#adult tag
roadkill-creatures · 2 days
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teaboot · 9 months
No word of a lie my favourite dude thing ever is when older men laugh smugly and imply that the weird kinky things they do are way beyond my understanding, cause like
I work at a sex shop. I've worked s&m clubs. I once got my thumb trapped in an animatronic gyrating asshole
You're not the wild and crazy sex freak you think you are, Gary
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roadkill-art · 5 months
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Again, you can find my NSFW art over on Pillowfort
18+ ONLY!!1!
if you're a minor and able to see this post I will personally smite you from my blog
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the-force-awakens · 7 months
now that the evening is slowing
Summary: Sometimes, you're the one to get Poe out of his head.
Pairing: Poe Dameron x F!Reader
Word Count: 500+.
Warnings: porn without plot, pegging, kind of genderfuckery I guess (poe refers to the strap on as reader's cock), established relationship, tiny mentions of overstimulation, subby!Poe needs his own warning probably?
A/N: I don't know if I'm back in the game of writing reader fic but this did happen and I'm kind of determined to jump back in with both feet so we'll see!
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Poe's thighs shake where they're spread out where he's straddling your hips, head lolled back with pleasure as you fuck up into him, his hole clenching sporadically around your strap.
He'd been meeting your thrusts eagerly, gasping praises that made you flush almost as much as he was, the tips of his ears red. He's beautiful like this, damp curls stuck to his forehead, chest shining with sweat, his hands shaky where he clutches your shoulders, another whine falling from his swollen, rosy lips as you rock your hips up again, hitting that spot that always leaves him needy and begging when you focus on it with your fingers.
It does now, too, but so much better, because the strap is so much thicker than your fingers (it's about the size of Poe's cock, because you'd been insistent on making him fucking him exactly as good as he did you), and Poe cries out, the sound of it making your neglected clit throb worse. You're so fucking wet, so turned on you wonder if you could come just from watching him lose it.
"Baby baby please - oh fuck -" Poe's words are barely a raspy whisper, vocal chords near silent, rendered as useless as his limbs from pleasure. He folds over you, whining, pressing his face into your neck. "Please, oh fuck your cock feels so good, baby please let me - let me -" he gasps around another whine, any semi-coherent sentences replaced by a litany of your name, and you finally grant mercy on him, reaching between your bodies to stroke his cock slowly, timing it to your thrusts, and Poe throws his head back again around another garbled noise that makes you grin.
When you drive your hips harshly up into his, squeezing his cock lightly as you dig your fingers into the cheeks of his ass, Poe comes with a drawn out shout, spurts of cum covering your fingers, splashing across your bellies. 
You watch the way his face transforms, the way the euphoric rush of bliss turns his face soft, his breaths shaky and uneven, lips parted as you work him through it, until he finally chokes, sagging against you, tears of overstimulation glistening like stars in his eyelashes. "toomuch -” he moans despite himself, and then makes a small, pathetic noise at the loss of your hand when you finally remove it from around his sensitive cock. 
"You're alright," you reassure him, smoothing your hand down his scalp, as Poe tucks his face into your neck again, nuzzling close to you. "It's alright, I've got you. You okay?”
Poe nods, his curls tickling your chin. You're not too concerned by his lack of verbal responses - it takes him a long time to come down from this, and he prefers spending that time in the safe cradle of your body, your strap still inside him (for the moment), listening to your soft affirmations. It's one of the few times that he truly indulges himself in your comfort, without feeling guilty for it, which means you treasure this almost as much, if not more, than having him spread out. 
That means that you're surprised when Poe does speak, his arms snaking around your middle as he presses a kiss over your heart. "I love you," he murmurs. 
You scrape your fingernails lightly against his scalp. "I love you too."
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thanks for reading 💜 comments are appreciated, happy october!
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turuin · 1 year
Yeah, red underwear tradition was followed.
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Putting adult tag just in case.
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mybreadsmybutters · 5 months
when i was a kid i wanted to be a famous youtuber like dan and phil so that people would gay ship me with my irl best friend and we would be sooo weirded out by it and laugh and make videos joking about it but secretly it would make her realize her repressed gay crush on me and i'd help her through her gay crisis and then we would have a sickeningly sweet sappy romance and read fanfiction about ourselves together... anyways just found out she's married to a guy in the mafia now so i probably don't have a chance
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quixoticanarchy · 1 year
I didn’t miss that social cue I just thought it was stupid 
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cafeblossomss · 7 months
the most helpful thing i have ever seen from neurodivergent internet spaces is “THERE ARE OTHER TIMES OF DAY TO BRUSH YOUR TEETH”. this has genuinely saved me from executive dysfunction spirals so many times.
