#adam x iris
code1r15 · 2 months
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Look what they do to you /
Look what they do to me /
Must be joking if you think that either one is free.
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Iris: Prologue
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Adam and you went everywhere together. 
It had been this way since you were both five years old. That was the year the kindergarten teachers took all the kids to the zoo, and his mother and father seemed just about normal, and you were just glad to make a friend. You played in the sandbox, and watched pigeons, and when the teachers said to hold hands with a buddy neither of you ever thought about who you were going to choose, it was automatic.
On his sixth birthday, you watched as Scott stabbed him with a rusty nail. That was the year you two met Scott in the first place, and Adam called him his best friend, and a little part of your very young brain felt very, very jealous. You were the one who told his parents about the nail, and went off to find the first aid kit for him on your own. It was the year Adam got called to the office for punching Tommy Driscoll in the stomach for calling you a freak, and you didn’t carve out time to watch the pigeons any more because Scott said it was more fun to climb trees, and Adam insisted Scott must be right.
By the time you were entering middle school, the whole world seemed to know you were a package deal. If Adam was invited, you were invited- birthday parties, school events, holidays. That was the year you both turned 12, and the teachers took you all to camp at some lake, and Adam told you you’d get worms in your ear if you didn’t dry it properly, and Tommy Driscoll pushed you into lockers at school. It was the year his parents fought a hell of a lot more- so he would sneak out his window and walk over, and sleep in your room when they got too loud. 
High school- junior year came, and nothing changed. Scott was still kind of an ass, and Adam was still your best friend, and the three of you took over the back row of Miss Grundy’s calculus class and turned it into your own comedy club. That was the year Adam found photography, and Scott found music, and you found writing. Adam’s parents got worse, his father turned the arguments onto him, and he slept in your room more than his own (though now, your parents seemed to expect it. They cooked an extra plate of breakfast and dinner, and washed extra sheets for his inevitable crashing on your floor). 
You and Adam are everywhere together, and as far as you’re concerned, everywhere with Adam is the way the rest of your life is going to be spent.
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aimmyarrowshigh · 5 months
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JAMuary: 100 Drabbles Based on Songs (2024)
011. Breakfast at Tiffany's - Iris Adams/Alice Ogilvie
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crayonverse · 1 year
mmmmmmmmmm need ti think about olidam again bc i love them
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darin-nidk · 2 months
Bugambilia. | One-sided Eve!Reader x Lucifer.
Content: Hurt no comfort. Low self-steem Eve!Reader, mentions of Lilith and Adam, lingering feelings, longing Eve!Reader.
Eve!Reader and Lucifer reuniting in Hell after years of Eve!Reader hiding, generosity of the extermination that had forced them to come out from hiding.
But it's not a warm welcome or even a meeting that either of them was looking forward to — Eve!Reader who has hiding their face behind a mask, quite similar to that LED one that Adam wore. Their posture stiff, even defensive with wings expressing their discomfort.
Lucifer who awkwardly rubbed his arm at the sight of someone's spouse that he stole out of pettiness? To prove a point? He didn't love Eve as stealing her, erh, them away from Adam had been a power move to one up the first man, and... well, he wasn't sure they were Eve anymore. The consequences of his own actions that he hadn't thought throughly before acting on them.
"You uh, you look great, Eve!", the King of Hell itself was not one with social skills, it seemed. Partially amused, partially disgusted and beyond pissed off at his words, (Y/N)'s (e/c) eyes had shifted to red demonic ones the iris turning into a slit akin to a snake's reptile eyes.
"Don't call me that", a sharp glare at his direction, their voice having dropped a few notes lower as a clear signal of disgust at being referred with their deadname before shutting their eyes, taking a deep breathe and composing themselves. "And thanks, I guess. The trauma helped with the style", a low-blow to their own self-steem but it was worth it, at least for (Y/N) since they got to see Lucifer flinch at the memory, guilt crawling his skin and he was clearly uncomfortable — though their eyes stared up and down at the powerful figure before them.
A pained smile curved their lips as their previously venomous glare had softened into a recluctant loving one, approaching the same-height demon, though for (Y/N)... Lucifer was still quite a beautiful angel, even if he had fallen from grace — ever so mesmerizing, so awkward and adorable. So beautifully and undeniably human. "Now you... You look as beautiful as the last time I saw you back in Eden", Lucifer was visibly shaken at that, flustered at such unexpected compliment. It seemed like he didn't get those often, or perhaps, he was uneasy that it was them who complimented him.
It woudn't be weird, moreso because Lucifer had basically ghosted them after making Adam and Eve get kicked out of Eden. Lilith was and... still is, more important for him. For both Adam and Lucifer while (Y/N) was blending with the background.
Ah, God was cruel with them.
"I... thanks uh, so... Hell! What brings you to Hell? No actually, don't answer that— fuck, stupid...", he trailed off, hitting his forehead with his hand. Somehow, that awkwardness and lack of social awareness was adorable, making (Y/N) chuckle softly. In the past, it had been them the ones who'd be stuttering unable to come up with something witty to say while Lucifer waited with a patient smile curving his lips. Oh, how the roles had reversed.
"I have been here ever since I died, you know how He had never favoured me. It was only Adam this, Lucifer that... Lilith...", her name was enough to make Lucifer bit his lower lip and look away. Ah, so that was it... He still loved her.
You were never important, Eve.
"I had been wandering Hell with no place to call home", they bit their tongue to stop themselves from saying anything unnecessary, like deals they had made and souls they owned. A wanderer yet a powerful one. "I didn't think I'd cross paths with you". Not now, nor ever. "What about you..? I thought you became an hermit".
"Haha well ah, stuff happened and I have been helping my daughter rebuilt her hotel and — right, have you heard of my daughter? Surely, you must have! She has this idea and...", he rambled, his facade softening and his smile seemed genuine as he used some of his magic to make a projection, a drawing in the air of what Charlie had planned. He spoke, they listened in an absent manner as their gaze lingered elsewhere.
At the distance, (e/c) eyes widened slightly at the sight of the Princess of Hell. Not like Lucifer could have noticed due to the mask they wore. Charlie was just like her father, almost not a single trace of Lilith herself. The realization was a bit funny, truly, how their children seemingly took after themselves: Cain had looked like them but Abel was a mixture of Adam and themselves. Mostly Adam.
"She has your eyes, full of hopes and dreams", (Y/N) said in a soft spoken tone, making Lucifer cease his talk and look at them with shock. "I wonder how either of my boys are...", they trailed off, unable to finish that thought and Lucifer didn't ask or press for more.
Clearing his throat to break that heavy silence and awkward atmosphere, Lucifer looked at them with a certain understanding feeling. "If you have nowhere to go, ah...".
"Lovely name. As I was saying, (Y/N), if you have nowhere to go then... My daughter's hotel will welcome you".
"Mm, that's assuming she'll let me in. And... I appreciate the offer, I'll consider it".
"Yeah so uh, I'll...", pointing behind himself at the hotel, Lucifer averted his gaze as he tried to come up with something to say, to bid his farewell.
(E/c) eyes observed the fallen angel standing before them, shifting his weight from foot to foot, clearly wanting to escape this situation as gentlemanly as possible. "You were never good with goodbyes, go now, I'm sure your daughter does miss you".
Without any more to say, or any delay. He left and (Y/N) stood there, watching Lucifer leave them once again without even bothering to look back.
Though their sadness was shortlived, a static noise in the background being an annoyance, causing (Y/N) to frown and shut their eyes, right hand raising to rub their temple as they turned on their heels. "Yes, yes... I'll leave now".
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tsunami-of-tears · 2 months
Azriel x Rhys’s Sister Reader
Summary: Reader has been struggling with her inner demons ever since her brother went Under The Mountain.
A/N: This is really dark. Please, please read the warnings before clicking read more.
To preface: I’m okay, just tired and was pre-menstrual when I started this. I haven’t been in this dark of a place in a very long time, but I wanted to write this for 15-year-old Shelby who thought no one saw her. I haven’t talked about my history of self-harm much and it’s hard to reopen those wounds, but it’s therapeutic. 
If anyone is struggling, my inbox is always open. I’ve also included a few resources at the end of this fic.
Wordcount: 1.2K
Warnings: ANGST!!; major depression; disordered eating (binging); graphic self-harm; Rhys UTM
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Things were bad. 
Really bad.
You had completely withdrawn from your family in the months since Rhys had gone Under The Mountain. 
Rhys - your idiot older brother - had sacrificed himself to protect you and your people; leaving you in charge of his court. 
Ruling had always come easy to him, he was born to do it whereas you struggled to switch between the required masks.
These days, the only mask you wore was one of cold indifference. 
As the shield fell into place around Velaris, trapping you inside, a wall of adamant rose around you, keeping everyone around from seeing the war raging inside your mind. 
Most of your time was spent in your bedroom with the curtains drawn, unable to look at the sleeping city below your window. 
Velaris, the city of Starlight, had lost its sparkle. 
The first week after Rhys left, not a single light could be seen. The once lustrous city had gone into mourning. The Sidra, usually glimmering like liquid night, now reflected only the deepest black. 
You only dared to leave your room during the night when you were less likely to be spotted, not wanting anyone to see the ghost you’d become.
You float down the stone hallway, robes billowing as you walk to the kitchen. 
You’d taken to eating late at night. Food, usually sweets, was the only comfort you could find.
You’re rummaging in the larder when you feel a familiar sensation around your bare ankles, the cold shadow wisping over your skin.
“Y/N,” you hear a deep voice say behind you. 
You turn, blocks of chocolate in hand, to face the one person you love more than your brother. 
“Azriel,” you reply, taking in his appearance. 
He looked terrible.
His hair was dishevelled, his jet-black curls in dire need of a comb, and his once warm hazel eyes were dull and bloodshot. Beneath them were deep violet bruises, clearly he wasn’t sleeping much. 
You can feel his gaze on you, and wonder what he thought of the shadow of life you’d become. 
You watch his nostrils flare. “Y/N, are you hurt? I can smell blood.”
You feign a laugh, “I’m on my cycle.” You hold up the chocolate as evidence. “Cravings.” 
Azriel narrows his eyes but doesn’t push you. “I… We miss you,” he says.
You turn away from him, unable to voice how broken you feel. 
“Please, I can’t lose you too,” he pleads. 
“Goodnight Azriel,” you whisper, slipping out the door into the dark hallway. 
Neither Azriel nor his shadows follow you. 
You step out of the shower and stand in front of the bathroom mirror, scrutinising your reflection. 
You pinch at the skin on your hips and stomach, scowling at the growing curves, before turning to the side to inspect your full breasts and butt. 
Facing forward again, your eyes fall upon the ladders of scars across your thighs and forearms. 
Angry red and purple lines jutting between faint silver. 
You started again after losing Rhys. You hadn’t done it since losing your mother. It was the only way you knew to reflect your inner turmoil. 
The day your mother was killed, you were meant to be with her. You should’ve been taken too. 
Rhys had helped you out of the pit of despair that time, but he was no longer here. Once again, you were saved while your loved ones were not. 
You towel off your skin before sitting down at your vanity. You pull out an ornate jewellery box and retrieve the ash dagger stashed inside. 
You weren’t sure why you harmed yourself. There was a part of you that felt you deserved it, that thought you were a wretch for allowing your brother to endure all that torment for you. Then there was a part that just wanted to feel something other than the numbness that ached to your core. 
You press the dagger against your skin. Not even the sting of the blade made you cry anymore. Your tears had long since dried up. 
With each slice, your self-hatred rings in your ears. 
Stupid – cut. 
Useless – cut. 
Waste of space – cut. 
You set the bloodied dagger down on the counter, feeling nothing but apathy. 
Morning starts to creep in when you finally make it to bed. As you lay there, staring at the ceiling, the little voice inside your head sneers at you. 
This was the life your brother sacrificed his for? Pathetic. 
If Velaris has become a ghost town, the House of Wind was its crypt – haunted by devastation and grief.
Azriel leaned against the balcony railing, looking out on the once-shining city. 
How did it all go so wrong?
Not a day had gone by where he didn’t blame himself for everything. For Rhys. For Y/N.
Y/N. He could see the pain in her eyes. She tried to hide it, but Azriel knew better. He’d always been the one who could see through her masks. 
Azriel is pulled from his thoughts by his shadows, swarming around him in distress. 
“Y/N. Kitchen. Now.”
“She doesn’t want to see me,” Azriel tells them. 
“She’s hurt.”
Azriel winnows into the hallway, allowing his footsteps to be heard outside the door. He turns into the room and spots Y/N searching through the freezer. 
She slams it shut, jumping as she turns towards Azriel. 
“Oh, I didn’t realise you were here,” she says. “We’re out of ice cream.” Y/N tries to step around Azriel but he blocks her path with his wing. He looks her over, not able to see anything visibly wrong. 
“I’ll get you some more, just please come to dinner,” Azriel pleads. “Or we can go flying together, anything you want. I can’t bear to see you like this.”
Y/N shakes her head, looking at the floor.  
“He wouldn’t want you hiding away like this,” Azriel says.
“I don’t care what he would want. He obviously can’t think clearly or else he wouldn’t have left,” she seethes, pushing past Azriel. 
Azriel grabs her by the wrist, stopping her in her tracks. “Please Y/N, you’ve…” he trails off, feeling something lumpy under her sleeve. “What is that?” 
