#akiis thoughts
akiiame-blog · 5 months
This frame kills me every time I see it, bro is trying to look so menacing, yet he is cursed by his Cuteness™️
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I can't not think of an angry kitten when looking at him
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It makes me adore him even more
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akiipockii · 2 months
hi everyone!!
i am akii, they/any. I am asexual, agender, aromantic, anxious and autistic. AAAAA type vibe.
I’m a medium/low support needs autistic and I grew up gifted. I can’t walk very well (I am dizzy and unstable when I walk.), and have disabilities that connect with my autism (very few are visible). I have many difficulties communicating my emotions and typically communicating in general!! so I write. that’s why this blog is here!!
this blog is mostly me spouting random ideas I have, posting art, random thoughts or random prose I write. Maybe even some comic updates one day. Don’t get your hopes up.
My interests areeee
Minecraft !!
Reading random books (yes, such as, dictionaries, encyclopedias, whole Wikipedia rabbit holes)
the sims 4
poppy playtime (why idk)
grounded (the video game it is so silly !!)
atla :D
art!! I love doing art.
within this category:
-comic creation, WRITING, animation, digital art, traditional art, painting, watercolor, PHOTOGRAPHY, gouache, yadayada the list goes on.
I used to stream but now I just occasionally watch them.
social justice. (And by extension, leftism). strong sense of justice and moral compass. (the autism, insert tbh creature)
Victorian Flower Language!! (writing a comic based on it with @bivving as my editor)
AND SO MUCH SO MUCH MORE!! I will edit this post as I gain more LMAO
thanks for reading!!
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projectilestardust · 1 year
Japanese names
Not exactly sure who this is relevant to but it always gets to me when I read fics for anime and people get the name order wrong. This is all coming from a Japanese person btw.
So unlike English where its “first name” “last name” its the opposite, so your family name comes first. So it tends to be more formal to call people by their family name but that doesn’t mean that thats always the case. Until the end of middle school, basically no one refers to you as your family name unless its during role call or someone's personal preference. When you get to high school, it becomes slightly more normal but most people stick to second name basis.
In a fic I’m reading rn (its a bsd fic) - every time the characters have an angsty moment, they call each other their last name (i’m sure its coz the author thought it was the other way around and got it mixed up) but if using the name Osamu Dazai as an example- Dazai is his personal name- therefore calling him Osamu is less personal, and much more on the formal interaction side.
As for anime such as haikyuu, I still wonder why they have people in the same age category calling each other by their family name but I suppose its plausible. But how the third years talk to each other, for example Suga referring to Daichi as his family name in front of younger members then his second name when its just the three of them (Suga, Daichi and Asahi), which is what our senior vb members are like.
As for people who want to use terms suffixes  end thingys like “chan” (which is pronounced ch-u-n btw) and “Kun” (k-n).....just don’t-. It comes off as kinda cringe especially when used wrong but if u rlly must- here’s how u should use it.
Stereotypically chan is for little girls and kun is for boys. Chan can still be used for girls when they’re older but boys typically dislike being called X-Kun past the age of like 10. Chan can also be used for boys and I’m sure if you’ve watched anime before you’ve heard the term “onii-chan” which means older brother in a cutesy, childish sort of way but isn’t exclusive to your actual older brother. For example you can use it for any male figure a couple years older than you who is close to you, older siblings of friends, and cousins. When attaching chan onto someone's name, the actual name typically gets shortened, like in Haikyuu when Hinata’s middle school friends greet him they call him “Sho-chan” instead of “Shouyo-Chan” another example is my older cousin; his name goes from Akihito to Akii-nii-chan. Same with one-chan, but names tend to get shortened less.
Senpai is also a term that gets used way less than you’d think, so don���t over use that one either. The most I’ve ever heard it get used is teachers referring to older students who may be able to help us with something.
“See if your senpai can help you with this”.
Anyways, hope this helped!
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fayeelikefairie · 9 months
♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚.The start of brightst☆r,episode 4:♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚
𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴:
01:57 ━━━━●───── 02:55
ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻
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After that,before sora left ami gently grabbed her hand,making sora tense up "what the fuck!?- oh,sorry.. and thank you.. I guess..,what is it?" She didn't smile but she didn't frown either,ami stepped back a little,letting go "sorry,didn't mean to scare you,I just wanted to know your number,so we can keep contact!.." she smiled at the blonde,who blinked. "Uhh sure.." she Said awkwardly. Giving the peach pink haired girl a slip of paper,"thank you.." she said softly,stuttering after she finished,holding her hands together "mhm.." Sora nodded,dreading her home.
"Uh.." Sora turned,her hand in the doorway. "N..nevermind,sorry,you can go.." ami said,sora nodded "okay.. see you tomorrow,. See you all tomorrow.." she said,holding back a smile. Akira nodded "see you tomorrow!" Rei spoke in a barley hearable tone "see you tomorrow.." Akira gasped,turning "awww! Your voice is so cute!!" She squealed,making ami giggle, "akii,you can't just!-" Akira sighed "sorryy,her voice is just so cutee!" Rei couldn't help but smile,"oh.. thanks." She said,"aa!! I can't wait even more to see you tomorrow!!" Akira said brightly,and they cleaned up,leaving.
♫₊˚⋆。♪₊°♬˚.⁺Ami was setting up a music playlist,but she got stuck. She felt scared,what if they didn't like it. She then,with shaky hands made a group chat sending a message...
Ami - "hey,sorry to make a groupchat without your permission. But what music do you want me to add to our playlist? :)
Sora - "it's fine. Leoneed or some other band,I don't mind much."
Rei-"soft songs if that's not to much"
Akira-"I don't really know rn,:(( I can't thinkkk,give me timeee!"
Ami-"haha,okay<3 send it wheneverr!"
Ami felt herself smile. Someone knew leo/need? That was nice her friends band was getting recognized,and they seemed trustworthy. They were just scared,maybe.. she didn't wanna draw conclusions. She started to make it,and messaged shiho for the best of Leo/needs songs. And then added those,and other songs they liked.
♫₊˚⋆。♪₊°♬˚.⁺ Ami played the music softly on her phone as she helped them,humming to the song playing,the songs they chose were good. As the playlist was coming to an end the music stopped.. or so she thought. "Hey,what was that about?" Sora asked with a rough,caught off guard tone,"don't know,I'll check,sorry for the problem.." she said,going to her phone,reading the song title, Untitled. "...untitled?.." she asked,clicking on it. She dropped her phone as she heard the others gasp,as the world went white.
(HAHAHHA,I'll work on ep 5 cuz I have motivationnn!)
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aastarions · 1 year
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I posted 3,962 times in 2022
That's 2,827 more posts than 2021!
1,105 posts created (28%)
2,857 posts reblogged (72%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,692 of my posts in 2022
Only 32% of my posts had no tags
#c shut up - 643 posts
#leave a message after the queue - 280 posts
#c.asks - 177 posts
#c.friends - 157 posts
#c plays genshin - 114 posts
#zhongli :( 💕 - 51 posts
#c.recs - 48 posts
#n.games - 39 posts
#aot spoilers - 30 posts
#;-; - 29 posts
Longest Tag: 104 characters
#i also think zhongli would do it when ur being a brat 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
My Top Posts in 2022:
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today’s mood
315 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
thinking about zhongli (who else) who, much to your surprise, enjoys showing subtle public displays of affection. he loves holding your hand as the two of you wander through the harbor, feeling your smaller fingers lace through his own gloved digits. 
325 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
cw: smut (18+ only), breeding kink, mentions of face-fucking
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Zhongli, who after learning how to use that nifty invention from Fontaine, the Kamera, loves to photograph the two of you during your most intimate moments…with your consent of course.
417 notes - Posted July 5, 2022
on that topic of reader inserts i find it endearing when you can see vague bits of the writer's own personality bleed into the reader tbh
like we give a little bit of ourselves into the things we write and share ourselves with others and i think that's pretty neat
1,243 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
me sitting here having the foulest degenerate thoughts about my favorite characters
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2,289 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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nalia-tsukino · 1 year
Fill in the below categories with 3-5 things that your character can be identified by.
