#Your honor they were driving ON THEIR OWN SIDE
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The Alchemy
AU where Harry is the star quarterback at his college and y/n is an English major.
Based very loosely off The Alchemy by Taylor Swift
CW: Smut
Word Count: 6,871
Leaving my family to go to University was a bittersweet decision. My heart tugged at the thought of being away from them, but my passion for mastering the art of English pulled me towards my dream. My family had always been my biggest supporters and I wanted to make them proud by becoming an English professor. This meant leaving behind my comfortable life in a small suburban town in Florida to study abroad at one of the most prestigious universities. The campus was nestled in the very heart of where literary greats had once roamed and created their masterpieces. It was as if the walls exuded inspiration and creativity, urging me to chase after my dreams with even more fervor. Though I missed my family dearly, I knew that this journey would lead me to become the best version of myself and honor their unwavering support and love.
It was a whirlwind of experiences as I made my way through the unfamiliar streets. The currency conversion was a constant challenge, with every transaction feeling like a game of guesswork. And then there was the driving - on the opposite side of the road no less - which required all of my concentration to avoid any mishaps. But perhaps most daunting of all was the non-stop partying at pubs, a culture shock for someone like me who had grown up in a small town in America.
Thankfully, I was able to find a flat that was within walking distance from the school, and even luckier to have another American girl as my roommate. Mia was a sweet, bubbly girl from the middle of nowhere Kansas, embracing every aspect of British culture including the pub scene and the charming local lads.
Living with Mia meant constantly having people over, and it seemed like every night brought new faces into our home. I didn't mind too much, mostly enjoying the lively atmosphere and meeting new people. However, there were definitely some moments that tested my patience, like when one of Mia's friends named Arthur ended up getting sick and leaving his mark in our kitchen. Despite these occasional hiccups, I was grateful for this experience abroad and all the unique encounters it brought my way.
Though Mia's social butterfly nature could be trying at times, I appreciated her warm companionship in this foreign place. It was on one such night, after we had cleaned up the remnants of Arthur's ill-fated escapades, that we found ourselves cozied up with mugs of tea and watching the rain patter against the windows. 
Mia was unusually pensive as she stared out into the drizzly Manchester night. "You know," she began softly, "sometimes I wonder if I'm chasing the wrong dreams. My parents wanted me to become a doctor or lawyer, something stereotypically successful, but I just wanted adventure. Now here I am, living it up in England, but it all feels...empty, like I'm still searching for meaning."
I nodded thoughtfully, sensing the vulnerability in her words. Though Mia put on a bubbly facade, there was more depth to her than met the eye. 
"I think the great thing about being here is that we have time to figure it all out," I offered gently. "We're writing our own stories, not just following someone else's script." 
Mia smiled, some of the spark returning to her eyes. "You're right. That's exactly why I love being here with you."
As the rain continued to drum against the windows, Mia and I sat in comfortable silence for a moment, each lost in our own thoughts. Finally, Mia turned to me with a curious expression.
"Do you ever have doubts about your dreams, too?" Mia asked, her voice tinged with vulnerability.
I considered her question for a moment before responding, "All the time. Sometimes I wonder if I'm on the right path or if I'm just going through the motions."
Mia nodded understandingly, her eyes reflecting the shimmer of uncertainty. "It's scary, isn't it? The idea that we might wake up one day and realize we've been chasing a dream all along."
I placed a comforting hand on Mia's shoulder. "It is scary, but it's also part of the journey. We're allowed to question and evolve along the way."
She smiled weakly, her gaze drifting back to the rain-splattered window. "I guess that's what makes life interesting, right? The uncertainty of it all."
Our conversation was interrupted by a sudden knock on the door. Mia got up to answer it, revealing a group of our friends who had decided to brave the rainy night for an impromptu gathering.
"Come in, come in!" Mia exclaimed cheerfully, ushering everyone inside. The room quickly filled with laughter and chatter as our friends settled in.
As I looked around the group, my eyes landed on a few familiar faces who have crossed paths with me several times before. Among them was Arthur, a friendly face that always brought a sense of comfort and familiarity. As everyone piled into the room, my gaze wandered to him - Harry Styles, the renowned quarterback of our school's football team. I couldn't help but feel a tinge of excitement at being in the presence of such a well-known athlete. When I first arrived from the United States, I had assumed the term "football" referred to what we call soccer back home. But as I soon discovered, American Football was just as beloved and popular in the UK.
Harry noticed me looking his way and met my gaze. There was an intensity in his green eyes that made me quickly avert my own, focusing instead on my friend Grace who was animatedly sharing a story next to me. 
I tried to tune into her words, but my thoughts kept drifting back to the handsome footballer across the room. By all accounts, Harry was cocky, brash, and a bit of a player. And yet, I couldn't deny there was something magnetic about him. He carried himself with a self-assured swagger, his athletic frame filling out his clothes in a way that betrayed his strength. 
I scolded myself internally. Just because he's nice to look at doesn't change the fact that he seems like an arrogant jock. Still, when our eyes met again, I felt a flutter in my stomach I couldn't ignore. 
Harry said something to his friend that made the group erupt into laughter. He flashed a crooked smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. I quickly looked away once more, but the image of his smile lingered in my mind.
Get it together, I told myself sternly. Harry is off-limits. With his reputation, getting involved would only lead to trouble. I turned my focus back to Grace, pushing all thoughts of Harry's eyes, smile and broad shoulders out of my head. 
For the rest of the night, I avoided looking in Harry's direction, though I could feel his gaze on me periodically as the hours wore on. By the time people started trickling out, I felt certain I had avoided any direct interaction with the dashing footballer. 
That is, until I went to lock the door behind the last guest and found him standing there. He flashed that crooked smile again as he leaned against the door frame. "See you around, Y/N," he said, holding my gaze for a moment before disappearing into the night. I stood frozen, my heart racing as I replayed those five simple words in my head.
As I stood there in shock at Harry's unexpected presence, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions swirling inside me. His parting words echoed in my mind, leaving me slightly breathless and unsure of what to make of the situation. Gathering my composure, I locked the door behind him and turned to find Mia watching me with a knowing smile.
"Looks like someone caught your eye, Y/N," Mia teased, nudging me playfully. "Harry Styles, huh? Quite the charmer."
I flushed slightly at her comment, trying to brush off any implications. "Oh, come on, Mia. It's not like that," I deflected, hoping to downplay the significance of the moment.
But Mia wasn't convinced. "Sure, sure," she replied with a wink. "Just remember, not all that glitters is gold."
Her words lingered in my mind as I bid her goodnight and retreated to my room. Sitting on my bed, I couldn't shake off the image of Harry's smile or the way he had looked at me in that brief moment by the door. The conflicting thoughts swirled in my head, leaving me restless and contemplative.
The following day at school, as I made my way through the bustling halls, I noticed a familiar figure leaning against the lockers up ahead. It was Harry, his usual confident demeanor on full display as he chatted with his friends. As our eyes met briefly, he flashed a grin in my direction before turning back to his conversation.
Feeling a surge of boldness, I approached him tentatively. "Hey, Harry," I greeted him, trying to keep my tone casual despite the flutter in my stomach.
"Hey there, Y/N," he responded with a smirk, his green eyes twinkling mischievously. "Didn't think you'd show up here again so soon."
I felt my cheeks flush at his words. Clearly he was referring to my abrupt exit last night after our brief encounter at the door. I scrambled to think of a clever response. 
"Well, we do go to the same school," I pointed out, trying to keep my voice light despite the nerves I felt. 
Harry chuckled, crossing his arms over his broad chest as he regarded me with amusement. 
"True enough," he conceded. "But I got the sense you were trying to avoid me last night. Did I make you nervous?"
His bluntness took me aback. I opened my mouth to respond, but no words came out. Harry's eyes danced with mirth at my flustered state. 
"Cat got your tongue?" He teased. 
I took a steadying breath, determined not to let him get the best of me. "You wish," I retorted, hoping the bravado in my voice sounded more convincing than I felt. 
Harry laughed, a rich warm sound that made my knees weak. Our eyes locked and in that moment, it was like the noisy hallway melted away and there was only the two of us.
"Feisty. I like it," he murmured. Before I could respond, the warning bell rang, snapping us both back to reality. 
"See you around, Y/N," Harry said with a wink before disappearing into the swarm of students heading to class. 
My body froze in place, heart thudding against my ribs as I gazed at the infamous Harry. He exuded an undeniable air of trouble, and yet, as our charged banter replayed in my mind, I couldn't deny the adrenaline pumping through my veins. With a determined stride, I made my way to class, refusing to let this boy be the cause of my tardiness.
I took a seat in my Studies of Shakespeare class, the one subject I truly loved. The works of William Shakespeare never failed to captivate me, and if you could understand the Elizabethan lingo, his witty humor shone through brilliantly. Unfortunately, this particular teacher seemed to have a talent for draining all the life and humor out of these masterpieces.
I tried to focus as the professor droned on about the themes in Romeo and Juliet, but my mind kept wandering back to my encounter with Harry. Something about our charged banter had awakened feelings in me that I didn't quite understand. 
Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a folded piece of paper land on my desk as if taken out of a scene from a movie. I looked around furtively before opening it. In an unfamiliar scrawling handwriting it read:
"What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun." - H
I felt a thrill run through me and quickly tucked the note into my bag before the professor could notice. So Harry was in this class too? I scanned the room subtly until I spotted him a few rows behind me. He caught my eye and gave me a roguish wink.
I turned back to the front, trying to ignore the simmering exhilaration I felt. Over the next few days, the notes kept coming during Shakespeare class, each with a quote or two from the Bard himself. They were usually cheeky and flirtatious, hinting at some blossoming rapport between us.
I found myself anticipating each one, my heart skipping a beat when I would spot a new folded note on my desk. Our eyes would meet across the room, a hidden smile just between us.
After class one day, as I gathered my things, I sensed Harry approach my desk. "So when's our study session?" he asked nonchalantly, though there was a glint of something more in his eyes. I hesitated, knowing I should keep my distance, yet unable to deny I was intrigued.
I nervously tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear, trying to appear nonchalant. "Well, I don't know... I've heard you're not the most dedicated studier," I teased, giving him a playful smile.
Harry chuckled, his eyes sparkling mischievously. "Oh, but that's where you're wrong. I may not look like it, but I'm quite the Shakespeare aficionado," he replied with a grin.
I raised an eyebrow in skepticism. "Is that so? Well, I suppose we could arrange a study session... if you can prove your expertise," I challenged, a hint of challenge in my tone.
His grin widened, accepting the challenge. "Consider it done. How about we meet at the library tomorrow after school?" Harry suggested, his gaze unwavering.
I hesitated for a moment, the thrill of anticipation coursing through me. "Alright, it's a date then," I agreed, feeling a rush of excitement at the prospect of spending more time with him.
As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Harry flashed me one last grin before disappearing into the bustling hallway. My heart raced with both nervousness and exhilaration as I packed up my belongings, eager for our upcoming study session.
The following day at the library, I found myself anxiously scanning the room for Harry. My pulse quickened when I spotted him sitting at a table in the corner, a stack of Shakespearean plays spread out in front of him.
I made my way over to him, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement swirling inside me. "Ready to impress me with your Shakespeare knowledge?" I asked with a teasing smile as I took a seat across from him.
Harry flashed me a charming grin. "Just watch and learn," he said confidently, picking up a copy of Romeo and Juliet and flipping to a random page.
As he began to recite lines from the play with passion and flair, I couldn't help but be captivated by his enthusiasm. His eyes lit up as he delved into each line, bringing the centuries-old words to life in a way that was both mesmerizing and captivating.
By the time our study session ended, I found myself completely enthralled by Harry's interpretation of Shakespeare's works. As we gathered our things to leave, he turned to me with a twinkle in his eye, he knew a lot more about the works than he let on to.
Harry turned to me, “So now that I’ve shown you i’m smart, I know Shakespeare, when are you coming to one of my games?” he asked confidently.
I was taken aback by his forward invitation. Attending one of his football games felt intimate in a way that made me nervous. 
"Oh, um, I don't know..." I fumbled over my words, suddenly feeling shy. 
Harry tilted his head, giving me a crooked smile. "Come on, it'll be fun. I'll even give you a personal tour of the field afterwards," he joked. 
I bit my lip, considering it. There was no denying I felt drawn to him, despite trying to keep my distance. And the thought of seeing him command the field sent a little thrill through me. 
"Alright, I suppose I could stop by," I finally conceded, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear self-consciously. 
Harry's face lit up. "Brilliant! Our next game is on Friday. I'll leave a ticket for you at will call," he said eagerly.
I nodded, butterflies taking flight in my stomach. "Okay, yeah. I’ll see you then," I replied softly. 
Harry gave me a dazzling smile and I felt my knees go weak.
Friday night arrived and I found myself filled with nervous excitement as I made my way to the football stadium. I couldn't believe I had actually agreed to come watch Harry play. As I approached the ticket booth, I gave my name and they handed me the ticket Harry had left for me. 
I found my seat in the packed bleachers and waited anxiously for the game to start. When the players rushed onto the field, I immediately spotted Harry's mop of curly hair. He looked focused and determined as he took his position on the field. 
As the game began, I was immediately drawn in by Harry's commanding presence on the field. His movements were fluid and precise, each pass and dodge executed with passion and skill. With each successful play, the crowd erupted into thunderous cheers, mirroring my own excitement. It was impossible not to join in, jumping to my feet and cheering for Harry along with everyone else.
At halftime, Harry made his way over to the sidelines, sweat glistening on his forehead and tattooed arms, his chest heaving from exertion. As he scanned the crowd for familiar faces, his eyes locked onto mine and a wide grin spread across his face. He waved enthusiastically, causing my cheeks to flush as I shyly waved back in return. 
In the second half of the game, Harry's presence seemed to radiate even more brightly. With each touchdown he scored, his fists pumped triumphantly in the air. The crowd roared and cheered as he ripped off his helmet and hoisted it victoriously above his head, his teammates swarming around him in celebration.
As the stadium emptied out, I stayed behind with a swarm of butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I couldn't wait to see Harry once again. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he emerged from the locker room, his hair still damp from his post-game shower but his eyes shining with joy.
"So, what did you think?" he asked eagerly as he approached me.
"You were truly spectacular out there," I gushed earnestly. A wide grin stretched across Harry's face.
"Come on, let me give you that promised tour," he said playfully, offering me his arm. Laughing, I happily took it and followed him onto the empty field, my heart racing with excitement and admiration for the amazing athlete by my side.
Harry led me onto the empty stadium field, the night air crisp and cool against our skin. He pointed out spots on the grass where pivotal plays had happened, describing them with a passion that revealed his deep love for the game. 
I found myself enthralled, leaning into him as we walked, his arm solid and warm beneath my hand. When we reached the middle of the field, he turned to face me. His eyes were soft, searching my face in the dim glow of the stadium lights. 
"You know, I was afraid you wouldn't come tonight," he admitted quietly. 
I tilted my head. "Why's that?"
He shrugged, a small smile playing on his lips. "You never seemed to like me much before. I figured I wasn't your type."
Heat rose to my cheeks. He wasn't wrong - I'd unfairly judged him as arrogant and cocky. But tonight had shattered those assumptions. 
"I guess I realized there's more to you than meets the eye," I said softly. 
Harry's smile widened. He lifted his hand, gently tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. My breath caught at his touch. Slowly, he leaned in. I let my eyes fall shut in anticipation...
But suddenly, the stadium lights flickered off, plunging us into darkness. We jumped apart in surprise. 
Harry laughed. "Guess that's our cue to head out." 
He took my hand, interlacing our fingers, and led me towards the parking lot. I walked close beside him, hyper-aware of his palm pressed against mine.
As he towered over me, Harry's eyes scanned the street, searching for a car. "Where did you park?" he asked, his voice deep and smooth.
I shifted nervously on my feet, avoiding eye contact. "Oh. Uh. I didn't drive. I just live around the street," I murmured, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. The thought of navigating English roads was terrifying to me.
A warm chuckle escaped from Harry's lips as he looked back down at me. "I can drive you home, love," he offered, extending a hand towards me. His scent wafted towards me - a mix of cologne and something woodsy - and I couldn't help but feel a flutter in my stomach at his closeness.
As Harry and I walked towards his car, our hands still entwined, I felt a sense of excitement and anticipation build within me. "So, tell me more about this amazing game-winning touchdown," I teased, trying to break the silence that had fallen between us.