Y/N tries to yank her arm back but Azriel’s grip is firm. 
“Let me see,” Azriel says quietly. Tears start to fall from her eyes as he gently lifts her sleeve, revealing the bloodied bandages. “Oh darling, what happened?” 
Y/N just shakes her head.
“Can I have a look?” he asks.
She bites down on her trembling lip, tears flowing freely
Azriel carefully unwinds the bandages revealing the stark, straight lines. His chest aches for her; as if the scars were etched into his heart.
Azriel always cared deeply for Y/N, offering her a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on whenever she needed it. A small part of him felt hurt that she hadn’t confided in him. 
He swallowed his pain, it didn’t matter. He was here now.
“Come here,” Azriel wraps his arms around her, stroking Y/N’s hair softly as she sobs in his arms. 
Azriel knew she was struggling, everyone could see it. But no one realised just how much losing Rhys broke her.
Azriel curses himself. 
He should’ve known. After her parents, Rhys was all she had. 
No that’s not true - she had Cassian. And Mor. And Amren… 
And him. 
And he wasn’t letting her go.
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Mental Health Resources*:  If you’re in immediate danger please call your country’s emergency number. Australia: Beyond Blue: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/ Mental Health Hotline: 1800 011 511 Lifeline: 13 11 14 USA:  Crisis Line (call or text): 988 UK:  Lifeline: 0808 808 8000 *If I have gotten anything wrong or if you have other resources to add, please let me know
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chvoswxtch · 2 years
happy anniversary
pairing: matt murdock x fem!reader
summary: matt shows up late for your anniversary dinner, so you decide to teach him a lesson in waiting.
warnings: cursing, drinking, lil angst, some fluff, explicit sexual content (minors dni), blasphemy (?), little bit of sub!matty
word count: 5.9k
a/n: once again, no one asked for this. I am just once again being a selfish slut for matthew murdock. also, i'm not catholic (nor do I know that much about catholicism) so if the religious things mentioned are totally wrong or offensive, I apologize. as always, feedback is welcomed/appreciated!
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The candles I had lit several hours ago were now completely liquified pools of amber. I tapped my nail against the side of my fifth glass of wine as I watched the flames dance over the melted wax, their glow casting shadows on the one and a half empty bottles of onyx glass. I could hear the faint ticking of a clock as I brought another tart taste of sangiovese to my lips. The flavor profile was sweet in comparison to my own bitterness. I tapped the corner of my phone to illuminate the lockscreen. 10:57pm. No missed calls. No voicemails. No text messages.
The apartment was silent apart from the ticking of a clock, and the crackling of the wooden wick as it burned. If I closed my eyes, I could pretend there was a fireplace in front of me. I could no longer smell the warm clove spice and toasted cranberry of the candle I had been burning all evening, or the fresh aroma of the meal that was still neatly placed on the table. I couldn’t smell anything but the lack of his presence. I wasn’t turning in for the night until he came home. I didn’t care if I had to wait until sunrise. He may escape the dangers that were waiting for him around every dark alley, but he wasn’t escaping my wrath tonight.
I heard the drawn out sound of squeaking hinges as the door to the rooftop was pulled open before carefully latching back into place. Heavy boots thudded against worn wood as they descended the staircase down into the living room, stopping just shy of the final step. Tension hung thick in the air like an ominous fog, and I waited impatiently for whatever excuse was about to tumble from his lips.
Even with the cowl covering most of his features, and the light cloak of darkness, I could see him wince. He knew I only called him by his full name when I was upset with him. I watched his Adam’s apple bob when he swallowed thickly, bringing his gloved hands up to remove the helmet as he cautiously took the last step down into the living room. Normally the sight of his messy brown hair sticking up in odd places made me giggle and wanna run my fingers through it, but right now I wasn’t in a loving mood. His eyes blankly darted around, his head tilting to the side slightly as he gauged the scents and sounds filling the space.
“It smells amazing in here. You..you smell incredible.”
“Do you know why that is, Matthew?”
“Because I took my time in the shower today. I was nearly in there for an entire hour. I am shaved and waxed beyond your wildest dreams. I am completely lathered in that raspberry iris lotion that you love so much, that you said makes my skin feel like silk. And you don’t even wanna know how much I spent on the red lace that’s under this dress. Not to mention, I also spent hours making your favorite dish, and dessert I might add, because you promised me you would be home tonight. And why did you promise that?”
“Because it’s our anniversary.”
“So you did remember. You just chose to forget.”
“It was just supposed to be a quick sweep-”
“Nothing with you is ever quick, Murdock. You promised me. I asked for one night, Matthew. One. Night.”
“Listen, tomorrow night I’ll-”
“No. Tomorrow night isn’t our anniversary. Tonight is.”
Matthew Murdock was usually able to talk and charm his way through anything. I had to admit, there were a few times it had even worked on me in the past. But I was not falling for his shit tonight. I didn’t want excuses. I didn’t want empty promises. I wanted to teach him a lesson he would never forget. 
“Please..let me make it up to you. There’s still time left of our anniversary, we can still have dinner and celebrate. Let me get changed, I’ll open a new bottle, and I’ll spend all night apologizing between your thighs.”
“Tempting. If you had been fifteen, or even thirty minutes late, but had called to let me know ahead of time you were going to be late, I might have taken you up on that offer. But right now, I don’t think you deserve my pussy, Murdock. I think..you deserve a little suffering.”
Matt’s jaw hardened at my words, and I could hear a quiet whine slip past his lips in the silence. He was usually the one in charge in our relationship, and normally I reveled in it. I loved nothing more than letting him take complete control, obeying his demands, feeling his large hands manhandle me into whatever positions he saw fit. I trusted him completely, and the reward was always overly generous. Matt was a very giving lover, so I let him take me however he wanted or needed knowing we would both reap the benefits of pleasure. But tonight, I would be the one doing the taking.
I downed the rest of my glass and set it down on the table, rising slowly from my seat and crossing the short distance to where Matt was standing. I turned to give him my back, gathering my hair and pulling it over my shoulder.
“Unzip me.”
Matt hsatily discarded his gloves, tossing them into the abyss of darkness haphazardly. He never touched me with his gloves on. He always said he liked to be able to feel me and never wanted anything in the way. His fingers quickly found the zipper of my dress and I felt his knuckles brush against my spine as he tugged the small piece of metal down the middle of my back. I could feel his warm breath against my shoulder, lips dangerously close to my neck. 
“I didn’t say you could kiss me, Matthew. Help me out of this dress.”
I could hear the hum of disapproval that sounded in his throat. He gently grasped at the straps on my shoulders and pushed the satin fabric down over my hips until it pooled around my ankles on the floor. As I stepped out of it, I turned around to face him.
“Sit down, Matthew.”
“I said sit down, Matthew.”
I could see the struggle written clearly all over his face. He wasn’t used to this, taking orders. Hell, neither was I. But I was going to make the most of it. He walked backwards slowly until the back of his knees hit the chair behind him, lowering himself into a perched position on the edge of the seat. I giggled softly as I took a few steps to stand in front of him.
“Oh, get comfortable, Matthew. You’re gonna be sitting there for a while. Now, give me your hands.”
He didn’t hesitate to raise his hands up into the direction of my voice. I gently wrapped my hands around his wrists and guided his palms to lay flat against the crimson lace teddy that covered my body. A soft sigh came from his parted lips as he began to move his hands slowly over the fabric, fingers gliding over every inch.
“No squeezing. No exploring. No lingering. I don’t want you to touch me. I just want you to feel what you’re missing. What’s been waiting on you for the past four hours. It’s your favorite shade of red, by the way.”
The whine that emitted from his lips went straight to my core. I finally understood what he meant when he would tell me how much he loved the noises I made, and how much of an effect they had on him. It made me feel incredibly powerful to hear him being needy.
“Angel..please. Let me-”
“No, Matthew.”
I pried his wanting hands from my body and let them fall onto his lap. Taking a few steps backwards, I sat down on the chair directly in front of him and sighed.
“You know, it’s really a shame. I was so excited for tonight. God, I was going to worship every inch of you. I was going to let you have me as many times as you wanted. Even when my body was begging for a break, I was going to beg you to keep going. I wanted to spend the entire weekend with you buried deep within me. But, I guess tonight didn’t mean as much to you as it did to me, so I’ll just have to take care of myself.”
“That’s not fair.”
“No, Matthew. It isn’t. It’s not fair that I’m going to have to get myself off when you and I know my fingers don’t feel as good as yours. When we both know they don’t reach as deep. But, you’ve left me no choice. You’re going to sit there, and you’re going to be quiet and listen. You will not touch yourself. I don’t want to hear any begging or any complaining. If you speak without permission, or move your hands an inch, I will leave you out here alone. I will lock myself in the bedroom, and you will have no choice but to listen, knowing you don’t get to touch me. If you’re a good boy, I might just have mercy on you. Understood?”
Matt’s cheeks and the tips of his ears had blushed a deep shade of rose. His mouth hung open slightly as he held onto every word. There was a quiet whimper that escaped when I called him a good boy, but I heard it, and it sent a fresh wave of arousal through me. Oh, so he has a praise kink too. 
“I-I understand.”
“Good boy.”
I grinned as his thighs tensed. I could already see a growing bulge straining against his suit pants. I moved my body towards the edge of the seat and pulled the fabric covering me to the side, completely exposing myself to him. I ran my middle finger up and down my slit slowly, collecting some of the wetness that had formed before bringing my middle and index finger up to rub languid circles around my clit. I sighed softly at the contact that I had been craving for hours. Matt groaned loudly as he listened to my movements. He told me once he always knew when I was turned on, that he could smell the arousal that soaked my panties and it drove him crazy. 
I flattened my palm against myself, slipping my middle finger just slightly inside my entrance as the pad of my index finger brushed against my sensitive nub. I whined softly, beginning to move my hips against my own hand as I felt myself grow wetter. Ever since Matt and I had gotten together, I hadn’t touched myself like this. I didn’t bother. Nothing felt as good as he did. He had memorized my body completely. He knew all of my sensitive spots, where to touch, where to tease, what I liked and what drove me crazy. 
“Can you smell how wet I am, Matthew?”
Matt’s hands balled into tight fists on top of his thighs. He was squeezing them so tightly, they were shaking slightly and his knuckles had turned stark white. His jaw was set in a hard line as he leaned his tense body forward slightly.
“Can you hear it?”
“I can practically fucking taste it.”
I couldn’t help but grin at the growl that ripped from his chest at his response. Don’t get me wrong, I loved a sweet and romantic Matt. I adored when he took his time, held me close and whispered sweet things into my ear as he made love to me slowly while holding my hand. I loved feeling connected to him that way. I could feel how much he loved me and it made my heart swell. But God did I love a pissed off Matt. 
He was always calm and collected around everyone. He tried really hard not to let his irritations and temper show. But at night when he put on the suit, he got to let the devil out. All that pent up rage and frustration got taken out on the unlucky criminals of Hell’s Kitchen. But I was even luckier when he came home and still had some left to take out on me. I loved when he snapped and lost control. I knew how much he needed that release, but he didn’t understand how much I needed it too. I’ll never forget the night I was finally able to convince him to take it further.
“I trust you, Matt. I know you need this, and I want it. I’m not made of glass, Matty. You’re not gonna break me. Please..use me.”
That was all it took. Of course that didn’t stop him from apologizing afterwards no matter how much I told him he didn’t have to. Now, it was an unspoken thing between us. He didn’t even have to say it, or ask. I could tell as soon as he walked through that door after particularly rough nights what he needed, and it always sent a rush through me that what he needed was me. I was always ready for him, and he knew it.
“Wouldn’t you like to taste, Matthew?”
Matt closed his eyes tightly at my words. His chest had begun to rise and fall a little quicker now that his breathing had become erratic. If it weren’t for the tightness of his suit, I’d be able to see the perfect outline of his cock. I could tell just by the look on his face that he was painfully hard.
“I asked you a question, Matthew. Open your eyes and answer me.”
I didn’t recognize the demanding tone of my own voice. In my head, I was drawing from my own experiences with Matt from when he had been in more dominant moods. He opened his eyes slowly and let a deep breath out through his nose, spitting out his response through gritted teeth.
“Yes what?”
“Yes I..I wanna taste.”
“Mm, that’s too bad. I would’ve let you have your fill all night, Matthew.”
I began to quicken my pace, now fully slipping my finger inside my entrance. I let out a slow whine, but more due to frustration than pleasure. My fingers weren’t as long as Matt’s, and they didn’t reach as deep. I started to focus on swirling my index finger around my clit, applying pressure ever so often.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Matt’s hands fly up to grab at the collar of his suit, tugging at it softly with a grimace. I halted my actions as I narrowed my eyes over at him.
“Please..can I just take this off? I..it’s too hot. It’s making it hard to breathe.”
“Fine. Take it off.”
Matt didn’t need to be told twice, and I was frankly impressed at just how quickly the suit had been discarded. He let out a sigh of relief as he sat back in the chair, clad in only a pair of black boxer briefs that clung to his muscular thighs. I captured my bottom lip between my teeth as I took in the sight of his half naked form. 
“You can’t come like that.”
“Excuse me?”
“Sweetheart..I know you can’t make yourself come like that. Please, let me help. If you wanna tortue me, fine, but don’t make yourself suffer. Please..let me help.”
