#ali robertson
gianttankeh · 7 months
Cheers very much. Be seeing youse.....
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So the final curtain has been and gone... Thanks to Summerhall for hosting Usurper's retirement party, to Tindegger, Joyce Whitchurch & the Chocolate Monk DJs for serenading our lugholes, and to our family & friends fae all over the dis-UK, Europe & further afield who made it along on Saturday. Our hearts melted, along with the rest of our bodies, in that sweaty sold out venue knowing that youse were there with us. Thanks also to our extended family of international weirdos across the globe who sent well wishes and who kept us keen to traverse the landscape of largely unpopular music for one day shy of two decades. We love youse, fellow choobs. You can continue to follow Ali Robertson's exploits... On Tumblr as Giant Tank, eh: www.gianttankeh.tumblr.com On Bandcamp as Giant Tank: www.gianttank.bandcamp.com On Faceboak as Giant Tank: www.facebook.com/gianttank On Faceboak as TfEh: www.facebook.com/Tfehgigs On Instagroan as Giant Tank Against Tedium: www.instagram.com/gianttankagainsttedium On Threads as Giant Tank Against Tedium: @[email protected] On YeTube with Collette Tank: www.youtube.com/@collettetank On Twitland as Chobertson: www.twitter.com/Chobertson
If youse wanna hear what Malcy Duff is up to next then maybe learn morse code or smoke signalling.....
(Photo by Alejandro Basterrechea.)
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y2kmagazines · 1 year
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Express Yourself (Seventeen, March 1996)
Featuring Tobey Maguire, Stacey Dash, Will Estes, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Eliza Dushku, Bruce Ramsay, Alanna Ubach, Jason Wiles, Ray J, Tatyana Ali, Kathleen Robertson, and James Marsden
Photographs by Guy Aroch
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suckmyarschkarte · 1 year
"var! who was it? mohamed!"
"no, not me!"
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liverpool-enjoyer · 9 months
for a hot second i genuinely thought andy was a baby... probably how alisson was holding him lmfao
i cant even blame you. look at the material. its giving "how old is your son?" "360 months"
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formulalfc · 6 months
blurbs with shan ;) rambles about my fave ballers
inbox is open feel free to send me some ramble requests <3
kylian mbappe
kylian speaking french to you
you and ibou convince kylian to come to liverpool 18+
kylian meets your baby for the first time
yours and kylians routine now that you're pregnant
curtis jones
playfighting with curtis
curtis has to let everyone know he's going to be a dad
you and curtis get caught by the boys 18+
curtis being whipped for you
virgil van dijk
size difference with virg
an afternoon baking with virgil
virg manhandling you
virgil asks you to be his girlfriend
virg loves spoiling you
virgil has missed you while you've been out with friends 18+
virg makes sure everyone knows your his
virgil lifting your stomach for you when you're pregnant
overprotective virgil
you're not happy about virgils outfit for training
virgil as your boyfriend
getting your ass spanked by virgil
joe gomez
thigh riding with joe 18+
sex in the changing room with joe 18+
giving joe a massage after his game
allison becker
evenings with ali
jobe bellingham
going for a walk down the pier with jobe
you realise jobe might not be that annoying
you think jobe is seeing someone behind your back
you guys get papped after a date
jobe convinces you to go public with your relationship
morning sex w jobe 18+
jobe is such a baby for you
you and jobe are stuck in a lift and he freaks out
you and jobe making out during move night
hot make out sesh with jobe
darwin nunez
english lessons with darwin go off track
sex with darwin after the game 18+
playing with darwin's hair
darwin being jealous
you and darwin have your first kiss
darwin doing your hair for you
you and darwin go to a wedding together
darwin is obsessed with you
taking care of darwin after his injury
darwin looks after you when you're tired and overworked
darwin is really clingy with you when you come home
celebrating darwins last minute goal with him
darwin looks after you when you're sick
darwin surprising you after being away
jadon sancho
you and jadon are happy he's going back to dortmund
kostas tsimikas
you're super shy when you first meet your boyfriend's friends
kostas talks you through your insecurities
kostas being jealous
andy robertson
andy would do anything for you
jarell quansah
you tell jarell how proud you are of him after a big win
doing jarell's skincare for a tiktok
placing kisses all over jarells face after a big game
alexis mac allistar
alexis loves kissing you
cody gakpo
taking pictures at the cup final with the trophy and your baby bump
making cody his favourite dutch meal
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tbthqs · 4 months
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Evento 01: Reunião da Turma de 2014
Data: 01/09/2024 (Domingo) Local: John Wooden Center, Campus Central da UCLA, West Hollywood. Linha Temporal: 2024
Quando você recebeu o convite, quer seja pelos correios ou por e-mail, houve aquele momento de hesitação. Ir ou não, eis a questão? Parecia ser uma besteira, um daqueles eventos em que todos estão acostumados a serem bem clichês, cheios de gente com a qual você não se importa, tentando vender a vida perfeita, que francamente, todo mundo sabe que é mentira, mas preferem fingir que acreditam para evitar ainda mais conversas constrangedoras.
