montyjeffrey · 2 years
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Allen R. Schindler Jr. was a 22-year-old American Radioman Petty Officer Third Class in the United States Navy who was murdered 30 years ago today on Navy Day while on shore leave in Sasebo, Japan, by his fellow shipmates, who were provoked only by the knowledge of his homosexuality.
Allen R. Schindler Jr. was born on December 13, 1969, in Chicago Heights, Cook County, Illinois, to Dorothy Hajdys-Clausen and Allen Schindler Sr. Allen was the third of four children, and his family was three generations Navy. His grandfather served in WWII and his stepfather in Vietnam; following in their footsteps, Allen enlisted while still in junior high at Bloom High School. After graduation, he shipped out and left Chicago Heights for the first time to serve his country.
Allen was in the Navy for four years. He served on the USS San Jose, the USS Midway, and was serving on the USS Belleau Wood at the time of his death. The USS Midway was Allen’s dream assignment. He described the 11 months he spent on the aircraft carrier as his happiest days in the Navy. The Midway was a relatively tolerant ship where Allen didn’t feel the need to hide being gay.
On the Midway, he saw action in Operation Desert Storm and received a patch for his involvement in the campaign. Allen even extended his four-year tour so he could ride the last voyage of Midway before its decommission and got his own memento — a tattoo of Midway on his arm.
In December 1991, Allen was transferred to the USS Belleau Wood, and the harassment began almost immediately. According to reports, the Belleau Wood gained a reputation for being "the worst ship of all" when it came to homophobia and violence, where there was open hostility towards gay shipmates amongst the 950-plus crew. Newcomers Terry M. Helvey and Charles E. Vins were part of a group on board the ship that routinely harassed shipmates suspected of being gay. Helvey threatened gay shipmates that if they didn’t get out of the military soon, he and his gang were going to personally do something about it, and he continued to harass Allen whenever he could. Allen’s shipmate and friend, Keith Sims, reported Helvey and Vins to the ship’s legal officer, Captain Bernard Meyer, but nothing was done. Instead, Meyer probed into Sims’ sex life. When shipmate Richard Eastman reported being attacked the night before Allen was killed, Meyer took no action to stop the harassment and also probed into his sex life.
Allen was punched, pushed against walls, and repeatedly called homophobic slurs. He told his uncle that sailors had attacked him. Homophobic notes and graffiti were left on his bunk. Sims said they would deliberately spill hot soup on him. When Allen complained to his superiors in March and April of 1992 that his locker was vandalized and he had received multiple death threats, little was done in response. Instead, Douglas J. Bradt, the Belleau Wood Captain, ordered him to attend Alcoholics Anonymous, despite Allen not being an alcoholic.
Allen’s complaints continued to go unanswered. By September, he had reached his breaking point and requested to see the captain, but his request was denied. While operating the radio, Allen transmitted an unauthorized statement, "2-Q-T-2-B-S-T-R-8," which read: "Too Cute To Be Straight." The message was heard by much of the Pacific Fleet. Allen described the defiant message in his journal as his way of letting out his "true colors."
On September 24, Allen went to see the Belleau Wood Executive Officer, where he formally declared he was gay and requested an administrative discharge and transfer. Allen told the XO, "If you can’t be yourself, then who are you?" The XO agreed but told Allen he still had to take what was coming to him. Allen also informed Captain Bradt and Captain Meyer. He was told the processing of his discharge would take two weeks, but his superiors insisted he remain on the ship until then. Although Allen knew his safety was at risk, he obeyed orders.
On September 25, Allen was called to appear at a captain’s mast to deal with his unauthorized radio message. He had requested that the hearing be closed for confidentiality, but Captain Bradt disregarded his request and opened the mast to 200–300 crewmen in attendance. Allen made no admission of his homosexuality at the mast. Some shipmates took it as an invitation to harass him with impunity. Allen’s rank was reduced from RM1 to RM3, and he was punished with a 30 day restriction to the ship.
