#also Dick fighting with Bruce and getting real fucking angry about Bruce crossing lines and then Bruce leaves him his kids!!
simonsaysletsgo · 7 months
Comics fandom whenever something weird or off or unsatisying happens and bad things happen to their faves: Ugh so glad I didn't touch this, going to pretend it never happened
Me; Yes this I can work with this.
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danny-chase · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Batman (Comics), Batgirl (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Stephanie Brown & Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Dick Grayson Characters: Stephanie Brown, Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon (momentarily), Alfred Pennyworth (mentioned) - Character Additional Tags: Stephanie Brown POV, Batfamily (DCU) Feels, Chocolate Milk, post mission talks, Damian Wayne is a brat with a heart of gold, Stitches, Canon Typical Violence, but not for long, because i like fluff better, Fluff, Stephanie Brown is Batgirl, Dick Grayson is Batman, Damian Wayne is Robin, Sneezing, Coughing, Dick Grayson is Damian Wayne's almost parent, Stephanie Brown is Damian Wayne's almost big sister, And kind of Dick's little sister Summary:
Steph hasn't worked with the new Batman and Robin duo long, but she doesn't hesitate to come when they call for backup. Their family's a little rough around the edges, but she'll do what she can to smooth things out.
“C’mon, faster!” Stephanie hated when Barbara seemed anxious, when she was anxious, generally something was about to go wrong. Really, really, wrong.
 “I’m homing in on the coordinates.” Barbara was driving on autopilot, but she couldn’t resist saying the line. Damian’s tracker blinked closer and closer. The kid had run off earlier that night, Dick, however, was getting better at predicting when it would happen and followed. She’d been on call for backup, Damian needed space, but he was also a magnet for trouble and unfortunately for them-
“Robin retreat! Retreat! Get out of here!” Dick screamed over the comms. The kid shouldn’t be out in the first place, still recovering from a concussion. She rounded the corner. Victor Zsasz was pushing forward aggressively trying to circumvent Batman to get a stab at Robin. Dick was holding his own but kept taking hits for a dazed looking Damian.
“Get Robin and get out! Maneuver 23.” Barbara commanded. She was seconds away, Zsasz was too close, she wasn’t going to make it, not going to make it-
 “CATCH!” She complied, automatically responding to Barbara’s harsh tone, spreading her arms as the bike swerved right.
 “JUMP!” Damian appeared to do the same with Dick, who tackled Zsasz out of range.
 “FUCK!” She yelled, because Damian jumped right into the path of her oncoming bike and-
 They grasped each other’s wrists in a practiced motion, using momentum to swing Damian onto the backseat of the bike.
 “Holy fuck.” She whispered. Hadn’t expected that to work. Sure, they’d done it a billion times practicing, but like… damn. That was freaking awesome. But also-
 “Are you okay?” She turned to look back at a pale Damian, blood staining the right side of his uniform. He nodded curtly, she could see a sheen of sweat glistening under the streetlights. It took him a moment to collect his thoughts.
 “We cannot retreat, Batman needs backup! Turn around at once!” He demanded, swaying in his spot. On a motorcycle. She might die for this, but she turned around, pulled him closer (surprisingly without argument) and started applying pressure to his side. One hand on the wound, the other keeping him propped upright. Maybe she would die, but Damian would fall off over her dead body.
 “Yeah no, I’m just gonna try to keep your blood on the inside till we get to the Bunker.” She felt a raindrop plop on her forehead, all the more reason to keep on course. Damian was already injured and tired, she would not be the one responsible for making his situation worse. “Then you can bleed out in peace.”
   Stephanie sighed as she swirled milk and cocoa together on the stove, rain pattering steadily outside. Where would she be if she’d had a normal father, or a normal life? She had a standing invite to some party; she could be out with friends. But some little gremlin child would have been murdered by Zsasz blocks away and no. She wouldn’t trade Damian’s life for normality. She was Stephanie Brown after all, abnormal was her middle name, and she accepted it with pride.
 Sure, she wasn’t mixing alcoholic drinks right now, but she was mixing chocolate milk and that was close enough. Damian clomped up the stairs, and angrily settled at the table. Think of the gremlin, and he shall appear.
 “You shouldn’t have retreated.” He muttered, slumping in the seat. His cheeks were already flush from the exertion of walking up the steps.
 “And you should go to bed.” He glared at her, looking utterly nonthreatening in his pajamas. He was wearing one of Dick’s old t-shirts, oversized, draping down past his elbows. He must have his own clothes, but she’d never seen him sleep in anything else.
 “Then why are you preparing two mugs of hot chocolate?” He asked smugly. Well, as smugly as he could with twelve stitches in his side.
 “Because I know you won’t listen to me.” The grin was replaced with a frown. “But I don’t mind, that’s why I made enough for two.” She quickly continued. Damian stared ahead at a place on the table. She weighed her next words. They both knew fully well that he wouldn’t sleep until Dick made it home in one piece, and for that matter that she would either. Leaving Damian alone with his thoughts seemed cruel under the circumstances.
“You didn’t listen to me earlier.” He accused agitatedly, breaking the silence.
 “I don’t make a habit of listening to Robins.” She said with a smirk, attempting to lighten the mood. She carefully poured the steaming cocoa into the mugs, keenly aware of Damian’s eyes following her every move.
 “You listen to Gordon.” He pouted. She placed a mug in front of him and sat down across from him.
 “Most of the time, and she’s not a Robin. I don’t listen to you, Tim, or Dick, and certainly not Jason.”
 “Why not?” He challenged, not making a move to touch his mug, still glaring at her with a dark expression on his face. “You were a Robin, were you not? You think you’re above us-”
 “No, Dames, you gotta read the situation you know?” She took a long sip of cocoa. Damian crossed his arms. She sighed. “Look, if we always listened to Dick, he’d be dead already.” He nodded carefully. “Same thing with you and Tim.” His nose scrunched at the mention of Tim.
 “Don’t compare me to-”
 “Whatever it is, I’m not, I’m just saying, I’d be a lot happier if you weren’t shish kabobbed by Zsasz.” His brow furrowed. “Okay fine, I messed up, you probably would have been fine. We shouldn’t have retreated. But you were down, and we made a judgement call – not just me, Dick would rather die than-” Damian’s eyes went wide. “Poor choice of words, I take it back. He’s not going to die, he just…” God, what was she doing? What was she even trying to say?
 “I know you’re not worried, because you’re you, but if I was you, I would be worried, but I shouldn’t be worried, because Dick’s a badass, so he’ll be fine, and knowing that you’re safe will help him stay focused on the fight. So you’re helping by staying right here, yeah?” She leaned back against the seat. Smooth, real smooth.
 Damian’s lips were pursed by the end of her rambling. “I’m not worried.” She heard him mumble under his breath. He took a sip of cocoa. “Grayson is a competent fighter; he would not be so easily defeated.” She pretended not to hear his voice wobble slightly at the end. The poor kid.
 “He’ll be home any minute now.” She assured.
 “And he’ll yell at you for not making enough for him.” He added sagely.
 “Then he’ll yell at you for not being in bed.” Damian rolled his eyes.
 “I shall already be in bed by the time he makes it up the stairs.” So confident in his abilities. Dick probably let him think he got away with it.
 “Well, then he’ll anxiously pace outside of your room, and peak in to fuss over your stiches.” She predicted. Damian snorted, and took another sip of cocoa.
 “Damian, you could have been seriously hurt, you’ve got to be more careful!” He perfectly imitated Dick’s voice. Steph had to fight back laughter and swallow her cocoa. “Why did you give him sugar, it’s his bedtime?” He directed at her.
 “Robin, cease with the hot chocolate immediately.” She croaked out in a gravelly Batman impression.
 “Holy hot chocolate Batman!” Stephanie lost it as he did a perfect impression of Dick’s normal voice. Damian allowed himself a small smile.
 “Oh my God, you have to teach me how to do that.”
 “Are you sure you have the talent for it?” He asked smugly. She brushed off the comment. Smug Damian was better than sad and worried Damian.
 “Sure, also can you do Scooby-Doo?” Damian’s brow furrowed.
 “What do you mean who!?” She half yelled. Damian flinched. “Okay, since we’re already up, you’re getting an education tonight, we’re moving to the couch, let’s go, move it people.”
   Two episodes later, Damian’s wide eyes still looked through the screen rather than at it. Not all things, she supposed, could be fixed with dumb cartoons and hot chocolate.
 “Brown?” He softly spoke, as the credits played.
 “Mm?” Silence resounded through the room. Whatever question Damian had died in his throat. “I’m sure he’ll be back any minute, he’s probably overseeing the trip to Arkham.” She guessed.
 “Yes.” Another pause. “He’ll be upset when he arrives home.”
 “He won’t be too upset.” Damian tucked his knees to his chest. “Everyone made it home safe.”
 “Father would have been angry.” She couldn’t deny that. Bruce was, well, Bruce.
 “But Dick isn’t Bruce.” She let the words hang in the air for a moment. “He was Robin too once, you know?” Dick got mad, heck, he killed the Joker like three days after she first met him. He’d been upset with her, for being Batgirl, but his anger wasn’t like Bruce’s, and it hadn’t lasted for long.
 “I know.” He turned to face her on the couch. “He’ll say he’s disappointed.”
 “Ah.” Her heart melted. “That’s always worse.” Damian rolled his eyes.
 “I’ve had worse punishments.” He paused. Damn the League. “But it’s… different.” Steph could sympathize.
 “My dad used to lock me in closets when he was mad.” Damian nodded.
 “I would too.” She groaned. Sometimes she was trying to have meaningful heartfelt conversations with a ten-year-old.
 “Brat. I’m trying to have a moment.” She complained. He fell silent, shrugging his shoulders, possibly as an attempt at an apology. “The point being my mom was always disappointed. And just because one sucked more than the other, didn’t mean both didn’t suck.”
 “Hmm.” Damian leaned back against the pillows. “But I had to do something, he was,” he paled slightly, his eyes widening, “Zsasz was going to kill children again.” He looked at her earnestly. “I couldn’t let him-”
 “Look, no one’s mad at you for trying to do something good. It’s just like… we worry about you, okay?” Damian rolled his eyes again.
 “No need I’m-”
 “You’re staying up until Dick gets back, want to remind me why that is?” He turned to face the rain smeared window. “It’s the same for him, and the same for me. We worry about you too, okay?”
 “You shouldn’t.” Damian muttered. “I’m perfectly capable on my own, I’m trained in twenty-”
 “Doesn’t matter how trained you are if you’re concussed.” She pointed out.
 “It didn’t matter if I was concussed in the League.” Assholes.
 “Well, this isn’t the League, and we care if you’re concussed.”
 “Whatever.” He fell silent after, gluing his eyes back to the screen in an attempt to block her out.
 “Just, let me know next time, and I’ll come with you.” Maybe she was imagining it, but she caught a minute nod.
 Carefully, she reached out, projecting her moves, and ruffled his hair. He didn’t seem much happier, some of the tension bled out of his shoulders. Maybe she didn’t know what she was doing, but whatever mediocre amount of comfort she could supply would have to be enough. She leaned back into her end of the couch, content to sit in silent companionship and let her mind wander off, no longer focused on the cartoon, but on a family forged in chaos.
   “M’ere bud, time for bed.” Someone whispered to her right. Cracking open her eyes slowly, the time on the television box read 3:28. Damian groggily groaned in protest next to her. As her eyes adjusted, she could make out the vague outline of Dick sweeping a tired Damian (who was clearly feigning sleep) into his arms. “You should get some sleep too.” He hissed at her, as his footsteps padded away.
 She stretched out on the couch, four hours of sleep, that wasn’t too bad, but her neck was definitely stiff after that. She groaned, turning on the lamp next to her, shutting her eyes again and slowly allowing them to adjust to the light. Dick popped his head back into the doorway.
 “You need anything? The guest room has some spare clothes in your size, we have extra toothbrushes, you can use my shampoo if you want.” He rambled off. It was strange, she could never tell if he was being nice to make up for his initial rejection, or if that was just how he was.
 “Don’t be too hard on Damian.” She curled into her spot on the couch. Dick stepped forward into view, leaning against the doorframe. A pink bathrobe was draped over his shoulder, his wet hair dripping. He tiredly sunk against the wall.
 “I won’t be.” He slid into a squat, then all the way down to the floor. “Was he mad I followed him?”
 “Probably. I think he was more worried you wouldn’t come home.” Damian’s last experience with Zsasz had been… unpleasant. And the villain had carried a grudge ever since.
 “Oh. Sorry it took so long, Alfred kick you guys to bed or something?” She nodded. They’d been whisked out of the command room before she’d hardly tugged off her cape. No doubt Damian would have tried to leave again if they’d been listening on the comms.
 “You’re okay?” It was so weird. She was sitting on a couch, talking down to a cowl-less Batman in a pink bathrobe, sitting on the floor.
 “Fit as a fiddle.” He sneezed, as if on cue.
 “It’s raining pretty hard.” Her eyes flicked towards the window.
 “You don’t say.” He deadpanned, following her gaze. “It let up about an hour ago. Zsasz is back and Arkham, we found the kids he grabbed, I was trying to track down any relatives.” She nodded, Gotham’s foster care system was abysmal, and the social workers overbooked. Finding relatives could save a kid from ending up in a supervillain’s lair.
 “All’s well that ends well.” Dick sneezed again. “I could have helped.”
 “Babs and I had it under control.” She rolled her eyes, typical of the ‘big kids’ to leave her in the kiddies room. “Thank you for watching him.” He nodded at the empty mugs. “It was sweet of you to stick around.” Warmth swelled in her chest at the remark, she didn’t need his approval of course, but it was nice to have it.
 “Yeah well, cut him some slack for me yeah?” He opened his mouth to reply, then paused to cough for a bit.
 “I won’t be hard on him, but no patrol until his stiches heal.” He assured, regaining his composure.
 “I’m sure you won’t patrol until your cold’s passed.” She commented sarcastically. It would do the boys good to spend some time together anyways.
 “Did Babs put you up to this? I-”, sneeze, “told her I was fine. You guys are worse than Alfred.”
 “Nope.” She popped the p. “But I think your kid might feel a little bit guilty about tonight, and it wouldn’t hurt to stay in with him.”
 “He’s not my…” Dick stared up at the ceiling. Tucking his knees up to his chin, just the same as Damian, he went silent.
 “He’s your kid.” She said after a moment. Dick smiled ruefully.
 “He’s your kid too.” She snorted. He was like the little brother she’d never had, not that she’d admit it.
 “Not a chance, he’s all yours and Alfred’s. Babs and I don’t work with minors.” Aside from the times she had.
 “Mmmhmm. So that’s why you were drinking hot chocolate and watching cartoons with him, because he’s not your kid. I guess you don’t think of him as family” He sighed. “And to think, I was going to bring you to the aquarium with us tomorrow, but if we aren’t your family then why even-”
 “Woah, woah, woah. Let’s not go that far, I want to see him next to penguins-er I mean, I want to see the uhh... You know what nope, not ashamed, I want to see the look on his face at the touch tank.” She paused. “Aren’t you rewarding bad behavior with that though?”
 “Well, don’t worry about it, he’s my kid after all.” He chided smugly. “In all seriousness, I just want to distract him long enough he doesn’t go out again.” Another sneeze. “Jeez, stupid rain. Also, Babs is coming, it’s a party.”
 “You’re sure he won’t see it as a reward?” She wasn’t taking children’s psychology for nothing after all.
 “Nah, knowing him, he might take it as a punishment.” He closed his eyes, leaning back into the frame. “But, I try to keep capes and normal life separate, he’ll be grounded from patrol, but I won’t ground him during the day for stuff he pulls at night.” That seemed reasonable. “He’s been doing really well with homeschool.” He opened his eyes again, looking fondly at the opposite doorframe. “I think he’ll really like the aquarium, he’s been studying aquatic life recently and-”
 Dick mumbled on for a while, listing all Damian’s accomplishments, how he was multiple grade levels ahead, and scoring well in all the classes they made for him. How he could go on to do anything he wanted, was on track to take college courses by the time he was in high school, and how bright his future was. Again, she was glad her life wasn’t normal, as he rambled on and on, pride shining on his face.
 “He’s so your kid.” She interrupted after a coughing fit, having lost track of the conversation. Dick blinked at her. “Bedtime.” He nodded, sneezing halfway through.
  They didn’t make it to the aquarium, as predictably, Dick was running a fever by the morning. But that didn’t stop the party. Barbara brought soup, Alfred made cookies, and Steph settled on the couch next to Damian, picking up where they left off, marathoning Scooby Doo.
 Dick picked apart the episodes from his isolated recliner (they quarantined him three feet away), Damian chiming in to predict the villain’s identity. Barbara grumbled about normal people being easier to watch TV with, and Alfred settled in a chair by the door. If Cass were here, she’d bounce off the walls, and Tim would lie on the floor. Pieces were broken and missing, but as the remaining members of her pseudo-family chattered away, she had hope that things, eventually, would work out.
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itzagothamcitysiren · 4 years
Welcome to the Family
Here’s the second update as promised!  Only two more chapters left! 
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Love Is a Burning Thing and It Makes a Fiery Ring pt.5
PRESENT DAY          
           Halley hadn’t felt this angry since the last time she saw her father. Her heart raced as she tried to bite her tongue but she found it becoming more and more difficult. She just didn’t care. She didn’t care about the saddened and pitied stare being sent her way by the family butler. She didn’t care about the bothered and protective look being blazed through her skull by Dick. And she as sure as hell didn’t care about a damn fucking word spiraling out of the biggest fraud of them all’s mouth.
           “We don’t kill!” Bruce’s voice echoed off of the tall walls of the Batcave. His arms crossed against his chest, his eyebrows furrowed together as he narrowed his eyes down at the girl sitting down on a chair before him. His head pounded after concocting a story to Gordon about how he found the Joker in the state he was in; Halley had put him in a full body cast.
           “Don’t talk down to me like I’m some child because I’m not! I was doing what should be done to that deranged psychopath!” She shouted back, tired of allowing him to berate her for the last twenty minutes. Her nostrils flared as she finally found her voice after days of staying silent.
           “Then what? If I let you kill him then what Halley? You would be no better than him.” Bruce’s voice still was raised by not as harsh, trying to make the girl see reason. He sounded like he was trying to plead with her.
           “How dare you?” She stood up from her chair, flaring her arms out. “Do you even hear yourself? Killing him would make me nothing like him!”
           “But would it make you anything like you’re father?” Bruce raised an eyebrow at her, unamused or impressed by her outburst.