Ainda sim, você não sabe ao certo o que, mas uma voz na sua cabeça ecoa, te incentivando a confirmar a presença na festa. Esse anjo ou demônio é incrivelmente convincente e incisivo, não sendo surpresa alguma que você acaba cedendo e mandando aquele maldito e-mail de confirmação.
Ao chegar no local, suas suspeitas se confirmam, o pavilhão onde você assistira inúmeros jogos de equipe de basquete amadora ou os eventos de ginástica olímpica, com uma decoração cafona de azul e dourado, luzes para todos os lados, um palco no qual uma banda tocava os sucessos de 2014, mesas para todos os lados, uma mesa de buffet com algumas comidinhas e um ponche de procedência bem duvidosa. Você pega uma das taças de vinho que passam pela bandeja de um garçom, se perguntando porquê não ficou em casa hoje, mas ao reencontrar com alguns amigos dessa época, você entende os motivos de ter vindo. Nem parece que se passaram 10 anos e você, de alguma forma, se sente feliz por estar ali, aproveitando o momento, como se tivesse 21 anos mais uma vez, em uma das inúmeras festas espalhadas pelo campus.
Nem mesmo o discurso chato do Reitor Robertson Smith é capaz de te tirar essa sensação. Você começa a se questionar como seria voltar para aqueles dias, onde tudo era mais simples, e você não tinha uma pilha de boletos pra pagar, um monte problemas para resolver, só diversão, apesar do monte de livros para ler e trabalhos para entregar. E você se pega pensando como seria voltar, agora com tudo o que você sabe da vida adulta, será que as coisas seriam diferentes?
Essa talvez seja uma questão que você nunca tenha a resposta, mas é bom imaginar que sim...
Informações OOC:
Em OOC, O evento começa hoje (28/01), às 19 e vai até dia 04/02 às 20h, com possibilidade de extensão.
Na Quinta-feira, 01/02, às 22h, será postado o discurso do reitor Dean Robertson Smith. O discurso é uma peça importante para o plot do rpg.
Vocês tem liberdade total para sair da festa e explorar o campus também. No navegador há um mapa com as localizações importantes no campus. Lembrem-se que a polícia do campus pode detê-los por invasão de propriedade privada.
Vocês pode utilizar a tag tbthqs.event e tbthqs.starter para postar starters referente ao evento
Para postar os trajes que seus personagens vão usar na festa, podem utilizar a tag tbthqs.looks
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lcurencc · 6 months
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Alto, quem vem lá? Oh, é LAURENCE MACKENZIE SEYDOUX, a selecionada de CASTELMAINE de VINTE E QUATRO anos, como é bom recebê-la! Não poderia normalmente comentar nada, mas saiba que você é uma das minhas favoritas, já que é tão LEAL E PERSPICAZ. Só espero que não seja tão FÚTIL E ARROGANTE quanto as revistas falam. Por favor, por aqui, estão todos lhe esperando!
NOME COMPLETO: Laurence Mackenzie Seydoux
APELIDO: Lauren, Lola, Mackenzie, Max.
IDADE: Vinte e quatro anos.
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Mulher cis, ela/dela.
FACE CLAIM: Chloe Rose Robertson.
SIGNO: Leão.
OCUPAÇÃO: modelo e miss castelmaine.
PROVÍNCIA: Castelmaine.
REFERÊNCIAS: Blair Waldorf(gossip girl), Regina George(Mean Girls), Jennette McCurdy(I’m glad my mom died), Katherine Pierce(The vampire diaries), Alison Dilaurentis(PLL), Sharpay Evans(High School Music).
TRIGGERS: distúrbio alimentar, abuso materno, negligência.
RESUMO: Laurence vem de uma família podre de rica de Castelmaine, e quando eu digo podre de rica i mean it. a família dela controla financeiramente metade da província e tem tantas propriedades lá que eles nem sabe o que é a crise econômica. A mãe da Laurence nunca perdoou ela por basicamente ter nascido e destruído o corpo dela, então você pode imaginar como a Lauren é; extremamente vaidosa, adora chamar atenção e gastar dinheiro que é basicamente como ela desconta a frustração de uma vida sem o amor materno e com a ausência paterna. Ela é bem sem noção pra muitas coisas também já que ela basicamente nunca precisou fazer nada na vida além de participar de competições e modelar. Ela é miss na província dela e é localmente famosa, ela tá bem animada pra tá na seleção da princesa mas em partes bem insegura pois ela sabe que ela não é boa o suficiente pra vencer embora ela tente fingir que está acima de todos.
