#allen schindler
montyjeffrey · 1 month
On this day, April 25, 1993, one of the biggest protests in American history took place in Washington, D.C., where a million people participated in the March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay, and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation. Dorothy Hajdys-Clausen, the mother of Navy officer Allen Schindler, addresses the demonstration protesting the ban on gays in the military, accompanied by sailor Allen Pemberton, holding up a photo of her son, and Navy veteran Jim Jennings.
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aristotels · 6 months
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amostexcellentblog · 2 years
Somedays with Top Gun fanon you just want silly fluff about married Icemav being embarrassing dads to baby Rooster, Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and other legal issues be damned, but other times you just want some angst.
And not just any angst, queer history angst, because Icemav’s timeline lines up with such an intense era for a couple of gay navy boys, DADT, the AIDS crisis, Allen R. Schindler Jr.’s murder, there’s so many ways to put them through the wringer if you want to (and then have them get through it, because their love is strong enough to survive the adversity.)
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homomenhommes · 7 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more …
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1992 – US Navy radioman Allen R. Schindler, Jr. is brutally murdered by shipmates for being Gay, precipitating first military, then national debate about Gays in the military that resulted in the United States "Don't ask, don't tell" military policy.
Schindler was from a Navy family in Chicago Heights, Illinois and was serving as a radioman on the amphibious assault ship USS Belleau Wood in Sasebo, Japan. According to friends of his, Schindler had complained repeatedly of anti-Gay harassment to his chain of command in March and April 1992, citing incidents such as the gluing-shut of his locker and frequent comments from shipmates like "There's a faggot on this ship and he should die."
While on transport from San Diego to Sasebo, Japan, The Belleu Wood made a brief stop in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Afterwards en route to Japan, Schindler made a personal prank announcement "2-Q-T-2-B-S-T-R-8" on secured lines reaching much of the Pacific Fleet. When he was brought before the disciplinary "captain's mast" for the unauthorized radio message. Schindler requested the hearing be closed. It was open, with two to three hundred people in attendance. Schindler was put on restrictive leave, unable to leave the ship until a few months after arriving to Sasebo and four days before his death.
The captain had been visited by Schindler, who had many times requested to be transferred to another location because he was being threatened by other shipmates for being Gay. The captain denied Schindler's request and kept the man's sexual orientation and his death a secret for months. It was not reported until a special team composed of a psychologist, two lawyers, a counselor, and a corpsman from Yokosuka incidentally met at a bar in Sasebo.
Airman Apprentice Terry M. Helvey who was a member of the Ship's weather department stomped Schindler to death in a toilet in a park in Sasebo, Nagasaki. Schindler had "at least four fatal injuries to the head, chest, and abdomen," his head was crushed, ribs broken, and his penis cut, and he had "sneaker-tread marks stamped on his forehead and chest" destroying "every organ in his body" leaving behind a "nearly-unrecognizable corpse." Schindler was left lying on the bathroom floor until the Shore Patrol and the key witness to the incident (Jonathan W.) carried out Schindler's body to the nearby Albuquerque Bridge. Jonathan W. witnessed the murder while using the restroom. He noticed Helvey jumping on Schindler's body while singing, and blood gushing from Schindler's mouth while he attempted to breathe. The key witness was requested to explain in detail to the military court what the crime scene looked like, but would not because Schindler's mother and sister were present in the courtroom.
After the trial, Helvey was convicted of murder and the captain who kept the incident quiet was demoted and transferred to Florida. Helvey is now serving a life sentence in the military prison at the United States Disciplinary Barracks, although by statute, he is granted a clemency hearing every year. Helvey's accomplice, Charles Vins, was allowed to plea bargain as guilty to three lesser offenses, including failure to report a serious crime, and to testify truthfully against Terry Helvey and served a 78-day sentence before receiving a general discharge from the Navy.
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1930 – Larry Townsend (d.2008) was the pseudonymous author (né 'Bud' Bernhardt) of dozens of books including Run Little Leather Boy (1970) and The Leatherman's Handbook (1972) at pioneer erotic presses such as Greenleaf Classics and the Other Traveler imprint of Olympia Press.
Growing up as a teenager of Swiss-German extraction in Los Angeles a few houses from Noël Coward and Irene Dunne, he ate cookies with his neighbor Laura Hope Crews who was Aunt Pittypat in Gone with the Wind.
He attended the prestigious Peddie School, and was stationed as Staff Sergeant in charge of NCOIC Operations of Air Intelligence Squadrons for nearly five years with the US Air Force in Germany (1950-1954).
Completing his tour of duty, he entered into the 1950s underground of the then small LA leather scene where he and Montgomery Clift shared a lover.
With his degree in industrial psychology from UCLA (1957), he worked in the private sector and as a probation officer with the Forestry Service.
He began his pioneering activism in the politics of homophile liberation in the early 1960s. In 1972, as president of the 'Homophile Effort for Legal Protection' which had been founded in 1969 to defend gays during and after arrests, he led a group in founding the H.E.L.P. Newsletter, the forebear of Drummer Magazine (1975). He lived in the Silver Lake neighborhood of Los Angeles, the center of the Los Angeles leather scene (the equivalent of the SoMa neighborhood in San Francisco).
As a writer and photographer, he was an essential eyewitness to the drama and following around Drummer in which his novels were often excerpted. His signature "Leather Notebook" column appeared in Drummer for twelve years beginning in 1980, and continued in Honcho to Spring 2008. His last novel, TimeMasters, was published April 2008. His last writing was Who Lit up the Lit of the Golden Age of Drummer, an introduction to Gay San Francisco: Eyewitness Drummer (June 2008).
