brookeginko · 1 day
feeling hateful here are some p3 fan red flags
-disliking yukari because she’s ‘mean.’ you don’t have to be her #1 fan or anything but she acts like a normal teenage girl and i guarantee if she was a male character instead no one would have this issue with her
-making jokes abt akihiko not understanding social cues every four seconds
-alternatively bringing up his autistic-coding every four seconds. yes he is autistic-coded. no, a screenshot of him saying the word ‘yes’ does not need to be captioned with ‘OMG HE’S SO AUTISTIC I NEED TO SHOOT AND KILL HIM’
-liking ryoham but not ryomina/liking aikoto but not hamugis
-or alternatively agreeing with the whole ‘ryomina is weird because Makoto’s his surrogate mother’ tweet that got memed a while back
-frequently call makoto or shinjiro ‘emo’
-or saying that p3 is the ‘emo’ or ‘edgy’ persona game
-door-kun toaster aigis
-genuinely hcing that yukari is homophobic bc of that one meme (YES I’VE SEEN THIS.)
-seeing chidori only as an extension of junpei
-sexualizing any of SEES including the third years
-mitsuru fans that use the word mommy to describe her
-thinking akihiko is a cool chad gym bro. this one i don’t mind as much since it’s not super apparent if you haven’t played portable im just very particular about my hiko characterization
-BUT if you mention protein whenever he’s brought up… ☹️
-thinking makoto has no personality behind ‘I don’t care’ ESPECIALLY if they’re referring to p3m
-thinking ken was responsible for shinjiro’s death
-bringing up the ken romance every time someone mentions kotone
-policing anyone for using a different name for the protagonists
-shitting on reload because it’s new. I’m not talking about actual criticism because I have some too but just. wahhhhh reload bad it has no soul wahhhhhhhh provides no evidence
-going along w above ive seen people bitching that reload is ‘woke’ because of bi ryoji. cry me a river he’s been bi since portable
-also going along with above. coming up with excuses for any of the canon bi p3 characters (kotone aigis ryoji) not actually being bi
-you think akishinji is a proship because of Castor and Polydueces
-akimina shippers who woobify makoto. i guess this goes for any makoto ship but i’ve seen it the worst with akimina
-shitting on any non problematic ships
-you try to correct people’s ship names because its ’not the canon name.’ You can take akimina from my cold dead hands I’m not calling it akimako
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angstyastro · 4 years
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Hand holding practice for persona ships. Might do more who knows.
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nfoliage · 7 years
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toganeshiro · 7 years
The Day That Starts With Us
fandom: persona 5
pairing: akira kurusu/makoto niijima
rating: teen and up audiences
tags: fluff, domestic fluff, living together, implied sexual content
word count: 1807
summary: "You can stare as much as you want." He peeks from the corner of his eyes, scrutinising the pale nape with the apron string across it. He approaches her from behind and hugs her, tilting his head to the side and ghosts over her nape with his mouth. "Can I do more than just stare then?"
i. morning routine
Unlike his girlfriend, Akira doesn't need an alarm to help him wake up every morning. When the clock strikes five, he would wake up on his own. His eyes would blink a few times, a scratch to his head then a big yawn follows.
And there he is, ready for another day.
Oh wait, maybe he's not exactly ready before snuggling his sleeping queen next to him.
Then he proceeds with picking up their clothes which are scattered on the floor; thanks to Makoto finishing work earlier yesterday and both of them craving intimacy. He gets himself clothed and puts Makoto's on the end table after neatly folding them.
Their wardrobe is his next destination, Makoto's ironed uniform needs to be hung on the wardrobe handle before he goes to the bathroom.
After that, warming up curry and preparing coffee for the cafe comes together with making bento box and healthy, balanced breakfast for the two. No curry!, Makoto keeps saying, because apparently having curry everyday doesn't sit well with her health regiment despite her understanding how delicious her boyfriend's curry is.
He rubs his chin and turns his head to the clock.
It's about time.
And so he sneaks back to their bedroom, to Makoto who seems to be still enjoying her dream. He'd love to let her sleep some more on her days off, but definitely not on the weekdays.
"Makoto," he whispers softly, "Wake up, my queen."
She blinks a few times before sitting upright with half lidded eyes. It's not exactly hard for both of them to wake up in the morning, the slightest text alert can even wake both of them up in the middle of the night. They couldn't count how many times they've both woken up in the middle of the night thanks to Mishima's hang out invitation to Akira. Now Akira has learnt to put his phone on silent at night, though.
