#also like. i emailed hr about when i get paid.
the-everqueen · 9 months
i feel like no one talks about the terrible in-between that's common in academia. i defended my dissertation with the belief that i would not have a job when i was done. i applied to approx. 30 postdoc and teaching positions. i'd been rejected from most of them. i got the call for my current fellowship the day i was scheduled to fly home because my lease was up, and where else would i go? i'd applied to 40+ non-academic jobs and was considering returning to freelance music teaching because despite having a doctorate that's all anyone in the non-academic world thought i was qualified to do. i spent the summer before my postdoc started working part-time with my previous supervisor because i needed to pay bills. all my savings went into covering expenses for moving, for keeping up my credit score, for scraping by. i started my postdoc a week later than planned because my mom was in a serious car accident. i have not yet been paid. i just registered as a person in this institution's system, and i don't know when i get paid or when my benefits start. all this time i have not been working on my academic projects. how could i? i thought for months i was going to have to let it all go and i grieved in advanced and screamed at the universe. then i got to hang on a little longer but i was too busy surviving. now i'm supposed to start the work like the grieving didn't happen, like i wasn't burned out by debt and overtime, like i'm not anxious about whether i will actually make rent. i don't have generational wealth. my parents are working class. my loved ones are clinging to the jobs they have. but i should be excited. i should be throwing myself into the next round of work. my continued funding depends on me fulfilling what i said i'd do in my proposal that i wrote a million years ago. my (potential) career depends on me building connections and meeting expectations here. i'm so lucky. i'm so lucky.
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
I’d better not get a call tomorrow from work asking where I am. You know damn well where I am, and you know damn well why I’m there
0 notes
h-c-u · 1 year
No longer a secret pt 3
Summary: The one where InternetTM has ideas and the relationship officially goes public.
Pairing: Toto Wolff x fem!reader
W/C: 4k
Rating: PG, age gap
TWs: none
A/N: I didn't expect the characters to grow this much, but I guess we're in it, guys, gals and pals. Also, below you can find a link to a playlist I listen to while writing all of this softness. The songs on it don't apply to either of the characters, just put me in a good mood for fluff. Also-Also - I don't have a clear plan for a part 4, so it might be few days before I'll write it.
Taglist: @crimeshowjunkie, @omgsuperstarg
Series Masterlist | Masterlist | List of tags | Playlist for the series
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You hated waking up early, especially alone in bed, but there had to be some cons of being with a man like Toto. Although it was more of a personal preference, than a true inconvenience. And during most mornings out of season, you had him all to yourself...
But today he was most likely either in some early meeting, or still in the gym, and you had your own meeting in about 30 minutes, so it was time to get up and get ready. 
You've just finished making a quick breakfast and a second coffee for your guest when there was a knock at the door. 
Mr. Zane, or Mark - as he insisted you should call him - was definitely worth whatever Toto was paying him because he was able to find a discrepancy in your contract that not only could void it after 30 days of you not being assigned a "full-length uninterrupted interview", based solely on the word uninterrupted, you could also sue the network based on precedence you wouldn't be able to repeat under any threats.
He already drafted a proper resignation letter mentioning all the legal things, and next to that, there was a letter from his firm stating that a failure to comply would result in legal action. You only wanted to add one condition to the things he prepared - you wanted to be the one to announce your departure from the network first; on your personal social media and without naming specific reasons.
He quickly edited the file to include that condition, and passed the tablet to you to sign, and just like that - everything was taken care of. And as a bonus, he checked a statement you quickly prepared, just to make sure the wording was ok, and after a few tweaks, you had it ready to post as soon as you got a reply from the HR department. And Mark assured you that they should confirm everything when the message will be marked as read since everything was effective immediately. 
A twenty-minute meeting saved you a full month of additional work, and with that, you were officially free. And unemployed. You would just have to return all the network-issued gear and vacate the room they paid for as soon as possible, which shouldn't be an issue, since the majority of your things were already here. You also no longer could use your press pass and network ID, but that wasn't going to be a problem, since you had no desire to do so. Sure, it was a dick move to leave your colleagues in the middle of the season, especially when there was supposed to be coverage tomorrow on track. But your resignation was a great opportunity for someone to put to good use. 
To your surprise, you got the notification that your Network acknowledges your resignation and accept the terms before Mark left the suite, and you had to make sure three times that it was indeed real because it still felt like a dream. After he finished the coffee, he congratulated you on your freedom, and just like that - he was gone, leaving you alone with your thoughts, and you immediately went into damage control mode, making call after call to your friends in the network, letting them know that you're no longer with the company; you didn’t want them to find out from a company-wide email, or worse - your social media. To those you couldn't reach, you wrote a message, and since all of you were basically in the same camp, there was no one who was bitter or angry; your friends fully supported your decision. Sure, there were a few less-than-appropriate comments, but all were in good faith.
Toto came back from the gym while you were still on the phone, and gave you a quick kiss on the top of your head in passing, because he didn't want to hug you when he was still sweaty, and before he disappeared in the bathroom, you mouthed "It's done, thank you...", and you could almost feel the pride radiating off of him, even though you basically didn't do anything. A question on the other side of the line made you turn around and focus on the reply.
When he came out of the shower with only a towel wrapped around his hips you couldn't help but stare a bit, and Toto just smiled when he caught you, came closer, and wrapped his arms around you, while you put your right hand on his shoulder blade, pulling him closer, so you could rest your cheek on his chest. His skin was so warm after the shower, that you could just melt into it, but you knew you couldn't stay like that long, because he had to get ready, and you had to continue the call session. Well, you technically didn't have to, but you wanted to explain whatever you could in person. 
You eventually let go of him, still deep in a conversation with your friend from the weather department, who just asked about your plans for t   future. You started telling her a rough idea of the project, and while Toto was getting dressed, you went to the kitchen to make him a coffee and take the breakfast out of the fridge, so he wouldn't miss it. You knew you didn't have to do that, but you enjoyed doing small things like that for him, and he did the same for you.
It looked like he would have a virtual meeting first because he took out his laptop, so you left him at the kitchen island and quietly closed the door to the bedroom, from where you continued your calls. You honestly thought that it would take less time, and after the sixth call, everything became so repetitive, that you honestly started to regret that you didn't make a group chat and let them know by a meme that you quit. 
But you eventually finished, and it was almost 11. It's not like you had something else to do today since you were officially free, but that feeling of guilt for not doing anything specific was present in the back of your brain, so you sighed and came into the other room, trying to figure out if Toto was still in the meeting, and when you heard your own voice coming from his laptop, you realized that he definitely wasn't. 
You lowered the barstool he was sitting on so you could take a look over his shoulder to see what he was watching, and the sudden movement down made him laugh. You hugged him from behind and rested your chin on his shoulder, because for once you could do that without abysmally tall high heels. He was watching your interview with Lewis from yesterday, and you came just in time to see him walking into a frame and putting his jacket over your shoulders. 
- My hero... - you laughed, and you pressed a tender kiss to his cheek. You stayed like that until the video ended, and after it did, you reached under his arm and scrolled down to see the comments, and you immediately started shaking, trying to contain laughter.
- "Y/N is so strong because I simply would have fainted if he did that to me..." - you read out loud the latest one, and he took over scrolling, so you wouldn't have to strain your wrist. - Oh, Mr. Wolff, please catch me in your strong arms if I faint...? - you couldn't help yourself and he shook his head with disbelief.
- It will be hard for me to catch you if you're behind me... - he laughed, and pulled you in front of him, basically switching your positions, so you leaned on him and intertwined your fingers with his on your stomach. 
