#and I've heard about it going poorly before
little-pup-pip · 2 months
Uhm so I was wondering, how you tell someone you are agere and petre. I have a really close friend and I would like them to know
Hello! This is a complicated topic that most of us have to face at some point. Of course, I don't know your friend, and I can't give you a perfect step-by-step guide for your individual situation. I'm also not great at giving advice in general. Still, I can tell you about my experiences with this and how I told people!! I hope this helps!
The first person I ever told was my best friend. The circumstances are strange, though, because it was when they were telling me that they regress! When they were finished, I was just like "!! Me too!!!" And we were both very relieved that everything was out in the open. This story was amazing when it happened, but it probably isn't an educational lesson because there often isn't a perfect opportunity to tell someone something so personal.
That's where we get into the second person I ever told! My dear, at the time ignorant, boyfriend. I was afraid to tell him initially, even though I knew deep down he wouldn't react poorly. This story is kind of funny as well because my extensive, mentally planned-out discussion with him didn't actually end up happening either. Instead, I involuntarily regressed right in front of him!
He had no idea what was happening, and was very surprised by the whole situation. Eventually, when I was able to actually participate in an adult conversation, we talked it through, and I explained everything to him. He had lots of questions, and it took him a while to figure out his feelings and role in the whole thing. Even then, confused and caught completely off-guard, he was very open-minded because he cares about me, and he's my CG now!
I think it's important to talk about these things in a mature, open-minded, and loving way that allows both sides to express their thoughts. If your friend has no experience with Agere or Petre, they're probably going to have questions and maybe a knee-jerk reaction that seems negative. Perhaps they'll need time to think about it, or do research, or talk through it. Maybe they'll surprise you! All you can do is be patient and honest with them and hope that they're a true friend who will support you no matter what.
As you've just read, I never really had a serious, planned-out discussion where I sat someone down and revealed my secret to them unprompted, as you likely plan to. Clearly, you trust this person. Therefore, the relationship you share is presumably strong enough to allow you both to be your authentic selves without judgment or fear. The fact that you want to tell them at all says a lot about how much you care about them, so the only thing left to do is go for it!
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genericpuff · 5 months
All That Glitters is Not Feminism - An Analysis of LO's Brand of "Feminism" and What Remains of its Fanbase (The Twist)
Alright y'all, I've been waiting a hot minute to talk about this because I wanted to see how it fully panned out before saying anything about it. And it's not even specifically about LO, but I do think it's very adjacent to it in a way that I'm sure you'll be shocked to hear. Much of it speaks to how we prop up white writers even at the expense of POC.
This is 'the twist' attached to my first post that I made just a couple hours ago that concerns an entirely other topic but I feel ties into this subject very well.
If you haven't heard, there's this author who recently fucked around in the Del Rey publishing scene.
Her name is Cait Corrain.
In the original tweet calling this person out, names were not dropped, but it was made very clear that what Cait did was unacceptable behavior.
You can read the entire thread that started it all from Xiran here:
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There's also a GREAT recap thread from one of the affected authors, Bethany Baptiste:
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I want to make it clear that Cait Corrain isn't just a debut author.
Cait Corrain is - or now, was (foreshadowing is a literary device that-) - a debut author who had an agent, a publishing deal with Del Rey (an imprint of Random House which is a MAJOR publisher) and even an upcoming Illumicrate deal - meaning, her book was going to be packaged in a monthly loot crate subscription shipped directly to people's doors, quite possibly one of the best marketing deals a debut author could ever get, usually unheard of in this industry. All the pre-reviews were strong and positive.
Cait's book was literally set up for success. All she had to do was sit back, relax, and watch the fruits of her labors roll in. She had written the book. It was ready for release. The hard part was technically over.
But I guess the racism brainrot got to her because as it turns out, since April - for EIGHT MONTHS - she's been making alternate accounts on GoodReads to review bomb the indie and debut works of her friends and peers, most of whom were POC and did not have the same opportunities set up for them as she did. There are loads of receipts to back this up that you can find in those above threads ^^^
To say that this is appalling is an understatement. This was an intentional and deliberate act of racism by a white queer writer who claimed to be "jealous" - of what, I can't imagine - so much so that she deliberately sabotaged her peers, people who had supported her and her book.
And then when she got caught? She doubled down on it and claimed it was a "friend", also an alternate account she made up.
The exchange between her and this made-up person is actually the funniest shit out of this entire thing, it's so poorly written and as soon as people noticed the time stamps were out of order, that was when it truly cemented her newfound clown status.
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"oooooh he's standing right behind me, isn't he?" energy right here LMAO
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yes keep expositing cait, that's really selling the "this is a genuine conversation that really happened with a real person" bit 🤡
Anyways, it became abundantly clear that Cait was just going to continue to dig her heels in over something she caused.
This has been a hot topic in the UnpopularLO Discord, not just because of how crazy of a situation it is that we had to talk about it - and we have people within the community who work in the literature and media sector - but because we noticed one very telling thing in the list of series that she had review bombed in her very own personal act of wrath.
You see, Cait made one fundamental mistake that led to her undoing - she didn't just review bomb the works of her peers, she positively reviewed her own book and others.
What's her book about though?
It's an Ariadne x Dionysus retelling set in space.
It's literally another "modern retelling" of Greek myth.
And wouldn't you know it, guess who else created a modern retelling of Greek myth that she included in her positive review raiding while she was sabotaging the work of her actual peers?
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Now, I think it goes without saying that what I'm about to say should be taken with MOUNTAINS of salt, I'm sure a lot of you are reading the headline and going, "Ugh, really? You're gonna make this about LO? Could you give it a rest already???"
I need you to understand, with the current state of Rachel's fanbase and 'modern' Greek myth literature as a whole, at this point Lore Olympus - and the works that are literally inspired by it such as A Touch of Darkness - has basically become the shopping cart litmus test of basic decency. It's like when someone says they like Harry Potter - you can't take it automatically at good faith anymore, because there isn't a whole lot separating someone who simply liked Harry Potter as a kid and still rewatches the movies from time to time from someone who fully supports the politics and agenda of J.K. Rowling. No, not everyone who still watches the movies or reads the books fondly is a TERF by default, but it's justifiably a reason for suspicion when the consequences are often too dire to risk.
There's this thing that's been happening in the LO fanbase that I frankly saw coming, but has really recently started to hit its peak. It's what I call the "Kanye Effect", where the comic has become so absurd and backwards in its misogyny and white feminism that the only people who seem to be left supporting LO are the people who are legitimate white feminists and misogynists - because all the normal level-headed people fell off the comic ages ago (or transitioned into the critical side of the community).
I mentioned it in my last post, but it bears repeating - Rachel's fanbase has literally been shipping Hera, a victim of abuse, with her abuser, Kronos. I'm really hoping a lot of them realize how fucked up that is now that Hera herself has called it what it is - abuse - within the comic, but I also can't count on the LO fanbase picking up on that or even noticing it with how quickly people swipe through it each week, it's very apparent at this point that most of LO's readers don't know how to chew their food and don't pay attention when Persephone and Hades aren't onscreen.
But I'm digressing. Or am I? We're talking about Crown of Starlight after all. The debut Dionysus x Ariadne sci-fi/fantasy romance that was quite literally advertised using Lore Olympus as its baseline-
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This. This is what the ongoing cultural erasure and white feminist uwu-fication of Greek myth is doing to the literary zeitgeist surrounding Greek myth as a whole. This is why we criticize Lore Olympus and works like it that are created by disingenuous people who only seek to use the assets of Greek myth material as a way to shoot themselves up into fame and stardom. This is why we demand better standards in the literature and webcomic industry, so that people like Rachel and Cait can't use their privileges to quite literally erase the source material that they used to make themselves famous in the first place.
If anything, Cait's actions didn't just affect the people she negatively review bombed, or the people she was affiliated with, but also the people she positively reviewed. While I don't support what Rachel creates, she wasn't the only one who Cait went out of her way to review positively from her alt accounts, there were many others as evident in the Google Doc - but all this really does is tarnish the legitimacy of these books and their ratings by artificially jacking up their numbers that are advertised to others.
Making Greek myth fanfiction or fun creative retellings was never the problem, but it's now being sabotaged alongside so many other genres and mediums by toxic white individuals who can't even keep themselves from committing hate crimes, let alone create something purely for entertainment that's transparent in its illegitimacy, lest it destroy the illusion that these people are qualified to speak over those whose voices are being stifled, often by these very same people. Many of these writers get caught and are still allowed to continue what they're doing - that was certainly what we feared with Cait.
Until today.
It was revealed today that Cait's book will no longer be featured in the Illumicrate May 2024 box.
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Del Rey has dropped Crown of Starlight from their publishing schedule.
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Daphne Press will be hopefully following suit.
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And, most telling of all, Cait's own agent has severed ties with her.
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For anyone not familiar with the inner workings of the publishing industry, Cait has essentially been blacklisted. Without an agent or a publishing house, she'll have to entirely rely on her own resources through self-publishing. Unless she manages to sneak her way back in under an alias (which I wouldn't put it past her to try) she no longer has access to the mainstream publishing industry that was already guaranteed for her before she let her 'jealousy' get the better of her.
Her career was already made for her. She had a red carpet laid out for her debut. Her book was getting good pre-reviews and she had quite literally nothing keeping her from her success. The best thing she could have done was nothing. Somewhere in her head, she made up a threat that didn't exist, and sealed her fate in acting on it, a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I think in these situations such as with Cait Corrain, Rachel Smythe, and - also recently and relevant - James Somerton, we need to become increasingly aware of how white voices are still overpowering POC voices, not just in their actions, but in the opportunities they're given over others which they then use to further stifle the voices of those they feel "threatened" by or feel entitled to speak over. While neither James nor Rachel have used sock puppet accounts to "take out the competition" (at least as far as we know lmao) James did quite literally steal the words and voices of queer writers who were deserving of their time in the spotlight, and Rachel's work is being quoted as "rewriting Greek myth" as if its blatant gentrification and appropriation should be marketed as some sort of positive.
It's all too common for these deeply-rooted prejudices to rear their ugly heads and for the people who carry them to act out in this way while justifying it as "jealousy" or "a mistake". This isn't jealousy. This isn't a mistake. This isn't someone "starting drama". This is genuine, targeted hate, with the intention of snuffing out the voices of others who should be empowered, not silenced.
All that time and effort, and for what? Racism and petty jealousy? It just goes to show, it doesn't matter how many opportunities you're given, how high up on the ladder you already are - it won't fix the deeply-rooted insecurity and racial pettiness that spurs people on to do such horrible things.
I've spent enough of my time and words today talking about Cait, and James, and Rachel. So to end this off, I want to join in with all the others who have highlighted the books that were review-bombed by Cait, and help in uplifting them so they can have successful debuts. I'll be pre-ordering a few of them, so I'll be happy to make dedicated posts for them in the future after they release. Please consider purchasing them for yourself if you want some new reading material <3
The Poisons We Drink by Bethany Baptiste:
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So Let Them Burn by Kamilah Cole:
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To Gaze Upon Wicked Gods by Molly X Chang:
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Mistress of Lies by K.M. Enright
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Voyage of the Damned by Frances White:
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(I'm sure there are plenty others so if I missed any here, please let me know so I can add them here and check out their books!)
If there's any silver lining to this, I hope that it makes people aware of the media they consume and who it's being created by. I hope it makes people more willing to seek out the books that aren't getting the same opportunities as Cait Corrain and Rachel Smythe. I hope it's a wake-up call to the industry that matters like this need to be taken seriously and that POC writers are still being silenced under their own noses. And most of all, I hope it's a reminder that we shouldn't even need at this point that this behavior is not okay, no matter what level a person climbs to - that just because someone is part of one minority doesn't mean they're not capable of sabotaging another. It sucks that that has to be said, it sucks that despite these groups being so intersectional there are still people within them who submit to their deeply-rooted insecurities and find ways to feel threatened that they use to justify hateful behavior.