            The girl had to see the consequences of her actions tonight. He needed her to see why they couldn’t just kill off whoever they deemed worthy off it. She needed to see how she’d regret her actions once she’s snapped out of her mourning. She was better than this. She was just too blinded by pain to see it now. Did he think the Joker deserved what the girl had intended for him? Of course he did. But he wouldn’t let the girl just throw her life away after all the good she’s done, after how she turned her life around.
           This whole thing, losing Jason, it made him start thinking how foolish he was. Who did he think he was? What gave him the right to endanger these kids’ lives? He was no better than the Joker by doing so. He’d been denying her joining him on patrol ever since they arrived home, not just because he wanted her to have time to grief but because he knew it was the right thing to do. Her stunt with breaking the Joker out of Arkham only proved it. He would no longer play with these kids’ lives just so Batman could have a sidekick. Batman worked alone.
           “Hey-,” Dick finally pipped up, feeling something snap as Bruce brought up Slade.
           “No Dick, I’m her legal guardian. Not you.” Bruce silenced his former ward with a raised hand. “She needs to hear this after what she just pulled here tonight.” He continued moving his glare back to Halley.
           “Yeah, Dick, I want to hear this.” Halley rolled her eyes, going to stand closer to Bruce as threatening as she could. She didn’t care if he towered over her, she wasn’t threatened by his stature.
           “You left the manor without permission. You broke the Joker out of Arkham and then you tortured him. If I hadn’t shown up when I did you would’ve taken it too far.” Bruce spoke down to her, his voice cold as he listed off each item needed to be addressed; it was like he was talking to Jason after he almost took something too far on patrol. “You didn’t think about the consequences. I gave you a second chance when I took you in and I expect you to abide by my rules; my one rule.
           “If you killed him I would’ve had to take you in for murder and you don’t see that. I can’t trust you to not try this stunt again.”           Bruce continued, backing away from her and moving towards the batcomputer.  
           He began typing into the keyboard, his actions unknown to the others but he knew exactly what he was doing; he was revoking her privileges to the Batcave. He knew she’d never forgive him for this; he knew Dick would never forgive him for this but it was the right thing to do. He could only hope she’d understand someday.
           “Take off your suit and put it away, then go up to your room until I say you can come out. You’re done here.” He ordered, giving her one last order before hitting enter on the keyboard.
           “Master Bruce-” Now even Alfred spoke up as Dick gasped out.
           “Fine,” Halley spat, cutting off Alfred from trying to reason with Bruce. “Fuck this and fuck you!” She swore, pointing her index finger her way as she didn’t want to fight him if he was just going to act like a coward.  “Without you there’s nothing holding me back from actually going through with it this time. I am my father’s daughter after all, according to you.” She said heatedly as she began to tear off different pieces of armor from her costume and throwing them in her wake. She started to walk out of the cave as she did so.
           “You go after him again and you’ll get the same treatment as the rest of them. This will be your first and final warning.” He said not even bothering to look at her no matter how much it hurt.
           “Thanks for the warning,” she huffed, coming off like a child throwing a tantrum. “I’ll hold you too it Bruce! I can’t wait until I’m locked up and can tell everyone the real reason why Jason is dead!” she yelled, holding the same threatening tone Bruce had seconds ago.
           She stormed out of the cave without looking back, her arms shaking in anger as she stomped up the stairs. She could hear footsteps quickly following after her. She didn’t have to look to know it was Dick. Of course it was Dick; it was always Dick who ran after her once she shouted and said something stupid. She was too angry and tired to listen to him. He was just going to yell at her like Bruce did and she wasn’t going to hear it again, especially from him. She knew she was being childish but she couldn’t find herself being able to act any other way.
           “Please just talk to me. I want to help,” Dick begged, catching up to her and grabbing her arm to will her to stop once they reached the hallway outside of the library.
           “Don’t touch me.” She ripped her arm away, turning to glare at him now.
           “Let’s just talk.” He raised his hands up in defense. “I’m not mad about tonight. I get it. I’ve been there; when I found out Zucco killed my parents I wanted nothing more-,”
           “I don’t want to have this talk.” She said firmly, moving to turn away again.
           She began to head to her room, intending on locking herself in there, like Bruce told her to do, until she figured out what her next move was. She knew what she shouldn’t do but it was also part of her options of things she wanted to do. She knew it was foolish to go after the Joker. She knew she was out of her mind to break him out of Arkham. What if Bruce couldn’t bring him back after he subdued her and he got lose and killed more people? It would have been on her this time. But his blood on her hands felt so good even with him enjoying it. She enjoyed it too and was that wrong?
           It was wrong, she knew it deep down but she wished it wasn’t. Bruce was right. Not that she’d be like the Joker if she went through with it but he was right in saying that it would make her like her father or at least what her father would want her to be. Anyone who crossed him ended up dead. And that’s exactly what she almost did.
           Fuck, she cursed to herself, knowing that Bruce was right for firing her; she didn’t even trust herself being trained as she was to not try and kill the Joker if she saw him again in the mindset she was in.
           “Sorry,” She said, halting her steps and giving Dick an honest apologetic look; he’d been nothing but there for her like usual and there she was taking her issues out on him, like usual. “I just- I just can’t right now. It’s been a long night and I need to think- to process what just happened- what I just did.”
           “Okay.” Dick nodded at her, trying to be understanding. He placed a hand on her shoulder, seeing how the main parts of her costume were missing, leaving her in the spandex part of the suit. “Let’s just go to bed and we’ll talk in the morning.”
           “I’m not staying here.” She narrowed her eyes at him, stopping her steps as they had started making their way towards the bedrooms again.
           “Bruce said you couldn’t keep the suit. He didn’t kick you out of the manor-,”
           “When he told you to take off the suit did you stay?” She retorted, placing a hand on her hip as she glared up at him. She knew she had him as he closed his mouth. “I- I was out of line down there and tonight. I don’t see me staying here being a good idea.” She put a hand to her head, letting out a long sigh. Running her fingers through her knotted hair, she said, “I’m not staying.”
           “Don’t go after the Joker.” He rushed out, his thoughts rushing to think that that was where she intended on going. “Please, he’s serious. He’ll go after you and I- I can’t let you do it, please Halley-,”
           “I’m not going after Joker. No matter how much I want too, I won’t. ” She cut him off, her headache now stronger than it was earlier. “I just-I can’t, Dick. Jason’s not here and I can’t get better with his room across from mine.” She admitted, knowing that she’d only stay up and stare at the door across the hall, bitterness and anger taking her over again.
           Dick felt like he should but he couldn’t bring himself to feel an ounce of anger towards the girl. She had sent his mind haywire all day long, the moment he couldn’t find her in the manor and gotten word that someone broke Joker out of Arkham made his heart stop. He felt nothing but worry and fear. The Joker would toy with her the moment he got the chance and he was terrified that it would be like Jason again. He was still trying to process what the Joker had done to Jason, he couldn’t fathom having to go through it again immediately after.
           This wasn’t going to end like it did years ago. When things got tough and he just dropped her off somewhere. He refused to just abandon her again. He was understanding in the fact that Bruce was still mourning the loss of Jason himself but his actions in the cave were uncalled for. Halley didn’t need to be pushed away to get better; she needed their patience. It was like Bruce wanted her to go after Joker again so he could lock her up. But Dick knew better after the years of living under the same roof as the man. This is what he did when he thought he was protecting you. He’d push you away until you left, as if that made anything better. Dick knew Bruce knew that Dick wouldn’t just let Halley go off on her own and chance Bruce having to take her down; he wanted them both to leave.
           And that’s exactly what Bruce was going to get.
           “Okay, we’ll leave. I’m not letting you leave alone.” Dick confirmed, nodding to her and leading her back down the hall. “We’ll get a hotel; it’s late but we’ll find something. We’ll figure out what to do in the morning after we sleep, deal?” He said sounding like the leader that he was.
           “No, Dick I couldn’t ask you to. I’ve messed up enough today, I don’t want to drag you into it with Bruce.” She frowned, knowing that they had just started patching up their relationship again.
           “Drop it.” He said firmly as they now stood outside her door. “Now, pack a bag for the night. We’ll come back for the rest once we figure out what we’re doing. I’ll meet you at my car in fifteen. Don’t make me come looking for you.”
           Halley stood speechless, just nodding as a response. She’d only ever seen him this serious a handful of times and she feared him more than she feared Batman ironically. She was afraid to disappoint him more than she already had. She was afraid he’d regret helping her the way he did. He brought her here. He gave her a chance at a new life and here she was ruining it. This was what she was afraid of from the very beginning.
           Dick saw the look on her face before he departed, giving her a reassuring squeeze on her shoulder before leaving her to pack. She found herself in her room, quickly grabbing her overnight bag that was still left unpacked from Bosnia. She quickly emptied it onto her bed and began throwing a couple of pairs of clothes and necessities. She’d gained a lot more possessions over the last two years and found herself trying to deem what was the most important. Shaking her head at the thought, she went back to making sure she had just the essentials as well as changing out of the rest of her suit.
           Throwing the bag over her shoulders she exited the room without another look, knowing that she’s only get worked up again. As she closed the door behind her and unavoidably looked at Jason’s door. She couldn’t help herself but to go in, knowing she might not step inside it ever again. She looked around feeling the same emptiness she felt all week whenever stepping inside. She gripped the bag’s strap as she moved further into the room.
           It was still the way he left it before leaving, Alfred not having the heart to clean up the clothes thrown about that were left in Jason’s mad dash to pack at the last minute. His school bag was still on his desks, homework and notebooks littering it from when Halley got on him to do it. She sat down on his bed, biting the inside of her cheek as her eyes looks at every spot she could. Her eye caught one of his sweaters laying at the foot of the bed and she found her hand slowly snaking towards it.
           When the soft fabric reached her hands she found herself stuffing it into her pack without thinking. She found herself doing the same with other objects she came across as she stood from the bed and made her way about the room. She took a pair of his pjama’s, her favorite band tee of his that she always stole, along with his iPod and his copy of Lord of the Rings that he left in the room after his last reread. The last item she grab was his leather jacket he always wore, putting it on before making her way out of the room.
           She felt odd and almost like she was stealing after walking out of the room but tried to push the thoughts aside. If anyone were to have his stuff Jason would want her to take it, she told herself as she crept through the hall. She was almost afraid Bruce would be lurking the halls, ready to pounce on her. She really did not want to bump into him so she quickened her step until she was eventually walking down the main stairwell. She could see Dick’s car’s headlights on through the glass of the door and rushed more. She regretted just leaving for Alfred’s sake, knowing that if she could find the courage she’d face him and bid him goodbye, but she had already grasped the doorknob before she could give it a second thought.
           She winced to herself when she bit into her cheek to sharply, that familiar metallic taste appearing in her mouth once more. She felt some sort of relief at the sight of Dick waiting for her in his car which was running and ready to go. Throwing her bag in the backseat she wordlessly got in the passenger seat, wrapping her arms against her chest and snuggling into Jason’s jacket, frowning as it still smelt like him.
           “Let’s get out of here,” Dick’s voice cut through the hum of the engine and music playing on the radio. Dick peeked at her, making sure she was okay as he noted Jason’s jacket.
           The tall and looming manor started to fade as the long road began to come into view. Halley barely gave the manor a second glance, remembering how intimidating it felt on her first day here compare to how it looked now. It had become her home or so she thought. It wasn’t as hard leaving the manor as it had been back when she left the Tower to move here. Of course she’d miss Alfred but there was nothing left here for her; what made this place home was gone.
           She let her head fall against the window as she looked out into the trees, unsure of how she was feeling. She felt like she had failed yet accomplished so much. She felt like she took a hundred steps forward and then ninety-nine steps back. Halley couldn’t help but think about what her father would think if he saw her now; what would he think about her tonight?
           How disappointing, he would say in his cynical voice.
           She closed her eyes at the sound of his voice appearing in her head. She tried to push it away as the smell of Jason’s jacket made her hum out, her head feeling heavy and the exhaustion hitting her, the adrenaline completely gone. Jason would want her to be okay. He wouldn’t want her driving herself mad over his death. She would be okay for him.  
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iphoenixrising · 5 years
For 800 Followers! The Wrong Robin
Babe recc’ed me a fic, Liminal Space by Calamityjim and a few profound things hit me in this fic. The author talks about how basically when shit gets broken, it’s broke. The Bats fucked Tim over and it’s not just a forgive-and-forget situation. It’s literally a darker world he’s living in and my fucking heart goes out to him. I write some angsty things about Tim not coming back to the Bats, but I do a few that really aren’t that, so this is inspired by the Tim that can’t go back.
So, for everyone that’s only wanted to do good things but still gets beaten down over and over again. I love you. I love you so so much.
Getting pissed really isn’t an option.
Because vigilantes arguing in the middle of a rooftop after an epic takedown is never good PR for the capes and cowls–
(but it isn’t like he’s really one of them anymore, right?)
“Can’t motherfuckin’ believe I’m hearin’ this shit, Pretender.” The Red Hood is standing tall against the night with forearms and fists clenched by his sides, fucking arguing with him like any of it means a damn thing.
“Am I in the Twilight Zone right now or some shit?” Red Robin comes back, sneering and baring his teeth in the semblance of a smile. “Who the fuck even are you?”
“Lookit here, asshole–”
But Red just moves, gets right up in Hood’s grill, whiteouts narrowed in the night, standing right the hell up to the Robin that once-upon-a-time was his (and welp, hadn’t that ship sailed?)
“Why are you even here?” He demands, low and dark, “wasn’t it enough to shove a Batarang in my chest? To almost slit my throat? Wasn’t that the fuck enough for you? And then this shit? You here telling me some pile of crap about how I should come back? Come back to what?”
Hood takes a step back, the tension in his shoulders and forearms loosening, “whoa, waitaminute, just wait–”
“You called me fucking Pretender, didn’t you?” Is even lower, the younger vigilante still as stone, “because that’s what I am, right? No matter what my intentions were, no matter how much of a beating I took all those years. None of that shit means a fucking thing, does it?”
“Look, kid, I don’t know what the hell yer goin’ on ‘bout. B just asked–”
“What? He asked you to tell me to get the fuck out of Gotham? Like I really need anyone to tell me that? Like I don’t already fucking know?”
Now it’s the Red Hood that stills, not even a huff or guffaw through the synths, just the tiniest movement of the helmet moving to track when Red Robin takes a step back.
“Go back and tell B to stop wasting your fucking time, Hood. He’s already got all his Robins.”
And Red knows he’s taking a real risk here, turning away from the vigilante that’s tried taking him out of the game more than once, one that hadn’t had a fucking moment of hesitation. He knows giving his back to Jason Todd could be the last mistake he ever makes.
Still, he’s not the same person he was back when the Battle for the Cowl was going down. He’s not the same person Jason Todd asked to be his Robin. He’s not the same person that died a little the day the tunic was taken right out of his hands.
He’s more pragmatic, less idealistic. He’s a vigilante that’s hit the grey areas and been able to come back–
(and fuck you, Bruce. Fuck you for coming after him when that little thing with Boomerang went down. When he didn’t let that murdering bastard die. When Red realized who he was, and that was not a murderer, when he wasn’t going to be like Boomerang or his future gun-toting Batman self. Fuck YOU, B. Jason got a second chance. Damian got a second chance. But him? Well, he’s the fucking Robin that was never chosen, so jumping all over him was pretty much fine.)
He’s pretty sure the fight between him and the Red Hood would go down very differently if he’d been that broken the last time they had it out. Hood never would have asked for Red to be another Batman’s Robin. He would have gotten the fuck you memo first thing.
But really, what does any of that matter now?
They’ve reached the end of his little Robin ride, so it’s time to cut his losses and move on – just like all of them pretty much wanted.
So he’s going to do just that. He’s going to stand with his team, take every lesson he’s ever learned from the Bats, and keep fucking moving. It’s what he’s been doing for a little more than a year, makes it easy to turn away from Hood, makes him narrow his eyes when a gloved hand catches his elbow unexpectedly just as he’s ready to shoot the grapple and take off into the night. Red Robin finds himself gone far enough from who and what he used to be that he’s already got a plan to put Jason Todd the fuck down this time.
(You’re not getting another chance to fuck me over, Todd. Not again.)
“Hey,” is low through the synths, the hand around his elbow not tight enough to be a hold, not really. “Lemme start again, yeah?”
“There’s no point in starting anything,” Red Robin doesn’t even turn to look over his shoulder, to acknowledge Hood, “everything has been over for a long damn time. Go back and tell them that.”
The grapple fires in the night, a bang, cuts off a “–wait a motherfucking minute!” when he’s pulled into space, pulled out in the dark Gotham night. A flicker of gold from the harness and utility belt, a dance of shadows in the shape of a flapping cape, and the younger vigilante is gone in a literal blink.
Hood shakes his head a little, thrown from the way his replacement brushed him completely off, sprouted old rhetoric from the days when the second Robin was one angry motherfucker.
And as much as he shouldn’t give two shits about the ig’nant fuck, the sight of that kid’s face when he was in the red, gold, and green, that face when he was clutching at his throat, bleedin’ like a stuck pig, looking so fucking devastated, is there in the Red Hood’s mind’s eye when he fires his own grapple and takes off in the opposite direction.
Dickie don’t make it any better. Not at all.
“He didn’t want to hear it, B,” the oldest Robin shakes his head sadly, “and maybe we should just let him go. He’s got his own team and a new ident. Maybe he’s just happier where he is.”
Stephanie Brown straightens up, mouth set in a grim line. But at the end of the day, she has nothing to argue, really. Her choices back then had been...questionable, even with the best of intentions. Scarab and faking her own death, piling more on a newly orphaned Robin hadn’t been the answer, hadn’t been the way to test his limits to see what would finally make him break.
It’s a few years too late for these realizations, and even when she wants to shove her face right up in Dick Grayson’s grill and argue–
She can’t.
And fuck, she hates it.
Behind them, Jason Todd is sitting at his workstation, back to the conversation after giving them a clipped, condensed version of events. At first, the two of them were talking low at the Batcomputer after a somewhat easy patrol.
She, Dick, and Dami had come in and started breaking out of the capes for the night before catching some of the conversation –
“Lil’ asshole didn’t stay long ‘nough ta listen, you feel me, B?”
“He wouldn’t even hear you out?”
Between getting out of the body armor and taking a shower, unwinding wrists and ankles, ruffling their Robin as much as possible just to have him “tt” at her and still grin when he turns away from her teasing, she’d come to stand on the outskirts with Dick, waiting to give her nightly report before crashing hardcore.
