#am just a bab
sharpiedoodleee · 3 months
hiiii so. i know im an art blog or whatever but this is something i was possessed to write a little bit ago thats been gathering dust in my drafts for a long while now. ive got a lot of half finished art wips that im not entirely sure im going to go back to so i thought youd enjoy Some kind of content
just dont get used to it, im not a writer :)
SSKK: feelings realisation, ffffluff (?)
= S I N N E R =
“you’re a mess”
“i am not a mess-“
“ryuu, i can tell you’ve been crying”
that makes him pause, faltering a step before tutting and looking off to the side. damned jinko and his tiger senses.
“before you ask i wasn't on about your- very obvious, by the way, you should work on that- about your breathing. although, it is really concerning-“
“what? you wheeze on a good day akutagawa and you and i both know it”
ryuunosuke glares.
atsushu sighs, removing his hands from his hips and letting the reactionary tension bleed from his shoulders. this is getting him nowhere. he twirls his aching wrists, clenching and unclenching his hands in that way he knows akutagawa would normally snap at him for had he not be so busy trying to keep himself upright. he sighs again
“just-“ atsushi softens his tone, careful to keep the concern out of his voice “show me. where you’re injured.” at the scathing look akutagawa diegns him with, it seems he wasn't careful enough. atsushi clenches his jaw and breathes in through his nose. he never thought listening to kunikidas breathing excercises would come in handy for him - he likes to think hes a fairly calm person, but getting akutagawa to take care of himself would break even the most patient man.
he rolls his eyes “seriously, i could smell the blood on you before i could see you ,ryuu. im just really hoping its all yours”
ryuunosuke huffs a quiet “you’re such a bitch” that startles a incredulous laugh from atsushi. the tiger watches as the other man groans in defeat and lets himself sink to the floor; bracing against the brick behind him and clutching at his seemingly still bleeding side. if the weretiger is going to be so needlessly invasive he may as well rest, ryuunosuke muses, its not like the jinko hasnt seen him in worse conditions. he cringes away memories of a fleeting confession at sea, bleeding out infront of the detective again probably isnt the appropriate time to talk about it.
atsushi stops, squints, reassessing the mafioso “unless youve broken our promise-“
“alright- i messed up, jinko. is that what you wanted to hear? who knew you were such a fucking sadist-” he growls, annoyed now that the weretiger is still so untrusting of him “but i am not so imprudent as to keep my mistakes from you- seeing as that detective agency has finally taught you how to use that brain of yours” he doesnt bother to keep the bitterness out of his tone, they have both said and done much worse to each other after all. he leans back, ignoring his aching body’s protests and meets the weretigers now raised brow.
ryuunosuke sighs and goes lax against the wall, closing his eyes. fucking jinko…
“i have done a lot of shit in my life, jinko, but never once have i lied to you. i havent broken our promise and i wont. you should know this by now, you fool.”
the weretiger twitches, the name seemingly triggering something as his gaze slides off of ryuunosukes eyes and down to his neck. as the silence drags on the older opens his eyes, furrowing his brow as he takes in the jinkos frozen frame. His pupils are near pinpricks, jittering in the confides of his iris as his body is wracked with tremors. hes alarmingly silent, even as the tears overflow and begin to stream down his cheeks, even as his face contorts unattractively and his breathing speeds up. he wraps his arms around himself and ryuunosuke begrudgingly drags himself to his feet once again.
no response.
ryuunosuke blinks, the weretiger better not be fucking with him. he takes a tentative step forward, raising his palms placatingly from around his side and coiling rashomon around himself to hopefully keep his innards in, gods willing.