- This one is funny... "Y/N is definitely in a secret relationship with Lewis Hamilton. In this essay I will...". - he read out loud, and you couldn't help but laugh. A quick look in the top right corner told you that you were still logged into your account on his computer, so you hit reply and commented "Where is the essay, OP...?", and he laughed even harder. 
- I like this one "A single mom who works two jobs, and one o  the jobs is definitely making sure his favorite son won't get sick", it's a reference to a song... - you added and you could feel him smiling, while you typed, but you hesitated before you hit send. - Are we ok with that...? - you made sure, even though it wasn't anything specific, just a slight suggestion. "Ok, but like are we sure-sure he's single?" 
- Are you ok with that...? - he flipped the question, and instead of replying you just sent the comment, and you could feel him pulling you closer, so you basically sat on his lap now. - Do I want to know what that means? - he pointed at one of the comments that read "Where is that fan cam of Toto to "big boy" because I suddenly need it to survive.", and you laughed again.
- I don't think I've ever seen this specific one, but people take clips of other people, in this case, you, and put them together to different songs. I suspect in this case they refer to you looking very hot, Neshama Sheli. - he couldn't help but laugh. 
- I don't think I'd like to see that... I would be much more interested in seeing fan cams of you, Schatzi. - you shook your head and wrinkled your nose, when he pressed a quick kiss to your temple, while you continued scrolling, and while there were a lot of comments about pet race, Toto's gesture was the second thing people talked about the most, and you both laughed from one more "I volunteer as a headset!", referring to the fact that there were times when he didn't treat his headsets the best. 
Only after you saw a comment where someone said that they can't wait for your next interview with Lewis, you realized something. 
- Shit, I forgot to post the official information about my resignation. - you immediately grabbed your phone and posted the prepared statement across all your social media. 
- By the way, I requested a Mercedes pass for you till the end of the season, so you could still come and go to the tracks as you want. - he said when you finally closed his laptop and turned around so you were facing each other. 
- Thank you. - this time you had to lean a bit to kiss him, and you would have lied if you said that you didn't enjoy it. 
- Is there anything else I can do for you, love? - he asked, pressing his forehead to yours. 
- Actually... - you took a deep breath - I want to get in front of the possible rumors, and I want to announce, well... us. - a giant smile bloomed on his face while he pulled you for another kiss. 
- No more hiding...? - he asked more as a formality, but he also wanted to make sure that you were 100% ok with sharing that part of your life.
- No more hiding. - you confirmed, your voice surprisingly confident.
- Then what are you waiting for? - you couldn't help but laugh. 
- It's a whole process... You know business and management, I know journalism, but more important - I know social media, and I know exactly how quickly the information and wild theories will spread in this community. – this whole endeavor would require some finesse, and you honestly debated if you shouldn’t leak your relationship to a few drama channels yourself to avoid ripping the Band-Aid yourself, but it would be much messier that way.
- I understand. What do you need me to do...? - he asked and leaned back on the stool a bit, so he could look at you better. 
- Take a selfie with me... I was thinking about posting it with information that I will go live and answer questions for about 30 minutes to dispel any craziness that will definitely come up sooner or later. - you explained your plan. All of it still seemed so surreal...
- Sounds good. Is that all you need? - he asked again, closing his knees a bit, and squeezing you between them.
- I mean, I still need to get the rest of my stuff from the other hotel, but I'll do that later today. - you sighed. You had more things to do, but this one had a deadline 
- I'll drive you. - he said as if it was the most obvious thing, and it wasn't even a question.
- Toto, you have a race to think of... And I am perfectly capable of doing that myself. - you tried to steer his mind away from taking care of you, but he didn't budge.
- I know... But consider this - I want to. - well, how could you argue with such sound logic? - Do you have any ideas for the photo?
- Not really, but I don't want it super staged, so I guess... just smile...? - he placed a quick kiss on the tip of your nose, and you turned around, sat on his lap, and turned the camera on the two of you, while he leaned a bit forward and rested his chin on your shoulder. You quickly took a few pictures in a row, while he placed another kiss on your cheek and you couldn't help but smile. And when you started lowering your phone, you felt the vibrations in his pocket, but it was to be expected. He chose to ignore them in favor of another few seconds this close to you. - Answer your phone, Meu Tudão... - and with a heavy sigh he did, while you stood up from his lap and started to choose the best of the photos. And the one when he kissed your cheek and you smiled was just perfect. 
You quickly cropped it so the proportions would fit the layout of the website, and made the picture a bit brighter, but that was it. The description only read "30 min live AMA at noon, get ready". You turned the screen in Toto's direction, so he could take a look, and he gave you thumbs up and a huge smile, and that was enough for you to post it. 
Not even a minute passed and the notifications started blowing up your phone to the point that you had to turn them off for this specific app in fear of it crashing every few seconds. 
You still had at least 10 minutes till the live, so you got something to drink from the fridge, because you suspected that 30 minutes of talking might make you a bit parched. You also carefully chose the place you wanted to stream from. Definitely not in front of the window because of the light, and you didn't want to share the view, so you opted for a couch set on the wall perpendicularly to the floor-length windows. You also made sure that there weren't any personal items in the frame, just in case. 
Toto was still on the phone, but as soon as you started your live, he moved to the bedroom, because the things he was talking about weren't exactly public. 
- Hi everyone... Oh, wow... There are a lot of people here... Jeez... - you looked at a quickly growing count indicating how many people were currently watching you, and the number was significant; you knew that neither of you was exactly anonymous, but it still exceeded expectations. - Ok, I'm gonna give everyone one more minute to join in and then I'll start answering questions... - you explained and leaned back a bit, but still made sure that the angle was good. You slowed down the chat, just so you'd be able to read anything. - How am I...? I'm great! Nervous as hell, but I'm actually great. - you didn't want to be quiet for that minute, so you decided to answer a few general questions. - Where am I...? I'm currently at the Ritz-Carlton... - You saw that the number of viewers started to stabilize, so you knew it was time.
- Ok, time for some serious questions and serious answers. As usual, I won't engage with anything vulgar or inappropriate, so make sure to keep your questions clean. But first some general info, so we're on the same page... - you took a deep breath because it would be the first time you shared that information out of your own free will. - Yes, me and Toto Wolff are together. We've been together for just over a year now... - you couldn't help but smile when you saw the flood of reactions in the chat, and you tried to catch as many questions as you could. - Did anyone know? No, not until yesterday. We decided to keep it private because of my career. Is someone blackmailing me to share that information...? - you couldn't help but laugh. - No, no... I'm doing it out of my own free will, no blackmail involved. - you took a moment to get to another question. - Did my departure from the network was because of our relationship? No, it's not. I keep my work life separated from my private life and there was no influence either way. - another quick break to catch up and read the question. - Why did I quit my job? I didn't quit my job. It was a mutual departure because our priorities no longer lined up and continuing that partnership wouldn't be good for either me or them. - you stuck to the things Mark approved earlier today. - Why am I sharing this now? Since I no longer will be working around the track, there was no reason to keep it secret. - you noticed that Toto left the bedroom, the phone still in his hand, but he was no longer on a call. You didn't ask him to join you, and you were prepared to do the AMA alone, but he sat next to you and wrapped his arm around you, and the chat exploded again. - Say hi to everyone... There are over 20k people watching us now... - you almost instinctively leaned into him. 
- Hello everyone! And wow! 20k just for us? That's impressive! - he leaned forward a bit, so the angle would be better. 
