#also a thesis is for your masters and a dissertation is for your PhD
herothehardway · 8 months
Tragedy of my life is now that I’m in grad school I constantly realize all the inaccuracies I included in the Antarctica AU and they’re so small and it doesn’t matter but man do I love accuracy I love it so much I watched every documentary on the South Pole and studied floor plans and read peoples daily blogs and YET here we are. Adora I salute u for being maybe the most unhinged astro PhD student ever
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newt-and-salamander · 11 months
Uhm ... I just took place in a survey regarding the plans for my upcoming PhD project, and as a Thank You I got a PDF with practical tips on "How to Ace [My] Thesis", and in it it just says stuff like ... don't forget to eat. Don't forget to drink water. Don't forget to go outside and look at the sun sometimes. Do NOT procrastinate because it's a viscious circle. You might consider talking to your friends if you feel like you can't go on. Maybe it's not that bad. :)
WTF. What kind of brochure is that?! I'm much more scared now than I was before. :,)
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pseudowho · 2 months
Hey Haitch, what's up ? I need help and since you're : 1. One of the most prolific writers on here 2. You seem to be organised 3. I assume you have written a dissertation before What advice can you share for someone who has to write their master thesis pronto ? I have a terrible case of ADHD and just a mild interest in my subject, but I need to pump out 40 pages in 2 weeks so any advice is welcome Also you're the best, I loved your very clinical approach to analysing the JJK men's little swimmers
I am NOT PROLIFIC, shut up.
I am organised you're right, thank goodness for ✨anxiety✨
I've written a couple, taught dissertation classes on a University level, and bullied Mr.Haitch through a PhD too.
So I've not lived with ADHD sadly. I can only tell you what I'd do.
Get over yourself. I don't give a fuck if you don't like your subject and I don't give a fuck if you find it hard to concentrate. Pull your grown-up pants up, give yourself a slap, and recognise that you either do it and do it well, or you fail. Once you decide that knuckling down is infinitely more palatable than failure, it helps. So, be your own drill sergeant for two weeks now.
Examine your thesis question/hypothesis. Imagine teaching this subject to a class; what questions are they going to ask? You're going to want to answer those. They're going to highlight some key themes to explore. These themes can be grouped into your thesis subheadings.
What does the evidence show? There's almost certainly a theme there; do sources wildly disagree? Is there a general lean towards one answer? What gaping holes are there in the research? Assess the provenance; what limitations are placed upon pieces of evidence based on their provenance? How reliable are they? What are the sample sizes of the studies, if this is relevant to your thesis?
ONLY AFTER YOU HAVE THOROUGHLY EXPLORED THE FULL EVIDENCE...what do you think, and why? What do you think lends strength to your argument?
Remember, a Masters Thesis is a DISCUSSION, an ARGUMENT-- it's frustrating arguing with someone who clearly doesn't know what they're talking about, so get reading babe.
Do your References and Bibliography AS 👏 YOU 👏 WRITE 👏👏 ...as SOON as you mention it in the main body of the text, reference it properly. You are on limited time so tidy up as you go along. The devil is in the detail. I advise the Harvard referencing system, it's the nearest and simplest.
Good luck. This won't be easy. I'm a glutton for punishment and I love a challenge so this is a bit of me.
If you have a moment of "waahhhh this is hard I hate it I feel sorry for myself", let it be just that-- a moment. Pick yourself up and get back to it. Do not spiral. Now is not the time. Spiral after, if you like.
Please note: I'm not that much of a drill sergeant with other people. The above is how I bully myself, and I do bully myself. I would never judge you for a breakdown.
-- Haitch xxx
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qqueenofhades · 8 months
I'm about halfway through my History BA and I have a question (I pinky promise I'm doing more research than just asking tumblr academics their opinions), but this is also me assuming you did college in both the US and the UK so forgive me if I guessed wrong and am confusing you with someone else. How does graduate school in either country compare? I'm still stuck between whether I want to go for my master's or straight to PhD so obviously I'm quite a ways away from making any important decision, but considering that I'm studying British history (primarily), it felt natural to consider getting my degree(s) abroad. Are there like, any major differences you're aware of that made university vastly different, or are they more similar than I'm thinking?? Was one situation flat out preferable to the other?? If you even have strong opinions about it at all
That is me, yes. BA in the US with one year in the UK; MA in the US; PhD in the UK; now the co-director of a US MA/PhD program, so I have an appreciable amount of experience with graduate and postgraduate education in both countries. Here are the main ways in which they compare/what the experience is like in both:
In the UK overall, the experience is much more self-directed. I only had taught coursework for the first year of the PhD; the rest of it was spent in research and writing. So compared to the American system, where you take 3 years of coursework first (such as the PhD program that I currently manage) and then write the dissertation in the last year or two (hence the designation ABD, or All But Dissertation), you're thrown into the deep end from the start. I didn't have comprehensive exams, which might be a plus if that's something you have anxiety about, but the tradeoff was that I had to complete the dissertation proposal and first full-length sample chapter in the very first year, rather than waiting for year 3, and to have that be the basis on which I was evaluated/approved to continue to the full PhD degree. If you know what you want to work on and have solid supervision, this can work out and it certainly allows you to develop your topic in depth from the start, but if this is the kind of thing that gives you heart palpitations, there is that. The bright side is that you will come out with a thesis that will need less revision to be suitable as a monograph, because you've done a higher and longer amount of work upfront. I.e. I published my PhD thesis as a monograph with a major academic press within a year of graduating, which is generally rare in the US system.
