#also i need to look into where people are talking abt this i'm crazy and also like to know Everything
wonwoonlight · 6 months
take a chance / jeon wonwoo
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Wonwoo x Reader // 1.7k words // nothing but fluff lol they're idiots
a/n: if you cant tell im absolutely insane abt this wonwoo. 100000% self indulgent and 100% not proofread as always ehe <3 v lowkey inspired also by niki - take a chance with me
He drives me crazy, it's so beyond me
How he'd look at me dead in the eye and stay unaware
Niki - Take A Chance with Me
Wonwoo has never really been interested in romance.
When he was six and his friends started talking about girls were icky, he couldn't have cared enough to even think about girls in particular.
When he was fourteen and his close cousin who was practically his big brother told him about his first girlfriend, Wonwoo had simply nodded and congratulated him because the older guy looked like he was waiting for it even though he didn't get what's there to congratulate.
When he was seventeen and another cousin got married, he thought a little about what it'd be like to commit yourself for the rest of your life to another person.
Anyhow, now he's twenty seven and still pretty much free from the dating experience.
He just simply couldn't be bothered to try nor was he even curious enough to try.
There's too much risk. Too much things to do. Too many factors to think about. It's too complicated and Wonwoo has never been a fan of complicated.
Sure, the older he gets the more he understands about the attraction and whatnot. But the few dates that he has been on (which he could count with his two hands) was entirely due to his friends setting up with someone and his inability to say no the second time even though he did reject their so-called-help the first time around.
They eventually get the hint and stop setting Wonwoo up on a blind date.
He never sees romance as a necessity and he doesn't feel the need to have a partner, what is there more to say?
“I lost the floor 12 Abyss again.” You pout, half tempted to throw away the joystick in your hands. “I'm never playing this game again, I'm telling you.”
Wonwoo chuckles and tells you to move as he slides next to you, taking the joystick away and getting ready to restart your game.
“You just suck at this.” He teases, not minding your glare because he's way too used to it at this point. “And you say that everytime but here you are, still playing.”
“Shut up.” You pout, both impressed and unimpressed at the way he easily goes through the stages.
“Done.” He grins, all nine shining stars looking back at you.
“I hate you.”
“No, you don't.”
“I do!” You take back the joystick from him and close the window. “You don't even play this game! This is bullshit!”
He laughs under his breath and ruffles your hair, saying something about how he can't help being good at it.
You like that side of Wonwoo, as you often tell him, because people have always said that Wonwoo is quiet–that he doesn't talk a lot and it could be awkward being left alone with him.
And whilst it's not entirely untrue and you've been there too, you also know that Wonwoo is much more than his lack of words.
Wonwoo talks a lot once he's comfortable. You just need to be very patient and understanding about his silence before he gets there.
You… have been plenty patient, amongst other things.
You're patient enough to get where you are even though you've never imagined you'd get here.
Here, meaning being close enough with Wonwoo for him to be comfortable with you that he doesn't mind inviting you over to his place with no other companies.
Here, meaning being close enough with Wonwoo for him to not mind the fact that you like him and not act weird about it.
Here, meaning being close with Wonwoo despite the fact that you've confessed to him about your feelings but you're still here in his place, right next to him with not a single air of awkwardness between you two.
Turning off the Playstation, you settle on Wonwoo's sofa and decide to scroll through Instagram instead. You sigh, catching his attention, and when he asks you what's wrong, you simply shake your head no.
“What are you sighing about this time?”
This is something that people don't know about Wonwoo either: he prods when it comes to people he cares about.
Granted, he does it exactly three times to see if the other party would relent by then. He does that because that's how he is, he once tells you, because he rarely opens up at the first question but eventually cracks on the third time. That, by the third question, he's already had enough time to consider whether or not he really wants to talk about it.
“Nothing important.” You try to reassure him. “Just silly stuff.”
Wonwoo looks at you pointedly, but you simply smile and turn back to your phone, which he supposes means you don't feel like bringing it up just yet.
He closes his book and puts it on the coffee table, leaning closer to you to see what you're up to.
You wonder if Wonwoo knows what his action means to your poor, poor heart. If he's aware that, as much you said you're cool despite your confession, you still have romantic attractions towards him and confessing doesn't mean you're no longer affected by anything and everything he does.
After watching you go through your phone for a bit, it is quite easy for Wonwoo to realize what might be the core of your problem.
“You're thinking about why you're single again, aren't you?”
Your fingers freeze and so does your entire body, and Wonwoo would've laughed at how surprised you look right now, but he knows you're actually bothered by this problem from time to time though he doesn't exactly understand why.
And for someone who's observative and quite sensitive when it comes to things around him, Wonwoo can be a bit dense, still.
On what kind of universe does he think this topic would be okay to talk about with someone who literally confessed to you and somewhat got rejected though not explicitly?
“I don't want to talk about it.” You whine despite the fast beating of your heart. You honestly don't think you have it in you to talk about this with Wonwoo. At least not just yet.
You look at him, incredulous. “You know why.”
“Because you like me?”
You shrug, not wanting to deny it.
“Can I ask you something?” He asks, voice very gentle and careful.
“I'm sorry if this sounds insensitive.” You press your lips together as he starts. At least, he has the conscience to know that. “But… what is it about being in a relationship that appeals so much to you?”
You pause before you answer, wondering what to say. “Do you want me to actually answer that?”
“If you don't mind answering.”
Wonwoo wonders if he makes you uncomfortable by asking such question. But if there's anyone he can ask about this, it can only be you. No one else would answer it in a way that he would understand. No one else would give him the sincerity that you'd give in your answer.
He feels bad knowing you like him and still asking you like this. But he supposes you're both close enough for that discussion, that he doesn't want to let your feelings get in the way of your precious friendship.
Perhaps he's selfish, but he doesn't want to be too conscious when it comes to your relationship with him despite everything.
“I guess it's just the fact that someone's always there for you.” You start, not looking at him even though his gaze is locked at you. “That there's this person who… you can tell everything to, from your secrets to what you feel like eating today. That when you want to do something, you can always run to them first before wondering if anyone else is available. That–”
“But that's already how we are?” He cuts you off.
You stare at him wide-eyed, wondering if it's some kind of prank even though you know he's not that kind of person.
“That's already what I do with you.” He says one more time–more firm and somewhat determined with a hint of confusion. “Why do you think you're in my place so often?”
“I… I– I don't know? You're… bored? And I happen to be free?” You stutter a little, not used to the way he's staring at you.
“I am bored.” He agrees, things suddenly crystal clear in his eyes. “But I'm bored because I don't have you around. And I want you here. That's why I asked all the time if you're available.”
You open your lips to say something–anything, but nothing comes out because your heartbeat is ringing throughout your body right up to your ears.
“You're the only person I send those posts about places I want to visit because I want to visit with you. I don't send them to anyone else. I don't even like going out all that much.”
“I… I don't understand?”
“Are we in a relationship?” He asks rather bluntly, mixing all your feelings together with one single question.
“Wonwoo, I don't think this is how you should go around it–”
“Have we been dating all this time?” He asks one more time, not even seemingly nervous about it.
He looks at you like he's expecting an answer, but how are you supposed to answer that? You've simply been happy that you get to spend time with him. You didn't think for one second that he might be into you despite all the time he asks you to accompany him somewhere and all the time you're alone in his place.
“I've been too oblivious, haven't I?” He concludes by himself, your silence doesn't deter him at all.
He reaches for your cheek, and if he notices how warm your face is, he doesn't mention it. But he caresses the apple of your cheek as he looks at you with the gentlest reflection you've ever seen in his eyes.
“I'm sorry it took me too long.” He whispers, and you bite your lip so hard to hide your smile because you don't want to be too happy before anything's decided. You're not sure what he's trying to say, your head is spinning with thoughts and your heart is beating at an erratic rhythm. “Do you mind… letting me learn a bit more?”
“About what?” You whisper back.
“Being a good boyfriend?” He smiles when you do too, feeling warmth all over his chest at how shy you seem to be. “You know I've never done this before, right? Let me take a chance with you?
You finally let yourself grin at this, no longer able to control the happiness blooming within you at whatever this might mean.
And as you lean your face more into his palm, Wonwoo thinks he's ready to take all the risks that might come together with whatever the future has in store as long as he has you by his side.
