#and I've drawn him a lot but I didn't want to put in the energy at the moment
daily-ethoslab · 3 months
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my bad for not adding skizz won't happen again
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cold-neon-ocean · 4 months
2, 9 for LOK?
✨ love your fandom ask game ✨ 
2. A headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like!
Ooh this one is kinda tough~ I'm generally rather removed from the fandom at large so I actually don't really know of a lot of popular headcanons out there, let alone ones I initially didn't like and came to like~ I really only ever consumed content about Baatar and Kuvira as they're my favorites, and with them I'd either like a headcanon outright, or dislike it outright. I will say, at least in the limited fan content I've consumed, there is a common idea of Baatar having gone to university in Ba Sing Se for a period of time. I've seen at least 3 folks use that in their writings for him, and while it was never something I was "unsure" about, I didn't initially include the idea in my version of him. I don't know who penned that headcanon first but I was always hesitant about being seen as "copying" anyone lol. I do like the idea though, especially with my very codependent versions of Baatar and Kuvira, some time apart like that during their "good years" would be rather interesting, since they have been in each other's lives for most of their lives, Baatar choosing to go where Kuvira can't follow- even for a short period of time, I can see her holding against him for a little while. Especially with her preexisting abandonment issues.
9. A ship that isn't your OTP but you enjoy
Once again I'm pretty singularly invested in Baatar and Kuvira but there are definitely some canon and fan ships that I like! Canon wise I'll always have a soft spot for Bolin and Opal, just because they're cute and I like the potential dynamic it creates with Baatar specifically. A lot of it is pretty contingent on my rewrite versions, but what can I say, I'm a bit of a sucker for puppy love. Lyn and Kya was an early ship I'd see in the fandom that I always was like *Kermit nodding gif* ooh yeah I like that, and I've also seen Lyn and Bumi which I also really like, but I never really delved into fan works of either admittedly. I'll confess that lately the crack ship of Baatar and Zhu Li has been on my mind, but definitely not as a positive ship in any way, more like a mutually waged psychological warfare that they aren't even trying to hide from each other kind. I don't remember what sparked the idea- I'm not usually one for crack ships as I tend to be pretty single-ship through and through, but it's been a fun dynamic to think about, especially the kinds of conversations they'd have.
#Ask Matsu#LoK Thoughts#[ The Baatar/Zhu Li thing is something I'd love to play with but it definitely would not be canon to my main AU lol#as fun as that would be Baatar does not expend any more energy on people than he needs to save for Kuvira and to a lesser extent Bolin#But the idea of him and Zhu Li waging war with each other behind the scenes is very interesting to me#especially with her really just trying to get information she can use against them out of him#and he's fully aware of that and just letting whatever happens happen to both see how far she'll take it but also to keep the leash drawn#in the event she actually choses to do something drastic#also for the sake of clarity Kuvira would be 100% fully aware and find it entertaining on a number of levels#her and Baatar do not keep secrets#she was probably the one to be like “lol you should see where that's going”#though I do think Baatar and Zhu Li would have some very interesting conversations#they're in very similar positions and I'm sure he'd wanna know why she put up with Varrick for so long#i mean he'd have a good guess but he'd wanna hear what her rationale is in her own words#and on Zhu Li's part she wants to know what twisted Baatar up so bad#but she'd also find a lot of his viewpoints about being a non bender rather gratifying#because he's willing to say out loud what a lot of people don't want to hear#I didn't meant to go on about that singular aspect lol but it's something I've been thinking about a lot lately#and crack-ships are rather new for me so this is uncharted territory#does this even count as a crack ship tho? maybe not#it definitely started out as “hehe the two glasses people on the train” but now it's like “hehe psychological warfare”#idk maybe it still counts lol ]#orangepanic
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carppediem · 8 months
I just came across this interview Käärijä gave for an Estonian magazine before the Tallinn gig and thought I'd share it with y'all! He talks about saving money to buy a house, why he quit drinking etc. Also, there are some new interesting things he said about Tommy 👀
Since the article is behind a paywall (and in Estonian) I've put a rough, heavily Google-assisted translation under the cut 👇
There are a few minutes left until the concert. How do you feel?
I feel great, but I'm a little tired because I didn't sleep well.
Did you have a party yesterday?
No party, I'm focused on the European tour. Yesterday was a live in Sweden, from there I flew to Finland at five o'clock in the morning and from there to here. But I'm one hundred percent ready for a show. It doesn't matter how tired I am, I give my best on stage.
You recently released the single 'It's Crazy, It's Party' with Tommy Cash. When Tommy met the members of the band Little Big, they drank a lot of vodka. What did you and Tommy drink?
Haha, I haven't had a drink with Tommy yet.
Not even a Pina Colada?
No. Maybe someday Tommy and I will have a drink, although I don't think he drinks much. And you know, I don't drink anymore either. I stopped drinking a month ago. I need to keep my energy up. When you give as many concerts as I do now, you have to take care of yourself. Drinking and performing hand in hand is extremely difficult both physically and mentally, not to mention how bad it affects the vocal cords. I had the biggest hangover of my life this summer, which put the brakes on my drinking. I went to a music festival with a friend where we drank too much. The next day I had to perform at the same festival. The hangover was so bad that I really didn't know how to get myself on stage with the terrible feeling and the summer heat. But I pulled myself together and did the show. This experience is also one of the reasons why I don't drink anymore.
What kind of person is Tommy?
He is a visionary and very witty - a lot of fun with him. And of course he's cute. I think we have something in common, like we both have our own style. Tommy surprises with crazy outfits: extraordinary hairstyles, extravagant clothing, which are complemented by boleros. In short, insane costumes.
After Eurovision, you started a real concert rally - you gave 51 concerts in the summer alone. Do you want to become a millionaire?
Of course I do! One day I will definitely be a millionaire. I don't keep track of how much money I have in the bank and how much I'm short of six figures. But yes, I'm trying to collect a million euros.
Will the goal be met this year?
No, not yet. It will still take a few years. I've had an insane amount of performances after Eurovision, because I was like a kid in a candy store who wants everything at once, but by now I've drawn the line because I can't perform everywhere. I also set myself a price tag, below which I will not allow myself to go anywhere. If you do 300 shows a year, you're screwed.
What do you spend your money on?
I don't just spend it on pretty things. I have a definite goal in mind - I want to buy a house in Finland. Maybe in the future also real estate in Thailand, we'll see. I don't need a Rolex or any luxury, I don't care about that.
What has been the most difficult thing for you since Eurovision?
Everyone in Finland now knows who I am. It's hard and tiring because I no longer have my own private space at all. I can't just go to the store, to a concert, or to a hockey game, people will immediately come up to me and start taking pictures. I hate when they don't politely ask for permission to do this, but immediately start clicking.
What has been the best?
It's great to see people hear 'Cha Cha Cha' and be happy. Or when they hear the name Käärijä and their face breaks into laughter - it's a powerful feeling. And of course to see how happy my family is about this achievement. And me too!
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trickstertox · 6 months
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This took me 22 hours and 15 minutes, according to my art program. It was really chugging try to load as the layers added up. In the end, there are 115 layers, including my references.
The poem I used is I Will Rage Against The Dying Of The Light by Eileen Manassin, a response poem to Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas.
Episode 6 was really fun, yeah? That glitch on Grian's end was rather interesting, huh? What if it was more than just a little blip of code? What if it was a glimpse into the afterlife?
Also Episode 8 was so funny and I think it could play into this concept I came up with.
More information under the cut, I just typed... A lot. GEHDNCB
I started this comic a day or two after Episode 6, but it was a big project that took a lot of time and energy. I didn't expect to render at all, yet I did it for the first piece, and pigeonholed myself (/lh).
Jimmy's a golden retriever, we all know he's an excitable ray of sunshine, yeah? I decided that in death, he'd still be blind, seeing everything in thick shadow with glimpses of the world around him. That's why his head is turned when reaching out to Grian, because he only has a vague idea of where he is, but was able to know for sure Lizzie was next to him.
Lizzie perpetually cries (it's scary falling for so far and so long), and has the void in her eyes.
Mumbo doesn't have eyes, but he can still see you. :)
I've drawn Jimmy and Grian before, but never Lizzie or Mumbo. I decided to keep using my old Jimmy art as references for things like face shape, nose, all that. But my Grian art is... Really old. So I scrapped it completely and came up with my own design. I wanted something fresh! Something... New! And I think I delivered, at least I hope I did.
The album art is my thumbnailing... 👀
When I posted this to Instagram, I put November by Sparkbird as the song to play over it, so take that as you will.
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bonefall · 11 months
What is Lion/Jay/Holly's relationship with Bramble like pre-reveal (it wont let me put a question mark pretend theres one here) I can't imagine them having a good relationship even before he stops being their father.
Similar to canon, BB!Brambleclaw wasn't a great father. I like him a lot as a character, his ego fascinates me.
Of all his siblings, I think Jay was the 'wisest' in regards to Bramble. He kinda saw his reaction coming, or, was the least surprised by it. Probably because Bramble was never as prideful about him as he was about his two young prodigies.
All Jay's life, people are coming up with their ideas of him and refusing to let him change their minds. Brambleclaw was no different. Jaykit becomes Jaypaw, training under grunckle Longtail to become Jayfang, and then eventually earning an Honor Title as Jayfeather. At no point in this process did Brambleclaw stick up for him, in fact, Longtail filled that role more than Bramble did.
Longtail was the one who fought for him, challenged him when he was repeating the Clan's tune, taught him that his limits are drawn by HIS body, not where everyone else says they are. Brambleclaw...
He wasn't distant but he wasn't present in that process, either. He rarely talks about Jay as an individual-- he's spoken about in terms of the other two 'looking out' for him. He let him wander in the safe beech patch just above the camp with Poppykit when he was old enough, but Squilf was equally involved in that decision.
Forgotten middle child energy. Brambleclaw could be approached but rarely went out of his way for Jay. He could be a source of comfort but they weren't close. It didn't make the public disowning hurt any less, though.
