#a strange way of showing affection but I think it would be CUTE
morelikeravenbore · 2 days
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🦋 Aurélie Collins
F L U F F Y A L P H A B E T | It's about time I did one of these for my girl. SFW, all fluff.
✨ Read my Sebastian alphabets here [spicy] and here [fluffy].
✨ My Hogwarts Legacy Masterlist.
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
I recently described Aurélie as a "newly adopted cat" and I don't think I'll ever come up with a better way to describe the way she handles affection, lolol. Bit skittish and wary at first, but the more you keep at it, the more she'll start to enjoy it (but she'll pretend she doesn't.)
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Most of Aura's friendships start out with the other person being strangely persistent about befriending her until she eventually comes to accept them being a part of her life, lol. 
She likes to make her friends feel pretty (regardless of their gender). She'll braid/play with their hair, randomly buy them pretty things or expensive clothes, gift them items from her own wardrobe that she doesn't want any more, take them shopping.
She's very distrustful of anyone who shows romantic interest towards her friends and will give them the stink-eye until they prove themselves worthy ("But are you sure you like him?")
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
With Sebastian "Physical Affection" Sallow as her partner, she doesn't have much of a choice, lol. But yes, once the newly adopted cat feels comfortable in her surroundings, it's virtually impossible to pry her away from the warm cozy cuddles.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
She's a Taurus rising homebody who craves stability and love, so she definitely wants to settle down. Her house would be aesthetic af (probably somewhere in the south of France by the ocean), and she'd have a cute little garden and a bunch of smol cute doggos (and eventually some smol cute kiddos). She'd be a total domestic goddess.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Uhh, well, Sebastian is her first and only relationship and they don't technically ever break up but [redacted for possible spoilers aaahaha]
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
She never gave much thought to marriage (or romance in general) until she fell in love with Sebastian, but after that, she knew she'd never love anyone as much as she loves him and honestly gets low-key impatient waiting for him to propose.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
She might have a cute li'l French-girl temper, but she's suuuch a gentle soul underneath it all. She struggles so much with her Ancient Magic because of how destructive it is; the thought of hurting people, whether by accident or otherwise — even if it's to defend herself — is unbearable. If she could rid herself of the power, she would do it without hesitation.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
She'll give hugs if they're needed or meaningful, but she doesn't go around hugging people willy nilly. She's not comfortable with excessive physical contact, but she'll tolerate it if one of her friends is the affectionate sort (ie literally all of them including her bf lolll).
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
HAHAHAaa twenty one chapters deep into Villain and she's not even close to saying it even though she knows it. She tends to show that she loves you through actions.
J= Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
Not reeeeally. If anything, she gets insecure and will genuinely wonder why anyone likes her. She carries a lot of personal guilt over the losses in her life and tends to project those feelings onto the people she loves.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Being kissed in the centre of her forehead is her absolute favourite; it immediately makes her feel calm and loved and protected. Her favourite place to kiss is the underside of Sebastian's jawline since he's so much taller than she is.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
While she's not super clucky and doe-eyed around them, she's surprisingly patient with children. As a mama, she'd be very hands on, teaching them how to garden without magic the way her Papa taught her, playing make-believe and encouraging their creative play.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Aurélie is up and at'em with the sun, fresh as a daisy, probably dragging a grumbling Sebastian out of bed to watch the sunrise, pottering around the garden, baking bread, drinking tea, walking the dogs, going for a swim in the sea aka absolutely thriving.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Night time is when she gets all soft and cuddly, which means good luck having any personal space or getting anything done because Aura is gonna cling. Newly adopted cat, remember? Wants cuddles. Needs belly rubs. Not that Sebastian ever complains about it, only he's had to learn how to read and study with a cute girl climbing all over him and falling asleep in his lap and making his legs numb because he doesn't wanna risk waking her up by moving.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
If she isn't directly asked questions, she won't willingly reveal anything about herself. She's very guarded and prefers to listen than to talk, so if she trusts you enough to tell you her secrets, you best believe you mean a lot to her.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
LOL listen. Bebe isn't known for her patience. She isn't easily angered (contrary to popular belief), but if she believes you've wronged her or behaved unacceptably, she will have no hesitation in letting you know about it — and it will be very French. She may be quiet, but she's certainly not shy.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Since she's the Queen of diverting attention away from herself, she learns a lot about the people she cares about. She's also got a fantastic memory and will likely remember things you mentioned in passing one time several years ago. Also means she'll never forget it if you offend her lol.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Laughter! Sebastian is very good making her laugh when she least suspects it, and it's one of her favourite things about him. Aurélie is very introspective, can get stuck in her own head, and if she's gets onto a rant about something, it's hard for her to stop, so any moment when Sebastian disarms her by making her laugh is a moment she treasures.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Given what she's been through, she is pretty distrusting of new people. If her friend has a new love interest, she'll immediately dislike that person and probably try to convince her friend not to bother lolll. She doesn't give away her love easily and ia very protective of the special few who receive it.
Sebastian is insanely protective of her, of course. It's basically how he courts her HAHA.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
She's like, famous for her gifts. Since her primary love language is gift giving, she pays special attention to all your favourite things and collects little gifts whenever she finds them. Doesn't even need to be a special occasion, either — often times, she'll just gift you something simply because it reminded her of you. It's how she tells you she cares about you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
HAHA listen, she's a perfect angel who's never done a thing wrong in her life HOWEVER she is extremely stubborn, infuriatingly closed off and would rather eat flobberworm fritters every day of her life than ever ask for help. If she isn't being constantly drawn out of her shell, she'll stay in it forever.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
I'm always wary when creating "conventionally beautiful" characters that their looks don't become their entire personality, but if you've read Villain, you'll know that Aurélie doesn't think much about her looks. And that's because, well — she's just naturally beautiful. She doesn't have to think about it. Sure, she likes to look pretty, and she loves beautiful clothes and nice things, but she doesn't actively have to try very hard to achieve it. If anything, her focus is more on how she should "behave" or "present herself". Even in early chapters, Sebastian's descriptions of her physical appearance are always based on how "elegant" she is rather than how pretty she is, because that's what Aura is focused on projecting.
For example, from chapter three:
Finally, when 'Collins, Aurélie' was called to take the stool, the new girl stepped up to the podium with all the grace of a ballerina taking to the stage, her head held high despite the clear look of anxiety on her face. Sebastian rolled his eyes again; she wouldn't last a day in Slytherin - not being as delicate as that — the snake pit would devour her alive.
She definitely has pretty privilege in that people are naturally drawn to helping her, giving her gifts or going out of their way to make her feel comfortable, but she's genuinely pretty clueless of the effect her beauty has on others.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Absolutely. Being so guarded, once she loves you, she won't ever stop. The loss of someone she loves is a pain she'll hold onto forever.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
She thinks butterbeer is the most revolting to ever exist, and the first time she tried it with Sebastian, she accused him of pranking her ("people actually drink this?!")
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
Being unkind to animals, and littering. And in modern au, smoking would be a huge ick.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
She can't sleep without a light on. It's absolutely non-negotiable; if there isn't a light source, she won't fall asleep. Lucky for her, Sebastian is a night owl and is usually awake reading long after she falls asleep, so it works for them.
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pomefioredove · 1 month
summary: booping them + their reactions type of post: headcanons characters: third years additional info: is short, platonic or romantic, reader is gender neutral author's note: this would've been good to post for the tumblr april fool's event but I missed out so you're getting it now instead!
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𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐲 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
hmm... okay!
trey often navigates his interactions with other students based on his interactions with his siblings
there's an order to human behavior, after all
especially with the underclassmen shenanigans (he's really seen it all at this point; don't ask)
none of his siblings, however, have walked up to him unannounced and booped his nose
not yet, at least?
it seems to make you happy though, so he just smiles
half of his job as vice housewarden is "going along with it"
he's pretty used to nonsense
𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝 ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
he's editing something on his phone the first time you try and doesn't even notice it
...and the second time, and the third
it becomes a sort of routine for you
tentatively trying to see how many times you can get away with it before he finally notices and says something
and it only spirals from there, of course
you'll up to him while he's talking to someone else, boop him, and walk away
(much to the other person's confusion)
does he notice? yeah, of course
do you need to know that he notices? ...maybe not
he likes the attention, just let him have this one
𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐫 ⋆˚⸙˖°༄✩⊹
he gnaws your hand off
okay, not really. too messy for him
(and the consequences would be such a headache to deal with...)
but he is all grumpy because you woke him up for that
"What was that supposed to be? -_- Don't do that again,"
rolls over and goes back to sleep
you're lucky he reacted as nonchalantly as he did tbh, lions don't like being pet, and he could've kicked you out of his room in a heartbeat for that
(maybe you get a special pass to be annoying)
note to you: don't do that again
𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭 ˚⊹˚₊🕊 ˚✧ ₊
boops you back right away
does he necessarily know what that means? no, but he'll find out soon enough anyway
and based off your body language and expression it seems like a gesture of affection
...which he's all too happy to return
(he's so excited to be touching you affectionately he could explode)
now every time you see each other you end up going back and forth for hours
"boop!" "boop!" "boop!"
that's one sure way to give Vil a headache
(you may or may not end up temporarily banned from Pomefiore for disturbing the peace)
𝐕𝐢𝐥 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐭 ˚⊹˚₊🕊 ˚✧ ₊
you'd assume he gets annoyed, right?
well, he's a little surprised at first (people just don't go around touching him, after all)
then he just smiles
"Remember what we said about asking before touching, hm?"
you're lucky he thinks you're cute
(if not a little strange)
like, so lucky
congratulations on being the only human on earth who gets away with casually touching his face like that
𝐈𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐝 ₊✩‧₊˚⊹༄˚₊모‧₊
well. what do you expect
his eyes widen and his face (and hair) go pink and he internally freaks out (but externally just stands there)
"Um... What was that for?"
Idia might be a little more familiar with the conventions of a boop than anyone else
it's what you do to adorable little animals, right? like kitties and puppies?
so... why are you doing it to him?
if you say you "just felt like it" he might believe you
if you say it's because you think he's cute he will be avoiding you for the rest of the month
good luck!
𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐮𝐬 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐚 ✩⁺₊°⊹ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ☽。°⊹
has zero clue what you meant by that
but you seem happy with yourself so it couldn't have been a bad thing, right?
"I'm unfamiliar with that gesture. Is that a greeting from your home?"
you explain that it's a sort of affection you show towards cute things
"Oh, well... you're quite brave. I'm honored,"
he's definitely all sunshine and rainbows for the rest of the week
he's all but giggling and kicking his feet back and forth
no one really questions him
and he doesn't really explain
(if Sebek finds out you booped the heir to the throne of Briar Valley as if he were a kitty cat he will gnaw your hand off)
𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐞 ✩⁺₊°⊹ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ☽。°⊹
pleasantly surprised, doesn't even question it
he is adorable, after all, he can't blame you for wanting to be affectionate with him
boops you back, of course
after all, aren't you just the cutest thing too?
if you try to walk away after booping him he will find you to return the favor
will somehow make it a competitive sport
waiting for you around corners, hiding in every nook and cranny so that he might catch you by surprise and boop you
(he is totally keeping count of who's ahead)
it makes the school a warzone for like a solid week before Silver's pleas to "please be normal about the prefect" finally work
(AKA Lilia gets bored of it and finds another way to be close to you)
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cloudcountry · 1 year
hold on hold on i just came to the realization that fish do not sneeze.
imagine how BAMBOOZLED the octatrio would be when they hear you sneeze for the first time??? like human what was that. did you just eject a lung? are you okay??
azul would be immediately concerned, giving you the weirdest look. he hesitantly asks if you're okay, because you seem fine, but you just made the strangest noise he's ever heard and oh, is this a weird land dweller way of showing your affection? because you were pretty cute when you did that. oh, it's not...? well, now he's embarrassed!
jade is fascinated. don't let him find out about that sneezing power or pepper or ANY of that shit. he WILL use it against you. your sneezes are like little treats to this weirdo. he'll even become inclined to test those things on himself, to see just what sneezing feels like. he's genuinely surprised when it isn't painful? and that the face you make in instinctual? land dwellers are so fascinating.
floyd locks onto you. doesn't matter if he was in a mopey mood or pissing off riddle again, his eyes are wide and his pupils are dilated and he's staring at you. it doesn't matter if your sneeze is loud or quiet, he thinks it's so strange and so cute. hey, little shrimpy! what the hell was that and why did it sound so weird?
octatrio finds out what sneezing is real!!
i feel like i need to clarify that i know what sneezing is HELP ME@$@$$@$@?@!#?@!!@!# i just thought it would be a funny post i assure you guys i know people sneeze and that they probably would have been taught about it. this set of headcanons is not supposed to be taken as something that happened in canon, i just wrote it because I thought it would be goofy!!
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koqabear · 9 months
Happy 2k!! I have ot5 request for the mic is yours!
Ot5 reactions to you teasing them the entire day with them getting hard and then you straying away to make em mad? <3
join the 2k event and request something!
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ot5 x fem! reader // wc: 3.1K(...) ; around 500 per member // smut, established relationship, MDNI.
warnings: yj; dry humping, masturbating // sb; dry humping, slightly subby binnie // bg; mean dom! gyu, degrading, unprotected sex, manhandling// th; bratty mc, slight switch tyun // hk; kinda perv!huening, grinding, a bit of subby!hyuka //
notes: ignore the fact that this is well over 2k. my stupid ass doesn’t know how to keep things brief. (i'll try to not let it happen again so don't expect this for every request aldkjh)
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Is a bit oblivious at first, but when he finds out, he’s pissed off. Poor boy was trying to remain innocent and oblivious the whole day, pretending as though the way you sat in his lap and kept getting all touchy wasn’t affecting him. His last straw was feeling the way you kept shifting on top of him, whining innocently that you couldn’t get comfortable while you both pretended that he wasn’t unbelievably hard right now and that you definitely weren’t grinding on him— cute little pussy already soaking wet as you pretend that you aren’t getting needy yourself, huffing petulantly as he tries to ignore the way his cock is slotted perfectly along your entrance. 