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doodoodinklefart · 1 month
back for another jjk yap sess, this time abt geto LOL...
im honestly a little surprised i never noticed this before but the way that geto (who thought that his best friend was killed and saw a girl he was essentially willing to uproot his life for get murdered right in front of him) tries SOO hard to stay calm while toji's talking and then the MOMENT he brings satoru up again and trivializes riko's death, suguru loses it. i'm thinking suguru let him talk in the first place despite the risk of letting toji reveal his pact (and wanting to kill him Very Bad) cuz he figured it would be better to understand toji's deal since he beat satoru, something that suguru trusted would not happen
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but then he starts referring to satoru strictly as "the six eyes", and i think that suguru, one of the few people that saw satoru as a person beyond his cursed technique or his family name could not help but get super pissed abt toji's dehumanization of satoru (and riko too, who he only refers to as the star plasma vessel). i just thought that it was very interesting....... suguru cared so much and it makes me CRAZY AS FUCK.
like, to begin with i think its sooo so interesting that suguru made it a point to be considerate of all the human parts of satoru despite the fact that im sure most other people assume he doesn't need to be worried about. i'll never stop thinking about suguru asking if he needs a break since he's overusing his technique, telling him he worked hard after getting back to the school, trying to rush to his side after he's been stabbed and being conflicted when satoru tells him to leave with riko and kuroi... he didn't just assume satoru could handle all that shit on his own cuz even if he could have he shouldn't have to.
also related omg im almost done i promise but!! the scene where suguru gets to the star religious group and sees satoru again for the first time...
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the way that he can't even believe his eyes, probably in part because he's acting way different but also because he thought he FUCKING DIED. and he had to drag himself out of the tomb of the stars and probably went to look for gojo's body before even going to shoko. and then he had to tell her he couldn't even find his body man WHAT THE FUCK!!! i think maybe saw a twitter post about this part in particular but he might have thought toji took riko's body and satoru's, so the thought that he went all the way there thinking he'd have to see two dead bodies of people he cared about... ugh. suguru geto i love you
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wrongcaitlyn · 3 days
okay…so…we don’t judge for special interests here right…? cause i am very VERY intense with mine.
so my question is…have you ever thought about solangelos kids….
I don’t have all of the lore sorted out rn but i know that they have three kids the first two are girls and the last is a boy.
but with their first daughter…i sort of have some of her stuff sorted out i mean it might change but…
SO (if you don’t mind me infodumping i just NEED to know someone else’s opinion and i have no other ppl who won’t think i’m crazy.)
first things first. Her name is wysteria (just a dif spelling of wisteria cause it looks cool) Bianca solace di angelo (or di angelo solace i can never decide…)
she has tanner skin and freckles but nico’s brown eyes and wills blonde hair. her hair is pretty dang long and sort of whispy almost like taylor’s at the start of her career. (also i find it funny if she were to just have the horrendous mash of an italian and southern accent lmao)
most of the time i imagine her she’s like 16-ish. she’s very kind and caring like will.
she’s either aroace or a lesbian or both i can’t decide yet-
she likes dresses over other clothes (we don’t judge a girl who knows what she likes even tho that’s a stereotype)
and her main powers are sort of a combination of hades and apollo but she more specializes in the light and dark aspects of the two gods.
SO she has really good light manipulation powers and can blind people and if she tries REALLY REALLY HARD she can make it a tangible object she can step on. she also glows cause idk it’s funny.
BUT she also has amazing shadow bending powers. she can again blind people but with obscuring their vision and she is MUCH better at shadow travel than nico is since her specialty is shadows. she’s not very great at the other hades aspects tho. she gets tired after like 10 jumps where nico gets tired after 1. so she normally fights by reaching out to the shadows and pulling them around herself and then zipping around the enemy and teleporting away before they can get to her. it looks very cool from afar. her main weapon is a stygian iron sword like nico’s but it looks kinda different and has some gold aspects. (hazel got the gold for her)
she loves music and to sing (ehem headcanon that she sung a version of nancy mulligan for one of nico and wills anniversary’s ehem)
but she is great all around and i love her even if i’m the only one who actually thinks of her existence.
help i just yapped so much very sorry but lmk your thoughts!
WE DO NOT JUDGE HERE (that'd be so hypocritical seeing as im the one who got so obsessed with nico being a popstar that i wrote 200k words and counting abt it..)
to be quite honest, i haven't! i guess that in my head i kind of will always picture them sort of as like 15 year olds, bc that's how they are in canon and i also always see them younger as me, so i don't spend that much time thinking about an aged up solangelo (despite the fact that they're nearly in their twenties in talk your talk, wow) but!!! i love this hc omg!!!
i love wysteria first of all😭 my mind automatically goes to the lakes, and i just think that's SUCH a solangelo song so ofc i think that's a perfectly fitting name!!!
personally i'm a fan of solace di angelo bc when you put it into google translate, italian -> english, it means "angel's solace" (and i know that google translate is far from accurate, but i just find that so cute <3) but also my brain says make it alphabetical order (so di angelo solace...) either way both are great!!
(also i find it funny if she were to just have the horrendous mash of an italian and southern accent lmao) YES. YES. THAT'D BE HILARIOUS. i just imagine that like some words she would pick up from nico with an italian accent, and then some from will with a southern accent, and then those blended together in a sentence would be so funny😭
i loveee diving into the light manipulation powers. i find it so nice to see the things that nico and will have in common and how they could work together with those powers, i think they'd be so powerful (and also it'd look really sick)
i love this!!! thank u so much for sharing :)
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sol-shines · 6 months
@ your tags PLEASE talk abt your parker designs!!!
this is for you and @dreaming-of-stories-and-stars THANK YOU for enabling me :3 sorry this took a little bit
if you don't know what this is about i drew my takes on the parkers here !
rambles under the cut:
SO what i sorta wanted to do was make. each parker flow into the next while subtly changing in between ,,, something something losing yourself to the game, becoming unrecognizable. so let's cover it parker by parker:
prime: i personally Love the hc that the coin is parker's mom. so prime is a lil ancient roman coded guy. he's SOOOO eldest sibling coded help. like he and his mom have a very strained relationship but also he thinks that if he just does whatever she wants she'll finally be proud of him :P whoops! and yeah v explosive anger (firewalker reference!), leading to ego, leading to. You Know. anyway. oh ALSO the parkers get younger as we progress so :))) they all STARTED at 19 but have varying degrees of age. so prime is in his mid-thirties.
parker ii: AH the most elusive of the parkers. SO: in my personal lore interp, parker ii was created when prime starting to push back against the coin more and more to the point where it was becoming a problem. and prime of course is very destructive and makes a mess when he's angry. so ii came about from me going "...what if parker just. said fuck it and left. didn't give a shit about ego just didn't wanna play the game anymore and found a way out." and that's exactly what my ii did. absolutely fucking vanished and quit the game for good. somehow. which uhhh MIGHT have been what caused prime to go apeshit ("why does ii get to leave and i'm stuck here?") and end prehistory. whoops. so i wanted to make them look very vagabond-y. somehow got even edgier than prime (impressive). also they're abt 30-ish. and have crazy gender stuff going on. possibly transfem. "but how is that possible if you hc the parkers as transmasc-" shhh. i don't know <3
park3r: GOD i loved doing this one. this parker is such a bitch and i love him. the first commissioner parker, created bc "OKAY so we gotta make him more young and impressionable and less unstable AND take him out of this game bc very clearly Bad Things will happen if he stays" so they made. a chronically online teenager and made them commissioner AMDNFM. god yeah i love this design he's sooo. just a 19-year-old trying to fill an impossible role and putting on a cool face about it. tragic, yes. but they're gonna complain the whole time and make everyone else miserable too. fully believe he was just scared and out of his depth the whole trial :( oops why are parkers iii and iiii so sad. i drew him closer to mid-20s here but honestly he could easily be younger
p4rker: LOVE this guy's lore so my hc is that after the trial that killed park3r it was like "uhhhh FUCK we need a new one of those. stat." so. they just. took park3r's incin'd body (ik it's not really Canon that park3r was incin'd he just Died but. let me have this) and like. stitched it back together. so p4rker is covered in burns and stitched together like frankenstein all over, and they just threw a mask on them like "see!!! new guy!!" the result of this being they didn't have. a whole ton of time to add shit like Personality, so p4rker is the outlier in that they're very naive and even polite? they don't understand what all the fuss is about them and just wants to be. nice? shame he didn't stick around long :/ the drippy bits are a little percolation nod! in this particular drawing he's like 20 :(
pvrker is. obviously the least human. park3r was more of a prototype of a commissioner, p4rker was a temporary placeholder at best, pvrker... was well and truly made For The Game. and his appearance reflects that. kinda a combination of iii's bluntness and 4's naivety. in-universe some people think he's the most sinister or whatever bc he's so directly Controlled By ILB Shit and that's not NOT true but like. give him a break guys he's like 6 days old he's new at this :(
ANYWAY that's so long holy shit. here are my rambles i hope u like them. im So Bad at blaseball lore so someone yell at me if something i put in there isn't accurate but. yeag :)
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
super obsessed with your art, seb looks soooooooooooo stunning!!! I am now very curious however, only if you feel like going into it, as to which other historical figures you align with which drivers?👀👀
AAAAAA tysm Grace!!!! Though I am so so so sorry for how rambly and long this post is gonna be, but you just asked me abt one of my brainrots!! I will answer your question but also talk about my history alignments and AUs in general LOL
But if I'm making comparisons of F1 drivers and historical figures, my brain kinda forces me to make it an AU because I'm like "this needs to make absolute sense historically and contextually.)
