#aaron blackwell
stormylewirmy · 3 days
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Better post these now before I forget! Avantasia protag LGBT+ headcanons
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docma-crm · 4 months
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Avantasia protagonists (Gabriel, Scarecrow, Aaron)
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codenamejudas · 1 month
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~~losing my mind over this commission from @docma-crm!!~~
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arcticusluna · 9 days
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Aaron Blackwell
Here's the sketch and the final line art for the drawing
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I drew the sketch for this right before I started the painting part of the Scarecrow drawing I posted a few days ago, though technically I had started planning this one a few days before. I had done a few mini sketches trying to decide on the pose. Here's a bonus doodle from the planning phase.
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After the painting was posted, I started doing the line art/color for this. The line art and some minor shading was done traditionally and the color was done digitally on top of the line art image.
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vanillaarts · 2 months
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I recently learned I’ve been pronouncing avantasia wrong the whole time 😞
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avantasia-protag-au · 2 months
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✨Happy Easter!✨
Have a semi-relevant art for it XD I drew this a few weeks ago, it took 6+ hours ^-^💙✨
Idea was that Tobi uses a LOT of religious imagery/themes in his music (save for Moonglow🤔) so I decided to just do a lil wallpaper thing showcasing that! Cause...it's cool XD💙✨
All 3 albums of course have more examples, but these songs were my favorite visually! ^-^🔥✨
Enjoy, and have a happy Easter weekend!💙✨
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moonflowerentity · 4 months
I just love the idea of Entity being a deep and complex character inside that could for sure unleash the hell, but being absolutely silly when it comes to this new world.
Just... Imagine Entity meeting Aaron:
Aaron: So... You are not a human.
Entity: Correct.
Aaron: *walks with Entity by his side* And you are not from this world.
Entity: Correct again.
Aaron: Perhaps you could help me with the spectres that are haunting me. Maybe you could somehow- *notices Entity no longer walks with him*
Aaron: Entity?
Entity: *kneeling in grass* Oh look, a flower!
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sunsetroseart · 17 hours
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🌈 Happy Pride 🌈
My Pie Eye doodle style returns for my LGBTQ+ headcanons for my version of the Avantasia Protagonists! 🌈
Gabriel: Demiromantic Asexual
Scarecrow: Pansexual and Transgender
Aaron: Bisexual
Enty: Aroace and Agender (Triple A, hehe)
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jarhara · 8 months
Every time I see the thing about Percy becoming a watchmaker if the entire Briarwoods thing never happened, I can't help but think that he'd just have ended up like Aaron Blackwell.
- fancy coat
- pseudo-victorian
- unwillingly and partially unknowingly serving a very powerful, supernatural entity tied to a mechanical device they constantly tinker with, that they didn't even believe to really exist at first
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stormylewirmy · 2 months
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Hey guys did you know that HC Aaron to be part elf and that the elven powers skip a few generations and landed on him which is why he can see ghost (also I am a believer in the Avantasia albums are all connected theory)
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docma-crm · 4 months
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Avantasia art I did back in December (Gaberane & Aaron Blackwell)
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wcwit · 11 months
Unchain the Light - Avantasia
You look above to see inside yourself and find time standing still You see the world in a different light You turn this moment into what you think it ought to be Demystify the dark
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lifestylebysheena · 3 months
Ranking The Love Is Blind Season 6 Reunion Looks - Chelsea, Amy, Jess, B...
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vanillaarts · 5 months
Two versions of the Avantasia protagonists come together
A written piece I did for @avantasia-protag-au a while ago
Gabriel walked through the park, simply listening to the music of the songbirds in the trees. It seemed to be a peaceful day.
He was so, so wrong.
He kept walking when he heard a cry and a thud, as if someone fell to the ground. Immediately turning to the sound, he rushed over to see what it was, hoping to help.
Arriving, he noticed it was a man. He was clearly thinner than a person naturally should be. That confused him.
“Hey, sir! Are you alright?!” He hurried over to the guy, getting up.
“Yeah… I think I’m okay. That was weird…” The man said, sweeping grass and dirt off of his long black jacket, “Thanks.” He turned around, and Gabriel gasped.
This man had button eyes, just like that terrifying horror movie Scarecrow had showed him. Coralline, was it?
Despite then the blue buttons that replaced his eyes, Gabriel could not take his eyes off if the two stitches in the left side of the man’s mouth. They were very loose didn’t come through on the other side, but they were stitches nonetheless.