As word of his sexual orientation spread quickly throughout the Belleau Wood, Allen’s friends began to avoid him. Allen confided in his ex-boyfriend, Navy veteran Jim Jennings, how increasingly difficult it was becoming for him to avoid confrontation. On October 2, he wrote in his journal: "More people are finding out about me. lt scares me a little. You never know who would want to injure or cease my existence."
Straight sailors who knew Allen and were concerned for his welfare introduced him to a trio of gay entertainers working near Sasebo; one of the entertainers, Eric Underwood, said Allen told him "people harassed him 24 hours a day" and that he had such a hard time going back to that environment that he had to coax him to the door. When the Belleau Wood was getting ready to leave Sasebo, Allen was reluctant to leave Eric’s room and was trying to stretch out the goodbyes. The next night, he was dead. Entertainer Valan Cain had gone to the public restroom where Allen was slain and found blood all over the walls and inside the urinals. By the next day, someone had left a bouquet of flowers on the floor. "You could see blood streaks almost to the top of the roof," Cain said. Many servicemen interviewed afterward expressed revulsion at the attack. One serviceman remarked, "Whoever did that should hang."
On the morning of October 27, 1992, Allen called his mother and told her he was coming home for Christmas. It would be the last time he would ever speak to her again. Just before midnight, Allen’s mutilated, disfigured body was found sprawled out on a public restroom floor.
Terry M. Helvey and Charles E. Vins stalked and followed Allen into the public restroom, where they ambushed him, then savagely, sadistically, and brutally beat and stomped him to death until he was unrecognizable. His mother could only identify him by the tattoo of Midway on his arm. Every organ in Allen’s body was destroyed. His face and head were caved in, and he had shoe prints imbedded into his face and chest. The pathologist who performed the autopsy on Allen said it was the worst case he’d ever seen in his whole career, even worse than a case of a man trampled to death by a horse, and compared the damage done to Allen’s body to that of a high-speed car crash or a low-speed airplane accident.
Captain Bradt, who tried to keep the murder quiet and had threatened Allen’s shipmates, was sent to shore leave in Florida. For testifying against Helvey, Vins was given a four-month sentence, of which he only served 78 days. Helvey was given a life sentence, but since 2002, he has been eligible for parole. He was denied parole on March 7, 2022.
Allen Schindler’s case became synonymous with the debate concerning LGB members of the military that had been brewing in the United States, culminating in the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. Allen’s mother, Dorothy Hajdys-Clausen, after learning the truth about her son’s death and the Navy’s subsequent coverup, became one of the most outspoken and sought-after advocates for gay rights to serve openly in the military. In 2011, the DADT policy was repealed, allowing LGB servicemen and women to serve openly in the military for the first time.
Allen Schindler loved the Navy and was a proud sailor who volunteered to fight for his country — to lay down his life if he had to. He didn’t sign up to die to advance gay rights, but that is ultimately what happened. It was brave of him to come out when he did in the environment that he did, and he died because of it. He was a hero.
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ollywears · 2 years
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Olly Alexander wearing a DONT PANIC 1991 “2QT2BSTR8″ t-shirt in an interview with NME Magazine at the Glastonbury Festival gig (June 26, 2022).
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xtarynleighx · 7 years
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My very first pride 2013 to now 2017 😻😻😻 #pcola2k13 to #pcola2k17 #2qt2bstr8 #lezbehonest #nolatillyadie
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iwanthermidnightz · 4 years
At this point Taylor could post a quarantine selfie with a shirt that says 2Qt2Bstr8 and the world would be like omg a new Easter Egg what could it possibly MEAN do you think she wants 28 children??
Or cats 😂
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I can't believe that I've never shared this here. This is a link to a list of queer slogans taken from an email conversation in 1992. This is where I go sometimes when I'm needing inspiration for this blog. Some of these contain reclaimed slurs, some are cisnormative, have mentions of homophobia, mentions of sex, are blasphemous, or would otherwise be considered offensive today. This is not the complete list, only my favorite highlights, as I just discovered that tumblr mobile limits post length.
