#ah well. I'm more of a ''play the same game 10 times'' than a ''play 10 different games'' type of person
suchscary · 2 years
So I recently picked up a game called Project Zomboid, and while it activates all my old prepper/survivalist neurons I haven't used in years, you might also enjoy it. I've never played The Sims, but people often describe it as "The Sims with zombies."
Plus, the "This Is How I Died" trailer is pretty cool.
Ooh, never heard of this game before, it looks fascinating! But again, I don't like the genre that much (though to be fair, I only played, like, one survival game), but I'll keep this game in mind!
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one-piece-aus · 8 months
Whumptober Day 5
Sabo x Reader
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TW: Home invasion
[y/c] = your city
"Weakness." You punched Sabo into the lava and watched him burn to death.
"[Y/n] I was in the middle of collecting quartz," Sabo whined and respawned back at his base.
"Karma's a bitch," you laughed.
You were playing Minecraft with your online friend Sabo, who you've been playing online games with for the past 10 years. Started ever since you got Minecraft as a kid and played on servers, after playing a few mini-games you friended him, and eventually, you exchanged Discord users (when it became a thing). Yeah, yeah, the internet is a dangerous place, blah blah blah, Sabo was cool though, you trusted him, you've already done video calls with him, and honestly he's been there for you more than anyone else.
There were countless late nights where you two stayed up, gaming while discussing some deep topics. Sometimes they were philosophical nonsense, other times they were about struggles going on in life, you both cried over call during those kinds of nights. Safe to say you and Sabo's friendship was real, you just wished he lived near you so he could visit-
"Oh now I'm not going to share the surprise I was going to tell you," Sabo said when he teleported back to the nether.
"Surprise? What surprise?" You crouched your Minecraft character in front of him.
"Nooooo, I'm not going to say." Sabo walked around you and begun mining quartz once again.
"Come onnnnn, Sabo."
"Surprises are for nice spouses."
Ah, that's right, I forgot to mention your married Sabo in Minecraft, for "XP benefits" of course.
"I'll give you golden apples."
"And... a three stacks of cookies."
"Well why didn't you just say so!" Sabo spun around and picked up the items you dropped for him before going on his merry way.
"Okay, now tell me," you said following after him.
"So you remember how I said my brothers and I planning to go on a trip over Christmas?" Sabo asked as he started to build a bridge over lava.
"Yeah, kinda sucks since that means you won't be able to play online," you grumble as you slowly crept behind him as he placed blocks. Playing with Sabo was all you looked forward to these days so him reminding you that you wouldn't be able to play with him during that time, you felt your mood deflate.
"Well guess where we're going."
"Uhhhh Tim Buck Two."
"No, we're going to [y/c]."
"Really!?" Your demeanour spun a 180, your excitement pulled a shiny smile across your face.
"I knew you'd be happy but I didn't think you'd get the same energy when you see your favourite blorbos on screen," Sabo laughed as the two of you were now bridging over a group of piglins on the ground.
"Because you are one of my little blorbo husbandos," you cooed knowing it'd fluster him.
"...I'd like to see you say that to me in person."
"You say that like I won't."
"[Y/n], you can barely ask an employee for help at the grocery store."
"Shush." You hit Sabo off the bridge and watched him fall to his doom, or so you thought. He placed a water block on the ground, in the nether. "Are you using your hacks again!?"
"You better move before I get back up and knock you off," Sabo warned.
"You won't dare."
"Or I would-" Sabo cut himself off when he heard something loud thud over on your end. "What was that?"
"Hm?" You were playing music in the background, talking to Sabo, and listening to Minecraft sounds with your noise-cancelling headphones so you didn't hear it.
"Something heavy fell over on your end."
"You're not messing with me are you?"
"Ace does that trick, not me."
"I wouldn't put it past you to use one of your brother's tricks."
"Okay, I'll stop building up-" Sabo ceased stacking blocks and looked up at your character. "You pause your game and check what fell over."
"Fine." You pause your game and start to take your headphones off.
"Turn your camera on."
"It's... I just got a bad feeling."
"Okay..." You shrugged off Sabo's uneasiness and turned on your camera before taking off your headphones and started looking around your room to see what fell.
"Must've fell outside," you muttered heading toward your bedroom door and opening it.
Sabo couldn't see what was outside your door, whatever stood out there made you slam your shut and scramble to push your dresser in front of the door. Goosebumps crawled over his skin as realization hit him that shit is hitting the fan. He fumbled on his end to grab his phone and rapidly tapped buttons.
"Sabo..." You were now back in front of the computer, the dresser completely blocking the door. "Call the cops."
"Way ahead of you," Sabo said as the phone began ringing. "What's going on?"
"There's...there's a guy in...in my house." You could hardly pull your words together since your brain is currently spinning around to find the way for you to survive. "He...he's throwing things around... I think...I think he saw me." You started typing your address to Sabo so he could tell the cops where to go, you sent it before but it'd take too long for him to scroll up to find it. 
Sabo muted himself, probably so he wouldn't be heard talking to the cops. You backed away from the computer again, this time grabbing your bookshelf full of manga and pushing it in front of your door. Once that also blocked the door, you glanced around for more things to push in front of the door but the only heavy stuff left was your bed and desk which could be hiding places that the intruder could look around, and any few seconds he wasn't finding you was a second more of survival.
You picked up your headset and put it back on, Sabo was still muted. You clicked on the Minecraft tab so it'd cover your screen and he- if the invader came into your room- wouldn't know your camera was on with a witness. You took your phone just in case, making sure it was on silent and hid in the closet, making sure no sound came when you closed the door. You climbed into your laundry basket, burying yourself under your dirty clothes, for once grateful you forgot to do laundry.
"Okay, the cops are on their way- [Y/N]?? Where are you [Y/n]???" Sabo felt his heart drop.
"i'm in the closet," you whispered.
"Why didn't you climb out your window?"
"don't you remember that i told you the lock is broken? i live on the 10th, that's suicide," you whisper-shouted.
"Just stay on call, okay, police will be there soon."
Your meek voice squeezed Sabo's heart, his wish he was there to deal with the guy himself, or at this to be there to reassure you everything is going to be okay. Alas, all he could do was sit there on the other end of the screen, helpless as you both listened to something banging on your door.
Tag: @bookandyarndragon @roseoftrafalgar
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kedreeva · 4 months
hi Ked! congratulations on your word count milestone! that is amazing, especially with a full time job.
I was wondering if you had any thoughts or advice on writing regularly when you're tired from work. I'm a slow writer myself, and it's very frustrating to finish a work day and realize that I gave the best of myself and my energy to my employer.
Thank you!
I can't really say what will work for you, but for me, it helped to designate a time and space for writing. Human brains LOVE a good pattern, and setting up a time and space instigates pattern recognition. It's why you're not supposed to, like, do other stuff than sleeping in your bed space, because if the only thing you do in your bed space is sleeping, then when you enter bed space at bed time, your brain goes Ah ha, it is time for sleep, PREPARE and it becomes easier to fall asleep (typically, obviously).
Designating a time and space ALSO means you are specifically making time for writing (rather than just "I'll do it at some point") and that it has a start time and a stop time. LOTS of brains don't work well without a deadline, and "I'm gonna sit down to write" doesn't push the same button as "I will sit here for 15 minutes and write, then writing time is over." It's why racing others is so effective most of the time- because there's a time limit. Often a brain can rally easier if the task has an endpoint to look forward to or "beat" so to speak.
If you don't have friends to race with (you can join my writing discord and do races there), then there's always sites or programs like written? Kitten! or 4thewords or Fighter's Block or Write Or Die. Personally I prefer WOD2, I purchased the app and it's a good way push solo. You set an amount of time, you set a word count you want to reach, and you set a stimulus you do not want to receive for stopping writing. For mine, the screen begins turning red and if I stop writing long enough, the program starts eating my words. So the task goes from "write" to "play game called keep WOD from eating my words."
The thing about the above stuff is that the ACT of writing can feel very unrewarding when you're just writing and not getting anything- it's part of why we share fanfic and stuff online, because then we're getting the reward of comments or discussion. Before you post or publish or otherwise share, you're just.... doing a task. and not getting anything from it, except getting it out of your system or getting to read what you wrote and sometimes the latter feels more like a chore than the writing did. But writing socially (finding a writer's group, finding friends to share with, finding a fandom to talk about your work with etc) or making writing a game or at the very least getting little treats for accomplishing words can alleviate some of that, and make it easier to do.
So, sometimes i do races, sometimes I play games, sometimes I give myself little pictures of kittens or puppies, sometimes I set out a row of small candies (like jellybeans or m&ms or something) and I get to eat one for every sentence I write. Sometimes I frame writing as the reward; "okay, me, we are gonna put away clean dishes, and load the dishwasher, and then we can write for 10 minutes!"
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red-archivist · 1 month
finally caught up on tmagp!
eps 11-15 thots below
ep 11:
celia? again?? jack???
"Besides, I’m sweet enough already" is such a dad joke. As in, literally a joke my own dad has made several times
Ink5oul cameo!
lollll the change to stuffy business language
ah, ink5oul you can't be stealing corpses now, behave
GWEN Thank you, Alice. ALICE I… Sure. Whatever. Don’t get used to it.
tsun tsun~
"he's one of our externals" what a way to phrase it. also tells us that the oiar/the government works with several monsters
ep 12:
omg he's actually asking her out? fair play
"I think I'm done with Magnus stuff" buddy boy, its episode 12- magnus stuff isn't done with you, i can tell you that much
"Date of Incident: 9 March 2024" ooh v recent huh
stags are the worst, jordan, ty
oh. bonzo is back. lena meant it when she said to keep an eye out
the groom's was the name gwen handed over i assume
gwen. gwendolyn. you are not okay.
GWEN Thanks, Alice. Utterly useless as always. ALICE Anytime.
okay but purposely useless. purposely joking and irritating bc if you cant take it seriously it cant hurt you- that attitude is going to bite Alice sooner rather then later
ep 13:
ooh date night (morning)
"it all went downhill" > proceeds to describe being generally successful- oh sammy we got to work on this hang-up
oh alice's parents are both dead? so just her and the little brother she is always looking after and giving money to anytime he is mentioned? bet that hasn't given her a complex
oh celia, you know the cases are real you're just trying to sound him out
"is it my fault?" GWENNNNNNN 😭
"we are... managing... the bad guys" oh boy
crypto bro, betting against your own life is a crazy idea what is wrong with you?
it reminds me of the dice case, a luck/circumstances based thing where you try to beat a rigged game
oof. sam. you hit a sore point there "professional"
"Stop trying to make an impact" is alice's motto tbh
ep 14:
"i went through the same thing when i started" i knew Alice had gone snooping, you dont get that avoidant without having tried first. of course, raises the question of what scared her off?
alice stop running away from your feelings challenge level: impossible
where the hell is there a marsh near Newcastle-Under-Lyme?
ooohhh boy hello sudden tone change
snake mannnnn, mannnn full of snakkeeessss
rejection notes from an institute....
ep 15:
sam. sam this is not smoother flirting than before
The Pillowman... we are making a note in case that's important
awww Alice loves her brother so much... shame that she's pitching him in such an awkward, intrusive way
"babies... are cool..." same, Alice
the fucking harpsichord? in the bg of the case reading is making me sooooo tense. i know what's going to happen and they're just drawing it out 10/10
oh. oh no. this is not what i thought was going to happen. i thought sure okay, rich assholes hunting ppl through the woods not... making them hunt each other oh this is so much more fucked up
"none of them got far" JESUS oh its not even all of them, just him
and now he is being hunted, okay
FUCK, the gunshot
oh. why is she in the office
mowbray... is she one of the 'externals'...
LADY MOWBRAY Catch you next time, dearie. CELIA No, you won't.
oh that's vicious, celia knows she's a threat and won't give her a single inch, her hackles are raised sky-high
ah! sudden rock music!
And we finally meet Luke, hello
ummmm and another new voice??
this is... the presence alice thought was following her? the thing she and sam set loose from the institute?
well. fuck.
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arimiadev · 8 days
May Updates – Android Ports & Editing
May was a very hectic month for me personally, so there wasn't much progress made this month - but that doesn't mean there wasn't any!
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In May I was asked a simple question - will there be an Android port for Asphodelium? I almost immediately responded "no, it would need too much reworking", but then I got curious.
I assumed the small size of the text (as the story is completely NVL) would make it too hard to read on mobile, but I went ahead and (after a few Java downloads and updates) made a build for it and tested it out. It's actually quite readable and only needed a few tweaks. So, off and on for a few days I tinkered with a build of it, testing it out on my phone. And I was able to release it!
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You can now play this Android build for free on itchio.
To go with it, I also released the stickers & print set I've been working on of Hazel & Aster on the store! Rather than have them be separate, I included them all under 1 pack for $10. You can find them on our merch store~
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Canvas Menagerie
I wrote about 4k words for Canvas Menagerie. I also did a fair amount of editing for Act 2 of Canvas Menagerie, proofreading what's there and trying to make sure it all fits together.
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There's one somewhat frustrating character in particular that is fully introduced in Act 2 who's named Rose - I won't go into who he is for spoiler reasons, but I will talk a bit about him as a person. Rose is a very secretive person with low self-esteem and not a solid self-image of himself. He's quiet and can come across as rude because of how little he responds to others, preferring to keep to himself.
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Rose's sprite, which I was able to work on more this month!
Rose is very important to the later half of the story and a fair amount of it is centered on Niko trying to break Rose out of his shell as they're now coworkers. However, it can be hard for 2 reasons:
Rose isn't a love interest
Rose doesn't respond honestly (and hardly at all) to others
Rose isn't a love interest - Ren is. This is a romance game about Niko and Ren's growing relationship rather than a simulator game where there's multiple love interests. It's surprisingly hard to balance having scenes between two characters that could theoretically date but aren't going to. The overall focus is on Niko and Ren, but Niko and Rose's relationship is also important to the later half of the game - it's just not romantic.
Rose doesn't respond honestly - Rose is a very timid person, mainly because he doesn't have much confidence in himself. Rose is similar to how Niko is at the start of the game, but the interesting thing about their relationship is that by the time they meet, Niko is a different person. He's not overly confident, but the Niko that Rose meets has become more confident in himself and more comfortable with others than the Niko we first met at the beginning of the game - it's only because of meeting Ren that Niko changes. So, in a way, it becomes Niko's job to do the same for someone else.
I swab some lavender paint, hesitating to lay it down on the canvas. Just as I reach over to my phone, there's the sound of one of the doors opening. —And then, the door to my painting nook. Rose "Ah—" Niko "Oh." As probably the last person I thought I'd see, Rose steps in the warehouse room. Just as quickly as he stepped in, he looks like he's about to run off again. Niko "What are you doing here?" Rose "I—" Rose "I got turned around..." How do you get so lost to end up here?! Niko "What were you looking for?" Rose "...The script reading rooms." Wow. I know this studio can be confusing to navigate, but that's a whole new level. Niko "That's....kinda far away...." Niko "W-Wait, I didn't mean to laugh!" Rose tries to hide his face and shut the door, but I quickly reopen it. I'm not good enough at giving directions so he'll definitely be lost if I don't help him. Niko "Do you have to be there immediately?" Rose "...No?" Niko "Well, if you'll give me a minute to clean up then I can walk you down there." Rose "..." Rose "...Sure." He says everything with a careful pause. Canvas Menagerie - Act 2
I call Rose "frustrating" because, while I do like him, I sometimes feel like I'm Niko while writing his scenes - it feels like I'm trying to pull any kind of information out of him with little to no avail, just like Niko. I hope by the end though we're able to see Rose's true colors!
Last but not least, May 31st is a special day - it's Niko's birthday!
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But I'm writing this in June a few days late because I was at OffKai Expo so....
— Arimia
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hazelplaysgames · 17 days
uuuuh since the SD card port went and just stopped, i really haven't felt like uploading clips. so. bleck. i think i can already chalk it up as a mixed year for me.
that said, i feel like i should make at least something now that the queue is unquestionably emptying, so. how about them phone games? i'll just make it one big one under a Keep Reading because, fair warning, they're all gacha games. on that front alone, i can't advocate for anyone getting in all willy nilly. keep in mind, i haven't spent anything on any of them. i got "luck" in my usual username for a reason.
let me start with the only one i've played since... ah, last august, actually, Blue Archive! it's going well, i just hit level 87, the level cap for the time being, a couple days ago.
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i'm still having fun with that one, so. nine months of fun with that one, story that kicked me like a mule, definitely more out of my time with it than i thought i was gonna get. we're in the middle of new stories now, and to fill in the event void, we're getting this mini-event featuring a girl named Aoi, who basically just shows up for that event. been a while. as you might guess by me bringing her up unprompted: a minor character who doesn't show up often? she stole my heart. it's honestly kinda impressive. something about her voice, mainly.
also, good news from the JP servers: they're putting the twin catgirl gamers in maid outfits! well, i mean, that event is a repeat, those two already were, but we'll be able to take them home this time!
additionally, a few months back, they started this system that grants a 10 pull ticket that's good for a month.
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it has been working out for me. didn't get any bunny girls for the collab after Cunifest, so i missed out on comedy, but i at least got the two collab girls in a pity pull's worth. the actual bunny event is coming up just after my birthday in June, and. well, i won't argue with bunnies for my birthday. probably post about that tuesday/thursday if it's REALLY good, or split it 100 pulls per those days?
nah, at most it's 20 screenshots, lets not drag that out. it can be done in 1 post.
next, i got into Nikke far more recently- a couple months is accurate- and like. i get a lot of sniper rifle users in that one. Frima was the first, Red Hood(who is widely considered by the userbase as one of if not THE strongest unit. i can believe it), Alice(who is still considered damn good with Red here. the loaned version makes me believe it), Trony, D: Killer Wife(i actually pulled D and her alt costume at the same time), Harran, Maxwell- why am i a sniper rifle magnet? is it 'cause i like to play Heavy? am i just an easy mark?
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you know i just realized neither of those pages show the girls names. be amazed i got Kasumi and Hiyori in the BA ones, please please. at the very least, the numbers on the bottom left can tell you those were actually the first pulls of those two banners.
anyways. since it was after i got through the final chapter in BA, i kinda figured it'd have a good story as well, and, yeah, absolutely better than i first thought. but the story is gated behind levelling, and while this was a point against BA too, it's far more prominent here. like, i got through all of BA's plot once i hit the 60s back in like, January or so, the grind to get into the story is practically constant with Nikke. also, the main story is 30 chapters in, and they're now calling it the prologue. i don't really want to witness that unchecked growth.
that all said, the main reason i got into either in the first place was because of the music: lotta good stuff in these two. no one set style, no one set tone, sum of it all is great. it is hard to suggest a place to start.
uh, as for the only gun gacha game i dropped right now, Arknights. just never meshed even after a few months, and if i remember right, the story has a similar issue as Nikke in being levelling locked. that all said, Nikke is probably the one i'll drop once phone space gets scarce. i enjoy it, but for the fact it's still the largest of the lot, eh... sadly, the best choice.
oh, and speaking of bunny girls, looks like that's also gonna be the next event for Nikke. hilarious. Alice is finally gettin' a proper alt!
in any case, i don't wanna go ditchin' the two rhythm games! i'll talk about the two side by side, kinda, if you wanna call it that. the first of which, Bang Dream! Girls Band Party!, commonly just called Bandori, and the second, D4DJ Groovy Mix. they both got a good selection of songs, though i do have to admit that if Bandori didn't have Butterfly, the song from Digimon, i probably would not have got into it these two as much as i did. here's two pages for that one:
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they recently made a push for 500 songs in it, so i'm only missing about 80. i feel quite proud for clearing all those Hard songs, i was barely kicking past medium when i first started in December. unfortunately for me, this kinda also stems the flow of free stars, i think i'll get at best, one or two more pity pulls within the year. for birthday banners. those are like, 1/3 of normal banners. it's a harsh star economy here. anyways, D4DJ:
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it throws a lot more currency types around, and the story... it might be timing about the whole xross wars arc, but what it is now ain't hitting what i'm looking for. ain't saying bad, just that i was kinda expecting more mundane. the gems in this one are also fairly consistent, so unless i want a lot ASAP, i feel like i can get a good, healthy enough amount within the rest of the year, even if the pulls are pricier than Bandori. might be going a little harder than i need to for some birthday banners.
if i could give shorthand preferences, i'd say: i give D4DJ props for the gameplay and modes that can be played, as well as overall difficulty curve and even accessibility, while Bandori i'll give the characters and story. while i like Rika(the redhead in the bunny suit up there) and Rinku of D4, i can fill out several lines of characters i like from Bandori, so. most of them, actually.
above the rest, easily, Kokoro, the blond one up there, she's just so happy like a ray of sunshine, i adore her. whenever a Hello, Happy World! song demo starts playing, it's usually her on vocals, and like a moth to a flame, i wanna play it.
i feel like both have great song selections, but what they each encompass is a bit different: Bandori only has originals and cover songs, all lyrics, all the way, and i think most of them are good. meanwhile, D4DJ, while obviously having ori's and covers, also has some original songs from other artists, instrumentals, and game music straight from either the source or a remixer like Camellia, who made a few songs in Mad Rat Dead, and i really appreciate having those as well.
ok, i am underplaying Camellia's full efforts there, fella does a lot of good remixes and originals. i mean, a lot a lot. you can't go two rhythm games without seeing his name, and for good reason: he's that good.
also, i know both series have youtube channels with animated seasons to them, but i haven't given either a watch yet. i learned those channels existed like a week ago, never considered the possibility before.
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love these birthday banners! D4DJ even gives you a few free pulls once a day while the banner is up to celebrate, which i find nice.
i guess i did also try Love Live 2, but, by download size, that was actually bigger than Nikke, and it relied entirely on its original songs. it felt hard to get into, aaaand... it is shutting down in a couple days now. still, got Snow Halation in, Rin was cute, Nico Nico Ni, Nozomi Tojo, David Schwimmer, guest starring the "SKULLS" parasite unit. to explain the joke, Triple-Q's Friends Halation. i like most Snow Halation mashes.
all right, anything else i want to mention here and now... nah. i think that's good, i feel talked out.
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15 Questions for 15 People
Thank you to @shofarsogood
1. Are you named after anyone?
My middle name is my mother's first name. They did the same thing with my brother (Dad's first name is his middle name).
2. When was the last time you cried?
Earlier this year when my cat passed away. She was getting old and her health was obviously in a decline, for reasons the vet wasn't entirely sure of, so I knew what was coming. It still hurt like hell when I took her into the emergency vet and realized that it was time. She was cuddled and loved up until the very end.
3. Do you have kids?
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
LOL, sports. Never enjoyed them. I do like taking walks in the woods, which you could call "hiking" depending on how much you want to gatekeep the term.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
I really don't know. I think I pay a lot of attention to hair, to the point that I don't immediately recognize someone with a changed haircut. I would make a great super-hero best friend. You can get up close and personal to rescue me from villain-of-the-week, and as long as you've got an eye-mask and change your hair slightly, I will not know you.
7. What's your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies with happy endings! Honestly, both are good, it just depends on my mood.
9. Any talents?
I'd like to think I'm a halfway decent writer. I can speak and read in more than one language.
10. Where were you born?
Technically Washington DC, my parents were living in Maryland at the time.
11. What are your hobbies?
I'm realizing that it's mostly media consumption these days - reading, watching shows, playing video games. Even writing tends to be fanfic based.
12. Do you have any pets?
I will eventually get another cat. The cat that passed away this year was one that I had for over ten years, and was a complete sweetheart who curled up on my lap and slept next to me at night and wailed at me whenever I disappeared into the bathroom to take a shower. I hope to find one who is equally annoying and equally precious.
13. How tall are you?
Just under 5'9"
14. Favorite subject in school?
15. What is your dream job?
I don't even know these days, but I'm happy with work that I don't have to take home with me or think about when the day is done.
Tag 15 people (as usual, this is strictly if you want to): @esteicy-blog, @talesfromthenorsesmouth, @iwillshipyouman, @t-bombs,@belphegor1982, @gorogues
That's not even close to 15 people, but ah well. If I didn't tag you and you follow me, it's because I'm not sure if you enjoy doing these things, but please consider yourself tagged if you want to do it.
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god the things you wrote about goo had me weak on my knees... please more on him Thank you.
Alrighty then! More on Goo! Ah right, Darling. You're so pretty/handsome today 💕.
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Warnings: Bad Grammar, Cursing Or Bad Words, Attempted Sewerslide, Sexual Themes at the nsfw part, NB x Male, master kink, (ahem does this count as anal?).
- This is my own character not a Y/N cause I don't know if you can relate to my character at all! But feel free to imagine yourself or your oc as the character!
People under 18+ do not interact!
Goo is a difficult case to crack. He is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. He is everything and nothing at the same time. In a nutshell, he's confusing. He's messy and annoying. So Gun and DG have no clue as to why you are so obsessed with Goo, despite the fact that he has repeatedly rejected you. I mean, Goo would flirt with you when he's bored, but he disregards anything he says. They assumed you didn't know, so they told you right up front. You simply smiled at them and said, "I knew that." They settled to solve the mystery and play detective. They questioned everyone who knew both of you, but no one seems to know why you continue to pursue after Goo. He is not even that attractive; Daniel is more attractive. So why do you continue to pursue Goo?
You were on the school's roof. From the highest point of a five-story building, you looked down. You couldn't help but smile as you attempted to take the final step that would cause you to fall off of the rooftop and put an end all of your suffering. Someone's hand abruptly grasped your wrist as your body was falling. You became enraged and turned to face the person who had chosen to 'help' you. You noticed a man who appears calmer than he should be. He asked the reason why you were doing this before you were able to say anything. You detailed all of the awful events and traumatic experiences that drove you to do this. He then inquired as to why you were telling this to a stranger. You explained that it won't matter because you'll die regardless once he finally lets you go. He smiled and lifted you back up onto the rooftop. You started to protest, only to be knocked out cold by him. You awoke to find him next to the bed, playing some games. He turned off his phone when he noticed you. The moment you asked why he assisted you, his smile darkened.
"Don't believe I helped you simply because it was done out of the goodness of my heart. I only helped you since you proved your value to me. You said you don't have a reason to live anymore, correct? So from now on, I'm going to be the sole reason for you to exist. I'll order you around whichever way I please to. Exactly why would you waste such an excellent life if you can just live to serve me. I really hope you understand how wicked I am." He said as you couldn't help but nod as if you were being hypnotized by his eyes. You started serving Goo the next day and forward, but he mysteriously vanished. You tried and tried to find him only to fail each time.
End of flashback✨
Until you encountered him again one day. He changed his appearance and appeared to be more wealthy, but you can still recognize him. The only drawback is that he doesn't know you at all. He acted as if he had amnesia or something.
You'd find a way to get closer to him if he couldn't recognize you. How did you accomplish this? You've joined the 10 geniuses, but they're now 11. You got along well with all of them, but Goo seems to only see you as a friend, despite the fact that he confessed to you while you were serving him back then. You thought he was joking, and you just jokingly said you do too, but after he confessed to you, he became more touchy and loving with you. Except for you, he was cold to everyone. He's just chaotic and more cheerful now. He's very different from his former self. It made you wonder what actually happened. But you ignored it because you were desperate to reunite with Goo after all these years apart. But everything you did came across as friendly or troublemaking. You simply decided to give up and leave him alone one day.
Goo felt confused and sad when he noticed you ignoring him. Were you upset with him? did he do something that bothered you? Why do you ignore him? Various thoughts were racing through his mind. He was perplexed. For some reason, he wants you to notice him again. He wants you to be around. He wishes to make contact with you. He has no idea why he feels this way, but he is certain that you must notice him in order for these thoughts to be silenced. He went around places where you're likely to be as soon as he decided on that. He couldn't find you in any of them, so he went for a walk around the park to clear his mind. He wanted to clear his mind, but here he is, irritated and jealous of DG holding your hand while you were dragging him to a restaurant not far from the park.
Why were you holding DG's hand in the first place? Well, he was being barraged by fans clamoring for his autograph. You, who happened to be nearby, decided to assist DG. You approached DG and dragged him out of there, telling him he needed to go to the studio. When the fans asked why, you told them that he's actually composing a new album, and you asked them not to leak this information because you and he want it to be a surprise. The fans agreed and quickly left. DG breathed a sigh of relief and asked what you wanted in exchange for assisting him. Because you were hungry, you simply said "food" and dragged him to your favorite nearby restaurant.
You arrived at your house exhausted. You went to your living room to rest, but Goo was already sitting on your couch. You approached him and inquired as to what he was doing here. "Can a friend not go to their friend's house?" Goo inquired, to which you simply replied "no" and sat next to him. "Are you and DG a couple now? I saw you two earlier at the park." He asked as you told him no and explained what happened.
He nodded and took your wrist. He then drew you in close. The distance between you and him had shrunk. You'll end up kissing him if you get any closer. "Then can I do this?" he asked, grabbing your face and kissing you. Your eyes widened in surprise, but you quickly relaxed and kissed him back. He was the first to pull away in search of oxygen. He gave a sweet smile and spoke the three magical words. "I love you," he said as he kissed you again, not giving you time to respond to what he said.
NSFW Part!
He pulled back and dragged you to your room. He pushed you onto the bed and climbed on top of you. He continued to make out with you until he ran out of breath. You switched places with him, and you are now on top. You slithered your hand beneath his pricey attire. You could feel the softness of his skin. "Hey, you're not going to just stare at me right?" he said, jolting you out of your trance. You quickly began undressing him, and as soon as he was undressed, you targeted his neck and body. You began to leave hickeys and bite marks all over his beautiful and perfect body.
"How many fingers?" you inquired, seemingly out of nowhere. He looked at you, puzzled, before realizing what you were saying and answering one as a joke. You nodded and shifted your position once more. "What are you do-ING?!" He ended up having to sit on your face while you played with him using your tongue. "Thi-this feels weird!" he whined, as you could only laugh and abruptly put it all in. He could only grip the sheets and moan as you played with him. He could feel every movement of your tongue as it explored his insides. He let out a loud moan when he felt you hit something within him. You kept hitting and playing with that spot until he came close to cumming. You backed away as he pleaded with you to keep going. You simply ignored him before placing him on top of your dick/dildo. You asked him if he was okay with this before he could do anything he might regret. "I've always wanted to do this with you," he said, smiling lovingly at you.