“You’re staring.” The man said dryly. Gabriel immediately looked to the ground, uncomfortable.
“S- sorry.”
“Eh it’s okay. I don’t blame ya. You’re not the first either.“
Gabriel looked back up at him, awkward. However, the guy seemed pretty patient with Gabriel’s nervousness.
“I have an odd thing to ask.” The guy said, rubbing the back of his neck.
“What is it?”
“Where am I?” The buildings are plain, so it’s not Arcadia at all.”
“You’re in Toront- Wait, did you say ‘Arcadia’?!”
“Yeah..? A city outside Avantasia… great place for musicians-”
“AVANTASIA?!?!” Gabriel yelled, louder than he expected. He covered his mouth.
“You know there?” He asked, quieter this time. He was practically vibrating with excitement.
The man nodded.
“Me and my friends… uhhhhh, could you help me with something?”
“Sure! What is it?”
“Me and three more people came through a portal by accident. Can you help me find them? You can clearly tell I’ve never been here before.”
Gabriel agreed, leading this strange new guy around the area. He felt he could not stop asking questions about the man because he had never met anyone else from that place, aside from himself and Elderane.
Pretty soon…
“CROW!!!” Called an airy voice from behind the two. They turned as another man flew up and tackled Gabriel’s new friend in a big hug.
Gabriel, despite being surprised by the sudden hug, smiled at seeing them happily reunite. However, the name sounded familiar…
“Your names Crow?”
“My names Scarecrow, but I just go by Crow.” He nodded. Gabriel’s eyes widened.
“Who… who are… what? Who are you guys?!” Gabriel asked, eyes widening at the sight of the new person, who had black magic surrounding them, just like Enty.
The two got up, “I’m Crow. This is Moonglow, or Moon.”
“I- I’m… Gabriel.” Gabriel realized what was going on. These guys were not from this world, but perhaps from another.
Aaron would know what to do.
“Can you guys come with me, please?” Gabriel asked, “I know you’re still looking for your friends but I think I know someone who might be able to help you.”
The three came up to the house. Gabriel could tell there were people inside, as all the lights were on and he could hear speaking through the door.
He opened the door.
Inside were five people. He knew, of course, Aaron, Scarecrow, and Enty, but there were two more: and they looked awfully similar to the Aaron he knew and- himself?
“Uhhhh… who are these guys..?” Gabriel asked. Crow and Moon pushed by him into the house, immediately talking to each other, glad they were all alright.
Aaron stepped around the four and brought Gabriel to his friends on the other side of the room.
“So, if these guys are telling us the truth, they are from a different universe. They messed with some portal, accidentally activated it, and then they woke up here.” He said.
“They’re just like us!” Enty smiled.
“Is that supposed to be me?” Scarecrow pointed to Crow, the man Gabriel first ran into.
“Well, yes, but-“
“What is he?!” Scarecrow said, loud enough that the other group heard them. They all stopped talking.
Crow turned around, arms crossed.
“What at am I?! I… “ He stopped, “You know… I’d like to fucking know myself.”
“He didn’t mean it like that.” Aaron said.
“I know he didn’t. It’s just- ugh. He did this to me.” He pointed to Scarecrow, “And you know who he is.”
Scarecrow looked down. In whatever world this guy came from, Mephistopheles turned him into what he was somehow.
They stayed silent for a moment.
“Now what?” Gabriel asked.
“First things first, we need our names sorted out. I don’t know if you guys find it hard to call multiple people by the same name, but I’d like to differentiate between you guys.” The second Aaron said, “You can just call be Blackwell.”
“We have different names, do we have to use nicknames too?” Enty asked, raising his hand.
“No, you can keep your own names.” Gabriel said, “You said your name was Moon, correct?” He Looked to the person who looked like Enty.
They nodded.
“I’ll just be Crow for me, if you don’t mind being Scarecrow.” Crow said. Scarecrow shrugged.
“I guess. Sure. This feels stupid. Why are we doing this again?”
“It’s better than having two Aaron’s, two Gabriel’s, and two Scarecrows.” Aaron said. Scarecrow couldn’t argue with that.
“I would rather be called Gabe than Laymann.” The second Gabriel said, fidgeting with the end of his braid. After those things were sorted out, the living room fell silent for a moment. However, it was quickly broken by a loud growling.
