#also the thing about younger siblings kills me hahaha....haha....
byanyan · 1 year
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loneliness born of anger
you learned from a young age you are not like others, and others hate you for it. you've been mocked and tormented your whole life, and it birthed a violence in your heart. you yell at your younger siblings when they slip up. you don't want them to suffer the same fate you did. at once, you are both miles above and miles below your peers. you are not polite. people no longer dislike you because of you, but for your biting words. it's better this way, after all. at least now you know it's your own fault.
tagged by:  surprise i stole it, please follow my example
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therealtsk · 3 years
tsk i’m DYING to hear your play-by-play on which worm characters have dumb fanon interpretations
UH OH YOU JUST OPENED THE FLOODGATES so the short answer is pretty much every major character but I am a high-effort bitch so let's do this: Taylor Hebert: jfc, I could probably hit a word count limit talking about Taylor alone. First you have the dumb as shit TINO (Taylor In Name Only) phenomenon where people just straight up SI as Taylor but pretend it's her and she's basically a different person wearing Taylor's skin like an ill-fitting suit. Then there's the Memetic Escalator Taylor interpretation where Taylor's Warlord era characterization is flanderized so hard that she turns into her world's version of Doomguy where her response to literally everything is ultra violence, mutilation and torture and she can totally beat up anyone you guys hahah coin sock goes brrrrr you go brutalize those totally deserving victims queen. And then there's shy, stuttering, soft spoken "useless lesbian" Taylor which is not as common but still, fuckin straight men and the way they infantize gay women. Taylor is perhaps the most consistently inconsistent characterization I've seen in fandom, it's fucking wild Lisa Wilbourn: Has two fanon settings. Taylor's best friend who exists solely to give exposition and get the "Stop Coil" subplot rolling (occasional gay subtext will be added in a way that feels fetishy) Or, the evil bitchy blonde who is first target of the SI. I constantly wonder if the people who write the frankly masturbatory SI's are aware that we can tell they're still bitter about girls not dating them in highschool. Brian: basically does not exist in fic aside from the occasional joke cause racism and also because of how popular wlw ships are in Worm fandom. you deserve better dude Alec: has a few token appearances in wormfic fandom that usually have him as the comic relief alongside Aisha, which might actually be for the best considering he's a rapist and the Worm fandom's uhhhh tendencies. Moving on- Aisha: prankster girl that alt!Taylor will adopt as a younger sibling. hopefully is not part of the totally-not-a-harem considering she's even younger then the rest of these teens Bitch: Another girl to fall into alt!Taylor's definitely-not-a-harem, but with more butch tendencies. Basically has no personality in fanon outside of her dogs Parian: SHE DOESN'T HAVE A SHOP FFS also another member of Taylor's totally-not-a-harem Flechette: yeah it's a harem Sophia: holy shit you think Brian's bad? The racism in pretty much every fanon depiction of Sophia is off the charts. Hyper-violent, super edgy, "predator/prey" speech inbound, will get humilated/killed in some new, supposedly satisfying but actually just deeply uncomfortable way, probably throw in some E88 shit too just because Emma: again, do the writers know we can tell they're still malding over the fact that the pretty girls in highschool didn't date them? fanon emma is pretty much a cardboard cut out of whoever was mean to the author. something something bitches three Madison: in fanon has a C53 fetish, occasionally is also Browbeat. don't ask why Victoria: gets hit with the blonde stereotypes even harder then Lisa, "Collateral Damage Barbie" is one of the phrases that activates my flight or fight responses. she basically is an entirely different character in fanon. bubbly dumb blonde girl with a massive temper and well other sexist bullshiit Amy: I hate even touching this character with a ten foot pole but basically is hit with the "soft useless lesbian" trope hard enough to make her into a completely separate person from her canon self. whether or not this is a good thing is still up for debate Carol: in fanon, an evil bitch who exists solely to bully Amy Mark: who? The rest of New Wave: cannon fodder for Leviathan Danny Hebert: literally stale milk instead of a personality, will probably die before the fic is over but we won't care because the author did not care either Armsmaster: hahaha robotman go brrrr or is an arrogant self-aggrandizing shit, can't interact with people without Dragon helping him 24/7 Miss Militia: fanon bat'd into team mom,
idk where this came from considering her first instinct upon seeing children is to pull out a gun holy shit wait is she actually Taylor's true mom- Velocity: canon fodder for levi Battery & Assault: sitcom wife, sitcom husband! please ignore how fucked up this relationship is if you look at it for more than two seconds Dauntless: haha armsy is JEALOUS also cannon fodder for levi Triumph: who? The BB wards in general tend to be incredibly bland, the only ones who have fanon personalities of note are Clockblocker and Vista. The former being such a huge prankster that every other line is a joke- or him complaining about how BULLSHIT Alt!Taylor's powers are. Vista is an angry kiddo who says that Shadow Stalker doesn't count as being a girl on the team The E88: no personality for any of them except that Kaiser is noble and really isn't that bad and also Purity did nothing wrong totally she's just a hot mom trying to do her best, please ignore how she exclusively targets characters of color and literally calls white criminals more civilized than miniorities- the worm fandom has something of a nazi problem i hate it here The ABB: racism and honorable samurai lung even though that has no canon basis so again, racist stereotypes The Slaughterhouse 9: This one makes me just as sad as the Lisa shit because dear god this is such a good cast of villains that fanon completely flattens to bowling pins for the Alt!Taylor of the week to mow down, why does this fandom suck so much. Anyway Jack is just the Joker, Crawler is masochistic, etc i'm moving on now The PRT/Protectorate as a whole: They are an evil paramilitary organization that pressgangs kids into signing up to become child soldiers, and somehow at the same time, they are a bunch of idiots who listen to the PR department and have stupid things like RULES that prevent capes from COMMITTING VIOLENCE. Being called "the biggest gang of all" is common and some shit like "at least the criminals are honest" is a likely statement. Cauldron: whoo boy this one really boils my blood but fanon Cauldron are just a bunch of evil idiots who can't even tie their shoelaces. basically a bunch of dudebros are upset that women run the world and that two of them essentially have "I win" powers so they have to make them lose to their SI- er, Taylor in fics so they can assuage their masculinity, which totally isn't pathetic Scion: Is at once the end all be all of worm you can't write a wormfic without scion or else it's TOTALLY MEANINGLESS because what is the point of a story if all the characters are going to DIE in a few years anyway, and at the same time is incredibly easy to defeat- this ties into how Cauldron is stupid. Scion Truthers pls shut up and go read something else okay I think that's everyone I would apologize but the only thing I'm sorry for is how messy this is
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choicesenthusiast · 4 years
Rising Tides Ch. 1-2 AKA Smog DLC
What happened this week:
Fellas, the unless you picked the new black face, the ILB MCs have returned from college to her small hometown of Cedarport (not to be confused with VoS’s Birchport, next thing you know there’ll be an Oakport and a Spruceport too) in time for her sibling and two parents to welcome her home! This is not a drill, we got a full, functioning family!
You also conveniently arrive in time to witness a mass fish die-off, a truly jarring sight for the weak-stomached. Interestingly, this also happened in Russia a few weeks ago, and like, two days ago in North Carolina. So yeah, very relevant topic.
Your younger sister, Charlie, who did one report on climate change in the tenth grade, is obviously very concerned (tbh, I admire that. Sophomore me was probably asleep all day, every day), and would love to bring said up concerns at the town hall that night.
Your formal high school principal, who somehow has a grudge against you and your sister for no reason (oh yeah, he’s sexist, that’s the reason), scorns you for… graduating college, but never fear, Mysterious Stranger #1 is here to save you. Their name is Robin, because PB couldn’t think of any unused name out of the trillions available. Go on a date with them later.
Eddie, your childhood best friend is now Stonks associate at Monteverde, some agricultural corporation, who is definitely set up to be the antagonist in this book. Who wants to bet Eddie and MC will have a falling out over this?
Town hall doesn’t go well, as Charlie is shut down by everyone in the building, Mr. Corporate Boss Man is pandering to the community, and everyone thinks that this will all be over tomorrow. 
At the community cleanup, a camerawoman is concerned that you didn’t wear a nice enough outfit to pick up fish, meanwhile, hundreds of said fish are littered around the shore. Unless you did buy the outfit, which scores you an interview they’ll most likely edit to do more pandering to the public.
As if fish weren’t enough, you fall into a tidepool? Cleaning up water bottles, but worry not, as Mysterious Stranger #2 saves you from this dire situation as well. They’re wearing earth tones, because this book is about the Earth, hahaha. Repay them by swimming in more tidepools while they educate you on temperature and stuff like that. Have I mentioned they’re a lawyer? That’s an awful lot of climate change jargon for a lawyer to spout upon meeting a new person.
Charlie’s in trouble, probably for being concerned for the environment again.
The family dialogue right after the fish kill talking about the government and climate change and stuff was unnatural and 100% “woke”, but I appreciate that PB’s trying.
I’ve become so accustomed to short-ass chapters and poor “cliffhangers” that I really thought that Chapter 1 was going to end after the fish die off graphic appeared. I’m glad it didn’t, haha.
This really is Charlie’s story and we’re and MC’s actually a side character. I’ve always wanted to main as a side character, and now we can! How fun! We are here for her character development, as the influence game mechanic suggests.
First impressions for this book, I’m kinda digging it. The vibes are a little off with all the activism dialogue, but it’s been cute. The Gardenscapes-esque map mechanic will see no help from me unless it’s all free, though. I’m living in Stankyport.
If you didn’t know already, PB partnered with an external company to educate players on the environment and the climate and all that (click here to read more about it), so there probably was a standard they had to fill to fit the requirements. Considering the lack of quality they’ve given us the past year, the bare minimum does come off as a little “tryhard-y”, but there is still hope. As Choices faces a drought of its own, I’ll be watching this book very closely.
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atopearth · 4 years
Shall We Date? Ninja Shadow Part 34 - Kou Route
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LOL, the appearance of the brothers were so abrupt at the Meiko Salon but I guess it settles things faster that way. Anyway, Kou professing his love to the heroine on the street so quickly was pretty crazy lol! How did he fall for her so fast?! What attracted him?? Was it her killing stance when she took care of some guy as a vigilante?? Hahahah, I hope he tells us soon lol. It was really cute how they handled the usual appearance of Suetsugu. The heroine always loses her composure for a bit when she sees him, so it was nice to see Kou comfort her after seeing how distressed she was and how much it pained her having to allow him to live until the Shogunate gave permission to the Nagasaki Vigilantes to kill him.
Aww, despite how silly Kou can get, I really liked how he properly apologised for seeing her with only a hand towel covering herself (when she went to the bath thinking no one was in there). It wasn't his fault but I thought it was really gentlemanly of him to apologise since he obviously noticed she was a girl when she was trying so hard to hide it as well. I like how Kou insists on calling the heroine Saori when they're alone. I think the heroine really appreciates it, especially since she's burdened with the idea that she's lying to everyone as her brother and is constantly called by a name that's not hers, so even if it's for a little bit, I think it's nice that she can truly be herself. Omggg I love the CG! Kou braiding her hair and putting the hairpin on her was just so nice of him and he made her look so beautiful! I feel like the heroine always feels like short hair doesn't make her much of a girl anymore, so I'm glad Kou showed her that short hair could make her look just as pretty and could make her just as happy to wear a hairpin.