“Said ya already had all yer Robins. Also said ta tell ya ta stop wasting yer time n’ shit.”
The Dark Knight is silent, cowl back to air out his sweaty hair, arms crossed over his chest. The draw of his brows and deep frown are telling as to what he thinks of this little convo.
She’d been ready to ask who are you talking about? since all the previous Robins were, in fact, more at the Manor these days than even Alfred can remember. It’s rough and tumble sometimes, all of them grating on each other, but it really was what Batman Incorporated probably should have always been.
At least for the Batfamily.
But when she pauses, when the words get stuck in her throat, his masked face from way back when gives her pause, is still associated with old pains and regrets, and Steph has to take a long, deep breath.
That’s when Dick, who’d apparently also put the topic of conversation together, had stepped in to break the news to them.
“Maybe he’s just...moved on.”
She grinds her back teeth together, and can’t say a fucking thing.
“Tt,” is about as unconvincing as you can get. Certainly Drake will realize it.
“I asked what you wanted,” Red Robin reminds him, not bothering to look up from the microscope he’s studying.
“As I said,” Robin repeats, “Father has requested you return to Gotham. As I understand there is some yearly tradition he wishes to reinstate.”
“And as I said,” is unruffled, absent; the older vigilante obviously distracted as he jots down notes on a steno pad beside the microscope, “enjoy that. Don’t come back unless you need something important.”
Irritation wells up, but the teenager closes his eyes behind the whiteouts and takes a soft breath, trying to quell the emotion, reminding himself that Drake may be annoying and arrogant, but he was also once a Robin. He has had a few redeeming instances in his crime fighting career.
“This is important to Father, Drake,” Robin replies in an even tone, “he wants all the Bats to participate. Thus this applies to you.”
His predecessor’s muscles go tight in just the under suit, straightens away from the delicate equipment at one of the labs in Titan’s Tower, but still, he doesn’t bother to turn and face the current Robin head-on.
After a few seconds of silence, Red Robin goes back to the microscope. “C’mon, stop fucking around. Go back and tell him I said I was busy for, like, the next ten years or something.”
“That would be inaccurate.”
“Well, tell him I just said no.” Shrug of the shoulders, back to divided attention, and it is quickly starting to get more than just irritating.
“If I am to tell him that, Drake, then he will ask why.”
“Tell him I’m not his responsibility anymore. I mean, wouldn’t it be awkward if I did show up? Nobody needs that, and I have plenty to do here.”
Robin’s crossed arms loosen just a little, his back less rigid, the discussion in the Cave a few days ago still sitting in the back of his mind, making him wonder.
“Very well,” he makes it falsely light on purpose, “and when I return to Gotham with your answer, he will be the one to show up next. Unless you want to deal with that, you will need to provide better reasonings.” And a huff because he has no idea why he’s even still here, “Drake. They are a pain in the ass. This is not news to you. However,” and the pause, how he trails off is the things that finally gets the older vigilante to glance over his shoulder, “they are family. They are your family and mine. It is...troublesome at times, but they are what they are.”
Whatever he said is enough to make the older vigilante stop what he’s doing and lightly brace just his fingertips on the countertop as he stands.
Drake turns and approaches slowly, whiteouts up and face utterly impassive. A few feet between them and his predecessor breaks it out, calm and low when Robin feels like this visage is only another type of mask.
“Family? You think I’m family? That I ever was in the first place?”
Robin’s arms tighten.
“I didn’t want to be Robin forever,” Drake keeps going and Robin can imagine his eyes are cold and calm behind the domino, “I gave it ten years or so. That should have been plenty of time for B to get over Jason’s death. At least enough that he would get control over himself back. But the longer I was in the tunic, the more people that died around me, the more I had to change so I didn’t end up doing the same thing he did. There wasn’t another kid to hang around and keep me from destroying myself, so I had to keep my shit together.”
Robin’s mouth is slightly open, wondering why all this is coming out now? He and Drake have always been little more than rivals. This heartfelt account makes Robin uncomfortable for several reasons–
Primarily because he’s never been interested in his predecessor’s time in the tunic. It had simply never mattered, not when he took over the Robin mantle and strove to make it his rather than Drake’s.
“But when he disappeared, and everything that happened afterwards. All of that made me realize that no matter what I did, or what I tried to do, it was never supposed to have been me in that tunic.” A gloved finger flicks to the R on Robin’s left shoulder. “I wasn’t family, Damian. Not from the moment I put it on for the first time, and not at the end when Dick pulled it out from under me. Family? Family wouldn’t do that.”
And even if it’s difficult, Robin tries to swallow, his mouth suddenly dry.
“The last time I even talked to your dad? Was when the Boomerang thing happened, you know that, right?” And Red Robin goes still enough that Robin wonders if he’s even breathing. “No one died, and even though I didn’t let that happen, I’m the one that didn’t get a second chance. Not like you or Jason. All those years, all the times I pulled him out of the fire, all those years I thought he was my friend, my partner, my family. All of it meant nothing in the end.”
And Drake takes one step closer, just one, arms still crossed over his chest, head tilted down, but Robin feels like his chest is so tight, like he can’t even get a breath.
“So,” and Drake’s voice is softer now, gentle almost, “he won’t be showing up. I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but it’s probably time for you to go back to Gotham. Batman...needs a Robin.”
And if his vision blurs behind the whiteouts suspiciously as Drake walks away from him, through the open doors of the lab, no one would be the wiser.
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im-tops-bottom · 6 years
Just an idea
Tony meets Bucky and Steve during WWII.
Tony worked alongside many teams such as the electrical repair crew, engineering, etc....while Steve and Bucky worked in the front lines alongside the howling commandos.
Tony always got into fights with Steve ever since training. Steve was always Howard Starks favorite. Howard never had time or paid attention to Tony. Tony was nothing but a regret, a mistake, nothing but a distant memory. Then again Howard was in love with the super soldier. So that made sense to him. At least he didn't have to worry about his father nagging him for being a complete failier.
To make matters worse, Tony didn't have any friends in the army. Everyone only used him to fix things up or work in a battlefield strategy. They were nice to him but not nice enough to sit with him during lunch, or just have an idle chat with him during breaks. He felt so lonely there. He used the loneliness to his advantage. Build up walls so they don't break. So they don't shatter.
What really helped was when James Buchanan Barnes aka Bucky aka Steve Rogers best friend/bodyguard told him to stay away from them. Bucky was very protective over Steve and things tend to get rough when people talk bad about either of them. Bucky just like his father told him that he was a good for nothing spoiled brat and the only use the army has for him is his brain. He said a whole lot of bad things after that.
After that Tony had told himself that he will never fall in love with anyone ever again. Push all his emotions aside. Since then he has never spoke to anyone that wasn't work related. He stopped trying to make friends. He pretty much stopped looking after himself. That was when the late nights planning fueled only by coffee kicked in. He kept on working until he passed out. As soon as he woke up he will get straight back into it.
A couple of days later, he almost faints but strong arms hold him up. He becomes dizzy as he tries to balance and almost drops again. He feels himself being lifted up and he starts complaining. He gets taken to his tent and is gently placed on the bed. He looks up and is too tired at the moment to be shocked at who had helped him.
"Bucky? The fuck you doing here?"
He watches as Bucky grabs a tray of food, sits beside Tony and starts trying to feed him.
"Im not hungry"
"I don't have time for your bullshit Stark. Eat!"
"great me neither. Im not hungry"
"you haven't eaten in days. Now eat!"
"I don't fucken care. Just go back to Captain America and let me get back to work"
Out of anger, Tony finds the energy to throw the tray of food to the floor and get off the bed and walk out. He doesn't make it far as those strong arms he still has a thing for are wrapped around his waist and he is pulled back to Buckys chest. It was a good thing too as Tony began to feel dizzy again.
"don't act like a brat Tony"
"how else should an army brat act?"
Dizziness subsides and Tony breaks out of the hold. He doesn't look back as he walks away.
"leave me alone Bucky. Just leave."
"you're acting like a child"
"great!" Tony finally turns around to look Bucky in the eye "then I can do this"
Bucky crosses his arms "do what?"
Tony smirks "I quit" he turns around and walks away not even paying attention to Bucky's growlings for Tony to get his back there. Tony sighs contently at the feeling of freedom.
-2 hours later-
Tony's freedom is shattered. His dad refuses to accept his absence from the army. They have heated words. Well at least his mother managed to get food into him.
After that Tony sneaks back to his tent. He starts packing up his stuff.
"what are you doing Tony?"
Of course he shouldn't be surprised who it is. He just had his other half in his tent hours ago.
"what do you want Steve?"
He tenses as he hears Steve get up from the chair by the door.
"what, you can't handle a little heat so you run away?"
Tony finishes packing and grabs his stuff. He gets ready to leave but stops as Bucky walks through the door.
"oh great as if seeing today wasn't bad enough. Look! I don't care what you heard but just so you know, it's none of your business. Either of you. so if you boys don't mind"
Steps around Bucky and makes his way to the door.
"I'm leaving. This is me leaving. Have fun without me. Everyone else will."
Tony walks out and sneaks through the area right up to the entrance. He smiles as he sees that Bruce Banner is the one working security tonight. Out of all the people Tony has ever known, he never minded Bruce. Bruce kept to himself. He was just as friendless and lonely. People liked Bruce though. He just never wanted to make friends so he didn't have to worry about losing someone to the war. Tony had mad respect for that.
"hey Brucie bear."
"hey Tony. What's up?"
"I'm running. I told my father to get fucked, packed my shit and now this is me leaving."
"is that the same for those guys too?"
"what guy's?"
Out of confusion Tony turns to look behind him and finds two very angry super soldiers standing there with eyebrows raised and arms crossed. He can't help but roll his eyes as he turns back around.
"yeah fucken right they are. Nope I am doing this solo."
"good luck"
Tony and Bruce nod as Tony walks through the gate and sets off under the nights sky.
After what felt like hours of walking Tony huffs as he stops to turn around.
"how long do you guys plan on following me?"
"however long it takes for you to realize you are just being stupid and childish and that you should come back to base, apologize to your father and let things return back to how they used to be."
"oh fuck you Rogers. Go suck Howard's dick asshole. I'm done with him. I'm So fucken done with you two asshats."
"Bucky say something. He's being a brat"
Tony turns around so his back is towards them.
"no! How bout Bucky stays silent and you two to return back to base and fuck my dad's brains out in front of my mother. How bout you two just leave me the hell alone."
Tony takes a sip of water before he carries on walking. he hears shoes scrape against rocks and he prays to god that they are returning to base.
About a couple of hours later he finds an abandoned cabin. He slowly inspects the outside and sees everything is alright. He checks to see if the door is open and as he does he feels hands on his hips and let's out a yelp as he is dragged away from the house. Him and whoever has gotten a hold of him are thrown back as the house goes up in flames.
His body is shaking and he turns and presses against the body. He hears Buckys voice calming him and now he can put a name to the body holding him.
"it's okay Tony. It's okay. I got you."
"don't leave me"
Tony tenses as he feels another body against him.
"it's okay Tony. We ain't going anywhere. We won't leave you"
Tony calms as he hears Steve. Still shaken up, he let's his anger towards them subside and let's them hold him. He continues his chant of "please don't leave me" afraid that if he stops they will be gone.
After Tony falls asleep Steve looks up at Bucky on the other side of Tony with tears threatening to leave.
"we can't leave him Bucky. Promise me we won't leave him"
Steve is slightly shaking at what happened. He almost lost Tony if it weren't for his best friend noticing the trap right away.
"we won't. I don't wanna leave him."
Bucky is still trying to calm down and breathe. He clings on to Tony like their lives depend on it. He almost lost Tony and he won't ever let that happen again. Now with a more determined mindset, he gets up and picks up the sleeping Tony.
"we won't let him leave us. We'll stay by his side forever. Nothing is gonna to ever come between us no matter what. We lost him once, won't let that happen again."
Steve stood up also looking more determined after hearing Bucky.
"even if he hates us, we'll continue to protect him. I love him Bucky. Im not willing to give him up."
"same here Stevie. Same here."
They return to the road side and continue their trek.
A while later they find a cabin that has lights on. They walk up to the door and knock on it.
A lady opens up the door with a bright smile.
"hi there. How can I help you gentleman?"
Bucky being the more stronger one, places Tony into Steve's arms and steps up. He places a smile onto his face.
"hey I'm James. We are a little bit lost. We were looking for the base camp. We went for a jog but our friend got hurt along the way. Are we able to stay the night?"
The ladies eyes open wide and she drags the boys in.
"oh yes of course of course. Have you eaten anything yet? I'll make up some drinks. Oh dear boys. You need to be more careful around this parts of the woods. It's dangerous. You don't know what you will run into during the war. You guys do look familiar though. I'm not sure where I have seen you"
Steve smiles "probably not. We just joined the army awhile ago." Steve looks at Bucky who nods back. They can't trust anyone out here. Best keep to some white lies and half truths.
After they had a little something to eat, the lady takes them to her room where there is a big bed.
"this is mine and m husband's room. My husband is away at the moment. I will take the spare room. Theres a shower and I can provide spare clothes."
After they have a shower and going as far as washing a sleeping Tony, they get changed and head to bed. After saying good night and making sure Tony is tucked safely between them, they start to relax.
"we have to tell him how we really feel, don't we?"
"if it means that we don't completely lose him then yes we do. We also need to explain to him everything."
"even the reason for the fights and arguments?"
"yes. Right back to the training days"
"do i really have to tell him why I liked sending him down to the mat?"
"yes Stevie you do. It's bad enough he got his ass kicked by a scrawny asthmatic punk. Let alone being reminded of it and finding out the real reason why you started the future arguments."
"he's gonna be pissed"
"yes but at least he'll know. He'll probably be okay with it"
"yeah I can hear it now "oh yeah I'm totally fine with you getting a hard on Everytime you send me to the ground because after the first time, you had fantasies about dominating me in bed. It's gonna be better now that my dad who is totally in love with you had pumped you up with that god juice making everything twice as big. Hey did I mention the part about my dad" real smooth"
"I hope you do realize that that was a really bad impression"
"oh shut it"
After the laughter dies down. They get comfortable and fall asleep.
-the next morning-
Bucky and Steve wake up to no Tony. They call out to him and search around hoping that he's there. Unfortunately Tony is not around.
Things start to get wierd as the owner of the place is no longer there either. It's not until their super soldier senses pick up far away screaming.
Bucky and Steve look wide eyed at each other. "Tony". They run outside and see Tony being dragged onto a boat kicking and screaming. They run after him but the boat has already taken off.
"they took him!" "Calm down Steve!" "WE PROMISED. THEY TOOK HIM BUT WE PROMISED!" "I know. Come on. We'll head to camp and stock up." "We bringing him home?" Bucky watches the boat that says Hydra speed off "yeah Stevie. We're bringing him home"
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stay--satan · 7 years
But he’s all mine and I’ll love him - Older!DAMIAN WAYNE X READER
Can you do prompts 6 and 11 with Damian, please? Also I’m really excited for upcoming work! Good luck :) - 6. “Are you even happy?” - 11. “Am I even enough?”
hey hey i love your wally piece and i was wondering if you could do 23 with either dick or damian? thanks! - 23. “We’re not Rose and Jack, we’re more like fucking Sid and fucking Nancy”
I think I took too deep this one, might be the saddest thing on earth
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The team had comeback from a mission that left Y/N, Raven and Aqualad protecting the tower while Robin, Beast Boy, Starfire and Kid Flash left for a three months undercover mission. Y/N is the team's hacker and watcher, taking control over the fights from the outside while both of them kept the city safe. But again, the three of them never were too much of talking so now with the room crowded again with a welcome reunion after months in silence it was difficult. She didn't know many details about the undercover, but Wally said it was one of the roughest they ever had been. Being someone else for months was dangerous enough to change the real person from the inside. Though he seemed okay, she saw Kori flinch a bit when they jumped to hug her and Beast was definitly faking his smile as he was surrounded by his friends. And of course, there was Damian.
Y/N felt her heart stop for a minute as he walks in the room with his bag. The tall boy is tired and more pale than she remembered. He doesn't even glance a look at her direction, he just walks straight to the elevator going to his room. Y/N feels the pity look of her friends over her and a hand over her shoulder "Don't be mad with him... I guess he and Kory had the most intense part."
Two days has gone by and Damian hasn't left his room. She tries to see him over the security camera in his room but he had put a 'DON'T DISTURB' stick over it. She hears every now and then one of her teamates knocking on his door and placing the food there. Mostly of the times she passed through the hall and the food was still there after hours. Y/N thinks about how many times she thought about knocking there to check on him, or just using her spare key and holding him without telling nothing. But she knew Damian better and he would be gone of the room before she was in the middle of the hallway. So she decides to talk to Kory who was still a bit off from herself, but was open to talk about it.
"You don't have to if it's..." "It's okay Y/N..." The orange woman gives a warm smile to her "I need to snap out of it" Starfire, the woman who Y/N admired for her entire life, was now in front of her looking so fragile like a human being. "We got separated before we landed. It would seem to suspicious if 5 people showed up in the city at the same day. We're suposed to look for this man, Hugo. He controlled H.I.V.E after Grant Wilson's death. But we wanted to get to know everyone around him and all his tatics before we could come up with something over them, I mean, H.I.V.E hasn't moved in years so why start while we are away?" she sighes adjusting her posture "We used this mission also to test our undercover watch, it made us look like someone else. So Wally and Beast went to downtown and me and Damian to near the docks where we believed it would be the criminal's spot. We found a few suspects on our first week, but you know how man are... They don't trust you unless they have something in return." Kori looked to her hands "They locked me and when I woke up, I saw myself again as a slave." her voice is rough, Y/N wanted to hug her but she knew there wasn't nobody like Y/N who could listen to her for this time. It's a difficult thing to tell the others and if she ever mentioned to Grayson... God there wouldn't be a a living soul in that city "I menaged to keep myself strong knowing that if anyone crossed a line with me I could burn that place down, but I coudn't help but think about the other girls you know? I know there is so much pain in this world, I just never thought I would see right in front of me and not being able to do anything for months you know?" Y/N's heart was broken. She rushs to hug her friend "Kori, you're amazing. Every single day that you're here it's the day I am proud of you. After everything you've been through I look at you and see the most strong woman I know. We can't save everyone from this, but you did the best you could" The oldest gives a corner smile to the girl "Well, I did break everyone's legs on our last day. Sent that girls back home and I feel good. I really do. But I need time" "Of course..." you grin letting her go from your embrace "About Damian... He was in South from where I was. From what I heard he was the biggest dealer from there, building his way up. Look Y/N, I don't know what he did... But it broke him. He didn't said a word the entire way over." You nodded to her finally knowing what to do.