Harry laughed softly, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he glanced at me sideways. "Oh, you mean the one where I body-slammed the other team's runner into oblivion?" He pretended to flex his muscles playfully. "That was pretty epic, if I do say so myself."
I shook my head, feigning disbelief. "You're such a show-off," I said with a grin. "I bet you were the star of the school playground too."
Harry snorted. "Hardly. I was more of a loner growing up. Spent most of my time with my nose buried in books."
"Really?" I raised an eyebrow in surprise. "And here I thought all jocks were brain-dead."
He laughed again, his laughter echoing through the empty streets as we walked towards his car. When we finally reached it, Harry unlocked the door and gestured for me to get inside. As I slid into the passenger seat, I couldn't help but notice how perfectly he filled the driver's seat - broad shoulders tapering down to narrow hips and long legs. The image of him all sweaty and wet from a shower flashed through my mind, making my cheeks heat up again.
"So," Harry began as he started the engine and pulled out onto the road, his eyes fixed on the road ahead, "tell me more about yourself."
I felt myself blush even harder at his directness but decided to play along. "Well," I said slowly, thinking quickly. "I'm a huge bookworm too - Harry Potter is probably my favorite series ever."
Harry chuckled softly as he glanced at me briefly before looking back at the road. "I can see why you fit right in here in England then."
We drove through the quiet streets in companionable silence for a while before Harry spoke up again. "You know, you don't have to act all tough around me," he said quietly, his eyes still on the road as he slowed down at a stoplight.
I turned to face him fully now, surprised by his words. "I wasn't trying to be tough," I said defensively. "I just didn't want you to think that... well, never mind what I didn't want you to think," I muttered under my breath.
Harry's face softened into a gentle smile as he reached out to brush a strand of hair behind my ear once again - a gesture that sent shivers down my spine despite the warmth of the car interior. "It's okay," he murmured soothingly as he took my hand in his once more and squeezed gently before letting go when the light turned green again.
The rest of our drive was filled with more easy conversation punctuated by moments of awkward silence broken only by the sounds of our breathing and occasional traffic noises outside. When we finally pulled up outside my house I found myself hesitating before opening the car door knowing that this was goodbye.
Under the dim glow of the street lamp, I tentatively turned to face Harry. "Thanks for...for tonight," I stammered out, suddenly self-conscious under his intense gaze. 
His emerald eyes twinkled mysteriously as he simply nodded and began unbuckling his seatbelt. His eyes never left mine, setting off a simmering warmth between us that was hard to ignore. 
"I should probably walk you to your door," he said softly, accentuating each word with an inexplicably seductive lilt. My heart pounded in my chest as we exited the car and made our way towards my apartment.
Once at the front door, we stood facing each other in silence, the air around us thick with unspoken words and desires. I felt his strong fingers gently cradle my chin, tilting my face up to meet his gaze. The intensity of this simple touch sent sparks racing down my spine, pooling heat in places I hadn't even known existed.
"Can I come inside?" His voice was barely a whisper but it echoed loudly in my ears.
My mind screamed caution but my body had other plans. “Yes,” I breathed out, unlocking the door and pulling him inside.
Inside, Harry's lips found mine in a searing kiss that left me breathless. His tongue teased against mine, creating a warm and delicious friction that sent shivers down my legs. As he pressed his hips against me, I could feel the unmistakable hardness growing between us. Our hands roamed freely over each other's bodies, exploring new territory and seeking pleasure through every touch.
Harry's fingers made their way to the waistband of my skirt, pulling it down over my hips and letting it fall to the ground. He lifted me up onto the edge of a nearby table, spreading my legs slightly as he stood between them. The feel of his fingers brushing against my inner thigh caused me to gasp and arch my back in anticipation.
Harry pulled back abruptly,“I’m sorry,” He started, “that was really inappropriate.”
As Harry apologized, his eyes were drawn to the hint of my arousal peeking out from between my legs. His hesitation vanished as his fingers brushed against my wetness once more, this time without pulling away. He groaned in approval and leaned forward, pressing his lips against mine once more. I craved him in the worst ways.
Our tongues tangled as he pushed me back onto the table, spreading my legs further apart. His hands found their way under my shirt, skimming over my stomach before lifting it up, exposing my bra-clad breasts. He took a deep breath, inhaling my scent and trailing his fingers lightly across one tight nipple.
"Harry," I moaned, cavinginto his touch. "Please don't stop."
He smirked wickedly down at me before pulling back slightly. In one swift motion, he yanked my shirt over my head, tossing it aside carelessly. Grabbing hold of both sides of my bra, he pulled it down too with such force that my breasts were freed from their confinement.
I gasped at the sudden rush of air hitting my sensitive nipples but before I could catch my breath, he took one of them into his mouth sucking hard while pinching the other between two fingers, teasing it mercilessly.
"Fuck," I whimpered, clawing at the table underneath me as pleasure coursed through me like lightning. The intense mix of pain and pleasure sent waves of desire crashing over me as I felt myself becoming wetter with every passing second.
Sliding one hand down towards his pants, I slowly undid the button and zipper before slipping my hand inside his boxers to grip him firmly around his growing erection. He groaned into my breast at the contact sending shivers down my spine.
"You want me to fuck you?" he whispered hoarsely against my skin leaving a trail of saliva along my collarbone as he ran his tongue upwards caressingly .
"Yes," I breathed out between parted lips unable to form complete words due to the intensity of emotions running through me. 
My heart raced as his erection throbbed in my hand. I could feel the heat radiating off his skin, mixed with the desire that seemed to emanate from him. His other hand slid down my back, over my ass cheeks, and gripped them roughly, pulling me closer against his hardness.
"Do you have any idea how fucking sexy you are? You and your little shy good girl act" he growled into my neck, nipping at the skin there softly. With one swift movement, he lifted me up onto the countertop, pushing my legs apart with his hips. His mouth trailed kisses along my jawline, down my throat, and on my breasts. 
I arched my back slightly offering myself to him more fully as he took a hungry mouthful of one of my nipples into his mouth sucking on it hard while pinching the other between his fingers causing a sharp intake of breath from me which made him smile devilishly before moving on to devour the other one.
My body trembled with anticipation as he bit my neck playfully, his rough hands sliding over my hips and ass cheeks before pulling me against him. His cock twitched against my wet core, making me whimper in want. "You like that, don't you?" he growled, his voice low and husky. "You're so fucking beautiful."
"Harry," I moaned, my voice reduced to a desperate whimper as he continued teasing me with his words and touches. "Please..."
The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, along with our ragged breathing and the occasional moan. I could feel myself getting lost in the sensations, my body responding eagerly to his movements. His hands were everywhere, tracing over my curves and gripping me tightly as he pounded into me.
My own hands were roaming his back, digging into his flesh as I tried to hold on to something amidst the overwhelming pleasure that was coursing through me. Every inch of my body felt on fire, and I couldn't get enough.
"Fuck," he grunted, his face contorting with pleasure. "You feel so good."
I whimpered in response, unable to form any coherent words as he continued to move inside me relentlessly. My whole world had narrowed down to this moment – his body against mine, the sound of our bodies coming together in a perfect rhythm.
My mind was blissfully blank as he increased his pace, his thrusts becoming rougher and more urgent. I could feel my climax building up within me, like a fire threatening to consume me whole.
And then it hit me like a tidal wave – intense and all-consuming. My back arched off the counter as I cried out his name, my body trembling with pleasure as every nerve ending exploded with ecstasy.
He followed soon after, letting out a loud groan as he spilled himself inside me. We stayed still for a moment, trying to catch our breaths and bask in the aftermath of our passion.
But eventually reality came crashing back around us. Panic started creeping up inside me as I tried to gather my thoughts and make sense of what had just happened. 
As I lay there, my heart still pounding in my chest, he gently pulled out of me and straightened up. His eyes, dark with desire just moments ago, now softened with a mixture of tenderness and regret.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the sound of our heavy breathing. "I shouldn't have let things go this far."
I sat up slowly, feeling a mix of emotions swirling inside me – confusion, guilt, and a lingering sense of pleasure that refused to dissipate. 
"It's not just your fault," I murmured, avoiding his gaze as I tried to gather my clothes around me. "I wanted this too."
He reached out a hand to touch my arm, but hesitated before making contact.
"We should talk about this," he said finally, his tone serious. "About what it means for us."
I nodded slowly, feeling the weight of his words settling between us. What had started as a moment of passion had now morphed into something more complicated, something that demanded attention and discussion.
As we dressed in silence, the air in the room felt charged with unspoken thoughts and emotions. The intensity of our physical connection lingered like a ghost between us, refusing to be ignored.
We began to gather our clothes from around the room, now tainted with the evidence of our reckless choices. Harry buried his face into his shirt before pulling it on, perhaps ruminating on what just occurred, or maybe trying to drown out the reality with the lingering scent of his cologne.
"Y/n," he started after a long silence, pulling his trousers up. His voice sounded strained, an indication that he was struggling with the right choice of words. "I... I didn't mean for this to... I mean, I like spending time with you." He sighed heavily, rubbing his face between his large palms.
I remained silent as I fastened my bra. The finality in his voice was suffocating, making it harder for me to breathe with each passing moment. I felt my heart thumping loudly in my chest – a crude reminder of the complication we had willingly dived into.
"I like you, Y/N," he said finally, his voice a hoarse whisper. The words hung in the air between us, hovering like a dense fog, obscuring any clarity that might lie beyond.
I stopped fumbling with my blouse, my fingers stilled by his confession. "Harry," I began, my voice barely audible. Fear clung to me, making my words tremble.
"I know," he cut me off before I could finish what I started. "I know we're both in different places... Me with football and you with your studies." There was a tingling silence after his statement, as if he was waiting for me to confirm or deny his declaration.
I sighed heavily, tugging at the hem of my blouse, feeling the cool fabric against my still heated skin. "It's not that simple Harry," I admitted, blinking back tears that had started to sting my eyes. "This," I motioned around the room, encompassing our discarded underwear strewn haphazardly around the room - a silent testament to the passion that had just consumed us, "this complicates things."
He ran his hand through his tousled hair and nodded solemnly. "I understand," he replied, a hint of resignation etching lines onto his face. His gaze was heavy with something akin to regret as it met mine.
My breath hitched in my throat at the intensity of his stare. I wanted desperately to reach out and ease the burden that seemed to weigh heavily on him. But reality was an insidious shadow that lurked in our midst, reminding us of the impracticality of our desires.
"I think it's better if we keep our distance for now," Harry broke the silence after what felt like an eternity. His words were like cold water dousing the fire that our bodies had kindled only moments ago.
A feeling of sudden emptiness clawed at me. His words, though probably said in goodwill, felt like a punch to my gut. I swallowed hard, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill over.
I nodded, unable to bring myself to utter a word. He stepped towards me and for a moment I thought he would pull me into his arms one last time. But he merely extended a hand that I shook lightly, the gesture felt impersonal after the intimacy we had just shared.
Without another word, he turned and left the room. I stood still in the silence that followed, the sound of his departing footsteps echoing in my ears long after he was gone.
Mia came home later that night, oblivious to the charged atmosphere that still lingered, suffocating and heavy in the air. Her chatter about an extra credit assignment she’d completed was a stark contrast to the silence that had enveloped the room just hours ago. 
“Y/N, are you okay?” she asked suddenly, noticing my distant gaze. I gave her a weak smile in response before excusing myself to bed.
As I lay there in the dark, staring at the ceiling, Harry's words echoed through my mind. "I think it's better if we keep our distance for now." His voice was etched into my memory, roughened by regret and something else I couldn't quite place. His face bore an expression that told me this was as hard for him as it was for me.
The next day was a blur. My classes seemed trivial compared to the turmoil swirling in my mind. My interactions with others were mechanical and flat as if I was watching myself from outside my body.
Football practice was going on when I walked past the field on my way back from the campus library. My eyes instinctively sought out Harry among the sea of players. I found him focused on his game, every muscle in his body straining as he kicked the ball towards the goalpost.
His world seemed unchanged—still revolving around football—while mine felt like it had been knocked off its axis.
The following weeks were no easier. Everywhere I went, I could feel his presence like a phantom pain - a dull ache that refused to fade away. In every conversation, every song playing in the background, every corner of campus - Harry was there.
I knew we had made a rational decision, given our circumstances. But my heart couldn't comprehend what my mind had already accepted.
Months passed and winter set in, blanketing Manchester in white. Serene and beautiful yet so melancholy it mirrored my mood perfectly. The once familiar campus looked different under the soft glow of the snow as if to mirror the change that had occurred in my life.
One evening, as I was walking back from the library, I spotted Harry sitting alone on a bench, bundled up in a thick coat, his breath misting in the frigid air. His eyes were trained on the football field, currently blanketed by snow, and his hands were tucked into his pockets, his usual energy replaced by a pensive quietness.
I hesitated, weighing my options. We hadn't spoken since that night – the night when our worlds collided and then abruptly fell apart. But something drew me towards him – an inexplicable magnetism I had been fighting for so long.
Stepping tentatively closer, I cleared my throat to announce my presence. "Harry," I said softly, trying not to startle him.
He looked up at the sound of my voice, surprise flickering across his features before they settled into guarded neutrality. "Y/N," he responded with a curt nod, but made no move to invite me to sit.
Taking a leap of faith, I lowered myself onto the bench next to him, maintaining some distance while also bracing for the icy cold through my jeans. For several minutes we sat in silence, lost in our own thoughts as we stared out at the snowy field.
"I've missed you." The words slipped out before I could stop them.
He turned toward me then, his emerald eyes soft and searching as they met mine. His lips opened as if to say something but closed again as if reconsidering his words.
"Y/N..." His voice trailed off and there was a long pause before he continued. "I’ve missed you too."
Relief washed over me at his confession but it was quickly replaced with a gnawing sadness as I realized that missing each other wasn’t enough to bridge the gap between us. Our realities were still the same - he was still the star football player with ambitions bigger than Manchester itself and I was still an English major trying to carve out a place for myself in academia.
“Do you ever think about…?” I started, swallowing hard as I tried to voice the question that had been eating at me.
“Us?” He completed my sentence, his voice barely above a whisper. His gaze was heavy but he held it steady, openly showing the vulnerability he usually kept hidden beneath his star athlete facade. “All the time.”
The honesty in his confession hit me harder than I expected. We were both stuck in our respective worlds, looking at each other from afar but never truly reaching out.
I took a deep breath, feeling the biting winter air fill my lungs before exhaling slowly. “We can’t keep doing this, Harry,” I said finally, breaking the silence that had fallen between us.
He looked at me then, his gaze filled with understanding and something else I couldn't quite place. “I know,” he replied softly, his eyes never leaving mine.
The future was uncertain and full of challenges. But if there was one thing I had learnt from this whole ordeal, it was that some chances are worth taking. No matter how daunting they may seem.
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midnightblues444 · 3 months
Lustful afflictions |
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Priest nanami x brat! fem reader
Warnings: age gap (readers in her 20s and hes like 30 something), perversion of Christian faith, corruption, m receiving, sacrilege ,
Notes: fell off the face of the earth for 2 months now I'm back so enjoyy <3
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Imagine driving priest nanami to temptation and making him lose his mind remembering it all during a prayer for forgiveness
"I confess to my sins of lust" he recounts, knelt in prayer
From the moment you walked into his cathedral he could sense trouble
"the source of my sinful affliction, that of a girl who wondered into my very own church"
You'd giggle in his sermons, and look at him with a sparkle that he couldn't quite place. Your words dripping off your tongue like melted candy, he can only recall how the sound of his name from your lips sent jolts of an unfamiliar feeling through him.
"A walking temptation she was.."
the way you're dresses were always so short and tight, there was disrespect that radiated from your very being yet it wasnt the biggest issue
He could see it when you listen to his sermons, not with intent but with amusement more so seductively studying him, often catching himself losing his focus if he made eye contact with you.
It was most apparent when you came up for communion, staring up at him with doe eyes as you ate the bread slowly, smirking when he couldnt keep the eye contact . Turning back ever so slightly with a giggle as you made way to your seat.
"I repent, I repent"
Hed prided himself on always being a man of honor and more importantly a man of god, hed thus expected the unholy thoughts to go away on their own.
Though he took a concious effort not fall into the temptation you dangled before him and keep composed.
"It was in this very confessional where the affair began"
To his suprise you came to confessional one afternoon. Skipping down toward the box, the apparent click of your heels hitting the tiles of the church floor made his heart pound in his chest.