It's actually pretty cute how much Kou dotes on his brothers and how much he talks about them lol. I think it's nice that Kou and the heroine can share how great their brothers are and how much they love them haha. I think it was really nice that the heroine said she would stay by his side and share his burden (with the doll/puppet guy stuff) because Kou is too protective over his brothers and doesn't want to involve them. It's actually kinda cute how Tou is ignoring Kou because Kou requested that they be left out of the mission to protect his brothers lol. It's nice to see how Tou being kidnapped as a child affected Kou though; it made him even more adamant on protecting his brothers as much as he can in the present. I think it was really sweet to see Kou consult the heroine for her little sister perspective on how Tou might be feeling right now before pursuing Tou for a proper conversation. He realised that he needed to think a bit more about why Tou was mad at him before talking to him again and I thought that was really considerate and thoughtful, since he probably knew that they'd just fight again if he just pushed his opinion on to him. I loved how Kou apologised properly to Tou, and Tou told him properly that he didn't want to just be dead weight and be protected, he also wanted to protect Kou. It was a really simple argument, but telling the other one their feelings properly was something difficult, so I think it was nice to see that.
Aww I loved their date with her being back to her female "self". It was pretty funny how Kou thought the white roses at Hades' place was beautiful and showed her them, and then realised Hades was the owner and tried to insult them but then felt bad because the flowers didn't do anything wrong. Why is he so adorable hahaha. As expected though, something delicate like growing flowers was Griffon's hobby haha. I'm glad Griffon gave them a bouquet, so sweet~ I love how the heroine was upfront about wanting to know Kou's feelings, and he told her that even though he does tell beautiful women like Haru that they're beautiful, the heroine is the only one he flirts with, which is true~ I think it's really great to know that the reason why Kou likes her so much is because she taught him to work together with the people he cares about by supporting each other rather than him one-sidedly protecting everyone. She taught him that just as he wants to protect the people he cares about, they want to protect him too. It's understandable that the heroine wants to properly respond to his feelings when she can be a girl again though. Anyway, Kou being able to rewrite the pacts between the puppets and their creator (Kasumi, the puppet they're chasing after because he attacked their village etc) is pretty cool! Nice to know he actually tried it in desperation when he wanted to save the heroine because she got caught before and now he’s improved and has a better grasp on how to use it better. It was nice to see how much Kou appreciated the heroine for teaching him to rely on others and not fight alone.
Aww, I love how natural it was for Kou to tell her that he was planning to stay here with the heroine, since even though they "dealt" with Kasumi, they couldn't find his body after he fell off the cliff, and he did say he would come back.. I think it's so cute how happy Kou is with the heroine though, it's so adorable. Awww! Kou placing the sachet with the heroine's favourite scent next to his pillow so he can sleep well knowing it's her favourite is so cute. Just seeing how happy he was sleeping peacefully and having sweet dreams was really nice. I love how they snuggled a bit in the futon together~ Kinda surprised they didn't go to the "next step" considering it usually happens in the Sweet Ending but it's all right, I like fluffy endings like this too~
Overall, I really loved Kou! It's really surprising because Kou was my least favourite in terms of looks and I didn't think his personality was very appealing either, but omggg, he's so sweet and cute. I love how he loves his brothers so much that he's overprotective, and I find it so adorable how much he dotes on them. But I think what I love most was that the over abundance of his love made him and Tou fight, allowing him to understand that what he needed to do wasn't protect his brothers alone but instead rely on his brothers and protect them by sharing their burdens and fights together instead of taking everything on himself. I love how the heroine was the one who helped him understand that because she was a younger sibling herself and kinda understood Tou, so it was really refreshing to see her help the brothers understand each other and their feelings better. I also really enjoyed the romance because it was slow but subtle. Even though Kou liked her from the beginning, you could really see how much he continued to fall for her with how helpful and supportive she was the whole time, I really liked how they helped each other grow and be happy. It's such a cute and happy route that it always made me smile whenever reading it haha.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Was your childhood wasted by something? It was wasted by the fact that I had to grow up faster than all the other kids so even though I kept up with all the trends, had all the cool toys, and knew which shows to watch, I still spent a great chunk of my childhood silently stressing out about stuff happening at home. Would you rather die during an adventure or die like a normal person? LOL ‘like a normal person.’ I’d want to pass harmlessly, which I guess is under normal. I’d hate to be killed by something that was meant to be an adventure, like skydiving gone wrong or falling off a cliff. Those would hurt exponentially more too, so no thanks. Have your parents ever put you on a diet? No, I’ve never had to be on one.
Have your parents ever tried to commit suicide? [trigger warning] No but one time my mom had a strange breakdown and verbally threatened me and my dad that she was going to do it. It remains one of the weirdest, eeriest few seconds of my life and I don’t really like thinking about it. Do you have a gag reflex? I don’t know, but I probably do. I haven’t...tested it lmao. Do you ever fantasize about trying drugs? No, fantasize is a loaded term. I think about the possibility sometimes, but I’m not obsessed with the idea of acquiring weed or anything like that. Have you ever put gum in someone's hair? Nope. That’s a hilarious prank to do to someone being shitty though, hah. Would you rather have sex before you're married or wait till marriage? I can be eitiher, I’m not picky about this kind of stuff. I've been having sex in my current relationship. Have you ever not gone to school, just because? I only did this in high school because my former school had events that I found irrelevant and that I didn’t want to go to. In college, if I wanted to cut an entire day’s worth of classes I had to have a very good reason why. Do you know anyone who can play the bagpipes? No, but lol this question reminded me of the Friends episode where Ross learned the bagpipes to play for Monica and Chandler’s wedding. Have you ever let someone hit you? [trigger warning] No. In the few times my mom put her hands on me I was always in the fetal position to protect myself. Do you own a hand warmer? A what? I’ve never heard of that but we don’t really need that here. Do you have friends in other states/countries? Used to. When I was in different fandoms throughout my teenage years I gained friends from North and South America and Europe; I also have Filipino friends from grade school and high school who’ve migrated to the US and Canada. As for locally, I do have tons of friends who came from different provinces/islands. My school has a very diverse community and we have students from all 81 provinces, probably. Do you ever pay attention during church? No, unless the priest says something ridiculous then I start listening to see how even more stupid his homily gets. Otherwise I’m daydreaming, fantasizing, and imagining for that whole hour. Do you have self control? Funny you should mention this while the song playing on my Spotify is Hayley Williams’ Sudden Desire which is precisely about self-control, hahaha. Anyway, it depends on the situation and how desperate I am for something. My self-control is probably the worst when it comes to food though; I’ll always end up picking up whatever I’m craving no matter how late it is, how far the restaurant is, or how much money I have left. Have you ever broke a window? Nope. When was the last time you freaked someone out? Idk maybe this afternoon when I was playing with my dog and squishing him and talking to him in all sorts of voices lolol he always looks so freaked out when I do it to him. Have you ever gone on a date with a weirdo? No. I don’t really do dates. Who's the last person you called a bitch? I’ve never called anyone a bitch directly, but I did call my mom that when she was out of earshot yesterday. Do you drink kool-aid? I don’t. Have you ever dropped something hot on your foot? No. I’d hate for that to happen, I’m scared of getting burned. Do you watch porn? Less than before, but yeah I do; though a big reason why I watch it less these days is because the government blocked a whole chunk of porn sites off of our internet networks at the start of the year haha. The content in the remaining sites aren’t as impressive as the ones I was used to, so I stopped watching. Have you ever missed someone you hated? Sometimes I’ll miss the good times I have with Athenna, but I just have to remember that her attitude never improved in college and I’ve heard other people call her weird so I’m guessing she still acts shittily. Is anyone in your family disabled? Yes, I have an aunt with Down syndrome. What do you want for Christmas? That’s a long time from now. It depends on what I need by December. How many moles do you have? I don’t know if I have some that I’ve never seen yet but I’m aware of 5 that I have. Do you make your bed everyday? Yes. It’s much more relaxing to come back to a neat bed after a long day. Do you know how to ride a bike? :( No I don’t. My dad is super encouraging though and will always cheer me on to try getting on a bike again every now and then. Do you own any comic books? I own a couple, from back when I wanted to get into comic books because my favorite wrestlers CM Punk and AJ Lee were both comic book nerds. I tried so hard to like them, but at the end of the day it just wasn’t my thing. What is the nastiest dare you have ever committed? Probably the time I dropped my siomai on the ground and a friend or two told me to eat it while the rest of my friends told me not to. I went with the unpopular opinion and put the siomai in my mouth only to feel the small dirt/rocks that have gotten on it, so I promptly spat it out haha. Do you know anyone who has been raped? I don’t think so. Are you an atheist? Yes.
Have you ever owned a goldfish? Yes, I had several of them as my first pets. Our old house was very crowded and chaotic and definitely not conducive to bigger pets, so my parents would get me fish so I can practice having pets.
Who was the last person to call you beautiful? Gabie, I think. How many times have you been stung by a bee? Zero. I run away from bees when I see one. What was the last flavor of gum you chewed? Spearmint, I think? That’s always the kind JM brings to school and I usually ask him for a piece of gum. When was the last time you used tape? February. My org was hosting an orientation for interested applicants in the college auditorium, so we posted arrows all over the building so guests would know where to go. When was the last time you said fuck? Ooh I’m not so sure. Probably last night when I had a video call with Gabie since I curse around her the most.
Have you ever stolen something? A pen or five, yep. What's the last movie you watched? Two for the Road. Who's the last person you watched a movie with? Just myself. But the last time I did see a movie with someone, it was with Gabie. Where were you yesterday at 5 PM? I was in the dining area, probably. Who would you like to kiss right now? MY GIRLFRIEND
When was the last time you had tic tacs? Ages ago. I don’t get to have it a lot. When was the last time you ate chicken? We had wings for dinner two nights ago. Who was the last person you told to 'Shut the fuck up' to? Probs Gabie, in a joking manner. Why were you last nervous? My parents were fighting last night and I heard some banging upstairs. Whose pants did you last take off? Again, my girlfriend’s. When was the last time you were disturbed? Also last night hearing that ^ Why did you last feel awkward? Been a while since I’ve had a reason to feel that way. When was the last time you got in a fight with your best friend? With Gabie, two nights ago. I haven’t had a fight with Angela in over a decade. Have you ever asked someone for a tampon? Nope, because I don’t use them. Who was the last person you read a book to? I don’t read books to anyone. Who is the person you say the most naughtiest things to? Hahahahaha. Dirty talk isn’t my thing but the last time was Gabie, probs three years ago when I tried it for the last time and still didn’t dig it. Who was the last person to send you a letter? I forgot the last person to greet me on my birthday... I think it was Patrice. How do you feel about war? Not a fan. Do you like cupcakes or muffins more? Cupcakes. Have you ever pushed someone on purpose? Just my siblings when we were younger. Have you ever slapped someone in the face? My brother, after he slapped me first. This was shortly before I stopped talking to him completely.
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I was tagged by @dear-goodbye Thank you for the tag!
Do you make your bed? Yes, well sort of haha I usually sleep on the floor (don’t judge me, I like it.) but I fold my bedding up and put it somewhere. I think it’s important to make your bed, back when I slept in my bed every night I still made sure to make it. 
Your favourite number?  When I’m asked I usually say “4″ but I don’t really have a favourite. 
If you could go back to school, would you?  Nooooo. I mean, maybe? If I could go back and be a better and smarter person, then I would like to go back and do a few things differently but while I liked school for the most part I was also a really messed up person mentally and made a few mistakes. 
Can you parallel park? 
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A job you had that would surprise people? Uhh...? I don’t know. I used to do a paper route for years. Some might find that surprising. It wasn’t a bike one like you see on TV, it was in a car. My brother or mom would drive and I would fold. It surprises people how much I can carry because I grew up hauling bundles haha.
Do you think aliens are real? Yes. It is a vast and ever-expanding universe. To think we are the only ones is ridiculous. And I would 10/10 go on an adventure with an alien if they asked.
Can you drive manual? See gif above 😆
Guilty pleasure? I don’t think I have any? I try not be guilty of the things I like. I guess if I had to pick one it would eating waaay too many Hot Cheetos while watching a documentary or drama and playing on my phone. 
