#all right anne back to work lol
anneapocalypse · 5 months
Having two different stylistic ideas for the same fic which are both interesting but also, unfortunately, mutually exclusive.
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sunkissed-zegras · 4 months
so so proud of u!! can we get 💘 with our bf adam !
𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐲 | af¹¹
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♡ ─ word count | 706 words
♡ ─ warnings | absolutely NOTHING just pure fluff and a sweet kiss, ONE SINGULAR suggestive comment at the end LOL
♡ ─ ev's notes | i LOVE you so much fia, you literally mean the world to me bc u were my first mutual HELPPPPP<3 ur the best, enjoyyyy!!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶
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You and Adam have been dating for almost three years, and for the two Valentine's days you'd spent together, you were together. However, this year would be different because Adam was almost 200 miles away in Ohio, Columbus while you stuck in Ann Arbor.
You sat in your friend's dorm as you watched her get ready for her Valentine's date with her new boyfriend. You were happy for her, obviously, but it felt bittersweet because if Adam was here, you would also be getting ready for a Valentine's date as well. Instead, you were just watching her get ready. As you watched your friend apply the finishing touches to her makeup, you couldn't shake off the pang of loneliness that crept in. The distance between you and Adam felt more palpable than ever on this special day.
Your mind began to wander back to the memories you and Adam had shared over the past three years. You remembered your first Valentine's Day together, how he had surprised you with the necklace you'd been wanting (and yes, it was gold/silver) and a bouquet of your favorite flowers that was wrapped in your favorite color. The second year, you both spent the day at home, spending time together by making dinner then watching your favorite movies.
This year, however, distance had come between you. Adam was in Columbus, doing what he loves best: playing hockey while you were finishing up school. The thought of spending Valentine's Day apart made your heart ache, but you knew that you both were committed to making it work despite the distance. Adam had sent you a Valentine's day text this morning, which had made your day but made you sad knowing that you weren't waking up next to him.
Your friend gave you a sad smile, "I'll bring you back some pasta, okay?"
You returned her smile, appreciating her effort to make you smile. "Thank you. But I'll be fine."
"I know, you will. You're seeing him in a couple weeks, right?" Your friend tried to cheer you up and all you could nod. "Well, I'm ready. Wanna walk me to my car?"
You nodded again and got up from her bed, slipping on some shoes and walking out with her. As you walked your friend to her car, the cold winter air nipped at your face, you should've gotten your jacket. As you reached her car, you began to say your goodbyes before you felt a tap on your shoulder.
You turned around to meet the bright blue eyes of Adam. He was holding a big bouquet of flowers and a huge basket of all your favorite snacks, candy and some jewelry. All you could was gasp with surprise. "Adam!"
"Y/N!" He replied with a big grin, putting down the stuff to embrace you tightly. Your heart swelled as you returned the hug, feeling the warmth of his embrace chase away the chill of the winter air.
"I couldn't stand the thought of being apart on Valentine's Day. So, I decided to make the drive and surprise you." Adam said, his voice filled with sincerity as he held you close.
You couldn't contain your happiness as you looked at the bouquet of flowers, the basket filled with all your favorite things. It was a gesture that melted away the distance and made you feel incredibly loved.
"I missed you so much," he whispered, brushing a strand of hair away from your face.
"I missed you too," you replied, smiling up at your sweet boyfriend. "I can't believe you're here," you whispered, your voice filled with happiness.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world," Adam replied, returning the smile on your face. With those words, he leaned in and pressed a sweet kiss on your lips, sending a wave of warmth coursing through your body. Adam pulled away slowly and your lips felt cold, "Where do you wanna go? Are you hungry? Or do you wanna go get ice cream or-"
"Anywhere, Adam." You answered, your heart jumping out of your chest happily. You couldn't believe he was here, in your arms. He laughed and shook his head.
"Fine, then let's go get some coffee. We are not sleeping tonight."
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-> make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated! <-
thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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withered--s0uls · 1 month
Oh look it's another GD crossover
Ghost Drone AU - @electrozeistyking
You already saw all this art but shhh HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
This originally started out with me just wanting to draw Beanie interacting with the Intertwined Codes Kids but then I added some extra stuff lol.
If you're a reader of Intertwined Codes, this kinda sorta spoils future stuff bc only the twins have been mentioned in the Draft/Teaser fic but oh well. You have been warned.
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IC!Uzi wouldn't like actually meet GD!N bc they'd kinda decide that "hey, let's not have the widowed man see an alternate version of his wife that actually got live." simply out of respect kinda?? So she would stick around at home with the kids whilst IC!N goes out to look for Beanies Dad after their kids drag her to them lmao.
So yeah she doesn't necessarily know the extent of the mans depression, the kids just mentioned there only being a dad so she just specifically asks about GD!N in this doodle
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IC!N would quickly pick up on GD!N not being completely okay, even without being told any details. So he probably would end up sitting him down to talk on their way back to the IC!Doorman families place, wanting to help if he can in any way. (He runs a Daycare and tries to also be a support to any parent that needs it, so I feel he out of habit would lean into trying to do that with GD!N)
More/The kids under the Cut otherwise the post looks so long rip
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I will go over each of these one by one (can'tdo close ups bc 10 image limit, I'll reblog this in a second with the close ups.)
Left are the Code-Related Nuzi kids, right are the adopted ones.
Code related kids
Not much to say, I'm still working out their personality - they're maybe 2-3 years older than Beanie, so they aren't too far apart in age. :)
She's the sibling who started the trend of putting stickers on her siblings, so she DEFINITELY would do the same with Beanie.
She also probably originally was going to show her how to build a weapon, but her parents promptly stopped that lmao .
She would think it's really cool that Beanie has a custom core icon & in general is completely customized from the start! She herself was originally put into a regular worker body (just with the tail and headband being custom made by her mom), she had to build the DD forearms herself. She also has a sticker of the DD icon on her core, covering the WD icon :3
At this point he has enough siblings to be past the "ew a little kid" phase, so luckily Beanie gets spared that. His main camera is damaged, he only really uses his headband optics to look around, so he would kinda just look as if he's staring past her a lot. But bc of the obvious cracks in his visor I feel she would pick up on the fact he's not actually ignoring her.
Also he definitely would just play music to her, because IC!Uzi kinda always has music on whilst working in her workspace he kinda picked up some of her taste in music (Hence he's playing the same song that Uzi is shown to have been listening to in Ep7)
First up THANK YOU Zeisty for helping me brainstorm silly stuff for them. They're a little ball of chaos now and I love them.
They would join Orita in bedazzling Beanie, and then they'd start talking about bird facts and also try to get Beanie to talk about her interests.
(Their height difference isnt 100% accurate bc halfway through drawing this I changed the IC timeline, making Raven about the same age as Zagi instead of them being a teen, so I kinda had to manually try and semi-fit their heights lol)
Adopted Kids
Nothing to say. He's a baby. Tho whilst I was outlining this one I had to giggle because of how big he is in Beanies hands. She's so tiny 😭💕 /affectionate
Oh boy. Ann.
Annika is the eldest kid & was adopted a while before Zagi was coded / whilst the parents were organizing the code copies for Zagi
She does NOT know how to talk to other kids. Never did. It made her stick out at the orphanage wing because she just avoided everyone. And it is very chaotic when Olivia and Ray first show up, because Ann's only idea of talking to other Drones is "well you got to be relatable" so she brings up the siblings dead parents bc like, her code parents are dead too. Both pairs dying to DDs. So yeah she probably would be the first, if not only one, in the whole household to just bring up GD!Uzi. She would do it like it's nothing either.
IC!Uzi would promptly get her to stop and sit her down having a conversation about "what did N and I say about trying to connect on that topic?"
Like IC!Uzi would actually feel really bad about it despite Beanie not knowing her mom. Bc she herself obviously didn't remember IC!Nori growing up but still didn't like the topic.
Olivia, as I said, was greeted with the topic of dead parents by Annika as well. So she probably would kinda interfere when IC!Uzi goes to sit Ann down to talk.
She would feel the need to apologize for the older girls behavior (which Ann would apologize for herself later too ofc) and would try to get Beanie to go play something together whilst IC!Uzi sorts that whole situation out.
She's also the closest to Beanies age probably, just was forced to mature bc of what happened to her parents, despite being taken in by Nuzi shortly after. She still obviously acts like a kid tho when comfortable, so I feel she would kinda ease up around Beanie and actually act more like a 4-5 year old around her.
Bonus? Bonus!
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Needless to say Beanie would return home covered in stickers & hairpins (Orita & Raven have more than enough of those, they'd just let Beanie keep some)
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RIP GD!N having to get her out of those stickers once they're back home
Also, for the "*humming*" variation of the picture I blame @k1k0oftheworld. Kiko was in vc with me when I was talking about how Beanie would be covered in stickers when she gets home, and saw the doodles as well.
He proposed the following scenario after seeing Rexim show Beanie IC!Uzis playlist:
Beanie humming dead batteries song & GD!N having a breakdown bc it reminds him of GD!Uzi
I do not take accountability for this, I was going to spare the poor widowed man.
(I scrapped the idea of him not knowing ab the IC!Doorman family and him getting a mini heart attack when Beanie goes "I met Mom today" in favor of him and IC!N meeting & talking - I WANTED TO SPARE HIS POOR HEART)
@k1k0oftheworld you owe him money for a therapy session now /silly
Anyways that's it, I'll put the close ups in the reblog like I said 👍
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creepy-friday · 1 year
Love your blog! The way you write the Pastas is so interesting and enjoyable, specially the Proxies (glad you took Cody in the ecuation too, cause I like him and barely anyone remembers he's a proxy too)
Since we've already seen the boys in the female proxy au, how would she get along with other girls in the residence, like Kate the Chaser or Natalie? Whether in a romantic or platonic way
Creepypasta Ladies x Fem!Proxy Reader
You worked with Kate from a distance since she's solo on all of her missions,her job and place in the team being way different from yours and the others
You also didn't know if she liked you because you were also a woman or she despises you because you're also a woman
During meetings she would ask a shit ton of questions about you and what you did on missions until that very moment,fuck,not even Masky is all up in your business like she is
On the rare occasions both of you meet she wouldn't greet you,she would simply nod her head at you.On impossible occasions you could get a glimpse of her face behind that mask.
I believe that if you do want to engage into a deeper conversation with her she will simply listen,but if you manage to get her to warm up to you she would vaguely say a few things about herself as well
Kate might throw a nasty double sided comment or two when there are just the two of you."Managed to calm Masky down,heh?How do you manage I wonder.." ; "sorry lady,I don't have a way with gentlemen like you do." ; "might enjoy the hell of a ride as well,you know best..am I right?"
You remind her of the few good persons she used to have in her life before she was dragged here
Clockwork was into you from the moment you stepped in the mansion tbh
Loves to tease you in both a romantic and friendly way.The fact that you're a woman in a position of power in the mansion over all of those fuckers it's super attractive to her
"Tell him to go fuck himself.What he's gonna say about it,huh?" ; "I bet I can be a better match for you than the demons of the forest,gimmie a chance to prove it to you;)"
Loves a good training with you,you're the only one who can counter all of her attacks,you really set her heart on fire
"You're a top bitch here,all bark all bite.Say,what would you do if I caused shit around here?;);)" she has no shame and will flirt with you every chance she has.If you ignore her remarks she wouldn't hold back,BUT if you do give her a chance she would further step her game UP
The nurse Ann barely talks overall and only engages into business conversations with you
If you have any "lady health problems" she would be the one to have your back like her life depends on it tbh
If you look around for Jack when she's in the infirmary she would simply assume you either don't like her or have a thing for male doctors lol
"No cannibals around,just good old me." she said,legs crossed facing you.