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barblaz-arts · 4 months
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Hell's most vanilla couple
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skelerine · 3 months
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airagorncharda · 10 months
For any followers of mine still living with parents, guardians, family, or even just with roommates and who've never lived alone and/or fully on your own terms (whether ye be 16 or 60), I have TWO pieces of wisdom for you for when you eventually do:
You WILL discover that you were wrong about some shit you felt pretty strongly about before. Maybe you never realized how often your mom ACTUALLY cleans the bathroom and it turns out she asked for help really rarely. Maybe, much as it grates to admit, putting $50 into a different savings account every paycheck really IS the ONLY way to save any fucking money. Maybe that big rolling trashcan you resented your roommate putting in the kitchen, and got in that big fight about, really WAS super convenient and now you have to buy one for yourself after they move out and take it with them. Maybe blanching vegetables so they retain their color when cooked actually DOES enhance a meal, pretty food slaps actually, and the reason you didn't think it was worth the effort is because you were depressed.
You WILL also discover new shit that works SO much better for you than everything you'd been taught. Maybe you'll discover that dropping trash off at a recycling center at your convenience works way better for your brain than getting it picked up on a set day. Maybe you'll realize you don't actually hate tofu, you just hate how your family cooks tofu. Maybe you'll love being able to walk around the house naked whenever you want. Maybe you'll find you thrive in a space with giant framed nude photography, or taxidermy animals, or fandom themed Everything. Maybe you'll realize that keeping the thermostat set like 5 degrees colder (or hotter) than is typical makes you sleep better than you ever have before in your whole life.
The point of this wisdom is: Stay humble, but also, stay excited. There's no point pretending you weren't wrong about shit you were wrong about, just eat the crow and move on. But also, there's so much to look forward to about your own space-- even more than you could ever imagine when you don't have it yet.
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teaboot · 6 months
Please explain your reasoning behind rabbits are orcs
Rabbits are orcs to mice because
Large pointy ears
Displays of aggressive power (foot thumping)
Complex social language centered around vulnerability and prosperity
Comfortable with subterranean environments
May or may not engage in. Occasional cannibalism. SOMETIMES.
Will absolutely kick, bite, and shred the everloving shit out of a far bigger and stronger opponent if need be
Horrific screaming
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thebibliosphere · 1 month
One of the pitfalls I've been struggling with over the last three years while focusing on recovering from ADHD burnout is trying to find stimuli that are enriching and not just distracting because distracting stimuli might feel like it's keeping me from being bored, but really it's just keeping me numb enough so I don't have to process being bored or any of my emotions.
And that's not great when you're trying to heal trauma.
The problem is, I'm not finding a lot of things enriching at the moment. A lot of the things I've been relying on to keep my brain quiet since 2020 now feel overstimulating and are actively making me agitated rather than numb. Which I suppose is progress? It means I'm processing things and actually aware of them again instead of perceiving everything as background static.
It's just an odd predicament to be in. I don't think I've been this 'aware' of my own brain in a long time and on the one hand, cool. Great. Probably a good thing. On the other, aaaaah. Why is it so noisy in here?
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the-force-awakens · 2 years
heaven in hiding
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afab!gn!reader (no pronouns, just an abundance of the nickname ‘sweetheart’), fluff, some more fluff, little bit of comfort, uh. lots of smut so 18+ only: oral (m receiving), fingering. requested by @/the-little-ewok, hope u enjoy hon 💜
You can't help the smile that flickers across your face as Poe leans against you, his back to your front, caged in and surrounded by you. You snake one arm around his middle as he sinks back further into you with a singular, tired sigh. 
Nothing feels better after a long day of being on your feet than falling back into each other's orbit, however that might be. On nights when exhaustion isn't heavy enough that you're both out cold as soon as your heads hit the pillow, it means getting tangled up in the sheets, reacquainting yourselves and relishing in the splendid feeling of being joined together. 
But you knew the second that Poe shuffled into the room, shrugging off his jacket before the door had even sealed shut behind him, that this was an in-between day: that liminal drowsy space where he was tired enough that he just wanted to bask in your presence, to hold and to be held.
And frankly, there's little else you enjoy than this: than his room being a haven away from the rest of the fucked up galaxy, in the syrupy lovely bliss that lingers in the air as you press your face into the side of his head, nosing around through his curls until Poe huffs a little laugh, twisting his head just enough so he can catch your mouth with his. 
It's a clumsy kiss to start with because the angle is odd, but as soon as you adjust, it's soft and sweet and even though he's the one leaning against you, you're the one who is melting like a sugar cube dropped in caf at the slide of his lips against yours, the way he teases his tongue against the seam of your mouth but doesn't press further.
Because there's no rush, no intent behind the kiss beyond the undeniable urge to expel some of the adoration that spreads out from your hearts outward. 
You break away from his mouth but can't bring yourself to pull back entirely, so you bump your nose against his, enjoying the soft unconscious smile that relaxes his face further. 