Tattoos? None. I don’t think I could ever commit to one. I have decided if I ever have to get one I would get either “Thoschei” in small print or a simple letter “a” to say, “Yes, I do have A tattoo.” but then I found out Harry Judd had the same idea haha
Favourite colour? Purple. I love it. I love all colours really, red is another one I love and wear a lot. I have grown to have a love of yellow as well. Blue and green are also pretty. I do like all the colours but purple is my favourite. Perfect place for a Jason Orange joke.
Favourite type of music? AHHH! NOOOO!!! Don’t make me choose. I love all music. It’s all brilliant! Currently, I’ve gotten back into 80s synthpop and have been listening to loads of Human League but I do love all music. Country, rock, pop, punk, electronic, DJ mixes, jazz, classical. You name it, I’ll listen to it. 
I do have a soft spot for the late 60s through the late 80s and swing music though. Those are the ones I go to if I don’t know what I want to listen to. 
Things people do that drive you crazy? Litter. I don’t see the point or why anyone would do that. When people belittle others. When people make excuses for their significant other instead of leaving them or trying to change things. When people kill insects because they make them uncomfortable. When people go trophy hunting. When people are abusive. Keeping other people in slavery. There are lots but I know most humans are mostly good people trying their best so I trust that we are heading in the right direction.
Do you like doing puzzles? I like doing crosswords occasionally or sudoku but I’m not a massive fan of jigsaw puzzles. It would be fun to do with friends though as long as no one was too serious about it, you know?
Any phobias? I like to say I have three fears: heights, clowns and Gary Barlow.
On a more emotional note, I fear myself most of all. I fear I’ll never be able to escape from this life. I fear I’ll go back to hating myself. I fear I’ll go back to hurting myself. I fear I’ll ruin everything again. I fear I’ll go back to self-sabotaging and bring everything down with me. The biggest threat to my life, safety and happiness is myself. How can I not be afraid of that?
But that’s a bit heavy and would get me weird looks at a dinner party so heights, clowns and Gary Barlow it is.
Do you talk to yourself? “I love talking to myself, it’s the only sure way I’ll get to have an interesting conversation.” I like to talk to myself or sometimes I’ll monologue quietly to myself while walking, it’s good to get the clutter of thoughts out.
Favourite childhood sport? afjkfjkbsvjdkbsig sport??? I never liked or played any sports. I did use to bowl while my siblings were in a bowling league but I hated the noise. Also didn’t like going to my siblings’ basketball, softball and baseball games. I did enjoy trying to play badminton or tennis back when we had a net in our yard. I was never very good at it though. 
What movie do you adore? Music & Lyrics. I swear that movie was made for me. Had to be. It’s too perfect in every single way. I relate to the leading lady so much that when my friends kept talking about how adorable and great she is, it made me realise I was adorable and great. 
It’s about a writer who likes older men (not specified but come on, if you’ve seen it you’ll understand) who meets a struggling Britsh ex-popstar who can only write music and she can only write lyrics. And it stars Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant. The soundtrack is amazing and it’s one of the few romantic comedies where I actually fully believe the couple gets to live happily ever after. They are MADE for each other. I’ve loved it for years. And now I have to rewatch it haha. Seriously, it’s great. I don't think anyone could love me and not love that movie. 
Coffee or tea? TEA. TEEEEAAAAA. TEA. Tea all the way. Tea is amazing. I love it. I have like 40 different kinds right now. I drink it every day. I briefly had to choose between giving up tea and feeling faint sometimes and I chose tea. Luckily my iron levels are good again so take a fucking sip, babes. We’re drinking tea morning, noon and night. I’ve got a tea for anything. I even have teas I reserve for emotional situations. Herbal tea makes the world go around and if you are my friend and even remotely open to drinking tea I will have you drink multiple different kinds and ask you a hundred questions about them. God, I love tea. I would rather die than not have tea. Thank you to all the people who grow, package and sell tea. Thank you to all the people who have worked to make tea what it is today. I want to volunteer on a tea plantation and learn about how to grow it, harvest it and everything that needs to happen to make tea. Tea is the real love of my life to be honest. Sorry future comedy partner. Sorry to my future lovers. Tea has always been there for me and will always be there for me. If I have to die, let it be with the taste of tea on my lips.
So, yeah. Tea.  
First thing you wanted to be when you grew up? When I was really young, 3 or 4 (maybe even younger?) I wanted to be a dancer. I wanted to go to France and learn ballet and other traditional dances. I thought they were beautiful, motivated and talented. I wanted to be like them. But my parents would never let me go to a boarding school for dance in France much to my disappointment wah. I blame my childhood obsession of Madeline to be the reason I wanted to go to a boarding school in France to be honest. I don’t know if that had much to do with the dancing but that was 4 year old me’s vision of the future xD 
I will take a dance class in France one day, though. Even if it’s only a one day class. It’s happening. It’s inevitable.
This was long so if you read all of it, thank you! And thank you again for tagging me!! 💙💗💚
I’m tagging: @how-the-mighty-fall @cry3tearslikej3t @jtgd-dylm​ @effulgentcorruptedpov @obv10usly @blueberry-beanie @slowlygettingouttamyhead2 @bloggish @asparagus-is-in-season and anyone else who wants to do this. I want to know more about other people’s lives and inner thoughts. (I know some people have already been tagged or will be tagged twice but oh well hahaha) 
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Hi hun! I'm sorry things are rough for you right now. You shouldn't ever feel like that (nor should you ever feel like this isn't a safe place for you to vent). From what I've seen after following you for quite a while, you are endlessly supportive of everyone you come across on this site and deserve that back. I was getting into writing this message (had why you are great points and was ready to write up support arguments) but tumblr cut me off before I could get too sappy. In short, love you!!
hahaha well i super appreciate it thank you! i also super auper appreciate the fact i CAN vent here at all and retain some (relative) anonymity vs ya know fb ♡ i just dont get it, this isnt the way i was raised so why do my prents act this way? why didnt they listen to me over a yearback when i said the cat had tumors and they didnt wanna spend the money to check but at the end they were ready to do ANYTHING it took (we dont even go to the doctors ourselves... thanks amierica) and now dad is SUPER dep[resed over ‘killing’ the cat (it was mercy, i know for a fACT It was but he wasnt unable to use the litterox or jump ike the cat we had to put down last year...the sweetest cat too, I had to be doctor death because my parents couldnt do it and my poor younger siblings (im eldest) couldnt do it) so i had to be the one to technically kil him and that has stuck deep with me, i dont deal with death the same way other people do, i know i dont,, and he was so scared and cried when we brought him and he peed in the cat carrier and i didnt want to do it i wanted to go back home with him, and i made my siblings swear nt to tell my grieving parents, and then THIS cat couldnt been avoidable but they didnt listen to me and now he had to be put down and just im frustrated over what didnt need to hapen even with a 20yr old cat had they LISTENED To me im just upset about a mutlitude of things but htak you for putting up with my venting and nonsense.
i know it makes people feel weird and awkward, and some feel olbgated to say something (plz never do! i would hate to put things on others or emotionally manipulate anyone in any way, i just want to vent nd know it had been ackonlwgned i guess) and i just dont underatand why peopel dont listen (esp. my parents).
I mean, i am the ONLY one of my entire extended family to ever go to colege nd complete a degree. I was technically a diplomat in japan. I have the brain skills to be a CIA operative. i speak and understand mutliple lanagues (i wanna get to ten) and other than that, we grew up homeless until i was about 16? maybe 13 i dont etirely recall, but i have street skills as well and i have live din two foreign countries (cant see the forest through the trees and all that) and yet my opinions still count for shit, or my relaive youth (im over 30, letys make that official i am no child) but my dad keeps saying i dont have the years he has (and i NEVER will while hes alive its a moot point) but my paents are xenophobves and ive WORKED for a foreign givenemnt and lived in two foreign countries but im a woman and bisexual and this goes against everything they undersand as normal, and then where the poor cat is concerned like im not a doc, i got a BA not a BS, so my opinons count for shit, and i just want everyone to be nice qnd take proper action with things and not cause others pain and have empathy towards those who have less (i grew up homeless and we were poor until maybe five-7 years ago?)) and just everything huRTS SO MUCH and i am TRYING so goddamn hard all the time but im ultimately at my parents mercy (i live at home because california is too expesive to live in a real9tively safe place alone) and work is fucking me and im trying so damn hard to be a good person and do whats right and help others when i wouldve wanted help and just looking at the bigger picture and it just hurts because there is no room for good in the world o matter how hard you try and every time i try to gte ahead i just for balls .
The good part is, i have two kittens who will be one year come april(or march i dont remember) and my kitty Scratches LOVES me just for me with no other expectaton, so i mean, i have that much. Basicallt i am just really really hurting and i will probably bounce back in full force rather quickly after this pity party but i am very grateful for the chance to vent and also feel heard so to speak, ya dig? :D
ANyways, thank you anon, i love you, you rock, and sorry for alk the serous spelling errors, i am on my 8th beer of the hour trying to hurt myself and/or make the pain go away BAHAHAH XD aint working yet but i havent brought the weed into the mix yet..... that usualy makes me happy. The xanqx stopped the full blow paic attack over helpless feeligs i am powerless against, but i am not happy but trying to get comfortably num. I am on my 8th beer of the hour tho so HEY lets see!! XD
...i am  a mess. DISCLAIMER do not try any of this at home, i am a 30something queer sad sack with adhd and panic disorder who no loger destoys items but instead tries to destroy herself becaus eit will hurt no one but me LOLOOL
....also i feel SUPER guilty about waiting to update ALL sales final and also the new commission i need to get done solike, bear with me, i am trying SO fucking hard right now and i feel like i am supr letting everyone down but i will get there i promise! I will probably be riht as rain tomorrow and i am sorry for ,lll the maudelin nonsense i know plenty of you are not interested and we wil back to our our regularly scheduled bullahit after i bury it all haha
much love, posonjack
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someone-elses-star · 5 years
The 100 6x08: The Old Man and the Anomaly Personal Narration
Are you guys excited?! We already have 6x09′s episode description, which makes me think we are not getting Clarke back again this episode (but who knows?!), but I’m very hyped to see the first steps they are going to be taking to getting her back. I’m also wondering--due to one of the clips that’s been released--if Russell is going to fully come to their side tonight and help get Clarke back. So without further ado: here are my thoughts/narrations from tonight’s episode:
Is Eliza the only one who introduces the episodes now? Not complaining...just curious...haha
Love the motorcycles. Remember when we saw Clarke riding one in the season trailer? That better actually be Clarke, not Jo!Clarke.
Love Octavia and Diyoza married couple! 
That noise is already killing me.
How is Diyoza’s eye makeup still intact? Are we supposed to believe that’s a natural thing for her? Not likely. haha
Ahh....picture of original Josephine
You think Diyoza is going to give her weapons up? Hah!
Wellllllll.....I guess she will to save Octavia’s life? She’s probably hiding something near her baby bump
Haha you tell him Diyoza! Kill him with your hands!
Oh no! Crazy Octavia!
Ahhhh loving Diyoza. 
Two serpents. One garden. LOVE the quotes that are being brought back!
Oh....is this when her delusion of her fighting herself is going to happen?
He is Gabriel?!?! I KNEW IT!!!!
Give me Bellamy or give me DEATH! 
Oh....Raven! Missed you!!!
Ichy! This Prime stuff is so gross! I don’t care if they are willing. It’s brainwash!
I don’t want Kane in Gavin’s body! That’s gross!
Abby....bet you’d change your mind once you realize what they have done to Clarke! 
Raven still loves Abby. She’s mad, but she still loves her! :)
Yes, you should be ashamed Abby!
