#aa dahlia
maglorthecrab · 2 months
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the fey girls
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trlvsn · 1 year
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i started collecting these and it turns out i will need a separate post just for the beanix ones
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Botanic Tournament : Prickly/Stingy Bracket !
Round 2 Poll 1
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Controversial Character Tournament Round 2: Dahlia Hawthorne from Ace Attorney vs Clementine Kesh from Friends at the Table: PARTIZAN
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(remember that these characters are fictional and your fellow tumblr users are real. i will block you if you harass others in the notes, please consider sending your unhinged harassment to my inbox instead)
Propaganda under the cut, may contain spoilers:
Dahlia Hawthorne:
“People hate her bc she manipulated the protagonist and tried to kill the deuteragonist. Her backstory is pretty fucked and involves her dating a 30 year old at age 14. I straddle the line of loving her as an apologist and loving her as an evil villain bc tbh nobody looks at her with the nuance she deserves”
“brain not working well right now but if i don't do it now i'll forget to submit her sorry”
Clementine Kesh:
“She is a princess of space, she is a war criminal, she uses prison labor, she’s space lesbian robot devil’s chosen one, she is a spoiled brat, she is a witch overtaken by russian sage, she has a crush on her tennis partner, they hate each other, she has so many mommy issues, her mother is head of a spy organization.”
“-shitty imperialist that uses other player characters as prison labor -princess of the empire the entire show is about fighting against -even her player thinks she sucks -got pushed off a fort and it was the best moment in the season -despite this she is staunchly beloved by awful woman enjoyers -the robot devil god at the center of the universe was like "nah she's funny" and resurrected her (other best moment of the season) -she's my favorite woman of all time i want to push her down the stairs -people legit stopped listening when she got resurrected -you either love her or hate her and there's not really anything that can change your mind, fandom calls it the "clem yummy" gene (like the opposite of the cilantro soap gene) (the clem yummy gene is mostly just being a lesbian)”
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loaffofbred · 1 year
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sweet and deadly
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austajunk · 1 year
Dahlia Hawthorne with the outfit 2A >:)
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Girlboss walked so all of the others could run. I love her. ❤️
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duskstarshit · 1 year
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I could have made this with Godot? Yeah
Would i want to? No.
Anyway, did you know i headcanon Dahlia as nonbinary? Probabily not. I dont have any reason, one day i just woke up and the idea came and had stay for at least 2 years
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ennaakat · 1 year
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Distant traces of beauty
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amphibimations · 6 months
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(48) some more ace attorney drawings… i am sooo addicted to people telling me how right my opinions on the ace attorney characters are. everyone should keep telling me that all the time. thank you <3
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golden-astrum · 1 year
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he invented bisexuality actually
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trlvsn · 11 months
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so you know how both dahlia and medusa were seen as irredeemable monsters and punished for it and the fact that they were victims first gets largely ignor- whatever. get stoned idiot (id under cut)
@sevenyeargap you were a real one for suggesting butterflies!!!! idek what this would be without them. anyways, the id:
1) a close-up of a digital painting of dahlia hawthorne as medusa, imitating oil paint. dahlia is looking straight with fury in her expression, mouth open in rage, fangs showing. the snakes on her head are red with green spots and shadows. they move in different directions, imitating her hair in the scene from aa3, where she leaves maya's body. her hands are in front of her, slightly clutched in anger, again, like in the aa3 scene. she is wearing her white dress. around her, butterflies of a pale yellow color are flying. two are sitting on snakes peacefully, and one is being eaten by a snake. the painting is done in distinct yellow and green tones, and the background is dark, green and foggy.
in this close-up, we can only see the upper part of the painting: it ends at her wrists.
2) a digital painting of dahlia hawthorne as medusa, imitating oil paint. dahlia is looking straight with fury in her expression, mouth open in rage, fangs showing. the snakes on her head are red with green spots and shadows. they move in different directions, imitating her hair in the scene from aa3, where she leaves maya's body. her hands are in front of her, slightly clutched in anger, again, like in the aa3 scene. she is wearing her white dress. around her, butterflies of a pale yellow color are flying. two are sitting on snakes peacefully, and one is being eaten by a snake. the painting is done in distinct yellow and green tones, and the background is dark, green and foggy.
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Botanic Tournament : Prickly/Stingy Bracket !
Round 1 Poll 2
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anglioby · 4 months
It will never not be funny how aa1 phoenix is like
The most tragic event of my life was when I was 7 and people thought i stole someones pocket money 😭
And in trials and tribulations he is like
Yea so my ex tried to kill me once in collage
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perrigoaway · 2 months
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WILDLY self indulgent actor Feenie art.. I think maybe Ivy University held a musical and Phoenix managed to land Seymour in Little Shop of Horrors because it doesn't get more theatre kid than that
(Also I was just listening to the soundtrack while I drew)
I let Larry be a good friend even though we don't see him in college, he has the spirt okay? I think he probably liked the weird finale LOL
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the gumshoe one isn't me being mean that's actually his name in the french localization
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