As such, the US PhD experience is overall more directed/structured and leans toward more coursework than research. The research is obviously a big part of it in a way that American undergrads rarely train in (unless they go to a fancy liberal arts writing-intensive school for undergraduate, like I did), but as noted, the dissertation is central in the UK PhD system in a way it isn't (or at least not as much) in the American system. You have pros and cons for both systems, and sometimes I wished that my intensively research-centric PhD, where it was all on me to do the research, write the research, and have something to present to my supervisors on schedule for each meeting, had more taught coursework or formal/structured contact time. You have a committee in the American system, i.e. three or four academics who will oversee your defense, whereas in the UK, at least in a history program, you only have two aside from your degree supervisor: an internal reader (within the institution) and external reader (from outside the institution). While this means fewer people whose approval you need to wrangle, my viva (final defense) ended up being a Goddamn Ordeal because my external reader, despite being a friend of my supervisor, was really not suited to read a dissertation on the subject and I don't think should have been picked for it, then was extremely unprofessional about her notes/reviews/suggestions. (My supervisor likewise apologized to me for that, so yeah, It Was Bad. Academic Trauma Ahoy.)
Master's programs in the UK are also incredibly intense; they are generally one year compared to the usual two years for most US programs, and you have to complete the coursework AND write a thesis in that time, which is not something that I really recommend for maximum sanity. (Then again, if you're getting an advanced degree in history, that might be out the window.) However, if you are working on British history, then yeah, it makes the most sense to be based in a UK university, since the archives that you will need to consult will be, obviously, far easier to access than if you need to try to cram it all into one overseas academic research trip on a postgraduate student's budget. In that case, it might make sense to just apply to a master's/PhD program in the UK upfront, to smooth the transition/amount of moving around/financial misery you will have to endure. However, word to the wise that there WILL be financial misery, especially as an international student at a UK university. The Tories have yet again jacked the visa and NHS application fees (which you will have to pay upfront for every year you intend to be there) through the roof; your tuition will be much higher (though as noted in previous asks, don't go anywhere unless they pay YOU to do it) and it is difficult to get any part-time work outside of teaching or other opportunities directly related to your degree, which are subject to the uh, totally great pay rate for junior academics. (Sarcasm. That was sarcasm.)
Basically, yeah: it depends on what kind of student you are, how much initiative you like to take, how much structure you need or don't need, what sources you anticipate needing to consult and how you're going to do that, if you're comfortable starting the dissertation right away and being ready to present a finished chapter at the end of year 1, and whether you want your graduate/postgraduate experience to focus primarily on independent research or taught courses. There are no exactly right answers to these questions and you will obviously have to think about what suits you best (along, of course, the money aspect). Good luck!
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f1-disaster-bi · 2 months
Hey there. This is totally un-F1-related but I just saw your tags about the PhD you're doing and have a book recommendation for you: "Beyond The Wall" by Katja Hoyer. It's probably only semi-related to your subject but it's a fascinating and very well written insight into life behind the Iron Curtain in the GDR, with a lot of attention paid to Stalinist Berlin.
Of course, given you have to focus so much time and energy on the effect of that dreadful man on the Eastern Bloc countries, you might be thinking, "Please! Not another book about my PhD subject. I need FLUFF!!" 😏
That has actually been on my list!! The little collection of East and Central European history lecturers and PhDs have been trying to bribe our library into getting even one copy of it!
And it would definetly be a something worth reading for me and my studies! Especially for my literature review because it's always handy to have other research listed to show how you strutted your own. I was actually asked about this when interviewing for the funding I won. They asked me if they were any books from the 20th Century and 21st Century that could provide an outline towards how to approach my topic.
Two other books that I love and are a good read are: Unfinished Utopia: Nowa Huta, Stalinism and Polish Society 1949-1956 by Katherine and also Magnetic Moutain by Stephan Kotkin!
I can't say too much about my work because I don't want to dox myself, but this is right up my all. My dissertation is actually a comparative study of a city in the GDR and in Czechoslovkia!
My previous works have all been in a similar vein! My undergrad thesis focused on German citizens facing legalised terror tactics in the last year's of WWII and the concept of everyday resistance (coined by James C Scott) and my Masters was a study of grassroots movements among workers under Stalinism in the lead up to the 1956 uprisings in Poland and Hungary (can you tell I like a good comparative study? 😅)
I'm also actually (hopefully) writing a review on a book about the development of culture under Communism in a city in the GDR and in Poland 👀
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kxowledge · 5 months
what courses have you taken during your MSc? which one was the most difficult? wishing you the best for the busy semester ahead with your thesis work
Thank you so much for the encouragement! It has been…. a lot, but hopefully I'll be able to manage
I’ve taken so many different courses – the (almost) complete freedom to choose courses was one of the main reasons I chose this master programme over others. I took anything that tickled my fancy: Strategy and Technology, Competitive Strategy, Climate Change and Ethical Challenges, Model UNFCCC, Managing Change and Innovation, Strategic Analysis, Business Model Design
I think a lot of the courses in my minor - which is in Energy, Natural Resources, and the Environment -  were (the right amount of!) challenging for me, because they were on topics I had no prior knowledge of but which I found interesting: Offshore Energy Resources, Energy Markets, Economics of Fisheries, etc. Many of these were in a seminar format, which helped – a short period to deep dive into an unknown topic, usually culminating in an essay on a specific aspect I was interested in, without heavy consequences on my GPA.