Bye bye, Gavin.
You tell her, Raven! I’m still sorta mad at you, but I love your one-liners!
Ich! Jo!Clarke. I hate you. You’re a great villain, though. Just get outta Clarke!
No, Clarke’s body is NOT YOUR’S!
Yes, erase this sin Russell! ERASE IT!
What she’s done?! What about what you’ve done?!?!
Yes, very wise Russell! 
But Josephine is about to do something sneaky to keep that body!
Oh....They believe Bellamy! And they’ve told Madi?!!? Wow! BOLD!
Ahhh Jordan loves Delilah! 
Haha killer Madi! 
Yes, very concerning! Be concerned!
Ohh Madi and Jordan are having their first sibling fight!
Oh Madi and Echo communicating! But calling her a spy? Ouch!
Yeah, Bellamy keep your family together!
Aww Emori and Murphy!
Yes, Emori. Are you mad? Turned on? I seriously can’t tell?
Ahhhh. He is so sweet! Proposing! But.....still haven’t gotten to the mind drives.
OPE there they are! The mind drives!
Ohhhh.....she is definitely sorta turned on.
But....you were just mad about Clarke’s death? Now is she not worried about killing future people?
Oh Jo!Clarke just revealed the truth to Murphy!
Ichy...are you really with them Emori?
I really want to slap JO!Clarke. Don’t make me want to slap poor Clarke because of what Josephine does to her face! I hate it! I’m so conflicted!
COMMERCIAL BREAK #1 Thoughts: WOW. That was a lot for the first fifteen minutes. I’m shook. I need more Bellamy and crew moments. Do we believe Emori is going to the dark side just because she loves John? She’s never before, but....And do we believe Murphy is going to go through with this now that he knows the truth just so that he can “live forever?” Probably. Honestly, I’m so sick of his back and forth. I get he saw something scary, but that seriously could have been just a fucking hallucination or something. Boy needs to chill and love his family a little better.
Oh.....hallucinations are happening. He’s seeing old Josephine! 
Love Diyoza. Would die for her probs.
Oh....Diyoza hears children laughter. Creepy.
Are we still shipping him with Octavia now that we know the truth? 
Oh...she sees tied up Bellamy. Good. Me likes.
Oh. Back to the hair twirling.
Manipulation is Josephine’s foreplay. What a psycho!
Headaches are coming. Brain is deteriorating.
Emori.....very evil. Please me bluffing!
God I hate Josephine!
Emori is lying.....
Why is she looking at Echo? Does she know
Oh....Emori’s guilt got to her! GOOD!
Echo is looking very hot this episode....just saying....haha
Oh.....MADI is gone....
And there goes Madi’s killing spree. Am I proud? Well, I’m no un-proud. Hahaha
COMMERCIAL BREAK #2 Thoughts: Does everyone get this movie trailer Taco Bell commercial? I kinda love it! Makes me wish I could still eat fast food. HAHA. Anyways....so Madi is killing. Echo is looking smoking hot. Emori’s guilt got to her really quickly which I LOVE! Super proud of our girl for not letting her love for Murphy blind her! They need to move super quick to save Clarke now. But still not sure it’s going to happen this episode. Have you guys read next week’s episode description? Do you think the person Bellamy pairs off with is Russell? I also think that is when Octavia is going to have to face her “demons”/Bloodreina. Looking forward to that for sure! Definitely think it will lead to her redemption arc! What do you guys think?
Awww....crying Raven. Hate that! 
Abby come to apologize?
Agreed Raven. Agreed.
Ohhh....spacewalker Raven?
No Kane would not want this! 
Then why do it Abby? Are you really that selfish!?
You are so doing this for you! 
Oh....is Raven going to let Abby do it or....?
Be a god.....wow. Murphy is so easy to manipulate for a cockroach.
Josephine is so good at blackmail and manipulation.
And now they know Emori is against them. 
What are you doing Emori?
Oh is this the Clarke motorcycle thing from the trailer? DAMN IT!!!
Are....they going to kill Emori?
Oh...it was a trap!
Oh.....they are using Jackson! 
Do they actually have this all planned?
Oh....John or Clarke.....? What?!?!
COMMERCIAL BREAK #3 Thoughts: So....FUCK! They had this all planned but John just had to stand too close to the psycho! What are they going to do? We know Eliza is in the next episode....so....no death. And we are pretty convinced Clarke isn’t going to die....right? Especially with Bellamy pairing off with “an unlikely companion” next episode, right? Who we can all agree is probably Russell? Honestly, I’m usually good at predications, but I don’t know what they are going to do to save both Murphy and Clarke. Maybe, save Murphy now...and somehow do a last minute save of Clarke? I really don’t want Clarke’s body to die! I need Eliza forever!
Ahhhh Jackson and Miller boyfriend teamwork!
And now Madi’s plan is working!
But....Russell knows better. Will this change his opinion on helping?
What’s your plan Echo?
Oh....cut his leg badly!
Ahh....them still calling her Clarke not Josephine!
No....he just wants Clarke!
Oh....is his unlikely companion.....Josephine? Well...there goes my predictions!
Awww Echo telling him to save Clarke! 
Aww Emori and John’s love is forever! But...are we losing Murphy now?!!? I was not willing to make that sacrifice!
And Madi stopped by Jordan!
COMMERCIAL BREAK #4 Thoughts: SO.......now we are thinking that the unlikely companion to Bellamy is Jo!Clarke next episode! Which honestly makes me WAY HAPPIER than the Russell theory! This means he is likely going to be there when Clarke comes back and they are going to have scenes! Also, with Gabriel being with Diyoza and Octavia we may get a Blake family reunion! AND>>>>Echo telling him to go save Clarke? Do we think she can sorta see that they are in love? Or that Bellamy needs Clarke at the very least.  Or....is she super blinded by her love for Bellamy to see? By the by, LOVE Echo this season! Cannot wait to learn more about her when her younger self comes in as a flashback and/or hallucination! I just love her so much! She is so loyal to her space family! Bellamy loves Clarke, so she loves Clarke. I’m SO good with this! Makes me warm and happy inside. 
So.....Raven is going to do this for Abby?!?! I called it!
Ahh....she does still love Abby. Though whether Abby deserves it is another thing.
Awww Gabriel still loves Josephine. Sweet....is that going to help our heroes defeat her in the end?
Ah..Hope is calling to Diyoza. Ahhh what a cutie!
So....is that shiny thing the anomaly?
Octavia save Diyoza from the hallucination!
Is it evil? Or is it like a heaven sorta place?
And Octavia is back.....and she looks....healed?
Well then. So anomaly....good?
COMMERCIAL BREAK #5 Thoughts: So....anomaly is sorta heaven place that heals? Will Octavia tell us what she saw after commercial? Maybe no one came back because it was such a nice place. I mean....Octavia looked brand spanking new when she fell out of that thing. It can’t be super bad, right? Or maybe it is just good enough to trick people into staying? Like the longer they stay the more the anomaly can steal their life force? I want Ruby Rose in a bad way......
Oh....trial? Really, Russell? You “killed” their leader!
And now they all know what Russell and Simone did! 
And that Clarke is alive! 
Wasn’t their TURN?!?!
Yes, finally be loyal to your fucking people Murphy! Don’t talk! We already know Emori is a badass!
Oh....Russell is mad....is this going to turn him evil/bad?
So....are we saying Kane’s body is dead? Damn....I really like that actor!
And.....Kane is now old enough to be Abby’s son.....gross. 
Is he going to realize soon that he;s.......oh. there it is.
Seeing your dead body? Yes, that’s going to traumatize the hell out of him!
So defintely seeing Octavia face her demons. And obviously Bellamy was talking to Josephine, but maybe Clarke at a deeper level?
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[ This is Gotham's channel 3 News reporting...]
                       [...bizarre phenomena that has conspiracy theorists and scientists wondering...]
                                                  [...two females flying over Gotahm...]
[... locked in combat...destroying half of Gotham City in the process.]
                                        [...which begs the question: could the bible have been fact?]
[The end of days?]
                                                  [The military has yet to comment.]
The midnight air blows inky black tresses around wildly, hovering over a building with two charged lilac orbs ready to fire at the female's command. The silhouette of a red haired female stands atop of an abandon skyscraper, bruised, beaten, gasping for air, and barely holding her own. Her oppressor hovers a couple inches closer as a dark, haunting cackle bypasses scarlet lips. Blackfire keeps her distance as she waits for her sister---her rival---to muster up the strength to continue their destructive battle.
Starfire hangs onto a damaged pillar, her green eyes gazing down at the mayhem below. From up top it was eerily silent. Naught but the whine of the wind passing through crimson locks. Sniffling back a sob, the young teen manages a step only to come tumbling down on all fours before the elder. She was weak, afraid. All she wanted was relief and rest. Yet her sister had her cornered,
With a shaky hand, Starfire gathers what little strength she could find and thrusts a lime green starbolt to create wider distance between the two. However, her efforts were proved useless as Blackfire backfires just milliseconds after. Starfire endures the blast and is sent hurdling backwards through a wall, "S-sister..." Her voice was horse, barely holding her breath as the blast to her chest completely took the air out of her lungs. She reaches out a hand. As if somewhere deep down in her sibling's heart, Blackfire would see the error of her ways, and cease conflict at once.
Blackfire descends from the sky, eyes aglow with playful fury. The forlorn look on Starfire's face sent chills through the elder's spine, scoffing at the pitiful image she sees in front of her, "Pathetic," Blackfire takes soft, slow steps forward. The sheer look of fear overcomes Starfire's usual elated visage, "And to think they all preferred this over me?" She swipes for the redhead's collar of her shirt, yanking her close enough for the tips of their noses to brush. And in that instant, a loud clap can be heard, the sound of Starfire's pained scream echoes over Gotham's unforgiving skies.
"Weak! And yet they wanted you to ascend, and not me? What a JOKE." The back of her hand meets with the side of young tamaranean's face as Blackfire takes a knee just to scoop up Starfire again by the front of her shirt. Her sinister gaze loomed over her. Starfire's eyes only welled up with tears. She didn't mind enduring Blackfire's physical onslaught, but the look in her eyes---pure, unbridled hatred without a single ounce of remorse for her actions.
"...I did not ask to ascend," Starfire replies, sobs in between, "...I only did...what was asked of me." Struggling within her sister's grip, she finds herself thrown hence again into a nearby wall. Dust and debris cloud her vision, but taking that time she had out of Blackfire's clutches to stumble to a stand, "Sister... I implore you: cease this madness! Return to tamaran with me. ...I understand you went through many hardships when tamaran was young. I do. I really do. But..." She hobbles for a place to keep herself upright, blood and bruises caked her body from head to heel, "...Can you not let those things remain were they were? In the past... You cannot let them own you forever!"
A laugh circles around the young female. Slowly, but surely, growing louder. Louder, and more chaotic. Through the fog of the smoke, a fist greets the teen only this time, she was prepared. Apricot colored hands latch onto the wrists that intended harm, keeping them at a stagger halt whilst skidding backward from Blackfire's mighty force. Violet eyes illuminated. From what was once playful, was now savage ferocity.
"You "UNDERSTAND"?" An audible growl leaves her, pushing further into Starfire, yet somehow completely stalled by her sister's grip, "Ergh! You know nothing about what I endured---what I went through in that gods damned planet! What I had to do to survive! The senseless beatings, the sex ring, the mobbing---Yet you think I would even fathom a single thought about rebuilding that shit hole? Don't make me laugh.
I may have wanted that once upon a time, but that vision has long since died. Don't you see, sister? I don't want to rebuild life. I want to destroy it! That is life's entire mystery unveiled! And I intend to see it through. The lights across the sea of stars will go out...one...by one! I'll destroy everything! I will save it!! All existence will be denied. To build is to destroy. All life MUST be destroyed. Aha...HAHAHAHAHA."