“Sorry…” Moon said, covering his stomach, “I’m hungry.”
“You can come with me to the kitchen. I can get you something to eat.” Aaron waved for him to follow. Moon happily came after him, Enty following, happy to have finally met someone like him.
“Do you want to see my books?” Gabriel asked, trying to make the situation less uncomfortable.
“Sure!” Gabe said, laying his braid over his shoulder.
“May I say that I really like your hair. The braid is very well done.”
“Thank you! My sister did it before I came here.” Gabe smiled. Gabriel paused, thinking about his own sister.
“Hey… are you ok? You spaced out for a moment.” Gabe said, raising an eyebrow.
“I miss my sister…” He sighed. Gabe put an arm over his shoulders.
“Let’s go, we can talk about it alone. I’m you, so I can understand you.”
Gabriel nodded.
“Can I bring Scarecrow? He’s a good friend to me.”
“Of course.”
As the two walked away, Scarecrow followed from behind. He was still stuck on the fact that Gabriel had called him a good friend. He felt good about it, but had a hard time believing it.
After everyone was gone, only Blackwell and Crow were left. Once again, the living room was awkwardly silent. It was broken again, but this time it was by the sound of glass breaking in the kitchen.
“Sorry!” Moon cried. They hurried to the kitchen.
Even if this wasn’t their world, at least they had someone. Someone who could help them and give them a home. At least, until they figured out how to get back to their own world.
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avantasia-protag-au · 3 months
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He's tired
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ruthplaysthesims · 2 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: Choose a sim of your own that you consider your/a fave, then choose one sim from three (or more!) different simblrs, now imagine what those sims would be like in a room together? Who's walking out first? Who's staying the longest? Who would get along? Who wouldn't get along at all? Elaborate as much or as little as you'd like :) (p.s please feel free to share this to others, anon or not, and feel free to use the hashtag " SQOTD "! I love seeing everyone's answers and reading them makes my day ~ 💛 )
My sim of choice (and everyone's fave boi): TYSON BLACKWELL!!
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The other OCS I choose:
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@living-undead's Zaria Dimmer
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@matchalovertrait's Dulce Alegria
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@pralinesims' Aaron <3
Okay the scene:
Tyson walks into the room finding 4 chairs around the table. He just casually takes a seat and begins to wait. Not too long after, Dulce walks in, sees Tyson and hesitantly takes a seat. Tyson, being the friendly lovable man he is will strike up a conversation and Dulce begins to feel at ease. He may or may not mention the fact that he was watching diced junior (*looks at Amy*) and was rooting for Dulce to win.
A few minutes later, Aaron (in all his fabulousness) walks into the room like the sexy mf he is, takes a seat and scans the area, looks at the two, may strike up a conversation (or stay quiet and watch) we do not know.
And then comes Zaria. Girl doesn't even want to be here. She doesn't like the vibes one bit, she loathes just how bubbly Tyson is (wait till she finds out about his career as a secret agent...) Questions why Dulce is here and you'd think Aaron would be the one she gets along with, but nope. She thinks he's too cocky for her taste.
Tyson might stay a little longer, mostly to get to know the people in the room. He gets along really well with Dulce (she's a sweetheart). With Aaron, it's like a mutual respect kinda thing (don't bother him, he won't bother you) However, there is only so much one can take when it comes to Zaria's constant judgement. Aaron respectfully tells her to SHUT THE FUCK UP! Tyson thanks him. She gets angry and walks out.
one down, three left. The three seem to be getting along quite nicely. Dulce is constantly asking for fashion tips from Aaron, and he gladly answers them, making Tyson smile.
Time has passed, and Aaron has to go, leaving the first two that walked in alone. Dulce is happy she met a fashion icon and hopes Zaria is okay. Sure she was a biatch, but giving her a dose of her medecine did not sit right with Dulce (this child is too pure!!)
Tyson, though he disagrees with her, won't say that to her face and just pats her on the head. Dulce receives a message from her mom, who's come to pick her up. She smiles and hugs Tyson, glad to have made his acquaintance and of course encourages him to come visit her family's bakery. Tyson smiles and waves her bye, staying all alone in the room before walking out.
I loved making this!! and i really hope I was accurate with you guys' OCs @pralinesims @matchalovertrait and @living-undead. If not, I'd be more than happy to rewrite it :)
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