Having a platform is a privilege. It should never be weaponized against your own peers or those who you simply feel "threatened" by for no reason beyond your own imposter syndrome or doubts or internal struggles. Because as much as you may feel like you've earned where you are, that never gives you the right to weaponize your opportunities against others who were never given those same opportunities in the first place. "Feminism" is not using your power to crush "other women". "Progressiveness" is not exclusive to the progress that only benefits you.
I wish only the best to those who were affected by the actions of Cait Corrain. You deserve to be heard and seen and appreciated for the work you do and the abuse you've had to tolerate. I look forward to your debuts in 2024 <3
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Have you ever done head-cannons on what characters would be like if they had a big crush on you but it was before the point of confessions or dating? I've been craving content like that lately and if you could make some like that it'd make my day especially right now as I'm feeling quite poorly right now.
My favourite boys are Mikey, Chifuyu, Mitsuya, Baji and Angry.
Ok here's some of them in the crushing stage!
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Suddenly starts hanging around you a lot more, he seems to be everywhere and keeps popping up.
Clamours for you attention, calling your name and asking for your opinions on things, he wants to hang out with you a lot.
He'll be in the middle of telling you about the latest gang he's beaten up before suddenly dropping a "your eyes are so beautiful" then goes back to talking about the gang. You have no idea if you heard him correctly or not. 
Will make Draken carry your bag or anything else that your holding
He'll also be very touchy and affectionate with you. Casually holding your hand to lead you somewhere and resting his head on your lap to sleep. 
It's like he's already in the relationship but hesitates to ask you. 
Would bring you along to a "double date" with Takemichi and Hina but say it's just a casual hang out.
Also warns the rest of the gang/ friend group to back off. 
Eventually confesses after taking you for a drive on his bike (it helps him to relax)
He's suddenly a nervous wreck around you, blushing everytime he even talks to you, he tries to play it cool but when you look at him he's just overwhelmed by his crush.
Fidgets a lot too and has a hard time being around you for long.
Eventually turns to manga to help him out, this involves him coming up with several complicated plans with never work.
Leaves anonymous notes for you, saying how cool he thinks you are, along with little gifts. He becomes your secret admirer. 
Is very observant and has a good memory of what you've said you like and dislike 
All his friends are aware of his crush and tease him over it a lot.
He also reads a lot more manga while crushing on you for "research"
Daydreams about you a lot
He ends up confessing after his friends set him up with you and is beyond thrilled when you say yes.
Smiles a lot more at you, sure he always smiled before but there's something different about these smiles. They're more warm and his eyes seem to light up more. 
He actually fights with his feelings for you for awhile, he considers confessing but thinks you deserve someone better then him so he stays quiet. But still his feelings don't go away
You inspire a lot of his creativity with his handcrafts
Yasuda and any of the other girls he works with in the future end up rooting for the two of you. You're not sure why they seem to smile so much whenever you and Mitsuya are talking. 
He goes out of his way to "defend" you from the gang/ friend group (they're only teasing like you do the same back to them but that doesn't stop Mitsuya from sticking up for you)
Hugs you a lot, both when the two of you meet up and then say goodbye. The hugs always last longer then you would expect
Spends a lot of time working on something special whenever it's your birthday 
Eventually he can't not tell you anymore so spills everything and is surprised to find out you feel the same way.
Spends an extra long time on his appearance and hair before he sees you.
His mother actually realises he's crushing on someone before he does.
He talks about you so often, he doesn't even realise he's doing it. Kazutora and Chifuyu always give a knowing look to each other when he brings you up.
Loves hearing the sound of your laugh, when he's the one to make you laugh he gets very happy about it.
Throws his arm around you a lot, although he did do this before his crush, he does it a lot more after.
He's actually a bit embarrassed when it's brought up though, like he will blush if someone mistakes the two of you as being in a relationship.
Tries to show off in front of you a bit, will beat guys up in front of you.
Confesses in a rush one day, he talks very quickly, so much that you almost miss whay he's trying to say. He's just nervous but relaxes after you kiss him on the cheek and say yes.
His kindness is turned up to 100 once he has a crush on you, he was always nice before but now he's overly nice, always willing to help you with everything.
He also tries to take care of any injuries you may have. He figures it's something he's done for the others before so it must be an easy way of getting closer to you. But he quickly realises it's actually very hard to concentrate when he's getting to touch and care for you. He fumbles the bandages a few times and can't look you in the eyes while being so close.
Tries to talk to you as often as possible 
Also gives you free restaurant food a lot
Smiley calls the two of you "lovebirds" which makes Angry blush
Writes a few songs about you that his band end up playing 
Ends up confessing to you late one night when it's just the two of you in the restaurant. 
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
So, I'm new to DC. Your twin has been helping me get caught up on the basics. But from what I understand, the actual way Jason was brought back from the dead is either ignored or poorly explained. The pit came about when Talia found him after he already came back.
Now, what if when Jason died, he became a ghost and had a home island in the ghost zone. And became friends with the local reigning monarch (I like to think Danny was complaining about English and Jason heard and started tutoring him, but the how isn't very important).
Well, Jason is still caught up on his unfinished business in Gotham. The Zone doesn't have much need for a boy hero and he isn't ready to give that up. So he decides to go to Desiree and wish for his life back. She sends him back, but without his ghost core. Which is part of the reason he's so unstable. It has the side effect of him losing his memories of his time in the zone.
So Danny is in Gotham. Depending on the ship you like, he's looking at colleges for himself or Jazz. Or maybe it's a Casper High field trip and the fic is gen. And while there, Danny sees his friend Jason who disappeared into his core and hasn't been able to be helped since. All any ghost knows is that he was seeking out Desiree before whatever happened to him.
Anyway, I've no time to do anything with this. But it's an idea I had! Hope some others enjoy it.
Oh shit I’ve seen so many fics with Jason being a human with a core but having that prolonged rage because he lacks a core?! Oh that’s a fascinating concept.
Would he even be able to form another core at all? Is it unfixable? Does he have urges to, instead of brutally injuring someone, just flat out kill them instead? The reason being that he’s subconsciously trying to take the cores of the newly formed ghosts to continue living?
Oh god ok this is a completely separate idea now but I propose this: Jason is without a core and has to steal and consume ghost cores Vampire style to continue on living.
Ok back to the original idea: I absolutely adore it. Big question is how does Jason get his core back?
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skalfy · 4 months
A Poorly Planned Escape
Misa x Reader, ~2k words, part 1/?
hey so I wrote this and I thought why not post it. I've started writing the next part already, so I'll probably post that as well if there is any interest. It didn't start out as being about Misa, but I got partway in and thought "yeah that's definitely about Misa" so here we are. Don't be confused by María, it should become clear that it's misa, not one of the other marías lol. Also my spanish is limited to two semesters several years ago in college, so all dialogue is written in english, but in my mind they are speaking spanish.
I've written things before, but not like this and not posted, so apologies in advance for things like messed up formatting. Also not proofread, but such is life. Enjoy!
no smut, but some general descriptions of people hooking up
You weren’t sure what you had been expecting as shouldered your way into your flat, hands full of leftovers your mum had insisted you take back for Alma, your girlfriend. Probably her form on the sofa, tv bright with one of the Spanish reality shows she preferred. Maybe even a dark, quiet room if Alma was out with her friends, something she seemed increasingly inclined toward the last few months. You certainly weren’t prepared for the sight that did greet you.
Your girlfriend was draped rather artfully across the plush sofa, head thrown back and eyes shut, a position not unfamiliar to you. In fact, the only thing really unfamiliar at all was the stranger who knelt between your girlfriend’s legs. Her smooth, broad shoulders and bowed head obscured the rather intimate details of what was taking place, but between the sounds and the way Alma’s fingers were gripping the stranger’s dark hair, it wasn’t hard to guess. You were frozen in the doorway, watching the ripple of muscle under tan skin as she slid her palms up to your girlfriend’s hips to hold her down, pressing her firmly into the couch. You wondered for a moment what hands that big might feel like against your own hips, shaking your head suddenly when you realized the absurdity of that thought.
After a deep breath to compose yourself, you kicked your heel firmly back into the door, slamming it shut behind you. Both bodies stilled, but it only took a moment before Alma’s head snapped up and her eyes met yours. You turned away, willing your shoulders to stay down and relaxed as you walked to the refrigerator.
“Sorry to interrupt, but my parents say hello. I’m putting the leftovers from dinner in the fridge, please have some. I’m sure you’ve worked up an appetite.” You said, back still turned and only a slight waver in your voice. “I think I’ll head out and stay with one of the girls tonight, just need to grab a few things.” Alma didn’t reply.
As you walked into your shared bedroom, you heard a soft voice ask “your roommate?” Alma didn’t reply to that either.
When you emerged a few minutes later, overnight bag over your shoulder, only Alma sat on the sofa. She had clothes on now, shorts she must have been wearing before and a hoodie of yours that had been across the back of one of the sitting room chairs. You resisted the urge to snap at her to take it off.
“I just don’t understand, Alma. I know things haven’t been great, but why didn’t you just say something?” Even as you spoke you knew it didn’t really matter. There was no going back from this and you didn’t need your feelings hurt by whatever reasons she gave. You sighed and turned toward the door again. “I’ll call you to sort things out once I’ve calmed down.”
You thought she wouldn’t say anything at all, but as your hand grasped the doorknob, she finally spoke, “Are we done?”
“Yeah, Alma, I think we are.” You pulled the door open and left.
When the elevator doors opened at the ground floor of your building, you were surprised to see a familiar figure. She was fully clothed now, but the broad shoulders and thick, wavy hair were unmistakable to you. She half turned as you stepped into the lobby, dark eyes meeting yours. You expected her to look away, but instead she held the eye contact. She was striking--beautiful, but intimidating, all heavy eyebrows and unreadable expression.
“I’m sorry.” She said, still not looking away.
“Did you know she had a girlfriend?” You asked.
“No.” She shook her head.
“Then it wasn’t your fault.” You gave a half smile. “I thought you might be trying to escape my wrath, but it looks like you didn’t get far.”
At this she finally looked away, shrugging a little uncomfortably as she answered, “My phone is dead, and I-- well, I’m still figuring the escape out.”
“I can give you a ride home.” You spoke without thinking, regretting it when the silence stretched afterwards. “I’m leaving anyway, and I promise I won’t try to kill you or anything.”
“If you’re sure, I’d really appreciate it.” She said, a smile breaking across her face, “I wouldn’t blame you if you tried to kill me just a little bit, though.”
For a moment, all you could do was stare at her face. The bright smile had turned it from intimidating to adorable, and you were having a difficult time collecting your thoughts with those particularly lethal dimples shining at you. You flashed her a soft smile of your own and gestured to the door.
“Come on then, follow me.”
Once the two of you were seated in your car, you plugged her address into the nav, then scrounged up a charging cable and passed that over to her. Fortunately, her home was near the friend you intended to crash with, so your extra passenger hardly took you out of your way at all. You sent a quick text to your friend letting her know you’d be at her place in around 30 minutes, then put your phone down and backed out of your spot.
The first couple minutes on the road were quiet, just the muffled sound from the city around you mixed with the playlist you’d started and turned down to play quietly. As you sat at a traffic light, you turned for a moment to the woman sitting next to you.