"Then take the lead, master."
Someone help me-
I don't know what I'm doing anymore. Should I post head cannons?
Oh right, I just wanted to remind you that you have to take care of yourself! That's all! Bye, Darling~♡.
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TPS Part 10: Jacklin's 1st Match
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I wake up early so I can get ready for Gryffindor's first Quidditch game. Even though I won't be playing, I still think it's appropriate to follow the same routine as the rest of the team.
"Good morning, Tiger. Are you ready for breakfast?"
Tiger meows from inside of his cage.
"In that case, I'll let you out of your cage for a while."
I unlock Tiger's cage and start to prepare his food. Tiger starts to stretch out and walk around on my bed.
"There you go Tiger. Here's your breakfast."
He gets off the bed and starts eating as I start getting dressed in my robes.
"Now you behave while I'm gone, Tiger."
He meows quietly as he eats his food in peace. I leave my dorm room and make my way to the boys' dorm room to see if Toby's awake yet.
I see Toby sprawled out on his bed, lips parted as he sleeps. I realize that to entertain myself until breakfast, I should study my Quidditch book. While I'm more than familiar with the rules, it never hurts to go over special techniques and plays far above my skillset. It helps me learn how to train and prepare should the need arise.
"The Wronksi Feint: A Seeker from high above dives down, sharply, as if to collect the Snitch, causing the opposing Seeker to chase after him, only to pull up at the last second, causing the opposing Seeker to crash into the ground below."
I shake my head knowing I never want to intentionally hurt another player. A play like that is shameful and should be banned. If you see the Snitch, you follow it. You shouldn't have to resort to injuring another player as a means of getting an advantage.
"Ngh ah. Mornin, Jacklin. Yer up early."
I look up and see Toby coming out from his dorm room yawning. He sits down next to me while he rubs his eyes.
"Good morning, Toby. Our first Quidditch game is today and I don't want to be caught off guard."
"Ok. How important's it tha' yer team wins?"
"I can definitely say it isn't a life and death situation. The team with the most number of points by the end of the season, wins the Quidditch Cup. The winner of each match gets 50 points for the House Cup."
"Ohhh. Makes sense."
We walk down with the rest of Gryffindor to the Great Hall for breakfast. As we eat, I hear the sound of Arthur flying in with a small package.
"Oh. Thank you, Arthur."
He flies away and I look at the label.
"Who's it from, Jacklin?"
"It's from my father. I was wondering why he didn't send me anything for my birthday."
"Open it. Open it."
I open the package and there's a letter attached to the small box.
"He specifically waited until my present was finished before sending it. It was custom made while he was in Paris and is supposed to wish me luck for my first Quidditch match."
"Wow. Wha'd he get ya?"
I open the small box and Toby's eyes widen.
"Whoa! Ya got a bird bow."
"I think it's also meant to be similar to the Golden Snitch. The wings are golden even though the hair clip is green."
"Do ya know bout humminbirds?"
I think for a tick to make sure I know what Toby is asking.
"No. We don't have hummingbirds in this part of the world. Are they small?"
"Yeah they're real small. Ah thought yer daddy sent ya one cause a how it looked."
"Oh. Well it definitely looks lovely. I'll put it on after breakfast and send my father a thank you letter."
We go back to eating breakfast until it's time for our free period.
Time Skip (Toby's POV)
We have lunch an Ah'm gettin excited bout mah first game a Quidditch. Ah still dunno the names a all the balls they use but Ah wanna cheer fer Gryffindor. Jacklin's sittin in front a mah mirror ta put on 'er bird bow. Ah know it ain't called that but tha's how it looks.
"Ah jus can't stop starin at yer bird bow, Jacklin."
"Is that so? Why do you think that is?"
"Cause it jus looks so much like one."
Ah see 'er smile an Ah hope it ain't cause she thinks Ah'm a dummy.
"Yes the wings definitely make it stand out. I have no idea if this was my father's design or the one who made this clip. I'll definitely be sure to ask him when I send my letter with Arthur tomorrow."
"Makes me wonder though why ya don't use it ta tie all yer long hair up cause yer gonna be flyin round a lot."
"Well. It's because my mother likes to stick to the Veela tradition of keeping hair long and untied. Veela hair is so valuable in Bulgarian culture, that we can't even cut our hair unless it becomes a hazard. It's only when we become fully grown that Veela women can design their hair anyway they want. Veela men are very rare so they don't have to follow that same rule."
Ah take a sec ta think bout all that.
"Well at least ya ain't gettin yer hair caught in doors cause Ah'm sure yer ma'd be upset ya didn't tell 'er bout it bein a problem."
"She did say in my birthday letter that she will see if it needs to be cut during the Christmas holidays."
Time Skip
"I'll be sitting with Professor McGonagall, Toby. She wants me to be ready in case our regular Seeker gets injured."
Ah look over at Jacklin an' Ah smile.
"Yeah, okay, Ah'll be watchin' ya."
"Oh I likely won't be playing today. It's only the first game of the season."
"Really? But, if somethin' happens ta the Seeker can ya go in, then?"
"That's right."
"Ok 'cause Ah really wanna support ya."
"I know you do, Toby. Maybe you can make a banner for the team."
Ah figure Jacklin deserves somethin' special for bein' real patient wit’ me, so Ah start tryin’ ta think of anythin' Ah can do fer her, but Ah dunno nothin' bout banner-makin' an’ Ah ain’t got no ideas.
"I know it's a little late to get it ready for this game but I think wearing your House scarf would be enough. I'm sure some of the older students already have things prepared."
"Ah guess wearin' it could be enough, but Ah know, if Ah woulda been real smart, Ah coulda figured somethin' else out."
Ah look down at mah feet an' try real hard ta stop feelin’ so disappointed in mahself for not bein' good ta Jacklin.
"You don't need to feel bad about it, Toby. I didn't think of it myself until today."
"Yeah, yer right."
"At least we can sit together when Gryffindor isn't playing. Our next match isn't until March."
Ah smile wider. It ain’t really wha' Ah was lookin’ fer, but Ah’m just tryin’ ta feel better.
"Now let's walk down to Madam Hooch's office. I have to pick up my broomstick."
"Oh yes I forget to tell you. Professor McGonagall and Madam Hooch gave me special permission to use one of the training brooms."
We finish walkin down ta get 'er broom.
"So when ya say trainin broom ya mean tha brooms we use in Flyin classes?"
"Yes of course. It isn't a fancy model since it's only meant to be used to teach, but it still serves well in a pinch."
"I think you should get the Bluebottle. It's a family model so you and your Pop can safely fly together on the same broom."
"Yeah it seems like a good choice ta me."
"Now for me, I would want something that's fast yet controllable. Probably the latest Cleansweep or Comet series. The Nimbus series is just too fast to control."
We make it outside ta the stands an Ah feel real cold. It's like Ah'm takin our midnight Astronomy classes durin the day. Ah see a bunch a grown ups who ain't teachers.
"Jacklin who're all 'em people in the stands."
"Oh those are members of powerful wizard families and donors to St. Mungo's Hospital. Headmaster Dumbledore personally invites them to attend the first Quidditch game of the season."
Ah look round the stands.
"Yer dad here? He oughta be if he's one a the wizard kings."
"No he only attends international events held at the school. My father is way too busy doing ambassador work across Europe to attend Quidditch matches. My mother usually attends in his place but she was unable to make it this time."
"Ok. How's bein an ambassder work?"
"He maintains and builds alliances. My father has been meeting with wizards from other countries ever since the darkest wizard in recent British history, Voldemort was defeated. Voldemort's plan was to eliminate all human born wizards in existence. He would've started in the UK, then France, then slowly all of Europe."
Ah see McGonagall come up ta us.
"Come with me, Miss Gryffindor."
"Yes, Professor McGonagall. Well Toby, I'll see you after the game."
Ah watch Jacklin walk over ta where she's gonna sit wit' McGonagall.
"Yeah. Ah'll see ya after the game."
Ah turn round ta walk back toward the Gryffindor section. One a the bigger kids nudges me.
"Wouldja like to hold our flag? I gotta help me mates hold our banner."
"Ok. Ah reckon it’s jus holdin’ it up, right?"
"Yeah mate, ya just hold it and wave it 'round for Gryffindor."
Ah take the flag an Ah hold it up an’ try ta wave it 'round.
"Captains prepare to receive the Quaffle on my whistle. 3. 2. 1. GO!"
Madam Hooch tosses the soccer ball in the air an both Quidditch captains start goin fer it.
"And the game is underway! Slytherin just barely gets possession of the Quaffle!"
Ah hear the announcer's voice an Ah try ta stay calm an’ not screw up.
"Captain Marcus Flint makes his move up the pitch! He's aiming to score with the Quaffle!"
Ah watch the Slytherin player fly real close an throw the ball. Jacklin's captain flies in front a the hoop.
"Captain Oliver Wood knocks the Quaffle away! No points for Slytherin as Chaser Alicia Spinnet gains possession for Gryffindor!"
Gryffindor cheers cause we got a chance ta score.
"Alicia Spinnet passes the Quaffle to Angelina Johnson! Angelina Johnson swerves past a Bludger and throws it in the hoop past Miles Bletchley! Gryffindor scores!"
Everybody in Gryffindor's cheerin fer Angelina scorin first.
"Gryffindor's Seeker, Sean Lee spots the Snitch with Terence Higgs following right behind him! A bludger comes flying towards Lee and he dodges it successfully."
Ah keep holdin' up the flag an' wavin' it 'round.
"Sean Lee makes an attempt to grab the Snitch but is blocked by Captain Marcus Flint! That's going to be a foul on Slytherin!"
All a Gryffindor cheers while all a Slytherin boos. Suddenly Ah start ta see a vision a Jacklin strugglin ta hold onta 'er broom.
Ah look round an let out a sigh of relief when Ah see 'er still sittin wit McGonagall. Ah wish Ah didn't have a vision, but Ah gotta focus on mah flag wavin.
"Gryffindor's Alicia Spinnet lines up for the penalty throw! She takes aim and the Quaffle goes right into the hoop!"
Gryffindor cheers an Ah'm lookin real closely at the weird soccer ball. Somehow it kinda teleports back ta the Slytherin side cause it's their turn ta have it.
"Gryffindor's up 20-0 as Sean Lee's still following the Snitch! But wait a Bludger crashes right into his broomstick! It shatters from the impact and Lee's falling to the ground!"
Ah watch the black ball hit the broomstick an’ the boy crash ta the ground. Ah really don’t want anythin’ bad ta happen ta Jacklin, so Ah gotta figure this out real fast. Ah turn an see Jacklin gettin on 'er. Ah'm real nervous.
"With Sean Lee out of the game, it's up to Jacklin Gryffindor to take his place! Boy is she a cutie!"
Ah hear Jacklin’s name gettin' announced. Ah’m still so confused bout how Ah can help 'er. Ah feel like Ah gotta get out there an' do somethin’ ta protect Jacklin.
"Jacklin Gryffindor immediately takes her position high in the air looking for the Snitch! There's a Bludger coming her way as she's flying!"
Ah get that bad feelin’ again as Ah watch it headin’ right fer Jacklin’s broom!
"Unbelievable! Jacklin flips over her broom and dodges the Bludger like she's been playing Quidditch for years! What a talent!"
Ah see Jacklin flips over an’ dodge it. She flips back ta the right side up an’ continues 'er search. Suddenly Jacklin start's buckin round like she's at a rodeo.
"What's this?! Jacklin Gryffindor's losing control of her broom! Slytherin is taking advantage of Gryffindor's concern and is racking up points! It's now 60-20 Slytherin!"
Slytherin's all cheerin an Ah dunno if it's cause they're winnin or cause they wanna see 'er fall. Ah know Ah gotta do somethin’ even if Ah don’t know what it is, Ah gotta try somethin’.
"Here take this!"
Ah don't even see who Ah give it to an’ Ah run over ta McGonagall's seat. Ah reach over an’ Ah grab 'er arm.
"Mr. Kwimper what on earth is going on?"
"Someone's jinxin Jacklin's broom! We have ta help 'er!
Ah look over at Jacklin an' see 'er holdin’ on fer dear life.
"It's a rogue Bludger! Watch out in the stands people!"
Ah hear the announcer as Ah dive ta the floor. Ah kinda crash inta the teachers an’ Ah look over at Jacklin. Somehow the broom stops movin weird.
"Amazing! Jacklin Gryffindor manages to gain control of her broom again! You can all rest easy boys!"
Ah help McGonagall stand back up cause Ah feel bad bout knockin 'er over.
"I understand what you mean, Mr. Kwimper. This is a situation that must be investigated. At the very least it is most peculiar to see a bucking broom suddenly stop as soon as the Bludger flew into the stands. I can assure you that it will be taken care of so for now please go back to your seat."
"Yes ma'am."
Ah go on back ta mah seat. Ah hope she knows Ah didn't mean no harm by it.
"After what could have been a disaster, Jacklin Gryffindor shakes it off! She sees the Snitch again and gives chase!"
All a Gryffindor's cheerin ta see 'er flyin. Ah take a breath cause Ah'm feelin better now.
"Despite only having a training broom she’s dodging Bludgers left and right! But wait here comes the Slytherin’s Seeker, Terence Higgs! Both Seekers spot the Snitch as it makes a nose dive to the ground!"
Ah wonder what's gonna happen. Ah’m on the edge a mah seat.
"Only 5 meters left before someone’s hitting the ground! This Snitch is baiting someone to crash! But wait, Terrence Higgs pulls up leaving Jacklin Gryffindor alone! She needs to make a move fast!"
Ah’m holdin’ mah breath. Ah don't wanna see Jacklin crash.
"She’s still making a grab for it! She flips upside down to grab it and oh no she hits the ground!"
Ah feel mah heart start beatin' a million miles a minute. Ah hold mah breath.
"She’s sitting up but what’s this?! Is that?! Unbelievable! Jacklin Gryffindor has the Snitch!"
The tension jus flies right outta mah body an' Ah start cheerin'. Ah feel joy flood mah system an Ah feel like huggin' someone ta get rid a the excitement rushin' through mah body.
"Gryffindor wins! 170 to 60!"
Ah watch the crowd cheer fer Jacklin. Ah jus hope Jacklin ain't hurt cause she hit the ground real hard. Tha's the last thang Ah want. It don't matter what team yer on. Nobody should be gettin hurt over somethin tha's just a game.
Tagging: @arrolyn1114, @nemos-rapture, @xanatenshi, @briefpandatimemachine, @hooked-on-elvis, @vintagepresley, @aliengoth3, @smokeymountainboy, @bigdaddyelvislover, @mercsandmonsters, @pledgingmylovee, @presleysgirl6, and @thetaoofzoe.
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causeilikelix · 1 year
'Cause I Like You - Chapter Eleven - I'm Tired of Being Stuck With You
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↳ Pairing: Felix x OC / Hyunjin x OC (later)
↳ Genre: Romance, comedy, smut (eventual), slow burn, enemies (idiots) to friends (idiots) to lovers (probably still idiots), high school au, college au, non-idol au
↳ See Chapter One for summery
↳ Chapter warnings: Chiche heavy and I'm not sorry, long chapter, sexual tension, masturbation (f & m), ruined orgasm (poor thing), Felix your desperation is showing (he's a horny baby), dream sexy things, voyeurism?, somnophilia but not really, handjob (f & m receiving), Eunbyeol gets a little bold, cum tasting, uhhhh I think that's it.
↳ Read on my A03: Here
↳ Notes: Sorry this chapter took me so long! Grad school is absolutely destroying me, plus I work all the time, so it's been hard to find time to proofread. I'm still editing chapter 12 but it's on the way!
Sorry for taking so long on chap 10! This was a bitch to edit. Tbh I kept thinking 'it's not long enough' and then when I finished it was 14.7k words and I didn't know what to cut. So here we are. Hope you enjoy!
<;- Chapter Ten- Chapter Twelve ->
EUNBYEOL’S EYES ADJUSTED to the light, wishing that she’d stayed in the dark for a while longer.  If not to stay with Felix a little longer then to get some much needed rest.  Ah Joong and Jisung paid the pair no mind as they made their way back into the living room.  Felix started out of the closet first without sparing Eunbyeol a second glance.  Eunbyeol watched his back as she trailed behind.  The muscles in his shoulders tensed and released as he walked and Eunbyeol couldn’t stand to look at him a second longer.  She dropped her gaze to the floor, hoping that the torture of the evening was almost over.  
Felix and Eunbyeol waited for the others to notice them as they slowly reentered the living room.  Ah Joong reclaimed her spot next to Seungmin and Jisung sunk back down onto the couch next to Jiho.  The TV played a K-Pop game and the other kids called out and argued over their answers.  Felix and Eunbyeol stood back for a moment, glancing at each other one last time.  The look in Felix’s eyes was even more unreadable than normal.  Eunbyeol expected him to look angry or hurt or turned on, but instead he looked... sad.  She almost reached for him, the urge to touch his arm to reassure him washed over her.  Instead, she clenched her fists and turned back to her friends.  
Jiho looked up and waved Eunbyeol over.  Eunbyeol breathed a sigh of relief and made her way around Felix to lean over the couch by Jiho.  She was happy with any excuse to get further away from him.  Her heart thundered in her chest and she found herself dizzy and lightheaded.  Eunbyeol leaned on the couch, grateful for some kind of steady support under her.  She had very little confidence in her ability to stand unassisted. 
“How was the closet?”  Jiho asked innocently.  
“I would thank you never to lock me in a room with him ever again.”  Eunbyeol rolled her eyes.  
“Yeah?  Well, I guess you won’t be thanking me much tonight, then.”  Jiho snickered.  “Turns out the closet was just the beginning.”
“What... what the hell does that mean?” 
“Well... Jisung and I wanted a bedroom to ourselves, and with the addition of the boys we had to make some changes to the sleeping arrangements.”
“You mean, you and I aren’t sharing anymore?  Do I need to get my stuff out of the guest room?”  Eunbyeol started to move away from the couch but Jiho grabbed her friend's shoulders and pulled her back. 
“No, no.  Nothing like that.  You’ll be in the same room, you just have a different roommate for the night.”  Jiho smiled innocently, but something in her smile worried Eunbyeol more than she cared to admit.  
“What have you done?”  
“It wasn’t all my doing!”  Jiho raised her hands in defense.  “Seungmin and Ah Joong insisted on being difficult and Chohui would only accept the couch if she couldn’t have any of the beds.”  
“Wait, she’s not going to share my room with me?”  Eunbyeol’s eyes narrowed, not sure if she liked where this was going.  
“No, she’s not- ah!  That’s...”  Jiho cried out, snapping her fingers in an attempt to remember the answer to the question in the game.  “Shit... I think that was Monsta X’s ‘ Hero ’.”
“Whatever.  I’m going to bed.”  Eunbyeol slowly shifted her weight back onto her legs and her knees protested immediately.  
“Alright, we’ll probably be turning in here, too.”  Jiho grabbed Eunbyeol’s hand to squeeze it once.  “Goodnight!”
“Oh, Noona, are you going to bed?”  Jeongin’s head popped up and he waved, a bright smile adorning his innocent features.  “Goodnight!”
Eunbyeol waved half-heartedly to the others as she started back down the hallway.  A chorus of goodnights followed her as she walked.  She tried to ignore the weight of Felix’s gaze on her back, but her hand moved up to rub her neck to try and erase the feeling of him there.  The ache, however, persisted even as she moved out of sight.  The more she thought about it, the more she wondered if she was hurting because she forgot to stretch after she danced earlier.  She figured a couple of painkillers wouldn’t hurt. 
The room she claimed for the night was small but the bed was big enough for two.  She wondered which girl she’d be sharing with tonight if Jiho was going to be sleeping with Jisung.  Eunbyeol’s backpack sat one one side of the bed and she grabbed it and opened it.  She rummaged for a few minutes before pulling out her pajamas, a package of makeup wipes, and a bottle of painkillers.  Before she even thought about changing, she opened the bottle of pills and popped two in her mouth.  She reached for her water bottle, which she left on the bedside table and washed them down.  She downed the contents of her bottle, not realizing just how thirsty she’d been. 
Next she grabbed her package of makeup wipes and turned to the full-length mirror that hung on the back of the door.  Eunbyeol made a mental note to ask Ah Joong what setting spray she used because her makeup was bordering on twelve hours of activity including dancing, drinking, more dancing, and a makeout session and it still looked good.  At the thought of what she’d been doing in the last few minutes, her cheeks ignited and her gaze flicked instinctively to the mark he’d pointed out.  
“Shit...”  Eunbyeol whispered under her breath, peering closer. 
A bright red mark stood out against her skin from where it was placed just below her ear.  She winced as she lifted her fingers to touch it lightly.  Since it had only just happened, Eunbyeol assumed that it would only darken as the night went on.  Why had she allowed Felix to give her a fucking hickey?  What got into her?  Luckily it wasn’t too large, only about as big as a bottle cap, but she would need to keep it covered as much as possible.  Her hair would be long enough to disguise it for a while, but she had to be careful or it would get noticed.  Eunbyeol grimaced at the thought but her face flushed at the mere thought of the feeling of his lips planted where the mark was.  
Eunbyeol shook her head and got to work on removing her makeup.  She ran the cool wipes over her entire face, paying special attention to her eyelids in order to get all of the purple off.  It looked incredible, but the night was finally at its end.  Finally, when all the makeup was off she turned to change into her pajamas.  She couldn’t stand the mesh bodysuit or the purple crop top any longer.  She exchanged them for a soft cottony t-shirt and her leather pants for a soft pair of checkered shorts.  She sighed with relief as she peeled her sports bra off and slipped it into her backpack.  The confining fabric had contributed in part to her aching muscles so she was glad to put it away.  
She could hardly wait for the painkillers to kick in.  Eunbyeol massaged the sore muscles in her arms and shoulders, sighing as she pressed her fingers into a particularly tight knot in her left shoulder.  A flash of a memory invaded her brain and she remembered the way Felix had gripped her shoulder the first time he kissed her and the way his fingers dug into her skin.  With that came the memory of his mouth on hers and how he took his time, memorizing her. 
Once again, Eunbyeol shook her head to rid herself of those thoughts.  She didn’t want to think about the things that Felix made her feel over the last few minutes, but her body had other plans.  Against her will, the incessant warmth in her stomach returned and she wondered if she had time to deal with it before her roommate joined her for the night.  
Eunbyeol pressed her ear against the door, not wanting to open it and call attention to her movements.  Outside, her friends laughed and talked about the game they just played and someone pressed play on another.  On one hand, Eunbyeol wanted to join them but she desperately wanted to bring an end to the day.  She’d been awake since the sun rose that morning and now it was well after midnight.  She couldn’t take much more.  The competition already seemed like a lifetime ago.  
She turned back to the bed and got to work on tossing the plethora of decorative pillows at the end of the bed.  While they were pretty, she didn’t think she could stand sleeping among them all night.  The duvet was a dark blue accented with silver and one swipe of her hand along the sheets, Eunbyeol wondered what the thread count was.  If Ah Joong’s family put this set in the guest room, she wondered if the sheets in the other room were as soft.  
Eunbyeol finally sunk into them gratefully, her muscles relaxing immediately.  She sighed warmly, laying her head on the plush pillow and closing her eyes.  For a moment, she forgot about the pressing need in her abdomen and instead pure exhaustion washed over her.  Her brain began to numb and her eyelids couldn’t have opened even if she wanted to.  The golden glow of the lamp on the side table faded to black behind her eyelids and Eunbyeol thought she was finally getting to sleep. 
Then, her lower half throbbed.  Felix’s pillowy lips mouthed over her neck and her jaw and Eunbyeol let out a sigh.  She could almost feel his hands pressing into her hips and his soft brown hair tickling her cheeks.  The taste of him still lingered on her tongue and for a moment she was almost glad that she'd forgotten her toothbrush at home.  Normally, she wasn’t one to be so careless but in the tizzy of getting ready this morning, it had slipped her mind.  This afternoon, the idea of going to bed without brushing her teeth made her sick but now she didn’t hate the idea quite so much.
The reminder of Felix’s tongue working against hers and licking along her teeth made her warm all over.   How could someone like Felix make her feel things like this?  At some point, he’d started a fire in her stomach and everything he’d done in the last twelve hours had only made it spread.  Another throb ripped through her and Eunbyeol buried her face in the pillow and let out a groan.  She wanted to ignore it and fall asleep, but something told her that she wouldn’t be able to get to sleep without dealing with it first. 
Without opening her eyes, Eunbyeol rolled over onto her back and took a deep breath. She wondered if she would be able to think of Younghyun while she did this and not Felix of all people.  She’d actually had sex with Younghyun while she had merely kissed Felix.  However, the way Felix kissed her made something stir within her and she wanted nothing more than to kiss him again. 
With that thought, Eunbyeol slipped her hand under the waistband of her shorts and into her underwear.  She gasped slightly, finding herself already warm and slick.  A quick nudge of her panties and she found that she’d very nearly soaked through them at the mere thought of what happened.  Of course, what happened in the closet didn’t help her case at all.  She remembered clamping her legs around his thigh in a desperate attempt to stave off her feelings.  It took all of her self control not to grind down onto his thigh and now she wished she had.  
“ Shit .”  Eunbyeol gasped as she found her center easily and quickly. 
She rubbed small circles on her center, slick with her own arousal.  Her back arched off the bed slightly as she applied pressure and a quiet sigh escaped her lips.  While she was alone and her friends were occupied with something else, she didn’t want to risk making too much noise.  
Pressure rose within her and she gasped at how quickly she was about to topple over the edge.  Eunbyeol figured that she’d been worked up long enough so it shouldn’t be a surprise that she was about to come after only a few minutes.  Eunbyeol imagined Felix here with her again, pressing his body flush against hers and slipping his knee between her thighs.  She imagined his mouth covering hers, sucking on her lips and tongue and neck, just the way he did in the closet.  Eunbyeol craved his weight on her and she wanted to feel him.  She wanted to feel the effect she had on him.  She wondered if she’d worked him up just as much and if he wanted her as much as she wanted him at this moment.  She wondered if she made him hot. 
“ Right there- ”  Eunbyeol hissed through gritted teeth, suddenly imagining someone else’s fingers against her core. 
Eunbyeol pretended that she could feel his hot breath on the side of her neck and face and his nimble fingers beneath the waistband of her underwear.  Just the visual alone brought her that much closer to the edge and she sighed.  For a moment, she wished they hadn’t been interrupted so rudely or that he had followed her to bed, intent on easing the need they both had stewing within them.  Her imagination could only help her along so much and the pure desire to have Felix between her legs made her groan.  Why, of all people, did she feel this way about him ?
She didn’t have time to worry about the ethics of her desire as her inner muscles clenched around nothing.  Eunbyeol sighed, more frustrated than anything that she had to do this herself.  Her high was approaching fast, the sweet feeling of her release building up within her and washing over her entire body.  She could practically taste it in the back of her throat.  The taste of Felix’s tongue lingered on her taste buds.  She squeezed her eyes shut to ignore the noise from outside the door, presumably her friends walking up and down the hall as they got ready for bed.  Her teeth sank into her lower lip as she tried to stifle the whine that bubbled up within her as her peak began to overtake her. 
Her thighs and inner muscles twitched as the wave came to a crest and she released her lip to let out a sigh at the feeling.  However, before her high washed over her, the bedroom door cracked open.  
Light from the hallway streamed in and Eunbyeol’s eyes snapped open and she retracted her hand from her shorts, her high fading quickly.  She gasped and rolled back onto her side, squeezing her eyes closed and pretending to be asleep.  The door opened wider and she could hear the voices of Jiho, Jisung, and Minjeong in the hallway.  Eunbyeol sighed with relief.  Minjeong was a good roommate, Eunbyeol shared a room with her and Jiho when they traveled to Daegu for a dance competition in sophomore year.  Minjeong would keep to herself and she wouldn’t hog the blankets.  Eunbyeol rolled over, grateful that she lucked out with a roommate.
“ Fuck, really ?”  A deep voice whispered.  Eunbyeol’s eyes shot open once more and she glanced over her shoulder and her heart sank into her stomach at the sight of the boy standing in the doorway.  “Come on guys, there’s really no other place for me to sleep?”
“Not unless you want to third wheel us or Ah Joong and Seungmin.”  Jisung shrugged pointedly.  “Honestly, you’re the safest there.  Look, she’s already asleep.  It’s only a few hours!”
“Come on, I can’t take the couch?”  Felix protested.  “I don’t want to bother her.  She’s already had a long day and she doesn’t need me to ruin it any more.”
“Look at you, being all chivalrous and shit.  Just suck it up, you look exhausted.”
“I think Chohui is on the couch, if you wanted to join her instead!”  Jiho suggested and Felic blanched in disgust.
“If I wasn’t about to pass out, I would put up more of a fight, but I swear to god I’m going to kick your ass, Jisung-ah.”  Felix rasped before shutting the door in his face.  
He stood there for a few minutes, breathing slowly and gathering his thoughts.  The last thing he wanted was to fuck up things between them even more.  He wondered how bad sleeping in the same room would be.  Eunbyeol waited for a few minutes until she was sure that the others outside had finally moved on before speaking up.
“Apparently they thought seventeen minutes wasn’t enough, huh?”  Eunbyeol spoke and Felix nearly jumped out of his skin, crying out in surprise to see that she wasn’t asleep. 
“You’re not sleeping?”  Felix tried, his question coming out more like a statement. 
“No.”  Eunbyeol sighed, subtly wiping her damp fingers on her shorts before sliding her legs over the side of the bed.  “What the hell do they think is going to happen if they keep putting us in a room together?  I, personally, don’t see us making up.”
“Making up?”  Felix scoffed.  “I could never imagine such generosity from you.”
