#alec cross: answered ask.
thewholecrew · 2 months
@headstrongblake said: [ TEN ]  for receiver to collapse in sender’s arms after using their abilities. / alec & nick? o?
who knew what happened to the others when hydra found them, when they were all driven into smaller groups and forced to split up. alec held tightly onto kassy's hand as they followed quickly behind nick, nate bringing up the tail end of their group. bullets echoed through the halls as they tried to escape this labyrinth of a place they had managed to get themselves into. fear ran through alec and he could sense kassy's too despite the way she looked intensely forward. he didn't want to go back and he couldn't imagine his friends being injured, hurt, captured or killed.
c'mon, this way, nick ordered as they turned down a hallway only for them all to come screeching to a halt. alec and kassy both grunted as they were forcefully stopped by nick's arms that went out at his sides. there, down at the other end of the hall alec recognized the man standing there. tall, blonde and those sapphire eyes that seemed like a vacant void. this had been who rev had been searching for, only he didn't look as if he was going to help them. "get back!" nate told alec and kassy as he came to stand beside nick, the two first taking out the hydra agents on either side of the man. they had been armed but he.. wasn't.
"that man..." alec said in a shaky tone, "he's like me, like rev..." he swallowed as the man slowly began to advance towards them in an eerie unwavering manner, he hadn't even flinched when the bullets mowed down the agents at his sides. "he doesn't look friendly," nate muttered, "should we shoot?" he asked nick as they slowly began to back up. the man continued towards them. "stop!" alec called to hunter, "we're on your side! we're with rev!" but the words didn't seem to penetrate. "with ryan!" he tried again but nothing. "he's not stopping...." nate announced the obvious, urgency in his tone as his hands tightened on his gun.
when nick then tried to slow him down, a bullet through the thigh, the shoulder, kassy backed away, "he's still not stopping," she said, fear leaking into her voice as the two men then let bullets fly. hunter staggered once or twice but as the bullets entered him they were spit out moments after, wounds closing. "uh... guys..." nate began as he tossed his empty gun away now. "i think we should run," he muttered before they turned and took off down another hallway. and as they turned the corner they heard what sounded like a pained snarl coming from behind them and what was once a man was now a beast.
kassy screamed as nathan grabbed her and alec's wrist to make sure they kept up while nick fired off his last few shots. fuck! he heard from behind him followed by the clatter of nick's empty gun which wasn't a good sign. go, go, go! the large wolf like monster was gaining on them and it was only a matter of time before the space between them was gone. alec's eyes grew glossy with fear but he yanked his arm free from nate, causing the group to skid to a hault. "ALEC!" kassy screamed as he stood in the middle of the hall.
his heart raced in his chest as watched the beast barrel towards him but he raised his hands, taking a focused breath before using all the power he had mustered up inside him as huge root like vines broke through the walls and floor in an explosion, weaving together into an impenetrable wall, separating the beast from them. sweat beaded down his brow as the vines continued to weave thicker and sturdier until there wasn't so much of a tiny gap between them all. a snarl was heard on the other side when they stopped, locking into place and alec let out a soft, shaky exhale, turning towards the group with a weak smile, hands trembling at his sides before exhaustion hit him like a wave and he fell.
kassy cried out, reaching for him but with nick closer by his side, he scooped him into his arms. i got him, he reassured her as ran to join them. "damn, that little guy did all that?" nate said as he gave a breathless laugh in astonishment but they didn't linger, the three of them continuing to book it down the hall before trinity teleported in front of them. kassy nearly screamed again, gasping in surprise. "oh good," trin began though her eyes went to alec in nicks arms and concern flashed across her face. "this way, you're almost out," she informed them as she turned the corner down the hall.
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
NEWT ; the night we met
summary ; newt is new to the glade & you're there when he regains his name
warnings ; language, alcohol, very pre-thomas era (about three or four years)
track ; the night we met ; lord huron
word count ; 1.3k
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Newt, with his arrival to the glade in the box, was a frightened little Greenie. He was merely fourteen years old, about 5"7, with dirty blonde hair just barely hiding his eyes. He seemed awestruck, as usual Greenies were, and obviously scared and confused.
Alby sadly didn't have any answers for him, many, at that. He just had the rundown of the Glade to give him and the rules and to introduce him to the other Gladers out and about. He wouldn't be able to introduce him to you or Minho, seeing as you were both running the maze right now.
The second the poor boy heard the word maze, he nearly had a panic attack. It was like something in the back of his brain had been triggered, reminding him of something he couldn't remember.
But as the cool, green forest faded into an orange-y warm fire, the sun set above, leading you and Minho back to the Glade to join the monthly Greenie bonfire. There was work to be done, tasking you with business before you could join.
The fifteen year old Minho begged you to hurry up, but you had to map out a new section of the maze. There was no fooling around for you at the moment. So, he leaves without you, curiosity stabbing him as he jogs back into the main Glade, away from the Deadheads.
You, finally, were able to join around eleven or so, the moon nearly centered in the dark sky above.
You had a cup of Gally's secret juice in your hand as you rest your back against a tree, a nice view of both the fire and the little fight-circle. You take your time to enjoy the peace and intoxicate yourself, ridding yourself of any worries.
You lay your eyes on the new Greenie, a light, inviting smile as he looks back at you. He was standing all alone, staring at the fire like he was trying to think long and hard about his past. He joins you, seeing that you were also alone, watching the fire and the other boys talk and have fun.
He sits criss-cross next to you, an awkward little hi slipping from his mouth.
"Know your name yet, Greenie?" You ask him, taking a sip from your cup.
He shakes his head, a slight twinge of sadness twinkling in his eyes.
"Don't worry," You pat him on the shoulder, "You'll get it back soon"
He nods, basking the two of you in a calm silence, listening to the fire crackle and the boys cheering and whooping a few yards away. He speaks up after a few minutes, having been conjuring up a question for you.
"How long have you been here?" He asks, question and curiosity dripping off his tongue.
You shrug, "Seven months. Same thing every day, all day. It's nice after a while, I guess."
He nods, watching Gally and Alec tussle and shove each other around the fight circle. He looks down at the mason jar in your hand, seeing you cringe as you feel the sour taste hit your tastebuds.
"What's that?"
You deviously smile, "Gally's secret concoction." You hold out the glass for him, giving him a look to try it.
He looks between you and the glass jar filled with the dark yellow liquid, seeking approval in your eyes. You nod, silently urging him to try it.
"It's good for the nerves"
He's silent for a moment before he takes it in his hand and takes a quick swig of it. He cringes as he hands the jar back, coughing up a fit as he rubs his mouth with his wrist.
You lightly laugh, watching his dramatic reaction.
"Good for nerves?" He repeats, smacking his lips to try and rid the taste from his mouth. "What is that, bloody hell!"
You giggle, setting the jar down in the grass with a little twist so it'd stay. "Dunno, ask Gally"
"Which one is Gally? Good God" He lightly coughs, "It tastes like piss!"
You stand up, a hand out to help Newt up. "I'll show you around, hm?"
He nods, taking your hand as you walk around the bonfire.
"Y'know Alby and Fry, right?"
He nods.
"Cool. Well, that's Minho, my best friend. He's a runner, as am I. He's Keeper of the Runners, though, very down to Earth and stuff. There's Gally and the other builders. They're strong but dumb." You shrug. "Winston is Keeper of the Slicers. He and that whole crew are wonderful. Zart and Jeff are the Med-Jacks. Go to them if you have a splinter or a cold, they'll help you out"
The blonde nods, following your gaze and finger as you look to and point the others out.
"And those are the Track-Hoes. They're gardeners, very sweet, that's Sam, Keeper of the Track-Hoes" You finish, giving him a warm smile as you look back at him.
He goes silent for a moment, looking dazed and zoned out before you snap him back to reality.
"Greenie? Hey, dude?"
"Newt" His lips curl into a smile, eyes twinkling as he looks at you. "Newt. My name is Newt"
You widely smile and chuckle in excitement, both of you with your hands on each other's shoulders as you bounce around, both buzzed off of the alcohol you'd been served.
"Greenie has a name!" You shout, looking to him for him to shout out his name, the whole Glade looking at you two.
"My name is Newt!" He smiles, looking to you for approval.
In your buzzed state, you convince him to jump on your back as you loop around the large fire, the boys chanting his name.
"Welcome to the Glade, Newton!"
"It's gotta stand for something!"
The boys continuously chant and holler his name, a smile painting his freckled face. You had all of him now, his kind, friendly and trustworthy personality, his dirty blonde hair, his freckles, and his dorky name.
He felt his brain take a photo of the scene as he looked slightly down at you, a hand on your scalp, the other formed in a fist which he held in the air. From the crackling fire beside him, to the feeling of the warm air against his face, to the boys in a circle watching as you proudly carry him on your shoulders. The smell of the bitter drink passed around the bonfire haunted his nose, and the way you gripped onto his ankles for safety did as well.
After the bonfire, the drunk boys return to the Homestead one by one, leaving you, Minho, Newt, and most of the builders by the fire. Minho struck up a conversation with Newt by the fire, sitting on a log together while you sit at the log on the right of them, sipping on Gally's secret drink. You weren't shitfaced but you weren't buzzed either, just the right amount of kind of out of it. You wanted to rid your life of any stress tonight, considering your friend and your new friend, Newt, were getting along and no one had tried to kill each other today, a win in your eyes.
Minho, wanting to embarass you, buzzed, brings up how you requested a guitar from the box and actually received it, although you never touched it afterward because you didn't want to be made fun of. Newt found this interesting and began begging you to play, even just for a minute. He never heard any real, genuine music before, and to experience it from you, his first actual friend would've been a memory he'd remember for a lifetime and more.
You eventually comply, striking a deal that if you play, you wouldn't be singing. You walk back and forth from the fire to the Homestead, retrieving the guitar, re-tuning it on your walk back to the two boys. You sit down again with a dramatic sigh and strum on the strings once to make sure it was properly tuned now.
Newt watches with a smile as you strum away, humming along to the rhythm.
The same rhythm that he could decode one certain phrase from underneath the warm, orange light of the fire, which was now dying out.
Take me back to the night we met.
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For the prompt: malec adjusting after qoaad when Alec is the consul
“Sweetheart, it’s okay,” Magnus says softly, gently carding his fingers through Alec’s hair. He’s currently wrapped up under a plethora of blankets.
“It’s not.”
“Are you planning to come out of the blankets ever again?” Magnus says, amusement laced with his voice.
“No. It’s my temple of shame. I’m going to stay here now. You can go find yourself another husband.”
He can feel the vibrations from Magnus’s laughter through the blankets and pouts. There’s some shuffling then, few blankets removed from top of him as Magnus makes space for himself next to him.
Alec can feel the warmth on his face already from the warlock’s breath.
Magnus touches his face and he leans into the touch.
He opens his eyes, to meet Magnus’s golden-green ones.
For a second, Alec forgets everything else and focuses on how pretty his eyes are.
Magnus taps his forehead twice to bring him out of his stupor and he groans in response. He shifts closer to Magnus and hides his face against his chest.
“I can’t hear you, love,” Magnus replies as Alec mumbles something against his chest.
“I’m a bad father,” he pulls back slightly, a huge pout on his face.
Magnus cups his face with both his hands and kisses his mouth softly. “You are not.”
“I am.”
“You’re not.”
“Your children believe so,” he retorts.
“My children?” Magnus raises an eyebrow in amusement.
“Yes. They hate me now so they’re your kids. You can keep their full custody.”
Magnus shakes his head fondly, gently caressing his face. “You are so dramatic. And so are those two demons.”
“Don’t talk shit about my kids,” Alec warns.
A low chuckle erupts Magnus’s mouth. “Idiot.”
Magnus drags his fingers across Alec’s back, before putting them inside his shirt and traces random patterns.
Alec’s quite okay spending an eternity here, not that he will ever have an eternity with Magnus but never mind—that’s a problem for another day.
“Do you think so too?” He asks, knowing Magnus’s answer but still needing to hear it.
“Think what?”
He sighs before removing the seven blankets as he sits up. Alec runs his fingers through his hair in frustration, leaning his head against the back of the wall. Magnus comes out from under within a few seconds.