His partner of 44 years, Fred Yerkes, died in 2006 and Townsend followed in 2008.
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1950 – Fran Lebowitz is an American author. Lebowitz is known for her sardonic social commentary on American life as filtered through her New York sensibilities. Some reviewers have called her a modern-day Dorothy Parker.
Lebowitz was born and raised in Morristown, New Jersey, in an "observant" Jewish family. After being expelled from high school and receiving a GED, Lebowitz worked many odd jobs before being hired by Andy Warhol as a columnist for Interview. This was followed by a stint at Mademoiselle. Her first book was a collection of essays titled Metropolitan Life, released in 1978, followed by Social Studies in 1981, both of which are collected (with a new introductory essay) in The Fran Lebowitz Reader.
In her writings she talks about gender, race and gay rights as well as her favorite pet peeves: celebrity culture, smoking bans, tourists and strollers. Lebowitz, herself a heavy smoker, is known for her advocacy of smokers' rights. But despite her openness about being a lesbian, she doesn't address her private life.
She has been famous, in part, for Exterior Signs of Wealth, a long-overdue, unfinished novel, purportedly about rich people who want to be artists, and artists who want to be rich. She also made several appearances on Late Night with David Letterman. She has made recurring appearances as Judge Janice Goldberg on the television drama Law & Order.
Fran Lebowitz on being gay:
Do you think gay marriage is progress? Are you kidding me? This was one of the good things about being gay. I am stunned that the two greatest desires apparently of people involved in the gay rights movement are gay marriage and gays on the military. Really? To me these are the the two most confining institutions on the planet: people used to pretend to be gay to get out of going into the army.*****When I arrived in New York in 1969, gay bars were illegal, in back rooms, but you could smoke in them. Now gay bars have plate-glass windows, they have valet parking, people sit in the windows, but you have to go outside to smoke.
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1951 – On this date the French postal service issued postage stamps with Gay lovers Paul Verlaine and Arthur Rimbaud. Rimbaud and Verlaine began a short and torrid affair when Rimbaud was 16 years old. They led a wild, vagabond-like life spiced by absinthe and hashish. Ten years older than Rimbaud, Verlaine abandoned his wife and child and fled to London with Rimbaud. Their love affair was made into a movie "Total Eclipse" featuring Leobardo diCaprio as the young Arthur Rimbaud.
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1971 – Today the film "Some of My Best Friends Are..." was released with the description: "It's Christmas Eve 1971 in Manhattan's Greenwich Village and the regulars of the local gay bar "The Blue Jay" are celebrating. Not much has changed since Stonewall and its not all "Peace on Earth. Good Will to Men" but the times are a changin."
An American International production, the film was written and directed by Mervyn Nelson and starred Fannie Flagg, future Golden Girl Rue McClanahan, and Candy Darling in a rare dramatic role. Gary Sandy (of later "WKRP in Cincinnati" fame) portrays a drugged out, self-loathing closet case who attacks Darling's character and is kicked out of the club by the angered patrons. The film is now regularly shown at Gay film festivals as "The film you love to hate" but at the time it was thought of as a rare portrayal of life in gay bars of the era.
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1999 – During the primaries, the two Democratic presidential candidates Al Gore and Bill Bradley promised that if elected they would do everything in their power to ensure equal rights for Gay and Lesbian Americans. The promise was an unprecedented declaration by a candidate for a party's nomination. George W. Bush would win the presidential election promising the absolute opposite position on equal rights for Gay and Lesbian Americans and became the first president to publicly call for a constitutional amendment to explicitly take away rights from a class of people - Gay people.
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thebigshotman · 1 year
Hello once again everyone! Still been busy IRL, between working on newspaper articles now that I’m a freelancer and helping get our pool finally up and running as well as other yard work. I’m fairly certain I’ll be actually able to come back within the next couple of days, however, so stay tuned for the threads I owe and a few other things! Hopefully no bad surprises happen 🤞🏻
In the meantime, remember those movies I was reviewing that I saw in film class that I just…completely forgot about? Well, under the cut you’ll find my paragraph long thoughts on the rest of the ones that I saw! Kind of a little thing I’ve been meaning to do for a while to hold you guys over til then. If anyone wants my full thoughts just ask and I will gladly give them.
Quick PSA because there’s another Woody Allen movie down there (yeah my teacher likes him despite everything I guess 🤷‍♀️) please do not come after me because I judged it objectively and separated the art from the artist while viewing. With that out of the way, here they are!
And also a very happy belated birthday to @hxzelwallflower before the cut 🥳🥳 Sorry I’ve been busy IRL and I couldn’t send anything with Spaul to celebrate. But I hope you had a very happy birthday nonetheless!
Network-The one with the “mad as hell” and “you will atone” rants! Everything about this one just kind of broke me, especially as some one who’s going into broadcasting/media herself. Back then, it was a satire, but now it’s practically a documentary; everyone was amazing, and the story had no trouble keeping me entertained. My only gripes were a couple of scenes that reminded me of the more…interesting scenes in Annie Hall that didn’t age well. I highly, highly recommend renting this one! You will not be disappointed; top 5 movies that I saw in this class for sure.
Apocalypse Now-The one with “the horror”; this one also broke me, but not in a good way. This 3 hour long half-action film half-snuff film goes out of its way to brutalize you with the horrors of the Vietnam war and war in general, and it’s something else, alright. I’m not going to get political, but this thing makes me hate war and needless conflict more than I already do. I would never watch this thing again, at least not for fun. However, if you’re interested, I watched the theatrical cut, so check it out if war films are your thing. TW for violence and an animal killing on screen towards the end, though: This movie pulls no punches.