You love being the one to help him unwind: to be the person that can unload the burden he has forced himself to shoulder. How it's your touch and your words that can set him at ease when he's a string about to snap from the pull of responsibilities. 
But there's still a rigidity to the way he holds himself even now, even as you can feel him trying to sink into the rare found tranquility of your bedroom, so you decide to help matters along.
You lean forward, brushing your lips along the shell of his ear as you say, “Tell me about your day.”
Poe squirms a little between your legs as you skim down, leaving behind a kiss at the space below his earlobe, eyes fluttering shut. Nothing makes him feel as alive as you do - feel as grounded the way you do. It's like you're the roots keeping him from floating up and getting lost along the stars he used to say he belonged to, that he's growing increasingly fearful might be the thing that steals him away from who he really belongs to: you. 
“This a test?” 
“Of what?”
Your lips have moved further down, leaving a trail of soft kisses along his jawline so feather-like that Poe wonders if he isn't imagining them. “I dunno. Self restraint? Focus?” He's only doing so well at the first one because he's fucking exhausted; the second he's failing miserably at. If he was flying right now, he'd be dead. 
Your breath moistens his pulse point as you huff a little laugh, nose nudging the cord of muscle there and despite himself Poe sinks further back into you, grinning wide because even if he's too tired to roll over and give you everything tonight (more than once), and his mind is too fogged to properly flirt to hear you trip on your own words when he flusters you, and most damningly that he needs your comfort instead of the other way around — at least he can make you laugh.
At least he can give you that. 
He can't see you but Poe swears he can hear the eyeroll that accompanies your, “I'm just trying to help you relax.”
This is all fine and good, but you follow it by pressing a more bruising kiss just under his jaw, close to his ear and it's making warmth pool low in his belly. “Think we got different definitions of relaxed, sweetheart.”
His voice comes out breathier than he meant it to and he knows you hear it because he feels a flash of teeth against his skin and that shouldn't be as divine as it is. He finds himself wishing you'd sink into him the way he has been into you.
“Less stressed,” you settle on, “tell me about your day. Don't skip out on the shitty stuff either, I'll know you're keeping something from me.”
Your hand inches up under the hem of his shirt. “You love it when I boss you around.”
Poe swallows hard. “Yeah. Yeah I do.”
His stomach dips under your palm and the temptation to stray further down is prominent in your mind; maybe even flipping him over so that you can tug his shirt off and take him in your mouth instead until he's a gasping wreck. 
But no, there's time enough for that later, you decide, ideas already swirling around in your mind over how you can relieve him of all his stress. “Just start talking, Dameron,” you tell him, authority dripping from your voice and you don't miss the way he shifts tellingly. 
Yeah, he really does love it. 
But he obliges you, and with every single thing he lists, you softly give attention to his neck, humming when he tilts his head to grant you more access and the muscle and veins become more visible when he swallows around a gasp the longer he goes on, words becoming increasingly more difficult while he becomes more pliant against you. 
But as he nears the end of his day, you reward him by sucking a bruise right where his neck connects with his shoulders while you let your fingers dip a little into the waistband of his trousers to sweep over the hair on his belly and he actually whimpers a bit. His eyelashes flutter and you think they have no right to be as long and dark as they are. 
Poe makes a low, pleasurable noise at the back of his throat and heat spreads like a wildfire throughout your body at the sound. “Much. Wound up in a nicer way now.”
You snarf at that, pressing your face into the crook of his neck and breathing in. He smells like caf, ozone and leather, and you want to drown in it. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. Thank you.”
You draw back long enough to search his face, like you don't have every inch of it memorized by now. The crinkles around his eyes, the scar on his cheek, the stubble that frames his jaw perfectly and would feel so good against your thighs. 
“Always,” you murmur like it's the easiest thing in the galaxy, like you're saying that Black One is a T-70. It's true but it doesn't really get at it, either. The weight of that truth, that honesty, that devotion. 
And suddenly he's not tired anymore. Well, he is, but he wants you more. Opens his mouth to say so, but you shake your head once like you know what he's thinking - and you probably do, he's useless at hiding his desire - and whisper lowly into his ear, “You can take me later, any way you want, but��”
You trail off, hand sliding a little more purposefully down his pants. You don't touch him, though, you leave an agonizingly small amount of distance between your fingers and his already hard cock. “But I've had a few ideas about what to do to you, if you want to hear them.”
“Please." It's nearly a whine and Poe can't find it in himself to care, he really fucking can't, not when you bypass his underwear entirely and skim your fingertips along the underside of the length of him and he bucks up into the touch.
Maker fuck. 
He feels you nod behind him and then devastatingly you pull your hand off him, out of his trousers. Poe makes a choked out noise, giving you a betrayed look as you come into view as you slide out from behind him, a teasing smile on your face. “Lay down.”