- Do you want to answer a few questions, Ya Amar? - he smiled, and you could see on the screen that he wasn't looking at the camera, only at you, and that warmed your heart. 
- Sure, why not... - he chuckled quietly. 
- So how did we meet? - you relayed one of the questions that popped up in the chat with a smile because the mere memory of that afternoon was more than enough to put you in good mood. 
- Well, believe it or not, it was nowhere near the track. She actually yelled at me, because I accidentally destroyed the flowerbed in front of a small B&B she was staying at, and that was enough for me to know then and there... - he smiled when you looked at him, and you couldn't help but blush a bit. 
- And I did that fully knowing who he was because the older couple put so much work into maintaining that flowerbed and he just... run over it! - you built on top of his story. 
- In my defense, I did that to avoid hitting a squirrel! - now both of you were laughing, and it took you a second to remember that you should be answering more questions. 
- Where was our first date? - you read the question out loud, and you were preparing to answer it when Toto cut you off.
- Oh, that's easy... Deutsches Technikmuseum in Berlin, and it lasted what... 10, 11 hours? - he replied and pulled you closer.
- Yup, it's a very big museum, and we were there since it opened till it closed, and we still didn't see everything. And after that, we went to a park and just sat on the grass and talked. It was perfect. - you added. You didn't want to share more details like - a much too expensive, very poor-quality dinner you sneaked onto the roof of the brewery on the museum grounds... Or the cheap strawberry champagne with glitter, which you chose only because you thought he would never buy or drink it, and which later exploded in his hands before he even managed to open it, soaking both of you in a pink, sugary, sticky residue; fortunately, neither of you got hurt then.
- Indeed... It was perfect because it was with you... - he leaned a bit and pressed his forehead to your temple, and you looked at the chat again in search of another question.
- Do we live together? Come on guys, that's too personal. What did we do for our first anniversary...? We spent a whole week on a cabin cruiser in Greece, just the two of us... - you could feel his hand gently stroking your back. - Ok, we're over the 30min mark here, so one last question and we're done. Make it a good one, guys... Ok, ok... - you took a moment to actually choose the question. - What are our favorite things about each other...? For me, it's your smile. - you replied, more to him, than to the chat. - I know it's cheesy, but it represents so many things... It makes me feel safe and cared for, it tells me that there is nothing to worry about, and no matter what - everything will be all right. And even when I'm having the worst day of my life, when I see you smile, it all disappears, because you give me the strength to get through everything. - you said and he pulled you in for a quick kiss. 
- For me, it's also easy... You make me want to be a better person in every area of my life. You push me to do things I wouldn't even consider before I met you by forcing me to look at things from different perspectives. You have this way of listening to my problems, that makes me realize exactly how to deal with them, doesn't matter if it's about work or about something private... And you make me want to be a better man for you, a partner you could be proud of. - this time you were the one who pulled him into a kiss, not caring how many people were watching you, although currently, they were watching more of the ceiling than the two of you. 
- Ok guys... Thank you so much for watching, that's going to be it for today... - you centered the camera on you and Toto again. - Take care, everyone! - and with that, you ended the live. 
- That went well. - he said, pulling you closer, and you leaned into his body. 
- Actually, better than I expected. But I guess we'll see what the articles will say in a few hours. 
- Do you think there will be articles...? 
- Oh, there definitely will be articles... And I can guarantee that at least one of them will be titled something like "Austrian billionaire and his latest, much younger fling" or "A principal and his student". People on my side of the media are vultures... - you couldn't stop the sigh that came out of your chest, but even though you knew that people would take the one thing about your relationship and run with it till the end of Earth, you honestly didn't care. Not when Toto's arms were tightly wrapped around you. - Oh, and an honest heads up - you and your team will definitely be asked about me during media hour... - you closed your eyes, letting yourself relax a little. 
- Do you care about how we will be perceived? - he asked with that pure childish honesty in his voice. 
- 6 months ago, I honestly wouldn't be able to sleep because of it... But now...? - you smiled and looked up just so you could see his face. - Now I truly don't give a fuck. - he couldn't stop the light chuckle that made his chest vibrate under you. - And I pity people whose lives are so boring that the only entertainment they can come up with is making up lies about two people who clearly love each other... - you leaned back again, savoring this moment, because you could just feel that it will and soon. After all - it was still racing season, and even though positions for tomorrow were already assigned, Toto still had a lot to do before the race. 
Part 4
A/N 2: Please don’t feel obligated/pressured to reblog, because I write mostly for myself. A comment would be appreciated though :) Love, G.
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fuck-customers · 9 months
It's almost sad that when I tell my regulars I only make $14.50 an hour at a job where I do professional level graphic design and print work, they all get shocked and say I should be making more (I work at a locally owned print shop, and I love the job for the most part, I just hate how I'm rushed and hate certain clients).
WcDonads employees make more than I do. Gas station employees around here make more than I do. And I honestly feel quite jipped because I was told to go to college. Get a degree. Find a job in the field I go to school for and I'll be set (I'm one of those "zillenials," too young to be a millenial but too old to be gen z). Some people say i should be thankful, $14.50 is a lot, but cost of living where I'm at is at least $20/hr. Granted, my college is completely paid for so I don't have student loans to worry about and I'm happy I have graphic design and photography experience. But when I'm at work and I feel the bald patch from where my hair has been falling out from stress from workload, it makes me feel like I was tricked.
I'm so conflicted. Like I said. I like this job. When things aren't busy it's wonderful. But those are becoming fewer and farther between where stuff has completely reopened from Covid and more people want printing for events and sales.
And I've met wonderful people! And learned about small businesses in my community I would have never known about otherwise! I love getting to make nice designs and print beautiful art every day. One of my current friends I've met copying her artwork for her! My gifts to my family have been photo prints and even signs for my dad's workshop that I've gotten printed at a discount and they're all loved so much. And I don't have to wear a uniform - jeans and a t-shirt of my choice every day!
But I've also been yelled at over small shit like maps not being printed on time, or how the color on a flyer isn't as "vibrant as it is on screen," or told to hurry up on a yard sign that someone decided they needed today rather than next week, or have a someone chew me out because I haven't even had time to print three sheets of mailing labels because I've had to hold the hand of a very picky woman who wants her rental guest book to look "just right" yet can't be assed to learn how to use a computer on her own. I've had packages thrown at me when I've said people need to pay to ship them. People getting mad over $.20 black and white copies and $.49 color copies. People saying they're going to get their business cards from PistaVrint because it's cheaper. People come to us and act like we're tech support - "Why is my computer not opening Wicrosoft Mord?! Why is my email not sending?! Why is my phone doing this?!" Like I don't know! Take it to Bye Best!
My manager hardly gets paid any more than I do and she's been with the business for almost 30 years and drives an hour each day to come to work. I only got bumped to $14.50 after my boss overheard I was interviewing at a college print shop that would have paid me $18 an hour. He couldn't even wage match! And I didn't even get the job.
I don't have funds to move to another location where I could find a better paying job in my field, nor would I want to as my family and community are here.
There is a pillow factory here I never knew about. They're hiring various positions starting at $19 an hour. Evenings and weekends mostly off, only needed to work if they need to fill a very large order. My friend started there this week and while she says she's physically tired, the environment seems nice so far and I'm so burnt out here that I've already asked her if she can get a word in for me to start there. More pay? And way less customer interaction? I could do that! But it sucks that I feel like abandoning what I like to do because of my pay grade and the stress I feel. I wish it was all different.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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Help :')
Hey, guys. I never do this. Honestly, I really hate doing this, but I honestly have no other choice at this point.