Crimes and Misdemeanors-The one where a guy orders a killing and has an existential crisis about it until he suddenly doesn’t…yeah, this is the Woody Allen one. My feelings are more conflicted about this one compared to the other one of his we watched; on one hand, both of the stories it presents are compelling and compliment each other. One is the drama and the other the comic relief, with the lead of each meeting during the ending in a moment that genuinely felt like a superhero crossover for me and a lot of other people in the class; however, the transitions between them aren’t exactly smooth, leading to frequent whiplash. The aforementioned existential crisis is very well done, though. I’m a sucker for jazz, so the music choice was stellar, and the comedy was pretty good but a few jokes did not age well.
If you’re even vaguely interested in watching this thing I will link you to a YT playlist of it in 15 parts-please do NOT, under any circumstance, support this man by renting it and giving him your money. All in all, though, it was alright! Definitely not as good as Annie, though.
Everything Everywhere All At Once (we were supposed to watch Schindler’s List but we didn’t)-The one I won’t shut up about 😅. Third time’s the charm with this one; what can I say about it that I can fit in three sentences and hasn’t been said already? Every single actor is remarkable, the special effects are amazing and throughly believable for being made by a team of seven, the story is wacky, raunchy, and goes to a million different places, but it’s also a story about a mother and a daughter. Jobu is one of the best antagonists I’ve seen since I first discovered JJBA, and I relate to her and Joy’s struggle to be seen and accepted. To say anymore would spoil it: Please, no matter what film Twitter or anyone else says about this thing, go and at least attempt to watch it. Assuming you aren’t overwhelmed or turned off by the humor-which is perfectly okay-I promise you will love it.
“Please, be kind. Especially when we don’t know what’s going on.”
That thing is going on my tombstone lol 🤣
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josefksays · 2 years
I wish I could say things went different today but nope...bloody system working against me - but this time it went more disastrous early on because where the fuck was the four fucking supervisors to unblock me? Nowhere to be found (but my own apologized on later saying they were stuck in a meeting). Some laughter on the way, some bumps and some inquiring folks that left me on the edge of the seat (no yelling though but close). Support folks were a little late today (but I didn't need much help, got lucky). 3 more days, election coming and I'm not sure how to react...with hope or despair. And this...is a fight to the death. PEACE!
P.S.: shotout to Allen R. Schindler (RIP, 30y on this date). Never heard of your story, man, find out some hours ago and I was really sad. Wish you could be in our current days when things are more free when its comes to sexuality but some face the same struggles as you did. Can't use sound here so your Morse code gets a mention to all my queer folks here, hope they'll get it: 2-Q-T-2-B-S-T-R-8.
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pritishsblog · 28 days
Hi everyone! This blog is going to be a bit different than my other ones as I'm going to start a Series of who I think are Best Directors Cinema has ever seen
And today I will be talking about the
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Steven Spielberg (born December 18, 1946, Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.) is an American motion-picture director and producer whose diverse films—which ranged from science-fiction fare, including such classics as Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) and E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982), to historical dramas, notably Schindler’s List (1993) and Saving Private Ryan (1998)—enjoyed both unprecedented popularity and critical success.
(Early Life)
Spielberg developed an interest in filmmaking as a child, and during his teens his Escape to Nowhere (1962), a 40-minute war movie, won first prize at a film festival. He next directed Firelight (1964), a feature-length science-fiction yarn, which was followed by an accomplished short about hitchhikers called Amblin’ (1968). An executive at Universal Studios saw the latter film and tendered a contract to Spielberg, who began working in the studio’s television division after attending California State College, Long Beach (now California State University, from which he would eventually receive a B.A. in 2002). He directed episodes of various TV series, notably Columbo, Marcus Welby, M.D., and Owen Marshall: Counselor at Law. In 1971 he made his first television movie, Duel, a taut, almost claustrophobic exercise in psychosis that was more intense than typical TV fare (it was released theatrically in Europe). Although Spielberg permitted star Dennis Weaver—who played a motorist chased by a homicidal truck driver—to register a one-note impression of sweaty terror throughout the movie, his handling of the action sequences was staged and executed with bravado. The success of Duel enabled Spielberg to make theatrically released motion pictures, beginning with The Sugarland Express (1974), a chase picture with deft accents of comedy but an inexorable movement toward tragedy; it was anchored by Goldie Hawn’s performance.
(His Famous Works)
Spielberg’s next movie, Jaws (1975), established him as a leading director, and it was one of the highest-grossing films ever. It featured Roy Scheider as the police chief of a resort town who battles a man-eating white shark. Joining him are Richard Dreyfuss as a marine biologist and Robert Shaw as a shark hunter. The highly praised thriller received an Academy Award nomination for best picture, and its ominous soundtrack by John Williams won an Oscar. The film all but created the genre of summer blockbuster big action-packed movie released to an audience grateful to be in an air-conditioned theatre and it established many of the touchstones of Spielberg’s work: an ordinary but sympathetic main character is enlightened through a confrontation with some extraordinary being or force that gradually reveals itself as the narrative unfolds.Spielberg’s next film was even more successful. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982) was a moving exploration of an alien encounter that cleverly eschewed the epic scale of Close Encounters for the microcosm of its effect on a single California family. Henry Thomas gave a strong performance as the boy who discovers and befriends the stranded alien, and Dee Wallace portrayed his sympathetic mom. The film also featured Drew Barrymore in one of her first roles. As with most Spielberg films to that point, the special effects were a large part of the movie’s appeal in this case, the wonderfully articulated E.T. but it was Spielberg’s mastery of human (and alien) emotion that made the movie a blockbuster. Both Spielberg and the film were nominated for Academy Awards, as were Melissa Mathison’s screenplay, Allen Daviau’s cinematography, and Williams’s score; only the latter won.
