#aki is sick of it
nejiverse · 1 year
[Hayakawa Family series]
In which Power and Denji are left alone to take care of Yuna..
a/n: i saw somewhere in my inbox that someone suggested naming Aki and Y/n’s daughter Yuna meaning kindness so I did
cw: a bit of crack, Power and Denji
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Denji whizzed around the room with Yuna on his shoulders, making airplane noises with his mouth as she erupted into a fit of laughter, giddily patting her small hands against Denji's head.
"Aaaaand we're landing!", he exclaimed.
The blondie swiftly landed on the floor on his knees, lifting the little girl up and down onto the floor as she gripped onto the short table to help her keep her balance.
She watched how Denji observed Power who had a confused look on her face as she stood in front of the sink so he decided to go check on what she was doing.
Yuna didn't like that though. She made grabby hands with her right hand but it was of no avail owing to the fact that Denji's back was already turned to her. Tears welled up in her eyes and she began to let out small fussy noises which made it evident to Denji and Power that she was about to cry.
"Aw c'mon Yuna! We've played airplane nine times already, please don't make it ten", he frowned. His neck was getting tired and so were his arms.
But the little girl wasn't having it. Her lips began to quiver and she let out sniffles.
"Just carry her normally idiot. I don't think she cares about the game anymore", Power intruded, inspecting the two containers she had in her hand. "Quick before the waterworks start!".
Denji sighed dramatically, his shoulders slumping in defeat. He knew it was unavoidable because every single time Yuna wanted to be carried, she'd follow him around like a little duckling. She always got her way, much like her mother.
He made quick work with picking her up and wrapping an arm around her legs, letting her rest her head on his shoulder happily.
"What're you doing?", he narrowed his eyes at Power as he walked over to her. "SERIOUSLY?! ARE YOU TRYING TO GIVE THE CHILD DIABETES??", Denji screamed in her ear.
Power could only let out a hum of confusion.
She inspected the two tubs side by side. They were the same colour, how was she supposed to know?
"Do I look literate to you?", she rolled her eyes.
Yuna kicked her feet against Denji's side. She wasn't a fan of all the noise and would much prefer being put down to venture off elsewhere.
Denji abided to her whines of complaint and placed her on her feet, watching her waddle away to who knows where.
"You don’t have to be able to read to know that they both look AND taste different", he shook his head.
“Sugar, formula, what’s the difference honestly”, Power swatted her hand. They were both foods that could be eaten and shat out again so she was indifferent to them.
“Life and death. That’s the difference”, Aki was super overprotective when it came to his daughter. If anything was to happen to her while he wasn’t around, they two would never see the light of day again.
Speaking of Yuna..
"What have you done!", Denji gasped, terror taking over his face. He could literally feel Aki's wrath already.
The little girl was after messing with the buttons of the washing machine. How she made it leak water was beyond him.
She sat in the pool of water, cheerfully splashing her palms in the liquid. As she was about to put her wet hand in her mouth, Denji quickly stopped her and held her under her armpits as to avoid getting his clothes wet.
He looked at the girl with an unimpressed expression.
"Be honest with me for a second here...do you want your pops to kick me out?".
Power let out a scream and flung her arms around frantically.
"They're back Denji!", she belted as she furiously tried to wipe up the puddle of water.
"Shit shit shit shit shit!", Denji quickly went into Aki and Y/n'a shared room to look for a spare change of clothes for Yuna.
"They're good kids Aki, don't be so worried", Y/n clung to his arm and gave him a smile.
"You put way too much faith in them", he shook his head. As the two approached the door, Aki scoffed a laugh. "I'm surprised the door is still on its hinges". She playfully hit his shoulder as he opened the door.
Through the silent squeaking of the door opening, the couple were surprised to see Denji and Power sitting on their knees with their hands on their lap and a fake smile plastered on their lips, Yuna sitting in between them as she chewed on a teething toy.
"Welcome home!", the two said in unison which was beyond strange to Aki and Y/n.
Aki looked around suspiciously as Y/n approached the three.
"You two did an amazing job!", she ruffled their hair before picking Yuna up. "I hope she wasn't much trouble".