He was so proud to be Brambleclaw's son. Lionblaze adored both of his parents, all he ever wanted to do was to make them happy. There was a time where he felt like the strength in his claws was because of his blood in his veins.
Then he was given to Ashfur as an apprentice.
He was BRUTAL. Lionpaw knew he had a lot of potential to live up to, but he didn't know that training would be this hard and painful. He didn't know that what was happening to him wasn't normal... and Brambleclaw was the only one who had been told about it.
He did nothing. Ashfur had "explained everything" to him, buttered him up about how Strong his son was, how Proud he should be, how much like him Lionpaw was turning out. When he heard the same story again from the perspective of Lionpaw and Hollypaw, he ended up shrugging it off.
Lionpaw walked away thinking that you're supposed to suffer for strength. Not even that he "deserved" to suffer; no, he thinks that you don't have gain without pain. This is an expected part of life, and one day, he will be the very strongest in ThunderClan.
Going to the Tribe later taught him something else; that the point of strength is using it to protect others. So if you must suffer to be strong, and being strong means giving that to other people... what's left for you?
When Brambleclaw disowned them, Lionblaze IMMEDIATELY realized that this is why Squirrelflight lied. To protect him. he's obsessed with this, protecting his Clan. His love and respect for Brambleclaw soured with pain. If he has any left for Brambleclaw, it's hidden deep down.
He HAS no father. He has a mother. He looks Brambleclaw in the eyes and spits, "That's all I've ever had."
She was always the most promising of the Three. Apprentice of the deputy Brackenfur, Firestar's honored grandchild, daughter of two members of the Sundrown Patrol. Holly was forging alliances in other Clans as soon as she'd changed her career path.
She was very close to Brambleclaw. He spoke very highly of Holly and Lion, always seemed to 'have their backs,' at least in Holly's eyes. He used to tell her that she had to be an example for her brothers, and help him keep them in line.
And that extended to Lionpaw's Abuse. She learned it is necessary to hurt the ones you love to protect them in the future. She was taught that she is the most mature of her siblings and is therefore responsible for them.
He turned on her just like he turned on her brothers, but she was quick to accept this, turning her hatred on Leafpool and Squirrelflight. No more lies, no more Codebreakers.
After her 100-year-long timeout, she was shocked to come back to Bramblestar being the only one being petty. At first she was even a bit relieved, believing that at LEAST he was still holding her accountable for her horrible deeds in Cruel Season. That would have been cathartic-- it's nothing compared to what she did to the Kinships of the Lake, but it's some consequences from a living cat. Any consequences.
But... it's not about anything she did wrong. She stepped out of the tunnels to living, weeping family who missed her as much as she missed them. Their actions are based on love and yearning. Bramble's are just based on being fucking mad at his ex-wife.
Everyone thought she was dead and he can't take a break from giving Squirrelflight the Cold Shoulder long enough to welcome his daughter back like a father would. His greeting is the same as any other leader welcoming a warrior back after they've been gone for a while.
But, hey, if she's disappointed at him it's a nice break from being disappointed at herself. It's nice to care about these sorts of things again, and besides, she has crunchy leaves to step on with her CORPOREAL BODY. It's so nice to have MASS again
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 4 months
out of curiosity, do you have any preferred headcanons for how tall the members of the Batfam are? who's the tallest to shortest?
listen I don't have exact measurements but I do have vibes. I'm going to say right out of the gate that I simply do not hold with DC artists and their habit of Russian nesting dolling the Robins so they're each a little bit shorter with age, it's a useful visual shorthand but it's also not my truth even if I sometimes agree with portions.
for instance: I do have to concede that Bruce needs to be the tallest of the Batboys in order to enable a lot of his whole schtick, especially your modern era Batmans who are built to be tanks as opposed to the sleeker, more acrobatically-oriented Batman of earlier ages. Batfleck honestly had a great build for it, 6'4 and built to loom.
on the other hand, I Know what male gymnasts look like and Dick came from a whole family of them; he doesn't need to be SHORT short but brother he is not the tallest Robin by any stretch. he's 5'8 if he's Lucky, likely shorter. and he's fine with it! he isn't insecure about being a compact king!
I strongly dislike the recent development towards drawing adult Jason as a brute, but I have long enjoyed the headcanon that he would have had a hard growth spurt after Bruce took him in and he didn't have to worry about food insecurity. he is absolutely taller than Dick but, HOT TAKE, I don't think he's a Lot taller. as Red Hood he's definitely exaggerating the difference with chunky boots + his stupid full-face mask for extra height, + his jacket and all his gear make him look taller and broader than Nightwing in his little skintight getup. out of costume they physically look much more similar.
I also super hate when Tim is drawn as a skinny short little waif, genuinely there's no reason for that. that's a little American rich boy who grew up on milk and white bread, there's no reason for him to look like he has Victorian urchin wasting disease. fuck this, Tim is taller than both Dick and Jason. same energy as the improv kid I went to high school with who was 5'11 but cool about it.
completing the circle and fully reversing the Robins, I know that other fans have pointed out that Damian's Asian heritage conspires against him being hugelarge as an adult, but genetics are a grab bag and I think he deserves to be Bruce-sized. adult Damian can pick Dick up and put him in the fridge if he wants. at present though his growth spurt is really taking its sweet time and he's hovering around Cass-height (see below).
Duke is hovering in a zone right between Jason and Tim but everyone forgets that and imagines him being taller because the little bat ears on his helmet give him a couple extra inches.
a lot of older comics, especially the Dixon run, frequently have Selina drawn like she's tall as all hell, and I honestly love that for her. 5'11, Megan Thee Stallion kind of build for her.
Cass is frequently drawn as tiny to an extent that is, frankly, implausible and borderline upsetting (if memory serves she literally got folded up and carried in a backpack once?) but listen: she's certainly not tall. I'm willing to offer her 5'3 as an absolute maximum. also literally no one asked but Michelle Yeoh is the Lady Shiva of my heart and shes 5'4, so that's canon To Me.
however tall Dick is in your head I want you to add one (1) inch and that's Barbara. this is so crucial to me.
Steph is like a deeply average 5'4 and a half, and I realize this Does mean that I've Russian nesting dolled the Batgirls (at least in order of appearance in comics, not the actual order they Batgirls) and I am Fine with that. throw Harper Row in here too, she and Steph are just chilling being average height gal pals.
Helena is freakishly tall by Italian woman standards, by which I mean like 5'7.
this is vile and I'm sorry to the Robins but unfortunately Jean Paul is a genetically engineered freak bred to kill so he's probably taller than all of them save for an adult Damian. 6'2 to my miserable boy. beginning to think I was lying when I said I didn't have exact numbers.
so I think in descending order the lineup I've created is Bruce, JP, Selina and Tim, Duke, Jason and Babs, Dick, Helena, Steph and Harper, Damian, Cass.
did I skip anyone vital you want to know about?
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messedupfan · 11 months
Chapter 4
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Summary: Wanda is anticipating Vision picking up Tommy and Billy with her protective brother around.
A/N: Happy Friday!! I hope you all enjoy!
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Wanda wakes to her brother ringing the doorbell again. She groans, regretting every decision she made that led to this moment. She doesn't understand why her brother insists on working when the sun isn't even up yet. She gets up when he gets more persistent and she doesn't want him to disturb the boys. 
“Good morning little sister,” he greets as he hands off Luna to her. “Awe did someone not get enough sleep?” Pietro taunts. 
Her hair is a mess and her eyes are hardly open but she's still able to shoot intimidating daggers at her brother. She in fact did not get a lot of sleep. She is dreading whatever interaction she may or may not be having with Vision today. She didn't sell, pawn off, or destroy any of his stuff as she had threatened. She sat in the basement for hours willing the rage that had taken down her wall to return. But it never did. All she could think about is how happy and proud he was to have this space. She surprised him with it on their fourth wedding anniversary. Wanda had drawn out the plans, budgeted the project, got some help from Pietro and found all of the decorations. She couldn't tear down this present but she knew if she didn't, he would only ever see her as weak. 
It was only a couple of hours ago that she was able to fall asleep. Wanda was not ready for her brother's chipper energy right now. She takes Luna upstairs with her and falls fast asleep after tucking the girl into bed. Wanda wakes a few hours later to an empty bed and voices. There are many different voices, all scrambled and she is unable to make sense of their words. She lays there until she can decipher the sounds. The loud saw isn’t helpful and only makes it more unpleasant to wake up. Wanda sighs and gets out of bed and walks into her bathroom to clean up before going downstairs. 
Wanda walks down in clean clothes and wet hair. You and Pietro are focused on working and she is shocked to see you here. She looks at her smartwatch and checks the time. She hadn't realized she slept in so much. Feeling bad for the kids, she gets to work in the kitchen to make lunch as it was close to two in the afternoon. 
When you stop the loud saw, you hear noise from the kitchen and you look at Pietro to see if he noticed it too. “What?” He asks confused, then he hears some pans clash. You act fast and walk around the table to check and make sure none of the kids are hurting themselves. You relax when you see Wanda. 
“Phew, it's just you,” you say with a dramatic hand on your chest. 
Wanda looks at you funny, “Who else would it be?” 
“Well, we made sure the kids were properly distracted in the boys room, but you never know who might sneak by and get hurt,” you explain. 
“Oh,” she closes a drawer, “Thank you for watching the kids while I slept. I've got it now. And I'm starting lunch so you guys can have a break soon.” 
“That sounds great, I’ll leave you to it,” you say as you return to Pietro. “Your sister is up, she’s getting started on lunch,” you inform him. 
“Good, the last thing we need is a trip to the hospital.” He relaxes as he puts his goggles back on to start the table saw. “Now we can focus on work and not jump at every little noise.” You chuckle at his remark but feel a little more relaxed because you were so worried about the kids getting hurt while they worked. Especially Luna since she is the youngest of all of them and was a curious little girl. You already had to catch her from falling off of the kitchen counter because she wanted a cup out of the cabinet. Then Pietro had to stop her a couple of times from crossing over the tape. And although he could have woken up his sister, he felt that she deserved the time to rest. 