(Filmmaking Style & Inspiration)
His Filmmaking Style
Spielberg often uses storyboards to visualize the sequences, with the exceptions being in E.T. and The Color Purple. After the experience of filming Jaws, Spielberg learned to leave special effect scenes until last, and exclude the media from filming locations. Spielberg prefers to shoot quickly, with large amounts of coverage (from single-shot to multi-shot setups), so that he will have many options in the editing room. From the beginning of his career, Spielberg's shooting style consisted of extreme high and low camera angles, long takes, and handheld cameras. He favors wide-angle lens for creating depth, and by the time he was making Minority Report, he was more confident with elaborate camera movements.
His Inspiration
Spielberg has cited Frank Capra's It's A Wonderful Life (1946) as an influence on "family, community and suburbia". He enjoyed the work of Alfred Hitchcock,David Lean, John Ford, Stanley Kubrick and John Frankenheimer. In college, he was inspired by foreign films directed by Ingmar Bergman, Jacques Tati and François Truffaut. Truffaut was one of his favorite directors. Spencer Tracy has also influenced the characters of Spielberg's films, as did The Twilight Zone series.
(His Filmography)
Spielberg has directed over 36 featured films and has also co-produced many of his works. He has worked with many famous actors including Drew Barrymore,Leonardo DiCaprio,Harrison Ford,Tom Hanks and many more
He made 3 movies in the span of 4 years from 1971-1975 which included Duel (1971), The Sugarland Express (1974) and Jaws (1975). He also made movies like Close Encounters with the 3rd Kind (1977), 1941 (1979),Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981),E.T. (1982),Indiana Jones and Temple of Doom (1984),The Color Purple (1985),The Empire of the Sun (1987), Indiana Jones Last Crusade (1989) and Hook (1991).
In 1993, he made some of the most influential movies such as Jurrasic Park and Schindler's List. He made the sequel of Jurrasic Park with Amistad in 1997. Went on to make Saving Private Ryan with Tom Hanks in 1998.
After the turn of the century, He went on to make movies such as AI (2001),Catch me If You Can with Tom Hanks and Leornado Di Caprio (2002). He made movies like The Terminal (2004) and The 3rd part of the Indiana Jones Series named Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008). Since then he has made movies like Adventures of Tintin and Warhorse (2011),Lincoln (2012),Bridge of Spies (2015),The BFG (2016),The Post (2017),Ready Player One (2018),West Side Story (2021) and Fabelmans (2022)
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Spielberg receiving a public service award by US Defense Secretary in 1999
(Awards & Honors)
In during his 20 year old career, Spielberg's films have earned more than 338 nominations including the Academy Awards,The BAFTA's and the Golden Globe Awards.
His films has won 35 Academy Awards out of the 147 Nominations, 22 BAFTA's out of 116 Nominations and 16 Golden Globe Awards out of 75 Nominations.
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Spielberg’s shoe and handprints in front of the Gruman's Chinese Theatre
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Wax Statue of Steven Spielberg at Madame Tussauds, London
A figure of the New Hollywood era, Spielberg is widely regarded as one of the most influential and commercially successful film directors of all time. Some of his films were in the top ten highest-grossing films of the 1970s and 1980s, with Jaws, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial and Jurassic Park all becoming the highest-grossing film ever at the time of their respective releases. In 1996, Life magazine named Spielberg the most influential person of his generation. In 2003, Premiere magazine ranked him first place in the list of 100 Most Powerful People in Movies. In 2005, Empire magazine ranked him number one on a list of the greatest film directors of all time. In 2013, Time magazine listed him as one of the 100 most influential people. According to Forbes' magazine of Most Influential Celebrities of 2014, Spielberg was ranked at first place. As of December 2022, Forbes estimates his net worth at $4 billion.
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Steven Spielberg's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
And that's it for this part folks, I'll meet you with another blog about some the Greatest Directors Cinema has ever seen. Until then
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gazellefamily · 4 months
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MIGHTY APHRODITE (1995) "This is - Th-This is crazy! I can't believe this! I tracked down my adopted son's real mother and she's a prostitute/porn star and now I had sex with her.. I-I-I'm stunned. And my wife is Helena Bonham Carter even though I'm 30 years older than her but now she's being seduced by Robocop. I can't beLIEVE this. And for some reason there's all these cutaways to ancient Roman ampitheatre and it gets very tiresome but Mira Sorvino is yaknow very beautiful, ok? But maybe I should not be mocking adoption when I just left my actual wife who has 9 adopted children, one of whom I now call my girlfriend. My god this is Crazy!!" -Woody Allen
"From the era when Woodman's films were still must watch. I only have small fragments of memory from this - - One was that Mira's porn name was Judy Cum, which is simple and effective and makes me laugh still. And the other was when Rapaport asks who the bad guys are in SCHINDLER'S LIST, and upon being told 'The Nazis' responded, 'Those guys were tough motherfuckers!' And honestly those memories may be false because I watched this in 1996, which is alarmingly almost 30 years ago. Mira - she whooshed but we definitively know why - That evil mother Harvey. Kind of a drag. Why didn't her old man whack him? Oh wait he's not actually a mobster." -Tommy Gazelle
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greensparty · 6 months
This Month in History - December
There are quite a few landmark anniversaries I'm celebrating this month:
Dec. 2, 1988: The Naked Gun opens
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In Dec. 1988, the first of Zucker-Abraham-Zucker's cop spoof was released. Here is my piece I got in 2018. Happy 35 NG!