Repost & tag away~
Tagged by: @yuriko-tsukino-rp @maria--bride
Tagging: @yuuto-tsukino @afi-mukami @cutelih @best-mukami @ask-akii-mukami and anyone else who wants to do it. No pressure, of course.
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Nalia's character
Embarrassment — Due to her past, Nalia finds it difficult to talk about certain things. She is embarrassed and uncomfortable to speak her thoughts out loud. For the same reason, she does not handle praise or compliments well.
Empathy — Nalia cares a lot about others, especially the people who are very close to her. She is willing to make sacrifices and put them before herself.
Trust issues — On the surface, Nalia appears friendly and nice to the outside world. But inside, she finds it hard to face strangers. Betrayed and deceived, she has lost her trust in people. Therefore, she seems very closed and shy in the first conversations. It takes a long time until she trusts someone. But when she opens up, she gives you her whole heart.
Fear of loss — Fate did not always mean well with Nalia. She has lost many loved ones and was left alone. Therefore, she is very afraid of losing someone beloved again.
Love — When Nalia loves, she loves unconditionally.
"Oh my..." / "Damn..." — Reaction to something sudden, mistakes or surprising.
"Hmph!" — Pouting.
"Did you eat?" / "I'm worried about you." / "Take care of yourself." / "I'm so sorry." — She cares a lot about others.
"I'm proud of you." — Praising others is important to her.
"My fox..." / "I love him so much." — When she is talking about her boyfriend Yuuto (@yuuto-tsukino).
Black — Nalia's favorite color for clothes and many other things.
Teal — Second favorite color for clothes and other things.
White — Her favorite hair color.
Amber–yellow — The color of Yuuto's eyes.
Blue — The color of Yuuto's flames.
Lavender — Nalia loves the scent and the look of it. She could walk for hours through a field of lavender. Her wish is to plant many of them in her own garden someday.
Jasmine — One of the main notes of her perfume.
Musk — Her favorite smell on men.
Mint — The scent of her shampoo.
Woods — She loves nature and so the smells there. Her favorite is the scent of the woods after rain.
Jeans — Nalia prefers to wear dark jeans. She thinks they look better on her than skirts.
Off–shoulder shirts — In summer, she prefers to wear off–shoulder. Here she also thinks they look good on her.
Scarf — In winter, in any case, a scarf. It is a necessary accessory for her for when it is cold.
Fake leather jacket / blazer — She actually always wears either a fake leather jacket or blazer over her shirt when she leaves the house.
Sneaker / boots — Unfortunately, she cannot walk in high heels at all. Besides, she prefers comfortable shoes.
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Ring with moon-shaped ornament — Nalia got this ring from her mother. It is a very important memento to her that she cherishs a lot.
Fox necklace — The first gift that she got from Yuuto. She loves the necklace very much. Now, she can wear something close to her heart that reminds her on him when he is not around.
Blanket in bed — A blanket in bed should never be missing. Without it Nalia simply cannot sleep. She loves it cozy and warm.
Yuuto's hoodie — Not so long ago, she was freezing because the heating did not work. Yuuto gave her his hoodie without further ado. Since then, she has not returned the piece of clothing and wears it regularly.
Phone — Nalia uses her phone for everything. It is an important companion in her everyday life. She collects all her photos and music on it. Of course, she also knows when to put it aside and pay attention to other things, work or especially people.
Putting others before herself — Nalia cares more about others than herself. It is kinda sacrificing and giving up her own needs. She is happy with it, but she also knows that it is actually not good / healthy.
Forgetting to eat under stress — When she is under stress or engrossed in an important task, she simply forgets to eat.
Lack of sleep — She loves the night and likes to be up late. Also, she finds peace only in the evening to do certain things. Here she forgets the time and goes to bed late. However, due to her job she has to get up early. Therefore, she suffers from lack of sleep.
Quickly disappointed — In Nalia's everyday life everything has a fixed schedule and regular times. If something comes up and does not go according to her plan, she is very quickly disappointed. She can hardly handle such situations and shuts down then.
Overthinking — Because of her trust issue and fear of loss, Nalia tends to overthink everything and reads between the lines. Sometimes, she sees things that are not there. Furthermore, she analyzes heard words down to the smallest detail. She gets extremely carried away with the possible meaning and just overthinks way too much.
Blushing — This woman is a blushing mess. Use the right words or do the right thing and her face is all red. Yuuto knows exactly what to do or say to make her cheeks glow. But it is fine for Nalia. That is her way to react to certain words / things and she accepted it.
Dancing around — When she is happy and in a good mood, she dances around.
Chewing lower lip — She chews her lower lip when she is nervous or excited.
Playing with ring — Sometimes, she plays with her ring instead of chewing her lower lip when she is nervous or excited.
Averting gaze — Nalia averts her gaze when she is disappointed and wants to hide it. And every now and then she does it when embarrassment becomes too much for her.
Winter aesthetics — Nalia loves winter and snow.
Vintage aesthetics — She has a liking for old things.
Moon aesthetics — The night is her favorite time of day. Sometimes she stares at the night sky for hours, looking at the moon and the stars.
Fire aesthetics — Fire is dangerous and should be used with caution. But Nalia likes to sit in front of an open fire and enjoy the soothing warmth. She also thinks the flames are beautiful. Especially Yuuto's blue ones.
Dark academia aesthetics — Dark tones, elegant decorations and emphasizes things like books.
Kazuki Kato — Tell me Why
Kazuki Kato — Instinctive Love
John Legend — All of Me
Babymetal — Megitsune
Nightwish — Sleeping Sun
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mermaid--bride · 1 year
Fill in the below categories with 3-5 things that your character can be identified by.
Repost and tag away!
~ ° 💙 ° ~
Tagged by: @bluebird-dolly-bride (Sorry for taking so long)
Tagging: @fruit-of-infidelity @mukami-kuron-mrsadisticcat @nalia-wagner-rp and @ask-akii-mukami
Emotions /Feelings
🌊 Hope: Maria is a dreamer after all. Having hopes that her dreams will someday come true is a important part to her character.
🌊 Fear/anxiety: As an introverted girl, she has the habit of overthinking, which often makes her self-doubt and fear she will never accomplish what she wants.
🌊 Joy: Maria is very simple and will be happy with the smallest things. Beaming when it's raining or doing a happy dance while eating something she likes are good examples of this.
🌊 Compassion: She can hardly ignore the needs of others as she like to be taken care of as well. So if someones sad, she'll try to brighten her day and if someone is hungry she'll ponder if she really needs the snack in her bag before giving it away.
🌊 Envy: This is mostly triggered by her anxiety when she sees others with things she wants or people she wants. It makes her have thoughts like "What am I doing wrong?" or "I'm just never gonna have that like they have, will I?"
Greetings/ Language patterns
🌊 "Oh my..."