Não existe uma pessoa em Castelmaine que não tenha ouvido falar dos Seydoux, a família que basicamente é dona de quase toda a cidade. Donos de estabelecimentos variados, grandes fazendas, plantações e também de animais com que alimentam boa parte da população, Laurence nasceu em berço de ouro e sempre teve tudo que desejou, ou melhor, quase tudo, visto que o amor de sua mãe sempre fora inalcançável. Juliet, sua mãe nunca fizera a mínima questão de esconder o asco que sentia sobre a filha, uma das únicas memórias de sua infância que tinha era de seu pai lhe explicar que sua mãe estava passando por uma grave depressão pós parto e que logo ela melhoraria, mas ano após ano nada nunca mudou, Juliet nunca fora capaz de perdoar Lauren por destruir seu adorado corpo.
Embora Juliet sempre fizesse questão de relembrar a Laurence de quanto sua existência era indesejada, havia uma única forma de conquistar o mínimo de afeição de sua progenitora, vivendo a vida que Juliet sempre havia desejado, e para aquilo Laurence precisava apenas desistir de ter qualquer identidade ou sonho, abdicar de sua própria vida e sonhos para viver os de sua mãe. Sua mãe havia vindo de um lar bastante conservador e com isso nunca tivera uma chance de se tornar o que queria: uma atriz ou modelo famosa, e bem, tornar Laurence aquela pessoa era a única afinidade que tinha pela filha. Laurence participa de competições desde que se entende por gente, e para ser bem sincera nunca gostou da preparação para tais, muitas das vezes sua mãe a obrigava a passar fome, e os poucos sorrisos ou elogios que recebia quando passara a fazer aquilo por vontade própria fora o suficiente para acorrentar Laurence a uma vida de restrição e deslizes. E independente de quantas coroas a loira ganha, nenhuma delas melhoram a sensação que sente ao se olhar no espelho.
A filha única dos Seydoux nunca precisou se preocupar com absolutamente nada no quesito financeiro, pedia a alguns de seus mordomos o que queria e puff ali estava diante de si. O problema econômico que seu pai parecia tanto se preocupar nunca lhe fez o menor sentido, ao menos não até perder alguns criados o que não demorou muito tempo, afinal o que seu pai esperava? Que ela tivesse que fazer algo com as próprias mãos? Absurdo! Em seu tempo livre Lauren ou Mackenzie, como também é conhecida, sempre aproveitou para fazer o que faz de melhor: gastar cada centavo que pode tentando tapar o buraco em seu coração. Para Laurence seu pai ainda é pior do que sua mãe, afinal ele estava ali assistindo tudo que acontecia com ela diariamente e simplesmente nunca se importou o suficiente para salvar-la do abuso materno que dia após dia apenas se tornou pior.
Claro que houve uma certa surpresa ao ouvir seu nome, ser parte da seleção era algo grande, algo digno de Mackenzie e ela não poderia estar mais feliz de participar da seleção, não só por finalmente sair de Castelmaine que tanto odeia mas pela oportunidade de talvez encontrar algo que tanto lhe faz falta: amor.
Fria, fútil, arrogante e as vezes até manipuladora, essa é a Laurence que a loira tenta convencer a todos que é, e em sua maior parte das vezes consegue. Ninguém nunca havia dito nada sobre o quanto sua mãe gritava palavras horrendas contra si nos provadores, afinal alguém como Lauren merecia aquilo não é mesmo? A loira sempre sentiu como se fosse invisível, talvez por isso estar nos holofotes hoje lhe seja tão importante. Em partes Laurence sequer sabe quem de fato é, visto que os maiores pontos de sua personalidade é apenas um reflexo de quem sua mãe é, de quem fora criada pra ser. O castelo de mentiras de Laurence esconde uma garotinha amedrontada, leal e aplicada que apenas deseja a aprovação. Lauren odeia com todas as forças o quão carente de fato é porque em partes não se julga digna de amor, afinal se nem seus progenitores a amam, quem poderia?
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bookgeekgrrl · 10 months
My media this week (23-29 Jul 2023)
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🥰 The Rift (seapigeon) - 53K, modern college no powers AU - there's witchcraft and ghosts and curses and art student steve and science nerd bucky and it was all very good!
😍 Six Kids and a Winnebago series (Oddree13) - 91K, omegaverse Steddie - this series is a thoroughly delightful domestic omegaverse(lite) set post s4 - excellent characterizations, great sense of time/place & really fantastic music references
🥰 Longing and Belonging (enjambament) - 44K, geraskier - governess!Jaskier, lots of great family stuff with Ciri & Yen [reread, a definite fave]
😍 if I'm gonna get back to you someday (napricot) - 46K, post Endgame fixit with "a clusterfuck of Steves" from different multiverses - so many good emotions!