He doesn’t push Alec at all. Gives him all the time in the world to voice his thoughts.
“Do you think I’m a bad husband too?” He asks, even if a little petulantly.
But it’s Magnus and if Alec can act petulant infront of anyone just because he wants to, it’s Magnus.
Magnus bops his nose. “I don’t think so. You are my favorite husband.”
It makes him smile.
“I am your only husband.”
Alec huffs. “How would you even know though? 400 or 800 or 1500 years, whatever age you’re choosing to be today and you’ve been married once. Your experience is of 4 months. The bar is in hell for you, Magnus.”
Magnus snorts, inches closer to him, crossing his legs, half lying on top of Alec.
“I think I have seen enough marriages in the world to know that you,” Magnus pokes his finger across Alec’s chest, “are quite nailing it.”
The thing about Magnus is that, when he speaks, when he tells you something, it doesn’t matter who you are or what you are—you believe him.
Right now, Alec doesn’t want to believe him.
He scoffs, irritation seeping his voice as he crosses the bed and stands up, throwing his hands in the air. “Really? Because everything in the past few months suggest otherwise. That I’m failing colossally.”
The amusement disappears from Magnus’s face, replaced with concern now. “Alexander, you’re not failing at anything.”
“You wouldn’t feel that way if Max and Rafe had said all of that about you.”
“They’re kids, love.”
“I quite remember the trauma my parents left me with as a child.”
Alec remembers all of that as clear as a day. Even if amends have been made. Even if Alec’s dad isn’t here anymore and he tries to not hold grudges. But there are things Alec can’t quite forget. Even if he’s forgiven his parents for them.
Absence is one of those.
He never wants his kids to feel that.
Magnus stands up from the bed and stands in front of him. “You’re spiraling.”
“I should.”
“All of this is new for all of us. It’s okay if you are not perfect at this,” Magnus assures him.
“They think I don’t have time for them.”
It had been a small thing.
No matter how busy Alec and Magnus are, weekends are for his family. Especially Saturday nights and Sunday mornings.
They had plans to take the boys to the Miami Seaquarium since Rafe had recently become obsessed with dolphins and wanted to see them. The plans been set for weeks now.
But something had come up at the last minute, another crisis that he’d need to deal with. He had to tell the boys that he couldn’t make it and they had not taken it lightly.
Max and Rafe don’t usually complain a lot when one of them has to leave due to their work. They can usually be bribed with food, toys and a hundred kisses and hugs.
And yet, they’d been pissed at Alec—told him that he doesn’t have time for them these days. Didn’t even say goodbye to him when Magnus took them through the portal, an apologetic smile on his face.
That had kind of hurt. Then as Magnus would like to call it—he had spiralled.
“They were disappointed today but they won’t hold this one thing against you,” Magnus says tenderly.
“I know they are,” he replies. “And you can be too.”
“I’m not disappointed, darling.”
It’s difficult when you spend so many years of your life having every single action of yours being measured in terms of its success and failures—the disappointment it can lead to for other people.
It’s worse when you realise that it’s not how it’s supposed to be.
When you are met with nothing but understanding and gentleness at your shortcomings.
Sometimes, Alec’s still not used to it.
“Why are you being so nice about it?” He says, not wanting to start a fight but needing it anyways.
“You don’t want me to be nice to you?” Magnus asks. “Because I like being nice to you. It’s not a hardship.”
There’s nothing but unconditional love on Magnus’s face.
It’s jarring some days that all of that is for him.
He drops the defensive stance and relaxes. “I don’t want to fight.”
“I know.”
“I’ve had a horrible day,” he admits. “And, I need you.”
It’s not just what the kids said. But the past few months have been exhausting and as much change Alec can bring, it’s still a hard battle every single day. It’s been tiring to no end.
“I’m here, Alexander,” Magnus exhales. He places his hand on Alec’s cheek, other tugging him closer by the waist.
“We never went on our honeymoon because I was so busy with work.”
“But, you did let me kidnap you for a few days for a short honeymoon. Remember?” The words bring an instant smile to his face. Magnus had colluded with his siblings to kidnap Alec for a few days.
“That was nice. We had fun,” he replies.
Magnus tilts his head, a small smirk on his face. “We had more than just fun.”
Alec chuckles breathlessly.
“And have you forgotten the part where you changed the law just to get married to me?”
“Max and Rafe hate me,” he whines again.
“They don’t hate you. They’re just mad. You tell them a bedtime story and a cup of ice cream and they would be all yours,” Magnus assures him.
“That seems manipulative.”
“Well. They are quite easily bought.”
“They are,” he snorts.
“Are we feeling better now?” Magnus leans their foreheads together, their bodies flushed against each other.
It doesn’t quite feel real to him sometimes that Magnus uses ‘we’ not just as a phrase but, because it does affect him as well when Alec is feeling sad.
“One more thing.”
He pulls back, raising an eyebrow.
“You could not fail at being an amazing husband if you tried. You are everything I could never dream for myself, Alexander,” Magnus breathes against his mouth.
“I’m your favorite husband?” He says with a grin.
“Out of the ones you know of, you absolutely are,” Magnus grins back.
He throws his head back in laughter. “What happened to being nice to me?”
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tarotwithlove · 10 months
PICK-A-CARD 🪼ೕ single since birth · your first partner (suggested by anon)
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in today’s pac we will be answering the following questions regarding your first relationship:
- how will you meet this person?
- what will your first impression of each other be?
- what will your relationship be like?
- physical attributes and other identifying factors.
reminder that this is a general reading and messages found here may not apply to everyone. take what resonates, leave what doesn't, and don't force anything if it does not fit.
BOOK A READING WITH ME · LINKTREE · SUGGEST A PAC TOPIC · TIPS ♡ tips and feedback are highly appreciated!
cards pulled: justice (reversed), eight of pentacles, eight of pentacles (reversed), eight of cups (reversed), four of wands (reversed), seven of pentacles (reversed), nine of pentacles, seven of swords, king of wands (reversed). 
channelled songs: let me down slowly by alec benjamin. not mine by day6. wake up by bahja rodriguez. amusement park by baekhyun.
my dear group one ♡ you and this person may meet in an environment that is strict, with a lot of rules and regulations. this, of course, pertains to academic and professional settings, like a class or office place. but i am also getting that you may meet while playing a game (physical, not a video game) or at an adventure park that you may visit with friends, or friends and friends of friends. this meeting will be quite coincidental, and will make you both feel as if it is thanks to fate that your paths crossed. interestingly enough—and only for some of you—you may part ways for some time and reunite a few months or even years later. this may, then, be someone you have already met and parted ways with.
the first impression that you and your first partner have of each other is that you’re equally as inept when it comes to interpersonal relationships—and not just with regard to love and romantic relationships. your first conversations may be awkward, with your person often stumbling over their words and saying things they later regret because of how overwhelmed and intimidated they feel in the moment. this won’t be anything bad per se, rather them telling stupid jokes, sharing random facts, or going on long spiels about their interests, in ways that you might enjoy or find endearing but that make them slap their head and ask “why did i say that??” as soon as they’re alone. you may start off thinking of this person as someone who is intelligent yet otherwise mediocre while your first partner’s first impression of you may be that you are somewhat of an insecure person who doesn’t see their own attractiveness.
in this relationship, your person may be doing most of the work. they may reach out first, ask you out first, and take most of the control, but i feel as if it is done willingly because they have more romantic experience than you. kind of like, showing you the ropes. but it’s also as if they want to spoil you as much as possible because of how long they had been waiting to be in this relationship with you; because of how long they had been waiting to have you as their partner. this relationship may also be one in which you feel comfortable enough to explore your sexuality, especially in a way you haven’t been able to in the past because of your single status. though, of course, it comes with its own hardships. you may be closed off and aloof because of how unfamiliar romantic relationships are for you, often pushing your partner to the limits of their patience.
this person may have prominent cancer, aquarius, and/or virgo placements. they may be south asian, southeast asian (of south asian or southeast asian descent) with light to dark brown skin even if they are of a different race or ethnicity. they may have an emotionless look about them—kind of like a “resting bitch face”, with any sternness dissipating the moment that they smile. this person may also be energetic and physically fit; they may like to exercise and spend time outdoors, in particular, they may enjoy hiking, canoeing, and rowing. they also give off an effortlessly confident energy, as if they know who they are and what they stand for and, thus, could not be bothered by anyone else’s opinions of them.
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cards pulled: eight of swords (reversed), nine of wands, justice (reversed), the hanged man, seven of cups (reversed), knight of wands, nine of wands, the hermit, six of cups (reversed).
channelled songs: you give good love by whitney houston. million dollar man by lana del rey. why didn’t you stop me? by mitski. u by baekhyun.
my dear group two ♡ you and this person may meet in a medical or stressful environment. for some, you may meet in the waiting area of a hospital or airport. this will be stressful either because someone is in labour or because a flight has been delayed (likely due to weather). you may end up chatting with this person to pass the time, and because i feel that they are more extroverted than you it may be them who starts the conversation.
your first impression of this person will likely be more a distant observation that they seem frantic and full of panicked energy. you will likely notice them pacing across the room, on the phone as they try to explain their situation to someone or try to close a business deal despite how hectic everything around them is. you may be fully absorbed in a book until they grab your attention with their movements and the hushed sound of their hurried conversation, yet once they do grab your attention it’s hard to take your eyes off them. you’ll probably keep peeking at them out of curiosity, occasionally accidentally making and breaking eye contact until they finish and eventually sit down beside you. their first impression of you may be that you're the complete opposite of them, in attitude and in appearance. you are likely more down-to-earth, humble and introverted… i’m not too familiar with bridget jones as a character but i’m also being urged to say that you’re likely more of a “bridget jones type” (maybe more physically than in personality, for some). or at least that is their first impression of you. they may initially see you as an intellectual and calm person, as someone with whom they can have a nice, distracting conversation. they will be drawn to you because, in that moment, they need a bit of the calm that you exude.
your relationship may be one that causes you a certain amount of stress. your first partner is likely someone who is fairly busy, business-oriented, and wealthy. they prioritise work and their image, because in their line of work image is what gets them the furthest. because of this, they may push you to change the way you dress or get you to join them in the gym or in participating in physically exhaustive activities. this person will push you to grow in many ways, and while you may learn new things about yourself in this relationship, and get new opportunities through this relationship, it may come to a point where it overwhelms and stresses you out more than anything. like i said, this person is very focused on their image, they are incredibly appearance-focused, in such a way that might do nothing more than make you self-conscious and insecure at every moment. your partner may also spend a lot of time travelling for work and, as they are quite attractive and outgoing, you may find yourself growing anxious that they will cheat on you while they’re away from you.
in this relationship, and as your anxiety grows, you may find yourself doing things and agreeing to things out of a fear that if you do not you will lose your person—such as dyeing your hair, getting surgery or dental work, losing/gaining weight, and/or moving somewhere to be closer to them.
your first partner may be someone who is quite a bit older than you. i’m getting the words “father figure” so they might be 40-50+ and have children—even if they are younger than this, they may still have children or a child. they may have prominent sagittarius and/or pisces placements, and are likely of greek, italian, or south asian descent. physically, they may be lean and taller than you. sometimes you may look at them and think about how they could have been a model, and actually could still be a model if they decided to go that route. they also likely look younger than they actually are, or they carry themselves in such a way that subverts your expectations of age and what it actually means to grow older. professionally, they may be a lawyer or senior executive who is now making a change in their career, such as starting a business of their own or going into a more artsy career, such as film direction.