So, tbh of the four historical AUs that float around my brain, only two of them are really specifically about certain historical figures. The four are: Nandopoleon(About how Fernando reminds me of Napoleon), War of Spanish Succession(mostly about that era, but Seb and Nando are supposed to be paralleling Charles VI and Philip V), Napoleonic Hussars(which is about how , in general, Hussars = F1 drivers), and Rennaissance Muse(this just happens to take place in a different era.)
Explaining my AUs and the historical contexts(proceed with caution, its a lot)
Okay so I'm really really am so deranged about Napoleon = Fernando, but I’ve not posted about it too much because I wanna make a well thought out post about it. But basically I think they’re similar people with similar characteristics and motivations. There was this period of time over the summer where I was only brain rotting about how well any of Napoleon’s quotes fit Fernando(with my fellow nandopoleon confidant @/sweatyflytrap haha.) Here’s some quotes as example: 
“Victory belongs to the most persevering.”
“It is not necessary to bury the truth. It is sufficient merely to delay it until no one cares.”(Piasco era lol)
“Victory is not always winning the battle…but rising every time you fall.”
“From triumph to failure is only one step.”
"A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon."(trophies y'know)
"Always carry champagne! In victory you deserve it, and in defeat you need it!"
Tell me Fernando wouldn't use these as instagram captions! TELL ME!!! But the other thing that was driving me crazy is how well excerpts from the personality/image section of Napoleone's wiki line up with testimonials from Fernando's doc. Examples:
"He cheated at cards, but repaid the losses; he had to win at everything he attempted."(Napoleon) "Whatever activity I take part in, I have this compulsion to find the compeititon in it."(Fernando)
"He could rapidly dictate a series of complex commands to his subordinates, keeping in mind where major units were expected to be at each future point, and like a chess master, 'seeing' the best plays moves ahead"(Napoleon) "When you talk to him, his mental capacity is so strong. He's talking to you, but his brain is thinking ahead"(Fernando)
Like c'mon tell me they aren't at least a bit similar??? There's a lot else I find similar about them but I cannot list my whole manifesto here skdjlsd
Anyways this AU would be Fernando as Napoleon and would be Webbonso -> Strollonso. Basically, Napoleon had two wives: his first wife, who was older than him and who he was super in love with, but had to divorce because they couldn't have kids, but he still loved her deeply. And then his second wife , who was much younger thanhim and from the Austrian royal family, and this was a politically motivated marriage but they still got on pretty well!!(also it's funny, before she married him she didn't want to be with him because the public perception of him made him out to be not the best guy, but then she wrote to her father about how loving and kind he was. very Strollonso, no?)
War of Spanish Succession:
Mostly explained it here and here. I'm not too interested in either Philip V nor Charles VI themselevs as individuals, but rather the roles they fufill in the "story." Though I will say, I got hit with a brick while reading Charles VI's wiki when finding out that he apparently had several male lovers! So I guess my AU having an arranged m/m marriage isn't even that far off the mark hahaha. Why did they have a 13 year war, they should have just arranged a marriage between the two canidates sigh sigh. But yeah, mostly Austria vs. Spain, I think it fits well with the Vettonso rivalry!! They would end up being: Fernando I King of Spain and Sebastian I Holy Roman Emperor hehe. Also I sketched some more:
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Napoleonic Hussars:
Explained here as well as with art, and more art here. I'm really still proud of the points I made, I just feel very ardently about it!!! Not about any specific figure, but rather a historical group that I think lines up extremely well with F1 drivers. But this one is fun cause I can kinda insert any driver into it and they'll work pretty well. It's fun to figure out what kingdom what driver would be, either based off their nationality or the nationality of their team. I remember vividly staring at a map from this era trying to figure out where Maranello would be....But like Renault = Kingdom of France and RBR = Kingdom of Austria, and stuff like that
Rennaisance Muse:
Mostly just this post, I've not thought about this one incredibly deeply. Mostly just brainrot about how I think Seb looks like The David with his curly hair
#catie answer an ask without making it a soliloquy challenge: failed#hope this is at least sort of interesting to people other than me!#basically: I like reading about F1. I like reading about history. why not mix them :DDD#also sorry Grace that this ended up being more about my AUs rather than which historical figures align with who#if im gonna compare a driver to a figure then my brain is like 'this needs to make absolute sense historically' so it becomes its own AU#though i think fernando is a much easier driver than any others to make historical comparisons about#and thats really only bcs hes very specific with how he portrays himself and how the public eye is supposed to view him#hes much more of a 'character' and is easier to compare bcs historical figures also end up becoming chararictured bcs of the passage of tim#having a lot of fun with this most recent one!!! the idea of arranged marriage vettonso(with boy king seb) is brainrotting me#all of these have ships as well that theyre kinda focused around#hussars is the most general but Ive already drawn martian for it sooooo#and the rennaisance is also martian#nandopoleon I already said what it would be(god the irl age gaps align so well to each other)#and then obv spanish succession is vettonso arranged marriage#anyways aaaahhhhh fun side projects which I like to research and draw!!!#and ik ive said it a lot but thank you guys for showing interest!! its pretty niche i think....#catie.asks.#catie.rambling.txt#boy king au#hussar au#nandopoleon alonsoparte
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multitrackdrifting · 10 months
an idea that was extremely hard to be concise about for my upcoming video is how outrage has seemingly poisoned how we talk abt viedo games. no game is just "enjoyable and easy to recommend" anymore, its also a cudgel for how bad AAA is or how "just make game good" is the ethos devs should follow and i really despise how people talk about games because of their cynicism around hte medium. if you really bothered to look beyond the ugly patch of grass that is destiny 2, cod, ow2, halo infinite etc. you'd know that plenty of good things still release, but the bitterness around AAA gaming being bad (and it honestly isn't besides shit like pre-order bonuses, and season passes where u pre-pay to just wait for content) you'd know that gaming is not dying at all, it's just easier to wax on about how it is while believing that you have a righteous excuse to never play anything despite making such a grandiose claim
its a hard idea to pin down so I dont know how it will go but I have confidence somebody will see where I'm coming from when I say that it's so difficult to actually critique video games when a lot of the discussion is distracted by Other Things that have nothing to do with the game in question. a good game is never just good anymore, its Good Unlike Other Game Which Is Bad which pisses me off to no end.
i think the funniest thing i'm going to argue in it is that i actually agree with a lot of the devs that people are misinterpreting on purpose regarding bg3, they are right that lofty expectations for games that don't need to fulfil specific niches is honestly just unreasonable from an audience standpoint. if only we had some crazy half billion dollar funded game that has been in alpha for over a decade to reflect on why scope-creep is not inherently synonymous with scale or quality, which, is the stupid ass conclusion that a lot of outraged people are insinuating regarding baldur's gate 3. a lot of smaller CRPGs are still good, DOS1, pillars and Shadowrun are way smaller but they're still good lmao . anyway, new viedo soo n
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midnight-museum · 1 year
Midnight Museum Tidbits:
Similar: Part 1, Gun cut subbed from MM live
Q: Tor's thoughts on Gun
He's like a little brother. He's a little sassy. He's cute. Overall I feel comfortable when I shoot with him on set. Everything is good because he's such a good actor. He's one of my respect...you know that? uhm sorry I'm not good to explain but I try my best >.<" hope you get it! [Clip]
Q: why does Nong Gun call you Phi Tor?(Gun is older than Tor)
Tor: When we met in the first day, he asked me to call him nong Gun, but when we are on set I call him Phi Gun. I promised him that when fans are around, I will call him Nong Gun. Fulfill his wish~ [clip]
Q: Why does Gun call you KK?