When you tried to make small talk with her she stopped you "you don't have to force yourself.We're just doing our jobs.Besides,the tension makes your veins harder to look for.."
Zero will start shit with you every chance she has.Fighting,blaming,shit talking,you name it,she would do everything in her power to try to bring you down and cause a violent reaction out of you
Does she get along with Masky because of this?Hell naw
Is it jealousy?a love-hate relationship?it's very hard to make the difference
On some occasions,she would act all nice and sweet,super flirty with you, and if you make the mistake of thinking she has good intentions with you she would degrade the living hell out of you
Despite the others,she doesn't trust you to have all of the power Slenderman trusted you with.She sees you below her and wholeheartedly believes she should've been in your place maybe with you sitting on her lap or something
She doesn't stand Clocky but still wants to be on her good side because she sees potential in her.Natalie knows this,but her boredom causes her to engage into Zero's little games
Jane observes you from a distance.She respects your job and how you manage to calm shit down,you're really one of the few persons she could look up to if she's honest
If only you weren't so busy with proxy duties she would come forward to you and warm up more
She would adore the tought of the two of you drinking tea in her room,simply enjoying each others presence while talking about matters both of you can't control
Jane would notice if one lock of your hair isn't in the right place but she wouldn't tell you if you're closer to her,instead,she would simply gently fix it
She gives me mommy vibes
Nina sees you as her best friend,you are the one to tell if it's one sided or not.The way you move,act,and manage to do it all amazes her..you are both a mentor and a friend to her.
She could talk the whole day about how amazing you are,and she actually has a few pages in her journal with notes about you
The girl can be like that one annoying kid at the park that gives you all of their toys just to spend time with them lol
You inspire her and she genuinely believes you make her a better person-a better woman.She lets you know this and even if you don't believe her,your existence deeply had a positive impact on her mental health
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avatar-anna · 1 year
can we get a cute little something between yn and simone maybe current. maybe they do a little girls day and harry isn’t jealous but finds it hard to handle because yn has a special relationship with her since she spent so much time with simone. but harry would be the sweetest and be supportive and when they get back ask all about it.
you can totally change that i just rambled with what I thought apparently lol
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summary: three times young mom!reader and simone went on their mommy-daughter dates
word count: 3k
mostly y/n and not harry which y'all might not like, but i thought it was cute
Young dad!Harry x Young mom!Reader universe
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The first time Y/n took Simone out on a Mommy-daughter date, she was seven months pregnant. She was alone in Holmes Chapel, a town she was relatively new to, with nothing to do. Harry was across the globe on tour because his management wouldn’t let him come home until the last possible moment, his mother was at work, and she was in her boyfriend’s childhood home, balancing a bowl of chocolate covered almonds on her baby bump and flipping through British reality television, which was decidedly not as good as the American programs.
“What should we do today, little melon?” she asked, rubbing her belly. Laughing to herself, she added, “Not so little anymore.”
Not that there was anything to do. Holmes Chapel was fairly sleepy, with a small strip of stores on the main road and farmland. Lots and lots of farmland. It was nothing like Y/n was used to growing up, and while Anne was nice, she didn’t know the woman all that well and didn’t really know how to talk to her. It felt like there was a big elephant in the room every time they sat down to eat.
But Y/n was so bored. She was used to going out with friends, talking to people, feeling the sun on her skin. Holmes Chapel was not home, but it was too late to go back now, though the house she grew up in currently wasn’t all that inviting either.
She eventually decided on getting her nails done. Y/n had seen one salon when she went with Anne to the grocery store, and it was the first thing she thought of now. Struggling to an upright position, she put on some comfortable clothes, slid into her shoes, and set off. 
Y/n ignored the stares as she passed people on the street. She got a lot of stares now that she couldn’t hide her bump anymore. Friends of Anne asked who Y/n was with wide eyes the first time they’d gone out together, and Anne calmly explained that Y/n was a cousin’s friend who needed a place to stay. Not the truth, but they weren’t allowed to tell the truth. And since Y/n had a young face, people stared, showed their visible disdain or disapproval of her being pregnant at such a young age. She was sick of the looks, which was why she mostly kept to the confines of Anne’s home, but she was feeling particularly restless today and decided to just deal with everyone’s judgment.
Anne never judged her, though. Not once, which Y/n appreciated.
The nail salon was small with a tinny bell attached to the door, announcing her arrival to the establishment. The woman manning the front desk widened her eyes at the sight of Y/n’s belly, but thankfully recovered quickly. “Can I help you?”
“A manicure and a pedicure, please?” she asked, hating how heads turned at the sound of her accent. Another thing that made her stick out around here.
“Of course, right this way,” the woman said, pointing to one of the cushiony chairs with a tub attached. 
Y/n knew she didn’t really have much money to be spending on something like getting her nails done, but she just felt so gross some days. Her ankles were swelling, she had acne, got hot flashes, got nauseous around certain smells. This was a small thing to make her feel just a little more normal again.
She heaved herself into the chair, resting her head with her eyes closed once she got her feet up. The walk had made her tired, made her feet hurt, but it was worth it.
Y/n opened her eyes to find a different woman standing next to her. “Hi, sorry. Just a little tired.”
“Did you walk here?” she asked Y/n, eyes widening for a completely different reason than talking to a teen mom.
“Yeah, I—I don’t have a car,” Y/n said lamely. Not that she’d be able to drive in a completely different country anyway. “But it’s fine, I—Oh shoot. I forgot to pick out a color.”
She began to get out of her seat when the woman rested a hand on her shoulder. “No need. What color were you thinking?”
“Light yellow? Pastel?” she said, the color of one of the onesies she bought online the other day coming to mind. It felt silly to think about matching with her baby that hadn’t even been born yet, but it was out before Y/n could take it back.
“I know just the thing. Toes too?”
Y/n nodded before resting her head again. She picked up her phone. To play a game or scroll through Instagram, she wasn’t sure. Y/n didn’t like going on social media all that much these days. It was a reminder of her life back home, of all her friends moving on and doing normal eighteen year old things. She didn’t regret her decision in having the baby or moving, but some days were better than others. 
She decided on a message to Harry instead. He probably wouldn’t see it for a few hours, but she knew he would appreciate waking up to or coming off the stage to an update.
Y/n: on my first official mommy daughter date!
Before she hit send, she quickly erased the message and closed her phone.
I’m a mom, she thought. Y/n was seven months pregnant, and she would be having a baby soon, but she’d never called herself a mom before, didn’t believe it until right this second. But she was a mom. A good, bad, or average one time would only tell, but it scared her none the less.
“How far along are you?”
Y/n looked to her right at the woman who was sitting in the chair beside hers. Middle aged, clear skin, kind brown eyes. She didn’t look at Y/n the way other people did. There was no judgment, no preconceived notions about what kind of girl Y/n was, just plain curiosity.
Clearing her throat, Y/n said, “Twenty-nine weeks.”
“Almost to the end, then,” the woman said. “Have you thought of a name yet?”
“I think so. Have to run it by the dad first,” she said, resting her hands on her bump instinctively. “But I call her Simone.”
“That’s beautiful,” the woman said. “Can I offer a tip?”
“Uh, sure.”
“Lavender and chamomile,” she said. “Essential oils that help with relaxation and peaceful sleep.”
Y/n knew she probably looked exhausted, which was why the woman offered that particular piece of advice, but Y/n took it happily anyway. “That really helps?”
The woman smiled, and it wasn’t in a condescending way. “It does. The smells are supposed to relax you.”
Before Y/n could say anything else, her nail tech returned with two bottles of nail polish in slightly different shades of pastel yellow in her hand. “How do these look?”
For the next hour, Y/n didn’t worry about a thing. She let the nail tech take care of her, who encouraged Y/n to close her eyes and relax. And she did. For a whole hour, the baby didn’t kick, her back didn’t hurt, and she felt her shoulders slowly lose tension. She almost didn’t want it to be over. When it was, though, Y/n felt ten times better. She felt normal, a feeling that was hard to come by these days.
“Thank you,” Y/n said to her nail tech, handing cash over. “I…I really needed this.”
“Come back when your daughter is old enough,” the woman said. “You can get matching nails together.”
And when little Simone was old enough, Y/n did take her to the small nail salon. Her feet dangled in the cushiony chair, and she giggled when someone tried to touch her feet. She and Y/n got matching sparkly purple nails because that was what Simone wanted, and Y/n couldn’t help but comply. And everyone was just as nice and doting as the first time Y/n came in, and every time after that.
That was a favorite outing for Y/n and Simone when they did their mommy-daughter dates. They wouldn’t always go to the salon in Holmes Chapel, of course, but they got their nails done together frequently, from the first time with the sparkly nails and to Simone’s first dance and so on.
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“Are you sure Daddy can’t come?”
“It’s for me and Mommy only! No Daddy allowed!”
Harry clutched his chest as if Simone had wounded him. He leaned back on the couch and slid down a little, making a real show of it. He peeked an eye open to see Simone’s reaction. Her hair, which was tied up in two little pigtails with bows on each one, swung back and forth as she shook her head, clearly exasperated by her father’s antics.
“We can play later, Daddy,” she said, skipping over to Harry. She jumped onto his stomach and squished his cheeks between her hands. “Stop being sad.”
“I can’t. Your mother is hogging you. She’s hogging my baby,” he joked. Kind of.
Harry knew all about Y/n and Simone’s mommy-daughter dates. Y/n often went out with Simone when they joined him on tour. She liked to get Simone out of the hotel rooms, find something fun for the two of them to do together. Harry was all for it, of course. He didn’t like that Y/n sometimes felt trapped when she traveled with him, and this was an opportunity to see the world in a way that some people didn’t get to. He sometimes felt left out, but he imagined that was how Y/n felt a lot of the time.
“You’d hate it. We’re going to the American Girl Doll store.”
Harry raised his eyes to see Y/n standing at the foot of the couch dressed for the day in a flowy sundress that covered her baby bump. Baby number two, Harry thought excitedly. He didn’t think that would be in their cards, but all it took was a few months of him being on hiatus and bam! Y/n was pregnant.
Putting an affronted hand on his chest, Harry said, “I love American Girl Dolls.”
Y/n bent down and kissed his forehead. “Then we can go again tomorrow. I’m sure our little melon won’t mind, will she?”
Simone nodded excitedly. “You can come with us tomorrow, Daddy!”
Tapping Simone on the nose with his knuckle, Harry said, “Promise?”
Simone nodded, showing off her biggest smile, which was now missing a tooth. “Promise.”
Y/n reached down and stretched her arms out to take Simone, and she happily leapt up into her arms. Behind his daughter’s back, Harry stuck his tongue out at Y/n, and once Simone was settled with her, Y/n stuck her tongue out back at him.
Simone was asleep when she and Y/n came back. “A long day of shopping,” Y/n said, passing the sleeping five year old over to him. Harry spent the afternoon reading and watching TV and doing a little bit of writing while they were gone, but he just wanted to be with his girls, all three of them. He knew Y/n and Simone’s days together were special, and he knew that he could just as easily have his own special day with his daughter, but sometimes he felt like there was an invisible wall with Y/n and Simone on one side and him on the other. He was doing all he could to get past or move around it, but they were so close having spent so much time together, just the two of them.