“I don’t need your help, Matthew. While I admit, I do come harder and easier with you, I did take care of myself before you came along. It just takes me longer. So, I suggest you be quiet..and patient.”
I began to move my fingers again, focusing the pads of my index and middle fingers on my aching clit. Part of me wanted desperately to give up and just let Matt take over, make him prove all night how sorry he was. But I was stubborn and hellbent on proving him wrong. 
“Baby..please. I-I’m sorry. It’ll never happen again, okay? I swear. Just please..please let me touch you. I need to touch you, sweetheart. I need to taste you. Please.”
“Matthew, this is your final warning to shut the fuck up.”
A strangled groan escaped Matt’s throat and filled the apartment as he threw his head back against the couch in frustration. He braced his hands on the armrests of the chair and gripped onto them so tightly I was certain they would snap. His entire body was rigid with pent up tension and I watched in awe when he started to slowly thrust his hips upwards into nothing. That sight had to be the hottest thing I had ever seen.
“You could come like this, couldn’t you? Just listening to me fuck myself on my fingers?”
Matt whined loudly as he turned his head in my direction. A sheen of sweat had already formed on his forehead and at the top of his chest. His tongue darted out to wet his lips as he sighed defeatedly.
“Too bad.”
Matt’s eyes widened at my callousness, his lips parting in surprise.
“Sweetheart, I can’t-”
“Now Matthew, we’re playing by your rules, aren’t we? What do you tell me when I’ve been a bad girl and want to come?”
Matt collapsed against the chair and groaned, digging his fingertips into the fabric of the armrests. It wasn’t hard to see how much he detested the taste of his own medicine. I wondered for a moment how long he would actually last through the teasing. I thought about how much longer it would be before every ounce of self control Matt had was completely eroded, and he snapped and took control. At that moment I decided I really wouldn’t mind. I think we both knew when it came down to it, he was a lot stronger than me, and definitely faster. I wouldn’t even make it past the couch before he had his hands on me.
“Only good girls get to come.”
“Same rules apply. Only good boys get to come. And you haven’t been very good to me tonight, Matthew.”
“Angel please..I don’t know if I can hold it.”
“You’re a strong boy, Matthew. You’ll find a way.”
The internal conflict I felt only raged in intensity the longer I watched him. I hated seeing Matt in pain, or upset. I always wanted to comfort him and make him feel better. The world hadn’t always been kind to him, and I always felt like I needed to make up for that. Matt for a moment looked like he might cry, and I instantly worried that I had taken it too far.
Matt’s head perked up at the change in my tone and the use of my usual calling for him. His head tilted to the side slightly as his eyes blankly stared over in my direction, brows slightly furrowed.
“Do you want me to stop?”
I waited with bated breath for his response. I knew he was sorry. I could see how bad he felt about tonight. If he wanted me to stop, I would. I’d happily give in and let him take over.
I was slightly taken back by the conviction in his voice. I stared over at him silently for a moment, suddenly feeling nervous as I nibbled at my bottom lip.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure. I can hold it. Go ahead, sweetheart.”
All my anger from earlier had completely flown out the window. All I wanted at that moment was him. I took a deep breath and got back to work with my fingers. I wanted to come as quickly as possible so that I could finally have him. I scrunched my brows as I began to rub furiously over my clit, whining as I applied more pressure. I could feel that familiar bubble building inside me, but it felt so far away. I dipped my fingers into my entrance to collect more of my wetness and pressed my fingers a little harder against my clit as I rubbed and moved my hips in time with my hand. Finally, it hit me. I moaned softly at the explosion of bliss and fell back against the chair. My orgasm was weak, but I didn’t care. I could finally have him.
I looked over to see him waiting as patiently as he could, panting softly and features contorted in need. I sat up slowly and licked my lips, letting my eyes wander shamelessly over his body.
“Come here, Matty.”
Matt let out the deepest sigh of relief and jumped to his feet, crossing the short distance between us and kneeling down in front of me. His hands grabbed onto the arm rests as he waited for my next instruction. 
“Open your mouth.”
His lips instantly parted, and I slipped two of my fingers that were coated in my release into his mouth. He closed his eyes and moaned as his tongue swirled around my fingers, collecting every drop from them. I whined as I watched him, feeling a fresh wave of need flood between my thighs. I giggled softly when he bit down gently on my index finger, a cheeky grin covering his mouth as he kissed the tips of both fingers.
“Mm, do you think you deserve to be forgiven?”
I couldn’t help but laugh loudly at his instant reply, shaking my head as I brought my hand up to thread my fingers through his messy hair.
“Should’ve known better than to ask a Catholic that question.”
The grin on his lips stretched even further into that megawatt smile complete with dimples that made me weak in the knees. His hands hovered over the tops of my thighs, as if asking for silent permission. I gently grabbed onto his wrists and pushed them downwards, sighing at the feeling of finally having his hands on me.
“I think I need to pray for forgiveness.”
I arched one of my brows and smiled softly, tilting my head to the side curiously.
“Right now?”
“Right now.”
I knew religion was important to Matt, but I didn’t think a confession was needed right at this very moment. 
“Okay. I..suppose you better find an altar then.”
“I already have.”
Matt gently squeezed my thighs before slipping his hand in between them to part them slowly. My eyes widened in shock and I let out a gasp of surprise once his words finally clicked in my head. He shuffled closer on his knees, wetting his lips with his tongue once again before whispering huskily.
“May I?”
As soon as the word left my mouth, my legs were thrown over his shoulders and Matt’s head was buried deeply between my thighs. I grabbed a small fistfull of his hair and cried out in astonishment when I felt his plump lips wrap around my clit and began to suck with fervor. His fingertips dug into the soft flesh of my thighs and I felt vibrations sent throughout my entire body every time he grunted against my pussy. Matt pushed me deeper into the chair as he tried to get as close as possible, nearly suffocating himself between my thighs. I was an absolute mess above him, moaning his name over and over like it was the only word I knew. I nearly lost it when I felt his tongue thrust inside of me and began to explore. 
“Fuck..Matty..right there..please!”
Matt shook his head violently and I screamed as his nose bumped against my clit repeatedly as he ate my pussy like it was his last fucking meal. In a matter of minutes I was coming apart on his tongue, white flashing behind my eyelids as Matt continued to devour me through my release. I clamped my legs around his head and grabbed onto the back of his neck, rolling my hips up against his face as I rode out the high he had brought me to. This orgasm hit me ten times harder than the measly one I had conjured, and I found myself struggling to keep up.
I whined when it all became too much and attempted to push at Matt’s shoulders as I unwrapped my legs from around his head, but he wasn’t having it. He only gripped tighter onto my thighs and continued his assault on my overly sensitive clit. I whimpered softly as I tugged at his hair roughly to get him to move.
“Jesus Matty, please. It’s too much.”
Matt chuckled as he pulled back slowly, licking every bit of my release off his lips. He rubbed soothing circles on my inner thighs as he sat up on his knees with a wicked grin.
“Sorry, sweetheart. I got carried away.”
“Carried away? Fuck, I can’t even see straight right now.”
“Well in that case, I suppose you can forgive me now.”
I slowly sat up and reached my hand out to push Matt’s sweaty hair away that was stuck to his forehead. I frowned slightly as my thumb brushed lightly over a faint bruise that was forming on his left cheekbone. He turned his head slightly to nuzzle his face into my palm, pressing a soft kiss to my wrist.
“I’m okay.”
“I know. I just..hate seeing you hurt.”
Matt gently grasped my wrist and brought my hand up to his mouth, pressing a featherlight kiss to each of my knuckles before he held my palm against his chest over his heart. I could feel it pounding against my palm as he held it there. Matt’s face contorted into an apologetic expression, a deep sigh sounding from his chest as he leaned in closer.
“I really am sorry about tonight, sweetheart. I promise, it’ll never happen again. I don’t ever want to hurt your feelings like that. I just..wanna keep you safe.”
“And I just want you, Matty. I just wanted one, normal night with you. You..you mean everything to me and I had this whole night planned out and then-”
“I ruined it. And I’m not done making up for it.”
“Well..good. Cause that was only like..one Hail Mary, and I’m pretty sure the standard is like..three. I think.”
“It’s five, actually. And that first one you did absolutely did not count.”
I felt my heart begin to thump against my ribcage in excitement. My cheeks immediately flamed with heat at the thought of what was still to come. Glancing down between us, I could see that Matt’s neglected cock was still straining against the confines of his tight briefs. I slipped my hand down his chest and lightly grasped at his cock through the fabric, causing Matt to hiss through gritted teeth.
“Honey, what about dinner? And dessert? You spent so much time on it, I don’t want it to go to waste. Besides, I have a gift for you.”
“The only gift I want right now Matty is the one I’m holding. Everything else can wait.”
I grabbed onto the back of his neck and pulled him in close as I crashed our lips together in a needy kiss. I greedily accepted Matt’s tongue in my mouth and moaned at the taste of myself on it. I dragged my nails against his lower stomach, causing his abs to contract as I dipped my hand into the waistband of his briefs once again to wrap my hand around his cock. He moaned into my mouth and it sent my mind into a frenzy.
He felt heavy in the palm of my hand, and warm. Everything about Matt was always so warm. I stroked my thumb along the underside of him, feeling the velvety smooth skin against my palm as I stroked him slowly. Matt hastily pushed his briefs down his thighs, sighing in relief to finally be freed from the confinements. 
“I wanna taste you.”
“Not now, sweetheart.”
“Matty, please.”
“You know how much I love having those pretty lips wrapped around me, but I’m not gonna last angel. Not after that little show you put on. I need to be inside you, right now.”
Matt wrapped his arm around my lower back and hooked his other underneath my knees, easily lifting me into the air as he stood and carried us over towards the kitchen. I felt goosebumps erupt over my skin as the cold of the cabinets hit my exposed back. I braced my palms against Matt’s chest to halt his movements quickly.
“Matty, please don’t rip this. It was really expensive.”
A devilish grin formed onto his plump lips as his hands slowly snaked up my thighs. He moved in closer until he was flush between my thighs, brushing his nose along my jaw as he nipped softly at my neck. I wrapped my legs around his waist and moaned quietly at the feeling of his lips at the base of my neck. It was one of my sweet spots, and he knew it. I shivered when I felt his hot breath fanning over the shell of my ear.
“Oh angel, you think I wanna rip this off when you look so beautiful in it? It’s staying on.”
Matt quickly shoved the fabric aside before pushing the blunt head of his cock through my folds. I let my head knock back against the cabinet as he pushed himself into me painfully slowly, inch by delicious inch. The sound of our moans mixed together once he had completely bottomed out. 
“Fuck honey, no matter how many times I ruin you, you’re always so fucking tight for me.”
“Just for you, Matty.”
Matt wrapped his arm around my lower back and pulled me closer towards the edge of the counter until our chests were flush together. He didn’t waste any time as he started to thrust his hips at a vigorous pace, his hand slipping between our bodies to press his thumb against my clit roughly. I whined loudly at the pressure and dug my fingernails deeply into his shoulder blades, no doubt leaving crescent shaped indentations.
“God..you always take my cock so well, don’t you sweetheart? This needy little cunt just grips me so fucking well.”
I couldn’t hardly speak. All I could do was hang on. The collision of Matt’s hips into mine and the feeling of his thumb working over my already sensitive nub was very quickly pushing me towards the edge, and I was ready to fall.
“This pussy was fucking made for me. You were made for me.”
“Made for you, Matty.”
I had no idea if I was making sense. I wasn’t even sure if I was speaking English. I tried so hard to stay grounded. I wanted to remember every single second of this, but Matt was brushing that spongy spot inside of me with precise accuracy with every powerful thrust of his hips and it only sent me higher and higher into another realm.
“Fuck sweetheart..not gonna..last much longer. I’ll make up for it later..I-fuck, I swear. I’ll take my time later, angel. Right now I need you to come with me. Can you do that for me, sweet girl?”
I wrapped my arms around Matt’s neck, bringing one hand up to cup his face as I pressed our foreheads together. I leaned in to press my lips to his in a passionate kiss, gently nipping at his bottom lip. I whined in pleasure when I felt his pace quicken at an inhuman speed, his thumb moving so fast over my clit it was practically vibrating.
“I..I love you, Matty.”
“I love you, my sweet girl. Come for me, baby. Let me feel you let go with me.”
My throat burned as I screamed loudly when euphoria finally hit, wracking thunderously throughout my body and drenching me in complete elation like a hurricane. I held onto Matt as tightly as I could, savoring the sound of his honey coated moans of my name that echoed in my ears as I felt him paint the inside of me with his sweet release. His hips stuttered as he spilled his seed over the garden within me, fingers no doubt leaving violet marks on my skin as he thrusted through the aftershocks of gratification.
I hid my face into the crook of his neck, inhaling a deep breath of his scent as I placed a gentle kiss to the spot right below his ear. I felt his strong arms wrap tightly around my waist, caging me against his chest. For a moment, we just held each other as our jagged breaths attempted to return to normal. I nuzzled my cheek against his, welcoming the slight burn of his scruff rubbing against my skin. 
“Happy anniversary, Matty.”
“Happy anniversary, my love.”
My heart expanded in my chest so wide at his words I thought it would bust through my rib cage. I pulled back slightly with a satisfied smile, brushing my thumb along the top of his strong cheekbone as I kept him close.