It's almost embarrassing how quickly he follows your order, his elbows giving out almost on their own accord. His trousers and underwear come off fairly quickly, baring him to you. 
He's already so wound up from your earlier attentiveness to his neck that he's already leaking precum, so you shuffle down until you're comfortably over him, but you don't immediately go to his cock. Instead, you press a tender kiss to the scar that hooks around his hip, from one of many crashes, unaware of the soft reverent look Poe is giving you. 
But it doesn't last too long because the next second you're licking the tip of him and his head falls back instantly with a groan that's drawn out when your hand snakes around the base of him, knuckles brushing against the hair there. 
“Maker…fuck,” Poe can't help but grunt, gasp rocketing through his lungs as you take him almost fully into your mouth, cheeks hollowing out as you suck. 
There's no way he's lasting long, not like this. Not with the expert way your wrist twists, working the parts of him you can't take all the way without choking, the way you twirl your tongue around him.
And you know it, too, can see it in the rapid rise and fall of his chest. So you slow your roll, freezing the movement of your hand and pulling yourself off him, eyes glimmering, lips swollen and his cock twitches at the sight. “Don't hold back,” you order him before you lower yourself again.
It takes Poe a second to work out what that means, but he works it out when - after licking a stripe along his cock - you take him back into his mouth and you hum in approval when his hips roll forward. It's a miracle he doesn't come right then and there, frankly.
Despite your command, he fucks into your mouth slowly, relishing in the soft wetness of your tongue against him and you follow his rhythm easily, the give and take and weight of him sparking heat in your core. You're soaking by now, clit aching to be touched but you've seen the look in Poe's eyes whenever they snap to meet yours, the promise that he will devour you later like a starving man and it's not self restraint that keeps you from getting yourself off.
But it's too much for his the next time your cheeks hollow around him and Poe gives in, pressing more quickly into your mouth, losing himself to the heady and all consuming rush of his own arousal.
You moan around him as he fucks your mouth, his head thrown back into the pillows and his hands clenching the sheets in tight fists and making the loveliest noises and you can't help but feel a swell of pride because this is the exact effect he has on you.
"I'm -” Poe's voice is rough and beautifully incoherent, lifting his head, stumbling over his words - “Where do you -?”
You raise your eyebrows at that, unwilling to part from him long enough to answer so you raise your hand and sign, yes, at him. 
It's only a few more thrusts before Poe goes rigid and then comes hard, seed spilling down your throat and you swallow what you can. 
He sags into the mattress, completely boneless as you pull off him with a pop, knocking away a string of saliva that connects you to his cock before wiping away the cum that drizzled down your chin that you couldn't take as Poe murmurs a slurred, “C'mere," as he rolls onto his side.
Every tendon in your body feels like it's a livewire as you crawl back up to him and his mouth presses against yours insistently, tongue sliding in to taste himself on yours, and Poe moans against your lips as his hand roaves down the curve of your body, hitching your leg over his hip.
His hands are rough and warm as he slides them up your inner thighs and push your underwear out of the way, a strangled sound rising from deep within his chest as he easily slides one, two fingers into the valley between your legs, from how fucking drenched you are.
You grasp his shoulders for some sort of lifeline, eyes fluttering shut as he rocks his fingers deep inside you, curling his knuckles and finding a rhythm that grants you all the friction you need but varying the speed of it from languorous to quick just to hear his name punch out of you like a prayer and a curse, and returns the favor of kissing every inch of you he can reach. 
And when he adds attention to your neglected clit by swiping firm against it with his thumb, you arc into him, body tensing as your mouth drops in a wordless scream as you come crashing over too. 
You come back to your body in stages, sucking in slow breaths as you force your eyes back open and find Poe grinning sleepily at you. “Hey," you whisper, throat sore and mouth dry.
Poe sweeps his knuckles along your cheek, slides down to follow the curve of your jaw. “Hey,” he whispers back. 
It's a struggle to keep your eyes open, drowsiness threatening to pull you under, and it's even more difficult to get out, "I stand by what I said but -”
Poe leans in, presses a kiss to your forehead. Lingers there, until all you can smell is him again and this time the hint of sex mingles with the rest of him. “In the morning,” he promises, leaning back to bump the bottom of his nose against the top of yours. “As many times as we want.”
You can't help but giggle at that, even as your eyes slip shut and sleep softens your voice into a barely audible whisper, "Might be here all day then, Commander.”
And your heart leaps with joy when you hear his usually chaotic, confident attitude again as he responds with, “Oh, we'll definitely be here all day, sweetheart.”
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lucybecky · 3 months
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theadhddragon · 2 years
Everyone always talks about adhd and 100+ tabs in a browser, but no one talks about all the saved posts on tumblr we save for future reference that we never look at either
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