When lunch is ready, Wanda calls everyone to the table and everyone hungrily makes their way to the dining area that had quite an alluring aroma. The kids and the adults were starving. You wanted to be here early with Pietro so that the two of you had more time to work but you slept past your alarm. You didn't have time to fix you and Rachel breakfast, you did pick up a dozen donuts for everyone but the one donut you ate wasn't filling enough and you couldn't wait to try some more of Wanda's food. 
After lunch, while you're making Wanda laugh as she cleans up the table, a knock on the front door interrupts the moment. Wanda freezes as she looks between you and the door and you grow concerned for her. She shuts the water off and dries her hands. “Tommy, Billy, your dad is here!” She shouts from the bottom of the stairs. You stay put, not certain if you should look busy or get the door or what. 
Pietro drops his tool in the box and walks over to answer the door as the knocking gets more persistent. “Would you cut it out? Couldn't you hear her from out there? We know you're here, geez.” He gestures to the almost completely missing wall. 
“You wouldn't open the door,” Vision says as he tries to step past his former brother-in-law. “Where are my boys? I expect them to be down here and ready to leave by the time I arrive.” He checks his watch and clicks his teeth. “That woman knows this. I have a strict schedule I must abide by.” 
“Wanda is getting them,” Pietro says, his glare never faltering. You weren't used to this hostile behavior from your friend. He was the most affable, laid back person that you know. He wasn't an angry person. It sets off alarms about the type of person the twins' father is. “Why don't you go wait in your car? I hear you like the convenience of an easy escape.” Pietro found out from Billy what Vision did to his sister during drop off last Sunday. His blood is boiling at the sight of the man that was once married to his sister. A person he once had to consider family. He cannot believe he hates Wanda so much to blatantly disrespect her in front of her own children, time and time again. 
“I’d rather stand inside,” Vision says. “Unless there's some reason I shouldn't be in here.” He shoves past Pietro, only upsetting the man further, and stands in the middle of the living room. You are leaning against the stairs now, cleaning your hands with a rag. Vision notices you and with cold eyes he scoffs. “Are you what they're trying to hide from me?” He accuses. 
Your eyebrows connect in confusion on how he jumped to that conclusion. “No, I'm not here to cause any problems. I’m just helping with the repairs.” 
Vision raises his eyebrows, “Oh is that what they're calling it these days?” You shake your head seeing no reasoning with this man. “What’s your name?” You ignore him as you walk across the room to return to your work and he grabs you by your bicep. “I asked you a question.” His tone is meant to be threatening but you're bored by him. “You are in my house and around my boys. As a man, I have a right to know.”
“Leave them alone,” Wanda says as she walks down the stairs without her kids in sight. “They’ll be down in a few minutes. They want to finish up a round in the game they're playing. I said that it's fine and told them you would be patient.” 
Vision shakes his head as he lets you go, “And why would you do that? You know that it's my time with them now. You have no say in what is okay and what isn't until four in the afternoon next sunday.” You walk over to stand by Pietro, preparing to hold him back from making a decision he might regret later.
“Vis, they are always my kids too. I would never tell you something like that. That's ridiculous, and it's not how a custody agreement works,” Wanda says, shaking her head. “Why are you even in here? A couple of honks and I would have sent them out to you—”
“Clearly, you wouldn't! Otherwise they'd be down here!” Vision cuts her off. 
Wanda takes a beat, not wanting to start a screaming match that has the boys running down to prevent it. “Are you finally going to clean out your stuff from my basement?”
“Are you still on about that? I like the space the way it is, I'm not giving it up,” Vision replies. 
“You seemed to have no problem giving my sister up.” Pietro steps forward. “Why are you so stubborn about a damn room that's in a house you don't own?” Wanda tries to nonverbally tell him that it's not his fight but he ignores her. “Either you want your shit or you don't,” he snaps as he tries to get closer to Vision but you're quick to grab him.
“You’re mistaken, Pietro. Everything on this property is mine. I know this might be hard to wrap around your poorly developed uneducated mind. But just because I lost my name on the deed, doesn't mean I don't own it. This house was purchased under my dollar! Money I'll never get back. I will forever own it. So, if I want to keep my entertainment room for myself and my friends here, in this house, I will do as I please. Are we clear?” 
Pietro tries to breathe to calm himself down but all he sees is red. His impulses are begging to take over but he knows he can’t lose total control. He grabs the sledgehammer and fear flashes across Vision's face for a second as Pietro stomps in his direction. Wanda holds her breath, uncertain about what she is about to witness. You try to snap him out of his trance. Luckily, he storms past Vision and opens the basement door, carrying the sledgehammer with him. “Pietro, don't!” Wanda yells as she chases after her brother. 
“Wanda this is the only way he'll listen,” Pietro says as he stacks the few boxes that Wanda did pack up. Vision rushes down the stairs as well, shouting about how ridiculous it was that Wanda and her family were so upset over one room. Revealing that her mother was harassing him with phone calls and text messages and emails. 
As he arrives at the bottom of the stairs, he notices that the decorations are torn down and that the usually neat and organized place is a mess. “What the hell happened here?” Pietro wastes no time and slams the metal head of the hammer into the boxes. “Pietro! Have you gone completely mad!” Vision shouts. “What is with this family and hammers?”
Meanwhile, you are still upstairs on the main floor, waiting to escort the boys so they don't have to witness the scene happening in the basement. When Tommy and Billy are running down the stairs you overhear them arguing back and forth about how they knew they shouldn't have asked for a few extra minutes. They are blaming themselves for what's happening downstairs. “Hey boys,” you say as you step in their way. “Let's get you to your dad's car. Okay? Let the adults handle themselves.” There's a loud sound of something breaking and they rush to the open basement door. You stand in front of the door and repeat yourself.
“No, they always stop when we're there. We have to go down there,” Billy explains. You feel bad for the kids that they carry the weight of their family's problems on their shoulders. Not sure what to do, you go by your instincts and protect them from whatever is happening down there. It's not on them to end an argument. 
“Come on,” you take their hands. “I promise, everything will be okay.” As you're walking towards the front door, their footsteps are loud as the adults rush up the stairs. You aren't sure what transpired to result in Pietro holding onto Vision by the collar of his shirt with a red mark on his face. Wanda is furiously yelling at the two men to stop with angry tears rolling down her face. And as the boys claimed, once they make their presence known, it all comes to a screeching halt. 
“Mom!” the twins call out as they rush to hug her. 
“Mommy is okay,” she says as she rubs their backs. “Pietro, let him go,” she quietly demands.
Pietro has a short battle within himself on whether or not to stop now. He has him in his hands. At his mercy. But if he doesn't stop now, then when will he? What was he or anyone going to benefit from him beating Vision to death? Vision has kids that would be without a father. And with the likelihood that Pietro would have to serve time in prison for murder, Luna would be without a father. Finally, thinking clearly, he lets go of Vision and steps away. Horrified by the anger that had taken over him.  
“I’m going to go clean up,” he says as he looks around the room apologetically. He stops by Billy and Tommy, he taps both of them on their backs. “I’m sorry boys, it's… a long journey to become a man. I will see you next Sunday. I love you,” he says to them. He heads up stairs and you worry that he might have injured his hands. Which might make him unable to work until they’ve healed. You stand at the front door and try to make yourself disappear so that nothing else happens. This wasn't your problem. You don't know their stories or dynamics other than the few details that Pietro has drunkenly shared with you a time or two over the years that you've known him. 
Vision straightens himself out and clears his throat. He looks at Wanda, “Mind if I…?” He tips his head towards the bathroom door. 
“Help yourself,” she says softly as she plays with her boy's hair. She looks down at their worried eyes and it's taking all of her strength to not break down. They're still so little and all she has ever wanted to do is protect them. She opens her mouth to say something but she has nothing to say. 
Vision comes out of the bathroom and acts like nothing happened at all. He lowers himself to his son's height and taps their shoulders so that they face him. “Come on boys, I have a very important appointment that we're late for.” He fixes Billy's glasses and dusts off something from Tommy's shirt. “It was going to be a surprise, but we're finding out if you're having another little brother or maybe you’ll finally have a little sister.” He looks up at Wanda and then looks back at the boys before the hurt in her eyes can fill him up with guilt. He rises and takes their hands. He bids Wanda a goodbye and thanks you as you hold the door open for him and the kids. 
“Are we going to see you on Sunday?” Tommy asks as they pass. 
You look at Vision, who lets you know he doesn't want you around with a simple glare. Next you look at Wanda, who's only focus right now is holding herself together in front of her kids. Finally, you look at Tommy and hold your fist up to bump. “Of course, pal. Someone has to fix that wall and between you and me, your uncle isn't as good as I am.” You smile at him. You shut the door once they're off the porch and as you're about to check on Wanda, she's running up the stairs. 
Her bedroom door slams and you hear the words “What the hell is wrong with you?” and “I don't need you to protect me!” You go into the boys room where the girls are sitting unaffected as they play the video game with noise canceling headphones on. 
“I was wondering why it was so quiet in here,” you say after you nudged the headphones off of Rachel's ear. “Where’d you get these?”
“Tommy and Billy,” she says. “We heard a loud noise and they told us to put these on.” She pauses the game and Luna is snapped out of her trance. “Hold on, Luna.” She says as the girl starts to get upset. “Where are Tommy and Billy?” She asks you. 
“They went with their dad, so it'll only be you and Luna for the rest of the day. Is that okay?” You ask, although you think you might be sent home early. 
“That stinks but I guess it's their dad's turn. Like what you and mom do with me.” Rachel frowns as she's bummed about not having her friends around. “I just wish he could have waited to get them until after I beat Tommy.” 