🌊 "Hello~"
🌊 "Gosh"
🌊 "I love you"
🌊 Maya blue
🌊 Pear green
🌊 Amethyst purple
🌊 Taffy pink
🌊 Black
🌊 New book pages
🌊 Orange flower essence (Her favorite perfume)
🌊 Wet dirt and grass
🌊 Fresh bread with coffee
🌊 Boot cut pants
🌊 Long skirts/dresses
🌊 Fedora (Yes, she has one)
🌊 Heels
🌊 Necklaces
🌊 Blue ocean pendant
🌊 Laptop
🌊 Books
🌊 Seashells
🌊 Notebooks
Vices / Bad habits
🌊 Perfectionism
🌊 Overthinking
🌊 Self-doubting
🌊 Isolating
Body language
🌊 Corner smile
🌊 Fixing her hair
🌊 Touching the ring on her thumb
🌊 Blush
🌊 Chewing on lower lip
🌊 Art academia
🌊 Christian girl
🌊 Selkiecore
🌊 A million dreams by Pink
🌊 Not gonna die by Skillet
🌊 Jolly Sailor Bold by Ashley Serena
🌊 Rewrite the stars by Zac Efron and Zendaya
Tell me if you want to see this for Kazemi too ^^
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ssplague · 2 years
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🥇Chapter 4 🏆
Rated M
Warnings🚯 Abandonment, manipulation, mind games, mental breakdown, hallucinations, manic episodes, toxic relationship, SEX, sprinkles of ddlg (incorrectly portrayed), gas lighting, mentioned child abuse (in the form of NEGLECT)
Honorable mentions: @angie-1306 @wolfunderthetree@marifujioka @im1nobody @atmyhet@elaineplayz @girlwithnokatsuki @rainstorm22 @bi-polar-pandas @itadakimasu @ss-akii @@winchescumberholland @po3ticb3auty @lizethecookie01 @maggiecc @lordmypantsaresocool @shoslutt @presidentmonica
You guys are so thoughtful to take time out of your day and leave me a comment! I appreciate it more than you could ever imagine❤️‍🔥
🕯 🧳 🧸 🚪
Things between you and Katsuki are different ever since coming back from his parents place. It wasn’t so much of a fight to make yourself fall in line anymore, he didn’t have as many harsh words, or snide comments for you as he used to. The displeasure was still there, but you figured out how to mask it well.
The worried looks from your piers had stopped, no more little scraps of paper saying “Blink three times if you need help” were dropped on your desk.
The year had flown by so fast, you could hardly believe summer vacation was only one week away.
Maybe you’d have spent that week differently if you knew of the upcoming collapse your psyche was about to have.
You were in the common area, curled up in the same large chair that you and Katsuki always share.
“Dunce face you Fuckin’ idiot!” Katsuki shouts, nearly tossing his switch at the other blonde boy.
Apparently Denki had earned their team yet another losing match. Kirishima and Sero watched Bakugou flip out with bemused smiles. Before you could attempt to calm your pissed off lover, your phone began to ring.
Call from Mom
This was odd, it had probably been over a month since you’d last spoke to your mother, and here she was calling you at 9:30 at night.
“I‘ll be right back Suki, I need to answer this” you mumbled, pressing a kiss to his temple as you stood and quickly went outside.
Katsuki watches you exit the building before putting both airpods in, and pulling his phone out of his pocket. To anyone watching him, it would just seem like he was turning music on. What he was really doing was opening the spyware app he uses to connect your phone to his.
So now he was listening in on your phone call with your mother, and you had no idea.
“Start the next match”
“-So we’re going to be gone for the entirety of summer vacation, and need you to watch the house while we are away”.
Your brother had been invited to a summer program at some prestigious American university, and your parents would be accompanying him. This bombshell was dropped on you literally the night before the three of them left.
“We’ll transfer some money to your card so you can eat and for whatever else you may need while we’re gone”
You don’t know how to feel about your family basically abandoning you for three months. It’s not as though you are all that close to them to begin with…It wasn’t unusual for them to not include you in things.
Getting into bed with Katsuki that night you debated with yourself on not telling him about being left alone. Then you remembered what happens when you try and hide things from him.
It’s for the best…
“My family is taking off for three months…” you blurt out into the dark bedroom.
“You didn’t want to go with them?”
He kept his tone of voice neutral, staring at the ceiling instead of you.
“I wasn’t asked to”
He only responds with a “hmmm”.
You wait for him to tell you what your plans are for the summer, more than likely he’d be occupying all of your time.
He doesn’t.
“Are you mad at me?” You ask, suddenly anxious.
“No, why would I be?”
“Just wondering…”
That marked the first night you’d ever clung to Katsuki while you slept.
The following day just as the two of you were about to head your separate ways home, Katsuki says;
“I’ll be a bit busy for the first week of vacation, but you can call or text me if you want” he was so lax in saying this, it made you sick.
Katsuki Bakugou forced himself into your life and had quite literally taken over it; You’d had to accept stalking, harassment, isolation, threats, and intimidation all to adjust to his constant overbearing presence.
He’d made you believe you were an essential part of his life…Now he was abandoning you too?! All of this was just too much to take.
You blink back tears and as he turns to leave you grab his sleeve.
He isn’t able to say anything, because as soon as he’s facing you again, you press your lips against his.
It had been hard for him to pretend not to give a shit that you would be alone, he wanted to drag you home with him right then and there!
Katsuki wants you to come to him; He’s tired of always feeling like he constantly has to force you (Though he would if he had to, for the sake of keeping you).
So to have you clinging to him, all the while enjoying a passionate make out that YOU initiated, had him on cloud 9.
He could feel your hesitance to pull away, but oxygen is a necessity.
You stare at each other silently, both of you catching your breath. You hope that made some sort of difference in his mind, that maybe now he wouldn’t leave you behind.
“See you later”
He starts walking away.
He smiles hearing the panic in your voice, but turns to look at you with a straight face.
Before you can really think about what you are about to say it just slips out;
“I love you”
You hate how absolutely fucking vulnerable you felt, the pathetically hopeful sound of your voice, the seemingly last ditch effort behind the action. Now the tears you held back are falling freely, you couldn’t stop them if you tried.
Save me…
Bakugou couldn’t hide the initial surprise on his face at your words, but it’s soon replaced with a cocky smirk.
“You too princess”
It’s hard for him to turn and walk away, because as soon as his back is to you he hears you sob.
It’s hilarious to think that at one point In time you really believed you were a strong, or capable person.
It’s been two days since you’d come home.
No one has texted or called you, including him.
You finally decided to text Katsuki, it takes almost two hours to get a half assed response.
You weren’t sure how long you’d been walking by the time your destination finally comes into sight.
“If you go in there, you won’t come out”
The sudden sound of someone’s voice terrified you; At first you’d jumped, but then you raise your fists and turn towards them preparing for a fight.
“Who the hell are you?”
This person is familiar to a point that it’s frightening, you don’t understand why.
“Don’t go In there”
If she won’t even answer your question then why should you waste another second on this mysterious female? You walked all this way, you’ll be dammed if you go back home now.
That sense of overpowering urgency you felt on your walk here returns to the forefront of your mind, impatient as ever.
It’s right there, mere feet away
Why are you still standing here?!
You hear the footsteps behind you, the girl is following you all the way up to the front door.
“I’m all that you have left and you can’t even see it!”
Anger surges through you as you turn towards her again.
“I don’t even fucking know who-“
You stop shouting once you realize you are staring at your reflection, or what seems to be anyway.
Your brain is overworking itself in attempts to make sense of the current situation, eventually coming to such a ridiculously simple conclusion; This can’t be my reflection because I’m not making that face right now.
The “other Y/N” now looks afraid, terrified even, as she seemingly stares straight through you.
Your shouting had covered up the creak of the door hinges as it opened up, and you failed to realize this until your arms are both restrained In a grip so tight, it’s painful. Then you feel your body being dragged backwards.
The scream you tried emitting is swallowed up along with you into the darkness.
Waking up at 3:30 am you realized this is the fourth night you must of cried yourself to sleep.
You knew you were alone, but it felt like the darkness surrounding you was alive. The silence in your house might as well be a deafening roar from the beast pacing about in the dark. The shadow creature growing frustrated with Intent to devour you as soon as the opportunity presented itself.
Without warning you turn your bedside lamp on, a dull yellow glow lighting up your bedroom floor as the shadows retreat to their respective corners.
You needed to get out of here.
Katsuki had just about reached his breaking point.
He was ashamed of himself for most importantly hurting/purposefully neglecting you, but also for how pathetic he was when it came to being without you.
For the last four days his morning run always brought him past your house (Which had to be intentional because on foot it took him about 28 minutes, 10 if he used his quirk to get there).
Each time he’d stop and hide himself some where out of sight, just so he could feel near you, and make sure no one else was in there with you.