😊 Roommate Wanted (Lihhelsing, tinkerbclla) - 66K, modern Steddie roommates-to-lovers, part epistolary with a dash of identity porn
💖💖 +110K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
the premature awakening of Bucky Barnes [at the hands of stupid, sexy, Post-run Steve] (MaddieWritesStucky (Madeleine_Ward)) - MCU: stucky, 3K - modern no powers stucky, several months on in the relationship between stripper!Bucky & architecht Steve [reread]
Galatea (saltandbyrne) - Inception: Arthur/Eames, 16K - a very good and delightfully melancholic modern myth telling
Shelter Case (Coragyps) - Suits: Mike/Harvey, 7K - futuristic dark dystopian omegaverse [reread]
Let Me Keep You (LeeHan) - MCU: stucky, 4K - Steve's oral fixation PWP  [reread]
D20: Adventuring Party - s1, e15-18
D20: A Crown of Candy - s5, e15-17
Good Omens - s2, e1-6
What Next: TBD Plus - Why Tech Lays Women Off First
⭐ Wiser Than Me with Julia Louis-Dreyfus - Julia Gets Wise with Jane Fonda
Fire Island: The Tea - Thomás Matos
50 Years of Hip-Hop - 1991: "Mind Playing Tricks on Me" by Geto Boys
50 Years of Hip-Hop - 1993: "Hip Hop Hooray" by Naughty by Nature
Hot and Bothered - Live from Pemberley: The 2005 Movie (with Helen Zaltzman and Jenny Owen Youngs)
Re: Dracula - July 24: There Will be Some Trouble
Rachel Maddow Presents: Déjà News - Episode 6: “Hello America, this is Addis Ababa.”
50 MPH - 7 MPH / A Crash Course in Jan De Bont (with Bilge Ebiri)
⭐ Endless Thread - Best of Summer: The Loudest Sound
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Mapping the Gay Guides
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Spaces for Spies
Switched on Pop - Barbie and the plasticity of pop
Shedunnit - Cricket and Crime
Re: Dracula - July 26: Just Starting for Home
Ologies with Alie Ward - Sciuridology (SQUIRRELS) with Karen Munroe
Stuff The British Stole - The Fever Tree Hunt
The Waves Plus - How a Drag Queen Recreated the American Dream
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Knight’s Spider Web Farm
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Amazon Night Hikes
Our Opinions Are Correct - Encore Episode: We're in the wrong timeline, with Connie Willis and R.F. Kuang
99% Invisible #546 - The Country of the Blind
50 Years of Hip-Hop - 1981: "Rapture" by Blondie
⭐ Decoder Ring Plus - A Brief History of Making Out
Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - Zelda: A Beep to the Past
Dear Prudence Plus - My Boyfriend Hid His Hobby From Me—Civil War Reenactments. Help!
⭐ Into It - Country Music’s Race Problem
What Next: TBD Plus - Washington vs. A.I.
Rivals: Music's Greatest Feuds - Robbie Robertson vs. Levon Helm: Broken Band
Re: Dracula - July 28: Four Days in Hell
Re: Dracula - July 29: Another Tragedy
Hit Parade Plus - The Bridge: Don’t Believe Me, Just Watch
⭐ Strong Songs - "Killing Me Softly With His Song," as sung by Lauryn Hill, Roberta Flack, & Lori Lieberman
Wait Wait… Don't Tell Me! - WWDTM: Randall Park
Fire Island: The Tea - Bambi Sue: Dredging Up the Past
Presenting The Who
People Just Wanna Have Fun [Kool & The Gang] {2023}
The Beach Boys Radio • Popular
"One Thing Leads To Another" [The Fixx] Radio
Dream Theater
Presenting Bruno Mars
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queenaryastark · 2 years
With all this wank about how girls/women like Arya aren't worthy of romance and family (despite the fact that GRRM has girls/women like her as his romantic heroines in the pre-series material), I find it really interesting that my other obsession, The Bachelor franchise, is full of tomboys who rise to the top of the game. Several "winners" and Bachelorettes said they were tomboys. And it shows because they take the modern fairytale and turn it into their own sporting event that they dominate in.
For instance, Courtney Robertson was a tomboy according to her autobiography and several interviews. When she first started modeling (tomboys fill that field as well) she needed guidance in basic grooming. When she went on the Bachelor, she came to "win" and took no prisoners. She's still a tomboy and a married mother of two. Vienna was very much the same, even saying she didn't know how to do her make up which didn't prevent her from "winning". It also didn't prevent her from becoming a mother while continuing to be an athlete.
Hannah Brown (the Beast) is considered the ultimate Bachelorette even though she spent her first season as a competitor snarling and growling. Ali F. calls herself a tomboy and claims she had no idea about fashion or how to dress, yet she left the Bachelor on her own terms and became one of the strongest Bachelorettes. She's also married with children. Michelle Young and Rachel Lindsay are both openly athletic tomboys who were Bachelorettes. Both of them even got to show off their basketball skills in group dates on their seasons. Rachel is now married and talks about having kids. Madi Prew and Susie Evans essentially used their athleticism to humiliate their respective Bachelors and to maximize their screentime before "winning".
I could go on, but all of this is to say, that not just one type of woman can have romance (whether real or used as part of advancement) and children. Tomboys certainly aren't barred from it. Not even by the misogynistic modern fairytale and certainly not by real life. There's no reason a fantasy series with dragons and ice zombies would bar them from it.