“You know, we haven’t actually introduced ourselves.” You told her your name, then held out your hand for a handshake with mock seriousness. She grasped your hand firmly, mirroring your serious expression and replied,
“I’m María, it’s nice to meet you.”
That opened up the conversation, and the two of you began to chat. It was mostly surface level, but you found yourself actually enjoying it. María was witty and interesting, but most of all she seemed to truly want to listen what you had to say. She was impressed when you described how you had moved to Madrid from London for work right out of uni, explaining that she had at times considered leaving Spain for her own job, but had worried about unfamiliar places and languages. She understood what it was like to live a plane ride away from family, with her parents back in Tenerife. You were happy to ply her with questions about her beautiful homeland, mentally planning a trip there after hearing about the gorgeous beaches and scenery. It wasn’t until María asked her next question that you realized there was a new predicament you were in.
“I think you mentioned dinner with your parents, are they visiting?”
“Yeah,” you replied, “they are here for a week, along with my sister and her husband and their daughter. They aren’t really here to visit me, but it’s a nice bonus. I’m actually taking my niece to-- oh fuck!” You cut yourself off with the exclamation.
“What, what’s wrong?” María asked, startled.
“I was supposed to take my niece to a football game this weekend, she is a huge Real Madrid fan, loves women’s footy. Except I’m now realizing this is a mess, because the only way I could get tickets was a favor from Alma. Her company has a box, and I begged her to get two seats for Luisa and I, but now even if she still lets me use them there’s no way we can sit with all my ex-girlfriend’s coworkers. If I know her at all then at least half of them will have heard all about this by lunch tomorrow, and I don’t think I want my eleven year old niece there to find out how much of the truth she tells.” Your eyes suddenly stung as you tried to take a deep breath. “Sorry, I just realized I’m not sure I can take getting cheated on and being a shitty aunt all in one week.”
“Please don’t apologise for being upset, clearly the only person in this car who should be allowed to say sorry is me.” You managed a sniffle and a small smile at her words. “Also, I definitely can’t fix the first part,” this caught you off guard and you couldn’t stifle a surprised snort, “but I think I can help with the second.”
“María it’s okay, you don’t owe me anything. Plus the game has been sold out for weeks, it’s El Clásico, I already tried to buy tickets before I asked Alma in the first place.” You could feel your voice wavering and fought against the tears. María was quiet in the seat next to you as you pulled up outside her building. You shifted into first and turned the car off, then felt a hesitant hand cover yours on the gearstick.
“I can get you two tickets if you want them, I promise. I work for Real Madrid and there are tickets set aside for us.” She sounded almost desperate.
“I can’t ask you to do that--” you started, then she cut you off.
“I wouldn’t have used them anyway! Please let me do this.” You looked at the big hand on yours, then up at her face. “Not for you, but for an eleven year old girl who loves women’s football.” She had you there and she knew it.
“Yes. Yes, fine!” You smiled at her. “Thank you, María.”
She smiled back at you, then lifted her hand from yours, reaching it up to thumb away the rebellious tear that had made it onto your cheek. You acted on instinct and reached both of your arms out to her shoulders, pulling her into an awkward hug across the car’s center console. She didn’t seem to mind the uncoordinated attempt, accepting it with grace and tucking your head neatly into her shoulder. As she held you there, the most ridiculous thought of the night crossed your mind. Why had Alma cheated on you with María? She wasn’t Alma’s type at all, she was yours.
The two of you separated after another moment, and María pulled her phone out.
“Can you text yourself so I have your number? That way I can let you know where to go to pick the tickets up.” You nodded and did as instructed, sending yourself her name, then replying with yours so neither of you would have any trouble identifying the new number.
“Please let me know if I owe you anything. I know you said the tickets are set aside, but if they cost you then please let me at least cover that.” You got the sense that she would be the type to not mention that if it were the case.
“They normally don’t charge me anything, but I promise I’ll tell you if they do.” She met your eyes and winked-- whether that meant she was trying to reassure you or just that she wasn’t going to make you pay either way you weren’t sure, but you let it go. “One more thing, does Luisa have a favorite player? No guarantees, but I might be able to leave something for her with the ticket agent. The players are usually happy to do something like that.”
“Only if it’s no trouble.” You leveled her with a glare. “She’s always on about Hayley Raso and Linda Caicedo, so either of them’s probably a safe bet.”
“Only if it’s no trouble.” She agreed, with what she must have thought was an innocent expression on her face.
“Please get out of my car before you offer to do anything else for Luisa that will leave me severely in your debt.” You pointed out toward her flat then made a shooing motion with your hand. She huffed out a chuckle then opened her door.
“Thank you for the ride… and for not killing me when you had the chance. Look out for my text!”
With that she hopped out and shut the car door. You watched as she walked up to the building entrance, turned and waved, then stepped inside. After a deep breath, you turned your car back on and drove the last few minutes to your friend’s house.
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teatreeoilll · 5 months
|| Flustered (Geto Suguru X Reader) ||
(Reposted from my old blog which I don't have access to anymore (thanks Tumblr), if you liked it reblogs or likes would be appreciated to get me back on track since I've lost all my followers and half my work :(
in which reader has a big crush on Geto (don't we all?), just kind of me tapping into the funny post-credits vibes of jjk. notes: I even kept the small headlines I made for each part because it felt cute, might delete later.
w/c: 1.1 k
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screenshot credits to user yutamayo.
The part where Geto Suguru likes seeing you flustered.
You were sure Geto Suguru hadn't the slightest idea of what he was doing. Because if he did, it would make him a devil.
He'd always sit patiently waiting for the end of class before coming up to you, just to place a large hand on your shoulder while you were still sitting in your seat, letting it linger there for far too long as he spoke.
"Be careful, yeah?" He heard passingly from Shoko about the mission you were about to take on with one of the older sorcerers.
"Always am." You smile, thinking that if he doesn't move his hand off of your shoulder soon, the warmth of his fingertips might burn through the fabric of your uniform.
"That's not what Shoko says," He gets down on his knees to face you and tilts his head lightly, a dark strand of hair grazing the side of his nose. It would be impolite to not look straight at him now - the eye contact he kept so easily made the blush creep to your cheeks. His hand moves to rest on your thigh. There's no chance in hell he doesn't know what he's doing.
"Are you feeling okay? Your face looks red, you shouldn't go if you feel sick." He says.
"I'm - fine, I just -" Your chair scrapes the floor as you get up abruptly, "I don't want to keep Mei Mei waiting."
Did someone tell him that I have a crush on him? You thought while stumping down the hall, the only one who knows is Shoko, and there's no chance she'd do that. Damn it.
The part where you learn that if you ever ask for something of Mei Mei, be very specific.
It doesn't help to wipe the sweat. It just mixes with dirt and blood that covered you from head to toe, leaving your vision blurred and your moves sloppy. Mei Mei has it all under control - as she usually does, with her battleaxe swinging elegantly through numerous curses each instant, leaving their severed parts to rest on the dirty linoleum floors, but it doesn't mean she'd let you off easy.
"You should at least try to focus, or you wouldn't live long enough to have any chance of getting together with Geto."
"I'm sorry. I'll focus." you mutter shamefully.
The mission ends almost instantaneously when Mei Mei finds the curse responsible for the recent killings, her blows unwavering even at the horrid sight. You knew you weren't at your usual level on this mission, but Mei Mei's words have shifted your focus completely.
The car ride was silent except for the sound of your uniform's fabric brushing over the car seat every time your leg bounced restlessly, thoughts running back and forth through your mind.
"Mei-Mei, How'd you know that -"
She didn't even wait for your sentence to finish; "Gojo paid me to send a raven to pry on yours and Shoko's conversations."
"Oh," fuck, "wait, shouldn't it be a secret?"
"He paid me to snoop," a smile grazed her lips, "not to keep a secret."
The part where Gojo Satoru faces imminent death.
"I'll kill you, Satoru!" You shout, but Gojo only likes it more. He runs around the class pretending that all the things you're throwing at his direction will actually hurt him. He hides his tall figure poorly behind desks, giggling every time another part of school property passes his head by a few inches.
"And end a bloodline just like that?" He teases.
Shoko stands silently in the doorway, watching the scene unfold. She puts a cigarette in her mouth, ready to turn away from the class and leave you to deal with Gojo in any way that you see fit. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Geto approaching the classroom, oblivious to the new developments.
"Ieri - " He tries to say something, but she just slowly shakes her head "No".
"Wouldn't go in there if I were you." Shoko closes the door behind her, muffling the conundrum of threats and laughter coming out of the room.
In the hall, Gojo's mocking words could still be heard through loud thuds of heavy objects hitting the floor, "D'you really wanna' kill your boyfriends best friend?"
The part where Geto Suguru is so, so sorry.
Geto felt the guilt rush over him now that you knew that he had flustered you very much deliberately. You've ignored him for almost a week now, which by any means would be considered a feat, seeing that you've spent hours together in classes and practice almost every day. And even when he came to apologize, befitting a Jujutsu sorcerer, you stood before him in the hallway with an unholy amount of unwavering pride.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that, especially when I knew that you have a crush on me." He had stated the obvious, but still somehow managed to lie. He really wasn't sorry - his heart fluttered everytime he saw your face turn crimson under his touch.
"Had." You corrected.
"Yeah, had a crush on you."
"Oh, so you don't anymore?"
"No." You lied through your teeth, but you were rather convinced that if you'd just keep focusing on the anger you felt, the feeling will blow over eventually anyway.
"That's understandable," He says, taking a small step closer to you, just to test the waters. When you didn't move, he raised his arm slowly, pressing the palm of his hand to the side of your face, watching your body involuntarily eliciting the same response he longed for. On the tips of his fingers he clearly felt your jaw tense up slightly, and the heat gathering quickly in your cheeks, "But I just can't have that happen. You look so cute like this, you know?"
It was futile to resist his kiss, his whole body felt like it belonged to be pressed right against yours. Your pride melted against his tongue, his lips only stopping when he had to draw a quick breath. By the time his hand was entangled in your hair, it was too late to try and regain the last shreds of dignity, and so you opted to wrap your arms around him to press your bodies even closer.
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harryscherrypie · 2 years
You pop, when we get intimate
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husband!Harry Styles x fem!reader
summary - how your moans made their way into the background of cinema
warnings - smut, poorly written, slight voyeurism? Harry wants to put your moans in a song so yeah, fluff
wordcount - 2,8k
a/n - Oh god, this one physically drained me. I've been writing it since like august, but the smut never came out right, I hope you like this one, my second smut ever and I'm still a bit awkward writing it so patience, please.
If you have any feedback on my writing, please let me know, it would help tremendously,
Hope you enjoy it.
“You want to what?” You almost screeched as you looked at Harry with wide eyes.
“You heard me right,” he smirked.
You knew Harry could be unhinged when it came to his music. In his previous work, he wasn’t afraid to use intimate bits and pieces of your relationship, just to complete the storytelling. But this was too much, even for him.
“You are absolutely crazy,” you laughed and shook your head.
He had to be joking. Right?
This wasn’t what you were expecting today. You and Harry were both at home. You were working on a project for work and he was working on songs in his home studio. After being locked away in there for about 5 hours straight he came out into the kitchen and nonchalantly asked the craziest question you’ve ever heard.
“Will you let me put your moans into one of my songs?”
“Look, we don’t have to do it, I understand if you are uncomfortable, but I think it would go in the song perfectly,” he shrugged as he moved closer to the couch, where you were sitting. He crouched in front of you and you opened your legs to make space for him between your legs.
“I don’t know Har,” you mumbled as you leaned closer to him. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into him. It was an awkward position but you didn’t mind, you were glad to finally have him with you after he spent the few previous hours locked away in his studio.