Tor: I actually can’t really tell, but it’s not about MidnightMuseum already. it's about a relationship between friends I read some comments, somebody said it's a short form but in fact not just only K.K. 2 alphabet, there's many stories inside KK. [clip]
When EP4 aired, the script writer complimented to Tor and Gun. Tor's character has so many bg story, so he had to learn a lot abt what he has passed before. As for Gun's character, he can't remember anything. It means he has no bg, so he had to design his acting by himself. [Cr]
Tor said he read a lot of feedback online and saw people come up with theories but none of them were right.[This was said when only 4 eps were out!] [Clip]
From an event after 4 eps had aired:
Gun: Bright is good at acting
Off: Yes, Bright is good, And Pat too, right?
Gun: Yes, Pat is good
Off: And also both Gun and Tor, when they're together, it's good. [translation, clip]
Q: Gun gets asked if filming with Foei was funny
Gun mentions the initial scene he has with Foei where Dome says "I didn't say I'd take the job" and Triphob says "but will you?" They laughed hard while filming that but the director kept filming. [Translation, Clip]
Q: How was filming Midnight Museum?
Gun: It's fun. It's is similar to something i filmed when i was small, cause i filmed Gomin. I haven't play this kind for a long time, so when i back to film it was fun. Everything we needs to be imagined by ourselves. We would be in an empty room looking like crazy but we had to believe like we could see what is happening. If not, it will make us feel very funny. For example, Namtan need transform to red bride, if we don't believe (that she can transform), we would feel like laughing. When we are not filming, we will tease each other but once filming starts, we have to be immersed. [Translation, Clip]
Tu was asked if her character in mm, nong bee, will be cute? (Asked before her ep was out)
Tu: the cutest!! [Translation + Clip]
Fah talking about working with Tu on MM
Fah: It's really nice to work with her! She's really nice and you know since we worked together in F4, it's is like very very good to her again on set and I could see the improvement in her. She did a very great job in that and it was very fun to work with her! Like. Super fun. So yeah, it was a good experience [Clip]
{♡Some translations are same as they were from the hyperlinked source tweet but some are slightly altered to be more understandable while preserving the meaning of the hyperlinked translation out of personal discretion, few are combinations of gtranslations and fantranslations. Any mistakes found are unintentional and regretted. Will be more than happy to correct in case of discrepancies.♡}
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wickedcriminal · 2 years
Hi you can delete this ask if you want but your Fishlegs post made me want to ramble iamsosorry
FIRST OF ALL there is a massive constant to how Fishlegs and alvin approach the bonds they make with other people. Alvin has multiple times formed “bonds” with others who stay in his life for a long period of time, but he never actually grows to care about these people and drops them the moment they’re no longer useful to him. Termagent, obviously, but also Humungous, who he “befriended” in the Lava-Lout prisons and then betrayed and abandoned for 15 years, and also in book 2 where Alvin spends weeks/months on berk with the Hooligan tribe and then tries to sell every single one of them into slavery without a second thought when they find the treasure. The people in his life have no effect on him and every time he moves on and forgets about them.
MEANWHILE the bonds that Fishlegs forms with his friends (Hiccup and Camicazi, mostly) are SO STRONG and important to him that it supercedes anything else. Like in book 5 where he wants to leave the Archipelago because of the Exterminators, but stays because he refuses to abandon Hiccup. And then goes with Hiccup to Lava-Lout island. Fishlegs’ loyalty to the people that care about him is imo one of his defining traits, and its hilarious that the son of Alvin the Treacherous is Fishlegs the Faithful.
ALSO if Alvin had actually decided to change and stayed around in Fishlegs’ life when he was born, he probably would’ve ended up with the lobster necklace. Again Fishlegs forms such strong bonds with the people who care about him that if Alvin had actually been a Good Father, he would’ve gotten that loyalty instead, and the Dragon Jewel that came with it.
ALSO one of Grimbeard’s criteria for being King was to be a Better Man Than He Was. And what did Grimbeard do? Abandon his baby son. But what did Grimbeard also do? Take his son back into his life when he found him again. Not trying to praise Grimbeard here, since he was still a Bad Awful Man, but Alvin managed to not even meet the minimum criteria of being a Better Man, because of how much of a Bad Awful Father he is.
ALSO in book 2 where Hiccup is trying to reason with Alvin during the swordfight, he says and I quote from the book in my hand rn: “Look, Alvin, it’s never too late to change. You’ve still got a chance to live life differently, make friends, start a family…” when Fishlegs is standing Right There. And then Alvin goes on abt how its Too Late For Him. Yeah, he already had a chance to start a family and he said Nah the first time.
First of all, Fishlegs the Faithful is literally everything to me,, and next the point of how Alvin couldn't even do the bare minimum of becoming a better man by reclaiming his son like Grimbeard once did-- THAT PARALLEL. And the fact that he would have probably ended up with the lobster necklace if he had been a better father. He had his chances the same as Hiccup did to earn his right to become king, but unlike Hiccup, he kept choosing wrong, again and again
And I'll never get over how many times throughout the series that Fishlegs stayed by Hiccup's side just because he refused to leave him, even when what Hiccup was doing was downright crazy. The island of the Exterminators, but also that moment in book 7 when they were flying back from the Northern Wanderer ship? Book 6 where they headed to the library? Book 9 when Hiccup is going to investigate the fortune telling hut and Fishlegs didn't need to come but he said 'of course I'm doing it if you're doing it' as if it's a no brainer??
It just makes me feel things. Alvin abandoning Fishlegs, only for Fishlegs to decide never to abandon Hiccup. To never, ever make Hiccup feel as if he was alone in the world, like he probably has, many times. Fishlegs, who would then go on to establish a tribe for anyone who feels that alone in the world. He's such an underrated gem of a boy.
I love this ask, I love talking about Fishlegs, thank you
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spring-lxcked · 10 months
finshed ru.in so. thoughts. putting it under a readmore!! (apologies if it shows up without one at first, tumblr is doing the thing where it deletes readmores again :/)
ending was uh. abrupt and unsatisfying. also answered exactly zero of the questions i had because, like, it was abundantly obvious it wasn't gre.gory the whole time and was probably the game introducing it's version of the mim.ic
not actually shocked by grego.ry's betrayal (if it even was really him because why would he have control of the elevator?) based on the main game, but i know some ppl must be v unhappy rn
fn.af making me cry like??????????????? sorry but i genuinely cried abt ro.xy don't look at me
on one hand disappointed that the mim.ic was All It Was, on the other glad i don't have to fucking hear people claim glitch/burn is the mim.ic anymore (i hope) LMAO
game did get glitchier with time (two crashes, namely) but still better than main game
okay positive positive positive because the ending and the music me.n part were the only bad parts imo
the creepy objective descs were SO good. "That mask suits you." "Don't you care about your friend? Why aren't you trying harder?" "Don't think about it, just do it."
animatronic jumpscares were SO GOOD like. i think because most of the scares were primarily not the death jumpscares, it gave them leeway to give us the best death jumpscares of the entire franchise
so like. the rabbit when you're using the mask was obviously glamr.ock bon.nie trying to stop cas.sie from freeing the mim.ic, right? i strongly disagree with the sentiment that it was glitch, that makes little to no sense to me
so we agree that illusion disks are canon to security bre.ach (i personally don't think they are in the other games but it's debatable) right? we agree that we don't know that ANY of what cas.sie was seeing without the mask or with it was real right? we agree the mask wasn't literally making her teleport through solid objects right? we agree that we actually have no idea that anything we saw or heard was accurate to reality right?