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cards pulled: five of cups, nine of pentacles, eight of cups, six of cups (reversed), ten of wands (reversed), two of swords (reversed), nine of wands (reversed), ten of wands, the tower, eight of cups (reversed), the moon, four of wands (reversed), four of pentacles. 
channelled songs: first to last by danger incorporated. no choir by florence + the machine. nobody by miraa may. un village by baekhyun.
my dear group three ♡ you may meet at a particularly bad time in both of your lives, or at a place that brings back more ‘bad’, stressful, and embarrassing memories than anything else, such as at a college or university. or in the aftermath of graduating from college or university, or in the aftermath of leaving a stressful job. for some, you may meet at a club, gathering, or after a night out that leaves you moody and hungover. meeting them may make you feel hopeful about life again; as if all your stresses are manageable because this person is in your life.
your first impression of this person may be a fleeting one. you probably see them around town, or notice them as they pass you by without thinking too much, only to have a “hey! i think i know you!” moment when you actually meet for the first time. you may think of them as someone who is busy and motivated, but also closed-off and in their own little world. likely because they are always rushing around, and don’t divulge more than they actually need to in any given situation. you may also think of them as intimidating because they are so much more mature and put together than you are—or, at least, that is how you see them from your first impression of them.
the messages for this group are kind of hard to get out, as if your first impressions of each other are far too flimsy and ephemeral…
when it comes to your first partner’s first impression of you, it is likely that they see you as someone who is overworked and overburdened. they may see you in a place of transit, such as an airport or bus station, and think that you must be so overwhelmed with the amount of bags you are carrying. their first impression of you might not be all too pleasant, maybe thinking of you as dishevelled or not well put together because when they first see you it is at a particularly ill-opportune time, only for this impression to change when you actually meet for the first time. they may initially think of you as an argumentative person who picks fights, judges others over their perceived flaws, and gossips needlessly. they may initially think of you as unintellectual and, to some extent, below them or just not their type.
this may not only be your first relationship, but also your first love and the first time you’ve felt so strongly about another person. you may have had crushes in the past, but these are nothing in comparison to the depth of what you feel for your first partner, to the extent that it might actually shock you and leave you questioning what exactly these feelings are. it is likely that you will end up marrying this person, but the more serious this relationship becomes the more you may find yourself disengaging and pushing your person away. the moment it clicks for you that this may be permanent and not just a fleeting or casual relationship, may be the very moment you start to subconsciously self-sabotage.
this relationship will push you to face your own hang-ups and beliefs about relationships, love, and marriage. it will also push you to be more mature in that you will have to voice your upsets and disagreements, make compromises, and be brave instead of running away when times get tough. this relationship will change you into a better person, in many ways. it is a relationship that will help you to reach your full potential, both in your romantic and professional life. especially in your professional life, as this person will ensure that you follow your dreams and take risks in your career you may be too scared to take. this person may come from a strict background, or a background where they felt they were never loved or supported enough, and that is why they are so vocal in their love and support of you. they are purposeful to not replicate those same patterns in your relationship—most of all because they want to have children with you, want to be the best possible parent, and want to create a loving family and home.
when it comes to your person’s appearance, they may be a bit insecure about what they look like–at least in some way. despite this, they still look after their appearance and make sure they look neat and representable. they likely have long, thick hair and/or a well-kept beard and crooked or discoloured teeth. they likely have clear, glowy, brown or sunkissed skin or a glow about them that gives them a calm, happy look. they may also be buddhist, or someone who considers themselves more spiritual than religious. for some, i’m getting that they’re someone who finds god in nature and in everything all around them. they’re also a huge nature and animal lover! professionally, there’s a fun little mix of careers here... for some, this person may be a bit of a transient, enjoying life instead of jumping into a career. they might be a surfer who works on the beach or by the seaside, taking any job that comes their way. in other cases, they may be a student or someone who is more concerned with academia and their education than with a job. they may also plan to be a teacher or divorce lawyer, if they are not already one.
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cards pulled: eight of wands (reversed), ten of cups, ten of wands, eight of cups (reversed), five of cups, seven of pentacles, strength, ace of swords, ace of cups (reversed), king of wands (reversed), strength.
channelled songs: river by maya b. cozy by beyoncé. priority by ré lxuise. dreamer by nct 127.
my dear group four ♡ before i even started to pull your cards the word “malayalam” came to mind, so you may meet this person in kerala, india, or in a language or cultural exchange group. this may also just be a language either you or both of you speak! you and this person may meet in an environment that you are wholly familiar and comfortable with; in your city where you often travel, at a class, or at a wedding. the movie comrades: almost a love story actually also comes to mind, so you might meet this person as they look for new connections, friends, and other resources in a city with which they are entirely unfamiliar. you may speak a bit of their language, at least enough to communicate what’s necessary, and may also be able to help them learn the language of your new city.
your first impression of this person will kind of be that they’re a lost puppy, all shy and confused and much like you when you were first learning to stand on your own two feet. you may feel a responsibility over them and want to look after them, or at least help them settle in because of how alone and without support they seem to be. i also get the feeling that they aren’t dressed appropriately for the city’s weather—for example, they may be wearing a turtleneck and a coat because the winter they’re used to is not at all like the winter in this city. with all this combined, it might be more apt to say that your first impression of your first partner is one of pity and sympathy. you may have both moved to this city, or you may have similar experience with being out of your comfort zone and eventually settling in, which makes this person almost instantly feel safe around you. as this is a first impression, you may not even have to say anything, but they may instinctively know that you and they are the same in some way. they may also admire you from the very first meeting. you’ve managed to build a life for yourself in a way they can only wish to.
it's interesting that we have strength and the ace of swords for what your relationship will be like, so you and this person are likely both equally determined, hard-headed or, for lack of another word, dominant. while at first you may think of this person as defenceless, the more comfortable you become with each other and the more comfortable they become in their surroundings, the more you’ll start to see that they are anything but. and that’s not to say that they are violent or anything bad like that, but rather that you may be so similar that you often challenge each other and get on each other’s nerves. you both are heavily focused on your own goals and, so, without even really needing to discuss it or worry about it, you may both come to the agreement that the relationship comes second and your own personal careers and achievements come first. it’s likely that this relationship is a short-term one. you both provide each other with exactly what you need in this period of your lives (comfort, companionship, understanding) but will outgrow each other once this has passed.
this person may have prominent water or fire placements. they either have very pale or very dark skin. whatever facial features they have are kind of turned up to a 100, for example they could be a white european with bright blue eyes and thin, blond hair or an indian with dark skin, a hooked nose and thick hair, or a black american with dark skin, a wide nose, and big lips (etc). it might be most succinct to say that they have pronounced features or a “stereotypical” appearance—especially one that stands out in the city that they have moved to. and this doesn’t go for race and ethnicity alone, but for gender too and the way that they express their gender—for example, if they are a stud or a butch lesbian they are very stereotypical in how they dress and carry themselves.
and that’s not to say it’s a bad thing, obviously! it’s just an observation. in the case of gender, in particular, it may even be a dolly parton/bruce springsteen situation, where they play into gender stereotypes and use gender as a performance. professionally, this person is incredibly skilled, talented and educated, but may be unemployed when you meet them.
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lunalitva · 1 month
Way Down We Go
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AJ x Private Security/Crime family reader
「 You 」
I sat up on the rooftop of the building next door of the club my brother was currently at. With his friends… If you could call them that. More like work acquaintances, without the work. His little thief friends, Takers. Is what they call themselves, the dorks.
Was I spying on my brother? Sure. But in all fairness, he isn’t always a good judge of character. Hence why I’m here now. Because the knuckle head and his stupid plans are going to be the death of me.
I pull up my laptop, that had been running background checks on my brothers new crew. Alderige, Alexander James. Cute… perhaps my brother doesn’t have bad taste after all-
I jolt, picking up my phone hastily. To see a notification from my brother, speak of the devil.
Thorn in my side
Need help.
No hi how r u?
Usually u leave me on read. Anyway hurry up and get ur ass here. We r waiting.
And where would here be exactly? And whose ‘we?’
Christ how dumb do you think I am? Actually don’t answer that.
I snicker at his response, before typing mine.
Fine, I’ll be there. Tell ur boy band I’ll be there soon.
Thx sis x
eww don’t ever call me ‘sis’ again
ok… sis
I leave him on read, maybe he does have a point. Chucking all my equipment back into my duffle bag, slinging it over my shoulder. Making my way to the stairs as I head to the club my brother and the rest of the Takers were at.
「 Narrator 」
Aj was lounging on one of the various couches while Gordon and your brother, Alec were discussing the plan for the upcoming heist. Though he appeared to be in a world of his own, Aj was paying more attention than it seemed.
He visibly perked up after hearing your name, he knew Alec had a big family. He’d mentioned it before, from your two other sisters. Him, your parents and obviously your dog named Flash. But he never mentioned you, at least never around Aj. He couldn’t help the curiousness that crept up inside of him, Gordon was usually very picky about allowing outsiders into their plans.
So what was so special about you?
Aj jolts after taking an elbow to the ribs, grimacing at the feeling. “Have you been listening to anything I’ve said for the past hour?” John asks annoyed, though a small smile tugs at the blond mans lips. Not at all surprised by Aj’s brazen behaviour.
Aj picks up his fedora that had fallen to the floor, smoothing his hair back. Before placing it back on his head, “yeah man of course.” His gaze averts to John. His friend’s face held a look of disbelief, busted.
John chuckles at Aj’s obvious distraction. “You might wanna be a little less obvious when your eavesdropping man.” He grins, leaning back against the lounge. Crossing his arms over his muscular chest. The muscle of his biceps straining against the sleeves of his shirt.
Aj lets out a huff, “no clue what you’re on about man.” Trying to dismiss John’s eavesdropping accusation against him.
John raises a brow in amusement, clearly not believing a word that came out of Aj’s mouth. “Yeah, whatever you say.” He smirks, before standing up. Heading over to Gordon and Alec, giving Aj a teasing wink. Who just gave John a playful glare in response, before slumping back in his seat. Crossing his arms over his chest in annoyance. Looking like a toddler throwing a tantrum, making John chuckle.
While the Takers were distracted you managed to sneak in through the back entrance. Watching as they all bickered amongst themselves, oblivious to your presence. You decided to remain undetected for now, placing your duffle bag down on the countertop of the bar. Heading behind it to make yourself a drink.
Grabbing a cold martini glass, pouring in a shot of vodka. Filling the rest up with cranberry juice, before topping it off with three maraschino cherries. Hopping up, you sit on top of the bar. Cross legged, siping on your vodka cranberry. While looking through the blueprints of the bank someone had so callously left on the bar countertop.
Hearing the faint sound of heels clicking you turn your head. Lilli approached the bar, jumping slightly as she made eye contact with you. Sitting there sipping on your cocktail, the blueprints laid across your lap. Her jump scared expression making you giggle, she placed a hand over her heart. A smile tugging on her lips. “Hi,” you whisper.
“Hello,” she replies. Her voice soft, as her kind eyes bored into yours. She moved towards the counter, extending your hand for support. She takes it, propping herself up on the counter beside you. “I’m Lilli, and you are?”
You give her hand you were holding a shake. “Y/n, nice to meet you.” You see her eyes avert to the blueprints on your lap. “Wanna see?” She nods enthusiastically, making you chuckle softly in response to her enthusiasm. Picking up the blueprints, holding them out in front of both your faces.
“What are you doing here?” Lilli asks curiously, while scanning the blueprints.
“Alec asked me to come,” you shrug nonchalantly. Pointing at the best points of entry on the blueprints.
“How do you know Alec?” She asks, while you take another sip of your cocktail.
“He’s my brother,” you pick up a maraschino cherry. Popping it into your mouth.
Her eyes widen in obvious surprise, “Alec is your brother?”
“Unfortunately,” you grin playfully. “Speaking of which…” you pause, turning to face the group. That were still engrossed in conversation. “Earth to boy band can we get this show on the road? I have shit to do.” You raise your voice loud enough to grab their attention.
Watching in amusement as their heads snap in your direction, fast enough that they could’ve gotten whiplash. Making you and Lilli laugh, “so oblivious.” She chuckles.
Looking through the group, you see John’s familiar face. “Johnny boy, long time no see.” A soft blush adorns his cheeks in embarrassment.
“Huh?” The blonde man beside him, looks at him bewildered. Which you recognised to be Aj. John just looks back at you and chuckles.
“Y/n, good to see you again.” He waves, as Aj mutters something under his breath. Though your attention is pulled away by a soft tap on your shoulder. You turn to see Lilli with a sheepish smile on her face.
“Can you make me one of those?” She ask hesitantly pointing at the drink in your hand, making a smile tug at your lips.
“Of course,” you slide off the countertop. To behind the bar, hearing someone clear their throat. You look up, meeting the familiar hazel eyes of your brother. “Hey big bro.”
“I didn’t ask you to come over so you could drink.” He quips, with a sly smirk tugging at his lips. Causing you to narrow your eyes at him playfully.