“As I said, baby, if you are uncomfortable, it’s out of the window, you know I would never force you to do anything you don’t want to,” he kissed your cheek gently and placed his forehead against your temple.
“Let me think about it hm?” You asked and he nodded happily.
“Thank you,” he mumbled as he pressed his lips against yours softly.
That was 2 weeks ago, and to be honest, you thought about his question non-stop. You roughly knew what he wanted to do. He didn’t want to put your moans to the forefront of the song. He wanted them in the background, just loud enough to slightly hear over the music, he didn’t think anyone would catch onto them after the first listen, and that calmed your mind slightly.
Harry was spending the night at his studio in the city when you decided to agree to his proposition. It wasn’t unusual for him to spend nights at the studio. He always said that he felt the most inspired when he worked alone and during the night, and you could understand that.
You retyped the text a few times before you hit send. Just a couple of minutes later, a long voice message came from Harry.
“Oh my God, are you for real? Are you 100% sure? I don’t want you to do this just because I wanted it, please tell me you are sure,” even though he sounded concerned, you could hear a tinge of hope and happiness in his voice.
“Yes, I am sure, I know you would never do anything to hurt or embarrass me, I trust you with my life, Harry,” you sent back a voice message and quickly moved to gather your stuff and get to the studio.
It wasn’t far away, only about 15 minutes from your shared apartment. You listened to a podcast you started listening to while you were working earlier that day as you drove towards the studio.
You parked in the parking lot beside the studio and got out. The lights in the entire building were out, only reassuring you that Harry was in the building alone, maybe except for a couple of security guards, who were going to stay on the bottom floor, so it didn’t bother you.
You walked into the building and greeted the security guard who had a shift that night. You handed him your ID for him to check your name on the list of people who have access and wished you a good night.
You took the elevator to the rented studio, which was on the 8th floor. As the elevator slowed down, you called Harry to let you in.
“Hey, I’m here, can you let me in please?”
“Of course, love, I’m going to be right there,”
You only waited for about 2 minutes, before the door opened up and your husband appeared.
“Hey,” he smiled and pulled you towards him. He rested his chin against your shoulder as he gently swayed your bodies from side to side. You reveled in the feeling for a few moments before he slowly pulled away.
“Come on,” he tugged on your hand and pulled you into the studio with him.
He locked the door behind the two of you and led you towards a small couch in the back of the room. He sat down, pulled you right on top of him in one fluid motion, and rested his palms on your hips.
“I missed you,” he mumbled as he peppered small kisses around your face.
“I missed you too,” you smiled and rubbed his back gently.
“Baby, are you absolutely sure?” He asked concerned.
“Do you want me to change my mind? Because it sounds like you do,” you teased as you swiped your fingers around the surface of his cheeks.
“Let me get things ready, drink some of my tea if you want, it should be still hot,” he smiled and handed you the mug full of herbal tea.
You took the mug into your hands and blew on the tea gently. You watched Harry as he toyed with the soundboard and the computer from the couch. After a few minutes, you placed the mug on the table in front of you and stood up.
You moved towards him as quietly as you could, trying to scare him. He squealed lowly as you dug your fingers into his sides. You wrapped your hands around him while he quietly laughed at your antics. You raised to your tippy-toes and placed your chin on his shoulder.
“You little minx,” he smiled and opened up a program on his computer screen.
“Are you done?” You asked and pressed a kiss to the side of his neck.
“Almost, be patient,” he mumbled. Your eyes wandered from the screen to the profile of Harry’s face. You allowed yourself to admire him for a while before he spoke up.
“I can see you staring,” Harry said absentmindedly.
“I am getting bored and horny, so hurry up,” you whined jokingly.
“I am done, the mic is on, we can go in,” he turned around and pulled you into him. He kissed you gently, and unhurriedly. Even though the both of you knew what was going to happen in the next few minutes, the kiss didn’t get steamy. It stayed soft and gentle as if to bring each other comfort.
“You can still say no, you can always say no, I won’t get mad,” he reminded you as he placed his forehead against yours and closed his eyes in bliss.
“I know,” you rolled your eyes. “You told me like 5 times already,” you joked and he ‘tsked’ and raised your chin to keep you looking at him.
“I want you to be comfortable, and know that you can back out anytime you feel like it is becoming too much,” he stroked your cheek. You nodded in acknowledgment and tugged at his hand.
“C’mon, let’s get this over with,” you said.
“Eager, are we?” he teased but complied and let you lead him to the booth.
“You were hopeful, weren’t you?” You teased when you saw the inside of the booth. There were blankets and pillows strewn across the floor, with some towels and water bottles to the side. Your heart fluttered. You couldn’t have asked for more. The fact that he went out of his way to do this to try and make you feel more comfortable made your heart squeeze inside your chest.
“Guess you could say I had a hunch,” he winked jokingly and pulled you into the booth. He pulled you to sit down on the floor which was cushioned by the soft pillows.
“It’s so cozy, I love it,” you mumbled as you ran your hands over the soft fabric around you.
“Only the best for you, my love,” he smiled.
“C’mere baby, let me kiss you,” Harry pulled you onto his lap and quickly pressed his lips to yours. You stayed like that for a while. Pressed up against each other, lips moving against each other.
“Turn around baby, sit between my legs, it’s going to sound better that way,” he whispered into your ear and you complied. You shifted your weight and turned around, careful not to hurt him. You nested between his legs and pressed your back against his chest. You felt him lean against the wall behind him and get comfortable.
When the both of you got comfortable, you turned your head to the side, so you could face him.
“How are we going to do this?” You asked curiously.
“Well, I don’t think I’m going to be able to fuck you unless I want all of the moans in the background to be mine, so that’s out of the window,” he grinned and kissed your neck.
“Yeah, you tend to be just a tiny bit loud,” you smiled and raised your hand with a small space between your thumb and pointer finger.
“Get your shirt off, woman,” he jokingly ordered and you raised your hands above your head.
“Get it off yourself,” you smiled. The shirt landed somewhere to your right. You didn’t have time to look because Harry pulled you into a kiss immediately after the shirt stopped touching your skin. He didn’t waste any time and cupped your breasts in his hands. He kneaded the soft flesh roughly, making you moan into his mouth.
“So beautiful,” he mumbled against your lips as he ran the tips of his fingers over your stomach and hips. You moaned at his praise softly and raised your hips off of the ground slightly, trying to tell him you wanted him to slide your sweat pants off of your legs.
Harry knew you like the back of his hand, and immediately understood what you wanted from him.
“Raise your hips for me, love, just a bit,” he murmured against the side of your face and you complied, air leaving your lungs at his words, wrapping your arm around the back of his neck to get some stability. He swiped the fabric of both sweat pants and your underwear from underneath your butt, and down your legs.
“Straighten your legs,” he ordered and you did, just for him to hook his knees around your legs and pinning them to the ground, spread out. You let out a shaky breath, tensing up from the sudden cold feeling touching your hot core.
“Relax against me, and let me do the work,” you nodded your head desperately and you laid your head against his shoulder, burrowing your face in his neck.
At first, he didn’t do anything. His slight touches were teasing and almost non-existent, dancing over your heated naked skin.
As his hand traveled down, over your thigh, it nestled itself on your inner thigh, incredibly close to where you needed him, making goosebumps erupt all over your skin.
He was so, so close when he suddenly started to pull away. In the deep feeling of desperation, you forcefully closed your legs and pried them from underneath his, with a loud whine.
“Please, don’t do this to me,” you whined and Harry tsked disapprovingly.
“Be good for me, or you won’t get anything,” he threatened, and you nodded understandingly. You knew he wouldn’t do that to you, after all, he needed this but you knew the longer you would misbehave the longer it would take for him to properly start.
he pined your legs underneath his again, this time a lot firmer than before and his hand went back to the place it was before.
This time around, he didn’t waste any time and dived straight in. He pulled your hood apart with two fingers, leaving your pulsing clit uncovered in the slightly cold air of the recording booth. He smeared your wetness over his fingers and started rubbing soft circles on your clit, making you lean back into him a little more, feeling a jolt of electricity flash over your spine.
“Is that good lovie?” He asked, already knowing the answer. You nodded vigorously, letting a breathless moan tumble out of your mouth. He didn’t take his time easing you into the feeling, as he started rubbing your clit a bit more roughly.
You didn’t understand how he did it, but you already felt the familiar knot forming in your stomach. The feeling of the cold rings pressing against your heated skin only made the motions of his skilled fingers make you feel so much better.
You could feel his fingers starting to explore, the thumb circled your clit and the rest went downwards until you felt them prodding against your wet hole.
“Please, give me your fingers,” you moaned out and he kissed the side of your head.
“Be patient,” he murmured.
He teased you, only letting the tips of his finger dip into you before he pulled them away, only focusing on your clit.
You couldn’t wait anymore, you gripped his wrist and looked him in the eyes, with a pleading look on your face.
“Please,” you whispered and he rolled his eyes, nodding, as if annoyed. You let go of his wrist, settling back against him.
He dipped his fingers in you again, going deeper this time. You spread your legs slightly more, trying to take as much of his fingers as you can. You moaned loudly when his fingers prodded against the sensitive spot inside you. The motion made you grip the loose fabric of his grey sweat pants you could almost feel him smirk behind you.
“Oh, God,” you whispered out as you fought against the flutter of your lashes, struggling against the urge to close your eyes in absolute bliss.
He quickly moved his fingers in and out of you, thumb on your clit, trying to graze the sensitive spot as much and as best as you could. Soon, you were a moaning and whining mess, too close to your orgasm to let out anything except the gasps of his name.
You were so, so close. The feeling in your belly almost too much to bear.
“Let go for me my love, cum for me,” he whispered against your ear.
You tried to hold off for a while, wanting to enjoy his touch for a bit longer, but you couldn’t it wasn’t possible.
You let go with a loud moan as the hot blinding pleasure hit you, making you see galaxies for a few moments. You desperately tried to close your legs around his hand, but this time, he was ready and didn’t let your legs slip from his. Harry continued to rub your clit even after your orgasm, making you whine and try to get away from him.
You felt sleepy. Your eyes were too heavy to keep them open and your limbs felt too heavy to move on your own. You felt yourself being moved. From between Harry’s legs to laying on a fluffy pillow with a warm blanket draped over you. You felt Harry slip away from you, and you tried calling out for him.
“M’just going to turn the mic off, I will be back in a minute, I promise darling, then I’ll clean you up,” he promised lovingly and you nodded, snuggling into the soft fabric of the pillow underneath your head.
He was right, after about a minute you could feel his presence again as the pillows around you shifted underneath his weight.
“I need to pull the blanket off, prepare,” he warned and you braced yourself for the chilly feeling.
You were grateful he cleaned up very quickly. He quickly wiped you up, and slipped your underwear on, mumbling encouraging words when you flinched away from being too sensitive.
“Sit up for me,” he gently ordered and pulled you up to rest against him. He opened the water bottle only an arm's length away from him and placed it against your lips, urging you to drink just a little. You took a few sips, but soon grew tired of it, and tried to lay down again. This time, he laid down with you. He threw a blanket over your bodies, snuggling your almost bare form to his, gently brushing his hand over your hair in soothing motions.
“Did so good for me, my best girl,” he mumbled as he peppered kisses around the back of your neck.
“At least credit me for the song,” you joked weakly, making Harry’s laugh the last thing you heard before you slipped into a well-deserved slumber.
This is it folks, hope you liked it, please reblog and like to let me know, it makes me very happy to see.