There was no denying his fiend like tendencies anymore; You were a drug and he was the addict. Always in pursuit of his next y/n fix, which he’s been without for four fucking days, and the withdrawal symptoms are starting to show…
He was irritable (way more than usual), couldn’t sit still, and unless occupied his hand would be reaching for his phone to see if you hit him up at all. Your desperation for his attention was obvious, and he hated that he couldn’t reward it.
Placing his dumbbells back on the rack he ended his morning workout with only one thought; Today would be the day he finally made you come home.
Two large bags sat on the floor in the middle of your room.
Adding in bra’s and underwear meant you had finished packing your clothes away now. You didn’t care that you were leaving a fair amount behind, besides the things bought for you by Mitsuki, you packed only three additional outfits (All of which Katsuki had mentioned he liked seeing you in).
Your room didn’t have much in it, everything of importantance was back at your dorm. Still, what little personal effects that had remained were now stashed away inside the second bag (along with all your toiletries).
You picked up both bags and left what used to be your childhood bedroom.
You didn’t stop and pick up the house key you’d originally set in the bowl beside the front door. Locking the handle, you yanked it shut with a finality.
You really weren’t going to return here.
Just as the angry blonde was about to head out, the damn doorbell rang. He didn’t have the time, nor the patience, to deal with whatever stupid fucker had decided to bother him today.
Wrenching open the door, the sparks coming off his palms ceased immediately.
You were standing at his front door.
You had two large bags in both hands and you looked like you’d went through something terrible.
“Please don’t turn me away” you croak, your voice is raspy from its lack of use.
“Are you fucking stupid? I would never do that, C’mere damn you…been worrying me n’ shit” he grumbled while pulling you into a hug so tight your bones creaked.
You came home without him even asking! His plan had worked and he couldn’t be happier. Now surely you would let him baby you all he wanted, be as affectionate as he needed, and you wouldn’t just accept it, but be GRATEFUL, & DESPERATE for it!
“Parents won’t be home for awhile still…thank god, but I know they’re going to be fine with you staying here so don’t even worry about that princess”
You didnt reply as you follow him up the staircase and then into his bedroom. You quietly pulled the door shut behind you, engaging the lock silently.
You pulled your hoodie off in one fluid motion, tossing it aside and doing the same thing with your sweatpants.
Now clad in just a burnt orange matching bra and panty set, this was sure to get you the attention you desperately desire, and the red hot affection you craved.
“Katsuki” you called from where you stood confidently behind him.
“Yeah pri-….n..cess…” his mouth had gone dry after setting eyes on you.
You reached out towards him, adorable grabby hands eager to touch and please him.
Of course he obliged you.
“Whaddaya need hah?” his fingertips ghosting over the exposed flesh of your sides “….Fuckin’ look at ya”.
You shamelessly press your body against his, Invading his personal space to the fullest. Maintaining eye contact as you singlehandedly unbuttoned his pants.
As soon as your lips made contact you parted your’s, eager for his tounge to invade your mouth. Your adventuring hand dips beneath his waist band and you whine as his cock hardened in your grip. You feel his chest rumble from the wanton groan he emitted at your touch.
Separating from him you let yourself fall backwards onto his bed, quickly scooting towards the headboard. After ridding himself of his pants he’s quick to follow after you.
You try sitting up and reaching towards his dick but he pushes you down and grabs hold of your wrist. You cock your head to the side, obviously not understanding.
“I love you being eager like this princess, but I want you to just lay back and relax right now….can you do that for me?”
“Yes Katsuki”
“That’s my good girl”
The kisses he trails down your body are like tiny embers assembling to create an inferno.
A soft sigh escapes you as his tounge slips between your lower set of lips.
The setting sun casts an orange glow around the room, out of the corner of your eye you see the shadows continuously growing. Your palms begin to sweat, your heart starts to race as your chest tightens.
You’re back in your bed room; Alone in that big silent house, the darkness extends out towards you, something stirs within the inky blackness, silently approaching.
Ready to devour you whole.
“Feeling good beautiful? Your legs are shaking” he smiles at you as you reach out to him again.
“Please…I need…I-“ he silences you with a kiss, your manic stuttering swallowed up by his probing tounge.
“Tell me what’s going on in that pretty little head baby”
“I feel so empty-“
So alone…even with you right here..
“You want daddy to fill you up princess? Fill you up so much you’ll never be empty again” he says while aligning his lower half with your’s.
“You promise?” Your eyes are shining with hope; Hope that Katsuki will save you from the shadows, that he’ll fill the void in your soul.
“I promise” he vowed before forcing himself inside of you.
That small gasp you emit inevitably following his entry inside of you will never get old, wether it was from pleasure, pain, or surprise he may never know.
It was such a relief to not be alone anymore, it felt so good to know you were wanted, needed by someone.
“I thought that you’d gotten sick of me…that you didn’t care about me anymore”
Why were you telling him this?
“That will never happen, for as long as I
live I’ll always want you to be with me, you will always be with me”
Obviously you have no say in this matter, but that doesn’t register inside your pretty, messed up little head.
Just barely coming off the cusp of being abandoned by your family, you weren’t exactly right in the head at the moment.
So as long as you have Katsuki your abandonment issues can take a backseat.
You have plenty of other issues that need attention
“I thought you needed space….So I was giving it to you” the lie comes out easily “I’m sorry princess”.
Sorry he spent almost a week away from you.
“I don’t want what happened last time to happen again…. I didn’t want to uh…how’d you put it? Smother you”
You don’t notice the grip he has on you tighten for a split second, nor did you see the angry flash in his blood red gaze.
“You didn’t deserve that…and I’m sorry for how I acted…I let people get in my ear and I shouldn’t have” your voice wavers and you pause before getting choked up.
“I forgive you…I knew you didn’t mean it…Just don’t be such a dumbass next time okay?” He gave your forehead a flick before repostioning himself above you. The pace of his thrusts picked back up (as they had slowed to a stop while he’d spoken to you) and his hips were meeting your’s with each one.
“We fit together so fuckin’ perfectly dont we baby?” Katsuki groans as the entirety of his shaft is sunk into your depths “Always do such a good job taking me, my perfect girl”.
“Give me everything Suki, you feel so good inside me…making me feel so full of you, it’s all I want…all I need is you”
You don’t understand the depth of your words, nor the effect they’re having on the hot head above you. All you know is that you aren’t alone, and you don’t feel that empty void in your soul right now. You’re so grateful to him, looking up at him with stars in your eyes as he pounds away at your pussy.
“Sh-Shit baby you can’t say things like that and start clamping down on me!” Katsuki hates that he’s actually whining at you right now. He’s never felt so conflicted in all of his life; As a Bakugou he never does anything half assed, even when it comes to sex, he always makes you cum before he does.
Right now in this moment though, he’s hanging on by a single thread.
His stomach muscles are flexed to the max as his balls tighten up, he’s trying real hard for you, surely you can see that right?
“It’s okay…You can let go now”
His eyes snap open and he stares down at you, brows furrowed together in confusion.
“N-No baby, you need to-“
“I want you to feel good so I can feel good…So fill me up like you promised!”
“Y/N don’t say that right-“
“Cum inside me daddy, pleaseeee? I’ll feel so good once you do”
Goddammit you did him in with those beautiful doe eyes and pouty lips.
The moan you emitted after feeling the first spurt of his cum inside you put any porn star to absolute shame.
“Y/n, Y/N, Y/N!” He repeated your name to further cement this moment inside his memory.
“God yes that’s what I need, so full of you Suki I love it!” Your affections go uncensored as all rationale fades away.
“You’re incredible, Fucking kiss me you beautiful fucking bitch”
It’s not at all the most romantic thing to say in this moment but it’s Bakugou…what did you expect?
He rams into you once more as he empties both nuts into your tight cunt and it continues to try milking him for more. You are the one swallowing down his desperate, pleasure fueled moans and growls as you curl your tounge around his.