“I’m fucking starving.”
I giggled softly as I smoothed his messy brown hair back into place, leaning in to press a soft kiss to the tip of his nose.
“Fighting bad guys works up an appetite, huh?”
“Well that, and pleasuring you.”
I blushed profusely at his cheeky words, lightly smacking his chest as a deep laugh rumbled from within his chest. Matt’s large hand came up to gently cup my cheek, his thumb lightly tracing my bottom lip.
“But no, actually I could smell your cooking from several blocks away. It made my stomach growl, and then I realized how much time had passed since I had left, and how much trouble I was probably in.”
“You know, for a lawyer, you cause an awful lot of trouble.”
Matt’s dazzling grin stretched across his beautiful lips, those charming dimples ever-present as he laughed and nodded his head.
“True, but I try to make up for it. Speaking of, what do you say I heat up dinner and open a new bottle, we’ll have dessert, I can give you your gift, and then we can resume my apology tour?”
“Hmm, I don’t know if you’ve learned your lesson yet, Murdock. But it’ll give you time to sit and think about what you’ve done.”
“Oh trust me, I’ll never make you wait again.”
“Don’t like the tables being turned, huh?”
Matt smirked and dipped his head, leaving a burning trail of kisses along my jawline and down my neck until he reached my sweet spot. His teeth gingerly grazed my skin as he sucked softly at my flesh.
“Oh angel, I don’t mind you taking control. That was actually really fucking hot. I just really hated not being able to touch you like I wanted.”
“You stand me up again, I won’t let you touch me for a month.”
“Never again, sweetheart.”
“Good boy.”
I grinned at the growl that ripped through Matt’s chest, giggling softly as I lightly pushed at his shoulders.
“Alright, you have a deal. But I have a gift for you too.”
“You are my gift.”
“Sorry, I couldn’t help it. Alright, dinner, dessert, gifts, then more apologies.”
“Fine. Enjoy your break, Murdock. That was only two Hail Marys.”
“Three more to go.”
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bitchinbarzal · 4 months
• angel’s au — adam fantilli
• life with otis — brock boeser
• duke x hughes!sis — dylan duke
• mini minten — fraser minten
• living with lio — timo meier
• life of ivy — mat barzal
• life of iris — nico hischier
• baby marino — john marino
• hey jude! au — mason mctavish
• gigi’s world — luca fantilli
• swazy baby — jeremy swayman
• stevie’s world — jack hughes
• astrid’s world — elias pettersson
• scottie sunshine — matthew tkachuk
• hey there delilah — matthew knies
• soapy bubbles — rutger mcgroarty
• milo’s world — luke hughes
• my girl — nick moldenhauer
• bug’s world — quinn hughes
• livy — matt rempe
• tate’s world — ethan edwards
• svea’s single dad — jesper bratt
• marley’s madness — jamie drysdale
• double trouble au — trevor zegras
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maraudersmyloves · 11 months
You good there, darling?
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ship: James potter x reader
warnings: use of Y/N
request: no
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You need to hurry up or you’ll be late to your job. Which would mean that you won’t get through the crowd. You work with the NHL to take pictures at the end of every match, it is a fairly easy job with good pay but the possibility of falling in front of twenty thousand people looming over your head almost makes you regret choosing the job. Almost.
You push through people to get to the security waiting for you. You spot Adam and Jim on duty and can already feel their anger. They’re nice people and only doing their job but you found that they really don’t appreciate lateness.
You get your camera ready while walking so as to not have to endure their glares for longer than necessary.
“Y/N! You’re late!” Jim calls in your direction.
“yeah, yeah, i know.” you say while quickly patting him on the chest and smiling sweetly at him causing Jim to roll his eyes.
You push yourself onto the ice, glad for the fact that it’s already been skated on enough to give you a bit of grip. Just as you reach the middle and lift the camera to your eye, the first hockey player of the gryffindor team skates on.
It all goes pretty fast, you do your thing while the players you’ve known for years plus two new ones you don't know yet skate on. You spot the first and quickly snap a few pictures, he has long black waves and is just genuinely pretty with his blue eyes and strong nose.
One of the star players waves to you and you crouch down to get a better angle. Your eyes widen as you feel your foot slip as you make the movement. You feel the panic deep in your chest, you’ve never fallen and you don’t want to start now, at one of their biggest games yet. You can practically feel the eyes drilling down into you as you fall down.
A strong arm hooks under yours and catches you mid fall. Your heart is still beating when you turn to the figure who saved you from embarrassment or maybe caused you more, seeing as you had to ‘be saved’ from falling on your literal job, you haven’t decided yet.
Staring back at you is the most handsome guy you’ve ever seen. He has Brown eyes with some golden freckles around the iris and his hair is ruffled in that ‘i just got fucked’ way, while still having some defined curls.
Perfectly warm eyes, behind perfectly rimmed glasses. Accompanied by a perfectly tousled, fluffy, messy in all the right ways, head of dark hair.
The guy seems to blink out of some sort of trance and quickly helps you stand up, causing him to put one hand around his waist while easily lifting you up to a secure stance again. He combs his hand through his hair while making sure you’re alright, “you good there, darling” he asks in a slight british accent that makes your head all fuzzy.
You shake your head as if to clear your thoughts but in reality more to stop ogling what you realise now must be the second new guy. “Yeah, I'm good. Thanks for catching me. That could’ve been really embarrassing, I've never fallen before. Especially because the middle has the most grip and that’s usually where I am. I- Sorry I am rambling.” You look up to see the guy smiling softly at you before he realises he’s still holding you by the waist and quickly steps back making you crave the warmth that surrounds him even through the thick hockey uniform.
“It’s fine, I don't mind. What’s your name?” he asks leaning slightly closer causing your breath to catch in your throat.
You mumble out your name but his face and him leaning slightly down and closer makes it pretty clear he didn’t hear you over all the other noise. You’re about to answer as the guy gets hit on the head. “Oi, Potter! Come back and do your job.” The black haired guy says.
“I gotta go, darling. I’m sorry” he skates off leaving to do your job on autopilot while your brain keeps replaying the conversation.
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this is unedited. Part two?
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buntress · 9 months
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⁺‧₊˚˖𓍊𓋼 Wҽιɾԃƈσɾҽ ID Pαƈƙ 𓋼𓍊˚₊‧⁺˖
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[PT: Weirdcore ID pack]
Req by :: No one
TW: Scopophobia, Unreality, and Uncanny / Liminal Spaces Ahead
⁺‧₊˚˖𓍊𓋼 Nαɱҽʂ 𓋼𓍊˚₊‧⁺˖
[PT: Names]
Abyss // Adam // Angel // Bliss // Bubbles // Bunny // Cain // Celeste // Crow // Dahlia // Dove // Echo // Eve // Felix // Flower // Glitch // Ink // Iris // Juno // Jupiter // Kai // Link // Mars // Mercury // Misty // Mold // Moon // Moss // Moth // Neptune // Nox // Oliver // Orion // Pluto // Poppy // Salem // Saturn // Smile // Stitch // Sugar // Tooth // Tripp // Vega // Venus // Void // Zero // Zeta
⁺‧₊˚˖𓍊𓋼 Pɾσɳσυɳʂ 𓋼𓍊˚₊‧⁺˖
[PT: Pronouns]
Bizarre / Bizarres / Bizarreself || Dream / Dreams / Dreamself || Eye / Eyes / Eyeself || Fog / Fogs / Fogself || Glitch / Glitches / Glitchself || It / Its / Itself || Jpeg / Jpegs / Jpegself || Lim / Liminal / Liminals / Liminalself || Nos / Nostal / Nostalgiaself || Odd / Odds / Oddself || One / Ones / Oneself || Stat / Static / Statics / Staticself || Thon / Thons / Thonself || Un / Canny / Uncanny / Uncannyself || Void / Voids / Voidself || X / Xs / Xself || _ / _s / _self || [REDACTED] / [REDACTED]'s / [REDACTED]self || ? / ?s / ?self || 👁️ / 👁️s / 👁️self || 🌫️ / 🌫️s / 🌫️self || 💭 / 💭s / 💭self || 🕳️ / 🕳️s / 🕳️self || ❔ / ❔s / ❔self ||
⁺‧₊˚˖𓍊𓋼 Tιƚʅҽʂ 𓋼𓍊˚₊‧⁺˖
[PT: Titles]
The Strange One // The Dreamer // It Who Walks In Dreams // One Who Is Lonely // The Glitched Fog // The [REDACTED] // X Who Exists In Fog // That Who Walks Through Strange Meadows // He Who Is One With The Void // The Nostalgic Dream // The Dream Incarnate // One That Travels Liminal Spaces // The Static
Note :: All pronouns can be replaced w/ your preferred pronouns!
⁺‧₊˚˖𓍊𓋼 LαႦҽʅʂ 𓋼𓍊˚₊‧⁺˖
Aibeonic // Alderliminal // Argeolimic // Bizarreaesic // Catkidweirdcoric // Claustroliminic // Distortgender // Distortionlexic // Dreameyegender // Entityshiftic // Erokoric // Eyemortalgender // Fersomnic // Genmotigi // Grimwebgender // Invialiencat // Invicorpse // Invigloweyflodog // Invimutantuck // Kenoweirdcoric // Limfortcreepic // Limianxcietatic // Liminalgender // Liminalhearthic // Liminalspacestalgic // Limibodiment // Limindream // Meatvic // Notgender // Oddcoric // Offhuman // Poolroombodiment // Statisweetic // Surrealic // Unalimfort // Weirdcoragry // Weirdcore Lesbian // Weirdcoreaestellic // Weirdcorecomfic // Weirdcorian // Weirdcoric // Weirdcorstalgic
Note :: The first letter of each term is a link to that term!
141 notes · View notes
Help Me Understand - Steve Harrington x Reader
Help Me Understand (Rated T)
Request?: Yes (kinda? thank you @sattlersquarry for the idea!)
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Word Count: 4.7k (Yeah, whoops...)
Warnings: Slight language, Steve being hard on himself, Pining!Steve Harrington
Summary: Inspired by Iris (covered by Phoebe Bridgers and Maggie Rogers); You and Steve have been friends for a while now. You tell each other everything, from your highest to lowest moments. When you call him during the dead of night, Steve ends up learning more about your life...and his own feelings.
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I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow
God, it hurt him. He couldn’t bear to watch your chest expand and contract so dramatically. The sobs that gutted him to the core as they wretched themselves out of your throat. Your ability to form words had vanished five minutes ago, but it didn’t matter to either of you. Just knowing he was there listening was enough for you. For him, the shuddery breaths from your lips meant you were still alive and still safe.  
To picture you in his mind, standing against the side of a building like this, when you felt so close. He wished with all of his might that he could just reach over and pull you into his lap. He longed to be able to stick his face in your hair and rub your back, murmuring a hushed jumble of calming phrases. But Steve knew he couldn’t…
…because he wasn’t yours and you weren’t his. 
He had stumbled around his room to tug on a pair of sweatpants and his yellow sweater. Even in the pitch black darkness of his room, Steve knew where everything was. He worked on autopilot at that point, the seduction of sleep all but ignored by his body when he heard your shaky voice on the phone.  
“Hang on, sweetheart,” he mumbled into the receiver, other hand already outstretched to grab his keys. “I’m goin’ to come pick you up, okay? Can you stay there for me? Will you be okay?”
“Oh…okay…” You sounded as fragile as glass when you responded. Steve could already hear the stifled gasps of air you were attempting to force down your throat into your lungs. If only Dustin’s stupid teleportation machine was real, the boy thought to himself as his eyes scoured the room. He could be beside you in an instant. Sure, the kid was a genius, but he really did take too long when it came to actually building his inventions.
Steve’s fingers wavered with uncertainty over a clean pile of laundry before his mind shouted screw it and he grabbed his old swim team hoodie. It was cold outside for early autumn and if he remembered correctly, you were adamant about how good those shorts and tank top made you feel. It was difficult for you to admit it. You never liked attention from others. All those eyes staring made you feel cheap and everything that your parents warned you about. 
“I’m going to be right there, sweetheart,” his voice lowered as he spoke into the receiver.  
You're the closest to heaven I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now
The minute he found you was the minute he tugged you into his hold after he tugged the sweatshirt over your own t-shirt. Your face was streaked with tears. It felt cold and clammy against his hand as he cradled you. Your breathing was shallow and you were shaking. When Steve attempted to lean back to give you a proper once-over, your grip was a vice in his clothing. He was trapped against you. 
On any other given day, he wouldn’t fight it. Yet seeing you like this, Steve couldn’t allow himself to be sucked in because you weren’t his. 
“Sweetheart,” he said gently, voice as sweet as honey, “what’s goin’ on? Why are you out so late?” 
This only spurred on another onslaught of salty droplets to fall down your cheeks. The tears crashed like raindrops on your skin. They pooled against his thumbs, which were positioned against the outline of your jaw. He tilted your head back to allow your gaze to lock onto his.
You were so close to him. He could feel the warm puffs of your breath as they fanned against his own face. Your chest just barely brushed against his own as you took in shaky inhale after shaky inhale. He could smell the mixture of scents from you and his sweatshirt. If he closed his eyes, it’d be like he was dreaming. It would be like every night. The two of you standing outside, alone, eyes locked in a dead staredown. If he had only just dared to lean forward…
You weren’t his, he reminded himself once again. You. Weren’t. His. 