"No trouble at all..", Denji glanced at the washing machine briefly.
It was as if his eyes held some kind of power because just as he finished his sentence, water came gushing out from the bottom of the machine.
"Oh em gee", Power uttered.
Denji on the other hand was simply speechless.
Yuna let out a giggle at her mother's shocked expression. It was much like the funny faces she made to cheer her up whenever she was sad.
Power and Denji expected Aki to go off on a tangent about how irresponsible they were but he simply opened up the laptop that rested idly on the counter and started typing.
"What are you doing?", Y/n inquired.
"Looking for plumbing apprenticeships for these two", he responded.
Denji and Power turned to face each other. "WHAT?!".
hayakawa family series masterlist :)
a/n: it feels like forever since i’ve updated this series 😭
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gncrezan · 6 months
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@infamous-if august pierce you have bewitched me mind body and soul.......
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oneweek · 7 months
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richard siken / chainsaw man
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cainternn · 2 years
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moonyeyes · 1 year
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gay people in my phone
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meownotgood · 1 year
Aki baby fever agenda is very strong these days
a coworker brings their baby to work, and that sets off the gears in Aki’s head to have some of your own. Aki doesn't really know what's come over him. he barely remembers getting home, finding you in the kitchen, and pressing you up against the counter. he barely remembers tugging off yours and his own clothes right there and then. and right now he's barely present as he fucks load after load into you
somewhere, in the back of aki's mind, he's aware of the consequences of his actions. there's a part of him that knows he shouldn't act like this, that knows this is terribly irresponsible. but right now, when he has you pinned beneath him, your pretty hands in his and his dick buried deep inside you, all he can think about is how badly he wants to give you his children.
how many times have the two of you fucked since aki came home from work? it's only been a few hours, but you've gone at it two or three times, or was it four? since he first pushed you over the kitchen counter, and then left dinner behind to carry you to his bedroom, aki's begun to lose track.
all he's been doing is daydreaming, making love to you while imagining what it's gonna be like to marry you. he'll propose, he'll announce to his coworkers that he's getting married. aki stares at your hand in his while he bucks his hips into you, and imagines a bright shiny ring on your finger. you'll have a nice wedding, you'll take aki's last name, you'll move in with him. aki imagines getting you pregnant right here, in his own bed. he wonders if your kids will look more like him, or more like you. he hopes the answer is both.
aki doesn't stop until you're completely exhausted, and until he's completely emptied. he cums in you as deep as he possibly can, he doesn't move an inch until he's sure he's filled your womb with all of it.
"that's it, that's it... take it all for me, g-god..." aki praises, his palm pressed gently to your stomach. he rubs in circles, right where his and your baby is going to form. his chest heaves, his breath is quickened, and he slowly comes down from his fifth orgasm of the night, giving you the last of what he has.
"I love you so much... I love you. you stopped taking your birth control a few days ago, didn't you? you can throw it out. if we're gonna start a family together, I've gotta get you pregnant... we'll try some more times tomorrow, okay?"
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oh-katsuki · 2 years
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DENJI, AKI, POWER - Chainsaw Man PV 2
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cosmic-nebula356 · 3 months
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All aboard! 👹👹👹👹👹
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lateraniansweets · 1 year
“What color are your eyes?” your hands are cupping his face, fingers tracing every curve. 
“B-blue.” Aki stutters out, warmth rushing to his cheeks.
Your hands held his face with a tenderness neither the two of you thought you were capable of. 
“Blue?” Your hold on him is firm, forcing him to look directly into the two voids of metal and carnage that served as your eyes. It was one of the many things that reminded him that you weren’t human.
“What is blue?”
A firework goes off, dangerously close to nearby buildings. Shouts can be heard down below as fire crews clamor about to ensure the safety of surrounding city blocks.
He catches the look on your face with an expression he can’t precisely describe in the brief flashes of light. 
It makes his heartbeat quicken and drives a chill down his spine.
“B-blue, it’s the color of the sky and the sea.”
“Are your eyes like the sky and sea then?”
“I don’t know.”
You hum, face mere millimeters apart from him.
“I don’t know what this ‘blue’ looks like but…” you pause, “...I think your ‘blue’ puts the sky and sea's to shame.”