"She spoke things I'd never heard before, she promised to help me in ways the lord couldnt"
"Lust is natural for all of us isnt it nanami"
He cleared his throat, at the sugary way you said his name
"Lustful thought" you'd sighed, "though I think we all struggle with lust, do we not?"
"I suppose so, but we thus practice abstinence" he replied
"I should've abstained..."
"But do we really need to abstain from what we truly desire" you said , trying to push your luck "I mean I see how you look at me father nanami"
"I am a holy man though how I acted was not a reflection of that"
He slid your side of the confessional door open staring down at you with a faint blush. The priest was undeniably a beautiful man, his defined face and toned body that peaked under his black attire but was noticeably when he fidgeted with his white collar.
"So what do I do about it?"
"Take a seat" you purred
"I wish to repent and continue a life in your light"
He was clutching a rosary while you were on your knees, the priests cock hitting the back of your throat repeatedly.
He barely held it together, muttering forgive me lord under his stuttering breaths. He whined under your every touch, finding himself pleading for release, as the feeling of your throat was warm and unlike anything hed ever felt
begging for more, with his deep grunts as he thrusted unconsciously harder
"Forgive me I have sinned"
"Nggh" he breathed out, while you hummed and massage his balls, cumming down your throat with a deep whine
You wiped your mouth and stand, kissing his cheek sweetly. Straddling him with affection.
"You're not wearing panties" he said bewildered
"Didnt think I'd need em" you giggled as you slowly slid onto him. Both moaning out at the sensation. You began to move slowly adjusting to his girth, his head laid back as he breathlessly panted
"No no, look at me, look how good you make me feel" you said as you gently cupped his cheek
There is something so powerful about unraveling such a large man.
"So tight," he heaved tinted of blush across his face. You grind into your spot, moans filling up the small confessional space.
"Mmm so good, you're doing so good" you purred into his neck
"Forgive me because I find myself addicted to the feeling of her around me"
His thrusts grew sloppy, his grip on your hips stutter
"Forgive me because this addiction has costed me certainty in my faith"
He released into you for the second time, slumping into your plush chest, as you stroked his hair comfortingly.
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eskymoos · 3 months
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Levi Ackerman As a Romantic Partner
Headcanons by Eskimos
Levi Ackerman is the Captain of the scouts.
Of course he will have high expectations of you. His eyes are always on the target and his strength never fails. However, he knows to keep you close during every mission. Regardless of whether his behavior betrays it, his heart beats for you. Levi would sooner put himself under a guillotine blade than let anything or anybody hurt you.
He's also the type to hold a long speech to you about how you're using your ODM gear wrong and then, when you finally get the chance to shine, he will fly past you and slash three titans at once. Is he doing it for the safety of everybody or just to impress you? That remains a mystery.
Levi Ackerman is Humanity's Strongest soldier.
He doesn't crow about his strength. Nobody questions it because it's a fact. What's more, you've seen both sides of the coin. Levi implements harsh, disciplinary methods on young, delinquent soldiers. Sometimes he even punishes them physically. You might catch the Captain in the hallway dragging somebody like a ragdoll by their hair or kicking the back of their knee to trip them and the next moment you're in his office doing your work alongside him while his fingers rest in your hair. The same fingers that just tormented somebody tangle in your hair and mess it affectionately. You know how to find comfort in his cold presence. In fact, you know he would turn the Earth inside out if something were to happen to you.
Levi Ackerman is a member of the exiled Ackerman clan.
Levi is many things and definitely not proud of his origins. He knows a thing or two about how the Ackerman clan came to be and why it's so despised. The only reason he chooses to associate himself with the name is because it reminds him of the first person he ever truly loved- his mother. Or, well, that used to be the explanation before you stepped into his life. Now he daydreams about making you an Ackerman. His partner until death does you apart. In his eyes, the shame is all gone because you're his other half and he would happily make that bond eternal.
Levi Ackerman is a hyper ultra mega clean freak.
His room? Spotless? His office? Shining clean.
Hygiene is a thing he will never ever overlook (his past can explain that mania). There's nothing more enjoyable than a deep clean and a fresh start.
However, there's a secret he will never tell anybody. Your disorganization and chaotic, aimless persona holds some charm that he never expected to find in the first place. Yes, he certaintly won't be encouraging a filthy work space but you being the polar opposite can give him butterflies and gradually drive him mad. Before you know it, his entire mind is a mess because of you and you don't even suspect a thing.
If you're a clean freak like him, then you're undeniably the soulmate he yearns for. Levi's obsession can only grow deeper if he sees a reflection of his own ideas in you.
Levi Ackerman is a murder weapon.
Having been recruited from a young age to serve Erwin, Levi is very much used to the blood bath that comes with his job. He is ruthless from the core of his beating heart. If justice stands behind violence, then he won't mind being the bad guy even if it ruins an innocent life.
Things are not so black and white behind closed doors. If you're the lucky person who owns his heart and soul, you will have the honor of receiving limitless amount of devotion from the depths of his eyes. His touch will always be gentle and his words- thoughtful. He will always be a shoulder to cry on and a shelter to stand under.
Even during more intimate moments, his focus will be entirely on you and the gentleness of his actions will make your head spin.
''Deep breaths, come on.''
''Eyes on me.''
''That's it. Just like that.''
Levi Ackerman is human. More human than people think.
There are days when things just get too much. And when the world is too loud and all burdens weigh on his shoulders, he will find you and keep you close.
Levi is confirmed to be a very emotional character. Even his silence speaks volumes when he sits beside you, arms and legs crossed and his head resting on your shoulder. He will relish you and worship these bits of tranquility that he rarely gets.
Levi Ackerman is an insomniac.
His nights are a hellish loop. Memories, work, plan-making, strategies. The man doesn't have it easy. You are the antidote for all his problems. When you sleep near him, even if you've passed out in his office, he will observe you and take care of you to the best of his capabilities. The sight of a loved one being at peace heals all his scars and suddenly he feels like he is dreaming.
''Huh-- Levi, are you alright?''
''Go to sleep,'' he'd murmur, looking into your tired eyes. ''I am here. Sleep.''
And it's true. He is always there. He always will be.
Levi Ackerman is short.
And he wishes there was a way to change that. It's an insecurity he can't mask so easily but it doesn't affect him too strongly. Truth is, building a healthy relationship with you will only fuel his desire to demonstrate other good traits. For example, if you're struggling to reach something he will walk behind you and position his cold, slender hands on your waist just to lift you up and help out. He's short, yes, but outstandingly intelligent.
Levi Ackerman? He is like no other.
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dilatorywriting · 7 months
Congrats on the milestone! It's always a delight to see your stuff pop up on my dash ^.^ I'd love to see prompt 19 from the dialog that makes your reader swoon with the guy of your choice (smut welcome). Hope the bot infestation takes a chill pill!
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Gender Neutral Reader x Vil Schoenheit Word Count: 1.7k
Prompt 19: "If you don’t stop looking at my lips without doing anything about it, I will take you right here on this counter."
🌶️ Warning for Mild Spice
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Vil was drunk.
Or well, Vil was as inebriated as he would most likely ever allow himself to be in any sort of public setting to speak of. Which was still above and beyond what you had ever seen of him up to that point. Which was of course to say that he was still walking effortlessly in his sky-high heels and maintaining every bit of the decorum with which he so usually prided himself. The only reason you could tell the difference at all was because you knew this stupid man better than the back of your own hand. And the loose-limbed ease about him combined with the lolling smirk on his lips was as telltale of a sign as any. Not that you could blame him. Winning any award was certainly an honor. Beating out Neige Leblanche of all people would probably have had him drunk on success even without the literal booze to help him along.
He rolled the half-empty flute of bubbling champagne between his fingers and tipped it towards you like an offering.
“Care to try some?”
You huffed, far too fond to be properly exasperated. “At least one of us needs to be able to drive home.”
And your tolerance was, unfortunately, not great. At least, not for the horrifically potent nonsense that this magic-infused world called ‘wine.’ The last time you’d drank during one of these events you’d wound up nearly beating a rude reporter with his own camera, but thankfully had only had the coordination to call the prying ass all sorts of colorful and very impolite things. (‘Secretly fucking Neige Leblanche’ indeed. Vil hadn’t even asked his PR team to spin that one. Just loudly demanded that your indignation should speak for itself and that any such inquiries into your private affairs would be handled personally in the future.)
Vil snorted. “Don’t be ridiculous. We’ll be calling for a car either way.”
He tilted the glass again, and you were forever grateful that he wasn’t a sloppy drunk. You didn’t care if he spilled booze all down your front and stained the stupid, too-expensive outfit he’d all but sewed you into, but the fussing that would ensue would be torturous.
“Just a sip,” he coaxed. “I promise you’ll like it.”
You scrunched up your nose and sighed, plucking the flute from his hand. You went to take a small sip and one of those perfectly painted nails reached up to tap irritably at the rim.
“What?” you frowned.
He turned the glass until the other curved side sat at your lips and gave another pointed tap tap tap.
“From here.”
You went nearly cross-eyed trying to stare down at the rim, and with a bit of determination were able to finally pick out the traces of an imprint from the actor’s otherwise impeccably maintained lipstick.
“Are you serious?” you snorted a laugh.
Those perfectly lined lips of his pursed into something that you would dare to call a pout.
“If you’re not going to let me kiss you in public, then you can at least give me this,” he huffed.
“What are you talking about?” you asked, lips still twitching far too much in amusement. “That was your rule. ‘For my privacy,’ you said.”
He waved you off with a scoff. “Please. That was only when we were keeping entirely out of the public eye. I could hardly complain about it now.”
Now, he said. Like he hadn’t graduated from NRC less than a year ago. Like your introduction into his world of stage lights and red carpets hadn’t all been meticulously curated and released only a month or so prior. You blinked, a bit owlishly. And then decided to indulge his petulance and took a neat, slow slip from right where he’d tapped. Vil was always honest, brutally so. He had no compunctions about telling you what he wanted, when he wanted it, and how it was going to happen. So it wasn’t like the touch of alcohol swimming through his system was going to make him more truthful, just… perhaps more loose with it, it seemed. Less manicured, in his speech.
The model looked endlessly pleased and reached out to snatch the glass back. He lifted it back to his own lips—carefully placed, just as he’d demanded of you—and took a long drag.
“There,” he grinned, all smug satisfaction. Like tricking you into an indirect kiss was any sort of accomplishment to begin with. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
You were going to burst out laughing, and someone was going to get it on camera, and Vil’s stupid assistant would never let you live it down.
“I guess not,” you hummed. “How much longer, do you think. Until we can go home?”
Vil took another sip, drinking down the last drops of the sparkling concoction. He deposited the empty glass on a passing server’s tray and turned on you with a sharp smirk that was far too wide and far too wine-warm.
“That anxious to get me alone, darling?”
Oh he was really gone.
You grabbed his hand and hauled him towards a more secluded alcove. Because he hadn’t exactly shouted that, but enough curious heads had turned your way that you weren’t going to chance it. ‘Exclusive after party,’ your ass. No reporters didn’t mean no wandering eyes and ears. And he may have been punch drunk enough not to give two shits, but his PA would certainly make the two of you ‘care’ come morning.
“We’re in public,” you hissed, cheeks dark and ears warm. “Don’t say things like that!”
“Oh?” he crooned, stopping in his tracks. You gave another tug but it was useless. Stupidly towering height aside, Vil was all lean muscle and stubborn determination. If you were moving him at all, it was only because he was humoring you enough to step to your demands. “But that’s what you are, isn’t it?” He leaned forward and you could smell the pop of alcohol off his tongue. “Or at least, you certainly act the part of ravenous lover well enough.”
“Really,” you snapped, hushed. “If you’re going to be like this, do you have to use those stupid lines on top of it?”
“Stupid?” Vil frowned, and his fuzzy gaze focused into something sharp. “Your reactions don’t normally imply that those ‘lines’ leave much to be desired.”
You could feel your ears going hot as coals. “Yeah. Well. In the moment is a lot different from—we’re not talking about this right now!” you squawked. “Your assistant is going to kill me if she finds out I let anyone hear you like this.”
Vil snorted and pulled you the rest of the way into the alcove. “She would never. And besides, it’s my prerogative to say whatever I wish,” he finished on something that was nearly a pout. His lips pressed into a firm line, determined. “Should I try again then? If you thought that one was so stupid.”
“Vil—” you hissed.
“Hmm,” he mused, deliberate. And then, “How about this one, then. All of the accolades in the world couldn’t compare to the sound of my name, cried from your lips.”
You squeaked and ducked your head against his shoulder, fingers digging into the too-expensive fabric of his suit.
“No?” he cooed, a bit of that familiar, mocking, edge curling over the word. And you were left to wonder if he was really that drunk after all. “Let me try another. As much as I enjoy those cries, I think I like the whispers even more—every part of you of that whispers temptation,” he recited, far, far too warm, “as if the Gods made you just to ruin me.”
“Would you please just—” you squawked, mortified and melting from head to toe. You were about to remind him again, plead nearly, that they were still very much in public. But then a thought shot off in your head like a lightbulb clicking to life. “You like this,” you hissed at him, accusatory.
“Like what?” he droned, crowding you against the wall. It was dark in the little corner, quiet, but not nearly enough to blot out the low hum of conversations and clinking of glassware just a couple dozen feet away.
Vil dug his fingers into the fabric over your hips.
“It does have its appeal, doesn’t it?” he hummed against your neck and you could feel your blood buzzing beneath his curling lips. “No one to see you, certainly. But everyone will surely know,” he drawled. “That’s the world of show business, I’m afraid. All subtle implications, people whispering about us under their breath.” His hands twisted, bunching up the edges of the crinkling satin. “I’m sure even Neige will hear, eventually.”
“Is that it?” you hissed, biting back a horribly, high pitched little squeak. “You’re still mad at what that reporter said?”
“Of course not,” Vil said, with all the cadence of a well-seasoned liar. “The gossip mongering of one, moronic pest is hardly a problem.” He leaned closer, pushing a leg forward to slot between your. “But I have eyes, darling. And I can see that little rat’s lingering far too long where they shouldn’t.”
You reached up to slap a hand over your mouth and bite into your palm to quiet whatever embarrassing nonsense you would have tried to reply with. Or, well, if you’d managed to reply at all.
“I know you’re anxious to get home, darling,” he droned against your collarbone. You could smell the fizzy remnants of champagne all in your nose. “But this is my party, after all. We’ll have to wait to call for a car for at least another hour,” he apologized, not sounding particularly sorry at all. “That said,” he continued, grinding harder, “if you don’t stop looking at my lips like that without doing anything about it, I might just have to take you right here against the wall.”
A pause, as he canted his head. A soft mess of pale bangs falling over his lidded eyes.
“And there is a very lovely private changing room with a lock just down the hall.”
“…okay,” you squeaked, and Vil grinned—pulling back to wrap an arm around your waist and lead you along. Gait steady and composed as always, and just the barest hint of the wine-warmed-boldness curling over his lips.
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Constantly Sleepy!Reader
Requested: No
Warnings: None
Nikto is probably the most confused by your sleepy self. The man lives off of a solid 5 hours a week, and that’s during a good period. It’s worse when the nightmares come on in droves, keeping him up for nights on end, eyes always open, twitchy and trigger happy. But in time he learns to enjoy your sleep, standing vigilant beside you, your watcher and protector. Like you’re his own personal sleeping beauty, and he’s the dragon curled around your bed. And sometimes, if you’re lucky, your own peacefulness will lure him in, driving him to slip into bed with you and get some more proper rest.
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Gaz is the absolute best bf to a sleepy partner. He’s always covering you with blankets or, more likely, his jacket. Setting pillows under your head or carrying you back to bed. You won’t always be able to sucker him into some cuddles but you will a great majority of the time, as long as there’s nothing of great importance that needs to be attended to. And he’s so warm and comfy, like a great big pillow mixed with a heating pad. He’s gotten more than a few good yelling ats from Price because he’s slept through some pressing phone calls, too cozy while being curled up with you to even hear the phone.
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If you’re sleeping anywhere, you’re sleeping on Horangi. Either full on in his lap, cuddled against his side, or with your head resting on his shoulder. Sometimes he can be seen carrying your sleeping body around, holding you tight in the mornings when he’s only half awake, grumbling to himself whenever you so much as twitch or wiggle in his hold. But more often everyone finds you both curled up together by some window, lazily stretched out and all comfy, like two little kittens with a sign above them that says “Bonded pair, must adopt together”. A few recruits took pictures to commemorate the sight of it only to be hunted down for sport later by you and your tiger.