Shock your parents---tell them the truth.
We are the people our parents warned us about
Straight but not narrow
Gay & Proud
Out of the closet and into the street
Absolutetly queer
I'm out, therefore I am.
One nuclear family can ruin your whole life
Fuck your gender
Eliminate heterosexual privilege
Every tenth Jesus is Queer
Love is the law
Queer without a cause
Two stick figures under a tree, labelled as your choice of "Adam and Steve" or "Amy and Eve."
Blessed are the censors, for they shall inhibit the earth
Are you going to come quietly or do I have to use earmuffs?
Think Globally, Act Locally---ACT UP
What's a little latex between friends
Catholic repression---just say no
I was Catholic, but I've since recovered.
Don't dare assume I'm straight
How *dare* you assume I'm straight.
Assume nothing
Bisexual/gay/lesbian/queer by Nature, Proud by Choice
Queer Bi (or perhaps, Bi Queer)
Bi the way, don't assume I'm gay
Bisexual and proud to be lesbian/gay
Gay/Bisexual Pride (with triangle in background)
Happy bi nature
Blatently bisexual
God is an Equal-Opportunity Lover
Equal-Opportunity Lover
Biphobia shield
Loud and Queer
Queer as Fuck
Faggot with attitude
Dyke with attitude
I <pink triangle> (wo)men
Glad/Proud to be Gay/bi/lesbian
Gay rights now
Gay rights are human rights
Gay is good/great
Have a gay day
Closets are for clothes
Professional/Militant/Practicing Homosexual
Keep your laws off my body
Love is not a crime
I survived a Catholic education
I'm an incurable romantic homosexual
I'm a woman's woman
I'm a man's man
A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle
I'm not a lesbian but my girlfriend is
I'm not gay but my boyfriend is
I'm gay and so is my boy/girlfriend
Please do not tease or feed the straights
Homophobia is a social disease
The moral majority is neither
Keep your rosaries off our ovaries
That's _Mr_ Fag to you
Smile if you're gay
I'm out. Are you?
2-4-6-8 How do you know your husband's straight? 3-5-7-9 Your wife might be les-bi-nine
2-4-6-8 Gay's twice as good as straight
3-5-7-9 Lesbians are quite divine
Nobody knows I'm gay
Let's go straight bashing
God loves me the way I am---Gay
I'm straight, but it might be just a phase
We're here, we're queer, get used to it
We're here, we're queer, we're fabulous
We are everywhere
"It's cool to be queer"
"Caution: Ice pick weilding bisexual fag dyke. Do not agitate."
Bisexual by nature, queer by choice. (possibly on two separate badges)
Bisexual Pride.
Bisexuals here queer and everywhere
Bisexuals visible and invisible
Safe sex bi all means
Bisexual is beautiful
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a-fiendish-thingy · 6 years
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2Qt2BStr8 Bucky <3 Colour variants and version with metal arm on my Patreon soon. #Bucky #BuckyBarnes #WinterSoldier #PrideMonth #LGBTQAPride
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ghoulgums · 7 years
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for the anon! I had a better picture with my flag but i cant find it and my shirt says '2QT2BSTR8' (too cute to be straight) Liverpool Pride 2015 🌈
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binzento · 7 years
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got this "drag queen fairy" pin from @2qt2bstr8 💫 - may all your dreams come true. good night y'all 😴 . . . . . . . #goodnight #fairy #bye #dreams
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3zschool · 6 years
做国外网赚,自然少不了要和广告联盟打交道,英语阅读交流方面也会常用到,虽然借助Google翻译这些基本能凑合着,但是有些术语、缩写和黑话,有时候你即使去搜索也找不到答案。今天3zschool就为大家整理了一下affiliate marketing常见的术语,供大家查找,也欢迎大家转载。
1、 什么是BANNER(横幅广告)?