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evergreen-cc · 2 years
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I cranked out all of @dizzywhims’s Teen-A-Day challenge in one day yesterday because I couldn’t wait for the new pack! Lil bit of info on all of them below :^)
Cheer Captain - Cassidy White (she/her) -- cheerful, self-assured, leader of the pack || Rebel - Dominic Stout (he/him) -- hot-headed, loner, chief of mischief || Band Kid - Aaron Olsen (he/him) -- music lover, insider, geek brain || Emo - TJ Smith (she/they) -- loner, gloomy, musical genius || Freshman - Laycee Carmichael (she/her) -- good, clumsy, friend of the world || Redneck - Colton Brady (nor/mal) (he/him) -- loves the outdoors, slob, angling ace || Try Hard - Elijah Brown (he/him) -- perfectionist, proper, renaissance sim
Hipster - Ada Varner (she/they) -- art lover, jealous, painter extraordinaire || Party Thrower - Jamia Mendez (she/her) -- outgoing, self-assured, party animal || 16-and-Pregnant - Talia Hurtz (she/her) -- romantic, outgoing, party animal || Theatre Kid - Andre Compton (he/him) -- creative, self-absorbed, master actor || Bully - Lexi Hays (she/her) -- mean, self-assured, world-famous celebrity || In a Rock Band - Aisha Faez (she/her) -- music lover, self-assured, musical genius || Loner - Jim Wilson (questioning) -- loner, loves the outdoors, friend of the animals 
Quarterback - Jake Swift (he/they) -- active, good, bodybuilder || Gamer - Annabelle Sparks (she/her) -- geek, goofball, computer whiz || Horse Girl - Josie Polk (she/her) -- animal enthusiast, loves the outdoors, country caretaker || Teacher’s Pet - Emily Barnes (she/her) -- perfectionist, book-worm, academic || Influencer - Jaden Hall (he/him) -- outgoing, creative, world-famous celebrity || Artist - Cali Tillman (she/her) -- creative, childish, painter extraordinaire || Stoner - Casper Blue (they/it) -- bro, lazy, freelance botanist 
Valedictorian - Alana Medley (she/her) -- genius, perfectionist, academic || Sk8er Boi - Adrien Winn (he/they) - active, outgoing, party animal || Class Clown - Ali Seiff (he/him) -- goofball, childish, joke star || Geek - Mia Robertson (she/her) - geek, good, bestselling author || Future Olympian - Cameron Berry (she/they) - active, self-assured, extreme sports enthusiast || Activist - Nadia Abdallah (she/her) -- outgoing, self-assured, eco innovator ||| You in High School [depressed] - V Evergreen (they/he) -- loner, gloomy, best selling author
Thanks so much to the CC creators! I’d normally link back to each item but there’s A LOT of it here so I’m just going to tag the creators if I can! 
@clumsyalienn @its-adrienpastel @casteru @nucrests @trillyke @jellymoo @jius-sims @simandy @saurusness @miikocc @solistair @valhallansim @serenity-cc @rustys-cc @nolan-sims @candysims4 @feralpoodles @pralinesims @cloudcat @moontrait @arethabee @aladdin-the-simmer @ms-marysims @ratboysims @twisted-cat @sentate @luumia @sorokacc @okruee @oakiyo @oydis @the-crypt-o-club @bellassims @nsves 
I guarantee I missed some but that’s all I’ve got for now. If you know someone i missed, tag them in the comments or a reblog or smth please!
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morning · 2 years
Below, I have compiled a list of face claims who have shown support for J*hnny D*pp. I would appreciate a reblog to help spread this information around. Thank you.
AJ Michalka
Aaron Dominguez
Alberto Rosende
Aly Michalka
Andie Macdowell
Antoinette Robertson
Ashley Benson
Ashley Park
Auliʻi Cravalho
BD Wong
Bella Hadid
Bethany Joy Lenz
Booboo Stewart
Brec Bassinger
Camren Bicondova
Casey Diedrick
Chantel Jeffries
Charisma Carpenter
Charithra Chandran
Chase Stokes
China Anne Mcclain
Christian Serratos
Christina Hendricks
Cierra Ramirez
Colin Ford
Connor Swindells
Dakota Fanning
Dakota Johnson
Diana Silvers
Diego Tinoco
Dominic Fike
Dylan Sprayberry
Eli Brown
Elle Fanning
Emma Roberts
Eva Green
Eva Longoria
Florence Pugh
Gael Garcia Bernal
Gemma Chan
Halle Bailey
Heather Morris
Henry Golding
Ian Nelson
Ian Somerhalder
Imaan Hammam
Inbar Lavi
India Eisley
Jaime King
Jamie Campbell Bower
Jason Momoa
Jennifer Aniston
Jeremy Renner
Jesse Rath
Jim Sturgess
Joey King
Jordan Fisher
Josh Brolin
Julian Kostov
Kat Dennings
Kathryn Gallagher
KJ Apa
Kodi Smit-Mcphee
Lakeith Stanfield
Lewis Tan
Liv Tyler
Lucy Hale
Luka Sabbat
Luke Pasqualino
Madeleine Madden
Madelyn Cline
Maria Gabriela de Faria
Matthias Schoenaerts
Miguel Herran
Morena Baccarin
Naomi Campbell
Nathan Owens
Neslihan Yeldan
Nicholas Braun
Norman Reedus
Orlando Bloom
Owen Joyner
Perrie Edwards
Rachel Zegler
Rahul Kohli
Riley Keough
Rita Ora
Robert Downey Jr
Sam Claflin
Samuel Larsen
Sharon Stone
Sofia Boutella
Sonam Kapoor
Taika Watiti
Vanessa Hudgens
Vanessa Morgan
Wallis Day
Zachary Levi
Zoe Saldana
Zoey Deutch
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gianttankeh · 7 months
A new (and final) Usurper album on Krim Kram.