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He adores the way you so so cutely rub at your sleepy eyes or do an adorable stretch like some sort of cat before promptly curling in on yourself, nuzzling your face against whatever it was you were laying on. Though he had to admit that it makes him a bit jealous, you’re not rubbing up against him and he’s pretty sure he’s softer than that table you’re snoring on. Eventually he just pulls you into his lap, uncaring of your whines as he readjusts you to be more comfortable, his arms wrapped around your waist and your face tucked into the crook of his neck. He doesn’t even mind that you drool on him a bit, wears it as a badge of honor even. Proud that you’re so relaxed around him, so comfortable that you just completely melt into his body. He may have taken a few (dozen) pictures to remember this moment by and to tease you with later.
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minarisplaything · 10 months
Relaxation ft. TWICE Jihyo
pairing: TWICE jihyo x male reader rating: M summary: After a long day at work you help your girlfriend unwind. tags: oral sex, fingering author's note: technically not a new fic, just new to tumblr. cross-post of an older one-shot from AO3 in honor of Jihyo's solo!
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There was nothing easy about being the leader of a group. Especially not when that group was considered a nation’s jewel and international sensation. But such was the life of Park Jihyo. 
A faithful trainee of ten years to her company was finally paid off when she debuted as a member of TWICE. Of course her duties didn’t cease there. As a leader she was held to a higher expectation, to lead by example, even amidst the skyrocketing success the group experienced. 
It wasn’t easy and needless to say stress relief had become a vital part of her routine these days. Which in turn meant that as her boyfriend, you had a vital role to play. 
The exasperated sound came from Jihyo as she dramatically threw herself on your bed. You couldn’t help but let the corners of your lips quirk in a smile of amusement. 
“A busy day?” 
“A long day” she muttered into the mattress before turning on her side, propping her head up one hand as she looked over at you. “The schedule was only meant to last until the evening and turned into an all-night affair.” 
Your expression shifted, a slight frown forming as she explained. You knew what the general public would say to such complaints, they’d probably crucify her for daring to say such things. But they didn’t see her like you did; when the cameras were off and exhaustion and fatigue were allowed to show through. 
You moved towards her, sitting on the edge of the bed and running a comforting hand through her hair, “Babe, I’m sorry. You should’ve stayed home and got some rest.”
“I know, but I wanted to see you” she responded as she leaned into your touch. “It’s been so long.” 
She wasn’t wrong. If it wasn’t a shooting schedule then she was away on tour or promoting overseas or preparing for a comeback. Not to mention fan events and having to navigate your own nine-to-five work hours. In the end it was a mixture that left the two of you very little time to meet up in person. It made moments like this all the more significant.
“I know,” a sad smile crossed your features before you leaned down, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. “I missed you.” 
Before you could pull away Jihyo’s free hand wrapped around the back of your neck. She pulled you back down, this time her lips initiating a kiss against yours. In contrast to your own however, there was nothing quick about it, it was soft and intimate leaving your head spinning. You were more than happy to indulge the kiss, sliding back further onto the bed for a better angle. Jihyo took advantage of the situation, shifting her own position so that she was sat atop you, your lips never parting in the process. Your hands naturally went to her waist, the kiss between the two of your deepening with a hint of desperation. Truth be told if the two of you didn’t take this moment now you didn’t know when the next chance would come.  
A low moan left you as Jihyo rolled her hips against yours. God, she knew just how to drive you crazy. 
When she pulled back and sat up, her hips still rocking over your clothed hips, you couldn’t help but look at her with adoration. In turn, Jihyo reached for the hem of her shirt, pulling it up and over her head in one movement. She must have noted the way your eyes immediately drifted to her lace covered breast as she reached down and tilted your chin upwards. 
“My eyes are up here you know” she teased, a knowing smirk on her features.
“I know” you shot back, unashamed to be caught, “I was just appreciating the other aspects of you.” Pushing yourself up with one arm you captured her lips in a quick kiss, “Every part of you is beautiful.” 
In the light you could just barely make out a blushing hue coating your girlfriend’s cheeks. It was a sincere comment, momentarily interrupting the steamy build-up but you couldn’t help yourself. Any chance you could get to remind Jihyo that of how beautiful she was you took it. 
“Flattery will get you nowhere” Jihyo finally responded, pushing you back down to the bed but unable to hide the smile on her features. 
Wearing that same smile she reached behind her, unclasping her bra and shrugged off the straps, exposing her full breast to your adoring gaze. You had no words, however while you were speechless you were certain she could feel your appreciation growing beneath her. 
In that moment it struck you that you truly might be the luckiest man in the world. 
“Like what you see?��
You could practically hear the smirk in her voice but rather than answer her you leaned up again, this time your mouth aiming for her breast instead of her lips. Like a babe your lips encircled one, a moan escaping Jihyo as your tongue swirled around the hardened nipple. Her hands rose, combing through your hair as you continued your foreplay. You could still remember when she used to tease you that you only liked her for her bust. It was a claim you refuted time and time again. However in moments like this you were inclined to show your appreciation and remind her that her breasts were nothing to be ashamed of. 
“Baby…” Jihyo's moan of encouragement echoed in your ears.
As you continued your ministrations the movement of her hips was steadily becoming more erratic. If you weren't careful she'd undo you before you even got your clothes off. 
You pulled back and ceased your actions, earning a disappointing sound from your girlfriend. You couldn't help but chuckle however you didn't linger on it as you snaked an arm around her waist and flipped her over so she was the one on the bed. 
"Just lay back and let me do all the work" you instructed her as you leaned down, pressing a kiss to the side of her neck. "You've earned a break."
A small sigh left her as her eye-lids fluttered closed for a moment. You knew she had two weaknesses, one of them being her neck. Even if you couldn't mark her that didn't mean you couldn't tempt her. "Mm, I could get used to this kind of break."
"Should I start coming by backstage at the music shows?"
You teased her as your hands traveled lower, between her breasts and towards the waistband of her sweatpants. 
"That would be nice...Much better than sitting around waiting."
"You'd have to come up with an explanation to your band members." 
Her breath hitched as your fingers slipped beneath her waistband, wiggling eagerly against your touch. "T-they'd understand."
Truthfully all of TWICE could likely use a good break but Jihyo was your only concern. Surely none of them woulf complain about their cherished leader taking a break? With that in mind you finally ceased your teasing as you slipped one finger inside of her, stretching her for the first time tonight before sliding in another. 
If you couldn't make it to the music shows then tonight would simply have to do.
Jihyo responded with enthusiasm, a moan falling past her lips as one hand gripped your shoulder.  "Please" she breathed, dismayed at your lack of movement. 
On another night you might have teased her further but tonight was about helping her unwind. Her plea was all it took for your wrist to begin moving in steady motions. 
There were many beautiful sights in the world, some natural and others manmade, that would take your breath away. You, however, had yet to find a better sight to gaze upon than your girlfriend when she was being worked towards a blissful orgasm. Her head was tossed back, her short splayed against the mattress. Her chest rose and fell at an increasing rate, tempting you with each passing moment. She was an angel and you were going to do your damndest to make her see heaven. 
Your thumb teased her clit as your fingers continued to pump in and out of her earning a rather vocal response. You couldn’t stop yourself from chuckling as a certain memory was brought to mind. 
"It's a good thing we don't have to worry about being quiet for your roommates, huh?"
"Don't -- ah -- don't make me laugh!" 
Her attempt a response was interrupted by another moan. One thing you loved about Jihyo was that she was never shy about showing her appreciation. Of course when you had been sneaking around trying not to wake her fellow members in the dorm it became a bit of a challenge, needless to say.
"You're so beautiful" you told her, a kiss pressing to her neck, trailing your lips further down as you said, "And I think I can give you better than two fingers."
"Babe…?" it came out as a whine as you pulled your fingers out. She raised her head to see what you were doing only to see your head now settled between her legs. “Oh.”
You placed a series of lingering kisses along her inner thighs knowing full well what her weak spots were before turning your attention to where she wanted it most. In a matter of moments Jihyo had gone from confusion to resuming her moans, her hand quickly moving to the back of your head. A bit amusing seeing as you didn’t need the extra motivation to continue what you were doing. 
“You’re spoiling me” Jihyo moaned as you went to work. Had your mouth been free you would have told her that it was your pleasure. After all, having the TWICE leader spread naked on your bed was as just as much a blessing for you. 
As you continued your ministrations you felt all the telltale signs that your girlfriend was getting close to her sweet release. Her fingers pulled tightly on your hair, her thighs tightening around your head. It caused you to double your efforts, encouraging her to release all stress she had built up during the day. 
“A-ah! I’m so close, baby” Jihyo muttered, almost incoherent as her orgasm came crashing down on her. 
It was always a sight to behold and had it been possible you would’ve been even more turned on than you already were. A muffled scream left her lips as she tried to cover her mouth - though in truth it had little effect. As Jihyo shuddered you continued to work her through her orgasm with your fingers, riding it out for all it was worth. 
“You’re beautiful when you cum, you know that?” did you look a bit smug? Perhaps. Though you’d say it was due to a sense of accomplishment. 
Jihyo merely poked her foot at you, not having the strength to throw a pillow. “You’re embarrassing when you say those things.”
In response you merely laughed, unashamed of the words. “So are you feeling better now?”
Jihyo hummed, her head tilting to the side but it was her gaze that said it all as it drifted down to the rather noticeable bulge constricted by your pants. She bit her finger, eyeing you expectantly, “Mm, I think I have one or two kinks that need ironing out.”
With a grin you rose to your knees, undoing your buckle. “You know, I think I can help with that.” 
Even if the two of you rarely got these moments together, you had to admit: life was good.
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onmyyan · 2 years
A/N: First Yandere OC he’s a big baby n i love him❤ TWs: Yandere shenanigans, Smut, reader has a coochie, word pussy used to describe genitalia, cis fem reader, ”Good Girl”, breeding kink, feeding kink, cum eating (reader doesn't know) oral (f receiving), shower sex, cursing
Lemme know what you guys think!!
Caspian Delmont HC's
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25 year old beefcake
The biggest guy in the room no matter where he is. Absolutely massive individual, standing proud at 6'4 a wall of muscle shaped like a man, definition of scary dog privilege
Smells like cinnamon and warm chocolate
Likes to take Sunday drives in his granddads 67 Chevy Impala, oldies blaring through the speakers he'd put in himself(the only thing he changed about the car)
Old fashioned in the way where he'd lay a man out flat in the street for disrespecting you, then take you to dinner as an apology for having to deal with that crap.
He has an accent, a thick Bronx twang that comes out heavy on certain words, bilingual, speaks fluent Spanish and English, he's mixed with Filipino and Puerto Rican, has a huge family so he wants one with you. If you don't however he'll settle for a small army of animals.
Drinks his respect women juice like water, sees you as his equal and at the same time holds you on this goddess like pedestal high above him.
Boxes in his free time to release pent up aggression, and he's good at it.
Early on in the relationship he is quite hesitant to show you this side as he's insecure about how you view him.
Everyone has always had some ulterior motive when it came to him, he's used to people befriending him out of fear or to use his intimidating stature to their advantage, so when you don't he's both incredibly warmed and confused.
You're genuineness only draws him in further, as tough an act he puts on our boy falls fast and hard.
First time he saw you he was a goner, you were elbow deep in some toffee cookie dough, the tip of your tongue poking through your plush lips in the cutest form of concentration he'd ever bore witness to.
His brain worked a mile a minute as he sped walked his way to the desk next to you, shoulder checking the smaller man who was previously beside you. You looked up at the sound of his body meeting the desk in his scurry out the way of Caspian’s impending mass.
His red eyes widened as they met yours, the smile you gave him was real, he saw it in the way it reached your eyes. The small 'hi' you said as you went back to your work had butterflies erupting in his chest the entire hour of class.
Not one to shy away from his wants he quickly comes up to you after the lesson eager to help you clean up as his own station was miraculously cleared in moments.
He lays on the charm thick, all the while making sure not to come off as too pushy, he visibly lit up when he got you to laugh that first time.
Wants to ask you out immediately but knows he loves a lot harder than most and the last thing he wanted was to scare you away. Forces himself to hold back even though he knew you were the one after about one and a half classes.
Remembers everything you share about yourself, down to the most minute detail about how you like to stay home when it rains because it always makes you sleepy, or how you like when your partner can protect you because people in the past have failed to.
Absolute sweetheart to you, treats you like you deserve to be, 100% worshiped.
Can and has knocked some teeth out to protect your honor, if someone made the fatal mistake of making you cry?
Oh he's calling his sketchy cousin who owns a junkyard on the edge of town and having him leave the gates unlocked for him where your offender may or may not be tied up in the trunk of their car, he doesn't give em' a speech or tell them why he's doing what he is, in his mind they should know. Their muffled screams would be drowned out by the metal jaws and teeth of the compactor his cousin let him use from time to time, he'd have to bake him some macaroons as a thank you- ooh he could ask you to join him! It be such a cute date.
Major sweet tooth, loooooves hand feeding you especially if it's something he himself made it's a physical representation of his love!!
Calls you sugar, pumpkin, honeyy(specifically drawing out the y at the end so its more like a whine) babycakes, muffin, basically any food you can call your s/o he's doing it
He wakes up an hour or so before you so he can stare lovingly without you getting all flustered and hiding from him.
His favorite days are spent waking up late with you on top of him, his big arms holding you securely to his chest, neither of you have work or classes, you'd wake up to him humming some unnamed tune, the timber in his voice lulling you gently awake, he won't leave the bed without at least one kiss, first words you hear are usually something like "Mornin' sugar" followed by the kinda toe curling kiss that shakes all the sleep from your system, I'm talking he only pulls away to breathe kinda kiss, "I'm the luckiest bastard in the world gettin' to wake up with a woman like you warming my sheets." If you two don't immediately go at it like rabbits he'll twirl you both into the kitchen where you'll cook breakfast together, the radio softly filling the morning air, makes you sit in his lap while you eat, he'd be so focused on watching you eat he'd forget to do it himself so naturally you take the time to feed him as well, cue his heart exploding and him getting so excited he all but tosses you on the table, hand cradling your head because he'd never hurt you, eventually you'd be able to keep your paws off each other long enough to get ready, although if he's in the room it will take twice as long.
Nsfw under here❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗
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Doesn't matter your height or weight this man is throwin you around in the bedroom
His hands are surprisingly soft for how rugged he looks, he's obsessed with trailing them along your body, stares at you like you're artwork.
On one hand he wants to take his time, start at the bottom work his way up your body, kissing, licking and biting everywhere he could. He wants to tease you, taste you get drunk off your sent until you tug him away from your sex, then he'd slide his way up the sweet smile on his face not matching the debauchery he was about to commit.
On the other hand he wants to lay on the bed and have you sink onto his face so he can eat like the starved beast he is, any fears or insecurities about the ordeal fly out the window when you look down to see this titan of a man with tears beading his lashline, begging to eat your pussy, whining to just do it already and he could take it if you'd pleeeease just give it to em'
Feeder kink on max, it all starts when one day your hands are full and you innocently asked him to feed you, all was well and good until his finger lingered in your mouth a second too long, your tongue teasingly flicked the appendage as it retreated, now every time you're eating all he can think about is sitting you in his lap and feeding you. If he could he'd spend every meal with you cockwarming him and his fingers in your mouth.
Service Top? Service Top.
Can and will eat you out until you're a whining, blubbering, mess. More often than not you have to pull him by his hair to catch your breath, of course the light sting from your yanks would only spur him on,
"One more honey? C'mon good girl give it to me. I know you can baby- that's right ride my face." Absolute menace
Shower sex that leaves you feeling dirtier than when you went in
Definitely the type to talk you through it.
"There we go- that's it honey jus' let go f'me." He loves to moan in your ear and see the pretty way your face twists up, loud as hell too, it's a good thing he has a house cuz the man is a screamer.
Always makes you cum more than once, competitive bastard makes it a game between himself to see how many times you can unravel before you tap out.
Can you say Pussy drunk? He wants it as sloppy and messy as he can get. Eats you like its his last chance, i'm talking moaning into your skin, pulling your hips down to get you as close as possible, grinding himself against the bed while he thanks you for letting him have his favorite meal.
He's definitely came in your food before sorry
It's just so romantic to him!! The idea of being inside of you-even just a small piece, quells the possessive monster he keeps leashed. For now
Is willing to try anything you want in bed except hurting you, some choking? Sure, impact play? If you asked him real nicely, but anything like degradation he just can't make himself be mean to his baby!!