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akicult · 1 year
aki wants you to tell him about your day while he eats your pussy because his day was stressful and he just wants to forget all about it.
he’s lapping at your cunt so slowly, his arms wrapped around your thighs while you’re propped against the headboard with your fingers laced through his hair. you’re hardly coherent in what you’re saying, just mumbling, “n yeah they were—nghh—annoying me,” and he’s just nodding and humming along while his thumb circles your clit so delicately it’s like he’s touching glass. in some ways, he’s a little selfish. he’s using you to forget about the stressful day he’s had, so when you trail off in your sentences, he’ll pull away just enough to speak with a, “then what happened, sweetheart?”
and since he’s going much slower, a little lazier then he usually does when he eats you out—it’s taking a lot longer. but it’s all for him. he’s eating you out for his sake. so he’s going to take as much time as he needs to forget all about his terrible day.
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inkblackorchid · 2 months
queen of faithshipping content, i need your 2cents, do you think that babies kissed off-screen in the finale? 🥹
Ok first of all "queen of faithshipping content" is a title I don't think I deserve (yet) but I'll happily take it ^^"
That said. Do u know what u have just unleashed. Listen. Listen.
Obviously they kissed off-screen. Like, I get it, the writers were cowards about the whole thing because it's a strictly genre-defined shonen show aimed at twelve year-old boys, yadda, yadda, but for the love of all that's holy.
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Their faces are reflected in each other's fucking eyes. They must be standing so close together I can't.
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^ Extremely intimate way to hold hands.
Like. Look. Look. I'm not mandating that everyone needs to ship these two. People have their Yusei ships, people have their Aki ships, live and let live, I occasionally enjoy content shipping these two with other people too. It's literally fine. BUT. As far as the actual show is concerned for me, they are canon. At least as canon as toolshipping, roseknightshipping, treasonshipping, firebirdshipping or what have you, at any rate. And unless the actual, real-life team who wrote, storyboarded, animated, directed, and voice acted the scene above literally comes out of the woodwork to tell me otherwise, it's always going to be a kiss to me. Case closed.
So, did they kiss? Short answer: Yes.
Long answer:
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whats-k-popping · 3 months
Hello! For the prompt list, could you write 5 & 49 with Seonghwa as the sick one and San as the caretaker? I love their brotherly dynamic~ Thank you!
I'm so sorry this request is about 9 months old! If you're still here, anon, I hope you enjoy this fic. I really did enjoy writing it and I love the dynamic between these two!
Pairing: Seonghwa x San - platonic intentions, but read as you please
Prompts: "Try and get some food down. Anything" || "Sorry. I'm… I'm really dizzy" 
Words Count: 2489
Warnings: Illness || Emeto || Graphic Descriptions of Sickness
San doesn't usually wake up in the middle of the night. He has a very thorough nightly routine that he completes meticulously each evening. He spends upwards of an hour in the bathroom each night, completing his skin care and dental care and emptying himself of anything that might disturb his precious hours of uninterrupted sleep. He swears by this routine. Sleeping in his own bed is a luxury these days, so he doesn't even want to waste 1 precious minute on something as trivial as using the bathroom. 
So he's naturally disgruntled when he wakes in the middle of the night unable to quickly doze back to sleep. Despite his nightly rituals, he still finds himself having to pee at half past 3 in the morning. He blames it on drinking Mingi's leftover coffee. Can't let precious caffeine go to waste either. He only feels a hint of remorse. 
Begrudgingly, he throws the covers off of himself and hustles down to the bathroom. If he's quick, he might be able to get it done without losing the fuzzy feeling of sleep. In and out, then back to sleep. That's the plan. 
That plan comes to a screeching halt when he enters the bathroom to find Seonghwa draped across the toilet seat, skin white as a ghost. And if the sight isn't enough of a clue, there's an overpowering stench of vomit lingering in the air. 
"Hwa-hyung!" San exclaims. He stands petrified in the doorway, like he's awaiting further instruction. He's not really sure what he's supposed to do. Seonghwa is the caretaker of the group, how is he supposed to take care of him. 