I'm currently under the threat of eviction following the unexpected loss of my job on the 2nd of this month. My apartment management knows about this, as I made sure they were aware as soon as I found out. I emailed one of the members there and never received an email back. Yesterday, after my maintenance guy came and unclogged my tub and sink, I was handed a 7 day notice. I was also charged late fees I wasn't aware of, as they didn't show up on the online rent portal.
I've faithfully paid my rent reliably since I've lived here (now for close to 3 years), been late once or twice, but I like to think I'm a good renter. However, my apartment complex is under new management and they're pretty tyrannical, but I've already unfortunately signed my lease. Despite them knowing I'm currently out of a job, they don't care whatsoever. (I'm fairly certain this is because they're remodeling all of the apartments and want me out to remodel mine.)
I have a job lined up as of yesterday, but I don't know when I'll start and it doesn't pay well. (My old job paid $17.50/hr full time and this one pays $11.60/hr + 1% commission + 1$ spiffs part time.) I tried to sign up for unemployment just before I got the call from said job, but I didn't realize my ID expired back in March and won't be able to get a new one until Aug. 23rd.
I currently have roughly $50 to my name for pet food for my cats and mice and for bits of general things, but will get a last paycheck from my old job next week for hopefully around $200 since it was barely a full week's worth (I got paid every two weeks). However, I need a total of $775 for rent, including (what I'm assuming is) $25/day for late fees. I know it's a lot to ask and I don't like to ask, but I'll really take whatever y'all can offer.
Again, anything is appreciated and if y'all could give me some reblogs to spread the word, I'd really appreciate it :')
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xiaq · 1 year
(this can be answered publicly) Hey X, pardon me if you’ve answered this before, but I was just curious on how you ended up transitioning from academia to tech and what role you started with in tech? Also, so you have any advice for someone looking to break into tech from a non-STEM background? Thank you!
Hey! I haven't answered it publicly but it's a popular question, so I will now (warning, long answer is long).
So I was so fed up with academia for sundry reasons I won't get into here but I wanted a career that would allow me to A. retire some day (something that paid generally well), B. would allow me some measure of work/life balance without high stress, and C. Would ideally let me use my communication/writing/speaking/presenting skills in some way.
My parents and my partner all work in tech and were like, "did you know that we desperately need people with your skillsets in the tech world?" and my partner, who works in technical sales was like, "You would kill at my job, I am not lying." And I was like, every job listing in technical sales that I see requires either a degree I don't have or past experience I don't have, or both, and my mother was like "Do you know how many mediocre resumes from unqualified men come across my desk? Apply for the damn positions anyway." So I reworked my resume to focus on applicable skills/experiences and wrote a cover letter for each position I applied to saying "hey, I know I'm an odd candidate but let me tell you why that's a good thing." And I got a lot of positive responses!
I was interviewing at 2 different tech places when I accepted the offer for my job now. I had an initial screening call interview with HR, then a zoom interview with the hiring manager, and then I was given access to a limited demo environment and had a week to teach myself the software and put together a demo for a fake customer which I did for the hiring manager (my future boss), one of my current peers, and the VP of the org. I was offered the job the same night I did my fake demo. So in total it was a 2 week interview process, and I started working 2 weeks later. **
I'm a pre-sales solutions consultant, which basically means I'm paired with a sales guy who does all the money and business value talk with customers, while I get to learn about a customer's data problems and then demo for them how our products can address those problems.
The learning curve was (and still is) steep. But it was basically like going back to school, and I've always loved learning new things. The job is super fun. It fulfills all of my wants I listed above with the added bonus of being completely remote (aside from occasional travel to meet with customers for in-person demos). The people I work with are supportive, management is communicative and constantly giving me feedback/talking about my trajectory. I've won internal awards, already received two raises and one promotion and I haven't even been there a year. I'm making more than double what I did as a professor and the concept of retirement doesn't feel like a laughable pipe dream anymore. I miss teaching a lot, but I'm healthier, happier, and better prepared for the future now. And my work is genuinely fulfiling because I'm showing people how they can fix problems. Also, playing with data management software and putting together custom demos is neat. It's like all the best parts of a college project--research, making a preso, knocking everyone's socks off while giving the preso, but I'm getting paid for it. I'm glad I followed my mom's advice.
So I guess my advice is the same as hers: even if you're not "qualified," apply for the position anyway. Make custom cover letters for each position and if there's not a way to include the letter with the app, do some googling and find the hiring manager on LinkedIn and message/email them. The person who hired me said that my cover letter was what got me the initial interview. So that shit works. If you have friends or family working somewhere with open positions, use those connections. Having an internal referral will go a long way to getting your resume looked at. I know we're all like, boo nepo babies, but networking is a huge part of any industry. Use it to your advantage if you have the advantage (no, I'm not working for my parent's companies, but if there'd been an open position I was interested in, I would have applied for it. No shame).
**I also, on the side, applied for the Austin Fire Department because why not. After a whole lot of mental and physical prep, I was accepted to the academy (in the first class, no less, holla) right before I was offered my current job. But I had to be realistic and say that probably wasn't a good long-term career option for someone who is 110lbs and was barely meeting the physical testing requirements who also has issues with getting overwhelmed in high-input sensory situations. So. Into the tech world I went. This side note just to say, I was keeping my options very open and there's nothing wrong with that either, lol.
I hope this helps!
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donnerpartyofone · 4 months
I feel like there's an epidemic of businesses trying to make customers and applicants do free data entry for them and it's driving me crazy.
I have complained many times about how seeing a doctor now involves checking in online, and then entering duplicate information into something else when you check in physically, and then answering duplicate questions once you're actually inside the exam room. Sometimes somebody addresses this in a humane way: "Sorry, we're using a new CMS and we have to do all this stuff from scratch," or "Sorry, we have to use these three different systems and they don't communicate with each other." Last time I went I did all this like research into my past appointments because I never ever remember off the cuff exactly what day I had this or that procedure, and I had every impression that the clinic was dependent on me to have all my medical records memorized...so I got in there and started rattling off information, and the nurse asked "When was your last mammogram?", and I gave her the date, and she looked at her monitor and said, "...yup, there it is!" Like WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT, IF IT WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU WHY ARE YOU QUIZZING ME ABOUT THIS, WHY IS THIS A TEST???
I actually asked about redundant check-in procedures on Quora of all places, figuring there had to be a few cantankerous cranks on there who could at least try to explain this to me, but there were absolutely no takers at all. As far as I can see, literally no one knows why this is happening, it's just The Way It Is.
But anyway. Now I'm having this experience with job applications where they request that you upload files for your resume and cover letter in specific formats...and then they direct you to this interface where you are made to transcribe every detail from the resume you just provided by hand, one field at a time. I've been confronted with this insanity when applying for jobs whose wages weren't even worth the mind-numbing exercise of the application process. And actually this is part of my point: Data entry is a JOB. I have had this job. I was paid to examine, reformat, and transcribe data, and upload it to a database for my company to search and cross-reference in the future. If you are an employer and you absolutely require BOTH a pdf of my resume and cover letter that a human being can read and evaluate, AND each piece of data from those documents individually entered into your database for some other form of storage and review, then it is seriously fucking Up to You to pay some wage slave to enter the data. I'm looking for a job. I'm not going to do a job for you for fucking free, in order to become eligible for a job that you might consider paying me for later. Like please don't call me a fucking idiot to my face--or at least, if it's the database part that's the most important thing to you, do not also require me to create a nicely-formatted document containing my history and intentions. Let's just get right to the forced data entry part, let's start this awful relationship from a place of honesty at the very fucking least.