You could be mean to him though, there's a small genuine part of him that likes when you get a little rougher, he thinks he doesn't deserve you- any of you, so dig your nails in his skin, mark him with your teeth, show him who he belongs to.
Breeding kink breeding kink breeding kink- you get the picture.
If you indulge him once he'll never wanna cum anywhere else.
"Please baby-fuck, please lemme' cum inside please please fuck me fuck me yes- oh god m'gonna fill this pretty pussy so deep yes, yes- oh god baby girl feels. So. Fuckin. Good." He'd thrust as hard as he could at the end, his face scrunching up in the most blissful fucked out expression. Absolutely cried because of how good it felt.
All in all you give him an inch he'll give you eight
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Secret Lovers Pt. 2
Husband!Simon "Ghost" Riley X Wife!Reader
Now Simon was no stranger to flirting, having used every pickup line he could on you, however he sometimes wasn’t prepared when you would do the same to him. With that knowledge you would only do it to him when no one else was around, no one deserved to see him the way you did.
a/n:this was for everyone who voted in favor of an epilogue/part two to this fic i just want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who read and gave feedback! warnings:drinking, some slight swearing, mainly Simon being a huge simp for his wife
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After everyone had found out about your marriage with Simon all hell had broken loose, from Johnny begging for more information, to John practically running out of the room when all eyes were on him. He’d been the first person you’d told about the engagement, asking if he would stand by Simon’s side when you became one. John was honored, knowing that you’d want him to be there for your special day. You’d expected to feel nervous when you walked down the aisle, Simon’s eyes shining with tears as he tried, and failed, to suppress his smile. Knowing that the love of your life was waiting for you, well it meant more than anything else in the world.
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It had been Kyle’s idea to head out to the pub for some dinner and drinks, and who were you to tell any of them no? It’d been quite a while since you’d all been able to go out and let loose, and with everyone knowing about you and Simon it made things easier. So, after grabbing your purse and changing into more comfortable clothes you headed out with the boys. John downright refused to let Simon drive, saying he valued his life more than anything. You offered to drive everyone back home, saying you didn’t want to drink too much anyhow. John agreed, only after he’d gotten into the driver's seat with Kyle calling shotgun. Johnny whined as he crawled into the back, scooting towards the door to give you more space in the middle. Simon wouldn’t admit that he was a major manspreader, thighs wide open in the back seat. You offered to put your legs over one of his thighs if it meant giving Johnny more space to relax.
He simply waved you off, promising that he was doing perfectly fine in his own seat, even if he was definitely trying to seem smaller. You chuckled at his insistence, throwing your legs over Simon’s right thigh and cuddling into his side. It gave Johnny plenty of space to untense his body and relax. Once you reached the pub everyone would have ample space to spread out and relax, you just hoped Simon wouldn’t get too rowdy by the end of the night. He never tended to, too worried about making sure you were alright, but he deserved to enjoy a night out.
“Alright, we’re here, now remember that I’m not driving us back, Y/N will be, so when she says it’s time to go, it’s time to go.” John handed you the keys before getting out of the truck.
The rest of the men followed suit, Simon all but dragging you out and into his arms to keep any prying eyes away from you. Even though the mission you’d gone on was a success, Simon was still nervous that someone had seen you two leave together and word got to his enemies. You’d assured him more than a million times that if anyone had seen you, you had a great team to back you up.
“Thank you John! We’ll meet you inside.” You tucked the keys into your pocket, looking up at your husband.
“Mmm, you look gorgeous darling.” Simon cupped your cheek gently, pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
“As do you, dear husband.” You smiled into the kiss, pulling him closer to your body.
“What did I ever do to deserve you?” His hands wrapped around your waist, bodies pressed flush together.
“I do believe we ran into one another while getting coffee, and since you’d spilt your tea all over my blouse you wanted to apologize.” It was a day you would never truly forget.
The sky was cloudy, giving off the aura that it could possibly rain, something you’d grown accustomed to after living in Cardiff for so long. You’d been transferred by your superiors, having taken a new job and been given your orders. You were working as a medic for the army, a necessary surgeon for anyone that got injured on base. So far they were few and far between, something you’d become almost thankful for. 
When you’d turned to go into the coffee shop you ran straight into someone else, their tea spilling all over your brand new blouse. The hot liquid stung for a brief moment, cooling nearly instantly in the otherwise balmy air.
“Shit, ouch.” You tried to pull the fabric away from your skin as best you could, not wanting to cause any further damage.
“Oh my goodness, I am so sorry.” A hand cupped your shoulder, a guilty expression slowly spreading across his face.
“It’s okay, I don’t think it was able to do any damage.” You glanced at the, now empty, cup in his hands.
“I had been on a call, and wasn't paying attention to where I was going.” He frowned, tossing the cup into a nearby trash bin.
You shook your head, it had been an accident and there wasn’t much you could do, but unfortunately now you were soaked and smelled like earl gray tea. Granted it definitely could’ve been much, much worse, but you were more annoyed at being cold and wet.
“If it’s not too much, can I offer to pay for your things as an apology?” It seemed harmless, but who were you to deny such a handsome stranger?
“Yeah, that would be lovely.” You smiled as you followed him inside.
You’d spent the entire time talking while waiting in line, and then sitting down to eat your scone and drink your coffee. You learned his name was Simon, and that he was part of the SAS. However you didn’t have the heart to admit to him that you were actually going to be part of his team, it wasn’t until John had introduced you to everyone. Simon was floored, he’d made the worst first impression a person could, and yet, you still agreed to the first date.
“That may be true, I’m still upset that I ruined such a pretty blouse on you though.” Simon had offered to pay for a new one, claiming it was too pretty for you to simply throw away.
You didn’t tell him that you’d gotten it back home at a thrift store, a lucky find that you only ever wore to help cheer yourself up. In some part you were thankful he’d accidentally ruined your favorite blouse, had it not been for that fateful mistake, you wouldn’t be standing there with him. Sure you were on the same team when needed, but Simon wasn’t one to truly open up to someone right away, you’d been an exception, one in a million.
“I’m not, if losing that blouse meant I got to meet you? Well, let’s just say I’d ruin that blouse a thousand times.” You giggled as his cheeks flushed a light pink.
Now Simon was no stranger to flirting, having used every pickup line he could on you, however he sometimes wasn’t prepared when you would do the same to him. With that knowledge you would only do it to him when no one else was around, no one deserved to see him the way you did. Maybe his teammates, but that was more of a platonic type of love that they all had.
“Such a charmer you are, why don’t we head inside, I’m sure Price is gossiping with Kyle anyway.” You were not proud to admit that you snorted at Simon’s admission.
Kyle and John gossiped like two old women with nothing better to do, they knew everyone that were in relationships on base, who’d cheated on who, who was stealing MRE’s. You name it, they knew it. You wrapped your arm around his waist, heading into the pub to find where the boys had all perched themselves. It should’ve been obvious they would choose the largest booth considering how many people were in your group. You scooted into your seat, leaving enough space for Johnny to your left as Simon plopped down beside you.
“Two weren’t shagging outside were ya?” Johnny already had a pint in front of him, Simon narrowed his eyes at the dark lager.
“Really? Guinness?” Simon had never been a fan of the lager, saying it left an odd taste in his mouth.
“I’ve seen the shit you eat, just because Guinness has more flavor than you’ve ever had in your bland diet doesn’t mean you can shit on it.” Everyone’s jaw dropped, Kyle choking on the sip of his own lager he’d been trying to take.
John hid his wide grin behind his hand, struggling to contain the laughter that was trying so hard to slip through. Unfortunately you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing, it was absolutely true that Simon had quite a bland diet before you’d met. It had taken some time but he was actually eating food that didn’t look like it came out of the great depression.
“You’re really sitting there laughing at me?” Simon pinched your side, your squeal echoing across the table.
“He’s not wrong though! So, yes I’m going to laugh.” You grabbed Simon’s hand before he could pinch you again, pressing a kiss to his lips to help distract him.
“Lucky I love you little lady.” Simon pressed one more kiss to your lips and tip of your nose before relaxing in your hold.
John and Kyle had offered to get another round of drinks and food, pointedly ignoring the way Simon glared at Johnny’s now empty pint glass. It was simply a rivalry between friends, Johnny would order something knowing that Simon hated it and vice versa. They’d been doing it for years, both refusing to back down and admit it was silly. And now here you sat between the two, Simon wouldn’t do anything if he knew you’d get caught in the crossfire, he cared too much for your safety. A tray was laid out onto the table before Johnny, or Simon, could make any kind of retort, rendering them both speechless.
“Bartender gave us shots to go along with the drinks, so enjoy boys.” Kyle wouldn’t admit he’d totally flirted with her to get them for free, it was something about the Garrick charm.
Simon rolled his eyes, grabbing one of the glasses and tossing back the shot as if it was nothing more than water. God, something about that shouldn’t be so attractive but for some reason you wanted to climb him like a tree. 
Okay, you needed to cool down and enjoy the night before you could take him to bed and enjoy yourselves. Then again if he got too intoxicated he wouldn’t be able to do anything, you could always wait until tomorrow when he was sober. Yeah, you’d wait until he was sober and then you’d have your way with him.
“Didn’t forget about my favorite girl either.” John smiled as he placed a shirley temple in front of you.
“You’re the best!” You happily took the drink, taking a large sip before placing the glass back onto the table.
Kyle was handing out the food carefully, making sure not to give Simon Johnny’s buffalo wings lest there be an argument amongst everyone. You snuck the plate of mozz sticks, digging into your snack happily. John shook his head once he realized what you’d done, grabbing one off your plate and replacing it with a few of his fries. You’d most likely have Simon get you something else later, they tended to drink a lot when they could.
The conversation was lighthearted and comfortable as you leaned into your husband’s side, relishing in his warmth as he wrapped and arm around you. Kyle was talking about his plans for their next leave, how he was going to visit his parents and catch up with his sister. John didn’t want to admit he was most likely going to have to skip his next leave, Laswell had him booked and busy. You’d noticed that Johnny was a little more quiet than usual, having finished his plate of wings, and cleaning himself up, it was more obvious how he hadn’t even spoken in almost ten minutes.
“You alright?” You rested your hand overtop of his arm, waiting to see if he would acknowledge you.
“Mmm? Yeah, I’m alright lass.” He smiled at you, but something about it seemed off.
“What’re your plans for when you guys go on leave?” You wanted to include him in the conversation, seeing him look so glum broke your heart.
He cleared his throat uncomfortably, grabbing his pint and taking a large sip before turning his head to give you his full attention once more.
“I, umm, I’ll be on base the whole time, don’t really have a reason to go home right now.” That wasn’t what you were expecting, Johnny always left to go visit his family when on leave.
“Really? Well, if you’re not going home maybe you can stay with Simon and I?” It was a long shot, seeing each other on base was much different than staying at someone’s home.
Simon nearly choked on his own pint, setting down the glass to slap a hand against his chest to help clear his airways. Your head whipped around, hand raised to press against his shoulder before he shook his head.
“I’m alright hun, but what did you just say?” Simon was shocked, you were inviting Johnny into your shared home? The enemy?
“Oh, I asked Johnny if he wanted to come stay with us when we’re on leave, he’s not going home and since he won’t be working, unlike some, I figured he could stay with us.” It would be harmless, you had plenty of space to let one person visit.
Simon was hoping he’d heard wrong and that you weren’t extending an invite during the only time he actually got away from everyone. He didn’t want to tell you no though, you’d put up with so much already. How bad could it be? Maybe things would be fun and you’d spend the entire time showing off like you tended to do.
“If you really want, I don’t see why not.” This could either be the best decision he’s ever made, or blow up in his face entirely.
You clapped your hands excitedly, turning back to face Johnny who was currently grinning like an idiot.
“It’s settled, you’ll stay with us for your leave, and you boys are welcome too if you’d like to swing by.” You’d never refuse John, he was a frequent flier in your home.
It was mainly dinners, though you’d tried to convince him that he could visit on holiday if he was tempted. You hadn’t seen your parents since before you’d moved to England, they hadn’t known about your marriage either. You wanted to tell them, to tell all about the man that had stolen your heart within a single day. And yet you didn’t, choosing to pursue the relationship with Simon. It might have also been due to the fact your parents hadn’t wanted you to join the army at all. Your father had joined the army when he was eighteen, marrying your mom when they were barely twenty. He’d been adamant that you shouldn’t marry a military man, that they would only hurt you in the long run. Oh how wrong they were.
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The boys had gotten well and truly drunk, laughing at the silliest things and ordering even more drinks and food. You were slightly thankful for the food of course, snacking on anything when the boys weren’t looking. Simon’s face was flushed, eyes half lidded as he laughed at another one of John’s terrible jokes. That’s when you knew that the boys had truly passed their limit, when Simon was laughing at dad jokes? He was definitely drunk.
“Alright everyone, it’s time for us to go so I can get everyone into bed safely.” You turned to look up at Simon, noticing in that moment just how drunk he was.
“Awww do we have to?” Kyle was ready to beg, even if it meant staying out for a little while longer.
“Yes you do, I still have to drive home and I can’t do that without you guys.” You pushed into Simon’s side, eyes widening at the giggle he let out.
Everyone else was too preoccupied to notice the noise your husband had made and in some way you were almost thankful no one else had heard him. It was adorable, and getting to hear something like that when he’d let loose? It was a win in your book.
“C’mon big boy, we gotta get up too.” You pressed a kiss to his cheek, pushing him towards the edge of the booth once more.
“Okay, okay, ‘m getting up.” Simon slid out slowly, nearly falling onto his ass as the drinks caught up to him.
You scooted out quickly, grabbing onto his arm to help steady him so that he didn’t end up actually hitting the floor. John was more stable than anyone else, even when he was drunk beyond belief he still seemed sober. Kyle and Johnny were both leaning on one another, mumbling something about being too full to keep eating. You began to try and wrangle them all out to the car, listening to Johnny’s insane babbling.
Had they been a little bit more sober you might’ve found it adorable, but when you were trying to wrangle everyone into the car? It was going to take a while, especially if they continued to misbehave. You opened the back door before opening the passenger door and pushing everyone inside.
“I’d like to sleep tonight boys, so if you would be so kind.” You watched Johnny climb into the seat before nearly falling back out of the truck.
Kyle found it to be the funniest thing he’d ever seen, bent over in laughter as John righted the sergeant to make sure he wouldn’t hurt himself. You shook your head, waiting until both Kyle and John were in the backseat before staring at your husband. His brow was furrowed, an expression you’d never seen on his face before. The two of you stared one another down as if waiting for the other to break.
“Simon, please get in the car so we can leave.” He huffed before getting into the seat, shutting the door behind him a little harsher than usual.
Without giving anyone a chance to protest leaving for the night you got into the driver's seat, locking the doors the moment you were settled. Johnny was already snoring softly behind you. He must’ve been more tired than he’d realized, and with the amount that he’d had to drink you were surprised he hadn’t passed out sooner.
The drive back was quiet, nothing except for the sounds of the wind rushing by, and Johnny’s snores, could be heard. Simon had his arms crossed, muscles bulging even under the thick material of his hoodie. You hadn’t seen him this drunk before, it was starting to scare you a little at how annoyed he seemed. Bringing it up tonight seemed like a bad idea, he wouldn’t be able to have a proper conversation anyway. You were almost thankful when the base came into view, ready to get some sleep.
You’d parked the truck in John’s usual spot, slipping out of the car to help get Johnny and the rest of the boys inside quietly. John, while stumbling for a few steps, managed to make it into his room unharmed. Kyle was leaning against the wall, groaning at how everything was fuzzy and swirling around him at the moment. You were afraid he was going to get sick, but thankfully he made it into his room without any injury. Now all your focus was on Johnny who could barely keep himself upright, ready to pass out again.
“C’mon sweetheart, you need to lay down.” You did your best to keep him awake, nearly falling onto the floor with him.
“D’nt wanna.” Johnny collapsed onto the bed once you were in a safe distance, huffing quietly.
“Better stay, I have to get Simon into bed still.” You ran a hand down your face, if Simon was still acting weird this was surely going to be hectic.
Johnny began to snore almost immediately, snuggling with one of his extra pillows. Good, everyone except your husband was in bed. Time to wrestle a six foot four heaping of a man into bed and hope to god he didn’t give you shit. Quickly tucking Johnny in with his blanket to help keep the chill out you headed back out of his room. Simon was standing close enough that he would hear you when you walked out, but his shoulders still seemed to tense. 