“Baby…” he would mutter, more of a warning than you realized as you simply hummed in response, head emerging from where it was tucked in his neck to look at him; you’re trying to hold back a smile at the way he seems tense and flushed, continuing your act as you shift once more— his hands move to grab onto your waist, eager to set a proper pace that he can fuck up into you with, but you’re getting off his lap before he can even process anything, and you’re sending him a pout as you tell him that you think you’ll just go to bed instead. 
He’s stunned for a moment… but then, he just decides to let you go; don’t think it won’t come with repercussions though, because now that he’s seen how far you decided to take this little stunt of yours, he’ll take it even further. Following you into the bedroom after a moment, taking in the way you’re simply laying on the bed and scrolling on your phone casually, glancing at him and making a show of ignoring the very blatant bulge in his sweats.
“Don’t wanna finish what you started?” he would ask, sitting at the edge of the bed and watching the way you continue to ignore him, “Okay then, that’s fine.” 
You don’t really know what he means by that, but his words are a bit ominous as you simply turn your back to him, trying to not give in as you continue to ignore him— after a while, you hear it… it’s subtle at first, the strange yet familiar sounds that have you squeezing your thighs and your body heating up— then, it’s more than obvious, the wet sounds of Yeonjun’s hand going up and down his cock and his exaggerated moans making you bury your face in your pillow, flustered and needy as you realize that he’s teasing you now; moaning your name loudly, his pace quick and cruel as he simply talks to himself— at least that’s what it seems like, but you know damn well he’s just trying to get you to look at him.
“Fuck…” he would coo your name, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was ready to reach out to you any second now— but no, one glance over your shoulder and your eyes are meeting his, left frozen as he simply keeps eye contact with you, his pace quickening and his brows furrowing slightly as he simply nears his orgasm, his sounds dramatic and his abs clenching as he tenses. And like the fool you are, you try to reach out to him, more than willing to help out before he grabs your wrist to stop you, eyes narrowed angrily as he finally cums; you can only whimper quietly as you watch, eyes glossy as you hold back the urge to beg him to touch you— instead, he simply takes a moment to catch his breath, huffing quietly before he tucks himself in; then, he’s leaning over you, placing a soft kiss on your forehead before he’s getting off the bed. 
“Go to sleep, baby,” he says, not bothering to look back as he exits the room, “I’ll be in the living room, I have some work I need to do.”
And if you think this is the end of it, you’re definitely wrong; you can apologize and cry and beg as much as you want, but Yeonjun won’t be touching you for the rest of the night— if he’s feeling really petty, he’ll let it go on for a few days. Anything to make sure you learned your lesson.
You know how weak he gets when he sees you in his clothes. At least, that must be the case, finding you in the kitchen and making dinner while you’re decked in a thin pair of shorts and his oversized hoodie, the sight making his stomach flip. There’s no way you don’t know what you’re doing, acting all affectionate and excited as you run to him, squeezing him in a tight hug as he realizes with wide eyes that you’re not wearing a bra. Gulping slightly at the way you pepper him with kisses, cutely whining that you missed him while you continue to cling to him. 
He tries so hard to keep his composure— really, he does— because the last thing he wants is for you to think he’s nothing more than a pervert, always thinking with his dick when he’s around you. But oh, are you always this touchy with him…? Keeping him close to your side, asking him to taste test stuff for you as you smile at him widely— washing your hands before you go to try the filling you’ve just made for a desert, humming excitedly at how good it tastes— and before Soobin knows it, you’re offering him a taste too, your finger swiping the inside of the bowl before you’re bringing it up to his mouth; doe eyes urging him quietly to taste, pouty lips parting to say “ahh”, as though asking him to do the same. 
He really hopes you don’t take notice of how hard he is right now. Because as his tongue swirls around your finger carefully, watching the way your eyes glaze and your mouth parts slightly, he’s unable to stop his wandering thoughts that ask him if you’re as sweet as the dessert you’re making. But before he can test out his theory, you’re pulling away, mumbling to yourself that your food will burn if you don’t attend to it soon. 
This goes on for longer than Soobin would like; he’s forced to watch as you refuse to address the strong tension in the room, still playful and teasing as you eventually corner him against the cabinets, giving him an excuse that you need to get something behind him as you press against him— his cock is firm against your body, and he fails to suppress the way his breath hitches at the feeling. 
Fuck this. It’s the only thought coursing through Soobin’s mind as he comes up behind you, arms circling your waist and pulling you back into him as he begins grinding into you; poor baby is just so needy, apologizing and whining that he just couldn’t help himself as he ruts his cock against your ass, telling you to keep cooking and just ignore him— like you’ve already been doing. But his breath is hot against your neck and his voice is so whiny as he humps against you, whining filth into your ear until eventually, you’re the one giving in; you’ve never turned the stove and oven off so fast as you practically pounce on Soobin, your plan gone wrong by how needy he is, his hands and lips all over you as he practically overpowers you with his sheer need to fuck you.
Well, looks like dinner will be done a lot later than you expected.
Your first mistake was messing with Beomgyu; your second mistake was thinking you’d actually get away with it. If there’s one thing this man loves more than anything, it’s making sure to put you in your place when you try to act out— so, when you decide to get a little bold today and tease him in public… his mind is already racing with possibilities on how to make you regret it. 
At first, it’s all just mild things; nothing too out of the ordinary, pretending to be oblivious to the lingering touches you’ve left on him as you go shopping, the way you’ve let your kisses go on longer than they should when you’re hidden in between the aisles, tempting him to venture further with the way your fingers tangle themselves in his hair and your body presses against him.
You’re never this bold; which is exactly why he can’t help but be a little surprised when you let it continue the whole day, going through with your teasing even as you sit at a restaurant with Beomgyu’s friends, laughing and talking casually as though you weren’t wearing that one dress that always made Beomgyu unnecessarily horny, and as though you hadn’t showcased the lingerie set you were wearing under to him proudly as you were getting ready, lacy and intricate and beautiful as it stuck to your skin, smiling at him cutely as you asked him if you looked good.
He finds your teasing amusing— even more so when you look at him with innocent eyes and a bright smile, laughing along with whatever his friends were saying as you listened intently to their conversation— but it’s all fun and games until you’ve had a few glasses of wine, tipsy and bold as you begin to get touchy once more, continuing to talk casually as though you aren’t aware of the way your hand is on his inner thigh, his most sensitive area as you massage it gently; thumb caressing the fabric of his pants gently, fingers squeezing him as he jumps so hard his knees knock against the table— and while his friends tease him and the glasses rattle from the impact, Beomgyu sends you a glare so harsh you can’t help but shrink back immediately. 
Poor thing, you don’t even make it out of the car. Beomgyu is fucking you in the backseat of the car parked in the driveway, angry and rough as he scolds you for trying to act out— your dress is tossed over the console and your lingerie is ripped and stained with his cum, going round after round, feeling the way your body becomes sore and weak as he puts you into any position he wants, fucking you with abandon as he degrades you for trying to get bold in front of his friends— he fucks you until you’re a crying, overstimulated and apologetic mess, babbling that you’ll never do it again as he merely laughs at you at curses to shut up and take it; “after all, this is what you wanted, right? To get put in your place?”
And even if you try to deny it and play innocent, you both know the truth— that it’s exactly what you wanted, and that you’ll definitely try it again. 
Ooh. If there’s one thing about this man, it’s that he will hold a grudge. Picks up on what you’re doing immediately— and wills himself to not fall for your tricks. Teasing him in public? He brushes you off like it’s nothing. Getting clingy and touchy with him out of nowhere? Okay, he’ll do the same. Trying to tempt him by wearing close to nothing, or continuing to sport your cute sets of lingerie in front of him? Well, then you don’t mind him walking around shirtless or working out in front of you, right? In the end, you’re scurrying away from him in order to not give in first— because without realizing it, this man turned all this teasing into a fucking competition— and now he’s trying to give you a taste of your own medicine, waiting for you to cave and admit what you’ve been trying (and failing) to do. 
It’s so ridiculous, he makes it go on long after you’ve finally given up; now you’re simply being clingy because you’re needy, all over him to give him a subtle hint that you want nothing more for him to fuck you stupid— but no, Taehyun has yet to hear an apology from you; he refuses to let your teasing slide, refuses to go along with the way you kiss him slowly, attempting to deepen it and let your hands wander under the band of his sweatpants; he’s stopped you every time, giving you an amused look and raising a brow as he simply slips from your grip, giving you a half-hearted excuse that he should get started on dinner, or that he feels tired, or worse, that he told Beomgyu he’d get on a game with him around this time. 
The worst part? You’re just as stubborn as him. You refuse to give him exactly what he wants, which is to bring you to your knees and beg him to stop being a jerk and fuck you already; your stubborn attitudes only leave you pent up and irritated with each other, unable to give up on this silent competition as this tension only grows, worsening until there's no other choice but to let it all… explode.
“What are you doing now,” he would ask you, not bothering to pretend as though he’s been oblivious to your previous attempts to tease as you pull on his chair, rolling him away from his desk and spinning him around— he’s barely given any time to react before you’re kissing him desperately, tugging your shorts off and climbing on his lap as he quickly reciprocates; he’s never felt you get this rough with him before, tugging up his shirt and slipping a hand down the band of his sweats to cup his already hardening cock, the kiss messy and harsh as you bite down on the supple flesh of his lips; your hand goes up to tug off his headset, throwing it back on his desk and pulling him even closer— his game is quickly forgotten as he allows you to take over, already feeling the way your pussy soaks through his sweats as you begin to grind against him. 
And for once, you let yourself scold Taehyun as you ride him, hands tangled in his hair as you take in his eyes gloss and watch you in awe, irritated with the stupid coy smile he sports as he simply keeps his hands on your hips, helping your pace as he bucks up into you ever so often— stupid jerk, you would groan, milking him endlessly as you ignore the way your legs ache after who-knows-how-many rounds, still going as you take out your frustrations on him, you always have to get the upper hand, hmm? Just looove to get competitive?
He lets you get it out of your system quietly— but once you find yourself too tired to continue, he’ll give you a nice reminder on why it’s not a good idea to try to tease him.
This poor boy… will genuinely just not do anything about it. He’s too meek and a severe overthinker, will just believe that you’re not doing any of this on purpose and that he really shouldn’t be looking too much into any of it. Your touchiness, the way you cling to him in public, your hand that somehow continuously finds itself on his thighs, massaging the sore muscles with deft hands as you simply smile at him cutely, ignoring the way he stiffens slightly at the feeling— no, you must not know how weak he gets from your touch, sporting tense smiles and forcing himself to not look at you for too long, because he thinks his thoughts might just stray if he has to take note of your low cut top any longer, or the skirt that is a bit too short as he always finds himself getting a little nervous every time he’s trailing behind you, mentally scolding himself to look at anything but the sway of your hips as you walk.
You must really underestimate the effect you have on him; at least, that’s what he believes, feeling his stomach twist with slight guilt as he has to take a moment to focus on not hardening pathetically at your every action— believing he’s being such a pervert for getting flustered at the way you continue to make eye contact as you lean on the kitchen counter, pretty lips parted and your tongue swirling around the popsicle you were just conveniently craving; feeling his face heat up at the way your tongue runs along it, eager to not let a single drop spill as you let our exaggerated groans of satisfaction.
Meanwhile, you’re simply trying your hardest not to laugh. You don’t think you’ve ever seen your boyfriend so tense before, his cheeks flushed and his lower half glued to the counter, away from your curious eyes that give him a curious look, asking him if he’s alright.
“Yeah,” he would reply, much too quick for it to seem natural, his smile tense as you raise a brow at the sight, “just… a little tired.”
Those words are enough to dig his grave; he’s found himself tangled up in your bed, halfway through a movie he can’t remember the name of as he simply wills himself to calm down— to ignore the way you nuzzle against him, straddling him and whispering softly that you think you’ll just take a nap— and he simply mutters out a soft okay, afraid out of his mind that you’ll feel the way he’s getting hard, (again, it’s been happening all day) tense as always as he simply gulps nervously. 
You’ve done everything to push his limits— so why hasn’t he said anything? The thought is enough to make you laugh, the feeling of your breath on Huening’s neck enough to make him shiver with sensitivity, and he’s unable to realize the way his arms have tightened around you, pulling you flush against his body as his cock begins to rut against your stomach, painfully hard as he tries to search for some relief.
“Huening, y’okay?” the moment you ask him that is the moment he’s falling apart, whining quietly into your skin and apologizing that he’s really not like this— that he doesn’t know what’s gotten into him, completely unaware that you’ve brought him to this point purposefully; poor baby is practically crying the moment you ask quietly if he wants you to take care of him, eyes glossing over the moment you begin to grind slowly against him.  Little did you know that all of that teasing would come with repercussions— because now, Huening is all pent up and needy, and you won’t be leaving the bed until it’s all out of his system; you’ll take it all though, won’t you? Be a good girl for him, okay?
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Lynette, Eula, and Lumine with an s/o whose love language is acts of service, and enjoys cooking/baking for them?
(Genshin Impact) Signs of Love for Lynette, Eula, Lumine, Arlecchino, Chiori, Lisa, Yae, Xianyun, Dehya, and Kokomi
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Lynette prefers this type of love over any kind of flowery words.
After all, with her true profession words mean very little.
How someone acts tells her everything she needs to know.
It especially show in the way S/O cooks their meals.
After coming home from a show, she sees S/O gently smile at her, with a bucket full of shellfish on the table, and a small plate of lemons near it.
She doesn't need to say anything, a small smile from her and her tail swishing faster than usual tells S/O how happy she is.
Having some true peace and quiet with the people she loves nearby is all she could ever want.
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Eula is actually thankful S/O shows affection in a language she can understand: nonverbally.
With a simple hug, she can immediately tell how S/O is feeling with how tightly their arms are wrapped around her.
Eula chuckles, being behind closed doors allowing her more gentle side to come out.
(Eula) "Nice to see you too, S/O."
(S/O) "Dinner's already done, kept it warm for you."
(Eula) "How chivalrous of you."
She teased, before seeing a change of clothes already on the table for her.
This was something she could get used to.
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With all the things Lumine gets up to, having someone just prepare dinner for her while she's away is enough to make her to cry.
With no other obligations than just to come home safe to someone she loves, Lumine completely relaxes around S/O.
(S/O) "Welcome back. Busy day?"
(Lumine) "You already know."
