#a nonnie moose
annunakitty · 1 year
aster, violet, tulip!!
ASTER: Would you rather be cold or hot? COLD. I get so heckin' cranky when I'm too warm. Nothing better than getting snuggly under a thousand blankets when its cold tho :3
VIOLET: Do you like where you’re from? The state I'm from is Wyoming... It's fine I guess, super beautiful state!! But the culture is quite regressive. Not as bad as some other states but they try :/
USA is okay but it'd be nice to not have to worry about healthcare or being shot by some maga hat wearin' chud.
TULIP: For your birthday, what kind of cake do you ask for? Ooooooh oooooh! I like spice cake with cream cheese frosting!!! Reminds me, though, I made the mistake of asking for a proper black forest cake one year and my ex made it with way too much kirschwasser and it was so strong lmao
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mochie85 · 6 months
Hello cutie
Im looking forward to Christmas and (in case you’re celebrating) I wanted to ask what’s your favorite Christmas holiday trope to read/write?? 🕯️❤️ and what’a your go-to trope of all the classics we know??
Hello my darling Nonny!!! 😘
I do celebrate Christmas, thank you for asking.
I don't know if it's still a thing, but the running trope the past couple of years was getting engaged to a prince in a foreign country for Christmas and not knowing he was a prince, until the end of the movie. And throughout the whole thing, the prince ends up falling in love with your writing/baking/(insert profession here)/overall awesomeness and his current snooty girlfriend (who is only in the relationship for the money or title) hates you because he genuinely gives you heart eyes. Then something happens and you get hurt and the prince is the only one who can save you and you fall deeper and madly in love, but you do not want his help because you want to make it on your own as a writer/baker/(insert profession here)/awesome person. but at the end of the movie, the snooty girlfriend reveals her plan and she gets booted and the prince reveals it's been him the whole time and you two fall in love and then spend Christmas skiing on his private mountain.
I did write a Christmas fic last year for @fictive-sl0th Secret Santa event called Mischief and Miracles which is influenced by "The Gift of the Maggi."
And anyone who knows me- knows my favorite trope is an Auction trope. 🫰
Also, may I recommend Netflix's Dash and Lily for your holiday viewing pleasure. It has everything! Secret books, romance, mystery, Cinderella-esque vibes.
Does anyone else have a favorite Christmas/Holiday trope?
Tagging people who know/need to see my insanity and how my brain works: @lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @sailorholly @holdmytesseract @liminalpebble @muddyorbs @joyful-enchantress @coldnique @loopsisloops @ladyofthestayingpower @lokiandbuckysdoll @gigglingtiggerv2 @goldencherriess @give-me-a-moose @sarahscribbles @theaudacitytowrite @navybrat817 @mischief2sarawr @michelleleewise @goldencherriess @wheredafandomat @ijuststareatstuffhereok89
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muddyorbsblr · 7 months
Hi, I'm looking for a specific fic and I hoped you and the force of SAS could help if it's not too much to ask? It's Loki x reader (hydra experimented on reader and tried to destroy her soulmate bond, soulmates feel each other's pain) reader is platonic soulmates with Bucky because they get each other (past with hydra) but then Loki feels her pain and makes the connection. It's a sweet fic about the three navigating the bond they all share. Please help me if you can ❤
Hi Nonny! Sadly I don't know which fic you're talking about but here's hoping someone from SAS can help us out on this 🫡
SAS, Assemble! There's a story that needs finding 👀
@lokisgoodgirl@lokischambermaid @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @fictive-sl0th @loopsisloops @ladyofthestayingpower @mischief2sarawr @mochie85 @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @coldnique @joyful-enchantress @simplyholl @alexakeyloveloki @acidcasualties @liminalpebble @xorpsbane @gigglingtiggerv2 @littlespaceyelf @give-me-a-moose +++
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thebarefootking · 4 months
I know I just sent you an ask about despe/hiromu, but if you're still taking requests can I get your thoughts on douki too? I too adore this little gremlin man, and I adore the way you write about wrestling.