“C’mon, it’s time for bed.” You nodded towards your shared room, no longer having to hide that you stayed together.
Simon grumbled something under his breath, too low for you to be able to hear him properly and give your own retort. You wanted nothing more than to change into some pj’s and crawl into bed, a shower could wait until you had more energy. Stepping into the room you threw off your jacket, making sure it at least landed in a chair before grabbing one of Simon’s shirts. The room was nearly silent as you began to get changed, the shuffling of feet echoing. You tore off your shirt and bra, groaning at how good it felt to take off. Simon huffed slightly, the sound catching your attention.
Your brow furrowed as you turned to face Simon, standing in front of the other man in nothing but your jeans. He had his back turned to you, something that hadn’t happened in years. 
“Si?” You reached over to grab his shoulder, startled when he suddenly pulled away.
“I’m sure you’re very nice miss, but I have an amazing wife and I’d rather sleep on the floor than beside you.” Your jaw dropped, Simon was so drunk he didn’t even recognize that you were his wife.
“I’ll give you a pillow and a blanket.” Pulling off your jeans and throwing on Simon’s shirt you giggled, grabbed one one of his pillows and an extra blanket for him to use.
He took them gratefully, laying down onto the hard ground as he did all he could to get comfortable. You knew he’d feel silly in the morning, having slept on the floor when he could’ve wrapped around you like an octopus. It was better than arguing though, Simon could be a mean drunk if it ever came down to it. Yawning slightly you curled up with Simon’s other pillow, breathing in his scent as you slowly drifted off to sleep.
Morning seemed to come too quickly for your liking, the sun seeping into your room from the crack in your curtains. Reaching down you pulled the blanket up and over your head, refusing to admit that it was time to get up.
“Love, why am I on the floor?” Simon’s voice was still thick with sleep, it was definitely doing things for you.
“You insisted on sleeping down there, said that you had a lovely wife and didn’t want to sleep next to me because of it.” You couldn’t stop the giggle that slipped through, pushing the blanket back down to roll over and face him.
“Jesus, how drunk was I?” Simon rubbed his head, face pale as the hangover took over.
“All of you guys were pretty drunk, Johnny passed out in the truck on the way back.” Shit, if he didn’t remember much of last night, he wasn’t going to remember you inviting Johnny to stay with you. You wondered if the Scot remembered your offer.
Simon pushed off the floor, crawling into the bed beside you and snuggling into your chest. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing a kiss to his head. The rest of the boys could worry about themselves for a few minutes, right now you were going to care for your husband. And ponder how you were going to admit that his friend would be staying with you for nearly a month.
tagging: @gaylemonshark
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mikedfaist · 10 days
hi lovely!!! i was wondering if i could request a mike x singer/actress and they met on set of west side story and during the press tour fans suspect them because of their flirty remarks towards one another? love your work by the way <33
I’m actually swooning.
They’re always sat next to each other on the press tours, and when someone else is answering a question, she and Mike are sometimes whispering things to the other, or poking each other in the arm, or hitting the others foot with their own. Always just trying to get the others attention. You can guess there are YouTube compilation videos titled: “Mike Faist and reader flirting for 8 minutes”.
On the red carpet, he’s always caught staring at her, biting his lip to hold back a fucking cheesy ass grin. (He can’t help it, she just looks so pretty). She’ll be talking to one of the interviewers, and Mike will just casually walk behind her – definitely not checking out her ass – and maybe she spots him and just smiles. “There’s my Riff.”
Remember the video of Mike kissing Ariana DeBose’s shoulder at the BAFTA’s? He would do something like that to her. A quick drive by kiss to her shoulder as she’s mid-sentence.
Other cast members begin posting BTS photos and videos they took during filming in honor of the release, and of course in the background of some, you can spot Mike giving reader a piggyback ride, Mike and reader slow dancing in the gym – the cameras were definitely not rolling, they just did that for fun – and the one that really got people talking, her sitting on Mike’s lap in the hair and makeup trailer. It wouldn’t have been such a big deal but his hand was placed pretty close to her butt, and her arm was around his neck, and his lips were getting pretty close to hers.
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pinkrelish · 2 years
truth | dare nsfw 18+ bestfriend!eddie x fem!reader
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It wasn’t just a game.
Eddie was convinced Satan was a woman, and she was spread before him.
How could you do this? Work him into this frenzy without an ounce of compassion in those half-lidded eyes. Usurping his bed, his pillows, his blankets, to make yourself comfortable while he slowly lost his mind. Wearing a sleepy–smug–grin and nothing else. Finding amusement in the way he initiated the position, on his knees, hiking your hips up so your ass rested in his lap, and your legs leisurely fell to either side of his waist; the rest of you sloped against his thighs, relaxed in the entanglement of sheets as if you were about to nap.
Three years. You met three years ago when you were the new girl in town, and chose to sit next to him in his second repeat of Chemistry, introducing yourself by complimenting the pins on his vest. For three years he could’ve had your pussy wrapped around him. Fuck.
Your tits bounced at each desperate up-and-down pass of his fist in his lap.
Dare. He knew he chose his demise the moment your eyes came alive, and you gave a pause before answering. Letting the realization sink to the pit of his stomach. Sending a throb of regret to his inflated ego.
Payback’s a bitch. “Just the tip.”
Just the tip nestled into the warm, divine entrance of your drenched cunt. Your climax still wet on his face, arousal smeared around his mouth. The attainable just out of his reach while he stroked his shaft at a dire speed.
“C’mon, baby,” he pleaded, clenched teeth exposed by the mocking grin overtaking his lips as he became more frantic. Nose scrunched with snark. Digging his fingers into the fat of your ass with barely contained composure. “C’mon, sweetheart–baby–love of my life,” he uttered in shaky huffs of sheer urgency, “I’m gonna need a little more than this. Dare me again. Please. Just a little more. I’ve been good. I’ll be good. Give Eddie a little more of this perfect pussy.”
You had a clever refusal poised on your tongue, but it died under the weight of his thumb.
“Suck it,” he encouraged, driving his hips up in a pathetic grind, seeking the slick friction of his cock gliding over your cunt, brushing the tip over your clit in quick bursts as you obeyed him. “Yeah, that’s it, use that pretty mouth of yours in a God-honoring way, and suck, sweetheart.”
The consequences of his actions went weak. Pliant tongue circling his thumb, practically drooling over his authority, desiring nothing more than to please him. Whining when he took it away, and leaned back. A single stroke of his wet thumb over your clit, and your hips were moving on their own. Moremoremore. Rocking up on his demand, and descending past the lipped edge of his tip. Watching his depraved hand guide himself deeper. Deeper. A little deeper, inside the place that had his head dropped back, jaw slackened, exhaling a moan of relief at the ceiling. Exposing all the vulnerable spots for you to admire from afar.
“I dare you to fuck me.”
He was on you. He wanted to be gentle and sweet and caring, but that nonsense went out the window at the rate of your hands exploring his back, holding him tight while you shared your first kiss to the vulgar smacks of skin-on-skin, fucking into you raw and unhinged.
“Fu-ck.” His feral pace had him tripping over the syllable. “Can’t last–long–like, like this,” he panted, followed by, “God.” You nipped at a spot on his throat that had him hooking his arms under your shoulders to keep you still. Eyes shut. Sweaty chests verging with each powerful thrust. “So close,” he warned. Voice husky with lust, whereas yours went higher. Beautiful airy moans. You clenched around him. Each drag along his cock was heaven. “Close. Oh, fuck–I’m close, baby.” Incoherent. “Close to cumming in you, baby,” he said, even as his thighs shook, and his tempo stuttered, and he grunted into the crook of your neck. Cummingcumming. All he could say as you embraced his body, and accepted his weight. Running your nails along his heated scalp, whispering praise in his ear.
“Truth or dare?” he sighed against your salty skin. You chose dare. “I dare us to do that again in half an hour. Wanna eat you out ‘til you’re begging me to stop, an’ then I’m gonna fill you, like I am now. ‘Kay, sweetheart?”
You pressed your forehead to his messy hair, and nudged him until he picked his face up from your shoulder to witness your lopsided grin. “Eddie, I’d make you breakfast in the morning, and it wouldn’t have to be a dare.”
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ktgoodmorning · 26 days
Hold still
Misa Rodriguez x reader
You help Misa in getting ready for a big event
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“What if I just tell them I’m sick or something so we don’t have to go?”
“Misa, you’re not getting out of this. There’s no way I’m going to this wedding alone, just because you can’t decide what to wear.” 
Your girlfriend threw her head back with a groan, “But why’s it have to be outside? It’s gonna be way too hot to wear a suit but a dress feels like so much work.” you shook your head at her whining, amused at how easily your tough-as-nails girlfriend met her match, just at the thought of getting all dressed up. 
“I’ll help you get ready if you want. I’ll do your hair and makeup and everything. It could be fun! You could wear that red jumpsuit that I love so much.” The glint in your eye seemed to get her attention, turning her frown into more of a smirk, as she was suddenly much more willing to cooperate. 
“You know it would probably look good with those black heels that I know drive you crazy too.” 
“Well I guess we won’t know for sure until you decide to start getting ready, si?” you turned back to the mirror where you were finishing your own makeup, making sure you had plenty of time to get her ready as well. This was a common occurrence, having to reason with her to get dressed up for the events that called for it, as she much preferred her joggers and t-shirts. From the other room, you could hear her moving around, finally deciding to give in to you, something she seldom did for anyone else. 
As soon as you finished putting the finishing touches on your own face, you stepped out into your bedroom to see Misa finding her jumpsuit and shoes she was looking for. 
“Mis, I’m done with my makeup if you want me to do yours?”
“Si, I’ll be right in.” As much as your girlfriend despised the idea of caking her face full of products, she absolutely loved it when you would offer to do it for her. It always meant spending time with her sitting on the bathroom counter with you standing between her legs, as close to her face as possible while you concentrated on what you were doing. She would always jump at the opportunity to have you so close to her, close enough that she could feel your breath against her face. 
When Misa joined you, she was immediately put off by the sheer amount of makeup products littering the counter. Most were left from your work on your own face that you hadn’t gotten to putting away but you still saw the way she immediately tensed up upon seeing them. 
“Not too much, right amor?” 
“Right, Mis.” You pulled her into you by her hips so you could talk face to face. “I’ve done this before, remember? And I haven’t messed it up so far.” The taller woman relaxed against you, and left some short pecks on your lips as a sign that she trusted you. “Now come sit!”
You cleared a small area on the counter for her to sit while you worked that allowed you to stand between her legs after she hopped up. For a minute you just stood there with your hands cradling her face, admiring your girlfriend’s features. You noticed how a slight blush rose to her face, the longer you stared at her, but it didn’t stop you until she pushed you away, giggling nervously.
 “God, you’re the only one who can always make me blush, so damn much.” Nobody but you got to see her so soft and giddy, so unlike how she was with everyone else. It made you feel honored, in a way, that you got to see that side of her that so rarely came out. You gave her another kiss to bring her back to you before stepping back to grab the products you wanted. 
Starting with some light concealer and foundation, you pat your beauty blender all over her face, trying to get in every crease and corner. Her reactions made you giggle. The usually stone-faced, world class goalie, would flinch every time you got anywhere near her eyes and scrunch up her nose if you went too hard, making it hard for you to take her seriously. “Amor, you have to hold still if you want it to turn out okay.”
“You’re gonna poke my eye out, though!” Her whining was back as she instantly transformed into a total child right before your eyes. 
“Only if you keep moving so much!” Misa pushed you away slightly as you laughed at her. “It’s just a sponge, and I’m not even near your eyes yet. Just please try to hold still for me, okay?”
“Fine.” she grumbled in annoyance as you both settled back into play to continue, starting in on a subtle contour. 
One of the hottest things about Misa was the way her face and jaw were so defined so you knew that the slightest contour would be just enough to drive you absolutely insane. The further you went on her makeup, the more you knew you’d have a hard time keeping your hands to yourself tonight. Between the unusually feminine look for her, having her hair and makeup done, the red jumpsuit you already knew you loved, and the heels making her even taller, excited was an understatement. 
When it came time for you to work on her eyes, you knew you’d have a hard time, partially from how fidgety the woman in front of you was becoming, but partially because you kept being distracted by the way she was looking at you. Misa’s eyes bore into you, continuously checking you out, clearly appreciating the work you’d done on your own hair and makeup. 
“Misa, I can’t concentrate when you look at me like that.” She gave you a cheeky shrug, knowing exactly what she was doing to you. 
You rolled your eyes and started on her eyeshadow, being careful not to do too much. As you worked on her eyes, you moved closer and closer to her face, trying to make sure it was perfect. You felt your girlfriend’s breath catch in her throat when you used one hand to grab her jaw and steady her, smirking at her reaction. The two of you both drove each other crazy, especially when you were dressed up and looking the way you currently were. 
“What, do you like my hands on you or something?” 
“I’d like it better around my neck, mi amor.” her voice was a low growl, only working to further your attraction to her. 
“Maybe later tonight, but you’re still not getting out of this wedding, no matter how much you work me up.” 
“But what if I give you kisses?” she leaned forward into you, in hopes of capturing your lips but you only moved further away. 
“You can give me all the kisses you want, Mis, but we’re still going. And if you mess up your makeup doing so, I’m not gonna be happy.” 
“You’ll live, I know you’ve had worse. Just sit still for a minute so I can finish, I’m almost done.” The taller woman grumbled to herself in Spanish but still decided to comply, just as she always did with you, allowing you to finish. 
“All I have left is your lipstick, do you want to pick the color or do you want me to?”
“Hmm well you should pick something that will go well with yours probably,” she shot you a wink while the smirk returned to her face once again, only causing you to roll your eyes. 
“I’ll just give you the same as mine so I can throw it in my bag and fix it when you undoubtedly mess it up later.” 
“Hey, how do you know I-”
“Mis, quit talking so I can apply it.” The second you changed your focus to her lips, your girlfriend had an even harder time holding still. She tried to hold in a smile which only made your job harder. “I need you to hold still if you don’t want to end up looking like a mess, Misa.”
“I’m trying, but your concentrated face is so cute!”
“No, I’m sorry, you’re right, I’ll stop. I just love how serious you take this.”
You didn’t respond to her but smiled to yourself, allowing you to finally finish her makeup, growing slightly nervous for her reaction.“Your face is all done. What do you think?” 
Misa hopped down from the counter and turned to the mirror, taking in your work. “It’s perfect, mi amor. You do such a good job.” Her arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you into her, forcing you to look up at the taller woman and leave a light kiss on her jawline. “Gracias, amor.” Your only response was a smile as she leaned down for a soft kiss, being careful not to mess up your makeup. 
“Do you want me to do your hair quick? I could just put it in a nice ponytail, maybe straighten it quick? It doesn’t have to be much.”
She gave you another nod and turned for you to start doing her hair, something you knew would be quick and easy. Her dark hair was naturally pretty straight so it was more a matter of brushing it back so the ponytail was smooth and straightening out any rogue pieces. 
When you finished her hair, you both got dressed and ready to go, helping zip each other's dresses and clasp each other's necklaces. As soon as you were ready, you turned to face Misa whose face was frozen in awe. 
“Mi amor, you look… breathtaking. You are so perfect I can’t even believe it.” Her hands were on you instantly to pull you into her while her eyes continued to roam your body. “How did I ever get so lucky?” 
“Mmm, I could say the same about you, Mis. Look at you. These heels, and this jumpsuit. Damn.” You had to go on your toes to reach her for a kiss, something you were more than happy to do at the moment. “You’re still not getting out of this wedding, but maybe we don’t have to stay too late.”
“I like that idea,” she mumbled against your lips before continuing the kiss. All you knew was it was a good thing you had your lipstick in your purse, because it was going to need lots of fixing if you ever made it out of the house.
Requests are always open! Feedback is more than welcome! Hope you enjoyed it! I'm always down to chat!
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shadowlali · 9 months
happy independence day
COD - Alejandro Vargas x fem!reader 
[18+] wc: ~3.4k  summary: Coronel Alejandro Vargas is thanked for his service. masterlist
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warnings: NSFW, no use of Y/N nor too many details on reader’s appearance, some proofreading, implied age gap (no ages stated but let's keep it legal y’all), oral (f! receiving), unprotected sex
You couldn’t remember the last time Las Almas was this close as a community. Everyone was excited for tonight’s celebrations, not only because of el Día de la Independencia, but because El Sin Nombre’s reign was finally over. Los Vaqueros were the guests of honor, although you weren’t sure if Coronel Alejandro Vargas would attend. There’d been some parties and events since El Sin Nombre had been pushed out of town, but the Coronel was notably absent. You get the impression that he doesn’t like big crowds or celebrations. Still, you hope that he shows up tonight.