Green eyes grow wide with fear, concern, ...disgust. It only occurred to her now. The ramblings of their childhood. Blackfire's plans. Her journals. Her pictures. Her visions, thoughts, dreams---everything that was growing inside of her for years, brewing and forming in the deepest, darkest pits of her broken mind.
                                               She was completely and utterly insane.
"No... sister no! That can't... You cant---! I’m sorry Kom! I’m truly sorry!"
"Silence. SILENCE! First. I must get rid of you, my dear, sweet sister.~ Prepare for a world of hurt. Although, even then you will still not understand my woes. You should be honored to endure a mercy killing from me anyhow. I may be a bitch, but I’m not a monster. And certainly not to my little sister," A wicked smirk creases on ruby lips. Her hand slowly raised. A purple glowing orb manifesting around her fist, "Goodbye Starfire. O'ja vlor'en."                       [ I've always hated you.]
Struck with fear, she couldn't move. She was completely frozen. Starfire wanted to scream, to move. Anything! Yet, her body forbade it. Maybe even welcomed it considering her circumstance.
Closing her eyes, she prepares for the final blow. Eyes squeezed as tightly she could possibly do while moving her head in the other direction. The soft hum of the darkbolt escalates. The sound of metal screaming against each other. Starfire remains locked in hesitation, anticipating the flesh searing heat of point blank energy colliding into her gut.... for what seemed like ages?
Her thoughts continued racing. Was Blackfire just taking her sweet time? Ensuring Starfire had the fear of God stuck into her? No. No, something wasn't right.
Reluctantly, green eyes flutter open. She takes in the scene of the breathtaking night sky and slowly turns her head towards her sister.
Blackfire's eyes are wide with shock. Her darkbolts dismissed. The purest form of paralyzing awe on her face. Violet eyes are cast downward as a sickening gasp for air emits from the tamaranean's lips. A harpoon-like metal contraption was impaled through her back and protruding from her abdomen from a military chopper in the distance. Still, it didn't seem to deter her. Instead, she takes a weakened step closer. Slow. Limp. She tries to land a punch on the younger's face, only her arm had been impaled, then the other, pulling her backward which then brought the alien stumbling back. Her vision going hazy. Droplets of blood sprinkle the surface under her feet with the source of it being her mouth.
Groaning, Blackfire made a relentless attempt to swipe for her sister, losing her footing over the ledge of the building which sent her careening for the ground below, hand outstretched for her sibling above.
And though Starfire had been beaten to shreds, and though she knew of her sister's hatred, she drags herself towards the edge of the broken building, hand also stretched for the maniacal woman who wanted her dead.
"No! KOM! Kom! Komand'r!" She sobs, too weak to bring herself to actually go out and rescue her sister from a great fall.
As the alien plummets the ground below, her vision blurs. Gotham's rain poured and showed mercy to one who did not deserve it. The ringing in her ears overlapped what muffled words could be heard. The blur slowly growing darker, and darker. And then. Everything was swallowed in white.
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Alphabet Tag
I was tagged by @jinyoungmoans - thank you lovely!
RULES: Answer the questions in a new post and tag some blogs you would like to get to know better.
A: Age
B: Birthplace
New Zealand
C: Current Time
D: Drink You Last Had
E: Easiest Person to Talk To
Probably @ongsung - Ash and I can discuss literally anything and everything with ease! 
My best friend lives with me and I would say I can talk to @this-song-thats-only-for-you with ease too... but I tend to bottle my emotions too well in person, which is frustrating for her and me. We get there in the end though XD
F: Favorite Song
My favourite song changes a lot... but probably Icarus - JJ Project. I can listen to it on repeat and never grow bored. 
G: Grossest Memory
Ahh... I’m so old and I can’t think of anything that really grosses me out (minus the thought of my leg when it was broken, that just did my head in)... but recently Octavia unfortunately had a bout of diarrhoea whilst I was out doing groceries in her crate and well, it went EVERYWHERE. Cleaning that up was fun times since she had it on her, on the bedding, on the walls. She’s talented, I guess >_< 
H: Hogwarts House
Hufflepuff. At first I was devastated, but as time goes by, I find Hufflepuff really interesting. << Same as Nik, I always wanted to be Ravenclaw but am stuck in Hufflepuff.
I: In Love
Sure, I’m in love with a bunch of idols that have no idea I exist so ... forever alone XD
J: Jealous of People
I get jealous irrationally over people ... more so due to feeling inferior? So my jealousy stems from my own self-doubt and not the real situation. It’s something I am working on improving and realising I am worth people putting their attention on me. 
I used to judge myself against my peers and why was my life different but I’m too old to care about that now and like what I have mostly.
K: Killed Someone
If The Sims count, then yes. Once I let Daehyun drown in a pool on The Sims 3 because for some reason, the stairs wouldn’t let him out. My poorly constructed pool design >_> Thank god for save points and the Reset Sim option - my Sim would have been heartbroken to lose her fiance hahaha.
L: Love at First Sight or Should I Walk By Again?
Lust at First Sight is what I believe in. Loving someone comes from connection, so they’d have to walk by a few times haha. I definitely believe that connections can happen quickly with the right people. Even so, maybe I’m old-fashioned, but I do believe love needs time... Lust can be automatic and very fulfilling until love settles in. 
M: Middle Name
N: Number of Siblings
1 younger brother and 1 baby sister we essentially adopted (thanks anon for pointing my error!)
O: One Wish
For my family to stop struggling this year and fulfil all their goals they’re actively seeking out.
P: Person You Called Last
The people who owned the land our horses live on... their horse had no water. (So we gave him some since no one was home)
Q: Question You are Always Asked
From family: “when do you plan to stop making those fake babies and get married and have real ones?” / “when are you going to go get pregnant?” 
From tumblr: “when are you going to stop denying Park Jinyoung?” -- I already have :)
From my sister: “can I have more internet time?”
R: Reason to Smile
My family, friends, pets, creativity, kpop/k-dramas and a few more.
S: Song You Sang Last
All Night - ASTRO cos it’s literally playing right now and I failed MJ’s note haha.
T: Time You Woke Up
7am today.
U: Underwear Colour
Blue with white stripes. Yes I checked.
V: Vacation Destination
The entire Italian peninsula, even though I’m pretty sure I’d just be eating nonstop salads the entire time. I want to see the places I invested 5 years of study into.
W: Worst Habit
Overeating. I tend to feel guilty if there’s food left behind and will eat more than my share if it’s good too. I have to be pretty mindful when eating cos I can snack and not realise I ate more than I should have. 
Also, I try to take responsibility for things even when it should be up to another person, because I’d prefer to just get it sorted and control the situation again... I’m improving on this, but now people see me as giving no fucks about them so it’s kind of annoying.
X: X-rays
I’ve had so many in my lifetime, I could fill an entire bookcase shelf easily >_<
Y: Your Favourite Food
Chocolate. What shouldn’t I be eating anymore? Sugar. Sigh. I can do gluten free, but chocolate is just... so hard to give up. My goal is to be very successful in being gluten free and then go processed sugars free. Hahahaha future Chelle is crying already. 
Jokes aside, I love Chicken Katsudon, and Sesame Chicken. Both which are my favourite dishes to make. 
Z: Zodiac Sign
The other day I learned I’m not a Gemini, but a Gemini - Cancer cusp even though everything basically calls me a Gemini. After reading THIS ARTICLE I have never felt so connected to a piece of astrology facts until now. 
I have to go pick up my sister from school now, so I just tag whoever wants to do this Xxx
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neo-kajatrash · 6 years
Did young Copperwell ever plan to try and kill his boss? Esp after his boss teased him a lot about his mother being a sex worker and using her services a lot?
Actually yeah, he did try to–but it wasn’t when he was younger. It was only when he was his current age (which is 32) and he ran into him in Bilgewater after years of hoping he died on Kezan. After Nix hired someone to kill Copperwell there–and said assassin failed at the hand of Dredgewick–he decided to slip away by himself to find him and get some revenge. 
I was gonna try to explain it further in summary, but I think it’ll be easier to just show a little excerpt from the roleplay–all what I wrote. Also I’ve left it at a cliffhanger, but Dredgewick ended up stepping in. Thanks for asking! (Warning for strong language/some violence)
It didn’t take long for Copperwell to figure out where Nix would be. He had a large estate on the other side of the island, and Copperwell only hoped he could find him before Dredgewick became suspicious. He made his way quickly, offering dark glances to anyone who noticed his fast pace. He was about to kill someone.
He hadn’t gotten there in time before he noticed Nix’s recognizable profile, shambling away. From where he was, Copperwell could see that he would be walking underneath a winding road in a few minutes, likely towards his home. How perfect, Copperwell thought, licking his teeth. This wouldn’t take long.
He hurried to the other side of the tunnel, nearer to the coast than anything else in the Harbor. The road turned at a wall that separated the city from the ocean, and curled around and upwards along the edge. No one was around, and Copperwell couldn’t imagine a better scenario. He could have stayed far away and sniped him, but he didn’t have the proper gun for such a thing and he wanted to be close–because this was personal.
He took a deep breath to calm his nerves, then stood with his back on a tall dark rock near the short tunnel. His ears twitched at the sound of footsteps, easily recognizing them as his target, still a minute away.
His mind was whirling… he hadn’t personally killed anyone in a while, though he’d done enough of it especially while surviving on the Lost Isles. What was making him nervous was that fact that he knew Nix relatively well, and for a long time. He’d been his first and only boss, for a few years, and the salary he gave had paid for Copperwell, Rusty and Maxine… But he was a wretched goblin, Copperwell reminded himself, who’d constantly bullied him and gotten under his skin… but more than that, he’d actually tried to have Copperwell himself killed–and got very close. It was time to end it.
He unbuttoned his suit coat, then slowly and quietly pulled his small musket out from its holster. He readied the gun and rested his thumb on the flint, then stretched his arm out so it was facing the exit of the tunnel right at Nix’s eye level. Still with his back against the rock, he swiveled his head so he could see the exact moment Nix came from behind the corner–and he would light the fuse and pull the trigger.
But when he heard the footsteps get closer, his hand started to shake. He swallowed, berating himself for feeling nervous. What was holding him back? He hated this goblin… and yet, he already felt somewhat guilty for this. He thought there was a chance he might regret this later… and Marax himself had told him that no good would come from ending the goblin’s life. He tried his best to push Marax’s words out of his mind, as well as the thought of what Dredgewick would think if he knew what he’d done. If Rusty found out, he wouldn’t be surprised–but disappointed. Nymrina… her face his Copperwell’s mind was… disgusted. What would Maxine think?
All of this thinking and second-guessing had distracted him too much. Mix came around the corner before he was ready, and Copperwell simply stood there with the barrel aimed at his face. Nix startled and whirled when he noticed the gun, ears pulling back as he jumped out of the way and shouted for help.
Copperwell could barely register what had happened, intense gaze flicking towards him as he still held his thumb on the flint.
“You bastard!” Nix spat, obviously afraid, but seeing the uncertainty in his young accountant’s eyes. Before Copperwell could make a response, a shadow passed over him and his arm was knocked forcefully against the rock next to it. He shouted in pain and dropped the musket with a clatter, ears lowering in fear when he saw that a hostile hobgoblin, more than twice his height and armed with a club, had appeared from somewhere nearby. Looking in the direction he’d only glanced at, he noticed that the large building with lights strung along the front porch was likely his old boss’s estate, and this hobgoblin was a guard. It had turned out to be a bad spot, after all.