“atsushi…can you hear me?”
as he approaches he realises that atsushis now vacant gaze is still fixed to the wall ryuunosuke was sat against, seemingly caught on a ghost only he can see. hes yet to react to his aproach. doesnt seem to have noticed him move at all, really. and isnt that unusual? for someone who was just bitching about being able to hear every weary breath ryuunosuke took, the weretiger is alarmingly still. too struck by whatever horror his mind has conjured up this time to be aware of his surroundings, ryuunosuke imagines.
how the detective agency are still so seemingly oblivious to the weretigers plight ryuunosuke doesnt know.
but its not like he cares about the jinko.
shaking his head, the mafioso pushes that train of thought away and braces himself. if the jinko hadnt literally just been questioning his integrity as a partner he wouldve probably felt more guilty for what hes about to do, hes aware its horribly unorthodox. if his sibling knew of this they would surely have his head but its not like he has many options seeing as atsushi is near narcose. it may be brutish and harsh, even cruel to some,
but it works.
ryuunosuke taps the still quivering shoulder of the tiger and is unsuprised when that impassive gaze snaps to him with a mildly concerning crack of the jinkos neck. when that achingly familiar glow halos the alley in blue ryuunosuke sucks in a breathe and drops himself as low as he can to the sticky concrete below. his vision swims from the sudden movement and he can feel rashomon tighten her grip on his still bleeding wound, unsure if it was him who told her to or simply a byproduct of his coats concern.
he laughs deliriously. his coat is concerned but his supposed partner just tried to gut him? what a world he lives in…
gods, he hopes the tiger doesnt fancy a brawl in this tight, urine soaked alley. ryuunosuke is barely clinging to his conscious as it is.
when no second blow befalls his now prone body though, he chances a look up and immediately regrets it.
atsushi is staring at him now, his eyes glassy and overflowing with tears that smear his flushed face and nearly glitter in the dull light of the alley. hes clearly attempting to reaquaint himself with reality, stanced as he is over ryuunosukes unprotected form. his arm is still half raised from attacking him; cheap, flimsy shirt lifting to reveal smooth, tan skin…the mafioso laments over his own sickly figure as his eyes are glued to the rippling muscle hiding under there. a sheen of sweat is dripping down atsushis prominent hip bone that ryuunosuke wants to follow with his tongue. his eyes dragging down the shimmering silver happy trail he can just about see in the dying light of the alley.
ryuunosuke quickly looks back down at the floor, suddenly intent on examining the splatter of bird shit infront of him, lest his eyes rake any lower then they already have.
see, ryuunosukes not a fool. he knows he has…feelings to the tiger. it took a lot of reluctant, midnight rants with Gin to get there but he knows. the part of this thats blindsiding him is the all consuming, almost animalistic wave of desire this prediciment has sent careening through his bloodstream. its really not the time, but ryuunosukes never cared for things like that - you cant when you live a life like his. but that lack of practice at reeling himself in is really starting to kick him in the ass. the blood loss is not helping. rashomon is tacky from seeping up the evidence of his failure and ryuunosuke is just beginning to realise a lot of that moisture should be inside him. any remaining bloodflow is joyfully re-directing itself in a more unsavoury direction and ryuunosuke is increasingly glad hes laid himself flat on the concrete floor. his head is killing him.
throughout this whole process Atsushi is still just staring down at him, blinking rather aggressively as he processes what the fuck just happened.
…ryuunosukes really not sure how he manages to get himself in these situations.
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my headcanon for post canon happy griddlehark is that Gideon would say "One flesh, one end, Harrow!" every time they have the smallest disagreement or she's in trouble like she'll burn their food and when Harrow makes even the smallest comment about it Gideon immediately explodes like "What happened to one flesh one end???? Oh, undying devotion but one burnt cheese pizza and you cast me aside??? 10000 years of tradition, harrow! I died for you, you know?"
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sisaloofafump · 8 months
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Loosely inspired but the fic So you’ll know where I’ve been by @cacchieressa
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cassandracain52 · 3 days
Reverse trope
where instead of the Bats forgetting that they’re adopted (something actual adoptees do on occasion and is hilarious) they forget that some of them *cough Damian cough* aren’t
Jason in the heat of a probably ridiculous argument: Yeah well YOU’RE adopted!
Tim just as invested in said argument: So are YOU! We all are!
Damian who had previously been quietly watching this unfold while he drank his tea: Actually I’m not
Tim and Jason who didn’t realize he was there but are already DoneTM: …… Damian continuing to sip his tea entirely unbothered: :)
Damian: Because I’m not an orphan-
Jason: ok, yoU KNOW WHAT-
or like in their group texts (that we know they have thanks to Nightwing (2016) #79)
*Steph changed the group chat name to “Bruce Wayne’s Personal Orpanage”*
Jason: Really?