Seonghwa lifts his head to look at San, a pained expression on his face and a vacant look in his eyes. He shushes the younger, "You'll-" He cuts himself off with a nauseous burp, "You'll wake Mingi."
Of course, even draped helplessly over the only toilet in their apartment, looking minutes away from comatose, Seonghwa is still thinking about the others. San clicks his tongue. And Mingi, of all people, a historically heavy sleeper. The building could be mid-demolition and he'd be none the wiser. "No I won't," San says confidently. Still he lowers his voice just for good measure. 
The remnants of sleep are gone and he's on high alert now. He knows he won't be able to go back to sleep knowing that his hyung is feeling so miserably unwell. So he enters the small bathroom and closes the door behind him for privacy. He also turns on the bathroom fan, to hopefully ventilate some of the smell out of the room. 
"Don't come any closer, San-ah." Seonghwa stops mid-command to gag. It's unnaturally loud, echoing in the now sealed room, but unproductive. "I might be contagious." 
"I don't care." San replies without thinking, like it's the most natural response in the world. "You need help." 
Seonghwa shakes his head, not making any eye-contact with the younger. "I can take care of myself." He says in such a way that San can't help but be skeptical. "You're younger than me. I'm not your responsibility." 
"You're my hyung," San stands his ground, already resolved to help Seonghwa. At least through the night, he can let Hongjoong know in the morning and they can work out a more long-term plan from there. "And my family is my responsibility." 
Seonghwa looks like he has another objection queued up, but before he can respond he bows his head into the toilet bowl when the formerly unproductive gag returns. This time, a slurry of sick pours out his open mouth. The oldest whimpers and moans as he stomach convulses to get every last drop out of him. 
San notices it's mostly clear and speculates that Seonghwa has been throwing up for so long that he's empty. Since they all ate the same thing, he concludes it's likely a stomach bug, not a lone case of food poisoning. While Seonghwa continues to stare into the bowl, San takes the opportunity to approach his hyung. He crouches down next to him and runs a hand along his back, "You're okay. Get it out. That's good." He whispers sweet reassurances until the episode is over. 
All the tension leaves Seonghwa's body at once, leaving him slack against the toilet seat. San's hand on his back distracts him from the cramping in his stomach, so for now he stops trying to shoo the younger away. The attention actually feels kind of nice, reminds him of home, of being the youngest in the family. Reminds him of how much he misses it. 
The porcelain seat is cold, but San's body is teeming with warmth. He craves that warmth, the comfort that comes with physical contact. It's more alluring than the ceramic bowl. It takes way more effort than it should, but he pushes himself off the toilet seat and into San's open arms. 
San sees Seonghwa's intention and helps him settle in, wrapping his arms comfortingly around his hyung. He uses just enough pressure so that he's hugging, but not squeezing. "Poor hyung, you really must not be feeling well." He soothes, pressing a kiss to Seonghwa's sweaty temple.  
Seonghwa whines, a long drawn out sound that might be an affirmative. He mumbles something about "hurt" and "cold" but all the words are muffled against San's shoulder. 
"C'mon, why don't we get you back to bed?" San suggests. He contemplates getting his hyung in the shower, but decides against it given the elder's weak state. Maybe when some of his energy returns, he'll push for a shower. 
"Couch," Seonghwa counters. 
San's eyebrow raises in curiosity, "You don't want to sleep in your bed. It's much more comfortable than the couch." He recommends, "If you're still worried about waking Mingi, don't be. His door is closed." 
Seonghwa shakes his head the tiniest bit. If San hadn't been critically analyzing his hyung's every movement, he would have missed it. "Not about Mingi," Seonghwa insists. His eyes start to water and his lower lip quivers. "Please, just couch." He begs through a sob. 
Though San doesn't totally understand why, he can tell it's a sensitive topic and surrenders. "Okay, okay," he hushes, "I'll take you to the couch. I'll set up a nice, soft blanket for you and get you extra pillows. Okay, how does that sound?" Seonghwa does like the sound of that, he affirms it with a small "mmhm." 
San pushes Seonghwa away just long enough to stand up on his own. Once he's on his feet, he holds out a hand to his hyung, "Can you stand?" 