However, what I found most difficult in terms of how much I had to work, and grow, and expand my knowledge, and really step it up to another level, were the methodology courses. I started off with the mandatory methodology course, which gives you an overview of the basics of writing a dissertation. As part of the exam, you have to write a mock 10-15 pages of a dissertation (consisting mostly of the methodology chapter and a short introduction essentially) and I got a B on this. I hadn’t really understood the depth I needed to go to get an A – mostly because I thought of qualitative methodology in a fairly superficial way. I retook the course the semester after and really pushed further (and I did get an A in the end). It wasn’t the lectures that really made me understand how rigorous qual research is conducted, but rather personal reading & another course I signed up for: a PhD course in Advanced Qualitative Methods, which is quite possibly the most significant course I’ve taken during my master (as it ended up being extremely significant for my PhD application). Loved every minute of it, even though it was quite tough in terms of how much work I needed to put in.
I’m also taking this semester a class on communication, and I think this one might be the hardest course perhaps, simply because it’s so different from all other courses I’ve taken. I know I can learn from papers & I know how to write well, so while I am indeed learning in each class, I’m not necessarily learning new skills. For this communication class instead, I really have to improve aspects that I wouldn’t otherwise, such as how I give presentations for example. It has been quite fun so far!
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if you don't mind me asking, what did/does your education timeline actually look like? I have a hard time conceiving of what your thesis work.... is. like, what did the sequence of events after high school look like, what did you major in, etc. if that makes sense? again, sorry if this is confusing or invasive.
so after high school i went to college intending to do pre-med but after my first year i switched to major in english and minor in art & design, primarily focusing on premodern literature and art history. after that i went straight into an MA program for medieval literature, where i taught composition and where my master’s thesis was on the queerness of shapeshifting in marie de france’s lais and how shapeshifting illustrates the permeability of the boundaries between categories like male/female, human/animal, etc. i took a year off after that and worked as a lead teacher in a tutoring center. after that i started my PhD in medieval literature, and most of my work during the coursework part was on similar topics to my MA thesis (monstrosity, gender, queerness). i’m currently in the teaching and dissertation stage, teaching composition, finishing up my dissertation prospectus, and planning out my first dissertation chapter (on my beloved margery kempe). my dissertation has shifted focus a bit away from the previous topics I worked on and is instead focused on nonnormative bodyminds and the rhetorics they produce, arguing for a more capacious understanding of rhetoric in relation to marginalized subjectivities both past and present (in my dissertation this is primarily related to gender and disability due to the texts i’m working with, but also applies to other positionalities like race and religion). hope this makes sense!
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thehours2002 · 6 months
Any advice for getting into and getting through Masters/PhD programs? Since you're a professor and all.
well, i’m a graduate teaching fellow/adjunct professor which i promise is very different from a “real” professor, but here’s what i’ll say off the top of my head about these apps
get a professor whose terminal degree is a phd on your side! even better if they’re willing to help you go through your application closely and give you feedback on your personal statement, writing sample, etc.
in fact, send your writing for the application to as many trusted advisors as you can for feedback.
in your personal statement/statement of purpose, be as specific as possible about what your research interests are. it’s possible (even likely) that your research interests will evolve as you continue your graduate education but showing that your current interests are specific shows the committee reviewing your application that you have direction and you know what sort of thing you want your thesis or dissertation to be on (like this will of course change but i think it shows a level of maturity in your thinking about your scholarship)f
try to attend conferences and get teaching experience under your belt that you can put on your CV. i was pretty shocked that no one else in my cohort had teaching experience so it’s not *necessary* but it may be something that helps you stand out. having gone to conferences also shows that you’re serious about research and being part of the field
if you can help it DO NOT GO TO GRAD SCHOOL ON YOUR OWN DIME. especially at the phd level. if your program accepted you without giving you a fellowship then you shouldn’t be there. (i think this used to be more of a thing and has maybe dropped off). i would think that you should only be paying your way through grad school if you’re CERTAIN there’s a lucrative job on the other side of it for you. and for those of us pursuing grad degrees because we want to be professors, there usually isn’t.
if you take the GRE and your math score is low don’t worry about it if you’re going into the humanities. mine was awful and apparently they didn’t care. also, i think i took the GRE twice and did no studying in between and my verbal score shot up to 96th percentile the second time, so if you have the money it might be worth taking more than once if you think you can bump up your scores. a lot of programs are eliminating subject specific gre requirements (like a special english lit gre test or something idk i never took it) or not requiring the GRE at all. so check and see what your programs require before you invest too much time in the GRE stuff.
apply WIDELY. by that i don’t mean you should apply to a zillion places, but don’t apply to places that won’t be a good fit and don’t limit yourself by arbitrary factors like geography. i applied to places on the west coast and in the midwest and it is just sheer luck that i ended up in nyc, exactly where i wanted to be
dont be discouraged if you have to apply more than once. a LOT of this is luck of the draw and how you fit in with the current body of students and whether there are professors there who are capable of mentoring you because you share research interests
but take all that with a grain of salt because it’s just off the top of my head… and it’s been 3 years since i last did this so i’ve probably forgotten some things about the process.