Unsure how much time has passed, neither one of you seemed to care. At some point as you lay together in a blissed out state, Katsuki pulled your body on top of his. So you lay on top of him, occasionally cooing praises and promises as he holds you close.
“Did you mean what you said?”
You silently observed him through half open eyes, “When we separated the other day…you uh…what ya yelled after me” he explained.
You thought for a minute, replaying the events of that evening. That was the start of your deteriorating mental state, you just remember panicking as you watched him walk away.
Katsuki nervously shifted around beneath you, you felt his heart rate increase and noticed the sweat lining his brow. He needed you to say something, anything to put his fears to rest.
You were silent, trying not to get caught up in the sea of overwhelming and negative emotions that dominated your most recent memories.
“So you didn’t then?” His normally loud voice now suddenly a whisper “You just say that to anybody? Throw that word around like it’s nothing?”.
You shook your head, sitting up in attempts to extinguish his growing ire.
“Katsuki I-“
He pushes you off of him, taking advantage of your surprise and caging you in beneath him. This is how he likes to address you when you make him unhappy, to display your relationship’s dynamic and solidify your place.
Which is always beneath him.
“I’ve loved you since I first got to know you, you know that you’ve broken my heart before right? You hurt me so bad when you had them tell me to stay away from you” he sighs heavily.
“I’m sorry…I told you that earlier Suki…I’ll make it up to you as long as you’ll let me” you reach up and cup his cheek “You just have to let me…please let me”.
Don’t leave me alone…
Opening his mouth to respond, you brazenly talk over him; “I do love you, that’s why I said it”.
It’s a lie, but it works.
“Say it again”
“I love you”
C’mon y/n, gotta give his ego some strokes too.
Gotta lay it on thicker apparently.
“I love you Katsuki Bakugou and no one else in the world could ever take your place in my heart”
“Damn straight princess”
Insecurity now at ease, the blonde flops back down beside you. Instinctively you cuddle into his side, he puts your head on his chest. The sound of his strong and steady heart beat beneath your ear is oddly comforting, the hand stroking your hair keeps you grounded in the moment. He breaks the silence;
“You were afraid weren’t you?”
“Do you see it now? What our life could be like if you’ll let it? How awful and frightening it could become if you don’t?”
Somehow you miss the threat hidden behind his faux sincere words.
“Yes, I understand now Katsuki”
“I love you princess”
“I love you too K-“
His noise of displeasure startling you, resulting with you correcting yourself immediately.
“I love you…daddy”
“C’mon pretty girl lets get cleaned up and then you can sit with me while I make dinner…Gotta start before the old bat gets home” he says before sliding out of bed.
You move intending to do the same, but before you can protest, he sweeps you up off the mattress and into his arms.
“Daddy’s going to take good care of you from now on baby…I promise, you’ll be much happier here then you ever were there…” he explains while setting you down on the counter. You can’t help but shiver while waiting for the water to warm itself to a Katsuki approved temperature.
Once beckoning you over to him, his smirk returns when you keep your arms wrapped around yourself. You obviously must feel the need to preserve what is left of your modesty. Motioning for you to enter the shower before him, you do so without a second thought. Only for a too hot hand to strike directly across your bare ass.
The sound reverberates around the glass of the shower stall. Followed by a loud squeal of pain and then a frightened yelp, as you feel yourself slip on the slick tiled floor. Katsuki grabs you before you could smack your head on the wall.
“Watch it Princess…fuckin’ klutz” he snickers at this, it was his fault but he’s waiting to see if you’ll take the bait.
Your ass is stinging from the hit and the hot water pouring down on your marked skin is worsening the pain each minute. You try to pull away from him but he’s not letting up.
“Oh stop being such a bitch I was just messing around with you” he turns your face back towards him “You are gonna have to grow a thicker skin now that you’re part of this family princess”.
Part of this family…
“KATSUKI WE’RE HOME!” the sudden shout made you jump and try to push the aforementioned male off of you.
You had been watching him cook after he refused to let you assist him; “You’re helping me by just sitting there and looking so good pretty girl”.
Once everything was simmering on the stove and there was time to kill, he’d stalked over towards the counter he’d placed you on and pounced!
All he’d really done was kiss and mark you up a bit, nothing too serious but at the same time nothing you’d want his parents walking in on! Finally he relented, menacingly smiling down at you before snapping at your lips one last time. You quickly sat back up, barely able to readjust your top and fix your hair a bit before his mother enters the kitchen.
Katsuki is first in her direct line of sight and she’s quick to start in on him; “It’s a fuckin’ miracle you finally did something I asked-“ she pauses upon seeing you. You nervously hop off the countertop, offering a small wave and quiet “Hello”.
“What kind of fucked up people leave a teenage girl by herself for three months? When they’re across and ocean for Christ sake!”
You hung your head, Mitsuki was right but it still hurt to hear it said out loud.
“Dear, maybe we could talk more about this later…it’s gotta be painful for her to be dealing with such a traumatic situation, we need to be supportive”Masaru tries to reason with his wife but she brushes him off. Snapping back only slightly; “Of course I’m being supportive! You know that we are happy to have you here with us right y/n? You don’t need to be uncomfortable or scared”
Your head snaps up and you look the older woman in the eye, sheepishly nodding your head in agreement. Nervously saying; “I just don’t ever want to make you guys feel put out or forced to deal with me…I’m sorry f-“
“No more apologizing babe…told you that earlier” Katsuki interjects from beside you, boredom evident as he scrolls on his phone.
Mitsuki narrows her eyes in Katsuki’s direction, Masaru notices you cringe before sinking down further in your seat. Both adults turn towards each other and nod in an unspoken agreement before Mitsuki speaks again.
“Y/N you’re part of this family now, so consider this your home okay? We’re just glad that you made it here safe and sound, instead of alone in that house with the risk of someone breaking in and hurting you, it’s no hassle or burden on us-“
“Can I give you a hug?” You interrupt nervously. All three Bakugou’s are momentarily surprised at this request, but the matriarch recovers fairly quickly.
“C’mere sweet heart”
She wraps her arms around you as you being to cry once more.
“I-I-mm s-sorry I j-just-“
“Shhh it’s okay, you’ve been through a lot haven’t you? Poor thing”
You have been through a lot, haven’t you? The realization hits hard.
Standing here sobbing in Mitsuki’s motherly embrace made you feel like a frightened little girl again. The comfort and warmth wasn’t something you were used to, but it was welcomed and appreciated.
We want you here
You were so glad to not only hear that but to really believe it.
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rinoomi · 2 years
BESTIE HERE~ this might help you in making a dot brush if you dont know how :00
omg akii thank you sm !!! 😭 wait it's actually easier than i thought :0
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akiiame-blog · 5 months
Me: *watching something Mario related on YouTube*
Content creator out of the blue: "Haha why is Luigi so much better than Mario?? Mario sucks, who even likes him, his brother is so much better in every single way—"
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369 notes · View notes
haikyooot · 3 years
Ch 29: He Is Himself
Life’s a Hoot Ch 29:  Bokuto Koutarou is first and foremost himself.
Pairings: Bokuto x f!Reader
WC: 3.5k
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Bokuto Koutarou opens his eyes to the morning sun. The moment he hears the birds chirping outside, he’s wide awake without any semblance of sleepiness clouding his mind. He flings his covers aside with ease and checks his phone for the time. The time is just right. After unlocking the phone, the first app jumping out at him tells him just how long the total duration of the phone call last night was. While concentrating on your voice, Bokuto had the nicest slumber in a while and good dreams on top of that. 
He’s a bit fuzzy about what happened, all he remembers are a faint confession and the warm breeze of spring much like it is now. Akaashi mentioned some concepts of dreamscapes and projections in some past class he was taking. So maybe it was all just Bokuto projecting his own thoughts through the dream-version of you, but all Bokuto really cares about is that it was a sweet dream and just how real he rendered your voice in said dream.