the candy cad.et story GODS are we ready for 3000 theories abt exactly what that meant because i do NOT think it was abt them mim.ic—
cas.sie lore has me half-considering adding her to the multi
van.ni mask ambience was creepy but also jesus christ the theorists are gonna have a field day with some of that whispering and screaming
me going from "don't understand why rox.y is so popular" to "i would die for rox.y immediately" (tbf i really didn't feel hype for anyone in the main game, which i think says a lot. ru.in handled characters a LOT better and i actually cared about them)
am i crazy or cas.sie and michael parallels?? i just kept getting that Vibe idk
we need to talk abt the claim that va.nni masks were used by all class v technicians. do i believe this? not sure but it's a concept i have GOT to hear more abt
btw i do know there's other endings but i think the normal ending is probably canon
this dlc had no effect on my canon, i already assumed glitch was no longer in the pizzeria/etc (i don't think the rabbit was glitch + the animatronics clearly were acting of their own volition)
i know i absolutely didn't find all the secrets but like. unless there's something major i missed (very very very possible), i'm still sad we didn't get more info on the greg.ory being a robot theory. outside of when i'm interacting with definitely human!gre.gorys on here, my william making the blueprint for gre.gory is an important part of his canon to me
anyway, despite any complaints i may have abt the ending, ru.in proved that ste.el wool is more than capable of listening to criticism and doing better and that makes me so, so happy
hey hi i want to make a million security br.each / ru.in verses now. how can i force my actual william into this, guys—? yes i know i said i want him canonly dead, AU verses doN'T COUNT
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Hi! I saw you rb'd the post about autism and I rlly wanted to talk abt it! I don't live in the US, and therapists where i live are almost the same as you described. Idk if i have ADHD or Autism or something else entirely, but I do know there's something different from me than other people. I've known ever since I was little. I know my brain works differently, I see things differently, and I feel left out because of it. I relate to almost every obscure ADHD symptom (like i relate to the "i got distracted" but also the very specific "not everyone goes through that" ones).
I don't want to self diagnose because I'm nowhere near being an expert on neurodivergency, but I also know I'm different. Idk what to do because I talked to a therapist once about it (we didnt discuss it, i just mentioned it) and she said that if I've gotten this far (i'm 17) without a diagnosis and I've done fine, a diagnosis won't change that. I think that a diagnosis would 100% help because i would at least know for sure because rn i feel like i'm going crazy. Maybe everything I've been experiencing has just been the product of undealt with trauma, idk, but i rlly wish i knew for sure.
I imposter syndrome myself into thinking i'm actually just as normal as everyone else and am just thinking this becusde i want to think i'm "special". Which isn't true i'm 99% sure-
Sorry for the rant. I just dont know what to do :(
Hello, Nonsie! No need to apologize for the rant, I'm sorry you're in this situation. It absolutely sucks when therapists and other mental health professionals are like that. Sometimes it feels like they've made a decision about you already and are just tolerating you the rest of the time and dismissing everything else.
I've also been through the exact same thing with the "I know there's something different about me." I always chalked it up to me being "the gifted kid," but then I was different from all the other gifted kids as well. I didn't know what it was, so I instead turned to fiction and to stories. Especially those with magic and inhuman creatures, because I knew that whatever it was that made someone human, I didn't have it. So I saw myself instead in fairies and fae and as I got older, in monsters (I mean this in a good way). My point is that I think I understand the knowing you're different but not being able to put a finger on it experience. I often describe it as living in a bubble where I can see everyone else and they can see me, but I'm not with them. I'm separate even amongst everyone.
I will just say that if you don't think you're qualified to self-diagnose, I'd suggest looking into it more! Self-diagnoses are incredibly valid and are fairly accepted from what I've seen. Most people are very understanding about the process and about reasons why you might not be able to/not want to get an official diagnosis. I think almost all people who have diagnosed have also had the "I don't know enough to make this call" experience and then go on to look into it before doing so. They're generally not made lightly, instead made with the insight and reflection of weeks, months, years worth of work and research.
Also, I don't know how the rules work wherever you live, but it's possible that you'd be able to look into evaluations outside of your therapist if she is adamant about you not needing one. I know where I live I could find an evaluation location and submit the paperwork independently--though I think as a minor I'd need to include parent contact information, but then again maybe not. And that's also just where I am
You could also approach her or another therapist about it again and say that it's an avenue you'd like to explore even if it won't change much. Therapy is about you, so if you want something you're allowed to express that. One note I'd like to add is that I'd advise against relying on outside sources entirely for confirmation that your experiences aren't you "going crazy." That's not to say that an official diagnosis wouldn't be a relief or a breath of fresh air and a "finally! it was real!" That's an entirely understandable reason to want an evaluation or diagnosis, it's just that things don't always work perfectly and people can be wrong. So if you're basing your understanding entirely on someone else's assessment and they miss something, it can feel like a huge disappointment. And it's more likely when the system isn't friendly towards you.
I can tell you that you aren't making it up and that whatever you've experienced and been through, it is real and valid and you deserve answers about it. Whether those answers come from yourself or through treatment, I hope you find what you're looking for. I actually think a very common and relatable finding out you might be autistic/adhd/something else is obsessing over it and then convincing yourself you're making everything up and are actually normal and just suck at being a person.
I don't know if you want advice, but I think if I were in your situation (based on the knowledge I have) I'd look into it more. There are plenty of YouTube videos and online resources you can use to help figure things out, and if it's something you want then research what options are available in your area and what the requirements are (e.g. age/information/if you can do it alone or not). When I was first exploring all these possibilities, I started a thing in my notes app to keep track of different experiences that could potentially indicate or relate to something so I could look into it later, so maybe that could help!
I'm wishing you the best of luck in whatever comes next for you in this experience <33
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hi hi hii sorry ive been a bit busy but i love talking to you <33
ooh gift giving day is coming closerrr i lowkey hope you like yours ajsjfjdjc
fun fact: i listened to story of us for the first time today?!??? i know im crazy ajdjejsjd such a fan i am
alsoo while we are on the topic of my little pony ajdjrjs whats your favourite character?
herbal tea is soo good and chamomile tea after a hard dayy soo reall unfortunately i cant function properly without coffee so i prefer coffee ajdjfjsjf but tea is definitely more calming and probably more healthy for me lmao
see, i would pick master any instrument bc im not a sporty person andjdjs im more into music been learning it since i was 6 and i own an acoustic guitar which i would love to be able to play barre chords on but tbf the main instrument id like to master is ELECTRIC GUITARSSSS omg im obsessed w electric guitars theyre absolutely loml any character that plays them will forever be my favourite character electric guitars are SO HOT sorry im very passionate abt them i would love to be able to play some sick riffs on an electric guitar (also they just overall look so cool omg akdkejsjd) ive always wanted to learn electric guitar since i was a kid or like a bass 😍😍
anywayss amdjeksjd what would you pick? and my question for you: if you could pursue 3 careers what would they be? (if you dont mind sharing) alsoo cats or dogs? and sky blue or baby pink?
-swiftie spring exchange anon
Hello again! Is ok, no need to apologise! I'm enjoying talking to you as well! (Also low key shocked you only just heard that song the other day?? I swear it was everywhere at one point XD)
I'm sure I will like mine!! I am stressing over if my person will like theirs tho XD
My favourite MLP character is Rainbow Dash, but I'm a fan of Applejack too. I like the dynamics Applejack has with everyone, whilst with Rainbow Dash I think she's just super cool. How can I not love a rainbow pegasus??
Pfft sometimes coffee confuses me because everyone I know who drinks it seems to drink it for the caffeine...do people actually like coffee itself, or is it the caffeine? I'm mostly joking but also very confused XD And ooh...honestly electric guitars are very cool. I don't know why but they're just always associated with cool for whatever reason?? Electric instruments fascinate me however. Like what we make electric vs what we don't...imagine an electric violin. Or a flute. A recorder XD Idk but basically I can see why you'd pick that!! It's really cool you can do the guitar! I am terrible with music (I tried to learn the violin as a kid...I broke part of it on the very first day, panicked, and tried to fix it with superglue. It...sorta worked, enough so that I managed to just keep quiet about it until I turned 18 and was well away from consequences regarding breaking it lol.)