Lumine slumps down on the chair, letting out a dramatic sigh making both of them laugh.
(S/O) "Dinner should be ready in a second, and I got a bath running upstairs."
S/O heard her head lean back into the chair.
(Lumine) "I could kiss you right now."
(S/O) "Do it when you don't stink."
Lumine rolled her eyes, hearing S/O chuckle.
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Arlecchino can easily smell the barbecue coming from the House of the Hearth, as well as the sound of children laughing.
And she knew S/O was in there, keeping them happy.
It was strange, admittedly.
To have someone who genuinely loved her, without knowing entirely what she was actually like.
And instead of showering her with useless words or gifts, S/O let their love show in how they treated her and her children.
It made her quite fond of S/O, and if they were already like this, then she knew she didn't have to say "I love you" to them every day.
(S/O) "Arle, care to join us?"
(Arlecchino) "Of course, have you made sure to make some for yourself?"
(S/O) "Mhm, just didn't want to dig in without you."
A smile finally grows on her lips as she sits down, S/O next to her.
(Arlecchino) "Apologies for keeping you waiting then, Shall we?"
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Chiori's not gonna sugarcoat it: Instant kiss with both her hands behind S/O's head the moment she sees her tools already brought out in the order she likes.
She didn't need S/O to do that, but this was way better than some expensive gift she'll never use or wear.
In fact, S/O made damn sure to never buy her clothes, as that would be the ultimate insult.
Instead, it was everything that could help her, ranging from tailoring tools and new windows.
All with an admittedly very cute smile they wore just for her.
(Chiori) "Hm, you have me head over heels for you, S/O."
She said, with a relatively deadpan voice.
(S/O) "You can barely keep the affection in, dear."
Both of them quietly chuckle as they work on their jobs inside the store.
Other than making her name known across all of Tevyat, she doesn't think she could ask for anything more.
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Lisa's eyes haze over with more love than she thought possible when she realizes that her tea is already on the table.
(Lisa) "Oh, you sure know how to make a woman's heart skip a beat, S/O!"
(S/O) "Well, I learned from the best, right?"
Lisa absolutely adores S/O's love language, seeing as she barely needed to lift a finger.
But that being said, she makes sure to return the favor. It isn't much of a relationship if only one side is putting in this much effort.
Both S/O and Lisa constantly do little things for each other, whether it be work or home related.
The real moment Lisa is ready to just drop down on one knee for marriage is when they already have a hot bath for her the moment she closes up the library.
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Yae gladly takes the sake S/O has prepared for her on the table, making sure to pour them some as well.
(Yae) "Oh, where would I be without you?"
(S/O) "Hm, probably very bored. But still in the same place."
Yae simply chuckles at that, not even bothering to argue.
S/O was certainly interesting in her eyes, as they rarely needed to be told how they could help her out.
She honestly expected their love to be a bit more grandiose instead of something so plain.
And yet she could hardly find room to complain about it. Especially with all the fried tofu they cooked for her.
(Yae) "Remind me to get you something nice for today. Oh, how about a signature from our very own Miss Hina?"
(S/O) "I think I'd prefer my reward not paid with someone's tears, Miko."
(Yae) "Hm, your loss."
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S/O already had Xianyun's heart at the good food, but everything else was a bonus that just kept on adding.
And what better way for One to repay S/O's love than eating every single morsel?
For all their efforts, Xianyun works to invent something special, only for S/O.
(Xianyun) "Hm..."
A single finger brushed the bottom of her chin, lips pursing as she struggled to think what machine they could use.
They already had her cooking tools, and while newer ones could be good, she felt the need to give them something even better.
(S/O) "Something on your mind, Xianyun?"
(Xianyun) "No, One's problem is that nothing is coming to it..."
She wanted to repay her affection in kind since this was her love language as well.
What about a machine that could allow them to fly with her?
...Actually, that'd probably be a bad idea....Or would it?
(Xianyun) sigh "If only you could fly, S/O..."
(S/O) "...?"
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As a mercenary/bodyguard, actions always spoke louder than words to Dehya.
And she'd be damned if S/O didn't show how much they loved her.
Whether it be buying a nice makeup set for her or preparing an entire bag of Candied Ajilenakh Nuts, it never failed to make her cheeks heat up at least a little.
(Dehya) "Thanks, I'll be sure to use it later! Let me know if there's anything you want me to get you as well!"
She had many types of people try to win her love with trying to smoothtalk or bribe her.
But all S/O had to do was pay attention to the little things.
And seeing how they were trying hard to reinforce her makeup case, Dehya already knew her heart belonged to no one else.
(Dehya) "...Is that steel?"
(S/O) "Think that's too much?"
(Dehya) "Hah, just a little!"
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It does not matter how tired Kokomi is, the moment she sees S/O tidying up her bed with a few books already by the nightstand.
Her energy skyrockets back up to full as if she got hit with a power boost.
(Kokomi) "S/O, thank you so much!"
She does feel a little bad for S/O to do so much for her when she's so busy.
But at the same time, it was hard to deny that being pampered like this was greatly relaxing for her.
So much responsibility was thrust upon her, it felt nice to have someone who had no expectations in return to do something just because they wanted to.
In her journal, the energy S/O gives her had at least four digits at any given time.
Of course, she makes sure that they don't ever see that, lest her energy drop to zero by making her want to bury her head inside a pillow.
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'Perfectly Imperfect'
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Clarisse La Rue x Fem!Reader hc's
A/N:Random post I made in class
Some more hc's on how dating Clarisse would be like.
I feel like she would wake up in the morning with this grumpy face but secretly enjoying the warmth of you beside her.
She probably has a low,slightly raspy tone when she wakes up.
I feel like she would insist on being the big spoon but won't admit that she loves it when you wrap your arms around her.
She LOVES stealing your fries when you're not looking and pretending she didn't do it.
I feel like she would have this collection of cheesy romance novels hidden under her bed that she reads when no one's around.
She's totally into cuddles,but she'll 100% deny it.Though secretly she loves a good cuddle session on the down-low.
I feel like she would have this thing where she brushes your hair when you're both chilling by the fire at night.
She would totally surprise you with a homemade weapon and be like, "I made this for you. It's totally not because I was thinking about you or anything."
She LOVES morning kisses & cuddles and all that.Like she'll kiss you and then literally be like, "What? It's not like I care or anything."
I think she would have this tough exterior but secretly get all protective and jealous if someone else looks at you the wrong way.
I feel like she would totally have a stash of heart-shaped candies hidden somewhere and pretend they're not a big deal.
She would fall asleep with her arm draped over you, holding you close like she's protecting you.
She would totally steal your clothes, claiming they smell like victory or some nonsense.Good luck getting your favorite shirt back.
She deff teases you mercilessly, but it's her weird way of showing affection.
I feel like she'd fall asleep with a scowl on her face, but if you watch closely, you'll catch the tiny smiles when she dreams about you.She LOVES pretending she's tough,but she's a total softie on the inside.
She deff takes forever in the morning, hogging the bathroom, but she'll make it up by giving you that smug grin she always has when she finally emerges.She's worth the wait.
I feel like she would totally have a soft spot for animals, especially if they're tough and resilient.She LOVES pretending she's all hardcore,but a cute animal can make her melt.
She deff likes to surprise you with random acts of kindness, like leaving a handmade token of her affection in your bunk. I feel like she would say, "Yeah, I made it.What's it to ya?"
She would totally have a soft spot for stargazing, but she'll grumble about it being a waste of time. She LOVES those quiet moments under the night sky with you.
I also feel like she would have this thing where she grabs your hand in her sleep, like she needs to make sure you're still there. Her hands? Strong and calloused, but strangely comforting. She'd deny it if you pointed it out, though.
A/N:Also,waking up next to her in the morning?expect to find her with a messy bedhead, a fierce scowl, and her hands probably wrapped around you.But deep down, you know she's just as much yours as you are hers.
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myslutwritings · 10 months
Hello could you do uppermoons with a S/O who has anger issues?
ofc! thank you for the requesting:)
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➤ Uppermoons reaction to a S/O who has anger issues
including; Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, Sekido, Karaku, Aizetsu & Urogi
not proof read
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Muzan Kibutsuji
• He believes the way you act is childish whenever you’re angry/upset.
• A little bit hypocritical of him considering he potentially has slight anger issues himself but after all he is a demon so he assumes it’s normal. Doesn’t really think much of it tbh.
• If you’re the type to have frequent outbursts/tantrums when you’re angry i feel like he would just ignore you until you’ve calmed down.
• Not the best at comfort. Affection isn’t his forte.
• Once you’ve calmed down a bit he’d return to comfort you in his own way.
• His way may not be as affectionate but it’s his way of showing you he cares.
• Muzan isn’t a softie (obviously) he’s very intimidating and downright the embodiment of evil so his way of showing affection is not ideal.
• But he cares though (more than you think)
• As your relationship progresses and you open up more about your own mental issues and needs and how you prefer to be cared for whenever you’re having an episode he’ll try to be more understanding!!
• Muzan still isn’t all that used to it but he tries just for you.
• Sometimes finds it amusing when the smallest little things piss you off though..
• He’ll chuckle under his breath at your little childish out bursts which only adds more fuel to the fire.
• Might bring you one of his victims so you can take your anger out on them because he assumes it’ll soothe down your nerves
• He’s never met someone like you and your emotions are pretty powerful. It makes him wonder how powerful you’ll be as a demon if he were to turn you into one. He prefers you as a human though because of the power imbalance.
• Fights may occur frequently between y’all due to you accidentally taking your anger out on him sometimes (god help your poor soul)
• Don’t worry! He won’t kill you.
• Usually he is very calm whenever you’re angry but if you just lash out and take everything out on him he’ll get pissed too.
• Whenever you two are some arguing you guys kind of just forget it ever happened and he just holds you in his arms or makes you sit on his lap to see if that helps you or not.
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• Kokushibo here sorta gives off this semi-calm vibe in my opinion? However, whenever he is angry it’s fucking terrifying.
• Whenever you’re upset he will sit you down so the two of you can discuss it.
• Like Muzan he will probably chuckle if you’re mad over something so tiny.
• However, unlike Muzan he isn’t toxic about it.
• He’s still a demon though so don’t expect it to be perfect.
• If you tell him what’ll make you feel better then he’ll do it in a heartbeat.
• You need a hug? okay! You don’t want to be touched? that’s fine too! he’ll give you the space you need until you’ve calmed down.
• I feel like he is the type to grab you firmly by the shoulders and tell you to calm the fuck down.
• Or maybe he’ll stare at you menacingly until your anger subsides..
• He’s the voice of reason whenever you’re upset over something ridiculous.
• If you’re mad for an entirely different reason (that’s valid in his eyes) is when he’s more caring and affectionate. (then again, in his own way)
• Kokushibo is quiet. He is not all that vocal unless he’s fighting demon slayers but whenever he isn’t on a mission he gives the “quiet kid” vibe.
• Koku embraces you and strokes your hair if you cry when you’re mad.
• If you’re the type to break things whenever you’re mad Kokushibo dislikes that sort of behavior. Isn’t a fan of extreme loud noises. He will get you to stop by manhandling you. Doesn’t usually raise his voice at his precious s/o no matter how mad they are.
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• My fucking god.
• This little shit finds it cute
• Will tease you. (finds your anger issues entertaining)
• Human emotion is just so strange!!
• Fun fact: Douma actually feels emotions around you. However, it’s still somewhat foreign to him and he still has major difficulty understanding human emotions. (please be patient with even tho he is a menace)
• If you talk to him about it more he will surprisingly understand you. This surprises you because he doesn’t understand any of his followers half of the time. (You special frfr)
• Don’t expect the teasing to stop entirely though.
• He thinks mortals are so endearing when they spark with such intense emotions over the stupidest of reasons!
• It doesn’t matter how pissed off you are. This mf will only continue to think it’s adorable and tease you relentlessly which boils your blood to the maximum level..
• Blud DEADASS gets confused when you snap at him for it.
• “Ehh?? why are you mad at me?!” (He’ll whine about it)
• Douma is a complete menace. Knows exactly what he’s doing.
• Once he realizes “Maybe they don’t actually like it when i tease them..” he’ll tone it down a notch.
• Still somewhat teases you though. That isn’t going to go away permanently but he will tone it down only for your sake!
• Similar to Muzan, he will laugh at you when you get mad over something little/stupid.
• And like Kokushibo, also the type to manhandle you if you’re out of control. (Smiles the whole time while handling your feisty ass)
• However, he is still sweet so if you sit down and talk to him then he’ll do anything he can to make you feel better! After all, you’ve always been there for him so he must return the favor!
• Whenever you cry when you’re mad Douma forcibly pulls you onto his lap and peppers your face in kisses.
• If you’re going on a rant about something that made you angry he’ll definitely shut you up by kissing you if he grows bored/tired of listening to you.
• He is a slave for you so he’ll let you take your frustrations out on him (New kink unlocked)
• Always finds your emotions very intriguing. How can a human feel so much?
• If there was a certain someone who triggered your anger issues Douma will just eat them! He won’t let anyone hurt you<33
• Or he’ll maybe let you kill them to help you feel better.
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• Akaza is beyond caring and understanding of your anger issues!
• Akaza is very worried about you! Will want to communicate with you immediately about this.
• He listens to everything you have to say.
• Does get a little taken aback by your outburst though. you’re like a volcano.
• He’ll politely ask to hug you if you’re the type who wants to be touched when you’re angry to help calm you down!
• Offers to give you a massage as well.
• However, if you want space then he’ll gladly give you that as well!
• Will occasionally check up on you, asking you if you need anything.
• Whispers sweet nothings into your ear.
• If you want to break things when you get angry he will find objects for you to take your anger out on.
• If you’re a demon and you get heated he might find it hot when you’re mad. He’ll watch with pride as you fuck the shit up out of one of the demon slayers!
• I feel great pity if anyone caused you to get angry. This man will ANNIHILATE a village worth of people if they’ve hurt you in any way. (He’s super overprotective)
• Overall 10/10 boyfriend! will always be here for you and help you during your episodes:)
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• Like you, he too has a very short temper.
• Okay, i feel like he is definitely the most understanding out of EVERYONE.
• Sekido’s anger issues are SEVERE (just like yours)
• He honestly relates to you.