While he brushes his teeth and follows through with his typical routine, Bokuto toys with the possibility of him telling you his feelings. Or on the off-chance, if you feel the same way if you’ll ever tell him. He’s not invalid as a potential, right? Bokuto furrows his brows thinking about all the possible redeeming qualities he has as a significant other. Well, for starters, he’s a good listener! And additionally, he enjoys chatter, if that’s something you’re into at the moment. You also liked his cooking! So, that’s got to be a plus in your books right? But Osamu is a great cook too, and you go to Onigiri Miya so often. Nah, no way no way.
Well, Bokuto ponders, would you be more interested if he went to university like the other peers? Maybe you two would be able to bond over libraries and coffee shops? Late nights and deadlines? Bokuto remembers how you were so happily chatting with Sakusa Kiyoomi about his university experience. But at least in terms of good looks, Bokuto thinks he has a slight edge over the prickly athlete, just by a smidge. And still, he’s plenty more endearing, perhaps. He gives the best hugs! If that’s your thing. You give great hugs too! 
You can be the main brain and Bokuto decides he can maybe be your biggest cheerleader for sure. And when you want to just lean back and relax, Bokuto will be there right next to you. As if that’s not already convincing enough, without being too vain, he is confident with his muscular and chiseled physique. You two would look so good together, Bokuto concludes, nodding to himself proudly over his breakfast. 
Finally, on top of everything, he can play volleyball, well... And with that thought, Bokuto comes back down from his cloud nine to his present reality and gets lost in tumultuous thoughts once more.
The subway is much too packed. Bokuto squeezes through the crowd and apologizes to someone he accidentally elbowed. The day isn’t going right, he panics. A few stops and a transfer, Bokuto arrives at the location texted to him, the clinic that’s neither close nor far from the training gym. Bokuto spots the team manager, Akiyama, who waves at Bokuto and quickly ends the phone call he’s on.
“Don’t worry too much,” Akiyama tells him. “I’ll just wait outside and once you’re done, I’ll take you to the gym.”
“Oh yea, they have practice,” Bokuto remarks.
“Not just ‘they’, Bokuto, you do too,” Akiyama pulls the door open for Bokuto and gestures the athlete in. “It’s the Jackals that have practice.”
The front desk greets Akiyama and Bokuto and goes over a series of paperwork. Just like what he promised earlier, Akiyama leaves Bokuto to his privacy in the check-up. The nature of his injury will be shared, but at least the examination space is Bokuto’s own.
The clock hand travels two and a half quarters when Bokuto is seen coming out of the clinic. Bokuto thanks and shakes the hand of the doctor before making his way to Akiyama. Akiyama gives the doctor a quick nod and leads Bokuto to the car.
“It went better than I expected,” Bokuto says in the car. “Well, I wasn’t sure what to expect either.”
Akiyama peers over at the athlete looking out the window, while switching over to the next lane. “Still frustrated over Coach for taking you out? He could’ve saved your career, you know.”
“I-I wasn’t mad at Coach!” Bokuto stammers, leaning forward in his seat to make his point clear. He sighs and sits back, muttering, “I was just...whatever…”
Akiyama grins and focuses on the road again. The rest of the drive goes smoothly and it doesn’t take long for Akiyama to pull into the garage of the gymnasium. Bokuto grabs his bags and gets out of the car, following behind the team manager down the same familiar corridors.
“I’ll have other business to take care of, you go ahead. Coach will probably want to speak to you for a bit, and get you started with the PT trainer.”
“Okay, thanks.”
The hallway is dim and the light sensors sometimes don’t work. Today, they don’t detect the athlete’s presence at all and remain off. As Bokuto enters the gym, his other teammates don’t notice his arrival. They are currently in the midst of strenuous drills, body and mind so focused no other distractions can shake them. On any other day, Bokuto should be out there with them as well.
"Let's sit and chat, Koutarou," Foster calls out to him, patting the bench seat next to him. Bokuto stuns for a moment, unsure what to do. Foster gives a smile, “Ah that sounded a bit intimidating. Sit, really, it's just a chat."
Bokuto puts his bag down and takes a seat next to his coach while quietly watching his teammates.
"How was the check-up?" Foster asks.
"Well, they said they would give you a copy of the report..."
"I know, but I still want to hear it from you. And check-in on things not on the report."
"Could be worse," Bokuto admits. "I'm still pretty frustrated. A bit angry, but that's mostly gone...sometimes...still, thank you.”
"No, that’s my job as a coach. I do wish I caught it even earlier though, or prevented it all from the beginning."
“I wanted to help the team win the league finals.”
“I know, you’ve been giving it 120% this season, but you always gave more than your all. You’re passionate almost to a fault. Don’t forget your body’s human.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be!” Foster laughs. “Taking care of yourself, is a part of taking care of the team, because you are a part of it. Even now, as you recover, you’ll just be taking on a slightly different role. I still expect you to show up to training, attend matches, and be present. You’ll have your therapy sessions to recover, but anything else will be worked just the same as the others.”
“I have to go to matches?”
“Don’t think the bench is just for warming, Koutarou. Do you think it’s easy for me to just sit there?”
Bokuto shakes his head. “N-No! Not at all, you’re our coach! And without you there, we’d-”
Foster gives Bokuto a thumbs up. “I’ll show you a different view, Koutarou. One that’s not above the net, but beyond the entire court. I showed Meian once too.”
A different view? A different view that Foster also showed Meian? Bokuto remembers hearing about it when he first joined. That was before Meian was captain and before Bokuto entered the team. Meian had also suffered an injury and had to sit out a few matches.
"BOKUTO, you’re here! Can you spot my form for me?" Hinata calls out. "I'm still working on the timing."
Atsumu also notices Bokuto. "Oy, don't think you can skip out on practice Bokkun!"
"I don't like attention, Bokuto, carrying the offensive is troublesome."
Meian walks over to where Bokuto and Foster are sitting and rests a hand on Bokuto's shoulder. "Go get dressed and come back. We need ya here ordinary ace. The team and the volleyball world."
On the court and off the court, Bokuto Koutarou is many things. He's the youngest and only son of one particular Bokuto household in Tokyo. He's best friends with some incredible people. Throughout his school days up until now, there are many titles and accolades that decorate him. Of the many, he's also the current outside hitter of the MSBY Black Jackals, wearing the number 12 on his back. He is sometimes moody, other times downright stubborn. Yet at the same time, one of the most observant and patient.
Bokuto Koutarou exists between the duality of many things. While moody, he's also sensitive. Unassuming, but also brimming with confidence in the right conditions. He's dynamic. And much like a roly-poly toy. He can be knocked over and each time he will come back up again relentlessly no matter how long it takes.
As Bokuto closes his locker and makes his way down the same corridor he would go through to get to the gym, he glances at the framed newspaper articles lining the hall--of those who came before him, those who are with him, and there’s also him. 
While the sound of yells and squeaking shoes gets louder and louder, Bokuto thinks about who he is and where he's been and where he'll go. Despite every dip and wave of Bokuto's thoughts and emotions, his anchors and shores will bring him back. 
No matter how much his mind drifts and lets go, he has grounding and a base. He has a beacon to light the way home. He's still a little lost out in the open sea, but he sees where he needs to head. One paddle and a kick at a time, Bokuto tells himself. He'll get there, he'll get back. He's going to return. Even if three kicks forward will result in a wave carrying him five kicks back. He's going to come back. 
On the court and off the court, he's with this team. This family is with him. And he, Bokuto Koutarou, is first and foremost himself. Somewhere along these thoughts, with a firm belief that things will and truly will get better, a few weeks pass by. 
So many things can happen in a matter of a few weeks. It’s the combination of tens of days and hundreds of hours. The weather has cleared and the freshness of March rushes through Osaka. A pink wave dots trees everywhere heralding the peak of Spring. You follow the link in the group chat and enter the digital watch party.
“Hey everyone, sorry I’m late,” you greet, trying to adjust the mic. “Everyone hear me okay?”
“And she made it!” Yukie yells into the mic. You wince and quickly check the sound settings. “We’re just missing Akaashi now.”