“Well I was bored,” you retort. Ruffling his dark hair, making him let out an annoyed grunt.
Lilli leans a little closer to the both of you. “To be fair, she was sitting here for a while. Not that you guys noticed.” She added in your defence, as you mixed up the vodka cranberry.
“Do you want the cherries?” You ask, raising a brow. She nods in response, “yes ma’am.” You say with a salute. Making her let out a soft giggle.
Alec clicks his fingers in front of your face trying to get your attention, “uh hello? Back on topic please.” Making you roll your eyes at his behaviour.
“You’re so dramatic big bro, relax. Take a breather,” you tease. Hearing a chuckle from behind Alec, then a mop of blond hair peeking through. A big toothy grin on his face, as he steps to the side of Alec. In front of you, holding out his hand. Gently taking yours, bringing it to his soft lips.
Placing a gentle kiss on your knuckles, “it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Aj.”
A soft chuckle befalling your lips, amused by his irregular behaviour. “Let me guess, you have a thing for the Godfather?” You tease, looking up at his fedora. Alec’s hand immediately shoots to his mouth, muffling his snort. Aj bites his bottom lip gently, giving your hand a soft squeeze. Before you pull it out of his grip, popping the cherries into Lilli’s drink. Sliding it over to her, she whispers a ‘thank you.’
“I do actually, have you watched it?” He leans onto the bar, practically looming over you. The low lighting in the room reflecting off his blond hair. Making him look almost… angelic. Though his playful smirk suggested otherwise.
“No, though if you like that thing you should come to our family reunions. The resemblance is impeccable,” you quip. A wheezy laugh erupting from Alec. Aj seemed undeterred from his friends reaction, leaning even closer. His long lean fingers gently brushing a strand of hair out your face, tucking it behind your ear. With the utmost gentleness, as if you were made of porcelain. His eyes so transfixed on his movements, it was like he was in a trace. So were you, not that you’d admit it. Alec and Lilli observed quietly, aware of the tension. Eyeing the display of affection with curiousness. It was no secret that Aj was a flirt, but this was something that even your brother hadn’t witnessed from him. After a moment you pull back snapping yourself out of your trance like state, withdrawing from his gentle caress. Clearing your throat, “well… Let’s get on with it. We have a lot to do.”
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valeskawhore · 2 years
“Y/n Dracula?”
Word(s): 1.3k
Character(s)/parings: Wednesday x Fem! Vampire! Reader! (GirlxGirl)
Series/show(?): series— 2/??
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Dark, creepy, and dead silent. Those are the words I would use to describe Nevermore. The weatherman wasn’t kidding when he explained that there was barely any sun in Jericho, vermont. It was like autumn all year round.
Everything that caught my eye was like copy and paste. It’s like the town was under some spell or trance that caused them all to be depressed at the same time. Not one smile on our way here, no one stopped to wave or say hello like usual when they saw a fancy car drive by.
They glared, as if they were offended by newcomers.
A town with this small of a population— it was to be expected that they didn’t easily accept newcomers, the town had quite the interesting history of banning outcasts.
Alec tried making small conversation here and there but gave up halfway through when it finally sunk in his mind that I was making no attempts to answer him or even care about what he had to say.
I felt a guilt bubble in my stomach, he didn’t deserve my wrath but it was the only thing on my mind so I just did my best to ignore him without trying to lash out. It wouldn't help my situation anyways. Either way, I'm going to this ridiculous school and there's nothing I can do about it.
Two things caught my eye,
One was an old antique shop, and the other was a fairly busy cafe on the corner of a T-section. It had fairly good business, something they were selling must have been good enough if it was still up and running. Though, by the looks of it, we’ll see how long that’ll even last.
I like shity cafe music… Maybe that’ll be something to do when I finally get permission to go into town.
“Hmm, Nevermore doesn't usually accept newcomers this late into the semester.” Principal Weems adjusted her glasses, skimming through my paperwork. “You’d have to do some extra classes in order to catch up on credits.”
“I don’t mind the work, that won't be a problem.” I added in.
“Well… Miss Edith, given your 4.0 GPA, that doesn't surprise me. You haven't failed a grade, never missed a day of school, your IQ level is above a 150– which is more than intelligent enough. “ she smiled, setting the paperwork to the side and giving me her full attention. “Besides,” she smiled once more, “Who am i? To turn down the one and only– Count Dracula’s only living heir. I'm surprised he enrolled you as late as he did.”
I kept my posture straight, crossing one leg over the other. “He is something.”
She laughed, “I would expect nothing less from a Dracula.”
I let out a breath of relief, smiling slightly. Her blue eyes scanned my figure, looking me up and down as if judging me right then and there. If I wasn't as sharp as I was– I'd probably say something dark was swirling around in her eyes as she smiled at me. Something felt off about this woman, I just couldn't put my finger on it just yet.
Finally, she let out the question she’d been holding in,
“You are aware of how to control yourself around others, correct? Especially normies??” she asked, “Because as you and I both know sweetie, being dracula means you’re a lot more… Different from others.”
‘Ah… that’s what she wanted to ask.’
“What all can you do exactly? Miss y/n?”
I dropped my head, suddenly feeling ashamed. She’s right, I am different. And not because I am a half-blood but because, unlike other vampires who can take medication to control themselves– I was a problem.
I was stronger than others, faster, and I craved actual blood. I couldn’t be out in the sunlight for too long on actual days when the sun was finally out.
I could glamor people to get what I wanted but in-order for that to work, I needed to be superior to them in power. In my case, that wasn’t a problem. I haven’t met someone I couldn't glamor… yet.
Every second that passed by, I felt more and more like I was being judged. She expected an answer while staring at me so intently, I thought she was going to burn holes in my skull.
I finally gave her one,
“I.. have my own personal supplies on things I need. As for power, I can't be out in the sunlight without my ring for too long, but besides that– pretty much the same for other vampires. I'm able to keep human food down long enough for it to digest, but that still doesn't stop the urges.”
She stared for a long time, scanning my face for any traces to which I'd be lying.
After a few moments, she smiled, feeling satisfied with my lie. “That’s perfect, I trust you can manage your own supplies correct?”
I nodded.
“Welcome to Aurora Hall! We are so excited to finally have someone new joining us!” The young girl buzzed with excitement, damn-near shaking in her boots while she held the door open.
“I’m your new roommate! My name is Abigail but my friends call me Abi! We’re friends right!? Since we’re roommates!? That definitely automatically makes us—”
“Woahhhhh honeypie, I understand you are very excited– but let’s give Edith sometime to settle in, hm?” My dorm mother explained. Marylin? I believe her name was.
Very nice women.
I smiled nervously, not really knowing what else to do. Abigail was definitely someone I'd have trouble getting along with, I realize I might have to set boundaries if I'm going to make this work.
Shrugging everything off, I picked my suitcases up from the ground and gently carried them into the room.
It was huge. The room was already divided into two separate halves and it was already obvious which one was Abigails. She specializes in terrakinesis– she had a green thumb alright, abi could make anything grow.
Her side of the room was filled with green and black vines growing up the walls with flowers blooming around every corner. They spread everywhere around her side of the room. Abi also had dozens of small plants littered around her room, growing all types of flowers– And believe me when I say, Abigail absolutely adored flowers.
DVD players and radios stacked up on one side of the room, next to her bed. Almost working as a nightstand without the drawers. She had an electric guitar also, with a microphone setup with speakers.
Maybe this chick wasn't so bad afterall.
The other side of the room, my side– was as to be expected. A queen sized mattress with a large frame reaching the ceiling sat in the corner neatly.
Definitely compliments from my father– added with two wide dark burgundy dressers to match. Everything else was completely barren, waiting and ready for me to unpack.
I gave a small smile, turning back to my dorm mother when she called my name.
“Here,” She smiled at me, holding a flower pot out. “I try to match just the right flower to all of my girls. This one is a—”
I cut her off, “Wolfsbane. Which is highly dangerous.. Also more commonly associated with werewolves, witches……. and even—”
“That's right, Vampires…I found it fitting for the one and only heir to the Dracula legacy.” She smiled widely.
I stared at her, holding the flower.
After a moment, I smiled as widely as she did, my fangs releasing from the roof of my mouth. She was taken back by how quickly they ejected,
“Thank you,” I laughed, “How very stereotypical of you.”
Marylin struggled to smile, taking a few steps back before making her way to the doorway. “Well uh,” she coughed, raising her hand to her mouth nervously, “Let me know if I can do anything for you girls.” She excited the room quickly after, shutting the door with a loud click.
I Laughed almost immediately, retracting my fangs. A skill only a dracula ascendent could master. We could almost pass off as a normie if it wasn’t for the restricted sunlight, the pasty white skin, dark red rimmed eyes and the two sets of retractable fangs.
I began to unpack my suitcases, Abigail offered to assist but I shot her down and did my best to be polite about it. Having a ‘bright’ ‘innocent’ girl like herself put away packaged bags of blood among other things was too much of a headache to have to deal with. She understood, and offered to give me space and time to unload everything.
I thanked her, nodding my head. “I’ll be faster unpacking alone.'' I threw in, not wanting to sound like an asshole. “Give me a few minutes and I'll let you assist me in grabbing my uniform and schedule.”
Abigail almost jumped out of her skin at the opportunity. “Yes!!! iI would love it too! Of course, no problem– I'll be down the hallway when you're ready!”
As soon as she left the room, I sighed.
“Father…what have you gotten me into now..?”
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ofexistencebane · 5 months
I imagine in Max’s shadowhunter training his horns would have their uses… and vulnerabilities.
|| Excerpt from Tapestries of Time (A continuation of TMI, 11 years later) ||
Magnus had been mooching around the study struggling to recall where he had misplaced a book. Rafael had a habit of borrowing the odd tome and not returning them in their original positions. Sighing he turned to see Alec stood in the doorway, watching him silently.
“So, how far does your cellular regeneration stretch?” He asked, rather bluntly.
Magnus blinked, “Hello? How was your day?”
Alec smiled weakly, “Well, it depends on your answer”
“I can’t rise from ash or grow limbs back” Magnus crossed his arms, leaning against the bookshelf. He squinted at his husband in suspicion.
“So bones won’t grow back?”
At this Magnus straightened up, “I’m getting a little scared of you Alexander” he cleared his throat, “Little excited nevertheless”
Alec looked blank, “What”
“Why do you ask?”
“Truthfully…” Alec began to pull at the threads in his sweater cuffs, “Max may have ran into a pillar and it may have been my fault”
“Oh Alexander… you didn’t shatter our son’s skull did you?”
Alec flushed, “No! No, his horn has a little chip, it’s hardly noticeable but-“
“We used to put packing peanuts on them to protect other people” Magnus chuckled, “Now he’s broke one”
“It’s not broken, just chipped a little on the end”
He shrugged, “You’ll just have to invent warlock-friendly gear” Magnus smirked, returning to his book search.
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tragedy-of-commons · 2 months
annabelle’s homework
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sucrose x gn!reader | wc: ~650
“22 days and 21 nights, crossing every T, just making it right.”
tags/warnings: modern au, childhood friends, unrequited love, angst, one-sided pining/attraction, based on the alec benjamin song, songfic(??)
notes: repost. pls forgive me heeehee 🙏🏻
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“You weren’t at the gate,” you say, breathless. 
Sucrose is curled up in a ball, knees tucked under her chin, fringe likely obscuring a tearful expression by the way her shoulders shake. The awning shielding her from the elements is pitiful - just a thin leg of metal jutting out from the roof of the science building.
She heaves a sob. “You were right. I should’ve listened to y-you, but I didn’t,”
Your stomach plummets, urging you to quickly surrender your umbrella to your weeping friend. The rain begins its assault on your dry uniform, but you can’t bring yourself to care. She looks up with a sniffle that’s accompanied by a frenzied headshake. She doesn’t want it?
You.. you don’t know what to do. If there’s one thing you and Sucrose bond over, it’s social inexperience. Would it be too much to ask what happened? Is your presence making her uncomfortable? 
The sky cracks harshly with thunder, causing her to flinch. Your arm is starting to hurt from the strain of your olive branch. “..Can I sit with you?”