In a short second, Copperwell held his aching arm and tried to dart under the road, but the hobgoblin was right at his heels. Now the two of them were under the shadow of the road–The hobgoblin grunted and grabbed Copperwell by the back of his suit coat collar, then spared no brutality when he threw the small loan shark against the other side of the same dark rock which drew out another shout of pain and shock. The bald goblin sunk loudly to the cobblestones and struggled to stay kneeling, coughing and groaning in pain.
“Really, I thought you could do better than this,” Nix scoffed, now standing right in front of Copperwell with the hobgoblin at his side. He glared down at him with a curled lip, then spat on the ground in front of him.
“Where’s your lackey?” he asked, poison in his words. “Did he leave you like the last one? Are you really that pathetic now?”
Copperwell finally gained the strength to reply, rising to his feet and grimacing at the pain in his whole body. Still holding his hurt arm, he growled,
“Shut the fuck up! Why the hell did you try to have me killed??”
“Ah… so he told you, then…” Nix sniffed, seeming strangely aloof to the situation. “You were really starting to get on my nerves, little cruncher. I wanted to teach you not to mess with me, no matter how many pieces of silver you have.”
“Ha! So you wanted to ‘teach’ someone by killing them, eh? Brilliant,” he seethed. “You’re dead!!” He leapt past the hobgoblin and tried to reach his gun on the ground, but the huge brute was too big and fast for him… his large hand stopped Copperwell by the chest and he threw him backwards, making him tumble onto his back.
“A-aghh… Damn you!!” he spat, grunting and hefting himself to a sitting position. If he couldn’t hurt Nix physically, he could at least try to sting him with words.
“You’re just butthurt that my mother didn’t wanna be with a rat like you, ain’t ya?” he barked. “You are done pestering me, jackass!!”
Nix’s gaze darkened and he snapped at the hobgoblin with his fingers. The guard stepped forward with his club in hand, making Copperwell scramble backwards in a desperate attempt to stand up and run away. But he wasn’t fast enough, and the club came down on the arm that tried to shield himself. He grunted loudly in his throat, trembling at the pain that coursed through him. But he knew that the hobgoblin was holding back. He could easily break his bones like this, and it seemed he was just taking his time.
“What,” Nix countered from behind his guard, giving Copperwell a sly, dark grin. “And your so-called father was any better? I seem to remember that both your whore mum and your ‘pop’ were gone long before you were even, say twenty years old?”
“At least they weren’t you, you old bastard!” Copperwell hissed.
“Haha! For all you know, I could be your real pop!”
“Not a fucking chance–!” Copperwell shouted back, but he was distracted and didn’t notice that the hobgoblin was reaching down to pick him up by the collar. Dangling now four feet in the air, Copperwell gripped the strong hand hefting him.
“I used to like you,” Nix mused, watching him struggle with panic. “But what an annoying disappointment you are. I hope your siblings died before they had to see you like this.”
“What the FUCK did you just say to me, you fucki–gahhAAHH…!!”
The hobgoblin once again threw Copperwell hard down to the cobblestones, making him nearly lose his breath. As he lay on his back, huffing and groaning in pain, he spat in fury,
“I’m g-gonna… fuck-ing.. k-KILL YOU! Ahhh…”
“Ah, so they did die, did they?” Nix asked with some amusement. “Sad. And if you’re gonna kill me, then why the hell didn’t you just do it? Hahaha! Too slow. Murph is gonna have his fun now. Go on, Murph.”
“N-n-no!! W-wait–” Copperwell raised his hands to defend himself, but the hobgoblin once again lifted him up. This time, it was by the neck. the guard squeezed hard, his small, dull eyes focusing on Copperwell’s.
“Boss says ta hurt you,” he muttered emotionlessly, as if he were simply informing him of what was to happen next.
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percent9 · 6 years
tagged by @baewenjun​ thank u so much feifei!! <333
rules: answer the questions below and tag blogs you would like to get to know better!
a: age - 20
b: birthplace - beijing, china
c: current time - 1:30am
d: drink you had last - gatorade
e: easiest person to talk to - for people in general probs my friends bella, ishani, & allison they’re outgoing & open to all sorts of conversation & keep things going, for me personally probably my friends alex, alex (lol yes i have two friends named alex), & ina i <3 those 3
f: favorite song of all time - that’s rly hard don’t make me pick but i recommend hua chenyu’s entire discography i love that boy so damn much
g: grossest memory - that time my brother’s friend’s younger brother pissed on my laptop haha ha hahaha
h: hogwarts house - i got a rant for u
i: in love? - with 99 ip boys yes
j: jealous of people - i try not to be but i do get bitter about things easily (but i’m not rly vengeful or anything so nothing rly happens)
k: killed someone? - nah i try to act like i ain’t soft but i’m actually real soft i don’t even kill bugs if i don’t have to i let them outside (sof don’t u say anything about this)
l: love at first sight or should i walk by again? lol bye bitch (i h8 that pickup line asdfghjkl;) but in all seriousness i believe in having a crush or finding someone attractive the first time u meet them but i think actual deep feelings take time & getting to know someone to develop, i’m v much a “i want someone i’m dating to also feel like my best friend” kinda person
m: middle name - don’t have one lol
n: number of siblings - one; a younger brother (he’s 16, 17 later this month)
o: one wish - more wishes bc i’m that hoe
p: person you called last - my friend bella, to yell about ip & life
q: questions you are always asked - “where are u from??” (i look somewhat racially ambiguous & people get confused), “why do u have a beijing accent???” (this happens a lot when i speak chinese, funnily enough it’s almost never someone actually from beijing who asks this), & “if u grew up in china where did u get ur american accent???” (aka most asked question of my freshman year of college)
r: reason to smile - ot99 are reuniting in the finale to perform ei ei together
s: song you sang last - 华晨宇’s version of 假行僧 i decided to transcribe it for a project (i’m a music major hi) & i was singing along while i did so
t: time you woke up - 9am? i think?
u: underwear color - black
w: worst habit - never putting on my shoes properly, picking at everything, laying on floors, being a gigantic mess
x: x-rays? - a couple at the dentist’s for checking teeth growth, when i broke a bone in my foot & fractured 3 bc of martial arts, & several when i had difficulties breathing last term at college (they were checking my lungs to make sure that wasn’t the issue & i went several times b4 they figured out what was wrong...... apparently i somehow pulled my diaphragm lmao i don’t even exercise it was v confusing)
y: your favorite food - this is hard asdfghjkl;gjdgh i guess 煎饼, 手抓饼, 葱油饼, 肉夹馍, 油条, ramen, fried rice, raw salmon, onigiri, burritos, fried chicken, steak, mashed potatoes...... i like a lotta food (and i’m a hoe for 饼) can u tell
z: zodiac sign - cap sun, sag moon, sag mercury, aqua venus (venus is also in retrograde fml), aqua mars, aqua dominant (so much of my damn chart is aquarius it’s ridiculous), ??? rising bc my mother forgot my time of birth...... (@ u astrohoes does this explain a lot bc i think it explains a lot)
hi ok feifei already tagged some people i would’ve wanted to tag (@dingzeren @ynajun lookin’ @ u 2 sof & connie,,,,,, tho do feel free to tag me in urs so i can read i’m curious,, or just send me the link on discord lol) so i’m not gonna double tag y’all (even tho i love u guys) 
i’m gonna tag @princeruibin @roiqin @mu-ziyang @manmubo @idolprod @h-mubo @qinfen-qingshen @oac-a @idolnines @lingdidi @wangziyii @idolproducer @zhutwns @princesssjoy @attackonsujuu @jarpark absolutely feel free to not do it if u don’t wanna!! i’m just a curious bean lol
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happyclown · 6 years
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OC TAG - Willa Aveline Harlow
here’s another tagged thingy for willa...
1. What is your name? Hi, the name’s Willa. Most people call me Will tho.
2. Do you know why you were named that? I joke around, saying my mom wanted a boy named Will, but that’s all a lie lol. My name means resolute protection and my mom really liked how it sounded so there’s that.
3. Single or taken? *shows left hand with a huge smile* I’m married! Finally put a ring on Reed hahahah
4. Stop being a Mary Sue! …Um, okay?
5. What’s your eye color? They’re like a light blue.
6. How about hair color? Dark brown, my natural hair color.
7. Have you any family members? I have my husband, my parents, two older siblings, a niece and an adorable nephew. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger hehe.
8. Oh, how about pets? I have my precious doggo, Poe and then my beautiful snake named noodle. We might get a cat, but Reed and I are still talking about it
9. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like? Hmm, I absolutely hate peas. They’re an abomination of a vegetable. I also don’t like shitty drivers, people who treat animals like crap, bitter tasting food, and unnecessary jumpscares in horror games.
10. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do? Making and watching films! Uhhh, there’s also dancing, gardening, martial arts, and playing video games.
11. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before? Yeah, probably emotionally. Not intentionally tho, I hate making people upset.
12. Ever… killed anyone before? No...why the hell is this a question??
13. What kind of animal are you? I honestly don’t know...I’ve been googling a ton of animals but there’s so many to choose from...they’re all so cool!!
14. Name your worst weaknesses. God, I’m full of them. Where do I even start....I cry a lot, huge worry wart, really anxious person and I’m very guarded as a person. I don’t let a lot of people in because I find it hard to trust people. I guess it’s because I’ve gotten screwed over so many times.
15. Do you look up to anyone at all? Not really. I admire people for their accomplishments and stuff, but I don’t like to put people on a pedestal. 
16. Are you straight, gay or bisexual? I’m pansexual
17. Do you go to school? Yeah, I have a degree in Film.
18. Ever want to marry and have kids one day? Well, I got one of those down hahah. Hmmm, kids? Maybe...maybe not, who knows, to be honest.
19. Do you have fangirls/fanboys? Surprisingly, yes. I’m happy that people like my work and everything, but I’ve had to sign my fair share of restraining orders because some people don’t know what the word privacy means.
20. What are you most afraid of? I guess dying....wow, it just got so dark hahaha...I’m just really scared of the unknown like what happens after...I don’t know, sorry...
21. What do you usually wear? It depends a lot on my mood. I really enjoy fashion so every day is different. One day, I’ll be in super bright colorful clothing with loads of pattern, the next day i’m in a frilly white dress.
22. What’s one food that tempts you? Cottage pie...yes, I know it typically has peas, but I make mine without that abomination of a vegetable.
23. Am I annoying you? Not really, it takes a lot to bother me.
24. Well, it’s not over! Okay!
25. What class are you (low class, middle class, high class)? I was born in a upper middle class family. My mom is one of the associate curators at the Met and my dad is one of the directors at the MoMA. He also teaches at the New School for Fine arts. I would still consider myself middle class, make enough to have financial stability.
26. How many friends do you have? Not as many as people would like to think. I have a decent amount of friends that I talk to on a daily basis. The rest are just acquaintances. I like my privacy so it takes time for me to warm up to people. Although, if you’re my friend, you already know we’re friends forever; ride or die kinda deal. Friendship means a lot to me.
27. What are your thoughts on pie? If you’re cottage or shepherd’s pie, hell yeah...the rest, i don’t care about.
28. Favorite drink? Any kind of fruit juice, especially lemonade. I’m not a huge fan of alcohol. I’m a huge lightweight... my limit is like two mixed drinks hahaha. I’m usually the mom of the group when my friends go out to drink.
29. What’s your favorite place? The New York Aquarium..my dad and I used to go there a lot. Lot of good memories were made there. That place was so magical to me when I was younger lol...
30. Are you interested in anyone? Yes, it’s my husband (in the distance, you can hear reed shouting my wife from the kitchen)
31. That was a stupid question. Was it?
32. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean? Neither, not a huge fan of deep bodies of water. I can’t swim either so it’s best if I just dip my toes into the water instead haha or let reed drag me around by his shoulders.