I think personally I'd like to go sports, but opportunities are low where I am, so it feels a bit wasted :( So maybe music? Ideally sports, especially anything that lets me go super fast. ALSO I want to be able to swim. And currently I uh cannot. And keep failing at trying to learn. Oh well.
Okay so 3 careers...I feel like I'm gonna be a bit vague here. First is my ideal career of "something that helps children with special educational needs". Whether that's like, support in schools, or making sure schools provide the right support, idk. Second...probably something medical? When I was younger I had wanted to study medicine at uni. I did not in the end but yeah! Helping out in the medical industry would be fun. And third...an animator! I've not got the patience for it tho XD What about you??
And cats!! I have two, one of which is sleeping beside the computer and the other is currently climbing over the keyboard and trying to sit on my arms. She is very helpful (sarcasm) but I love her so she gets away with everything XD You? And unsure on the pink vs blue...probably blue? In general I prefer warm colours to cool colours, but if I look around I have more blue things than pink things so maybe blue is the exception?
And last but not least, my question to you: of the four elements, air, water, fire and earth, which would you most like to be able to control?
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sankttealeaf · 3 months
Song-Anon here, I’m blushing so hard omg hehehe 👹 I was lil insecure cuz I thought sending a whole lyrics analysis was too much, but if it’s alright I’ll come up with more 😌
I feel my brain rotting away cuz of durgetash and your story mwah 🤌🏻✨ (and I don’t want it to end *sob* let ‘em be happyyy *cries like a baby* he dies in every story 😭😭
(But I get it… angst and canon and all 😖)
I just need someone to be crazy with about them, it’s kinda lonely lol and I cannot for the love of everything hear the “is the, quote, handsome man here with us???” anymore, these idiots online just keep repeating themselves OVER and OVER AGAIN ugh. I expected more deep-thinking abilities from bg3 players 🙂
sry for the rant at the end lol <3
song anon i will eat up ANYTHING u happen to send!!!!<3 it made me so giddy reading through it i still havent stopped thinking abt it all
and i 100% get that. the bg3 fandom as a whole scares me a little so i'm quite happy playing barbies with my silly guys in the far corner and talk to myself about them (also so get that comment about gortash. a part of me dies whenever he gets handsome squidward-ified, please leave him alone 😭) parts of the fandom certainly have... takes... i do not wish to look that way at them i fear they may hunt me for sport because i like the tyrant (i cannot wait to kill him in game tho. i have to do my girl karlach some justice)
i went on a big ramble on twitter today talking about rue + orin and their dynamic + how it ties in with the tadpoling of rue and it truly felt like im yelling into the void (in a good way, i have grown past the need for people to hear me i just have to Talk!!!!!!! brainrot so bad im dreaming about them!!!!!! aaaaaaah!!!!
also thinking about an alternate ending to rue and gortash's story where they can be horrible together (or... dare i say... forced through redemption kicking and screaming). rue's romancing gale in her playthrough (parallels. i need to throw gale and gortash in a room to study them like bugs) but man. the thought of rue still clawing back at her past and going to the one man who knows everything? she'll take a lie if it means she gets to know something about herself
rue my sweet girl... one day you will find peace... not now though you still have things to do
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starlightkun · 10 months
I really loved reading your reply to my ask, and everything you said made sense to me and I understood it too, it didn't sound crazy or anything. I love the way you write your stories and I love your stories so I loved to see you talk about everything in detail for sure. The prank scene at the last got me for sure, lol. I was excited to see how the prank would go and how would the other dreamies react to the prank and stuff but I got into a serious feeling? And I got nervous fr when the situation turned serious, I felt like that person, the teenage kid in the family function or something that said something in a joking light way but the thing she said, made the family/relatives fight with each other, it caused a family fight and she is there now in the middle of the fight just there- I felt that way lol. It took me some time to understand what was happening lol. my mind was like ...... then OH. I loved how the characters reminded me of the way neos act like in real life, their real vibe and at the same time they are the people of Strawberry Sunday universe like the citizens of strawberry sunday world, your characters, mixed. And is there a wyverns neo character in the universe, tho? Like all the neos were introduced in some way sungtaro too but none of them are a wyvern, right ? I'm a bit sad about it though, I would have loved to see a character with a background and personality of both a neo member vibe/the creatures vibe and characteristics or maybe a wyvern reader? Idk but it's sad in a way, i feel like they must feel left out🤡. I love knowing about the experience, lifestyle, like the story behind things for each characters, if I could I would set up a interview with them lol. I'm excited to read and know more about this universe in the upcoming books! I'm excited to read tbh, miracle, changer and babyfangs! And excited to read something new other than strawberry sunday universe with the bite and phantasmagorical. For now, really really really looking forward to reading abh with excitement. - 🌺
bro i was panicking and getting nervous and embarrassed just writing that scene too lmao. i felt like i was in trouble w my own characters i was sitting here shaking my head at the reader while typing on my keyboard just thinking to myself like "omg girl get out of there!!!! stop!! omg girl stop this!!!!! dont do it!!!!!!!"
and there is no wyvern character in the strawberry sunday universe. as a very quick rundown of all of the neos (+ sungtaro): witch!taeil, human!johnny, unicorn!taeyong, siren!yuta, vampire!kun, witch!doyoung, siren!ten, vampire!jaehyun, phoenix!sicheng, fairy!jungwoo, basilisk!mark, dragon!dejun, gryphon!hendery, human!renjun, werewolf!jeno, dryad!donghyuck, dryad!jaemin, witch!yangyang, siren!shotaro, werewolf!sungchan, fairy!chenle, and dragon!jisung.
we have also seen a sphinx, the owner of half moon bakery, sphinx!minseok. and the reader in baby fangs will be a sphinx, too. which is very exciting. i've made some good progress on baby fangs lately, i'm very excited abt that one.
i've seen some writing blogs do like "ask a character" type things, where you can "send in" asks "to" a specific character from a fic of theirs, and while i would feel kinda weird roleplaying as the characters, so maybe not quite that, im totally down for you asking me more questions abt them/the world/the lore! i'll answer most anything as long as i feel i won't be spoiling anything super important that i need for a fic lol
i've also done some work on phantasmagorical (less so on the bite, but she's definitely still there, in my mind) in the background of all of this fantasy stuff, it's been a nice kind of chill, real-life break in my writing lmao. im hoping to have phantasmagorical ready for halloween bc there's a halloween party in it, but we'll see!
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icharchivist · 10 months
surprisingly i come to your askbox bearing a3-related thoughts instead of gbf. crazy i know. anyways i finished going thru conquering misoshiosa island!! my thoughts abt it are quite scattershot but i had a lot of fun. as i mentioned previously i almost went thru this event before starting autumn loll. was fun going thru the first bit again with autumn knowledge in my pocket now. the more i hear muku talk the more i want to sit and discuss manga recs with him. like in my heart i just KNOW he read basara. i've read a pretty large amount of shoujo so i think we'd get along.
it was pretty obvious muku and omi were gonna be the pair for this cg and like. i'm pleased about it. they're just such a good pair conceptually when u consider, like, definitions of masculinity and how it might apply to both of them.
azami regarding kazunaris flyers: damn. this is, like, needlessly impressive. what’s that quote about middle schoolers having the most accurate insults. this wasn’t really an insult but it really. Strikes Deep in a way only a middle schooler is capable of.
in any other situation i would gently tell muku that he doesn't need to panic about every eventuality BUT in this case i knew sakyo was planning on leaving them to fend for themselves so i was very glad for muku and omi's preparation. i think its really fun they watched that movie together.
kazu making an itinerary for literally just the trip to the island is sooo funny to me. like he must've known something was a little messed up. do u think sakyo gave him the info and kazunari looked at it, a little miffed that izumi's first instablam post was about spring and winter having a great time without them (and masumi liked the post first) and went. eh. sakyo can have his chaos.
juza bringing chocolate is very juza but him calling the chocolate "rations" is how u know muku and juza are related. love natsugumi teasing tenma abt being sleepless for this trip but like genuinely. its nice that he gets to like. Go On Trips now. like thats a thing he and misumi can do and its not rly something they got to do when they were younger!