Anyway, thank you for reading <3
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zoeykallus · 8 months
The Bad Batch x Reader HCs - Abandonment Issues
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As requested by @golden-nyx-ghost I hope I'm not too far off the mark 😅
Warnings: Mentioned Anxiety/Implied Traumatic Experience/Hurt/Comfort/Also; Crosshair (I mean strong language)
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
I had to do a little research on that topic and thought I'd share what I found.
Abandonment issues is an informal term that describes a strong fear of losing loved ones or of them leaving a relationship. This fear can result from trauma, anxiety, and other mental health conditions.
Most common “symptoms”
worry that friends or partners will leave them
constantly look for signs that others do not really like them
need frequent reassurance that others love them
always try to please others, even at their own expense
give too much in relationships, or have a lack of boundaries
stay in unhealthy relationships due to a fear of being alone
What it can do to a person:
Have anxiety: Both children and adults with fear of abandonment may feel chronically anxious, especially if they feel a relationship is about to end.
Experience relationship challenges: Anxiety about abandonment can alter a person’s perceptions of their relationship, causing them to see problems where none exist. They may be sensitive to any sign of rejection, or find it difficult to trust that their partner will not leave. This can result in clingy behavior, which may impact the relationship.
Communicate poorly: People with abandonment issues may develop harmful communication techniques to ease their anxiety. For example, they may engage in attention-seeking behavior to get the love they feel they might lose.
Engage in harmful behavior: People with a fear of abandonment can sometimes try to prevent their partner from leaving them through manipulative or even abusive behavior. For example, a person may try to prevent someone from socializing with others. This is a form of coercive control.
AC: Of course, there are different forms of this problem, and it doesn't have to go to the extreme right away. At this point, we assume that no chronic, negative (harmful) behaviors have manifested yet.
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He is often quiet, introverted, but unlike you might think, he listens very carefully, is alert, attentive. He does not miss when your mood changes, and you are suddenly unsettled. Hunter reads your body language, notices every little thing. But he doesn't want to barge in, so he first tries to find out what makes you tick, to learn something about your past.
Gradually, he realizes what's bothering you, why you're sometimes so tense and overprotective when you communicate with him, why you sometimes barely let him out of your sight.
"You're afraid," he says unexpectedly.
You look at him, startled; you weren't really aware of it yourself. But now that he brings it up, you feel it abundantly clear.
"You won't lose me, you won't lose any of us. You won't get rid of us that easily."
You blink and say softly, "I've heard that before."
Hunter sighs softly, but smiles at you.
"You will see and learn with time that your past can't determine your future, it can only if you let it. You can count on us"
He grabs your shoulder and looks deep into your eyes.
"Do you trust me?"
You can't help but nod, Hunter's eyes, his expression, you feel so close to him.
"Good, have a little patience, that feeling of security you crave, it will come with time".
With him, you can talk openly about everything, he is a good listener, and he will always try to find a solution to the problems discussed between you. Echo can well understand what this fear of being abandoned or losing people is and how it feels. As a soldier, one inevitably deals with it a lot. Echo lost a great many of his brothers, not only to war, but also to Order 66.
"Some things we can't hold on to, no matter how hard we cling to them. That's a realization that's hard, but it comes eventually. You have to come to terms with it, make friends with it."
You wrap your arms around your body as if you need to hold on to yourself.
Echo sits down next to you and continues, "None of us want to leave you, but sometimes that's not in our power to decide. Voluntarily, we will never turn our backs on you. But you have to come to terms in a healthy way with the fact that some things are beyond our control."
You sigh softly and say, "I know, I just care that you don't seek distance from me because of me."
Echo laughs softly and says, "You're not getting rid of us that easily."
This cheerful guy is also a good listener and a good distraction. Wrecker can always carry you away and get you out of your darkest worries and thoughts. But he can also listen to you seriously and calmly when you need it.
He is attentive and much more empathetic than some might think.
Wrecker listens and nods in understanding.
"I know it's not the same, but I also sometimes fear losing my brothers. Well, as a soldier, you just worry about the things that might happen in the field. But you can't let that make you crazy."
You smile wryly at him.
"We certainly won't let you down on purpose," Wrecker says with conviction.
"Are you sure?"
"You're not losing us, we're here for you, every one of us," he says with a smile, thrusting a box of Mantel-mix into your hand.
You look up at him and say, "I've thought that about other people too."
Wrecker says perkily, "But we're not other people, we're Clone Force 99, and we deliver what we promise."
"Change is a fundamental part of life. People come and go, sometimes even those who are particularly close to us. That is quite normal. To be afraid of it is pointless."
You frown and say critically, "Aren't you afraid of suddenly being alone at some point?"
Tech goes into himself for a moment, thinks, then answers, "Not really. It's relatively unlikely that I'll suddenly find myself all alone at some point."
"Couldn't that theoretically happen to anyone?" you ask.
He frowns and says, "Well, theoretically it can, but there's also a probability factor."
You raise your eyebrows.
"Are you trying to tell yourself that right now because you're actually afraid of it too?"
Tech looks at you indignantly.
"I'm not afraid. There's no reason to be, and there's no reason for you to be. Why would we abandon you?"
You shrug, scenarios coming to mind.
"It's enough when priorities change, meeting new people in someone's life, that's often enough to split groups," you say seriously.
Tech hesitates.
"Well… yes, that may be true…"
He sighs and says, "If you let that anxiety consume you, you can't enjoy the time you have with the people around you at all. This constant anxious tension is unhealthy"
"That may be," you admit quietly.
Tech hands you back your holopad he fixed for you.
"Here. Good as new," he says with a small smile.
"Thanks Tech, and thanks for listening".
He has already recognized your behavior and that you cling does not agree with him at all. He can't handle it very well. Crosshair at least tries, in his own way.
"What do you want me to say? People leave us sometimes, and sometimes they leave us behind".
He himself has already had this painful experience, and actually he knows exactly how it feels.
"Hurts like a bitch, but it will pass. You can't let that define your life"
"That's easy for you to say," you sigh, dropping into your bunk.
Crosshair sighs deeply before sitting down on the bunk across from yours that actually belongs to Hunter and looks at you.
"No, I'm not just saying that. I've been through this experience too, I know it sucks, and I know you can get through it if you don't let it consume you."
You sit up and look at him questioningly.
"And how did you do that? How did you deal with it?"
Crosshair sighs again, shakes his head, and says grumpily, "You might not want to take an example from that"
"Why not?"
"My approach was unhealthy, too," he says reluctantly.
As you look at him questioningly, he continues, "Echo would probably say I'm stubborn as shit, but that wasn't it, not quite."
"Then what was it?" you ask cautiously, sensing that you're on sensitive ground here.
Crosshair looks around as if to make sure the two of you are alone. Finally, he looks at you again.
"I didn't cling to other people, but to being a soldier, to my supposed duty. The reason why my brothers and I actually parted ways to begin with. I plunged deeper into it, so deep that soon I was no longer myself. The whole process was painful, for me and others, you should not take an example from that".
You don't say the question that is on the tip of your tongue, but he answers it anyway, as if he felt it.
"Enjoy what you have, hold on to the positive things, not the negative. Deal with it, but deal with it sensibly. You can't force anything, neither that people stay with you nor that old wounds heal. Everything needs time and some work. But you can be sure, we would never abandon you willingly, none of us".
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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torterracotta · 10 months
When I heard Gerry Duggan get asked on Cerebro, white boy to white boy, about the unfortunate optics of announcing and then immediately murdering the least white team of X-Men in years, I knew we'd be in for some shit. Man, did he deliver - after some evasive waffling about how ORCHIS is meant to be fascist, and how the story's point is to put the collective back of mutantkind even more against the wall than it was any of the last six times something like this has happened.
And, honestly? That's fair! This year's Hellfire Gala is ultimately the first part of a larger story, and history shows it's not going to last forever — hell, does anyone remember what the status quo was immediately before HoXPoX? At least this time most of the characters have implicitly just been sucked into Mother Righteous's magical Poké Ball, rather than outright killed; if anything, that's an improvement. I was fully content to just think "hey, not for me," and get back to ignoring everything beyond Immortal and Sabertooth, secure in the knowledge that certain topics are bound to be handled poorly when almost everyone in the room is white, when Duggan said three words that stopped me in my tracks:
"Keep the faith."
See, that struck me, because for a lot of us, this entire era of comics has been about nothing but faith. I've been reading X-Men, and engaging with fans since I was eight, and I've never seen the kind of collective buy-in from other marginalized readers that I have with Krakoa. X-Twitter (or, I suppose, X-X) has been Blacker, queerer, more disabled, less homogeneous than the fandom has ever been, all of us buying in to the implicit promise that this time things would be different. Sure, the line was headed by a presumably straight white guy, but there were other voices in the room for a change, and it really felt like they were going to be listened to. We thought we'd moved past clunky metaphor, past queerbaitimg and awkward racial gaffes. Storm and Kwannon were getting to do stuff, Arakko was full of amazing characters of color, Cyclops and Wolverine were probably fucking, we were hooked, and we turned out.
It's hard to overemphasize just how wild this was to see in real time. X-Men has always been allegory, sure, but it's traditionally allegory by and for the majority. For years, the readers who might really feel that resonance, those of us who have been hated and feared for the unforgivable crime of being who we are, we were afterthoughts, tolerated at best. We got scraps, "representation" from creators who seemed to be offended by the implication that we would ever want something other than being fetishized tokens. We were, as Hickman so succinctly put it, told that we were less when we knew we were more. And then, out of nowhere, Krakoa made us inescapable.
The two biggest X-Men podcasts, X-Plain the X-Men and Cerebro, are hosted by queer people. X of Words has been rocking the Black, queer experience like no one's business, Mutant Watch has been a joy to listen to and to be on. Not just podcasts, either, in everything from criticism to fanart to cosplay, voices have been elevated that were previously silent. I mean, hell, I've gotten paid to talk about comics, that shit never would have happened four years ago.
All of that was based on faith.
Faith that we were being celebrated, for once, instead of just used. Faith that for whatever growing pains there might be, things were going to be better.
And let's not fuck around here, there were growing pains. In the first year alone we dealt with everything from blatant whitewashing, to queerbaiting — any Sunspot fan can go into detail there, assuming you can get one of us to stop crying for long enough. While that was going on, we watched Bryan Edward Hill (the only non-white writer in that initial wave) put out a book that was, let's face it, at worst aggressively mid, only to be excoriated by certain portions of the fandom, and dropped by the office, while significantly worse books managed to hold fast — er, hold on. Not to say that Fallen Angels was without sin, mind you, the book was packed with enough orientalism to make Chris Claremont blush. But, at the same time, Wolverine's first year ended with him doing what he does best: trying so hard to be Japanese that I had to check to make sure he wasn't Marvel's editor in chief.
Through all of that, we kept the faith.
Things didn't really get much better, of course. Arakko was a fascinating concept, and felt like it damn near doubled Marvel's characters of color. And yeah, the ending of X-Factor was one of the most poorly handled racist messes I've seen this side of… well, any given day on Twitter. Sure, the whitewashing has never stopped, to the point where everything from X-Corp to this week's Hellfire Gala has had to be hastily edited between previews and release. Maybe we keep dealing with stuff like butchered AAVE, even more queerbaiting, Kate Pryde's funeral, the genocide of almost all of those Arraki characters, and whatever the hell was going on with Lost in Way of X. Maybe there's a very real argument to be made that there's something insidious about three straight years of voting to determine if characters like Monet (who, by the by, has been retooled from "basically Superman" to "Black woman with anger powers") deserve the honor of being written by a white man who's stayed writing with his foot in his mouth. I mean, hey! All my white friends in the scene say he's nice, just like Williams, or Howard, or any number of other crusty crackers who are still proud of tripping over the bar Claremont left on the floor in the 80's!