N.B. I realize that there are multiple reasons an employer would do this to a person, ranging from algorithmic candidate-sorting to just having outdated-ass job site shit in place that they don't feel like reviewing or revising. I don't really care why it's happening, I just hate that it is. Recently I tried to apply for some $15/hr part-time job at a local museum that a caveman could do, and I stopped cold when I realized I had to transcribe every detail of the documents I just gave them into this bullshit backend website that looked like it was about a thousand years old. No Thank You. Currently I'm all worked up because I just applied to work at a hip, culty, local theater, and I was shocked that after completing the totally normal application routine, I received an automated email directing me to "complete your profile" as "an important part of the hiring process" on the website of the company they're outsourcing all their HR and billing stuff to. And I go look at the profile thingy, and of course it's just this needlessly complicated interface where I can individually enter each and every piece of information that I just provided in my resume--no more, no less. The theater has exactly two locations and is kind of a niche operation and it is absolutely crazy to me that they think they need to pay for this extra layer of stupidly bloated and redundant "talent acquisition" processing when they're hiring for like two or three basic ass hourly roles where half the question is going to be "have you done this normal shit before" and half will be "can we stand your personality". Nobody needs this garbage at all, least of all ME.
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klapollo · 2 months
is copywriting a good job to look into as a writer? im job hunting and i see quite a few openings online but im worried the work will be extremely dreary
i didnt set out to be a copywriter -- frankly when i graduated i had no idea what i wanted to do. i spent about three and a half years freelancing and doing gig work and i'd make like 140 bucks a month on a good year. i happened to apply for a copywriting job among a sea of other entry level things -- social media coordinator, communications associate etc. and i feel SOOOOO fucking blessed that i fell into copywriting
in terms of money: copywriting is very lucrative if you get the experience for it and stay the course. my very first position with no prior copywriting experience (just freelance writing experience) paid me 35/hr. starting off you'll probably make about 50k but moving up the hierarchy can pay a LOT. with four years of experience, during my job hunt i would say the vast majority of the positions i interviewed were within a six figure salary band. moving up the hierarchy, lots of senior copywriters make six figs, and some associate creative directors make over 200k. you can definitely live comfortably as a career copywriter if you play your cards right.
in terms of work: personally i love copywriting, but it's an arm of marketing. if you cant stomach writing marketing materials or learning how marketing works, it might not be for you, but i kinda make it into a game in my head. there's a lot of different kinds of copy -- short form (landing pages, social media blurbs, headlines, emails, product descriptions etc) and long form (white papers, SEO articles/blog posts, ebooks). i would aim to find a copywriting position that will have a wide scope of copy types, because that helps cultivate a well-rounded resume (i.e. shoot for a job that'll have you writing landing pages, emails and blog posts etc over one that's just headlines and captions).
there is also B2C (business to customer, as in marketing a consumer product to individuals) and B2B (business to business, as in marketing a product like mailchimp to a business). i mostly do B2C, but I also do B2B now. it's fine to start with just one, but i'd say right now demand is very high for B2B
the good thing about copywriting is that basically any industry requires it in some capacity. i've worked predominantly in entertainment and digital media, but right now i'd say the biggest demand is in healthcare, fintech and SaaS (software). i freelance for a telehealth company right now in part because i want to make my portfolio more well-rounded. but as i said, nearly any industry can need one -- hospitality, beauty, fashion, retail, nonprofits, anything that is a business that needs to be advertised. when i started, i worked in television, which meant my days largely consisted of watching shows before air and writing episode descriptions. i had a lot of fun!
personally, i dont find my work dreary. sometimes it can be a LITTLE tedious if i'm writing something more technical/internal, but the whole point of copywriting is to figure out how to entice someone to check something out, which means puzzling out how to write something fun and engaging. if you want something less marketing-focused, i would look into getting into technical writing. this is basically writing informational texts and guides for technology and similar things. it pays VERY well and is usually in high demand, but i will say it's definitely more tedious than copywriting.
in short: yes i love copywriting and you can be very financially stable in it! i'd argue it's one of the most financially comfortable day jobs for someone with writing experience. happy hunting anon!!!! i hope u get what ur after
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katy-l-wood · 1 year
Don't really want advice, I just need to vent a little. Gonna stick it under a readmore too, because it got a little long.
I'm burning out so bad at work. I love the idea of this business, it's super fun in theory, as is what I do there. But the way the business is run is a nightmare, and the job does not pay anywhere near what it should. And I thought that was going to get better this January, because the owner finally admitted that we need a full marketing department and asked me if I wanted to run it if I were to be given an appropriate raise, and I told him yes. Then we had our January meeting where we were supposed to discuss everything and he said he's actually decided to interview outside candidates and only consider me as one of them.
Which is fucking bullshit. I built this marketing department from the ground up. They didn't even have fucking business cards when I started. Every initiative I've done has gone massively well for being nothing but hit-the-bricks marketing with zero budget.
I get that, legally, they are required to post the job within the company, but they aren't legally required to post it outside the company as far as I can tell. (Nor have they ever done that before anyways...)
And before this was revealed to me, I sat in on an interview and all the owner talked about during the interview is how much he loves people coming into the business and finding their own way and building new skills. He went on and on about the two main people who have done that, and how much he values them. Neither of them had to reinterview against outside candidates to run the departments they now run. Just me.
I know why it's happening too, which makes it even more annoying. The owner has ZERO idea what I do. None. I do not report to him. Every time I'm in a meeting with him and start trying to explain stuff I get some version of "oh, I just don't understand all of that." I think there might also be a touch of not liking me because I stand up to him. There was a big issue with Twitter over the holiday marketing season because I explained how, despite being our best platform, Twitter was too unstable to be as useful as normal due to the Musk takeover and the owner went OFF about it, about how I shouldn't be "bringing politics into it." Nevermind that ANY corporate takeover is going to be destabilizing for a time and the man has never used Twitter in his life so how the hell would he know what's going on. (Also, not even 5 minutes later he told me he didn't want us using TikTok "because of the Chinese." What was that about not getting political, sir?)
It's really clear that I'm just never gonna get the respect and support I need at this job, despite how great my direct boss is. I'm also really fucking tired of working somewhere with an HR lady that can't do her job and refuses to give us direct deposit because it's "too hard" and doesn't put our accumulated sick time on our checks like she's supposed to because she can't figure out how to make the system do it, so we just have to email her if we want to know.
And I've been applying to jobs! I've had interviews! Some of them have seemingly gone well, it's just that none of them have gone all the way to hiring me.
Even if I get a new job it isn't going to fix the fact that I'm burnt out, because I can't afford to take time off between the jobs to actually rest. I've got, like, $100 in savings right now and nothing in checking until my paycheck shows up this week. (And because we don't have direct deposit, the check could show up anytime between Wednesday and Saturday, unless HR had some random shit come up and didn't get the checks out on time, which has happened before.)
And I should (should) have two weeks paid vacation now that I've hit my third year at this job, but I don't want to just use it all up in fucking January in case I am stuck here for the rest of the year, but I could really use those two weeks right now.
Then, in the background of all of this, is my art and writing stuff. Especially The Pits/its Kickstarter in a couple months. If that Kickstarter goes as well as I'm hoping I probably COULD afford to take some time off. But I won't know about that until the end of March when it finishes. And also, I really don't want to be putting all my baggage from my day job on this one project. That's not good for me OR the project.
I'm fucking tired. I was so close to finally getting ahead of all this before inflation hit last year. So fucking close. And then it all went away. I just want a job that pays me what I'm worth and respects what I can do. That shouldn't be so fucking hard.