• Sekido is scary enough but the two of you combined? All hell will break loose.
• The other clones are terrified of you both 😭😭
• And if you’re a demon that’s a whole different story..
• You guys are a power duo and definitely go on killing sprees together whenever y’all’s anger is out of control.
• All though he’s the one who truly understands you he isn’t the type to communicate about it nor provide you with any ideal comfort.
• Sekido’s way of showing affection/comfort is just letting you stay mad until you’ve calmed down or just shit talking with you about whatever made you mad
• He will listen to you and understand. Bro will be mad FOR you in any situation that ticked you off 💀
• It makes HIM even more infuriated whenever someone pissed you off.
• Will kill them INSTANTLY for you and will not give a shit if you protest.
• Y’all scare the shit out of the other clones. (and each other)
• Have i not mentioned the both of you have the strong tendency to take y’all’s anger out on each other?
• It’s crazy.
• The sex is great though so it’s fine! (y’all have hate sex)
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• Like Douma, he’ll tease you relentlessly
• This mf prolly gets horny from seeing how ANGRY his s/o gets.
• He’s honestly surprised at first.. he thought you were innocent.
• Karaku has to deal with Sekido all the time so he isn’t scared of you.
• The only difference is that he finds you cute/hot when you’re mad.
• Bro will probably offer you head to make you feel better. He is the pleasure demon after all so he’ll do anything that’ll pleasure your angry little self!
• Steamy make-out sessions 😍‼️
• The type of mf to fuck the anger outta you probably (Or he’ll let you fuck him)
• He will also tease you and laugh at you though (He is a jerk like that)
• He teases you WAYY more than he does sekido
• He will baby you if you start to cry when you’re angry
• Now, do not be mistaken. Karaku DOES care but his way of providing comfort is rigged with his sadistic personality.
• You remind him a lot of Sekido just less intimidating because you’re his partner.
• Will hype you up if you destroy shit when you’re mad. He can just replace them anyway so it doesn’t matter
• Sometimes doesn’t understand when you only grow more angry with him when he hyped you up or when he teases you. Humans are so funny to him.
• if you were a demon he’d probs get even more turned on if you just slaughtered the hell out of the person who made you angry.
• Karaku will lend you his fan that he uses so you can destroy more things with it while you’re mad!
• Would love, love, LOVE to see you take down anything in existence with his fan.
• He isn’t the best communicator but he’ll hear you out whenever you’re venting.
• He doesn’t have anger issues so he won’t truly understand. But he’ll be there for you so that’s good, right?
• Still capable of sweetly comforting you! He will hug you and pepper your tear-stained face in kisses (Still picks on you though)
• With all that aside, Karaku messes with you still and that’ll never end. Unlike Douma he won’t ever stop teasing you nor level it down a bit despite your protests.
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• This pussy bitch is scared.
• Bro cries because of you
• He strongly dislikes yelling and overly violent behavior. (Is not too fond of loud noises basically)
• He is scared shitless of sekido. so when he founds out you get as angry, if not more angry than sekido himself Aizetsu is going to be petrified at first.
• Aizetsu may be a demon who devours people but out of all of the other clones he’s the most soft.
• He is usually calm, tends to give silent reactions but whenever you’re angry and yelling his mind is at war. He’s scared but also worried for his s/o at the same time.
• On the verge of a panic attack on the days/nights you’re mad.
• Will be scared if you have dramatic outbursts
• The one to watch you silently, on the verge of an anxiety attack as you flip the fuck out over whatever angered you.
• Aizetsu won’t judge you if you’re mad over something small. However, he will definitely be confused though. (Why are you angered by something so meaningless?)
• BUT!! despite your ballistic behavior and immature tantrums you’re still his beloved s/o! Aizestu will still do his all to ensure you’re protected and safe from harms way at ALL costs!!
• Aizetsu probably trembles whenever you scream a bit too loudly (It always surprises him because he never knows what’s going to set you off)
• When he first found out about your anger issues (Which was completely out of the blue because you’ve never told him before) Aizetsu is a tad bit disappointed you never told him prior.
• Eventually he will get used to it (sorta) and as he does he will feel guilty for not comforting you properly in the past.
• Aizetsu will let you lay your head on his lap as you vent/rant about what pissed you off.
• Aizetsu is still fiercely protective of his beloved s/o. Will unalive whoever upset you.
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• You and Urogi are the complete opposite
• He is positive and joyful while you’re negative and cunning.
• Whenever he witnesses you having an episode he will immediately bear hug you.
• Attacks you with kisses and laughs.
• Doesn’t really understand but he will listen to you!
• Like Karaku he will probably tease you only to immediately regret it because you won’t let that slide 💀
• Tries to ask sekido for help or the other clones. (Doesn’t get any)
• He’s not scared of you like Aizetsu because he deals with Sekido’s burning rage on a daily basis
• Urogi tries his hardest to keep his S/O in a positive mindset!
• Not the greatest at advice giving but (kind of) an excellent listener.
• He’s usually very hyperactive and talkative but whenever you need to vent/rant then he’s all ears and won’t interrupt you!
• Will wrap his wings around you in a protective manner if you want to be spooned by him.
• The type of man to take you out whenever you’re upset to get some fresh air.
• Probably will offer you sex to see if that’ll make you feel better 😭
• I feel like Urogi would be clingy so if you ask him for space it’ll be hard for him because he just wants to make sure you’re okay!
• Sometimes he finds it attractive when you’re angry
• a/n: I don’t know what else to put here (LMAO)
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that’s about all! i hope you enjoyed reading<3
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kalims · 11 months
ㅤlikey likey
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premise. certain situations bring out the realization that they like it, and they can't help but appreciate it.
featuring. vice dorm leaders + ruggie
content. gender neutral reader, fluff
note. can we all agree that ruggie is savanaclaws vice dorm leaders at this point
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trey likes it when you accompany him when he's in the kitchen, or anywhere for that matter but he's got a pretty big preference for his favorite place. maybe he thinks it's endearing to witness you acting like a little helper and following him around when he's just lowering the heat on the stove.
but he's used to the kitchen being so empty, with you there. the sound of the ticking oven is overshadowed by your light chatter, he'd thought he would perform better in a quiet environment to focus but turns out his treats come out more delicious than ever with the thought of you.
ruggie likes it when his hand brushes against yours, it's his personal favorite when he takes certain items from you. be it dangling your phone away from you, or a stray donut you just happened to be eating and didn't even think to share with him! :( .
initially he was just stealing stuff from you as a way to mess with you, he thinks it's funny. (it's totally a ruggie love language trust me. he'd never rob someone so obviously.) but now it's just another reason to use so he can cover up the 'I wanna touch you but idk how without getting called out.
jade likes it when you're both up in the mountains scouring for dangerous mushrooms to take home and claim as pets. you're a pretty prominent figure if he's actually telling you that you can't take that one home because it releases a poisonous spore when touched, but he says that there's another way of taking then home..?
especially when you're just crouching down, admiring them (from a distance usually because you've grown a fear from how many times he's warned you about a variety.) you're too immersed in it and jade can't pinpoint whether to be pleased or iffed that your attentions not on him. well it's always a pleasure to see his two favorite things together.
jamil likes it when you see him midst conversation and he sees you visibly brightening up. it doesn't matter if it's in a sense that everyone can tell but to him he can see your energy jolt when your eyes seem to sparkle. even better when you come up with some half-assed excuse to get out of said conversation and instead approach him to start another conversation.
the fact that you'd be so willing to abandon a talk with someone for a talk with him sends his soul ascending to the heavens and doing cartwheels. you're lucky cause he usually avoids talk with other people but he can't seem to make a lie to get out when you're looking a him like that.
rook is an eccentric man so his like for you is a little.. strange? he likes it when you greet him, weirdly simple for someone like rook but wait! he likes it because over time him speaking up from some random place like a tree, or a window doesn't scare the shit out of you as it used to. so to be short you're accustomed to his antics so you just greet him casually.
he always grins brighter when he hears it, his eyes crinkle and he always comes up with the poetic compliments before giving a variety of greetings each time. he doesn't mean to scare someone when he does it, they usually all run away when he wants to talk so you're just so fantastic! <4
ortho likes it when you visit. actually he likes you a lot! you're one of the few people in the entirety of nrc that are 1.) isn't scared of him or 2.) not weirded out. you're just like another big sibling to him! his favorite time of the day is around 8-10 PM because that's when you usually come around for your daily visit to catch up with him, gossip, or whatever. ortho will support you in whatever.
a crime? he expresses concern but is fully willing to aid you with whatever :) (HES SO CUTE.)
lilia likes it when you kiss his nose. he loves any affection you show him at all, kisses on the lips, fingers, temple whatever. he's gonna gobble every single second of it. his personal favorite though? for some reason its the nose. he insists its the inner bat in him, since bats do show affection through rubbing each other's noses together. you aren't one though so a kiss there is probably the closest to that.
plus points if you do it when he just jumpscares you after dropping from the ceiling, hanging upside down in his favorite position while you kiss his nose? oh goodness, he's in heaven! plz don't hold back, kiss him more... if you don't wanna he's gonna trick you either way (with love ofc)
note. HIHIHI sorry this isn't much but I figured I better feed the vice dorm leader stans 😭 not pr its midnight rn hel
Ill just link this tom, I'm gonna sleep 😓
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feyascorner · 5 months
So might have noticed i have read all your fics and I absolutely love them all!
If your open to taking this request for a fic, i would love like 4 times astarion was jealous and 1 time you were! (I dont know if your familiar with the prompt). Tav sleeping with someone before they get together (act 1) he’s catching feelings! After relationship is established: Act 2 Halsin showing his interest (whether its reciprocated is up to you!). Act3 Shar’s caress, the owner talking about Tav’s interest and drow twins!
Finally, Tav being jealous! Astarion fully enjoying it!
Or just anything with jealous astarion i would LIVE for! Love your work either way 😆
also this is not proofread unfortunately, and I'm not 100% if i did this right but we rock and roll!!!1
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As much as Astarion boasts (and resents) his familiarity with seduction, you're an anomaly he's yet to understand despite his centuries of experience.
Never once in his courtship, even when he'd been alive, had he felt so tested that he was jealous, over someone. Not really, anyway. Sure there were bits of bitter feelings here and there, but most were trivial and about something involved in the relationship, not the person themselves.
He's counted four times since the two of you met, where he had to resort to his better judgment to avoid resorting to pettiness. The first one, was out of necessity--so much so that he didn't even realize what it was at first.
He had watched you snuggle up to Shadowheart of all people, just when he thought he'd finally manipulated enough to have you wrapped around his finger. Instead, he had to hear you laugh as you let the cleric lead you to a nearby lake, making him question if somehow, he'd gotten rusty. Especially when the rival in question was clearly too busy having a religious crisis to properly court you. Sure, you technically didn't belong to him, nor did he belong to you at the time, but he went to sleep feeling oddly irritated. He made sure to flirt with you even more, apparently, the next morning.
The second time, he had accepted the strange feeling in his chest whenever he saw you. And Gods he should have done it earlier. He made sure to show plenty of public affection, kissing your cheek or hand randomly as you and your companions explored the shadow-cursed lands. He got a mouthful from Lae'zel a few times, but he couldn't care less. And just when he believed he'd eliminated any potential rivals, the damned druid suggested that you had feelings for him. Here, he felt that same churning feeling he had weeks ago at camp, and found it was one that he didn't long for. He wouldn't have blamed you if you'd considered it--especially since the two of you stopped being physically intimate after his confession. But he could deny how much he hated this feeling. Pretending he hadn't heard, waited for you to approach him that night. When you reassured him you'd said no, he could breathe again.
The last time was weeks later, at Sharess' Caress, where the two of you were approached by the drow twins. And when he'd confessed he wasn't ready to become intimate again, as much as it scared him, you only smiled at him and nodded. That cursed warmth he felt from such a simple act of kindness would follow him to the end of his days. But he hadn't had enough time to revel in it, because the drow twins assured you only you would be enough, even if he wasn't a part of it. The moment you refused, he was already dragging you out of the room, cursing the twins under his breath.
But for the first time, he thinks you're the one experiencing that dreadful feeling of insecurity.
"Your measurements are perfect for this new selection that just came in! Here, let me just check if the rest would fit."
He'd thought little of the harmless touches of the tailor, but as he notices your expression through the reflection of one of the mirrors, he thinks differently. Your lips are pursed, eyes following the tailor's movements like a hawk as you tighten the arms crossed over your chest. Astarion himself is no stranger to touch, especially to innocent ones like this, but if your body language means anything, the sentiments are not mutual.
The tailor reaches up to measure his arm span, inevitably bring their face a little to close to his neck. He just tilts away, nodding mindlessly at what the tailor is saying, but his attention is fully on you. You're fidgeting, and your anxiousness is impossibly obvious to him, but the more mischievous part of him stops him from doing anything about it. Instead, he revels in it.
"Did you get my inside leg?" he asks the tailor, grinning widely. "I think you might have to redo it. I was leaning a bit."
The tailor agrees though all he sees is a nod of a head and a voice in his ear going right through the other. He observes as your face falls, and just as the tailor crouches down and leans close, you're immediately across the room at record-speed, hand latching over the tailor's wrist.
Astarion barely manages to hold in his laugh. His smile, however, is another story.
"I'll do it," you mumble to the tailor. They look to you and back up to Astarion before seemingly realizing what's going on, nodding.
"Very well."
He never thought you could look even more alluring than he already finds you, but the way your jaw clenches and your brows furrow makes him think otherwise. You lean down and take the measurements as needed, stomping on his foot in the process.
He snorts.
Once the tailor leaves for the stock room, he finds you sighing. "You did that on purpose."
It's not a question. He laughs, and while he could just apologize, he takes your hand in his, tilting your head with the other so you'd look at him. He might even consider the glare you give him as cute.
"Jealous, are you?"
"What do you think?"
"I was starting to think you weren't capable of jealousy."
"Why not?" you say, feeling his thumb rubs the top of your hand. "I've been plenty jealous before."
At this, he raises a brow. "I'd surely remember that."
"When we first met," you recall. "You flirted with practically everyone in camp. Saying you wanted to drink from Wyll, or something like that."