Y/N opens the door seeing her long-term boyfriend sleeping. She walks over him carefully sitting across from bed messing his hair. The green eyes wide open in shock grabbing her hand roughly and she gaps "Hey, birdboy. It's me..." she whispers trying to calm him down. Damian finally has a clear vision of her and sits straight in the bed "What time is it?" shaking his head and rubbing his eyes "Late. I'm sorry I had to see you" "Yeah. Sorry I..." "No need" she smiles looking at his face. His eyes were not meeting hers by any point and she notices some new scars over his body. "You need some time" He finally looks at her, but his eyes are different. They have this guilt, angry and arrogance that she never saw before. At least not to her. Damian grunts "Time?" he leaves the bed letting her sit alone. She follows him with her eyes and he goes to the bottle of whiskey that now is part of his room. This wasn't there the last time she visited him, she thought. She also never saw Damian as a drinking type like Jason or Bruce. He puts over a glass to him turning his back to her "Time is what no one have." "I talked to Kori..." the girl's voice is a little louder now to make sure he was listening "She is taking hers and I suggest you do the same" "I am fine, Beloved." he turns to her with the glass on his hand. The nickname he used to call her now don't seem that familiar "Do you think some low key idiots would be able to break me?" he makes his way to her. Y/N feels deep in her core a mix of new feelings inside of her. She was scared for whatever was taking over him but at the same time, the way he looks at her was so much more intense than he ever did. It was like a hungry animal and she was his prey. Pulling her up by her wrists that would definetly leave some marks, he kisses her hard gripping her by the hips. His breath is heavy during the kiss taking over her and his touch is more aggressive. He pushes Y/N to the bed again ripping her blouse apart leaving bites all over her body "Damian... Wait I didn't came... Oh god" she tries to protest but he kiss that sweet spot over her neck while his fingers where now working under her panties before she could protest. She missed him, it's been too long. So she just let go for this time only, she could talk to him later.
Weeks goes by and Damian becomes more and more possesive over her. They barely leave the room and when they eventually do, Damian is gone for hours before return and drag Y/N to another night where they kept going until morning. Now after starring the ceiling while Damian is asleep on her arms for a few hours, she stands up putting her boyfriend's sweater to cover her bruises (she didn't had the exactly time to heal) but she didn't mind. Y/N loved that man since she was 14 and now, six years later, she feels like she needed him more than food or air. Stepping out carefully in the kitchen, she gasps when she notices Kori in the kitchen staring at her "Jesus Koriand'r!" Y/N closes her eyes putting her hands on her chest "You scared me!" "You look like a dead corpse." Oh yes, the Tamaran's ability to tell you the hard truth. Y/N doesn't seem impress though, ignoring her and going to the fridge. As she bends over to grab something, Kori's eyes wide over the purple and red marks on her tights. She rushes to the youngest desperate grabbing her by the shoulders "Y/N for your's sake look at you!" "What's wrong with you" Y/N pushes her off the embrace "What... What he's doing to you..." "Don't you dare imply that! What I do it's none of your business" "How can it not? You're my best friend" the red head looks at her almost tearing up "He's sick, Y/N! He's not Damian anymore and you're just feeding on him" "I'm doing that because I love him. I'm giving him time to tell me whatever happened" "Time? I barely see you and in weeks you look more skinny and pale than ever before." Y/N looks to her feet on that. She was right. Y/N had see herself in the mirror yesterday and honestly she couldn't recognize herself anymore. Her deep green hair is now a pale and dehydrated, her lips cut from all the love bites and her eyes so deep dark that looked like two black holes. "I know you love him and you think you're doing the right thing for whatever is you two are doing but... Are you even happy?" The question hits Y/N more surprisingly than she expected.
Entering in the room Y/N sees Damian Wayne laying on the bed with his glass off whisky in his hands. He doesn't look at her but he feels her eyes on him burning. Closing the door behind her she doesn't move for a whole minute only analyzing the man she loved. "Am I even enough?" Her question comes out more like a sigh. He stops the drinking slowly turning his deep dark eyes to her "What are you talking about?" "Why don't you talk to me?" Damian's face is unreadable. He stands his hand up so she could walk towards him and hold it. He kisses her knuckles and looks at her through his lashes "I couldn't live without you, Y/N L/N." he says raspy and passionate. And then it finally hits her. The mess that was made. Her man, her beautiful boy with such lost eyes. The room where they had so many memories smelling like old sex and alcohool and had not see the daylight for weeks. His on going departure for hours doing god knows what and keeping her locked to himself. She pushes her hands out of his quickly leaning against the wall with wide open eyes. She starts to shake her head and the man stands up going in her direction "STAY AWAY FROM ME" Y/N yells leaning more closer to the wall before he reached her. Damian stops looking at her confused "Look at you, Damian! Look at us, this room... We're not Jack and Rose, we're Sid and fucking Nancy." she starts to sob with hands on her face "What happened Damian? Wha-what happened?" she knees to the floor giving up her strengths between loud sobs. Damian wakes up like it was a mess dream. He sees his girl in pieces on his floor, broken in a way he never saw anyone. Actually, he did saw it. Himself. About a month ago in a cheap room where he was. Crying wildly on the floor, alone, screaming and punching the walls.
"I killed someone." His voice comes out in a breath. Y/N controlled her sobs and slowly put her head up facing him with while he was out of breath. Remembering every single detail of that night. "I-I didn't know. They put a knife in my hand challenging me and I thought I could get out of it. But... They were so out of themselfs that-" he stops to kneel on the floor across from her closing his eyes "The guy ran, held my hand into the knife" he looks at his own hands like it was still there "and did it before I could have a chance." Y/N now stares at him bursting in tears. "I try, I swear I tried to save him. Led him to a hospital but nothing worked and... I snapped out of it." He barely can finish his sentence before sobbing loudly than he ever did before. She rushes over him holding him tight over the shoulders, kissing his head repeatedly while he shouts 'I'm Sorry' over and over again. She knew it wasn't only for her, but also his family. Wally rushes over the room scared of what was happening, but before the boy on her embrace notices, she nodds to him to leave. She held him for hours while he struggles for hours under her arms. "My love? Love, look at me" she says holding his head near her's "You. Are. Not. Guilty. Okay? It'll pass." "I've- I've been horrible to you, look what I did to you!" he's crying had not stopped for a single moment. It's getting worse everytime he remembered something "Love, look at me LOOK AT ME" shaking him by the shoulders "You'll be okay. I'll forgive you." she gives away a little smile to him "Bruce and I will forgive you, but Damian, darling you need to talk to us okay?" He looks at her and finally control his crying nodding his head.
Telling Bruce was the hardest day of their life. The moment the man entered you led him to Damian's room, you saw shock and despair on his eyes for the first time. He sees his boy sitting on the bed completely different and it's like he already knew. Bruce hold his son in his arm kissing his head while the other Wayne embrace him tightly Damian was still scared to touch you, his psychiatrist said that what he did to you was to suppress the pain and keep his undercover on even after the mission. He's been going to therapy regularly and moved back to the manor where you two slept in separated rooms. Even though every night you held him in your arms until he falled asleep, he still insisted for you to leave after that. It was important for you too. Y/N's support was what gave Damian Wayne strength. He couldn't leave a day without telling sorry for the rest of his life and after almost a year of treatment, both of them felt trusty enough to love each other.
"Thank you" he whispers stroking her head on his embrace after calming down "For what?" she puts her hands over his chest "Where do you want me to start?" a chuckle leave her lips and he smiles over the sweet sound "I love you baby boy" lifting her head to meet his eyes, Y/N says with a deep voice "You might think that you're broke and hurt inside but you're all mine and I love you." she smiles as he gazes her eyes over him "I'll love you baby boy. No matter what."
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mayonara · 7 years
Black Friday
The batboys participate in the all crazy tradition of Black Friday shopping. Why? Because Tim wanted to.
Jason didn't exactly appreciate it.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Also posted on AO3
"I don't get why we're here," Jason said and heaved a long breath, rolled his eyes over to stare at the teen beside him whose eyes were sparkling. "We have money and quite literally, probably have everything we need."
"Yes, true. But this is for the experience," Tim explained and Jason could see his hands were twitching, impatiently waiting to disappear and drown in the sea of crowds.
"I still don't get it."
"You don't need to. Just—enjoy," Tim said with a smile and then swiftly waved good-bye before he jumped into the crowd, letting himself be carried away and soon enough, Jason had lost him.
"Alright, what are you doing?" Jason asked and looked to his other side, found Damian gazing with disinterest. Well, as uninterested he was trying to make himself out to be because his eyes were glazed with wonder. "Yeah okay, guess you can go off on your own then."
"Tt. Not like I need your permission," Damian said and shrugged his shoulders before he too left Jason's side.
"Guess it's just you and me," Jason said and blew a raspberry against Dick's neck, getting a cute yelp out of him as he pushed at his face and told him to stop.
"Jay!" He whined and screwed his eyes shut, displeased with the raspberries.
"Yeah yeah, let's go look at stuff," Jason said and settled for pecking his cheek to lighten the mood.
Satisfied, Dick huffed a breath and started pointing everywhere. "Thewe!" He chirped and pointed at the TVs but Jason shook his head and told him to pick somewhere else. Dick thought about it for a brief moment and hummed to himself, roamed his eyes around the large electronics department store and finally found something of interest. "Games!" He yelled against Jason's ear since the place was quite loud as it was completely filled with people. Crazy ass shoppers trying to strike a good deal.
Jason still couldn't believe shoppers were this crazy, so crazy they even stood in line hours or days before the event itself. Seriously, what has this world come to?
Whatever. Jason shuffled Dick to his side and held him tight around his hip as he headed towards the video game section. As they finally were able to make it through one of the isles, Dick started being a menace and wiggled around in his arms.
"Ugh, Dick. Stop."
"Down!" He cried. "I want down!"
"No, I'm not setting you down."
And Dick started struggling even more, whining as he pushed and shoved against Jason, wanting to be put down. Jason relented and that just made Dick fight even more. God damn, he was being a major brat at the moment, always wanting to get his way. The boy was still struggling and then suddenly, his body went limp and almost caused Jason to lose his grip on him.
"What the hell Dick?"
"Down Jesson. Pwease. I wanna wawk!" Jason groaned loudly at Dick who was making it very difficult for him to hold and decided to set him down onto his feet.
"Okay fine. But behave okay?"
Dick nodded and Jason decided to bust out the child's leash he brought with him and hooked it onto the monkey backpack that was clipped around Dick's torso. "This way, you can't just run off." Jason said and made sure the clips were secured before he looped the leash around his wrist. "Okay, you can lead now," Jason said and Dick grinned with delight. The boy scurried off, legs unsteady as he walked in front of Jason, weaving around the people while Jason struggled to keep up.
As Jason continued to follow after him, he came to a sudden stop as his eyes were caught by something. It was a new video game he’d been wanting to play and there was a demo station that was screaming for Jason’s name. He called out to Dick who stopped and walked back over to his side. "Entertain yourself with this," Jason said and handed him his phone to play while he went ahead and started up the demo.
Jason was immersed in the video game world, button mashing his way through the intro so he could get the real core of the game. Turquoise eyes were glued to the scream, watching in awe as the game took him through the story. By the time he was finished, he was awed and fascinated by the pure gameplay and how it played smooth like butter so he decided he was going to purchase it and grabbed a copy for himself.
"Alright Dick, we can go—" As his eyes fell to his left, there was no one in sight.
The boy was gone. He was—gone. Poof, like he’d vanished in thin air. He was sure Dick was standing right beside him but that spot was empty. His cell phone was left behind, sitting on the ground and the monkey backpack he had around him also joined his phone. Someway or somehow, Dick managed to maneuver himself out of his leash and disappeared.
Okay, he needed to calm down. He just had to take a deep breath and—oh who the fuck was he kidding? He fucking lost Dick—lost him. And now he had to find him in this giant store. Fuck, he was in so much trouble if the others ever found out.
That is, if they did.
Jason swiftly got a move on his search and swiped up his cell phone to pocket back in his jacket. He snagged the monkey backpack and gripped it tight as he began sprinting up and down the isles in search of a little boy who was dressed in bright blues and greens. Even as a child, he loved wearing oddly bright colors.
Fuck, Jason had already searched through two sections of the store and Dick was nowhere to be seen. How far could the little booger go anyways? It's not as if he was playing his demo that long and besides his legs were short and his strides were small and on account of this place just being over packed, he couldn’t have gotten that far. Jason already had enough difficulty trying to get around the people, often times bumping into them or shouldering them aside.
He sighed heavily, could feel his heart pounding with worry for the boy. Afraid he might have gotten hurt or worse, kidnapped or something.
Jason was about to hit up the next section when he ran into Tim and Damian.
"Whoa!" Tim exclaimed as he almost ran right into him. "Oh—hey Jason," he said when he realized who it was.
"Oh. Yeah, hey guys," Jason greeted and scrubbed a hand through his sweat soaked hair. His attention fell upon the two and found that they had two baskets filled to the brim with items. Jason arched a brow at them in curiosity but Tim just shrugged his shoulders before asking about the one thing he hoped he wouldn't have noticed.
"Where's Dick?"
"Oh—yeah Dick? Well funny thing is—" Jason started nervously and Tim cut him off, realizing what was up.
"You lost him?"
"I didn't exactly lose him."
"So, he what then, disappeared?"
"Sort of."
Tim sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose before he shoved his basket into Damian's arms. "Go pay."
"Tt. Why do I have to pay for your things?"
"Just do it while Jason and I go find Dick," Tim instructed and Damian tossed him a nasty glare, but went with it anyways.
"You better find him unharmed or else, Todd," Damian scowled at the older man, but Jason paid him no mind as he was more focused on finding the brat.
"I can't believe you lost him," Tim said as he pulled Jason along, leading the way around the store.
"Hey! He just went off on his own!" Jason exclaimed, trying to defend himself even though he was definitely in the wrong.
"Yeah but you were supposed to watch him. God damn it Jason, you're the adult. Dick is like, a kid."
"A smart kid."
"Still a kid, so we need to find him quick before something bad could happen to him."
And okay, Tim was actually correct. No matter how hard he tried to deny it, it was really his fault for getting distracted and losing Dick. So they really needed to find him before he could hurt himself and preferably before Bruce finds out because Jason had an inkling that Damian might just tell on him.
They searched high and low, weaving through every isle in search of their eldest-now-youngest. They must have looked through the whole place and when they finally narrowed down which locations were left, they spotted him in the least place they actually expected to find him at which was the home theater room.
"Fuck," Jason breathed, eyes narrowing in on the familiar form.
"Thank god," Tim said and threw his hands up at the brat. "There he is."
"Yep," Jason sighed and could feel his heart calming, the tension leaving him as he finally relaxed. Fuck, he was breathless as he and Tim had been sprinting around the store. They both definitely worked up a sweat.
They walked into the dimly lit room, could see Dick sitting on the ground with his legs crossed, elbows propped on his thighs and eyes glued to the large TV screen. Their eyes followed his line of sight and found him watching a children's movie. His eyes were opened wide, mesmerized and completely focused on the tiny little fishes swimming in the sea.
"Dick?" Jason called and his ears perked up, jerked his head in the direction of where Jason and Tim were standing.
"Jason!" Dick exclaimed, clambered up to his feet and dashed towards the man. He lifted his arms for him to be lifted and Jason did just that. He coddled the boy in his arms, holding him tight.
"You scared me," Jason murmured and kissed his cheek. "Ugh, why did you do that?"
"Do wha?" Dick asked innocently, hadn't even realized how much trouble he was in.
"Oh," Dick blinked and still didn’t realize what he’d done. "Feet huwt and I was bowed."
Jason just stared at him in disbelief and he must have looked angry because Dick's lips were quivering and his eyes were filling with tears, glassing over. "I sowwy. Sowwy Jesson," he said and then threw a glance at Tim. "Sowwy Tim." He looked so forlorn, so remorseful even though he still didn’t know what it was that he was in trouble for. Jason sighed heavily because he couldn’t just stay mad at him.
"It's okay Dickie," Tim said and caressed his cheek as he wiped away the tears forming beneath his eyes. "Just don't do that again okay? You scared us."
Dick puffed up his cheeks. "I sowwy."
"As long as you know you're sorry then," Jason said and stroked his back gingerly to soothe away his sorrow, hoping to bring that smile back to his lips. "If you do that next time and disappear on us, I won't bring you to the store again."
Dick nodded his head. "Okay! I be good!" He said and held out his pinky for Jason to take. It was a thing the child him always did, wanting to swear on his promise.
Jason smiled softly and hooked his pinky around Dick's tiny ones. "Promise?"
"Pwomi," he murmured and shook before he rested his head against Jason's shoulder and made himself comfortable.
"Alright, well, I'm exhausted. Let's go home," Jason breathed out a long sigh and Tim just laughed.
"We got to check on Damian first."
"Oh shit. Right. He's probably mad."
"Livid I imagine. But it's fine. He got some nice things so he's probably happy," Tim said as the two headed towards the exit of the store.
"Like what?"
"Video games duh," Tim answered with a smirk and Jason should have expected that. At the mention of games, Dick's excitement filled him again and he lifted his head.  
"Only if you behave," Jason said and narrowed his eyes at the boy with reprimand. Dick just giggled and nodded his head, promising that he would be good so he can play video games.
After this whole fiasco, Jason was never going to go shopping during the holidays again because holy shit, fuck it. It was too much effort and annoyance to deal with. It also didn’t help that he lost Dick as well and had to fight his way through the crowd.
Yeah, never again. He’ll settle for shopping online instead.
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A Life So Changed: Chapter Forty-Three
Author: Lopithecus Pairing: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2781 Alternate: AO3, fanfiction.net Author's Note: *Sighs* I keep coming up with excuses as to why I’m posting late and apologizing… But really, I’m sorry this is a day late. I tried real hard to write this yesterday and it just wasn’t coming out well. So I decided to postpone it for a day in order to give you something to read that is good quality, instead of giving you something yesterday to read that was terrible quality. I feel like the quality of the chapter is a lot more important than keeping on track with an update schedule. I hope you all understand. I’m still going to try to keep on schedule from here on out, but these things happen once in awhile. I would also like to thank bscao3 for helping me out with this chapter. Without her encouragement, I'm not even sure if this chapter would have been posted today at all. Thank you Bays! ❤❤ Anyway, please enjoy!