“Please, don’t pretend like you’re an innocent little angel either.”  Eunbyeol rolled her eyes and rose to her feet.  She started to move past him to the door, but he grasped her wrist and pulled her to a stop.
“What, do you think that I’d do this if I had any other choice?” 
“Christ.  First they expect us to get all cozy in that stupid closet and now they expect us to spend the night together?  I don’t think I could spend another second with your stupid... fucking... ears and your dumb face.  I’m gonna go find a warm section of floor to sleep on or something.”  Eunbyeol tried to pull out of his grasp but his grip tightened and he pulled her to face him.  Felix moved just right to put his body between her and the door.  He chose to ignore her sloppy insults, figuring that she was just tired. 
“First of all, we did get comfortable in the closet, in case you forgot already.  I don’t intend to let you ignore it after you ignored it the first time we did that.  Second of all, if you’re stuck in here with me then I’m definitely stuck in here with you.  Let’s just suffer through it for one night.  Sharing the bed can’t be that bad, can it?”  
“Don’t expect me to get comfortable again, pretty boy.”  Eunbyeol sneered, trying to pull her wrist away but he was stronger than he looked.  “Look, I don’t know about you but I’m too fucking tired to argue with those assholes or with you.  You can sleep on the floor.”
“I’m getting real tired of your attitude.”  Felix’s voice dropped an octave when he switched from speaking Korean to English and he pulled her a step closer.  Wordlessly, he reached back and turned the lock on the doorknob.  Eunbyeol’s eyes widened but she didn’t protest.  “It’s like you’re begging me to fuck it out of you.”
“I bet you’d like that, huh?  You boys are all the same, thinking with the wrong brain.”  Eunbyeol leaned closer to him once he faced her again, staring at him with anger brewing in her eyes.  At least, she hoped that her slight interest in his proposal wasn’t apparent on her face.  After she’d failed to satisfy the aching within her, she needed relief somehow.  “Unfortunately for you, you’ll never get the chance.”
“So, you don’t like it when I touch you like this?”  Felix reached for her, his body taking action before his brain could give it the stamp of approval.  Despite his exhaustion after the long day weighing down his muscles, his need to touch her weighed his heart down more. 
Felix dropped her wrist in favor of curling his hand around her waist to the small of her back and his other hand slipped to the back of her neck, pulling her flush against him.  Eunbyeol’s hands snapped up, finding purchase on his shoulders to keep their chests a few inches apart.  Despite the anger bubbling under the surface, her body wanted more.  Her skin warmed under his touch and her thighs clenched at the thought of getting what she’d fantasized about only a few minutes ago.  Felix’s eyes were dark from the intensity and Eunbyeol’s mind raced as she tried to figure out her next move.  In the closet, the last look he’d given her had been so desperate and nowhere near the look of angry horniess that radiated off of him now.  What happened? 
“I’m with Younghyun.”  She forced the words from her throat but he scoffed in response. 
“You just said you weren’t exclusive with him.  Besides, it didn’t seem to bother you when you were hanging off of me in the closet.”  
“What has gotten into your tiny little head tonight?”  Eunbyeol breathed. 
“Isn’t it obvious?”  Felix cocked his head and pulled her against him harder, leaning down to whisper in her ear with the deepest version of his voice.  “ You have. ”
“ Shit. ”  Eunbyeol tensed in his arms against her will and she wondered if she would have the bandwidth to refuse him.  Never in a million years did she think that Felix of all people would be propositioning her, and more than that she never thought that she would be considering it. 
“Sweetheart, you have no idea how badly I want to kiss you again.”  Felix breathed, his lips grazing the shell of her ear as he spoke.  “I was just thinking about how I wasn’t sure I’d be able to keep my hands off you if we ever got to be alone again.”
A few weeks ago, if someone told her that she would want to kiss him again just as badly, she would have laughed at them.  There’s no way she could ever want to kiss Lee Felix on his obnoxiously perfect lips or want him so much.  She’d spent at least the last ten years hating the guy.  Despite how much she despised him, Eunbyeol found herself curling closer to his body against her will.  She cursed her body for betraying her mind.  The cliche of being in a locked room together was almost too much but she didn’t have it in her to care. 
“This is a bad idea.”  Eunbyeol managed to whisper and Felix chuckled darkly against the skin of her neck as he peppered light kisses on her skin, the noise vibrating through her, before he pulled back to look her in the eye.  His breath tickled her lips as he spoke. 
“Forcing us in another room together?  Yeah, probably.  Does Younghyun kiss you as good as I do?”  Felix’s question hung in the air for a second as it turned over in Eunbyeol’s tired brain.  Felix smirked.  “He doesn’t, huh?  Does he know you like it when you get your hair pulled or when I bite your lip?”
Felix tugged lightly at the hair at the base of her neck to prove a point, pulling her head back slightly and Eunbyeol’s lips parted in a silent gasp.  Felix chased her, leaning down to hover his mouth a few short centimeters away from hers.  He watched her for a moment, waiting to see consent in her eyes before he took things further.  Despite talking big, he at least respected her boundaries.  That much she could give him.  
Turmoil swirled in her eyes as she debated whether or not to go forward with it again.  Could she do this again?  Eunbyeol hadn’t thought she could go through with kissing him in the closet, but something within her gave in.  Would the same thing happen now?  Could she go through with what her body craved so badly?
“He cares about me.”  Eunbyeol choked, but it didn’t appear to deter Felix in the slightest. 
“Now every time you kiss someone else, I bet you’ll be thinking of me, huh?  I just know it.  Look at how you can’t stop looking at my lips.”  Felix rambled on, content on indulging his own fantasies more than the truth.  However, Felix had no idea just how true his statement was. 
“Felix...”  She whispered and Felix pulled back slightly, his eyebrows furrowing in concern more than anger. 
“Can I kiss you?”  Felix whispered, as if he hadn’t had his tongue down her throat barely an hour ago.
“Felix... I think...”  Eunbyeol swallowed thickly, unable to believe the words that were coming out of her own mouth.  “I think we should sleep off the alcohol.  I’ve had an eighteen hour day.  I can’t do this anymore.”
Felix’s grip loosened immediately, letting his fingers graze the skin of her neck and waist for a moment longer before pulling away completely.  His hands fell to his sides and Eunbyeol dropped hers and turned away from him.  Eunbyeol turned to the bed and pretended to fix the blankets a little.  She didn’t think she could stomach changing the parameters of their relationship anymore.  If they did anything physically like that, they would have to actually put a label on it.  She wasn’t interested in being involved with Lee Felix anymore than she already was.  
“I’m sorry.”  Felix breathed, his voice barely above a whisper.  Eunbyeol pretended not to hear him.
“There are enough pillows on the floor, you can sleep there.”  Eunbyeol cleared her throat, reaching to the other side of the bed and grabbing one of the larger pillows to pass to him.
“Hell no, I’m not sleeping on the floor.”  Felix shook his head.  “My back already hurts.  And besides, I won today so I should get the bed.”
“As if.  I’m certainly not sleeping on the floor.  I lost today, so you should let me have it.”  
“Would you murder me if I suggest that we just share it?  It’s big enough to where we can stick to either side.  Besides, I don’t snore so you’ll forget I’m even there.”  Felix argued his case and Eunbyeol pretended to consider it for a few seconds. 
“Absolutely not.  Why would I want to share a bed with someone who just said he wanted to fuck me?”  Eunbyeol snapped, turning to him and crossing her arms over her chest.  She suddenly wished that she hadn’t taken her bra off.  
“I swear that I won’t touch you.”  Felix’s hands flew up as if to show her that he had control over them.  “I won’t touch you ever again if that’s what you want.  Look, there are enough pillows to make a wall.  You don’t even have to look at me.”
“Fuck this, I’ll just go find a place on the floor to sleep.”  Eunbyeol pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed.  “Goodnight, Felix.”
“Come on, now.”  His voice softened and he stepped between her and the door.  “You look exhausted.  Let’s just build the Wall of China with that ridiculous amount of decorative pillows and go to sleep.  We’re both clearly way too tired for this.”
“Damn it.”  Eunbyeol squeezed her eyes shut, her exhaustion making them tear up a little.  Felix, for once, had a point.  Her entire body ached and she longed to just lay down and sleep.  The idea of searching the apartment for another place to sleep made her even more tired.  “Okay, fine, but I swear to god if there is any funny business, you’ll be sleeping on the bathroom floor in record time.”
“Oh, thank you!  I promise I’ll be good!”  Felix clasped his hands together before making a dive for the pillows that Eunbyeol had thrown on the floor haphazardly. 
“Whatever.”  Eunbyeol rolled her eyes but ultimately moved over to grab a couple pillows to help him build the barrier.  She paused to pull her hair back into a ponytail and got to work.
Together, they located the center of the bed and carefully arranged the pillows to allow for optimum space on the mattress to sleep without feeling walled in.  For the second time in their lives, Felix and Eunbyeol collaborated on a task together.  The decorative pillows were in many shapes and sizes, which made for really awkward building blocks.  However, Felix used the larger pillows as a foundation for the others and they slowly built it from large to small.  The wall would only come to about their knees in terms of length and they could still somewhat see over it when they laid down, but it was better than nothing.  Eunbyeol figured this was more than enough to keep him away from her. 
“Do you snore?”  Eunbyeol demanded as she slipped back under the blankets.  Her head spun with the fact that in mere moments, Felix would be under the same blankets. 
“No one’s ever told me one way or the other.”  Felix shrugged, making his way to the other side of the bed and hesitating.  “Do you?”
“I don’t think I snore too badly.”  Eunbyeol shrugged.  “If you do snore-”
“I’ll be sleeping on the floor in the bathroom before I can protest, yes I know.”  Felix eyed the bedsheets and pulled at the hem of his t-shirt.  He shifted from foot to foot, wondering just how he was supposed to survive the next eight hours. 
“Aren’t you getting in?”  
“I... I dunno.  I don’t... exactly sleep in jeans.” 
“I’d say I wouldn’t wish sleeping in jeans on my worst enemy, but...”  
“Or... anything for that matter.”
“Ew!”  Eunbyeol threw one of the top decorative pillows at him but he caught it easily.  His face burned a deep shade of scarlet.  
“I just... don’t think I’ll be comfortable.” 
“Lee Felix, we’re already doing this ridiculous thing I’ve literally only ever seen on TV.  Sleeping with clothes on shouldn’t be that much of an issue.”  Eunbyeol crossed her arms over her chest as she watched him.  Felix held the pillow to his chest as he shifted his weight.  He eyed the bed for a few minutes before glancing up at her with pleading eyes. 
“Come on...”
“Fine.”  Eunbyeol swallowed thickly.  “You can pick one.  Either your shirt or your jeans can come off, but not both.  Just... don’t make me watch.”
With that, Eunbyeol sank under the blankets and covered her head with them.  Despite not being able to see him, she squeezed her eyes shut in an attempt to drown out the outside world.  She silently cursed every single event leading up to this moment and she wondered what kind of horrible thing she did in her past life to deserve her own personal hell.  Or at least being trapped in this bedroom with him.  Her eyes and her thighs squeezed together even tighter at the quiet sound of Felix’s metal zipper and the shuffling of fabric as he pushed his pants down his legs. 
“Wait, I thought you weren’t wearing underwear!”  Eunbyeol gasped at the noise. 
“Jisung gave me a pair of his earlier and told me I disgusted him.”  Felix offered a weak explanation. 
Then, against her will, the bed dipped on the other side and her entire body tensed.  Despite her exhaustion, Eunbyeol was suddenly unsure if she would be able to get any sleep tonight at all.  Her face burned and she wondered if it was due in part to Felix being here or because her head was still buried under the blankets.  The idea of Felix being in the same bed was more than enough to drive her to the edge and now she was forced to face the reality of it.  She hoped that she would never have to deal with this, but the world was against her.  The blankets rustled and the bed shook as Felix adjusted and carefully inspected the wall of pillows between them.  He cleared his throat and slowly slipped deeper into the bed until he laid completely horizontally.  
Only once she was sure that he was completely settled did Eunbyeol pull her face out from under the blankets.  She laid on her back, staring up at the plain white ceiling for a few minutes, focusing on the pace of her breathing and trying to keep it a desynced with his as possible.  She glanced over at the wall of pillows and for a brief moment she wondered what he looked like on the other side.  Instinctively, her tongue darted out to run over her lower lip and she winced immediately.  Eunbyeol let out a heaving sigh and turned her gaze back to the ceiling. 
“Are you okay?”  Felix’s low voice almost made her gasp in surprise.  She hadn’t expected him to speak again.
“Um, yeah.  Are you?”  
“Yeah.  I’m fine.  Well... goodnight, I guess.”  Felix cleared his throat.  “Are you going to leave the light on?”
“Do you want me to leave it on?”  Eunbyeol glanced up at the lamp on the side table that cast a soft golden glow through the room.  
“It’s whatever you wanna do, but I’d prefer it off.”  
“Oh, I’ll turn it off.  I left it on so my roommate wouldn’t have to creep around.”  Eunbyeol rolled over and reached for the switch.  In seconds, the room plunged into darkness.
“Well...”  Felix trailed off for a few seconds.  “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight.”  Eunbyeol cleared her throat and settled down so her back faced the wall of pillows. 
It took a few seconds for her eyes to close, but eventually they grew too heavy to keep open.  Despite the barrier between them, she could sense where his weight dipped into the mattress.  The soft sound of his steady breathing filled the air and she found herself unable to pay attention to anything else.  The apartment stayed silent beyond the door of the guest room, and Eunbyeol figured that the others finally went to bed themselves.  
For the first time since they were kids, Eunbyeol found herself on an even plane with Felix.  Both literally and metaphorically.  Nearly everything was out in the open between them, although there were some things Eunbyeol kept to herself.  If their time in the closet had proved anything, it was that her feelings for him weren’t entirely negative.  She couldn’t completely tell what those feelings were specifically, but she almost didn’t want to explore them.  Something about the way Felix touched her made her think that maybe he didn’t entirely hate her either.  
Felix’s fingers were soft to the touch, and despite the roughness of his mouth he never once matched it with his hands.  Sure, he held on tight, but not with intent to bruise or to hurt.  He touched her as if he was touching a precious work of art as opposed to her skin.  His lips behaved similarly, even at the apex of the intensity he hadn’t kissed her with an end goal in mind.  Maybe he talked big, but Eunbyeol realized with a quiet gasp that Felix never had any intention to follow through.  If she’d gone along with it then maybe he would have, but his kisses and touches weren’t meant to persuade her.  Something about that thought made her warm up a little more.  She blamed it on the wall of pillows, which helped contain her body heat under the blankets.  
However, before she could think about it too much more, her brain began to drift.  Her thoughts lingered on the events of the evening, the games they played, and the overall event of the talent show.  Had the competition really happened that afternoon?  A million years had passed since then.  A million years since Younghyun had touched her.  Eunbyeol forced herself to think about the bear hug he’d given her after she danced, reminding herself that she liked him way more than Lee Felix... Before she knew it, Eunbyeol drifted off, finding happiness in her dreams.
Endless doors, leading to endless new places.  Through the first one, Eunbyeol finds the auditorium where they’d performed only a few hours ago.  On stage, her friends dance without her and she tries to get up to them.  The stairs are blocked by something she cannot make out, so she tries the stage door.  
The stage door leads her to the classroom.  Outside the window, it’s dark and stormy but she feels each roll of thunder deep in her core.  Eunbyeol wondered why she could feel the storm within her and she moved to look out the window.  In the courtyard, someone stood with her pink umbrella keeping them dry from the rain.  Somehow, Eunbyeol knew she had to try to get to them. 
The door to the classroom normally slid side to side, but this time it was stuck.  She pushed it and moved her hands around until her hands came in contact with a doorknob.  Strange.  Her classroom door didn’t have one.  Despite that, Eunbyeol turned it and pushed through. 
Through the classroom door, she found herself in a dark hallway.  The only light streamed in from a crack in an open door a few steps away.  Eunbyeol floated down the hallway towards the light, sure that the next door would take her somewhere new.  Eunbyeol placed her hand on the door and pushed it open slightly. 
Through the small gap, Ah Joong’s bathroom came into view and at first glance it was empty.  But then she heard it. 
“A-ah!  Fuck!”  A deep voice called from within.  Eunbyeol paused, not pushing the door open any further.  Carefully, she peered through the crack in the door and her eyes widened in surprise. 
Felix stood in the bathroom, leaning over the toilet with one hand on the wall to support himself.  Eunbyeol glanced away, pressing her back against the wall next to the door, thinking that she’d suddenly walked in on something disgusting, but then he made another noise.  A low groan came from the back of his throat, along with a quiet gasp that Eunbyeol wouldn’t have paid much attention to if it hadn’t been her name. 
“Eunbyeol-ah...”  Felix sighed.  
Curiosity is a fickle thing.  Once someone wants to know something, the itch never really goes away until it’s satiated and they learn what they set out to.  For Eunbyeol, the curiosity began when she sensed Felix keeping his pelvis away from her when they were in the closet.  When something nudged her hip bone when he held her in their temporarily shared bedroom, her mouth watered with curiosity.  Despite her turning him down, it wasn’t that she didn’t want it.  
Slowly, Eunbyeol peered around the corner into the bathroom.  She half expected the dream to change and for the bathroom door to lead somewhere else.  However, there he stood.  Felix with his toned legs and his pale blue t-shirt hanging off of his lean frame.  Eunbyeol’s gaze traveled down the expanse of his jaw to his neck, which shimmered with a light sheen of sweat.  Eunbyeol’s tongue darted out to wet her lips, but it was no use.  Her mouth ran dry as her eyes drifted lower. 
Felix’s boxers were pushed down below his hips, just enough for him to have his rock hard cock pulled out and his hand wrapped around it.  Eunbyeol swallowed thickly as she watched Felix’s hand pump his own length, occasionally giving special attention to his light pink head.  Her mouth watered as she eyed his light brown cock, wondering just how she could dream it up with such realism.  Had she really wanted him this badly all day?
“Fuck just like that...”  Felix moaned.
The persistent throb in her lower belly had yet to go away.  Somehow she’d managed to fall asleep, but this was an unfortunate side effect of going to bed horny and without the orgasm she’d tried for before she went to sleep.  She wanted to touch him.  She wanted to feel the heat of him in her hands, in her mouth, and between her legs.  She wanted Felix’s fingers curled around her throat while his other hand made its way into her underwear.  She wanted him to tell her how wet she was and all for him.  Eunbyeol wanted to touch him the same, to feel the way his hot skin burned under her touch.  She ached to hear his deep groans in her ear. 
“Eunbyeol-ah...”  Felix moaned again.
Before her brain could stop her voice box, Eunbyeol responded.  Besides, it was a dream, what’s the worst that could happen?
“Yes?” her voice came out like a gasp.  
Felix let out a strangled gasp and he turned away from her.  He roughly pulled his underwear back up and hid his pretty cock from her.  Eunbyeol stepped into the bathroom almost as if her brain was working on autopilot and kicked the door shut behind her.  Felix shuffled a step away but she took another one toward him.  
“What the hell are you doing?”  Felix’s low voice rumbled through the small room, sending a wave of heat through her. 
“You called for me?  Do you want help with that?”  Eunbyeol nodded to where Felix was using both of his hands to cover his hard-on. 
“I... what?”  Felix stared at her like she’d just arrived from Mars. 
“Looks like you were getting close.  Would you rather it was my hand?  Is that why you called out my name?”  Eunbyeol’s bold words made Felix do a double take.  
“I... it’s not what it looks like!  I just-”
“You sure you don’t want my help?”  Eunbyeol took another step forward, but this time Felix didn’t back away.  She advanced until she was a mere breath away from him.  Her hands reached up and rested on his chest.  “Do you want me to touch you?”
“I... yes...”  Felix’s breath fanning across her face. 
Slowly, Eunbyeol moved her hands lower and lower down his chest.  Her fingers pressed into every dip and swell of his abs on the way down.  Felix let out a groan when her fingers grazed the band of his underwear.  Her nails caught on the top of the band and she snapped the elastic against his skin slightly before shifting lower.  Eunbyeol pressed her palm into his clothed cock and he let out a moan that sounded half like a sob. 
“You’re so sensitive.”  Eunbyeol complimented, shifting forward to rest her forehead on his shoulder.  Since it was a dream, she decided to tell him her thoughts.  “You know, I wanted so badly to let you take my clothes off earlier...  I wanted to let you touch me and kiss me in secret places.”
“Fuck, sweetheart...”  Felix huffed.  He tucked his nose into her neck to press his lips onto the mark he’d created earlier.  
“You have no idea how badly I wanted to touch you and take your pretty cock into my mouth.”  Eunbyeol breathed.  Instantly, a warm dampness stickied her fingers as she pumped his cock through his underwear.  For a moment, she thought he’d cum from her words alone but when she refocused she found it to be only precum.  “You’d like that, huh?”
“God, yes.  Please... touch me.”  
Eunbyeol, all propriety thrown out the window, slipped her hand under the waistband of his boxers to grip his hard on.  Instantly, Felix let out a keening moan.  His hands moved to curl around her and pull her against him.  Eunbyeol worked her hand up and down his shaft, using her thumb to spread his warm precum around.  Felix kept releasing light gasps and quiet moans into the skin of her neck.  
“Don’t keep your hands all to yourself, Yongbok...”  Eunbyeol used her free hand to grab one of his.  She easily guided it to the waistband of her sleep shorts.  His fingers grazed the skin of her stomach.  “Feel what you do to me.”
“Really?  What in the hell has gotten into you tonight?”  Felix rasped against her skin.
“Isn’t it obvious?”  Eunbyeol mirrored the words he’d used in the bedroom only moments before.  She whispered them directly into the shell of his ear.  “You have.” 
With that, Felix slid his hand beneath the waistband of her shorts, pushed his way under her panties and let her warm slick coat his fingers.  His fingers danced through her folds, coated in her thick arousal.  He spread it around, rubbing in small circles until he found the spot that made her gasp.  He rolled her clit between two fingers and her knees began to tremble.  Eunbyeol released a desperate gasp and turned to press her lips against his neck .  The saltiness of his sweat coated her tongue but it was nowhere near enough.  She wanted to taste more of him.
She rubbed her thumb into his tip deeply, causing him to moan.  She was positive that this Dream Felix could feel her gush even more wetness on his fingers at the noise.  She pulled her hand from his boxers and pulled her head away to make eye contact with him.  She looked him deep in the eye as she stuck her tongue out and sucked on the tip of her thumb, lapping up his precum readily.  Felix followed her lead and pulled his hand from her shorts.   He mirrored her, sticking his fingers into his mouth to taste her.  His eyes darkened immediately when her taste hit his tongue.
“Fuck,”  Felix moaned.  
In one swift movement, Felix looped his arms around her and turned her around to press her against the wall of the small bathroom.  He removed one of his hands from around her to push her shorts and panties down her thighs before moving to glide through her folds again.  This time, he didn’t stop at her clit and pushed one of his fingers past her entrance.  She moaned out at the intrusion and her head fell back against the wall.  She closed her eyes, letting the all-too-real feeling of the dream wash over her. 
Eunbyeol replaced her hand as well.  She pushed his boxers down his legs so as to not strain her wrist and wrapped her hand around his cock once more.  
For a few sinful moments, all that mattered was her hand on Felix’s dick and his fingers inside her.  In the realm of the dream, she could indulge in the fantasy of wanting him so badly she could barely contain herself.  She wished they were laying down so they could take their time together, but when the heel of Felix’s hand ground into her clit she knew she would have to cum now.  This couldn’t wait. 
“Ugh, your hand feels so much better than mine...”  Felix mumbled into her ear.  His teeth nipped at her earlobe before moving to nip against the mark he’d made on her neck earlier.  “I love seeing you all marked up for me.”
“Felix, don’t stop.” Her voice grew a little high pitched the closer she got to falling over the edge.
Eunbyeol let out a gasp when the tips of his fingers hit a sweet spot inside her.  She rolled her hips forward and Felix took the sign to seek out the same spot again. Eunbyeol worked her hand along his length a little quicker.  She made it a point to squeeze the pretty pink head of his cock every time she passed it.  Each squeeze made Felix moan deliciously in her ear and buck his hips into her hand.  
They moved together, gyrating their hips into the other’s hand as they desperately chased the friction.  Felix began to pant wetly into her ear and she had an idea of what that might mean.  His moans grew higher pitched the closer he got to his release and his fingers stuttered within her as he tried to keep it together.  Eunbyeol, on the other hand, was beginning to clench and twitch on his fingers as her climax grew.  She whined desperately when Felix pulled his digits out of her in favor of circling her clit.  However, when Eunbyeol bucked into his hand he got the idea and pushed two fingers back inside her drenched center. 
“You’re dripping all over my hand, sweetheart.”  Felix’s low voice reverberated through her,  “I can’t wait to drink you up.”
“I’m gonna-”  Eunbyeol let out a strained gasp as her core tightened. 
“Do it, sweetheart.  Cum on my hand and let everyone know how good I make you feel.”  Felix dipped back down to suck on her neck and that was all it took. 
A wave of red heat washed over her and Eunbyeol moaned loudly, like he requested.  Her head fell back onto the wall.  The movements of her hand faltered as Felix pumped his fingers into her tight hole to ride out her high.  Her walls clenched and fluttered as they took the overstimulation.  
“God, you’re so tight and you clench so hard!  I wish that was my cock instead.”  
At his words, Eunbyeol took to focusing on his pleasure.  She wanted to make Dream Felix feel as good as he’d just made her feel.  After the most vivid dream orgasm she’d ever had, she wanted to make him cum, too.  As Eunbyeol pumped him harder, Felix’s own hand faltered until he couldn’t focus well enough to keep pleasuring her.  She didn’t care.  She looked down at the space between them where her hand worked him.  She swirled her tongue in her mouth to gather enough saliva before spitting it into her hand.  Felix moaned again at the extra lubrication.
“Fuck, I’m not gonna last,”  Felix muttered.  He retracted his hand and wrapped his arms around her to hold her as close as possible while still giving her room to work with him.
“I want you to cum.  I wanna taste it.”  Eunbyeol whispered sensually into his ear. 
Getting an idea, Felix brought the hand he used to fuck her up to his face.  He stuck his tongue out and slid his index and middle finger past his lips.  Her sweet taste immediately coated his tongue.  Somehow that was all it took.  
A keening moan ripped out of him and he threw his head back as white ropes of cum shot onto Eunbyeol’s hand and thighs.  Felix moaned what she thought was her name but she was too far gone to hear him properly.  His jaw flexed and Adam's apple bobbed.  His eyes squeezed shut and his beautiful lips glistened with the remainder of her release.  She really hoped she would remember this dream in the morning.  Felix thrusted weakly into her hand a few more times to ride out the orgasm before Eunbyeol finally moved her hand away. 
They made eye contact as Eunbyeol brought her hand to her lips and lapped up the drops of pearly cum that landed on her skin.  Felix watched her with hooded eyes.  She stared at him through her lashes.  She hummed at his salty taste and Felix thought for sure he could cum again.  
With that thought, Felix immediately dropped to his knees.  Eunbyeol gasped at the loss of his body heat, but she had enough of it herself to keep a whole city warm during winter.  Felix gently grabbed the sides of her thighs before slowly leaning in to kiss her skin.  He peppered dozens of kisses on each thigh, sticking his tongue out every so often to taste his salty cum mixed with the sweetness of her skin.  His hands moved lower until they curled in the waistband of her shorts and underwear.  He looked up at her as he trailed his kisses closer and closer to her core, as if asking permission to touch her more. 
“Felix...”  Eunbyeol squirmed in his touch.  He landed a hot, open-mouthed kiss on her hip, where her leg met her waist.  “Felix, wait...”
Felix retracted his mouth and looked up at her, waiting for permission.  Permission that she wasn’t ready to grant. 
“Can I taste you?”
“I... I can’t... I have to... I can’t do this.”  Eunbyeol took her shorts and underwear from him and pulled them up over her hips.  Felix rose to his feet, but she couldn’t stay here any longer. 
Felix let her go without saying another word.
Eunbyeol threw open the bathroom door and found herself in a grassy meadow.
            The clouds painted beautiful pictures on their canvas of sapphire blue.  The sun beamed through the trees, turning the leaves various shades of green and gold.  Eunbyeol made her way to a blanket in the middle of the meadow and laid down on it.
The red and white checkered blanket beneath her made a soft barrier between her body and the plush green grass beneath her.  Various species of pink and red flowers dotted the grassy area between the trees.  The picnic basket beside her overflowed with fruit, mostly apples and pears that spilled out over the blanket.  For some reason, the basket also had a large plastic bottle of coca-cola sticking out of it, though there were no drinking glasses in sight.  Deer and rabbits meandered around the small clearing, sometimes moving closer to the blanket but never stepping foot on it.  A tiger wove in and out of the trees but for some reason, its presence didn’t alarm her.  
Eunbyeol sighed contentedly, draping her forearm over her eyes to block out the sun.  The warm breeze tickled her skin and she wondered if it was maybe a little too warm.  She made no move to get up and leave her sanctuary.  The voices of her friends came and went, moving into the space and encouraging her to get up and join them as they ventured somewhere else but Eunbyeol had no desire to move.
“Come on, there’s a sale at the makeup store!”  Ah Joong called from the left. 
“Eunbyeol-ah, we have to study for finals!”  Chohui cried from above. 
“You’re going to be late for dance practice!”  Jiho reminded her from the right.  
“My love, let’s get some rest, you deserve it.”  Younghyun’s voice cut through the calls of the others.  “Don’t open your eyes, dear.  Sleep.”
Gentle hands cupped the back of her head and lifted it up a little.  She adjusted to let someone slide their body under hers.  Moments later, Younghyun’s strong thigh served as a pillow for her and she settled in.  Eunbyeol turned onto her side and hummed in delight when he began to thread his fingers through her hair.  Younghyun stroked her hair slowly, sometimes letting his thumb sweep over her cheek.  She relaxed fully into his touch.  She nuzzled into his thigh.  Somehow her exhaustion from the outside world pressed down on her even in the sleeping world.  