33. What’s your type? Hmmm....(in the distance, you can hear reed shouting me multiple times) I guess someone who’s humble and down to earth. Someone I can talk to every day without getting bored...like we never run out of things to talk about. I also like it if they’re funny and make me laugh until my stomach hurts. Oh! and smiles...I love it when people have a nice genuine smile and you can see the happiness in their eyes.
34. Any fetishes? ....*clears throat* I’m not letting myself get kink shame.
35. Camping or indoors? I prefer the indoors because I’m a huge homebody but whenever reed wants to go, I go. I know it makes him happy and s’mores are fucking delicious.
Well then, that’s it?...uhhh, well bye! hahaha
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nadjastersurveys · 4 years
Looks and Personality
What do you look like? First of all, I’m pretty bad at describing myself but I’ll give it a try: I have straight black hair that reaches my boobs, pretty small and dark brown eyes, medium sized nose (I guess) and plump lips lmao. My face shape is square-ish and people say my face in general is pretty unique looking? I’m 150cm (so about 4′11′’) and I’m normal weight.
How often do you bathe? I shower about every other day. Sometimes more rarely if I’m feeling lazy and I have no plans to go anywhere lol.
How do you wear your hair? It’s either down or in a high ponytail. Most of the days it’s up. If I’m feeling FRISKY I’ll put it on a lazy bun but it happens rarely lmao.
What colours do you tend to wear? Black, white and grey are the most common colors. Sometimes I like mixing black and white with bright colors as well.
Do you have any tattoos? What, where and why? I don’t have any and I don’t think I ever will but you never know.
What kind of clothes do you wear? I love wearing sweatpants and sweaters. I also like sports tights and hoodies. My style is pretty chill I guess.
What kind of jewelery do you wear? The only jewelry I wear are my earrings and my nose ring. Every other jewelry like necklaces, bracelets or rings feel really annoying and always on my way haha. Also they don’t really fit with my clothing style.
Is there anything else you often wear? I can’t think of anything else.
Would you say you had a “look”? Not really, I guess I haven’t found my own style yet.
When going out, do you dress up or down? I don’t know what the question means? What does dressing up or down mean?
What do you wear to bed at home? Depends if it’s hot or cold obviously. When it’s cold I usually wear sweatpants with a t-shirt. In summertime I like wearing a top or a short sleeve t-shirt with either shorts or my underwear.
What do you wear to bed when you’re somewhere else? The same I wear when I’m at home I guess? I don’t think I would sleep just in a top and underwear though.
Is there a place you keep any prized/secret things whilst you’re away? Nah
What’s your favourite food? I love pasta and chicken.
What’s your favourite drink? I drink a lot of energy drinks nowadays but I wouldn’t say they’re my favorite though. I like tea, coffee and cold water.
What’s your favourite dessert? Ice cream, different sweet pies and cheesecake
What’s your favourite type of food (e.g Mexican)? Italian and Indian food.
Do you have any mental problems? I don’t think so.
Do you have any phobias? What? Why do you think you have this/them? I have a phobia of outer space. I’m afraid of it simply because it’s terrifying lol. I remember it probably started when we had a field trip to a planetarium in 3rd or 4th grade? That’s when I realized really what’s surrounding us and this planet and I was crying and covering my ears almost the whole time the show lasted hahaha.
Why might somebody dislike you? Because I’m annoying. Like sometimes I just don’t know how to shut up and don’t know when to stop joking. I can be pretty hyperactive sometimes also which can annoy people.
What skill do you possess that you are most proud of? I try to be understanding towards others. I don’t judge people easily because I  know that people are different, have different lives and have different opinions/tastes/thoughts/whatever and I respect them even though I might not agree with them.
What is your greatest strength (e.g. honest, loyal, brave)? I’m trustworthy.
What’s your greatest shortcoming or flaw (e.g. cowardly, alcoholic)? I’m really competitive and a sore loser hahaha. Especially when i was a bit younger. When we were playing board games with my family and I didn’t win the game I sometimes threw the whole game to a wall and got mad at everyone LOL.
Who do you most admire? I don’t know. I admire my parents? They’re hardworking and loving.
Who do you most love? My parents, siblings and my friends.
What three things do you look for most in a partner? I like people who make me laugh, kind people and people I can trust.
Do you like crowds? I don’t like being part of a crowd, no.
What are your hobbies? I’m a dancer and I love watching movies.
If you can’t get to sleep in the middle of the night, what do you do? I’ll do something on my phone like watch couple videos on YouTube.
What is your favourite animal? Cats. I also think bunnies are super cute and charming. One of my friends has a bunny and I love petting him.
What is your favourite colour? Purple.
If you could ask God (to athiests - IF there was one) one question, what? I can’t think of any important questions now lol.
Where were you born and raised? I was born in China. I was adopted to a country in the northern part of Europe and that’s where I live now.
Briefly describe your family. I have four siblings (two brothers, two sisters) and I live with three of them and with my parents. We all get along really well and we’re pretty close and happy family and I feel really lucky because of that.
You must choose one - your childhood was calm/peaceful or tragic/turbulent? It was mostly pretty calm (but I wasn’t haha, I was a really hyperactive kid) but I was bullied in elementary school quite a lot so that didn’t make my elementary school years that enjoyable as they should’ve been. But it was not tragic or turbulent, I was happy, laughing and smiling most of the time and I had friends and great hobbies.
Did you have any role models? Not really.
What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you? Nothing super tragic has ever happened to me luckily but the bullying was pretty bad for me.
How did it affect you? I didn’t want to think about school during my free time because it reminded me of the insults I got to hear almost everyday there. So I didn’t really do my homework or study for tests and I got into trouble because of that quite a lot haha.
Have you ever had any recurring nightmares or themes in nightmares? No, I rarely have nightmares and I’ve forgotten the ones that I’ve had.
What were they? ^
Do you currently have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No.
Do you have any close friends? I have five close friends.
Briefly describe your best friend: I don’t have one best friend, all of them^ are the best haha. But all of them are really fun to be around with and we have similar interests since all of us are dancers for example.
Any enemies? I don’t have any.
Who? What are they like?
Would you risk your life for your best friend? (not lover or family member!) I don’t know :( I’m really afraid of dying and I’ve never even been in a situation where I had to make a choice between my health or my friend lol.
With who was your most important romantic relationship? I’ve never dated anyone.
Of what are you most proud? I’m proud that I’ve helped my friends and been there for them through their hard times.
Of what are you most ashamed? There’s many things I’m ashamed of :( But one thing is that I can’t stand up for myself and I get offended easily.
Alignment, Ethics and Religion
What is your religion? I’m not religious.
Where do you stand on abortion? Pro-choice.
Where do you stand on the death penalty? I’m against it in every situation.
Where do you stand on wearing fur? I hate it lmao. You could never see me wear fur.
Do you have a moral code that you follow? What? I’m sure I have.
Could you kill somebody? If I felt my life was being threatened and protecting myself was the only option then yes? I wouldn't murder anyone though?
For what reason would you kill somebody? Well, self-defense.
Would you SERIOUSLY CONSIDER killing anybody right now? No I don’t have a reason to, I don’t feel threatened lol.
Do you trust easily, or not? I trust pretty easily, which can be a mistake.
What are your political beliefs (anarchy, communism, democracy etc.)? I don’t know, I’m not into politics that much and tbh I don’t know anything about it lmao.
What, if anything, WOULD you sacrifice your life for? I’m not sure.
Would you ever, for any reason, abandon your friends in an hour of need? I don’t think so.
What are your dreams/ambitions/goals? To study something I’m interested in. Which I don’t know what it could be, I don’t have a dream job or anything like that.
How do you plan to reach them? First I would have to find out what my dream is lol. Then work for it I guess.
How would your ideal partner look? I don’t know, I don’t have a preference.
Do you ever want to have a family someday? With children? I love kids but I don’t know if I want to have my own. But I have plenty of time to think about it.
Who would you want to start this family with, or do you not yet know? I don’t know yet, obviously.
What would stop you from reaching your goals (e.g. death, retirement fund)? I don’t have goals hahaha I don’t know.
What do you see yourself doing next year? Studying in high school.
What do you see yourself doing in twenty years? I don’t know. But I would love to have a nice relationship and a nice job lol.
Would you ever have an affair? Definitely not.
Would you ever have a one night stand? No.
What are your greatest fears? Failing in life, losing people I love. You know, stuff like that.
More information
If you had a month of nothing (no work, no obligations) what would you do? I have a year of nothing now since I’m not in school atm. But all I’ve done is spend time on my laptop hahahahaha. I don’t know what I even want to do tbh.
How do you relax? Watch YouTube, do some stretching, lay on my bed, sleep, take surveys, watch movies.
What one thing would you change in this world (free Tibet, abolish Sweden)? Make everyone treated equally.
Would you ever choose a career or job where your life was at risk? I’m not sure. It sounds appealing to be a hero I guess haha. But I don’t think I would do it.
Why? Because I’m a scaredy cat lol.
How would you like to be remembered after your death? Just someone who was nice to people.
Random questions
Where you present at any major historical events (e.g. 9/11)? No.
How did they affect you?
Do you have any famous relatives? I don’t.
Do you have to try and live up to your family’s expectations? Yeah sure.
Are you a loyal member of any organizations? I’m not.
General Information
Name: Nadja.
Age: 16.
Date Of Birth: October 24th.
Race: Asian.
Height: 150cm.
Weight: 48kg.
Are you happy with this? Yes, I’ve always been normal weight.
Desired weight: I like being 48kg.
Sexual orientation: I think I’m bisexual.
First language: I don’t want to tell you that but it’s not English lol. Second/Third/Fourth etc. languages (if any): I can speak English.
Why did you take this survey? I felt like taking one now and this was the first one to pop up. And it seemed really interesting and fun.(and it was)
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Random questions about your significant other. Yay I love these
What's their name? Y’all know the drill. Her name is Gabie. :) Are you dating, engaged, or married? We’re dating, because it’s too early to be getting into the other two just yet. How old are they? She’s 21. How long have you been together? It’ll be our fourth anniversary next month, but before that we also dated for eight months. When and how did you meet? It was in Grade 7, my friend and her friend were friends, so they introduced us to each other. We were a group of four friends for a while, but Gab and I ended up being the closest so we branched out. I took a liking to her because she was the only one in our batch who seemed to know about the fangirling culture, and I fucked with that lmao. Were you friends before you started dating? Yeah, super. We were each other’s best friends for a couple of years. She always says I’m one of the few people who understood her weirdness and quirks and rode along with it, and I can say the same for her with my own quirks. That really helped us become more close with each other.