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Krim Kram's Dave Murphy will be hand delivering copies of the new Usurper album, 'The Big Two', at our Summerhall retirement party tomorrow and you will be able to scoop it up in exchange for ten pounds sterling. It's an honest-to-gonk cd, as opposed to a cd-r. Bet ye never thought ye'd see Usurper housed in a digipak! We will also have a t-shirt available which will cost fifteen quid and is a limited edition of just twenty-five. Roll up, roll up.....
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I need a sad Alisson fic. I know Liverpool just won and we should be happy but I’m struggling still and I just need a sad Alisson fic to help with it but i have no motivation to write one myself so i’m asking for you to write it for me if that’s possible. I don’t really care what happens I just need Alisson to be sad in it with maybe Klopp or Virgil or Pep comforting him because I wish I had someone to comfort me :(
Thanks for your time :)
Excited to read
Hey anon, here you go!
Tags: @moomin279, @alissonbecksfan234, @rubybecker-rb2, @millythegoat
An Important Question
Klopp switched off the kitchen light, glancing at the glowing LED clock on the stove. It was late night in Kirkby, and everybody else was asleep or preparing to do so.
Nighttime was one of the few times Kirkby was quiet, and it was the only kind of quiet Klopp actually enjoyed. With everybody else slumbering the night away, the only sounds were the utility systems, the revving of cars on the street, and maybe some soft radio music. That was why Klopp stayed up the latest—so he could finally get some peace and quiet. He loved his players, but even he had to admit that their antics could get on his nerves.
Flashlight in hand, Klopp silently made his way through the halls, checking each and every one of the rooms. He could tell if everybody was sleeping by the sound, or lack of sound, that they made. Eventually he made it to the big room at the end of the hall—the players’ room.
Klopp slipped through the door and crept in. For once, his clumsiness decided not to make itself apparent, allowing him to check on his boys silently.
Robertson and Alexander-Arnold were fast asleep in their matching bunks, still under the comforters. Milner had thrown off all his covers, which Elliott had stolen from the bunk below. And Chamberlain’s loud snores told Klopp that the midfielder was sleeping just fine.
Satisfied that all the bunk occupants were sleeping peacefully, Klopp turned his attention to the six hammocks in the room. The hammocks were intended as backup sleeping accommodations in case of emergency, but only three players actually slept in the hammocks on a day-to-day basis.
Adrian snored away in the first hammock—how he didn’t wake himself up, Klopp had no idea. Kelleher tossed and turned under his blanket, but that didn’t alarm Klopp as the Irishman had always been active in his sleep.
The flashlight’s beam swept over to check the third hammock, where Alisson usually retired for the night. It was empty—and that triggered every alarm system in Klopp’s mind.
Trying his best not to freak out, he checked the other hammocks for any signs of Alisson. The goalkeeper was well and truly gone—a bad sign, since Alisson almost always slept like a rock. It was nearly impossible to wake him up, unless…
Unless he never fell asleep here. Klopp hastened out of the players’ bedroom and into the hallway. His legs functioned on autopilot as his mind tried to think of all the places Alisson could be. There had to be about a dozen broom closets in Kirkby, and then there were all the rooms and the training pitch. He might have not even been in the building…
A loud crash startled Klopp from his thoughts, followed by a repetitive and insistent thump-thump-thump. He tracked down the latter sound with no avail, until he realized the thump-thump-thump was his own heart, pounding in his chest.
Don’t panic. Ali has to be here somewhere, it’s not like he left the training ground.
What if somebody got him?
Like what, a monster? Come on, you’re not five anymore.
By now Klopp had checked all the broom closets, recreation rooms and small areas in Kirkby ground. Alisson was in none of them, and for a couple of moments it seemed like Klopp would never find the goalkeeper.
You’ll find him.
What if—
I need some air, Klopp decided, opening the door to the veranda. For the longest while he just stood there, letting the brisk February chill distract him from his own mind.
A small moan quickly brought Klopp back to reality. His tired, cold bones screamed at him to stop, but instinct took the reins this time and drove Klopp further along the veranda.