Birds sang in the trees and the warm breeze blew the floral, orangey scent from the flowers into her face.  Eunbyeol never wanted to leave.  Between the warm sun, soft blankets, abundance of fruit, and laying in Younghyun’s embrace, Eunbyeol wondered for a moment if she went to heaven.  It was as if laying here under the sun with him and the orgasm she’d just had lifted the weight of the world from her shoulders. 
Her eyes opened for a moment to look up at the boy.  Through blurry lenses, she could make out his lean form and his arm extending towards her.  His soft fingers caressed her skin, warming it under his touch and she leaned into him.  Eunbyeol’s heavy eyes closed again and she descended into the darkness.  Night began to creep into her serene meadow, the setting sun casting a golden glow over the pair.  Younghyun continued to caress her and whisper sweet nothings into her ear. 
“You did so well today.  You’re so beautiful, you know that?  I wish I could tell you that more often, but I’m afraid to.  I’m so proud of you, and I want so badly to call you mine.  Wow, I like you so much, sometimes it scares me.  I want to be with you more than you know.  No, no, don’t wake up, darling.  Go back to sleep, beautiful, you deserve to rest.”  Younghyun mumbled, his voice taking on a rich timbre.  
His hand came to rest on her cheek, which somehow helped her fall deeper into her in-dream trance.  Eunbyeol sighed deeply, allowing herself the moment without any thought of the outside world.  She shifted closer to his body and reached for him, not wanting to keep her hands to herself anymore.  Her hand rested on his firm thigh, unable to reach much higher.  
Like this, she laid with him and listened to the steady chirping of the crickets and the wind rustling the leaves of the trees.  
The sun peeked over the horizon all too soon. 
Eunbyeol shifted, letting the blankets ride up over her shoulder a little more.  The white light of day seeped beneath her eyelids, warning her that daytime finally arrived.  She groaned quietly, wishing that the guest room had slightly thicker curtains.  She squeezed her eyes closed in an attempt to block out the morning light.  Eunbyeol drifted off for a few more minutes like this before she instinctively started to turn to face away from the window since the wall of pillows did nothing to shield her from the sun. 
However, a hand on her cheek kept her firmly in place and prevented her from rolling over.  Eunbyeol let out a quiet gasp, suddenly afraid to open her eyes.  Her eyebrows furrowed for a few seconds before she risked slightly opening one eye.  Immediately, both eyes shot open and she swallowed thickly when she realized just whose hand kept her in place.  
Felix laid on his side with both hands extended out towards her.  His eyes remained closed and his breath stayed even.  Eunbyeol breathed a sigh of relief to find him still asleep.  Through the night, the Wall of China between them collapsed.  The pillows were shoved down, forming a pile at the foot of the bed.  Felix somehow had one of them shoved between his knees.  One of his arms was tucked under her neck and her cheek rested on his forearm.  His other arm extended over and somehow during the night his palm found home on her cheek.
Eunbyeol’s eyes widened as she followed the path of her own arm, suddenly realizing that it wasn’t curled into her chest.  Instead, it tangled with his in the gap between them and her hand rested on his chest.  His muscles were firm under her fingers and she was suddenly glad that he’d chosen to keep his shirt on.  
Despite the awkwardly angled touches between them, Felix’s eyes were closed and his breathing was even.  His pink lips were slightly parted to let his shallow breath in and out.  His chest heaved and sank beneath her fingers.  Felix’s brown locks hung in his face and over his eyes, but didn’t do much to conceal his dainty eyelashes or sprinkling of freckles on his cheeks.  
She watched him for a moment as he slept, ignoring the odd pressure of his hand on her face.  Eunbyeol did her best to keep her breathing even, despite the fact that her heart rate was beginning to climb.  It wasn’t as if this was the first time they’d been so close in the last twenty four hours, but something about it struck her as something unique to them.  As far as she could remember, Felix didn’t make much of a habit of touching her but last night had apparently unlocked something in him.  
Before they went to sleep, he said he’d never touch her again in order to sleep in the bed with her and she was surprised with how quickly he went back on his word.  It was as if he wasn’t afraid to touch her anymore.  Like something had been holding him back and now it was gone.  She almost didn’t mind... for some reason.  After the dream she had last night, she craved his touch almost as much as he apparently craved her.  She wondered if she imagined the sweet smell of sex lingering between them.
Felix stirred suddenly and his eyebrows furrowed.  Eunbyeol’s eyes snapped shut and she held as still as possible for a moment, waiting for him to move again.  She breathed as quietly as possible, forcing away an instinctive wince when Felix shifted.  The soft navy sheets bent to his will as he leaned half an inch closer, causing his hand to move slightly along her cheek.  His grip there didn’t feel deliberate, as if he was simply stretching his arms out and her face happened to be in the way of his natural trajectory.  If that truly was the case, she wondered how his other arm managed to slip under her neck.  
Eunbyeol kept her eyes closed as Felix’s muscles tensed and relaxed under her own unconscious touch.  From the way his breath heaved, she realized she was not the only one coming out of sleep.  She hoped that maybe, just maybe, Felix would awaken to see their predicament and leave the situation first.  Perhaps then maybe she could escape their entanglement with some dignity.  She hoped that perhaps sleep would reclaim her and she would wake up and this encounter would turn out to be a dream.  
Fate, however, did not seem to be on her side.  Just when she thought that maybe it was a false alarm and Felix was still asleep, his thumb moved.  The first brush made her think for one last second that he was still waking up, but then his hand shifted again.  
Felix’s fingers traced her cheek slowly.  The pads of his fingers gently brushed her cheek.  He followed the line of her cheekbone and his digits danced over the arch of her ear, trailing back down along her jaw.  Eunbyeol tried to keep her breath steady but a gasp caught in her throat when his soft fingers cupped her cheek again, his palm pressing flush against her skin.
“Are you sleeping?”  Felix murmured, his husky morning voice causing a chemical reaction within her that she wasn’t interested in.  “I guess you are.”
For a moment, they stayed still like this.  Eunbyeol kept her eyes closed and Felix kept his hand on her face.  Against her will, her hand tensed against where she had it pressed to his chest.  At this, Felix jumped slightly and the pillow dipped as if he was suddenly noticing her hand for the first time.  
“What the...”  Felix continued, careful to keep his voice low so as not to wake her,  “I’m glad I wasn’t the only one reaching out at least...  I wish we could stay like this all day...”
Sorry what?  I don’t think I caught that.  Eunbyeol wanted to retort, but she also kind of wanted to hear what he had to say.
“Are you really asleep?”  He paused for a moment.  “Okay, good.  I just wanted to say... I meant it... everything I said.  Everything we did meant something to me.  I’m sorry, I know I keep talking and I know you don’t like that but... I can’t help it.  I really wish you didn’t hate me and I wish it didn’t have to be like this.  You... you’re so...”  His grip on her tightened slightly and Eunbyeol wasn’t sure how long she could keep on acting.  “And sometimes I wonder if I even deserve positive feelings from you at all.  I know I’ve done some stupid shit and I know you have your things, but I can’t help it.  I don’t want to let you go.  I hate that you hate me, and I wish I could just-”
“HEY!”  Jisung’s loud voice materialized outside the door, followed by a few loud bangs that caused both kids to nearly jump out of their skins.  Eunbyeol’s eyes shot open and she turned to look at the door, ignoring the warm imprint of Felix’s hand on her cheek.  Felix took the opportunity to pull his other arm out from under her.  “Wake up, lovebirds!  Ah Joong has pancake mix but she’s burned like three batches and I have it on good authority that you make good pancakes.”
“What the hell?”  Felix called back,  “Seungmin and I burned the shit out of the last batch we made.”
“So you guys are awake!  Jagiya, I told you they’d be awake!”
“We’re awake now !”  Eunbyeol protested, faking a massive yawn that steadily turned into a real one over its duration.  
“Yo, Felix.”  Jisung continued, his cadence changing somewhat as he spoke his next words in English.  “Why is the door locked?”
At this, Felix and Eunbyeol looked at each other with wide eyes.  They suddenly realized that neither of them remembered to unlock the door.  As the air between them thickened, they came to a silent agreement that it was probably for the best anyway.  Both of them averted their eyes at the same time.  Felix’s gaze shifted past her to the door as if he could actually see Jisung.
“None of your business.  Leave me alone and I’ll be out in a few minutes to help.”  Felix called back. 
“Guys!”  Jisung’s voice already sounded distant.  “The door was locked!  I think that maybe Felix and Eunbyeol...”
“Oh god.”  Eunbyeol curled into a ball, threading her fingers through her hair to tug at it.  “Oh god, they think we slept with each other!”
“We did .”  Felix reminded her, rotating his wrists as if to wake up his hands.  
“Well we didn’t have sex like Jisung is telling them all.”  Eunbyeol grimaced and Felix rolled his eyes to hide the pang in his heart.  
“Well, it’s not like we didn’t do anything.   We’ll just tell them we didn’t fuck, it’s no big deal.”  Felix shrugged, rolling over to grab his pants from the floor where he’d laid them out the previous night.  A thought crossed his mind, Is being with me really that disgusting to you?   He swallowed it down. 
“Please, it’s not like we got that far.  I think my crotch touched your thigh for like ten seconds last night.”  Eunbyeol rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.  Felix glanced up at her and cocked his head.  Another, horrifying thought occurred to her.  “Oh god, do you think that was their intention all along?”  
“I think they locked us in a closet and assigned us to use the same bedroom for shits and giggles.”  Felix rolled his eyes.
“Those sly bastards!”  Eunbyeol hissed, pulling the blankets to her chest.  “Thank god nothing happened last night outside of that stupid closet.”
“Nothing happened-”  He paused, “I mean, yeah.  Thank goodness.  Did... um... were you awake at all before Jisung knocked?” 
“No.”  Eunbyeol swallowed and she turned away from him when he gave her a pointed look, holding up his pants.  “I wasn’t.  Were you?”
“Not really.  Kinda getting there.”  Felix brushed it off as he slipped his legs back into his jeans and redoing the zipper and the buttons.  “Anyway, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”
“You don’t snore.”
“You do.”  
“Ew, really?”
“It’s kind of...”  The words he wanted to say caught in his throat before deciding that his intimacy with her was over.  “Annoying.  You should probably see a doctor.”
“Oh shut up, it’s not that bad!  At least I don’t toss and turn all night.” 
“At least I don’t hog all the blankets and throw pillows around!”
“Aren’t you leaving?”  Eunbyeol snapped.  “I don’t feel like getting pissed off first thing in the morning, so if you don’t mind?”
Felix glanced over at her, his eyes meeting her back and he couldn’t help the twinge of sadness in his heart.  He knew that nothing good could come from liking Cha Eunbyeol and his heart began to catch up to his head.  Things with her would never be different.  She would never change her mind about him.  His mind told him to give up while he was ahead and take a step back before things got worse between them.  His heart reminded him of all the touches between them and how they didn’t feel wrong or forced.  His heart clung to the memory of the embrace they shared the previous night, reminding him that his feelings weren’t just a simple crush anymore.  
“Whatever.”  Felix scoffed, making his way around the bed and tearing his eyes away from her.  “You really want me out of your life that bad?”
“And what?  You want to keep doing whatever it is we do?  You’re satisfied with this?”
“I’m not sure if you’ve noticed this, but you start all the fights.  You omit the facts on purpose and try to make things fit your own skewed version of reality, which just isn’t true.  To be honest, I’m not interested in fighting with you over pointless stuff and getting accused of shit I’ve never done.  I don’t know what issues you have, but I suggest that you figure it out.  If you can come up with a genuine reason to hate me then go for it, but until then I’m done.”  Felix surprised himself as he rambled on.  He couldn’t bring himself to look her in the eye.  Not after...  “You and I feel very different things about each other.  I’m not interested in being your punching bag anymore.”
“What?  I...”  Eunbyeol opened and closed her mouth a few times, searching for something to say.   He’d mentioned a few times that she had her facts warped but for some reason the words finally got stuck in her brain.  
“I was fine with this when I thought it was just some playful teasing or whatever, but this is too much.  Plus I can’t take the fucking whiplash.  One minute you say hate me and the next we’re kissing, and that’s just too confusing.  So please.  Make up your mind and put us both out of our misery.  We’re either strangers, fully enemies, or... something else entirely and at this point it’s up to you to decide what you want.  Just... keep me out of it.”  Felix swallowed thickly and crossed the room to unlock the door. 
“Felix...”  The sound of his name made his hand paused halfway to the doorknob.  He sucked in a breath and his heart almost broke when her voice cracked.  
“Just... stop.  You’ve clearly got some issues, so worry about those first.”  Felix flipped the lock and started to turn the knob before turning back to her.  “Oh, and by the way, you should probably leave your hair down.  That hickey is really noticeable when it’s up.”
Before she could retort, Felix swung the door open and left the room.  Her hand slapped to her neck to cover the mark instinctively, as if someone else was looking at it.  Eunbyeol stared after him when the door slid shut behind him.  Her mind raced from everything he said and she wondered what she could have gotten wrong.  The question hovering in her subconscious crashed over her properly.  
Why did she hate him in the first place?  
She thought her feelings were based on enough facts to make sense, but now she wasn’t so sure.  Her fingers lingered on her neck for a minute before she hopped out of bed to peer in the mirror to assess the full extent of the damage.  Eunbyeol winced deeply when her eyes landed on the dark red mark on her neck.  She had to give it to Felix for his strategic placement of it under her ear, but she wanted to smack him for even leaving it in the first place.  She wished she could play it off as something Younghyun gave her, but she had a feeling that Ah Joong’s memory was too good and she would know that she didn’t have a hickey at the beginning of the night. 
Eunbyeol took to digging through her backpack, hoping that she’d remembered to bring her own makeup bag.  She almost cried with relief when she found the light pink bag stuffed full of makeup.  Eunbyeol hurried back to the door and sank to the floor, emptying the contents of the bag next to her.  Hopefully a little concealer, BB cream and foundation would at least help it a little bit.  For good measure, Eunbyeol decided to put a thin layer of makeup on her face.  Even though Felix had officially seen her morning face, she wasn’t keen on him remembering it. 
She paused at the thought, her eyeshadow brush only a couple of centimeters away from her eyelid.  Why did she give a single fuck what Felix thought of her?  Something he said crept back into her head and her lips pursed in thought. 
“ Make up your mind and put us both out of our misery.  We’re either strangers, fully enemies or... something else entirely and at this point it’s up to you to decide what you want. ”  
Felix’s voice bounced around in her head as she dabbed at her eyelids with her brush.  She couldn’t deny that whatever the hell was going on between the two of them the last few months was confusing.  Why did she think of Felix more than her own sort-of-boyfriend?  Why was the idea of being strangers with Felix so revolting?  A year ago when he first got to her school, she would have taken him up on being strangers without a second thought.  A few months ago, being enemies would have been her choice but now even that didn’t feel right.  After her incredibly vivid dream, Eunbyeol wondered if she only had one more choice left.  
Something more ?  
Eunbyeol sighed deeply as she uncapped her eyeliner.  She carefully drew two thin lines across her lids, just enough to be seen but not enough to give the impression of a full face of makeup.  When she was done, she sat back and stared at herself in the mirror for a few minutes while she contemplated her dilemma.  No matter how she thought of it, there was really only one way for her to save face.  Eunbyeol wasn’t sure if she was in a place to be his friend, and she definitely couldn’t just be purely physical with him, and a romantic relationship wasn’t even on the table, much less in the house the table was in.  Never in a million years.  She huffed as she applied her mascara.  
“What kind of choice is this?  What the hell does he want from me?”  She muttered, finally opening her foundation and dabbing some of it on her neck.  She winced to find the red spot a little sore. 
Under the makeup, the hickey faded a little bit but for once Felix was right;  Eunbyeol would have to keep her hair down if she wanted to conceal it fully.  Once Eunbyeol was satisfied, she repacked her makeup and pulled her hair out of the ponytail.  She ran her fingers through it a few times for good measure, hoping that the sleep in it wouldn’t be so obvious.  Once she was satisfied enough, she put her makeup bag into her backpack and partially redressed.  Eunbyeol had no desire to face Lee Felix without a bra ever again so she sighed with relief when her chest was safely contained once more. 
Without reaching a decision, Eunbyeol made her way to the door and cracked it open.  Immediately, the scent of warm maple syrup wafted into the room and she sighed deeply.  Her stomach growled in response immediately.  The chatter from the other kids filled the space and she could hear them talking about all sorts of things, but mainly various cures for hangovers and how to make the perfect pancake.  The voices gradually got louder as she ventured towards the kitchen.
“My brother always has hangover soup after he drinks.  I wish I knew a good place for it.  I should have asked him.”  Ah Joong groaned.  “My head hurts so bad.”
“Why the hell are we getting hangovers?”  Minjeong chimed in, “We’re young and sweet, we’re not supposed to get these things.”
“Girl, you drank almost three bottles by yourself.”
“So did you!”
“So that’s why the rest of us barely got drunk, you girls drank it all.”  Jisung’s loud voice carried easily through the apartment as he voiced the thought in Eunbyeol’s head. 
“When we get older and can go to a bar, we can all get drunk equally.”  Jiho promised.  “I hope we’re all still friends when we graduate high school.”
“Well duh, of course we will be.  You can’t get rid of me that easily!”  Jisung declared. 
“Ah, Eunbyeol-ah, you’re awake!”  Chohui smiled brightly when Eunbyeol finally made her way into the kitchen.  “Are you hungry?  Felix and Seungmin are making pancakes.”
“So I heard.”  Eunbyeol gratefully took a seat at the kitchen island where Chohui saved her a chair. 
“How many do you want?”  Felix’s voice came from the stove but he didn’t look at her.
“Um... three please.”  
“Do you want blueberries or chocolate chips?  Before you ask, there aren’t any strawberries.”  
“Oh, um...”  Eunbyeol trailed off for a second, closing her mouth before she could ask for her favorite fruit.  How had he known she was going to ask?  “Chocolate chip, then.”
Felix cleared his throat and got to work, keeping his back to her and focusing on the task in front of him.  Eunbyeol watched Felix’s back for a few minutes as he cooked and she found that she kind of liked watching his shoulders flex and release as he worked.  He wasn’t particularly broad but given his slim waist it gave the illusion that he had broader shoulders.  She took a deep breath and forced her gaze away and turned her attention onto the conversation around her. 
“So, how’d you sleep, Eunbyeol-ah?”  Ah Joong asked innocently, raising a suggestive eyebrow.  
“Just fine, thank you, until someone woke me up.”  Eunbyeol shot a pointed look at Jisung who only laughed in response. 
“It’s almost ten.  I think it was time for you two to stop making out.”  Jisung snickered. 
“We were certainly not making out.  Nothing happened between us, I can promise you that.”  Eunbyeol scoffed.  “Ah Joong clearly got more action than any of us last night, look at her neck.”
“Wait what?”  Ah Joong perked up at the mention of her name, her hand instinctively raising to palm at her neck.  “Hey, you said you didn’t leave any marks!”
“I said that you looked good, not that I didn’t leave any marks.”  Seungmin coolly objected.  
“See?  Absolutely nothing happened.”  Eunbyeol barely thought that Seungmin and Ah Joong hooking up was proof that she and Felix hadn’t done anything the night before, but it was a good distraction.
“What about in the closet?”  Chohui’s question was innocent, but Eunbyeol learned weeks ago that any questions regarding Felix were anything but. 
“Nothing happened there, either.  Come on, we all know that I’m loyal to Younghyun.  Putting Felix and I together all the time won’t magically make us fuck, or whatever it is you sickos want from us.”  Eunbyeol rolled her eyes, ignoring how Felix’s shoulders tensed.  He kept his back to her. 
“Sure, sure.  If you insist.”  Jisung waved his hand dismissively.
Her friends chattered about school and their plans for the summer.  Even though most of the summer would be spent in school, they had a couple of weeks between July and August off school.  Ah Joong, unsurprisingly, had a trip planned with her family to go to Jeju Island for a few weeks.  Jiho and Jisung shared their plans to go on a weekend trip somewhere, which Eunbyeol was happy to tune out.  Eunbyeol had no idea what her plans for summer were, beyond focusing on dance again.  After falling off the wagon, she had to do her best to get back to where she was before.  Plus, if she wanted to get into college, she had to put her best foot forward.  
After a few minutes, the smell of warm chocolate washed through the kitchen and Eunbyeol’s stomach rumbled.  On any other day, the idea of Felix of all people making her pancakes would have made her sick, but today she didn’t mind the idea so much.  She kept thinking about the dream she had and she wondered if that's what his fingers really felt like when they were inside her.  Everything he said to her this morning swam in her head.  From his declaration of being done, to the words he whispered when he thought she was asleep. 
“ I really wish you didn’t hate me and I wish it didn’t have to be like this... ”
Although she wasn’t sure she could say it to his face, Eunbyeol wasn’t completely positive that she hated him.  At this point, they’d shared too much spit for that to be the case.  Not only that, but he didn’t seem to hate her in the slightest.  Even though Eunbyeol knew she’d been nasty and horrible to him, somehow it didn’t affect him.  Though, it seemed to be affecting him now.  Eunbyeol wondered if their relationship was simple enough to boil down to simple labels like “hate” or “like” or if they were somewhere in the middle. 
“Ah, Eunbyeol-ah!”  Jiho finally spoke up.  “I have some good news.”
“I like good news!”  Eunbyeol perked up immediately, turning to her friend.
“Last night after everyone went to bed, Jisung and I were talking and your idea to make a dance cover video came up.”
“You guys had enough time between rounds to talk?”  Ah Joong snickered and Jiho reached across the island to smack her. 
“We had plenty of time, thank you.  If you would have shut up for five minutes last night maybe you would have known that.”  Jiho’s face turned a deep shade of scarlet as she continued speaking.  “Anyway, Jisung thought it was a great idea and agreed to help us film it!”
“Oh really?  You’d do that?”  Eunbyeol perked up.
“Obviously!  You girls did great, and I’m not just saying that because Jiho is my girl.  Plus, I know you want to at least apply for art school and this routine would look good with your application.”  Jisung grinned widely, slinging his arm over Jiho’s shoulders.  “Plus, I think it needs to be immortalized anyway.”
“Wow, that’s so cool of you, Jisung-ah.  Thank you!  Maybe next week we can all pool our schedules and figure out a couple of days to film.  I’ll want to scope out locations and we’ll have to decide what outfits to do and whether or not we want to do it music video style or-”
“Eunbyeol-ah, calm down!”  Jiho laughed.
“I’ll tell you what.”  Jisung shifted in his chair and placed a hand on the island as if to get closer to Eunbyeol.  “Let’s eat lunch together on Monday or Tuesday and we can start working on the fine details and we can go location scouting if you’re free next weekend.”
“How the hell do you expect me to calm down?”  Eunbyeol laughed with Jiho.  “I’m so excited to get started.”
“Jeez, aren’t you tired?”  Chohui let out an exasperated sigh and slumped in her chair.  “You’ve put so much energy into this routine.”
“I have, but it’s worth it, don’t you think?”  
Finally, Felix turned around to face the island with a plate of pancakes in his hand.  The three pancakes were spread out on the plate and he’d sprinkled some extra chocolate chips and some powdered sugar along the top.  He kept his gaze down as he slid the plate over to her.  Eunbyeol glanced up at him, watching as he also set a knife and a fork within her reach before moving a bottle of maple syrup in front of her.  He cleared his throat carefully before turning back to the stove. 
“I’ve got enough batter for two more batches.  Anyone want a last batch before I make my own breakfast?”  Felix announced to the group.  
“I think we’re all good, bro.”  Jisung responded on behalf of the group.  Most of them were still working on their breakfasts or had finished and stacked their plates in the sink.  “Hey, Felix, what are you doing this summer?”
“To be honest, I haven’t thought that far.”  Felix cleared his throat, keeping his back to the group as he cooked.  “Probably just work on college applications.”
“Come on!”  Jisung whined.  “We’ve all gotta do something fun together this summer.  Hey, you could help with Eunbyeol’s project!”
“What the hell makes you think I’d want to do that?”  
“Because otherwise I’ll tell everyone who you like and I don’t think you want-”
“Fine!”  Felix threw his hands up, cutting Jisung off in the process.  “How the hell do you even know...?”
The girls all exchanged looks at this.  Chohui glanced over at Jiho, who only shrugged, looking just as confused.  Eunbyeol cleared her throat and focused on the pancakes on her plate and how they practically melted in her mouth.  She didn’t know what magic Felix worked in front of the stove, but she found herself wanting to ask for his recipe.
“Nevermind how I know.  So, what do you say?  Will you do it?”  Jisung wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“Do I have much of a choice?”  Felix sighed, not fighting it as much as Eunbyeol would have thought he would.  She suddenly had a few dozen questions. 
“Of course you have a choice!  You can either help us, or I will tell everyone your secret!”
“Such tempting options... either get exposed or get my head bit off my Little Miss Mortal Enemy.”  Felix mused it over for a few minutes. 
“Come on, Seungmin is already on board and I need someone to help me with the lighting and the camera.”  Jisung pleaded, tilting his head forward and fluttering his eyelashes at the other boy. 
“You’re the worst.”  Felix rolled his eyes deeply.  “ Fine.  I’ll do it!”
Felix dared to steal a glance at Eunbyeol.  The pair of them met eyes for a solid two seconds before Felix looked away first. Eunbyeol swallowed another bite of pancake, careful to not let it get stuck in her throat.  
What in the hell was she getting herself into?
A/N: So.... thoughts? Was it a dream? Or wasn't it ;)
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itzcherrybonbon · 1 year
[E.L.A] Drop meets Artemis
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[The art and E.L.A Artemis belong to me. E.L.A Drop belongs to @anotherrosesthatfell ]
"So you're Artemis??"
Drop grinned, excitement filling her crimson eyes. Artemis couldn't help but chuckle, playfully ruffling Drop's hair.
"Yes, that's me. Who might you be?"
"I'm Drop! Palette's little sister!"
"Huh? As far as I'm concerned, Palette doesn't have a little sister..-"
"I'm from the original universe, silly!" Drop pouted "I don't know why I don't exist in this timeline, it's a little sad. But at least I exist in the original!"
"Ah, I see..How is it like in the original timeline?"
"Wellll, not so different from here, to be honest- Except you and some of the people from your timeline don't exist, and Nightmare is pretty mean!"
"Don't exist?.. Why? Where are PJ and Gradient? And Angst?"
"I dunno! I only just found out PJ and Gradient are my half siblings when I met them a while ago, but I have no idea where they are in my timeline- Also, I don't know who Angst is. I've never met a person named "Angst" before-"
"Angst is my big brother, like Crescent!.."
"That stupid priest has another brother??"
"Huh?! Crescent is a priest here?? I- Since when?! God, this is all too much for me to process.."
"Yeah samee..I have so many questions to ask everybody when I get back to my timeline"
"Let's change the subject.."
"Hmm- Oh, do you like my brother??"
"W-WHA- Drop, out of all questions..! Why this-"
"So you doo!! Aww! I'm gonna write it down on my ship list!"
"W-wait what?!"
Artemis tries to protest, a flustered mess- But there was nothing that could possibly change Drop's mind, plus, the secret was already out.
Artemis gives up, sighing in defeat.
"I must congratulate you! You're only 10 years old, yet you managed to create an otome game all on your own! Your hard work has paid off, I love it so far"
"You like otome games??"
"Yeah, some of them have an interesting storyline. I don't have time to play them often, but I have fun when I do! I'm enjoying your game a lot, I really wish it existed in my timeline.."
"Really, it kinda sucks! People are missing out on my best creation! :("
"Mhm..I wonder how things would've been if you existed in our timeline too. PJ and Gradient already adore you!"
"Probably nothing much would've changed..I do think you're the better sidekick, big brother is happier around you"
"Aw..Drop, don't say that. I'm 100% sure Palette is happy to have you as his sidekick, you must be doing your best"
"But it's not enough.."
"You're trying, it's the thought that matters. You care for your brother, and you chose to believe and help him as best as you can. If I was Palette, that'd be more than enough for me!" Artemis smiled at Drop, reassuring the younger.
"You really think so?"
"No, I know so. You shouldn't doubt yourself, Drop..You and your brother should stay determined, I know you've got it in you"
"Now I understand why your Palette adores you so much- GODDAMNIT YOU MADE ME CRY HAPPY TEARSS-"
"Pfft- Don't cry Drop..I'm just trying to keep you motivated"
"What do you think of Merciful?? He's my prince!"
"Your prince?.."
"Yeah! He is really handsome, and super nice to me!"
"Ugh..You actually like that two faced bastard? Not only is he 10 years older than you, but he's a hopeless person, really. Just Lux's dog. Nothing more, nothing less. Trust me when I say he's not for you. Plus, don't forget the big age gap."
"Well too bad! We're going to get married when I become a-"
"Absolutely not! Drop, hun, you're sweet but- PLEASE don't do something you're going to regret in the future- There are plenty of people out there your age. God..who taught you these things?? What the hell.. "
I gave up.
For this reason, I might do a part two. MIGHT.
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rapifessor · 10 months
Good news, everyone!
Yesterday, I was talking with my friend who offered me his copy of Pokémon Platinum and I mentioned how obtaining Emerald was going to be the biggest financial hurdle. He said he should have a copy of that somewhere as well, but like Platinum he didn't know where. Naturally, I told him that I'd be very grateful if he was able to find his old Pokémon games, as it would make my quest to play them all considerably easier. Emerald is easily the most faked game on the market because of its luxurious status and price point, so having access to an authentic copy would save me a lot of trouble.
Well, guess what: not long after saying that, my friend gets back to me with good news. He didn't just find his copy of Platinum, but Emerald too, AND Fire Red.
I couldn't believe my luck. With those three games, so many of my problems are solved. I could play all the versions I wanted without having to spend a ton of money. But it gets better: my friend offered me a deal. He had two Nintendo DS Lite systems that couldn't read games, but otherwise functioned normally. If I could restore their functionality, he would straight up give me Emerald and Fire Red in addition to Platinum. Even though these games are worth big money.