Dec. 5, 1973: Band on the Run released
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In Dec. 1973, Paul McCartney and Wings best album (possibly the best Non-Beatle album he did) was released. Here is my piece I wrote in 2018. Happy 50th BOTR!
Dec. 6, 1968: Beggars Banquet released
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In Dec. 1968, the 9th U.S. album from The Rolling Stones. Earlier this year I got to review the Record Store Day reissue of the album. I'd definitely put this up there with Let It Bleed and Exile on Main Street in the pantheon of Classic Stones albums. Happy 55th BB!
Dec. 6, 2013: Inside Llewyn Davis opens
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In Dec. 2013, the Coen Brothers' criminally underrated folk musician epic was released. Here is my piece I wrote in 2018. Happy 10 ILD!
Dec. 10, 1993: Wayne's World 2 opens
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In Dec. 1993, the sequel to Wayne's World was released! It might not be as loved as the original, but it is better than people think. I wrote about this in 2018 and director Stephen Surjik wrote me back with some thoughts. In 2022, I saw it on the big screen at Nice, a Fest. Happy 30th WW2!
Dec. 10, 2003: Big Fish opens
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In Dec. 2003, one of Tim Burton's most underrated movies was released. Taking Burton's visual style and combining it with a family drama with fantasy elements was a gamble that paid off. It's something that feels new each time I've seen it since. Happy 20th Big Fish!
Dec. 11, 1998: Rushmore and A Simple Plan both open
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In Dec. 1998, two of my favorite movies from that year opened on the same day. Here is my piece I wrote about Wes Anderson's film and Sam Raimi's film. Happy 25th Rushmore an ASP!
Dec. 12, 1973: The Last Detail opens
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In Dec. 1973, Hal Ashby (who was on a roll at the time) had one of his best released. It was one of the great movies of the 70s. It was also one of my Top 5 Boston Movies of All Time! Jack Nicholson was in rare form as he and Otis Young played Navy men transporting younger sailor Randy Quaid to the NH Navy prison and showing him a good time along the way. Happy 50th TLD!
Dec. 14, 1988: I'm Gonna Git You Sucka opens
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In Dec. 1988, Keenan Ivory Wayans' 70s LOL comedy opened. Here is my piece I wrote in 2018. Happy 35th IGGYS!
Dec. 14, 2018: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse opens
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In Dec. 2018 one of the best Spider-Man movies was released. I actually named it my #7 Movie of 2018! By diving into the Miles Morales storyline, they took the Spider-Man story we all know so well and made it seem new again. Just last Summer they released the awesome sequel: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse was released. Happy 5 S-M:ITS-V!
Dec. 15, 1978: Superman opens
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Speaking of super hero movies: In Dec. 1978 one of my favorite big screen Superman movies was released. Here is my piece I wrote in 2018. Happy 45th Superman!
Dec. 15, 1993: Schindler's List opens
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In Dec. 1993, one of Steven Spielberg's finest works was released. Here is my piece I wrote in 2018. Happy 30th SL!
Dec. 16, 1988: Rain Man opens
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In Dec. 1988, the Oscar-winning Best Picture and biggest grossing film of 1988 was released. With the exception of parodies (i.e. The Hangover's Vegas gambling scene), nobody talks about this as much. The road movie of long lost brothers one autistic (Dustin Hoffman) and the other selfish used-car guy (Tom Cruise) was actually quite touching. Sure it was the 80s feel-good movie era and whatnot, but the performances were among both actors' best. Happy 35 RM!
Dec. 17, 1973: Sleeper opens
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In Dec. 1973, one of the funniest movies ever made about the future was released. Woody Allen was in his prime when he played a man who is cryogenically frozen in 1973 and is defrosted 200 years later. This is definitely one of his funniest ones. Happy 50th Sleeper!
Dec. 17, 1993: The State premieres
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In Dec. 1993, the now-legendary sketch comedy series of NYC comedy group The State premiered on MTV. Here is my piece I wrote in 2018. Earlier this Fall, I actually got to see The State reunion tour when it was in Boston. Happy 30th TS!
Dec. 17, 2008: The Wrestler opens
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In Dec. 2008 Darren Aaronofsky's greatest movie was released. Here is my piece I wrote in 2018. Happy 15 TW!
Dec. 18, 2013: Her opens
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In Dec. 2013, Spike Jonze greatest movie was released! Here is my piece I wrote in 2018. Happy 10 Her!
