#aloy and beta
missmrah · 1 year
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Thank you so much for this absolutely adorable request @milyfaye! Imagining Aloy teaching Beta to forage and hunt made me think of my own little sister, she lives several time zones away from me and I miss her something fierce ❤️
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nerd-artist · 7 months
Come and play with us
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It would be awesome to see how beta would react to Aloy having the arm from tears of the kingdom
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I don’t think Beta would understand or take it well😂 ngl when I did the original role swap drawings I thought “man Beta is going to be confused and scared”
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quinoaazul · 10 months
Have you ever thought about how Beta must have nightmares pretty regularly? I mean she went through so much... And although she's safe now, having spent all her life in that environment has to take a toll, apart from what we have already seen. So in case she does have nightmares, I think this is how it would go.
This is a little one shot, my first actually, with a cheesy title to go along with it.
English is not my first language, so I apologise in advance for any mistakes on that front.
Hope you like it :)
Nightmares and Snuggles
Beta wakes up in the middle of the night all sweaty and screaming. She starts to calm down and tries to breathe slowly once she realises where she is, inside the calmness and safety of the base. But it's not enough. For the first time in her life she has the need to FEEL safe and her quiet bedroom is not enough anymore.
She gets up and walks, in silent footsteps, the short path to her sister's bedroom. After opening the door, Beta stands in the doorway for a few minutes, just looking at her sister so peacefully fast asleep. Then she whispers in the smallest of voices - "Aloy...?"
Nothing. She tries again, a little more loudly. - "Aloy?"
This time her sister opens one sleepy eye and looks up.
"Hey... What's up?" She says in a sleepy voice
After another look at her sister, she realises how troubled she seems and starts to get worried.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Aloy asks already siting up.
"No..." Beta says putting a defensive hand in her opposite arm.
"The nightmares again?" Aloy ask with a worried voice.
Beta only gives a small nod, looking at the floor.
"Wanna talk about it?"
Beta shakes her head lightly.
"Come here." Aloy says shifting to one side of the bed and lifting her bedsheets on the other.
Beta walks to her sister's bed and slowly sits down, looking at Aloy with sorrow eyes.
In return, she puts a soft hand on Beta's shoulder and starts to massage between her shoulder blades.
"Came on..." Aloy says inviting her to lay down beside her.
So she does. Beta shifts until she feels comfortable with her back to Aloy. In response, her sister brings the bedsheets back up covering them and passes an arm between Beta's neck and the pillow, and the other around her waist. Then she gives her a little comforting squeeze, and gets comfortable too, behind Beta.
"Better?" Aloy asks in a small voice.
"Much better." Beta says with a sweet smile and her eyes already closed.
"You're safe now. I'm not letting anything happen to you." Aloy reassures her.
"I know. Thank you.." Betas says, almost in a whisper, and squeezes back Aloy's hand.
"Hey... You're my little sister. And that's what sister's do. We protect each other." She says with her eyes closed, snuggled in her sister's neck.
"Yeah... We do" Beta says with a sleepy voice.
After a few minutes she drifts back to sleep, feeling safe in her sister's arms, with her steady breathing on her neck and her smell all around her.
Aloy's became her shelter, her safe place, her home.
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fuel6x · 11 months
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“don’t you dare talk to my sister like this, bitch…”
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horizonjade · 7 months
Aloy: Beta, did you make all of this yourself?
Beta: Yeah, Zo taught me. Actually, everyone seems to know how to cook here at base except you.
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mr-jaybird · 1 year
Hello - Aloy & Beta
“Aloy!” Beta spits out, head jerking up as her double enters the basement server room. “I didn’t think you were in the Base today—but don’t worry, I’m working hard on how to recapture HEPHAESTUS. It seems to have absorbed some Zenith code at their base, but I’ve done several exploratory models to simulate it. I’ll find a way to capture it.”
“That’s really nice,” Aloy says, smiling softly. “But I didn’t come down to check on your work. Just you. And uh, the traditional greeting is ‘hello’.”
Beta smiles back. “Hello, Aloy.”
Aloy settles down next to her. “Hello, Beta.”
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I swear I want more Sobeck Sisters content in the HFW DLC and in Horizon 3. They deserve to be happy and be everything Elisabet wanted for her kid(s).
Yeah I want some Hawk and Thrush canon but the most important thing to me is that.
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flyandfall · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Horizon: Zero Dawn (Video Game
Beta stares at her sister and knows, without a doubt in her heart, that she's missing something. How else can you explain her lack of desire for love and romance, when her sister clone does it so well?
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snuffysbox · 1 year
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A Forbidden West update to my old 'Aloy smooches for every NPC' featuring the new Gaia gang members, Seyka and two personal faves I HAD to include 😌
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nerd-artist · 2 months
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Happy birthday, Aloy 🎂✨
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Sledding! Sorry I meant to post more art sooner but I got sick 🙃 but it’s okay, I’m better now and now I can get things done. Hope you enjoy this art of the Sobeck twins sledding! Or more like Snowbecks 🤭
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meggannn · 2 months
avad excited to finally ditch the crown to join aloy and leave the sundom, arriving at her mysterious base for his first adventure just to be greeted by a glowing machine that immediately knows his name and entire history, his missing vanguard captain and missing sunhawk, a tenakth marshal from the clan that nearly jeopardized his embassy, the first utaru brave enough to fight the carja in the red raids, and a bizarre person from an advanced imperialist nation across the world all sitting in a lounge archiving apollo and blasting jackson five while aloy is in the corner playing space invaders with one hand and coding hephaestus with the other next to her apparent fucking twin and the asshole who founded the eclipse threat that kept his brother prisoner and nearly ended the world
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themissakat · 12 days
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aloy's lack of communication skills circumvented by beta's sisterly intuition
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catsharky · 2 months
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Finally posting the HFW zine piece I did over a year ago. Meant to put it up a couple weeks ago and completely forgot, but it works out because today is Aloy's birthday!
While physical copies of the zine are sold out at this point, leftover merch and PDFs are still available to buy until the 6th here!
This artwork gets the award for longest I've ever spent on a single piece, clocking in at somewhere between 200-300 hours
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hartlesshart · 1 year
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Convoy - transporting precious cargo
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