“Please don’t take me home.” The words were whispered at such a quiet register, Steve would have thought he might have imagined them. 
“What?” His brow knit together in confusion. 
“I can’t go back there. Not now.” 
Now this didn’t entirely strike Steve as odd. Whenever you would hang out, whether it was alone or with the kids and Robin, you would always be the last to leave. You would linger at Family Video until close if you could help it, staying late to have the longest debate over milkshakes and french fries at the diner. Even if Steve needed to drive past your street in order to get Dustin home for dinner, you would dutifully sit in the passenger seat until everyone was safe and sound. 
Selfishly, he always believed that it was because you wanted to spend more time together. He was never against it. Could you blame him for not wanting to deny being with the one person that always saw past his previous mistakes and enjoyed hanging around the real Steve Harrington? The boy that knew nothing about typical pop culture, who would prefer to spend time at home than getting drunk at parties. He was the dethroned King Steve who barely survived senior year; the Steve who couldn’t get into a single college and was cut off by a jerk of a father. When he was at his lowest point after high school, pretty damn near convinced he’d never have another shot at love, you were there for him. . . 
“College girls aren’t worth it, Steve,” you had remarked after he had gotten rejected for the sixth…seventh…time (according to Robin, it was the eighth). “They’re not ready for the commitment.”
“Maybe it’s just something, I don’t know, maybe there’s something wrong with me,” he lamented. 
“There’s nothing wrong with you!” You held up a hand to silence Robin’s attempt to interrupt. “Maybe they just understand something you don’t.”
“Understand what?”   
You had never elaborated on what you meant that day…or any of the other days after it. No matter how many times he asked– begged– you to explain, it was always the same outcome. Instead of giving him an answer, you would merely shake your head with a smile and change the topic without any regard for the time. Sometimes, you’d play the guessing game, forcing him to come up with the answer he desperately craved.
“Is it my hair?” he’d ask. “My charming personality?”
You would scoff and roll your eyes every time. “Not even close, Harrington.” 
“You don’t think I have a charming personality?!”
Now here you were at the ultimate role reversal. Your chin resting in both of his hands, eyes sparkling from the wetness that gathered in the corners, and you were begging him. Why didn’t you want to go home?
“Sweetheart.” He wiped at the tears again. It was like an endless waterfall dripping from your eyes and it killed him. “Why don’t you want to go home? It’s late-”
“I can’t see them.” Your tone wavered. “You don’t understand. Steve, please don’t make me go back.” 
“Then help me understand. No more guessing.”
Steve could tell you were shocked by his tone. He hadn’t meant to sound so brash, but he was worried. He didn’t want to play the guessing game right now. All he wanted to know was what had you so afraid to go back home. If something had happened to you there… His hands fell down to his sides and clenched into fists in newly born rage.  
As he noticed your wide-eyed and jittery expression, Steve immediately tried to soften his features. He guided his hands back up to your neck, cradling your chin against his thumbs. “Sweetheart,” he tried again. “I won’t take you back there if you don’t wanna go, but you have to tell me what’s going on, okay? Can you do that when we get in the car?”
“Can I…stay with you?” A bullet landed in the center of Steve’s heart when your request reached his ears. It wouldn’t be the first time you had stayed over at his house– there were plenty of times where you had both decided it would be too late to drive home– but it was the first time you asked like this. Your eyes flashed with a flicker of fear and you had shrunk back from his hold a bit. You reached down by your feet to pull up a backpack onto your shoulder. “It- it’s fine if I can’t. I can just see if- if Nancy would mind. Or, or Robin!!”
“Sweetheart, sweetheart. It’s okay. Of course it’s okay!” He knew it was his fault you had acted as you did. You had never seen him get upset before, especially like this. He just didn’t want you to think it was because of you. He took a small step forward and wet his lips. “You can always stay with me if you need to. I just need to know what’s wrong. Can’t have you straining those beautiful eyes of yours with tears, yeah?”
You stiffened for a moment so brief, Steve would have thought he imagined it. Was that confusion or fear that crept onto your face? He couldn’t tell. With nothing more than a nod, you timidly made your way over to his BMW. You tugged the fabric of his sweatshirt over your hands and curled into the leather seating. Steve followed soon after, making sure you didn’t have any other bags to put in the car before he sat in the driver’s seat and turned the ignition. 
The two of you drove in silence for a while with the radio barely heard over the speakers. It was a mindless form of white noise as you watched out the front window. Steve’s right hand automatically walked over the center console to rest on your inner thigh. You flinched slightly, but didn’t tell him to move. He took that as an invitation to silently rub slow circles into the plush skin under his thumb. His eyes flickered over to you at every traffic light, which was useless given how late it was at night and there was no one else on the road. He couldn’t complain though, as it gave him an excuse to judge your emotions.
You were much calmer than you were a few minutes ago on the sidewalk. Your eyelids were drooping from a need for sleep. When you did end up nodding off, Steve made sure to take the longer way back to his house to give you a few extra minutes of bliss before he needed to wake you again. There was a phantom of a smile etched on your lips during your slumber. It reminded Steve of how you used to be every day before the incident at Star Court.
You hadn’t seemed much like yourself after that day. Sure, you smiled and cracked your same jokes. But something was off. That smile never really reached your eyes anymore. You kept near him in crowds and over thought about interactions with others far too often. This wasn’t like you, but he knew you’d come to him when you were ready to talk about it. 
As he pulled into the empty driveway of his house, Steve tried his best to rouse you as gently as possible. He reached over to adjust your hair, resisting the urge to plant a kiss at your temple…or to smell the new shampoo you had switched to upon his insistence last summer. He toyed with the hem of his sweatshirt. It wasn’t meant in a sexual way; he hoped the movement of fabric against skin would serve as a reminder of reality for you. 
“Sweetheart…” he cooed, still clinging to the nickname for reasons beyond his understanding. “Sweetheart, we’re home.”  
Steve had to try his best not to melt at your nose as it scrunched up when you dared to crack your eyelids open. You sniffed a bit to clear your airway after crying for so long. A sweatshirt covered hand slowly crawled its way up against your face and rubbed the sleep from your lashes. “H-home?” your sleep-drenched voice said, slightly fearful.
“Yeah, home.” Steve couldn’t stop the small smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth as he unbuckled your seatbelt. It was something he could get used to the more he thought of it, calling his home yours. Now wasn’t the time to make that a reality, though. There were more important things to worry about now, like your safety. “My mom and dad are out in Atlanta again. Some stupid conference.”
Your shoulders noticeably relaxed. “Oh,” you whispered. “Okay.”
He was quick to help you get settled in the living room. Even though it was late at night and he would usually be dead asleep by now, Steve never felt more awake. He rummaged through closets to find you a change of clothes. Granted, it was more of his pajamas and a pair of boxers, but at least it was something. He set you up with some pillows and blankets before darting over to the kitchen to make you a warm cup of tea. There was a pout against your lips that soon cleared as he perched on the seat beside you, mug in hand. 
And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
And sooner or later, it's over
I just don't wanna miss you tonight
He waited a few minutes for you to drink some of the beverage before taking a breath to address the clear elephant in the room. “Can we talk about it?” he broached the subject carefully, afraid to send you into a teary fit again. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt you or make you think he was mad at you again.
You cleared your throat. “I, uh, I don’t know what to tell you, Steve-”
“Oh, do not go and bullshit me!” He couldn’t help his frustration. “Something is happening. You haven’t been acting like yourself for months now and I don’t know why! I was going to say something about it, but I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” He paused to run a hand through his hair. “Then tonight happens and I- I just, goddamnit! Why won’t you talk to me?! Don’t you trust me?”
“I do trust you!” you were quick to defend. “I just don’t…I don’t want you to see me any different if I told you, I guess.”
Steve felt his eyes widen before his lips parted in shock. You were afraid of him. You were afraid to open up to him. He wanted to scream, he wanted to cry. Did he really push you away? Did something he did cause this change in attitude? “Nothing you tell me can change the way I think about you,” he said, tone serious and hands gently placed against your shoulders over the blanket. Or how I feel about you, he added in his mind.
It was at that moment Steve Harrington realized the truth. The thought of losing you scared him shitless. You were his best friend, the person who always had his back. You were the one he would go to during his highest and lowest moments. He hated to see you sad and he felt like a piece of himself was missing every time you walked away from him. He couldn’t lose you…
…because he was in love with you. Somehow he always had been, Steve realized, but he just never understood it. Now he was afraid of what would happen if he told you.      
“My parents and I…” you started, shifting awkwardly against the sofa cushions. Almost immediately, Steve’s full attention was back on you. “Well, we haven’t had the best of a relationship. It was always what they wanted. Good grades, never out past curfew if I could help it. They wanted extracurriculars, so I joined the school paper and the business club. It wasn’t enough. Then I ran for student council, applied to a bunch of colleges, got accepted into some. Then when the Dartmouth letter came-”
“You got into Dartmouth?!” He let the question of how you didn’t tell him go unsaid. It hurt how he seemed to have missed so much about your life. Did he really make all of your discussions about him and his problems? Were you trying to tell him these things and he just didn’t listen? Or did he just not care enough to ask? 
You took a long but hesitant sip of tea, mug lingering by your lips a little too long. “Yeah,” came the soft reply. “Early decision.”
“That’s amazing!!” Steve prayed his tone wasn’t as strained as he thought it was. He was happy for you, truly. Yet he still couldn’t shake the sadness that stemmed from the meaning of this announcement. You might be leaving Hawkins, leaving him. “I’m so proud of you!” 
Why didn’t you tell me?
“My parents want me to go.”
Oh. “So…” Steve moved his hands to rest against the sides of his legs. “Are you- you, uh, you’re gunna go?”
He watched you closely. You gave a heavy swallow, eyes moving from his face to the mug in your hand. Your lips were set in a tight line. “I don’t know.”
Oh. Steve knit his brow in confusion. “You don’t…you don’t know?”
A hand appeared from under the blanket cocoon to scratch at your temple, other still clutching the handle of the mug. Your teeth dug into your lower lip – a nervous habit you tended to do when you were lost in thought. “I’m just so tired of doing what they want me to,” you admitted after a moment of silence. “I don’t want to be the perfect-on-paper child they brag about. I’m not the person who wants to go to a big school on the other side of the country to learn about something I hate.”
“What kind of person are you?” It was an innocent question, but it was spoken urgently. Steve wanted to be able to learn more about you. He was desperate at this point. To know you had been uncomfortable to share what was really going 
“I don’t know,” your voice was soft again. “I tried to talk to them about it– told them I thought about going to Hawkins Community for a few years– but they didn’t want to hear it. ‘Said I was just being influenced by everyone, I’m not the same person that I was. I should be more focused on my future instead of wasting time fooling around with people like–”
Your face clenched into a grimace and Steve reached over to grab your free hand. “People like me,” he finished for you. “Someone who has done nothing in life to amount to anything, who isn’t going anywhere. I get it. It’s okay, you can say it.”
“No!!” You exclaimed. “Steve, no, no that’s not what it is. They just…they just think that I want to stay here because- because-”
“Because what?” He wanted to punch himself as he realized he had made it about himself again. In all honesty, his outburst was more of a reminder to himself than anything else. He didn’t deserve to have someone like you, who was headed down a path to make a name for themselves. He was going to be trapped in Hawkins forever, not that he really minded because it was his home. It was more that he knew one day you’d have to leave and he’d be stuck without you. He just wished it didn’t have to be that soon.
And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
“Because they think I’m just…I’m throwing my life away. But I’m not.” You broke your hand from his grip to wipe at your face again. Tears had started to drip down your face and Steve’s eyes scanned the streaks, practically memorizing every detail and feature against your skin. “When I tried to tell them, they didn’t want to listen. They asked me why I wanted to stay. I said it was because Hawkins was my home and I couldn’t see myself being anywhere else. They told me that if I was going to make that choice, I shouldn’t expect them to help me anymore. 
“So I,” the words came out mixed with choked cries, “so I left. I ran like an idiot because I couldn’t take it.”
Steve’s heart shattered. “You’re not an idiot, sweetheart,” he soothed. “You’re far from it. I mean, you got into freaking Dartmouth. Do you know how smart you have to be to get in there?”
“So I’m smart enough for Dartmouth, but not smart enough to go for what I want?”
“What do you want?” He hadn’t realized it, but somehow the two of you had gotten closer as you spoke. Your face was a few inches away from his own, hand on the outside of his lap. He felt your fingertips lightly scratch against the fabric of his jeans as you gripped onto him. It was a flash of a spark– an electricity he wanted to be able to feel over and over again for the rest of his life. He never wanted you to move your hand. “What…would make you happy? Not your parents – just you.” 
“What would make me happy?” Your gaze flickered for a moment down to his lips before meeting his eyes again. Steve felt his stomach do somersaults at this observation. He risked a quick glance at your own lips, which had gone back to being abused by your upper canines. “You really want to know what would make me happy?”
Steve nodded, praying he didn’t look as pathetic as he felt. “Yeah.”
“I’d really like for you to kiss me right now,” you admitted bashfully. Steve watched the flush creep up your neck and your cheeks. The color was a series of kisses made from embarrassment. It was a trail Steve found himself now desperate to follow upwards. 