"... Mmmrning..." Sleepiness does not escape her voice; it only makes it sound like she's mumbling in her sleep. A yawn escapes her as she walks slowly to the bathroom, eyes closed―vision is unneeded for navigation as she already has the layout of the room on the back of his head.
Akira loves mornings solely for this sight; sleepy Makoto, not awake enough to realise she is barely dressed, showing off the kiss marks he left last night, dragging her feet to the bathroom with her hair all tangled.
read the rest of the fanfic here: fanfiction | ao3
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Persona 5 Aesthetic: Makoto Niijima / Akira Kurusu
“You know there was a lot I wanted to say, but none of it matters now that we’re here together. And... I’ve been waiting for you for so long. I’m not asking for too much... am I?”
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raconteurreaper · 7 years
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baasama · 7 years
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in celebration of national donut day, here’s a part @lilmikomiko and @whiteplum‘s commission
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asterixer · 7 years
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Sometimes you gotta dance and take selfies with your boy.
Lmao, I’ve had the lines for this pic up on my computer for over a week. I finally buckled down and coloured it last night. 
I just really love these two. I’m a multi-shipper for P5 but Akira x Makoto is tied with Akira x Yusuke for my top ship. Hands down.
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twitchykun · 7 years
Persona 5 #1 - Leblanc Study Time
Akira: Guys, did you realize that you go your entire lives without tasting your own tongue?
Makoto: How about I taste yours for a change?
Ann: .....!
Ryuji: .....!
Futaba: .........!
Haru: Wait, did she--
Morgana: Let's not do tha--
Yusuke: (nose bleeding as he grabs Morgana) SHHHHHHHHHHH MORGANA JUST LET IT HAPPEN
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nemirutami · 6 years
Oh, I'm sorry I hadn't seen anything aboyt Haru and Makoto yet. Me thinks I need to do more research. That new blog will have everything on it soon right? I don't wanna have incorrect headcanons again.
OH NO ITS OK, i haven’t posted anything about those two bc they’ve only appeared in straylize’s fic for now, but they’re universal nobles in both versions of the au nonetheless, and they’ll be appearing in some of the art. Makoto is still a question mark for anyone that isn’t us lmao because we haven’t released her role yet until we solidify it, but she’s a real good bean trust me, I would protect mako.
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Dumb drabble I wrote
hmu @queenxfjustice and let me know what you think lovely?
Akira took a bite of cake a bit glumly, he wasn’t trying to be in a bad mood, but being stuck with Tsukasa. Makoto and Eiko were still getting sweets from the dessert buffet. Tsukasa had told Eiko, “Just find me something as sweet as you, princess.”, which was enough to make Eiko giggle and blush. Both Makoto and Akira did everything in their power not to roll their eyes. But as Makoto told him, he could try to bond with the host or try to get some information out of him.
The fact the guy had been on his phone since the two girls had left didn’t make things easier. Akira had to get something out of the guy fast, any sort of conversation would do. What on earth would a host even want to talk about?
“Hey Glasses-kun,”
Akira looked over at Tsukasa, the nickname the closest the host was going to get to actually saying his name. Might as well role with it.
“Hmm?” Akira hummed, mouth still full of cake. Tsukasa leaned on the table and smirked, looking out at the busy crowd. Following his gaze Akira saw the two girls giggling and laughing, the sight would make Akira’s heart melt but Tsukasa’s laugh ruined it.
“You know, for a student council president, your girl is pretty hot. I mean, a dorky guy like you must have something going on for a girl like that to notice you.”
Akira frowned as he swallowed the rest of his cake, now bitter to the taste. Fork out of his mouth and clenched in his fist. Glaring as the host went on, it wasn’t jealousy, but rather protectiveness over her. Makoto was a badass, and could handle herself, but talking about her in such a way was disgusting.
“I mean, seriously, a guy like you definitely scored. Have you even gotten far yet with her? Usually girls like her are actual freaks. And with an ass like that you know she’s-”
Akira ceased Tsukasa’s train of though as he plunged his fork dangerously close to the host’s pinky finger and into the wooden table of the buffet. Not loud enough to catch anyone’s attention, but it definitely made Tsukasa jump. Akira kept his grip on the fork as he glared at the host.
“Do not talk about her like that. Keep your thoughts to yourself, you say that shit to me again about my girlfriend I won’t miss next time.” Akira’s tone dark, similar to his negotiation voice when he was in the Metaverse. The bob of Tsukasa’s Adam’s apple was enough for Akira to pull away and bring the fork close to him. A deep enough indent in the table that would definitely be hard to cover up. Akira fork not too bent that he took another bite of cake, the silence a little more enjoyable as he could sense Tsukasa’s nervousness.