2、 什么是PAGE VIEW(综合浏览量)?
3、 什么是IMPRESSIONS(广告闪现次数)?
4、 什么是 CLICKS (点击次数)?
5、 什么是 CLICKS RATIO (点击率)?
如果广告BANNER的闪现次数(IMPRESSIONS)为10000次,而其点击次数(CLICKS)为300次,那么点击率即为3%。 目前,广告的平均点击率为 2% 。点击率可以准确地反映广告效果, 也是网络广告吸引力的一个标志。
6、 什么是FIRST VIEW(第一屏)?
CPM是Cost P e r Thousand的缩写,即每千人次访问的收费或Banner闪现一千次的费用,例如一个广告 Banner 的报价是$10/CPM,意味着每一千人次看到这个Banner,就收费$10。按CPM收费已经成为网络广告的惯例。
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
9、PTC(Pay to Click)点击赚钱
11、b/c = because
12、PO = Program Owner
13、plz = Please
14、addy = address
15、FYI = For Your Information
16、cmi = count me in
17、cmo = count me out
18、IMO = In My Opinion
19、IOW = In Other Words
20、ISO = In Search Of
21、BTW = By The Way
22、BRB = Be Right Back
23、BRT = Be Right There
24、IM = Instant Message
25、PM = Personal Message
26、LOL = Laughing Out Loud
27、LMAO = Laughing My A** Off
28、LMFAO = Laughing My F*cking A** Off
29、ROTFLMAO = Rolling On The Floor Laughing My A** Off
30、ROTFLMFAO = Rolling On The Floor Laughing My F*cking A** Off
31、SLMAO = Still Laughing My A** Off
32、Peeps = People
33、2QT2BSTR8 = Too Cute To Be Straight
34、NPA = New Program Alert
35、WM = Web Master
36、bank wire 银行汇款
37、TOS = Terms of Service
38、FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions
39、IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
40、AFAIK = As Far As I Know
41、PBUH = Peace Be Upon Him
42、SO = Significant Other
43、GF = GirlFriend
44、W8 = wait
45、U = you
46、AD views 广告浏览数,网幅广告被用户下载、显示的次数,等同于impression。
47、Advertisement Management 广告管理,利用特定的系统管理网页或广告网络揪发的网幅广告,同时提供即的显示数、点击数统计,高级的广告管理系统还能根据访问者的特点和时间选择出现不同的网幅广告。
48、Banner 网幅广告?标准GIF格式以外的网幅广告称为Rich Media Banner。
49、C/I Ratio(Click-through to impression ration) 点击与显示的比率
50、Click Ratio 点击率,如果该网页出现了一万次,而网页上的广告点击次数为500次,则点击率为5%。
51、Click Through 点击某一链接的行为
52、Co-Brand 共同标志/商标,有时联盟成员之间可以将自己的标志和商标放在框架顶部页面中,以便访问者浏览其网页。
57、Commission 佣金,参加联盟程序所取得的收入,联盟成员可从联盟站点介绍的访客的销售收入中提成,这个佣金可能是购买或活动的固定费率。
58、charge 手续费
59、bonus 红包,红利,花红,奖励
60、money order 汇票
61、Hosting/Hosted 每当用户点击链接时进入一个网站的页面,该页面的图像和HTML文档由网站服务器提供,当调用该链接时,这些图像和其他部件就由服务器存储。
62、Impression 投放次数,网页被访问的次数。
63、Lead 引导,用户在广告商网站上注册、加入或下载
64、O/C Ratio 点击与定购的比率,实际点击数与商人网站定购次数的比率。
65、Pay-For-Performance 行动付付,网站访客采取某一行动而取得付款
66、Pay-per-Click 每点击支付额
67、Pay-per-Impression 每显示支付额
68、Pay-per-Lead 广告商对每一位介绍到该网站的合格注册访客的网站,按固定费率支付的费用结构
69、Pay-per-Sale 广告商对每一位介绍到该网站的进行消费的网站,按产品或服务销售收入的百分比支付的费用结构