I mean, hey, I can't argue with a deal like that. How lucky does a guy have to be to not only find a bunch of old Pokémon games in trustworthy hands, but to also have the opportunity to earn them for free? I didn't know anything about cleaning or refurbishing a DS, but there was no harm in trying. So I stopped by my friend's house after work that day to make the deal.
Turns out cleaning a DS Lite isn't overly complicated, and I had on hand all the tools needed for the job. I just needed to get into the slots and remove the corrosion. So I did that and also cleaned the corrosion off of the games themselves, as I discovered during my testing that some games worked better than others. With a few hours of work, I got both systems reading games pretty consistently, which meant that Pokémon Platinum, Emerald, and Fire Red were officially mine.
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Ah, but there is a slight... problem. The thing with these older Pokémon games is that the cartridges have batteries in them. In Emerald, they're meant to enable time-based events to occur, and in Generation 1 and 2 GameBoy games, to allow the game to save. These batteries only last about 10 to 15 years before they dry up, which means most if not all Emerald games have dead batteries.
Not to worry though, as it is possible to replace the batteries in these games. It's fairly simple as well, as long as you know what you're doing. You just need a special driver to open up the cartridge, a fresh battery with soldering tabs, a soldering iron, and some solder. Once I get a battery and the tool I need to open the cartridge, I can restore functionality to my copy of Emerald.
That leaves just three games left to acquire. One of those is on the way as I'm writing this: a copy of Pokémon Yellow, the game I need to start playing, and with a new battery already installed no less. I found one on eBay for $40, and figured it was worth paying a little extra to not have to bother with getting a new battery for it. Generation 1 games as it turns out are surprisingly cheap. In fact, they're the cheapest games on the market aside from used copies of 3DS and Switch Pokémon games.
The same cannot be said of Generation 2 games, however. At least, not for Crystal.
Pokémon Crystal is worth a pretty penny, second only to Emerald in value on the secondhand market. Finding a copy of this that doesn't run me more than $100 is proving to be a bit of a challenge. And I'll most likely need to replace the battery on top of that. Not a big deal, but it does marginally add to the expenditure. Since I refuse to accept Gold or Silver in the place of Crystal, obtaining this game will be the greatest obstacle faced during my quest, especially as I need to play it before I can play the rest of my games.
But even as Crystal has so far eluded me, I have gotten my hands on the only other game I had left to buy: Pokémon White.
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I decided to return to the GameStop where I bought Black 2 and Soul Silver before, and luckily (how many times have I referenced my luck in this post?) they still had this copy of White. I'd done some more pricing research yesterday and realized that I underestimated the value of a lot of the games I was looking to pick up. $75 turns out to be a fair price for White, although you could probably get it cheaper if you really stake things out.
Funnily enough, $100 for Leaf Green turned out to not be far off, either. But Fire Red was the version I wanted, and in fact, my friend happens to have Leaf Green himself. In case I ever want any version-exclusive Pokémon from that game, I can always borrow it to trade them to my Fire Red.
And that about does it for this Pokémon game collection progress update. I can't say I ever expected to get so many games so easily, but here we are. It's barely been three days and there are only two games that I don't yet have in hand. It won't be long before I can start playing either, as my copy of Yellow should arrive any day now. I'm excited to get this thing started.
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
📏"... Nothing has changed, I'm still 164cm, therefore I'm still dangerously close to your neck, though that might be less relevant today. However. My heels can add 10 centimeters to that, and now I can make eye contact."
Rukilett eye contact contest when
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"Likewise, Scarlett. Two can play at that game if we're discussing easily accessible areas for biting. Don't think that I'll allow our differences in stature to deter me from sinking my fangs into more than just your neck, however. There's always the shoulder... Not to mention the sweet blood that leaked from your ankle and calves that day, but perhaps you'd rather not reminisce on those fun times."
Nearing her form with a cunning stride, several algid fingers crept unhurriedly around the Ghoul's chin to enforce eye contact at her new stature, all thanks to the platforms elevating her feet off the surface Ruki might've preferred to see her struggling atop, porcelain skin matching her namesake at his clemency.
"Is this the eye contact you desired?" The Vampire asked, standing close enough for a few of his charcoal strands to barely graze her crimson ones, foreheads mere inches apart. "Well, I must admit... You have quite a beautiful eye color. Purple as amethyst mined from the Far East, truly. Thought it will take more than just a challenging glance and a pair of heels to persuade my opinion on one matter in particular: I prefer to see you in red."
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Angling her head to not only sever their intense, exchanged gazes, but also to completely expose the side of her unmarred neck in all its glory, chillingly frigid digits pressed into the redhead's jawline as Ruki dragged his lips across Scarlett's jugular in search of where to plant the crux of his vampirism. Their sudden proximity ignited his excitement like a rekindled flame engulfing everything in its path, the tapered ends drawing a subtle, fine line from the abrasion to differentiate from her usual ashen complexion.
"Ah, yes... Here," he finally stopped around the clavicle, "this seems to be a fine spot. I'm certain you prefer this over me stealing your ability to walk. Isn't that right? Perhaps you should thank me for being so lenient—and for being oh so dangerously close to your neck and not these."
In a trice he seized one of her gloved hands while the other steadied her head in place, threading their fingers together like a romantic gesture belying the macabre sight to follow. Soon his fangs emulated that same motion, piercing through Scarlett's exquisite flesh like a warrior's bloodthirsty blade feeding off the tormented victim's vitality. Rapture erupts from his throat in pleased hums and cachinnations of levity, delectable vermillion coating Ruki's tongue with each deliberate sip. Refraining from vehemence, the Vampire opted to instead exult in her ambrosia with slow, yet greedily titillating gulps.
"Mm... Your blood fuels me, Scarlett. Ahhh... In ways you will never know."
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0nlinejournal · 1 year
04.19.2023 10:52am
I don't remember the first half of yesterday. I think I laid in bed until 1pm and only got up because Frank messaged me and I decided I was going to go over. Liz, Frank, and I had made plans the night prior to hang out, but they were loose plans and after viewing Liz's location to see that she was home (in the next town over), I figured nothing was going to happen. By nothing I do mean "official" plans, because I still wanted to just pop over to Frank's and chat for a bit. So when he texted me I got up and headed over.
I might've actually gotten up before that? I think I did. The bf and I definitely made fried rice before I left. So, I did get up at some point to stand in the kitchen and then eat some fried rice.
Anyway asked the bf if he wanted to go, he said yes but then no because he really did need to study. After just a couple of games of Overwatch. Ha.
Frank's was nice. Seb was there, too. We all three kind of talked out navigating other people's emotions while trying to do right by them but still trying to do right by yourself. Seb and I are in similar boats where our partners just... react so differently than we would to handling emotions. His gf has a tendency to be reactionary, and also feel like there are underlying messages in what people say or do that are spiteful towards her. So he's been falling into that place where you feel like you have to walk on eggshells a bit so as to not set the other person off, even though he knows (and he's right) that he's not doing anything wrong or anything warranted for passive aggressive guilt tripping. And, ya know, my partner isn't good at regulating negative emotions. And part of me still feels like he intentionally holds on to negative emotions until I'm around so I can see him pout.
Ah, don't need to go into too much of that conversation, because we talked for a couple of hours. Frank contributed as well, but had a different perspective to offer that would make this entry twice as long. And his gf, Liz, rules so whateverrrr!! We get it!! Haha. I love Liz. They obviously have some quirks to work out, but not in the same vein as what we were discussing right then.
Anyway, toward the end of my stay. Seb had already left so it was just Frank and I chatting for a bit longer and he was like, " Oh! By the way were going to [pretty bar] to surprise and celebrate John passing his level 1 sommelier test! I meant to tell you and [my bf] earlier." Oof. I texted da bf, with no response. I left Frank's when there was about 30 minutes before everyone was going to meet up at the bar. Came home to him NAPPING. He needs to be studying! He didn't study later on in the night either even when he said he was going to. I'm a bit upset with him. He's going to be so sad when he fails his exam. Anyway, I told him the info and very much wanted to go.
So he showered and we rushed over. I thought we were decently late, but we were there before everyone other than our friend who had planned the celebration. It was also bingo night! More people trickled in, John was late, but he didn't know it was a whole surprise obviously. We all played bingo, but none of us won anything.
It was a good time.
Back home I started my journey studying Japanese. My bf is taking a class and really wants to learn because he'd like to live there at some point, annnnd I just like learning so I thought I'd learn with him. My sister also just told me that she'll be moving to Japan. She has been studying Japanese on her own for a few years now and she said that she'd like to take it seriously, so she's going to attend a language learning school in Japan. The school sponsors the visa and I guess she has the money to pay for school? So off she goes! She's also been wanting to live in Japan for years now.
I'm going to eat an egg before work. I work today. Until around 8:30pm. I go in at 1pm. Sigh. I do work with Frank today, though. So it'll be fun at least.
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zunniva · 2 years
Finding my Freak
This takes place in and around the same time as s4 but without any of the Vecna stuff. I let them live a carefree life in this one!
It's a Eddie x fem story. Oc because I don't really like the y/n angle myself.
Warning! Adult content! Vaginal sex, oral (m&f), fingering, orgasm (m&f), descriptive m&f nudity and some strong language
English isn't my first language so please excuse any and all mistakes in grammar, spelling or weird use of the language in general.
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Chapter 1 – Rude!
"Who's that?"
I can hear them all whispering. Goddammit it...why did I have to be late on my first day? I would have made morning classes if it hadn't been for my plane being late arriving. Now it's lunchtime and I have to literally meet the whole school at once, yay just my luck.
"Screw it, I rock! So fuck 'em!" I try to tell myself as I enter the cafeteria, head held high. More so to keep from having to look at all the faces staring at me than the fact that I was confident as hell...
I see a table that is currently unoccupied so I hastily make my way over to it. Wonder why a table this size is empty in the middle of lunch. Ah well I needed some good luck today. I take a seat at the very end of the table and set my lunch down.
"And just what the HELL do you think you're doing?" I look up and I meet the brownest eyes I've ever seen. They kinda take my breath away, and the face that goes with them...oh lord!
"Well" I say looking around "I presume since I'm sat here with a tray containing various food items that I am in fact having lunch. But then again I could be mistaken? Care to have an opinion on that?" I mean really? Rude!?
"Yeah ha ha very funny I MEAN what the hell are you doing sitting at this table, who told you that was ok?" the guys stare intensifies
"Told me? No one told me per say, but I assumed you know that an empty table was just that...empty? I needed a place to sit and have my lunch, this table was unoccupied hence I sat down. Quite a simple chain of events, or do I need to explain this in easier terms for you?" I smile at him and meets his stare.
"Ok smart ass, you move NOW! This is Hellfire's table and we do not have guests! Go sit literally anywhere else" he motioned around the room as if there was hundreds of empty seats just waiting for me.
OMG this guy! Rude as fuck...well I can play this game!
"Hellfire? Cool name dude" I smirk at him "But you see as I was in fact here...you know FIRST I'm not moving one inch until I've finished my lunch. So if my presence at your little meeting bothers you that much I would suggest YOU find another table since you seem under the impression this place isn't currently packed. It's a table for 10, you guys are what 7? I thiiiink I can make room for you, so you're more than welcome to join me..." I raise one eyebrow and look at this rude boy towering over me. Then I take out my Walkman and my book and turn away from them, put my headphones on and make a small dismissive wave at them.
When I tell you if looks could kill...they'd be scraping me off the floor at this very moment. The group of guys seem stunned, then slowly I see them, in the corner of my eye, starting to move to the other end of the table. They all sit down, none of them taking their eyes off me. I ignore them and eat my lunch and read my book. I can feel those brown eyes intensely watching me, I have to fight the urge to meet that gaze. My volume is just low enough so I can hear them talk. This is something I've perfected, the perfect eavesdrop volume and a blank face. I mean of course the subject of conversation is me! Honestly I would have been very surprised if it hadn't been.
"Anyone of you know who this lunatic bitch is?"
"C'mon Eddie be nice. She's obviously new here. She hasn't learned the lay of the land yet. She couldn't have known this is Hellfire territory." this curly haired boy says and glances in my direction
"Big deal! I say move she moves. Easy!" this Eddie is getting on my nerves now.
A very skinny dark haired guy chimes in
"I heard from Nancy that she's Jason's cousin from England. Apparently this good girl, straight A student who graduated early but wanted to come here and try the American high school life, weird if you ask me. But Nancy also overheard Chrissy saying that she's here to get Jason to graduate, he's flunking his classes. So I don't know if she's here for her or for Jason or both."
Ah fuck I would have wanted my relation to golden boy Jason to be a secret for more than a few hours.
"WHAT!? Jason? Well then I hate her by association!" Damn this Eddie was in a league of his own but holy hell was he attractive!
They spend a few more minutes intensely discussing if I might be anything like my cousin or not. They do agree that I'm way more attractive than him at least. Even grumpy Eddie has to agree there. I feel a tingle in my stomach when Eddie says he thinks I'm attractive. It almost breaks my poker face. They then abruptly change their topic of conversation as Eddie takes out a magazine and starts reading aloud to the group.
"Dungeons and Dragons! At first regarded as a harmless game of make-believe now has both parents and psychologists concerned. Studies has linked violent behaviour to the game. Saying it promotes satanic worship, ritual sacrifices, sodomy, suicide and even MURDER!"
He caught my attention now, I love DnD and I miss my gang at home. But what was this? They seem to hate DnD here, that was a quite vicious description of a boardgame? Do Americans really believe this crap? So that's what Hellfire is then? A DnD Group? Damn maybe I might need to try and make nice with this Eddie after all...he seems like the leader. I would really like to find some people to game with if I'm going to be stuck here for the year.
I'm deep in thought when I'm startled by Eddie getting up on the table. Starting a rant about how they were looked down upon for "liking a fantasy game and not band, science or paaarties" or as he puts it and now I can't help but smiling "A GAME WHERE YOU TOSS BALLS INTO LAUNDRY BASKETS"
This of course triggers my "dear" cousin to stand up and be all cocky
"You want something freak?" I roll my eyes, his constant need to be an macho ass is tiring.
Eddie just smiles at him puts his fingers up like horn on the side of his head, sticks his tongue out and makes a snarl noise at Jason.
"Prick" I hear Jason say as he's turning to sit back down, then his eye catches me sitting at the same table as "the freak" he pauses for a second and just stares at me. Fuck...this is going to be a loooong night.
The bell rings and lunch is ending. I pack my things and take my tray. As I stand up I can't help myself I turn to the Group at the opposite side of the table take a small bow and say with a blinding smile
"Well gentlemen this was a pleasure let's do it again sometime" then I leave.
Chapter 2 – Friendly
The first class I have after lunch is science. Teacher seems nice, a Mr Clarke. I'm really too old for this class but since somehow the American school system didn't think that my A in all science classes from England was good enough to take science here with he people my age I have to take it with the people 2 years younger, I have to start from scratch.
I look around for a seat and I see one right behind the curly haired guy and the skinny one from lunch. Ah well, might as well start somewhere if I wanna play DnD. I sit down, I can tell they noticed me, they both smile very politely as if to say "sorry for lunch" I lean forward in my chair and I say
"Just so we're clear. I'm not actually a bitch. I am however Jason's cousin but I would like to strongly point out I'm nothing like that ass hat! Whoever this Nancy is she did get the facts right from Chrissy I am here both as a student AND to get Jason to graduate. Herculean project but I think I can manage. But I would like it if I wasn't judged solely on my relation to him." I sit back and both of them turn around with surprised faces.
"Ehmmm...yeah Jason is difficult. We just weren't sure, you know, because of your attitude with Eddie. Maybe it ran in the family we thought" I get a small apologetic smile
"Excuse me? MY attitude? All I did was sit down at an empty table, which if you guys hadn't noticed is in no way marked Hellfire territory. That is on you guys, mark your stuff or suit yourselves! I will from now on and until, what I presume is your GM, apologizes for calling me a lunatic bitch sit at that table EVERY DAY! No apology no moving not even an inch! You can tell your Eddie that, send my love as well"
They both stare at me
"Yes I heard all of it, thanks by the way for trying to soften the blow there" I say to them "And also who is this Nancy and why does she have such knowledge of all things me?" I ask and the skinny one looks like he's about to faint.
"Ehm, she's my sister...she's nosey. She overheard Chrissy talking like last week. Probably Jason complaining about having to be tutored. And then she kinda told me this morning" he says shyly and blushes.
"Ah I see, well I'm Emma, I mean unless your sister told you that as well?" I smirk at him
"I'm Dustin and that's Mike" the curly haired one says with a friendly smile. He seems to have relaxed now that I'm not that "scary" any more.
Class starts and I'm feeling more at ease now that I've actually spoken to someone. Maybe even made a budding friendship if I'm lucky. Before this the only person I knew was Jason and that I can tell you does not count for anything. We're as different as two people can be.
As the bell rings again Dustin and Mike turn to me
"We have free period now, how about you?"
"Yeah I think I have too" I smile at them.
"Cool! You maybe wanna hang out with us then?" Dustin says
"Yes please! I don't know a soul here except my cousin and that's someone I'd like to spend as little time with as possible"
Chapter 3 – I save the day
We walk outside into the yard and sit down at a table. We start talking and I am of course asked to tell my story. You know, the why the when the what the how.
"Well My mum's from here. Jason's dad is my mum's older brother. So this is where she grew up, my grandparents lived here until they both passed away 2 years ago. My mum never really liked it here, she couldn't get herself to conform to her family's life. Gran and gramps were very religious and my mum was not having any of that. So when she was about my age she ran away, she hopped on a plane and went to England of all places. She ended up in London where she met this long haired, rock'n'roll hippie. They fell in love and they had me and my little brother. We've been over here a couple of times before. Once when I was 8 and once for my grandparents funeral. When I was 8 I actually spent a month here, hated it the whole time. Not like me to be sitting in a church all Sunday or pray like a million times a day" I laugh "I have too much of my dad's political, hippie, rocker blood in me to conform to religion. But then like a month ago my uncle calls out of the blue, telling my mum that Jason is not doing as well in school as he hoped and that if his grades don't improve from the start this year he might not graduate. And since I'd already done just that one year ahead of my peers I was to come here and help Jason, as well as take some courses myself so I could see what a PROPER education in high school looks like. My mum did try her best to protest saying that I had applied to University. Nope my uncle did not want to hear of it, he had decided and as the oldest in the family his needs outweighed my mums wants. You help family, and right now Jason is apparently about to drag the Carver name in filth for being Jo-Jo the Monkey boy who cant count above 20!" I sigh "so here I am" Dustin and Mike almost fall of their seats laughing.
"Oh please NEVER call him that and say I said it. He hates me enough as is" I say and join in the laughter.
"Well we've all Heard Jason isn't the sharpest in class, but that bad? We know it's mostly basketball, bullying and Chrissy but he does make up an appearance of being smart as well...or maybe it's just his friend being idiots?" Mike says and laughs again
"Hey be nice to Lucas at-least...he hasn't had his lobotomy yet" Dustin says
"Lucas?" I say
"Friend of ours, he's in both the basketball team and Hellfire." Dustin looks a bit sad when saying this
"Is that even socially accepted here? Didn't seem like Hellfire and Jason made good match at lunch" I say
"It's not... I'm afraid he'll soon be having to choose between us." Ok so Dustin IS sad about this
"For what it's Worth, if I had a choice between hanging with Jason and his gang of ghouls or you guys I'd pick you any day. Even with Eddie in the mix!" I say and smile
We start talking about other things, Dustin and Mike tell me about themselves, their families and friends. I tell them about my life in London and my friends there. All the while Mike's been looking for something in his bag, taking Everything out and rummaging through it.
"Where are they!? OMG...noooo" he's starting to panic. Me and Dustin just look at him
"Soooo Is this normal behaviour?" I ask and smile
"He has no normal behaviour, we're all freaks by default. Didn't your cousin warn you about us?" Dustin smiles "Hey dude...what are you doing?" he continues
"I've lost them! I fucking lost them Dustin! The dice, they're not here I swear I had them this morning and now nowhere!" Mike is about to cry
"You...lost the dice? No no no Mike please tell me you lost some normal, boring good for nothing dice not the Hellfire ones" Now Dustin is also in a state of panic.
"You haven't just left them in your locker by mistake?" I ask
"No I never take them out of this pocket" Mike shows me his backpack "At least never on campaign day...they don't leave the guardian on that day that's Hellfire rules. Dustin what the HELL am I going to do he's for sure gonna kill me now"
"Ok but I'm sorry... The guardian? And who's this he that's gonna kill you?" I kinda knew the last one there as I asked but never the less I was curious about this
"We call the one carrying the dice on game day the guardian, we all take turns. Today was Mike's turn...and yeah Eddie will at least beat your ass..." Dustin looks defeated, Mike is in tears for real. I feel so sorry for them, DnD dice aren't cheap and from the sounds of it they had some made especially for Hellfire. If that's the case I understand the panic. I reach in to my own bag, rummage a bit and then I find what I'm looking for. A small purple velvet pouch, I take it and hand it to Mike.
"IF you can promise me that these are returned to me the INSTANT that game is over you can borrow them and save your campaign, but if you loose these I will do things to you that will make Eddie look like a kitten in comparison, ok?!" I say and give the two of them a stern look.
Two pairs of Eyes fixate on me, then the bag in my hand and back to me
"What's that?" Mike takes the pouch from my hand and empties it in his own hand. Out comes my most prised possession. A set of jade dice that my dad found in some obscure game shop somewhere on one of his trips. He doesn't understand the game himself but he knows it makes me happy and that's enough for him.
"That's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen" Dustin sighs "but...why do you have these?" he asks as he admires the dice in Mike's hand
"Why do you think? I have them to play of course" I say and they both look at me like I'm sitting here telling them I'm really the Queen of England.
"You...you play? As in you play DnD? You serious?" Mike's eyes almost pop out of their sockets
"Yeah, truth be told I'm actually the DM of my DnD Group back home." I say "We call ourselves the Jade Shadows, named from those very dice you hold in your hand. So treat them with respect and they will bring you luck on your conquests" I say solemnly
"Wow, a girl DM! He should have known that this morning" Dustin looks meaningly at Mike who nods not taking his eyes of the dice.
"Yeah Eddie, he's our DM and leader of Hellfire Club. Maybe that would have softened the attitude some" Dustin sounds ashamed
"Hey no hard feelings against you both so don't look like that. As far as Eddie goes, if he just apologises we're cool him and me. I'll forgive him for calling me a lunatic bitch AND I'll even move to another table, easy peasy" I say
"Easy peasy? Yeah I don't see that happening Eddie can be...stubborn, and he does NOT apologise for anything." Mike says finally looking up from his hand. He slips the dice back in to the bad and carefully place it in the pocket of hos backpack and make sure he zips it up.
"Well the I suppose he's met his match then. You can tell him what I want or that he can find you guys a new table. Otherwise we're tablemates for the rest of the year...aaaaall the way to graduation"
They look at each other then back at me
"Rock, paper, scissors who tells him?" said and done, they go best of three and Mike gets the questionable honour of telling Eddie "the freak" Munson my terms.
Eddie Munson, how can someone so obnoxious get under my skin like this? Well I know why, the guy is hotter than hell itself. I think I need to blame my dad here, Eddie reminds me of him. Long hair, tattoos, leather jacket, ripped jeans, a 'go fuck yourself' attitude. But whereas my dad is just this average looking old hippie who likes rock music Eddie Munson is pure teenage perfection! But I sure as hell am not going to let anyone know I think so! Last of all him, imagine what that would do to that ego!
Chapter 4 – A change of attitude
"Hey Eddie...you know the new girl from lunch?" Mike swallows loudly as Eddies stare pierces him "She's actually kinda cool, or very cool to be fair. Her name is Emma. Ehm...we talked about the table situation with her and...if you apologise to her for calling her a lunatic bitch and comparing her to Jason, which she Heard by the way, she'll move. But if not she says we'll be tablemates until graduation" Mike talks so fast he almost choke on the Words
"When I what?" Eddies brown eyes now lock on Mike "when I fucking WHAT!?"
"When you apologise to her...until then we're stuck with either sitting at the same table or finding a new home for Hellfire...oh and she sends her love" Dustin explains
,"Apologise? For what? Calling her out on something that is apparently true? Ok let her sit there then! She was quiet today, if she keeps shutting the hell up she ain't bothering me!" What Eddie didn't say was that something about this girl had something stirring inside him. Without even trying she's gotten under his skin. Her eyes, her smile...her TITS...hell her entire being mesmerised him. He hadn't wanted/disliked someone this much before. Fucking girl...what kinda spell had she put on him? He'd been thinking about her all day, up to the point that when he came home this afternoon he was so rock hard he had to jerk off to the mental image of her when she took that small bow after lunch and he caught a glimpse down her shirt.
"Well she actually IS a cool person, she even single handedly saved tonight for instance" Dustin said and broke Eddies flashback of the afternoon and the amazing orgasm that gave him.
"Huh? What? Saved tonight...what do you mean?"
"Ehhhh...I sort of lost our Dice" Mike swallowed audibly
Chaos erupts! The entire Hellfire club start yelling at Mike, all except Dustin who kinda just looks to be waiting it out.
"You WHAT!?" Eddies eyes seem to catch fire from within as he stands and starts towards Mike who begins to cower.
"Eddie...Eddie hey hear me out! Emma saved my ass! She lent me her set so that we can play. I'll look for our set I promise and if I can't find them I'll pay for new ones to be made from my own pocket I promise!" Mike holds out his hands towards Eddie and backs away.
Eddie stops in his tracks, look at Mike as what he said slowly sinks in
"Wait, what? She lent you HER set? What do you mean her set?" he must have misunderstood Mike.
"Told you she was cool man! She runs her own DnD gang back in England. They're called The Jade Shadows!" Dustin is beaming with pride that he know this
Mike takes out the small velvet pouch from his bag and throws it to Eddie who catches it mid-air and stares at it. "Here so we can get started" Mike says
Eddie opens the pouch and empties it on the board in front of him. "Damn! Those are some kick ass dice" he thinks to himself. "Hmpf...show-off" he grunts
"Ok gentlemen let's play!"
The campaign is a success, Dustin swears it's Emma's dice doing it. As they finish up Mike takes the dice and carefully place them back into their velvet home. He's just about to put them in his backpack when he hears Eddie's voice behind him
"So Wheeler, I'll take those. I might as well have a little talk with you guy's new heroine. I promise I'll get them back to her, scout's honour" he gives a smile and the scout salute.
Mike is a bit hesitant to give him the dice
"But I promised"
"What Wheeler you don't trust me? Think I'm gonna steal them and sell them or something?" Eddie holds out his hand and Mike reluctantly put the small velvet bag in his hand. They then go their separate ways. Eddie stands in the middle of the now empty room thinking to himself. He's not stupid, he knows he can't just go up to the Carver's house, ring their bell and ask to see Emma. He'll have to wait until tomorrow. He walks out to his van and goes home.
That night Eddie Dreams, lusty sexy dreams about HER being his GM dressed in the sluttiest Hellfire outfit ever, They're not playing a normal campaign. He's just Rolling her dice, a good roll she undresses and he gets to touch her a bad roll and she puts clothes back on. He prays for a crit roll of 20, she says he can fuck her if he gets that. He is sweating and tossing in his sleep, cock hard as a rock. He rolls and YES a 20, she smiles that Amazing smile at him and he closes in on her. She's fully naked now, juices from her pussy dripping down her thighs. As he grabs her hips to push in.... *beep beep beep beep* his alarm goes off and well so does he. He wakes up and the second he does he feels the familiar feeling when his orgasm tips over the edge. But since he was all horny in his dream he's not fully there for the ride. He comes on his sheets but the feelings not really there "Ah crap" he sits up and takes some Kleenex and cleans himself up. What a waste of cum not getting that wow feeling. But that was one AWESOME dream...the hell did this girl do to him? He hops in the shower, gets some cereal and the leaves for school. First time in forever he's excited about that
Chapter 5 – Misunderstandings
I arrive at school a bit early as I am needed in the administration's office to sign something. That takes forever but as I'm finally done and get to leave I see Mike, Dustin, Max and Lucas standing in the hallway talking.
"Hey guys! Mike...forget something last night? Or did the game run late?" I ask
Poor guy looks terrified "Well...yeah it did get pretty late before we were done But uhmm" he clears his throat and looks over at Dustin like he needs support? "I don't actually have your dice any more"
"You...don't HAVE them? You lost my dice you twat!? I will fucking kill you, you better start running now you little shit" I feel my temper exploding, that was the one thing I cherished most in Life and this skinny asshole lost them hell no!
"No! No I promise I didn't loose them, it's just that Eddie kinda demanded to get to return them. I Think he might be considering an apology" Mike actually hides behind Dustin.
"Eddie? Eddie has my dice? You sure about this? You do realise I will hunt you down?"
"Yes, yes Eddie has them I SWEAR to you he does. He also swore to me that you would get them back today. Especially when I pointed out that it would be a hassle for him to find 2 new Hellfire members because you killed us both for loosing your dice" he tries a small smile at me
"True When you see him tell him I'll meet him at lunch, unless you guys have a new table" I turn and walk away from to put my stuff in my locker and get the books I need. As I open the door to my locker a small piece of folded paper falls out, I pick it up and open it.
"The woods table at 11 if you have free period then -E"
I read it once more, put it in my pocket and smile.
"Hey Dustin, where's or maybe more like WHAT'S the 'Woods table'?" I ask when we've taken our seats in science class.
"It's this old rickety table in the woods behind the school. Just past the foot ballfield there's a small path, you can't miss it. Follow that and you'll end up in a clearing and that's that" he says " Why'd you wanna know that?"
"Apparently Eddie wants to meet me there later" I say
"Hmm, well I suppose apologising in front of all the guys at lunch isn't really his style" Dustin smirks "Good luck I guess"
Class starts and time could not be moving slower Finally the bell rings, it's 10:50 double science is tiresome work. I run to my locker, put my things away, take my Walkman and start for the football field.
As I get there I see Jason hand his hooligans running laps. I ignore them and just keep Walking, I almost make it across the field and see the path Dustin must have been talking about.