Chapter Forty-Three:
Later that night, everyone, except Dick, Damian, and Alfred, are currently in the lounge. The Kents are telling a story about something Clark had done when he was younger and everyone is laughing along. Bruce doesn’t laugh. He doesn’t even really pay much attention to the story. Clark keeps shooting him concerned looks from beside his parents but doesn’t say anything to him. Bruce wishes he could join Alfred in the kitchen where the beta is making supper with the company of Dick and Damian. Dick claimed he didn’t want to face the Kents yet since the betas know what is going on between him, Kori, and Wally. Damian doesn’t want to be around the Kents period because he’s still mad at them. Bruce wishes he could have an excuse to not be around them.
He takes a sip of his water just as the doorbell rings and he wonders who it possibly could be. Who walks in a few minutes later with Alfred, surprises him and Bruce swallows nervously. Lois smiles at everyone and walks over to them. “Hello. Sorry I’m a little late.”
“Lois!” Martha exclaims. “That’s perfectly fine.” Martha grabs a hold of Lois’ hands and squeezes them.
Lois’ smile grows warmer. “Thank you Mrs. Kent and thank you for inviting me.”
“Oh please Lois, you can still call me Martha.” Martha pats Lois’ bicep.
Bruce furrows his brows, standing up from where he was sitting on the couch. “You invited her here?” Bruce can’t believe the Kents would invite someone to his house without asking him first. He looks at Clark. “Did you know about this?” Clark shrugs, indicating that he had no idea.
Martha turns and speaks to him, a mocking smile on her face. “Of course, we invited her. This is a family get together isn’t it? Lois is family. Lois will always be family.”
Lois chuckles awkwardly, not meeting Bruce’s eyes. “I’m happy to hear that Martha.” Bruce’s hands curl into tight fists but he refrains from saying anything.
“Would you like something to drink, Sweetie?” Martha asks the beta.
“How long are you staying Lois?” Bruce inquires before Lois can answer, not being able to help himself.
Alfred clears his throat. “Master Bruce, don’t be rude to guests.” Bruce gives Alfred a warning look but the beta is unfazed. Alfred addresses Lois. “I would be happy to get you a refreshment…” Alfred’s eyebrow raises. “Ms. Lane?”
Lois smiles warmly at the elderly man. “Water would be great, thank you, Alfred.” With a nod, Alfred exits the room.
Bruce can feel a growl bubbling up his throat but he swallows it down. Instead, he says under his breath for Clark to hear, “Clark, I don’t want her here.” Clark shoots him a look but doesn’t look like he agrees with what Bruce wants. This only serves to piss Bruce off more, knowing his future mate is going to just allow his ex-mate stay. “Clark, do something.”
Clark shakes his head in the negative minutely, looking away from Bruce. “I’m not going to be rude, Bruce,” Clark whispers once he walks over. “I’m sure she won’t be staying long anyway. Ma and Pa just wanted to see her.”
As if hearing Clark, though impossible, Martha asks Lois, “You’ll stay for dinner, won’t you, Dear?”
Lois looks over to Bruce hesitantly. “If it’s okay with Bruce.”
Bruce’s anger flares even more. “No, I don’t want you to stay.” Lois’ eyebrows furrow and the Kents’ lips thin.
“Bruce!” Clark exclaims.
Bruce turns on him. “Why do you want her to stay?”
“Because she’s my friend,” Clark says.
Bruce gestures to her, already feeling the headache return. It finally went away when he ate earlier that morning, but now it’s coming back. “She’s wasn’t invited.”
“I… can go.” Lois takes a step back.
“No, Lois stay,” Clark tells her, an angry, alpha edge to his voice. Lois stops moving. Bruce’s heart clenches in his chest at Clark’s words.
“And she was invited,” Martha states.
“By you.” Bruce faces Martha. “Who the hell are you to invite someone into my home?” He turns back to Clark. “Do you want her here?” Bruce points at Lois.
Clark shrugs, looking as if he is utterly confused. “I honestly don’t care if she is, Bruce.”
“Bruce,” Jonathan begins, stepping closer to his mate. “Don’t you think you’re being a bit rude?”
Suddenly Jason growls and is standing as well, posturing in all his alphaness, showing who is boss. “You invite his,” Jason points to Clark, “ex over to someone else's house without telling anyone, and you accuse Bruce of being rude?” Jonathan huffs indignantly and Martha gives Jason a narrow eyed glare.
Bruce feels the room get hotter and tries to take a calming breath. The scent of angry alphas, betas, and omegas are filling the air, making his stomach flip flop. “Jason,” Tim warns but Jason growls at him, shutting Tim up immediately.
However, Kon doesn’t take to kindly to it. The alpha stands, also posturing. “Hey, don’t growl at him.”
Jason growls at Kon next. “Oh, so you think just because you’re his fuck buddy now, you can tell me what I can and can’t do to my brother?” Jason bares his teeth. “Fuck off, Conner.”
Bruce wipes at his forehead, bowing his head and closing his eyes. He takes several deep breaths, feeling himself get lightheaded. Clark growls at Jason and warns, “Back off, Jason.” In response, Jason growls at Clark and Clark growls back once more. The three alphas are sizing each other up, getting ready to fight.
Bruce looks up, eyeing the three alphas. Their hackles are raised but Bruce is more focussed on Lois being in his house than stopping a fight between the three. He’s feeling territorial, not only of his home and baby but of Clark as well. Bruce can’t help the thoughts that are crowding his mind. The love of Clark’s life, Lois, is in the room uninvited. He doesn’t want her to steal him away. He’s feeling vulnerable and overwhelmed. Bruce can’t help the words that slip out unintentionally. “Do you want Lois to stay because you want to be with her instead of me?”
Clark turns to him, gaping. “What? No, Bruce, I-”
Bruce backs up, shaking his head slightly to try and make himself less dizzy. “You’re parents are right. You are only trying to be with me out of obligation to the baby.”
Clark shakes his head frantically but Bruce still backs away, starting to sweat. Clark holds his hands up in a placating manner. “I’m not.”
“Leave Kon alone, Jason,” Tim defends, getting up to stand next to his mate.
“You’re taking his side?” Jason crosses his arms, looking angrier and angrier.
“Of course I’m taking his side,” Tim grabs Kon’s bicep, pulling the alpha closer. “He’s going to be my mate while you are hardly my brother.”
Jason’s eyes widen and that’s when Barbara springs up off the couch. “Hey, why don’t we all just try and calm down.”
“Maybe I should just go,” Lois mutters, backing away a few paces.
Martha grabs a hold of her arm. “Nonsense Lois. You are welcome here.”
“No she’s not,” Bruce snaps, growling.
“Bruce, stop.” Clark steps into Bruce’s line of sight. “I don’t get what’s gotten into you all of a sudden. You were fine this morning.”
“I want her out of my house, that’s what’s wrong.” Bruce steps around Clark, addressing Martha and Jonathan. “And neither of you had the right to invite her without discussing it with me first.” Jonathan looks like he’s about to retort and Martha goes red in the face. Lois puts her hand on Martha’s arm to reassure the woman and prevent further arguing.
“What the fuck do you mean I’m not your brother?” Jason demands of Tim, narrowing his eyes. “We’re a pack.”
“Just because we’re a pack, Jason, doesn’t mean you’re my brother.” Tim also crosses his arms, doing the exact opposite of what an omega is supposed to do when talking to an angry alpha, and standing up straighter. “Hell, you were hardly part of this pack until Bruce got pregnant.”
The growl that comes from Jason is deep and threatening. “Well maybe if you idiots had paid more attention to Bruce, I wouldn’t have had to come back.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Tim asks.
Jason bares his teeth again. “It means, I was the one to save him when he went out as Batman while pregnant and got hurt. It means, I was the one who tried to get him to fucking eat.”
“You went out as Batman while you were pregnant?” Martha asks, sounding horrified. Lois is looking at him too as if he had done the unthinkable while Clark, who hadn’t known about that incident so long ago, looks shocked and angry at the same time.
Bruce feels the room become stifling, too many voices and smells and growls going on all at once. He backs up another step, trying to force himself to breathe evenly but he can’t get enough oxygen in his lungs. The room starts to spin.
Kara is watching him intently. “Um, guys.” She gets up off the couch, making to go to him but stops short.
Bruce places a hand on his forehead, hearing as Tim and Jason argue, as Kon defends Tim, and as Martha, Jonathan, and Clark join the argument between Tim and Jason. Bruce starts shaking, feeling as if he is about to pass out. “Everyone stop,” Bruce mumbles, stumbling.
“Guys,” Kara says more frantically, using her speed to catch Bruce from falling.
The room descends into silence for about a second before Clark quickly goes up to him. The alpha starts asking Bruce if he’s okay and Bruce waves him off with little success, telling him that he is fine and that he had just gotten a bit dizzy. The rest of the group start arguing amongst each themselves about not noticing how sick Bruce was getting and Clark looks guilty but turns slightly to peer at the others to defend himself.
Alfred chooses that exact moment to come back with Lois’ water. The beta takes one look around the room and then clears his throat loudly, officially silencing every single person in the room. “That is quite enough out of all of you.”
“Alfred,” Kara gets Alfred’s attention. “Bruce isn’t feeling well.”
“I’m fine now.” Bruce tries to shoo Alfred away but the beta has none of it.
Alfred makes Bruce look him in the eyes when the beta approaches. Kara backs away, giving Alfred some room to do his job, and Alfred’s lips thin. “I am very disappointed in the lot of you. All this nonsense arguing when this is supposed to be a nice dinner.” Alfred shoots them all a deadly glare, keeping everyone silent.
“Alfred,” Bruce whispers to the man. “I want them gone. I want them out of my house. Right now.”
Clark must have used his super hearing to listen to what Bruce said, because the alpha interjects. “Bruce-”
“Don’t,” Bruce retorts, turning to him. Clark shuts his mouth but keeps eye contact, eyes narrowing and lips thinning.
Jonathan rubs a hand down Martha’s bicep. “You know what? Why don’t Martha and I take Lois out for supper, instead. It’ll give us time to catch up with her.”
“That’s a great idea,” Martha perks. “Would you like to do that Lois?”
Lois looks around the room, seemingly uncomfortable and out of place. She brings her attention back to the Kents. “I would love that, thank you.”
Martha faces her son. “Clark, you coming?”
Clark locks eyes with Bruce. “Bruce are you…” Clark trails off, cutting his question off as to whether or not Bruce is okay. Bruce waits with baited breath, hoping desperately that Clark will reject the offer. But when Clark starts to nod, bowing his head to avoid eye contact with Bruce, Bruce’s heart sinks. The alpha speaks. “Yeah, I’m coming.” The four of them walk away, Clark glancing at Bruce but then quickly away.
Hurt forms in Bruce’s chest, feeling betrayed and worried. Normally Clark would make absolutely sure Bruce was okay before leaving him, but this time he didn’t. This time he’s letting Alfred take care of him. Bruce can’t help but feel it’s his fault that Clark feels the need to get away from him right now. Bruce angered him. Bruce pushed him away. Bruce made the alpha go, leave with the love his life.
Tim is staring at the floor, standing close to Kon. The omega grabs a hold of Kon’s hand and then starts dragging him away. “Come on. We’re leaving too. We’ll have supper somewhere else.” Jason just grits his teeth at the pair as they leave the room.
Bruce lets them go, swallowing thickly. With those six gone, it leaves Alfred, Jason, Barbara, and Kara in the room. But then Dick and Damian show up, Dick speaking before assessing the situation. “Hey, Alfred what’s taking you so long? The food is burning in there and Dami and I aren’t skilled enough to-” Dick cuts himself off and sniffs the air. One of Damian’s hands come up to shield his nose. “What happened in here? Where is everyone?”
“I… don’t think we are going to be having supper as a family tonight, Dick,” Barbara tells the other beta. Dick says nothing, just looking around the room in confusion.
“Bruce?” Bruce doesn’t look at Jason when the alpha says his name. “Are you okay?” Bruce nods, not trusting his voice. Jason scratches his chin and nods. “Okay.” The alpha walks away then, hands in shoved in his pocket.
“Master Dick, Master Damian, can you please go and try to salvage some of that food?” Alfred directs the two. “I will be in there shortly.” Dick and Damian nod then head back to the kitchen.
Barbara and Kara both share a look. Barbara approaches Bruce, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Are you really okay, Bruce?”
Bruce plasters on a fake smile and peers at the young beta. “I’m fine Barbara, thanks.” Barbara looks unconvinced and she frowns. “Don’t let this whole thing ruin your night.” Bruce looks at Kara and smiles at her too. “Go out and have fun, both of you. Don’t let this spoil your time together.”
“Are you sure?” Kara asks, frowning as well.
“Positive.” Bruce places a hand over Barbara’s. “I’ll be okay.” Barbara gives him a sympathetic smile and then leaves with Kara. Bruce turns back to Alfred. “Can you please help me to my room?”
“Would you like to try and eat something first, Master Bruce?”
Bruce shakes his head. “Not really.” Alfred opens his mouth to speak but Bruce cuts him off. “I will later, Alfred.” Alfred nods and helps Bruce to his bedroom.
Once alone, Bruce sits down on his bed and goes over the night’s events. Everything, once again, got out of hand. Somehow, this time it seemed to worse. Bruce places a hand on his baby bump. He wanted to announce the baby’s name at supper. Now, instead, everyone is having dinner somewhere else and Clark is off with his parents and his ex-mate. He’s off with the love of his life and it hurts.
Lois is going to win Clark back just as Bruce thought he had finally won him over. Bruce had thought he was the love of Clark’s life. He fooled himself into believing that. When he thinks about it now, he realizes just how stupid it was to think that way. Of course, he wouldn’t be the love of Clark’s life. Bruce came second. Clark was in love with Lois first. Was with Lois first. Tried to have a family with her first. Bruce… Bruce was… is a rebound, an obligation, just a duty, and as always, second best.
Clark is going to realize that he made a mistake divorcing Lois and will try to win her back. And Bruce… Bruce will be left behind once more, completely forgotten. They will take his baby and become the happy family they always wanted to be. He’s just an incubator, a means to an end. The despair washes over him as he believes he will be cast aside. He sobs into his pillow quietly. He feels foolish for getting his hopes up once more. He should have known better. He was never worthy of Clark’s love. Something in his mind latches on to these negative thoughts and he spends the rest of the night dwelling on what his life will become once he loses Clark and his baby.
A/N: Thanks for reading! 
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bluboothalassophile · 7 years
I’m Hiding Your Brother Under My Bed
Up is Down
It was after his spar with the twerp that he found himself sitting in an indoor garden alone and hiding. A greenling, Hispanic kid, and another girl had appeared to drag Raven and Damian off, and Jason had taken that moment to escape without being noticed. However, he wasn’t really willing to brave the outside world just yet as he had sought out a hiding area and slunk into his current hide out after seeing the Titans vacate the Tower as fast as they could.
Jason wasn’t willing to be found by Bruce, and he kind of liked the garden he was hiding out in right now as he perched himself up high in a tree and stared out the window at the water of the bay.
His death and dying had sucked, epically, however, compared to before… well, Jason vividly remembered the last six months of his life before and he remembered what Bruce thought of him.
He was an out of control little monster and Jason didn’t want to face Bruce knowing that was what his father thought of him. And Bruce… Bruce was his dad in every possible way but blood, Jason had loved Bruce, worshiped the very ground Bruce had walked on and clung to his every word. Jason had worked his ass off to be the best, to try to be better, however it appeared that was all in vain. Bruce thought him to be a little monster and Jason didn’t know how to fight that. Perhaps there really wasn’t anything good in him, he’d been a street kid, he’d been a criminal, he was born of the angry, drunk bastard Willis Todd, and the coldhearted bitch Shelia Haywood; so perhaps there wasn’t anything good in him. Perhaps he was just a monster who had once dressed as Robin.
Biting his lip, he dragged his fingers into his hair as he sat in the tree trembling.
Bruce probably hated knowing he was alive, probably hated that his greatest failure was back from the dead instead of staying dead like a good soldier should. And Jason had no doubt that that was exactly what Bruce thought him to be, a good soldier. The pain of that thought was crippling as he shut his eyes to the coming tears and tried to shrink.
Maybe he could talk to Raven, she seemed solid, and she might have a solution for him so he wasn’t forced out on the street. True she seemed about his age, but… she was solid, she was level, he felt like he could turn to her for help. It wasn’t like he could talk to dickhead or the demon spawn for help.
Suddenly there was another presence in the room and Jason hugged his knees to him as he tried to take up as little space as he could to shrink and disappear into the shadows.
“Jason,” Bruce’s voice was below him, Jason didn’t dare to look down and he didn’t dare to move in fear of attracting attention.
“I would like to talk,” Bruce said.
Jason said nothing, he focused on being as inconspicuous as possible. Bruce had probably hoped to never see him again and Jason didn’t know if he could face that because he was so tired…
He was tired of fighting, tired of trying, tired of being the disappointment, tired of not being Dick, tired of never being enough. Even before his death he’d been tired, tired of all of it, and tired of trying. He was never going to be good enough, he was never going to be a Dick Grayson, he was never going to be the best Robin. Not that he could be Robin anymore.
There was a quiet rustling in the tree and Jason buried his face in his knees.
Go away, go away, his mind chanted. He wanted to disappear from here again.
“Jason,” a heavy hand touched him and Jason pulled away.
“Don’t touch me!” he hissed, not looking up, he tried to shrink away some more, tried to disappear, but he could. What he could do was not look at Bruce, he was good at that. Jason was good being inconspicuous. And the longer he was like this the soon Bruce would leave him alone and he could figure out his next move.
“Jason,” Bruce’s voice was calm again.
“GO AWAY!” Jason screamed then, so much for staying inconspicuous.
“I would like to talk,” Bruce repeated, and Jason’s head snapped up as he felt a righteous fury filling him, and something else, something edgier, more dangerous, however it felt natural too.
“Talk!? Talk About What!?” he laughed hysterically. “How I Was Dangerous!? Out Of Control!? How You Were Taking Robin Away From Me!? How You Thought I Killed Someone! Want To Talk About How You Have A New Robin!? Or How I Wasn’t Dick!? Or Do You Want To Talk About How I Got Myself Killed By Joker!? Or How You Were Going To Give Me Up!?”
He felt the tears rolling down his cheeks but he couldn’t hold them in anymore. Goddamn it hurt so much, so fucking much.
“I Was Never Giving You Up!” Bruce snapped back at him.
“Bullshit! I was dangerous!” he screamed. Just a little monster, though he doubted Bruce said as much aloud to anyone. No doubt Bruce thought it though. Jason buried his face in his knees again. This was all just a nightmare, he’d wake up again, safe, under his sink in Crime Alley, with his mother high, and his father drunk, and he’d see. This was all just some crazy dream.
