#misplaced entity
stormylewirmy · 3 days
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Better post these now before I forget! Avantasia protag LGBT+ headcanons
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docma-crm · 5 days
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Ghost in the Moon
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sunsetroseart · 9 months
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Been in a bit of an emotional slump. So I doodled a bunch of Scarecrow and Enty, because they are my comfort dynamic. 🤣
Also this is me testing out my more cartoon-y “doodle” style.
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enbymetalhead · 2 months
A couple more Avantasia sketches
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Top left - Paranormal entities from A Paranormal Evening With the Moonflower Society
Top Right - Grim Reaper type guy from Ghostlights
Bottom - The Entity, I want feedback on this one, I like my idea but I'm not sure it looks quite right
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bread-and-roses-too · 4 months
The fact that people are claiming "from the river to the sea" is a genocidal phrase while Israel literally gets away with genocide. Unbelievable.
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silversiren1101 · 6 months
All I want for Christmas is to see a better year.
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muu-kun · 2 months
Nyar having stated he can't hear Muu:
The look of horror to take upon itself to wave over Muu as the only solution for that he can come up with is asking this Demon Thing to pick him up:
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Dorian's seventh level Geas was sexy as hell, but what's interesting is that it wasn't really Dorian witnessing his brother's death and going suddenly, uncharacteristically dark. He's kind of always been like this. He's a jovial fellow who enjoys entertaining and telling stories, but he's always had this edge to him where he gets steely if you push him too far.
During the first EXU after he made his deal with her and caught her interest, Lolth began pressuring him to put on the Circlet of Barbed Vision and used a lot of his worst fear and insecurities against him to try and make that happen. It eventually came to a head during the final battle with Myr'atta, Dorian was unconscious and the Spider Queen again began pressuring him to put on the Circlet by saying his faith in his friends was misplaced and a real leader would ensure victory by whatever means necessary. Dorian's response? To tell her to fuck off, and ending the interaction right there.
We got another glimpse of this way back in episode 14 after Cyrus had wandered off during the ball, appearing to be caught up with Emoth Kade who was herself some kind of slime entity such as Dugger (who'd previously murdered Bertrand Bell). Dorian was, understandably, incredibly concerned for Cyrus and during the fight with Lady Emoth he at one point stabbed her and hissed, "Where is my brother?"
Dorian, when under enough pressure and stress, tends towards cold aggression. So it's really no wonder, that after witnessing the death of his brother whom he loves dearly, at the hands of an entity he already has a low opinion of, Dorian's response was to coldly turn towards one the Spider Queen's favourite creatures and cast a Geas to make it "kill [its] mother". Dorian when pushed hard enough pushes back, and by murdering Cyrus the Spider Queen pushed him really fucking far.
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answrs · 2 years
lots of dp posts on my dash making me wanna dig out that DP/MSA crossover that i rewrote in like 2018 (and the original was from like a year before *that*) :')
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"Come get your child." Robin stared incredulously at this...entity? Being? He was a child himself, how could he possibly have a kid of his own.
The creature huffed, seeming very put out by the young vigilantes confusion. "What is there to not understand? Your child has been running wild in the Infinite Realms for a while now. Ever since that portal exploded hes been taking his emotions out on everyone!" The thing said, throwing her hands into the air, "And you!" Robin stepped back a pace or two when he suddenly found a very sharp claw in his face, "I had to do a lot of searching to even find you! What kind of parent are you?!"
"I'm not."
The entity opened and closed its mouth a few times like a fish before suddenly becoming furious, "Its no wonder hes like this when his gardian has so little interest in him! Did you know the other day he plugged a liquor bottle with a cloth and lit it on fire? I don't even know where he got it, but he lit the cloth and yelled something like, "mazzle toff" and threw it at my own adult son!"
"When my little boy burst into flames do you know what he said to me?"
"...no, but I feel like you're going to tell me anyways."
"I'm sorry ma'am I wasn't expecting there to be that much fire."
"That much? So he fully intended to set someone ablaze but the amount of fire is what troubled him?"
"Yes!" She growled, exasperated, "Please come get your child as soon as possible! Hes terrorizing the whole dimension!"
Damian found himself staring at open space the woman had occupied previously before contacting Oracle through the coms, "Did you get all of that?"
It was Grayson that spoke, "Every word."
Aka Danny has a lot of misplaced aggression and kinda terrorizes parts of the GZ. Unfortunately for him hes a clone of one of the bats (weather or not you want it to be Damian, Project R or someone else that hes cloned from is up to you) and they're coming to him to assess if he's an evil clone or mindless or whatever.
Too bad Danny sucks at first impressions.
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stormylewirmy · 3 months
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I did what every fandom needs a Camelldansen gif
Last two are my fav frames
Gabriel and Entity were the hardest to animate
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sunsetroseart · 2 years
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🦋 Welcome to the Shadows 🦋
(Damn that’s embarrassing I forgot to post this here 😅)
A picture in celebration of the release of the new Avantasia album, A Paranormal Evening with the Moonflower Society!
I’ve already listened to the album, and I absolutely love it! My favorite songs on it are Paper Plane, The Wicked Rule the Night, Misplaced Among the Angels, and Arabesque!