And dammit, we kept the faith!
Even before the issue dropped, the Fall of X has had a lot of us wary. After all, all of the promotion leading up to it has been white guys saying the minority allegory has had it too good for too long, which, whatever, press copy. We all know they've gotta sell books — they, in this case, being the almost exclusively white, almost exclusively male creative teams attached to all of the books in the line. Sure, as Duggan said, the 616 has a fascism problem, but it’s hard not to see this as a deliberate step back from the almost double digit number of non-white creators these past few years — almost as if Marvel has realized they can make space for a fourth ongoing by their favorite white boy if they just throw out a Voices special every couple of months as a containment zone for the darkies. And, hey, considering how good ol’ C.B. got his foot in the door, I can’t even fake surprise. At this point, it’s a minor miracle any time a person of color is tapped for anything that’s expected to last beyond one issue.
In this issue, as a reward for keeping the faith, we got to see something astounding, something that'd bring a tear to the eye of even the most cynical reader — a team that was only half white. My god. And sure, their brutal murder in favor of a team with Kate "Hard-Arrr" Pryde and the Kingpin(????) was only a pit-stop between the resurrection of the suddenly ashy Ms. Marvel and Lourdes Chantel being killed off for the sake of a white woman's angst yet afuckinggain, but ain't that the dream that Malcolm Ten or whoever died for?
The Krakoan era, ultimately, has been the same as every other. Empty promises by white men who show us time and again that there was never any point in expecting anything better. Any meaning we've found, everything of worth, has been what we've made for ourselves.
We've spent years keeping the faith, Gerry, while you and yours have continued to let us down. What the hell do we have to show for it?
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rudeflower · 4 months
In Keg Max! Principal Merton tells Jess he has missed 31 days of school. Now that makes him a chronic truant for sure, it means he's missed more than 10% of the school year, the standard school year is 180 days. Let's say there's 10 days left in the school year.
That's a LOT of school to miss. Young people improbably here, do not miss that much school
But relative to what we're being told about Jess, it's a weirdly low number? Jess never goes to school!!!! He's working 10000 hours at Walmart instead of going to school no school never heard of him!
That means that Jess attended school 139 days. Most schools I've worked with define that as a certain number of hours attended, more than half the day. So even if he was skipping that's 139 days he went to more than half the day NOT GOOD AT ALL BUT
Even after he was eighteen (early in the school year) he still laced up his boots and showed up somewhere he hated at saw no point in going to WHY!!????
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First of all this is actually a ridiculously overcommitted young person let's at least acknowledge that.
He works before school at Luke's, and he works in the evenings too, closing up at 11:30 in one episode. Not just filling coffee mugs anymore. By season 3 he's closing alone, keeping tabs on the delivery schedule and capable of (furiously) running the morning rush alone.
AND he's working 45 hours a week at Walmart doing physical work, AND (poorly) maintaining a romantic relationship, AND reading obsessively, AND YES GOING TO SCHOOL! Jess starts working at Walmart in November (if you treat the air date as the canon date with the show roughly does), combined with Luke's it's probably 60-65 hours a week and still went to school 139 days!
He's making ridiculous choices because he is a tiny little fool but also has a trauma soaked brain
Jess chooses to be maxed out every minute of his life because he cannot tolerate being unoccupied, like a lot of people with complex trauma (and ADHD and Autism and more all of which could apply to Jess but rn I am talking about complex trauma)
When someone is used to chaos in their environment they actually feel less safe when things are quiet and still. It leads to someone who needs to have their RAM at 100% every waking AND sleeping moment
So they work 65+ hours, go to school most days, and they
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cannot relax without extreme stimulation AKA needing the music on to sleep
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Walk while reading because walking and looking ahead isn't enough is not occupied enough need more occupied
and starts reading the second he's stops talking to someone or using his hands to do something else. Reading as default in any given second.
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He reads compulsively, no matter how chaotic the environment.
Reading ALSO isn't enough must be annotating and analyzing too passive reading is NOT ENOUGH
So Jess would rather show up at school for 139 days where other people are moving around, where there are fights to get into and classes to move to and from, even after he's an adult and Luke wouldn't find out that he isn't showing up. He'll show up to a test just to be in the classroom, not to take it.
This is not mentioning what I'm too lazy to screencap, that he's always doing something. that especially when he's talking to Luke Jess is constantly and doing things with his hands constantly.
There's really only one time we see Jess sitting still doing almost nothing
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But not really nothing because smoking really is something.
My dude needs to be as occupied as possible from the time he wakes up all the way up to and including when he falls asleep to stay occupied and all that he's got on hand is going to a school that says the pledge of allegiance in six different languages then he will go! It's 100%%% occupation or the horror of possibly relaxing and WHAT WOULD HAPPEN THEN
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miss-owl-eyes · 1 year
🗡Your Knight🗡
Stolas x fem!Stella’s sister || fluff & angst
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Requested by a wattpad supporter!
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Talons clicking against the short stairs, your black-tipped tail feathers dusted the steps. Your hand lightly held onto the golden handrail as the warm colors beamed from beyond the stained glass doors. The ivory and leaves rustled quietly as the wind blew gently.
Stella had called you about a month or two ago inviting you over for a weekend. She talked of a grand party, extravagant dinner, spectacular treatment, and good ol' sisterly quality time. "I wanted you to see the parties I host with your own eyes! Stolas actually agreed to this one, so you just know the turnout will be great! I'm so sorry for not inviting you sooner, it's such a hassle to get him to agree to anything I want. Oh, Y/N, I promise you won't regret it!" You wouldn't regret it, but you weren't exactly the most excited to see someone.
Faint yelling can be heard from the inside, it sounded to be coming from a very unhappy woman. The irritated yelling became louder as a dark silhouette appeared in the glass. The doors flew open. "Oh my dear sister, I've been awaiting your arrival!" A pair of arms wearing black gloves wrapped around you in a warm embrace, the tips of sharp claws putting faint pressure on your shoulders. "Hello Stella! It's a pleasure as always!" You hug her back, happy to see your sister once again.
She smiled, a genuine one, something rare from her. After she married Stolas of the Goetia family, Stella had grown more and more bitter over the years. She was always a bit snappy, but it only increased as the years went by in her loveless marriage to Stolas. Prince Stolas. That owl-like demon prince with red eyes that you knew him all too well.
You knew those glowing crimson eyes from your childhood, the memories you cherished with someone you could confide in; someone you knew, an old friend, or maybe even the one that got away. The one you were meant to marry before your parents pulled the rug from under you and sent you spinning. It's all on the past now, you told yourself despite the wound still being sore all these years later. No matter how much you convinced yourself the wound healed, you knew seeing him now would rip it open once again.
Your sister released you and ushered you inside, closing the door behind you. "It's been too long! I have a whole itinerary planned for us, I want to spend as much time together as possible- I've even got Stolas to sleep on the couch so we could lay together! Ahh, just like when we were chicks." You smiled and feigned a laugh, pretending it was humorous she demoted her husband to the couch like a dog when it really just saddened you to see him treated so poorly. She put a hand on your shoulder, looking at you from under her long eyelashes, " I'm really glad you're here, sis. I've missed you." You smiled and grabbed her forearm gently, "I've missed you too."
Despite her anger and violent outbursts, Stella was always kind to you. She always stuck up for you when your brother picked on you, when mom was too hard on you, and she always let you play with her dolls. Maybe it was because you were twins, but Stella never let you get stepped on.
"Mum, is Aunt Y/N here yet?" A monotone voice echoed from above the stairs. "Octavia dearest!" You exclaim, arms out and ready to hug your niece. The stoic expression on her face changed to a child-like smile as she hurried down the staircase to hug you. "My, is this a new hat? I think you'd look amazing in a pink one!" She tucked a strand of hair back, "oh yeah, my dad said it suited me... do you like it?" "Like it? I love it!" You loved seeing Octavia. You wanted to shower her with love every time you saw her. You knew she came from a broken family and you wanted her to feel loved, to feel wanted, and even if she already felt that way, you wanted her to know she was loved.
You let go and smiled, "I'll let you get back to your music now. I know how much you like those bands." She smiled and brushed her hair back again, "Okay Auntie, I'll see you later!" You waved as she went back, Stella coming close to you once again. "She's 17 now, in her edgy-emo phase." She commented. "I remember when you had that same phase." You laughed in embarrassment. "Oh please, remember when I dyed a streak in my feathers? Mum was furious!" You two laughed at the memories. Despite having a rough childhood, you did have the good memories. Good memories...
Stella took a sip from her wine glass once again. Stumbling over her words, laughing with you and slinging her arm over you. "...and I told him, I said "You wouldn't know cyanide from absinthe if it weren't for me!" She cackles with her loud laughter. You laughed as well, but it was insincere. Stolas was a common butt of the joke with your sister, and as awful as you felt to laugh with her about him, you enjoyed seeing her happy. The hours flew by since you arrived. The laughing and storytelling took your attention more than the clock ever could. You almost forget about her husband if it weren't for her jokes and stories about him. "You know, he's been seeing someone behind my back..." your blood went cold. "Oh?" you ask, not knowing if you wanted to hear more or less. "Yeah, cheating prick." Definitely less. "With an IMP no less! Can you believe that?" No. You honestly couldn't. No wonder she hates him, he cheated on her. "I could care less about an affair, it's not like we loved each other anyway, but an imp? If word got out, it would ruin our entire image!" "I can't even imagine how you feel, Stella..." you place a hand on her shoulder, but feel anger knowing she doesn't care about him, only her status. "It's a problem, but he wouldn't dare to divorce me. He knows better." You nod, listening to her rant about him and his affair. It was never this apparent how loveless this marriage truly was.
You were only interrupted by a door shutting a voice that followed. "Stella, where in Hell have you put my-" your eyes meet. Two small, white pupils appear in his eyes, something that happens when he's surprised. You stare at each other for a moment before he continues. "Never mind, I'll find it myself. Pleasure to see you as always, Y/N." He finished and leaves the room. Stella laughs and makes a comment, but you're too distracted to even listen to her.
You sit on the couch, watching the tv quietly. You put Stella to sleep since she got a little too wine-drunk. The lights are off. Stolas is asleep in the guest room with your things. You sigh too yourself and watch the soap opera, reading it's subtitles. "Gabriella, I've told you, it's too late!" The tv reads. "But Alejandro, I love you!" "As do I Gabriella, but I must go." The female's love interest leaves as she sobs, and the episode fades to black before the next one starts. "I really hope they get together." You jump and twist your head around to see Stolas with a robe on, leaning on the couch. "How long have you been here?!" You exclaim. "Long enough to know Alejandro doesn't want to leave. Mind if I have a seat?" You nod as he steps over and sits down.
It's quiet. It's awkward. The tv illuminates the two of you as the two characters quarrel over their love life. It's tense. "So... how have you been?" He struggles to start a conversation. "Oh, here and there." You reply dryly. You want to talk more, you want to engage in a conversation like you used to, but he's married to your sister. He's a cheater. "I heard you like imps." You state in an attempt to distance yourself from him, to push him away. It seemed to work as he tenses, leaning back slightly. "Oh... She told you." "Yeah." You watch the show, not paying any attention. Not looking at him, but you know his expression. It's pained, tired, upset. He's tired, upset, pained. "It's complicated. Maybe it was childhood love that drew me to him, but it's so... difficult." He sighs out. Your eyebrows furrow. You two were childhood friends, why didn't he go to you? You were jealous, upset, you wanted to cry, but you wouldn't let yourself. "Gotta be strong," you told yourself. "I'm sorry to hear."