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sukimas · 1 year
oh also the MOST important thing you can do to increase your chances of succeeding at a PhD is get a good advisor. no, not just someone who does research you admire or who is well-liked in the field. someone who is a.) good at imparting information b.) good to be around (not abrasive/rude/just flat-out abusive) and c.) (MOST IMPORTANT) has reasonable expectations for their students.
you don't want an advisor who doesn't care what you do and lets you slam your head into a wall for 10 years, but you don't want an advisor that will pull you into meetings if you work under 40 hours for 1 week or go on vacation for a short time. neither is good because both mean you'll struggle and likely not graduate on time ("on time" in PhD-land is 5-8 years, not an exact date) or at all.
and if you're in a field that allows it (chemistry, for example), and you really feel like you can't actually cut the mustard and want to get out, and you've felt that way for six months or more, just stick it out for the coursework years of your program, write a short thesis (rather than a dissertation), and master out (leave with a MS.) it'll help your career prospects outside of academia almost the same amount.
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magnetarmadda · 1 year
Hi there! Like probably a lot of people, I'm quite jealous and in awe of the amount of reading you seem to get done. If you don't mind my asking, did you read this many books when you were in grad school? I'm in the last few months of my PhD (in paleontology!) and I've found that working on my thesis has absolutely killed my ability to get through books. Did this happen to you? Did your brain recover afterward? Or did you never deal with the reading slump?
Thanks! (And I hope you're having a good day, because you seem like a cool and nice person!)
Hey, hi! First, best of luck with your final months of grad school!!! Honestly, for me, they were so hard because of the lack of structure. Just, “finish your dissertation” and that was all the instruction really. If you ever wanna chat/vent about that, lemme know!! (Also paleontology!!! That’s so cool!!)
I always like to preface my reading habits with this: I have a very fast reading comprehension speed, and so for me, it averages out to about 100 pages of a novel in an hour and about 75 pages of nonfiction in an hour. In that way, I got lucky with the combination of early reading education, at-home book discussions, and genetics. So I can sit down and read a 300-page book in one evening, which meant that, even though I was only reading only one or two days a week, I was still getting through 50+ a year that way in grad school
I also listen to a lot of audiobooks and love trade paperbacks of graphic novels. The graphic novels can be quite fast reads for me, and this again is partly luck and genetics—my mom’s an artist, so I learned to look at images critically quite young, and can frequently find important info in them quickly. Then, for audiobooks, I do struggle with some chronic illnesses and chronic pain, and I frequently have to check out of life—but I cannot be left alone in my own head, or I rapidly catastrophize lol. I also can’t shut my own brain off when it’s time to sleep, so I listen to audiobooks then as well. I’d say this means I average about 4 audiobooks a month, where they’re usually between 8 and 14 hours (I do listen at 1.25 or 1.5 speed, because otherwise my brain stops paying attention)
I was also lucky with my advisor in grad school. She had a firm self-care policy, in that she cares more about her students’ well-being and health than timely progress. So I never felt like I was stealing moments or neglecting my work—I was trying to cultivate the healthiest version of myself, given all the other factors outside of my control. In the six years I worked with her, we actually spent more than one meeting talking about fantasy novels instead of research, which was lovely
But, yeah, there were a lot of reading struggles in grad school for me. I would go long stretches of time where the idea of opening a book and reading more words was unbearable, because god, didn’t I just spend all day reading and writing?? I also started to not care as much for the types of books I read before grad school, so now I’ve got a few stacks of books on hand I feel guilty that I haven’t read (but I’m trying to recognize that I’ll probably never read them, because tastes can change). So I might've had motivation to read, but nothing I had on hand sounded particularly good
Submitting that dissertation and knowing the hard part was over was actually the biggest relief, I think maybe of my life. I defended in mid-October and then submitted the finished manuscript about two weeks later, and then I spent a solid month just…reading whatever the fuck I wanted to lol. I have a postdoc now (and am applying for faculty jobs 🤞), and the responsibilities are waaaaaay less than as a grad student. In fact, my PI is adamant that I should not do more than 40 hrs a week, and so I’ve been able to plow through books like wild in the last few months
I also want to say: grad school is hard. It’s so absolutely difficult. Master’s programs are rough, and PhD programs are their own rodeo, and it sucks to say (because it sounds awful to most people, I know), but unless someone goes through grad school themselves, it’s hard to fathom what makes it so hard and exhausting. It’s totally okay to cut yourself some slack for finding you don’t have as much energy for other things, even the things you really enjoy. The books will be there waiting, and I'll admit it took me a solid 4 years to accept that myself lol
Thanks for the lovely ask, and I really do wish you well as you finish up 💜 again, I'm here--ask box or dm--if you'd like to take more about any part of the process 💜
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this may be a silly question but. what does an editor Do. I ask b/c I might need that service but don't even know I need that service.... hope this doesn't come across rude I'm just genuinely curious
Not silly or rude!! it's a fair question cause there are a bunch of different kinds of editors.