The only problem was it felt pretty fucking real to him and he hated that as he wanted to cry.
“This is all a nightmare,” he whispered to himself. It had to be, because if this was his reality he was better off dead, and he would rather deal with that than the reality of being an unwanted little monster.
Bruce was startled at his son’s reactions to him, but more startled that Jason was trying to shrink away. Jason had tried all that before when he was first brought to the Manor, and had grown past it if he trusted the person. It was shattering to think Jason no longer trusted him and Bruce carefully reached over and slid a hand through Jason’s wavy hair, the boy jerked away, and Bruce caught him before he went crashing out of the tree.
“LET GO OF ME!” Jason screamed and Bruce was quick to pull away, there was a brilliant green glow in the boy’s eyes and he remembered how Dick had said Raven found him right out of the Lazarus Pit. A chill of real fear went through Bruce at the thought. For one thing Jason was not the most emotionally stable person before his death, Jason rode out all his emotions and did not compartmentalize any of them. He felt everything with such a ferocity that Bruce used to fear it consuming him or getting him killed.
“Jason,” Bruce sighed. God, he couldn’t believe it, Jason was here, and alive! His child was alive again! A part of Bruce wanted to hug the boy until Jason couldn’t stand it and never let him go, he wanted to let Jason know it was alright, that everything was fine. But a part of him held back because this was Jason, and Jason was not the most touchy-feely child on the planet.
“I did not replace you, and had no intentions of ever taking on another Robin after your death,” Bruce said softly to the curled-up ball of Jason. the boy didn’t look at him; his face was still hidden in his knees. “I still have your adoption papers, and I have your room exactly how you left it though I’m sure you’ll change it. You were never replaced Jason, and… and if I had known you were alive I’d have dragged you home in a heartbeat.”
“You’re lying,” was the muffled reply which had Bruce frowning a bit.
“I will never lie to you Jason,” Bruce stated firmly.
“Oh, good, you’re here,” Bruce looked down when Dick appeared. “Jay the team’s back, why don’t you go meet them.”
“Jason,” a new monotone voice entered the room which had Jason peeking up and Bruce frowned at his son’s reaction to the empath’s voice.
“We’re having a water wars, Damian and I need a third teammate since Garfield and Jaime dibs Donna,” Raven stated.
“So I’m the back up?”
“No, you were on my team from the start, Damian just decided to join it,” Raven answered grabbing Jason’s wrist when his son uncurled. “Come on!”
“What the hell!?” Jason yelped as he was all but dragged after the young woman.
“Shut up and put up, I am not getting drenched again because of Gar!” Raven stated.
“Who’s Gar?” Jason asked as he and Raven disappeared.
“Dick,” Bruce started.
“Don’t, Raven was the one who said Jason’s Pit rage was coming to surface, I don’t know what set him off but she was hell bent on finding him before he reacted,” Dick stated. Bruce sighed, was this to be his life with his son now? in need of the empath for every possible moment so Jason didn’t snap?
“He thinks he was discarded and replaced,” Bruce sighed as he landed beside Dick.
“Yeah, I have a feeling he’s not going to warm up to us quickly; again, and we need to keep him away from the news,” Dick sighed tiredly.
“Well we know how he felt about killers and rapists before his death, and if he finds out the Joker’s alive I don’t think he’ll handle it well, especially with the Pit in his system,” Dick informed him in a hushed tone.
Bruce frowned, he hadn’t thought about that. Not that he didn’t worry about the Joker however, the clown was locked up for the most part, and his last break out had ended disasterously because the Joker had come to violate his son’s grave. Bruce had snapped and put the clown in another body cast. Personally he wanted to do so much worse, however, he couldn’t cross that line, he didn’t want to let Jason down by descending to the level of his killer and killing the Joker. Also, Batman killing the Joker was Joker’s ultimate goal, and Bruce refused to let the Joker win. But, he did not think his fifteen year old, newly resurrected, Lazarus Pit bathed son would see it that way. No Jason would probably think he wasn’t loved, missed or wanted.
They were going to have to prove to Jason that he was loved, he had been missed, and he was more than wanted.
“Alfred’s coming out tonight, he exhumed Jay’s grave… Bruce, whatever it was… Alfred wants to tell us in person,” Dick softly murmured.
Bruce clenched his jaw as a tremble went through him. “Until then what? We’re supposed to leave him to the empath’s care when she’s still a child herself, Dick?”
“No,” Dick said firmly. “But you, Alfred, Damian, and I are going to need her help, and we’re going to have to work to get Jason back and that means we stay here for now. We keep him away from the Joker and the news until we’re sure he knows how much we love him. I fucked up the first time, and so did you, and we’re going to have to prove to him we love and want him.”
“We should have done better,” Bruce muttered sourly. He remembered very well the pissing contest he and Dick had been involved in at the time, and Bruce hadn’t really thought about how it’d affect Jason at the time. Neither had Dick. At least, they hadn’t until Jason was dead after running off to find his birth mom thinking he was unwanted by them.
“We should have, now we can; we just have to prove it to Jason,” Dick stated.
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unavenged-robin · 7 years
Petrichor (n) the smell of earth after rain.
Or the one where they can’t take death seriously anymore (even if it still hurts).
Read on Ao3
He gets the call around 4:00 AM in the morning and almost dislocates his shoulder in the attempt to grab the phone on the nightstand without raising his head from the pillow. Once he sees the name on the screen he’s really tempted to just throw the phone away and go back to sleep. He answers it just because of Dick. A lot of his decisions lately are because of Dick. He doesn’t know why or, at least, he’s never in the right mood to get all introspective and actually find out all the reasons for this new misplaced sense of guilt that’s been affecting him since the day of his brother’s funeral. Like with almost every other thing in his life (and in his death) he just goes with it.
“Hey B.”, he forces himself to answer, keeping his voice purposely rough to make sure Bruce understands he’s bothering him without actually telling it to his face. Baby steps, he supposes.
Bruce doesn’t seem to care about his subtleties anyway, because he only grunts into the speaker of his comm.
“Damian’s missing”, he says, getting straight to the point. He doesn’t add anything, doesn’t even pretend to ask for his help, he just expects it right away.
And a month ago, hell, even a week ago, Jason would’ve answered with something along the line of “and why should that be my problem?” or even a more straightforward “the fuck I care?” and then hung up on him for good measure, but now those words barely flash through his mind while he gets up from the bed and starts looking for his boots.
“Is that a “someone kidnapped him” missing or a “I yelled at him and he stomped away and when I checked his room he wasn’t there and now I can’t find him” missing?”, he asks, knowing that whatever the answers is he’s going to help anyway. Though the first option sounds honestly better to him, at least there would be someone to punch. But Bruce doesn’t answer him, so.
“Okay, the second one then”, he sighs, not surprised at all. “Did he take his bike or one of the cars? Please tell me he didn’t take the jet because I’m honestly not awake enough to fly around the States looking for your son.”
And again, a month ago, hell, even a week ago, Damian taking off to blow some steam on his own wouldn’t have been such a big problem. Rather the contrary, in fact. Often enough giving Damian some space was the best course of action for keeping the good health of everyone involved. But right now the kid is dealing with both his own resurrection and the death of the person he arguably loved more than everything else in the world, his own parent and maybe even his own pets included. Because the shit in their life works like that. Go big or go home it’s the ongoing motto.
“All the vehicles are accounted for”, Bruce answers. “At least all the ones we are aware of. He could have some of his own stashed away somewhere.”
Considering the kid’s passion for whatever motorized thing he could get his little hands on to make it fly or run twice its normal speed, the idea of him having some sort of secret mechanical workshop hidden in the city is not crazy at all. It wouldn’t be a reassuring thought the most of times, and now less than ever.
“But he took off from home on his feet, right?”, Jason asks anyway, hating the way his voice cracks a little around the word home and hoping Bruce’s too distracted to notice. He blames the lack of sleep for that slip of the tongue. And Dick. Alive or not, Dick’s always the one to blame when it comes to family.
“Yes, I believe so”, Bruce’s voice is tired, but Jason’s doesn’t care all that much about it. Knowing him, he’s brought this over his own head (and over Jason’s head too, apparently, and that earns him even less sympathy from him.)
“Anyone else looking?”, Jason asks again, putting on the first more or less clean shirt he finds on the floor.
“Red Robin and Batgirl are on it.”
Jason whistles, picking up his jacket and the bike’s keys.
“Then you can relax, old man. I mean, if we’re not a match for your ten years old we might as well hung up capes, computers and guns once and for all.”
“Mh”, Bruce answers noncommittally. He sounds suspiciously resigned. Like he’s just waiting for the next blow to catch him off guard.
Jason stops with a hand over the door handle, unsure of what to say next.
“C’mon Bruce, it’s Damian”, he tries slowly. “He’s going to be okay, you know?”
“He was Damian last time too”, Bruce reminds him sharply. And one could put Dick or even Jason instead of Damian, and the implications wouldn’t change. It irks him right away, and even if he’s actively trying not to be an ass about this whole thing, he doesn’t have a lot of patience for Bruce to start with.
“Okay, okay”, he returns, voice just slightly annoyed. “Don’t get all batshit now, we’ll find the brat. I’ll call you when I have news.”
He hangs up without a goodbye and just stares at the closed door.
He doesn’t have to do this, it’s not his problem. Sure, he cares about the kid - about the entire family, if he’s going to be honest with himself - there’s no use in denying it after he went over himself to help Bruce get Damian back. And he would do it again. There’s no doubting his help in case of emergency, that’s pretty clear to everyone. But this is not an emergency, this is family drama and he doesn’t have to get involved. Mostly because he knows that getting involved one time is going to set a dangerous precedent, and soon enough he may find himself running around Gotham every time Alfred runs out of milk (not that he would deny Alfred anything if he ever asked, but it’s the principle of the thing.)
He jingles the keys in his fingers for a moment, then he sighs.
Damian’s missing and Jason has to care about it. He blames this too on Dick. He’s pretty sure that now he’ll feel obliged to do the brat’s bidding and endure his outbursts just because of Dick. Because he’s not there to do it anymore. Because he would appreciate if Jason stepped up and took his place. Because there is a heartbroken child wandering alone into the night and Batman is after him (because Jason has no doubt Bruce geared up into his costume and all to go after Damian. It mustn’t have even crossed his mind, the idea to do it as himself, as Bruce Wayne. To just get into one of his expensive cars and go after his son in his pajama and slippers like any other normal father would. It’s one of those thing Bruce just doesn’t get.) (Although, to be fair, this is Damian, so the possibility of ninjas and weird villains and god knows what other unspecified dangers could be happening anyway, but honestly, that’s not how it feels. This feels like a kid’s temper tantrum, one of those crazy things that happen to normal families too. And no, the irony’s not lost on him.)
Jason grabs his helmet and locks the door, and doesn’t even bother to take his guns with him.
He calls Tim before starting the bike, just to have a second opinion.
“He called you too, uh?”, he doesn’t sound surprised. To be fair, there are very few things that can truly surprise Tim anymore.
“Yeah. You know how he is”, Jason answers.
They both know how Bruce is. Bruce is focused. Usually on more than just one thing or one person, but lately Damian has understandably stolen all of his attention. Which makes this missing business even more ridiculous, because after all that happened one would expect from Bruce to be a little bit more attentive to Damian’s whereabouts. Like, plant three different tracking devices on him attentive, at least.
Tim sighs in his ear, and he sounds as tired as Jason feels.
“Yeah”, he replies. “Which is why I’d like to find the demon brat as soon as possible and just go back to bed.”
Jason hums in agreement.
“Do you know what they were fighting about?”
Tim hesitates in a way that makes Jason think that yes, he does know, but also that he kind of feels guilty about knowing.
“Timbo?”, he prompts him.
There is another hesitation, longer this time.
“Dick”, Tim finally answers, and the pain is so damn clear in his voice. Damian may have been closer to Dick lately, but Tim had spent half his childhood with him. He was, in a sense, the first real brother Dick ever had, because if he and Dick had to be honest about it, then they’d have to admit that Jason became Dick’s brother in retrospect, when it was too late. Never when he was actually there, because Dick was still young then, and angry. Having been there and done that, Jason doesn’t blame him anymore, but now he wonders if Tim knows it, if he knows how much his presence has reshaped the family dynamic, so that Robin didn’t have to be an only child anymore. Somehow he doubts it.
Jason rubs the bridge of his nose. He’s really happy he was not there to hear the fight between Bruce and Damian. They both could be deadly vicious with their words (other than with their fists and their knives, obviously.)
“Obviously”, he repeats out loud. “Alright, where are you?”
Tim gives him and address and Jason frowns. It’s closer to his territory and that’s not a place where he wants an angry Robin to be wandering around. He hopes Damian’s not anywhere near there, and already regrets leaving his guns behind.
“First one to find him gets to swat him before calling Bruce?”, he dares Tim.
“Nope. If you want to volunteer for being a victim of fratricide that’s your problem”, Tim retorts. “Leave me out of it. I’ve already suffered my fair share.”
“Fine, Red Chicken”, Jason scoffs before hanging up. “You’re no fun at all.”
He calls Barbara and Alfred too, just to know which territories have already been covered. He doesn’t bother with Bruce because he’s pretty sure he’s doing a recog of the whole Gotham and trying to talk him out of it would be a waste of time.
In the end Jason happens to know just a little bit more than the rest of them about daddy issues, dead children and dead children coming back to life, and that’s probably why he finds him first. He doesn’t even have to look that hard or drive too far away. Only to the Manor’s and, more specifically, to the Manor’s cemetery.
Damian’s right there, sitting on Dick’s tombstone. He’s wearing his pajamas, mudded bare feet dangling above the ground. If it wasn’t the middle of the night, if this wasn’t a cemetery, and if this wasn’t Damian, it would look like a little kid mindlessly taking a break in the middle of a playground.
Instead there’s a child sitting on his brother’s grave, and around him there are his other brother's, his father’s and even his own empty tombs. Jason has no doubt that if Damian had the power to chose which grave should be empty and which one full, he would be a goner. It’s not a fair thought, but Jason rarely gets fair things, so he’s not ashamed of it too much.
He kills the bike and walks slowly towards the kid. He can’t believe Bruce never thought of checking here. No, he must have looked around, and Damian probably just had kept himself hidden from his father. Not that Jason can blame him for that - and not like Jason didn’t use to do exactly the same thing himself when he was Damian’s age (both with Bruce and his real father).
The cobblestone-covered path crackles under his boots as he walks, wet grass making it slippery and squeaky. Damian’s looking down at his hands and he doesn’t acknowledge Jason when he approaches him, even if there’s no way he didn’t notice him.
Jason, for his part, doesn’t really know what to do now that he has found the brat. He should probably just call Bruce and leave, but that doesn’t feel right. He’s not so eager about picking a fight with the kid either, though, which is where any attempts at conversation is going to land him. But he’s not here to fight. There’s going to be scolding and heartfelt conversations about not leaving home in the middle of the night when everyone’s already so alarmed that they could start fucking ringing or howling like sirens at any little thing, but Jason’s not the one who’s gonna do any of it. And if Bruce’s half as smart as he thinks he is, he’ll not say a word either. Those kind of things are mostly Alfred’s job anyway. Used to be Dick’s too, but eh.
So Jason sits down on Damian’s own grave, his back against the tombstone, so he can still face the kid. He doesn’t say hello, doesn’t even try to attract his attention. Gives him the choice on when, how and on what basis their conversations should start.
The silence between them is heavy, but not uncomfortable. Definitely familiar. Jason remembers a night spent at Dick’s apartment, both of them sitting on Dick’s old couch. He was reading a book, Damian was playing on his phone, Tim and Dick were easily chatting in kitchen. This quiet feels a bit like that, just colder. And wetter. And lonelier.
He feels something crawl on the back of his hand and swats it away without even looking at it. For some reasons this seems to attract Damian’s attention.
“Why did you kill it?”, Damian asks, looking at him for the first time since he arrived. “It was only a firefly.”
And now Jason can see that there is a firefly in Damian’s cupped hands too, or at least that’s what the faint light between his fingers seems to suggest. He straightens his back and meets the kid’s gaze with his own. He thinks about his question for a moment, then just shrugs.
“I don’t care for bugs”, he answers honestly.
Damian tilts his head at him.
“Why?”, he asks again. He looks mildly curious, which is a good thing. Only a little weird.
Jason shrugs again.
“Same reason you don’t care for reptiles, I suppose.”
Damian scrunches up his nose at that.
“Snakes are between the deadliest animals in the world”, he retorts. “Some of them can shoot venom up to six feet with better accuracy than yours, not that it would be difficult to best you on that regard”, a little pause. “Beside, they slither”, he adds with a disgusted grimace.
Jason does his best not to laugh.
“Well, bugs are gross”, he offers in return.
And they eat corpses, but he’s not gonna say that with Dick six feet under them. Let’s not give the kid new materials for his nightmares.
Damian doesn’t seem to think “gross” an adequate excuse for killing fireflies, but Jason’s not going to push it. They all have their weird little things, and he’d rather not tell Damian horror stories about dead kids crawling out of their graves at night, digging into the mud under the rain and feeling worms and maggots and god knows what else between the fingers. He’s not going to tell him that that night smelled exactly like this one.
“Your dad’s looking for you”, he says instead, because at some point they’d have to address the topic of a giant, worried Bat scurrying the streets of Gotham in search of his offspring anyway.
Damian curls his fingers and his toes but otherwise keeps a pretty decent facade of indifference.
“I know.”
Almost no feeling behind those words too. Yes, the kid’s getting really good at the emotionally constipated thing. He wants to make a joke about Dick turning in his grave, but he stops himself in time. Why has his mind to be so fucking morbid he’ll never understand. He focuses back on Damian, who’s trying really hard not to look like a ten years old in dire need of a hug. He’s failing.
“He’s not angry”, Jason offers, even though he doesn’t know if that’s true or not. He hopes it is, though.
“No, he’s never angry”, Damian unexpectedly agrees. “Only disappointed.”
Jason’s heart kind of falls into the pit of his stomach. He doesn’t know how to answer to that. It’s too personal, the feelings hit too close to home. He can’t say I know, he doesn’t want to say it. He’s not ready to have this conversation with someone else, much less with Damian, who’s arguably the brother most similar to him. First, because Jason’s trying so hard, for his own peace of mind, not to make comparisons between them since the day Damian died, and second, because he can’t let the kid count the similarities and make dangerous equations about them. Can’t let him see a Red Hood in his future instead of a Nightwing.