You laugh as you shake your head. “I’m sure his dad would have been happy to help his son lose.” 
Rachel nods, “I think so too. It helps build character.” 
You smile at your daughter as you recognize so much of her mother. You mess up her hair as you tell her as much. “I’ll let the two of you get back to it. Keep the headphones on. Okay?” 
She nods, “Okay.” She places the headphones back on and Luna perks up as the two can continue to play the game. You close the door behind you as you leave the room. Wanda's door was left open when you pass and you see her crying into her hands on her bed. You want to comfort her but you don't want to overstep boundaries that haven't been set. Thankfully, you don't get much of a choice as Pietro is calling you to come downstairs. 
He isn't on the main floor so you go down to the basement. You can't imagine what the place once looked like, but it must've been something special enough for Vision to fight to keep it. “I’m not going to ask you to help me clean this up,” Pietro says as he carefully places broken pieces of things into a black trash bag. “I’m sorry that I reacted the way that I did. I shouldn't have let him get to me like that. Especially not with the kids here.” He huffs as he looks at the mess he made and thinks about how horrified he would have been if his little girl walked downstairs and saw him. “I understand if you no longer want to help. Wanda understands as well and even offered to pay you. And you don't have to stay today. You and Rachel can go home now if you'd like.” He seems genuinely upset and remorseful. 
“Is that what it's always like between the two of you?” You ask as you cross your arms over your chest and lean against the wall. 
“No,” Pietro answers. “He’s been digging under my skin for years and when he went on and on about how everything was still his it sounded like he thought my sister is included in that. I,” he shakes his head shamefully. “He has put her through a lot. She isn't the person she used to be before him. And I hate him for it.” You nod as you listen to him. “I thought when he left her, that would be the end of it. But it’s been years and he’s still harassing her. I just… I don’t know how to help her anymore.” 
You grab a trash bag and put on your gloves to start helping. “Pietro, it isn’t up to you to help her with this,” you start, testing to see if he wants your advice or just your ear. He looks at you and he waits for you to continue. “I know you have good intentions but I think you might be doing more harm than good.”
“How so?” He says, intrigued by your take on the situation. 
“Vision isn’t going to listen to anyone but Wanda.” Pietro opens his mouth to argue. “Hold on, let me finish my thought.” He nods and lets you proceed. “Wanda might not be able to gain Vision’s respect as a co-parent and an ex partner if everyone else is fighting her battles. It might help her for the moment. But in the long run, it’s only hurting her. If she can’t grow confidence in her own strength, she will still be vulnerable to his manipulations. I know that you want to protect her, but she might be better off without your help when it comes to Vision.” 
Pietro slouches down onto one of the chairs he didn't break with a defeated sigh. “You’re probably right. I mean, this definitely didn't do her any good. Vision is probably speaking to a lawyer right now in order to keep me away from my nephews.” You nod along, the man did seem like the type to call his lawyers about every little thing.
“Your sister is clearly strong. She has the house and she has shared custody. I doubt Vision handed any of that to her.” You point out to help Pietro see that she doesn't need this kind of protection. 
“Actually, Vision made a prenuptial agreement that ended up backfiring on him. The lawyer that drew it up for him was a secret feminist and made sure that Wanda wouldn't be screwed over in case Vision chose to divorce her. He isn't as smart as he seems, he didn't read over the entire contract.” He shakes his head. 
“Oh, well,” you pause as you think of what to say next. You were trying to spin things positively but it was hard when you knew only pieces of the story. “She sure is lucky when it comes to people looking out for her, huh?” Pietro nods and gets up to continue cleaning. The two of you finish cleaning the basement in less than an hour and resume working on the wall for a couple more before it's time to go home. 
You volunteer to get the girls while Pietro packs up the tools he'll need for the week. Wanda's door is still cracked open as you pass. She is laying on her bed with a remote in her hand, searching for something to watch. “Pietro? Have you finally come to apologize,” she says with her eyes locked in the television. You mentally curse yourself for standing here long enough for her to notice you. 
“Uh, actually,” you say as you step a little past the door. “It’s me, I'm up here to collect the girls. Pietro and I are done for the day.” 
Wanda places the remote on her nightstand and adjusts her pillows behind her back. “So you're still willing to help with the wall? After all of that?” 
You shrug as you lean against the door frame. “I promised Tommy I'd be here on Sunday. I keep my promises, Maximoff.” 
A small smile flashes and disappears quickly on Wanda's face as she's addressed by her maiden name. It's been a long time since she's heard it without it being for her brother or her mother. “Well, I'm sure he'll appreciate that. As stuck up and punctual as his father is, he's not the best at keeping promises.” 
“Clearly,” you say in remarks to their divorce and mock Vision’s accent. “Actually, as a divorcee, I take that one back.” 
Wanda lets out a small laugh. “Ah, yes, the promises of having and holding until death. You couldn't keep those?” There's a lightness to her tone that makes you smile. 
You shake your head, “Nah, that's expert level. I was like what? Eighteen when I made those vows…” You shiver at the reminder and the intrusive thoughts of that someday being your daughter. “I don't think our kids can be friends anymore. My daughter isn't allowed to hangout with… people until she's at least twenty-five.”
Wanda laughs again, “Wow, I had no idea you were so young.”
You make a face, “I don't know if that's a compliment or not.”
Wanda covers her face with her hand. “I’m sorry, I know that sounds bad.” She removes her hand and plays with a loose thread in her blanket. “I just meant the way you carry yourself is someone much older than you are. Well… come to think of it, I don't think I had an age in mind for you. I just didn't think you were still in your twenties.”
You smile, “Had to grow up fast, I guess.” 
“I can't imagine what that must've been like at first,” Wanda says as she tries to imagine the place you and Jean were in when the two of you found out about Rachel while the two of you were still in high school. Wanda had one scare with her high school boyfriend, Simon Williams. It turned her world upside down and made her put her life into focus on her education and her career. Once she got her period again, she refused to sleep with him the rest of the time they were together. He ended up leaving her because of it, which hurt at the time. But she doesn't regret her decision to wait until marriage after that. 
“It wasn't terrible,” you say simply. “Maybe I’ll tell you about it someday. But for now, I have to get Rachel home. I have to make dinner and finish packing for our trip.” 
“Oh right! You two are going camping. I hope you two have fun. I won't keep you longer.” She shoo's you away and you thank her. 
“Do you think you'll still be up for drinks Friday night?” You ask before you step away. 
“I think that's a question for Friday, because I don't know how I'll feel then.” She answers honestly. 
“No worries, I'll ask you Friday then. Have a wonderful night, Wanda.” You walk away and enter the boys room to interrupt the girls game. 
Wanda grabs the remote to put something on as she tries to quiet the many thoughts and questions she has for you. Maybe she'll push through on Friday, regardless of how she's feeling that day. She grabs her phone and texts her best friend. Make me go out on Friday night. No exceptions. No ifs, ands, or buts. She sends before she can change her mind. 
Seconds later she receives a reply. You've made a dangerous request. But no worries, I've got you. 
Wanda hopes she isn't making a mistake for future Wanda who will probably only want to lay in bed all night watching a reality show or a reboot of one of her favorite childhood shows. Then an image of your smile pops up in her head and she relaxes at the thought of getting drinks with you and her friend. Everything will be alright.
Chapter 5
Taglist: @princessprudy @sayah13 @agaymilflover @awkwardmandalorian @bentleywolf29 @evenbeingcrazy1998 @olsensnpm @artisannat @thisischaismagic @wqndanat @madamevirgo @likefirenrain @tearsofglitter @feltlikethat @the-writer-arcane @natashasilverfox @karsonromanoff @aloneodi @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @jovialsublimecomputer @natasha-maximoff @iliketozoneout @doudouneverte @druggedduck @notbornbutforged @when-wolves-howl @lifespectator @justyourwritter69 @wandaromamoff69 @awesomelygayasf @nekoannie-chan @diaryoflife @wuwu96 @wandanats-goodgirl @sincerely-indi @blueredg52 @sisiwritesfanfics @lizziesplant @fuzzyuniversityeclipsefriend @arcturusseer @scarlettwidow34 @chasethemoon @raven-ss
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shortpplfedup · 1 year
Chapter 1: Only You in the Full Moon Night
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Fourteen months. That's how long we've been waiting. And in less than two minutes, Aof made it clear that our patience was absolutely going to be rewarded. The long take sequence that introduces us to the Moonlight Chicken Diner and the denizens thereof is probably one of the best openings I've seen in all of television. And as the episode went on, it became clearer and clearer that we are watching Aof evolve in real time. By the time you get to the closing shot of Jim and Wen framed in the doorway of the diner, under the 'moon' of that lantern, you've been on a journey and you're ready to go on another one. This episode is the most assured work we have ever seen from Aof. There was not a wasted moment, not an extraneous shot; every single frame of this episode was absolutely intentional. The characters are richly drawn and organically introduced, and every single actor is bringing their A-game, from stars to supporters to background.
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There are things I need to say about the sequence of Jim and Wen going from total strangers to hopping into bed together because my GOD. From the moment they locked eyes the energy was sizzling between them, and the conclusion was foregone: there was no way that night wasn't ending with those two in a sweaty tangle. And the way that was acted, with Jim becoming more playful and Wen becoming more seductive as the night went on; the way it was filmed, with the red and blue lighting and the handheld camera getting close up, putting the audience right into the moment; the sexual tension was palpable. By the time Wen bites Jim's ear, you almost want the release as much as they do. And I LOVE that they didn't kiss at all during their encounter, because that feels totally realistic. This isn't a love affair...yet.
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On the side of young love, Heart and Li Ming's first encounter is almost the opposite of Jim and Wen's, in that it's immediately antagonistic. As much as Jim and Wen almost instantly understand each other, Heart and Li Ming don't understand each other at all. And whereas Jim and Wen start close and get closer by episode's end, Heart and Li Ming start far apart and by the end of the episode they're even further apart. I was worried that with Fourth and Gemini's inexperience, their characters here would be too similar to their My School President characters, but I should have known to trust Aof when it comes to casting. Heart and Li Ming are NOT Tinn and Gun, and the work that Fourth and Gemini are putting in here so far is quite good, Fourth especially.