"You must know that I was--"
"I know what it was," you roll your eyes. "Not at the time though, and I thought you'd lost interest in me."
His jaw falls agape. "You're jesting."
"Why do you think I started flirting with other people? I figured you didn't like me as much as I liked you, so I moved on. Tried, at least."
"Is that what your visits to Shadowheart were?"
You scrunch your nose. "Oh Gods, I forgot about that. I'd rather not remember sleeping with one of my closest friends, thanks."
He can't help the grin stretching on his lips, and you notice, feeling yourself smile with him. "You're enjoying this far too much, Astarion."
"Please, tell me the next time you're jealous, so I'll know to keep an eye on you."
"Don't ask such ridiculous things," you retort, feigning annoyance before lifting his palm to your cheek and pressing a kiss to it. He swears his undead heart might've felt it. And just like that, the tailor returns, and you drop your intertwined hands, and he sees you shoot him a warning glare.
Acknowledging he's had enough fun teasing you today, he shrugs, and when the tailor begins showing him an array of outfits, he's not listening. Instead, he toys with the ring behind his back, making sure to commit your expression to his memory.
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impactedfates · 7 months
Love In Different Shapes - Various HSR Girls x GN! Reader
★ Summary: Your lover loves to show that they love you, however some of their methods to do so, aren't something you'd expect - i.e HSR Girls and their love languages (but it's not your typical love language)
☆ Characters Included (Separate): Jingliu, Topaz, Serval, Qingque, Asta, Tingyun, Kafka
★ Genre/Trope: Romantic + Crack (?)
☆ Warnings: None
★ Extra: Just had random thoughts about HSR characters love language and decided to write about what theirs is in my opinion - just not your typical ones. // Not proof read - we die like Himeko // There's a HSR Boy version as well! Right here.
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Y'know those cats who come to your doorstep and drop a dead bird in front of your door? That's her...but it's an actual person.
As Jingliu is well...dead herself (I think) and I believe currently in the Shackling Prison which probably means very small times where she can see you if she can convince Jing Yuan, the fastest gift she can give you...is well...y e a h.
If you do ask her to stop, she will...not getting rid of people, just bringing you the bleeding results. She'd probably steal something from them as I doubt many people would want business from a criminal/dead person.
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She writes notes and gives you gifts...but she gets Numby to send them to you.
It's not that Topaz is shy about giving you gifts, she's more then happy to give you a kiss on the lips if she wants too, but for some reason. To her, if Numby is the one giving the gifts and letters from her to you. She thinks it's more affectionate.
You don't know why, neither does Numby. But you both find it cute, even so. Getting the little daily visits from number with a letter in it's mouth and the page having a small bite mark from where Numby was nomming on, it's sweet of her. As much as this was of showing affection is strange to you.
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But honestly. Serval gives the vibe to call you up on stage during one of her songs, you have an automatic V.I.P ticket and there's a seat/area dedicated to you, that you are the only one allowed in.
She writes love songs with you in it as well and will announce it during her concerts.
Someone in the crowd: "GET ON WITH IT"
(Dw, she won't do this if you're uncomfortable...she'll still write songs about you though)
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Lazing with you. Qingque shows her love by being lazy around you. Y'know how some animals show that they trust you be like being more near you? (Or something like that)
That's her, having a boss(?) like Fu Xuan who scolds her for slacking and others also doing the some. Her lazing around you is her way of showing she trusts you. It doesn't even matter if you'll tattle. She will laze around you or even WITH you.
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Asta loves giving you gifts!...Like an entire planet-
Her love language is gift giving, but none of her gifts are small. There big in terms of how much it costs her, but it probably won't even make a DENT in her income. Avoid saying what you want, because she will buy it for you, even if it means buying thousands upon thousands.
You may need a special room to put all the gifts she buys you...which she also bought...
Point is, her love language is gift giving...extreme version.
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Ever sob when you find out you don't have enough money for something? Tingyuns got you covered! Every single thing that you need shall be handed to you on a silver platter...in terms of coupons and discounts-
She probably has thousands of coupons saved up that she'll give you, and you always get discounts from her store for just being her lover. Every anniversary she gets you a gift you really want, she's sweet like that...but expect a book full of coupons from shops you frequent.
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Anyways, Kafka loves buying and getting coats as we know. And we also know she buys you a bunch of coats and styles you in all of them. (Separately, don't worry)
She can come home from a mission and have 3 bags full of coats for you to try on.
YOU can come back from a mission and she'll still have bags full of coats.
Your closet is so full of the article of clothing she oh so loves to buy all because she thinks it'll look cute on you...she probably lets you wear some of hers as well if you get far enough in the relationship.
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Hehehe. I spent a good bit rambling with my friend about certain HSR characters "unusual" love language and decided to write one! It's not proof read as most of the time, my rambles aren't proof read. But as always, if I messed some spelling or grammar up. Inform me and I'll fix it :D
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gatitties · 9 months
Hi :D
I was wondering if you would make a tokyo revengers scenarios about bonten Mikey,Koko, Sanzu and Rindou if they had a S/O who showed love through touch? Pretty please!!!
(Ps love ur work <3)
─Bonten!Mikey, Koko, Sanzu & Rindou x reader
─Summary: you are a person of physical touch as a sign of affection, that's all!
─Warnings: slight mention of drugs, maybe a little angst with sanzu¿
aww ty and sure! this is so cute 🫣
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"Not now."
Mikey's firm voice made you step back with a grimace, you had tried to wrap your arms around his waist in an attempt at a hug, but he wasn't such a fan of physical affection, at least not during a meeting with his executives, he would always be more emotional in private.
His eyes glanced at your hunched figure in the side chair. You stopped paying attention to the meeting, doodling on the paper on the table with a pout, Mikey rolled his eyes at your silent complaints, you were a spoiled brat, that's for sure.
You looked up from the paper when you felt a slightly warmer part of your thigh, you exchanged glances with him who had something similar to a hidden smile, his hand rested on you so that you would stop the childish attitude when he couldn't get your hugs now, you settled yourself enough to last another hour listening to the boys even though you had nothing to do with it, you were only there because you were hoping to bury your face in mikey's chest.
"You're too impatient."
"You also get impatient if you don't have your taiyakis when you order them."
You pressed your arms over his abdomen, once out of the public eye you were really clingy considering you couldn't show your affection all the time, Mikey didn't care much, he would let you be on top of him as long as you didn't bother him too much, you usually fall asleep while he finishes some things at his desk and on the nights he can't sleep ─almost all of them─ he caresses your head while you imprison him with your body in a strange hold worthy of wrestling.
He is not a lover of physical contact but at the same time he enjoys it, sometimes he ends up lost in his deepest thoughts, his nightmares, his life decisions, all the shit he has behind him and everything he is doing now, how he came at this point in his life… he always thinks that he should just disappear, erase everything he did or try to change it even though he knows it's too late, but then he feels your arms on his shoulders, your body resting next to his.
"Hey, it's not worth it if I'm the only one who hugs you, you have to do it too!"
His body moved only because you were the one who placed his hands on your waist, he sighed, recognizing your scent as he approached your body, resting his head on the curve of your shoulder, at least, these small moments brought him back to earth, back in your arms, away from all those dark thoughts about his life, whether past or future, he was able to find some comfort in your way of showing affection.
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Kokonoi is a busy man, being in one of the most wanted mafias in Japan also doesn't leave him room for a schedule with many vacations or breaks, but you always seem to know when to show up to be on top of him like a tick, wanting to just stay in touch for pure pleasure and what could he do? Despite not being the most interested in love in a physical way, it wasn't that bad.
"Oh, there you are, I knew you had a break."
"Are you looking at my schedules? That's harassment, honey."
"Oh… then I'll just look for another person to give all my love and affection to since you don't want it."
You smiled shamelessly pretending to be angry at his accusations, Koko denied seeing your silly game, he approached you knowing what you had come to do just now that he had a small pause, when you felt his hands on your shoulders you immediately turned around with the widest smile, crushing him in a hug.
"I've missed you."
"It's only been two hours since the previous break."
"Too much time! You were supposed to have a day off and you promised me we would cuddle all day and do nothing else."
He sighed, knowing that he had promised but that due to some problems he couldn't keep his promise, he patted you as he watched as Mochizuki and Ran approached the room to resume the matter they were handling, a grimace on your face from the sudden lack of contact, you knew that Koko didn't like that honeyed side of him to be seen and you respected it because he had a 'tough guy' image to maintain for Bonten.
It was unusual for you to show your affection when he was with the other executives, but you didn't mind, because when you blended into the busy streets pretending to be normal people with an average life, you could hold his hand again while pressing your palm against his several times like a heart pumping blood, it was your demonstration so that Kokonoi knew that you were there, that you would always be there despite everything, he will respond by tightening his grip a couple of times.
"Welcome back, Koko."
Despite the sleep that creeps through your body, you manage to stay awake until he arrives after a long day. Koko can only smile as he shakes his head when sees that as soon as he opens the door of the house you are waiting for him with open arms waiting for a hug. On the way back, knowing that you are more asleep than awake, he takes the opportunity to take you to bed, letting you hug a pillow with his aroma while he ends the day with a hot shower, lying on the bed immediately, waiting for you to get rid of the pillow to surround him with your arms.
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Sanzu loves every time your skin is in contact with his, every caress, every hug… he doesn't care about the public, they can watch how you like to show your love for him, at the same time he likes to show that no one should get involved with you.
"Sit here."
He will always ask you to sit next to him, you like to have your arms intertwined, your head resting on his shoulder while you both dissociate from the reality in which you are thanks to the mutual touch, while the conversation becomes a dull noise, all the people at the brothel disappeared from your vision and you only focused on your partner.
While you were enjoying just spending time like that with Sanzu, he was on another kind of trip, not especially tranquility, that is, perhaps self-induced tranquility due to the last pill he had taken, at this moment the whole scene was distant, the muffled voices came and went just like his thoughts, but what he liked most was seeing your face deformed due to the optical effect of the drugs and the heat that your body gave off against his.
Of course, you didn't notice his state until you saw that he was laughing a lot as he leaned his head against yours, almost letting his full weight put you in an uncomfortable position. You enjoyed that Sanzu was just as clingy as you, but you wanted him to do it by his own act and not by consuming narcotics.
"Hey, hey, focus, I'm going to take you home and we're going to get you back to normal."
"But I'm normal now, I'm enjoying your company and your hugs!"
His giggle and his grip on you made you frown, as much as you didn't like it you removed his hands from your waist, standing up as you tried to keep his hands from snaking back up your body to trap you in your seat, you had had many arguments with Sanzu because of this, you had tried to get him to leave that world but you were not his psychologist, at least you asked him not to do it when he was with you.
"Come on, let's go, thanks for everything."
You said goodbye to the Haitani brothers, who had been the ones who planned the night in one of their brothels, dragging Sanzu with a frown, he was muttering apologies here and there while trying to kiss you on the cheeks, and no matter how much you loved that loving side, you felt that he was not sincere, you ended up sleeping on the couch, refusing to hug him in that state.
"Honey… love… I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."
And the next morning you woke up with a Sanzu curled up next to you ─almost falling off the couch─ murmuring into your shoulder that he would make up for his mistakes, which usually ends with him spending a day exclusively with you smothering him to death with affection so he'll forget consuming things dangerous to his health again.
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He lives for your displays of affection like a puppy looking for pets, he doesn't care about the people in front of you two, they don't even have to worry that you have your hands on him all the time, and if someone dares to comment that you're too clingy, they will just get a beating afterwards.
"Then we'll do this and…" Takeomi's voice trailed off until he was silent, watching with expressionlessness as Rindou whispered to you "Can you at least pretend to be interested in what we're talking about?"
"I could, but lying is bad Takeomi."
The older one rubbed his temples, not knowing why the hell he was trying that with the youngest of the Haitani, knowing that he wouldn't get his attention now that you were there, he continued with his talk, at least the others were listening, anyway Ran got the information so he can give it to Rin later.
Rindou put his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to his side as your arm went around his back, your head rested on his chest. You sighed dreamily like in a cheesy movie, but you couldn't help it. You loved showing your affection through tact and that Rin didn't find it excessive or annoying simply made you more clingy.
When you can't be in the boring meetings with him, he will be counting the hours he has left until he can see you again, burying his face in your stomach while he hugs you like a child seeking comfort, it is impossible to resist your caresses, your hands. They are warm compared to his which are colder, you already have to endure a lot at work, all you want is to get home where you can have infinite love without interruptions.
"I'm home!"
The smile quickly disappears when there is no answer, you are not home yet and he has to hold on until you return, he settles for lying in your bed and enjoying the smell you left on the pillow, he gets very impatient and moves to the living room where he can see the entrance directly, waiting like a puppy for you to return.
As soon as you walk through the door you already feel Rin's eyes on you, you let out a giggle as you see how his face lights up, despite being tired, you have enough energy to squeeze and lift Rindou in a welcoming hug, he lets you take a shower before you both end up on the couch arguing about what movie to watch, your bodies not separating at any time during that entire time.
"Ugh- hey, I can't feel my arms, can we change positions?"
"But I'm comfortable."
You laugh when you see his expression, since you were practically on top of him, crushing him, changing positions so that you were both comfortable, although the night would surely end with both of you sleeping on the floor.
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buckybarnesb-tch · 19 days
Daemon T. Yandere A-Z
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(I couldn’t resist, I needed to make this, this was one of the most requested things I’ve ever had so I hope that you love it!)
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A stands for AFFECTION: how would they show affection?
•Daemon shows affection through physical touch, he always wants to be touching you in some way whether that’s with his arm around your waist, you sat across his lap (which is a near constant position for him to put you in) or possibly just as simple as holding your hand
B stands for BLOODY: how bloody are they willing to get for their object of obsession?
•As bloody as physically possible!
•Daemon will protect you with everything he has and the idea of getting bloody will not deter him for a moment. You had better hope that blood doesn’t make you sick to see or smell because with how often Daemon believes (true or not) that men are flirting with his Princess, there’s going to be a lot of bloodstains on his clothes…and yours
C stands for CRUELTY: would they ever hurt their object of obsession?
•If you push Daemon too far he can get violent with anyone
•He would never harm you the way he harms other people, however you are in no way exempt from his rage
D stands for DARLING: would they cross their object of obsession’s limits?