"And where the HELL do you Think you're going? Skipping classes your first week? Yeah dad's gonna loooove this."
"Jason! You pea brained homo sapien, I have free period now. Because unlike you I can actualy read full sentences and I didn't need daddy to get me to save your ass from flunking out FIRST WEEK! So what I do on my free time is absolutely none of your business my dear cousin, and what's more keep sticking that nose of yours in stuff where it doesn't belong and daddy dearest will NOT see you graduate. Trust me on that one. Now run along like a good little boy and leave me the fuck alone." I glare at him and keep Walking
"Oh yeah" a little less cocky " why the hell you going in there for? Only freaks and losers go in there" he yells at me
" Well seeing as you've called me a looser since we were 8, I'd say it's the place for me then? So I'm just going to go join my peers, actually I'm meeting up with Eddie Munson. There will probably be some ritual sacrificing of a virgin goat, if he could find one. Don't wait for me..." I turn and leave him and his ghouls looking like they actually for real thought that was what I was doing. Morons
I start following the path Dustin mentioned, not that far in I come across a clearing with a table. Yes it has seen better days. As no one but me is here yet I decide to listen to some music and try to shake the irritation Jason stirred up in me. I look at the benches at the table and decide the table itself seems safest. I lay down on it looking up at the sky, some rays of sun falls on my face. This is heaven! So serene! After a while I start to feel annoyed, was this some kind of prank? But as i am enjoying being alone I think "fuck it, so what if it is I'll just rip him a new one some other day then" I like this place, it reminds me of my favourite spot in the park next to our home in London. I start feeling homesick. So I take out my Walkman and put my headphones on, I need to feel like I'm at home with dad. He just recently discovered this band called Metallica and he gave me a copy of their album "You're going to love this pet, and when you feel homesick over there just listen to this and think of me" He wasn't wrong I did love this album, and the song 'Master of puppets' had soon become my favourite. I lay there bobbing my foot to the beat.
"I'm so sorry sweetheart but I couldn't find any virgin goats anywhere. Rain check on the sacrificing? You good with just hanging out with me today?"
I flinch so hard my Walkman falls to the ground I just barely manage not to go with it. Eddie laughs, picks up my Walkman, puts the headphones to his ears and look absolutely gobsmacked.
"In a million years with a billion guesses this is the very last thing I thought I'd hear" he says and shoots me a smile that damn near kills me. "Now I'm even more impressed by you. You keep stacking points princess" He hands me my Walkman as I get down from the table to sit on the questionable bench instead.
"Thank you? Not sure what points you think I stacked and for the love of god don't call me princess...what am I 4 years old wearing a pink dress?" I say looking at him
"First point" he holds up a finger. "You didn't back down about the table"
"Second point" two fingers "Your dice that saved the game, which I will give back don't worry!"
"Third point" three fingers "I heard your exchange with the, what was it, pea brained homo sapien. Good one!"
"Fourth point" four fingers up and I'm staring at his fingers imagining them doing something totally different "The tiny ones like you...like A LOT"
"And now Metallica! You're doing good sweetheart" Five fingers up and I realise where my mind has wandered off to and I blush.
"Thanks, I guess. There are explanations to all of that" I ramble on just to keep myself from staring at him again. ".You we're just lucky I never leave home without my dice. Jason...well he knows he needs me and he knows his dad knows it and he's a twat that deserves whatever he gets. The tiny ones? I guess you mean Dustin and Mike, well I like them to...they were at least NICE to me from day one. And Metallica? Seriously I don't see how that's so surprising really. As for standing up to you? Well if you hadn't been a condescending ass that day we might have become friends by now" I shoot him a mischievous smile
"Ouch!" he puts his hands on his chest like I took a shot at his heart "A condescending ASS!? Really?"
"You basically told me to fuck off without so much as hinting at what I did wrong, more than sit down to have lunch at an empty table. Then you call me a lunatic bitch and compare me to Jason? Like, really?" I'm getting a bit annoyed now
"Ehm...yeah about that. I'm sorry. I overstepped when saying all those things. I could have handled that situation a thousand times better. Forgive me?" he asks as he holds out his hand for me to shake. I take his hand and lightning struck...or something. That feeling like electricity all through my body. Every hair on my body stood up, I feel my knees get weak and I know he could hear my gasp. At first all I could look at was his hand, but that began to feel stupid so I made myself look up at him. I meet his eyes and his pupils are dilated, his breathing is heavier and he looks flustered. What the hell was this? Did he feel it too?
"Well that was...intense" he says still holding my hand. He quickly sits down and OMG he blushes.
"Yeah...ehmm..it was. Am I right to think you felt something to? Please tell me you did, or am I going insane here?" I plead with him, I sit down opposite him. My breathing still not back to normal and a familiar heavy, sweet, pulsating sensation between my legs, so this is what really horny feels like? WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING!? I turn blood red
"Nope...no insanity I felt a whole bunch of something. Why'd you think I had to sit down so fast" He murmurs and blushes again. Then he looks up and gives me the sweetest smile, I'd be on my knees for this guy if I weren't sitting down...
"You...OH...ok...well...good then. And also but, you know not the same, but likewise" I say words failing me as I meet his intense stare.
We just end up sitting there staring into each others eyes, not speaking. Just smiling. This is something, something special forming. I see him extending his arm and putting his hand near mine on the table, as if he doesn't want to just take my hand he wants me to take his. I start to move my hand and then in an instant the moment is gone when we're interrupted by a girls voice
"Oh I'm sorry Eddie, I thought we'd be alone. You said to meet you here at 11:45"
I stare at Eddie, then at the girl, then back at Eddie. What the fuck?
"Oh god! I'm sorry, I didn't realise spending time with you was on a schedule and had some kind of queue system. I'll leave...god I'm stupid" I say and get up and start to run back towards the school.
"No...wait...Emma" is all I hear before I'm to far away, tears running down my face. "NO! I will not cry over a freak!" I tell myself and wipe my tears, take a deep breath and go on. It's not until I'm almost back at school I realise, that was Chrissy! Jason's cheerleader girlfriend. My my I wonder if he suspects anything Well good riddance, lucky I found out what kind of guy that was before doing something utterly stupid.
I hurry in to the cafeteria, get my lunch and then I stop. Do I keep sitting at the Hellfire table out of spite or do I move? Well to be fair, he did apologise and that part felt sincere so I guess I move, I did make a promise. I see Max at a table on the other side of the room, I go up to her.
"Hey Max, mind if I sit with you?"
"Oh hey Em, no I don't mind at all. I was hoping we would have a chance to hang out without the nerd squad" she laughs. I really like her! "So you got Eddie to break huh? Good job, didn't think anything would break that stubborn misfit. Heard all about your stand-off first day, sad I missed it but I was out sick. But anyone who can put that fool in his place is a star in my book" she doesn't sound like a fan...can't blame her any more.
"Something like that, wasn't easy getting him to cave but you know with a little female wit" I say and smirk all the while feeling like my insides are being torn apart. We sit there having a good time, we talk about being new in town and all that comes with that, Max moved here from California 2 years ago she tells me.
"Well would you look at that!? Seems you made some kind of impression at that table after all, they're all staring at you. Eddie freaking looks like he's about to cry" Max sounds so surprised I have to turn my head and look over at the Hellfire table. Everyone seated at tit is looking towards us, or more precisely they're looking at me...then they look at Eddie and back at me. I have to look at him even though every fibre in me wants to look away. Max is right? He does look sad "Hey maybe Chrissy left him too." I feel bitter
"I'm sorry Em, I have to run I have a project in history and we're meeting before class to brainstorm" Max has stood up and is about to leave. "See you at lunch tomorrow if we don't see each other anything more today?" she asks
"I'd love to" I say "Good luck with your project let me know if I can help I love history" I say. She leaves and I go for my trusty book and Walkman... FUCK! I forgot my Walkman in the woods...so it's either still on the bench or HE has it. I sigh...the book will have to do.
After lunch as I'm heading to Spanish Dustin and Mike Catch up to me in the corridor. "Hey Emma, what the hell did you do to Eddie?" Dustin says, I just look at him "you're gone from the table so I guess he apologised but he comes back looking like he's been crying not saying anything. I mean no one believes me when I say I swear I saw him tear up while looking at you." he continues.
"Yeah, he apologised so I left as I promised I would. Anything else is irrelevant, let's just say I have zero patience for guys trying to play with me." I say with an icy chill in my voice "Oh and Mike, get my dice back!" I leave them standing there looking confused.
I hear Mike say "I thought he was going to give them back? And something must have happened between them, did you see she looked as sad as him"
"Yeah I TOLD YOU! But she looks even more distraught" Dustin says thinking I couldn't hear them. I turn on the spot and go back to them.
"You guys suck at speaking discretely you know that right?Whatever Eddie did you can ask him about, I bet he'll gladly boast about it. And I am not distraught I am deeply disappointed. Now leave it!"
"Sorry Em"
"Yeah sorry" both guys look ashamed and turn to get to their own class. I straighten myself and head back towards my classroom.
Earlier in the Woods - or Eddies pov
"Chrissy what the hell?" Eddie feels the panic coming. It was so close a few more seconds and he would have gotten to hold that hand again. He was just inches from it. He could still feel her skin on the palm of his hand. And then Chrissy shows up saying he asked her to meet him here and oh god no...Emma must think he's some damn don Juan meeting all these girls out here to hit on them.
"Well you told me to come at 11:45 if I needed something. So I came at 11:45, I need something to calm me down Eddie. I'm having nightmares and it's making me nervous and jumpy, not good for a cheerleader." She looks puzzled as Eddie isn't paying her any attention but just keeps looking after the girl who ran back through the woods.
"Yeah I know what time I said" He had totally forgotten the second he saw Emma on the table "but you saw I was with someone, didn't occur to you to wait?" he mutters at her.
"Oh sorry... that was Jason's cousin right? She's very pretty and so smart! But I didn't think a good girl like her did drugs" Chrissy says confused, assuming no one would be out in the woods with Eddie Munson if they were not out to score drugs.
"You're a good girl...you do drugs" he says with a tired tone in his voice. "She wasn't buying drugs, we were just hanging out. Seems we have some stuff in common" he admits, sighing and looking back into the woods where she disappeared. What was this pain inside?
"Oh...well either won't sit well with Jason or his father...the drugs or you" Chrissy says.
"And that is why you're not going to mention it right?" Eddie looks at her with a dark look
"Of course not" she understands the look. Mention this and her buying drugs from the town freak goes public. They make the deal and Chrissy leaves. Eddie gets stuck just sitting there thinking, what is he going to do to fix this? He needs to fix this, he needs to get to touch her again. As he gets up to go back for lunch he sees her Walkman on the bench, he picks it up and puts it in his pocket with the small velvet bag he never got the chance to give her. Now she'll at least have to look at him again, maybe even listen to him.
When he comes in to the cafeteria and sees his table he notices your absence right away, you did good on your promise at least. He looks around to see where you've gone to sit instead. He sees you on the other side of the room sitting with Max, oh great he's not going to come out on top now. He sees that you two get along well, laughing and talking. That pain is back, that burning pain in his body. What is this? He feels like crying for fucks sake, Eddie Munson does NOT cry!?
"What the hell man? You really caved? She's gone" Gareth sounds disappointed in him. He can feel Dustin staring at him, paying very close attention to his eyes. He feels a tear falling down, landing on his cheek. Dustin raises an eyebrow at him. He wipes it off mumbling something about crap in his eye, very irritating. And no he did not Cave, he took one for the team. Now Hellfire got their privacy back. They all look over at her, idiots! Max says something and Emma turns towards them. As their eyes meet he has to muster all the strength he has not to run over there, get down on his knees and beg for her to listen to him. She's so beautiful, and he is such a fucking moron!
Fuck this! He's stronger than this? Isn't he THE Eddie Munson? It's just some chick, he's had loads! But no touch from any girl ever had felt as good as that handshake. That high right there was better than weed...and that was saying something.
Chapter 6 – Explanations and orgasms
As school ends for the day I head out to the parking lot. As I suspected Jason's car is nowhere to be seen, I hurt his fragile ego earlier now I walk home. Fine, I guess he'll be failing the next test he has.
I start walking when a run down crappy looking van rolls up beside me. It's god damn Eddie Munson. I keep walking
"Emma please, can I drive you home? I really need to talk to you, I need to explain. Please" I stop and look at him, his brown eyes look so sad.
"What's there to say" I ask him
I sigh and nod at him. I get in the van. It smells like cigarettes, weed and him. My stomach does a flip and I can feel that electricity again.
"Ok, so talk" I try to sound neutral even if my entire body is in an uproar right now being close to him again.
He starts to drive in towards town.
"I am so incredible sorry that Chrissy showed up like that. I did ask her to come at that time but not for the reason I think you think. I mean yeah she's pretty but I've met rocks with more personality and more brains." he sighs " I sell drugs on the side to help my uncle pay the bills" with a voice that almost breaks
I look over at him, is he for real? I study his face, he seems completely honest. But drugs?
"So you mean to tell me that Chrissy, my cousins perky good girl cheerleader girlfriend buys drugs? From you? In the woods?" This sounds so wrong
"Yes" the answer is short and to the point.
"So we're not in The Eddie Munson experience queue?" I ask him
He gives a small chuckle "The Eddie Munson experience, that's a new one. No there's no queue, no schedule to see me. You're the first girl in quite some time I thought might actually be interested in me, not for the drugs or the bad boy thing but for ME." He pulls the car over in a parking lot so he can turn to me. "I truly am SO sorry Emma, more than I think you understand. That handshake, I can still feel your hand in mine, your skin against mine. Your eyes, your lips, your smile hell everything about you has me caught. You got under my skin that first day when you stood up to me and wouldn't budge an inch. You got in my pants when you stood up and took that bow and I could see down your shirt" he realises what he said and turn blood red (adorable) he quickly continues " Now I can't get you out of my system. Today in the woods I think we had a moment right? That wasn't just wishful thinking on my part? I was so happy that I forgot I had made an appointment with someone wanting to buy drugs. I fucked that up so bad Emma. My insides have been feeling like they're being ripped apart all afternoon ever since I saw how sad you looked at lunch. I never ever wanted to hurt you. Please Emma...forgive me? We don't need to be anything but friends ever, but please be my friend."
I look at him... I have no idea what got in to me but next thing I know, instead of saying anything, I grab the collar of his jacket and drag him close and kiss him! At first he tense up and I begin to regret this feeling like a bit of a fool. I begin to pull away from him when his hands grab my face and he stares into my soul it feels like. Then he kisses me back! OMG this is not ending at a handshake that's for sure. The kisses deepen, we just sit there kissing, his hands on my face for what feels like hours. I never want it to end. He's amazing! Absolutely unreal and he smells sooo good! His hand moves and he puts one thumb on my lip, dragging across it and then he whispers in my ear with a voice that shook me to my core
"If this is all you're comfortable doing I understand but I just need to you to know...I want you so fucking bad right now! I want to taste every inch of you and feel you on me..."
One hand has moved from my head, down my arm, softly brushed against my breast and continued down to my legs. He slides in between them and squeezes my inner thigh.
"I know what I want to do but you set the pace here sweetheart" he sounds slightly out of breath, his face is flushed and his eyes are dark and fiery. I melt!
I look over my shoulder into the darkness of the van "What's back there?" I ask. I get a smile from Eddie as he locks the doors of the van, stands up and climbs the seats and reaches his hand out for me to come with him. In the back there's some magazines, some books and conveniently enough a big mattress and some pillows.
"Take a lot of girls back here?" I ask with a teasing wink
"First you turn me on like no other then you proceed to insult me? Weird way of doing things sweetheart!" He must have noticed the panic in my eyes "Don't worry I was only kidding, but for real, no girls back here. This is my home away from home, my safe place."
"I'm sorry Eddie, it just slipped out I meant nothing by it. This is a great home away from home" I smile at him, motion at the mattress "mind if I make myself comfortable?"
"I do not mind one bit...mind if I join you? " the last part sound like a growl and I feel a shiver down my spine. I smile and take his hand. We lay down and just embrace, just this small thin looking at him is beyond words. Why was I ever hell-bent on disliking this guy? I could have done this sooner
"Before anything happens Emma are you sure?" Eddies voice is so soft, ever the gentleman... I'm gonna need to get him out of that I think to myself and smile.
"I'm going to be real with you, you're not my first so you won't hurt me if that's what you're worried about. I've wanted this pretty much since I first looked up at you at that table first lunch. You were so god damn sexy standing there looking at me with those eyes of yours...they're mesmerizing you know that right? Those eyes could make me do anything" I say getting a very sexy smile in return. I am suddenly very aware of Eddies strong hands one on my neck and one at he very base of my beck almost on my ass. As i lean in for a kiss the hand that's on my back makes the final move and lands on my ass gripping it hard and pulling me closer still. I can now feel every inch of his body against mine, no denying I'm having all sorts of effect on him as well.
I make him get on his back so I end up laying on him one leg on each side. I sit up and start slowly moving my hips not breaking eye contact for a second. This is one of those lucky days I decided to wear a skirt, I can feel him under me pressing against my pussy. Eddies hands, both now on my hips, move under my skirt and grab my ass, skin against skin. I move, grinding on his bulging jeans, while I start to take of my top and bra. I'm so wet by now I'm sure I've soaked the front of his jeans. Eddie is just watching me, both hands massaging my ass. When he suddenly grabs my waist instead and flips me over so he's now kneeling between my legs. He bends over me and with a purring voice says
"Now sweetheart it's my turn" I let out a moan, this is too much. This pleases him I can tell by the smile. He stands up, starts to take of his jacket, pulls his Hellfire shirt over his head. This guy IS perfection! He has the sexiest chest I've seen ever, and a happy trail to die for... I can't help myself I actually lick my lips. He let's out a small laugh
data-p-id=570a35fe34e30d2f55cab45640296b20,"You look like you're seeing a big candy bar sweetheart...you going to devour me?" I can do nothing but nod, my brain is to busy to form words. "Good I want you to" he begins to undo his belt, but he stops abruptly I can't stop a small "awww" from escaping my lips, he laughs a purring laugh and says
"Oh don't worry babe, you'll see him. I just thought you might wanna do the honours?" I sit up straight! YES...yes I would very much so! I grab a hold of his belt and pull him closer. I continue where he left off, undoing his belt. I look up at him and say
"You sure about this? From now there's no going back?" I have my fingers on the button of his jeans, no words escape him just a nod. I sit up on my knees so I'll get a better position. I pop the button on his jeans and I hear a gasp and a growl as he lets the air out. I pull the zipper down and grab the jeans and the boxers and slowly start pulling them down, all the time letting my tongue play in his happy trail, lower and lower. I am going agonizingly slow, I want to savour this. I stop and I say in a husky voice
"Would you please do the last little bit? I want to watch you reveal yourself to me"
He grins at me and puts his thumbs on either side of his boxers and pulls them down for me...ALMOST all the way, he stops winks at me and then starts to take off his fucking shoes and socks. GOD DAMN tease of a man,,,I love it! Now he's standing there towering over me wearing only boxers that are barely on any more, he grabs his rock hard erection through the fabric and starts playing with it in a very sexy way as he says
"Well now you're overdressed love, can you please do something about that for me?" I nod, can't take my eye of his hand and what's hiding there under just a thin layer of cloth I stand up and turn my back to him, bending down to remove my shoes and socks, knowing full well this is giving him a show. I stay bent for a Little while moving my hips and tracing my hands up the back of my thighs, all the way up under my skirt. I grab my panties and slide them off very very slow as my pussy is revealed I hear a slow moan come from the man behind me. I straighten up and take a step back so my ass now presses against his cock. He's apparently taken off his boxers now because I can feel the full length and size of him. I start rubbing against him , he puts his hands around my waist and I take his hands and place them on the waist of my skirt. He fumbles a little with the zipper, his hands are shaking. But finally I step out of my skirt and we are both naked, Eddie Begins kissing my neck as one of his hands find my breasts and one hand slowly inching it's way down my stomach. He places his hand on my mound and just slowly starts playing with the curls, teasing me to insanity, then one finger slider in between the folds and hit my clit full on... I think I scream from the jolt sent through my body. He breathes in my ear
"Oh good girl, don't hold it in I wanna hear you enjoy me in every way" I moan as he starts moving his fingers past my clit and deeper into the folds "God you're wet sweetheart, is this all for me?" he purrs in my ear. I'm a goner... there are no thoughts now only senses. He lets one finger slide in and press against the inside of my pussy, then his thumb starts circling my clit. He puts another finger in me and I can feel his hips start to move as he strokes his rock hard cock up and down between the cheeks of my ass. I feel the tension building, I'm going to come on his fingers. But seems like he has other plans, just as I'm almost at that sweet spot where orgasm takes over he pulls his fingers out and remove his hand, I let out a "noooo"
"Oh babe I want you to come, I just wanna taste you when you do" I hear in my ear. He turns me around, kisses me deeply and motions for me to lie down again, he needn't ask me twice! I now get to see him in all his glory as well an believe me when I say he's one impressive specimen. Long but not intimidatingly so, but thick, so many veins and just soooo perfect. Rock hard with a drop of pre cum glistening at the tip.
"You're the sexiest god damn god I've ever seen all that for me?" I smile at him not being able to take my eyes of his member. He smiles and nods at me
"All for you darling, all for you to do whatever you please with AFTER I've tasted you!" He kneels between my legs, starting to place small kisses on my knees, then slowly laying down all the while placing kisses up my thighs. He's finally where he's supposed to be and he kisses the curls on my mound softly before plunging his tongue in between my folds. I moan loudly and grab his hair! This is just too good!!! He lets out small moans and growling noises as he works my clit with his mouth, every sound sending vibrations through my entire body. I feel the tension again and this time stronger, my breathing is faster and Eddie can tell I'm Close. he puts two fingers inside me and starts scissoring them, working my clit alternating between sucking it and working it with his tongue. "C'mon babe come for me...come on me...let it all go you taste so fucking good" the sounds and the vibrations they make on my clit send me over the edge. I scream his name as the orgasm rolls over me like crashing waves "Oh fuuuuuck Eddie...fuck"
"Fuck yeah that's my good girl you're so fucking sexy and I love to hear you scream my name it's like my name was made for you" he slides up my body so his weight is pressing me down, he kisses me and I taste myself on his lips. I do taste good
"But now my sweet I think it's time for you to come again...but on another part of me" he smiles and I make him flip us over so I can get on top. I slowly sink down on him so his cock slides in perfectly between my folds, but not in...yet. I move my hips back and forth covering the length of him with my juices, slowly teasing him with my wet pussy.
"Oh god babe, can I come in now...please... I need to feel you around me" his voice is desperate and coarse.
I shake my head, standing up on my knees fixating him with my eyes "No hun, I still haven't tasted you...and I would like to very much, Think you can wait so I can get a little mouthful first?"
He gasps, moans and then just eagerly nods his head. Lifting his pelvic area somewhat so his dick flexes for me. I crawl down into a better position and I take him in my hand feeling the soft skin and the warmth of him. I purr and I can hear him under his breath
"Oh my fucking god you're perfect how did I get so lucky" I smile as I lower my lips towards his tip. I place a small kiss on it then I open my mouth and let him in. He's big but I love it, I start moving my head up and down, slowly inching him in deeper for every downstroke. He's in his own world now, moaning and moving his hips. I begin working the root of him with my hand as I just can't take all of him in. The sounds he's making is telling me I'm doing good. Suddenly he jerks free of both mouth and hand and sits up.
"If you wanna feel this inside of you you'd better stop that amazing mouth of yours" he kisses me deeply and whispers "How do you want me sweetheart I'm all yours"
I sit up and straddle his lap "Protection?" I ask "Of course" he says and reaches for his jacket and takes out a condom. I get off his lap momentarily as he puts the condom on. "Would you please get back in my lap I really liked that" he purrs at me with burning eyes. I crawl back and sit on his lap, as I put one leg on either side of him he grabs my ass and kisses my breasts hungrily. I slowly sit down, he's let go of my ass with one hand and is using that to guide his cock in to me. As I sit down on him and feel him fill me up completely I think I died and went to heaven! He was meant to be mine, like a key in a lock perfect match. I mean and I hear a deep grumble from him as he presses his head against my tits. We sit still for a second before I slowly start to move up and down in his lap.
"You're so fucking perfect, how are you so fucking perfect? Fuuuck you feel so good around me" he says with so much emotion. After that all that's heard are our combined breathing, heavy and intense and the splashing noises every time he rams his cock in to my wet pussy. All of a sudden he flips me over so I land on my back
"I want to see you, really SEE you when I make you come again all over my cock" his gaze penetrates me just as good as his cock. He places himself between my legs and slowly put the tip in and tease me with it for a second. Then he pushes in, I feel like my pussy is sucking him in on her own, can't imagine whet this must feel like for him. He lets out a groan "Jesus Christ woman how are you this amazing?!" He fucks me with long slow strokes at first using his thumb to play with my clit, but as I begin to feel my orgasm coming i beg him to fuck me faster he is a very good boy and does as he's told. As I feel myself letting go and coming I think I scream his name SO loud I bet all of Hawkins hears me. this sends Eddie over the edge too and I hear a roar and I can feel him pulsating in me as he empties himself. We lay there for a while just catching our breath.
"Do you know how god damn amazing you are at this?" I hear him whisper against my neck
"Well if it felt anything as good for you as it did for me we're a match made in heaven" I laugh.
Eddie laughs to and kisses me and says "True! We're lucky as hell you and I" then he looks at his Watch that's on the floor next to us
"But I do think sweetheart that I might have to get you home before they call the cops. We've been at this for almost 3 hours"
"WHAT!! Omg... yes I know this sounds bad but get me home...now. Damn I don't even have a good excuse being home this late"
"Sure you do, you got put in a Project with the Town freak and everyone knows I'm not good with keeping time. I was late and you had to wait for me, you yelled at me and then we had work to do. I'm fine being used by you" he winks at me
We laugh at this and get up and get dressed. We talk on the drive to the Carvers house, we decide that for the time being we're not going to out our new relationship. Our mutual friends will probably be happy for us but I don't need the Carver's attitude just yet. We'll be friendly at school and steaming out of school.
"I have an idea" Eddie says "what if tomorrow at school I tell the rest of Hellfire I had a good talk with you and we've made peace. As we're one guy short now that Sinclair's been taken by the dark side we need another member. I will suggest you. Then I will come up to you and Max and cordially invite you both to join us, I get you don't want to leave her hanging now. She's not going to be interested in playing but she's cool"
I lean over and kiss his cheek "I love that idea, lunchtime it is then"
We arrive at the Carver's, I can see a figure spying from behind a curtain in the living room, my aunt. I look at Eddie and I whisper "I mean nothing by this" give him a wink and a smile then I open the door of the van and raise my voice.
"Well Munson! I actually take school seriously try this crap again and I will beat your ass! Thank you for the ride but for next time...buy yourself a god damn Watch! Good bye!" and I slam the door and walk at a fast pace up the driveway. Eddie has his window down and I can hear him chuckle as I leave. He drives off and I go inside.
"Where have you been young lady? And was that the Munson boy driving you home? He is dangerous!" my aunts high pitched voice borders on hysterical.
"Hello auntie, I've been at school. Yes that was the Munson boy as you call him. I have a Project to do with him for English. I've spent half of the night waiting for him in the library and almost all of the other half scolding him for being late and lazy. Then I made him drive me home, and he is about as dangerous as a newborn kitten." I say, she looks at me sighs, relaxes and says
"Well good you told him off! That boy is trouble. Dinner is on the stove I'll heat it up for you dear"
"Thank you, where is uncle and Jason by the way?" Not that I care or mind that they aren't at home at this particular moment.
"Oh they're off meeting some scouts for college basketball. We have such high hopes for Jason he's so talented don't you agree? How is he doing in his classes? Is he minding your advice dear?"
"Well, I try to get him to come meet me for studies every day but there always seems to be something he rather be doing instead, and he is very rude to me when amongst his friends." I say and frown like I am very concerned about this. Thinking can he be an ass so can I.
"Oh well..you know how boys can be" she says with a small insecure giggle. Oh hell no!
"Yes I know how boys can be, but he is no boy any more is he? He is a young man, and he needs to start acting like one or he might find that his cousin would rather concentrate her time on her own studies. I will tell you this once, I will NOT be catching any of his slack, if he doesn't do his assignments or his homework I will not do them for him. If he keeps disrespecting me when I have done absolutely nothing to deserve such insolence you might find that it is fully possible to FAIL classes no matter how smart your tutor is..." I stare her down
"Yes...eh,... I will speak to your uncle and he can have a chat with Jason"
I get my dinner, eat it then I go up to my room and finish my homework. I get distracted by thoughts of this afternoon all the time and decide a long hot shower is what I need. When I step out of the shower and come back in to my room Jason is sitting on my bed.
"What the hell Emma!? Why would you say that crap to my mother?" He's all worked up and angry...aww poor boy...
"Well Jason, your father brought me here for one reason and one reason only. To get you to graduate high school. Not to be your friend, not to be your personal fan club OR to do your work for you. I don't like you, and I know you don't like me. But be a little bitch again like you were today and you will be further away from graduating than you were all on your own. I will ruin you" I say and stare him down like I did his mother.
"Yeah, like you could do that. I own that school! AND I saw you going in to the woods to find Eddie Munson today...remember What were you doing? Buying drugs? Don't think father will like that" He smiles like he thinks he's got me cornered now.
"Really? Eddie Munson is your big concern? I needed to find him to tell him just about the same thing I tell you Show up when I say, do the assignment I tell you and shut the fuck up. Oh and as far as you 'owning' the school, ownership is tricky it's so easy to lose. So take my advise and man the fuck up stop being a bullying kid" It just now occurs to me I am standing here wearing nothing but a short towel draped around me "and what's more keep this shit up and I will give uncle a very believable sob story about you spying on me when I get out of the shower so i don't feel safe here any more and I need to go back home" I give him a menacingly sweet smile
"Bitch you wouldn't" he stares at me but I can tell he is not so confident any more. He gets up from my bed and storms off slamming the door behind him. Oh well seems I'll be Walking to school from now on. Then I remember that Mike said he lives just up the road from here. I pick up the phone and I call the Wheeler house, praying it's not to late to talk to Mike.