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Setting the story against the backdrop of the pandemic-induced economic crisis grounds the narrative and the characters in a specificity that I have found to be a hallmark of the best stories. I've said this so much at this point, but I Told Sunset About You continues to impact the Thai media landscape, and especially the Thai queer media landscape in lots of positive ways, by encouraging more directors to bring the Thai sociopolitical environment and Thai cultural aesthetics into their work. Making Pattaya integral to the rhythms and aesthetics of this story in the same way that Phuket was integral to the rhythms and aesthetics of ITSAY is so key to making the show stand out.
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Not having Alan appear in this episode at all, just having him represented by artefacts: the terse note, the phone charger, Gong relaying his 'unread' message, was incredibly effective. Alan and his relevance to Wen's life at this point is defined from the very first by his absence.
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Saleng and Gaipa round out the cast of main characters we were introduced to in this episode, with only Praew (and Alan) left to appear onscreen. They don't get much this episode, but they make it count, with hints of the roles they'll play in the narrative peppered into their scenes. Saleng especially is an interesting one, as it seems like Jim acquired his employment along with the diner, which is an uncommon enough arrangement to be noteworthy. It also looks like everybody is aware of Gaipa's feelings for Jim, including Jim, which tells us a lot.
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All in all, this first episode gave us a lot, without feeling like a lot. It was so deftly done in the writing and direction, and so organic in the acting, that the overwhelming feeling is one of having spent an hour living a slice of real Pattaya life, not watching a fictional story. I'm so ready to spend 4 weeks living in this universe with these characters, and I'm already sad that I will have to leave them at the end.
Side Dishes
Mix Sahaphap is probably the sultriest actor in the GMMTV stable, and he's so perfect for this role because Wen is a walking, talking sex bomb and he knows it. The way he uses his eyes...lethal.
The actress playing Gaipa's mother, Narinthorn Na Bangchang, is playing such a perfect market vendor, it's reminding me of how similar we really are across the global south.
I can already feel Heart and Li Ming wrecking me and this only JUST started. Fourth and Gemini are really something special.
Mark Pakin is GMMTV's sixth man, he can come off the bench and play literally ANY kind of supporting character they need. That is MVP level shit.
This show looks SO GOOD, it sounds SO GOOD, production and direction teams put their foot in this one.
Watching Aof work handheld is a fucking DREAM. He's such a workmanlike director, he prefers to focus on pulling emotional truths out of his actors rather than high style photography. But his cast here being so good means he doesn't need to spend the majority of his directing energy on his actors, and he can experiment more with style. The opening sequence in the diner, and Jim and Wen's walk from the diner to the car, these are the kind of things he's never been able to focus on before, and now that he can it's SUCH a visual treat.
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bengiyo · 1 year
Moonlight Chicken Ep 1 Stray Thoughts
We are finally here, fellow clowns. I am ready to be demolished by this show. We've waited enough; let's just dive in.
Aof is back y'all. Loved this opening scene. Transitioning from the news to the world through the phone was excellent. I also enjoyed the long take to introduce a few characters and establish their dynamics while we also get used to the layout of the restaurant.
Oh my the very first expression Wen gives us lets you know he's trouble.
"Chapter 1: Only You in the Full Moon Light"
Aof has heard my complaints about the excessive cuts. I'm glad we trust Mix and Earth enough to have an extended exchange.
Mix exudes the sexiest energy of anyone working in BL at GMMTV.
We sure do like putting Earth in old trucks.
I want to thank Aof for not forcing me to witness vomit. I appreciate Mix's acting.
"I'm sure you know my preference." Loving this already.
So, um, while I'm happy to start a relationship in messy fashion like this, did Wen brush his teeth or anything??
Head? In a GMMTV gay drama??
I'm sure we'll be writing about Jim's books, but also glad we're confirming condoms.
Of course they let Mix's character play with the cat. I wonder if they leveraged Mix's love of cats for this sponsorship.
Even when he's not saying anything, my eye is drawn to Khaotung.
Jim just can't help but go to Wen already, eh?
Quietly informing us that Wen already has someone from the note is a lovely touch.
My fondness for Fourth has carried over. Activated as soon as he smiled.
You can tell this was filmed before My School President, and that Aof is pretty focused. We didn't linger on Gemini and Fourth here.
Goddamn Mark looks so good in this show.
Mix is good. You can see Wen wrestling with his sudden infatuation, and it's a different look than he gave to Jim.
Oh ho! Jim has also learned Wen's name.
Hey! That's A Suraphan. I haven't seen him since Manner of Death!
I like seeing Fourth play a character with a chip on his shoulder. Be still feels pretty new here, but you can see the talent and coaching at work.
I've been thinking about Tony Leung and his eyes a lot, and I think Gemini has potential there as well.
We know Mix and Earth have good chemistry and that this is their third outing together, but it's still impressive.
Well this was a solid first episode and I'm thrilled that we'll get to see the second tomorrow!
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ryxmas · 1 month
for the wol think thonkers, 4, 8, 11, 18, 24, 27! i know its been a minute so i can link you the post again if you need it lol
4. What do they do in their down time? Do they have any hobbies outside of Primal-slaying and world-saving? Are these lifelong hobbies or recent interests?
The main thing is that Solara's a tinkerer! Before he came to Eorzea, he was working under (and eventually became) a Goldsmith in Kugane. It’s something he picked up when he was in his teens after seeing these items at Reunion from a foreign merchant that no one was interested in buying. So some of his downtime in ARR was spent with the Goldsmith's guild. Some of it translated well to machinery which he also found himself drawn to, especially after his time with the Skysteel Manufactory. A lot of his ARR and HW and early StB post patch was spent learning from and working with the Ironworks and Skysteel Manufactory. Which contributes to why those groups know him better than the Scions for most of the story. When shit really hits the fan and he doesn’t have the time to work with either the Ironworks or the Manufactory, he puts that creative energy towards his own weapons. Making and repairing stuff is how he eventually connects with the rest of the Crystarium. So some of the Crystalline Mean quests are canon since he does that during his recovery period in post ShB. And I imagine that he becomes a bit of an omnicrafter (sans Alchemist and Culinarian) over the game's timeline. I haven’t decided how post EW looks for him in terms of hobbies though. And I gotta think about some other smaller scale hobbies he might have lol. 
8. What is one of their biggest regrets? Has it had an effect on how they act moving forward, for better or worse?
Choosing just one of his biggest regrets is hard so here’s some back to back lol. There’s several that are kind of in the same ballpark. His behavior to the Scions during Shadowbringers are pretty up there (and more so the latter). And he works towards making amends throughout Shadowbringers post patch and Endwalker. Not quite as high of a regret are his interactions with Hien. He doesn’t regret interfering with Hien’s plans in Stormblood in the slightest, but he does know he took it a lot further than he reasonably should have, which is what he feels bad about specifically. And those two have a bumpier road to reconciliation. I've yet to explore how or if Solara's Myste would manifest (if they do) regarding his guilt over the people he could not save and the people whose lives he unintentionally negatively affected. And among his regrets competing for the top spot are Haurchefant and Ysayle's deaths. He didn't get to know some of the others (e.g. Minfilia, Papalymo, and Moenbryda) to have massive regrets over them, but Haurchefant and Ysayle were some of his closest friends during that point in time. And because Solara only becomes a tank after Heavensward, I think it would make sense if he picked up tanking specifically because of Haurchefant and Ysayle (both of whom are tanks) dying. But these events (and honestly Ishgard as a whole) feeds into his general distrust of city state leaders when he knows they’re hiding things, which affects his perception of and behavior towards Hien and the Exarch later down the line. And I want to say that especially after Ysayle dies is when Solara becomes a lot more hesitant to connect with new people in his life, at least until ShB post patch. 
11. Despite everything, is it still you? Has the core of who they are as a person remained true through everything, or have they been changed by what they've experienced and learned, for better or worse? 
No. Solara has pretty solidly changed on two major facets (and Shadowbringers was his "get torn down and rebuilt from the rubble" arc). The first is that events of the story wore away the ambition that he had before he came to Eorzea. And the way his initial dream of “I want to Khan and Khagan” became such a shitfest that he’s very averse to both ideas now. I need to figure out how long Solara is Khagan because the Naadam is a yearly event. While he doesn't want to, for the sake of being involved in the politics of the region, he might continue to participate until some time in Endwalker/Endwalker post patch where he decides to stop being involved in the Naadam (because I HC that each expansion is roughly one year). And even after EW, I think Solara is a bit aimless now that there isn’t a giant existential crisis. He’s picked up the pieces of his interpersonal life and has made a lot of repairs, but hasn’t really figured out what he wants for himself. The other is that Solara becomes a lot more selfless and heroic as a result of everything. This is a “The mask becomes him” situation where there was a lot of heroism that Solara did early on that grated against him because he thought that’s what he should do in his position (and what he thought his brother would do) and not necessarily what he wanted to do. But it slowly does just become the way he naturally thinks and sees things. Like I imagine early Solara to have thought processes similar to ARR Alphi, he just didn’t act on them because he’s just more aware of how to handle people and that behavior doesn’t suit the WoL image he was trying to craft. And I also have to give a lot of credit to the twins for inspiring him in this regard, especially Alphinaud because Solara sees so much of himself in Alphinaud that there’s a level of “Alphinaud grew and learned and succeeded in a way Solara wished he did”. And that’s not a tone of envy, but of deep admiration and beaming pride. 
18. How do they feel about the work they do? As the Warrior of Light they're tasked with quite a lot of violence, is it something that comes naturally to them or do they resist it? Are they merciless, do they try to spare as many lives as they can, or do they fall somewhere in between?