i'm going to gloss over the bit with the monkeys where misumi can talk to them bc. i really.... they even acted to the guests in part 11 i do not think this had to happen. normally im all for a3 magic shenanigans so i dont know why this one didnt gel for me lol. anyways PSA wild monkeys can fuck u up so do be careful. don't get aggressive with them. i'm not an expert or anything tho.
the fact that running on the beach is part of their training makes me think sakyo has read knb. doesnt muku give sakyo manga recs? was that not a thing? anyways i think sakyo would read knb. he seems like the type of person to read it and be like. i dont think real high schoolers can go invisible or shoot sparks out of their eyes when they're focused. but i hope he enjoyed it. speaking og knb and a3 a hurrah for team friendship. i saw ur post abt it and like. i want a sticker thats like. I Survived That One Poll Where People Were Really Mean To Muku And Yuki For No Reason. muku and momoi was such a wonderful win to see with the art and propaganda and everything. and i was really rooting for momoi since her name literally comes from momoiro. i didnt actually know there was a knb a3 alliance until this poll but im very glad for its existence bc i love both things very much and theyre both very very dear to me.
was never worried for muku and izumi in the cave bc i Knew muku was doing a hansel & gretel with the way he was acting and i was glad to see it was buttons and not food so omi found them. i think its really cute that not only did omi rush off while people tried to stop him, a bunch of other people were ALSO trying to rush off and were probably stopped. makes sense it was omi who was able to actually do it tho. hes omi after all. look at how he handled banri and juza from day one. him showing muku the flower was so nice and the cg was SO CUTE like. look at those sparkling eyes!!! i also love queen of the night flowers... and im glad they got to go to a resort on the last day.
now some misc notes:
theres this part where taichi lies down in the sand and kumons like oh thats so nice! and lies down with him and i winced so hard like noooo dont u know... sand is just like glitter (Gets Everywhere)
i also just really like that muku is. for all that he berates himself for being weak and he wants to get like more stronger and prince-like and heroic etc. he very much doesn’t seem to correlate that with how he Looks Physically? (see: how he treats yuki) and like. that means so much to me.
finally i saw tenma being annoyed on the ship and island and stuff and. i just Know he complained during the trip and also to everyone when they got back but a year later he'll do an interview for some character that's very woodsy or like he acts as a castaway or something. and i just know he'll talk about how he was able to play the character well due to his own experience of staying on a deserted island… he'll say something abt how it was enriching and taught him a lot about coexisting with nature and some bs like that etc. and after watching that interview everyone in a3 will lovingly make fun of him for it.
YOO HEY THERE! always a pleasure, always no worries <333 a touch of cutesy a3 in the curse that is my inbox.
True i remember you almost read this one by accident ahah, at least now it's all in order again. You're SO right about Muku, he'd be a delightful conversation partner about manga and especially about shoujo. I'm sure you too would get along.
Also very good point for the CG yeah, they're conceptually a very good duo on that regard, they had such a sweet dynamic this whole time, and it's soft to see them with especially just this soft over a flower.
AKJDFMLDKMFLFD Azami and Yuki fit that description so well and now there's two of them. rip Kazunari.
Ah yeah, Paranoia is Paranoia until the day you're actually right. That's Muku right here. And honestly at this point, is it overthinking or is it a correct assessment of the type of person Sakyo is. Food for thoughts. But yess it's so nice they spent some time together to prepare it all.
FOR KAZU IT'S SO FUNNY. i have to believe that, yes, indeed. Especially also with like, how close Kazunari and Azuma can be as the two travellers type, and he knows perfectly what Azuma pulled last training camp. I trust Kazunari in putting two and two together while preparing his traveler log. Like he must have known. I believe in him.
"juza bringing chocolate is very juza but him calling the chocolate "rations" is how u know muku and juza are related." that's such a cute way to put it. YEAH IT'S SO SWEET FROM NATSUGUMI. and yeah i'm also team "always crying when Tenma and Misumi do anything that qualifies as a normal experience" considering their specific bagage about how little they could experience of the world bc of their families.
That's a fair point for the monkeys. It was totally buckwild but yeah this might have been a little too much in term of suspension of disbelief. taking notes for how to behave with monkeys in real life, we never know.
Oh my god a3xknb alliance real and it was thanks to Sakyo all along. And yeah Muku does give Sakyo manga rec. Also Kumon is really big on sports manga and him and Muku talks about this common interest a lot, so if it's not Muku, it's Kumon's fault, but also, i want to say it's Muku because it goes with OUR alliance type. Sakyo would indulge because oh well!
And god right. Team friendship…. and right :sob: remember when people were so mean for no reason. for the sake of cartoon's dogs. :(. but the alliance this competition around was so wholesome. i'm glad you've learnt of the alliance thanks to it now! it's honestly such a sweet phenomena i love it so much. I'm so glad you like those two so much that it makes it more worthwhile <3
Muku is such a clever survivalist on that regard. and Omimi finding them was so nice. the fact so many people wanted to rush to them really is amazing. And agreed, the CG and them being able to rest up really made it worthwhile <3
wow speaking about sand like a true Anakin Skywalker type… gotta give it to him. But yeah Sand does get everywhere. also speaking of sands, remember in the beachside event where Muku and Juza have to talk out a misunderstanding on the beach a way back? Muku then mentions "next time we should bring Kumon on the beach with us". It made me so emotional that the Summer/Autumn training camp was on the beach like that because i was just thinking about how much Muku and Juza wanted to have Kumon with them there….
agreed on Muku. And he's so cool this way :( that's a reason i really love Muku a lot.
and i lOVE what you say about Tenma. He'd complain so much on the spot, but give it a bit and he'll brag about how cool of an experience it was (especially since he was with his buddies) and everyone at Mankai would tease him for it. It fits them so perfectly.
as always, thank you very much for sharing your thoughts on the event <3333 next is Guy's chapter!!! be hyped ;D
Take care and it's always a pleasure <333
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
OH I THOUGHT YOU WERE WAY SMALLER LIKE 160CM OR SOMETHING SHSGHSGS and i also love tall (and short) (and neither tall or short just average???) women but idk i dont like it on myself👲
my all albums cost over 400€ and last and this month i payed 137€ for new albums💀 bitch im crazy today i was in a bigger city and i bought there another enhyoen album like dark blood the white and red one and now i just bought the last version that i need to have all👲 i also bought the weverse version cuz i didnt pull heeseung and jake today (you cna say over 80€ today for albums🔌🔌) and im collecting official photocards in my photocard albums just so i can flex to my children who i pulled when i was their age (they will so totally listen to kpop, lana del rey, taylor swift etc. i can see it) so i eill probably sell one day some albums for idk what price but probably like 15-20€ with some inclusions or something (i literally see people selling albums for 5-10€ like how😟😟) (some photocards cost that much💀💀💀)
okay so im too scared so i probably wont do it💀 like i saw a cute guy today (train) and there wasnt anything to sit down (it was so a lot people) but only the place next to the guy right so i asked him if i can sit next to him snd he said yes and i wanted to ask for his number but i shit my pants and now i regret it a lot but st least i know it which city he lives💪👲
i didnt choose anything in germany and in poland i can live with my fsmily, in france (toulouse) i can find a job (my french teacher studied there and she also worked in a cafe and she was like the employee of the month or something a lot of times and she still has contact with the people there and she lived in their “hotel” for like 1/4 of the price (like 500€ a month) (she was earning over 1000€ a month) and she will get me all this) my french teacher was so supportive after she found out that i want to study there and we literally have such long conversations all the time and also talk about if i got accepted or not👲 i can still apply to somewhere in germany tho idk imma just go wherever i get accepted to and then find a job and my parents will probably support me too (like with money) (omg im having a stroke reading all this because my english got so bad in such a short time💀)
BECAUSE PEOPLE MIGHT THINK THST IM WEIRD OR PICK ME OR SOMETHING “omg i’m so delulu😭😭🥺🥺🥺 i love them so much but they will never rven look at me🥺😭” this type of shit
DO I FEEL LIKE I'M SMAL??? 😭😭😭 yk when i was young i got tall so fast and so i was the taller out of everyone..........and then i got into high school and i stopped growing up so everyone became taller than me </3 i took it personally </3
400??? DAMN YOU HAVE A LOT 😧 i think i got one treasure album, two blackpink, and one straykids and that's it 🙏🏼 what's your favorite album out of the ones you have?