- Beyond the basics - What did they have for dinner yesterday? We didn’t really have dinner. I know she had Chowking late in the afternoon, and then she met up with me in the evening and we had drinks out with friends. Sam’s uncle covered the food so we had grilled liempo, spicy hotdog, and isaw which technically was our pulutan, but I guess it counts as dinner too. What car do they drive? Her cars change all the time because of her dad’s business, but right now she alternates between a BMW (not sure which model) and a Toyota Vios. Where would they love to travel to the most? I don’t know, she hasn’t really expressed this with me. What is their favorite dog breed? She loves all dogs but I’m pretty sure her favorite breed is golden retriever. Are they more of a dog person or a cat person? She’s definitely more of a dog person, but she recently realized that she loooooves cats and that she’s a cat person as well. What do they do for a living? She doesn’t have a full-time job but I know she used to work at her dad’s company doing publicity materials for their social media, photography, working on Photoshop, etc. Not sure if she’s still doing the gig now since I don’t hear much of it from her these days. Have they ever worked two or more jobs at once? She juggled two executive positions in her two orgs a year ago, if that counts. What's their hair style/color? She used to have blonde tips but she chopped them off a few months ago, so now she’s back to just having her normal, wavy, black hair.   Name some of their favorite foods. Chicken pesto pasta, potato chips, and anything her dad cooks? I’m not sure about that last one, but generally I never trust her with having ‘favorites’ because hers changes every single day. What would they consider to be their greatest accomplishment? I’m gonna take a wild guess and say that it was when she scored a 100% scholarship at her present university. The tuition there per year is around P200K but thanks to her hard work and good grades her parents have never had to pay a single cent for her studies. How many cousins do they have? I know she has... a lot but they’re either too old (almost like her aunts and uncles) or live in the States. Her mom is the youngest among her siblings and all of them were already pretty grown-up when she came around; and her dad’s siblings live in the States, hence most of her cousins living there as well. Where did they go to elementary/primary school? She went to the same school I did. We met in Grade 7, or I think what you guys refer to as ~middle school. What's their highest level of education? We’re both in university but graduating this year. How many times have they moved? I’m only aware of the one time she moved, and I’ve also already been to that previous house. If there were any other periods that they moved houses, she hasn’t told me about them. (If married/living together) How many times have you two moved together? Do they have a celebrity look-a-like? She told me that her grandmother used to tell her she looked like Brooke Shields when Brooke was younger, but that was many years ago. Nowadays I hype her up cos she shares a resemblance with Gal Gadot, heh. Do they talk in their sleep? Sometimes. Usually it comes out as gibberish mumbles, but there are times she’d say actual words so for almost four years, I’ve kept a list of all the stuff she’ll say in her sleep. Some of the funnier/more interesting entries include “hot math,” “my knees are still stuck,” “I’m going to shate,” and simply “mutts.”
Have they ever had braces? Yes. We started wearing braces at around the same time but she had to keep hers on longer than I did. What size shoe do they wear? Her feet can fit in either a size 5 or 6. Do they have a good relationship with their parents? Yes. I’ll sometimes confide in her about how lucky she is and about how I wish we had the same set of parents, especially whenever I’m upset with mine. Her parents were very busy with work when she was younger so she wasn’t able to spend a lot of time with them then, but as time passed they were able to catch up and now she has a healthy relationship with both. At what age did they get their drivers license? 18. What was their first car? She changes her car every few months so she’s gone through A LOT and it’ll be hard for me to remember her first...but I’m gonna take a wild-ass guess and say her first was either like a blue-green Toyota Corolla or something similar, or a red Honda CRV. What were they wearing the last time you saw them? Plain gray t-shirt and black jeans. What was their first word? No clue. We’ve never talked about this. Are any of their grandparents still living? She has one living grandmother. What sort of books do they like to read? She’ll read anything I think, but right now she’s into coming-of-age stuff because of the last book she read. What was the last book they read, or are currently reading? ^ That. HAHAHA she didn’t tell me the title or delve too much into the book with me, but yeah it was coming-of-age and she ended up loving it. Do they wear a watch? Sometimes. Most of the time she doesn’t. Do they smoke? Yes. For a long time, I told her not to just cos I found it disgusting, but eventually I realized I can’t prohibit her from doing what she wants to do the whole time we’re together; so I slowly came to terms with her smoking so I just let her. I don’t know if it’ll be a habit of hers but I do know she does it socially. Do they drink? Yes. Are they more introverted or more extroverted? Definitely an extrovert; she can jive with anybody. What was their last reason for going to a doctor? She had a bad asthma attack so she needed to have an IV thing pricked on her for a few hours. What are some of their pet peeves? She HATES moochers, like those who ask for free stuff all the time hahaha I know this because we have a friend who shamelessly does this. She also dislikes freeloaders, laziness, and being scolded especially for something that isn’t her fault. What are some of their fears? On the shallow side, I know she’s scared of horror movies, driving at night, and having to kill cockroaches. But she’s generally a deep person ehhffdrjfld and I know that more than anything, she’s terrified of failing and of the future. What are some of their bad habits? She’s super forgetful but I think it’s endearing. Hmmm she overworks herself a lot, and overthinks as well. What are some of their talents? She’s amazing at writing, creating videos, shooting short films, doing tricks on the balisong, acting, and fixing everything I’ve ever broken haha. What's their favorite amusement park? I’m not a big amusement park person so we haven’t been to any, but I think she likes Disneyland? Have they ever broken a bone? I don’t think so. Which do they tend to remember more - names or faces? Neither. What are their religious beliefs? Or are they not religious? She’s agnostic. She believes there must be something or someone out there that caused the universe and why everything in it has happened so seamlessly, but she is in no pressure to find out who or what it is. Have they ever volunteered anywhere? To my knowledge, she has not. What's their favorite season? I dunno, we only have two. What sports have they played? Basketball and softball. What musical instruments have they played? Guitar and ukulele. What is a cause they feel strongly about? Women’s rights, and women in general.   What's their ancestry? She’s Turkish on her mom’s side, but other than that she’s Filipino. Which do they prefer - coffee or tea? Coffee. Do they believe in astrology? Ugh. Yes. Are they more of a night owl or a morning person? Night owl.
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xcamay · 6 years
EreAnju isn't exactly a ship I thought I'd ever see. If you don't mind me asking, why is it one of your OTPs? I don't mean that to be rude, by the way. It's only because it's such a rarepair that I'm asking.
Hi!Don’t worry about it! You’re not being rude at all. I totally understand that coming across someone who ships such a rarepair so bad can be quite intriguing and surprising haha! To tell you the truth, I was asked that question several times ... But I’m always happy to share my answer!Ah, before I start, let me apologize for my late reply. I saw your ask around 3AM but I’ve been sick and very tired recently, so I fell asleep again very quickly heheSo. I know it can be odd at first, to ship EreAnju, who are both background characters despite being the protagonists’ rivals. After all, they got just a few lines here and there and didn’t even have some character development —hell, we didn’t even get some insight into their backstory (how did A-RISE start, did they struggle? How are they doing at school, how do they practice, are they best friends?) into their personality, etc. (which I profoundly regrets). But for me ... This lack of everything kind of helped me ship them at first. Because hey, they are —what I like to say— drama free! Of course, every character is drama free (maybe Rin hasn’t seen her father for years or she just doesn’t know who he his and is trying to get in touch with him and be able to meet him for the first time, maybe Hanayo has a lot of video games at home and can be a geek sometimes, etc.), but I have the impression that Erena and Anju are even more drama free. Because, unlike the main characters, they don’t really need to be placed in an AU to warn the readers that, maybe, they’ll read something different —because no one expects anything from them. No one even expects them to be in a fanfic (except me! ;3). That’s partly why it’s so free when you write something about them. Plus, if you want to write a canon-compliant story, I’m sure that these two (and maybe Tsubasa, a little) are the characters you can explore the most, you know? Aside the few little details the anime (or LLSIF or the manga) gives us, you have so many possibilities with them. I mean, just with how they look, you can say that Erena seems to be the most serious one (maybe it’s because she’s A-RISE’s choreographer, and maybe she’s been dancing for ages, to the point that she won several competitions?), but maybe she’s a sweetheart almost all the time except when they’re in practice. People also picture Anju as the most soft-spoken one and the sweet, wealthy, princess-like girl : what if it’s wrong? She can just be a regular girl, who is calm and kind with the others, and who became popular thanks to A-RISE. Maybe she’s just an adorable and hyperactive dork, who has younger siblings (I think she’d be an amazing onee-chan) and who learned how to sew clothes thanks to her dear grandmother before the latter passed away. Or what if it’s true? Maybe she’s wealthy and would have loved not to be, because she met her real first friends in high school, and that she now treasures her friendship with Tsubasa and Erena.And now, speaking of EreAnju as a pairing, goodness, that’s the same thing! You can do everything with them, compared to the main characters. I mean, authors usually go with the fact that RinPana are childhood friends, or that Nozomi has always been in love with her Elicchi, and that she’s struggling with her feelings because Eli is just so damn dense. You can go with everything, concerning EreAnju : are they childhood friends? Have they been dating for years? Did it start in middle school, when they were clueless about love, and did they learn everything together? Are they the perfect couple, and do they make everyone else dream? Or are they the kind of couple which keeps breaking up and getting back together? Are they secretly dating now? Did they meet Tsubasa before or after getting together, and was Tsubasa unconsciously getting in the way because she didn’t know they were dating and, so, creating fights between them, because one of them can be madly jealous? Is it Anju? Or do they trust each other so much that they’ll never feel jealous? Or, completely different, have they always been sworn enemies but finally did their best to get along for Tsubasa’s (and A-RISE’s) sake? Or did they meet thanks to Tsubasa, when she was looking for potential school idols? Or was Erena the cool and good-looking transfer student, and so was it love at first sight for Anju? Did she struggle just to get her attention? etc, etc.I just realized ... The fact that we know nothing about them just makes me want to know more ... Maybe that’s why they inspire me so much?But oof, oh my gods! I didn’t know that part would take so long (or do I have that impression because I’m on mobile?) haha ... Sorry!But, let me tell you : what I just said? That’s gold. Why? Because first, for a writer, you can have so many things to develop in your story when it comes to them ; and it can be different in each new story! As I said, no one expects anything from them, nor do they expect to see them in a fic. And it’s gold, because, at least, you’re sure you didn’t take the wrong route. I mean, we know nothing about Erena and Anju, and we know nothing about their relationship either. And with that, I can consider them as “safe” characters. You can be sure that, whatever you write (or read), they won’t really be OOC. Because you know, a lot of readers don’t like it when characters are OOC. As a reader, I’m not fond of that either, especially when there’s no justification behind that OOCness. And, as a writer, I am deeply afraid of writing OOC characters —and I know I’m not the only one. It’s easy with Erena and Anju. Whether it be their personality, their backstory, their experiences, or even their relationship and how they act in this relationship, you’re free to write whatever you want, without scaring your readers away because they’re so much OOC that they can’t stand the whole story anymore. And I bet the readers won’t mind whatever an author planned for them (if they’re important enough for the story and its plot). That’s maybe why it’s so easy for me to find and build ideas/headcanons/new AUs around them. Hey, you know, most of my YouRiko ideas were thought of or written with EreAnju at first haha! But they’re such a rarepair, as you said it, that it would have gotten me nowhere. As much as I love this pairing, I wouldn’t have been able to have such an amazing experience with them like I had with YouRiko. If it makes sense?For people to notice EreAnju, they have to be put in a story with at least TsubaHono with them ... UNFORTUNATELY ;-; I wish I could read so many fics about them!! ;-;So, before my answer ends up in a mad rant about all that (just the lack of scenes with A-RISE (I wish the producers could make an A-RISE spin off...) and all), here are the main reasons why I ship EreAnju.Okay, who I am also wants to love them deeply, as I’m someone who cares about physical appearances (yikes, I feel like I’m going to make people mad, but it really isn’t my intention...). And I find Erena and Anju beeeaaauuutiful, whether it be as a couple (come on, they’d be such a sexy and mature couple) or just as individuals. Erena’s eyes are going to kill me (don’t mind me, I love blue eyes), and Anju is such a cutie pie, too. I also love the fact that she gives off the I’m-a-sweetheart aura. Yuri couples with two girly girls are just my thing ... That’s also maybe why I love this anime, even if it’s not supposed to be a yuri one hahaha (but let’s be honest, that’s what everyone wants in the fandom, me the first!).So here you go!I am not here to shove EreAnju down anyone’s throat, I’m sorry if it looks like that, but I’m just ... very passionate when it comes to them. If only you knew how many EreAnju WIPs I have in my Love Live! file ... They’ll eventually turn into YouRiko or something, but well, hehe ... I just hope that my answer made sense, and that maybe I made people want to give them a chance, who knows?Thank you for the ask, I’m always happy to share this kind of thing! I hope you have a lovely day/night! :3
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