“You know,” Y/n said, settling onto the bed next to him. “All my little melon could talk about was showing you the doll she bought today.”
“Mmhm. She wanted to wait until tomorrow to pick out all of the clothes and accessories because you have the best clothes.”
Harry grinned, running a hand over one of Simone’s pigtails. “Really?”
Y/n leaned over and kissed her husband’s cheek. “She loves you. Just as much as she loves me.”
“I know,” he said, a blush pinking his cheeks. “I know she does, but—”
“Simone idolizes you, baby,” Y/n said. “You, sir, are her hero. She asked me the other day if she could bring you to Career Day. And before that, she said she wanted to be you for Halloween.”
“I’d be the coolest dad at Career Day,” Harry said, even though he knew he wouldn’t be able to do it.
“You would, and you’re the coolest dad here too. At home. So no more moping. No more pouting about mommy-daughter time, you hear me?”
“I hear you. No more pouting. Kiss?”
Y/n hummed, somewhat suspiciously. “Sometimes I think you pout just so I’ll kiss you.”
“I would never,” Harry said with a gasp, but he was grinning just the same as he leaned in. “Is it working?”
Narrowing her eyes, she said, “You’re lucky you’re cute. Come here.”
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“So, who’s the boy?”
“Wha—What are you talking about? There’s no—How did you know?”
Y/n grinned and winked at Simone from her seat in the salon chair. “I’m your mother, Simone. I know everything.”
Simone huffed and sat back in her chair. “I thought that was just a line parents used to scare their kids.”
“Sometimes it is, most times it isn’t,” Y/n said. “So…?”
Y/n knew Simone would’ve fiddled with her hands if she could, but the nail tech was currently working on painting one of them a pale yellow. “He…hardly notices me.”
“What makes you say that?”
“We sit next to each other in history class and sometimes we work on discussion questions together, but other than that it’s like—it’s like we live on two different planets. How do I get him to notice me?”
“How should I know? I don’t have much experience when it comes to guys,” Y/n said, joking with her daughter just a little. 
Seeing right through it, Simone narrowed her eyes at Y/n and said, “You’ve been with Dad since you were seventeen. You know something.”
“Maybe you’re right,” Y/n said. “I’m not gonna tell you how I charmed your father because you’ll go, ‘Ew you’re my parents! Don’t talk about Dad like that!’ So I won’t. What I can tell you is be yourself and if there is a common interest between the two of you that doesn’t have to do with history homework, and start there. Shared interests is always a great place to start.”
“It’s that simple?”
“It’s that simple.”
Simone and Y/n were quiet for few minutes while the women in the small nail salon they’d been going to for years worked on their hands. Y/n didn’t live in Anne’s house in Holmes Chapel, and she was far from pregnant, but she still liked to come back and get her nails done with Simone whenever they came back to visit Harry’s family. Simone got harder and harder to pin down as she got older, but Y/n was always surprised when her oldest daughter cancelled her plans when she offered they go somewhere, just the two of them. Y/n loved all of her children dearly and had a special connection with each of them. But these moments, this one on one time with Simone was something she held close to her heart.
“Dad’s gonna freak when he finds out, isn’t he?”
“Yeah. Not sure I can stop that, sorry.”
She sighed and rolled her eyes. “Can’t you just not tell him?”
“He’s my husband, little melon. I tell him everything.”
“Well can you hold off until there’s actually something to say?”
Y/n took the free moment to lean over to Simone’s chair and kissed her forehead. “Course.”
After they finished getting their nails done, they took the familiar walk back to Anne’s house. Y/n looped her arm through Simone’s, enjoying the familiar press of her daughter against her side. “You know, when I was about your age—”
“You walked all the way from Nana’s house with me in your belly so you could get your nail’s done. I remember,” Simone said. Y/n told the story every time they went to the salon together.
“Are you going to let me finish?”
“Go ahead.”
So Y/n continued her story all the way until they reached the house. “And when I told your dad about it, he was so jealous. He was all, ‘I can get my nails done too, you know!’ But I said, ‘No. Get you’re own thing. This is ours,’” she said.
“Dad and I don’t have a thing,” Simone said.
“Sure you do. He’ll help you pick out your prom dress, pay for college, and walk you down the aisle. That’s three things right there.”
“Now I get to tell Dad something that’ll make him annoyed with you.”
Y/n playfully pinched Simone’s arm. “You listen here, my little melon, Harry Styles is a lot of things, and at the top of that list is an absolute pushover when it comes to his children. He would make traveling to the moon your ‘thing’ if you asked him.”
“I know. We go to the movies every two weeks. He and Julian go for drives to the grocery store when we’re all on our periods, and…I think he recently took up surfing with Maeve.”
Y/n knew all of this, of course. Harry was always looking to spend time with his kids, and now that they were all getting older and more independent, it was harder to get alone time with them. Except for Natalia and Geneva, who were still young and thought he was the coolest person on the planet. Y/n and Simone had their little dates, and now Y/n got to impart wisdom to her daughter from time to time, but for as long as Simone could speak she and Harry had their thing: she and Harry were terrible gossips.
“Hm. So, what do you think? Lunch before going home? Thrift store?” Y/n asked.
“Let’s just go back. I’m sure the house has descended into chaos without us,” Simone said, picking up her pace.
Y/n grinned and followed her daughter down the familiar sidewalk, each step bringing back memories of all the times she’d walked down it; from having a baby in her belly to holding her in her arms to walking side by side with her daughter who was now taller than her.
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jungle-angel · 27 days
While He Was Sleeping (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: Bob's parents have been together for close to 30 years, but there's a little secret to how they met
Warnings: Weed smoking, concert shenanigans, Bob's uncles all being complete morons etc.
Notes: For @sorchathered for the RomCom prompts!!! I did kinda deviate a little bit from the story, but my darling, please enjoy (lol).
30 years........30 years to that day Bob's family had been together and you and him could hardly believe it.
The whole Floyd family had convened en masse to the ranch in Montana to celebrate, but at the end of the day it was just you, Bob and his parents, the four of you sitting out by the firepit in the waning evening light, the haze of late spring having set fully over Bozeman and the bright red disk of the sun fully visible in the sky.
"Holy hell what a day," Joe sighed as he pulled Irene close to him.
"Good day, Dad?" Bob asked him.
"Yeah, just exhausting," he said. "Wasn't expecting that many people to show up."
"I'm surprised your brother's brain still works," Irene chuckled as the flames crackled.
"What do you mean?" you asked, laughing a little.
"Bobby never told you?" Joe asked. "Jeez, I thought that story ran rife in the family."
You looked at your husband who in turn grew sheepish. "What happened with your uncle?"
"Um......I.....I don't remember......" Bob said, trying to hide the laugh that was threatening to come out.
"Oh I do," Joe chuckled. "Eyeballs, you remember this one?"
"Oh indeed I do," Irene laughed. "Because that's the story about how we met."
Your eyes went wide, yourself smiling as your jaw hung open.
"Alright, my guess is it's storytime," Joe said, making himself comfortable in the Budweiser camp chair. "Back in the late 70s, me and my brothers decided we were gonna sneak into a Doobie Brothers concert with a few friends of ours."
"Summer of '79 right?" Irene queried.
"Yep," Joe replied. "Us five idiots had piled into the back of our friend's Vista Cruiser and headed off to the stadium to go see'em in Oklahoma City. Concert was great, until Chris decided he was gonna actually smoke a doobie."
You and Bob laughed a little bit. Bob's uncle, Chris, had always been the straight laced one in the family, a very well respected police officer just like Bob's brother, Michael.
"Anywho....." Irene said, giving her husband 'the look'.
"Anywho," Joe continued. "Chris is high out of his mind by the time the concert gets out and walks himself right into a fuckin lamp-post on the way back to the car. He's not moving of course, so we've gotta book it right to the hospital. We get there and the nurses completely freak so they test him and fin out he's concussed."
You and Bob both grimaced at the image.
"So us idiots are waiting," Joe explained. "When lo and behold I see this gorgeous lady coming in because a friend of theirs was so loaded that she ended up eating shit on the pavement."
You and Bob shouldn't have laughed, but you were, the two of you letting out a piggish snort.
"Oh my God," Irene laughed. "Cheryl Anne was more than loaded. She was giving the nurses a hard time and I needed some air."
"So she goes out and I'm thinking that maybe I should talk her up a little bit," Joe chuckled.
"Yeah, Chief Running-Of-The-Mouth is hitting on me while his partner, Afraid-Of-Crotch-Hair is near the dumpster and has just lit his pants on fire," Irene remarked.
"Nobody knew he had a lit roach in his pocket, dear," Joe reminded her.
By this time, you and Bob could barely breathe, let alone stop laughing. "Dad what the hell.....?" Bob squeaked in between laughing fits.
"Do you even remember what we were talking about that night?" Irene asked Joe.
"I think it had something to do with the furniture," Joe theorized. "You were leaning kinda funny on it."
"There was something else too," Irene added.
"What was that?" Joe asked her.
"Chris asked me when it was the two of us fell in love," Irene told him. "I told him it was while you were sleeping."
Joe's forehead came to rest against Irene's, and yours against Bob's. Who would have thought, that his father had found the same romance that the two of you had found all those years ago.
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mitsies · 2 years
jealousy, jealousy! ; jujutsu kaisen
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what they're like when they get jealous!
suguru geto, yuji itadori, toge inumaki, megumi fushiguro, kento nanami, satoru gojo, maki zenin, yuta okkotsu
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; suguru geto -
‣ geto doesn't get jealous very often
‣ he's super chill with this kind of stuff- if someone's flirting with you, he'll casually do something couple-ish or mention something about your relationship
‣ once the person realizes that the two of you are dating, they tend to back off, no problem! it's not a huge deal, geto would flirt with you too if he saw you !!
‣ but if this person doesn't stop bugging you ?
‣ suddenly they are a criminal wanted dead or alive. he's glaring at them so hard that they could feel his stare scorching holes into their brain
‣ he's still not making a huuuge deal of it but he's most definitely more annoyed than before
‣ geto will subtly angle his body so he's in front of you and gently steer the conversation (and you!!) away
‣ and if that doesn't work? he literally just grabs your hand and tugs you away LMFAO
‣ he has all the patience in the world when it comes to you !! but when it comes to anyone else, especially anyone interfering with the two of you he has the shortest fuse known to man
‣ like suddenly he cannot STAND this person and if they look at him the wrong way he's gonna kick them in the face til their teeth fall out
‣ u get the idea
‣ overall a mild 6/10 on the jealousy scale!!
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; yuji itadori -
‣ oh my gosh this poor dude
‣ he doesn't even realize he should be jealous
‣ like does that make sense??? he just... doesn't think to be jealous. at all.
‣ it doesnt cross his mind for some reason (bc he's a dumbass)
‣ but then he'll notice some little tiny detail- like something so minuscule even you don't notice
‣ and he will get SOO CLINGY like literally attached to u at the waist, laying on top of you, coming up with bullshit excuses to get u to leave- THE WHOLE SHEBANG
‣ he will NOT leave u alone and will openly admit his jealousy and bug u about it for, like, ever
‣ if someone was hitting on u? he doesn't even realize they're flirting with you until you subconsciously shrink away from their lingering touch and BAM
‣ "actually wait babe, baby, my love, love of my life, honey, babe, my amazing wonderful partner who I'm so in love with, i have an appointment to get my nails done at.. right now. we have to go"
‣ u know he's lying. he knows he's lying. the other person knows he's lying. but like.. what can you do?