Akaashi pipes up, “I just got here, am I the last one?” 
To support Bokuto and celebrate the Jackals’ quarterfinals, Yukie’s decided to host a watch-party. Akaashi is at his own apartment, but the rest of the team are gathered at Yukie’s place to watch the match.
The group call beeps as one other person, the MVP of the night, joins. 
“Hey, hey, hey!” Bokuto exclaims, waving into the camera. “Geez, why are you making this such a big deal, I don’t remember watch parties?”
“We had one last year before I moved,” you remind him.
“That’s LAST year already!” Saru points out. “Besides, we’re seeing our ace in a new role today, giving full support, am I right everyone?”
“Yea, exactly!” Konoha agrees. 
“The camera isn’t even on me.”
“Doesn’t matter, this is us supporting you,” Akaashi says.
Bokuto snorts, but he can’t hide the excitement and joy on his face or in his voice. “Who even cheers for the people not on the court?”
When Bokuto hangs up and joins his team in the locker room, the huge smile is still stuck on his face. His teammates are done changing into their jerseys and pre-game ritual preps. They’re pretty funny, actually. Bokuto knows he likes giving himself a pep-talk in the mirror in his own privacy. Hinata will do a handstand. Atsumu will also give himself a pep-talk, but it’s usually nowhere as wholesome as Bokuto’s. And finally, Sakusa will file his nails briefly again even though they are always immaculate. He’ll end it all by lint-rolling his jersey to get rid of dog hair.
“Bokkun, who ya talking to?” Atsumu chides. “Get dressed already?!”
“Nah, don’t need to.”
“What do you mean, did you forget your jersey, Bokuto?” Hinata asks.
“Perfect, wear mine then,” Atsumu says as he throws a spare “Miya” jersey over. “You can cheer for me today, I don’t mind.”
Bokuto catches the jersey and throws it right back at Atsumu’s face.
“H-Hey!!! Are you looking to fight? I-” 
Bokuto pulls off his hoodie and smugly reveals the proud #12 he’s been wearing already.
“Damn you Owl, should’ve said so earlier,” Atsumu mutters under his grin as he shoves the extra jersey into his bag.
The team follows Meian to the main area. The crowds have increased in size compared to previous matches, evident by the volleyball fans intrigued by the quarterfinals. Semis and finals will have an even larger audience.
Meian claps to get everyone’s attention. “Okay, Bokuto, until we win finals, do you think you can give our pre-game pep talks?”
Bokuto takes a step back. “Nah, I’m not really good with fancy words or anything.”
“He gives GREAT pep-talks to himself! I’ve heard him!” Hinata blurts out. 
Tomas pats Bokuto’s shoulder. “It’s okay if he doesn’t want to, don’t force him.”
“I’ll do it.” Bokuto takes a deep breath and extends his arms out. Everyone joins in on the huddle. “Um...just think about having fun. Volleyball isn’t always easy, but just do what feels good. We trained hard together, it’ll come naturally. Have fun out there...I’m proud to call you all teammates. Jackals!”
“Let’s GO!” Meian finishes. “We’re going to win this and go to the next round!”
Sakusa gives Bokuto a knowing nod. “We’ll win, and you can’t back out from the agreement.”
Bokuto frowns. “What agreement?”
“Remember? Just last week at Samu’s?” Atsumu reminds him. “Need me to spell it out for you?”
“This is peer-pressure.”
Hinata laughs. “We haven’t even won yet! How’s that peer-pressure!”
Hinata laughs once more and runs off to join the others on the court. “Watch us, Bokuto!” 
Bokuto takes a seat next to Coach Foster on the bench. Is this what the coach sees all the time? Bokuto watches the team say their final jokes and give the preliminary handshake to the opposing team. The view from the bench is so different. Even with the steel seat under him, he doesn’t feel any less anxious. If anything, he feels almost more. Foster’s face is relaxed, but his brows are tight. The bench is a new experience.
A month ago, when you last saw Bokuto’s Osaka match in person, you thought of Bokuto to be extraordinary. Untouchable, soaring high and beyond. The world was his stage, under the bright lights and camera flashes. The court was his arena, where the sound of his squeaking shoes and shattering sound of a spike announced, Bokuto Koutarou is here. And you felt there was nothing you could do but admire him from the sidelines. 
The feelings of admiration and awe are still there. In the corner of the camera, you can see Bokuto next to Coach Foster at the bench area. Bokuto in his jersey is a sight to see. His shoulders are broad and held back confidently as he watches his team play. Even if you focus on the current rally and play by the athletes on the court, you cannot help but draw your attention back to one with that eccentric hair. 
The world is still his stage, whether under the light or in the shadows. The court is still his arena, his presence courses through the intricate play of his teammates. It’s in Atsumu’s serve, Hinata’s receives, Sakusa’s kill. Bokuto drilled it with them during practice, over and over again. Bokuto is as extraordinary as ever, but something’s different, whether in yourself or in him, or both. 
Since that match, Bokuto’s been Bokuto more than ever. You’ve seen him laugh, seen him flustered, been there when he cried, saw him at his worst, and watched how he overcame that. You are still witnessing Bokuto climb out from the depths of his mental and physical hellscape.
Since that match, you want to take his hand within your own and interlock fingers. No more tugging on sleeves through crowds. You only want hands laced together that will tell him you’ll be there and always be there, regardless of what the lights see or the camera captures. He can be anything and any state he wants to be, and to you, he’ll only ever be Koutarou to you. Simply that. Ordinarily that. It’s a sensation both exciting and delightful as it is nerve-wracking. 
“Did you see? Did you see?” Bokuto exclaims happily through the phone, his speech is rapid and bright.
“The last few points?” You exclaim back. “That rally had all of us at the edge of our seats!”
The match just ended and the group watch party is over. You’re huddled on your couch gushing over the incredible outcome of the match with Bokuto, who called you soon after.
“Right? Me too! And did you see the set-up in the end? That was my idea,” Bokuto boasts proudly. “I told them during the last time-out, I saw through it. Their middle-blockers are good, but Sakusa’s better! And I knew that with Hinata’s feints, this was something they could pull off!”
“I saw! I saw!” you reply back earnestly. It’s been much too long since you have heard Bokuto’s voice like this. “I’m so happy for you guys. Congratulations, it was another great match!”
“WE WON BOKUTO! YOU GOTTA DO IT NOW! NO TAKE BACKS!” Hinata yells in the background.
You check your phone signal. “Did you say something? I thought I heard something in the back, it’s kind of loud.”
Bokuto beams as he cradles the phone to his ear to hear you better. He waves a hand around to shush and silence the rowdy teammates behind him.
“Bo-ku-to, Bo-ku-to...” Inunaki chants.
“Psst, say something Sakusa!”
“What do you want me to say…it’s his business, not like he promised or anything, did he now?”
“Oof, that’s pretty low Sakusa, remind me never to piss you off.”
“I don’t know, Miya, your existence is enough.”
“HEY, ZIP IT!” Bokuto shushes loudly and presses his phone closer, while trying to get some privacy. “Sorry about that, um, they’re kinda excited.
“Yea, I figured, I heard them.”
Bokuto clears his throat. He feels lucky. He’ll do it. He’ll do it. He’ll do it right now. For better or for worse, if it goes to shit, he’ll just laugh it off and say it’s a dare. Maybe cry about it later. He’ll do it.
“Um…next weekend...” Bokuto chokes on his own breath. Maybe he’s not so lucky.
It doesn’t take much for you to catch on quickly. Bokuto’s nervousness, his teammate’s relentless teasing...you put the pieces together and a grin spreads up your cheeks to your eyes. You feel lucky. “Yes? I’m free.”
“Free? Yea, I’m free! I’m free next weekend too! Fuck, sorry! Ah, shit, of course I’m free, I was asking, but I didn’t ask and you said you’re free, and…”
“Yea! Saturday! Um you know the Kema Sakuranomiya Park?”