The first part of this question is already loaded, damn LOL. But I don't think Solara likes being the WoL. He'd really rather it wasn't him, but this is what the situation is and he has to deal with it. He likes helping people, or perhaps more accurately he's grown to liking it. He likes that he's making a difference. But he wishes at the end of the day, it didn't end up all falling to him. 
As for the questions regarding violence, I honestly think Solara's indifferent to it. To a large extent, violence has always been a part of Solara's life or at least hanging over him as a specter. From his mother taking him to flee the Garlean occupation of Doma, to growing up on the Steppes and losing his adoptive brother during a Naadam, to even the fact that his heritage from Doma is that of being bodyguards to the royal family. He just takes it as a fact of life and in a fucked up way, it comes naturally to him when he’s in a situation that calls for it. He isn't going out of his way to take lives, but he isn't making an effort to spare people (unless told to). Not including extreme cases like Zenos, (so mostly talking about foot soldiers on the opposite side of the battlefield here) it makes little difference to him if he takes someone out by killing them or knocking them out. With some exceptions I can think of being parts of StB (e.g. anything on the Steppes and also he might be more careful to not kill soldiers that might be conscripted from the nations he's trying to help free) and fighting tempered after they find a cure. 
24. How do they feel about Hydaelyn? What was their perception of the Mothercrystal in the beginning, and how did that change by the end, if at all?
I haven't put too much thought into Solara's belief system to be honest, or if he's even a religious person. I don't know if it makes sense for him to pay any mind to Hydaelyn until the initial calls though. And the initial calls from Hydaelyn and awakening the Echo were pretty distressing to him. And he's always had a buried fear that he might actually be tempered somehow due to Ifrit's comment back in ARR and the uncertain nature of the Echo. This fear only gets exacerbated during ShB. And also after shit hits the fan during late ARR post patch with Moenbryda dying because he doesn't have the Blessing of Light at that moment and then Minfilia disappears and becomes the Word of the Mother, Solara has a largely negative opinion of Hydaelyn for most of the story. And then Hydaelyn remains silent, which doesn’t help the situation. But contextualizing this over what he learns in Endwalker and thinking about Hydaelyn in the context of Venat makes everything click for him. He likes, trusts, and understands Venat. He retains complicated feelings over everything, but he doesn't have an explicitly negative opinion anymore. Because Venat the Ancient who chose what she thought was the best possible action in a slew of only terrible choices is a lot more easy to accept and forgive than Hydaelyn the faceless, unacting, Mothercrystal who intervened once to keep her weapon alive but not any of his allies. Hydaelyn made Solara feel like a tool and a puppet and Venat made him feel like a friend and accomplice, which made all the difference. 
27. How well known are they? Does everyone know their name as the Warrior of Light, or have they managed to maintain some level of anonymity? Do they prefer it that way, and do they have any struggles resulting from it? (Getting stopped on street corners VS awkwardly avoiding questions.)
Solara being a max height Au Ra is just going to get noticed lol. Especially since there aren't many of them outside of the Eastern regions, which are the regions he's most often in anyways lol. I don't think he can go anywhere after Stormblood, and especially after Endwalker, without being noticed. So it's probably an “everyone knows his name” situation, especially in the East because he was a political figure there for some time. He does wish he retained some anonymity but people generally leave him be. His resting bitch face is canon and deters a good number of people off. And also his (self) destructive behavior during Stormblood post patch was pretty public and also scared many people off. It's one of those situations where the people that do talk and interact with him (which are often children) say he's nice and friendly (late Stormblood post patch excluded) and everyone else is like ??????
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v-arbellanaris · 1 year
Re: rarepair Hell. I would like to know how many pits we mutually occupy, so. Could I get a list of like, idk, your top ten (based in enjoyment level) rarepairs? And/or headcanons but I would prefer "and".
okay i'll assume you mean dragon age specifically MFDSKJFSDKJF but okay, i'll list some!!!!
the obvious ones:
fenders (fenris x anders) : i love a good narrative foil
zevistair (zevran x alistair) : idk if this counts as a rarepair but!!! their canon flirting banters always make me go sooo insane. that you can include zevran in the foursome w alistair if alistair is hardened (lol) makes me INSANE. they are basically canon aND YET!!!!!!
warden x loghain : ive written so much abt them already. you get the idea
nanders (nathaniel x anders)
the less obvious ones:
anders/merrill (bonus: anders/merrill/isabela): for all the same reasons i ship fenders (which i would argue is still relatively a popular pair, so not quite rarepair??); they're such good mirrors, they're both encapsulate what the other fears. anders being 100% okay to hurt people despite being a healer vs merrill being a blood mage who has never wanted to hurt anyone is just *chef kiss*. you can take a look at this for more compelling reasons to ship them.
fenris/merrill: for all the same reasons as above. i think if u dont ship each individual LI of the kirkwall polycule w each other, u shouldnt say u ship the kirkwall polycule.
solavelyan / soladaar / soladash / solas x non-lavellan inqs: i still think it should've been a romance option for all inqs tho i suppose they didn't really have the time to develop a non-lavellan route for them, but i love thinking about it, and i love the vibes for it so much. again, i love narrative foils, and i think it's so natural to be drawn to someone who could understand you like that.
alistair x bethany: a not-templar and a not-circle mage, in the wardens together. i think they'd really like each other and have a very interesting kind of energy!!! they've both got these secret bitter/spiteful sides to them, there's a lot of parallels (like alistair thinking warden conscription is a good thing bc it was for him and bethany having v different emotions abt being a warden in general). i've also really enjoyed most of the fics i've read for them.
nathaniel x f!cousland: UNFORTUNATELY THOUGH i dont think i've been able to find the kind of fic i want for them in the tag. i've got too many wips as it is, but maybe one day i'll write the nathaniel/f!cousland fic of my dreams...
nathaniel x anora: this one is admittedly @rosella-writes' fault, but they've got me by the THROAT as a concept
m!hawke/cullen: LIKE ESPECIALLY IF IT'S ONE-SIDED FOR CULLEN it's something that can be SO fascinating to explore (esp in an amell worldstate). [shaking cullen] babygirl what is WRONG with you!!!!!!!
m!hawke/sebastian: sebastian grappling with his admiration for hawke vs his chantry vows but THIS TIME make it mlm..... i think this is probably baby vee coming through w how hard i used to ship d/estiel in the early 00's LMAO. fsr they hit the same beats in my skull.
morrigan/leliana: noooo girlies don't fight haha <3 they should dump the warden and kiss instead <3
josephine/the iron bull: i read a few fics for them that admittedly captured my interest. i think their dynamic is something that could really be interesting to delve into for so many reasons. i've read the evidence and i find it compelling enough to put on this list
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curatoroffiction · 2 months
The Curse of Alice: Chapter 2
Fandom: Ikemen Villains For the first chapter, go here!
----- Content Warnings for this chapter;
Suicide mention
Graphic depictions of death
Graphic depictions of blood
Graphic depictions of suicide/forced suicide (Not the reader or the main cast.)
Medical work performed by someone who definitely ain't a doctor, by sketchy medical standards in the 1800s
Medical torment (Needles, scraping, ect..)
Chapter 2: Satiating Curious Minds
Now that you've been inducted into whatever the hell Crown is, the others are starting to get to know you. Liam is the first to truly glom onto you. He has so many questions and is so friendly and excited. You find yourself drawn to his warmth of personality.
Your cellphone fascinates him. Your clothes fascinate him. You fascinate him.
You don't mind answering his questions. It actually puts you at ease to learn what's different about this place from what you're used to. It helps to distract you from the gruesome murder you witnessed. A murder that went down in the history books as a suicide.
'They can kill you and make it look like an accident.' A voice in your mind rings out, reminding you of the danger around you at all times.
'I suppose I'll be seeing more scenes like that, given the work expected of me here..' You think to yourself as Liam is playing with a game on your phone. He's so enthralled by this simple puzzle game. It's something unlike anything he's ever played. When you taught him how to play the game, he caught on fast and learned quickly. He adapts well to the new and strange. His delighted demeanor is such a stark contrast compared to the scene you'd seen that night.
Your mind keeps flashing with the memories of the man dying on the ground. Had you been saved that same fate because of this 'Curse'? It's hard to say.
Your phone's screen flickers darker and you glance over at it. Ah. Low battery.
Liam looks to you questioningly, pointing to the device. "What's going on?"
"It's low on power. Needs to recharge."
"... Recharge?"
"... Do you guys have electricity?"
"I've heard of electricity. Is that what this is?" Liam cocks his head to the side, blinking.
Nearby, on a couch, Jude, the man with the black and white hair who scowls a lot, has been reading a paper. "Electricity is a fairly new horizon of technology right now."
"I wonder if you guys know about wattage then."
Jude glances over towards you, his eyes scanning your face as he thinks. His thinking expression is quite.. intense. You find yourself watching him cautiously. Did you piss him off? Something you just said registers to him as more important than whatever he was reading before, and you can't read him emotionally. He just seems like an angry guy.
Liam is intrigued again though. Something that connects their time to yours! But he also feels guilty. He didn't know your magic little box had a time limit for how long it could run. "I'm so sorry, I didn't realize I was using up the energy of your machine!" He's embarrassed, but you quickly alleviate his concerns;
"I didn't expect it to last long, considering the current state of affairs. It's chill."
You pocket your phone from Liam, turning it off. Liam still feels embarrassed, and wants to make it up to you somehow, but he can't think of something to make it up to you yet. Jude, meanwhile, is still staring at you intently, which leaves you feeling anxious.
What you don't know, is that he's realizing you could be a goldmine of information about future technologies.
"What's wattage?" Jude pries, not yet closing his paper, but eyes still scanning over you.
"Oh, like, the intensity of the electricity flowing through wires. Think of it as like.. A basic unit of measurement for how much electricity is traveling through a line. Without it, even if you guys rigged up a generator to generate electricity, I couldn't control the amount of electricity coming through, which would likely just fry my charger chord and my phone."