“You don’t have to!!” The words tumbled from your lips and you made a conscious effort to scoot back against the opposite armrest on the couch. You set the mug on the coffee table and curled your knees up into your chest in an effort to make yourself smaller. It gave Steve a flashback to how you were in his car earlier, setting off a pang in his chest. “You know what? Just, uh, just- just forget it.” 
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah, you bleed just to know, you're alive
He doesn’t know how it happened. All Steve remembers is sitting by you one moment, the next he cradled the small of your back in his hand and guided you closer. His hazel eyes scanned yours, silently asking for confirmation that what he was about to do was alright. He needed you to tell him it was okay. He didn’t want to cross a line that you would regret. 
Clearly, the same thought had crossed your mind. “You wouldn’t regret it,” you asked. “Would you?” 
Steve had never been more sure of an answer in his entire life. “With you? Never.”  
The next thing he remembered feeling was your lips against his. They pressed against his own in a way that was softer than silk. Your upper lip was chapped from being out in the cold earlier, the lower swollen and plush from your nervous biting. But Steve wouldn’t change a single thing about this moment. You felt perfect against him, like a puzzle piece he had been searching for for months. Turns out you had been right in front of him the whole time, hidden in plain sight. 
As he pulled you closer, Steve felt you sigh and relax against his lips. He decided to press his luck a little bit by deepening the kiss. He put his all into it, trying to express how he felt for you. It was his hope that you would be able to understand his silent plea. Don’t leave me, it said. Don’t hide from me. I love you.
I love you, 
I love you, 
I love you. 
When you finally broke apart, your hand worked its way back into his messy hair. A smile– a real one– lit up your face in the darkness of the room. The other hand was pressed against the side of his face, thumb playing with his lower lip lazily. Your face was still coated in color, but this time for a much happier reason. Or at least, Steve hoped it was. 
“You okay?” It was a stupid thing to say, Steve knew that, but he couldn’t think of anything else. The two of you were already struggling a bit for breath. His brain had short-circuited at the thought of finally being able to hold you like he had, wondering if he’d ever have the chance to do that again. 
You laughed dryly. “Damn, Harrington,” you said, gaze still locked onto him. “You kiss everyone like that for the first time?”
A bemused smile lifted Steve’s lips and he glanced down to his lap. “Just the ones that matter,” he replied. “The people I really want to kiss like that.”
Your breath hitched briefly and you scooted closer. “You’ve wanted to kiss me?”
Steve nodded softly. “For a while now,” he admitted. “I didn’t want to mess anything up because we’re friends, ya know? And with the little shits-”
You silenced him with another soft kiss on the lips. “I guess I was wrong about you, Steve,” you said. “Maybe you do understand.”
He blinked a few times to clear the surprise of your unexpected touch. “What- what are you talking about?”
Your tongue flicked out to licks your lips nervously. “There was never anything wrong with you, Steve,” you tried to explain. “Girls did like you. They just…they figured it out pretty quickly.”
“Figured what out?” If Steve wasn’t confused already, he was pretty sure he was now. 
“That you already had someone waiting for you.” You cleared your throat and looked out at something else in the living room. “They just, uh, they just needed a little push to actually tell you how they felt.”
“You know, sometimes I forget how clueless you can be, Steve Harrington.” Your attention was back on him now. You ran a hand through his hair, sending more shocks through his body. He shivered in response as you leaned a bit closer to ghost your mouth over his. Steve had a rough idea of where you were going with this conversation, but like before, he wanted– needed– to hear it from your lips. 
“Who are you talking about?”
“Me,” you admitted. “I…I’ve loved you for a while now, Steve, and not just as a friend. I don’t want to leave Hawkins. I can’t.”
“Why not?” Steve couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at his lips as he fought the confusion. You loved him. Those words had come from you, you said it to him and he wasn’t dreaming.  
“Because there’s too much I’d be leaving behind. No one would understand me.” You bit your lower lip again. “Not like everyone here does. It isn’t my dream to be a big shot in some city. It’s- it’s to be here, with the kids, and Robin, and…”
“And?” Steve’s smile grew.
“And with you.” 
Steve reached over and lifted your chin up again, just as he did earlier that night in the street, so he could look you in the eyes. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to one corner of your mouth, then the other, before capturing your lips with his. He pulled you closer, a silent promise to never let you go. “If that’s what you want,” he said, “then that’s what we’ll do. And just so you know…”
He pressed another kiss to your lips. “I love you, too. Always have.”
And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
Author's Note: Well, it took me a little while, but I'm back with another Steve Harrington fic. We're just going to blame midterm week for this and not my lack of creativity or my intense writer's block. This is also my second time writing this author's note because Tumblr literally ate my post to the point it said it didn't exist. So that's great.
In all honesty, this fic kind of got away from me and turned into a self-indulgent fulfillment of a "request" (I say request, but it was really more of an inspiration based on someone else's post about wanting a certain fic). I'm a sucker for pining Steve and the thought of him thinking I was beautiful during one of the lowest points of my life just made me melt.
If you liked this fic, please do me a favor and let me know! While likes are appreciated, things like comments and reblog will really help spread the word about my writing and give me the motivation to keep this up. Want to join my taglist? Send me a message or ask about which list you want to join (general or specific-character) and I'll add you!
Until next time, my little sparks <3
Taglist: @bakerstreethound
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code1r15 · 2 months
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A new era is approaching ...
A draft for a new project is slowly taking life.
I'm still on a low battery level due to irl stuff finally taking over my mental health - but I'm positive I want to mesh Iris's story to the Deus Ex universe lore enough to bridge Mankind Divided to Deus Ex 1. I wanna start it soon, but I don't know when I'll actually start storyboarding.
I keep telling myself this comic won't be as long as code:1r15, but who knows? I plan to keep myself busy, and code1r15 was a great tool for this goal.
Still, I'm still settling down a chronology of events, adding my own spin to it, but also respecting the deus ex lore at much as I can, like I did for everything else up until now. I stay on my goal to make Iris an OC that doesn't interfere - simply adds. I did it for Mankind Divided, I think I have a good base to work with to make it happen again. If it sounds as a challenge to myself, it's because it definitely is.
I don't plan in answering major DX questions (like, is Adam a clone?), because deep down I still hope Eidos will be able to give us these answers one day - but I'll definitely hint into what I believe could be the answer.
I'll also consider it AU to code1r15, despite it being a canon-close sequel, because it has a few lines I don't accept myself. And I don't want to accept I'm putting my OC through this, lol.
Drafts, drafts, drafts.
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Make That Kitty Purr [Director’s Cut]
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Title: Make That Kitty Purr [Director’s Cut]
Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI
Pairing: Mike x Reader, August Walker x Reader
Fandom: Hellraiser: Hellworld x Mission: Impossible - Fallout, Crossover AU
Word Count: 5.7K
Summary: Uncle August doesn’t give a shit that you’re Mike’s girlfriend. THIS IS THE DIRECTOR’S CUT OF THIS STORY.
Warnings: voyeurism, cheating, unprotected p-in-v (wrap it before you tap it), dubcon, creampie, breeding kink, impregnation, spit kink, choking, slapping, dacryphilia, adult breastfeeding, August is an asshole, Mike deserves better 
A/N: Original story is here, Make That Kitty Purr. I decided to share what the story was before I cut it down, based on this ask from @geralts-yenn. Unbeta’d, we die like people who tried their best.
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art by me
My Masterlist 
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“You must be Michael’s girlfriend, right?” The velvety voice slides over you like warm honey. As your name rolls off of his tongue, you turn around in the small space of the open fridge door and are face-to-chest with a mountain of a man.
Everything about him was perfect. A tall frame with a muscular build was easy to spot at first glance. On closer inspection, you stare into aquamarine eyes that have a brownish-gold spot in the left iris. And that ‘70s porn stache oddly worked well on his face. Fresh sweat slid down his neck, the heat from outside still radiating off of his body. You feel his breath on your face before you realize he’s speaking to you.
“I’m sorry, what?” You shake your head slightly and smile up at him as he smirks at you.
“I said, I’m August. I’m Michael’s Uncle, Walt’s brother,” He reaches over you to grab a beer off of the door of the fridge, “Not surprised he didn’t introduce us.” At your confused expression, he only shakes his head and sips from his beer. He watches you watching him as he lowers the beer from his lips, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows. “Like what you see, Princess?”
The noise that comes out of your mouth is a mix between a gulp, a yelp, and a moan. And it seems to echo in the kitchen of Mike’s parent’s house. Everyone is still outside, Mike asked you to come in and get…something. You’d forgotten when you were suddenly in the presence of a god among men. You would have to watch yourself around this one. He had the power to make you misbehave.
“There you are, Sweetcheeks,” Thank goodness Mike comes into the kitchen when he does, “Thought you got lost in here. Hey, Uncle August.” They exchange looks with one another, looking back at you at the same time.
“I just got talking with your Uncle and forgot what I came in here for.” You decided to tell the truth, although you left out eye-fucking his Uncle. He didn’t need to hear that.
“You were coming in to grab us a couple of beers, but now Mom asked for a couple more things.” Mike moves you out of the cool haven of the fridge and grabs a few things from inside. With his back turned, he can’t see August looking into your eyes as he adjusts himself.
“Hey, Uncle August, was that invitation to come up to the cabin still good? I may have a free weekend coming up.” Mike closing the refrigerator door saves you from the intense draw of August’s fixation. 
“Of course. Anytime you wanna come up, just let me know in advance so I can make sure everything is good for you.” August looks to Mike like he hadn’t been touching his dick and looking at his girlfriend.
“Alright, awesome. Come on, Sweetcheeks.” Mike leads the way, holding the potato salad. You pick up the beers and chanced a glance back at August who is licking his lips and following behind you. You feel his presence behind you as you exit the porch. The unmistakable feeling of a hand ghosting over your hip almost makes you squeal but you school yourself, catching up the Mike.
The rest of the barbecue goes off without a hitch. The interaction between you and August is forgotten until you go in to help clean the dishes. You tell Mike’s Mom to go back outside and that you’ll take care of the rest of the washing. That is, until August comes in and has you all to himself again. 
“Need some help, Princess?” That voice goes straight to your pussy and you instantly tense up at the pet name.
“No, I, uh…I got it. Thank you, Uncle Aug–” You start, but he cuts you off.
“No, Princess. I’m not your Uncle. You call me August.” His hand on your hip as he spoke had you trembling.
“Yes, August.” You don’t know how you were able to speak, but you did it and that’s all that matters.
“Good girl.” The praise has you squeezing your thighs together and accidentally pressing back into August who has moved closer to you. Your ass had been pressed against his clothed cock and it sent shockwaves to your brain.
The groan that escapes August’s mouth vibrates through you. Before you know it, August is putting down his empty beer bottle and putting both hands underneath your dress. Your protests die on your tongue as his fingers hook under the waistband of your panties. With a tug, the underwear is coming down your legs and you’re stepping out of them. August brings them to his face to inhale your aroma before pocketing your thong.
“I’ll see you soon, Princess,” August says, leaning down to kiss your shoulder in an almost sweet albeit possessive gesture, “Give Michael my best.”
You’re left gobsmacked in the kitchen, only coming out of your reverie when you hear the door to the kitchen opening. You finish up the washing as the family files in. 
If you ride Mike into the mattress that night, that’s your business. Mike was none the wiser as you thought of a velvety voice, a mustache, and your taken undies. Thoughts of August go away soon enough and are but a distant memory when Mike brings up needing a break from school for a while. 
You casually ask if August will be there while you are at the cabin, Mike says it will just be the two of you and you relax. At least you won’t have to worry about those little moments you and his Uncle shared.
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When Mike invites you up to his Uncle’s cabin for the weekend, you are beyond excited. You’ve never been away with him and this is the perfect opportunity to have a little fun away from your college roommates. You love them, but it’s so hard to get some alone time with two other girls breathing down your neck.
You pull up to the cabin on Friday afternoon and notice another car already in the driveway, a tall man dressed rather sharply grabbing a suitcase out of the trunk. As he turns around, you recognize Mikey’s Uncle August. I guess we’re not going to be alone this weekend after all.
Mikey puts the car in park and jumps out before you can even unbuckle yourself. “Uncle August, what are you doing here?”
“My schedule changed so I figured I would come and check on the cabin while you were up here,” August put down his luggage and rolls his sleeves up before running a hand over his mustache.
“Well, we were kinda thinking we would have the place to ourselves, actually,” Mike says, walking around the car after turning it off.
“We?” August’s head tilts as his eyes land on the passenger window.
You watch the exchange from the car, seeing that August has finally noticed you. Exiting the car, you close the door behind you and join Mike who puts a possessive arm around your waist.
“Uncle August, this is my girl. You remember her, right?” 
August nods and correctly remembers your name, slowly letting it pass over his tongue. While Mike is smiling down at you, August lets his eye rake over you from head to toe. If Mike had seen, he would not have been happy. Damnit, August, be cool!
“Michael, why don’t you get the bags while I take your girl inside out of the cold? You can handle that, right?” Before you know it, your hand is taken by a large paw and you are led inside the cabin. August walks close to you and you can smell his aftershave up close, the scent intoxicating.
You’re surprised when it takes Mike as long as it does to get all of the bags into the cabin. You packed pretty light, but August had him take everything to the rooms instead of leaving them by the hallway. You notice August is staying on the bottom floor of the cabin while you and Mike are staying in another room on the second floor.