I have been beating my head against the wall for DAYS, trying to figure out how to answer this ask. I got so stressed out over my own inequality to the task that I had an unsatisfactory dream about meeting Douki (in full ring gear) on public transportation, where we had a painfully awkward and brief social encounter. None of this is your fault, nonny. I appreciate being made to think. Douki is just fucking confusing, I have lots of feelings about him, he's my Favorite of Favorites, and I genuinely just don't know what to write or where to start. I'm going to give it a solid try, though. Please forgive my tardiness, and enjoy these three songs that inevitably give me Douki feels.
----------------------------------- Sometimes in life, there is no sensible avenue to your destination. Sometimes, the most reasonable route between point A and point B is a freefall. Although I am no longer practicing, I spent my entire childhood and youth in an environment that prioritised, over and above everything else, religious faith and the mystical experience thereof. I am also in possession of a brain with both bipolar and adhd. These facts combine to form a person deeply prone to perceiving meaning, intention, and importance in places where others do not -- and, sometimes, to acting impulsively on these perceptions. Is it any surprise that such a person would find resonance in a character like Douki? Douki, who attests that everything has meaning? Douki, who responded to rejection by hauling ass to a different continent, with no prospects, no money, and no ability to speak the local language. Douki, who returned to Japan with the intention of kicking Jun Kasai's ass -- by showing up to a deathmatch entirely unarmed, even his teeth covered by his mask. Douki, with the anger of a martyr and the patience of a thief. Until suddenly... that's not quite right at all. Douki, whose greatest wrestling strength is -- not his unique and experimental moveset, not his stylised presentation, not even his commitment, but -- his absolute gameness. His readiness to, at the drop of a hat (even, I have my suspicions from watching him closely, when he is working injured -- though I wish he had both the ability and willingness to not fucking do that; this Moose's heart can't take that shit), to 'yes-and' the hell out of whatever he is given.
Oh? You beefed it on your finisher? You're gonna do something batshit off the top rope to distract everyone? Sure, I'll catch you with my smaller, wobbling, clearly injured body which is currently incapable of performing even my most familiar moves with any amount of grace. We'll make it look cool as hell! Nobody will even notice that you botched the most important move of the match -- and if they do, now they can't say a fucking word about it without sounding like an asshole. Oh? My old training buddy from Mexico just returned from his second major injury in three years? He needs to look badass to prove he's recovered and like his old self for now so that people question it less when he gradually changes his style to something that will keep him in the business longer? Bet. We know each other in the ring like butter knows toast. We can both bring it. ... 'Barricade'? What's that? And so on. Every damn time. If you give him something to work with, he will spin it into gold. This has the unfortunate downside of making his matches a little hit-or-miss; if his chemistry with his opponent or partner is bad or if they give him little to work with, he frequently fails to deliver -- creativity and impulsivity are traits of his, but pure initiative in the ring is something he seems to struggle with, at times (though I note he's getting better, and some of this deficit is apparent only, and due to questionable booking). (Jesus, that sentence got away from me.) Of course Douki appeals to me. He has an unassailable faith. Perhaps it's Minoru Suzuki's 'faith in the future' he once ascribed to the man who would become El Desperado -- perhaps something more enigmatic. I have a hard time sussing out exactly what is going on in Douki's head at any given moment, and he often does things that surprise me, in a way that someone like Despe usually does not. (Example: 07/01/2023 in CMLL when Douki let his teammate Zandokan Jr. shake him around by the skull, and his response appeared to be utter delight. What even was that? I think Zando's the best thing since sliced bread, and even I'd probably be pretty damn unsettled if he grabbed me from behind by the cranium and started shaking. And afaik, that was their first time working together. Fucking weird vibes that whole match.) (I need more of that shit, actually.) Douki's a hard read for me in general, so I'm not confident in my assessment, on this one. But it feels like he has faith in the process. Probably not in the future, maybe not in himself, and certainly not in the system. He has faith in the process of life, in the journey, in the getting-there. And that's why there's no one better at throwing himself into a freefall when necessary than Douki. He knows how to build his wings on the way down, and he's done it a thousand times before. (Tbh, I think Hiromu learned more than just the physics of the Douki Bomb from him. I think he might have gleaned enough of the philosophy to greatly ease his path.)
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magdasabs · 1 year
P is easy to spot on the pitch. Her moose running, her whipping platinum blonde hair and she usually stumbles one time per game over her own feet.
one time per game?? be real nonny, maybe one time every ten minutes
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ladylooch · 3 months
There is an old photo of Nico in a purple polo style shirt on his instagram!! Baby Neeks haha but it does look good on him! I think he has also worn purplish suits on him. It definitely suits him. Blue looks great too
Mmmmm giving me an excuse to hit up his Instagram again, okay okay nonnie... please hold.