Basically, if you're working on something, (written work in my case but there are like video editors and audio editors and all that too,) you can send it to an editor and they'll help you get it ready for Whatever You Want To Use It For.
.....this got long lmao so i'm putting the rest under a cut ig
I'm very freelance (bc i'm disabled and don't have a degree 🥴) so i take whatever projects come my way, which atm means a lot of Masters and PhD level dissertations/theses, because my mom works for a university that has a lot of international and first-higher-education-degree students but DOESN'T HAVE A WRITING CENTER for some reason, so I'm usually like half editor half writing coach. Which is to say, an editor for a publishing house probably does much different work than I do and tbh I don't know Anything about what they do lol.
but how *my* job works is:
you send me a draft of your project.
I learn as much as i can about the end destination and audience of your project.
(this is a lot easier if you're writing, like, a Memoir or a Pamphlet For An Art Show, and a lot harder if I have to Read The Chicago Style Manual) (Chicago Style is probably fine but their style manual is fucking wack and i stand by that)
I read your project and i mark anything that is either a.) unclear or b.) Against The Rules Of Your Intended Destination
So like, if you're writing a masters thesis, I'm strict with grammar and with formatting. The style your institution is using probably has rules about whether you can use first person, and when you use italics, and whether your citations go in a bibliography or in footnotes or w/e.
If you're writing a Novel, I can be a lot looser with the rules and just look for: is this effective? what is this line Doing? is it doing it well? Does What It's Doing Actually Need To Be Done Right Now?
(editing fiction/creative nonfiction is WAY more fun but i don't get to do it very often. sigh)
I put my suggestions in the document you've sent me, with Track Changes on so you can see everything I've changed. I add comments to the doc wherever I think they're necessary/helpful.
I send the doc with my edits back to you
You (hopefully) read through and decide whether each edit makes sense to you. (this is the most important step, honestly)
If they make sense and you're happy with the resulting draft, my job is done and we shake hands and depart as friends.
If you have questions, or the edits require extensive rewrites, we ideally meet over zoom or w/e and I explain my suggestions to you, and we figure out how to Make The Words Do What You Want Them To Do. You send the doc to me again and I do as much of a second pass as you want/Will Pay Me For.
It's worth noting that there are different *levels* of editing, too. I've done jobs where I'm just checking grammar, or where I'm just checking formatting; I've also done jobs where I meet with the author and we basically write the piece together (which is really fun, actually, I like sitting down and asking, like, "okay, what are you trying to say," and figuring out how to help YOU figure out how YOU want to say it. it's like detective work :3 or therapy possibly). Those all take different levels of time and energy, so for student papers I end up with a lot of, like, "this could really use a thorough content edit/rewrite but it's Due In A Week so we're gonna make sure everything's spelled write and the footnotes are formatted correctly." (which i HATE doing btw, it's a perfectly reasonable thing to do but it Hurts My Brain bc it feels like I'm not Doing My Best which is Hell.)
anyway, the tl;dr is: editors take writing and suggest changes that will make it Perform Its Intended Function Better. the actual act of editing takes a lot of work, and often a degree of background research, too. tip your editors, is what i'm saying.
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oofuri2003 · 2 years
not oofuri related but how did you convince yourself that you need to pursue master's and phd?
me rambling under the cut!
I should preface this by saying: One, the career i am aspiring towards (professor/PI) requires at least one of these degrees, which is the short version reason why I pursued it, just to be transparent. Two, I am just some guy on the internet, and these degrees are very different across fields of study, so I can only speak from the place of my field of study (ecology/zoology/evolution/organismal biology/whatever you want to call it).
I did not actually intend to get my master's - I had planned to go straight from undergrad to PhD, which is possible in my field (maybe not in others?). due to some circumstances I ended up applying to a master's program and finished it before applying to and starting my phd, which honestly I'm kind of glad that I did since I got a taste of what writing a proposal is like and doing research and data analysis and writing up my thesis etc. before having to do that for a dissertation.
in undergrad when I realized that I had a passion for teaching/tutoring and also had a passion for research and field work, it became clear to me that my career path was going to include graduate school of some kind, so it was kind of just the next logical step for me. Even if you might feel this way I would really suggest thinking about if that environment is right for you - it isn't for everyone and that isn't a flaw, it just means this kind of thing isn't for you n that's alright.
I have some medical issues that make doing physical labor very difficult or impossible for me, and even though I love field work a lot, it's just not feasible as a career for me (field tech, etc) to do all the time or for extended periods. Academia on the other hand does not require a lot out of me physically, and academia is my one singular skillset lol so this was kind of the one path I was going to and could follow, and knew that I would be okay doing. It's a lot of work, especially in fields like mine where these degrees are research heavy, and your PI/advisor can really make or break your experience.