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brookstonalmanac · 7 months
Events 10.27 (after 1940)
1944 – World War II: German forces capture Banská Bystrica during Slovak National Uprising thus bringing it to an end. 1954 – Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. becomes the first African-American general in the United States Air Force. 1958 – Iskander Mirza, the first President of Pakistan, is deposed by General Ayub Khan, who had been appointed the enforcer of martial law by Mirza 20 days earlier. 1961 – NASA tests the first Saturn I rocket in Mission Saturn-Apollo 1. 1962 – Major Rudolf Anderson of the United States Air Force becomes the only direct human casualty of the Cuban Missile Crisis when his U-2 reconnaissance airplane is shot down over Cuba by a Soviet-supplied surface-to-air missile. 1962 – By refusing to agree to the firing of a nuclear torpedo at a US warship, Vasily Arkhipov averts nuclear war. 1964 – Ronald Reagan delivers a speech on behalf of the Republican candidate for president, Barry Goldwater. The speech launches his political career and comes to be known as "A Time for Choosing". 1967 – Catholic priest Philip Berrigan and others of the 'Baltimore Four' protest the Vietnam War by pouring blood on Selective Service records. 1971 – The Democratic Republic of the Congo is renamed Zaire. 1979 – Saint Vincent and the Grenadines gains its independence from the United Kingdom. 1981 – Cold War: The Soviet submarine S-363 runs aground on the east coast of Sweden. 1986 – The British government suddenly deregulates financial markets, leading to a total restructuring of the way in which they operate in the country, in an event now referred to as the Big Bang. 1988 – Cold War: Ronald Reagan suspends construction of the new U.S. Embassy in Moscow due to Soviet listening devices in the building structure. 1991 – Turkmenistan achieves independence from the Soviet Union. 1992 – United States Navy radioman Allen R. Schindler, Jr. is murdered by shipmate Terry M. Helvey for being gay, precipitating debate about gays in the military that results in the United States' "Don't ask, don't tell" military policy. 1993 – Widerøe Flight 744 crashes near Overhalla, Norway, killing six people. 1994 – Gliese 229B is the first Substellar Mass Object to be unquestionably identified. 1995 – Former Prime Minister of Italy Bettino Craxi is convicted in absentia of corruption. 1997 – The 1997 Asian financial crisis causes a crash in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. 1999 – Gunmen open fire in the Armenian Parliament, killing the Prime Minister and seven others. 2014 – Britain withdraws from Afghanistan at the end of Operation Herrick, after 12 years four months and seven days. 2017 – Catalonia declares independence from Spain. 2018 – A gunman opens fire on a Pittsburgh synagogue killing 11 and injuring six, including four police officers. 2018 – Leicester City F.C. owner Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha dies in a helicopter crash along with four others after a Premier League match against West Ham United at the King Power Stadium in Leicester, England. 2019 – Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant founder and leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi kills himself and three children by detonating a suicide vest during the U.S. military Barisha raid in northwestern Syria.
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montyjeffrey · 2 years
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Allen R. Schindler Jr. was a 22-year-old American Radioman Petty Officer Third Class in the United States Navy who was murdered 30 years ago today on Navy Day while on shore leave in Sasebo, Japan, by his fellow shipmates, who were provoked only by the knowledge of his homosexuality.
Allen R. Schindler Jr. was born on December 13, 1969, in Chicago Heights, Cook County, Illinois, to Dorothy Hajdys-Clausen and Allen Schindler Sr. Allen was the third of four children, and his family was three generations Navy. His grandfather served in WWII and his stepfather in Vietnam; following in their footsteps, Allen enlisted while still in junior high at Bloom High School. After graduation, he shipped out and left Chicago Heights for the first time to serve his country.
Allen was in the Navy for four years. He served on the USS San Jose, the USS Midway, and was serving on the USS Belleau Wood at the time of his death. The USS Midway was Allen’s dream assignment. He described the 11 months he spent on the aircraft carrier as his happiest days in the Navy. The Midway was a relatively tolerant ship where Allen didn’t feel the need to hide being gay.
On the Midway, he saw action in Operation Desert Storm and received a patch for his involvement in the campaign. Allen even extended his four-year tour so he could ride the last voyage of Midway before its decommission and got his own memento — a tattoo of Midway on his arm.
In December 1991, Allen was transferred to the USS Belleau Wood, and the harassment began almost immediately. According to reports, the Belleau Wood gained a reputation for being "the worst ship of all" when it came to homophobia and violence, where there was open hostility towards gay shipmates amongst the 950-plus crew. Newcomers Terry M. Helvey and Charles E. Vins were part of a group on board the ship that routinely harassed shipmates suspected of being gay. Helvey threatened gay shipmates that if they didn’t get out of the military soon, he and his gang were going to personally do something about it, and he continued to harass Allen whenever he could. Allen’s shipmate and friend, Keith Sims, reported Helvey and Vins to the ship’s legal officer, Captain Bernard Meyer, but nothing was done. Instead, Meyer probed into Sims’ sex life. When shipmate Richard Eastman reported being attacked the night before Allen was killed, Meyer took no action to stop the harassment and also probed into his sex life.
Allen was punched, pushed against walls, and repeatedly called homophobic slurs. He told his uncle that sailors had attacked him. Homophobic notes and graffiti were left on his bunk. Sims said they would deliberately spill hot soup on him. When Allen complained to his superiors in March and April of 1992 that his locker was vandalized and he had received multiple death threats, little was done in response. Instead, Douglas J. Bradt, the Belleau Wood Captain, ordered him to attend Alcoholics Anonymous, despite Allen not being an alcoholic.
Allen’s complaints continued to go unanswered. By September, he had reached his breaking point and requested to see the captain, but his request was denied. While operating the radio, Allen transmitted an unauthorized statement, "2-Q-T-2-B-S-T-R-8," which read: "Too Cute To Be Straight." The message was heard by much of the Pacific Fleet. Allen described the defiant message in his journal as his way of letting out his "true colors."
On September 24, Allen went to see the Belleau Wood Executive Officer, where he formally declared he was gay and requested an administrative discharge and transfer. Allen told the XO, "If you can’t be yourself, then who are you?" The XO agreed but told Allen he still had to take what was coming to him. Allen also informed Captain Bradt and Captain Meyer. He was told the processing of his discharge would take two weeks, but his superiors insisted he remain on the ship until then. Although Allen knew his safety was at risk, he obeyed orders.