Steph: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Steph: It’s the truth Damian: Both my parents are very much alive
Steph: Shhh you don’t count
Cass: Mine too Duke: Technically so are mine
Barbara: I still have a dad so there’s that
Tim: Stephanie aren’t BOTH of your parents alive???
*Steph changed the group chat name to “The Technicality Police”*
Tim: well that’s more accurate at least
Steph: :)
Damian in his 10th argument with Tim of the day: That’s- this is-
Tim in full Antagonizing Big Brother mode: I’m listening
Damian -a Gen Z and best friend to Jon Kent- extremely frustrated: This is such Motherless behavior!
Tim taken aback: [voice cracking] W-what-?
Damian who didn’t mean to say that but doubling down anyway because his bloodline doesn’t believe in admitting mistakes: THIS! This is such Motherless behavior!
The rest of the family who is also motherless: :O
Cass whose been spending way too much time with Meme Queen Stephanie Brown and not involved in the argument but finding it entertaining regardless: [nodding along seriously] Facts
Tim: [visibly betrayed] CASS WHAT-
A video copy of the interaction gets sent out anonymously to the entire family. Barbara is the prime suspect but there is no proof as of yet (and they will never find any)
Steph, Cass, and Duke continue to respond “Motherless behavior” everytime one of the bats does something they deem questionable/insane. It is said often
It only stops when one night in the middle of patrol. Batman is in full Dark Knight mode (possibly in the middle of threatening someone) and descends from the ceiling into the middle of a warehouse drug deal, dark cape billowing out behind him-
and Steph just automatically whispers “Motherless behavior” forgetting her com was still very much on
She immediately realizes what she said and frantically apologizes but it’s too late.
Bruce just- Blue Screens. Completely stunned into silence
Dick -who was unfortunate enough to be the one teamed up with Batman tonight- is fighting for his life to choke back his laughter
Jason doesn’t even try to stop his and has collapsed to his knees from lack of air from how hard he’s laughing. Cass try’s half heartedly patting his back to help to no avail
The criminals are terrified into surrender from The Red Hood just laughing hysterically at seemingly nothing while Batman just Stands There
Damian ends up being the only one still functioning enough to continue arresting everyone, though he is privately amused and strangely proud
Tim and Barbara have saved both the com recordings and cowl footage to at least three different servers and sent it to absolutely everyone before Batman even recovers
Duke finds out second hand the next morning and is furious he missed the chance to see it in person. He declares he is moving to the nightshift so it doesn’t happen again. (He is all talk and goes to bed by 9 pm)
Bruce bans the phrase for life and promises swift and server punishment to anyone who dares to use it again
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papaiyatree · 4 months
haha so... babs is gonna be paralyzed by the assassin who's hunting her and we bring her back to being oracle full-time right? right? (i am coping so hard)
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ollierachnid · 1 year
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a couple of sdmi things
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vulturevanity · 1 year
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I have once again realized I can draw whatever I want, so I did just that. Happy Birthday to Katarina Claes, may she celebrate this St. John's day by eating all the lightly charred bonfire-roasted corn she can handle and dancing quadrilha with her friends all night long.
São João (St. John's day) is a sort-of harvest festival where I live, so I think it fits our Bakarina perfectly. Since it's a traditional festival heavily influenced by rural Brazilian culture, my headcanon is that Maria is the one who introduces her to the customs, since the holiday falls on the same day as Katarina's birthday -- and Katarina gets slightly obsessed with it and is dead set on having a thematic birthday party (since there's no way her mother would let her celebrate out there with the commonfolk). She grew all that corn by herself for months in preparation!
I really wanted to make a big piece featuring everyone because it's such a huge party with a lot of nuance and drawing outfits for the harem would've been a lot of fun, but I am swamped with work so this was all I could do. Oh well, there's always next year!
Dances throughout the festival surround "quadrilha". Most of these dances emerge from 19th-century Europe, which were brought by the Portuguese. The "quadrilha" features couple formations around a mock wedding whose bride and groom are the central focus of the dance.