My undergrad degree is in zoology w/ a concentration in animal behavior, which, thinking about it objectively, is kind of a "useless" degree, at least in the eyes of a lot of people. My options outside of academia are like, USFWS/federal jobs, field tech jobs, agency jobs, or more of a lecturer position than a PI position. Of these my preference is of course to be a professor that teaches and does research, so I've been working towards that. I could've easily been done at my master's and gone and got a fed job or a consulting job or something, but that's not really something I'm interested in!
Basically this is a bunch of nonsense but I got these degrees because they're the precursors to my intended career. Graduate school is not for everyone and is also very different based on what field you're in, so it's hard to give general wide sweeping advice, but if you have any more specific questions feel free to ask :)
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inspireblog123 · 2 years
Importance of a Good Thesis/Dissertation
To write a Phd dissertation is perhaps some of the best complex duties carried out through Ph.D./Masters students, yet it is crucial as it plays essential roles in their academic life, in addition to assisting substantially to their final year grades.
A student manages to find out a great deal while reading a phd dissertation in addition to mastering a particular target which, of the training course is of fantastic benefit to him/her. A dissertation is basically an action to a thesis, which can be a subject matter or even a concern as well as a student utilizes it in cultivating a reasonable disagreement about his thesis.
If you want to get assistance of industry-leading expert research writers while preparing your thesis/dissertation, then contact the team of experts atPhD Writing Assistance.
Key Points of a Phd Dissertation
Dissertation is usually longer than any composition and is commonly broken down into chapters. It is usually dealt with in a number of the essays a student has done just before but a great deal of research study needs to be done.
Writing assistance aids in giving your administrator a concept concerning the understanding you might possess gathered throughout your discovering period and how dedicated you are in performing your research study about a specific topic.
The listed below factors stresses on the reasons why thesis/dissertation needs to be taken seriously by Ph.D./Masters students;
1. It Contributes to the Student’s Final Grading
Where the course urges you to write a Phd dissertation before you can finish, it is only right to do it. Dissertation is one of the last analysis documents done at the end of the research study course as well as the student must handle it with all the usefulness it should have.
2. The Student Gets Better at Research
A phddissertation is a long task that will certainly help you to present the study you carried out in the course of your level prosecution. It normally includes the student in a whole lot of research jobs and this enhances his/her research study abilities which create all of them better at investigating.
3. The Process Allows Skill-building ( phd dissertation )
Considering that phd dissertation is a huge extent job, you are bound to gain numerous capabilities along the road which matter for task applications after ending up in college. A few of these skills are
– Time Management
A whole lot of opportunity preparation is needed to create sure that a student is able to fulfill his goals. Phd dissertation is quite entailing as well as takes a significant quantity of a student’s final year in university.
When functioning on your Phd dissertation, you will definitely not only learn exactly how to efficiently handle your time but you will be building your crucial reasoning.
– Communication
When writing your dissertation, you need to try to connect your notification in a basic foreign language that your supervisor will simply understand. Make an effort to reveal your aspects in a lay-mans phrase what your research study job is about.
This can be carried out by trying to detail difficult principles and also ensuring to correspond in a way that appropriates to the reader you are dealing with.
– Adaptability
Given that a dissertation is pretty lengthy, you are more frequently forced to adopt various sections of it so as to aid you to fit the requirements of your project. In many cases, you are compelled to modify your creating instructions just in case you recognize the areas are not operating for you.
4. Pursuit of Interests
Some students coming from numerous training courses are generally given a chance to create their dissertation labels which might be a problem to them as well as still intriguing. Listed here, you will certainly possess options to cover a topic or even subject matter you as if as well as the need to have to get more information concerning it.
Choosing an analysis subject matter is not a very easy duty especially if you don’t understand what you are planning to blog about. Yet performing some investigation in the existing literary works can easily help you recognize concerns, subject matters, or areas that have certainly not been explored. You are excellent to start on your dissertation once you have picked the target.
You will definitely be complimentary to approach your research coming from any perspective as well as handle the inquiries you believe are fascinating.
5. Makes the Phd dissertation Get Better
Your examiner is going to be anticipating you to provide your dissertation that has been performed in the appropriate method and also foreign language. It should additionally be completely referenced and also well-structured with no syntactic inaccuracies and punctuation mistakes.
Along with all these needs of the dissertation creating, they drive you to produce extra initiative to give better results. In the end, you are considered to be feeling better along with job-creating. No one pointed out dissertation creation is a walk in the playground, but along with the correct method, pupils can master their jobs.
And since this job is very important in calculating the last grades, it needs to be accorded enough interest. Throughout the dissertation method, pupils are able to discover a considerable number of factors that may be helpful down the road, like when getting projects possibilities.
If you want to get to know more about academic writers, then you can get to work with one while preparing your thesis/dissertation. All that you have to do is opt of for the academic research writing services offered by our team of expert research writers atPhD Writing Assistance.
Along with effective preparation and opportunity management, PhD/Master’s students have the capacity to finish their dissertations within a specified length without jeopardizing various other regions of the research study.
Writing a dissertation is probably one of the most challenging tasks done through Ph.D./Masters students however, it is most important as it plays important jobs in their academic life as well as contributing dramatically to their final qualities.
A student is capable to find out a lot while reading a dissertation as effectively as learning in a particular target which, of the program is of excellent advantage to him/her. A Phd dissertation is primarily feedback to a thesis, which can be an inquiry or a subject matter and a student uses it in cultivating a rational argument regarding his thesis.