‣ 10 minutes later, you're both at a random nail salon??? and he has pink acrylics that will break off in probably 20 minutes!
‣ gotta appreciate the commitment at least
‣ overall yuji gets a solid 4/10 on the scale - less bc he usually just doesn't have a reaction to jealousy LOL!
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; toge inumaki -
‣ inumaki oh inumaki..
‣ he gets pretty envious sometimes
‣ it doesn't happen very often- he's usually really chill when it comes to his feelings !!
‣ if something makes him a lil jealous, he just separates himself from the situation or , ironically, communicates with u to tell you what's up
‣ i get the vibes that inumaki is pretty in tune with his feelings- his being unable to talk has led to a lot of internal dialogue + analysis of his feelings
‣ so he knows how to talk about them !!
‣ but sometimes when he's having a real garbage day and something makes him jealous
‣ he just internalizes it and lets it build up as upset and hurt
‣ leads to him feeling lowkey like insecure ..
‣ but at the end of the day once he's calmed, he'll tell you everything and it all works out
‣ he loves u so much and he just gets frustrated sometimes and thats A OKAY!
‣ i'll give him a 5/10 because he usually doesn't give af
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; megumi fushiguro -
‣ megumi gets jealous like very jealous 100%
‣ this has a lot to do with his inability to work through his feelings
‣ because of that, he won't say ANYTHINGGG when he's jealous like 0 words out of him ever at all
‣ he's all broody and mopey and emo until you bug him- then, he'll talk but not to tell you he's annoyed and jealous- it's to tell u to STFU
‣ but you get an idea of how he's feeling when you notice- he's clinging to you a little more than usual
‣ he gravitates to your side whereas he's usually more independent, just standing over your shoulder looking depressed ngl
‣ because of how observant megumi is, he sees how some random person is cozying up to you and getting a little too friendly
‣ he knows nothing will ever come of it but he gets like??? frustrated i think is the right way to put it
‣ not at you, but the situation
‣ mfer is DAMN GOOD at hiding it though
‣ like you could go HOURS. DAYS even. without noticing something's upsetting him LMFAO
‣ overall kinda pathetic but kinda cute
‣ 9/10 on the jealousy scale!
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; kento nanami -
‣ he is such a saint. oh my GOD he is a saint
‣ literally just stands there and keeps going about his day as if he doesn't care. he does.
‣ if it REALLLY bothers him he might tell you
‣ but for the most part, he is chill and whatnot
‣ think: housewife
‣ it's kind of repulsive how patient he is when it comes to u like EW i want him
‣ it takes a lotttt to get on his nerves
‣ if that happens he's still all kind about it- will just nonchalantly mention he's not a big fan of ur friend (who u didn't notice was lowkey flirting with u)
‣ won't say anything more because he's LAME and doesn't want to upset you!
‣ he's a 2/10 on the jealousy scale. end of story.
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; satoru gojo -
‣ dumb little attention whore.
‣ you already know what i'm gonna say
‣ 1000000/10 on the scale .
‣ he will NOTT leave you alone
‣ you thought yuji was bad??? not even close
‣ once he realizes someone is pursuing you, my guy is stuck to your side
‣ will not leave you alone
‣ he's whining and complaining the WHOLE TIME
‣ you can't even hear anything else is how loud he's being
‣ he is quite literally on his knees BEGGINGGG you to go elsewhere
‣ but like.. if that doesn't work?
‣ he bats his silly little lashes and puckers his silly little lips and tips his silly little head and hits??? on??? the person whose hitting on YOU
‣ almost successfully seduces them when u finally pull him away
‣ claims he was 'just giving you a taste of your own medicine'
‣ bitch.
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; maki zenin -
‣ stone cold.
‣ i cannot express to u how much maki doesn't care
‣ she might get a teensy bit irritated but that is literally it
‣ in fact she goes as far as teasing you about it if someone hits on you
‣ if you don't realize you're being flirted with she'll make fun of you endlessly
‣ but when this happens; she makes sure her touches linger just a little bit
‣ and she sits closer to you than usual
‣ you don't notice and she's grateful for that
‣ not much else to say except i want to date maki so bad bro why cant she be real please just give me a chance please jsut one chance
‣ 1/10 on jealousy!!!
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; yuta okkotsu -
‣ okay. he's a little miffed
‣ like not angry or frustrated or upset? just a little.. put off
‣ he's like... 'oh okay? somebody took my bitch?'
‣ more concerned with you feeling safe and comfortable rather than his own feelings because he's perfect like that
‣ but don't underestimate him, he gives a KILLER side eye
‣ like absolutely if looks could kill
‣ this comes from hours of sitting on the bedroom floor being your gossip buddy. he's too good at it!
‣ but overall i just don't think yuta gets very jealous
‣ like, he'll joke about you being hit on if it happens but not the same way maki does
‣ i mean dad jokes
‣ i need to stop or else this will turn into a 19k fic about how yuta is the perfect boyfriend !!
‣ anyways <3 he is a 3/10 on the jealousy scale !!!!
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Steph the Alter Nerd is reading Omid’s new book.
Following the live read:
I joined late so Steph was already reading. She was starting the Sophie section. Seriously, why pick on Sophie who just puts her head down and focuses on work? That’s strikes me as unnecessarily vile.
Omid apparently thinks Charles hasn’t modernized the monarchy. Dude is an environmental icon and we now have a blended family in BP. That may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but you can’t deny that it’s modern.
Apparently Omid writes pages and pages about Charles’ “leaky pen” incident. It’s just a pen, Omid. Omid thinks this means Charles may not be up to the job, lololol. I’m dying. Mind you, Omid worships Harry who stripped in Vegas, wore a Nazi uniform, and called his fellow soldiers names. But yes, the leaky pen is far more significant than all that, somehow.
Really boring part about government stuff. Charles negotiates and reaches compromises with the government and that’s apparently bad? Also, Charles didn’t know what to expect after he became King??? Lolololol.
Charles lost sympathy for the Harkles after the documentary. Well, duh. We all did, Omid. That documentary was a huge own goal.
He blames the Royal Family for the documentary’s melodrama? Seriously? Who was crying on Oprah? Who was crying in a rented Vancouver mansion with her head wrapped in a towel? Who dropped hot, salty tears on her Hermes blanket? That’s the person responsible for the melodrama.
Anne supposedly kicked them out of Frogmore. I suspect this is fanfiction, but I love it. I want it to be true. This is my headcanon now.
And I do thin fanfiction is the right term for this book. The BRF is super popular right now so the book thesis itself (that the BRF is in trouble) is pretty fantastical.
This book seems very, very boring. Omid seems to be desperately trying to argue that Charles’ first year went badly, but that’s just not reality. Omid used to be better at spinning than this.
Make the Royals Great Again? Uh, that was done in 2011. Everything we are seeing now was planted way back then, down to Kate’s leafy crown. There’s a general lack of both self-awareness and historical awareness in this book. Omid writes like someone who first became a “royal reporter” in 2016…which is exactly what he is. Too bad, because I do think there’s an interesting analysis that could be made regarding 2023 and it’s place in royal pr. That’s above Omid’s pay grade though.
Lol, Omid discusses UK politics and it’s every bit as much of a disaster as one would expect. Stick to gossip, Omid.
Ok, Steph’s hydrating, so let’s step back for a minute and recall what this book was supposed to be. This was to be “Finding Freedom 2.0,” a chronicle of the Harkle post-Megxit success story. The publishers clearly didn’t like that and they made Omid write a book about the family as a whole. That’s because there was no Harkle success story and the publisher didn’t think another Harkle book would sell. Unfortunately, Omid is a Harkle specialist. He can’t write a book about the family (let alone successfully argue for its imminent demise). He simply doesn’t know enough.
Back to Steph. We’re now in Harry’s military service? Er, why? We jumped from 2023 to 2016 and now to the Afghanistan War?
I agree with Steph that Omid’s trying to associate the royals with MAGA and I can’t even articulate how stupid that is. Completely different countries, completely different cultures, completely different iconography. Just doesn’t work.
Now we’re at the Coronation Concert? The royals are in trouble because Elton wasn’t at the concert! Lolololol. The Harkle bubble is out of this world. Basically, if their inner circle wasn’t centered (Oprah, Elton, Omid, etc…), it’s because of a MAGA conspiracy that will bring the royals down.
Something, something throne. Charles looked awkward again. Constitutional crisis!
I feel like I’m grading student briefs. There’s a way to argue this and there is evidence you can cite for this argument, but this isn’t it. You shouldn’t write pages and pages about a leaky pen and then minimize the bags of charity money as “perception.” You should start with the bags of charity money then use the leaky pen to bolster the “perception” argument.
Another disagreement with the government. Aargh! That should be lumped together with the other arguments with the government. Or it shouldn’t be mentioned at all. You’re arguing that Charles is and old-fashioned idiot who is not a good king, so why make him look like someone who is aware of current social issues and engaged with his government?
Racism. Finally! No wait, it’s boring.
Charles had an affair with Camilla. Lol, that’s not exactly news, love. The time jumping is driving me nuts.
Took a break to let the dog out and now we’re in Andrew’s interview. Of course we are.
Will exiled Andrew. I hope this is true. Wait, that’s the famous “power struggle”? Andrew??? I don’t think that’s a power struggle. That’s just Charles passing the buck.
Oh, lord. More Andrew. That’s it. I’m going to bed. I’ll tune back tomorrow.
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badcaseofcasey · 11 months
one single thread of gold (tied me to you)
ao3 is still down IS BACK UP NOW!!, so what better time to start posting Eddie's POV to my Steddie soulmate au lol - enjoy! (ps - I went ahead and kept the same taglist from Steve's POV, but please let me know if you want me to take you off!) Steve's POV, in case you want to see where this all started | Part 2
Eddie maintains that he would have grown up loving fantasy regardless of what his words ended up being; from a young age, fantasy and role playing were an escape from boredom or loneliness.
Back when his mom was still working - before she got sick - the library was an easy spot for her to drop him off during the summer where she knew he’d be safe while she was at work. After a long day of cleaning motel rooms, she’d pick him up and ask to hear what stories he had read that day, giving her entire attention to his recounting of Arthurian or Greek myths, or tales of wizards and dragons.
Once his mom got sick, Eddie brought the stories to her - battered copies of Tolkien and Stephen King, and Anne McCaffrey, borrowed from the library so he could read them aloud. That summer was mostly spent in hospital rooms and sitting in the arm chair while his mom slept on the couch after each round of chemo. His dad couldn’t be bothered to bring him to the library, so Eddie would grab whatever change he could find to take the bus back and forth.
So it was really no surprise to anybody that when he finally got his words, they had something to do with dragons.
Eddie didn't know it at the time, but the summer he got his words would be the last one with his mom. She was trying a new sort of chemo, one that would take longer and have a harder recovery than the ones before, so she'd asked Wayne to make sure Eddie still got to have part of the summer to be a kid - and to make sure he didn't have to see his mom so sick.
Wayne took the week off work so that he was able to spend the time with Eddie and for the first time since his mom got sick, Eddie had someone to take him to the park - the park! Hawkins was a much smaller town than Indianapolis, so the park wasn't nearly as big, but he didn't care, not when his Uncle Wayne was so excited to show him the new playground.
It was easy to let his imagination run wild once they got there - a stick he picked out of the woods became his sword and the clouds misting over the horizon were the breath of dragons. When he spotted a younger boy all by himself, it was an easy decision to invite him along - besides, it was always more fun to play pretend with friends than on his own.