On September 25, Allen was called to appear at a captain’s mast to deal with his unauthorized radio message. He had requested that the hearing be closed for confidentiality, but Captain Bradt disregarded his request and opened the mast to 200–300 crewmen in attendance. Allen made no admission of his homosexuality at the mast. Some shipmates took it as an invitation to harass him with impunity. Allen’s rank was reduced from RM1 to RM3, and he was punished with a 30 day restriction to the ship.
As word of his sexual orientation spread quickly throughout the Belleau Wood, Allen’s friends began to avoid him. Allen confided in his ex-boyfriend, Navy veteran Jim Jennings, how increasingly difficult it was becoming for him to avoid confrontation. On October 2, he wrote in his journal: "More people are finding out about me. lt scares me a little. You never know who would want to injure or cease my existence."
Straight sailors who knew Allen and were concerned for his welfare introduced him to a trio of gay entertainers working near Sasebo; one of the entertainers, Eric Underwood, said Allen told him "people harassed him 24 hours a day" and that he had such a hard time going back to that environment that he had to coax him to the door. When the Belleau Wood was getting ready to leave Sasebo, Allen was reluctant to leave Eric’s room and was trying to stretch out the goodbyes. The next night, he was dead. Entertainer Valan Cain had gone to the public restroom where Allen was slain and found blood all over the walls and inside the urinals. By the next day, someone had left a bouquet of flowers on the floor. "You could see blood streaks almost to the top of the roof," Cain said. Many servicemen interviewed afterward expressed revulsion at the attack. One serviceman remarked, "Whoever did that should hang."
On the morning of October 27, 1992, Allen called his mother and told her he was coming home for Christmas. It would be the last time he would ever speak to her again. Just before midnight, Allen’s mutilated, disfigured body was found sprawled out on a public restroom floor.
Terry M. Helvey and Charles E. Vins stalked and followed Allen into the public restroom, where they ambushed him, then savagely, sadistically, and brutally beat and stomped him to death until he was unrecognizable. His mother could only identify him by the tattoo of Midway on his arm. Every organ in Allen’s body was destroyed. His face and head were caved in, and he had shoe prints imbedded into his face and chest. The pathologist who performed the autopsy on Allen said it was the worst case he’d ever seen in his whole career, even worse than a case of a man trampled to death by a horse, and compared the damage done to Allen’s body to that of a high-speed car crash or a low-speed airplane accident.
Captain Bradt, who tried to keep the murder quiet and had threatened Allen’s shipmates, was sent to shore leave in Florida. For testifying against Helvey, Vins was given a four-month sentence, of which he only served 78 days. Helvey was given a life sentence, but since 2002, he has been eligible for parole. He was denied parole on March 7, 2022.
Allen Schindler’s case became synonymous with the debate concerning LGB members of the military that had been brewing in the United States, culminating in the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. Allen’s mother, Dorothy Hajdys-Clausen, after learning the truth about her son’s death and the Navy’s subsequent coverup, became one of the most outspoken and sought-after advocates for gay rights to serve openly in the military. In 2011, the DADT policy was repealed, allowing LGB servicemen and women to serve openly in the military for the first time.
Allen Schindler loved the Navy and was a proud sailor who volunteered to fight for his country — to lay down his life if he had to. He didn’t sign up to die to advance gay rights, but that is ultimately what happened. It was brave of him to come out when he did in the environment that he did, and he died because of it. He was a hero.
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AC Drive Repair Services: A Step-by-Step Guide to Keeping Your AC Drives Running Smoothly
AC drives are an essential component of many industrial and commercial systems, providing precise control over the speed and torque of electric motors. However, like all electrical equipment, AC drives are subject to wear and tear and can experience problems over time.
In order to keep your AC drives running smoothly and avoid costly downtime, it is important to invest in regular maintenance and repair services. With the right knowledge and approach, AC drive repair can be a straightforward process that can help you get the most out of your equipment.
This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of repairing your AC drives, so that you can keep your systems running efficiently and effectively.
Step 1: Identify the Problem
The first step in repairing your AC drives is to identify the issue that you are facing. This can involve checking the error codes displayed on the drive, observing any unusual noises or vibrations, and performing a visual inspection to identify any physical damage.
If you are unsure what the problem is, or if you are not confident in your ability to diagnose it, consider seeking assistance from a professional AC drive repair service provider.
Step 2: Gather the Tools and Equipment You Need
Once you have identified the problem, you will need to gather the tools and equipment that you need to complete the repair. This will depend on the specific issue that you are facing, but common tools and equipment include screwdrivers, pliers, multimeters, and replacement parts.
Step 3: Disconnect the Drive
Before you start repairing your AC drive, it is important to disconnect it from the power source to ensure your safety. If you are unsure how to do this, consult the user manual or seek assistance from a professional.
Step 4: Remove the Cover
Once the drive is disconnected from the power source, you can remove the cover to access the internal components. This will typically involve removing screws or other fasteners, so be sure to keep track of where they go.
Step 5: Identify and Replace Damaged Components
With the cover removed, you can inspect the internal components of the drive to identify any that may be damaged or failing. If you find any damaged components, replace them with new parts, being careful to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
Step 6: Reassemble the Drive
Once you have replaced any damaged components, reassemble the drive, making sure that all of the screws and other fasteners are tight.
Step 7: Test the Drive
Before reconnecting the drive to the power source, test it to make sure that it is functioning properly. This may involve checking for any error codes, observing the performance of the motor, or performing other tests, depending on the specific issue that you faced.
Step 8: Reconnect the Drive
Once you have confirmed that the drive is functioning properly, reconnect it to the power source and test it again to ensure that everything is working as it should.