70、Portal Page 点击广告后连到的页面, 通常是针对广告内容重新设计的页面。
71、Return Days 返回天数,用户第一次访问和下一次访问商人站点的天数。
72、Storefront 店面,用于显示新产品或特殊产品的定制页面。
73、Sub-Affiliates 联盟分站点,用一个帐户维护一个以上的站点,主要站点为联盟站点,其他站点为联盟分站点。
74、deposit 存入
75、withdraw 取出
76、refund 返还,报销
77、compansation 补偿
78、rate 比率
79、exchange 兑换
80、interest 利息
81、principle 本金
82、investment 投资
83、account 帐户
85、Social Network,国内目前貌似就是人人网有这种广告,国外的,主流有Facebook和POF,就是在一个社区里刊��我们的广告,一般有PPC和CPM(按一千次展示付费)两种形式;
88、.广告联盟(Affiliate Network、CPA Network)
91、流量联盟(Traffic Network、AD Network)
这种联盟,他们以卖流量为主,他们卖的可能是自家的流量(SELF SERVE),例如Facebook,POF,PPV等;
也有可能是倒卖别人的流量,例如Google Adwords的内容广告,也可以参照国内的阿里妈妈;
跑media buy操作最常见的:
92、ROI – Return of investment -投资回报率
93、CTR – Click Thru Rate – 点击率
94、Campaign – 广告活动
95、Creative – 广告样式
就是你给用户看到的广告样式,或者指某个campaign下的一个子广告,每个平台的creative都不一样,像pof和fb是以图片+文字的广告样式;PPC中,我们的text ad就是我们的creative;Display的话,banner就是我们的creative。
96、.CTA – CALL TO ACTION – 呼吁行动
CTA就是一些类似”join now“ ”click here“ ”start today“ ”countinue“ 等LP或者creative上,增加用户点击和转换几率的广告语,常见于一些LP上的BUTTON点击按钮;
97、Pixel – 转换图素
99、CPA – COST PER ACTION – 按行动��费
CPA是目前AFFILIATE MARKETING主要的形式之一,当用户完全广告商要求的行动,你就会获得佣金。
100、CPL – Cost Per Lead – 按引导付费
101、Revenue Share – 收入分成
101、Split test – 轮换测试
举个例子,你有2个LP,用户访问的时候,50%到LP 1,50%到LP 2,那么你可以测试得出哪个LP的转换率高一点;同理,也可以同一个LP,50/50几率到2个不同的offer,来测试哪个offer的转换率高一点。
Mobile affiliate marketing 有许多指标。
102、EPC(Earning per Click):EPC=总收益/点击次数。CTR(Click through Rate):点击次数/展示 X100%,例如,25000 次展示中有50 个人点击=0.20%CTR。这种适用于横幅 CTR(Banner CTR)和着陆页 CTR(Landing Page CTR)。
103、eCPM(Effective Cost per Thousand):公式是-总收益/展示次数 X1000=eCPM,即每千次展示你的收益。
104、CPA(Cost Per Action) :每行动成本
105、eCPA(Effective Cost per Action):广告展示后实际每次 lead 或 sale 的花费
如果你正使用一个固定的追踪办法,它会自动地计算大多数这些指标。你的终极目标是得到一个高的横幅 CTR 和着陆页 CTR,以及高的 CR,如果你有了高的横幅 CTR 和着陆页 CTR,却没有高的 CR,这时就需要 test:你要 test 几个变量来找到一个能获利的模板。
Mobile affiliate marketing 术语与主流的 marketing 一致。
106、SOI(Singel Opt In):一种需要访客进入到 detail 不需要确认的 offer。当确认为一次转化时也有可能需要其它领域的数据。(SOI 是表格填写完就算激活)
107、Double Opt In(DOI):一种与 SOI 类似的,但是需要访客通过他们在邮箱中收到的链接进行确认的 offer。(DOI 是表格填写完,会受到邮件,点击里面链接确认才算激活)
108、Pay per Lead(PPL):一次成功的 lead(SOI 或 DOI)所得到的佣金
109、Pay per sale(PPS):一次成功的付款交易佣金
110、Pay per Install(PPI):也称 PPD(Pay per Download),一次成功的安装/下载的佣金
111、Revenue Share(RevShare):当一个用户变成了付费会员时,你能持续获得佣金或该会员付费一定的比例作为佣金