Seonghwa holds the outstretched hand, squeezing it with all the might he can muster. He uses his other hand to hold into the edge of the sink, trying to get himself up. He makes it onto his knees, but can't make it any further. With a sniffle, he shakes his head sadly at his dongsaeng. 
San doesn't question it or force anything more from his hyung. He simply steps in and helps Seonghwa to his feet, shouldering much of his hyung's weight onto himself. "There we go, wanna try walking?" When Seonghwa doesn't object, San takes a tentative step forward, out of the bathroom. Seonghwa follows on wobbling knees. 
They make it to the entrance of the living room area when Seonghwa nearly throws himself against the wall. He clings to the wall, slowly sliding down until he's on the floor, head pressed against the wall. San crawls next to him, "What's wrong?" 
"Sorry, I'm… I feel really dizzy." He explains his sudden transition to the floor. "I just need a minute." 
There's a cold hand pressed against Seonghwa's forehead, something to focus on that will hopefully make his world stop spinning. Even with his eyes closed, he feels like he's riding a carousel at 160 kph. "You're burning up." The younger gasps like this is new information. Seonghwa has known of the fever for hours. "And you're probably dehydrated too. We've gotta get some liquid in you." 
A panic shoots through San as he scans the room, hoping that by some miracle someone might be there to help him. But he knows deep down that it's a lost cause. It's still the middle of the night. And the only other person in the apartment is sound asleep. So it's all up to him. "Stay here, okay?" He encourages, "I'm gonna get stuff ready for you." 
Seonghwa just nods, hand resting on his bloated stomach. Without San's cool hand to ground him, his mind is back to whirling around the carousel. He presses his head against the wall and whimpers until San's return. He has no way of knowing if seconds, minutes, or hours pass in his misery. 
San can hear Seonghwa's lonely cries as he passes through the apartment. He starts in the kitchen, setting on a kettle for tea and rummaging through the mostly barren cabinets, swearing up and down that he'd seen a sleeve of crackers lying untouched just a few days ago. When the crackers don’t turn up, San whispers out a curse and peers around for something else that would be easy on his hyung’s stomach. A bowl of jook would be ideal, but that will take a long time to prepare. Seonghwa needs nutrients now. 
He creates a tray of snacks, containing stray food they had in the apartment. He slices up every kind of fruit he could find, microwaves an instant noodle cup and set the flavor packet aside, and he borrowed one of Mingi’s favorite jello cups. San pours the whistling kettle over a peppermint tea bag and allows it to steep for only 1 minute, not wanting the tea to be too strong. Then he adds an electrolyte drink to the tray for good measure before carrying it out to the coffee table. 
He passes through the corridor again, paying Seonghwa little mind. It seems the older has started to drift off as he rested against the wall. San figures it just buys him time to finish setting up the living room. He takes a quick detour to his hyung's room to gather some additional supplies. 
Upon entering the room, San's hit with the smell of vomit. It doesn't take him long to notice the shallow pool of vomit beside the bed. He follows the trail up and sees another small puddle among the bedsheets. It's suddenly abundantly clear why Seonghwa was so adamant about not returning to his room, feeling too sickly to face the mess he'd made at some earlier point in the night. 
He decides to leave the mess for now, recentering his goal of getting Seonghwa nourished, medicated, and rested. He pulls out some fresh clothes for his hyung, figuring that his current outfit is either sweat soaked or vomit stained. Likely a putrid combination of both. 
He forgoes stealing the blankets off Seonghwa's bed and opts to take the bedding from his own room. But he makes sure to pick up Seonghwa’s Star Wars blanket for some familiarity and comfort. It's a child sized blanket. It hardly covers his torso effectively. But it's a great comfort to Seonghwa, especially when he's feeling sick or overly tired. 
Once San spreads out all the blankets to cover the scratchy fabric of the couch, he returns to find his hyung dozed off right where he's left him. He nudges the older awake. “Hwa-hyung, wake up.” He whispers, “You shouldn't sleep here.” 
Ever the light sleeper, Seonghwa rouses, though he immediately resumes his whimpers. “don't wanna get up.” A sob dies out in the back of his throat, “don't feel good.”