While Mike is upstairs, August goes to the refrigerator and pulls out a bottle of wine. He pours two glasses and offers you the other. You don’t miss how his fingers linger on yours.
“What shall we toast to, Princess?” You don’t hide the shiver that runs down your spine at the pet name.
“Um, to…a hot tub and time away from annoyances,” You lift your glass over to connect with August’s. He holds your gaze as he takes a sip. 
“And to these, maybe?” August holds up a pink lacy pair of underwear, your thong from the barbecue months ago. He still has them, smiling down at you before pocketing them again when you reach out to try and take them.
Mike’s voice startles you as it booms through the cabin, “Sweetcheeks, you wanna get in the hot tub now or later?” Sometimes you wish Mike had a chill mode, but you loved the adorable goofball.
“I’ll get started on dinner while you two have some time alone,” August takes your wine glass and tops it off, and sends you up to find Mike. You can feel his eyes on you as you walk away, but you don’t dare look back.
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As you get in the hot tub after getting changed into your bathing suit, the sun is setting over the mountains. Mike’s hands and mouth are over you in an instant, not caring what his Uncle may be seeing. He pulls you into his lap and attacks your neck. Your eyes close at the sensation and when they open, a gorgeous set of oceanic blues lock on you.
August is watching you as Mike slides a hand into your suit bottoms. You know you should tell Mike to stop but the idea of putting on a show for August is a temptation you can’t ignore. Your mouth opens in a silent scream as Mike’s fingers circle your clit before sliding into your entrance. Clutching a hand in his hair, you bite your lip as you ride Mike’s fingers.
As August watches you, he grips and strokes his cock through his pants. You reason with yourself that since you aren’t touching each other, this isn’t cheating. This is just slightly inappropriate, nothing to truly worry about.
Mike’s attention to finger-fucking you is gone as he pulls out his cock, pulling your bottoms to the side. He swiftly enters you and pulls you down onto him fully. Within seconds, you adjust to Mike’s cock and start to ride him while maintaining eye contact with August.
Mike pulls out your tits from your suit top and gives attention to your nipples. The man loves your boobies and it keeps him occupied as you continue your impromptu sex show for August. The older man unzips himself and for a moment, you think you’re going to be graced with the sight of his cock, but he only reaches in to stroke himself. Watching him watching you is enough to send you over the edge. Mike follows after you shortly, pulling out of you to jerk his cock as you didn’t exactly bring condoms to the hot tub.
You watch as August pulls his hand out of his pants, zips himself up, and walks out of your field of vision. It doesn’t look like he came and you instantly want to help him over the edge but hold yourself together. You move yourself to sit next to Mike and rest your head against his shoulder as you both catch your breath and readjust your clothing. A million thoughts run through your head, the most severe of which is gnawing at your soul.
You want August, and it’s obvious he wants you back. How could you want something like that? Mike isn’t perfect, but he’s yours. He adores you and you think the world of him. Yes, he can be a bit aloof, but he’s genuinely interested in your happiness. He doesn’t deserve to be fucked over by your selfish desires.
You are broken out of your reverie minutes later as August beckons you both to come in for dinner. You both towel off and put on robes. August already has the table set with three plates and he sits at the head of the table with you and Mike sitting across from each other. 
The conversation comes easily enough, August mostly focuses on asking you about what you are studying and what your future plans are. Mike seems to be none the wiser that August is paying you so much attention as he shovels pasta in his face. August refills your wine glass, handing it to you, his fingers lingering again. August finally turns his gaze to Mike and asks what you all have planned for the weekend. 
Mike mentions you are scheduled to go to a beer garden tomorrow and you would be meeting some friends afterward. You don’t remember making plans to meet up with friends but you go with it anyway. Mike’s friends were pretty cool, at least the ones you’ve met. Well, Derrick could be annoying and could make Mike completely miserable to be around but hopefully, he wouldn’t be there tomorrow.
You all finish dinner shortly thereafter, a few glasses of wine in your system. August gets up, and you assume he is going to start clearing the table. “August, you cooked, we can clear the table.”
“Nonsense. You’re a guest here,” he says, waving you off, “Michael can clean up the kitchen while I give you a quick tour.” He holds out his hand to lead you through the living room, and that same hand ends up on your lower back. 
Your bare feet pad softly on the hardwood while his shiny shoes clack next to you. Your robe is the only thing preventing August from touching your skin directly. The heat coming off of his hand is enough to elicit a shiver from you. Instead of mentioning it, he just smiles down at you and walks you into the spacious entertainment room.
A large television screen is in front of a sectional couch. Two vintage full-height arcade game systems stand against either side wall. A pool table sits on the right, while a poker table is to the left. You’re impressed with the setup and you say as much.
“Yeah, I like to entertain sometimes. You’re welcome to this room whenever you want. Most of the streaming apps are already set up and there’s a Playstation and XBOX as well if you’re interested,” August points over to the tv, leaning in as he speaks.
“I can already see Mike getting lost in here for a few hours,” you snort, trying to hide your obvious annoyance.
“I’m sure you can keep him occupied, Princess.” There goes that pet name again. You look up at August and he grins like the Cheshire cat down at you.
If Mike hadn’t walked in when he did, you would have leaned into that smile. “I was looking for you guys. Sweetcheeks, are you ready for bed? I’m exhausted.”
“You’re tired from cleaning the kitchen?” August teased, knowing full well that wasn’t what tired the younger man out.
“Yeah…well, it’s a big…kitchen, so,” Nice save, Mike.
“Sounds like a good idea, baby. Let’s go,” you grab Mike’s hand and turn toward August, “Night, August.”
“Goodnight, you two,” August hums, looking from you to his nephew.
The two of you head to bed upstairs, arm in arm. It takes everything out of you not to turn around and look at August once more.
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In the middle of the night, you pull yourself out of Mike’s grip and head to the bathroom. You notice your throat is dry and decide to go to the kitchen for a bottle of water. August is already in the kitchen, pouring himself a drink. As he picks up the lowball of amber liquid, he turns to greet you.
“You alright, Princess?” The genuine concern in his voice almost overshadows the fact that he is only clad in a tight pair of boxer briefs. Almost. 
Instead of answering, you are entranced by his hairy chest and defined abdominals. Muscular arms and thick thighs are on full display. You’re sure you’re staring but he doesn’t seem to mind as he makes his way over to you. It seems like he moves in slow motion and your brain doesn’t fully comprehend when he reaches out to you.
His warm hand on your arm reminds you that you forgot to put on a robe before coming downstairs. Your crop top and cheeky underwear leave little to the imagination and you look down at yourself before looking from his hand back up at him. As if seeing your thoughts across your face, August removes his hand from your shoulder.
“I just came down for some water.” You’re surprised that you were able to get those words out, as whiny as they were. Your dry throat returns after you speak.
August nods and turns around to go back to the fridge. The ass on this man is ridiculous too, that’s just unfair. He grabs a bottle of water from the fridge and brings it back to you. He holds it out to you, and you take it shakily before opening it and taking a sip. You cap it again and hold it up to your suddenly warm neck. You let out a sigh and close your eyes for a beat. When you open them, August is standing closer to you. You didn’t even hear him take a step.
You slowly lower the water bottle from your skin and August takes it, putting your bottle and his whiskey down on the nearby dining table. When he turns back to you, he reaches up and holds your chin between his thumb and forefinger. He takes his time leaning in, giving you an out to easily lean back.
But you don’t lean back, you lean into him as he slots your mouths together. You whimper into his mouth and it is all over from there. He drops your chin, his hands sliding from your face to your neck and down your back until they settle under your ass as he lifts you into his arms.
“Tell me you want me, Princess,” August whispers, the heat coming off his clothed cock blazing into your core, “You want me to take care of you?”
“Yes,” you whimper, carding a hand through his thick head of hair. 
“That’s my good girl,” he groans, walking to his bedroom. He kisses your neck, nipping at it as he settles you back upon his bed. He hovers over you for a moment, rubbing your covered sexes together. Letting you have ample time to change your mind while making sure you won’t.
“Please,” you whine, no longer able to hide your desire to have him inside you.
“Please what? Say it,” he grunts, pressing his groin harder into you.
“Fuck me, August.” is all he needs to hear before he’s pulling your underwear down and off. He doesn’t remove his own, only tucks them under his balls as he runs the head of his dick through your sopping folds. He enters slowly and gradually, letting you adjust to his girth and length.
Once he is fully seated inside you, he begins a punishing rhythm that has your cervix screaming. Your legs wrap around his waist and his hand finds your throat, placing slight pressure on the sides. The older man has you in a daze soon enough, filthy words leaving his mouth.
“Fuck, it’s just like I imagined it,” August grunts, his pupils blown wide as he looks down at you, “I jerked my cock so many times with your panties. They barely smell like you anymore. I’m gonna change that.” With that, he pulls out. Getting off the bed, he reaches into the pocket of the slacks he was wearing earlier and finds your thong.
He gets back on the bed and starts to stuff the underwear into your wet snatch. You squirm under his touch as he pushes the material inside you. Once you are full, his finger circles your clit.
“I’m gonna get you to cum all over your panties so I can have that smell back in my life. You’re so perfect, Princess.” Between his words and his finger working you over, it doesn’t take long until you're coating your underwear in sweet nectar and moaning August’s name.
“Mmm, that’s my good girl. Now, let’s get this out, shall we?” That’s all the warning you get. August inserts one thick digit inside you and pulls out the wet lace. He sets them aside and slides his dick back inside you. He sets a slow pace, wanting you to beg for more. It’s not long before he is granted his wish.
“August, harder, please?” Your whimpers go straight to his dick and you feel him involuntarily twitch.
“Yes, Princess. Anything for my good girl.” August lands two soft slaps on your face, his hand then moves back to your throat as you toss your head back into the pillow underneath you. “Is Princess gonna come all over my cock?”
You nod, this time when he lands a slap, you feel a sting. The shock of it mixed with his thrusting has you so close.
“Come for me, Princess. Then I’ll breed this tight little cunt.” 
“No, August. I’m not on birth control. Please don’t…come inside me…” Your words are trailing off as your orgasm catches up with you. The sound of wet squelching echoes in your ears.
“I’m gonna stuff you so full of my cum. You’re mine now, Princess. And I will keep you full of me, giving me strong children one after the other. Tell me to come inside you, Princess. Now!”
“Come inside me, August.” If his hand wasn’t around your throat and his body against yours holding you down, you think you might not have said it. But you did say it. You can’t take it back.
His hips stutter in their movement and you are soon flooded with his spend. He doesn’t stop fucking you until you come again, some of his seed leaking out past his cock as he pulls himself out. He looks down and smiles watching you leak with his spunk, before laying next to you. He draws you closer to rest your head on his chest.
He kisses your forehead in a sweet gesture. Juxtaposed with the filthy act you’ve just committed, you suddenly feel nauseous. You bite back bile as you rest against August. You wish the Earth would open up and swallow you whole. You stay like that for a minute more, feeling your legs get wet with his cum as it leaks from you. 
“You’re going to break up with Michael. I don’t care if you love him and he loves you. You’ll be pregnant with my children soon enough and I’ll be the one taking care of you. He won’t want you because I’m going to ruin you for all other men, Princess.” His words hit you hard followed by his hand around your throat, “Did you hear me?”
“Yes.” You sniffle.
“Yes, what?” You feel his body tense.
“Yes, Sir.” 
“That’s my good girl. You’re mine, remember that. Now, open your mouth,” He still holds onto your throat while he turns to you.
You open your mouth and he spits, half of it landing on your lips. You squeeze your eyes shut in disgust as you hear him laugh at your discomfort. He wipes his saliva into your mouth, “Swallow it, Princess. I would hate to think you don’t want my gift.”
Your world implodes as you swallow, the gravity of cheating on Mike suddenly screaming its way into the forefront of your mind. You hate yourself and you hate August for enticing you.
“Now, be a good girl and end it with Michael. And make yourself useful and bring me my whiskey on your way back, Princess.” 
You get up quickly, finding and putting on your underwear before all but running out of August’s room, you can still taste him on your tongue. You reach the upstairs bathroom connected to your bedroom and make it to the toilet in the nick of time. Your dinner comes back up so harshly that you end up waking Mike up with your gagging.
He comes to hold your hair out of the way and rub a soothing hand on your back. As you finish, you spit, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. You close the lid, sitting down on the floor next to Mike as he looks at you concerned.
“Mike, baby, I’m so sorry.” 
“Sweetcheeks, what are you sorry for? You just got sick is all.”
“Not saying sorry for that, I have to tell you something.”
“Babe, you’re scaring me, what’s going on?” Mike’s voice quivers and it is all you can do to stop yourself from kissing his frown away because you’re about to break his heart.
“I…slept with August,” you blurt out, and you start to cry before you can help it, “He told me to come to break it off with you and I don’t want that, Mikey. I don’t want him.” You stop your rambling and sit in silence.
Mike isn’t saying anything and you wonder what is even going through his head. You hazard a look over to his face. His jaw is working in anger and he pulls his knees up to his chest.
“Mike, I’m so sor-”
“We’re leaving. Get dressed.” Mike cuts you off and gets up from the floor. You get up and follow him to the bedroom, pulling on your jeans and hoodie quickly as he begins to pack your suitcases quietly.