She swallows audibly and nods. With her confirmation, you settle next to her on the damp pavement. Between the threshold of your bodies, you prop up the umbrella so it combats the wayward downpour. One problem at a time. The silence isn’t as awkward as it is unsure. You should say something. 
By her wording earlier.. “Is this about Annabelle?”
“Yes. You were right, s-she was just using me for answers. I did her biology lab like I usually do, and then when I finally worked up the nerve to..”
(You did warn her about Annabelle, but only some of it was grounded in reality. Instead you acted out of ugly jealousy whenever she persistently slipped your best friend notes littered with pink hearts that were attached to incomplete assignments. Walking home with her one day, you huffed,
“Sucrose.. be careful around her. She’s probably taking advantage of you to better her own grades.”
She just sheepishly smiled, looking up towards the clouds. “I don’t think so. She’s just busy with extracurriculars most of the time, and I was the one w-who offered. She even hugged me. Things are looking up.. I’ve read enough studies to recognize romantic attraction!”
Sucrose prattled on, this time a little embarrassed by her outburst, but you couldn’t pay attention - not when your heart ached at the fact that she hadn’t researched enough to recognize the soft looks you reserve only for her.)
The wind billows while she continues, “I finally worked up the nerve to ask her out on a date. She laughed, and I made a fool of myself again.”
Your knuckles blanch around the umbrella handle.
“It’s not your fault.” You press your handkerchief into her hand after a moment of fumbling; her warmth makes you pull back, as if burned by her infinite possibilities. “She’s an asshole, and you.. you’re wonderful.”
The disbelief she regards you with is painful. 
Stagnant minutes after she wipes her face, you hoist Sucrose up from the ground and start the journey off school property before you both get fenced in overnight. You wince whenever she stumbles over her untied shoelaces, hushing her subsequent broken apologies. The storm rampages on, so you offer her to stay the night at your house. (It’s the right thing to do.)
“I don’t know what I’d do without you,” her head lolls onto your shoulder, “I never thought that I’d keep a friend this long, with how insufferable I am.” 
You feel the same plus a lot more, but she’s still heartbroken. You know well enough that those wounds don’t heal overnight; they ache, fester, and get infected without the right balm. So you’ll relinquish yours to her, just to see her smile again - even if that same grin was the cause of your afflictions in the first place. Even if she’ll never direct its full radiance at you.
“You’re not insufferable. For you, I can bear anything.”
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taglist: @hanyi-writes, @karagatan02, @bfajax, @aphrodict, @nomazee
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allinestarr · 10 months
Competitive Part 6
Alec Lightwood x Fem reader
You watched in horror as Valentine held the mortal cup triumphantly in the air while your friends dead bodies surrounded you. A sharp pain from behind had you fall to your knees and when you looked up, Maziken was smirking down at you. Your vision blurred and you struggled to stay conscious as he kneeled down and whispered into your ear, “ I told you I had plans. To bad you won’t be around to see them through.”. You jolted yourself awake and as you tried to get up, you couldn't move. In a panic you looked around just to see you’re in an unfamiliar room but you weren't alone. The figure of a man sitting across the room alarmed you but the smell of cedar and leather confirmed who it was, Alec.
Alec POV- 4 hours ago
She walked past me and her eyes lingered for a couple seconds and it’s like I’ve seen a ghost. Those eyes… I’ve seen them before. But it can’t be...Y/n?. I have to find out. I noticed Izzy’s reaction and knew she felt the same. As soon as she left and we stepped outside I looked at Izzy with the same question in mind.
“ Did you see it?”
Clary and Jace didn’t understand but Izzy did and nodded.
“ What are you guys talking about?” Jace asked.
“ That woman.. there’s something familiar about her.”
Jace and Clary were still confused.
“ You’re right. She’s hiding something. When she shook my hand I felt a weird spark crawl up my arm. I think we should find her and get some answers cause I can’t help the feeling that she knows something about Y/n. This is the first real lead we’ve had in a long time and I’m not letting it slip. Let’s go before we lose sight of her.”
Everyone agreed and we began tracking her down. We lost track of her for a little bit, but caught up when she was about to cross past an alleyway. Izzy ran up to her first and pushed her into the ally.
“I won’t ask again. Who are you!?.”
Before she could answer the strangest thing happened. Her skin glowed and her appearance shifted from this women we’ve never seen, to Y/n. My heart beat so fast and a feeling of relief passed through me. I never realized how her presence affected me and how I’ve actually…missed her. Truth be told, since she’s been gone nothing has been the same. Everything seems more quieter and dull…No!, I can’t do this right now!. Just as she was about to collapse I ran to her side and held her up against me.
“Y/n?” I whispered.
She was unconscious but still held a strong pulse. Now comes the hard part, what do we do?. I looked over to Izzy as she was wiping away tears from her face. Clearing her throat she said,
“ We need to take her to Magnus. He’s the only one who will know what to do.”
A phone call later we were rushing over to Magnus’s place. He said the only way to purge the elixirs from your system is to give a concentrated dose of an antidote he would prepare. The worst part was it would be painful, perhaps even worse then when he searched through your memories. The thought of you in pain made me uneasy, but i knew it was a necessary.
When we finally arrived at Magnus’s he directed me to set you down onto the bed while he secured your arms and legs to the frame. When he double checked you were secure he turned toward us and said,
“ No mater how much she screams, do not intervene.”
As he finished his sentence he brought the syringe to your neck and emptied its contents. We watched in anticipation, but nothing happened.
“ Why didn’t it work?.” Izzy asked.
“ I’m not sure. I followed the recipe just as it was written. I’ll have to console with a fellow warlock friend of mine. Stay here but don’t remove the restraints. We still don’t know how she’ll react once she’s awake. I’ll be back in an little bit.”
Magnus portaled off while Jace and Clary headed back to the institute to not raise any suspicion. Ever since the institute has been attacked and Jace and Clary have been going off unsanctioned to look for her mom, the Clave sent over an envoy to oversee everything. There just waiting for a slip up to take control and that can’t happen. If it does, I don’t know if I can protect my family anymore. Izzy was pretty tired so I told her I’ll keep watch till Magnus comes, so she went off into the living room to take a nap. As I stared at Y/n, I couldn’t help but wonder what she's been up to all this time and why she left in the first place. Suddenly her face scrunched in discomfort and I heard a strangled whine as she jolted up in a panic and looked around until her eyes landed on me.
“ Alec..?.”
You stared at each other for a few seconds as he hesitantly got up and walked up to you keeping a few feet of distance. He looked the same as when you last saw him but there was something different about him.
“ Um… why am I tied down?..”
“ We had to make sure you weren’t going to hurt any of us. Last time we saw you, you did promise to kill us if we got in your way.”
“ Oh… right. Well... you don’t have to worry, Im not going to hurt any of you. Would you please take these off me?.”
“ How do I know your telling the truth?. We know what those elixirs did to you but we don’t know if it’s permanent. Magnus injected you with the antidote but there was no reaction.”
“ First of all, I don’t appreciate being injected with whatever snake juice Magnus concocted while I was unconscious and secondly, I stopped taking those elixirs months ago. So, again, please take these off of me.”
Alec hesitated but agreed and removed the restraints. When he was done I decided to lay a little longer and try to reel myself back in after the nightmare I just had. Alec broke the silence and said,
“ Why?. Why would you leave and not say anything?. Do you know what you put me… I mean us through?. We looked everywhere and this whole time you cloaked yourself."
“ I did what I had to do. I was in deep on Valentines trail. I had to leave, they were catching on to me. I couldn’t let you all be used as collateral against me. I wouldn’t forgive myself if anything happened to any of you. My friend cloaked me so none of you could find me but she still knew where I was in case anything happened. I caught wind of Valentine causing havoc in the institute so I came back.”
Alec tilted your chin up to look at him and held onto your face and your heart skipped a beat as you were frozen in place.
“ You should have told us. This wasn’t your burden to bare alone. We’re a team. I can’t say I accept what you did, but there’s more pressing matters at hand right now. Just…. promise you won’t do it again.”
Unable to speak, you nodded your head. He was still holding onto your face but when Izzy cleared her throat he quickly let go. He excused himself and Izzy took his place next to you. Instead of saying anything she just hugged you.
“ I can’t believe it’s really you. I’ve missed you so much. I’ve felt so lost without you. Please don’t ever leave again!.”
“ I won’t I promise. So I assume you heard everything Alec and I said?.”
“ Yea. I also didn’t miss how you were practically frozen while he held your face. Is there something I should know?” Izzy teased.
I smacked her arm playfully and we laughed. God I missed these moments so much. Magnus walked into the room covered in mud holding up a vial but upon seeing you up looking perfectly fine he shook his head in disbelief.
“ Well I guess I tracked through mountains and ruined my favorite pair of ferragamos for nothing. I’ll be sending you my dry cleaning bill.”
You and Izzy laughed as he walked away saying he was going to take a bath. Eventually Izzy and you left the room to go back to the institute with Alec. Jace and Clary greeted you and while you filled them in, you noticed Alec had walked off at some point. Before you could ask them where he went, he was walking toward you. The closer he got you realized he wasn’t alone. A woman walked up to you and held out her hand as she introduced herself.
“ Hi, I’m Lydia Branwell. The Clave sent me to oversee the institute. I’ve heard a lot about you. We have much to talk about but it’s late, It’s best you rest. I’ll see you in the morning.”
She was charming, that you couldn't deny. But the atmosphere changed once she and Alec walked away so you knew something was up.
" Um, what's going on?."
" Well... she's not just the envoy... She and Alec are engaged."
A sudden tightness washed over your chest and a wave of panic followed. Why were you feeling this way if you and Alec are just friends?. Its not like you ever thought of Alec in that way, but his sudden change toward you had you questioning if there was something there. Either way, you couldn't change the past, only accept the present.
" Well, I hope the best for them. I have to call my friend and let her know I'm back at the institute. Ill see you all in the morning."
You hugged everyone and bid them goodnight. After calling Sookie to catch her up you decided a bath was well needed. When the tub was finally full and warm to your liking, you got in and laid down instantly relaxing. You managed to doze off at some point but was awakened by footsteps in your room. Immediately you were on high alert. You wrapped yourself in a towel and grabbed your knife that was on the sink. Quietly you cracked the door to the bathroom and peeked out. There was someone siting at the edge of your bed.
"Its me."
You instantly knew who it was.
" Alec?. What are you doing here?."
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Taglist: @babygirl2022​ @zealouspursecowboydeputy​ @melaniepeep​ @destielshipper88​ @abbiesxox​ @mrs-billyrussooo​
Competitive Masterlist
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terror-slut · 2 years
Please write some 001 fanfics!
Change of Heart
Chapter 01/?? Click HERE for this fic’s masterlist!
Reader is a troubled pediatrician at Hawkins lab when she crosses paths with this lovely orderly. Nothing will stand between Peter and his revenge. Not even really pretty distractions.
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Pairing: Peter Ballard x f!reader
Word count: 1117
Ratings & warnings: SPOILERS, period typical sexism, violence, blood, NSFW, swearing, no (Y/N), no described defining features for reader. Ratings may change as chapters are added.
A/N: your wish is my wish as well my command!
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She doesn’t talk much.
Not to her colleagues, at least. She speaks with dr. Brenner because she answers to him and she speaks to the children when they need her.
But not to the other doctors and nurses, not to the other orderlies. Not to him.
It has never bothered Peter before. He doesn’t need her, has no reason to let her live when his plan eventually comes to fruition. In his mind, she is just like everyone else who works at Hawkins Lab. Another mindless sheep pretending to care for the children, but in reality only interested in prodding their supernatural brains in the name of science and a paycheck at the end of the month.
Eat. Sleep. Work. Reproduce. Die.
It was stupid of him to let her become a distraction. He should have killed her when he had the chance.
“Peter,” one of the kids in the rainbow room groans to him, tugging on the spotless white sleeve of his uniform.
He crosses eyes with little 015 when he looks down, the boy looks paler than usual and his lips are chapped. The kid’s eyes are watery and his nose runny.
“I don’t feel so good, Peter.”
Alec locks eyes with him and then nods, signaling that it’s fine, under the illusion that he can handle these kids on their own while Peter is away.
“Come with me, 015. The doctor will make you all better.”