“I know you don't hyung,” San sympathizes, “but I have some things set up that will make you feel better.” He doesn't allow time for Seonghwa to refute before he's helping the older man to his feet and guiding him to the couch. 
Seonghwa's whole weight falls onto the couch, ready to sleep as soon as his head hits the pillow that San had laid out for him. He draws the Star Wars blanket close to his face and lets out a relaxed sigh. It feels like home. 
“No, not just yet hyung.” San nearly shouts just to get his hyung's attention. “First, try and get some food down.” He gestures to the options displayed on the coffee table. “Anything, please.” 
“Sannie, my stomach hurts” The older man slurs. “I don't think I can eat anything.” 
“Hyung,” San's voice morphs into a gentle scolding tone. “You need to eat something.” 
“No!” Seonghwa whimpers. “I just need to sleep.” 
“You know if the roles were reversed, you'd be trying to make me eat something.” San doesn't back down, despite his hyung's bratty behavior. He gives up on asking, opting to use a bit more force. He picks up the electrolyte drink and points the straw to Seonghwa’s lips. “take a sip.” 
When Seonghwa opens his mouth to refuse, the straw slides between his lips. He manages three small sips before he pushes the straw out of his mouth. “Cold.” He whines. 
“How about some tea, it's nice and warm by now.” San replaces the drink bottle with the tea cup. “Sit up a bit, I'll help you.” 
Seonghwa finally does as he's told. Propping himself up enough so San can tip the cup against his lips. The tea is warm, sends a wave of comfort through his chilled limbs. And the weak peppermint flavor coats his bubbling stomach. Still, he pushes San away before he's finished the cup. He just found this new comfort, he doesn't want to risk it by filling up too fast. 
San sets the cup down, “jello or apples?” He offers, figuring that the noodles may be too much for his hyung's stomach right now. He's not ecstatic, but he's satisfied with the amount of liquid Seonghwa managed to take but just wants a few bites of food in him as well.
He decides on the jello, likely a result of his natural sweet tooth winning out. San spoon feeds him an astounding five bites before he purses his lips and puts a hand on his stomach. “Done.” The sick man insists. 
“Okay,” San confirms. “Take a little medicine, then you can sleep again.” 
Seonghwa nods and takes the pills San hands him. He only sips a bit more of the electrolyte drink to force the pills down. And finally, he lays back down, settling into the couch and curling himself into a small ball. “You'll stay?” He looks pitifully at San. 
“Of course, hyung. I'll stay.” He leans against the front of the couch, resting his head on his hyung's thigh. 
“Thanks, Sannie.” Seonghwa’s breathing starts to even out as sleep overtakes him, “for taking such good care of me.” 
“Sleep well, Hwa.” San also starts to drift back to sleep, the adrenaline of the past hour finally dying down.
A/N: Sorry again for another long absence in sharing fics. I have a few more request fics I'm actively working on and some original ideas I want to flesh out. I know my motivations have been wavering, but I'll get through them in time. I'm finally starting to feel more like myself again, so hopefully, I'll get out of this funk soon. But I make no promises to timing. Just know that I'm still here, still writing as I'm able to. Please accept this overdue Ateez fic as a token of my gratitude.
As always, thanks for reading to the end! I really appreciate each and every one of you who make it this far! Feedback is always appreciated. And please let me know if I missed any tags or TWs. And please call me out for any errors you notice!
🧡 Aki
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akimojo · 11 months
man it bothers me so much when people feel the need to reduce our perception of vanille and fang’s relationship as romantic to “just a headcanon” when there’s so much more to it than that 
obviously we’re all aware that they’ve never been confirmed as a canon couple, and NO we are NOT trying to devalue dion and terence’s relationship just because we don’t personally see them as the FIRST gay rep in final fantasy (every bit of representation matters ffs). when we talk about fanille being the “real” first gay couple we’re not trying to take away from the fact that ff FINALLY has confirmed queer rep, it’s just a half-joking way to point out that homoromantic SUBTEXT has been around in the franchise for longer than people think, and we believe fang and vanille are the most prominent example of that 
the reason why we see them as having a romantic relationship is because their actions can easily be interpreted as such solely from what we’ve seen in canon, without the need for headcanons or made-up scenarios to piece it together. square could’ve literally made them kiss at any moment in the games out of nowhere and we’d just be like “yeah, that seems about right” because the build-up is there
it’s not about whether the writers actually intended for them to be a couple. frankly, the fact that fang was originally going to be a man, but was changed into a woman just so their relationship wouldn’t be mistaken as romantic, says volumes about how difficult it must’ve been to try and write their bond WITHOUT romantic connotations. they had no problem making noel and yeul share a more sibling-like bond (you could see them as having romantic subtext as well, but nowhere near to the same extent, and with much less support from their canon interactions), and yet they struggled so much with fang and vanille that they had to take (heteronormative) measures in an attempt to stick to their original intentions? would a good writer not accept that that’s the natural direction of the relationship dynamic they themselves came up with? 