It's quiet once again. You're upset, he's upset, but both for different reasons. The tv makes it bearable. You don't look at him, not until there's a faint sniffle. "Are you crying?" You ask, voice sounding more judgmental than you wanted. "I know, I know, it's ridiculous. But, but I feel so-" "lonely." You finish it for him. He looks at you, "...yes." He replies faintly. "I'm so lonely here. I have a wife and daughter but I'm not happy. He doesn't love me, he's too busy with his business and work family, I don't think anyone loves me." You know he's choking back a sob. You aren't afraid to look at him now, his crimson eyes wet with tears. "I know it's useless to cry, but sometimes it helps." You take his hand, squeezing slightly. "It's not stupid to cry, Stolas." His eyes, his face, he looks so pathetic. You look into each other's eyes before pulling him into a hug. He stiffens, then loosens up and let's out a quiet sob on your shoulder. He shakes as he cries, and you wonder how long he's been holding this back. How long he's needed someone to listen to him, how many years. You stroke his back, comforting him in whatever way you can.
Time passed, and his sobs lighten. He says the occasional "I'm sorry" to which you always reply "it's alright. Let it out." He doesn't let go. He sniffles and deeply inhales periodically, usually a quieter sob follows. "Why are you being so nice to me?" He chokes out. Why are you being so nice? "I..." you can't think of a lie, only the truth, and you can't stop your mouth before it speaks on its own. "I care about you. I don't want you to be in pain and I want to take it all away." He pulls himself off your shoulder and looks at you, a faint smile on his damp face. "Do you remember when I read you stories as our fathers talked?" You weakly smile back. "Of course I do." You lean back, "We played and talked, and I told you I was scared of being a princess, and you said-" "I'll be your prince and protect you as your knight." Your eyes widen in pleasant surprise. "You remember..." he smiles back, "how could I not?" You look at him, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. He teaches towards you and pulls you gently into his chest. "Oh, it's alright Y/N, it's a happy memory!" He's trying to hard to cheer you up, you can tell. You can practically hear him smiling as he speaks. "No it isn't!" you exclaim into his chest, confusing him. "It's not nice when I still love you and you don't love me!" The tears trail down your face and cheeks, slowly wetting his chest. "Now who said that?" He asks. "You did! Because you love that Imp! He's strong, and he's accomplished, and I couldn't even marry you!" He strokes your head. "Y/N, that was a very complicated situation. You didn't fail even if you think you did, I promise," He pauses, "and I still love you too, I just didn't want to upset you or Stella!"
Your mind comes to a halt. "He loves me..?" You think. You look up at him with wide eyes, his expression is soft and comforting. His hand strokes your cheek, wiping your tears away. "I love you, Y/N." "I love you too, Stolas." The two of you smile at each other. His forehead rests on yours, the two of you laughing faintly with each other. "I'll be your knight, my love, and we're going to be happy together with our own life, I promise." He holds up a pinkie, like a child about to make the most serious kind of promise ever. You link your pinkies and shake, "it's a promise," you say. "A pinkie promise." He jokes. The two of you giggle together.
He hugs you once more, a soft, comforting hug. You know you're safe in his arms, it won't be last time you feel safe with him, and it certainly won't be the last hug.
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Fandom: Helluva Boss
Word Count: 2.1K
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goo-berz · 4 months
Talking about Vivziepops' weird art of minors
I've never been the biggest fan of Vivziepop, I've always knew about their weird behavior (since like 2018 ~ 2019) before they were as popular as they are now.
She has done a lot of weird stuff but the thing I mainly wanna focus on in this post is their character Addison. Addison is a 17 year old gay effeminate fox humanoid from Zoophobia, he's in a relationship with a 19 year old Teacher's assistant named Gustav. Many people get confused by this but Addison has been CONFIRMED to be 17 years old by Vivziepop. Someone had changed Addison's Fandom Wiki page back in 2019 to say they're 18, when this is not true, Vivzie has confirmed they're 17. I did go back and change the age to 17 on the Wiki with the correct age in hopes that people stop believing incorrect information.
Vivzie confirming their age: https://twitter.com/vivziepop/status/1128064633166712832
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The tags in this post brings up the fact that Addison is nearly 18 - not 18 yet - They're still 17.
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Edit: Oh yeah, I want to add on context to this tag: "I should mention the characters canon ages are higher then when I first made them because as I wrote the story any big age gaps were uncomfy"
I've heard multiple older fans of Vivziepop say that Addison was originally meant to be 14-15 years old, and I've heard that Gustav was originally meant to be in his 30s.
Addison was created 2010, She began shipping Gustav with Addison in 2011, and Zoophobia began in 2012. So the fact she shipped a 14-15 year old character with a 30 year old one to begin with, and encouraged her friend to draw intense NSFW art of them together is so.. weird.
Anyways, Vivzie also hints at Addison being a minor, using wording indicating how young they are in age in their Blogpost introducing the character
"I finally created a few concepts, but the one I have been toying with the most is a young character much like Gale. An albino boy, with an identical albino sister"
If you need more proof, Addison is also preyed on by Mirage, a character that SPECIFICALLY goes after minors... that's basically her main personality trait, that she's a p3d0. She goes after Addison because he's a young submissive boy and easy to manipulate.
Anyways, back on topic. I personally I don't see anything wrong with the age gap of 17 & 19, however I do think it's weird to have this relationship between Addison and Gustav.. he's not exactly a teacher, but he still holds power over Addison due to the fact he's the voluntary teacher's assistant. Back when Zoophobia was popular there were people who found this dynamic weird & creepy considering the fact that Addison is basically a student under Gustav. Also, I just wanna bring this up because I find this weird, Gustav was originally under the impression that Addison was a year one student and much younger than he actually is, yet he still tried to flirt with him.. erm..? Yeah..
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Anyways, that isn't the main point. The point is that Vivzie DREW NSFW OF HER 17 YEAR OLD CHARACTER AND HIS 19 YEAR OLD TEACHER... erm.. holy cracker balls? Literally how can anyone excuse these?
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Vivzie also drew Gore of Addison too, but I won't post it here cus it's very graphic and weird and idk why she drew it!!
And .. possibly the worst drawing of them all.. Holy titties what is this... If you're wondering, the stuff under the censors is ACTUAL NSFW. It's not suggestive, or implied s3x, It's their ACTUAL WEE WEEs.
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These accounts are poorly archived, so it's hard to find the original post and what it originally said. However after some digging I was able to find out the original text said
“ dollcreep: “ i can only see ‘dark-Günter’ exposing him and addi to a public area like so…so. yeah. Günter says; merry Christmas. god this question is super old. vivz reminded me about it"
So, I'm assuming that Dollcreep drew this, not Vivzie. However I was also able to find out from the limited resources there is that Vivzie reposted this to her accounts Vivzie-zp (unarchived) and ZPanswers, which are also now deleted, but if you view the accounts tumblr archives over the Wayback machine you can see that she did indeed repost this. http://web.archive.org/web/20120801182958/http://zpanswers.tumblr.com/archive
If you don't know, Dollcreep and Vivzie used to be best friends, however aren't anymore. Dollcreep originally designed Gustav, originally named Gunter, and Vivzie bought the design from them. Vivzie designed Addison back around 2010, and taking into account the old caption, this means that Vivzie.. allowed Dollcreep to draw NSFW art of their underaged character ;-; oh my gawd!!! Whatthe heck guys... like I said at this time Addison was still 14 - 15 and Gustav (Gunter) was in his 30s.
Also I want to mention that this drawing was from 2011, so that means Vivzie had this pedophilic ship with Dollcreeps OC for years, & after she bought the rights to the character she decided to.. keep the pedophilic ship and write it into Zoophobia by making him Addisons teacher. That's crazy..?
Anyways, because I brought up Mirage. Mirage is written pretty bad. She was a character meant to be in.. or scrapped from Zoophobia, she was meant to be a villain who preyed on the kids, mainly Addison. Her main trait is that she likes kids
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Vivzie's made a bunch of drawings of Mirage preying on kids which I think is pretty weird, especially considering how poorly some of them represent it and make it seem like a joke instead.
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and yeah, we all know about this infamous drawing she made of Mirage preying on Kestrel, a 14 year old. Pretty weird
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Also when I looked at the web archive of Vivzie's ZPanswers blog (a Zoophobia ask blog) she accepted many weird asks about Kestrel, 14, and Addison, 17, like an ask asking if Kestrel had ever been fucked by a horse & how Kestrel, Addison & others would act when they were drunk. Which is also pretty weird to me I won't lie
Anyways that's all for now. Sorry if this is all over the place its 4am and I just wanted to get my thoughts out that vivziepop is kinda a weirdo
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rosepascal · 3 months
💌friends to lovers with marcus pike, please?? he's the best and deserves the world
I've been in a Marcus pike mood lately so I'm very excited to write this <3
summary: You want to ask Marcus out but you can't bring yourself to do it.
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Having a crush on your coworker is one of the worst ideas you've ever had. Though it's not like you had a choice in crushing on one Marcus Pike. When you heard about the new guy transferring from Texas you thought nothing of it.
Until he walked through the door. He wasn't your typical cocky FBI agent. He was sweet and kind but he held a sadness in his eyes. He disappeared quick as he was assigned to an undercover op soon into his transfer but after he came back you realized his office was right next to yours.
He often came over to ask questions, feeling sheepish about bothering you so much. You didn't mind though. He respected you and your advice which you appreciated. Your friendship blossomed when he started coming to your office for lunch. Often bringing you something from the cafeteria when you were too busy to eat.
You learned he was engaged before he came here and it didn't end well and that after half a year he's ready to get back out there. Well maybe you're his chance to do that. You hope.
In your hands you have two tickets to the after hours event at the National Gallery of Art, the one Marcus mentioned two weeks ago. they were incredibly hard to get but you got them. Now you just had to ask Marcus.
Why is it so nerve-wracking? All you had to do was go next door and ask him. But all you could think about was the things that could go poorly. What if he says no? What if he already has a date and is going? What if he tells you he actually hates you and never wants to speak to you again?
Okay that last one was a bit dramatic but still. You really liked Marcus. Like really liked him and you don't know if you could handle it if he rejected you. But it's been eating you alive so at this point you just have to rip off the band aid.
Getting out of your chair you hold the tickets and walk to his office. Eyes glued to the ground as you practice in your head what you want to say.
Marcus do you want to go out with me?
Marcus do you want to go out with me?
You run into a very firm chest and hot coffee. You drop the tickets and the coffee falls onto the chest of the man you ran into. Looking up you see Marcus with a worried look on his face, coffee dripping down his shirt.
"Are you okay?" He takes your hands and checks for burns. You barely got any coffee on you but he needs to be sure.
"Marcus are you okay? You have coffee all over your shirt." He waves you off.
"Don't worry I have a second layer under this." Once he's sure you aren't hurt he relaxes. He bends down to pick up what you dropped. Suddenly you feel a panic wash over you.
"Wait don't-"
"The National Gallery..." He reads the tickets and you sigh. Fuck it.
"I got them, for us." His face lights up with that boyish smile
"As a date." You reveal. You can barely look at his face as you finally ask him.
"Do you want to go. On a date. With me?" You wait for the worst possible outcome, but it never comes. His face breaks out into a big smile.
"Well," He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out two identical tickets. Your face breaks out into a smile as Marcus pulls you closer to him.
"Looks like you beat me to it."
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greentrickster · 25 days
For the Great God Airplane AU, was thinking about the first (mortal) person to find the God of the Ninth Road (formerly known as Shen Qingqiu), because thought exercises are fun, and here's what I came up with:
The first person to find the Ninth Road is a girl, just on the verge of becoming a woman, with blood on her shirt and a gash on her left cheek that's going to heal poorly, and which is the source of part of the blood.
