crippled-peeper · 7 months
my dad when I ask him to remember what my disabilities are (he was in the room when I was diagnosed with them)
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adh-d2 · 1 month
I am so tired of autistic characters being used to teach other characters to expand their point of view, so that they can mature and live happily ever after. I'm so tired of them being given enough screen time to model the best of their personality traits, their coping strategies and eccentricities; just so that other characters can adopt the pieces they like. Then, once all the good meat's been picked from the bone, they die.
Tech earned his happy ending too, and it hurts that he was the only member of the squad not to get one.
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cistematicchaos · 6 months
so. my mom just told me my siblings need to go places unmasked in order to "live their lives" and they'll be unmasked sick if they want to bc she doesn't control them and i just need to learn to deal with that.
🫠 this was while i was full-on crying my eyes out bc she wouldn't stop defending them and telling me whenever they got sick, it was fairly probable i'd get sick too even if they masked. she was also telling me even if i DID have covid (which she doubted), it was fairly light for everyone else in the house so i should stop worrying so much.
its not even four o'clock. i am. not ok.
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Having the disorders i have sucks because I'll get irritated and spiral and think some really 'rude' n heartless shit and its like ,,, sorryy!!!! I just got a bit angy 😔forgive me for that fucked up violent thing!! I swear im cool! Like i can't even say what they actually were because I know i'd get canceled n shit but like,, its not my fault?? Its my disorder's?? I'm trying to be good and kind i swear! I just have to constantly hold in my emotions and what i *want* to do bcuz it'd be called evil n shit.
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yanaequa · 2 years
What are your thoughts on the korean title of the drama since it translates to "strange" or "weird"? I know some westerners don't like the korean title and say it's ableist. How do you perceive it as a south korean person?
Hi anon! About the title "이상한 변호사 우영우", I think it does not have problem. Word "이상한" translates to "strange, odd, unusual, weird". I wouldn't deny that this word can convey negative impression, but Korean language is all about context.
There are words that are ALWAYS interpreted negatively, like "비정상"(abnormal). If these kinds of words were used in the title of the drama, then it is definitely ableism. However, as seen in the scene where Young-woo eat Don Geurami gimbap and says "it's strange", and Geurami replying to her as "strangely good", the word "이상한" CAN be used as positive context.
I think main problem of calling something "weird" is not because the word itself has negative meaning, but because of the perception of feature that the word describes. It's not word that matters; it's how the "이상함(strangeness)" is perceived in society. If I avoid using the word "이상한" to describe something, then I am making the implications that word "이상한" conveys negative meaning.
I don't want that.
The word itself means different from norm, and nothing else. It's the society's prejudice that being different from norm is not good. I'd rather use it prevelantly so it is perceived positively. Because I AM different from norm, and there is nothing wrong with that. I am not ashamed of being different from others.
I love being narwhale. I am proud that I am strange one.
Hope this answers your question.
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wildesfancyfrock · 2 years
public transit: 1
léo: 0
i was kicked out of cooperative seating on the bus, despite being visibly disabled, because i’m “too young to be physically disabled.”
i’m so tired. i normally walk, i should have walked, but the pain was just really bad today.
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thatdemiboymess · 2 years
I'm finally a free man again!!! I just got released from the psych ward - they tried to have me further admitted due to my autistic traits and I had to go to court via a fucking zoom call to prove that that wasn't necessary but I did it! Managed to fight my case and not get further admitted for literally being autistic which it's honestly such bullshit I even had to do but whatever, it's done and over with and I won.
I've never been happier to be in a car choking on someone else's secondhand smoke, God damn.
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ishipmyotp · 2 years
Was called a “Special Case” by my boss to a customer today because I was taking a few extra seconds to make sure I was giving her the correct change
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idkhowtost0p · 2 years
Not my mom's friend wanting to talk to me about something because I haven't been seeing her nor wanting to see her because she and her husband aren't my relatives so like I couldn't care less about their unnecessary gossiping🙄 like I already know its gonna be some islamophobic or ableist shit and I'm not gonna tolerate that. These boomers dont understand that I know my rights as an autistic person and as a muslim woman and she will be mad because of that.
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anendoandfriendo · 2 years
Something super bothers us about the way CMN talks about their sick children, anyone have ideas on what's bothering us?
Like we kindof went off on ourselves about how ludicrous it is to portray one kid's mother as just...handing a medical article to doctors and having them actually listen, or some bullshit like that.
And, like, the problem is that the term "inspiration porn" doesn't seem to quite fit right fwiw.
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skipppppy · 2 months
“You shouldn’t self-ID as ADHD/autistic, you’re turning a very real mental condition into a trend” Ok then stop saying delulu. Stop speculating on which cluster C personality disorder the criminals you hear about on the news have. Stop saying “schizoposting” and “acoustic” and “is it restarted?” Stop using “psycopath” and “sociopath” as catch-all ways of calling someone a bad person. Stop saying “the intrusive thoughts won” when you bleach your hair and then turn your nose up at people who suffer from very real, very scary urges of physical/sexual violence. Stop saying “I’m so OCD” as a way of calling yourself neat. Stop treating BPD/ASPD/Bipolar as inherently abusive. Stop saying “OP I am living in your walls” without tagging for unreality. Stop diagnosing complete strangers you’ve never met on r/AITA with NPD.
You first. If you don’t want our disabilities to be treated like trends then stop belittling and minimising them. I’ll NEVER judge a person for trying find labels for their symptoms when an apathetic, racist, sexist, ableist healthcare system refuses to. But I will absolutely judge a hypocrite. Which a lot of you are
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crippled-peeper · 1 year
acting like neurodivergence and physical disability are exact equivalents or even comparable is so deeply self-centered and ableist and tone deaf
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transgeoffrickly · 6 months
every time someone talks about someone "faking disability to live on welfare" or anything to that effect i think about how my mom worked in law and directly knew of a case of a guy who had terminal brain cancer with an estimated few months to live and got rejected the first time he applied for disability income. like, he was 100% going to die and that wasn't disabled enough to not have to jump through a million hoops and get lawyers involved. non-disabled people "living off of welfare" is such a non issue because i cannot bring myself to care about the like, 3 people who maybe successfully do it compared to the thousands of people rejected who need aid
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disableddyke · 4 months
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spooniestrong · 9 months
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identitty-dickruption · 7 months
anyway this is what I mean when I say that certain disorders being made quirky and memeable does not help with destigmatisation. people can say “autistic cat girls make the world go round” and then turn around and say “[common autistic trait] makes you evil btw”. and don’t see anything bad about that. they’re totally not ableist! they said it right there! they find autism sexy! hell world
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