And when he got home that day, he noticed some new words running the length of his side, from right underneath his armpit almost all the way down to his hipbone, there aren’t any dragons here.
Wayne noticed the words as he was helping Eddie get ready for bed, and stopped short.
"Eddie, when did you get your words?" he asked, voice careful.
"Today!" Eddie chirped, tugging his pajama top over his unruly curls. He'd been having so much fun with Steve, he didn't see a reason to stop and check, but he was sure that the zap of electricity he felt when the boy first spoke was when it happened.
"At the park?" Wayne asked. "Was it that little boy you were playing with?"
"Yep," Eddie said, allowing Wayne to tuck him into the covers. Wayne's bed felt so big - and it was huge compared to Eddie's bed at home - but Wayne insisted on taking the couch so Eddie could sleep in the trailer's one bedroom. "He's a dragon slayer. My words even say so."
Wayne smiled down at Eddie. "That's awfully nice to have, a dragon slayer of your very own."
"Can we go back to the park tomorrow?" Eddie asked. "He said he'd try and come back tomorrow at the same time as today."
"Sure, kiddo," Wayne said, pulling the covers up to Eddie's chin. "You know I love you, right? Very much."
Eddie nodded, somewhat confused. As much as he knew Uncle Wayne loved him, the man rarely said it out loud.
"Then you know I'm saying this because it's important. And you know I usually tell you that no grown-up should ask you to keep secrets, but... I wouldn't tell your daddy you got your words, or who you got them from. It might not be safe."
Eddie vaguely remembered an overheard conversation between his mom and dad, something about Wayne's words, and knew that his uncle was being serious. He nodded again.
"I'll always be here for you, Eddie," Wayne said. "No matter what, okay?"
Eddie smiled. He might have just met his dragon slayer at the park today, but he already had lots of people to fight dragons with, Uncle Wayne included.
Part 2
taglist: @awkwardgravity1 @infinitetrashbag @vampireinthesun @swimmingbirdrunningrock @maya-custodios-dionach @thev01dd @obsessivlyme @a-little-unsteddie @anything-thats-rock-and-roll @spectrum-spectre @red-panderz69 @magpiemuseum @minjintea @finalmoondragonn @thatonebadideapanda @estrellami-1 @freyaforestafay @biatcgh @sadcanadianwinter @im-sam-fucking-winchester @bidisastersworld @justanothergirlwithobsessions @anaibis @thing-a-ling @rosered93 @newtstabber @void-o-chaos @thegingerrapunzel @baron-zemo-trash @katireads @child-of-cthulhu @the-s-is-silent @i-must-potato @hellomynameismoo @lovelylilbadone @theotalksalot @lydi-cyan @background-noise-headache @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @slitherynchiken @grapefruitgalaxy @bookbinderbitch @luthienstormblessed @blues-tunes @murdblurdock @grtwdsmwhr @xpaperheartso
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toothfa-1-ry · 1 year
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You always find yourself breaking the promises you made to Chishiya, you never meant to break the last promise though. I wonder if he felt the same
GENRE: fluff or angst it depends on how you look at it :)
PAIRING: Chishiya x gn reader (this is my first time writing a gn reader so pls correct me if there are mistakes)
WARNING: swearing, blood, injuries
A/N: a quick paced fic which probably made no sense lol but I still hope you enjoy. Is Chishiya ooc? Maybe? Will I delete this? Maybe? Anyways pls reblog and write something I would really appreciate it ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Ps remember to hydrate and eat ♡
You look up at the night sky, stars scattered everywhere.
It took a minute for you to realize where you were and what happened as you breathed heavily.
Oh right.
You were shot, you were bleeding, you were dying
"Fuck this game" you mutter as your right hand is clutching your side where the bullets were lodged in.
"fuck-" you cough out blood "fuck..fuck the king of spades" you squeezed your eyes shut trying to remember how it had exactly followed out.
Kuina got shot, Ann got shot, that Heiya girl was gone somewhere and Aguni was no where to be found.
You let out a soft groan still clutching your side tightly, trying to stop the bleeding as you try to remember how it had exactly followed out
You remember yourself seeing red after kuina fell on the floor, you remember cursing Arisu's plan even though it worked..sort of
You remember punching the king of spades and dragging a knife across his face, that wasn't enough to kill him though. That bastard had to put bullets in you. You remember clutching your stomach and stumbling away somewhere before falling down.
"The bomb must have killed him" you murmur softly looking to your left seeing ruins of buildings and smoke.
You look over at you desolated and ruined surrounding and then look at your red stai ed shirt "shit I'm gonna die in this hellhole"
You wanted to cry but you just couldn't. The tears won't come out. "Kuina..Ann" you mutter softly as you closed your eyes. Your forgetting someone, who are you forgettin-
"Chishiya" your eyes widened and you gasped softly "Chishiya-" you try standing up but for no use as you felt a sharp pain all through your body as you moved a inch "fuck" you cursed.
"I'll come back for you. I promise" you say as you held Chishiya's hand looking at the red, staining his white hoodie
"go play the game"
"I'll come back" you said you eyes turning glassy
"y/n" chishiya turned at you this time holding your arm firmly "I'll live, quit acting like I'm dying" he said it firmly even though his voice was slightly hoarse "go and play the game"
You nod as arisu urges you to come fast, the game registration was about to end
"I'm gonna be with you again..I'm gonna end this whole thing with you" you whisper again one last time before turning away and running leaving chishiya alone, bleeding.
"Chishiya-" you call out his name but at what cost? Your stomach seemed to bleed even more at the slightest of movement and everytime you cough blood seemed to pour out of your mouth.
You didnt even know where you were, you left Chishiya somewhere and promised him something that seemed impossible to do now given your circumstances.
"please Chishiya..I promised him, I have to go-" you plead out loud, as if some kind of supernatural force would bring you to him.
If you were really gonna die in this fucked up world, you want to be next to him. The crazy psychopath who saved your life even just a few hours ago when Niragi pointed the gun at you leaving him wounded instead, the cat eyed boy who you seemd to find comfort in the fucked up games you were playing.
Maybe it was at this point when you realize your feelings for him, or maybe you had realised it a long time ago and all you were doing now was accepting it.
Without knowing a single tear dropped rolled out of your eye, the stars looked brighter than ever but deep down you knew it was going to be the last thing you were gonna see. You were giving up, what if arisu and usagi win the last game? You were already dying that too alone-
"you were always kind of loud."
You snapped out of your thoughts, was that?
"didn't you say you were coming to get me? Jeez instead you got shot too huh- I got hit by a bullet for you just for you to get hit by 3 more?"
You moved slightly which seemed to be the wrong thing to do as you wince on pain
"look left, don't move your body. I thought you said you passed medical school"
Immediately your head turned left and there you saw, the same bored cat eyes and white hoodie that now had a huge red stain in the right chest area.
There he was limping, walking very slowly, dragging his feet as his right hand was firmly pressed in his chest trying to contain the blood flow.
"Chishiya- stop don't, don't move" you say as loud as you can looking at him as you layed down on the ground "your gonna bleed even more- just lie down there"
Chishiya walked a few more steps going against your protest before he let out a wince of pain as he collapsed to the ground only a few inches away from you.
"agh..I'm tired" he said as you turned his head to face you "you look tired too-"
He stopped midway though as he saw tears streaming down your face "y/n-"
"you idiot why were you walking around- your bleeding" you cry out "your shot so why were you walking, coming to me- you came-"
"you called."
"you also promised to end this thing with me. You really should know how to keep the promises you make y/n"
It surprised you, the way he says it so nonchalantly as if you both weren't bleeding to death right now, as if he didn't risk his entire life right now.
"Arisu and Usagi are playing the queen of hearts right now." Chishiya said "just hang in there y/n"
You heard his raspy voice trying to reassure you "I don't know if-"
"saying that will jinx things up, hang in there."
You both look at eachother. Him looking at your face which seemed to be stained by tears and blood both probably yours and you staring at his tired eyes which seemed more tired than usual.
"you had to get shot... does it hurt?" He asked you
"of course it hurts you idiot" you let out what seemed to be a laugh.
"ah sorry, I shouldn't have asked" he mused
You both stayed in silence for a while before you break it
"w-why did you take the bullet for me..the one Niragi shot, why did you come infront of me?"
"maybe it's because my ideals have changed"
"wha-?" You held your breath
"maybe it's because my priorities have changed, maybe because I wanted to experience having a bullet inside of me-" Chishiya looks at you "maybe because I had a chance to protect you. Or maybe because I just wanted to"
"do you really mean it?" You say so softly in disbelief
"I've always wanted to protect you until your last game" he looks at the red stain that stained your white shirt.
"I've always wanted to be with you till the end" you whispered
You stare at the way his usual bored eyes slightly widened before letting out a soft sigh
You both get engulfed in silence again, there was no need for words.
"do you think we'll go back to the real world, by the end of this?"
"we-" chishiya seemed to hesitate for a while, contemplation whether to say it or not. "We're gonna go back to the real world. I trust Arisu"
You smile to yourself without saying anything as your sight seemed to grow weaker by the second, as you heard Chishiya's voice grow softer by each word
"okay" you didnt know if you really believed what you said but you really wanted to
Chishiya seemed to have realised this as he sighed softly, he paused for a while again before saying "it was nice knowing you. I'd like to know you even after going to the real world."
your eyes widened by his words before giving a soft smile "I'd like that too"
"Congratulations on clearing all the games. All surviving players will now be given a choice."
You gasped softly as chishiya muttered a few inches next to you "they did it"
"please select if you will accept permanent residence in this land or if you will not accept. I repeat-"
You look at the night sky as fircrackers of different colours burst
"I think-" chishiya looks at you and stretched out his right hand "I will not take it" his raspy voice finishes.
"i think-" you breath out as your reach out your left hand only to find out there was still some distance between leading the both of you to interlace your pinkys together "I will also not take it"
"Let's hang on to life for a little longer y/n...don't break another promise. We're gonna meet each other in the real world too" Chishiya's raspy voice breathed out
You nod slowly "I promise."
Present day
"bring a stretcher over here! I hear a heartbeat!"
" hang on there for a little bit"
"they've been severely injured, especially in the stomach. There seems to be internal bleeding as well"
"it's a miracle that they're still alive"
"they're heartbeat stopped for one whole minute"
"they were walking a thin line between life and death"
You open your eyes.
God people were so noisy, especially the two males who were in the bed next to yours
"I heard your heartbeat also stopped for one whole minute.. do you think anything changed?"
"Im not sure, I guess I look a lot flashier now. What about you?"
"Since I almost died, I think I'll be able to live a more useful life now."
"so you were also a good for nothing jerk huh?"
Soon a nurse came to take away 'Niragi' you you realised was the name of one of the guy whose heartbeat also stopped, leaving only the white haired male and you in the room
You cleared you voice
"uh- ahem, not that I was eavesdropping but- did you say your heartbeat also stop for a minute?"
The white haired boy turned to look at you slightly surprised "yes. I'm guessing you too."
"hm" you him "what a coincidence.."
Your both left with a silence, you look at him s you contemplate whether to say something
"uh- by the way, my answer is probably yes."
"excuse me?"
"uh..well you were asking him if anything changed right?..I think so. I don't know what but" you touch your heart "I feel this sort of relief and happiness yet I also feel sad as if I made a promise to someone but I can't remember"
The white haired male looks at you with his cat eyes. You could almost swear that you know him.