"This is the Wheeler residence, Karen speaking"
"Hello Mrs Wheeler, my name is Emma Hartwell I am Mr Carver's niece. I am so sorry to be calling this late but I really need to speak to Mike if that is possible" i bring out my very polite British side always works wonders.
"Oh hello Emma, heard so many nice things about you from Mike and Dustin. I think he is still up let me see" she puts the phone down but I can still hear her yell "MIKE! PHONE!"
A few seconds later I hear Mikes voice
"Hey Mike it's Em, can I catch a ride tomorrow? I kinda had a fight with Jason so I can't go with him to school or more I won't even if they paid me"
"Oh hey, yeah I guess. We can catch a ride with Nancy when she leaves around 7:30 ok?"
"Perfect! Thanks, see you tomorrow" We hang up and I crawl into bed. I am exhausted from all the things that's happened just during this one day. I fall asleep almost in an instant dreaming of Eddie.
Chapter 7 – Feelings
The next morning when I get down for breakfast Jason and his father are already at the table. I sit down and say a polite good morning. My uncle grunts behind his newspaper and Jason just scowls at me.
"So Jason, I suppose you didn't have any problems with your homework last night? You had no questions?" I ask and smile at him.
"Nah it was ok, no problem" he mutters at me
" Great, I Think we ought to study for your history exam at 4 today" I say
"4? But I have practice until 3:30 then I..."
"JASON! You heard her...study 4 o'clock. Maybe you can study at the library? That way Jason can go straight from practice without having to leave that early?" my uncle looks at me
"That works out just fine, I need to finish up some other projects for other classes before so I'll be in the library anyway at that time." I smile at my uncle, he looks pleased.
"See you at 4 then Jason" i say as I get up from the table and collect my things.
"I'm not leaving yet" he says with a grumpy tone
"I know, you eat and get your strength. I'm going with Mike and Nancy Wheeler. I needed to get to school a bit early today and I didn't want to bother you" I say and smile at my aunt saying goodbye before I leave.
"Oh how very considerate of you Emma, wasn't that nice Jason?" she beams at me and Jason sulks just muttering something in response
I go out and I don't have to wait long before a car pulls over and I see Mikes smiling face. I like his sister Nancy she is a very pretty very friendly girl. We talk all the way to school. We get there I thank Nancy for the ride and me and Mike start Walking in.
"So you and Eddie?" he says out of the blue
"Eh what? What do you mean? Me...and Eddie?" I am sure I'm blood red in the face
"Yeah did you solve the whole table situation? Are you coming back to sit with us?"
"Oh, well I think we solved what there was to solve but I'm not sure that I'm welcome to join you just on those terms alone. I would however like to, i miss listening to you guys talk about DnD, I miss playing" I say and smile at him
"Well I think that if me and Dustin lean on Eddie a bit he might reconsider, and the rest of the guys are so curious about you being a gm that they'll let you sit anywhere as long as you tell them more about how you run your campaigns" he says as we enter the building.
"Well then we'll see if I can make a return then" we part and go to our lockers. I open mine and again a small piece of paper falls out
"Well I must say that shirt is all sorts of sexy! You look smokin' hot in it and I love the jeans...nice ass! -E"
I spin around, how did I miss Eddie? He must have been watching me from somewhere if he could comment on my shirt and my ass. I feel myself blushing, this guy will be the Death of me. I take the piece of paper and I put it my bad. I get my books and head for the classroom. As I enter I see that Eddie is sitting there in his seat at the back window. I go and take a seat next to him
"Hello Eddie, how are you doing today?"
"Oh hey Emma, I'm fine as Always. Had a really good afternoon yesterday you see" a cheeky smile plays over his lips
"Good for you Munson, me I got interrogated as I arrived home late. You see I was trying to achieve some pleasurable results in some extracurricular activities and they ran a bit late." I smile at him
"Oh dear, well I hope it wasn't to bad. So did you achieve the desired results then?"
" I did get some VERY good results, I am as pleased with those results as you seem to be with your afternoon. The interrogation didn't last long and came out in my favour. But not for Jason" I end in a hushed voice
Eddie chuckles quietly and whispers "So he tried to get you?"
"Yeah but I just pointed out that lack of respect causes failure at school. Uncle then agreed that what I did when I had my free time was none of their concern as long as I did what I came here to to. Get the moron through school oh yeah and you're a kitten" I say and giggle at Eddie's expression
"You'll have to explain that one later but I will be anything you want me to be sweetheart. If you want me to purr then make me" he whispers and I feel his hand pressing on my thigh for a split second.
Jason and his band of misfits enter the classroom. Jason sees me and Eddie at the back and raises his voice
"Hey Munson! You're lucky my cousin is such a nice person and doesn't mind helping drug dealing freaks who likes whores. Who were you doing your worst with at lover's lake yesterday? Maybe that's why you had to wait for him Emma? He was busy impregnating some blonde bimbo" They all laugh at Jason's "joke" and in the corner of my eye I see Eddies hands turn in to tight fists. I look at him and as subtle as I can I shake my head at him and mouth "Don't, please" He relaxes his jaw and his hands and looks at me with sad eyes. It's then I realise he wasn't going to go for Jason for himself he was going to go at him to protect me, I feel my eyes tear up and I scribble on a small piece of paper
"Eddie! Thanks for that, but I am ok. I will gladly be your bimbo anytime you want me <3 Em"
I slip the note over to him when everyone else is looking at the teacher. I see him read it and he blushes and a big smile comes to his face. Without looking at me he nods.
As lunch rolls around I go to the cafeteria and I find Max, I update her on my altercation with Jason and also that I sort of made friends with Eddie. She frowns and says
"But why? He's so arrogant..."
"I actually have quite a lot in common with him. He's not to bad if you give him a chance, and I mean he does think you're cool" I look at her and nod
"He does? Ok...wonder why we've hardly spoken" she sounds confused
We notice someone making their way over towards our table.
"Hello lovely ladies, I must say you look absolutely amazing today" Eddies smile could light up a dark room
"Why is he being creepy?" Max frowns
"Well hello to you to Maxine. We, the Hellfire Club, would like to extend an invitation for the two of you to join us at our table whenever you feel like it. We have noticed our lunches becoming dark and boring without you there Emma." he takes a bow and smiles again
"My, my pretty big words coming from someone who loudly called her a bitch no more than 2 weeks ago" Max crosses her arms on her chest and looks at Eddie with a judging stare.
He has the common decency to blush, then he turns around and leaves us.
"C'mon Max water under the bridge he did apologize for that and we've talked it out. I miss Mike and Dustin and I am a nerd I really want to listen to them talk about DnD. But I don't want to leave you here, please join me?" I smile a sweet smile at her
Max sighs "Ooook I'll go with you, but only for the pleasure of making fun of the nerds...and you Munson! Talk bad about her again and I will show you not all things are sunny in California..."
Eddie looks at her straightens his back and salutes her "Aye captain!" he says and motions for us to join him. At the Hellfire table we're greeted by a very happy Mike and Dustin, and a reserved but friendly rest of the club.
"So miss, what do you call yourself, Jade Shadow?" Eddies tone is very neutral but his gaze is not
"I am Jade the Unholy" I say and bow my head
"So Jade the Unholy, we the warriors in your Company have a big Campaign lined up for this evening but I have just been informed that one of our own had been taken by the dark side and will not be joinig us"
"Oh GOD you're nerds! I'm gonna go do homework...see you tomorrow Emma" Max huffs and rolls her eyes
I laugh at her and wave
"As I was about to say, would you join us on our quest this evening?" Eddie finishes his speech.
"So what you're saying is that Lucas can't make it and you need a sub?"
"Yeah he has this big game tonight apparently, last minute addition from the coach" Dustin says "he just told us now before lunch"
"Big game huh? I'm supposed to tutor Jason at 4...guess he must have forgotten to tell me about this big game today. Give me 10" I say and I get up and run out in to the corridor and up to the payphone. I dial my uncles office and wait for his tired secretary to answer "Yes Mr Carver's office how may I help you?"
As politely as I can I ask to speak to my uncle. I wait a moment and then I hear him
"Yes Emma?"
"Hello uncle, I needed to check something with you as I am a bit confused. When we decided that I was meeting Jason for studies in the library today at 4 he never mentioned a big game he had today as well. Did we get our signals crossed or is this a recent change?"
"Yes, the coach called me to let me know Hawkins High had been challenged to a game by another local school. And seeing that our boys need all the practice they can get for the championship the coach accepted. He called all parents informing them that the team will be going by bus to the opposing school at 3 today so no one thinks they're kid is missing. So you can do whatever you please with your afternoon, me and your aunt will leave to watch the game. Can you make dinner for yourself or should I have your aunt make you something before we leave?" Wow this was odd behaviour, maybe I planted some thoughts yesterday in all the Carver males?
"Thank you uncle but that won't be necessary I am invited to a friends house that is why I wanted to be sure about this so there would be no misunderstandings. Have a good day and enjoy the game" I say and hang up. Great DnD it is all evening and hopefully some Eddie as well I think to myself and I feel my pussy getting wet just by the thought of being near him. He's hexed me or something
"Yeah guys you have your 6th, Jason doesn't need his diapers changed today so I'm off duty" this is met with cheers even from the guys who don't really know me.
"Awesome! Going to be interesting to see if you Brits play differently from us" Eddie smirks at me "But unfortunately I can not grant you the title of DM, you don't know my campaign. So can you play as well not just narrate?" he taunts me now I can see it
"Oh well I have been known to slay on my mage as well, so do your worst Munson, you'll find I am quite skilled with a staff" I lock eyes with him and he becomes flustered.
"Oh...well great then no problem then" he can't look at me and I smile. The others seem totally oblivious to the exchange being anything but about DnD. We talk about all sorts of things now that the 6th member problem is sorted. I am told to be outside the school at 6. That gives me time to get some food and a change of clothes perhaps even a shower. As lunch is about to end Eddie turns to me "Well Emma, seeing as you're unfamiliar with our play style maybe I should catch you up, say 5? Then I can go over the team and such and we won't have to take that out of actual game time" he gives me a smouldering look telling me that there isn't going to be any talking during that hour.
"Sure, sounds like a good plan Eddie. Will you pick me up or should I get in to town?"
"I'll pick you up at 4:15 at your house" he says.
Can't believe how slow the rest of the day is. When I finally get to leave it's 2:45, I see Mike leaving and I run up to him. "Hey do you have a ride home today?"
"Yeah, wanna come along?"
"Yes please no one's home at my place and I don't want to walk when I have a time I need to be ready for, too stressful" I say.
I'm home at 3:00, thank god for Nancy Wheeler and her fondness for speed. I tell Mike I'll see him later and I run in, my aunt had prepared dinner even though I told my uncle she needn't do that. But to be fair I am thankful now, I eat then I hit the shower. I choose my outfit with a naughty ulterior motive. The time is 4:10 so I grab my little velvet pouch, maybe they hadn't found their dice yet and I would feel more at home playing with mine. I grab my bad and head out the door just as Eddies van stops at the end of the driveway.
"Well if it isn't the hottest damn staff wielding mage in town" Eddie smiles at me as I get in
"Well hello to you to, you look pretty damn hot yourself" I lean over and kiss him.
"Wow" Eddies eyes sparkle and he shifts in his seat. "That was enough to awaken the beast, what the hell kind of spell power do you have girl?"
"It's a mage thing" I say and give him a mischievous smile "wanna know a secret?"
"Always!" he says
"I'm not wearing any underwear tonight" I say with a slow sexy voice
We damn near hit a tree as Eddie looses his cool and the car almost swerves off the road.
"You what?! Why would you tell me that while I'm driving? How do you think I'm going to get through the game now? I'm going to be preoccupied with the thought of you almost naked next to me....ooooh you wanna distract me and take over... You minx!" he regains control of the car and smiles at me "But like really? You really don't have underwear under that?" he shoots me a curious look
"Guess you'll have to find that out for yourself there Munson" I feel my pussy's getting wet just by having this conversation with him. The look he gives me send tingles all through my body culminating around my clit almost making me come right there on the spot.
He makes a sharp turn onto a small dirt road leading in to the woods. A small distance in from the road he hits the breaks and we come to a stop. He shuts the car off and pulls his seat as far back as it'll go, pats his lap and says
"Well let's check it then shall we?" I am not slow to jump to the opportunity. I put one leg on either side of him and take a seat on his lap feeling that I indeed awoken the beast as he put it, he is hard as rock already! Eddies hands wander up my body and in under my top "ooooh no bra at least...good girl" he murmurs and I feel his cock twitching to be set free.
"Let me help you with this, it seems awfully uncomfortable" I say as I reach down and unzip his jeans. I reach in and grab his cock proceeding to set it free and begin stroking it slowly. Eddie moans and grabs me by my neck, pulls me closer and starts kissing me with a feverish intensity. His other hand is unzipping my pants and as he reaches in he growls
"Oh god you weren't lying...good thing you're not wearing a skirt or I'd have to cancel Hellfire tonight so no one could see you...this is mine" his voice is coarse. His fingers have started circling my clit and I feel my head getting Dizzy
"Yes Eddie...all yours" is all I can get out. He pulls his hand out and whispers
"Would you be a good girl and take those pants off so I can get you off..." I almost fucking self combust this guy isn't real! I stand up and shimmy out of my pants.
"I need you in me Munson...like NOW!" I say and he just stares at me a second, raises his hips, pulls his pants down take out a condom and puts it on
"Take a seat babe" I straddle him again and sit down he slides in with ease and we both moan in chorus. The pace is hard and fast from the start, like we're starving for each other. Eddie's thumb finds my clit and starts working it. It doesn't take long for me to feel the orgasm taking over my every sense
"Yeah baby come for me...good girl" Eddie purrs at me and I release and feel myself squeezing his cock so hard as I scream out his name "fuuuuuck Eddie...soooo good it feels sooo good" he growls and I feel him push in hard a couple of more times before he also comes with a coarse "AAAAHHHH FUUUUCK" then all is calm as we just sit there breathing heavily in complete bliss, my head on his shoulder breathing in his scent.
"How are you even real?" I hear him softly say into my ear "how can someone so perfect wanna be with me?" He sounds so full of emotion, like he's about to cry. I look up at him and I see his eyes are filled with tears. I lean in and kiss him softly
"Eddie Munson now you listen to me. You're worth every good thing in this world because you're amazing. Yeah you're a bit strange and maybe you are a freak but that is why I like you so much. You're not like everyone else and that makes you perfect to me. The only thing I regret about this you know what that is?" I look at him and he shakes his head "It's that we didn't start this day one, we had to have a cockfight first" I say and kiss him
His tears are streaming down his face now
"I've always been 'the freak' that no one wants to be around, all I've ever had is Hellfire. I haven't graduated not because I'm dumb, I haven't graduated because I'd be all alone without those guys. When I saw you that first day I wanted you. You we're like some angel sent only for me, so much attitude and sooo sexy. I never in a million years thought you'd go for me though" he smiles shyly at me.
"Eddie... I wanted you from that moment too you know, I've told you this. Too bad we had to be stubborn. Imagine how much more of this we would have been able to do if we hadn't been. And you know what, this might be too soon but I'd still like you to know. I think I'm falling in love with you" I whisper in his ear. I hear him gasp and he squeezes my thighs with his hands. I hear him sob now and I think I've made a huge mistake
"No one's ever loved anything about me, I'm not going to pretend to be some chaste good guy I've had my share but not one has ever had any feelings for me other that they've been happy I provide them with drugs and occasional sex" he looks ashamed when he realises what he said. "sorry...that was bad timing... I love that you're falling in love with me. For me that happened that day in the woods I knew the second I put those headphones on and heard Metallica that I was yours forever even if I'd have to pine for you as a friend"
Now it's my turn to get teary eyed. I wrap my arms around him as tight as I can sitting like this in a car seat. "Yours...I am yours" I say into his ear. "But not to ruin the moment love but I Think we need to pull ourselves together and get to the game Before the other's show up and start wondering where we are. I kiss him on the forehead, then deeply on the lips. I get off his knee and start to get dressed again. He smiles at me and does the same.
"Yeah I guess you're right. What are we going to say if someone's already there?"
"We use me as an excuse this time, I'll just say you had to wait for me because my parent called and I had to talk to them, you know time difference" Eddie smiles at me
"Oh I'll use you alright in every way I can" his eyes burn at me and now there is another element in them as well. We pull up to the school getting there at 5:20 so we'll have a little time at least to prepare. I take his hand as we leave the van and I say
"Can we do that again after the game, but slower and more thoroughly?"
He looks at me and beams at me "Of course we can...my uncle is working tonight...ehmm you maybe want to come with me home for a while? I'll take you home later" he looks so eager.
"Yes please! I just need to make a quick call when we get inside" I say. Then we see that Mike and Dustin are standing outside the doors to the school and we quickly pull our hands apart.
"Hey what took you so long? Weren't you supposed to pick her up at 4:15? It does not take an hour to get from the Carver's to school." Dustin looks suspicious
"Sorry guys my fault, my mum called just as I was supposed to leave so Eddie had to wait for me. I had to talk to her and you know...time difference. She just wouldn't hang up" I give them an apologetic smile
"Oh ok, everything ok back home?" Dustin drops the suspicious look for a more worried one
"Yeah no problem I just hadn't talked to her in a few days...mentioned this and you guys and then I had to tell her EVERYTHING" I laugh. I look at Eddie, his face is blank but there's a twinkle in his eyes as he looks back at me. They bought it!
This night turned out to be exactly what I needed! Fun, DnD, new friends and the thought of spending the whole night with Eddie. The campaign Eddie had put together was awesome and a great success, I even got to use my dice since Mike still hadn't found theirs and the ones he then had to special order hadn't come yet. As we wrap the night up Mike says
"Hey Emma, you need a ride home? Nancy is picking me up in like 10."
"Oh thanks Mike but I made plans with Eddie to work on our english project after the game, it was one of my conditions for joining. So he's giving me a ride home later." I say and I realise I need to call "home" and tell them I won't be coming back tonight.
"Ok, well good luck with THAT" says Mike and nods towards Eddie and chuckles.
"Thanks" I laugh "I might need it"
We say good bye to rest of the guys and I head out to the payphone in the corridor.
"Carver residence" I hear my aunt
"Hello, it's Emma. I wanted to let you know that this project I'm working on with Max is going late we are really making progress, would it be ok if I spend the night here? Then you won't have to wait up and Max's mother won't have to drive me home this late"
"Oh I suppose so, is it ok with Maxine's mother then?"
"Yes it is I asked her" I say not a care in the world that I'm lying through my teeth.
"Well then, have a good night and good luck with your schoolwork see you tomorrow" she hangs up. I pick up the phone again and call Max's number.
"Hey Max it's Emma, can you do me a favour? IF by any chance my aunt or uncle calls your house asking for me say I'm busy or that I'm on the loo or something. I told them I'm spending the night at your house tonight working on a science project. Please tell your mum to if you Think she'd be ok with it"
"Why? What are you really up to Em?"
"Don't judge me, but I'm staying at Eddie's...we're sort of...dating" I could have cut the silence with a knife.
"You and Munson? I did think that whole 'we talked it out' bullshit was weird. Well.. he better treat you right or he knows what's going to happen" she says but I can hear a smile in her voice.
"I'll tell him, thanks a million Max!"
"You know he's my neighbour right so you BETTER drop by tomorrow before heading home"
"I promise! Have a good night"
"Oh you too" she chuckles at me and hangs up. Eddie comes up behind me, he's done clearing the campaign.
"Now...you're all mine for the rest of the evening" he whispers in my ear and presses himself against my body.
"Just the evening?" I say and turn towards him putting my arms around his neck.
"Mine for as long as you'll have me" he kisses me and that electric spark that I always feel with him starts up.
"Fuck it Munson did you hex me? One kiss and my knees wanna give in" I say voice thick with excitement.
"I do NOT mind you on your knees sweetheart but let's get home NOW!" he purrs in my ear and kisses me as his hands squeeze my ass then he gives it a slap and takes my hand and we head out the door to the van.
Chapter 8 – Us
"Hey you mind keeping me over night? I kinda told my aunt I was staying at Max's tonight" I say and smile at Eddie as we get in the van.
"What I get to keep you ALL night!? For real?" he starts the van and drives off faster than I thought this crappy metal box could ever move. Someone can't wait to get home apparently, I smile at him. We get to the trailer park where Eddie lives with his uncle, I see Max standing outside on the stairs to one of the other trailers. She waves at me and gives me a thumbs up. I guess she's talked to her mum.
"What was that about?" Eddie looks curious
"Well...I had to cover all bases so I'm sorry but I had to tell Max about us so she could cover for me in case my aunt or uncle happens to call looking for me.
"Oh...she's onboard or?" Eddie seems a bit concerned knowing full well Max isn't his biggest fan.
"Yeah I was to tell you that you better treat me right or you knew what would go down" I smile at him, he laughs turns towards Max and takes a bow. I can see her roll her eyes but she smiles and goes back inside.
Eddie goes up to the door, opens it and says "Welcome to my humble abode my Queen, sorry if it's not fancy or that clean for that matter." I go inside, it's cosy enough. When you come in you come straight in to the living room/kitchen. There's magazines and books scattered around the room, some empty beer cans and a stack of newspapers. I don't mind at all, I get to be with Eddie, so I'd settle for a tent in the woods!
"I like it, it's homey. Much more so than the strict sterile Carver house" I say. Kinda feels like home, my dad scatters stuff all over the place too, to my mum's annoyance. I take his hand and pull him close. "Well Munson now that you have me here all night what are you going to do with me" That fire deep in his eyes light and he grabs my face between his hands, he kisses me with such hunger It's almost to much.
"I'm going to love you so fiercely you'll have trouble standing up!"
"Oh" is all I can get out, his gaze makes me weak. I believe him when he says I'll have trouble standing up, and I do not mind one bit.
He kisses me again and starts towards the sofa, and sits me down. He remains standing right in front of me, crotch at eye-level and I see he's ready to go. I reach for his belt and look up at him. He's staring down at me, eyes black and breathing heavy. I undo his belt and unzip his pants. Pull then down and he springs free in all his glory. I wrap my fingers around the base of his cock and take him in as far as I can get it in one go. He let's out a small cry "oh fuck yeah" hearing him enjoy himself turns me on so bad I feel like I'm about to self combust. I suck him, taking him deep. Alternating in speed, just to hear him moan, growl and cry out "Fuck yeah, good girl, oh like that, yeeeessss" I'm probably soaking the sofa cushions by now, I'm so horny this might make me come without him even touching me. I take my free hand hand I run it up his flat stomach, down again towards his thighs, then up to his balls. I cup them in my hand and start playing with them as I suck him for all I'm worth. "Oh god Em... keep this up and I'm gonna cum" I moan and the vibrations my throat makes has the desired effect, I can feel his balls tightening in my hand and his hand grip my hair. His breathing is increasing and Then he let's go... I feel the warm liquid squirt down my throat and his coarse scream is the best sound ever "You fucking goddess...fuuuuuck...ahhhhhh" he's holding on to my hair for dear life just shaking to the core. I swallow and then I start licking him clean, I've wanted to do this since the first second I got to taste him. His grip on my hair releases and he's gasping for air as he looks down at me
"Holy fuck, where the hell did you learn to do that...do it again! Every day!" I smile at him
"So I guess that was satisfactory then" knowing very well it was but hey a girl needs her ego boosted to from time to time.
"Satis... satisfactory? Jesus fucking Christ that was the best damn blowjob ever. I am the luckiest man alive getting to have that mouth around forever" he bends down and kisses me not a care in the World I have his taste still in my mouth.
"I just want to go drink something then you can repay the favour" I say with a wink at him.
"Oh I will do my VERY best, there's cokes or beers in the fridge. What's mine is yours" he says with a smile. I go get myself a coke and head back to the sofa to join him. I sit down and take a sip of the drink, offering him some. He drinks some all the while staring at me. He sets the can down and says
"Well my foxy lady, wanna take this into the bedroom? Don't think my uncle will appreciate if I make you squirt all over the sofa" he stands up and pulls me up to join him. I gasp at his words, if he can make me do that it would be a first for me. My body tingles all over now, I feel like I'm vibrating from the inside. We enter Eddies bedroom, stuff everywhere, the coolest guitar hanging on the wall...then I see them, a pair of handcuffs on the wall. I smile at him "Plan on using those on me Munson?"
He flinches, looks at the handcuffs then looks at me. He grins and says "Oh you have a kinky side do you? Well I wouldn't mind but that's all up to you sweetheart" I feel my stomach doing a flip god that thought is sexy. I reach out my arms with my hands held close and look at him. He stares for a second, then he takes the handcuffs off the wall and locks in one of my wrists, what is he up to?
"I hope you know where the key is" I giggle I can't help myself. He laughs a hushed coarse laugh and just nods.
"I'm going to eat you like you're my last meal and you will be locked to my bed as I do" he says and motions for me to lay down on his bed. I swear this guy is going to be the death of me! I lay down and willingly raise my hands above my head "oh such a good girl...so eager" he purrs at me and I nearly faint. He pulls my top over my head then takes my free wrist and lock that in to the handcuffs, I'm now stuck to his bedpost. Entirely at his mercy and I LOVE IT! He's standing at the edge of the bed looking totally mesmerized by me, he slowly bends down and starts kissing my nipples. They could cut glass at this moment, I moan and he smiles. "Like that?"
I nod, no words, brain malfunctioning. He is kneeling over me one leg on either side of my thighs. "This won't do, can't have pants on for this...ass up please" he says and I arch my back so my ass leaves the mattress for a while. He quickly undoes my pants and pull them down. I lay back down and he takes them off completely. He throws them on the floor then he concentrates on me again, he looks starving. I'm thinking I might actually turn out to be his last meal.
"This body, fuck you're gorgeous" he says and lets his hands run across my tits, down my stomach, then he moves down on the bed spreading my legs so he's now placed between them. He continues letting his hand follow my lets up, past my inner thighs and I feel my skin tingle. He lays down with his head between my legs, kissing the insides of my thighs whispering "So fuckin gorgeous, so soft and sweet" I don't even think he was talking to me at this point. I'm squirming now, he reaches up with one hand to play with my tits. He looks up at me and chuckles "see you in heaven baby" then me pushes two fingers into my, by now dripping pussy, and then his tongue finds my clit. I cry out this is torture! He wasn't kidding when he said he was going to eat me like his last meal. I've never felt anything like this, his tongue is one second soft and teasing the other second like a fucking vibrator in speed. He's using his fingers soooo good. I'm writhing now, I feel myself getting closer and closer. I feel Eddie pushing one more finger in me and picking up the pace of which he fingers me. He sucks my clit and and moans as he does there's the best fucking feeling in my body. I scream, pretty fucking sure Max can hear me now, as the orgasm takes me. Hell the guy did it I feel myself letting go and there's a new sensation I've never felt before as I squirt all over Eddies face. There's no coming down from this high, I just keep squirming and moaning. "That's my good girl...wow...you are so fucking beautiful when you come and you taste so good" I can barely hear him over the heartbeat in my own head. I can feel him leaving the bed and then coming back and unlocking the handcuffs letting my arms down. I'm still not all there as Eddie slides down besides me, turns me on my side so he can spoon me. "Amazing, wonderful woman I love you" I hear him say softly in my ear. "Let's sleep a little before round two"
I'm 100% sure that if he'd told me to get up I wouldn't have been able to stand so he did good on his promise. I feel him kiss my neck softly and cover us with a blanket. I fall asleep faster than I thought I would. I wake up a while later, feeling dazed. What the hell happened, where am I? Then I remember and I smile. Right I'm at Eddie's and he's given me the most intense orgasm of my life then I fell asleep. I turn over to find him sleeping on his back, one arm over his face looking so serene. I spend some time just studying him, he's so handsome it's almost painful to look at him. I sneak out of bed and go to the bathroom. I feel sticky all over, which isn't surprising considering he made me squirt like that. I turn on the shower and rinse off quickly. Then I go back to the bed, Eddie's still in the same position fast asleep. I slide down beside him and wiggle myself down under the blanket. I'm going to give him a, hopefully, very pleasant way of waking up. I let my hands play around his happy trail and down towards his cock which springs to life immediately, Eddie's still snoring slightly. I giggle "well buddy at least we're awake" I whisper as I close my lips around the head and let my tongue start playing around it in circles. I begin to bob my head up and down as I suck him deeper and deeper into my mouth. I can feel him stir now, his breathing changes and he moans "what?... Omg... I'm never waking up without you again!" his hands find my head and he sets a pace for me. "GOD that mouth" I hear min groan. I suck for a Little bit longer, then I let him go and crawl out from under the blanket.
"Can you please fuck me now!?" The look on his face is exquisite.
"Hell yeah! How would you like me babe?" He's looking in his bedside table for a condom. I look at him smile and then I turn around at the end of the bed, get on all fours putting one hand in between my legs reaching back and spreading my folds for him so he can see how wet sucking him off makes me. "I want you to fuck me like this" I say to him and I think his eyes are about to pop out of his skull.
I can hear a coarse moan as he places himself behind me, I can feel him dragging the tip of his rock hard cock up and down my slit a few times before he plunges himself in with a growl. He just stands still for a second then slowly he starts to make long strokes in and out of me. Hands tightly gripping the sides of my ass. He begins to pick up the pace and the strokes become less deep, but they still do the trick! He leans forward and I feel his hand between my legs finding my clit with his fingers. He murmurs in my hear with a husky voice "come for me babe, come on my cock I want to feel that squeeze" That drives me crazy I meet his every movement feeling him fill me up entirely. He stops rubbing my clit and I can hear myself go "nooo" he laughs softly "you do it babe, I want you to rub yourself and I want to watch my cock go in and out of you" I moan and I reach down with my hand, I start playing with my clit as he fucks me at a faster and faster pace. I can hear by his breathing he's close too. "Come for me, I can't hold it any longer" this send me over the top and I come, oh god do I come! I feel the insides of my pussy clamp down on his cock like it's trying to devour him. He lets out a coarse scream as he plunges in one last time and I feel him pulsating in me as he comes.