“Did you miss me at all baby?” Eiko called out, a collection of plates with cakes and pastries on it. Makoto only had once small slice of cake, eyes going over to Tsukasa as she wasn’t as blind to see that something was up.
“Y-Yeah princess, you definitely know my tastes.”
Makoto’s eyes came to meet his own red hued ones. Her look enough to speak, “what happened while I was gone?”, to which Akira just shrugged. The last thing he wanted was for his own feelings to jeopardize the investigation, but he couldn’t let something like that slide.
“M-Man, Miss Prez, Glasses-kun sure is clingy about you.” Tsukasa finally spoke up as Makoto took her seat at the table. Makoto gave Akira an inquisitive look again, to which he just placed his free hand on top of hers to hold it. It was enough to make her blush, and give Tsukasa a small smile.
“Y-Yeah, he certainly is, but that’s one of his charming sides.”
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goutheswimqueen · 3 years
7 for the asks ~
7. Rank your ships from favorite to least favorite.
Idk why i made this question i have so many ships LMAO but I will try my best for u anon <3
Makoharu (obviously)
Akisato (Aki Yazaki and Satomi Nii)
Makorin (multishipper shit starting now pfft)
EDIT: Ikusato
EDIT: Aisou (completely forgot and just remembered dear lord)
Ayushizuromi (ot3 lmao)
EDIT: Hiyoikusato (another ot3 whomp)
Isuchigu (Isuzu and Chigusa Hanamura)
Asaki (Asahi Shiina and Aki Yazaki lol their names mesh weird)
bruh there's so many i honestly dunno if i got them all lmao but here we are. I adore all of these ships but I'll always be a slut for makoharu pfft. Also i've noticed a lot of my ships involve either Gou or Aki haha, i just lov ma girlies y'know. Anyway i hope you like my ships i guess?
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angstyastro · 5 years
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"A pickle is a Vegetable."
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nfoliage · 7 years
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You infatuated dorks.
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toganeshiro · 7 years
The Past Behind the Cell
fandom: persona 5
pairing: akira kurusu/makoto niijima
rating: general audiences
tags: spoilers for 8th palace event, hurt/comfort
word count: 1199
summary: Joker sees his parents there, it explains why they have changed so much that it scares him to contact them for the whole year.
It may be nothing. It may be just her imagination.
Joker has always been a quiet person, it is not something new. He's just leaning against the wall, catching his breath and relaxing his muscles. Their fight down the Mementos was not exactly short. Not to mention that Joker is always on the front line because he is the leader. That must have mean double toll and exhaustion.
It could be that he's just tired.
The mask is even hiding half of his face, making it even more impossible to discern his expression. But the way he's fiddling with his thumbs, the way he lost focus on the fights back there; they are enough to tell Queen there is something in his mind.
She decides to approach him slowly, gently putting her hand on his shoulder. And that's when she realises how tense he is.
When he turns over to her, she asks in low volume, "What's bothering you, Joker?"
A blink, then he's back with his confident smile. "Nothing."
"Don't," Queen tries to cut off his word, "Don't say it's nothing. Because I know it's not." Her eyes are piercing him behind her big mask, her tone is not letting him run away from her. But then her gaze softens and her grip tightens on his shoulder, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want. But if you just say nothing, that's just brushing me away without letting me getting involved in what you're thinking. I told you I want us to be equals, didn't I? I want to be there for you just like you have for me."
His smile disappears and he returns his gaze to the floor. He takes deep and sudden breath several times, wanting to say something but keeps it under his tongue. Opening up is not easy, that is what Queen understands. So she won't push him, as long as he doesn't just brush her away.
Her hands are back crossing in front of her chest, she stays beside him quietly without making any kind of physical contact; not wanting to break into his personal space when he seems to need it.
"... My parents..."
The sudden murmur catches Queen off guard, but she is there to listen. "Your parents?" she confirms, isn't too sure with what she heard just now.
Joker nods, "My parents. They were there."
"There? You mean―"
"Behind the cell. I saw them."
read the rest of the fanfic here: fanfiction | ao3
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Excuse me but where does the Shu in ShuMako come from? I know that Mako is Makoto but I don't get the Shu.
I’m not quite sure myself anon!
my guess is shu comes from the first character of shujin academy and therefore p5mc?? 
this might be done to keep people from confusing it with akimako (akihiko/movie!p3mc) but again, I don’t know for sure
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