"ah sorry you didn't ask me-" you quickly apologize for speaking out of your turn until you were interupted
"what a coincidence. I feel the same way. As if i made a promise but I can't remember it...that's a unique way to put it"
He says the words so nonchalantly as if the both of you hadn't just survived a meteor crash it surprised you, as if you had heated someone say something similar before
"I'm..y/n. Do I know you or?" You ask slowly trying to soak every small feature in his face, trying to remember from where you know him from.
"no.. although you look very familiar to me" he says "I'm Chishiya. It's nice to meet you"
He reaches out his hand and you reach out yours.
"it's nice to meet you too"
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sunkissed-zegras · 9 months
✮ 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐬, zegras' have more fun
♡ ─ summary | media day pictures (NOT MINE AND IT'S NOT THE FC) and something makes the jack stans go crazy
♡ ─ warnings | light-hearted flirting/arguing, brief mention of hate crimes (ITS A JOKE THOUGH), hughes bros being dumb (not trev for once LMAO)
♡ ─ taglist | tbd
♡ ─ ev's notes | this lowkey eats I MISSED THIS AU
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stasszegras ann arbor, michigan
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Liked by trevorzegras, lhughes_06, jackhughes and 9,935 more
stasszegras | media day pics, first (official) fnl + WENT LOWKEY VIRAL ON TIKTOK???? tagged: pchandler68, umichfootball, lucafantilli september 23th, 2022
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briesbagels | my favorite tiktok influencer 🤭
↳ stasszegras stop it. 😐
↳ briesbagels 3 million views on a tiktok IS CRAZYYY
↳ stasszegras it's only cus luke was in the video
↳ lhughes_06 clout chaser 😝
↳ lucafantilli ok this one hurts brie, i thought u were on my side
↳ briesbagels its either u or stass (im choosing my girl)
↳ stasszegras 🤭😏😍
↳ pchandler68 hmmmmm 😏😏
↳ adamfantilli 🥸🥸
↳ stasszegras what's goin on here.... 😥
umichwsoccer | THATS OUR GIRL! 🫡〽️
↳ stasszegras 🤞🏼🤞🏼
jackhughes | wowww okay stassie.. 🤞🏼🤩 woo 😮‍💨😮‍💨
↳ trevorzegras 😟😟 oh no
↳ lhughes_06 since when we callin her stassie????
↳ jackhughes WE?? get ur own nickname lukey 😑😑
↳ stasszegras k y'all let's just stick to stass or little zegras 😶
↳ trevorzegras @/griffinzegras
↳ griffinzegras bffr right now 📸📸📸 aren't you like 30 jack??
↳ jackhughes actually i'm 21 so calm the FUCKK down... and i was just being nice and friendly griff come on now
↳ briesbagels and thats why we wear sunscreen kids 🥴
↳ griffinzegras yea maybe a little too friendly..
↳ stasszegras guys im gonna disable my comments if u keep arguing like 12 year olds
↳ trevorzegras mhm yeah and thats the ONLY REASON why you would wanna disable the comments
lucafantilli | last pic should be considered a hate crime bro how'd u even get that
↳ stasszegras don't ask stupid questions like that luca
↳ adamfantilli 🥸🥸
↳ lucafantilli MY OWN BROTHER?!?!?!
↳ lhughes_06 i guess we are all getting betrayed by our flesh and blood rn 😪
↳ jackhughes be so fr rn lukey
↳ trevorzegras agreed luke
↳ jackhughes 😑😑
↳ pchandler68 interesting.. 📸
quinnhughes | you ate little zegras 🫡
↳ stasszegras thanks quinner 🫶🏼
↳ trevorzegras YEA this is really being friendly @/jackhughes
↳ jackhughes bro. let this go.
↳ quinnhughes leave me the fuck outta this guys, please 😁
lhughes_06 | gonna win us a jr world cup zegras ✊🏼
↳ stasszegras YESSS SIR 🫡🫡〽️〽️ but thats not how it works buddy
↳ lhughes_06 there's no jr world cup????
↳ jackhughes messi is rolling in his grave rn
↳ stasszegras messi is alive????
↳ briesbagels no way bro 😭😭
↳ quinnhughes LMAO PLEASE 😭
↳ lucafantilli count your days chandler
↳ pchandler68 wait no luca im sorry
↳ lucafantilli its ur fault u introduced me and stass and NOW LOOK. all the hoes are gone
↳ stasszegras 😑😑😑
↳ adamfantilli not all of them.....🥯🥯🥯
↳ lucafantilli shut up adam.
↳ pchandler68 wait what??...
adamfantilli future manager AND she plays for our soccer team?? it's perfect 🤞🏼🤞🏼
↳ stasszegras hahaahaha no.
↳ nolan_moyle STASS PLEASE
↳ stasszegras stop harassing me nolan
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Liked by njdevilfan09, briesbagels, zegrasluvr898 and 4,509 more
jhughesnews | jack hughes and anastasia zegras are reportedly going out after he comments a suggestive comment on her most recent post. thoughts???
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fan02 | guys they are just friends, if u guys look at her other posts he makes those kinda jokes all the time
↳ fan03 nah bro did u see trevor and griffin's comments? they obviously know something we don't
↳ fan02 yeah but that's their humor
fan04 | good 😭😭😭 for😭😭😭 them 😭😭😭
fan05 | didn't she go out with luke too 😐
↳ fan06 damn she wants the whole crew
↳ fan07 who can blame her tho??? have u seen them 🤭🤭
↳ fan08 no she didn't lmao, those were also JUST rumors and it's obvious they're just friends
fan09 | guys stop it, these are baseless rumors and REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENS TO TAYLOR ALL THE TIME, stass is great just by herself 🫶🏼
↳ fan10 all right girl..
↳ fan11 its giving "coach is right guys... 😣"
↳ fan12 im crying BYEEE PLEASE 😭😭😭😭
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-> make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated! <-
thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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sysakiddo · 2 months
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I finally edited chapter 6 of diplomacy au y'all! I struggled a bit with a burnout after getting my degree in january lol but hopefully it won't take so long for another chapter to appear!!
ao3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
“It's like watching the most awkward first date happen in front of your eyes. And you know, of course, that they are not going to fuck.” Max says after taking a long sip of his third gin and tonic. 
Everybody who hears him laughs, already watching the couple standing by the bar. Charles tugs his ear in what seems to be a nervous tick while Sebastian casually leans on the chair, even though he is everything but casual. He watches every move of the man in front of him, shuffling his feet a bit when Charles licks his lips after a sip of his skinny bitch. 
“Pathetic,” Alex laughs, not unkindly. “It seems to me like there is no salvation for them,” George adds, leaning forward on the couch they all squeezed on to see the show in front of them. 
Anne doesn't feel like this is something she can ask them about. That is not to say that she is not terribly curious and confused about how one could refuse Charles Leclerc giving them heart eyes while biting his lips. Instead, she breaches a topic she thinks is a safe zone. “If you think this is tacky, how did you guys meet?” 
Daniel looks at his hands immediately, a nervous huff escaping from his lips. He hates telling that story. He rarely ever thinks about that time now unless he really needs to. The swirling of the ice in his negroni makes a loud noise. 
Because truthfully, Max met Daniel at his lowest. It was in his LA house, where he spent most of his time, the D.C. office vacant more often than not. They turned up just as the sun was setting, Sebastian and Max. It was the older man who insisted on introducing them.
Daniel straight out refused. He didn't care about Sebastian’s little charity project. It went too far, saving aggressive puppies, Jesus. He did not want to meet anyone named Verstappen when he wasn't paid to do so. 
Daniel was barefoot, his swimming trunks still a bit wet. The LV shirt had an obnoxious pink print and it was slipping from his shoulders. It was late enough that he was glowing from the sun, the diamonds on his necklace shining. He looked at the wunderkind, at Max, the youngest ambassador in the US ever. 
Max wore a three-piece suit despite the day being too hot for it. His Berlutis were gleaming, and he was straight-up glaring at Daniel.
“Howdy,” he grinned at them. Sebastian assessed Daniel's pupils, shaky hands and a sheen of sweat on his forehead with a grim face. He gave him the pep talk about easing off the drugs just a few days ago. Max extended his hand, and Daniel shook it. It was a reflex. Max’s palm was warm and soft. 
Sebastian cleared his throat. “As I told you, Max, this is Daniel-” 
“I, of course, know who he is.” Max didn't let Sebastian finish his sentence, coming off unnecessarily rude. Daniel laughed awkwardly. 
“Sounds like I'm famous, baby.” he winked at Sebastian and from the corner of his eye, he saw Max visibly cringe. 
“We met at work, Anne. Sebastian introduced us when we were all in the USA. He is painfully proud of that, calls himself a matchmaker and everything.” Max huffs out a laugh. He knows Daniel feels uneasy and puts the target on his back to protect him. Like usually.
“Who did the first move then?” Anne asks, just as Charles, who lost Sebastian somewhere on the way between the bar and the table, makes it back to them. 
“Oh, Daniel did. It was very romantic.” Max says matter of factly. When Daniel finally looks up, he is surprised to see his eyes foggy, as if he is experiencing the moment for the first time again. 
Nevertheless, Daniel huffs, mad that Max always uses his version of the story. “Romantic? You slapped me!” 
“Well, it is only right I did,” Max shrugs. “I, of course, thought you were making fun of me.”
Charles giggles, which is honestly progress. He was the one who took the fall, consoling Max after he returned from their dinner, fidgeting with his fingers, two red stains high on his cheeks. His voice sounded like he was eating gravel for dinner when he told him Daniel had kissed him. He was rapidly blinking like he was trying too hard not to cry, and Charles still thought it was the best proof of his professionalism, the fact that he hadn’t laughed to his face right there. But. He locked himself in the bathroom after Max somehow calmed down, turned on the faucet, and laughed hysterically. 
Max originally feared Daniel had figured him out and was just playing mind games. He thought Daniel was ridiculing him, or worse, he tried a new technique to manipulate and eventually blackmail him. What enraged him the most was the fact he wasn't prepared for it. He hasn't read a tutorial named what-to-do-when-your-counterpart-kisses-you in any of the assigned readings in the university. 
The only emotion Daniel felt when Max slapped him across the face immediately after the kiss was pure humiliation. He couldn't believe he read the signs wrong, him, Daniel Ricciardo. It was unheard of. Plus, Max did kiss him back for a few seconds. But then. 
And Daniel felt stupid and walked home alone and got drunk alone and fell asleep alone. 
Now, Daniel looks at Max with deep empathy. He squeezes his thigh, smiling. 
“Well, that shitshow was still a lot better than Baku,” Charles says with a grimace. That wasn't Max stuttering and rubbing his red eyes furiously; that was Max throwing random things across the room, his scream ricocheting through the whole hotel floor. 
Daniel snapped at Charles, “No, we’re not talking about Baku!“ Charles smirked, looking at him with a look that meant trouble. But Daniel has never in his life been scared of Charles. He was such a sweet kid before he fell under Seb’s influence. He takes a second to mourn the version of him he knew before he introduced Seb to him. 
“Always you are mad because you don’t want to admit you were wrong. Christian also said you of course did not act according to the protocol.” Max buts in, chronically unable to get over things. 
Daniel turns to Max with a stormy expression, the empathy all but gone. “Christian would also suck your dick if you asked, I don't see how his opinion is valid in this situation.” he spits out.