But writing a thesis/dissertation can be quite a lot of hard work and time management. But since options such as a thesis/dissertation writing assistance are available to you and everyone around you, you can opt for it and get the best out of your efforts.
Contact our team of expert research writers atPhD Writing Assistance, who have helped thousands of students prepare their thesis/dissertations and other academic papers as well.
To write a Phd dissertation is perhaps some of the best complex duties carried out through Ph.D./Masters students, yet it is crucial as it plays essential roles in their academic life, in addition to assisting substantially to their final year grades. A student manages to find out a great deal while reading a phd dissertation
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Engineering dissertation help
Technical is the most difficult degree, and students find it difficult to compose papers on any technical topic that their lecturers offer. Not only do students encounter difficulties while creating content for a given topic, but occasionally even engineering specialists suffer as well. Fortunately, we have a top group of dissertation writers who are Masters and PhD holders in engineering, so they can create thoroughly researched work that will get you top grades. Our reputation for providing engineering dissertation assistance to students in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and other countries has grown significantly. In general, students seeking their Masters and PhDs in a particular engineering subject find it challenging to write their dissertations; as a result, they come to our inhouse writing staff for help. Learn About Various Engineering Streams WithAssignmenter.net's AssistanceThe engineering of aircraft Students can study about and investigate spaceships and airplanes in this subject. Physics, materials, design concepts, and the upkeep of mechanical systems are all covered in the field of mechanical engineering. This also covers the production of the machinery and its parts, as well as the design of the industrial machinery. You would benefit from our mechanical engineering dissertation assistance writers' success in the classroom. One rapidly expanding area of engineering is computer engineering. Every day, a lot of new innovations are introduced to the realm of technology. Both hardware and software are covered here. Since the computer consists of two essential components, hardware and software, the computer engineer should also receive rigorous training in electrical engineering. To ensure the frontend software functions properly, engineering students will create new applications and comprehend physical components. Chemistry, physics, microbiology, and biochemistry are all included in chemical engineering. Through this type of engineering, new chemical goods for use by businesses, homes, and industries will be produced. Why Use Our Services for Engineering Dissertation Assistance?Have a committed and very skilled group of authors working on your dissertations. All writers have a great deal of experience under their belts. Our writers are skilled at including every little detail related to the subject matter in the dissertation to produce an original product. The authors will adhere closely to the university's requirements for citation styles and referencing (APA, MLA, Harvard, etc.). You can contact our dissertation assistance pros at any time to discuss a requirement change or to monitor the status of your assignment, since they are available 24/7. We support students as they perform original research on the subject. We at assignmenter.net are regarded as the onestop shop for all dissertation writing needs. Our engineering dissertation assistance specialists can provide dissertations on any engineering specialization because they have a wealth of knowledge and strong writing abilities. Even though writing a dissertation takes a lot of time, we strictly adhere to customer deadlines and provide the work by the specified date. We charge a fair fee for our services so that students do not have to break the bank.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
Do you believe in doing outlines in academic writing? If so, do you have any hot tips?
Jesus Christ, yes, please, please make outlines for your academic writing, at least if it's a paper of any decent length (i.e. 20 pages or more) or covers a topic in any complexity or detail. If it's just a 5- or 6-page undergraduate paper, you don't need to, but if you're writing a senior thesis, master's thesis, PhD dissertation, journal article, or anything else that represents a significant effort and unfolds in multiple parts, then you will absolutely need to outline it.
First: establish the main chapters or sections of your paper, sub-sections or main topics within each section, and what order makes the most sense for the content to go in. For example, if you're writing about the US Civil War, you can't leap right into the major battles or the aftermath/Lincoln's assassination/Reconstruction if you don't first establish the historical background and major events leading up to it. It might also be worth listing the sources that you expect to be most useful in each section.
Second: since, as exemplified by the Great Citation Debacle of 2022, both myself and pretty much every single academic in existence have strong opinions on citation, reference, and bibliography systems, it is worth drawing up a rough draft/working bibliography as part of your outlining process. You can organize your sources topically, thematically, chronologically, etc., but make sure you have all the information that will be required for a bibliography entry, as this will save you many headaches, and double-check which citation method you will be using. Download style sheets if necessary.
Third: once you have hammered out the rough order of your paper as noted in step one, you can refine the arrangement of sections, add more sub-topics, or other important content that you will need to cover. You can use different text colors if it helps you to visually differentiate which parts go where. Your paper will generally go something like:
Introduction (Opening, State of the Field, Thesis Statement, Literature Review, Formulation of the Problem, Proposed Answer, Outline of Contents, Expected Conclusion)
Chapter One (Chapter Intro -- Main Section 1, Subsections 1, 2, 3 -- Main Section 2, Subsections 1, 2, 3 -- Main Section 3, Subsection 1, Sub-subsections a, b, c, Subsections 2, 3 -- Chapter Conclusion)
Etc etc for other chapters/sections;
Conclusion (Recap of Methods and Sources, Repeat of Thesis Statement, Answer of Problem, Explanation of Results, Implications for Future Research)
Your references/notes may be incorporated into the body of the paper or placed at the end, but that's an overall pretty basic and foolproof way to start drawing up what you will need to do. Working with the material beforehand, especially identifying your most relevant sources and topic arrangement, will allow you to be more familiar and fluent with what you need when it comes time to do the actual writing.