You watch him move about the room mechanically. You wish he would talk to you. But, you know you don’t deserve to be comforted. He needs and deserves better than you. As he finishes, he pulls on his clothes and takes your things downstairs.
You follow him down, pausing when you both see August now wearing just pajama bottoms. He actually looks surprised to see you both dressed and holding your luggage.
“Go to the car, I’ll be out in a sec, ok?” Mike’s voice is eerily calm as he hands you the car keys and ushers you outside.
“Mike, let’s just lea-”
“I said, go to the car. I’ll be right there,” he barely raises his voice, but he pushes slightly on your shoulder to get you outside. Like he doesn’t want you to witness something.
You grab your luggage and head outside, closing the door behind you. You try and block out the sounds of a struggle in the cabin as you walk across the gravel driveway. You put your suitcase in the trunk and get in the car. You’re putting on your seatbelt as August comes out to the car. Opening the car door, he reaches in and pulls you out. 
“August, what are you doing? Where is Mike?” Your questions are left unanswered as you are pulled inside. The cabin is eerily quiet and you notice Mike sitting on the staircase, his hair and clothing a mess, staring daggers at you.
“So you gave him my favorite thong of yours, let him fuck you and come inside you, and what? I’m just supposed to let that go and forgive you?” Mike practically spits fire at you, his words scalding you.
“Mikey, please. Let’s just leave like we were going to. I want you, Mikey, I’m so sorry I made a mistake. Please don’t leave me.” You beg at his feet, groveling for him not to quit on you.
“It wasn’t me that left. Remember that. I never wanna see either of you ever again,” Mike grabs his suitcase and moves to pass you, “And you can find another way back to school. I’ll leave your stuff outside. You two deserve each other.”
“Mikey, please–”
Mike pushes past you and walks out of the door. You can hear the gravel crunching under his feet. The unmistakable sound of your luggage and bookbag hitting the driveway. You run out in time to see him driving away. Your entire world shifts around you as the weight of your actions consumes you.
The last thing you remember is your legs feeling wobbly as you are caught by strong arms.
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You haven’t seen Mike in almost a year when you bump into him in the supermarket. You’re walking down the frozen food section, perusing the ice cream flavors when you hear someone’s throat clear behind you. You turn around and are met with a messy head of curls peering into your cart, the baby carrier in his line of sight.
“I shouldn’t be surprised you had his baby. You always wanted kids, guess just not my kids.” Mike shakes his head, looking away from you. 
“Mikey, I’m–”
“Save it, you’re wasting your time. I got someplace I gotta be.” Mike rolls his eyes and leaves you where you stand. The coldness of the aisle hits you more harshly than before.
You broke a good man’s heart and you deserved the life you have now. 
You grab August’s fave, mint chocolate chip, and then head to checkout. Loading the car, you head home. August made you drop out of school to begin your new life as his incubator.
He comes out of the house as you pull into the driveway, grabbing the baby carrier and cooing to his son. You’re left to bring in the rest of the groceries.
Since you gave birth, August has been relentless in his attempts to get you pregnant again. Once upon a time, sex all day long would have aroused you. Now, it’s become your least favorite activity. You can’t get wet for August. 
To have any kind of arousal, you’re forced to think of Mikey. The way he would kiss you in the middle of laughing, or the sounds he made while going down on you. That part of your life is gone. Now, you are a mother against your will. And August won’t let you forget what you’re here for.
“My son is hungry, can you handle that, Princess?” He waits until you nod, opening your blouse and unlatching your nursing bra before he gently hands you August Jr. As the baby suckles at you, your mind wanders.
“Yes, Sir.” You start to believe August likes the robotic way you speak now. Whenever you did express emotion, it was to show sadness and he hated that.
While you hold your son, August grabs your chin gently between his forefinger and thumb. “Smile for me, Princess,” You look up at August and follow his command, “That’s my good girl. After he’s done feeding, meet me upstairs. You’re ovulating and I am so attracted to this view of you. Just think of it, Princess. AJ sitting atop your pregnant belly while you feed him. It’s so perfect.” He sweetly caresses your face, never is he as sweet as when he wanted you.
After your son falls asleep while eating, you put him on your shoulder and burp him. You walk to his nursery and lay him down, caressing his curls before kissing his tiny face. It’s not his fault that his father is terrible to his mother.
It’s your fault for letting yourself fall into the arms of a man that wasn’t your boyfriend. You had everything you needed with Mikey. And now you had nothing you wanted with August. Plastering the smile that August loved so much on your face, you walk into your bedroom.
August sits on your bed, waiting for you while he strokes himself. You walk up to him, the sickly sweet smile still on your face, and begin to undress slowly. He reaches up to play with a swollen, wet nipple and you can’t help but enjoy the relief it brings when he latches onto your breast. While he drinks from you, he pulls you into his lap. Without pulling free of your nipple, he uses a hand to slide his cock inside you.
You groan as he breaches you, whimpering as he guides your hips to ride him. August pulls away from your breast to switch to the other, working to drain you while he fucks you. You want to hate him, you wish your milk was poison to kill him. But, instead, all you do is cradle his head and grind down on him.
When he has had his fill of you, he leans back wiping his mouth before maneuvering you to lay on your back as he fucks into you. 
“I love you so much, Princess.” His words are a surprise and they confuse you.
“You’re the mother of my children, of course, I love you…You give us everything we need…You make me so happy…You’re my Princess, I’m your King…And we have our little Prince.” His words are all coming out in short breaths as he tries to hold back his orgasm until after yours. He reaches down to play with your clit as he sucks hickeys into your neck. “Tell me you love me, Princess.”
“I love you, August,” You actually sound like you mean it as your orgasm rushes through you.
“That’s my good girl!” August thrusts into you one last time, releasing his fertile seed inside you. You feel every twitch and squirt inside of you, and you swear you could feel yourself being impregnated at that moment. He stays inside you for a moment longer, pulling out to hold your legs up and rock you side to side as he heard that helps to aid in conception.
This is your life, an endless sea of pregnancy. A hollow promise of love from a man who took everything from you. And the worst part is, you’ve given up fighting because you know you deserve it.
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A/N: Welp, that’s something. I’ll be in my bunk, rethinking my life’s choices.
**Tag List**
@brattymum96 @ambinxe @avengersfan25 @kebabgirl67 @identity2212
@astheskycries @enchantedbytomandhenry
@rebelangel1102 @mrs-solo-walker
Let me know if you wanna be added (or removed) 😁
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creepywrites · 9 months
Real names
Jeff the Killer- Jeffrey woods
Liu- Louis Woods
Ben- Ben Lawman
Sally Dawn- Sally Dawn (formerly Williams)
Sam Williams- Sam Williams
Milo the Electrocuted- Milo Moretti
Lulu- Lucille Greatfield
Clockwork- Natalie Rogers (formerly Quellette)
Zero- Zero (formerly Alice Jackson)
Jane the killer- Jane Vaughn Richardson (formerly Richardson)
Mary Vaughn- Mary Vaughn
Jane Everlasting- Jane Arkensaw
Vailly Evans- Vailly Evans
Nathan the nobody- Nathan Lux
Eyeless Jack- Jack Nyras
Kate the chaser- Kate Hayes
Rouge- Heather Marshall
Wilson the basher- Wilson Marshall (formerly Warren)
X-virus- Cody Rogers (formerly David)
Lazari- Lazari Swann
Stripes- Eloise Swann (formerly Bellarose)
Kaidy- Kaidy Zalgo
Senora Zalleen- Senora Zalleen s.
Nina the killer- Nina Hopkins
Puppeteer- Puppeteer (formerly Johnathan Blake)
Zachary- Zachary Gibson
Emra- Aldrige
Bloody painter- Helen Otis
Suicide Sadie- Sadie nanook (formerly Bennett)
Roadwalker- Zayner Nanook
Judge angel- Dina Angela-Otis (formerly Clark)
Nurse Ann- Ann Mia
Randy- Randy Harrison
Sully- Sullivan Harrison
Keith- Keith Davis
Troy- Troy Green
Dollmaker- Vaughn Volikov
Svetlana- Svetlana Aristov
Vicky genocidal- Victoria Ross
Hannah the killer- Hannah Jackson
Hung iris- Iris Illman
Oggy- Oggy Jones (formerly Oggy)
Lifeless Lucy- Lucy Jones
Asylum Nancy- Nancy Adams
Chris the Revenant- Chris Myers
Monday Child- Christabel Smith
Laughing Jill- Laughing Jill
Laughing Jack- Laughing Jack
Ticci Toby- Tobias Rogers
Luring Lyra- Lyra Rogers
Killing Kate- Katherine  Knight
Lost Silver- Lost Silver (Hibiki)
Cata the Killer- Cata Blackwood
Rotten Abigail- Abigail Walker
The Hare- Lin Wang
The Doll- Andrea Stevens
Raven- Manon Plume
Anna Schurks- Anna Schurk
Weeping forest- Jenifer Rhynes
Nightmare Ally- Adeline Abendroth
Red Death- Sifreid Gadriel
Gas mask maid- Marion Gadriel
Tim- Timothy Wright
Jessica- Jessica Locke
Taylor- Taylor Lockecr
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Don't know who this is perfect for
Husk x Reader
Lucifer x Reader
Angel Dust x Reader
Vox x Reader
Alastor x Reader
Or Adam x Reader
Cause these lyrics
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gothicgender · 4 months
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Salutations, welcome to my blog. I'm Blake but you can call me blaky or Liu aswell, however you prefer ! To say something about me I use they/them or neutral pronouns and want to become a writer. I may have bad grammar because I'm not english.
Requests - open
Request rules :
I will write for my fandoms because I'm more used to them.
The fandoms I'll write for are Hazbin Hotel, creepypasta, monster high, harry potter and maybe teen titans.
I am comfortable writing fluff, smut, angst, romantic, platonic and other stuff requested...tho I won't write smut that is too freaky or with weird kinks that I'm no comfortable with.
I can write fem, male and gender-neutral reader.
I can write headcanons or small fics about ships I also like because find it more easy then to write a ship I don't see happening or that I personally don't like.
I wouldn't like to be rushed with requests because it can be really stressful !
Do not be afraid to request and be specific with it !
Characters I will write for !
Hazbin hotel :
Angel Dust
Sir Pentious
Cherry Bomb
The overlords (expect Valentino)
Adam (probably)
Mimzy (probably)
Katie Killjoy
Tom Trench
Ships I accept :
Charlie x Vaggie
Husk x Angel Dust
Valentino x Velvette x Vox (I believe they are poly)
Sir Pentious x Cherri Bomb
Carmila and Zestrial
Creepypasta :
Jeff the killer
Ben Drowned
Homicidal Liu
Bloody Painter
Ticci-Toby (probably)
Jason the toymaker
Candy Pop
Eyeless Jack
Hobo Heart
The puppeteer (maybe)
Laughing Jack
Nathan the nobody
Jane the Killer
Nina the killer (both versions)
Kate the chaser
Nurse Ann
Suicide Sadie
Judge Angels
Laughing Jill
Ships I accept :
Jane the killer x Mary (her canon wife)
Kagekao x Suicide Sadie
Bloody Painter x Judge Angels
Nurse Ann x Dr. Smiley
(other you can suggest)
Monster high (gen 1 or 2) :
Clawdeen Wolf
Draculaura Vike
Frankie Stein
Cleo de Nile
Lagoona Blue
Ghoulia Yelps
Abby Bominable
Jinafire Long
Iris Clops
Robecca Steam
Rochelle Goyle
Scarah Screams
Skelita Calaveras
Spectra Vondergeist
Toralei Stripe
Purrsephone and Meowlody
Twyla Boogeyman
Venus McFlytrap
Marisol Coxi
C.A. Cupid
Casta Fierce
Clawdia Wolf
Viperine Gorgon
Deuce Gorgon
Clawd Wolf
Heath Burns
Holt Hyde
Invisi Billie
Jackson Jekyll
Neighthan Rot
Garrot du Roque
Kieran Valentine
Manny Taur
Ships I accept :
Clawdeen x Draculaura
Clawd x Draculaura
Cleo x Deuce
Abby x Heath
Ghoulia x Sloman
Frankie x Jackson
Spectra x Porter
Rochelle x Garrot
Scarah x Billie
Iris x Manny
Harry Potter :
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Fred and George Weasley
Percy Weasley
Alicia Spinnet
Lavender Brown
Parvati Patil
Dean Thomas
Neville Longbottom
Ginny Weasley
Lee Jordan
Angelina Johnson
Blaise Zabini
Pansy Parkinson
Tom Riddle
Theodore Nott
Daphne Greenglass
Millicent Bulstrode
Cho Chang
Padma Patil
Luna Lovegood
Marietta Edgecombe
Penelope Clearwater
Michael Corner
Hannah Abbott
Susan Bones
Cedric Diggory
Ships I accept :
Harry x Ginny
Ron x Hermione
Neville x Luna
Molly x Arthur Weasley
Bill x Fleur
Draco x Astoria
Angelina x Alicia
Teen Titans :
Robin (Dick Grayson)
Beast Boy
Madame Rogue
Punk Rocket
Ships I accept :
Robin x Starfire
Raven x Beast Boy
Jinx x Kid Flash
This is all so far ! Thank you for visiting my page.
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