Charles hums, taking another sip of his skinny bitch. “He does seem to touch you an awful lot, when you are together, Max.” 
“That’s exactly my point, thank you, Charles.” Daniel is done, scoffing. 
Max, however, is just about to start another rant. “But Daniel, I told you your tactic wouldn't work. You pulled out of the negotiations too soon, it was very amateurish from you, you must admit at least that. Who leaves the negotiating table with no backup plan?” he gets into it, flaring his hands around like an octopus. “It just buggs me, you know, that you still blame me. You of course made a mistake, Daniel, and that happens but it was a stupid rookie mistake and you should have apologized-” 
Daniel stands up abruptly. “Hey, Max?” 
For a frightening second, Anne thinks he is going to deck his husband right there.
Max just hums, looking up. “I love you,” Daniel says surprisingly, bending down and giving Max a loud, smacking kiss. Then he turns around and leaves to the bar to stand next to Sebastian who resurfaced in the meantime. 
When Anne looks at Max, he is red as a tomato, glaring at the straw in his drink. “Well, what was I saying-” he stutters, interrupted by the laughter of the men sitting across from him. 
“I can't believe this shit is still working out for him, oh my god.” Alex wheezes. 
“Manipulative bitch,” George quips, still giggling.
Max is unimpressed. “Don't call him that.” he snaps and glares at him, George shutting up immediately. 
Charles looks at Anne and smiles a little. “I think maybe it is time for us to go home. I'm terribly tired. What do you think?”
Anne nods, pointedly not saying anything about noticing how Sebastian kept yawning at his spot beside Daniel. 
Daniel doesn't understand why he wakes up at first. It's pitch black, the blackout curtains doing their job properly. He stares at the ceiling for a bit, then closes his eyes to make himself fall back asleep. 
“Ik zal het oplossen.” Max meowls in Dutch next to him. “I just need more time! Ik zal het halen, dat beloof ik. No, no!” 
It clicks for Daniel, Max's rigged breaths, which he has not noticed before. The night air is suddenly too cold. 
He runs his hand up and down Max's forearm, not saying anything but his name to wake him up. When Max snaps out of his dream, his whole body violently twitches, and he slaps Daniel's hand away. 
“Hey, it's okay now,” Daniel isn't deterred, his hand finding a way to Max's hair, waiting him out. “It was just a dream. You are safe.” 
Max's breaths come out staggering like he just returned from his run. After a few minutes, he finally opens his eyes and looks at Daniel. A macabre grimace is on his face, something that wanted to be a smile. 
“I wasn't prepared again, Daniel,” he whispers. Daniel hums, not answering in any way, even though he subconsciously clenches the fist that's not playing with Max's hair. 
“You are safe with me,” Daniel says, trying to ease Max's shivering and make the haunted flicker in his eyes go away. He never shared any gruesome details about his time in military school. But. It's not like he had to. “Do you maybe want to take a shower?” he asks him and Max hesitantly nods.
They only fall back asleep when the birds are already chirping outside.
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laylajeffany · 17 days
Hi, I've never wrote or asked before ever so this is my first time. Anyway, I'm about eight chapters into Chaos for the Fly. I cannot put into words very well with how good your writing is. I have read a lot of fanfiction over the years on various platforms. I have never been so enamoured with a piece of fiction before and I just have to say it feels like I'm reading the script for the second season of Wednesday. I wouldn't be surprised if you came at us like "Hey! I'm actually a producer and just spoiled the whole script" (kidding). However, I'd love to give you some money or as they say "Buy me a coffee". I cannot be reading this for free, it's just too high quality. -Cali
This is a very sweet message, thank you very much. 🤭 I am not a producer or a writer on the show. If that were the case I would demand it be a hell of a lot longer, eight episode seasons just don't do it for me. (idk if you can tell eight chapters in but I have a problem with telling long stories lmfao)
Unfortunately, I’ve mentioned on this blog before - I cannot accept money for writing fanfic. It’s actually illegal. If you see people accepting money from fan works through ko-fi, having chapters locked behind paywalls, or charging commission, that’s their funeral if MGM ever decides to go after fan creators (unlikely, but hey I like my life the way it is), and at the risk of everyone who writes for the community. 
Fanfiction has notoriously been a gray and ambiguous legal issue over the years. I have been writing fic for 21 years and remember having to put my “DISCLAIMER - AUTHOR DOES NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO YU-GI-OH! PLEASE DON’T SUE ME” on my little updates when I was a teenager lol. Anne Rice got us all fucked up on fanfic dot net in the early ‘00s. 
I loved @alternateaccount 's idea of donating to AO3 instead if you want to give me money. We wouldn’t have a place to publish good works without them!
I’ll be working on my original series over the summer (it is tragically, for children ages 4-8). If I get to put anything out in the universe that is my own in print - I’ll for sure share it here and you can buy it for the little people in your life or put it in a Free Little Library 🤪
Thank you very much for your interest in my writing though! I do appreciate it and the kind message! Much love back to you! 🥰
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monstersinthecosmos · 4 months
I know you probably don’t want to dwell on the show and the negative but I absolutely hate what has happened on here and how hateful people are in the VC fandom it’s just very demoralizing and makes me want to retreat from anything besides the books completely. The discourse was spicy before the show but everything is just even more divisive now and it has sucked the fun out of it. Not really an ask more of a vent sorry
Hi there!
You’re correct that I don’t particularly find it fun to dwell on the negative stuff – as you said yourself, SOMETIMES THE DISCOURSE SUCKS THE FUN OUT OF IT. But I do understand how you feel and I want to say a couple things and I hope this helps you find a groove.
First of all, I did my best not to acknowledge it too much because I didn’t want to validate the folks who were being cunts to me lol, but please know that this fandom (at least on Tumblr) has ALWAYS been kinda fucking violent towards me LOL. I started VC tumbling back in 2016 and it’s ALWAYS been a fucking trash fire. It is hard out there for Marius stans lmfao.
Like, when I was first posting on Tumblr and acclimating to the Tumblr culture it was so much of like, me feeling brave enough to share meta only for someone to be RB’ing me to tell me I’m wrong, or me talking about how much I liked something about Marius only for someone to vague me, or it was me hosting the huge fandom Discord back in 2017 only for people to then come on tumblr and complain about how the Discord was way too Marius Friendly as if like, a drama-free space where we can discuss the books makes it a harbor for predators.
Of course I also had the gaggle of fucking morons who were constantly stalking me, catfishing their way into my servers to try to take screenshots and write call outs and cancel me, who would not stop preaching about how “all these big blogs” are “actually such terrible people” because “look at the things they ship” even when I’d never been unkind to them, even occasionally donated to their GFMs. These are folks who think they’re morally in the right for protecting the virtue of Armand’s poor teenage asshole and executed this justice by stalking and harassing an ACTUAL PERSON LOL. Like, listen. I’m sorry to burst ur bubble, but Armand doesn’t exist. He’s letters on a paper. I’m actually a real person and you’re up my fucking ass because I don’t’ even fucking know why, you’re jealous of my fucking Tumblr engagement or something? Which one of us is actually the creep here lol?? Is this a race to the bottom to be the valedictorian of clown school on the website for homeschooled clowns?
I’ve also had the pleasure of being on the receiving end of acephobic discourse, being told I don’t do enough to protect every individual in fandom from their own bullies as if it's my job to do that, being called ableist for how I wrote Daniel in my fics even though I was projecting and discussing my own personal experiences – I’ve also had a project collaborator have a tantrum and try to steal my work until I had to threaten with legal action, I’ve been put on block lists, I’ve had many people consume my fics in secret without actually leaving comments because I’m too toxic for them to communicate with in public.
This was all before AMC showed up LMFAO. It was not easy for me! It’s still not always easy!
And so yeah like, by nature of the fandom EXPLODING we are going to see more drama. More people is more drama. The nature of the discourse often hedges into real life issues that people are very opinionated and passionate about and there are conflicting needs inside the same space about how to hold conversations. Even just the other day I RB’d a joke about Anne Rice and OP got upset with me because they didn’t want actual fans interacting with it. Whoops! I didn’t know! I just thought it was funny. ;.;  
Even in good faith and with the best of intentions we’re going to step on each other’s toes, and we’re gonna find people we don’t vibe with. And that’s normal and it’s fine.
What ISN’T normal is this inability to disengage that I think we see often in online space, and I don’t want to get into a whole side essay about all the reasons why I think that happens. But sometimes you gotta be the bigger person and take it on the chin.
Like, yeah, it sucks. It sucks the fun out of the room when you share a space with such bitter people who can’t be kind to each other. But like. THAT’S A THEM PROBLEM, YOU KNOW? And I think we gotta remember that sometimes people like that do it for the attention or the spike of dopamine when they can pick a fight and honestly like, you don’t need to waste YOUR OWN time on it, but you’re also doing that person a kindness if you don’t enable the bad behavior.
And it sucks that Tumblr’s mute tools are awful!!!!! It would make navigating so much easier to be able to curate the dash a little better and keep the bad actors out of your space. I sometimes just fuck off and don’t even come online for days if I know I’m not in a good headspace and won’t have the strength to just fucking ignore it, because sometimes drama catches my eye and I get nosy and go down the rabbit hole, too – having ADHD makes it really hard to avoid sometimes LOL – but like I try to be reasonable and love myself enough to avoid it when I can help it. I’m not willing to make my own problems everyone else’s problem, and I hope that some of these shit starters in fandom will get there, themselves.
So yeah it blows when the vibes are fucking atrocious, and it REALLY blows when it’s a fandom this small where you can’t avoid it. Even when it’s a vocal minority it really just kills the fucking mood.
Whenever I say shit like “write what you want to read” and we’re talking about fanfic, or even meta or even silly headcanon posts or jokes, that also means draw what you want to see, it also means make what you want to hold, apply it to any creation you can think of. Put the thing you want to see into the world. And it counts for fandom, too.
I don’t want to be part of a fandom that’s constantly infighting and attacking people, so I don’t fight and attack people. I don’t want to be called a predator for being a Marius fan and so I don’t engage in posts that say as much, not even to argue, because I don’t want my followers (who might also be Marius fans!) to have to see that on their dash. I want us to protect our peace and create a space we want to be in.
Like I have a policy that any time someone says I’m a freak or any time I see truly godawful word salad discourse, I go out of my way to post something kinky and offputting about Marius LMFAOOOO  because I want to be surrounded by reasonable fun people who share my sensibility for fiction. AND SOMETIMES IT’S CRICKETS, AND SOMETIMES YOU HAVE TO WORK HARD TO FIND YOUR PEOPLE. But at the end of the day I know I’m being my most sincere self and I’m trying to have a good time and just post fun things that I enjoy. And like, the book fandom is small as fuck and we’re all famished, but I think if more of us did that, we’d build a much more productive and tolerant space.
And for all the shit I’ve mentioned, all the drama and attacks and all the times people have harassed me or tried to make me feel small, you know what? I just got back from @apoptoses & @cup-of-lixx 's wedding and they met in VCblr! We spent all week with our VCblr friends! We all went to New Orleans together last Halloween !
When I used to work on ships it was like a fandom friend world tour! I had so many coffees in port with my vampire friends!
I’ve learned so much about writing from all the time I’ve spent here and the community of writer friends who supported me! There’s folks I met on VCblr that I talk to LITERALLY every day! They are such huge parts of my life and genuine life-long friends!!!!!!
Sometimes it seems like the ROI is garbage but like, so much of finding the joy is also learning to protect yourself from the negativity.