That’s why Dick should be the one giving speeches about father-son relationships. That’s also why Dick should go fuck himself, ectoplasm and all.
Damian’s line of thoughts must have been wandering in a similar direction because, while Jason is still gaping and looking for something to say that’s not a death joke or worse, the kid just sighs and bites the inside of his cheek.
“I miss him”, he whispers, like it’s a secret, or an admission of guilt.
And at least there’s an easy answer to this, Jason thinks.
“I know, kiddo. Me too.”
They both speak in a quiet tone, but their voices are steady. On the outside there’s no way for someone different from their family to actually see how deep the scar is, or how much it hurts.
All of this would be a lot more simple for both of them if Damian just cried. At least Jason would know what to do. He would get up from his wet spot on the grass and hug him. Not that he’s good with tears or hugs, and even less with children, but a crying child is something in the realm of things he comprehend. Like grieving. Like missing someone so much you can barely breathe.
It would be oh so nice if they could do something - this, at least - like a normal family. But they are not normal, and if they ever were Jason doesn’t remember it.
Part of the reason they’re all so fucked up about this must be because this is not something new anymore. They have lost a brother before. A father. A son. They have all lost comrades and friends and lovers. It’s part of the job. And at some point it didn’t… well, it didn’t stop the hurt, of course, because the hurt was always there, but. It stopped the surprise. Because how else could have it ended if not like this? And what’s the point of crying about something that was inevitable from the start?
So crying is not how they do things. They get angry, they fight, they train until their bodies are spent and sleep comes to them as a survival mechanism and nothing more. The only people in their life allowed to vocalize their pain are the criminals unfortunate enough to find themselves between a grieving vigilante and his denial while they just go on with the show.
Until, of course, they get stuck in a cemetery with a child still too young to know the rules of a game no one wants to explain.
Jason runs a hand through his hair, wishing for a beer. Damian just looks at him from under his lashes, mouth twisted in a pout. He knows what’s going to happen next.
“I need to call the others, Little D”, Jason warns him anyway.
Damian shrugs.
“I know.”
Jason sighs again.
Tim’s the first one to join them. He looks at Damian, still sitting on Dick’s gravestone, then at Jason, still leaning against Damian’s, and to his credit he just raises an eyebrow at them.
“Is this some sort of inside joke?”, he asks, staring down at them with his arm crossed over his chest. He doesn’t look tired or angry as he sounded before on the phone, in fact he looks rather amused, if Jason’s reading his posture correctly.
“Inside game, actually”, he answers then, making it up on the spot because why not. “You have to sit on a grave that is not yours.”
Damian blinks at him, then frowns uncertainly. Tim, bless his soul, just goes with it.
“Well, that should be easy”, he answers almost cheerly. “I don’t have a grave here.”
“Yet”, Damian replies, but if the child’s intent was to sound ominous or threatening he fails miserably. His own voice betrays him, giving his word a sad undertone. Tim must have detected it because he only scoffs back at him.
“Yeah, thanks for the memento mori, brat. I’ll take this one, then”, Tim says, sitting gingerly on Jason’s grave.
“Aww, I knew I was your favorite, Timbo”, Jason jokes, shifting position and circling his knees with his arms.
“Does that mean that Damian’s yours?”, Tim returns.
No need to ask Damian about his favorite brother. Jason notices he still grips his fingers around the edges of the marble stone beneath him, almost as challenging them to question his right to claim Dick’s grave for himself. Like they ever would.
“Well, I do feel like we have a lot of things in common”, he answers anyway. “Nice hair, a lifelong passion for knives, we both tried to kill you-”
“Very funny”, Tim grumbles.
“I consider myself offended by that”, Damian retorts at the same time. “My hair is definitely better than yours.”
Jason laughs, cocks his head to the side with an amused glare.
“My, my, are we already fashionably aware?”
Damian points his eyes at him like one would point guns.
“Well, someone in this family has to be.”
Tim snorts, and by doing so he automatically gives the win to Damian. The traitor.
Well aware of his victory, the child smirks smugly, and Jason can’t help but smile himself. He feels lighter and honestly relieved at how easily the banter still comes to them. Even now, even here.
The smile stays on Damian’s face for all of five seconds, then it crumbles down in a cringe, and that’s how Jason realizes that Bruce catched up with them. He follows Damian’s gaze and sure enough he can spot Batman’s unmistakable silhouette moving towards them. He looks back at Tim to give him a silent warning, but his brother is already focused on Bruce too, expression unreadable as always.
Jason turns his head again to watch Bruce slowly approaching them and frowns. He doesn’t know how he would react if Bruce and Damian started arguing in front of him, and he’s not eager to find out. So he waits for him to come closer and then he raises a hand and waves it in a show of no-hostility.
“Hello B.”, he greets him.
Bruce tilts his head in acknowledgment and just stares at their little circle from behind the cowl. He doesn’t look angry or ready to start a lecture, and Jason thanks god for small mercies.
“Can I sit down?”, he only asks after a moment.
“Sure. Just not on your own grave”, Jason answers.
“It’s tonight’s game”, Tim explains while Damian does his best to ignore all of them (an art he’s really well versed in, thanks to months of strenuous practice).
Bruce accepts it without so much as a raised eyebrow. He walks around them and looks at both of his parent’s graves before deciding to sit down in front of his father’s tombstone, if only because it’s the one closer to them or to follow some kind of messed up logic, Jason doesn’t know and he’s not gonna ask.
They ought to make a weird sight, though, Batman sitting in the mud, Red Robin crouched next to him, Jason in his civilian clothes sitting cross-legged in front of them, and Damian in his pajamas perched on a gravestone in the middle of their group. Jason wonders if he should take a photo for Alfred’s Bonding Moments Scrapbook. He’s ready to bet it wouldn’t even be the weirdest one in there.
“You know, I think we should have a grave for Timmy too”, he says out of the blue, because clearly Tim’s not going to talk first and Bruce and Damian are just as clearly trying to ignore each other’s presence like they weren’t the reason for this peculiar family meeting in the first place.
“Hey!”, Tim protests.
“...Jason”, Bruce sighs.
Jason smirks, crosses his arms behind his head and leans against the tombstone until he finds a comfortable position. Tim just narrows his eyes at him, already familiar enough with his quirks to know that this is not just a casual comment but it’s going to turn into a thing.
“I just don’t want him to feel, you know, cut off from the family or something”, Jason continues, keeping his tone as casual as he knows how.
“I’m perfectly fine without having a grave, thank you very much.”
“Ah, but we all already have a metaphorical grave waiting for us while we are alive. Some are just less metaphorical than others.”
“Yeah, well, I’d like to keep mine totally metaphorical for as long as I can, if you don’t mind.”
“I do mind a little. Like, I am this close to feel personally offended.”
“I’m not getting myself a grave just to indulge your issues, Jay.”
“Are you cold?”, Bruce asks, interrupting their conversations with a low murmur, and Jason and Tim immediately pause. The question is obviously directed to Damian, who for the last minutes has done nothing but watching his bare feet. Even now he doesn’t raise his head, doesn’t speak, doesn’t even look at them. Just barely nods.
“We could go home”, Bruce hums. Jason notices the obvious effort to put it as a suggestion, not as a request and definitely not as an order.
“It’s almost morning”, Tim adds gently, when Damian doesn’t answer. “I’m pretty sure Alfred’s making breakfast right now.”
Jason’s pretty sure that Tim’s going to be a good brother to Damian too, eventually. After all he learned how to be a brother from Dick, and Dick’s always been a good teacher. The kid just needs to give him a chance, and Tim just needs to take it. It’s a comforting thought. Not that he’s gonna share it.
“And I’m pretty sure that when you say Alfred’s making breakfast you’re just thinking about the coffee”, he replies instead.
“Jason, coffee is breakfast.”
“Uh, I’m sorry to be the one to break it to you but-”
“Damian?”, Bruce interrupts them again.
Finally, Damian looks up at them. And it’s not easy to read him, he looks still kind of surprised that Bruce’s not yelling at him, and he also looks guilty and uncertain and like he doesn’t want to leave the last connection he has with Dick, like there is a much bigger decision here to be taken, one they can not even start to comprehend.
Or maybe Jason’s just projecting and Damian’s only sleepy.
“Do you want to go home?”, Bruce asks softly.
Damian’s fingers linger on the marble, absently tracing its edges.
“...Yes”, he decides in the end.
He slides down from the gravestone and back on his feet.
Bruce stands up too, quickly followed by both Jason and Tim.
“Good”, Batman only says, then he walks towards Damian and offers him his hand.
Father and son look at each other for a second, and whatever their fight was about, it’s pretty clear that everything is forgiven and forgotten, even if no one’s gonna say sorry. Jason tries really hard not to be jealous about that.
“And I’m in favor of Drake getting a grave”, Damian adds in a chirp, taking his father’s hand.
Bruce hums noncommittally and scoops him up into his arms. Damian promptly wraps his arms around his neck, settling into his hold.
“And I’m in favor of giving you up for adoption”, Tim answers serenely, with no heat at all.
Jason just laughs and puts an arm around his brother’s shoulders as they follow their father home.
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anythingstephenking · 7 years
To everything… turn, turn, turn…
Subtitled: Fuck you Richard Bachman
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My first collection of King novellas, Different Seasons, provides the source material for some of King’s most memorable film adaptations. But we’ll get to that later.
Different Seasons was published in 1982, and contains 4 novellas. Novellas are longer than a short story but shorter than a novel. Ok, you probably knew that already, so cool story. 
By 1982 King was the king (lulz) of horror. Since none of these stories contain things that go bump in the night, his publishers weren’t totally stoked to print them individually. I guess novellas really suck if you’re a writer, because they’re too long for magazines to publish, and too short to be real novels. Of course, Stephen King is the fucking greatest, and he combines these four stories together, makes each (loosely) tied to a season, hits CTR+P and laughs his way to the bank (I assume).
Here’s what we go to go through:
Hope Springs Eternal - Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption
Summer of Corruption - Apt Pupil
Fall from Innocence - The Body
A Winter’s Tale - The Breathing Method
There is really nothing thematically that ties these stories together. King states in the afterward that each was written shortly after finishing a novel - The Body after 'Salem’s Lot, Apt Pupil after The Shining, Shawshank after The Dead Zone, and The Breathing Method after Firestarter.
Each of these is its own very different (get it?) story, so I’m going through each separately, and because the adaptations are so well known, I’m going to break format and discuss the movies alongside the novellas.
Strap in folks, this is gunna be a long one.
Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption
Did you know Red is an Irishman and NOT Morgan Freeman? I know, right? Mind blown.
I’ve mentioned this before but my #1 pet peeve is guys who say their favorite movie is Shawshank (yawn) but don’t know it’s based on a King story. If your favorite movie is Shawshank, Fight Club, Boondocks Saints or any Coen Brothers movie, swipe hard left. Here’s what it’s like to go on a date with me:
Me: What’s your favorite movie?
Him: Oh that’s a hard question! I’d have to say Shawshank.
Me: (deep breath) Interesting. I love Stephen King!
Him: …
Me: He wrote the story the movie was based on.
Him: No shit! I had no idea.
Me: It’s your favorite movie but you’ve never paid attention to the credits before?
Him: ….
Me: My favorites are the Before Sunrise/Sunset/Midnight movies
Him: Never heard of them.
Me: Of course.
Still single folks. Go figure. And here’s a fun fact - I had actually never seen this movie before. It somehow scooted by me in my youth and I just never got around to it. Then, like Kings of Leon, it was too popular for it’s own good and I was off the bandwagon.
Since this movie is rated #1 on IMDB’s top 100 movies, I am going to skip over the major plot points because you already know them. I did enjoy reading it with fresh eyes, never having seen the movie and only knowing the plot because I am a person that is alive and everyone knows the plot. Bruce Willis WAS DEAD THE WHOLE TIME!
When Andy Dufresne comes to Shawshank, you know through Red’s narration that he is an innocent man, and you immediately feel for him as he stumbles through your pretty standard prison stuff. He settles in, finds his place, gets special treatment for doing taxes for the prison staff, works in the library and spends 20 years methodically digging a tunnel. Normal stuff. This story generates one of King’s most famous lines ever, and the focus of many inspirational quote boards: “Get busy living or get busy dying.” I was unnecessarily happy to see that line in the source material - proud of King for writing it and it not coming from the screenplay.
The movie was directed by Frank Darabont, King buddy and early recipient of Dollar Baby rights for his first film. Darabont of course goes on to do The Green Mile and Walking Dead, and is still sitting on the rights to The Long Walk. Get to it Frankie.
I was discussing this story with a friend and she very astutely pointed out “I mean, it’s bro love. There’s not a single female in the whole story.” Seriously. It’s a great story of the resiliency of the human spirt, friendship, loss and redemption, and honestly it is a wonderful movie, but it’s for bros. I’m not the target demographic, and I am ok with that.
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But seriously, how the hell did Andy rehang the poster over the hole after he went through? We will never know. 
Apt Pupil
Fuck this story. Fuck Richard Bachman, who didn’t “write” this story as it was published under King’s name, but this story is Bachman through and through. I thought I was on a break from reading about terrible sociopaths I hope would die on page one but I somehow have to be put inside their fucked up minds for so long my skin is crawling when I am done. Sorry for the all the f-bombs, but fuck this story was the fucking worst.
Ok, where to start. Apt Pupil follows the story of Todd Bowden, a high school A student and star athlete. Sounds great, right? Well, actually Todd is a nutcase who finds out his neighbor Arthur Denker is a nazi war criminal in hiding. Todd calls the police and the nazi is arrested. The End.
Just kidding! Todd blackmails Denker and forces him to tell him gory details about his time in the concentration camps. Jesus fucking christ y’all. This shit goes on for over four years. Todd buys a replica SS uniform and makes him wear it. Todd likes to masturbate but can only climax while fantasizing about abusing women in concentration camps. Denker starts blackmailing Todd in return. They seemingly hate but respect each other because they’re both fucking monsters. Are you having fun yet?
It keeps going. Todd starts murdering homeless people (of course) as does Denker (he also puts a cat into his oven, which I was not at all pleased about). Arthur and Todd are both running around town killing folks, but neither one knows the other is doing so. Funny coincidence!
I’ll save you the suspense and also spoil the ending. Denker is discovered when he has a heart attack and his hospital mate is a Holocaust survivor that recognizes him. The jig is finally up. Denker kills himself. Wohoey! We’re done right?
WRONG. Todd is also discovered by his guidance counselor. When confronted Todd shoots him in his driveway (obviously) then goes off on a shooting spree.
THE END. What a heartwarming story of the human spirit. I must have checked at least 400 times how many pages I had left. Lucky me, Apt Pupil is the longest of all four stories, clocking in at 180 pages.
Like in all Bachman material, both main characters are giant dicks. If I ever meet Stephen King, the first thing I will ask him is... “can I meet Tabs?”… but the second thing I’ll ask him is “why wasn’t Apt Pupil a Bachman Book?” I am still irrationally angry I had to read this without forewarning that Bachman was lurking in Different Seasons, ready to bum me out and make me never want to read again.
The movie is just as bad. Brad Renfro (RIP) plays Todd, and I was interested enough in him playing the lead role not to dread watching this movie. Totally had his Teen Beat photo on my wall in middle school. Don’t judge.
The movie follows the same basic plot of the book, except at the end, Todd just threatens his counselor with false allegations of sexual abuse rather than murdering him, so I guess that’s better?
Funny thing is, this movie was made not once, but twice. The first production got 3/4 of the way done and ran out of money. It should have been doomed and never seen the light of day. It bounced around a bunch and finally got produced. Not surprisingly, it did not do well at the box office. Says Scott Von Doviak in my favorite companion material, “In the end, Stand By Me and Shawshank were essentially feel-good fables whereas Apt Pupil is never heartwarming and never tries to be. Its message is not one of uplift; it’s that evil is evil wherever you find it.” I suppose I prefer my Stephen King evil in the form of rabid dogs or vampires or hotels; not in actual evil that lurks in history. I watched Night and Fog for a documentary film class in college, and I still have nightmares about it. 
Saving grace of the movie: a young David Schwimmer sporting a Burt Reynolds mustache.
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Ugh, Stephen, I am real mad about this one.
The Body
Now onto something more lighthearted - 4 lil peanut boys off to discover a dead body! For serious though, I heart-eyes-emoji the film adaptation. Stand By Me, and was pretty jazzed to read this story.
The idea for The Body is revealed by King some 10 years later in his book Danse Macabre. 
"It turned out that the kid I had been playing with had been run over by a freight train while playing on or crossing the tracks (years later, my mother told me they had picked up the pieces in a wicker basket). My mom never knew if I had been near him when it happened, if it had occurred before I even arrived, or if I had wandered away after it happened. Perhaps she had her own ideas on the subject. But as I’ve said, I have no memory of the incident at all; only of having been told about it some years after the fact."
King was only 4 when this happened, but I once read a book that argued that every thing that has ever happened to us, from the time we are birthed, is imprinted in our minds and affects everything we do as adults. So, who’s to say that this experience of 4 year old Stephen King didn’t imprint into his brain forever. Hard shrug.
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Anywho, The Body reads like Stand By Me’s screenplay. I’ve seen this movie enough times to know the dialogue by heart, and most of it comes, word for word, from King’s pen. "A pile of shit has a thousand eyes.” I don’t know who wrote this screenplay, but they really shouldn’t have gotten a credit for it, never mind an Oscar nomination (which they did for Best Adapted Screenplay).
The Body is firmly planted in the King-o-verse, taking place in good-ol’ Castle Rock, mentioning Chamberlain (where Carrie would one day kill the whole dang town because he mother couldn’t be bothered to tell her what her period was), and ‘Salem’s Lot, Cujo and Shawshank are all mentioned. 
They changed the name because they didn’t want folks to think it was another King horror movie, a “sex film” or a bodybuilding movie. Now I can’t stop thinking about what a Stephen King bodybuilding movie would be like. Directory Rob Reiner (who would go on to direct Misery), suggested Stand By Me which apparently was the “least unpopular” option. 
I read this with the film versions of Gordie, Chris, Teddy and Vern in my mind, with Richard Dreyfuss narrating the whole thing. I’ve always been a sucker for a good coming of age story, and The Body checks all the required boxes.
That said, revisiting the story with my own coming age so far in my rear-view, I found the story clunky to say the least. Lines like “it’s hard to make strangers care about the things in your life” and “the most important things are the hardest things to say” made me eye roll a bit. I suppose I am old and cynical. When I was younger, far into my twenties even, the air of nostalgia for being 12 still lingered. Now, I only remember that time as one of braces, bullies and never-ending hormones. No thanks.