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bonebirds · 6 months
I don't normally do this and I honestly feel like it's... bad, somehow, but it's a pretty small circle here and idk, I just need some kind of validation or... something? Look I'm bad at this but I am really trying /o\ Everything is just fucked and internet hugs would be nice.
ignored my original request for medical leave in March
instead tried to PIP me in April (HR intervened and was like, why? All this employee's feedback is positive and they've never been an issue?)
ignored my request for medical leave in May
granted 2 weeks PTO for me to move in the summer but my director also included things like "you will never get benefits for medical issues" and "if you have to quit, I'll help you get a job somewhere else" (paraphrasing) but that if I kept asking for time off, I'd... be... in trouble, vaguely? I'm basically treated like he wants to fire me but alas, cannot :( He does promise to look into any employee emergency funds or help given everything outside of work sounds Bad. He never does.
I emailed HR in June to be like, "my doctor is advising I stop working because I am becoming physically ill from stress and can't function, I am having daily panic attacks logging into work, and btw, my manager has been emotionally manipulating me into working through this illness despite my doctor's documentation" and never heard back.
After I moved, in September they moved me to a team where they did not train me on anything, and my health continued to deteriorate until I just didn't show up for a week and my new manager actually helped get HR involved. I was at this point visibly in meetings losing my fucking mind and calling out former managers for driving this all.
work agrees to grant me paid medical leave but will get back to me about how much of my salary I'll collect on leave. I am given Sept 20-December 31 off.
They don't get back to me at all, and I collect a full month's salary in October. NB: we get paid once a month, at the end of it. This took 5-6 weeks of ignoring the process on their end.
9 days before being paid for November, I'm told I can burn the rest of whatever PTO I have but they will not be paying for this leave. They don't tell me how much that is.
undoing pretty much any and every progress I'd made on de-stressing and recovering from everything else, triggering a shingles attack, and I have zero savings, zero benefits, and zero fucking idea about what to do aside from try to fight for paid leave
I am putting this here mostly because it's too much to hold in my head all at once, ever, and I try to break the last 9 months down and just... like, my god? I showed up to work during all of that. I asked for more and more to do. I did the training and the meetings and the job, and... I am paying out of pocket for treatment because no one there gives a shit and everyone believes the manager I emailed HR about (since fired!***) because she never documented... anything.
So I look like I did nothing for a year and then just asked for leave to cover my ass.
*human trafficking**
**I'm not kidding and I'm really fucking tired of trying to kid about it or talk around it because just being like 'haha, life events" or "drama!" is vague enough I guess people are like "yeah I stress sometimes too" when it's more like "my organs were physically shutting down from stress and I had a complete nervous breakdown when I realized what was going on" :|
*** There's so many layers to this because we were friends before co-workers but she also spent months trying to keep me in a city where I was actually in danger and gaslighting me about helping with it all so she could keep me in the city, so, you know. That was going on too?
I'm not really looking for advice (I'm in the process of looking into what legal protections I have, don't worry) so much as... I don't know. This is fucked, right? This has just reached a level of fucked where I don't know how to keep trying. I was fighting for this job because if I could just pay off another, like, ten grand of debt I'll be okay enough to breathe a little, and I like the folks I work with and it's not a bad gig, and I quit a PhD for this place, and them paying this leave was literally going to be a saving grace I so needed, and...
If nothing else, like, I get to be mad about this, right? I'm trying so hard to actually let myself be mad without flinching from that feeling because it's like all or nothing, I am just defeated and crying and giving up or I am breathing fire and going for their jugular, and neither is practically helpful.
I don't know, man.
But yeah there you go, that's why I had to move accounts suddenly and lost, oh, 98% of my social circle earlier this year 😵‍💫
At least typing it all out and looking at it square in the face like that is, yeah. That's horrific treatment. And worth fighting. Even if it's just a few grand, or... something. I don't know. I'm just so fucking hollow all the time again. I was just so close to somewhere less precarious, emotionally and financially.
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thessalian · 7 months
Thess vs Minor Improvements
Okay, so the few bits of good news:
My stepfather fixed the sink. Apparently there's nothing I can do to stop it from doing that, and thankfully it's only likely to do that to any great degree once every few years. Maybe "it's been long enough that the shittily designed plumbing in this flat has been able to clog beyond redemption" will be enough of a wake-up call for my stepfather to get a bloody move on with actual renovations.
And then there's the job.
...No, okay, look, before I go on with the minor improvements, I have to say a thing. Yes, I know that this job is wearing me down and making me very unhappy. However, two things:
Unbelievable as it sounds, this is the best job I've ever had. It accommodates my medical issues, where others have literally fired me for being ill (yes, they were temp jobs, but the last time I checked, one day to recover from the fact that I could barely even walk because of the horrible chair they stuck me with and refused to even try to replace even when I told them it was causing me physical pain was not grounds for terminating a contract). There have been at least two jobs that have literally rendered me unable to work for varying spans of time, whether because migraine or back problems because of a shitty chair or RSI so bad I could barely move my hands. THIS IS THE BEST OF THEM. Meditate on that awhile.
There is no earthly way that I could find a job that would accommodate my disability in this economy. None. Not in this economy, not in this country. The push to get people back into the office means that getting to work from home would be next to impossible, and part-time? Forget it. I was lucky that this job valued me enough to accommodate me, and that took a literal year of fighting for it.
So no, I can't "just find another job". And even if I did, it would be worse. I can guarantee you that it would be worse. And the disability benefits in this country are nearly impossible to get, even harder to keep, and harder still to live on. This is the one place I have to vent, okay? Let me vent. Send me sympathy, or if you can't, at least don't skirt the edge of potential victim-blaming. None of this is my fault, and if "just finding another job" - and more to the point, finding a better job - were so fucking easy, we'd all be doing it, for one reason or another. I just have it a little harder than some because I need accommodations that almost no one is willing to give. Please, just let me fucking vent.
Anyway. On to the workplace. There is some questionable good news. After a lot of yelling at HR over email, they finally sent an actual guide on how to use the Timesheet system. However, it was not particularly comprehensive. It took a lot of fiddling to find out which of the many extraneous codes I wanted for submitting an overtime claim - apparently "Extra Hours Worked" ain't it, and you have to go through three pages of menu to find "Overtime", which actually does. So I have successfully submitted my claim for the overtime I did in October. Unfortunately, I can't submit my claims for August and September, because I've been paid for those months already and "Historical Data Cannot Be Edited". So basically all this faffing about has meant that I wasn't able to submit my overtime claim for those months. Scruffman is going to escalate this, because he agrees that I should not be denied the pay for the nearly fifty fucking hours I put in during those two months. I figure what'll happen is that I'll have to put those hours into random spots in November and make a note that those are carried over from August and September.
Though that might be hard, all things considered. See, I may end up having to put in yet more overtime, because again, "unexpected absences". I don't know what the fuck is going on with my colleagues in the office, but it's clearly some kind of absolute clustermolest. Also, the New One is following Temp's example and will not touch a piece of dictation that's over a minute long. This is just a theme now. I've told Scruffman that I won't be able to pull overtime until I'm feeling better, though, because I feel like absolute crap right now. Fibromyalgia and con crud have a lot to answer for.
...Gods, I hope this isn't the flu...
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Today's Focus
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05.09.24 - I am back at work after taking two days to travel for a concert. Frankly, I wish I was back home in bed being lazy rather than here. I suppose I always have time I can take, plus I only have two full weeks of work before a paid holiday.