•If you try and keep yourself from him then yes, he will absolutely cross any limit he believes he needs to. You are Daemons wife and that means you will perform the duties of a wife as you are meant to as long as you are healthy and strong enough to do so
E stands for EXPOSED: how much do they expose their own feelings to their object of obsession?
•Daemon is actually quite open with you about his feelings in your marital bed, which is really the only place he is willing to talk about anything personal or private
•He actually surprises you a bit with how open he is with you on your wedding night. After your third round he snuggled you to his chest to allow you a break and he began talking, ending up telling you quite a lot about himself for much longer than you expected
F stands for FIGHT: how would they react to their object of obsession fighting back?
•Daemon would find it comical to see his cute little wife fighting back
•He will happily pin you down and fuck the fight right out of you for as long as he needs to
G stands for GAME: do they think this is just a game?
•Daemon does not play games in any facet of his life (unless he’s teasing assholes/idiots like Otto Hightower or Gerold Royce), certainly not in his marriage
H stands for HELL: what would be their object of obsession’s worst experience with them?
•The worst experience you have with Daemon is when you make the mistake of spending the afternoon that he is out for a ride on Caraxes with an old friend that you hadn’t seen in a long time
•That afternoon was spent in the library getting to know each other all over again, however as he walked you back towards your rooms for the evening, you ran into your husband who did not like you in the company of another man
•Daemon, being Daemon, would not listen to reason and that night your husband took you while covered in the blood of your friend, covering you in his warm, sticky blood while his corpse laid 10 feet away from your bed with his eyes open and unseeing
•Strangely enough, Daemon was happy to comfort you from the nightmares that you suffered for months after the incident
I stands for IDEAL: what are their plans for their object of obsession?
•Daemons plan is to breed you full of as many babies as physically possible
•He plans to fill you with an entire litter of Targaryen babies which is why he spends so much time fucking your cunt as full as he possibly can
J stands for JEALOUSY: how they react when jealous? Do they get jealous?
•110% he does!
•You learned on your wedding day that Daemon was a jealous man when you made the mistake of accepting the proposal to dance from a Lannister
•Growing up your mother always taught you to never turn down a request to dance but as you stood behind your husband while he was crouched over the Lion bashing his head in with a wine goblet from the Kings table, you quickly learned that your husband did not want other men to touch you in any way whatsoever
K stands for KINDNESS: how they act around their object of obsession?
•Daemon is a sweet, loving man…to you and you alone
•No one else should or does expect that kind of treatment from Daemon. The only other people you have hope for are your children since the second you became pregnant Daemon was somehow even more protective of you
•He spends hours every day touching and rubbing your belly, talking to the babies at night in your bed after he has finished fucking you for the evening
•’I want to be sure that they know who I am when they’re born. They’ll know you, you’re their mother but should they not like me I do not know what I would do.’ It was a rare moment of vulnerability that Daemon was showing, something he only did with you.
‘Of course they will know you, my Dragon. You are their father, their protector and they will absolutely adore you!’ You assured him, not liking to see your confident, cocky husband in any kind of self doubting mind set.
‘You always know what to say to calm my nerves…I’m going to keep speaking to them though, just in case.’
L stands for LOVE LETTER: how would they approach their object of obsession?
•You found out about Daemons interest the day that you were told you would be marrying the Targaryen prince
•It had only just been announced that his lady wife had passed tragically in a riding accident and then suddenly your father was telling you that the Prince had all but demanded your hand in marriage and your father had no choice but to say yes (not that he would have said anything else)
M stands for MASK: how different are their public persona from their true selves?
•Daemon isn’t the type of person to hide who he is, what you see is what you get
•He is just as cocky, sarcastic and angry behind closed doors as he is in public when someone upsets him, the only difference is a soft side with his wife and babies where no one else can see
N stands for NAUGHTY: how would they punish their object of obsession?
•If Daemon has to punish you he prefers to lock you in your chambers until you settle down, he doesn’t want to hurt you, but if he has to then you will find it impossible to sit down for a long time
O stands for OPPRESSION: how many rights would they take from their object of obsession?
•You can still do most things, but if you want to go out then you must ask him first
•Being around other men is the only big difference, Daemon doesn’t even want you around your own male family members lest they have an unhealthy obsession with his beautiful wife
P stands for PATIENCE: how patient are they with their object of obsession?
•The man has zero patience and zero chill. None.
Q stands for QUIT: if their object of obsession died or escaped, would they ever be able to move on?
•Died: Daemon would genuinely be torn up about your death and he would have a hard time being close to the child that you brought into the world before dying on the birthing bed
•Escaped: You would never get beyond the front gate and if you did you would be corralled by an angry Blood Worm Dragon blocking your way so escape wasn’t worth the hassle
R stands for REGRET: would they ever regret harming their object of obsession? Would they ever let them go?
•He will never let you go however, every once in a while he will regret harming you when he lets his anger get the best of him, making up for it in his own way by bringing you gifts or taking you for an evening flight (which he knows is your favorite)
S stands for STIGMA: what made their yandere tendencies bloom?
•The moment he saw you he went to the Vale and murdered his wife to ensure no one (the King) could tell him that he could not have you
•He demanded your hand right after and Viserys said he would have to wait at least a week out of respect and to not seem suspicious before he “asked your hand” despite the fact that everyone knew it was no question, you would be his one way or another and the ‘permission’ just determined whether your father needed to die first
T stands for TEARS: how would they react to their object of obsession crying/breaking?
•Daemon hates your tears and when you break down and cry, that is usually the moment he knows that he’s gone too far
•Your husband is the first person to comfort you, especially during your nightmares (that he caused) as he hates seeing you sad or scared
U stands for UNIQUE: something different they would do compared to others yanderes.
•Daemon would often have Caraxes eat whatever man he suspected had an interest in his wife
•He would also leave you with Caraxes when he had business to attend to, knowing Caraxes had taken a liking to you and would viciously protect you (especially when pregnant), the Dragon loving you quite a lot and enjoying the scratches you gave him when he was ordered to protect you. He had killed countless men and women for getting too close while he was on guard (whether they meant you harm or not)
V stands for VICE: what weakness their object of obsession could use against them?
•All you had to do is point and someone is dead
•Also if you want Daemon to be soft and sweet, all you need to do is come up with a ‘reason’ to cry, it was the one thing your husband genuinely could not handle seeing
W stands for WIT’S END: would they hurt their object of obsession?
•Never in any way that would have a lasting impact on you
•Locking you in your chambers wasn’t something that ‘hurt you’ and the only pain Daemon ever caused you physically was when you disobeyed him or questioned/challenged his authority in front of others, and even then it was only blistering your ass (which he would then soothe with creams that he had gotten from the maester once you had truly apologized)
X stands for XOANON: would they worship their object of obsession?
•Daemon is obsessed with you, worship is the word most people would use to describe how he looks at you
•Worship actually didn’t quite capture the true feeling once you had announced your first pregnancy to him and the court, he very nearly fucked you right there in front of the King and the Court, his protective streak instantly growing x10 which no one would have thought possible until they witnessed it
Y stands for YEARN: how long would they pine after their object of obsession before they snap?
•Daemon did not ‘pine’ at all
•The moment he met you he decided that you would be his and since your father was actively looking for a husband for you, he immediately took himself to the Vale and ensured the death of his lady wife Rhea Royce
•The only length of time that he waited was the allotted week that his brother ordered him to wait so that no one would think anything that happened had been Daemons doing, and during that week he had fed 3 different lords to Caraxes for daring to try and court you
Z stands for ZENITH: would they ever break their object of obsession?
•Daemon would not want to break you, he wants you to love him and eventually he does make that happen
•You did try to hold out and not fall for his charm, knowing that everyone around suspected that he had killed his wife to marry you so in a sense once you gave yourself over to the feeling of loving him you did ‘break’ in a way but who wouldn’t when they’re being worshipped and loved by a Targaryen Prince and his giant red dragon?
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Daemon Targaryen Masterlist
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ranhaitanisgf · 5 months
hi! could i request headcanons or oneshot (either is okay) for bonten timeline sanzu haruchiyo with an excitable, extroverted reader? thank you so much, and no worries if not! (+ also your theme still says rqs are closed, but i saw you posted them being open two hrs ago :3)
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pay attention to me!!
synopsis: how would bonten haruchiyo act w/ an excited & extroverted s/o?
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☆ a/n ˎˊ˗ idk if yall can tell but ive never written for mr haru lawl ... also !! i added a little mini oneshot cause i couldn't help myself :3 thank you so much for requesting !! this was so cute to write !! i hope everyone enjoysss xoxo
☆ characters ˎˊ˗ sanzu (akashi) haurchiyo x g/n!reader
☆ wc ˎˊ˗ 2.7k+
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❥ sanzu thinks you’re annoying at first. 
❥ he doesn’t notice at all when you first move into his apartment building; he doesn’t take much care in noticing small things like that if it didn’t relate to bonten. his work and mikey were the only important things to him, so when he hears excited squealing seeping through his walls one day, he thinks that his neighbor has a kid, (which quite frankly annoyed him, but he decided he didn’t care enough to do anything about it). 
❥ there was no estimated time as to when he would get home--ranging anywhere from 6pm to 4am--so it takes at least a month or two for him to meet you officially. coincidentally, he had been going out to grab a drink from the convenience store when you were excitedly jumping around outside your door, a delivery package in your hands. 
“oh! omg, are you sanzu-san?!” “...hah? who’re you?” “oh my gosh, i’ve been knocking on your door everyday for the past month, but you never seemed to be home! i never got to introduce myself to you! i’m (l/n) (y/n)! i moved in not that long ago, so i wanted to get to know my neighbors!”  “‘kay. bye.” 
❥ the only thing he wants to do is get away from you; he doesn’t want to be bothered with civilians, much less someone as annoying as you seemed to be. seriously, why were you talking so loud?!
❥ much to his displeasure, you followed him all the way to the convenience store, talking his ear off about the most meaningless things he’s ever heard of in his life, (how does somebody talking about nothing for so long?!) as he purchases his drinks and walks back to the apartment building. it takes everything in him not to snap at you; if he did, he would probably wake up all the neighbors from raising his voice, which wouldn’t be ideal since this was already his fifth apartment in the last six months. 
❥ he’s unsure how you possibly couldn’t get a hint that he didn’t want to be bothered, especially after he only said a maximum of ten words to you in the whole thirty minutes you were following him around, (are you really that clueless? is this what loneliness does to people?). it does take him by surprise that you aren’t scared of him though; you’d shown absolutely no sign of apprehension despite the scars around his mouth, which he supposes shows a bit of good character from you. not that he really cares. 
❥ he’s more than happy to shut the door on your face when he gets back to his apartment, finally indulging in the peace and quiet of his apartment, (he doesn’t think he’s ever been so happy to hear nothing). right when he’s opening his bottle of sake, he hears squealing through the walls. when you start monologuing about whatever you’d received in the mail, he just decides to quit and go to bed. 
❥ sanzu isn’t sure how, but you have somehow made it your routine to follow him places whenever you ran into him. he also isn’t sure why he continuously allows you to tag along with him, but as long as it doesn’t affect his work, he doesn’t really care. 
❥ you’re always talking about something; the weather, your coworker’s strange behavior the other day, or the stray cat you saw in the alleyway that ran away. there are times when he tunes out your talking and uses it as white noise, but you never seemed to get upset at the fact that he visibly is zoning out. 
❥ after a while, he gets used to your constant presence around him, so much so that he finds it strange to not hear your excited yammering while he’s at work, (although he supposes he wouldn’t want to have that constantly in his ear while he’s doing ‘business’ with someone). 
❥ the one thing that gets the attention of the rest of the bonten executives is when he suddenly stops going to the clubs, leaving whatever work he had there for during the day when it was barren. it was such a drastic change in behavior; sure, sanzu was never the type to be obsessed with the scantily dressed girls in the club, but he was known for taking some home every once in a while. at the very least, he was known for getting various types of substances from sketchy dealers who frequently attended. what’s even stranger to everyone is the fact that he slowly starts to engage in less substances, (though he still does every once in a while) which is what rings the alarm bells. 
“oi, sanzu.” “what do you want, ran? i’m fuckin’ busy.”  “well, it can wait. the fuck’s been up with you lately? you’ve been acting weird as shit.” “so?”  “so, what the hell’s been up with you?” “none of your goddamn business, that’s what.”  “woahh, easy there, man. seriously, somethin’ bothering you?”  “i said it’s nothing, so drop it.”
❥ by the time he realizes what he’s been doing, it’s too late for him. you and your talkative self have wiggled their way into his heart, setting up camp to stay for a while. he had a glimpse of a thought of it when ran was confronting him, but he immediately pushed it out of his mind because how could that possibly be true? 
❥ it can’t be true, even if he unwillingly likes to think about it now. he can’t let himself think about it; you were one of the most strange yet innocent and pure people he’s ever met, so how could he willingly taint you with someone like himself? no, he wouldn’t let it happen.
❥ and just like that, everything seems to be back to normal for him. he goes to the club even more than he did before, and the amount of substances he uses seems to increase exponentially by the week. he begins to sleep on the couch in his dingy office instead of going home so that he doesn’t run into you, only going home for the bare essentials every couple days, (and even then, he leaves after just a few minutes). 
❥ it’s just his luck that he gets out of his car the moment you turn the corner onto the apartment building’s block, seeing him in plain sight as he freezes for a moment. and then he unfreezes because 1.) why is he of all people scared to run into you? he’s a bonten executive, he’s killed people before, so why was his heart beating so fast right now? and 2.) he needs to get away from there. right now. 
“hey!! not so fast, haruchiyo!!” you shout, your steps hastening as you try to catch up with him. sanzu can hear your steps behind him, but his long legs give him the advantage as he quickly ducks into the apartment building, smashing the elevator button and tapping his foot as it decides to be as slow as it possibly can be. 
he lets out a ‘tsk!’ sound when he notices you enter the building, promptly looking away from you and looking cooly at the blinker indicating what level the elevator was on, (can this thing move faster?!). 
“stop ignoring me!! where have you been?!” you questioned, your voice a mix of worry and anger. “i’ve been knocking on your door everyday with no response!! i know you don’t particularly like me, but you’re the only person who doesn’t walk away from me, so could you at least give me a reason that you suddenly started avoiding me?!” 
