#moonglow entity
vanillaarts · 2 months
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I recently learned I’ve been pronouncing avantasia wrong the whole time 😞
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stormylewirmy · 4 months
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Posting my Avantasia protags designs here since the Avantasia fandom seems to be mostly active here
Uhh hiii hiii I don't have anything noteworthy to say other than Gabriel design is after he enters Avantasia
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avantasia-protag-au · 8 hours
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🌙The Blood Moon is Smiling🌙
Heyo have a Moonglow/Moonflower art! Lil Stained glass window theme piece cause I ADORE stained glass art!💖✨
No plot here, just some Misplaced Entity vibes and Moonglow colors🌙✨✨
Progress under the cut:
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sourcreamuwu · 1 month
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Prompt №2. Made of the void.
Just Entity and the glow of the moon😌
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enbymetalhead · 2 months
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In the sky there's a crack torn open...
I had no idea where I was going with this when I started, I put it in my rough sketchbook rather than my neat one. I just had this line from Raven Child going round in my head, so drew the crack in the middle of the page and went from there. I also decided to use my colouring pencils for the first time in actual years.
I don't know if I'm finished with this, I might come back to it later. I like how it looks but it feels like something is missing. Nevertheless I'm still happy that I could bring the general idea to life, even with my limited skills
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moonflowerentity · 4 months
I just love the idea of Entity being a deep and complex character inside that could for sure unleash the hell, but being absolutely silly when it comes to this new world.
Just... Imagine Entity meeting Aaron:
Aaron: So... You are not a human.
Entity: Correct.
Aaron: *walks with Entity by his side* And you are not from this world.
Entity: Correct again.
Aaron: Perhaps you could help me with the spectres that are haunting me. Maybe you could somehow- *notices Entity no longer walks with him*
Aaron: Entity?
Entity: *kneeling in grass* Oh look, a flower!
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severalpossiblemusiks · 2 months
Hey Avantasia fans!
I’ve been trying to understand the lore for years, and I’ve recently run into a new tidbit that I would like some help with.
Ichabod. From what I understand Ichabod is the protagonist of “A Paranormal Evening…” but I thought that album was the second part of the story begun with “Moonglow” featuring Entity as the protagonist.
Is Ichabod the Entity then? Or is Entity now someone else in the Paranormal Evening album?
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@crystalcracked asked : ❝ i see people for who they really are. i see you, too. ❞  // to Dyn from Periss!
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Nightfall brings a REPRIEVE , asks for meager moments of quietude where daylight is scored by the madness of battle / by the tyranny mindlessness of w a r that takes too much from all those engulfed in its shroud.  But the mind is not a STEADY NOR STABLE place , for all he knows , for all he has seen , Dyn’lo finds himself terribly f r a y e d ; teetering ‘pon an increasingly dangerous precipice.  And in the dark , he believes he sees c l e a r e r ; the dead and awaiting otherness which extend their arms beyond the veil to him as if to say : you’ll be safer here , perhaps it’s time to come home , our son— The very same madness that seized his father has now come for him.  But it would be quite rude to have Death again offer its hand and not take it , not k i s s it , not ask for the escort.
Death makes for the only certainty.  Even above his science ; even above his reasons and rationality.  It had left its mark on him once , and never left him alone since.  Living was never quite the same ( never as full , never as satisfying ) , until of course ⸺
“⸺ Periss.”  Says it like a prayer , as if blessing this scourge could absolve him.  By some magic , the Sandling appears , stepping out of the forger’s reverie and standing within the dark , smoke-heavy dimness of the room the two have been allotted.  Nothing is said.  Nothing is done.  Dyn’lo can sense there is something WANTING , something waiting to be put to voice.
The ( last ) Dustling does not seek to pry , instead continuing to resume his stupor ‘til the other felt inclined to break the trance.  He appears every bit the beast the rumors have spoken him to be , perched there upon his seat with limbs crooked and grown plumes UNFURLED .  Scant moonglow does little to mend his damnable favor , stretching his shadow outwards ‘cross the floor as some transfigured , disgruntled entity that snaps at Periss’ soles.  He takes a drag of his pipe , illuminated by the scented glow at its tip ; painted and adorned face cast in the gleam of something uncannily VICIOUS , distorting the sharpened edges of his muzzle and making the gilded ink ‘pon his face seem to BLEED .  “Speak,” Dyn’lo commands having lost his patience , voice laced with sweet-haze , heavy and husked.
What Periss says draws the dormant creature’s attention , dark eyes pinning to him with a WILD INTENSITY burning in their voidful depths.  “See me ?”  Dyn’lo echoes , though it sounds almost like an accusation , twisted with condemnation.  A hum , a nod … Another drag of the pipe , head lifting and turning away to blow the smoke out the window nearby. "See me," Repeats himself , giving a bark of a laugh , looking towards his mate again with a wry twist of the maw. “What do you s e e , Periss ?  A heretic ?  A predator ?  A dishonorable warrior ?”  All of these , accredited titles ( perhaps even true ) .  He leans forward , coming into the light.  “What am I … REALLY ?”  Asked with a dangerous , imploring grin ; made up of t e e t h where sweet-haze coils from the narrow and bloodied gaps ‘tween their serrated points.  “Do you love me any less for seeing me as I am ?”
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sunsetroseart · 3 years
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Here they are! All 4 Protags together!
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age-of-shadows · 4 years
Gabriel: masturbation takes one hand. Prayer takes two. They cannot coexist.
Scarecrow: exactly, masturbation is more convenient. You only need one hand.
Aaron: you're only using one hand? Weak.
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vanillaarts · 4 months
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Two stories collide and the Scarecrow meets the moonglow entity, or Moon
(Oh yeah moon has a full entity form by the way)
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stormylewirmy · 2 months
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Entity posting time!
This design is based off the Moonglow cover, I don't know how long in my ver of the story he'll have this design until he gets a haircut and the ironic red jacket
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avantasia-protag-au · 28 days
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🌙Shadows in the Moonglow🌙
Have an Entity art commissioned by @codenamejudas ^-^ Thank you SO much again!!💖✨
Enty is having a bad time with the shadows outside of the safety of the moonglow...he'll be fine I'm sure they're probably not evil🤔🌙✨
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sourcreamuwu · 2 months
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What a day for a pastel dream
That's goin' to plan
Extra doodle under the cut 👇
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He's like chasing a dream while running on the pages of the book. *Insert a running on pages while they're flipping cartoon gag.*
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enbymetalhead · 2 months
A couple more Avantasia sketches
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Top left - Paranormal entities from A Paranormal Evening With the Moonflower Society
Top Right - Grim Reaper type guy from Ghostlights
Bottom - The Entity, I want feedback on this one, I like my idea but I'm not sure it looks quite right
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mistray-art · 3 years
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Well, hello there! Look who’s back! Here’s some art I made in the past month: I asked people on instagram to give me Avantasia characters, and I drew my interpretations of them!
They are:
- Elderane and Lugaid Vandroiy (The Metal Opera).
- The Tree of Knowledge (The Metal Opera II).
- Anna Held (The Metal Opera).
- Starlight (Moonglow).
- Gabriel Laymann, Scarecrow, Aaron Blackwell and Entity (Protagonists).
- Sinbreed and Temptation (Ghostlights).
- Moon (Moonglow).
- The Toy Master and Acedia (The Wicked Trilogy).
- Watchmaker (Ghostlights).
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