Work - I mean...I have to clean out my inbox for sure. I remember something from my supervisor about needing to get a hotel and flight for a couple of my lawyers to attend a CLE, and I see a bunch of emails regarding that, so that's probably going to be the main thing I tackle today. I'm sure there are some efiles in there as well but I don't expect it to be very busy.
Background Noise - I'm back to binging YT, and will be doing a lot more of that while my dad is gone visiting his sister. I wanted to bring my earbuds on my car trip; the hope was that somewhere on the 4 hr round trip drive I could get through a nearly 2 hr podcast on SSSniperWolf's bad behavior but I forgot them and so I'm catching up now.
That is not to say that I didn't watch any YT; I did eight videos over the two days, and I kept up on my news program even while my hunny started Hades II to distract me.
Study - Well it's Thursday, so I suppose I should attempt to read some of the actual books I started and not just articles. I'm still counting pages instead of chapters though.
Last time I studied was on Monday, and I read like four random articles/press releases, four Horizon Post Office scandal articles, three pages of HR 5376, and the whole Wiki page for Adamson v. California. I continued to read the other couple of decisions & complaints I started, and I got more pages in, but I haven't finished them yet.
Extras - It is Thursday, so I do need to make sure the trash goes out to the curb; I kept up on the weekly chores so I don't have extras, but I do need to go grocery shopping because the last time I did it only took me to the day before the trip. Thankfully, I can do more microwave kinds of meals while dad's gone to give myself a break; it'll probably be one of the handmade pizzas my local grocer does for tonight. Two more episodes of Carranger; we did do three yesterday and have a total of five left so I bet I can finish the series on Friday. We're also about halfway through the first episode of The Tick, but also probably won't watch more because I'll want hunny to continue playing Hades II. Mini-essay was done quick today; I'm working on another longer one to post and hope I can write a lot when remote working tomorrow.
I'm going to finish my post today by sharing some of the pics/videos from the TWRP concert.
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mmmichyyy · 3 months
i just need to vent a lil bit or else i'm going to combust.
i work at an office for a small company. i hate confrontation. i'm a pretty quiet person and keep things to myself mostly and don't bother anyone. i do my work, i get off work, i don't think about work at home, and that's that.
my manager is one of the most frustrating people i've ever encountered. she is over sixty, extremely stuck in her ways and borderline delusional. she is incompetent with computers, constantly says she's not good with computers, yet doesn't do anything to learn or advance her skills. one time she asked me why she couldn't move a file from one folder to another. at the time i didn't have the time or energy to explain to her how it worked (also because i've tried explaining other basic computer things in the past and all she kept saying was "i'll never understand" so i stopped trying) so i just did it for her. it took me literally 2 seconds. the next day she said i stayed up all night thinking about what happened yesterday, i don't understand why you did that, why could you just teach me. i said i have tried before, you just don't listen. then she said okay next time i have a computer issue i won't ask you. i said okay fine. she ignored me for months after that unless it was absolutely necessary to talk to me, which honestly was fine by me.
one time she accused me of "stealing and shredding company documents" without any evidence. she told my supervisor she didn't know what i was working on, didn't understand the computer system i use, photocopied reports i had written like she was collecting evidence to my supervisor (who doesn't come into the office often) as if she was catching me in the act of doing something nefarious, when in reality i scan every report for my supervisor to see. i sit beside this person every day. she could've turned her head and asked me questions and i would've answered her. instead she just assumed i was "suspicious" because she has hate in her heart and thinks everyone's out to get her, but honestly i just don't care enough about my job to do all the extra work of "stealing company information" ????? i just want to get paid dude.
my supervisor sat me down and told me she believes me, that my manager is from a different generation, that as long as i do my work then it's fine. so ever since then i don't engage with my manager, i don't confront her, i don't talk to her unless it's work related. she refocused her negative energy to other coworkers. i don't have the mental capacity to coddle her or interact with her. if she talks to me, then i just nod politely.
cut to recently she has started to make passive aggressive comments to my new coworker. i keep quiet, but my coworker and i text to vent about her, since we can't talk out loud when she's there. she made a comment to my coworker about something a few days ago and finally i snapped, i confronted her, asked her why she would say something like that, she said that's just who i am, i am this direct, blah blah blah. she ignored me for a few days after that. then, out of fucking nowhere, she accused me of "forging her signature on a quarterly report" last year (????) with absolutely zero evidence to back up her claim. i just about lost it. i can be quiet about a lot of things, but i will defend myself if you accuse me of doing something i didn't do, especially something this serious. like if a person said shit like that in any professional setting with an actual HR department they would be reprimanded, right?!
i'm just exhausted. i wrote a long email to my supervisor about my side of the story. i know nothing will happen to my manager but i just wanted to make sure that my supervisor knows i didn't do anything wrong and that if my manager wants to accuse me of something, then she has to file a formal complaint and present actual evidence to back up her claim, instead of randomly spewing bullshit out of nowhere just because she's petty. also she burps a lot which is fucking gross.
anyway. idk who's going to read this. i just had to write this out or else i was going to combust. this isn't half the shit she's done. whatever. i'm fine. i just want to do my work and get paid and survive in this shitty economy and pay my rent dude. some people are just fucking weird. the end.
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greatbigbellies · 6 months
Secret Surrogate: 3rd Trimester.
So I just got home form my first day back at the office, since the renovations are done. I was shocked that it did not go as expected, especially considering the circumstances. I fully expected the worst, but, it turns out I was over anxious for nothing.
Everyone was there, and the company was throwing a big back to the office party, to celebrate us being past the phase of working from home. Here’s the kicker though, I’m still freaking pregnant. Between the renovations actually finishing ahead of schedule, and my friend’s baby going overdue, everyone’s back, and I haven’t popped yet. I wasn’t made aware of the fact that they finished early until I got an email inviting me to the company party, much too late for me to request time off, as they folded it in to our regular work hours.
That hit, and I did everything I could short if lying saying that my grandma died to get out of going, but it was no use. I was going to have to show up, and my whole secret was going to get blown open. And there was just NO hiding it. I wasn’t in any shape that could conceivably be mistaken for weight gain or anything, I’m pregnant, ALL out front. Between this baby weighing in at 10 lbs, having dropped, and me being so small to start with, my tummy juts really far in front of me. My navel is popped, which is also a dead giveaway, and my waddle is super obvious too. There’s not really any way to mistake me for anything else.
So, leading up to the party, I was a wreck. My friend’s doing what she can to keep me calm and feels bad because she feels like it’s her fault I’m in this situation. I’m stress eating ice cream like crazy, I’m tearing into my closet trying to find something to wear that I could maybe, just maybe, pass this off as a pot belly, but I was kidding myself. I’m already imagining what my coworkers are gonna say, because I’m so clearly full term that it’ll be obvious I kept things a secret before we all left the office. Eventually I just swallow my pride and RSVP for the party. They definitely wouldn’t fire me for it, cause that’s SUPER illegal, but it would probably set my professional growth behind until all the judgy higher-ups either moved on or forgot about it.
So I donned my maternity clothes, which even then were stretched pretty darn thin, and waddled into work. Everyone was up on the 7th floor where the gathering was being held, so other than the security guy who paid me no mind, no one was there to watch me make my way inside. The elevator ride was horribly slow, and I felt my stomach turn as the car leveled with the 7th floor. The elevator dinged, the doors slid open, and all eyes were on me instantaneously.