You guys have no idea how much I wanted to draw the entire cast dancing quadrilha. I even had an entire fic about how the whole thing was put together. As the only other commoner aware of the customs, Raphael would offer to be the Master of Ceremonies. Geordo would beg for him and Katarina to be the main couple and then nearly have a fit when Katarina decided Maria should be the bride (because it's her birthday and she gets to call the shots). Everyone else would then scramble to be Katarina's pair, but then Katarina, in a scheme to figure out who Maria is pursuing romantically, would redirect the conversation and ask Maria to pick someone for the role of groom. And then Maria would pick her, and everyone would lose their shit.
So the pairs would be:
Katarina and Maria as the groom and bride
Mary and Alan as the second couple (not as important as the wedding couple but these roles show up a lot)
Sophia and Nicol (the pairs don't have to be romantic and these two are more in sync with each other than with anyone else)
Very begrudgingly, Geordo and Keith (they are Not Happy about this)
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softceleste · 12 days
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Barbara Palvin Sprouse and Dylan Sprouse in Breaking Ground (Episode 3 - The Town)
Please do not save, repost, or edit these gifs for any reason, use the reblog button instead. Also please do not interact if you’re a celeb rp blog or if you write taboo content on your blog, thank you!
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rainymoodlet · 11 months
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I'd be appalled if I saw you ever try to be a saint I wouldn't fall for someone I thought couldn't misbehave But I want you to know that I've had no love like your love
From nobody. 🌵
#ts4#ts4 edit#ts4 screenshots#ts4 gameplay#;tjol#;tjol+#ts4 legacy#sim: dallas#sim: shingo#||#🥹 i am overwhelmed with emotions okay#engagement photos for my babies~ because never in my whole life did i think a randomly generated sim would capture my love like rangi did#but here shingo is :') now the whole 'nanny sasaki is here' notif makes me so emotional when i find it in screenshots dsfjkhd#for a small summary: dallas is my tjol founder + shingo is the first nanny that showed up to babysit ivory (our heir) when she was just an#infant :') he had a higher relationship with ivory than dallas did for a while dfhjfsd#he is such a sweet and caring sim and he's almost dallas' polar opposite - they're brash and loud and shingo is patient and quiet#he made them massive amounts of food every time he came over. it was the same routine: show up - put ivory to bed - make food - play w dogs#the 2 got extremely close & shingo was the one who always invited dallas out to festivals (i never took pics but they went to the festival#of lights when ivory was a lil bab it was so sweet ;o;) he kind of empathized with their situation & never judged them for calling at 11pm#before they went to work at 'the flamingo'. i was resistant to their totally natural developing relationship bc i was like?? no dallas is#way too hot for me to post them with this elder sim and say 'LISTEN ITS JUSTIFIED BECAUSE THEY'RE IN LOVE' but like...#if y'all had watched them the way i have you would understanddd#shingo loves dallas and ivory with all of his little pixel cpu-processed autonomous heart and its genuinely so fcking sweet i'm such a nerd#abt it but ughhh you have no idea T^T dude canonically doesn't want kids he's like 'nah ivory is my daughter i'm GOOD' mans is a#family-oriented nanny and when dallas asked him if he'd like children he said 'nah i'm good'. to their gorgeous face. like my guy that is#willpower of STEEL. IVORY WOULD'VE HAD A SIBLING SO FAST MAN DALLAS WAS READY WITH A CAPITAL R.#im not shitting u the 'loves partners butt/muscles' shows up every time they **** its precious. dallas is besotted with him and i never#should have denied them each other dsjkhdas#MY RANT IS DONE I PROMISE#I LOVE THEM SO FCKING MUCH THANK YOU FOR LISTENING TO ME TALK ABT MY PIXEL PEOPLE
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sunnybunnybabs · 11 months
FTFO Chapter 34, spoilers
OhhhhhHhh I LOVE THE DOODLE SPHERE SM. It's doing it's damned best since it had such bad influence from the multiverse's inhabitants
Look at that, Ink was right, stop resorting to murder and hostility Cus now we got a very hostile Doodle Sphere
Doodle Sphere got the "Ive only had Ink for a day and a half but if anyone hurts him I'll kill everyone in the multiverse and then myself" ...except the DS likes both Healer and Prism lmao I love it
The amount of times I've called shit like I KNEW Fell Gaster was working with XGaster godDAMNIT
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A bit of my live reaction ramblings (Most of it was cursing Fell Gaster don't worry)
I'm calling it that Ink will lose a leg I'm sorry there's just no way he isn't with how much it's talked about
Also the bit about Stretch saying XGaster going out into the Omega Timeline with a disguise I feel like...the disguise is the Undertale Gaster but don't quote me on that
I'm also very excited for Healer getting Broomie I CANNOT WAIT something did always feel off about Healer n it's Cus he's missing BROOMIE
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flowerflamestars · 16 days
Albatross Snippet
"Wasn't good enough to look at alive," Jason exhaled, horribly quiet, "Still not good enough dead?"