Lmao okay I found it and we all know what that moose is 💀 He looks about 14 years old in that picture. also did you see the pig nose comment on there.... that person is not wrong... 😂
I love old Instagram photos. Go look at Kevin's "New day, new chance" caption in like four different languages on multiple pictures. DEAD. Jessica is a saint. She dated him then. LMAO 😜
Also, I've decided Nico needs to take more pictures with his brother. PERIOD.
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galaxythreads · 1 year
Hi, I just wanted to let you know, since it seems you need a bit of positivity today. I keep about 10 tabs eternally open on my mobile, of important facts or cool things I want to remember. Your AO3 library is one of those constantly open tabs, always accessible. I've got no idea why, but She's a Terror, We're the Victims is one of my go-to comfort reads. Drawing Keys With Water is so unique and fun to go re-read every few months. Five out of Five is one of my favorite Brodinsons pieces, I love the witchy culture you included that the boys inherited from Frigga, and how even their friends find it a little odd- it's so natural and realistic. MOOSE. MOOOOOOOOOSE. I love it so much I've read it in English and in Russian. I can't wait for more of the Stygian rewrite!
Haha, if you can't tell, I'm a fan of your Loki-centric work, but that's just because I spend too long fawning over Loki to worry as much about the other quality characters of the MCU. But you are easily my favorite author in the MCU fandom. And just because I'm only familiar with that side of your work, doesn't mean that the other sides of it aren't brilliant as well, especially your original work!
You have a really unique and genuine heart that shines through each of your works. You've got an eye for realism, even in vast, campy universes like the MCU, but in a comforting, natural way, not in the grim-dark way that realism is so often portrayed. Every word you write, even the whump and terror fics, still has a pervasive feeling of hope for the characters and the promise that things won't be perfect, but they will be okay. It's just so lovely to read your stuff.
Now go save all of the nice things people have been telling you in a pretty little file, so that when nonnies are being mean you can shove a file full of 'au contraire' facts in their faces.
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🗡️🗡️🗡️ Three daggers! Are you up to the challenge?
Hi, nonny! Thanks for the ask! Get ready for some fun facts!
Fact #1: Moose can dive up to 20 feet underwater in order to grab food, and for this reason one of their major (and only) predators is the Orca.
Fact #2: The "Questing Beast", which was described as having the neck of a snake, the body of a leopard, and the legs of a horse, may have been a poor attempt to describe a giraffe!
Fact #3: There is solid evidence that the reason we say "goodbye" is because a monk several hundred years ago signed a letter as "god b w ye" (god be with ye), and that became a common shorthand, which eventually became misspelled into goodbye.
Experiment Total: 588 words.
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princesstillyenna · 2 years
Hmm. Does Matthew Tkachuk's Daddy issues x Goalie Fetish ÷ Florida = Brian Elliott?
And sadly nonnie you are incorrect. You have paired him with someone who is Daddy for sure, but this pairing is with someone who is Daddy
Another clue, it's someone I've already written about 🙊🙊🙊
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drakxntas · 5 days
Flower crown on the dragon's head 🌸
𝘜𝘯𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘥. ⛓ aye nonny moose
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⸻ "oh, thank you." he may look irritated, but he definitely isn't he loves flowers and definitely doesn't mind crowns made out of them. ⸻
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mochie85 · 2 years
I’m afraid I read everything so far so do you have any suggestions on other thirst stories to bide my time while I’m waiting for more?🥰🥰🥰
😲You've read through...everything? Nonny!! What an honor!
First off, Thank You so much Nonny! You have made my day. You can ask any writer, and most of them will tell you that they are unsure about their work. And that is me 100%. I appreciate your kind words! 😍. Truly.
With that being said...it might not seem like it, but this is actually my third attempt to answer this question. At first, I was going to put my rec and a little blurb down. Then that got too long. So, I decided to just put the blog down and their masterlist, but that got too tedious.
There are just so many, SO MANY, wonderful writers on here that I can't recommend enough.
If anything, I recommend just scrolling through my reposts. I will always reblog something that I think is worthy. You'll probably recognize the same names that I would recommend anyway.