“...’m not avoiding you.” sanzu doesn’t know what to do right now; he’s never seen you angry like this before. typically, he would care less about the feelings of some random person like you, but for some reason the hurt in your voice makes him unusually unsure of himself. 
you scoffed at his lame excuse, rolling your eyes. 
“look! you’re trying to avoid me right now with elevator! seriously, can you just tell me what i did? i won’t do it again, i swear! just stop avoiding me!” 
“fuck, it’s not you!” sanzu suddenly said, his voice strained. “i’m just busy, okay?! you’re better off being friends with someone else.” 
“but you’re already my friend!! why don’t you want to keep talking to me??” sanzu ignored your words, his gaze staring straight ahead at the doors of the elevator, his stare so intense that you could almost think he was trying to open it telepathically. “hey!! can you just answer the damn question already, haruchiyo?!” 
“why do you need to know so fuckin’ badly?! i just said i’m busy!!” 
“because! i like you!” you yelled, your eyes seeming to get a bit watery. “and i know you don’t like me and that’s fine but i just want to be able to talk to you and see you sometimes, but now you’re always gone and i don’t know when you’re going to come back and it scares me! i just-” 
sanzu cut off your words, promptly stepping in front of you and slipping his hand behind your head, slamming his lips into yours. he’s not even sure himself why he did something stupid like this, especially when the whole reason he was avoiding you was because of his own flaws, but he couldn’t help himself when he heard you being so cute and worried over him, (seriously, how was he supposed to resist something like that?). 
it obviously took you off guard at first, but sanzu made sure you quickly realized what was going on, his mouth desperately pressing against yours. his kiss was rough but passionate, his lips moving quickly against yours as he pulled you closer to him, his other hand sliding around you to rest on the small of your back, (he’s doing it purely out of instinct; he hasn’t really thought about how he had been avoiding you for this very reason). 
a small ding! from the elevator grabs your attention, making you push him off of you as someone comes out from the elevator, glancing at the two of you a bit suspiciously before walking out of the building, leaving both of you in silence. 
“uh…wanna go to the convenience store for snacks…?”
❥ it took a little bit for sanzu to open up to you about anything even a little bit, but once he did, you were able to figure him out pretty quickly, especially when he’d finally decided to be truthful about his actual profession, (bro does not work an office 9-5). due to all of this, it’s easy to tell that sanzu has a lot of issues, but it wasn’t something that you weren’t willing to work through with him!
❥ the two of you are the definition of black cat and golden retriever! you are always excited about everything and are taking him to all the cool and trendy places on dates while he is more quiet, keeping close to your side and watching everything with a careful eye, (especially people he defines as creeps, i.e. people who look at you for more than 0.2 seconds). 
❥ date wise, he is usually following your lead. he doesn’t have the slightest clue about what you think it romantic, so it will usually be you planning outings for the two of you. a lot of times he will complain about being tired and not wanting to go out, but don’t worry, he’s completely lying; he just thinks it’s cute when you whine and pull his arm asking him to come out with you. 
❥ despite the fact that he is not the most romantic guy, he does a lot of romantic things without realizing. he enjoys sending you your favorite flowers when you’re at work or staying at home while he’s at work, sending cute little notes along with them, (well, you think they are pretty cute). 
i think you like these ones. -h be ready by seven. wear something you feel good in. -h sorry i didn’t buy milk. there’s frozen waffles in the freezer. -h
❥ sanzu does a lot of those little things for you too; opening doors for you, pulling chairs out for you, taking things out of your hands when you’re carrying a lot, etc. it doesn’t seem like he’s the type to do things like this, but it’s because he isn’t the type to do it. he only does it for you, and he himself doesn’t even know why he does these things, (he’s head over heels in love with you, but in no universe will he ever actually admit that). 
❥ the most protective over you, and a little possessive too. he doesn’t control everything that you do, but he likes to have a clear-cut plan of everything you do on a normal day so that his mind is put at ease, (also so he can known when something is wrong). he won’t tell you this, but he has someone assigned to keeping an eye on your as you go about your day because he’s extremely paranoid that somebody from an opposing gang will try and come after you. he would prefer if he could by your side himself, but it’s the next best option, (he still sends frequent texts and calls you throughout the day to make sure everything is well). 
❥ the possessive part of him comes out more when he thinks people are hitting on you, (they really are just being nice; he’s just a little bit crazy…he loves you though!!). he doesn’t hesitate to slide his long arms all around you, letting you continue talking while he makes a deadly eye contact with the person, his face twisted in mild disgust as if he were looking down at a cockroach, (he’s mastered this expression somehow). he knows that you enjoy talking with people so he won’t keep you from doing so, but in the process he will make sure that everybody knows you’re his. 
❥ sanzu’s not the most affectionate person there is, but he is affectionate when he wants to be. there are times when he’ll come home and not say a word, just wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his head in the crook of your neck, mumbling something about having a terrible day. really, he just becomes a big baby when he’s like that, laying his lanky limbs all over you and claiming that he’s ‘recharging’. 
❥ it’s hard to label sanzu as an extrovert/introvert, since it can really depend on what mood he’s in and the situation. he’s more of an introvert in public settings with other people, (he doesn’t know how to interact nicely with people he doesn’t know) but when he’s with a majority of people he knows, he turns into more of an extrovert which matches with your energy quite nicely. 
❥ unintentionally, there comes a time when you accidentally get to meet the rest of his coworkers. it happened when they were dropping him back off at home after a night at the club and you’d had to come get him from the car because of how inebriated he was. 
“woah, you’re (y/n), huh?”  “oh, yes! it’s nice to meet you! you all must work with haru, right? please continue to take good care of him! would you like to come inside for a snack or some water?”  “...dude, what the fuck.”  “how the hell did he bag someone like that?!” 
❥ safe to say, they are all extremely shocked, (they never would have thought that someone like sanzu would be dating someone as sweet and talkative as you). the next day when he gets into work, he’s immediately hounded with all types of questions surrounding you and how the two of you started to date. 
“holy shit, is that why you were acting crazy a few months ago?!”  “i wasn’t acting fuckin’ crazy?!” “sanzu, you’re the craziest person here, and you started acting normal!! that was crazy!!” 
❥ after that, he makes sure that his associates never get to see you again, (“hey, bring your pretty lil thing around sometime!”, “i would rather kill you right now.”).
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aphroditelovesu · 5 months
do you have any cute jeong guwon headcanons?
(i'm dying over the little smile he makes when he gets to eat cake)
❝ 👹 — lady l: It's very short, but I hope you like it! And yes, that smile... 👀😧
❝tw: none, just fluff.
❝👹pairing: soft yandere!jeong gu-won x gender neutral!reader.
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Jeong Gu-Won may seem like a cold and insensitive guy/demon and that's true, but only to people he doesn't like or know because to you he's a big softie and totally clingy.
He's completely clingy. He hates it when you have to get out of bed and leave him because he wants to cling to you and never leave your embrace. He definitely tries to convince you not to work/study. He has enough money to support you, so why not cuddle with him?
He loves going out with you, taking you on dates and just being close to you. His smile convinces you easily because of how adorable he looks when he's like that for you.
Gu-Won is always keeping an eye on you, in a friendly way of course. His hard gaze softens and there could even be hearts in his eyes, like an emoji, of how in love he is with you.
He loves to hug you! Lots of hugs, from behind, side and front! Any opportunity he gets to hold you in his arms, he will do so immediately. He also likes to put his head in the crook of your neck and smell you.
Gu-Won is always spoiling you and if you like sweets, especially cake, as much as he does, you can be sure that you will never miss them at home. His smile when he eats cake or when he sees you happy are absolutely adorable.
It may seem controversial, but I think he would want to wear couples' clothes. Maybe something not so in-your-face, but a matching blouse or even matching accessories. Maybe even tattoos. Everything to feel closer to you.
He will definitely give you nicknames, some strange and others more loving. Maybe jagiya or something more sappy, but he likes it, one more way to show his immeasurable affection for you.
Gu-Won gets jealous very easily and will make faces, act like a child. In addition to using his powers against those who made him jealous. It could be something harmless or something more... Definite, but he gets clingier than ever when he's jealous.
He loves you, very much. Jeong Gu-Won never thought that he could love someone so much, that he could let himself be carried away by human feelings, but he did it and he couldn't be happier. Because he met you. You are his and he is yours. Plus, he's adorable, isn't he?
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melon-cream-enmu · 11 months
Cw Female afab reader, being a house wife to human disguised Muzan, trying for a baby, repeated failure to conceive, mentions of possibility to become pregnant, non consensual unknowing partaking in cannibalism, Muzan cooking and feeding you human meat, implied consensual sex
Im not confident in my ability to write smut for intimidating characters so I didn't, this is void of any described sex
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Of all the eons Muzan has been ‘alive’ He’s toyed with people to keep up appearances. He’s been married countless times, killed partners countless times. But out of all of them, he’d say you were his favorite.
Sweet, yet with an attitude, plump, heavy in all the right places. He’d admit he likes your affection. A stay at home wife, you love to dote on him when he’s home, always at strange times due to business and his ‘skin condition’ requiring him to only leave at night. You’d even changed your sleep schedule to better match ‘his’, resting during the day to be up with him during the night. You were so cute, eager to please him, in every way. And you did, you cooked well, you cleaned well, and my, did you perform well in bed.
Such an eager thing, responded so perfectly to his touches, he’s been around a long time and is well experienced, but it’s as if everything he did, you liked. The tears in your eyes, the shine of your lips when he indulges you with kisses, the jiggle and bounce of your flesh. The way you tremble when he fills you so full of cum. He’s been playing a better act than usual, showing he ‘cares’, agreeing that he’d love a family with you, ‘trying’ for a baby. Your pouty face after a while when you’ve shown no signs and been reassured by doctors that nothing is wrong, it just hasn’t ‘stuck’, is truly adorable. Reassuring kisses always brighten your mood.
He’s contemplated turning you in moments where his patience has run dry with his moons and his experiments, sitting with arms crossed and brow knit in thought, but he’s never been too serious. Maybe when he’s ‘done’ with you he’ll try, and if you can’t survive it then it’s no loss to him. But he begins to think how a good human husband would, about ways to ‘improve your fertility’ just to see how you break down when you’re still unsuccessful. Because you will be, he doubts he’ll ever actually succeed in impregnating you, no matter how much you try. The possibility is there of course, but he’s no normal man anymore.
It wouldn’t matter either way. If you succeed, it will only solidify his place for however long he needs, and if not, there’ll be no issue killing you when the time comes. A woman ‘struck with grief at her failure to conceive’, you’ll have killed yourself, and he’ll ‘grieve’ for as short a time as possible and then move on to the next.
His mind rolls back to the hypotheticals of improving your fertility, recalling the medicines humans use, rituals humans perform…foods humans eat. You’d be so appreciative that he went out of his way to research dishes and ingredients to cook it for you. So appreciative you’d no doubt bring him back to your shared bed to try all over again, a thought that makes his eyes close and a puffed, exhaled laugh escape his nose, lips twitching into a smirk.
But his hands tighten into fists in response to the following thought. You’d never know, but he would, and that’s all that mattered. He could taint you, completely without your knowledge. It wouldn’t be hard, disguising human flesh as some other meat for a meal. The thought of your eyes squeezing tight as you squirm where you sit at how ‘tasty’ it is finalizes the decision.
He comes home to see you in a dreary mood. You don’t look up when he enters and you don’t greet him, only humming when he comes close and lays a gentle hand on your head, petting it. “I’m home, my darling.” He says before laying a kiss to the crown of your head, pulling back with a smirk on his lips. “Should I take on dinner tonight?” You look up at him now, a small smile on your face. “If it’s not too much ask…” he strokes your cheek. You’re so warm. He’s eaten countless bodies, warm and cold, but no one’s ever felt as warm as you do. “Of course not.” he withdraws and heads into the kitchen and sets down the wrapped items he'd brought with him.
As he cooks, you go about doing other tasks, leaving the room at some point. It's much preferred. He finally takes out the pound of meat. It looks rough, not properly cut from the body. Which it wasn't, he'd torn it from an unexpected meal earlier in the night. He prepares it and begins cooking it, slightly unsettled as the smell of the delicious blood and flesh soon disappears and aromas of spice and savory flavor takes it's place.
You made your way back into the room just as he was done plating it, and welcomed you to eat it. As you did, you were clear in how much you enjoyed it. Humming and smiling, he smiled at you, though he's almost smirking. You're eating human flesh, and you're too eagerly enjoying how its been prepared to even know. That, and you would never think your husband capable of such a heinous act.
The house was cleaned, you were happily cuddled up in his lap, and the sun had begun rising in the sky, in a few hours you'd grow tired and head to bed. You were quiet as you read, he was hardly aware of what, but it wasn't important as he stroked your side. His hand lowered, to your hip and slowly to your thigh. "I'm glad you let me handle dinner. I wanted to do something special for you, I was worried you'd tell me no." You shift a bit and look up at him, "and what would that be?" His hand moves up your thigh now. "I know it's been hard for you, trying so hard to conceive yet seeing nothing to reward you for all the time you've given, so I looked into some things." You set your book down and adjust yourself, now straddling his lap. He glances down at your body before returning his gaze to your face. "You know food can be used as medicine, yes?" You nod slowly. "Well," His hands stroke your thighs, one soon traveling up to lay on your stomach. "Certain foods are capable of improving a woman's fertility." He hears your breath hitch. "Now, it doesn't guarantee anything, but-" You cut him off with a kiss, something he saw coming. You pepper his lips, cheeks, chin with kisses. He chuckles at you, holding your waist and shifting his head as if moving away from an excited puppy. "Sweetheart I don't want you to get your hopes up."
You kiss him once more. "I won't, I promise." The kisses you give him now are softer, slower, full of love that he can't help but grow excited at. You're loving, treating a good man the way you think he deserves to be treated. You'll only know when it's too late, or maybe you'll never know, the man he truly is.
You start slowly yet eagerly unbuttoning his shirt. "My, we haven't even made it to the bed yet." He teases between your kisses. The way you sink into his lap and rub yourself against him tells him you won't be making it to the bed anytime soon.