Dick stared down at his putrid coffee. Bitterness seemed to have taken over his senses- hated taste in his mouth, the sound of Jason's voice- like nothing else existed.
"Fuck you," Dick enounciated clear despite the lump in his throat. "Fuck you for dying, fuck you for lying, and fuck you for leaving."
His voice didn't shake. Vehemence tasted shitty too.
Slumping all at once into the crooked booth across from him, Jason seemed to nearly fall. "Dick."
He made it half a minute, watching yellow light highlight the coffees oily sheen. Pink circles on diner ceramic, two chips. Less than forty seconds- he had to look.
And Jason was just Jason. Handsome. Tired. Physically arresting as the night Dick had really met him. Freshly shaved jaw, a half days bruise ever so slightly discoloring. Not an open wound or an adolescent ghost, a shape in the dark holding Dicks hand as tightly as he'd held onto all his secrets.
Not exactly the same, but enough, pushing all the air from Dicks lungs because it could never, ever be the same.
"You cut your hair."
Quiet. Furious. Not at all relieved.
Jason blushed. Faint, not unapparent, not to Dick, just a little bit of pink on those broad cheekbones. Too sudden to blame the cold.
"And you let yours grow," Jason said, after too long a beat, gripping the table edge. He swallowed, all of Dick's anger seeming to condense down on watching stress play out on his person. "Alf giving you shit yet?"
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mfshipbracket · 1 year
my prediction is that this bracket is gonna be kermit/piggy vs shrek/fiona
do kermie and piggy have what it takes . to beat The Goth Couple of Tumblr Dot Com
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racingdr1ver · 10 days
in the true spirit of being the person who wrote unholy affliction, our cat just jumped out the window onto the little roof below our apartment TWICE, and me and my roommate, drunk and in our underwear, had to climb out the window after her
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glass-trash-bab · 8 months
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More Willow Mist Bab :] I just like them. so much.
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somecunttookmyurl · 9 months
Sorry to just drop into this, but another thing to consider with handmade good and the ‘overpriced’ idea is that you also have to factor in how much stock might sell at any given time.
For example, if you make 100 pairs of earrings in a month but might only sell 30 (because you need to give people options etc.) then the profit from those 30 should reasonably cover the time you spent making all 100.
Also, it should pay for the time you spend at craft fairs, replying to any commissions/ purchase requests, packaging time and going to the post office, any online marketing you might do (tumblr posts etc).
Peolle don’t often factor these in when thinking about the value of crafts they buy, which is a bit unfair.
yes there are other overheads but the thing is. basically all of those to some extent also apply to fibre arts
but sure. to be thorough. i spend 10h a week at my market stall and an hour... let's say 2 be generous with it... updating the shop
if i made 50 pairs of earrings and sold 15, the "materials" cost of 1 pair, to cover their unsold breathren, goes from 42p to £1.40
earrings are far from the only thing though, and account for less than half of the sales. so. we can say that about 5h of stall/shop time is covered by those
(plus the hour it took to make them)
sale price - materials cost but split over 6 hours of labour instead of 1.5 is still £12 an hour
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courtjester69420 · 22 days
Unfortunately I’m just not a very creative person. I’m not very visually focused, I don’t have innovative ideas, I don’t make very interesting art or compelling narratives. 😔👍
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