Finally, he saw it. Alisson was asleep at one of the tables, still in his lilac kit. Apparently Alisson had been so tired from the previous night’s match, he hadn’t even managed to get inside before calling it a day.
Klopp relaxed at the sight of Alisson safe and sound, when he realized that the keeper was thrashing in his sleep. It could only mean one thing.
“Ali? Wake up.” Klopp gently prompted him, shaking him ever so slightly. Even though Alisson was a heavy sleeper, that still didn’t prevent him from easily startling.
Eventually, Alisson’ thrashing calmed down to a twitch. Soon enough, the keeper was awake. “Chefe?! What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing.” Klopp pulled a chair towards the table, taking a seat. “You seemed to be having a nightmare. Is it about the match on Tuesday?”
In response, Alisson buried his head in his hands. “I don’t want to let the team down again.”
“But you kept clean sheets in the last two matches,” Klopp reminded him. “If anything you should be more likely to keep a clean sheet now.”
“But it’s Benzema. The Ballon D’Or winner. And what if I make the same mistakes?” Alisson clutched at his hands, as if the thought of making a mistake physically pained him. “I’d let our defense down again. I’d let you down again, just like in the Wolves game.”
Klopp had thought Alisson’ nightmare was associated with that specific issue. No matter how many times Klopp told his players otherwise, they often feared that they’d disappoint him in one way or the other. The very thought of him being disappointed with his players themselves, rather than their actions or words, made Klopp feel sick.
“Name one time you let the team down,” Klopp prompted Alisson, because by now he’d run out of words to say how important each player was to the club.
“It took me only four games to make a mistake that led to us conceding a goal.”
“But we still won, right? And don’t forget—you’d kept three straight clean sheets in your first three matches for us. That’s impressive, especially for a new goalkeeper in a new league,” Klopp reminded him. “And it wasn’t like we were facing terrible teams—our opponents were West Ham, Crystal Palace and Brighton.”
“Don’t mention that club, please.”
Klopp sighed in defeat. “Why do you always think that you’re going to disappoint me?”
Alisson’ eyes widened as he stared at Klopp. “I never told you that I always think that way.”
“Then what do you think and why?” Klopp groaned. He sounded more exasperated than he should’ve let on, but he decided to ignore it.
“I’m worried that I’ll disappoint you, because of so many things. Like that huge price tag, and the fact that you threw me straight into the team. Not like it’s a bad thing!” Alisson quickly clarified. “You always trusted me to do what was best and you believe in me, even when I don’t do anything for you.
“Boss, you do so much for me that I feel the only thing that can repay you is constant perfection. And when I mess up I feel like I’ve not been as great to you as you’ve been to me.”
“Ali.” Klopp pulled the younger man into his arms, ignoring the biting cold whipping around the veranda. “You know I care more about my boys than the results. We could win 5-0, but one injury to any of you and my whole day would be ruined.”
“But one of our mistakes could cost you your job,” Alisson protested. “Because the officials don’t see how important and special you are to us. To the whole club—we need you here.” He clung tighter to Klopp, as if to prove his point. “And I’m not going to let one of my stupid mistakes get in the way.”
“You boys aren’t the only ones who make mistakes. I make mistakes that lead us all to losing sometimes. We have to work together.” Gently, Klopp redirected Alisson' head so this way the two had eye contact. “So will you please stop worrying about disappointing me so much? If I’m ever disappointed with you boys, it's only in your actions or words, not yourselves. Promise me that?”
Alisson hesitated, worry glassing over his green eyes. “I can't make promises I can't keep.”
“What if I helped you keep them?” Klopp offered. “Please Ali, you can't keep driving yourself insane over this.”
Alisson said nothing for what seemed like a long time. Eventually he stood from his chair, extending a hand to Klopp.
“Let’s go inside. The cold is really bothering me.”
Klopp shook his head in fond amusement, accepting the offer. “I recognize and appreciate your Disney joke, and same here.”
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shadowqueen402 · 2 years
If Balan Wonderworld Was A Cartoon Like Sonic Boom
These are the voice actors that I think would voice them. They will be different from my personal headcanon of their english voice actresses.