It IS out there. It DOES suck. And it’s lonely when you haven’t found your people yet. But fandom doesn’t have to be the 500 angry assholes arguing with each other about a fucking TV show, it can be your 3 besties in a private group chat having a great time.
Like I just drove @hekateinhell to the airport (met THROUGH TUMBLR!) and on the way back I was listening to an episode of Last Day and they were discussing the concept that “community is a life raft” and it hit me so hard man!!!!!!!!!!!
Find your people! Block the shit starters! Mute discourse buzzwords that you know are going to upset you!
Keep! Posting! What! You! Want! To! See!!
Fandom is self-generating, we can do this!
My inbox is always open and BELIEVE ME I have been motherfucking persona non grata in this place before and I know how rancid the vibe can be so please come talk any time it's grinding you down, I got you!!!!!!!!!!!!
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That time Marius had a prolonged depressive anxiety attack and changed a 12 year old also this is a pro-Marius blog
Thinking about that time, Armand suddenly showed up from the dead to visit Lestat when he was embracing his ✨ religious stupor aesthetic ✨ , and Marius proceeded to embarrass himself by following Armand around and inviting him back to his place to chill or whatever THREE GODDAMN TIMES IN A ROW and got shot down for all of them! Amazing!
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Marius : Wanna come over? Armand : Lol no :)
it gets worse
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Hahah like wanna come back to my place? No? Oh that’s cool. Listen my house is so cool here it’s all Roman and stuff, you’d love it if you saw it? Oh? You don’t want to see it right now? Oh, uh uh. Um, what if like, I promise to be a good listener and not interrupt? You could, you could stay for as long as you like! He's such a simp
And Armand is literally looking at his raggedy dusty clothes and kinda gives him a little pat on the hand and gives him his best “oh yeah, I’ll be by later! Totally!” And in the very next sentence, he’s thinking, “I gotta grab my kids and get the fuck out."
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You think I'm exaggerating - how I only wish that were the case! It's so painful to see him suffer.
But beyond pain, the thing that I love about this is how much of a shock this is to both of them. Anne gives us all these excellent context clues that show us MARIUS HAS NOT BEEN OK! ALRIGHT - HE'S GOING THROUGH IT. Like, in my head, he's still trying to process what happened with Akasha - and part of that will inevitably go back to his own failure with Armand. And that failure is multifaceted and painful for him because he's been the cause of so much of it.
Obviously, there's all the stuff with Armand that directly echoes his failures with Pandora. I'm thinking specifically of him flying into a rage just because she mentions she saw the apostle Paul out preaching, and of course, there are the beginnings of the Roman coven. And then Christianity deals the death blow again when Armand falls into the cult. He has a proper pagan disdain for it, and I don't want to minimize the validity of his fear surrounding it and how religious trauma of all varieties has had a hand in shaping his neurosis.
Marius has always been so proud of his reason, but he's drawn again and again to these people who are more spiritual or untamed than he is. And part of this is his wanting to emotionally and intellectually dominate them. He wants so BADLY for someone to go, "Yes, Marius, you're right! Your superior Roman reason has shown me the way!". Because then he's validated as the superior Roman scholar for once, and not some half-breed Barbarian adopted into a proper Roman family by his father. But I can't help but think the other part is he's so attracted to their complete sense of comfort and acceptance of these illogical parts of themselves.
Like Pandora, Mael, and Armand are all so spiritual. And I know I've made the joke about him being the Reddit Atheist Guy falling for the Coexist bumper sticker girlies, but it's true! I'm not saying that any of them don't struggle with their faith or delight all the time in the sacrifices it asks of them, but they never question it as a part of themselves. And that's the thing - faith IS illogical. It requires us to take leaps we can't explain and carry on when there's no proof of reward or empirical evidence to give us peace of mind. And the fact that all three of them are ok with this just drives him FUCKING BUG NUTS. I also can't help but think some of this goes back to his Mommy Issues and how he works so hard to scrub his mother's barbarian identity from himself
And all that is there in Armand! And whatever might have happened is a wash, because obviously the coven comes and breaks them apart. But the funny thing is AKASHA also has a hand in it. At the time, Marius accepts it for what it was. But, in retrospect, after everything that happened? How fucking bitter is that pill to swallow that Armand became one of the things he had to give up, and all he got was a mouth full of ashes in reward.
And it's so clear they're both so hurt and awkward around one another! When we see them in Night Island, it's Santino Armand’s playing chess with - not Marius. It's no wonder that, of the two, he's the easier bridge to mend.
I can't help but think that, before Armand burned himself in the sun, Marius had convinced himself that he was still perfectly in control and ready to face what came next with stocism and rationality. Then Armand gets crisped up, and that's finally the catalyst for things to break apart.
It reminds me of this thing I was listening to recently about a pet bereavement therapist who mentioned that almost inevitably, when people talk about pet death, they talk about the death of a loved one that also hasn't been mourned or processed. And Marius does treat Armand like a pet - and Armand's death is the damn break for everything else that's happened with Akasha. Hence, we get Marius wearing rags, covered in dust, turning Benji and Sybelle. He's so painfully out of control - he's spiraling and returning to his old pattern of leaning on Armand and putting him back in that place where he's responsible for Marius' emotional well-being again. Only this time, he's not a fucking child (even though Marius greets him by calling him 'young one").
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This entire time, he's softly rebuffing Marius, refusing to do the heavy lifting for him, he's finding his footing! My heart is beaming with pride because he's finally putting the pieces together! He's not Marius' emotional support pet anymore!
Hence why I think we get this line :
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There's always this scary part when you're getting out of codependency where you realize the possibility of going back to old habits is always there. And that's tempting! Focusing on healing doesn't mean these things stop being temping - it just means you find better ways to work around that temptation.
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And, of course, this just does not compute for Marius. And to be fair, that makes sense - historically Armand has always wanted to be a slave for something or someone. So seeing him come back from the fire, changed and changing, even if it's just shakey baby steps, has to be so devastating. Because, at this point, it's one more person outgrowing and changing beyond him. And everything that he's held onto at this point to justify his lack of change and growth has just been burnt to the ground.
So I can't help but wonder if his turning Benji and Sybelle is a desperation grab to try and re-establish the order of things because he's genuinely terrified that Armand might actually try and off himself again. He's gotten a glimpse of what a world without him looks like and he's not doing well in it. And hey - back when he was thinking of ending it all, didn't Akasha trick him into making Pandora? Hasn't Pandora been his anchor? What if he gave Armand an anchor. No need to go into wither or not Armand wants it or actually needs it. And all the better if their turning reinforces his own new belief in nothing. After all, this was the man who once imagined that he stood apart and above humanity like some loving patrician figure, but now everything he's dedicated himself to is gone. And rather admit he's having a depressive episode, it's so much easier to put the world to blame and say he's rescuing them from it.
He needs Armand - and whatever that means - if it means need like a little dog in an emotional support vest kinda need or if its I'm ready to build a human connection and need you romantically/paternally kind of need - Marius is not ready to have that conversation. So, instead, he puts his emotions into reverse and floods the engine backward in an attempt to put things back into a pattern he can recognize.
This is where it gets so painful to watch because he's at a point where just admitting he needs help, that it feels good to have someone else to rely on, would be so good for him! He doesn't need to fear change, and people evolving around him is a good thing. But he can't see it like that. So now we have this mess, only it backfires because Armand still grabs the kids and leaves. Just because trapping himself in old patterns fits Marius doesn't mean that others' needs have to regress to shape to his own. Once again, it's Marius who knows best, Marius' selfishness, his complete lack of self-awareness, getting in his way.
My man is his own greatest enemy.
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tryingtimi · 3 months
Books of 2024 (2023 or close to it)
Thank you for the tag @barbex it sounds like a fun one hehe. 9 books should be listed that were read in the last 12 months (or alternatively liked when you read it) if I'm right. And when I read the rules I had the same reaction: mind went blank on if I ever read a single book lol. Luckily I keep track of my reading because I like watching them back.
No pressure tagging: @aninkwellofnectar, @bloodlessheirbyjacques, @the-void-writes, @circa-specturgia, @aalinaaaaaa, @dyrewrites, @italiangothicwriteblr, @cherrybombfangirlwrites, @blind-the-winds and anyone who wants to join.
All of the listed were read last year and which I liked especially.
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When The Stars Alight by Camilla Andrew (@aninkwellofnectar). Bi MC, gaslamp fantasy, gothic, court intrigue, delicious spice
You've already seen this many times on my page, because I really enjoyed this book and it was a window to many things I didn't know I'd enjoy in a story. So many beautiful description, beautifully emotional and sexy sex, rarely seen complex character dynamics and so much mouth watering food.
Éjféli Iskolák (Midnight Schools) by Attila Veres. lovecraftian horror set in Budapest
It's a horror short story collection by a hungarian author who I got recommended by a collegue. Attila Veres has a talent to capture that melancholic, sometimes surrelistic feeling living in Budapest which makes his work so authentic. But also very Big Ew for all the horroristic shit he created (in the best way.) My favourite one was the 'Porn After Midnight'.
Yumi and The Nightmare Painter by Brandon Sanders. M/F romance focus, sci-fi/fantasy, anime-esque
You all know I'm a Sanderson trash. And the fact I, the slowest reader on the earth, read this book in two days, proved that very much lol. It felt like watching an anime, I swear to god. There's magic, time travel kinda thing, pretty innocent humour, loads of painting in it.
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickenes. christmas nostalgia, historical fiction?
We all know this, but I'm very behind on classics book-wise so I began to catch up last year. Espceially because I love the animated movie so much. It was a lovely and educative read.
Y/N by Esther Yi. litfic, kpop fandom and industry satire basically, comteporary
It was one of my favourites from last year tbh, because I couldn't put down the damn e-reader. A very strange little read, 100% unhinged, but made me realise I might enjoy litfic, so I'll read more this year. Also, the story is not "summarizable" but the fact that this is the first two review on GoodReads tells a lot I think: reading this feels like that one night when i accidentally smoked weed for the first time I sort of feel like I just hallucinated this entire thing Yeah.
Even Though I Knew The End by C. L. Polk. F/F romance, fantasy, novella
Lesbian magical detective. Done, sold. I wanted to read this a while now, and it did not disappoint. It gave exactly what it promised. Fast paced little adventure with some humour and a lovely couple. Not a life-chaning read but as I mentioned, it gave what it promised. I enjoyed it anyway.
Interview With The Vampire by Anne Rice. M/M romance kinda, supernatural, philosophical
Finally started to read the books my all time favourite movies are made of. Loved every bits of this, though sometimes it got way too wordy or I don't even know what. Overall though, it got me. Full of contemplation about human nature, God (though I could do a bit less without that) and death, plus the iconic vampire husbands and their arguments. It's just a real long broody monologue of Louis tbh. I'm fine with that it seems, though.
Legend & Lattes by Travis Baldree. F/F romance (not focus), cosy fantasy
Read pretty fast too. It's very much what it promises also. Cosy, and relaxing, and endearing. Love the concept of how a stoic warrior woman can settle finally and do something other than fighting. It was cute.
Tress of The Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson. M/F romance (not that important i think), cosy fantasy, Princess Bride-vibes
Yes, I got all the secret project, because of course I would. This one was also something like Legends & Lattes imo. In Sanderson style tho. I'm also loving when the narrator is a third person telling the story. Those are always fun. Oh and the story had many cuteness, humour and Our Flag Means Death kinda pirates.
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