- - -
Your crush on Alejandro started the year before when he gave you a ride home after he found you walking alone. It was a straight walk from the lake to your parents’ house, you really had nothing to worry about. You knew what time and what roads El Sin Nombre’s men took, but that didn’t stop Alejandro from practically dragging you into his Jeep. 
“No debes caminar sola por estas carreteras, mami.” [You shouldn’t walk alone on these roads, mami.]
You chose to ignore the pet name and the flutter in your stomach, thinking that maybe it was a slip of the tongue and he didn’t actually mean it. He asked you for your name while he navigated the road through the hills. You introduced yourself, but tried to tell him the ride wasn’t necessary. 
“I’m fine, really. I know these roads.” 
“It doesn’t matter. Bad stuff can happen en cualquier momento,” his hands clenched on the steering wheel until he turned to look at you, ”¿Júrame que no lo harás otra vez?” [Bad stuff can happen at any time. Swear to me that you won’t do it again?]
He didn’t look at you for long, only a brief moment until his eyes returned to the road. But as Alejandro held your stare in those few seconds, there was no denying how scared he looked. Nervous maybe? You didn’t want him to worry, not about you. Not when the entire town depended on him to free Las Almas. 
“I swear.” 
Alejandro gave a nod and the rest of the drive back to your house was quiet, only speaking when you gave him directions to the house. He drove up the driveway, asking you to stay in the car. You thought he was going to speak to your parents about walking alone, but instead he walked to your side to open the passenger door. 
“Gracias, Coronel.” 
He gave a small smile before looking away, his eyes scanning the neighborhood. You began to walk around him before you felt him place his hand on your elbow. 
“Give me your phone… Please.” 
You turned to look at him, confused but nonetheless complying. He typed something and then showed you the screen, a new text message thread to an unknown number. Alejandro’s own phone chirped in his pocket with a notification. 
“La próxima vez que necesites un aventón, me llamas. ¿Vale? ” [The next time you need a ride, you call me. Okay?]
Alejandro handed you the phone and waited until you were inside to get in his car and leave. You replayed the interaction over and over in your head for the rest of the day. And you never walked alone after that, too nervous to face Alejandro again and make a fool of yourself. You’d see him sometimes around town and he’d smile at you in passing. Your friend happened to be with you during one of those interactions, feeding into your delusion that he might be harboring a secret crush on you. 
“The Coronel usually doesn’t smile like that to anyone else, just saying.” 
You felt your cheeks heating, “I think he’s just being nice.” 
- - -
You try to calm your nerves while getting ready for the party. Your parents had left early and were expecting you in the plaza later that night. They’d become more lenient, knowing that since you were an adult, most of the night was going to be spent with your friends. 
You lock up the house and begin the walk into town, your short dress flowing with the slight breeze in the air. As you near, you can see Alejandro’s Jeep parked a few meters away. The streets are mostly empty, everyone already gathered for the celebration. You feel a burst of excitement, Alejandro is here. That’s until you see a familiar face walking alone towards the parked car.
“¿Ya se va, Coronel? ¿Tan temprano?” [You’re leaving, Coronel? So early?]
He looks up in surprise, not expecting anyone to be out here. When Alejandro’s eyes find you, his gaze softens.
“¿Caminando sola otra vez, mami?” [Walking alone again, mami?]
There it was, that pet name. 
He continues with a much softer voice, “Y por favor, tutéame. ” [And please, don’t speak to me so formally.]
You try to hide your reaction. How often was he calling other women, mami? How often was he letting people call him by his first name? 
“Okey, Alejandro. But you’re leaving? All of this is for you, for Los Vaqueros.”
“I… I appreciate that Las Almas wants to thank us,” he pauses, ”but this is my job. I don’t need anyone to thank me for that.” 
You internally groan, of course he’s handsome, nice and humble. 
“I think you deserve it Alejandro. You and Los Vaqueros made Las Almas better for all of us.” 
He gives an imperceptible nod.
You continue, ”I guess I’ll see you around? Have a good night, Alejandro.” 
You give him another smile before continuing your walk. You’re disappointed, having spent the majority of the day coming up with ideas on how to start up a conversation if you saw him. Oh well, it would have to happen another day – 
“You want to take a ride with me?” 
You turn to look at him, Alejandro still standing in the same spot. You’re not sure if you heard him right. 
“I can walk the rest of the way. It’s only a block, you don’t need to worry.” 
Alejandro shakes his head, ”No, not into town. Just… drive with me somewhere?” 
He must’ve taken your surprise as a denial because he immediately starts backing away. 
“If not, it's okay. I just thought that –” 
You interrupt him, ”Yes, I’ll go on a drive with you.” 
- - - 
Alejandro’s not sure if you feel the same fire burning inside, if you’re doing nothing more than being polite. At this point, he’ll take what he can get. He helps you in the Jeep, placing a hand on your lower back and feeling the warm skin underneath your thin dress. He forces his hand to leave your body and closes the door.
He feels an erection forming in his jeans and tries to hide it while getting into the driver’s side. You're in the middle of fixing your short dress over your thighs as you situate yourself in the seat. His breathing becomes rough at the sight of your soft thighs. You don’t notice, switching between the radio channels to find something. You land on a channel while Alejandro discreetly tries to even out his breathing.
While the first interaction and each one after that has been brief, you were constant in his mind. Your kind nature, smile, and gorgeous face drew him in. He's kept his distance so far, reminding himself that he's older than you. What if you like guys your own age? What if you don’t feel the same way? But he has to take his chance.
Inviting you on a night drive seems like the best and only opportunity to get to know you. Plus, it's true. Alejandro doesn’t like parties. Sure, he's patriotic and wants to celebrate today, but the attention is focused on him and his team.
Luck was on his side when you called out to him. You stood there with a smile on your face and in a short dress without any idea of what you did to him, what you meant to him. 
“Where are we going?” your voice interrupts his thoughts. 
“Thought I’d take you to a hill that overlooks the town and lake. It’s quiet up there.” 
A hum escapes your lips, ”Do you like the quiet?” 
“Sí,” Alejandro laughs, “life on base can be hectic. I like to come up here… get away from it for a while.” 
“That sounds nice, Alejandro.” 
You place a hand on his arm, running your fingertips up and down. Alejandro can’t suppress the goosebumps that rise on his skin. The drive there is mostly silent, you hum along to the low music and continue dragging your fingertips along his arm. Eventually, he arrives to the destination.
All you see so far is a dirt patch where he parks and trees blocking the rest of the hill. Alejandro grabs a blanket from the backseat and tells you to wait while he walks to the other side. You can only see that you're at the top of a hill, but you can’t see any sign of the lake that runs through Las Almas. He opens your door but blocks you from getting out. 
“It's a short walk, but I need you to promise me you won’t give away my secret spot.” 
You smile, his stern look more playful than serious. 
“Lo juro.” [I swear.]
And you truly mean it. Alejandro helps you down and you two begin walking, his arm close enough to yours that your knuckles brush with every swing of your arm. Alejandro leads the way, being the first to speak again.
“No pregunté si había alguien esperándote en la fiesta.” [I didn't ask if there was anyone waiting for you at the party.]
You laugh,” A little late for that, no? Just my parents, they wanted me to check in with them later.” 
“No one else? ¿Novio?” [Boyfriend?]
You turn to look at him, a teasing smile on your lips. 
“You think I'd accept your invitation if I had a boyfriend?” 
Before he can formulate a response, you hear it. The trees open to grass and the sound of running water. Far enough from the edge that you don’t fear falling off, you get closer. The grass is soft and you can see the twinkling lights of the center of town in the distance, and the running lake in front of you. More hills and mountains surround the area and the moon is shining especially bright while this high up. Alejandro places the blanket on the ground and takes a seat, smiling as you take in your surroundings. 
“Nice, right?” He says. 
“Alejandro, this is… Wow, it’s amazing,” you turn to look at him, ”thank you for bringing me here.” 
“You don’t need to thank me, mami.” 
Alejandro can’t help but gaze at you. The way the moon reflects on your skin and how your eyes twinkle with happiness as you approach him. You sit close to him, leaving a respectable amount of space between you two, shivering despite the warm air. 
“¿Tienes frío?” Alejandro says, patting the space right next to him. [Are you cold?]
You scoot closer, nipples tightening as his arm wraps around you and places his hand on your shoulder. You lean your head against his shoulder, the sound of running water and crickets making you comfortable. His fingers run soft circles on your arm and you feel wetness pool in your panties. He turns his head, placing his lips lightly on your forehead as he begins to speak. 
“I’ve been wanting to bring you up here for a while, just didn’t know how to ask.” 
His beard tickles your skin, but you enjoy it. You begin to imagine where else his beard might feel nice.
“I’m glad I caught you before you left,” you respond. 
He moves his free hand to stroke your exposed thigh closest to him before tilting your chin up. Your eyes flutter close as you feel Alejandro’s soft lips press onto yours, a groan releasing from his throat. You feel lightheaded, his mouth warm and his fingers caressing your jaw.
You grow confident, turning your body into him and dragging a thigh over his lap, seating yourself directly on the hard bulge between his legs. It's your turn to moan this time, feeling his hands move to grip your ass closer. You pull away from his mouth only for a second to then press small, kitten licks on his swollen lips. Alejandro immediately gets the hint, opening his mouth for you to taste him. 
You stroke your tongue on his, tasting and then sucking his warm tongue. The kiss becomes more desperate, teeth nipping each other and your grip in his hair much tighter. You roll your ass against his jeans, shuddering from the rough friction.
Alejandro moves his mouth to trail kisses and suck the sensitive skin on your neck. You keep moving your hips, one of his hands pushing you into his jean-covered cock and another reaching to tilt your head to the side. His beard is rough on your neck, pleasure blooming from each scrape of his teeth. 
“Te voy a comer a besos.” [I’m going to smother you in kisses.] 
You can only whimper in response, massaging your clit with each bounce of your hips. Alejandro bites your neck before softening the sting with a warm lick. You feel an orgasm approaching, having soaked his jeans from your wetness. He brings both hands to your hips, stalling your movements. 
“Alejandro,” you whine, “please.” 
Alejandro has a surge of possessiveness while looking at your pouting lips and the glazed look in your eyes. Grabbing the bottom of your dress, he brings it over your head, exposing your hard nipples to the night air. You’re left in your slick panties, having ditched a bra since it didn’t fit with the dress.   
“Lie down.” 
Trying your best not to fall over from how shaky your entire body is, you lay down and kick off your platform sandals. Alejandro lightly runs a finger up your panties, pressing right on your clit. Your hips twitch, so close to cumming. 
“¿Me dejas probar tu piel, mami?” [Will you let me taste your skin, mami?]
“Yes, Alejandro, yes,” your voice high-pitched. 
Alejandro kneels between your thighs, pulling your sticky panties down your legs. He places them by on the blanket and brings his lips down to yours. He trails kisses down your collar bone until reaching your tits, sucking and licking the skin.
His fingers are calloused while they roll your nipples, his jean-covered thigh pressing right on your core. Alejandro groans into your chest as he sucks each nipple into his mouth. You're so close, rubbing up and down his thigh, marking his jeans with your juices. 
He pulls his thigh away, a laugh escaping his throat as he continues his descent down to your pussy. Alejandro spreads your legs and runs his tongue from your opening to your clit. You try to rub against his tongue, wanting more pressure. He continues to tease you by pressing open mouth kisses on your inner thighs.
Alejandro’s beard burns sweetly on your skin with each move of his face. He finally gives you what you want, firm strokes with his tongue on your clit and a finger plunging inside of you. You rub your pussy on his face, syncing with the rhythm of his finger. He adds a second finger once you reach down to grip his hair. 
Your vision goes black and your back arches in hot pleasure as you come on his face. Alejandro doesn’t let up, continuing to gently suck your clit and plunge his fingers inside of you. He moans at the taste, your pussy wetting his nose down to his jaw. You feel dizzy once he stops, feeling as he rubs your wetness from his face onto your thigh. You hiss, his beard rough on your sensitive skin. Alejandro sucks your slick from his fingers before standing up.
“Eres tan dulce, mami.” [You're so sweet, mami.]
He takes his shirt off and throws it to the side, quickly moving to unbuckle his belt. Alejandro removes his jeans, briefs and boots, kicking them to the side. Even in the moonlight you see every hard muscle across his chest and arms, eyes trailing down to his thick cock and muscular thighs. He kneels down and spreads your thighs to accommodate his hips. He pumps his length, rubbing the drop of pre-cum across his flushed tip. You reach a hand down to stroke him, marveling at the heat emanating from him and the velvet feel of his length. He throws his head back, his throat rippling from a harsh swallow. You try to wrap your hand around him but he stops you.  
“Don’t,” he responds roughly before softening his voice, “I’ll finish too fast.” 
“I want you, Ale,” your voice pleading. 
“You’ll have me, mami. Don’t worry.” 
Alejandro drags his tip from your entrance to your clit, gathering your wetness and teasing your folds. You whimper, feeling him push in gently. Alejandro stops halfway, needing a moment to control himself while you pulse and flutter your gummy walls around him. Your whines and moans, the nails digging into his back, overwhelm him beautifully.
He sinks until the hair at his base touches your wet skin. Alejandro looks down at you, watching you writhe from impatience and move your hands up to pinch your soft tits. With another loud groan, he pulls out and plunges back into your wet heat. He curves his upper body into you, almost folding you in half. 
“Mierda– ah, you feel– fuck, so perfect.” [Fuck]
Alejandro can barely talk, each word becoming more difficult to say. You move your hands once again to his lower back to dig your nails into his skin. He stretches you with each drag of his cock into your swollen pussy. He brings his mouth down to yours as his hips speed up, plunging his tongue into your mouth at the same rhythm.
You yelp from the position, the hair at his base massaging your clit. He whimpers when you accidently nip his tongue, the hands placed at each side of your arms clenching the blanket. He moves to bite and suck your lips and chin. Ah, ah, ah escapes your mouth once the speed of his thrusts increase.
No coherent thoughts form in your head. Alejandro’s masculine scent invades your nose, the warm breeze caresses your skin, and the sound of running water lulls you in pleasure. You feel a second orgasm forming in your lower belly, clawing its way up your back.
You're close to tears, “I’m gonna – I'm gonna cum!” 
“Fuck, mami. Where – meirda – where do you want me to finish?” 
You dig your nails deeper into his back, not wanting him to stop. You have the sudden urge to feel his hot cum spray your insides and mark you as his. The thought alone tips you over the edge, your mouth dropping into a scream.
“Inside, Alejandro, inside,” you manage to say. 
His mouth swallows your scream, hips pistoning roughly into you until his body shudders and he groans into your mouth. You feel him, his cum filling you up. Your hips keep twisting, riding the high of your second orgasm. The wet, rough slaps echo all around. He can’t believe it, your pussy gripping him tight and draining every drop of cum from his cock.
Alejandro drops his head into the curve of your neck, breathing heavily. You place wet kisses on his shoulder and lick the salty sweat from his skin. After a few moments, he rolls over. He grabs one of your hands and holds it against his beating chest. 
“That wasn’t,” Alejandro sucks in a shaky breath, ”that wasn’t my plan when I brought you here. But fuck, mami. I’m happy this happened.” 
You wait before responding, your heart rate slowly returning to normal.
“I’m happy too. I got to thank a soldier for his service.”
He turns to look at you, a confused expression on his face, “¿Qué?” 
Alejandro rolls back on top of you, tickling your sides as you laugh. 
“I’m the only soldier you’re going to thank for his service. Ahora levántate, vamos a comer.” [Now stand up, let’s go eat.] 
You both put your clothes back on, walking slowly to the car because of the wonderful soreness between your legs. You convince him to drive back to the plaza instead of his house, fireworks lighting up the night sky as his Jeep approaches.
Alejandro grabs food for you while you slip away to say a quick "hi" to your unsuspecting parents. He guides you to a private bench, fireworks the only source of light. You sit in his lap and he feeds you both, fingers dipping into your mouth and dragging against your tongue with each bite of food.
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mothdruid · 3 months
Happy birthday!! Can I please get "you’re freezing, come here.” With Hangman?