Leo Craig: Eddy Lee
Emma Cole: Tara Strong
Balan: Liam O'Brien
Lance: J. Michael Tatum
Jose Gallard: Todd Soley
Fiona Demetria: Ali Hillis
Yuri Brand: Michelle Ruff
Haoyu Chang: Beau Bridgland
Sana Hudson: Erica Luttrell
Cass Milligan: Lisa Ortiz
Cal Suresh: Reuben Langdon
Iben Bia: Laura Faye Smith
Attilio Caccini: Roger Craig Smith
Lucy Wong: Maggie Robertson
Eis Glover: Cameron Bowen
Bruce Stone: Dan Castellaneta
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iovepetropolus · 1 year
☆ = smut, ♡ = fluff, ◇ = angst, !! = i love this character a lot! (aka please request them)
wednesday (2022)
ajax petropolus!! (nothing yet)
enid sinclair!! (nothing yet)
wednesday addams (nothing yet)
xavier thorpe (nothing yet)
bianca barclay (nothing yet)
kent (nothing yet)
yoko (nothing yet)
mortica addams (nothing yet)
gomez addams (nothing yet)
marilyn thornhill (nothing yet)
harry potter / marauders era
harry potter (nothing yet)
ron weasley (nothing yet)
hermione granger (nothing yet)
luna lovegood!! (nothing yet)
neville longbottom (nothing yet)
draco malfoy (nothing yet)
oliver wood!! (nothing yet)
cho chang (nothing yet)
percy weasley (nothing yet)
fred weasley (nothing yet)
george weasley (nothing yet)
james potter (nothing yet)
sirius black (nothing yet)
regulus black!! (nothing yet)
remus lupin (nothing yet)
peter pettigrew (nothing yet)
barty crouch jr (nothing yet)
dorcas meadows (nothing yet)
mary macdonald (nothing yet)
marlene mckinnon (nothing yet)
lucius malfoy (nothing yet)
the karate kid
johnny lawrence!! (nothing yet)
daniel larusso (nothing yet)
chosen toguchi (nothing yet)
mike barnes!! (nothing yet)
ali mills (nothing yet)
kumiko (nothing yet)
the mighty ducks
adam banks (nothing yet)
charlie conway (nothing yet)
connie marguerite (nothing yet)
lester averman!! (nothing yet)
julie gaffney (nothing yet)
dwayne robertson!! (nothing yet)
guy germaine (nothing yet)
dead poets society
charlie dalton (nothing yet)
knox overstreet (nothing yet)
richard cameron (nothing yet)
steven meeks!! (nothing yet)
gerard pitts (nothing yet)
todd anderson (nothing yet)
neil perry (nothing yet)
chris noel (nothing yet)
lord of the rings
frodo baggins (nothing yet)
sam (nothing yet)
merry (nothing yet)
pippin (nothing yet)
aragorn (nothing yet)
legolas!! (nothing yet)
arwen (nothing yet)
elrond (nothing yet)
éowyn (nothing yet)
galadriel (nothing yet)
the outsiders
johnny cade (nothing yet)
dallas winston (nothing yet)
ponyboy curtis (nothing yet)
sodapop curtis!! (nothing yet)
dally curtis (nothing yet)
two-bit matthews (nothing yet)
randy anderson (nothing yet)
cherry valance (nothing yet)
literally so many people just send in a request (nothing yet)
stranger things
steve harrington (nothing yet)
nancy wheeler (nothing yet)
robin buckley!! (nothing yet)
vickie (nothing yet)
max mayfield (nothing yet)
jonathan byers (nothing yet)
argyle!! (nothing yet)
jim hopper (nothing yet)
enzo (nothing yet)
billy hargrove (nothing yet)
joyce byers (nothing yet)
karen wheeler!! (nothing yet)
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formulalfc · 6 months
requests open <3
get to know me: football edition⚽️
get to know me: formula one edition🏎️
come take part in my current ramble game !!!
Main Masterlist
love languages master list
what would the liverpool squad
lyric blurb masterlist
ibou konate enthusiast🫶🫶
any hate towards myself or anyone will be blocked, this app is a safe space for many people, don't ruin that.
also if you are below the age of 18 please do not interact with my nsfw content xoxo
when you request please let me know if you want it to be a ramble (a shorter piece where i just essentially ramble about the idea you've given me) or if you want it to be a longer fic (will fully plot it out, probably be around 1000 words). in terms of time fics will take longer, whereas rambles take much less time.
who i write for:
football: alisson becker, joe gomez, virgil van dijk, ibrahima konate, kostas tsimikas, andy robertson, trent alexander arnold, curtis jones, dominik szoboszlai, ryan gravenberch, cody gakpo, darwin nunez, jude bellingham, christian pulisic, marcus rashford, levi colwill, ben chilwell, deli ali, jadon sancho, mason mount, kylian mbappe, kai havertz, joao felix, pablo gavi, pedri gonzalez, frenkie de jong, gio reyna, jobe bellingham
formula one: lewis hamilton, george russell, max verstappen, charles leclerc, carlos sainz jr, lando norris, oscar piastri, daniel ricciardo, lance stroll, alex albon, logan sargeant, yuki tsuoda, esteban ocon, pierre gasly, zhou guyanu, mick schumacher, sebastian vettel, jenson button, arthur leclerc
feel free to request other people but i may not do the requests or they may take longer to make :)
my work is exactly that, MINE. i do not give anyone permission to rewrite it or re-post it somewhere without asking me first. i put a lot of effort into my work as every writer on here does, so i really don't appreciate people just taking it and branding it as their own content.
tags i use:
blurbs with shan ;) (for all my blurbs)
formulalfc (for general posts)
fic's with shan ;) (for all my fics)
shan's fic recs 🫶 (my fic rec's)
shan's thoughts :) (for my thoughts on your driver/footballer thoughts)
lots of love xoxo
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