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inspireofffice · 1 month
Importance of a Good Thesis/Dissertation
To write a Phd dissertation is perhaps some of the best complex duties carried out through Ph.D./Masters students, yet it is crucial as it plays essential roles in their academic life, in addition to assisting substantially to their final year grades.
A student manages to find out a great deal while reading a phd dissertation in addition to mastering a particular target which, of the training course is of fantastic benefit to him/her. A dissertation is basically an action to a thesis, which can be a subject matter or even a concern as well as a student utilizes it in cultivating a reasonable disagreement about his thesis.
If you want to get assistance of industry-leading expert research writers while preparing your thesis/dissertation, then contact the team of experts at PhD Writing Assistance.
Key Points of a Phd Dissertation
Dissertation is usually longer than any composition and is commonly broken down into chapters. It is usually dealt with in a number of the essays a student has done just before but a great deal of research study needs to be done.
Writing assistance aids in giving your administrator a concept concerning the understanding you might possess gathered throughout your discovering period and how dedicated you are in performing your research study about a specific topic.
The listed below factors stresses on the reasons why thesis/dissertation needs to be taken seriously by Ph.D./Masters students;
1. It Contributes to the Student’s Final Grading
Where the course urges you to write a Phd dissertation before you can finish, it is only right to do it. Dissertation is one of the last analysis documents done at the end of the research study course as well as the student must handle it with all the usefulness it should have.
2. The Student Gets Better at Research
A phd dissertation is a long task that will certainly help you to present the study you carried out in the course of your level prosecution. It normally includes the student in a whole lot of research jobs and this enhances his/her research study abilities which create all of them better at investigating.
3. The Process Allows Skill-building ( phd dissertation )
Considering that phd dissertation is a huge extent job, you are bound to gain numerous capabilities along the road which matter for task applications after ending up in college. A few of these skills are
– Time Management
A whole lot of opportunity preparation is needed to create sure that a student is able to fulfill his goals. Phd dissertation is quite entailing as well as takes a significant quantity of a student’s final year in university.
When functioning on your Phd dissertation, you will definitely not only learn exactly how to efficiently handle your time but you will be building your crucial reasoning.
– Communication
When writing your dissertation, you need to try to connect your notification in a basic foreign language that your supervisor will simply understand. Make an effort to reveal your aspects in a lay-mans phrase what your research study job is about.
This can be carried out by trying to detail difficult principles and also ensuring to correspond in a way that appropriates to the reader you are dealing with.
– Adaptability
Given that a dissertation is pretty lengthy, you are more frequently forced to adopt various sections of it so as to aid you to fit the requirements of your project. In many cases, you are compelled to modify your creating instructions just in case you recognize the areas are not operating for you.
4. Pursuit of Interests
Some students coming from numerous training courses are generally given a chance to create their dissertation labels which might be a problem to them as well as still intriguing. Listed here, you will certainly possess options to cover a topic or even subject matter you as if as well as the need to have to get more information concerning it.
Choosing an analysis subject matter is not a very easy duty especially if you don’t understand what you are planning to blog about. Yet performing some investigation in the existing literary works can easily help you recognize concerns, subject matters, or areas that have certainly not been explored. You are excellent to start on your dissertation once you have picked the target.
You will definitely be complimentary to approach your research coming from any perspective as well as handle the inquiries you believe are fascinating.
5. Makes the Phd dissertation Get Better
Your examiner is going to be anticipating you to provide your dissertation that has been performed in the appropriate method and also foreign language. It should additionally be completely referenced and also well-structured with no syntactic inaccuracies and punctuation mistakes.
Along with all these needs of the dissertation creating, they drive you to produce extra initiative to give better results. In the end, you are considered to be feeling better along with job-creating. No one pointed out dissertation creation is a walk in the playground, but along with the correct method, pupils can master their jobs.
And since this job is very important in calculating the last grades, it needs to be accorded enough interest. Throughout the dissertation method, pupils are able to discover a considerable number of factors that may be helpful down the road, like when getting projects possibilities.
If you want to get to know more about academic writers, then you can get to work with one while preparing your thesis/dissertation. All that you have to do is opt of for the academic research writing services offered by our team of expert research writers at PhD Writing Assistance.
Along with effective preparation and opportunity management, PhD/Master’s students have the capacity to finish their dissertations within a specified length without jeopardizing various other regions of the research study.
Writing a dissertation is probably one of the most challenging tasks done through Ph.D./Masters students however, it is most important as it plays important jobs in their academic life as well as contributing dramatically to their final qualities.
A student is capable to find out a lot while reading a dissertation as effectively as learning in a particular target which, of the program is of excellent advantage to him/her. A Phd dissertation is primarily feedback to a thesis, which can be an inquiry or a subject matter and a student uses it in cultivating a rational argument regarding his thesis.
But writing a thesis/dissertation can be quite a lot of hard work and time management. But since options such as a thesis/dissertation writing assistance are available to you and everyone around you, you can opt for it and get the best out of your efforts.
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