Seriously though, from the bottom of my heart. I want to thank you. Please go binge the other writers on here, you will not be disappointed. They're much more skilled than I am!
With that being said...I will now push you down this rabbit-hole of amazing writers...
@ladylovesloki @springdandelixn @holymultiplefandomsbatman @muddyorbs @holdmytesseract @goldencherriess @fictive-sl0th @xorpsbane @gigglingtigger @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @lokischambermaid @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @michelleleewise @lokisgoodgirl @lokisninerealms @wheredafandomat @lucylaufeyson3 @britishserpent @sarahscribbles @vbecker10 @myoxisbroken @gaitwae @lokiprompts @shiningloki @time-for-a-lullaby @lokis-little-fawn @youlightmeupfinn @angrythingstarlight @giltandgreen @immersed-in-mischief @theaudacitytowrite @lindsey-laufeyson @grufflepuff-writes-stuff @give-me-a-moose
Read them LOVE them and they will be good to you. 😍
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saltiestcoconut · 1 year
What's your battlemorph?
Thanks for the ask nonny! I love how I had to think about it for a bit 😂 gosh I'm so slow good thing I have no shame—
Anyways to answer your question something big and bulky so I can ram my enemies like a moose or an elephant
Or perhaps something graceful but deadly like a leopard
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alexbkrieger13 · 2 years
Nonny, did you forget the matching moose onesies at christmas...
that was so adorable
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yan-jack · 3 years
a/n: hello anon. i have one (1) suspicion on who this is. but thats a water gun /lh these are set in su:f :•)
Yandere! Steven Universe Headcanons
Worshipper Yandere alert! He's so hellbent on convincing you to let him love you- especially if your feelings for him are completely platonic.
Any kind of attention from you is enough to get him going and ready for whatever life has coming for him! But.. that attention being diverted from him so often has a lot more Pink Steven incidents happening.
It's a constant switch from "Please don't look at me!" and "I should be the only one who gets your attention."
He won't kidnap you, but sometimes (read: all the time) he has wonderful, vivid daydreams of keeping you forever- and you liking it. That's only a precious fantasy though.
He'd never hurt you! Or anyone! Ever! But.. he's not too above threatening a couple of Quartzes. Physically. Until they poof.
But when you finally do love him, everything is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows! Until you break his little fantasy of being the only one in your life.
You.. still have friends? While you're with him? No, it's not fair! All of you belongs to him now!
This causes the corrupted Steven attack way earlier than it should have been- not even Garnet could have predicted THIS timeline.
You're afraid of him and it makes everything so so much worse. He's almost too far gone- until you scream at him, "When will you get that I love you, you idiot?!"
You said it! You said you loved him! And he's already back to normal, ready to let you (and the Gems, I guess, but they don't matter) let you love him again!
Until he realizes you meant platonically. Then you have to do it all over again. Until all the thoughts in your brain revlove around Steven. Just the way he likes it!
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tj-crochets · 3 years
What are your favorite things you have made?
Ooooh good question! Off the top of my head, I think the steel dragon (because I learned to knit just to make that pattern and it's awesome), Susan the monster (because she is easily the cuddliest thing I've made), my rainbow sweater and two rainbow blankets (because I really do love rainbows and each of those projects were, at the time I made them, the biggest project I'd ever attempted in that craft). I also really love the Gremoblin (because I love making monsters and he was designed by a committee of preschoolers), and my nonbeenary bee (I've made more bees than anything else and it was the first plushie pattern I designed, and it's a pun!) Going further back to more crochet projects, I love the Winnifred Sanderson I made, the extra fluffy owl and wolf, every singly pun plushie I ever made (there were a lot of them lol), the giant squid, and the spider buddies I also really like all the doll furniture I made
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Prompt: The fact that Buck's horrid excuse for a mom and dad didn't even bother to make him a baby box is enraging. Chris somehow finds out about it, he asks his dad if they can make their own special Bucky Box for him. Eddie shares the idea with the team who are all for it. Buck's birthday is coming up so it would be the perfect surprise. Buck is overwhelmed with love and maybe Maddie might sends a picture of Buck with his special box and his true family. Buckleys can only sit and regret
The 'Buck' Box
They didn't have to.
They wanted to.
*this got a bit angsty sorry
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