In Conclusion
By following these steps, you can keep your AC drives running smoothly and avoid costly downtime. Whether you perform the repairs yourself or seek assistance from a professional AC drive repair service provider, investing in regular maintenance and repair is the key to getting the most out of your equipment.
At Unique Power Technologies, we are dedicated to helping our clients get the most out of their AC drives. With a team of experienced technicians and a commitment to quality, we are the partner you can count on for all of your AC drive repair needs.
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boyengateam-blog · 1 year
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MERCREDI 1er MARS 2023 (Billet 1 / 3)
« THE FABELMANS » (2h 31min)
Un film de Steven Spielberg, avec Gabriel LaBelle, Michelle Williams, Paul Dano…
Steven Spielberg est un génie. Certes.
De « Duel », les « Dents de la mer » à « Indiana Jones », en passant par « Rencontre du troisième type », « E.T. l'extra-terrestre », « La liste de Schindler », « Il faut sauver le soldat Ryan » et on en passe (et sous silence « West Side Story » que nous n’avons pas voulu voir mais qui a été un gros bide critique et financier aux USA)… ce maestro a marqué de son empreinte le cinéma mondial à jamais !
Sauf qu'avec ce film, tout est différent : il ne nous raconte pas UNE histoire géniale dont il a le secret, il nous raconte juste SON histoire.
Samuel Fabelman est né dans une famille juive en 1946. Très jeune, il se découvre une passion et un talent pour filmer le monde autour de lui. Mais la dureté de la vie va le rattraper : sa mère porte en elle un secret qu'il va découvrir avant son propre père...
Malheureusement, cette biographie d'un surdoué ne propose qu'une enfance somme toute assez banale et, finalement sans grand intérêt, une fois mis de côté le fait que l'on parle là de l'un des plus grands réalisateurs de notre époque.
C'est paradoxal mais c'est ainsi : le film le moins exaltant et le plus ennuyeux de ce prodige de la caméra est ce petit dernier, racontant sa jeunesse. Un biopic certes instructif, mais long, long, très, très long (2h31) !!!
A noter que malgré les récompenses que « The Fabelmans » a déjà gagnées dans certains Festivals (les Oscars, c’est pour bientôt), sorti aux Etats Unis pour la Thanksgiving, ce film est à ce jour le flop le plus retentissant de son réalisateur. En France, par contre, il marche relativement bien. Les « cinéphiles » français sont très indulgents…
A part quelques scènes ici ou là (qui, entre parenthèses, auraient paradoxalement été beaucoup mieux réalisées par un autre metteur en scène, comme Woody Allen, ou même François Truffaut… nous ne sommes pas les seuls à le dire !) et les belles voitures américaines qu’on voit dans le film, nous avons été déçus, surtout quand on songe au talent de Spielberg et nous avons quitté la salle, ne pouvant émettre aucun avis, si ce n’est un « Bof ! ».
Du coup nous inaugurons cette nouvelle notation que nous pourrons utiliser ultérieurement pour certains films. Voir ci-dessous l'icône du "Bof !".
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apano-investments · 1 year
Die Erholung der globalen Aktienmärkte setzte sich im November weiter fort.
Die Erholung der globalen Aktienmärkte setzte sich im November weiter fort. Insbesondere am letzten Handelstag des Berichtsmonats, profitierten die Indizes von positiven Inflationsdaten und Aussagen der US-amerikanischen Notenbank FED, welche Zinserhöhungen in einem verlangsamten Tempo prognostizierten. Die restriktivere Geldpolitik scheint Wirkung zu zeigen. Die Kehrseite der Medaille: Die Indikatoren zeigen auch eine deutliche Eintrübung der US-amerikanischen Konjunktur im Jahr 2023. Die Märkte regierten auf die Daten mit Erleichterung. Der europäische Stoxx600 konnte etwa 6,8%, der S&P500 fast 5,4% (in USD) und der Nasdaq100 etwa 4,4% (in USD) zulegen. In diesem Umfeld erwiesen sich unsere defensive Positionierung, die geringe Gewichtung des Tech-Sektors und die überdurchschnittlich hohe Liquiditätsquote als Gegenwind. Mit einem Monatsplus von ca. 0,26% notiert der Perspektive OVID Equity ESG Fonds nahezu unverändert, wobei der letzte Handelstag des Monats in der Performance nicht beinhaltet ist. Im Laufe des Novembers haben wir unsere Liquiditätsquote weiter reduziert, blieben jedoch auf Grund der hohen Bewertungen und der verhaltenen Konjunkturaussichten tendenziell defensiv. So erhöhten wir unsere Anteile an Schindler und Microsoft und nahmen mit der Roche Holding AG eine alte Bekannte erneut in unser Portfolio auf. Alle drei Unternehmen weisen eine deutlich günstigere Bewertung als der Gesamtmarkt auf. In Summe reduzierten wir damit unsere Liquiditätsquote auf 15,8%. Wir gehen davon aus, dass den Aktienmärkten langsam die Luft ausgehen sollte. Insofern bleiben wir weiter vorsichtig und sehen den Basiskonsumgütersektor und das Gesundheitswesen als attraktiv an. Unsere Kassequote versuchen wir immer dann zu reduzieren, wenn wir in gute Unternehmen zu fairen Preisen investieren können. An dieser Stelle möchten wir uns bei allen Investoren für Ihre Treue bedanken. Wir wünschen Ihnen ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Rutsch in das neue Jahr. Bleiben Sie gesund! Anhören Monatsbericht herunterladen http://dlvr.it/Sdx69g
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