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A disheveled mess greets the pair when he and 015 arrive at the sick bay, something that he’s not used to from the Hawkin’s lab pediatrician.
Though usually neatly put in a tight bun, her locks now tumble in unkempt tresses down her face and deep, purple circles have appeared under her eyes. It is out of the ordinary and bound to capture Peter’s attention.
“015 is not feeling good,” he states the obvious, expecting her to ignore him as she usually does. When her eyes find his deep blue ones before they wander off to 015, his interest is piqued once again.
Something is off, which meant the puzzle pieces could change and be rearranged. Peter always keeps his eyes open for little shifts in the matrix that could mean he has to change his initial plan. Has the doctor’s obvious distracted state any real meaning to him? Could and would she form a problem?
Peter watches as she sits the kid down in her office, producing a penlight and has him follow the light for her.
“Does it hurt anywhere, 015? Do you remember when it started?” She asks him, squatting in front of the kid so that they’re at eye level.
“I’ll come back later to pick him up,” Peter says, but before he can make his way out of her office and back to the rainbow room, she calls after him. Knitting his brows together in amusement, he turns around on his heels to look at the doctor.
“Yes?” His hands are folded neatly behind his back, ever the friendly, harmless orderly. She’s at least a head smaller than he is.
“I know we’re not supposed to intervene with the kids. And I’m not asking you to,” her eyes dart around the hallway. He wonders what she has to hide. “But tell dr. Brenner if you see any of the bigger kids picking on the smaller ones. I’ve had too many kids in here with nosebleeds that didn’t stem from their powers.”
“Why?” He asks. Not why should he tell dr. Brenner. He understands her motivation behind that. But why him? Why can’t she tell Brenner herself? Unlike Brenner and himself, she has always been on good terms with the man. What happened?
“I…” she hesitates, worrying her lip between her teeth as he looks down upon her. “You seem like a good guy, Peter. You’re here every day, you spend every waking moments with these kids. I know you care for them. Please?”
Please? Fuck.
If Peter was the person she assumed he was, good and kind, maybe he would fulfill her request. But he is far from that person and she must surely be delusional to think he cared. The only person Peter looks out for is number 001, and that meant that drawing attention to himself would only make dr. Brenner suspicious of him. He could and would not risk it, not even when she asks him so prettily.
“I’ll be back for him. After dinner,” she looks dejected, but it doesn’t matter to Peter. The clicking of his shoes on the tiles announce his retreat.
With a disappointing huff she watches the lean orderly go before turning back to 015 with a fake smile plastered on her face.
“Alright, kid. Let’s get you all better.”
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It’s long after dinner when Peter makes his nightly rounds around the lab, enjoying the peace and quiet, free of the chatter between doctors that could be heard during the day. It’s moments like these Peter enjoys most. The deathly quiet where he can take a moment and think.
Back when he had just been assigned the job of an orderly, he used to take these moments and try as he might to rekindle his power. Every night for days, weeks, months he tried, until he had no choice but to accept that the blocker in his neck did it’s job. There was no way around it.
Later, he took these moments to order his thoughts and form a plan. An escape plan that not even dr. Brenner could see coming. He would be sure to make them all pay, Martin Brenner the first to atone and the last to die.
Nowadays, he saw these quiet moments as the calm before the storm. Much like a spider, he shakes his long limbs loose and his mind wanders off to a place he’d be able to call home. Somewhere he could be well and truly alone.
“For fuck’s sake!” Peter’s head snaps up at the muffled cussing coming from behind a closed door. His body stiffens and his breathing becomes steady like an animal ready to pounce on it’s prey.
Seconds pass like rain droplets joining a winded river as he waits for another sound.
Suddenly, a door on his left flies open and he has his hand halfway lifted before cursing dr. Brenner and his idiotic power blocker.
To his surprise, it’s not one of the other staff members on duty, or even one of the kids.
It’s the pediatrician.
And she’s not wearing her lab coat or her white pants, either. She’s wearing a pastel nightgown. His hand falls, in sync with her face when she notices him.
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A/N: well, that’s the end of chapter 01! If people enjoy it, I’ll definitely continue. I have a bunch of ideas for this pair and I love getting in Peter’s head to discover his motivations etc. Also lmk if you want to be tagged for future chapters!
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thewholecrew · 3 months
@headstrongblake said: ◎ — [sender] and [receiver] decorate and bake christmas cookies / nick & alec
there was really nothing like the smell of freshly baked goods, especially during the holidays. kassy and octavia had requested lots goodies for the party this evening and nick had graciously offered his kitchen (whether he was urged by kassy or not alec couldn't be too sure) to get to work. he had four different kinds of cookies he had planned, shortbread cookies, gingerbread, oatmeal chocolate chip and these sugar cookies in the shape of a melting snowman. he had all the decorations; icing, chocolates, bits a bobs to do so, he just needed to make sure he planned the day out so he wasn't running behind -- or, god forbid, burnt any of the cookies.
with the shortbread and gingerbread cookies done it was time for the other two when nick came in from outside, the cold winter air wafting through the home which had alec shiver with delight. he smiled brightly as nick entered the kitchen, commenting on how good it smelled. "thanks! two down, two to go," he told him with a nod as he mixed the oatmeal into the mixing bowl of batter and chocolate chips. "the gingerbread is fresh from the oven and still extra soft if you want to try one," he offered before adding, "just don't tell kassy," he whispered with a giggle.
you need a hand? nick asked as he dried his hands with a towel and alec's eyes brightened, giving a little hop to the side with a nod, "sure! do you bake often? i love baking, my grandma taught me everything i know. we used to make christmas cookies too, one year we made so many we had no counter space left," he laughed, eyes shimmering in memory before turning fully to nick, "you can help me make the sugar cookies, i have the instructions here.." he turned, pulling out what looked like a christmas card cut in half with a snowman on it. "my grandma would always write down the instructions on the most random things," he explained as he placed the card down in front of nick.
"i was talking with kassy and octavia and they mentioned me making like a scrapbook cookbook where i can put all her recipes in but still keep all the cards and papers she wrote on," he explained with a smile, glancing up at nick. getting one of the pans out he began rolling the oatmeal cookies onto it, "thanks for helping by the way! i was starting to worry i'd take too long, i made more gingerbread dough than i thought i would," he felt his cheeks grow rosy when nick said it was no problem at all, better he help than either of the girls which had alec giggle. "whenever i make anything with kassy around she always taste tests everything at least five times," he mused, lips pursing. "maybe that's why i had so much extra dough..."
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faejilly · 1 year
Shadowhunters prompt! Where the A/B/O thing means Magnus’s attempts to get Alec’s attention are really out there. Alec is charmed but baffled
so uh. I wasn't quite sure where to go with that, because Magnus & Alec's ability to try and communicate at dramatic cross-purposes is Very Them™️, but I usually think the a/b/o thing would make it easier what with pheromones and more defined gender/courting rituals? But then again it's not like Nephilim would have any idea how anyone else does things, and Magnus would be rather paranoid about crossing any lines?
Yeah. That totally works. Even if I failed to explain any of that IN THE FIC, hopefully baffled Alec is still entertaining? LMK if you want more, there's a whole lot more explanation in my head so I'm sure I can come up with something. 😅😅😅
That was Magnus.
In the Institute.
In a suit with a vest but no shirt and those boots and his hair, and Alec suddenly realized he was still standing with his arm raised from opening a door even though the door had shut behind him.
He was alone with Magnus in the Institute foyer and he was gorgeous and he smelled perfect, as warm and comforting as the incense that burned in the chapel without any of the cold tang of adamas-laced stone beneath it that always made Alec's spine straighten and nose wrinkle because that smell meant work.
Alec finally remembered to let his hands drop to his sides, and then realized Magnus had said something, and he was almost smiling and he was...
Holding out a bouquet of flowers?
Alec blinked.
He didn't manage to make it sound like a question, and he almost winced as Magnus' expression tightened, and he leaned back and he was further away and the flowers were gone, and Alec almost whimpered in disappointment.
"My apologies, of course."
And then somehow Magnus was bowing and he was even further away with a flourish of his hands and a twirl of his coat and the click of his boot-heels on the stone floor and Alec tried to reach out a hand because he still couldn't figure out what Magnus had said, he'd been too distracted by how pretty he was and how nice the flowers were but then he was alone by himself in the Institute with his hand hanging in front of him.
Alec sighed, and stared up at the ceiling, as if that would give him the answer, would explain how his why are you giving me flowers when we haven't even rescheduled our date yet and I haven't gotten you anything? somehow come out as why would you think I'd like flowers despite the fact that Alec adored flowers and would love to tell Magnus that.
If he could just remember how to talk when Magnus showed up?
He'd managed to say yes when Magnus asked him out for drinks!
Only then he'd had to chase Clary and apparently Magnus thought that meant something other than literally having to chase Clary because she didn't have the sense God gave sheep.
Izzy or Jace were going to manufacture a disaster and call Magnus to clean it up just to find out what was going on between them, and Alec hated to think how much of a catastrophe they'd manage on purpose, considering the chaos they pulled off all the time mostly by accident.
He hated even more that he was half-tempted to create a disaster himself so Magnus would stop thinking he'd done something wrong and disappearing to regroup before Alec's brain could reboot after seeing him.
How the fuck was one person that attractive, it should be impossible.
Maybe he could write a letter and throw it at Magnus the next time he showed up?
He heard the door he'd come through open, and the stutter of boots as someone had to shift to avoid him where he was still standing by himself right in front of the door.
Alec sighed again. "Yes, Yoshino?"
"I was uh." Yoshino somehow still looked perfectly composed and reasonably elegant in her leathers even as she shrugged and side-stepped to get around him. "Just going out for coffee. Want anything?"
Alec shook his head. "No, thank you."
"You... all right sir?"
Alec lifted his brows at her.
"You've got that smoky cedar smell thing going on, and that usually means you're about to do something on purpose that terrifies the trainees more than their own reckless stupidity, and I just want to know if I should get some extra bold beans to stash in the kitchen for the rest of us so we can keep up."
Alec snorted and shook his head again. "I promise not to scare the trainees."
Yoshino's nose wrinkled as she stared at him. "Two bags then, got it."
He blinked, and she turned and left, and he allowed himself a grin as the door swung closed behind her. That was probably a good idea, actually. He could use the kick to help him figure out a new approach.
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magnus portalling over to meet alec cause he knows there no way he can reverse the spell in time he just wanna spend the last minutes with alec
Part I
Part II
“Cat, there has to be a way to reverse this spell,” Magnus pleads.
“Magnus, we’ve gone over this the entire night. There isn’t another way,” Cat says, voice laced with remorse. “I’m sorry, Magnus.”
Magnus blasts red, angry magic across the room, leading to every item in the room falling across.
He doesn’t stop, he keeps on pointing at items one by one and breaking them apart with his magic. It’s not something he ever does, but right now, Magnus needs to release the anger.
Magnus wants to feel anger, because if he stops feeling the burning hot rage, he’s going to start feeling what lies beneath, the endless, everlasting anguish that exists at the idea that he might lose Alec forever.
“Cat, please,” he pleads. “I can’t lose Alec.”
“Magnus,” Cat puts a comforting hand on his shoulder but Magnus shakes it off, not knowing what to do with comfort.
He needs something else.
He needs Alec.
“We need more help,” Cat announces before she portals out of there.
Five minutes later, Catarina is back with Tessa, Ragnor and Lorenzo.
Magnus doesn’t even pass a comment at Lorenzo and the other man doesn’t gloat either about Magnus needing his help.
No one says a single word, everyone just get to work immediately.
Two hours later, Ragnor closes the book in his hand and sighs.
“The curse can’t be reversed. But it can be delayed.”
Magnus frowns, “What does that mean?”
“It means that we can give you one more day.”
“To do what? Find something else?” Magnus asks, desperate for more time, anything that delays this.
There’s a sorrowful expression on Ragnor’s face as he replies.
“You know the rules Magnus. Some curses cannot be reversed. When you wished that Alec and you two never got married, it released dark magic into the world. It’s a warlock’s curse, it cannot be reversed. And a curse unleashed by Magnus Bane can only be reversed by one person.”
“Who?” Magnus swallows before he finds the answer himself.