part of our reasons for thinking of fang and vanille as canon lesbians, even without confirmation from the creators, is essentially a big ol “fuck you” to heteronormativity.... but also, there’s nothing sisterly to us about clutching your homegirl’s hands, pulling them to her chest as you hug her from behind, and whispering in her ear about how not even death can take her from you, but i digress
using square enix’s description of them as having a sister-like bond to prove they’re not a couple rings hollow to a lot of us because homophobia and heteronormativity has muddled any potential queer rep in games for decades, even in this case where the writers themselves have essentially admitted that it was next to impossible for them to write their relationship without romantic undertones. whether that says more about their ability to write a platonic relationship than it does about fang and vanille is up to you, of course
it’s also worth pointing out some hypocrisy among the ff fanbase. take tifa and cloud, and aerith and cloud, for example. neither ship has been confirmed as canon in any of the games, but (despite the ship wars lmao) the vast majority of the fandom can agree that both of these relationships were written with romantic undertones, whether intentionally or not, and that viewing them as “canon” is perfectly valid because of that. and yet when we view fang and vanille as a couple it’s outrageous unless we specifically call it a headcanon and denounce any and all possibilities of it holding any weight in canon. i don’t want to make any accusations as for why, but it’s worth noting 
i also just want to clarify that the main theme of the final fantasy xiii trilogy IS family, and it makes perfect sense to see fang and vanille as sisters if you choose to interpret their relationship via more traditional family values, but it also includes found family (a group of people that are as close as family, but don’t adhere to conventional family roles and values, and usually consists of outcasts of some kind), which is not inherently romantic, but is also not strictly platonic, and is a trope that is especially important and relatable to the LGBTQ+ community, so of course we’re going to interpret these things in a different light compared to how people outside of the community would
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Chainsaw Man thoughts go brrrr. Thinking thinking thinking about the wild end of csm part 1. It's everything to me right now. So... spoilers below.
Cannibalism as an act of all-consuming love.
Makima as the houndmaster devoured by one of her own dogs.
Eaten by Denji, who still loves her even after everything she's done to him. Denji, whos scent she didn't care to memorize because she could smell Pochita in him, and that was all she wanted. Makima says that to be eaten by chainsaw man would be an honor, but she's not eaten by chainsaw man. Denji doesn't rip her apart and devour her with the many teeth of his devil form. He brings in Kishibe to help him, and they... butcher?dismantle?piece Makima out into cuts of meat and bone and organs.
He has to eat All Of Her for this to work.
And he eats her as Denji. Takes his natural time with it, cooks her into a variety of dishes, eats some of her raw. Savors every bite. He dreamed of eating good food and being with a woman, and I just gotta say... the monkeys paw was not feeling very merciful on this one.
Did he learn how to cook from Aki?
When it's done and finished and Makima's not coming back, he reports back to Kishibe and reasons that Makima did not revive because what he did to her was not, in his eyes, an attack. Consuming her, becoming one with her, was an act of love.
And then Kishibe just? Straight up drops a whole child on this child? (eternally a child? the hybrids don't seem to age. will he be sixteen forever?) Anyway, congrats on saving the world, Denji. Here's a little girl who exists as a direct product of what happened between you and the woman you "became one" with and also she is the reincarnation of that same woman. Better give her lots of love and a good stable home so she doesn't grow up to be Makima 2! Time to be the loving father you never had and not the one you were forced to kill to defend yourself. Time to be a good big brother like the one you were forced to kill to defend others.