“By the Osaka River?”
“Yea…” Bokuto drawls out. “Do you want to go watch the cherry blossoms?”
You bite your lips to keep yourself from overreacting. “I’d love that,” you reply, before closing your eyes and tacking on quickly, “It’s a date!” 
You wait for Bokuto’s response and reaction and crack open a single eye to see what’s going on,  but you don’t hear anything. A moment later the line disconnects. “Did he just hang up on me?” you ask yourself, laughing in disbelief. “Is that a yes or a no?” 
Your phone beeps and you see an incoming text from Bokuto. You open it and fall over laughing. 
“Hi, this is Hinata. Bokuto’s um, he’s fine, but he’s freaking out a little. It’s a yes though! He’ll talk to you soon! Thanks um, he’ll be in your care! ^ ^”
Yes, come the weekend when the cherry blossoms will dance across the sky, you’ll tell him everything. It feels right.
Send an ask if you’d like to be on this fic’s taglist: @anxious-botanist​ @strokettas @marshmallow-witch @bloody-bella @suneaterofthebig3 @ntimacy @goldenseb @inflxmes @owlnymph​ @satan-ruler-of-hell *bolds couldn’t be tagged
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gumilac · 3 years
Sleep is for the weak.😌 I slept at 7:30 am yesterday :)
Anywayssss how have you been akii?? I hope you're not stressing too much about school works. If you're ever stressed, then remember that I scored 2/100 on my recent physics test ^_^
Take care, bubs! Drink lots of water and stay safe!! <3
eye– *blinks* my love, idk what's worse... you sleeping at 7:30am or you scored 2/100 PROLLY BOTH BUT SHINI NOOOOFMFMNSMSJS PLS,,, i hope you'll understand physics soon TT-TT my thoughts and prayers
i'm proud of you tho at least you tried and that's more than enough, oki??
im awake at 7:30 to prepare for my classes 😭🤌 also, physics is hard tho,,, that and chem. omg i despise chem where's my kuroo?? where's my chemistry nerd SOBBING HOW TF DO YOU BALANCE EQUATIONS kuroo's prolly laughing his ass off somewhere watching me pull my hair out bc of chem,,, SIR– SORRY NOT EVERYONE'S SMART AS YOU
anw, im not stressing myself too much and im doing okay, thank you love. i'm holding up w school and yeah MDKSMSJSHA you drink lots of water too and always stay safe, love you !! ♡♡♡
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holdonendure · 3 years
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BEHOLD, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and Adonai, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his Temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, says Yahuah Tseva'oth. But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appears? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap: And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Leviy, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto Yahuah an offering in righteousness. Then shall the offering of Yahudah and Yerushalayim be pleasant unto Yahuah, as in the days of old, and as in former years. And I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, and against those who break wedlock, and against false swearers, and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow, and the fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger from his right, and fear not me, says Yahuah Tseva'oth. For I am Yahuah, I change not; therefore ye sons of Ya`aqov are not consumed. Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from my ordinances, and have not guarded them. Return unto me, and I will return unto you, says Yahuah Tseva'oth. But ye said, Wherein shall we return? Will a man rob Elohiym? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed you? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in my house, and prove me now herewith, says Yahuah Tseva'oth, if I will not open you את the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, says Yahuah Tseva'oth. And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, says Yahuah Tseva'oth. Your words have been stout against me, says Yahuah. Yet ye say, What have we spoken so much against you? Ye have said, It is vain to serve Elohiym: and what profit is it that we have guarded his ordinance, and that we have walked mournfully before Yahuah Tseva'oth? And now we call the proud happy; yea, they that work wickedness are set up; yea, they that tempt Elohiym are even delivered. Then they that feared Yahuah spoke often one to another: and Yahuah hearkened, and heard it, and a cepher of record was written before him for them that feared Yahuah, and that thought upon his name. And they shall be mine, says Yahuah Tseva'oth, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spares his own son that serves him. Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serves Elohiym and him that serves him not.
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ricecakesz-blog · 5 years
Prolouge "Nightmares"(part 1)
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"So i hearby declare, *muffled voice* Queen of-----" *static noise*
" Run!! RUN!! Get away from here Go! TAKE HER WITH YOU!!!"
*gasps* *pants* *pants* i woke up realizing that it was just nightmare..for the 14th time....but it was a weird nightmare atleast.... it was like, someone was telling me something important but it was unclear and all i could see is a symbol but it was weird.. it was a heart and a infinite symbo----
Oh i forgot that i fell in my bed causing the floor to make a huge noise. O shit...
Before i could finish what im saying, my dad slammed the door open causing me to flinch..
"Having another weird nightmare again?" Said my dad in a worried tone
"Yeah....its been 2 weeks...." i said frowning, yes.. today is the 14th day of my nightmares..at first i thought it was just a weird dream.. but as time passes by it became more and more realistic...making it more weird ,was it happened after my 14th birthday.....i cringed thinking of what might happen to me... maybe someone was cursing me because maybe i've done something wrong.. as i go deeper through my thoughts i didn't notice my dad was already calling my best friend
"I called her so no need to worry" dad said putting up a awkward smile
"Thank you.... i'm sorry" i said while tears forming in my eyes
"Don't be sweetheart..." said my dad while sitting beside me , “as passes by it became more....realistic.." ....i was scared... i mean who wouldn't be.. i never told my dad about the details because i was too scared...since he's a typhical overprotective father..and what im really scared about is..telling him that he was a part of it.i heard a womans voice.. calling him gently."Shiro promise me okay" was the phrase that i remember, all i could think of is, well.. is she my mom? I never met my mom.. my dad said she died because of my birth.but he said she died happily and was glad that she gave birth to a baby angel like me...but there was an overwhelming feeling inside my chest telling me that it's not true ,again as i go deeper inside my thoughts i didn't notice my bestfriend was already there, just there...standing infront of my door.
"Yo.. earth to aki you still there?" She said smirking
"Oh you're here.. sorry i didn't notice that you" i said while awkwardly smiling
"Im gonna leave you two while i cook up some breakfast" said my dad humming
"Your dad called me, did it happened again?"she said while putting her bag down
"Yeah. Its the 14th day already"
"2 weeks? Damn..thats scary.. yikes.. well wanna go training?"
When the word "training" escaped her mouth i cringed so hard that it made her crack up
"You shouldve seen your face HAHAHAHAHAHA"she said while snorting
"I dun wanna goo plss" i said with my puppy eyes
"Stop with the puppy eyes its disgusting you look like a pitbull instead of a cute pomeranian"
I chuckled and snorted, "its been 14 years huh" i said happily, "what do you mean?" She said while packing up some of my clothes, " i mean its been 14 years since you were with me, we never let go of each others hand huh" i said while recalling some of our happy memories... "yeah 14 years of me baby sitting you" she snickered, "HEY!!" I said while pouting.."Come on go take a shower and put up some training clothes while i pack us some important things"
"Yes mom" i replied teasingly
"Tch Whatever"
Eve is like a sister to me.. since my dad and i moved into this city she's been my bestfriend eversince.we were inseparable like twins.. most of the people in our neighborhood thought that we were siblings.it was fun really..i'm so thankful for having a bestfriend like her....
End of prolouge part 1
Im so sorry in advance if i confuse y'all hahahaha im gonna make sure to explain it in the next prolouge.. yes its a 2 part prolouge
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geekygirlsblog-blog · 6 years
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Drawtober & Selfshiptober Day 13
Creepy crawlers & High School AU
I thought I would mix the high school au to be the high schools with dorms. The fandom of the day is Hetalia, Akii haves Canada and Ukraine while I have 2P!England and 2P!Japan! I’ll fix the things that can’t be seen well tomorrow. I’m tired and half assed.You can see it better when you press the image. - Sara
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chartreuserpent · 3 years
akii with rant
i just love how i straight up drank my freshly brewed creative potion, then when i finally thought of something creative the potion would wear out. seriously i love it... haha :D
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