But this movie, man. The tragedy of River Phoenix’s untimely death makes it a harder watch. I’ve always described these four characters as “little peanuts” when I talk about this movie, which is funny because they’re foul-mouthed little shits. But lovable little shits. Wil (Whil) Wheaton is wonderful as King stand-in Gordie Lachance, writer-to-be. Corey Feldman basically plays himself, and Jerry O-Connell is a little butterball! Doesn’t get more adorable than that. River Phoenix is such a nugget. One time when I was drunk in 2006ish, I found myself crying because I was overcome by the fact that River died and Joaquin Phoenix lived. This breakdown came literally out of nowhere - Joaquin hadn’t even made I’m Still Here yet. In the moment it just seemed so unfair. Sorry Joaquin.
But there’s honesty in the body of The Body - King narrates as future Gordie in the first person and acknowledges the naiveté of his writing and experiences. Chris and Gordie share true and heartfelt stories about their fears then exchange quips like “eat me raw” “through a flavor straw”. It feels authentic. They’re boys that want desperately to be men, but without any real understanding of the weight of what adulthood is going to bring them.
The Breathing Method
Last but not least, The Breathing Method is the shortest story, the only one that contains any real King horror, and the only one with no film adaptation to discuss.
The story centers on an exclusive New York club, where old men go and drink scotch and tell stories. The mantra etched in stone reads “It is the tale, not he who tells it." There’s something strange about the club, which contains shelves full of books not known to libraries, and endless rooms filled with who-knows-what. 
The best stories of the year get shared on the Thursday before Christmas, and our narrator tells one back to us. It begins as a rather lighthearted tale of a pregnant (and unwed) woman, looking for medical help in a time before it was cool to have kids out of wedlock. There’s a little bit of love, some mystery, then it takes a real hard left at the end. It’s tragic and someone gets decapitated, then just as we’re given a hint at some kind of extra-terrestrial or supernatural presence in the club, the story ends. Ok. Sure thing.
The guy that wrote Sinister (among other horror fables) has the rights to direct the film adaptation, but according to his IMDB page, there’s nothing currently in the works. One less movie to watch so a-ok with me.
In the afterward, King tells the story of getting Different Seasons published, promising his agent his next story was about a haunted car. So that’s where I am off to next - Christine, which according to the jacket “will keep you looking both ways when you cross the street after dark.” Ha! Little do they know I never cross the street after dark, cause Nashville drivers are terrible and I don’t have a death wish. Till then friends!
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newagesispage · 7 years
                                                          DECEMBER        2017
*****The Astros win the World series.
*****Jill Kimmel is doing stand up.** Her brother Jimmy’s childhood drawings were turned into flesh super heroes The terrific Ten.** Jimmy is in a twitter war with Roy Moore. After being called out by Moore, Jimmy is heading to Alabama to either fight or talk since he is unsure of what Moore is taunting him to do. He wants to dress like a girl scout since he feels that Moore only notices little girls. Kimmel would really like to talk Christianity because as a Christian he does not understand him.
*****So.. Scary clown has delayed his decision on elephant trophy’s which has angered hunting groups.** It is said that Rex Tillerson is about to be out and Mike Pompeo in. Business as usual!
**** The tax bill is atrocious. It adds a trillion to the deficit and the middle class tax cuts would expire.  They are trying to sneak in a caveat in the part about college savings plan. It would not actually change anything for savings now but it a backdoor way to have their way on abortion. It would introduce ‘fetal personhood’ into law which of course would be a short leap to taking away choice.
*****Scary clown 45 is ranting about the jury in the case of Kate Steinley who the jury says was accidently shot by an immigrant named Jose Inez Garcia Zarate.  Trump has been ranting about this case for a while now but the San Francisco trial just ended.** And we are really seeing what Trump and his fake news are doing to the world. His yelling about CNN put doubt into other countries about a REAL story they did on modern day slave auctions in Libya. These are real humans that need help and he has others doubting the very story. ** He also put out fake stories about terrorism which were debunked but Huckabee Sanders said it does not matter if the stories are real, the threat is real. The fake news also gave much free publicity to hate group Britain First.
*****The original Conklin’s barn was torn down on November 7. Fingers crossed that the donations will keep coming in so they can reopen by December 2018 as Barn 3. Time for some Days cast members to donate some fundraising time??
*****Patton Oswalt kicked ass in his new Netflix special Annihilation and also just got married to Meredith Salenger.
*****Boo Boo Stewart and Mark Derwin star in Lowlifes out in 2018. Lowlifes is the story of a second chance boot camp who stumble onto a terrorist group.
*****Meghan McCain seems so angry and it seems she wants to tear Joy Behar’s head off sometimes. She is supportive of some liberal agendas but automatically turns off some ideas simply because of who is proposing them. This is the very thing she rails against. I did love her take on sleezy Matt Lauer though, I too never had any respect for him after the Anne Curry thing. And c’mon ET all the Lauer clips you showed seemed to have him in front of Rolling Stones advertising.** Lauer has been accused of many things including exposing himself. Why do these men always think we want to see their dicks? They all think they have something special, they are not that fucking different. Keep it in your pants, most would be embarrassed if they were held up to other men. And I don not believe for a minute that Jeff Zucker did not know about it. I never trusted him either.
*****China says that Trump is proof that democracy does not work. They are benefitting from our misery and zeroing in on being number 1. Besides spreading propaganda, they are making lots of jobs with clean energy that they can sell to the world.
*****Steve Green of Hobby Lobby has finally opened the 500 million dollar Bible museum. The idea of making all guests sign a promise to become evangelicals when they leave was nixed.
*****$15 mil in taxpayer money has been spent on the sexual harassment complaints of congress.
*****James Jagger and Matilda Lutz are the face of Giorgio Armani’s fragrances Because it’s you for her and Stronger with you for him.
*****Commerce secretary Wilbur Ross declared the divestment of his holdings but he’s still part owner in a company. This Russian company has ties to Putin’s son in law.
*****Please Please Conan.. More Butterscotch the clown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*****The UK is having its own political and sexual misconduct scandals including a secretary of state Damian Green.
*****The Mark Twain prize for Letterman was filled with my favorites and was very emotional. Al Franken edited out? Maher is right: The liberals are pussies.
*****The Paradise papers about offshore finances were leaked.  The secret financial activities of the superrich show a lot of Russian dealings. There are also questions about Queen Elizabeth’s private estate and other business leaders.
*****The list of those accused of sexual misconduct grows, from Dustin Hoffman to Brett Ratner to Russell Simmons and more to come. Simmons is accused of raping Lena Horne’s granddaughter. We need a special kind of thank you for Ronan Farrow who is working tirelessly to blow the lid off of the Weinstein bullshit. I Can’t wait for his new book. He has exposed many things which have helped feel safe enough to come forward. So many helped in the Weinstein mess , including Dylan Howard, chief content officer of American Media Inc. which publishes The Enquirer. Howard was apparently a helper in the disgusting network of suppression. Sime sticks together like Levin sticks with Trump.** We need a real truth teller, an honest Cronkite type and I see it in Ronan. **Jane Seymour had her own story of sexual harassment with a powerful producer at the start of her career.** Charlie Rose is fired after his allegations. That one hurts.** I am so glad the women are coming forward. The bravery of citizens like in The Keepers is opening up a world of (hopefully) more truth, more justice. ** Are political operatives helping to dig any of this up?** A good portion of people I know are natural flirts. Are there some who don’t even realize that they are offending? Out and out rape and authority figures who try to stop an employee’s rise when they do not get their sexual way is obviously wrong.  We are human though and sometimes that line may be crossed unintentionally. I think each story has to be looked at for what it is. We must discern between real and cruel sexual situations and tasteless jokes and bad manners. All is wrong but there are different ways to deal with the accused. Listen fully to the stories from the victim’s mouth. Follow the evidence and force yes or no answers. This political speak of “let me tell you” or “I will say this” is nonsense. People out and out believe that celebs of journalists did the bad deed but politicians receive more skepticism. People take the side of their left or right hero without really listening. If you can’t see the difference I wonder about your ability to reason, about your moral compass. An Al Franken or Garrison Keillor seem to be a bit different from a Weinstein. ** Uma Thurman had a great tweet: Happy Thanksgiving everyone (except you Harvey, and all your wicked conspirators. I’m glad it’s going slowly-you don’t deserve a bullet)** Pelosi could be a little more eloquent and quit getting in her own way defending the left. Just before I put this page out, Pelosi says Conyers should resign.. WOW! complete turn around.** A woman came forward to the Washington Post trying to push some fake news about Roy Moore. She claimed that she was impregnated by him and then it was found that she was meeting with Project Veritas whose purpose it is to set up stings on the mainstream media. Of course there are REAL reporters at the Post so the story was not published.  Hmm imagine looking up facts and not getting your news from the 700 Club or online scuttlebutt. ** Isn’t all the money and power enough for these men at the top? Law and order SVU must have enough script ideas for another 20 years.** Is all the women standing up and not taking it anymore what we get for losing Hillary? It is like she had to sacrifice herself and gain liberation for the rest of us. So many can’t believe what got into the White house and real truths need to be out there. WAKE
*****Prince Harry and former Deal or no Deal employee, Meghan Markle are engaged .
*****The governor’s award honored Donald Sutherland
***** Fashion Police on E is over.
*****I watched Ozark on Netflix and wasn’t too sure after the first episode but tried the second and then I was in. There were times when I could not quite suspend my disbelief but then there were so many characters that I seemed to recognize from my real life. Bateman and many deserve some love for this project and I will miss Russ in season 2.
*****Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr story sounds like a great doc.
*****The Grammy noms are out and leading the way was Jay-Z with 8. That was followed up with Kendrick Lamar, Bruno Mars, SZA, Childish Gambino and Khalid. Also on the list of nominations are Lorde, Lady Gaga, Imagine Dragons, Bob Dylan, Kraftwerk, Leonard Cohen, Jason Isbell, Gregg Allman, Neil Degrasse Tyson, Bruce Springsteen, Bernie Sanders, Carrie Fisher, Dave Chappelle, Queens of the stone age, Jim Gaffigan, Jerry Seinfeld, Sarah Silverman, Kevin Hart and The Rolling Stones.
*****So glad Search Party on TBS is back!!
*****The Crowns Plaza hotel has a projection on the outside of the building that declares FUCK TRUMP.
*****Don’t take your eyes off this administration and the judges he is putting in place, the rules that he and his cohorts are changing and the rights he is taking away from all of us. We have a lot to deal with now but don’t let his tweets or his slick talkers distract you. Yes we need justice from the Russian probe but somebody is handling that,. I wish the news would let that play out and update us more on what they are taking from us.** If you can’t see what is wtong with a Trump or a Roy Moore, I have to wonder about your moral character.
*****Hooray for Washington Week for 50 years and Meet the Press for 70. Thanks Washington Week for your touching tribute to Gwen Ifill.
*****Dan Rather has a new book, What unites us.
*****Nathan Fillion is back on ABC with The Rookie. The program is inspired by a true story of the oldest rookie in the LAPD from the executive producer of Criminal Minds, Mark Gordon.
*****For the fifth year in a row Michael Jackson has been the top dead celebrity earner.
*****Laurence Fishburne is divorcing Gina Torres.
*****Papa John’s has apologized for blaming the knee taking football players for low pizza sales. C’mon who eats that pizza anyway?.. get a good product!** The alt right has named them their official pizza.
*****Voting has begun for the rock and roll hall of fame. This year we have Bon Jovi, the Moody Blues, Dire Straits, The Cars. Judas Priest, The Eurythmics, The Zombies, J. Geils Band( please finally!!!!!), Depeche Mode and Nina Simone.
*****U.S. court judge Colleen Kollar- Kotelly barred Trump from continuing with plans to exclude transgender people from military service and thinks those who have sued have a good case.
*****So.. What the fuck is the hinky biz going on at Guantanamo?  The place has its own rules and nobody can seem to agree on said rules. Brigadier General Baker found good cause for Nashiri, a suspect in the USS Cole bombing, to lose his lawyers. After the lawyers were allowed to quit, a judge ordered Baker to rescind that order but he refused.  The judge put the General in jail. The General , a U.S. citizen and  the 2nd highest ranking officer in the military claims the judge has no jurisdiction over him. We will have to see how this plays out.
*****James Comey is releasing his story in May with the book A Higher Loyalty.
*****Michael Lewis tells us about all the prep the Obama administration went thru to bring the Trump administration up to snuff in his new nook The Undoing project.
*****Brit Vandegraft married John Witt on October 14 and honeymooned thru Dallas and on to the West.
*****According to the pentagon, America has spent $250 mil a day on war every single day for sixteen years.
*****Donna Brazile’s book Hacks claims the Dem campaigns were offered a chance to bail out the DNC and get much support. The Bernie campaign declined but the Hillary campaign supplied the money. Brazile seemed a bit surprised and rattled about the reaction to her book in the beginning.  After a couple of weeks she settled into it and the defensiveness sort of faded.  She tells us that she has been in politics for fifty years and if we don’t like it ,we don’t have to buy it. She claims she enjoyed Hillary’s book and backed her all the way.  Brazile writes that she got to the bottom of everything when she took over the DNC and was threatened over and over again.
*****Days alert: WTF Adrienne?? Poor Lucas never gets to keep the girl! **Peggy McCay celebrated her 90th.** Keep Hope and Raif together. Damn!
*****So glad to see Katherine Erbe on How to get away with murder.
*****Spot on writing and acting on another level with Jane and Lily and Sam and Martin on Grace and Frankie. What treasures!!  Thrilled to see the appearance of Mary kay Place . Craig Welzbacher who played Myron on Days was on there too.
*****Dinklage, Harrelson and McDormand in Three Billboards… can’t wait.
*****This winter, Trump requested 70 foreign workers with special permission from the U.S. labor department for Mar –A- Lago. He also would like some for various golf clubs thru the H-2B visa program. There are currently 5,136 qualified persons in the area ready to work. America first?
*****The second part of Stranger Things just as good as the first.
*****Scary Clown 45 is being sued because he blocked twitter followers.  He now knows that since he uses his tweets as an ‘instrument of governance’ blocking is not allowed.
*****Fifty years brings Rolling Stone magazine an HBO doc, a rock and roll hall of fame exhibit and the whole thing up for sale.
*****Rand Paul was attacked by his neighbor as he mowed his lawn.
*****Ok.. I realize that shows like The View have to shift.. well I guess they do.. But I don’t get how they can talk about a shooting and then hey ”view your deal’.  C’mon, it just seems so inappropriate to suddenly talk about spending $ on silly things. I always tune out when this shit happens.. can’t this shit be at the end of the show. No offense to those companies but I do not watch for that. .. But good for Sonny Hostin for going to Puerto Rico to tell their story.
*****Sad to see Dale Earnhardt Jr run his last race. Is Chase Elliott the next Mr. popular ?
*****An American woman, Shalane Flanagan won the New York marathon.
*****Manafort had 3 passports and we won’t get to the trial for he and Gates until May.
*****Charles Manson is dead. Writer Phil Luciano still has some letters from him that he does not know what to do with. They are now headed into the Lincoln library in Springfield, Il.** How did Charlie wrangle such good publicity from American Horror story? The timing as usual is impeccable. Charles (Manson) in charge?** The History channel seems to have some unheard recordings from Charlie that will air on December 3 as Manson Speaks.
*****Prince Salmon Mohamed is purging in Saudi Arabia. His crackdown has included about 500 other Princes who have been rounded up. He is consolidating power and getting rid of enemies. Just days before Jared Kushner went for a visit.  It seems like so many ego driven men in the world today are grabbing all the power they can.
*****Check out Jeff Ross roasts the border.
*****The recent elections went pretty well for the left including Bill DeBlasio. Congrats to all the newly elected including the first openly trans woman and an African American mayor in Montana. Nobody should get too cocky.
*****The VA says they won’t help the dishonorably discharged per the Trump team.  Hmm no help from VA, no universal health care.. I guess soldiers should suffer in silence, beat their families or become addicts.
*****Wow Darrell Hammond was awesome on a Criminal Minds that Aisha Tyler directed.** BTW Did ya see the episode where Mantagna utters the line, “I don’t like a the snakes.’? OMG
*****HBO is making a limited series about the Jonestown tragedy with Vince Gilligan and Octavia Spencer.
***** Watch for Peter Fonda in The Ballad of Lefty Brown coming out December 15.
***** So.. Tiny kitchens are a thing?
***** Pumpkin spice has reached its peak. Pumpkin out: Maple in.
*****Check out Sean Astin as Paul Manafort in Houseguest (on Colbert).
*****I thought my head was gonna explode when Bill Maher had Michael Moore, Donna Brazile, Chris Matthews and Sarah Silverman on the same episode.
*****So the People mag sexiest man is stupid anyway but Idris isn’t the man this year? WTF??
*****Jim and Andy: The story inside the story inside the story of Carrey playing Kaufman. This is a great piece of work.  Is it wrong to say how hot it is that Jim gets this look in his eye about Andy? Even though he is no longer inhabited by Kaufman, something seems to bubble inside him when he talks about the man.
*****On November 14th Bob Corker held hearings on executive authority to use nuke’s .
*****The Louis CK film I was looking forward to ‘I love you Daddy’ looks like a wash.
*****They say the Pres has no control over fuel prices but Trump in.. prices soaring.
*****Rwanda has offered to host African migrants stranded in Libya.
*****Why do people always say they did not think it would happen to them or their communities when shootings happen? How long does it take to sink in to Americans that mental illness and this obsession with weapons is everywhere?  I will agree with a couple of things that the NRA says like we need to enforce the rules in place better a that mental health is a big part of the problem. If mental health is the real issue then where is the universal health care we need to take care of this problem?
*****GQ has named Colin Kaepernick citizen of the year.
*****Just as I am posting this the Mike Flynn charges were announced. They broke into the news with this news. A real reporter must never get any sleep in these Trump times. Apparently he is pleading guilty and cooperating in the Russian investigation. Go Go GO DOJ!
*****Why is the last sketch on Saturday Night Live usually the best?
*****R.I.P. Dennis Banks, Liz Smith, Lil Peep, Malcolm Young, George Young, Brad Bufanda, victims of the Texas church shooting, Gloria Fallon, Roy Halladay, Robert Knight, Chuck Mosley, John Hillerman, Paul Buckmaster, Mel Tillis, Della Reese, David Cassidy, Earle Hyman, Joseph L. White, Jim Nabors and Rance Howard.
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