"Like 'Voltage'?"
"Oh, yeah, actually. Do you guys have capacitors?"
"What is a capacitor?"
"It controls the output of electricity, I think. Makes it more.. Stable? Manageable. Anyways, I think that's what we'd need to be able to rig something up to charge this thing."
"...." Jude's eyes narrow on you. "You work with that kinda stuff? That why you know so much about it?"
"... No, it's just kinda.. basic knowledge I've accumulated being a person from the -- century."
".. Basic, huh? Do you know how someone could make one of these 'Capacitors'?"
"Not really. Not off the top of my head. If you guys are already playing around with electrical work, though, I bet you guys have some kind of predecessor that would make it work."
"And electricity is what allows that thing of yours to work?"
"..." Jude grins quite big. A little too excitedly, considering how much he was scowling before. He stands up and folds up his newspaper. "You're comin' with me tomorrow. We're going to go on a little trip. I'd like you to talk with some folks." He doesn't know how long he's got you for, but everything you've shown him here is a clear indication that he'd be a fool not to capitalize on your presence here. Even if you don't consider your knowledge valuable, he can see its worth. And, besides, a trip to one of his inventing warehouses is significantly safer than anything you'd get into with any of the other members of Crown.
Despite the fact that Jude has a cold, distanced demeanor, he doesn't like that you've been mixed up in all of this. He feels bad that you've learned you're cursed and that you're now trapped in this place.
Though, he's not exactly a bleeding heart. The fact that he personally benefits from it definitely influences his interest in making you tag along with him for the day.
You look up to him, suspicious. "... If I come along with you, are you going to use my knowledge to change the flow of history?"
"...." Jude smirks.
"I would prefer to not be used as a resource that could change the courses of events, ending in me destroying the timeline that I came from."
Jude scowls, now standing in front of you and Liam. ".. Huh?"
"Well think about it. If I change things here, in this time, and it changes the series of events leading to when I was born, wouldn't it change things in the future? What if we were to change things so much that I couldn't be born?"
Jude blinks, He's genuinely going to need a minute to think about that one. Could the things you do in the past actually change the future irreversibly? "Is that a fact?"
".. Well, no. Time travel isn't real in my time period. We can only speculate on the concept."
"....." Jude studies your face intently, weighing the pros and cons. You've never tested this theory, and it's all theoretical anyway. So, as far as he's aware, no one's ever actually put these ideas to any kind of test. Until someone actually tests the hypothesis, it's just an idea.
And it's an idea standing in the way of real, tangible progress.
After coming to terms with the fact that he can accept the outcome if things turn into a disaster, he steps one foot up onto the couch, his foot landing on the cushion next to your leg as he looms over you, grinning. "Let's test that little hypothesis of yours."
"..." You can feel the overwhelming, looming danger in front of you, locking you in. He's got his sights set on you and the goldmine of knowledge you keep.
Liam looks to you with a warm, excited grin; "I'm so very curious too. What an exciting question that only you can find the answer to. You have to give it a try." He's visibly excited, almost beamingly so. You can feel something intense from his gaze. He doesn't just want to know, he needs to know. You've just posed a question that no one in this world, not even you, knows the answer to.
You groan, tearing your eyes away from Liam, hand covering your face as you think through it. Every time paradox concept you've ever read is theoretical. You truly have no idea whether any of them could be true. Something completely unexpected might even happen. But in most of them, there's an overwhelmingly intense sensation of "Don't do it". Like the pervasive 'truth' of the culmination of those stories is that changing the past is something people should never do.
And yet something inside you calls to you asking you 'Why not?' - Similarly to when you saw the rabbit, the thought consumes you. It's like the men on either side of you know exactly how to pull out that internal desire to challenge the rules you know to be true.
If the rules don't make complete sense, then why not break them?
These two are extremely good at drawing out your deepest yearning of intrigue. That little voice inside you that needs to challenge the established, unfounded rules. Is this what the curse feels like? Is this something tugging you closer and closer to that fate of tragedy that they mentioned?
You have no idea, but you know you need to know.
"... Okay."
"Man, you cave quick." Jude laughs at you, stepping off the couch as he starts walking out the door. "Great. Be ready tomorrow morning to go out."
Liam's eyes light up. He gives you a flirtatious smile. "I'm definitely coming along." This whole interaction has given him a great idea for how to make sure he pays you back for using up your phone's power. Going out with Jude alone would be rough, but Liam can keep you company to make sure you're not overwhelmed, and maybe you can even have a fun time. Liam stands up, holding a hand out to you to help you up from the couch. You take his hand and he pulls you up. "I'm going to go prepare for tomorrow. You should too! Rest well!"
You watch Liam disappear off into the castle, and you tug your phone out to look at the powered down screen and sigh. The dead man's eyes flash in your mind as you remember earlier in the night.
You've been caught up in a whirlwind of events since then, never quite being able to settle down since you arrived. This is the first moment you've had to yourself, where you can actually digest what happened to you.
You traveled back in time and learned a major secret of the government. Not only that, but you've become part of it as well. You've learned about cursed people, which you are apparently one of. You're supposedly fated to break rules, do horrifying things, and live a life of ultimate tragedy. The dead man's pooling blood feels like it's touching your shoes again. You look down. They had your shoes cleaned when you entered the building. The bloodstains are present though. Your shoes weren't made for this kind of work.
They've decided to give you clothing to use while you're here in this time period, mentioning that they'll have it for you by morning.
You begin to walk back to where you know your room is. You feel anxious. On edge. And yet something inside you thrives off of it. Something deep inside you is yearning to see more. Even if it haunts you, even if it changes you, you want to see it all.
"___." You're startled from your thoughts to hear Roger calling your name. You look to see him motioning to you from down the hall. "Please come with me." You visibly grimace upon seeing him which makes him laugh sourly; "Oh, don't be that way. Come on."
You begrudgingly follow him into his laboratory. It can only be called a lab. It's not a medical clinic, as they so earnestly tried to sell you on when they first showed it to you. He has you sit down in a chair as he sits across from you, holding a notepad and a pencil.
"I'm going to need a thorough medical history for you."
You scowl to him. He's not a real doctor, and even if he was, he's a 19th century doctor. "... I doubt you'd know half of what I'm saying to you."
"All the more reason for you to educate me on it."
"...." You're visibly disturbed. Your eyes wander over his lab equipment. "Besides, you're not a real doctor. You're not held to any confidentiality laws."
You look to him in disgusted shock. He just admits it? At least make some attempt to make it easier to share information with him!
He chuckles, seeing your face contort. "Look, I have to have a baseline to work from for my profile for you. The more you help me understand, the better. Which can also help with understanding your curse and the condition it leaves you with." His pencil taps his notepad. "Besides, you can't go anywhere until we understand your curse."
"...." You sigh in resignation, visibly frustrated.
You walk Roger through your medical history, explaining everything as best as you can. There are times where he has to pull out charts, which you sometimes even correct, giving him important medical knowledge and updating his understanding of the human body in the process.
He takes his time poking and prodding you, testing your reflexes, listening to your heart, taking samples of tissue and blood to test and toy with.
You're just grateful that he has syringes.
He seems to appreciate your reactions of pain. Still, you can tell he's trying to be as gentle as he can be. He does relish the way you freak out when he doesn't have anesthetic to keep you from feeling the pain of his pokes and prods and sample-scraping.
"You guys are rich?? You can't afford anesthetic??"
"It's funny that you think this place is ours and not a cage we're also confined to." He mutters, smirking as he pokes you and you groan in pain. He swears he can see some tears forming in the edges of your determined, spiteful face. It fuels something inside of him.
His comment, however, surprises you. They've talked about this place like it's a clubhouse for their edgy group since you arrived, but this is the first time you've heard it referred to as a condemnation. How many of the others feel the same way?
You don't have time to think on that though as Roger jabs you again and you cuss him out, causing him to laugh.
After a couple hours of thorough inspection and documentation from Roger, you meander back towards your room, exhausted. Once again, you're alone with your thoughts. You finally make it to your bedroom though. You close the door behind you and sigh, sinking down against the door. The room is gorgeous in the dim lighting. You groan, leaning back against the door, your head stares up at the ceiling.
It all happened so fast.
You quietly close your eyes and imagine the man you watched die. You don't know much about him as a person. And you never will. Sure, you could ask for the information from Victor, claiming it's for the writing work he's making you do, but can you really trust information given to you by a pack of murderers?
You're deep in the lion's den here, and the only way forward is to keep playing nice.
His wretched face haunts your memory as you can remember the warmth of his blood on your face. You reach up and touch your face where the blood splattered. William's touch. It's almost as though they've explicitly been throwing as much as they can at you at once so you never really truly digest what they've put you through, and what you've witnessed.
But you can't allow that.
You hate playing by people's rules, and you yearn to find the goal of this game so you can end it.
It feels like a game.
You don't want to play, but they're making you play.
You open your eyes, looking to the ground. You don't even know what time of day it is. How will you wake up in the morning? You don't know. And frankly, you're so exhausted that you don't care.
Scooping yourself up, you force yourself to head to the dresser. Atop it is a wash bin for you to wipe down with before you get dressed for bed. You use the tools given. The water is surprisingly still warm. When did they have the time to get this prepared for you? They also gave you a loose change of clothes, so you change into them, placing your dirty clothes in a hamper nearby. As you do, you look over the bloodstains. "...."
You're going to have to have your wits about you with these people. Always on guard. Can't get complacent.
Lest you end up dead too.
Check out my Masterlist for other chapters!
If you like this chapter, you can stay easily updated when more chapters come out via AO3; Link All of my other random off-shoots for this fandom will also be posted there under "The Curse of Alice - A Collection" series. Thank you for reading!
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cloudcountry · 8 months
ahsdkjlfa I'm popping into your ask box for this, but I had a feeling you'd want to know about my ikerev thoughts!! so far:
I've finished the prologue
I'm liking some of the characters, and already disliking others (Seth gives me really weird energy…)
and I've read the first chapter of one route!