He lets out an ugly laugh because of course there’s only one person who can reverse this. It figures that Magnus deserves a fate like this.
“Asmodeus,” he breathes.
Ragnor nods in agreement.
“But I threw him in the limbo. He’s gone. The only person who can reverse the curse,” He laughs.
“Ragnor, please. Do something,” Magnus pleads as he falls to his friend’s feet. “There is no world where I exist without Alexander.”
Every single fibre of his being calls for Alec. There’s a desperate need, far worse than anyone he’s felt in his life.
He thinks of Alec. His Alexander. His husband.
The person he loves most in the world.
Magnus knows for a fact that if he loses Alec like this, he will never recover. There will be no going back for him, he will lose the very essence of him because that’s where Alec lives now.
“I won’t lose you, Magnus,” Alec had said when Magnus was about to lose himself to get his powers back. He did not get Alec’s desperation then, but he gets it now.
“Please,” he whispers, brokenly, before he breaks into tears.
Ragnor bends down and pulls him against his chest. “You can have one more day.”
Magnus let’s out an anguished sob, not worried who sees him in this state, not a single care in the world.
“We can delay the inevitable by one day. The four of us can manage that.”
“It’s not enough. It’s not enough time with Alexander,” he sobs.
“I know,” it’s all Ragnor replies.
“He won’t even talk to me. Not after what he saw in that memory,” Magnus says, his voice laced with pain.
“He might not remember. But he does feel it Magnus. Find a way to talk to him. You only have limited time left.”
“What happens after?” Magnus inquires, even though he knows.
“You forget him too. And the world will change and your paths will never cross again,” Cat explains. “We don’t know how, but you won’t find each other this time.”
He wishes there was a word to describe something like this. ‘Pain’ sounds too small, too little to how and what he actually feels.
Even anguish and heartbreak doesn’t cut it because he won’t be heartbroken after all of this, he will be nothing.
He will not exist.
He cleans his face and stands up because if this is it, he’s going to find Alec. He’s going to find his husband and tell him everything, he will apologise for ruining their lives, breaking both of their hearts even if Alec doesn’t remember.
He will beg Alec to forgive him for changing their lives. Alec, his brave Alec who fought against his race, walked out of his wedding for himself. And what did he do in return? In a fit of anger? Pushed both of them to a life of loneliness.
His heart aches for his Alec, who is married to a woman—the one thing Alec’s been scared of more than anything in his life since he was a kid.
Magnus Bane ruined Alec Lightwood and this will be his eulogy.
“Okay,” he exhales and opens a portal. He enters the portal and he’s at the institute.
The institute is eerily quiet right now, maybe everyone can feel the storm that’s about to come. Or maybe it’s just him. Maybe, it doesn’t matter that’s he wrecked. The world goes on.
There’s only one place he will find Alec and he’s found right ten seconds later when he finds the shadowhunter on the terrace.
Alec stops midway from shooting the arrow and turns, surprise written over his face as their eyes meet. “What are you doing here?”
“I have to talk to you.”
“I don’t have anything to say to you. Please leave.”
Magnus inhales deeply, “You’re my husband.”
Alec’s face turns in confusion. “What?”
“You’re not Alec Lightwood, Co-head of the institute. You’re Alexander Gideon Lightwood-Bane, Inquisitor of the Clave. My husband.”
More confusion and a small amount of anger appears on Alec’s face. “What the hell are you talking about? And what was that in the memory? I know it wasn’t real because I don’t remember and because there is nothing between us.”
“Alexander, please listen to me—“
“No,” Alec raises a hand. “Just, stop. Why are you doing this?”
“Stop,” Alec says sharply, but there’s a desperation to his voice. “Stop with the Alexander and these lies. Just stop, Magnus. I thought we were friends. I don’t understand this.”
Magnus steps closer to Alec but the shadowhunter flinches back, and it twistens the knife that’s inside of him.
“Tell me you don’t feel it too,” Magnus asks.
“Are you hearing yourself?” Alec yells this time. “I’m fucking married, Magnus.”
“YES, YOU ARE. BUT NOT TO LYDIA. TO ME,” Magnus’s thunderous voice rages across the terrace.
He knows how insane this must sound to Alec but he doesn’t fucking care—if he’s going to have just one more day left with Alec’s memories, he’s going to spend it with Alec.
Even if they’re fighting.
His mind takes him back to their last sight and Magnus hates himself even more at the reminder. It was just a fight, and even if he was in pain that day, he’d never wish what he said to be true.
He didn’t want this. He never did.
He would never not want to be married to Alec.
He would never want Alec, his Alec, to be a stranger.
“Please. You have to remember me,” Magnus begs this time, and tears rapidly spread across his face.
He falls to the ground and before he knows, he lets out an anguished sob, desperate for the ground to take him in.
Right now, he wishes for the void that was Edom.
“Magnus,” Alec’s voice is low, and worried. “I don’t know how to help you. I don’t know what you want from me.”
He lets out another choked sob, “Please. It’s me, Alexander.”
An eternity might have passed as he stays on the ground but he knows it didn’t because he doesn’t have an eternity of life yet, just 24 hours. So, he knows he might still be there, crying infront of Alec on the terrace.
There’s a comforting, familiar hand on his shoulder. Magnus lifts his face up and Alec’s in front of him, kneeled on the floor, confusion and worry and a hundred other things on his face.
“Tell me.”
He looks into Alec’s eyes and it’s an invitation. He doesn’t know what for. He gathers the courage to speak anyways.
“You make really good crepes. No one believes me when I tell them but you like being the little spoon, and between the two of us, you’re the little spoon 9 out of ten times,” Magnus says brokenly. “You got me an onamari charm on one of our early days and that was the day I knew you were it for me.”
Magnus rubs the tears off of his face. “You call me baby because I annoyed you with weird pet names and you wanted revenge but both of us like it when you call me that. You love watching reality shows but you never shut up during them.”
The confusion on Alec’s face increased tenfold.
“You vowed that you would be my loving husband forever and you always tried your best to. I have never been loved like this before.”
There’s a long silence before a strong, shadowhunter hand is on his cheeks. Alec rubs the tears off of his face.
“Alec,” Magnus breathes hopefully.
“He seems like a lucky guy, Magnus. But it’s not me.,” Alec says sadly, and Magnus’s heart breaks some more. He shakes his head. “No. No. It’s you. There has to be a way.”
“For what?”
Magnus feels like the biggest idiot then because the answer has been infront of him the entire time.
“Do you trust me?”
Alec doesn’t say yes, there’s apprehension on his face and Magnus can’t blame him. If his casual acquaintance comes up to him one day and demands that he feels they’re married, he’d be pretty apprehensive too. But he doesn’t have time right now.
“I know you have no reason to trust me. But please, I can show you.”
“Show what?” Alec asks.
“My memories.”
“Magnus, I…”
“Please, Alexander. I would never do anything to hurt uou,” he says, even though he’s done plenty to ruin Alec’s life.
There’s a moment of hesitation before Alec replies. “Okay.”
Magnus stands up on his feet. He’s done this before once, he knows he has the power. That day, when he was trying to destroy his memories of Alec, ages ago now, he’d find the strength to do it.
Today, he’s motivated to keep his memories so he’ll find the strength again.
Magnus raises his fingers to his head and focuses his magic. He puts all his energy, his power, his magic, his love into it and brings out all the memories to the centre and spreads it across the room.
The entire sky around them is filled with blue magic, encompassing their years of memories between them.
Their first date.
The vows.
Lazy days on couch.
Strolls around the Central Park.
Alec blushing every time Magnus flirted.
Magnus blushing when Alec was being Alec.
Everything that he had, that he remember was outside for everyone to see.
Alec rises up from the floor and looks around, his eyes widening in pure, utter shock.
“This is our life. This is everything I had with you.”
Alec walks across the web of memories, going through each one of them one by one.
He knows a good few hours of their last day pass before either of them speak a word. Before Alec turns to his, his face red with tears and anguish and everything that he himself feel.
“Magnus, this—“
He doesn’t say anything. He has nothing left to say now.
Then Alec turns, and breaks his heart some more.
“Baby,” Alec says in a broken whisper, “What did you do?”
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Prompt, not very long, but Shadowhunter have wings and Alec uses his feathers to make something for Magnus. Might be part of a courting ritual or just to show that he is taken
it didn't have to be long, i love stuff like this. i hope you enjoy
It’s noon when Magnus wakes up, alone in a bed that has become infinitely more comfortable now that it’s shared.  Magnus gives himself a moment to wake up and Alexander a moment to return and then, when he doesn’t hear anything from the bathroom and uses his magic to check, he gets up in pursuit of his boy.
“Alexander?” He calls as he summons his robe and slippers and walks out of their room. It’s rare that Magnus wakes last, but when he does it’s always with a soul deep ache as he wonders where his boy is.
Alexander doesn’t respond and so Magnus goes quietly and glides through his lair in search of his missing beloved. It’s an affront that Magnus finds himself thus abandoned and while it’s rare that Magnus wakes last, he doesn’t enjoy it.
He finds Alexander on the roof and Magnus takes a moment to just watch him and enjoy the noon-sun gleaming brightly on alexander’s wings.
“As much as I enjoy the view and I am, very much—” Magnus says slowly, “is there a reason my bed is cold and empty?” Magnus raises a brow and crosses his arms over his chest, knowing from the way Alexander’s eyes linger, that he has his boy’s attention.
“Uh,” Alexander pauses from where he’s bent over with his arrows and stele and a little dagger out on the mosaic table in front of him. “No?”
“No? There is no reason?” Magnus asks, amused despite himself and he crooks his fingers, “so then why are my kisses so far away?” He’s mocking Alexander, because his boy pouts whenever Magnus isn’t there for kisses in the morning.
Instead of chuckling, or laughing in amusement at the obvious dig, Alexander is at Magnus’ side in an instant, the wind from the movement of his wings rustling Magnus’ hair and the garden.
Soft lips are pressed to Magnus’ mouth, and he’s kissed with delicate, gentle caresses as Alexander tries to make up for the loss.  Magnus sighs into the kiss and digs his fingers into Alexander’s feathers and Alexander moans at the touch.
“So, what are you doing?” Magnus asks, because Alexander might be trying to distract him or he might just really want kisses, but Magnus also wants answers.
Alexander huffs and then kisses his cheek and pulls back slowly, so that he can run his hand from Magnus’ face down his shoulder, his arm and then slide into his palm, fingers tangling together.
“It’s supposed to be a surprise.”
“I hate surprises, unless I’m the one planning them.” Magnus reminds him, because surprises are nice and all until, you’re a warlock and hard to surprise and everyone tries to one-up-themselves. Now Magnus takes surprises as the rare and tedious disasters they are.
Alexander pouts at him until Magnus sighs and tugs his fingers in gentle apology before he follows Alexander to the table.  It would be easier if his boy tucked his wings away, but Magnus loves tucking himself to them and them around him and never suggests it.
There is a mess of feathers and platinum and sharp arrowheads with little runes and Magnus considers it with a soft, indulgent smile.
“Making something?”
Alexander hums and then nods and then he moves aside a strip of silk to show a completed charm on top of a piece of leather.
“For you—” his boy admits, charmingly shy as he looks up through his lashes at Magnus. “One of each of my wing’s primary feathers, bound with runed platinum. You’ll need to use magic to make it smaller, we normally commission that part out.”
Magnus does so immediately, and he also threads it on the platinum chain Alexander has ready for the pendant. The feathers are now much smaller, and rest nestled against his chest and Alexander smiles, to see them on him. 
“To bring you luck and protection." Alexander tells him, smiling up at him with a tired, sleepy grin and Magnus has to kiss him or he will burst into flames of ardor.
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thebiggerbear · 5 months
SDV Leah x Reader - Prompt Response - "I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that."
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Summary: Leah tells you she wants a baby...a month after you've been married.
A/N: Prompt from @creativepromptsforwriting (#941). I love writing Leah and the farmer so much. I may or may not be a tad obsessed with this game sometimes. So naturally, I had to add Leah into this whole thing. 😊
Can be read as a continuation of A Prize Unlike Any Other and Where Were You On Our Wedding Day or as a standalone.
Unbeta'd so all mistakes are mine.