He looked down at, you were cuddled up near his side where he sat. Body nude, and though covered in a fine sheen of sweat and sex, you look like the subject of a painting. He almost feels sympathy for you. If it weren't for him, you may have found that painter, been their muse, found a normal life with someone who loved you.
He hands smooths through your hair for a moment before his gaze focuses on your stomach. Maybe he will stick around, try to give you what you want. Though he does hate the sound of a crying, wailing baby...
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erwinsvow · 2 years
𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐤 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫.
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summary: eddie munson is smitten and you're a little clueless.
notes: a little pining, smitten eddie munson to ease the nerves <3 it's just cute fluff. first time ever writing for st so don't laugh at my dialogue. i love eddie that's all.
wc: 2.7k
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Sweet. A word that Eddie Munson thinks is perfectly suited to describe you. 
He starts to notice the little things, things he never cared to pay much attention too before, but now can hardly escape his attention. 
The way Dustin Henderson never shows up to a Hellfire Club meeting without a packed lunch. The way you fit four to five teenagers into your tiny, beaten Ford Fairmont every other weekend, splitting so-called babysitting duty with Steve Harrington. 
He doesn’t miss the way you have a lot of affection—paired with concern—in your eyes when you wave hello to him, and watch the kids head out from the back of your car. Once or twice, you even call to him with a faint ‘Take care of them’  before you drive away. 
Eddie is smitten. It’s not a state that he often finds himself in, since his interaction with people that he could potentially be smitten with is fairly limited. He’s sold to some, sat next to others in classes, but this might just be the first time that he’s smitten. 
The writing love songs, playing guitar outside your window, spending his days and nights with you kind of smitten. 
He’s not used to this, not at all. 
A nagging feeling in the back of his head reminds him continually that if he was going to feel this way about anyone, it shouldn’t be Dustin Shithead Henderson’s older sister—but no, the heart wants what the heart wants. And for the first time in a long, long time, he knows exactly what his heart wants.
He wants mornings where he picks you up, evenings spent listening to the newest Metallica album that he’s trying to learn, and more unforgettable moments where his heart pounds in his chest and his hand twitches with the overwhelming desire to brush your hair behind your ear. Moments like this.
He stands in front of you, the kids disappearing into the background as they chatter amongst themselves. All Eddie can focus on is you, in front of him, looking lovely as always, if not a touch more concerned than usual.
Your eyes look a little tired—like you haven’t been sleeping enough. That’s strange since it’s the summertime and he would expect you to be more rested than usual. You should be well rested and content and happy—tan and maybe a little sunburned on your nose, doing the things you love and not being concerned about the little shithe-Dustin.
Eddie is suddenly so concerned with the idea of you worrying that he forgets to answer the question you’ve asked him, until you repeat it back.
“Eddie?” you ask, with a soft voice that feels hesitant. Almost as if you don’t want to bother him for the answer. “Do you know when you guys will finish today?”
“Oh-uh-” he stumbles over his words. He hasn’t done that in a long time. Damn it. “Not too late, I promise. I know the little shitheads make you come back here to get them.” You smile at that—mission accomplished. “Y’know, I can always drop them off, if you’re busy. With other plans, or something. I don’t mind.” 
He’s lying. He does mind. Actually, it’s a white lie—he minds them, and at the same time, he wants to do anything he can to make your life a little easier.
“Oh, no, I couldn’t ask you to drive all the way there just to drive home again. But thank you,” you say, and he knows your words are genuine. “It’s not like I have anything better to do.”
“Ah, come on. Pretty girl like you? I can’t believe that.” Heat creeps over your face and you have to turn away for a second. Flustered. Another victory.
“No, no, I’m serious. Just me and maybe another rented movie from Family Video since Steve gives us a discount.” There’s a little smile teasing on your lips that Eddie thinks is the most precious thing he’s ever seen. It’s a mix of sincerity and honesty—you’ll be watching a movie tonight, but there’s nothing wrong with that. 
“Sounds like a good time.”
“Really thrilling. I might even go out of my usual genre range tonight.”
“You’d dare to be so bold? I underestimated you, Henderson,” he says, and another laugh from you draws the attention of the other Henderson.
“Eddie! Hey, Eddie! Can you get your grubby paws away from my sister and come help us set up?” Dustin’s voice calls from the doorway. 
Damn kid. 
“Well, duty calls,” Eddie says, taking a step back. You fiddle with your car keys for a moment.
“Yeah, it does. I hope you have fun tonight.” The sincerity in your voice is close to killing him. He’s never felt so much affection for someone over something so little as a sentence uttered in a tone that makes him feel like his heart is being squeezed by a hand inside his chest. “I hope they’re not too much of a bother.”
“Nothing I can’t handle, Henderson. You have fun too, going crazy with your rented movie.”
One last smile and laugh from you before you head back into your car—a third glorious triumph for him today—and you’re taking off, and he’s heading inside. He can’t wait to see you next.
Eddie can’t remember the last time he acted like this—all clammy hands and anxious foot-tapping. He’s waiting at the counter of the Family Video, Steve and Robin discussing something or other in the background. His attention is fixed firmly on the entrance, since according to the two idiots behind the counter, you always come to rent a movie around this time on a Friday night. 
“Come on, you guys, she’s still not here—what if she has a hot date or something, huh? And I’m just the chum waiting here like a-a stalker or something,” he said, meeting Steve’s blank expression. 
“Well, when you put it that way,” Robin said, cocking her head slightly as if deep in thought. 
“What—Robin, you’re not helping, okay? If this doesn’t work, you know he’s gonna come bother us every single Friday night, right?” Steve’s reply is met with a laugh from Robin and a disgruntled look on Eddie’s face.
“Gee, Harrington, thanks a lot. Loving the help here, it’s really great.”
“Listen, Munson, getting a girl is not as hard as you’re making it seem. You just gotta have charm, y’know, be funny. And the hair—that helps a lot. I mean, it’s not exactly on the same level as mine, but it’ll do the trick, probably-”
“Still not helping, Harrington,” Eddie said, shaking his head again. 
How had he ended up here? 
That was right—Dustin not shutting up about Steve’s expert advice on all topics related to women—pursuing them, acquiring them, keeping them. So here he was, seeking that very same advice, until he suddenly had a thought.
“Wait, why are you qualified to give me advice about getting Henderson’s sister when you don’t even have a girl yourself?” 
“Hey!” Steve said sharply—offended at the mere idea of being labeled as such. “I can get a girl, if I wanted—I’m just picky. Robin, back me up here. How many dates have I been on in the last month, huh?”
“Well, how many second dates have you been on in the last month?” Robin replied, absentmindedly organizing a stack of movies.
“Still not helping, Robin, okay? And by the way, Munson, if you don’t believe in the effectiveness of my theory then why are you here wasting a Friday night on trying it, huh?”
Eddie didn’t have an answer to that. Steve’s three part plan consisted of some things that Eddie supposes wouldn’t necessarily hurt his chances with you. The first was accidentally—on purpose—run into somewhere you frequent, where he could strike up a conversation. That was his mission for today.
“Oh-oh, there she is! Eddie, get ready, act natural,” Robin spoke up, directing her attention to you. Eddie scrambled, taking off in the direction his feet led him in. His instinct told him to hide, for some reason, and so he did, behind a purple velvet curtain. He was gone so quick that he didn’t hear Robin and Steve whispering frantically after him—Not there! 
“Hey, Henderson!” he hears Steve call to you. “Whatcha looking for today?” “Hey guys,” you say, and Eddie can almost hear the smile in your voice. “I’m not sure yet, I’m just gonna look around. I’m gonna be crazy, maybe, pick a new genre or something-” and now Eddie’s the one smiling wide, leaning against a shelf. 
He doesn’t realize how he looks until a man walking by shoots him a strange glance. It takes about ten seconds for him to process which part of the Family Video he’s stumbled into—the 18+ section—before he’s running out.
“What the hell, Harrington, I thought this place was a Family Video!”
But Steve’s not in front of him. You are, with a slightly confused and surprised expression gracing your pretty face. The surprise seeps away as you take in that you’ve supposedly coincidentally run into Eddie at the movie store, but the confusion sets in as you notice which section he’s just come from.
“Eddie,” you say, mustering a smile and trying not to laugh.
Eddie nods nervously. This is not what he wanted. 
You hold up the movie in your hands—A Nightmare on Elm Street II—and try your hardest to ignore the blush settling across Eddie’s face.
“I took your advice, I-I’m being a little more spontaneous than usual. Horror is not my usual genre.”
“I’m so proud of you, that-that is really something.” “Oh, I wouldn’t go that far. I’m just grabbing Breakfast Club as a backup incase spontaneity doesn’t work out for me.”
“Can’t go wrong with that,” he says, and suddenly his usual wit and general sentence forming abilities have disappeared. He must have left those behind the curtain in the adult section.
“Well, I’ll see you around, Eddie.”
“Enjoy-enjoy your movie. Movies, I guess.” 
You smile back at him one time before walking towards the desk. Technically, he had talked to you, and you had smiled, so he had partially done what Steve told him to do.
You walk out shortly after, and he turns to see Steve and Robin doubled over with laughter, nearly in tears.
“What the hell am I supposed to do next? How do I ever recover from that whole-” he gestures wildly in the air, “fiasco?”
“You don’t,” Robin says. 
“Thanks, Buckley. Real helpful.”
“It’s time for the second step, Munson, okay, using the resources you have available,” Steve says, tone as if he was directing his lead general in battle.
“What resources?”
“Okay, what does Henderson love?” Eddie stares blankly at him. “Her brother, you idiot. It’s time to make the little shithead do his part—y’know, some payback for free rides and shit.”
“I don’t think Dustin is going to be interested in setting me up with his sister, Steve-”
“No, no, we aren’t gonna tell him. We’re gonna play the kid like a fiddle, okay, he’s not even gonna realize that he’s helping us—”
“Us?” Robin questions, to which Steve stares back at her.
“You, okay. Helping you get the girl and maintaining my reputation, so here’s what we’re gonna do—”
In hindsight, Steve’s plan was a lot simpler than it seemed. For some reason—a reason Eddie could not grasp for the life of him—he could not maintain being a normal person around you. His words got jumbled, his hands got sweaty, and he managed to look like an idiot every time he was within ten feet of you.
The less than foolproof plan involved bringing Eddie to the Henderson household for dinner and using Dustin to sing his praises. Again, in hindsight, Eddie should have known it wouldn’t go as planned.
“Uh, why?” were the exact words Dustin uttered when Eddie asked if he could hang around for dinner. Damned kid.
“So I can, uh, y’know. Spend some more quality time with my favorite freshman. It’ll be fun.”
Dustin stared quizzically at Eddie. 
“Al-right, I guess. I’ll be back.”
Dustin takes off before Eddie can say something—yelling after his mom and you.
Eddie faintly overhears a snippet.
“What do you mean mom’s not here?”
“She went out, so it’s just me and you for dinner. What do you want?”
“Eddie’s staying for dinner too.”
“Oh.” Is that a good or bad ‘oh’? God I hope it’s a good one. “Well, what do you two want to eat then?”
“I don’t know, whatever’s fine, just call us when it’s done—” and before Eddie can pull his ear back from the door that he had pressed up against, Dustin’s back. He stares once again at Eddie.
“What are you doing?” “Me? Nothing. Listen, why don’t we go help your sister make dinner, y’know, so she’s not alone.” “She doesn’t need our help—besides, I thought we had stuff to work on for the campaign-”
“Shouldn’t we help, though?”
“If you want to help, go help, no one’s stopping you—” The attitude on this kid.
And that’s how Eddie ended up in the Henderson kitchen.
He’s pouring pasta into a pot while you cut up something on the counter. The silence is awkward, though not entirely uncomfortable. You both have the bright idea to start a conversation at the same time.
“You really don’t have to help-” meets “So how was your movie?” and you both fall silent.
You let out a laugh. Eddie’s blushing already. He feels his grip on the pasta box slip.
“I just—you don’t have to help with this. Really, it’s no trouble at all.” Your remarks have this quality about them—he believes every word you say, instantly. He doesn’t feel like an intrusion in the slightest. You make him feel like he’s exactly where he should be.
“Oh, well, what kind of a guest would I be if I didn’t try to help. And I mean, with these pasta-boiling skills, it’s a shame to let my craft go to waste.” You laugh again. Music to his ears.
“Unfortunately it’s nothing special when it’s just Dustin and me. I wish he had invited you when we were making something better.” 
“Whaddya mean? This is plenty special. I’m a big fan of-” he picks up the jar of pasta sauce. “Off-label, unnamed red sauce.” Another laugh. Either he’s America’s next big comedian or you might feel about him how he feels about you.
You reach over and take the jar from his hands, fingers brushing for a second. He wishes seconds lasted longer.
“I’m not used to company in the kitchen, okay, usually I’m just making grilled cheese or something.”
“Oh yeah, that kid’s a handful.”
“Yeah but he’s a freshman. Everyone’s like that when they’re fifteen.” A brief pause. “Thank you, by the way.”
Eddie is confused.
“For… what?”
“Y’know. All that stuff with your club and Dusty’s new friends and stuff. I know it wasn’t easy for him. I’m glad he has you as a friend. I think it’s helped a lot more than he lets on. And there’s only so much I can relate too, so, thank you.”
It takes every muscle in Eddie Munson’s body not to kiss you right then and there. 
“Y-yeah. Of course.” 
You smile at him before turning back to your chopping board. 
“The movie was good, by the way. I’m a real risk-taker now.” “Is that so?” Suddenly the food cooking for dinner and Steve’s three-step plan doesn’t matter anymore.
“Yeah, yeah it is.” 
“How would you feel about taking another risk?” He’s turned towards you, facing your back. You keep chopping as you reply.
“I’m not sure I've rebounded from this one yet, it might be a few days to make a full recovery. Why, what do you have in mind-?” you turn, just for a second, to see Eddie. He’s looking at you with big eyes, and a smile that you’re not certain you’ve ever seen on Eddie before.
“Go on a date with me, Henderson.”
You smile brightly at him, almost beaming—mission accomplished—and just as you begin to say yes, another voice interjects.
“Dude, gross. Wait—is this why you wanted to stay for dinner?”
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