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pomrania · 2 months
It's so funny when horror stories describe like demonic possession or alien mind control "you're stuck inside your body and watching it do things you have no control over, and you can't even scream about it!" as if it's some outlandishly impossible nightmare scenario, instead of just executive dysfunction on a bad day.
I mean sure, executive dysfunction doesn't make you commit murder or open a gate to the netherworld, but when they focus on the horror of "not being able to make your body do what you intend to do", instead of "your body is committing actions you find abhorrent, while under the influence of a malicious external entity", that's when you go from "escapist horror" to "mundane horror". Might as well write a horror novel about misplacing important documents right when you need to file your taxes, or estranged family members dying before you can try to mend the relationship, at that point.
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vigil-antes · 1 year
First meetings
Imagine Bruce walking up to Wonder Woman and Superman and being like
"I would like to introduce you to a partner of mine, Red Robin" and gesturing to his side. But because the bat kids like being as uncooperative as possible in any given situation, there's no one next to Batman, which prompts him to pat his legs and sides like a dad who's misplaced his wallet.
After a minute of frantic and yet composed searching, he shoves a hand into his cape and gropes around for a couple seconds until he finally manages to grab onto something.
As he pulls out an entire vigilante out of his costume, Diana and Clark watch on confusedly.
But the vigilante, a young man in a decidedly too tight black and blue suit, doesnt seem to be the right one, because Batman scowls and asks,
"What are you doing in there? And where is your brother?" (At the seeming admission of parentage, Diana lets out a small delighted gasp, and little stars appear in her eyes like in a cartoon)
But the man doesn't answer, instead grinning and shoving a hand back into the cape (seriously, where the hell does it go??) and pulling out the edge of what seems to be another cape.
Batman somehow frowns more, and from where he's holding his presumed son at the scruff, like a particularly unruly kitten, he pulls him further from inside the cape.
The young man in turn pulls another figure from under Batman's arm, this one covered in black from head to toe. They lift a hand to wave at Batman, but the other seems to also be holding onto someone else.
Batman releases the first vigilante on the ground, and takes a hold on the arm the secon figure is holding onto, which after another pull, turns out to be connected to a purple clad girl, the upper part of her face visible under a hood.
"Hey, big guy!" she exclaims with nonchalance like she's not part of the most bizzare display both Clark and Diana have been witness to, and they've both seen a lot of shit.
Batman grunts, and if Batman could sound anything other than mildly annoyed, Diana could swear he sounds downright distressed.
He doesnt answer, instead proceeding to keep pulling masked figures, each one holding onto the next, out of his cape, in a severely messed up imitation of a clown pulling napkins out of his sleeve.
"damn," says the first man, sounding a bit winded from his position under the increasingly tall pile of slumped over vigilantes "its like a clown car in there."
At some point, Batman's finds in his own cape grow more bizzare, including an old man dressed like a stereotipical butler, complete with a steaming teacup in hand, a woman in a wheelchair, and what Clark refuses to believe is a cow with bat-shaped markings over its eyes.
At last, when the room is at least fifteen people (and non-people entities Clark is currently pretending dont exist) fuller he pulls out a young man in red and black, who's furiously tapping away on a tablet.
"There." He sets the boy down next to the amorphous pile on the floor, and his shoulders relax an invisible millimeter.
The boy looks up from his tablet and startles at the sight, like he hadnt noticed the change in settings.
"As i was saying, this is Red Robin, my partner." Batman introduces the boy, acting like the damn cow is not very valiantly trying to eat Diana's lasso of truth.
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yingandzhan · 1 year
Do you know what I find sweet?
We all know WWX protected the burial mounds, that he set corpses around the perimeter to ward people off. Summoning them to growl and possibly throw the person away if they persisted.
JC was granted access to the burial mounds, the corpses left him alone when he walked up to them. So we know WWX must have made sure he had clear passage. Which, obviously turned out to be misplaced trust, but we won't go into that.
I think it's quite obvious he has permitted another person access to his little sanctuary as well. LWJ seems to be able to come and go from the burial mounds without any issues either.
WWX walks down the mountain with LWJ as he's leaving. But nothing is mentioned about them growling at LWJ as he is at the foot of the mountain. As I said earlier the most they will do is growl and possibly throw the person away. But I would have thought he'd have mentioned it to LWJ if he wasn't granted such access also.
People might say that it's because WWX is there with him and walks down the Burial Mounds with him. But personally I think WWX would have mentioned it to LWJ. We've also seen in other instances when he is controlling fierce corpses that are currently attacking people and his allies turn up - he quickly has to make the entities under his control back off. Yet he never does this when LWJ is walking down the mountain.
LWJ is also able to bring WWX back to the burial mounds after he fought against his own sect to protect him without any issues it seems.
WWX thought about LWJ when he was summoning the corpses and (I would assume) setting up the wards to stop people flying in from above.
I'm pretty certain of it!
And I think it's so incredibly cute he included him.
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leidensygdom · 1 year
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Watchers come in a myriad forms, but most are known for a certain degree of body horror. Even when they adopt humanoid forms, most of them still display completely inhuman traits- Spilling eyes from a misplaced, body-wide mouth is not unheard of.
Hello! Today I bring a watcher, the original entities from my campaign! It's been forever since I drew one but I have been facing an art funk of late, and I thought it would be a fun way to get back in track. I hope you enjoy this spooky lady!
Reblogs are always super appreciated!
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