Pairing: Leah x Female!Reader; Leah x Female!Farmer
Warnings: a smidgen of angst; fluff; mention of implied sex
Word Count: 1618
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Please do not do any of the above. Thank you for your understanding.
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187; @rieleatiel
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that."
Soldier Boy version | Beau version | Dean version | Jenny version | Jason version | Tom version | CJ version | Rachel version | Anael version | Alec version
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“I want a baby.”
You started choking on the omelet your wife had surprised you with this morning along with a fresh cup of coffee. After coughing and sputtering, you looked up at Leah, your eyes wide. “What?” You croaked out.
“I want a baby,” she repeated, crossing her arms.
You sucked down more coffee, still trying to clear your very irritated airway as you thought of what to say. You had only just gotten married a month ago! Shouldn’t there be some sort of grace period for you to be newlyweds and settle into married life before you even started thinking about adding to your newly renovated household?
“Well?” She challenged. 
You cleared your throat and set your cup down as you decided to answer her very carefully. “Honey, isn’t it…kind of early for us to be talking about this?”
Her eyes narrowed and her jaw clenched, making your heart drop.
“I mean, we just got married and we just got the house finished,” you rushed out. Damn Robin for adding a crib in the spare room upstairs when she was finished. What had she been thinking? “And we’re still settling in…you know?”  
A dark pink tinge began to take residence in her cheeks. Uh oh.
“I told you I wanted a family. You knew this when you asked me to marry you.”
That was true. She had told you that and you both were on the same page. You wanted a family, too, especially with her. But you also thought you’d have some time to yourselves for a little while before making the leap together into parenthood. That you’d have time to enjoy each other while getting ready financially and emotionally for that next step. You hadn’t imagined that a mere two days before your first month as a married couple that she’d be demanding you speed into that next chapter of your lives. You’d barely begun the first one. 
“I know you do, Leah, and I want one, too. But, babe, can we maybe postpone the baby talk just by…a few months?”
Her eyes began to shimmer. Oh no.
“Fine,” she snapped. She spun on her heel and stormed out the door. Well, you were in for a world of trouble.
You let out a heavy sigh and hurriedly finished eating. You gulped down the rest of your coffee, got up, placed your dishes in the sink, and made your way after her.  
You should’ve known something was up. She had been fidgeting around the kitchen, moving from room to room to water the plants she’d imbued your house with when she moved in. You liked for the greenery to stay outside (or in the greenhouse) but she insisted she needed a little nature around her in the home, too. It had been one of your first compromises as a newly married couple just living together for the first time. For you, it was an easy thing to give. If she needed plants for it to feel more like home for her, then plants would be all throughout your main living space (and they were). But you had seen her water the plants yesterday so you knew that in conjunction with the coffee and breakfast, her having watered your crops for you after getting up early, and the fidgeting…you should’ve seen this coming.
You found her working on her sculpture in the back that she had been working on almost every single day since she’d moved to your farm. She always told you not to look too closely, it wasn’t finished yet by any means, but you loved to watch her work. The look of concentration she got on her beautiful face, the intensity in her eyes, the peeking of her tongue out of the corner of her mouth as she hacked away at the wood, the strength with which she wielded the chisel — all of it was a joy to watch.
Right now, she appeared to be attacking the huge piece of wood than she was shaping and molding it into something. You sighed quietly and then cleared your throat. “Leah, can we talk?”
“Not right now. I’m busy.”
You deflated slightly. She was really angry with you. She never refused to talk to you unless she was beyond furious. 
You carefully approached her and laid a gentle hand on her shoulder, stopping her motions. “Babe, we really need to talk,” you implored.
She tossed the chisel onto the work bench she had situated next to her and slowly turned to face you. It broke your heart to see recent tear tracks on her cheeks, her eyes still glistening and threatening to renew them. “What is there to talk about? I want a baby and you don’t.”
“That’s not true, Leah. I want a baby, too.”
“No, you don’t. You just said—”
“I just said that maybe we should wait a few months and then revisit the issue. That’s all. Babe,” You placed your hands on her shoulders, rubbing reassuring circles into them with your thumbs. “We just got married and you just moved in. Let us settle in a little first before we start bringing kids into the mix.” She dropped her gaze to the ground and you squeezed her shoulders. “I don’t think what I’m asking is unreasonable,” you said in the gentlest tone possible.
She sniffled and wiped her cheeks. “No. It’s not.” Her watery eyes met yours then. “But you don’t know how long the adoption process takes. Once we put in papers, we have to wait to be approved and then it could take a year or more for them to find us a baby.” Her eyes began to shimmer more intensely. “And I really want a baby,” she choked out before bursting into a sob.
You pulled her into your arms and hugged her, rubbing her back soothingly and shushing her in her ear. When she had cried herself out, when you heard sniffles and ragged inhales coming from your shoulder, then and only then did you move back and gently cup her face, wiping away any leftover tears with your thumbs. Even though her eyes were puffy and her face was red and her nose was running, she still was the most beautiful woman in the world to you. No one, not even Hayley, could top her beauty in your eyes.
“How about this? Give me two months—”
She opened her mouth to protest but you continued. 
“Two months and then we’ll revisit the kids conversation.” You felt her deflate under your touch but you worked to reassure her. “I want kids just like you do. I really do. And you’re right, I knew that about you when I married you. But like I said, we just got married and we need to settle into our life together first. So please give me that at least.”
Her eyes were wet once more but she sniffled and croaked out, “Okay.”
You smiled and pecked her lips, happy that you had been able to find a compromise. “In the meantime, why don’t you go ahead and fill out the adoption paperwork so we can file it and get approved?” Her expression brightened at that, her eyes now filling with a glimmer of hope instead of tears. “This way, when we’re ready, say, a couple of months down the line, we’ll already be approved and they can start looking right away for a baby for us.”
“You mean it?”
“Of course I mean it, babe. Now, what part of the paperwork do I need to fill out? And how much are we talking for a filing fee? I have a little money saved so that shouldn’t be—mmph.”
Leah had launched herself at you and was kissing you passionately. You chuckled into her mouth, knowing that made her happy. When she pulled away so you could get some air, she peppered kisses all over your face before pecking your lips again. 
“Thank you,” she whispered, smiling as she wrapped her arms around your neck. 
“Of course, sweetheart. I want you to be happy,” you whispered back. “I want us both to be happy.”
Her smile grew. “I am happy.”
“Good. Me too.” You kissed her sweetly but after a moment it began to turn heated. When you finally broke apart, seeing the light pink tinge in her cheeks, her lips a little swollen, and her gasping for air, you leaned into her ear to whisper huskily to her, “You know. That looks like a mighty fine workbench you’ve got there.”
“Oh no. Not my workbench and definitely not outside where anyone can walk up and see us. I still haven’t recovered from what happened last Spirit’s Eve. That was embarrassing enough for a lifetime, thank you.”
You pulled back, smirking down at her. “I don’t know why you keep going on about that. People thought any moans they heard were part of the haunted maze and I know you enjoyed yourself more than you’re willing to admit.”
Her cheeks reddened but her hands gripped your hips tightly and she dug her teeth into her bottom lip at the memory. “I hate you.”
She yanked you closer to her, and began to trail her lips down your jawline. “You sure have a weird way of showing that.”
“Shut up already and take me inside,” she murmured before kissing you again. 
“Yes ma’am,” you muttered to her lips. You picked her up and slung her over your shoulder fireman style, making her shriek and then giggle as you ran, right before you did just that. Tomorrow you could fill out the adoption paperwork; today, you intended to enjoy your time with your wife.
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A/N: Please let me know what you think. 😊
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bella-goths-wife · 1 year
The volturi finding out about reader and wolf incident
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“I want her back” Caius demanded as his grip on the letter tightened.
Marcus had informed them early in the morning of a letter arriving. A letter sent by raven from one of the rogues they had commanded to watch over you.
In this letter was a detailed description of their favourite little vampires recent stunt. Of her suicidal attempt at crossing into wolf territory and her fostering a friendship between them, and of course they read of Carlisles cruel actions and violence towards you.
The kings were concerned for you, their sweet gentle girl. They had refrained of taking it to the guard but they were definitely worried for you safety.
And now Caius was making demands, this situation was beginning to spin out of control.
“I agree” Marcus said with a sad tone as he reread the letters contents “they are torturing our girl”
“I understand, but we can’t just take her” aro said with his fingers rubbing his temple “they would kill her or our guards to get to her”
“Let them try” Caius seethed as he rose from his throne “I’ll rip they’re heads off before they can find her”
“Believe me I want to help my girl too” aro confessed as he say down on his throne and thought of solutions
“Your girl? I believe that I have fostered the most parental relationship with the little dove” Caius says with his temper rising at his current situation
“Jealousy Caius” Marcus corrects as Caius lowers himself on his throne “we all hold a fondness for the girl, that is why she should be here with us”
“They are torturing her and I can do nothing” aro sighs out in despair “we must think of our plan, Marcus, what of your rogue?”
“He’s useful, powerful” Marcus admits in careful thought “not enough to take them all on alone but he could handle himself against the younger ones”
“That’s a good start” aro paces the room before stopping in front of them “get him to look at weak spots in the house and blind spots in the family”
“What about our army?” Caius questioned “how can they be of use without stealing our baby bat?”
“Have them attack and weaken any close by allies of the cullens” aro says seriously “that way if our girl is able to run away and get out of forks, she won’t be spotted and will be able to make her way to us”
“What are you thinking aro?” Marcus asked curiously
“It’s quite simple really” aro chuckles and gives his usual smirk “we have two options”
“Which are?” Caius says impatiently
“Well once our baby bat makes her way to us, she could swear loyalty and become part of our high guard” aro says dully, like this was the more unappealing option “this will of course be a viable option, but it puts her in danger of being hurt or killed”
“What is the second option?” Marcus asks, desperate for a better solution
“She could become mated to one of our high guard” aro says excitedly “if her mate is in the high guard it makes it plausible reason for us to keep her here, and it also means that she would be protected while we also use her powers safely”
“And who would we choose?” Marcus questions with an eyebrow raised
“Felix and Dimitri are off the table” aro says and Caius looks confused, aro sighs before explaining “neither of them have a previous connection with (y/n), nor do they hold the skills to be able to protect her from the cullens”
“So who else? Most of our guard are already mated” Caius says impatiently, itching to talk with you once again. He didn’t want to admit it, but he was anxious to see you again.
“Well that leaves Jane and Alec” Marcus answers “which should it be?”
“We will leave that up to our darling girl” aro answers with a smile “she has had no choices in her life so far, let us be the first to grant her one”
“Are we sure this plan will work?” Caius asks doubtfully
“If it does not, our girl will just join us as a guard” aro answers with a smirk “this plan will ensure that we will not be accused of cruelty and war will be avoided”
“Very clever” Marcus compliments “I’ve got to say aro, this plan is genius”
“I know” aro answers with a gleeful smirk.
“Did you hear that sister?” Alec questions as the two sneak away from their hiding place that they had used since they were first turned, it was a prime spying spot “one of us will receive a mate”
“It seems so” Jane says with her face focused “I wonder which will be chosen?”
“Could you see yourself with her, for the rest of eternity?” Alec question with curiosity painted in his face
“I would choose her over anyone else to spend eternity with” Jane answers before turning to her brother “and you brother? Could you see yourself loving her for eternity?”
“I, very much could sister” Alec answers with a smirk “it seems we are in competition, dear sister”
“It is not a competition, we already know she likes me better than you” Jane answers with a small smirk
“As a friend” Alec corrects “I’m sure she sees me in a much less platonic way”
“I wouldn’t be too sure brother” Jane says as she begins to walk to her room “you don’t know what we were up too all those times at tea time, we were always alone after all… you weren’t permitted to be alone with her, but I was”
With those parting words, Jane entered her room and closed her door. This left Alec with many questions. Was she lying? What did the two of you do? Who would you like better?
A small smirk spread across Alec’s face as he thought of you being his mate.
Challenge accepted sister.
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Now you’ve gotta guess which ones for reader because I’ve not even decided yet.
I will be making an oc for reader too so i don’t know if this is gonna end up poly or something, I’m just here for the ride.
Hope you enjoyed:)
Love ya ❤️
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