hMMMMM ABT THE SONG YOU SHOULD SING IT'S HARD TO CHOOSE IF I DON'T KNOW YOUR VOICE YET............ but since i sung over me you should sing say my name 🤭🤭🤭
oh you'd go to toulouse if you come to france??? i heard the city is super pretty and it's not too far away from where i am!! that's so cool that your french teacher was so supportive of you like <3 that's so cute. plus if you go there you'd be able to have the assurance of her help. it's better to come to a city like toulouse if you come to france cuz it's not as expensive as paris.
tell me when you get your answers for college!! hope you can go somewhere it won't be too hard for you
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kithmet · 3 years
hi! i read your beautiful fic after nickelodeonhottub recommended it over on her blog, and just can't stop thinking about how well you managed to write/develop dream and george's characterization. she mentioned that you used astrology to kind of influence your writing, and i wanted to ask your opinion about dream and/or george's charts...i'm fascinated with the way you described them and would love if you could explain some of your thought process about their personalities/charts
Hi, anon, thank you for the sweet message! This is a fantastic question to be asked, especially if you enjoy talking about astrology and Dream and George as much as I do — but I fear you didn't know that I am neurotic as hell and am going to respond with a full-on essay. So, uh, sorry for that. 
Preemptive warning that this post is my own personal thoughts, heavy on the speculation (and while I do believe in my takes, I’m not saying you have to), and some dashes of truthing. Here goes, under the cut.
Before getting into the astrology part of it all, I need to put this out there, first and foremost: a lot of my characterization in this fic had to do with the fact that I had consumed all public information about these two beforehand. If you like Dream and George and follow them and went back in the time machine of their history from 2019 onwards (and listened close enough to stories they tell in recent years about how they were before that), I feel like it’s easy to come to personal conclusions off of watching them, seeing how they act (both individually and together, and also with their friends compared to one another), and also how much they have changed (once again, individually and together). My friends aren’t into astrology and we discuss them all the time; they don’t need astrology to ‘get it’ or read between the (very obvious) lines.
But, having knowledge of astrology and birth charts and synastry does make it easy to fill in the gaps, to understand them on a deeper level, beyond what they give to fans. I love learning about people, especially through their charts, so naturally I took several looks.
In terms of characterization, Dream is straightforward for me. I pay close attention to everything he says and does, so all the details that he offers up whilst talking about himself and his life, even the way he lies. That man loves to talk. It makes understanding him easier, even though he hides parts (which he is fully entitled to). Seeing how much he’s evolved as a person in only a year is really fascinating; the ways in which he handles controversies, criticism, his fanbase, his haters, his career, how he speaks about his struggles (then and now), how he talks about subjects like politics or internalized homophobia, all of his pastebin posts and the countless podcasts, how he talks about school, how he’s spoken about his family and friends. He’s interesting, and pretty open. 
The stuff he’s not open about, or that he evades — well, that’s where astrology would come into play, to help figuring things out. I literally cannot go into every single detail in his chart, I would be here forever, but quick notes: Leo sun, Leo mercury, Aquarius rising (the self, communication, how one comes across to others): so, he’s passionate as hell (once again, easy to see for anyone with eyes and ears), bit of a god complex whilst still deeply insecure and desiring of external validation. Virgo moon and venus (emotions, love): perceptive, loyal, loves to overthink, constantly aiming to be the best possible version of themselves, pushing through the tough shit to get things done. Scorpio mars (energy, sensuality): an all-consuming lover, obsessive, intense, emotional, wants to know every fucking thing about the people around them, especially their love interest. Possessive, too. 
Characterizing George is tougher, because he’s more private than Dream. It’s why people often get him wrong, or misunderstand him and his intentions — and, well, I know not everyone aims for pseudo-realism when writing RPF, but I kind of do. I like reading much-too-realistic fic; it’s my favourite. George might not like to give up personal information, at least not in the public sphere, and he’s a bit harder to understand. He prefers it that way, which I respect. A bit cryptic, isn’t he? A bit of a chaos king. A menace. 
But, I see through him. Sorry, buddy. Love you, but your chart is such a tattle-tale. Also, the fact that every single friend that talks about George uses the word ‘kind’ and ‘easy-going’ to describe him when he’s such an instigator and sarcastic bastard (/pos) on stream is pretty fucking funny. He cares a lot, about all of his loved ones — but with Dream, he’s on an entirely different level.
Scorpio sun and mercury: he’s intense, very emotional, but he tries to hide it. He doesn’t want just anyone to know about his deepest, darkest feelings and thoughts — he needs to really trust that a person won’t hurt him before he lets them in, fully. A lot of this is probably why he’s so private, too, but why all his friends still know (parts of) his true self — he lets them in, at least as much as he can. Cancer moon: he is a sweetheart. An angel. A bit of a manipulative fuck (lmfao, and this goes for the Scorpio aspects as well), but that’s not a bad thing! He’s very shameless and obvious about it at least. Libra venus: he gets a lot of friendly and romantic attention, as he should, and he loves it. Thrives in it. Virgo mars: uh, how do I say this lightly? Kind of a freak. Kind of wants to know everything about their lover to the point that they will perfect whatever it is they’re doing. (Every single person I’ve spoken to that has a Virgo mars and every astrologer that I follow that talks about this placement says one thing: they are freaky. In terms of uh. Y’know. Stuff.)
Honestly, with his chart in mind, it’s easy to see the parts of George that slip through the cracks, and also the part that he plays off as jokes but actually means deep-down.
Together, Dream and George share a lot of traits. Deep-rooted loyalty to those that have earned it, obsessive and possessive, intense and passionate, the desire to know every part of one another, mutual jealousy. A lot of caring, between them both, a lot of kindness between them (and for others). An understanding of one another that people might not get, but I think for them, they enjoy those parts of each other? Like, the jealousy, the obsession, the possessiveness... I think they can recognize these things in each other and appreciate them, see the value in them, rather than believe it is bad for their relationship (whatever their relationship may be). They know parts of each other others don’t. And also: I think they can see through each other pretty easily. The things that they hide, the stuff that they might repress, the stuff that they might not find easy to say directly, et cetera. That’s basically why I wrote this entire fic, to be honest.
I didn’t even get into the fact that they have Mars-Venus conjunct (what the hell, why is it like that), the Lilith-Sun aspect whatever the fuck that is (it’s a lot, just Google it), the specific house overlays, the Plutonian extremities, the shared Scorpio and Virgo planets in their charts. These bitches are obsessed with each other on another level, and that’s especially George (though Dream a lot too, but he’s more outright about it). Dream is not a Scorpio, so he doesn’t try to hide it the way George does, but I mean... George is pretty obvious, though he doesn’t intend to be. Listen to the man in any stream. He’s obsessed with Dream, jfc. He cannot shut up about him; he relates everything back to the man (his height, the colour green, his name(s), even his star sign, anything Dream has said or mentioned ever). He wants Dream’s approval for everything he does, to know everything he does, to know every part of Dream (and I bet this is why it drives him so fucking crazy not knowing what he looks like, yet). He just... deeply loves Dream lol, and that is evident. Especially if you have the context of his chart and their synastry, it’s easy to understand why. 
I mean, they are best friends. But there’s a lot of potential for more in their charts. We have been watching their story unfold for months, years for others, so we know better than anyone that these two are flirty as hell and have romantic undertones and overtones and every-tone-ever in all aspects of their ~friendship~, so we can see they’re blurring the lines. Do they have limits? Boundaries? No. Do they want them? Also no. Kind of crazy. 
This is also why I wrote this fic this way. They’re constantly pushing boundaries with each other, and their sexual tension is otherworldly, so I wanted to explore a world where they continue to push and push and push until they finally give up. Also, it was fun to write it at this specific point in time, where I find they seem to be very comfortable with their relationship (once again, whatever it is. Only they know.).
Final comments... uh, basically I wrote them that way because I observed them closely and then used astrology to figure out the not-so-obvious parts. Obviously my word is not God, I could be wrong on a lot of it, but astrology doesn’t lie if you believe in it (which I do, and have since I started studying it 2016). Also, Dream is the craziest bitch in existence for giving fans his full birth chart with time. I love him for it. The end.
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