I didn't go with who you recommended in your Ikémen FAQ post (though I will be doing Kyle's route in the near future), but I'm really liking the vibes of Loki's route, even though I'm just a chapter in! It's semi-reminiscent of the beginning of Vlad's route in ikevamp in some ways, which I was not expecting. But... yeah!
Other lads I'm drawn to at the moment: Harr, Fenrir, Dum (Dalim?), Kyle
youre. so real about seth giving a weird vibe i don't like him at all. he tries too hard to gain mcs trust and it's really off-putting
tell me how lokis route goes!! im honestly not that interested in his route since i played harrs route before his and formed a more familial attached to him ^^
but speaking of harr his route is super sweet!! it's so domestic and wholesome i loved it a lot, although the ending kinda dragged a bit imo. kyles route is super well written and really fun even into the end!!!! you def won't regret playing it ^^
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daimonpriestess · 1 year
So I think Lilith wants me to get into Vampirism again. I haven't been interested in that since I was 21. Most notably Vampyric Magic which I didn't know was an actual thing until very recently.
It makes sense and given I nor Levathia (A past life self) is attached romantically to our former master/ex anymore, I think it would work out a lot better.
Lilith being a literal ancient goddess/Succubus & an aspect of Asmodeus being an Incubus (which are energy vampires in a sense IMO, maybe they don't have "fangs" but they do similar things that Psi Vamps do. It's just usually in a sexual way.) it would make more sense them being our "masters/mistress" (more notably Lilith, but I am spoused to Asmodeus.) then a narcissistic human who doesn't even believe in being a vampire anymore.
I consider myself both a PsiVamp (I'm an empath) and a Sanguine Vampire, I will admit to being a fan of Vampire culture before I knew about true vampires (Lost Boys, Buffy, Underworld, John Carpenters Vampires, Blade, The Last Vampire books, The Amelia Atwater Rhodes books ect.) I was also obsessed with Twilight for a time but I knew those books were fiction. I also really liked and still do like The Vampire Diaries and True Blood. Also more obscure or low budget movies and shows like Razorblade Smile (which my ex introduced me to) Blood Ties, Only Lovers Left Alive and A Discovery of Witches.(which I loved because it was witches and vampires)
I've also written stories based on my past life (lives?) as Levathia, idk if I'll finish them though as I did base most of the characters on real people who's influence or inspiration is now gone.
I was into Wicca when I met my ex and found out I was an actual vampyre when I was 18. But I never put them together, being a vampyre (or baby vamp att) was always separate from my craft and I was never in a coven. I never thought to use blood in my practice (especially since my goddess then was Aphrodite) or siphon others energy for a spell. (Not knowingly anyway.) I'm sure as I mostly did spells or rituals with him that Valenn and I used one another's energy but I didn't do it consciously. I also grew up with the mindset that energy vampires are bad, though some are. I didn't realize that empaths and Psivamps are two sides of the same coin until recently.
I've never actively drank blood, or used it anyway, or done blood play ect. But I've always been drawn to it. Just att there's no way I would have done it safely or had anyone around me (not manipulating me) that knew what they were doing.
That being said I'm pretty sure my demons would know to show me how to do it safely and I am married to someone (on the 3D) that I absolutly trust and is with Lilith.
It is still hard to find things about Vampyric Magic (other than the book by Father Sebastian which I have yet to read) or about real Vampirism in general. I've come across a couple on tumblr and YouTube but it doesn't seem to be as prevalent or "trendy" as it once was. If anyone has any suggestions or you are one let me know!
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(TW: Blood)
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"Today" (21/3/2023)
Text: "Keep overcome the dark. Don't give it up today."
One time, I was praying for the divine to bring an end to my misery. A figure in a worn-out silver armor appeared in a the dark. Greyish green smoke came with him and surrounded his feet. His skeleton legs were not covered by the armor, and were wrapped with bandages. He had a silver dagger with him, which was covered with thick rotten blood.
I felt that he was the reaper. I thought it was the end of me, but he didn't approach me. "It's not yet time..." He said softly as he stood in front of me, motionless. There were lots of questions inside my mind, but he answered none of them. "It's not yet time..." He repeated.
Since then, everytime I wanted to end my life, or feel that the day is so horrible that I am going to die, the same vision appears in my mind, reminding me today is not the time.
I've learned that Viktor is an Aries on Arcane's Instagram and this makes me want to draw him in my birthday art. It was planned to be a drawing featuring me and Viktor, but I struggled to find time for a two people drawing. However, through the process, I've found that this is still a drawing of me and Viktor, as my energy is present here. This drawing is filled with personal stories and they're fused with Viktor here. It's not the same painting without my stories. So I can say that it's a drawing of me and Viktor together.
Unlike B&W drawing, which every bit of black and blank has an enormous amount of information in it, every stroke of colors is a tiny piece of my emotions, or a tiny fragment of a story. A stroke itself is too insignificant to tell a story, but with thousands of other strokes of colors, the fragments resonate with each other, and form a new story.
The vision I've mentioned above is one of the inspirations for this drawing, but there're more. First of all, this drawing is inspired by a dream I had which I saw Viktor. He was in the rib cage outfit I've drawn him in. I was insecure about that drawing, but he told me that he likes the outfit a lot in that dream. He was in the dark, with smoke surrounding his feet, and colored light shining through the smokes. I always wanted to draw him in the rib cage outfit again, but he was too beautiful in this dream for me to draw a casual drawing for him. So I left the idea in my head, and it reacted with more ideas as time moves on.
The second inspiration is "10 of swords" in tarot, which is my favourite card. My love towards this card grows as I spend more time on tarot. It's a perfect card with a more perfect message. "The dawn is coming, and when the sun rises, all suffering you've been through will become nothing but a show. So, feel 10 swords pierce into your body for one last time. Enjoy the experience while you can." I also believe that this card is very suitable for Viktor, as he let his suffering inspires him to be more passionate in pursuing his goals. There's a saying that people sees thing when they're near their end... I wonder what is Viktor seeing. What motivates and inspires him to continue pushing even when everything is crumbling? It may be the sun, which the person on the 10 of swords card is able to see, as he was laying down on the ground.
There're more minor inspirations but here is the last one that I will share with you. It's the song "Today" remixed by mind.in.a.box. This song fuels me to keep going on, reminding me there is strength inside me to do so. It's also a perfect song for Viktor in my opinion, as well as the perfect song for this drawing. That's why I named this drawing "Today", and put some lyrics on the drawing.
I'm so glad that I didn't give up, so I can create this beautiful drawing, and have an amazing drawing to appreciate. Happy birthday to myself. Let's fight for another year.
Here're some alternative versions of the drawing.
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Here's the speed paint.
And here's the song.
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vixies-grimoire · 1 year
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So awhile back I had this idea on the backburner of doing a camp camp timeskip (5 years in the future in a timeline where david & gwen adopt max, 5yl for short), originally I intended to create an askblog but as of right now I don't have the time or energy to maintain something like that, so instead I'm simply going to be sharing pieces of this story at my own pace. I started with Max because he's my favorite and I had the most ideas with which direction to pull his character - David & Gwen will come next. Realistically not every character from the show cast is involved in the mains' lives anymore so not everybody will get a design, but the main five all will.
VV Details abt 5yl max beneath the cut VV
So I see a lot of people give Max something of a goth/punk aesthetic with things like chokers and excess piercings, and while I can certainly see why that happens, I personally could never picture him going that route. I think it's possibly because he reminds me a lot of my brothers all of whom tend to have a more hipster or casual aesthetic (for a long time I gave Max a beanie and I still think he'd wear one).
Along with that though, Max just never struck me as the type to overly commit to an aesthetic - he'd care abt how he looks ofc but I definitely think he'd prioritize comfort over appearance. I also hc Max with some sensory issues so things like facial piercings or choker collars would probably be irritating to him (this is me projecting my own sensory issues lol. punks you're so cool but I could never.)
So I mostly kept his aesthetic the same and focused on adding more interest to the design - as this was intended to be an ask blog I added details people would want to ask about.
The glasses are another thing that came from one of my brothers - I've never seen anyone give Max glasses (in general unless they're a nerd people just don't think to add stuff like glasses I think), and now I really like them. He gets them when he's around 14 and I haven't yet decided what visual impairment he has. I'm thinking maybe farsighted?
The long hair was something I chose on a picrew on a whim and immediately loved. I came up with this cute story plot where Max has always wanted long hair, but could never properly get it to grow out because he was never taught how to take care of his hair. He also hated going to salons bc they didn't know how to treat his hair. Then Gwen starts giving him tips and offers to do his hair for him - an offer he's extremely apprehensive about bc his experience with people doing his hair has never been good, but she does really well. She explains that she was just taught by people in her family who knew how to deal with different hair types.
Admittedly too the long hair was a decision I stuck with bc I loathe the idea that transmascs can't have or want long hair (and yes, Max is transmasc in 5yl. David is too). At this point I've created so much hair lore I could write an essay on that alone.
As for the bear pin and the bear skull on his shirt, I wanted to give Max a hyperfixation of some kind, and I just went with bears (Ik lots of children have teddy bears and it doesn't mean they particularly love bears but it's what I had to work with lol). It's the one nature thing David managed to make him genuinely like. Funnily enough I followed a few bear-themed accounts so I could write someone w a bear hyperfixation accurately, and in doing so gave myself a bear hyperfixation for awhile.
Some other details abt 5yl Max are that he loves guns and has studied them and really wants to learn to shoot, he's properly taken up knitting and he once punched somebody for calling David an ableist slur <3
(there's a lot I've put into this but it's hard to find the words to explain when it doesn't come up naturally, so I'll share plenty more abt this au when I'm ready.)
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Drawn in MediBang Paint Pro
Camp Camp is a Rooster Teeth original series.
Copyright© 2022 Vixiefoxwitch. All rights reserved.
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