flickered dangerously.
Overcome with a sudden hunger, Talon deepened the kiss, which gained him a gasp from Aiden, an invitation for Talon to take, to explore.
And he did, gladly so.
It was like Aiden had set something within him aflame. And maybe he had, because all Talon felt right now was heat.
Talon let his hands roam Aiden’s sides, gladly swallowing every sound escaping those heated lips.
His heart was burning burning burning.
Warm, warm, warm with an emotion so contrary to those he usually felt when his flame was set alight.
No anger, but something else entirely.
Love. Desire.
A flame stronger than any other.
New. Exciting. Lovely.
Behind them, the bonfire flared up, burning high and bright.
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margaetyrell · 1 year
btw if you’ve tagged me in your Taylor edits and i haven’t reblogged them yet, i’m so sorry. i’ve liked and saved them (i have like 50+ drafts to post actually) but i feel so disgusted and angry about all of this that it makes it harder for me to even log in and see her face tbh. which sucks bc i’m not really enjoying being here atm, but i don’t want to unfollow mutuals nor start all over again when i’ve worked so hard to build this blog up since last year. i’ve said it before tho... but if you don’t agree with it or if my content no longer interests you, feel free to go. it is understandable <3
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yikesola · 2 years
Picture Dan’s march 2019 tan shirt sun glow stubble “still alive” insta but with my url over his face. Pretend I made that
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I haven’t been actively lately because I only just got internet and phone access where I’m staying rn and I finally have my new sim card in so I can have WIFI HALLELUJAH (I’m only supposed to have 1 hour phone time a day but no one needs to know heheheh)
Anyway I just wanted to say that I nearly died and I will still die and stand for Carson because he is amazing and a good person and season 6 isn’t in character but even if it was what happened to Thomas CLEARLY wasn’t even Carson’s fault and if you say it was then you SUCK and you’re WRONG!!! 😌 CARSON IS MY LIFE AMD MY WORLD AND THATS JUST SOMETHING FHAR YOU HAVE TO ACCEPT ABOUT ME!!!!!!!!!
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#I’m so happy to have wifi back and I made plans w someone and talked to my mum one to one like a real person and everything’s been insane o#obviously like I was in the icu and now mental ward and it’s been some of the darkest most traumatic time of my life but after talking to th#the right ppl I feel hopeful again and like an entirely difffeernet person from this morning#random tmi life update#hopefully I’ll be able to draw something decent and I can post some Downton animals soon ☺️ lol#force everyone here to care about tiger carson <3#still obsessed with him#weird stuff going ik this is weird but I like just got my internet and tumblr back and I’m like WHEEEEEEwWWWwwW#maybe there can br hope lifean da future for me#also probably the fucking shitton socktail of meds I’m on rn has something t di with it lol#i think I’m getting some more in. a bit but I’m gonna go to the art room or something and try to draw more or whatever#coz it’s too early to sleep and I’m bouncing with energy!#crazy like I couldn’t even walk by myself a couple days ago and now I’m like chatting with everyone and hyper ^~^#idk whether to say I feel good or bad at this point coz idk what either means anymore but#yeah like I need that seeet sweet therapy pls fix my BRAIN and the dr upped my meds so Horay that should help too#suicide mention#not rly but just being safe tagging#death mention#?#idk it. and be triggering though I know#like the topic I mean#anyway I stand by and live carson and if you blame him in any way for Thomas suicide I’ll personally kill you
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marshmellowtea · 1 year
markiplier resident evil playthroughs my beloved
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