Of course, how could I expect to not stand out when my tummy exited the elevator before I did? In that moment, I would have rather walked in naked than pregnant. There was kind of a long pause as everyone waited for everyone else to react. Then came the part I wasn’t expecting… everyone was super kind? No one made any rude remarks, and most were congratulating me, and asking why I didn’t bring it up sooner? I was hesitant to believe this was genuine, of course. My coworker didn’t know about how harsh everyone was to her until months after, and I assumed people were just saving face while I was within earshot. Then came the next major plot twist, that very coworker approached me, holding her new baby, and congratulated me as well! I expected her to collect her maternity leave pay and then get hired somewhere else.
She pulled me off to the side, down a hall where it was less busy, and gave me the best news. She’d gone through with it, stirred the pot at HR, had managed to get all the major players who were talking shit behind her back demoted, suspended, or outright fired for how they treated her. Most non-managerial people nodded and laughed because they worked under the jerks spreading rumors, but as soon as the lid was blown off, they turned on them, and she was flooded with emails and verbal apologies from everyone who worked with her.
All of this happened, behind the scenes, while we were out of the office, and I was so busy trying to keep my head low and my belly off camera, I had no idea. I gave her a hug, or as best I could around my huge belly, and thanked her, profusely. It meant that one office party while visibly pregnant wasn’t going to kneecap my career. Once the major developments were relayed, we got to actually TALK. She asked how my pregnancy was going, and we compared notes. I definitely had worse morning sickness than her, but so far have been getting off easier on braxton hicks contractions.
She told me how cute I looked while pregnant, and hearing that from someone I worked with really cemented that, yeah, everything was going to be okay.
From there, the rest of the evening was a blur of questions about my due date, whether I knew if they were a boy or a girl, requests for a baby gift registry. Some of my closer coworkers even asked to feel the baby kick, and since this was probably the only chance I had at letting them do it, I relented. It was sweet, I got to play catch up on all the pregnant doting I hadn’t received this whole time. They even sent me home with a bunch of the leftover catering from the party so I won’t have to cook much after giving birth.
My friend and I were equally thrilled that it wasn’t a royal disaster. She had been nearly as wound up about it as I was. Looking back it all seems kinda silly, but anxiety doesn’t operate on logic, and thinking the problem managers were still in play kept me nervous. But now it’s just a waiting game for labor to start. We have a tentative induction date if nothing happens on its own, so one way or another, in four days, this baby is coming out.
While I was chatting with my friend, she asked if, now that the work drama is largely cleared up, I would be willing to do it again, since she and her husband want multiple kids. I told her to give me some time to recover after this first one, but… I’d go for another round.
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pagankingfinn · 9 months
I'm really proud of myself and felt the need to share.
So recently my mom got fired from her job (shift lead at a dispensary) for essentially no reason, the reason was "customer and employee complaints" that suspiciously only became a thing when the manager was on vacation.
And lemme tell yah, I was fucking PISSED. I was seething. Especially bc the company gave her a training course on bullying in the work place because they've got an "anti-bullying in the workplace" policy and I've got so much dirt on how that simply isn't true.
So the employees that complained were a group of girls who acted like they were still in a high school clique and purposefully excluded my mom from all attempts at conversation, even when it came to work related things like closing up at the end of the shift.
These same girls also couldn't function without a doobie every 15 minutes but then would get pissed when my mom would just go ahead and help customers instead of telling them to get off their asses. They went so far as to tell the manager that my mom was basically stealing their customers. They also refused to take a lunch until the mid-shift was over and leave my mom to man the shop alone, and always came back 30 minutes to an hour late, thus meaning my mom never actually got to take her lunch.
Which for the record, violates federal regulations. It is a felony to deny your employees a lunch break on a regular basis.
Did this stop her manager from "adjusting" her time card so that it looked like she was taking a lunch just so he wouldn't have to pay his employees more? No, it didn't. He'd also "adjust" time cards so that no matter how early someone came in or how late they stayed they were always only paid for 5 minutes before and after the shift.
Back to the girls who peaked in high school, they decided to get their customers to lie about my mom. The best part of this is the dispensary has security cameras inside that clearly show my mom NOT being the one to deal with those customers, but each employee also has a different pin for the register and the records also prove that my mom did not deal with those customers.
All this said and done, I went feral. I drafted an email to HR that laid out everything that had ever gone on. The bullying, the lack of lunch breaks, the time cards being messed with, the lies, everything. And then I metaphorically took a crow bar to their knees when I basically said "for a company that preaches anti-bullying in the work place you sure do protect the employees breaking these rules."
As far as I'm aware, HR hasn't responded. So now I'm going public. The moral of the story is don't go to Igadi for weed. They treat their employees like shit and won't do anything about it.
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goodgrammaritan · 11 months
So my job forgot to submit my name to whatever program it is that gives raises. Months after the raise was supposed to have been implemented (after I wrote a detailed letter spelling out exactly how many hours I'd worked without being compensated, necessitating an in-person meeting with the district manager after months of asking my boss), they finally implemented my raise (50¢/hr). I asked if I could get retroactive pay and they said they would do their best.
I got retroactive pay on my latest paycheck, but only about half of what I was expecting. My boss told me that he was told they made a mistake and the raise should have only been 25¢/hr. He also encouraged me to email the district manager and "make a stink" about it. I sent an email detailing how disappointed and angry I was, having now been told four different things about how and when raises occur. I asked to see the company's official pay policy in writing, as word of mouth did not seem to be reliable.
Yesterday the district manager came by again, and told me that he had pushed through the 50 cent raise as a special favor to me because he felt bad, but the actual raise is only supposed to be 25 cents. However, he did not tell me at the time that he was giving me special treatment at the time, so for my point of view, I was still being denied the money I was owed.
He said he was disappointed to have gotten my email, and his language was designed to make me feel small and selfish and greedy. After all, hadn't he done me a favor? Wasn't I now being paid more than I actually should be? (Also, he said he had wanted to talk to me before the retroactive pay appeared on my paycheck, but "you were out so I couldn't." I was on a vacation that had been on the schedule for months. Also, he has my email address. He could have told me this that way.)
I thanked him for explaining in detail how raises work with the company (which is a shitty system, by the way), but also reiterated that, not having access to an employee handbook detailing the pay structure, and only having his word to go by, which was that he would push for the 50 cent raise, it still seemed like I was being shorted by the company. With the information available to me, I was completely in the right.
But he made me feel like an asshole, he seemed bewildered that I was displeased, and acted like I should be super grateful for the extra 25 cents.
And my boss was present at this meeting, and said nothing about how he'd encouraged me to email the district manager and make a big deal out of it, so along with getting a guilt trip and a dressing down, I was feeling betrayed by my boss.
So all in all, I cried three times at work, which is always embarrassing, I felt like an asshole, and I felt guilty even though I was in the right as far as I knew.
After the district manager left, I spoke to my boss and requested to work one less day a week. I'm not quitting out right, because I like having a job to get me out of the house, I like my schedule, I like the vast majority of my coworkers and I enjoy helping customers, plus the employee discount is extremely helpful. (It's a pet supply store and I have two cats and two dogs, all of whom for health reasons eat Science Diet and Wellness Signature, two expensive brands.)
But fuck. It was an awful day.
(Also, my boss is toxically positive and wants everybody to be happy all the time always, and if you respond "Okay" when he asks how you are, he'll inevitably say "Just okay?" Just fuck off with that. But the day I've removed from my schedule is one of the days he's always there, so I will be around him less going forward.)
I really don't want to go in today. My two most annoying coworkers will both be there, and that's exhausting. Fourth day in a row I'll be taking an anti-anxiety pill before going in.
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