Fast like Rain
pairing: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x gn!reader
word count: 1k
summary: Your childhood best friend, Jake, is home from deployment. The two of you spend the day together and it ends with a cold but sweet treat.
a/n: sorry this took so long to write! my blurbs keep end up being longer than just blurbs lmao. i hope you enjoy!!
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The day had started out great. Jake was home on leave for a little bit, meaning that you finally got to see your best friend after months of his deployment. He had promised you one full day of hanging out when he had left. So, it was time for him to honor that promise.
The day had started with brunch from his favorite local diner, to which he ordered his classic sunny side up eggs with crispy bacon and toast. You ordered your own favorite meal, earning teasing when you ordered your classic cup of orange juice. Jake never let you live that down, always joking that you were never going to fully grow up.
The two of you spent the next few hours doing whatever. It was so refreshing to finally have Jake home. He was your best friend no matter what, even if you happened to have a little bit more than just platonic feelings for him. It was hard not to like him. He had that Texan charm you had grown up dreaming about.
Charm with a bit of asshole to him, and it honestly made your heart sing. Maybe that's because he didn't intimidated you, instead it pushed you to be an asshole right back at him. Which Jake himself loved about you. Every time you ever swore at him and yelled at him, he would later that night think about it in bed, wondering if you would speak that way if you were underneath him.
The two of you were currently in some random field outside of town. Jake had decided to drive the old beater truck he had during high school while he was in town. So the tailgate was currently down, the both of you sitting on it with your legs dangling. The soft yet dry tall grass was brushing against your ankles.
"Are you serious?" You laughed after asking.
"Come on, of course, how could you not believe me?" Jake retorted.
"You weren't a track star in school, that's why!"
"I played football," Jake reminded you.
"As a QB, not a running back!" You could help the laughter that came from you.
"Fine," Jake hoped off the tailgate, "let's race."
The laughter immediately stopped when you heard him. You both had been too caught up in each other to have noticed the darker clouds starting to consume the sky. You gave Jake a serious look, tiling your head as if to question his seriousness.
"Hey, I'm being serious here," Jake threw his hands up in defense.
"One hundred percent?" You questioned.
He took his right index finger and drew a cross over his heart. You hoped down off the tailgate and stood face to face with him. You crossed your arms, signaling that you meant business.
"What's in it for me?"
"I'll buy you ice cream," Jake said.
"Fence line?"
Jake shook his head yes, that stupid smirk on his face. Without a second thought you took off running. You heard Jake yell from behind you about how he never said start. All you did was throw a middle finger back at him. Jake chased you all the way to the fence line, huffing once he finally caught up to you. You had been waiting for only a few seconds since reaching it. Your own breath was heavy, lungs struggling to keep up.
"Guess you aren't that fast," you chuckled while trying to steady your breathing. You looked over at Jake and then leaned again the fence post next to you.
"I don't know if that counts," Jake joked. He moved near you, putting a hands on the same post you were leaning on.
The two of you were close, only a few inches separating your bodies. Smiles adorned both of your faces while you stared at each other. You could never get tried of staring at him. Yeah, he looked like a generic jock, but he was your generic jock. Those green eyes never left yours, and a part of was starting to wonder if the two of you were moving closer towards one another.
Suddenly there was a loud rumble through the sky. It was only then that both of you noticed the dark sky. You examined the sky, a small drop of water hit your skin. Jake felt one too, looking at you quickly. It was seconds before a complete down pour started. You howled in laughter and shock as Jake just started laughing. After a few more seconds of taking the rain in, you ran back towards the truck. Jake was right behind you, stopping to lift the tailgate back up while you climbed into the cab.
"Holy shit," the words were breathy from your laughter.
"That was a surprise," Jake said.
The both of you were practically soaked. His t-shirt was practically a different color now. Yours was about the same though. Little goosebumps were starting to prick up along your skin. Jake noticed this when you wrapped your arms around yourself. He reached out hesitantly, brushing his knuckles against your skin.
"You're freezing," he whispered, "come here."
Jake opened his arms and gestured for you to move closer to him. You hesitated for a minute, eventually moving into his arms. Jake's arm were so warm, they were like one of his old sweatshirts that you had stolen forever ago. The sound of rain filled the silence between the two of you.
"I missed you."
The words came out of your mouth before you could stop them. You sat up a little and looked at Jake. There was worry weaved through your expression as if you had done something wrong. Jake moved a hand to your jaw, cupping it then leaning in.
Neither of you fought it, leaning into the kiss and your emotions. For so long the both of you had fought them, telling yourselves that this couldn't be real. But it was.
Jake pulled back and just stared at you, a small smile on his lips. He rubbed his thumb against your cheek, marveling internally at how soft your skin was.
"I missed you too."
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writtenfangirl · 10 months
Seatbelts in Cars
A very short Charles Leclerc fantic in honor of the summer break! I really wish there was a race this weekend but this just means we only have three more weeks before we’re back in Zandvoort!
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“But I don’t like wearing seatbelts,” Y/N whined as she slumped on her seat at the passenger side. “It always feels like it’s choking me! Seatbelts weren’t designed for big chested women like me in mind.”
And, to prove her point, she strapped her seatbelt in. The belt slid past her boob strapping itself around her neck instead. Y/N gestured at the belt impatiently, causing Charles to chuckle. It was a little funny how this was always Y/N’s problem when she rode in the passenger seat. Even when she was driving a car, she had that same problem. Seatbelts would always choke her rather than strap itself between her chest no matter how hard she tried.
She groaned before she unbuckled the belt with a glare.
“Seatbelts are adjustable, amore,” Charles said with a raise brow, clearly unimpressed by his girlfriend’s antics.
“I know, babe. It’s already at the lowest setting.” Y/N leaned her head back so Charles could see that the seatbelt was, in fact, adjusted to its lowest setting.
“You cannot be in the passenger seat without a seatbelt, amore,” he protested, “it’s unsafe! And, it is mandatory.”
“But you drive so safely! Nothing will happen to me. You didn’t even drive above the speed limit when you were trying to catch the people who stole your watch.”
Charles simply gave his girlfriend an unimpressed look.
“Don’t look at me like that. The restaurant is like five minutes away. I don’t need it.”
But rather than keep arguing with her, Charles unbuckled his own seatbelt before leaning towards the other side.
“Babe, what are you—“
He took the seatbelt of the passenger side, deliberately brushing his body against his girlfriend’s before he buckled her seatbelt on, adjusting it in the process so that it laid perfectly flat between her chest. His eyes flashed to her face, at the look of surprise and rising blush on her cheeks that left him satisfied before he leaned back in his seat.
“Don’t remove it, amore,” he said with a self satisfied smirk as he buckled his own seatbelt.
“I know you know what you did,” she said, almost accusatory. But her cheeks were still flushed and the small smile on her face told Charles she wasn’t actually upset.
“Any reason to hold the girls.”
“Charles!” She yelped, her blush deepening redder than a traffic light.
“Joking!” He laughed as he shifted gears and peeled off the curb.
“All your fans think you’re so babygirl but really, you’re as bad as Pierre!”
“Only for you, amore. Now, promise me you’ll wear your seatbelt from now.”
Charles could practically feel her rolling her eyes at him before her words turned sweet and honeyed. “So long as you put my seatbelt on every time I get in the car.”
He can definitely work with that. “I’ll look forward to it everyday.”
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
My Lip Gloss is Poppin’
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!R
Smut: Mommy (Top!N) Quickie: Somnophilia(CNC), Fingering(R), Nipple Play, Teasing, Alluded to Oral/Strap.
18+ | Minors DNI
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Natasha was in the process of getting ready for work; a last minute meeting she had no desire of going to on a Saturday morning, but it only is anticipated to last about an hour, then she’d be able to come home and spend the day with you like she’d always intended to do today.
She shut the tap off, settled her toothbrush back in the jar beside yours, and applied a layer of red tinted lipgloss, to finish off her makeup.
Looking at her phone she noticed she had an hour before she had to be to the compound, and it was only a fifteen minute drive on her motorbike, so she smiled at the thought of cuddling you close for the next thirty minutes.
As she went to open the door though she was alarmed by the sounds of your whimpering, the woman nearly tore the wood off its hinges as the fear that you were maybe being hurt set in. She wasn’t at all prepared to see what she did.
There you laid on your stomach sound asleep, the blankets now strewn all about while your hips squirmed and rutted into the bed., “Mm, mommy please.,” your muffled words sent a wave of need throughout the redheads body, all she could think about now was destroying you, the way your body clearly needed her to do.
“Oh shit.,” she cursed, the glorious sight of your drenched, exposed panties the last straw for her., “You’re always so desperate detka.,” she groaned while shifting you onto your back, her hand palmed you over the lace, and her lips sucked firmly against the skin of your throat.
“N-natty?,” your consciousness slowly seeped in, and the questions you were going to ask died in your mind as she began to rub faster., “Mommy’s here to help you detka, you were a sweet mess, moaning for me in your sleep.”
“Cause I just need you so bad mommy.,” she smiled softly at you, the kind of smile she had only ever shown to you, it managed to say those three pesky words to you she’d once feared saying before she made peace within.
“I don’t have long before I have to go my love.,”a whimper of disappointment left you as soon as the words left her lips, but through a playful smirk she kissed away your worries., “Don’t worry detka, mommy’s going to help you first.”
Natasha slid your panties to the side, offering you immense pleasure as her middle finger slowly circled your clit while her other hand slid your shirt over your head so that she could swirl her tongue around your sensitive areola.
“Mommy, more please.,” the words left you in a strangled moan as she was already teasing your entrance with her digit while still abusing both your clit, and nipples with a subtle expertise.
“Patience detka, mommy knows best.,” she reminded to which you softly huffed, but nonetheless resumed moaning over whining.
Natasha knew how to wind you up, it was really no effort at all to get you pliant and desperate. Her honest intent is to bring you over the edge as promised, but more importantly she wants to get you so desperate that you crave more. Her hope is to leave you a moping mess when she inevitably heads to work. This way her mission briefing flies by as the anticipation to destroy you after with her strap builds.
Your back arched off the mattress when the redhead suddenly entered you with three of her long fingers while her teeth nibbled into the plush skin of your breasts leaving you gasping.
With the help of your scandalous sleepy time endeavors, and her current ministrations you were losing your mind in record time. Every thrust of hers was met with your hips own thrusting, and her mouth marking you up only made the pit in your stomach tighten; being hers was a source of pride for you, so wearing her marks was an honor you didn’t take lightly.
Natasha curled her fingers on every third thrust, making you gasp each time, and your legs began to tremble with all this exertion. Your orgasm finally washed over you as her tongue invaded your mouth, and her thumb claimed its place against your throbbing clit.
“Oh mommy.,” you cried, her hand sped up, and you continued to cry as she monopolized on your orgasm, keeping the pleasure coursing through your exhausted form., “Thank you.,” the words left your lips in a repetitive string as she fucked you into a near mindless state.
Natasha caught a glimpse of the clock, cursing in Russian at the time having slipped away.
“I know detka.,” she whispered reassuringly as her fingers slid from inside you with a loud squelching sound., “Mommy doesn’t want to do this, but I have to go to the compound.”
“On a Saturday?,” you questioned with a pout.
She nodded sadly as her fingers were now in her mouth., “Fuck, I can’t wait to taste you later detka, I’ll have you ride my face, then if you were a good girl you’ll get my strap.”
An uncontainable whimper left you at the arousing idea, and she leaned down to peck your lips for a likely final time., “Be good.”
“Wait, your gloss is ruined, lemme help fix it.,” you wiped away the smudged red stain from around her lips, and you smiled proudly., “Thank you sweetheart.,” she gently kissed you, catching your soft gasp as she ran her pointer finger through your slit to collect your release.
She pulled away with a cocky smirk, observing your scrunched up features as you regulated once more., “Sorry.,” she chuckled, a true sign that she wasn’t sorry whatsoever., “Mommy needed a suitable replacement.,” she winked, and your mouth fell open as she ran her finger over her plump limps, a thin sheen of your slick now serving as a unique cosmetic choice.
It was honestly the hottest thing you’d ever seen, your wife was about to sit in a room with her esteemed colleagues with your essence proudly layered on her lips. It had you rubbing your thighs together without any hesitation.
“I’ll be back shortly detka, don’t you even think of touching yourself, mommy will know.,” with a devious wink sent your way she was gone out the door , and you fell into the mattress with a huff., “My Natty, and her annoying spy senses.”
1,077 Words
Bonus blurb #2 during my lil hiatus
❤️ Kaitlyn 🤭
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intoxicated-chan · 4 months
𝐀 𝐖𝐚𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐈𝐜𝐞 & 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 ⚘ 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒘
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Summary ➳ Thorin’s heart swears to despise each and every dragon, but how could he come to hate its rider who longs for a home as he does?
Extra Information ➳ (Y/n) appeared in Mirkwood twenty three years ago with a baby dragon perched on her shoulder. Thranduil took her in to keep a promise to an old friend.
(A/n) ➳ I started writing this mid November of last year back when I started the Hobbit. I plan to upload this series either Spring or Winter. Feedback is greatly appreciated. I feel like this is more of my better works considering I wanted it to feel like the Hobbit/LOTR.
Word Count ➳ 610
Content Warnings ➳ Female Targaryen Reader, 3rd P.O.V, mentions the Doom of Valyria, mentions of death…
Series Masterlist || Chapter 1
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(Y/n) watched from the corner, watching as each dwarf was pushed into a cell. Their complaints were falling on death’s ears.
She stepped out from the shadows and towards Legolas’s direction, wanting to know where the dwarves came from.
“What do you know of dragons, girl?” The dwarf’s voice was gruff, laced with bitterness as he eyed the dragon sigils embroidered into her clothing. “You wear it like a badge of honor.”
(Y/n) eyed him as well, realizing who the dwarf in the cell was. “You’re Thorin Oakenshield? Heir to the throne of Erebor.”
Thorin’s fists clenched around the iron bars. “You have yet to answer my question.”
(Y/n)’s eyes widened in amazement. “I cannot believe it. I’ve-”
“(Y/n)! Dina!” Legolas commanded her to come. “Get away from the dwarf.”
With that, she walked away, leaving no room for Thorin or (Y/n) to say anything.
“Must you speak to them?” Legolas sneered, following you down the steps. “What reason do you have?”
“I’ve always wanted to see the infamous Thorin Oakenshield. It was not disappointing.”
“...Is it?”
(Y/n) nodded, a smile on her lips. “Yes. If what they say is true… If they reclaim the mountain, I would love to see the glory of Erebor.”
Legolas froze in his steps. “I am beginning to wonder where your allegiance lies.”
“What makes you wonder that?”
“...Go, I need to report to the King.”
She rolled her eyes, asking herself if her curiosity made Legolas or anyone else question her loyalty.
Of course, her loyalty lies with Thranduil, he saved her and took a human and a dragon in. A human not from this world.
The sun had begun to set when (Y/n) stood at Thorin’s cell. “Might I ask you something?” She began, breaking the silence.
He looked up at her, eyes wary. “What is it? Dragon rider?”
“If you had no memories of the kingdom or its riches, would you still fight to reclaim it?”
“Yes.” He answered without hesitation. “For it is not the gold or treasures that drive me, but the honor and memory of my kin who were lost. To reclaim Erebor is to honor their memory, to give those who wish for their home.”
He stepped closer to the bars as he spoke his words, loudly enough for the rest of the Company to hear. He spoke with bravery and pride, not a single once of shame in them.
(Y/n) listened to his words closely. It made her think of her own home, the writing of the book could not describe the doom correctly.
Only a dream, unsure if it came true…
(Y/n) became lost in her thoughts, she began to speak aloud. “I wonder…” She uttered. “What it would be to see Valyria, to walk the streets, see the dragons fly into the sky with my people on its back. I wonder if any Targaryens remain.”
She sighed, sitting down on the steps. “I wonder if the dream was true and the doom of my home was correct.”
Thorin, still irate from the encounter from earlier but genuinely curious about her side of dragons, sat as well. “Was it taken?”
“It was destroyed. A Targaryen had a dream, D… Daenys had a dream. She had foresaw the destruction. But I have no way to know if it was true, I do not know if Valyria still stands or if any Targaryens remain to rule the skies.”
(Y/n) looked up to the ceiling, closing her eyes to remember how Valyria was described. “To be home. I would give my life just to see it.”
“…May you find your way home, dragon rider… And safely.”
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© Intoxicated-Chan 2024, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without my permission.
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