(and akis name is on the big list of gun devil casualties, and by definition fiends are possessed corpses, and he was for sure already dead. even if denji could have subdued the gun fiend and somehow gotten it docile, it still wouldn't have been aki anymore. that doesn't make it any easier to put down the monster wearing his brother's body, or stop him from agonizing over whether there was something he could have done to save him)
So there Denji sits, a seventeen year old kid (sixteen forever?) dealing with the loss of his family, surrounded by the uneasy beginnings of a new one. Eight leashes in his hands. Seven dogs that belong to the girl in front of him more than they belong to him, and his late sister's beloved cat, the only one besides him to have survived.
Denji looks down at his new sister/daughter/roommate and asks if she would like to go get something to eat.
Just... not meat.
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mustiels-art · 2 years
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had a thought with a friend abt if they went on an aquarium date and aki got angel an octopus plush from the gift shop bc it was red and looked like him. very ‘me, my boyfriend, and his 3000 yen octopus plush’
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aki-draws-things · 8 months
I know you’re busy with whumptober so get to this whenever- but! I need more ER nurse Jake, angst, or fluff, or insanity.
I can see is him being exhausted and falling asleep on everyone and getting passed around from shoulder to shoulder.
Short, but connected to the whumptober too... kind of "Hold My hand" , no I'm not sorry
Whumptober 2023~
Fandom: top gun
Characters: jake hangman seresin, Ron Slider Kerner (plus tom amd Chris)
Prompts: overcrowded er
Warning: cancer mention
Summary: it's a busy day at the er when Jake turns and finds his papa there. Obviously.
When Jake chose that career he knew his motivation went beyond having been inspired by uncle Lucas, it was what uncle called a calling. Almost in a religious kind of way. Jake, he said, was meant to do that, it was written since the instant he was born, and all the sort of things people would tell about spiritual callings.
Honestly, Jake simply wanted to help people, it was a physical need, nothing spiritual or shit.
The ER was a mess that day. Not a moment of peace, not a moment he could retreat himself to the bathroom for 5 seconds. Well, okay, he would pee later, that was fine.
"Seresin!" An older nurse called and Jake sighed. Jesus christ, he only took his phone out one second to check if there were any text, was she going to scold him for that?!
"Yeah, yeah... coming."
When he turned around Tata was there. Jake felt sick. He felt his stomach drop and--
"No. No jakey, nothing like that."
Tata always said he wore his feelings on hos face all the time, Jake knew what he probably looked like.
"We just thought an ER trip would've been safer, all considered, we were having a bit of a struggle to stop the bleeding."
Jake nodded and took a deep breath. He followed tom toward the chair papa was occupying. Papa who looked up and lit up at seeing Jake, like Jake used to do when he was little. Oh, how the tables had turned.
"Chickie don't listen to them, it's just a little cut." Jake nodded. He was tired and needed really bad that bathroom break, but that was papa and he had a cut in his hand and Jake didn't feel as tired anymore.
"But better be safe, yeah? Come, let's clean and cover it up."
Jake loved his job, he loved helping people, and maybe uncle Lucas was right, it was some sort of calling in the end. But one thing was helping and saving and fixing people he didn't know, another was taking his Papa's hand and disinfect and patch up a little cut that didn't want to stop bleeding.
"I should ring the oncologist on shift." Jake muttered and papa chuckled.
"For a cut? No, don't bother them, I'll see mine tomorrow morning anyway."
Jake held onto his hand a little longer. He could feel the bones, the skin frail under his fingers, breaking so easily, bleeding so much.
"They always said easy bleeding was a common side effect."
"You should've been more careful."
"I was, baby. It's just a little, cut, Dad and Tata panicked."
But not him, Jake realized not without a pang of sadness. Never him.
"I'll be fine."
Jake was about to say something when someone called him again. Jake swallowed and papa gave him a little push.
"Off you go, looks like we chose a busy night. Go, chickie."
With a sigh Jake pressed a kiss over his head and ron chuckled.
"I'll take you to visit tomorrow, okay?"
Ron smiled and waved quietly as Jake run off again.
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