Chapter 9 – Finders keepers
After that awesome fuck we once again fall asleep in each others arms. Waking up as the sun shines through the blinds in Eddies room. It must be late in the morning. I stretch and feel Eddies body next to mine, I turn and snuggle in close to his chest.
"Can we Wake up like this every morning?" I murmur He yawns, kisses my hair and I hear him smile as he says "I would like that very much babe!"
We're half asleep again when we're awoken by ha "Ahem" at the door
"Hell! I thought you weren't coming back until tomorrow!?" Eddie says and jumps out of bed then realising he is totally naked. He quickly covers himself with his hands
"Yeah...work ended early. You wanna put something on and join me in the kitchen please" the man, whom I guess is Eddies uncle Wayne, says.
"Eddie... can I please borrow a pair of boxers? I don't feel that comfortable meeting your uncle commando" Eddie smiles at me, takes out a pair from the dresser next to him and throws them on the bed next to me.
"You'll be the death of me Hartwell, how am I going to be able to concentrate on anything now when I know you're wearing a pair of MY boxers an that ass of yours?!" he leans in and gives me a quick kiss " I need to get out there" he says and dresses rapidly and moseys out in to the kitchen, half closing the door behind him. I can still hear them.
"Well, well young man... I knew something was up. You've been smiling too much lately. Being careful though I hope?"
"Of course Wayne, take me for a fool?"
Eddies uncle chuckles and then he asks "So am I to be introduced or should I pretend I don't exist?"
Eddie comes back to his room, looks at me and asks "You wanna meet my uncle?"
"I'd love to!" I say "I look ok?"
"Can you look bad you mean?" he kisses me as I come up to him and we go out to the kitchen holding hands.
"Wayne, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend. Emma Hartwell. Emma this is my uncle Wayne" Eddie says and I stare at him, then I snap out of it and smile my most winning smile at Wayne I hold out my hand to him and say
"Hello Mr Munson it's very nice to meet you" he smiles takes my hand, shakes it and says
"Wow Eddie, she's a looker, polite AND British... What did you do to get her? It's very nice to meet you too Emma, please do call me Wayne." his voice is rough but friendly. "You gonna get this slouch here to get his act together I hope?" he smiles at me and we hear Eddie mumbling something about "ganging up on him and needing to drive me home soon, I look over and he's blushing. I say
"Well I just need to run over to Max's for a bit but I'll be back soon. Again very nice to meet you Wayne, I guess we'll be seeing more of each other in the future.
"Oh I hope so darling, I'm happy he found a nice girl for once."
"Shut it..." I hear Eddie say under his breath and I smile and shake my head at him. I go out in to the sun and as I'm about to go down the stairs Eddie catches up to me and turns me around and kisses me.
"So I'm the girlfriend am I" I say and wink at him
"Well ehm I mean if you WANT to be, I mean it just kinda slipped out" Eddie blushes and looks down at his feet. Omg he's nervous
"I like that 'Eddie Munson's girlfriend' it has a very nice ring to it." I say and he looks up at me beaming "of course I'll be your girlfriend dufus, was there anything about this night that made you think I'd say no?"
"Careful now sweetheart, when you're officially mine I won't let go you know"
"Don't you dare try Munson, I'll latch on tight" I kiss him and head over to Max's. Before I'm even at the stairs she opens the door smiling at me
"Sooo we look lovey dovey together" she motions with a nod towards Eddie who's still on the stairs of his trailer. "pleasant night I take it?" she raises an eyebrow and smiles at me. Oh god she DID hear us..
"Well... ahem... yeah very pleasant actually"
"Mhmm I noticed when I was feeding the neighbour dog around 11..." the look she gives me makes me blush all over. "No worries I'm not going to tell but you girl come in and spill some tea" she opens the door for me and lets me in. I go in and take a seat on the sofa, Max sitting down opposite me.
"So!? I'm dying here! What's up with you two and WHEN did it start?" she looks at me intensely
"Well for me it kinda started first day" I admit, her eyebrows shooting up in surprise "yeah I fancied him straight away but he was just such an ass" I laugh "then when I met him in the woods that day we had a moment, this electrifying touch that made me weak." I tell her about that whole incident, about the misunderstanding bout Chrissy and that that was the reason I came to sit with her at lunch I was just heartbroken by a guy I'd hardly even spoken to. Then I told her about him driving me home that day and that he explained it all and confessed he liked me from day one too. Skipping any raunchy details. I told her Everything but the sexy bits up until this moment.
"So he really introduced you to Wayne as his girlfriend? Wow! Imagine that Eddie Munson with a girlfriend, the jocks are going to drop dead" she laughs and I feel my stomach turn, Jason what the hell was I going to do about Jason... and my uncle. I tell Max about this and ask what she Thinks
"Fuck 'em! Love is love, and I'd rather see you with a nerd like Eddie than a bully like Jason anyway. I think the whole school agrees there. He's a fucking hero on the basketball court but otherwise he's no Steve Harrington"
"Never mind, he's a guy who graduated last year. He was like Jason, king of Hawkins High but in comparison nothing alike. Steve's actually a cool guy. I'll introduce you some day." Max explains, and now that she says it I think I've Heard talk of this "king Steve" in the corridors.
"Ok" I say and smile " So fuck 'em you say yeah I think I'll do that. Hey you know anywhere in town where I might be able to print a t-shirt?" I just had the most amazing idea.
Max looks puzzled then she nods and says "Yeah, why?"
"Just a surprise that's all. Can you take me? In like an hour? Maybe I'll get my BOYFRIEND to drive us in to town" I smile and Max laughs.
"You're loving saying that aren't you Yeah I think I can go in an hour, my mum should be back by then" swing by when you're ready to go. I leave and go back to Eddie's. I knock before I enter as I'm raised to do. Two sets of eyes look at me from the sofa both looking equally surprised.
"Oh sweetie, you're practically family now you don't need to knock. Wait a second" Wayne gets up from the sofa and heads in to his bedroom. I look at Eddie he shrugs
"I don't know" he smiles "but I do know he LOVED you" I laugh
"Loved me? I barely spoke to him"
"You called him Mr Munson and you've made me happy. Apparently that was enough, I think he's going to adopt you and put me out on the streets" Eddie chuckles
"Well then good for you I have a sweet spot for strays" I say and sit down close to him and lean my head on his shoulder
"Yeah good for me" he whispers and kisses my head and puts his arm around me. "Love you, I mean it" he says softly in to my hair. I look up at him
"Really, really" he says and smiles. Just then Wayne comes back in and hands me something. I take it and see it's a key. He clears his throat
"Well I know you live with the Carvers that might be somewhat intense at times I guess. Just know you're always welcome here any time of the day. If no ones home just let yourself in" he looks at me with a friendly smile. I can't help it I stand up and give him a big hug
"Thank you Wayne" the man blushes, murmurs something about taking a nap pets me on the side of my face smiles and leaves the room. I sit down next to Eddie again.
"See...adoption imminent I better start packing my bags" he giggles. I kiss him and say
"You know I love you too right? We got interrupted before I could say it back" Eddie beams at me and gives me a deep kiss. "Mine" he purrs "aaaalll mine" we sit there cuddling for a while then I remember Max.
"Oh yeah, could you give me and Max a ride in to town? She wanted me to go with her to some shops" I say
"Sure sweetheart, when? Right now?"
"Yeah in about 15 minutes if that's ok" I say.
"Of course it's ok. Just because you're mine doesn't mean I own you I'm no monster" he lets out a growl, lifts my top and bites one of my breasts. "just leaving my mark love" he says kissing my neck and planting what will probably become a quite shining hickey right below my ear.
"Damn it Munson behave or I'll be late meeting Max because I'll have to make you pay for that" I purr at him kissing his neck and letting my tongue trace down towards his collarbones.
"I BEHAVE!? Damn you woman and your magic touch now you've made me all riled up again" he growls at me holding me tighter
"Nope...lets go" I say jumping up from the sofa
"Witch" he scowls at me fixing his pants which suddenly seem very tight. I laugh and say
"Laters baby, I'm going to need a ride home as well after me and Max are done. Who knows the view at lover's lake might be particularly good today" this makes him beam at me
"That's true, might be VERY pretty there today"
We get ready and head out to the van, I run over and knock on Max's door. She comes out and we leave for town. Eddie drops us off at the arcade and I tell him I'll give him a call when we're done if he'd be so kind as to come pick us up too. He smiles and says "Anything for my Queen and her body guard" and winks at Max who just rolls her eyes but smiles at him.
We walk around a while and then we head over to the Place where I can get my t-shirt made. It's going to take about 30 minutes so Max suggests we go say hello to Steve and Robin who work at the video store. We enter and this guy with the wildest hair I've seen is arguing with a pretty freckled girl about Dr Zhivago and if that's a good movie to have playing on the TV's in the store or not.
"Hey morons, look alive" Max cries out and the pair of them turns around.
"Hey Max... so Dr Zhivago yes or no?" Robin looks intensely at her nodding discretely
"I do not care what crap you showcase in here but isn't that just a bit to... ambitious for Hawkins?" Max looks at me and I can't do anything but nod in agreement
"Woah Max who's your friend" Steve has noticed that I'm here.
"This is Emma... Eddies girlfriend" Max smiles and the look of pure shock of the two in front of us
"What Munson? Munson's got himself a girl? What's wrong with her?" Steve asks and looks at me suspiciously
"Wrong? Why would there be anything wrong with me? Is it perhaps your preconception of Eddie clouding your better judgement there Steve?" I stare him down
"Oh... ehm well" he stutters. Robin roars with laughter
"Buuuurn Steve! I told you not to be an bias prick it'll come bite you in the ass some day. And this one" she points at me "she just took one hell of a chunk" she punches Steve " Hey I'm Robin nice to meet you Emma girlfriend of Eddie" I turn my gaze away from Steve who is still trying to find words and I smile at Robin.
"Hello, nice to meet you too." then I glare at Steve again "You, not so much" I say
The two girls in my company laugh so hard they have to sit down on the floor. Steve looks like a kid someone stole candy from. He runs his hand through his hair and clears his throat
"Yeah I'm sorry ok... just caught me by surprise. No hard feelings against your boyfriend, don't really know him just know OF him"
"Yeah I bet..." I look at him for a while. Then I sigh and say "Ok since Max insists you're a cool guy I'll give you the benefit of doubt here. Nice to meet you Steve" I look down at my watch. "I'm going to run and get my shirt it's probably done by now, will you wait here?" I ask Max who nods in agreement.
I head up the street to the t-shirt shop. I check my order, approve and pay. I feel good about this surprise. I leave the store with a big smile on my face. As I exit I almost bump in to someone, someone being my uncle.
"Emma? Aren't supposed to be at that Maxine's house?" he looks at me
"Yes but we wanted to go shopping I say, showing him my bag. Max is waiting for me at the video store we are planning a girl's night. I've really missed having a girlfriend to talk to since coming here. Do you mind if I stay one more night uncle?" I smile my sweetest smile at him. He mutterers and says "No one night is enough for now, don't want you to end up with the wrong people over there at the trailer park. Do you have a ride home? I have errands to attend to and I will be a while"
I look at him, not really surprised. I also knew who "the wrong people" were without asking. I sigh and nod at him "Yes, I do have a ride. No need to worry uncle. See you at home" I turn and walk back to the video store, not feeling as sunny any more. I tell Max about it and he huffs "That asshole well I guess we should call then? Can Emma use your phone Robin?"
"Sure go ahead" we hear from behind one of the shelves. I pick it up and dial Eddies number. When he picks up I tell him we're ready to go and that we'll meet him where he dropped us off. He says he'll leave right away. We say goodbye to Steve and Robin and head towards the arcade.
"How will you ever be able to tell them bout Eddie?" Max says solemnly
"I have no idea but by Monday the cat will be out of the bag anyway so I guess Jason will do it for me. I just need to tell mum and dad first. I'm going to call them tonight, if they approve then uncle can't do shit. He's a bit scared my dad will come here and beat him up" I laugh and Max snorts
"Really? Big bad Carver is scared of your dad?" she looks truly impressed. We don't have to wait long before we see Eddies van coming around the corner at full speed. He stops right at our feet opens the passenger door, smiles and says "Your ride my ladies" we both smile and get in. I give him a quick kiss and we speed off to the trailer park again. I say bye to Max and then I turn to Eddie.
"Sorry hun, but I'm going to need a ride home." I told him about my encounter with my uncle and he curses under his breath
"Wrong people...that'd be me and Wayne then I guess?" I take his face between my hand look him deep in his eyes and say
"I love you Eddie Munson you and your uncle are all kinds of right people for me" I kiss him "my uncle lives his life with his head so far up his own ass he can't understand that not everyone values money and success more than compassion and sweetness, which you have an abundance both you and Wayne" I kiss him again. He sighs at me
"Amazing, amazing woman what have I done to deserve meeting you?" he kisses my forehead "Ok let's go then I'll drive you to the Marsters' next door so you don't have your aunt spying on you noticing my van again. I'm guessing you need no more issues tonight"
"Thank you hun. I'm going to tell my parents about you tonight and let my dad deal with the Carver's once we're out" I say and Eddie looks concerned. "My parents are awesome, they will not be against us as long as you make me happy, might have to slow down on the business though" I smile at him
"Sure, no problem. There are other been wanting to get in on this area for quite some time. Maybe time to retire and become an upstanding Citizen now that I have a pretty girl on my arm" He tickles me and kiss me. Then we drive off towards "my part of Town"
As I suspected mum and dad we're delighted I found someone. Mum always said that if love hits you don't shy away from it because it doesn't look or behave like you think everyone else wants it to. She always pictured herself with someone like the guys she grew up around, then met my dad and her world got turned upside down. So she was super excited to hear that Eddie was nothing like my uncle or Jason or any other shiny picture perfect carbon copy with money. Dad applauded his taste in music and that he had a style that reminded me of him. They also promised to take care of my dear relatives come Monday. I told them the plan I had and about the t-shirt. I went to bed early that night, then I had to endure Sunday in church "because that was uplifting for the soul" sure... gave me ample time to think about Eddie and his naked body writhing under me. I sat there smiling and my aunt was so pleased I accepted religion and saw that it could make me happy Yeah, I did plead to God quit a lot Friday I thought to myself. When we got home I excused myself and said I needed to go to my room, call Max and make sure we we're properly prepared for tomorrows science class, and that I was going to finish my homework after that. I also looked at Jason asking him if there was anything he needed my help with or any assignment he needed me to check over. Nope he was done, all was ok. His parents smiled at me, such a good role model for Jason. All the while cursing them in my head.
I went to my bedroom, locked the door and picked up the phone. Dialled and waited.
"Hey Eds, it's me"
"Hey I thought you forgot about me" I can hear his smile.
"No but been a bit of tension here. Can't be to sweet on you though, can't be sure no ones listening" I whisper
"Ok. So this is the perfect opportunity for me to start telling you all the dirty, sexy, raunchy things I wanna do to you and you can't react" Sweet deal" I hear him chuckle
"Don't you fucking dare, I will hang up on you!" I say, that would have been torture! "It's enough I almost got myself off in church today thinking about Friday" I whisper, I hear a gasp on the other end.
"You sure you can't get out just a short while? That was too hot to not wanna help you with" his voice is low and coarse, I feel that awesome tingle.
"Fuuuuck Ed's, ok give me 10 I'll call you back" I say and hang up. I go downstairs and in to my uncle who's sitting in his study.
"Excuse me uncle, could I please go meet Max at the park just down the road? We've encountered a bit of a mix up on our project that we really need to fix before tomorrow morning." I said this because I knew they would never say I could invite her here and the park was in this part of town so "no wrong people there" he looks up from his magazine at me.
"Did you do your homework you talked about?"
"Yes I thought I had an assignment for Spanish as well but that was for next week so I have plenty of time to finish that and everything else is done, I I understood it so that Jason didn't need my help tonight?" I say
"No, he said he's ok. Well I suppose you can go, but be home no later than 8 or I lock the door!" he says and disappears behind his magazine again. I check the time, it's 5:15 plenty of time to meed Eddie. I go back upstairs, Close my door and dial Eddies number again.
"Meet me at the park down the road from here, I have until like 7:30"
"In the van right away!" he slams the phone down and I laugh. So eager. I put on some perfume, put on a dress and a cardigan and take my backpack so that it appears I'm brining my school books. Lucky for me Jason isn't home to be an burden, he left after dinner to go to Chrissy's. I leave and head to the park, when I get there I see the van. I start laughing
"Did you put rocket fuel in that thing? How fast were you going?" Eddie beams at me and pulls me in for a kiss
"Fast enough" he says avoiding details and winking at me.
"Moron...what if the cops pulled you over? Would you really have left me here waiting all hot and willing?" I say and let my hand trace up his thigh and cup his bulge. I feel it growing in my hand
"Noted" he says and starts moving his hips against my hand. "like the skirt sweetheart, makes it so much easier to get to the goodies" he kisses me as his hands follow my legs up under my skirt and grab my panties and pulls them down without missing a beat. "Wanna take this in to the van?" he says as he puts my panties in his pocket and smiles at me. I take his hand and lead him to the back of the wan and I put one leg up on the back bumper and whisper in his ear
"You better get that cock out because I need it here and now, pin me against the back of you van and fuck my brains out"
Eddie stares at me, almost in disbelief... But then the reality of what I just said hits him and he's right by me in an instant, never seen someone almost run and put a condom on at the same time. He reaches me and with one swoop he's holding both my arms over my head with one arm while the other one lifts my skirt and then he drives his cock right into me like a jack hammer. He kisses me hungrily as he fucks me with a burning desire, faster and harder than ever before. I moan into his mouth and he smiles and bites my bottom lip
“You really are a some kind of girl Em, the most amazing pussy I've ever seen, tasted and felt. And I get to keep you FOREVER! I'm going to be doing this for the rest of our lives” his husky voice growling in my ear making me even more horny for him. Pretty sure all of Hawkins hears us as I am not able to keep quiet as he rams in to me with a furiosity that kind of scares me but at the same time feels SO fucking good. He lets out a long coarse moan as I feel him throbbing inside me as he lets go.
“God Ed I'm so close...use your fingers please...soo close” I pant in his ear. I can feel him still being hard so he continues fucking me as his thumb finds my clit and makes hasty work getting me to scream out my orgasm. He quickly muffles me by kissing me and chuckling
“You'll wake up the neighbourhood howling like a banshee. Not that I don't enjoy your screams sweetheart but we do not need the coops here” He pulls out and I hear the sound of him removing the condom and walking up to a trash can near by and disposing of it. He comes back and embraces me and whispers in my ear “Hell woman I love how you make me come so much every time it's like I've been saving up for weeks every time” I smile at him and purr into his ear
“I was thinking Eddie... Maybe I should look into going on the pill... I would really like to feel your cum running down my legs” the look on his face is priceless
“Don't get me all riled up again I'm not sure I can take it... wow the thought of you walking around with my cum running down your legs under your clothes...fuuuck Emma. You're killing me”
I smile, that was exactly the thought I had too, and what really turned me on my the idea. I would be looking into that first think tomorrow with the school nurse. She ought to be able to help, she seemed ok, and I knew my mum wouldn't mind she was on the pill herself before her and dad decided to have me and my brother. I look at Eddie, kiss him and say
“Well as much as I loved that and I love spending any kind of time with you I need to get back. Time flies when you're having fun” I wink at him and grab hiss ass and pull him close! “I will see you at school, I have a surprise for you” kiss him once more and leave. I hear him laugh softly and call out to me
“I'm not big on surprises but for you I'll make an exception babe” I hear him get in his van and drive off. I get back to the house with a good 20 minutes left which pleases my aunt and uncle. Even more so seeing as Jason is late coming home. I take such pleasure in hos screw-ups it's almost bad. I head straight in the shower then off to bed. Feeling satisfied and also excited for tomorrow.
Chapter 10 – Coming out
I get to school, once more with the help of Mike and Nancy. Jason still won't give me a ride, even though my aunt repeatedly asks him to be nicer to me and spare Nancy Wheeler the extra time it takes her to pick me up he won't budge. And I do not mind! Time is slower than normal today. Science class takes forever, Max is very excited about my plan and won't stop hinting about it. English is torture, Eddie keeps leaning over and putting his hand as far up my inner thigh he can get every chance he has and that is frustratingly distracting. But when I look over at him I see he's realised his mistake and is is quite a uncomfortable situation himself, this makes me gloat some. Well as class ends I will at least be able to stand up and leave right away. The bell rings and I stand up and look at Eddie, who's still seated.
“After you Munson...” I motion towards the door with my hand. He looks up at me and I feel so bad but yet so good.
“Yeah I'm gonna hang back a while, need to ask a question” he murmurs and looks annoyed at himself for not thinking that touching through beforehand. I make sure to sway my hips a little extra seductive as I leave. I hear m muffled moan and a “God damn tease” from the back row. I make sure I'm alone and I turn around, look straight into Eddies gorgeous brown eyes. I lick the palm of my and an then I make suggestive “jerk-off” motions with it as I smile a wicked smile at him. He gasps and his pupils dilate and he shifts in his chair
“ Well, well I guess 'the beast' isn't asleep yet” I smirk and leave him sitting there looking like he'd been struck by lightning.
I meet up with Max outside and she looks at me and smiles
“Why do you look like a cat who's caught the biggest mouse ever?”
“Oh no reason...I just teased Eddie so badly he can't get up for quite some time” I laugh and Max looks disgusted.
“Ewww really Emma I will help you at lunch, and I'm all for this he seems to really love you... but I DO NOT need to know stuff like that” then she laughs to and adds “But good going!” gives me a high five and we leave for Spanish.
This is the last class before lunch and I can feel my nerves starting to act up. Was this a good idea, what was going to happen with Jason... and then back “home” later today? I take a deep breath and convince myself that this was a good idea. Both my plan to surprise Eddie and that we're going public. No more sneaking. Luckily for me Spanish class never seemed to end today so when the bell finally rings I'm convinced we've been there over lunch and it'll be too late. Max calms me down and says
“Do you think, when I agreed to wearing this, that I would let the teacher have us miss lunch. Hell no! Let's do this!”
She takes me under my arm and we walk towards the cafeteria. We see that the Hellfire Club is gathered already, all of them. Even Lucas is back today. We sit down and I look at Max and give a small nod. In sync we take off our jackets and wait for the reactions to start coming. First one to notice anything is Lucas who always watches Max with an almost freakish admiration.
“What the hell does your shirt say Max?” They all look up at Max. She looks down and pulls the shirt out so that the text on it is clearly visible
“FUCK conformity! In a world of Jasons be an EDDIE!” she just shrugs and says
“Well since there is a new world order now I thought I'd show support” and she nods in my direction. Eddie is viably confused and I can see he's flattered but he doesn't understand why. Others have started noticing the shirt now, people not at our table. I can hear the whispering... Now attention is turned on me... silence falls at the Hellfire table
“The Munson experience – girlfriend approved. '86 baby” Eddie stares at the shirt then up at me then at the shirt again. I lean in and I whisper “VERY approved” and I kiss him. There's a roar at the table as everyone is cheering and congratulating Eddie...not me they all seem to think I can do better. Dustin's so happy he wipes a tear.
“Is she in Hellfire officially now? I want her to be” good Dustin, great to have your priorities straight I think as I look at him and laugh.
“If she'll agree to have us nerds we'll be keeping her if we all agree” Eddie smiles and takes my hand and place a kiss on my palm, I also feel a small lick and get a wink from him. The news of what just happened at this table has started to spread like wildfire. People are standing up to see my shirt and now we just wait for the inevitable explosion.
“WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DID YOU SAY?” aaaand there it is I think and I brace myself. Jason storms over and towers over me staring at my shirt
“You got to be fucking kidding me!? This freak? Out of all the people in this fucking country you chose to be seen with this freak... I should beat your ass Munson, did you fucking drug her to get her to do this crap?” Jason is livid. I stand up... I get so close to him it might seem like I was about to kiss him. Then I place one carefully aimed knee right between his legs with all the force I can muster and I growl at him
“ You EVER threaten my boyfriend again and I will go back alley London on your ass and castrate you completely you fucking baby. Get over yourself, what'd you think? I was going to go for one of your friend so you could have some kind of power over me? I wouldn't be caught dead nowhere near any of those twats you call friends. Fucking cowardly assholes the lot of you. Go home to daddy and cry now, tell him all about how I was mean to you and how I won't do even one more thing to help you graduate. You're on your own fucker” I put the sole on my shoe on his chest and push him away. Then I sit down, there's such a silence you could hear a speck of dust land on the floor. Then a ROAR of laughter and applause. Jason may just have lost his crown to a girl. Eddie looks at me in awe... takes my face between his hands and kiss me, then he whispers in my ear
“I've never been so turned on by being saved by a girl before. You're fucking hot when you kick ass babe” he slaps my ass and chuckle. Then he notices that the shirt has test on the back to. He turns me around
“Love you freak! Finders keepers <3” I see him tear up and he snuggles into my neck hiding his face in my hair. I hear a small sob and then he clears his throat. Kisses my neck whispers “Thank you” and turns to the club
“Well Hellfire men, meet your new queen!” they all cheer and we sit down again, ignoring the whimpering mess on the floor that is Jason. He'll live! Now lunch is all about the how and the when. Mike and Dustin feel personally wronged that they weren't included from the start. Why didn't I tell them, they were my first friends here, why did Max know and so on and so forth.
“Maybe because she knew you two could never keep this to yourselves...” Max teases them “or maybe she just likes me more”
I look at Eddie and tilt my head towards the door, silently asking him if we can go somewhere else. He nods and we get up. They all look at us
“We're going to go have a heavy make out session now” I say “behave yourselves and be careful to step in crap on your way out” and I look down at Jason. They all laugh and cat call after us, yelling for Eddie to “Keep it wrapped up the world isn't ready for another Munson” we laugh at them as we leave. We hold hands not saying anything as we make our way out into the woods behind the school. Over to the table where the sparks began for real. Eddie drags me close and hugs me tight, kisses me and says
“Love you too freak, thanks for the shirt” his hands running up and down my back. I look deep into Eddies eyes as I say and I feel the tears coming. I'm so happy it hurts
“I found my freak, now I'm never letting him go”
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kogameh · 2 years
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I don't know where else to post this so. Uhh. All Nintendo systems we've owned!
We never had any real console and have always been strictly handheld haha. We also missed out on the 3DS because of, uh, tregic backstory™ reasons, we just couldn't afford one at the time (same story on why I never owned a drawing tablet growing up lol)...so uh, character development? I guess? It's gonna take me multiple occasions to even tell the story behind them so I'm just gonna dump them under the cut \o/
GBA Micro - Actually the first legit game system we owned! A friend of my late dad was selling it with Pokemon Naranja (yes technically my first Pkmn game is a bootleg cartrige'd romhack...), which is kinda surprising because my late dad knew nothing about video games at all- He only wanted to give a Pokemon game to the 10-years-old me and struck gold with this haha. I didn't even realize this model existed after the SP until years later, it's so small and sturdy! The screen is noticeably more vibrant and crisper than the SP even. This later got passed to my twin sis after we got a GBA SP.
GBA SP - My late dad also bought this from a friend months after we got the Micro just so all 3 of us siblings would stop fighting over the Micro- Okay kidding but. Yeah. (Ironically we never tried multiplayer with both GBAs because no shops ever sell GBA Link Cables here-) Actually has a Lot of Pikachu stickers, though obviously the ones on the top lid peeled off. The only reason it has...uh, seen better days is that my older bro keeps playing in bed and most often than not he always fell asleep mid-game so yeah... Imagine the number of times it fell off... I'm still too scared to even touch it anymore because the hinge feels like it could snap off any day now jkasghsgfhasj
DS Lite - Let's just say I got this as a sort of "graduation" gift from my mom as we finished our final elementary school year haha. The funny story is: I never bought a legit game for my DS since day 1. The seller we bought it from bundled it with an R4 card being all like "oh yeah pick 10 games from our catalog and we'll "install" it on your DS! But ofc if you want to add any new games, do come back :D". Didn't take too long for me and my bro to discover the R4 has an SD card... And can be attached to our laptop...And we found out DS ROMs from the interwebs work with it....... So we never came back........... To this day I have 0 ideas if the seller underestimated us or is sabotaging his sales like this. This still works like a charm even today after I replaced its batteries :D Also this might as well be the first ever red-colored gadget I've owned and kickstarted my obsessions with them ig haha.
Switch Lite - Uh, my twin sis bought this with her own pocket money months ago. Long story short she basically bought it because her friends really wanted her to play ScarVio on launch with them lol. Of course I got stuck in that FOMO too haha-- Plus it matches her baby blue/turquoise laptop and Intuos tablet! Albeit the "turquoise" in this one is more Miku Green™ leaning-
Pokemon Switch OLED - Ah yes I hope you guys know that I worked 3 vacation-less weeks for this knowing that I'll never ever be able to afford this from commissions alone ahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhhah 😇 Okay. Well. On a lighter note. At first, I was more interested in the Lite because I didn't like any of the colors from the reg Switches but then this ver was announced when I'm still saving up so I'm just "Eh. It has mine and my sis' fav colors (red and purple respectively) so why not." Didn't regret though because I LOVE how nostalgic the sticker bomb pattern at the back!! Reminds me of how I decorated my GBA even!!!! And the dock is so cool!! My attachment also adds up unexpectedly as I ended up liking ScarVio more than I thought euhuhuhu....
Honorable mentions: The PSP 1000. It's the only Sony we ever have and we never even bought it because..........someone left it at my parent's workplace and they never claimed it back for months so. yeah. played the hell out of W/inx Club out of it 7.5/10.
Also the N-Gage which was my bro's "GBA" when we had ours. The N-Gage was so damn cool y'all I've seen more people with an N-Gage than the DS around my area as a kid. Fucked up.
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