112、Direct Linking:将一名访客直接从你的广告页面带到 offer 页面而没有其它中间网页的链接
113、Landing Page(LP):中间页面,当访客点击你的广告时,首先跳到 LP 页,通常作为预卖页面或分流访客的页面
114、Self Serve Network:一种授予你权力自主进行实时控制 campaign 的联盟(network)。例如,开始或暂停 campaigns 和横幅来挑整报价(Bids)
115、Managed Buy:一种替你管理 campaign 的联盟。例如,managed buy 会根据你的指令暂停然后调整报价,通常是通过邮件操纵。
116、Direct buy:直接与网站的拥有者谈判广告价格
118、Impression:展示次数,即页面加载显示广告的总次数,例如,一页加载有一个广告位,则称 1 Ad Impression,一页加载有两个广告位则称 2 Ad Impression from 1 Page Load
119、Insertion Order(I/O):一个规定了 media buy 的日期与范围的文档
120、CPL(Cost Per Leads):以搜集潜在客户名单多少来收费
121、CPC(Cost Per Click;Cost Per Thousand Click-Through) :每次点击的费用
以每点击一次计费。这样的方法加上点击率限制可以加强作弊的难度,而且是宣传网站站点的最优方式。目前Google Adsense就采用此方式。
122、CPS(Cost Per Sales):以实际销售产品数量来换算广告刊登金额
123、CPR(Cost Per Response): 每回应成本
124、CPP(Cost Per Purchase) :购买成本
125、CPI(Cost Per Install) : 按安装付费
126、CTA 是 call to action 的缩写,意在让目标客户立即采取被期望的行动。
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vocalvirgo · 6 years
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@VocalVirgo #Instagram No matter where I go, chicks dig me. #VanLife #Travel #2qt2bstr8
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molnnd · 7 years
Favorite tweets: "計程車司機不知道,南韓民主悲情背後的國際大局" ( https://t.co/iDYnYjrkhs )「「光州事件」期間,美國海軍珊瑚海號航空母艦一度駛到光州近海,不知美軍與全斗煥默契的光州人民,還傻傻的以為美軍會來保護民主,結果美軍當然是毫無動靜,事實上…」— 2QT2BSTR8 (@attraittw) October 5, 2017 http://twitter.com/attraittw/status/915925087336980480 October 05, 2017 at 09:02PM
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Couples- boy and boy by wonderland1is2my3home ❤ liked on Polyvore
www.ditokadum;com : gay art for gay boys - Smile | Things . |... / Born this way / Beautiful Gay Couples Photographed Around The World By Braden Summers / more gay kisses. One gay kiss per day on ... | Love / Born this way / Cute Gay Couples And Such / Not Found Gay / "All you need is love" / gay teen couple / Cute Gay Couples And Such / Cute Gay Couples And Such / FUCK YEAH! GAY COUPLES / cute gay couple Tumblr / Tumblr / 2QT2BSTR8 / Amazing Gays / Band of Thebes / fuckyeahguyskissing / Gay Love Galore / Pinterest
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barnesthewayne · 7 years
2QT2BSTR8 ❤ liked on Polyvore
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Hehe! 🙈😳 {BTA by writingandfasionarelyfe featuring tops ❤ liked on Polyvore
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