Only part though, because the Mistress miscalculated with her. She'd been sloppy, smiled when the Mistress was looking, accidentally revealed that she's growing up pretty. And the Mistress can't stand girls who grow up pretty in her household, always makes sure those beautiful, sharp rings she always wears cut enough of the prettiness away that no one ever notices again. But the Mistress is growing old and misjudged her aim, cut her own knuckles on Fenhua's teeth.
And it wasn't her fault (it's never the fault of the girls), but Fenhua knew enough to know that the Mistress would make it her fault, so she did what she'd never dared to do before.
She ran.
She ran and she didn't stop, not for anything, not for anyone, she doesn't know how she made it through the house and the estate and the town without being grabbed, it's all a blur, but she did. She did, because anywhere was better than there, and now she's in the mountains, far and high enough up that she can see the town below her in the distance from where she stands at the road's fork. It's cool and misty for this time of year, and it's growing dark. Her cheek is on fire, her feet are blistered, she doesn't know what she's going to do next.
Or, she knows what she should do next, but... she can't.
She should go back, because she's seen open wounds like hers go bad, she's seen what happens, but she can't- she can't go back, she can't she can't she can't, please, someone, anyone, help her, help her escape, she can't go back-
And almost without thinking, she turns her back on the town, approaches the fork in the road, and takes the branching path, the one further into the mountains, further away from town.
There is a man standing there.
He is tall, with fine silk robes of white and grey that almost trail into the mist at their edges, with ink black hair and eyes green as the envy in his heart for all those born to better lives than him. She's never seen anything so beautiful, so dangerous, and she stops well out of arm's reach (as if that would stop him, cultivator or ghost or spirit that he probably is)-
...she gets the feeling he approves of her caution. Caution that somehow doesn't stop her reaching back when he offers her his hand. Because he is great and he is terrible and she knows, knows, in the marrow of her bones that he will not hurt her.
So she ignores the warning signs, and she takes his hand. Follows as he leads her further down the road, deeper into the misty darkness of the bamboo on the mountain, away from everything she's ever been or known.
"Who are you?" she asks eventually.
"A little late to be asking."
"Late is better than never."
He makes an inelegant sound, like she's been amusing and it annoys him. "I am the God of the Ninth Road."
"...I've never heard of you."
"I'm new," he sniffs.
It occurs to her, then, that while talking feels different than it ever has before, and while itchy, her face is no longer on fire. Her free hand discovers dried blood and a thick scar when it quests up, and the God of the Ninth Road suddenly seems to be actively not looking at her, instead of merely looking to the path ahead.
"I'm no doctor. If you had wanted it pretty, you should have called a healing god instead."
His curt tone annoys her, enough that she stops walking to glare. "I didn't call any gods."
Instead of continuing and dragging her with him (as she had half thought he would, as any other she has ever seen dressed as finely as him would have), he stops and turns to look at her. "You called me when you stepped onto the ninth road, begging for someone to take you away." he starts walking again, and she goes with him, "So here I am, taking you away."
"Oh." they continue in their former silence. Her feet don't hurt anymore, and somewhere along the way the mist in the bamboo turned to sunlight, and the god's silks from tatter-coloured grey-white to pale green accented with gold. It occurs to her that, wherever they are going, they're probably getting close, and there are things she still has to say before they do. "Thank-you."
"For what?"
"Healing my face."
He's purposefully not looking at her again. "Why? It's ugly."
"Ugly's better than bleeding, or rotting."
"And thank-you for taking me away."
This time he's the one to stop, brows furrowed. "You don't even know where I'm taking you. It could be someplace worse, you weren't specific in your prayers."
"It could..." she replies slowly, tasting the words as she says them, "But... I don't think it will be. I don't think you'll take me to someone like the Mistress, because," and the curl of his lip at mention of the woman who scarred her gives her the certainty to finish, "Because you hate them. You hate people like her."
"...more than you will ever know." he admits after a moment's silence. Then, as they begin to walk again, "You should have been given 'min' [敏] instead of 'fen' [芬]."
The bamboo ends before she can reply. They're in the mouth of an alleyway, facing a laundry house, and the God of the Ninth Road turns to her with great seriousness.
"Before the end of the next sichen, a man will come out of that building. If you want a better life, offer your services to him and work hard. In three days, you will be given a stained robe of red silk to wash with a torn seam. Clean the stain then, when everyone is sleeping that night, get up and mend the tear. When the owner asks who did it, confess."
He lets go of her hand before she can respond, and she is alone in the alleyway, dressed as a relatively respectable street girl rather than in her maid's uniform. The God of the Ninth Road has taken his leave of her.
When a man emerges from the laundry house, cursing all the gods in the heavens for leaving him short-handed on such a busy day, she steps forward and offers to wash in exchange for food and a place to sleep that night. The laundry man is apparently too desperate to question his luck, and in three days, she washes and then mends a red silk robe as the god had instructed. And when the robe's owner bursts into the laundry, face as red as his robe, demanding to know who dared to ply their needle to his clothes, she dries her hands on her thighs and stands. "This one did."
He scowls, squinting at her. "And who are you?"
"This one is known as Minhua." Maybe it's a strange name, but she'd rather be a clever flower than a fragrant one anyway.
"Minhua, eh? You're wasted here. Come work for me instead."
The man is Master Zhang, the finest tailor in the city, and she has impressed him with her stitching.
In ten years' time, as a creator-god is being cried on by one of his Heavenly Officials, Minhua will have become Master Zhang's top apprentice. By the time twenty have passed, she will be a master in her own right, able to choose her own clients. The first coin she receives for her work goes to incense, offered in thanks to the God of the Ninth Road, and hers is the first story in his tale.
The first, but oh, dear listener, far, far from the last...
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AITA (21M) for cracking a few jokes while defending myself?
I don't even know why I'm posting this, but after chatting with my doctor (who's a close family friend), he recommended relieving some of the guilt through judgement on a public forum. Of course.
Anyway, to get on with it, this all started yesterday. For context, I was just joking around with my group of friends in the neighborhood, when this total stranger starts coming up and yelling at us.
I don't know this guy. And neither do my friends. All we're doing is messing around, but this complete nobody decides to involve himself, saying shit like "I wouldn't treat my friends like this", "You BETTER stop." Um, who asked you asshole?
I got over it. And left the situation in better hands to deal with. This strange guy unnerved me... But I was hoping all that happened yesterday would be the end of that ya know. I'm not a guy prone to anger issues or anything.
So today, I was hanging with my other group of friends at the farmer's market, right, when I came across that weirdo from yesterday, bruising to pick a fight. I swear I didn't instigate this!
He's glaring and stuttering, and doesn't even know how to put his arms up for the fight?!, but he's getting in my space and insulting me. I'm kinda losing my shit at this point.
He called me all sorts of names! Names I've never even heard of before too....like "Prat" and something to do with walking on my knees... Wtf?
Now I can't let this go, even if it's a little entertaining, so (I'll admit) I punched him once or twice, just to get him off my back.
Unfortunately, my Dad's found out about it, and he's not happy I'm tussling with strangers on the street. He says it reflects poorly on my reputation, but I think I'm in the right here (self-defense!).
But I still feel sort of bad for that guy. I think it was his first day in the neighborhood.
so AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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zuko-always-lies · 2 months
What exactly were everyone's character arcs supposed to be?
This is an interesting question for ATLA, and one sometimes without a clear answer. Some characters have reasonably complete character arcs, and others simply don't, to a degree which is often not acknowledged today. A few are in-between. This not necessarily a function of screen time. Jet and Yue have reasonably complete character arcs despite only briefly appearing, while others with far more screen time do not.
Without further ado, I'll go through the characters one by one and try to give an answer:
Yue, as I said, has a story which feels complete with a beginning, middle, and end. She's a very duty bound person committed a political marriage to help her tribe, a person who was saved by the holy symbols of it in the first place. Then she falls in love with Sokka but refuses to break off her engagement out of duty. And finally she sacrifices her life out of duty to save everyone.
Jet also feels like he has an arc. You can take issue with how it was written and how it plays out, since he really got the short straw, but it's an arc. From being orphaned by the Iroh-aligned Rough Rhinos, to fighting the Fire Nation and going "too far," to trying to make a new start in Ba Sing Se, to correctly getting suspicious about Zuko and Iroh, to being brainwashed by the Dai Li, to dying fighting against Long Feng. It's not nearly as coherent as Yue's arc, but it's something.
Suki, by contrast, doesn't have much of an arc. I've heard before the concept of "character arc" being defined as "either the character changes or the audience's perception of them changes." Neither of those things ever happen with Suki. She remains unchanged, and we learn nothing really about her. The only meaningful character change which happens is that she and Sokka fall in love.
Aang quite obviously has an arc: grow into the position of Avatar, defeat the Firelord, befriend Zuko, and the end the war. And, of course, get together with Katara.
Zuko also has an arc, which the show probably spends more time on than with anyone else: change sides, become friends with the Gaang(although that bit was very poorly written), and reject his abusive father and instead start worshipping his uncle. And I suppose grow strong enough to beat the crap out of his sister, like he's always wanted to do.
Iroh, by contrast, couldn't have less of an arc. Any attempt to read an arc into the mess of extremely incoherent writing he was would require extreme charity. In the end, we're supposed to both accept he "changed" offscreen before the show(that his arc was already mostly complete?) but also that he was "always good" anyways.
Toph doesn't have an arc. 90% of her character development, such as it was, is confined to her first two appearances. After that, she's merely a hanger on to the Gaang. As much as people love her, there is so little to her story. Her character is better defined than Suki, but her story isn't.
Azula is supposed to have an arc. It's supposed to be about falling apart, going insane, and being lain low. But it was extremely rushed and shoved unconvincingly into the last few episodes, and the writers were uninterested in explaining what actually happened to make her fall apart, so I struggle to say she has anything resembling a coherent arc.
Ty Lee also doesn't have an arc. Her arc, such as it was imagined, was supposed to "betray Azula." Yet none of the character development she gets over the series leads in that direction, and we have every reason to believe she would have acted the same at the beginning of the series as she did at the end. And of course there was no "redemption" aside from switching sides for her.
Mai has slightly more of an arc than Ty Lee, but that's only because it involves her getting together with Zuko and eventually sacrificing herself to protect him. Otherwise, it's about as coherent as Ty Lee's arc.
Sokka's arc is an interesting one. I would say that there are four things they experiment with as the basis for his arc. First, there is his distrust for Aang, which is rapidly resolved. Second is his sexism, which is equally rapidly resolved. Third is unease over being a nonbender, but that's only rarely referenced over the course of the series, and is fully "resolved" in the truly awful episode "Sokka's Master" early in Book 3. Finally, there is the issue of his daddy issues and his desire to prove himself as a warrior. That is something his story keeps coming back to over and over again. However, it is almost entirely resolved in the Day of Black Sun episodes, where Sokka leads the SWT in battle, despite a couple weird later references in the Boiling Rock episodes. Thus, I would Sokka has an arc, but it's resolved well before the series ends.
Finally, we reach Katara. I don't think Katara really has much of a coherent arc in the series. In Book 1, it was all about her trying to become a master waterbender, but she achieves that by the end of the Book. After that, her character lacks clear direction. What's her story supposed to be about after that? Getting together with Aang? "Forgiving Zuko"? The daddy issues which show up for exactly one episode? The conflict with Toph which shows up for two? "Accepting that ordinary Fire Nation people are people too," even though she was always shown to be compassionate to ordinary Fire Nation people not actively engaged in genocide? The "mommy issues" which she often brings up but which are rarely taken seriously by the show, and are ultimately used to get her to forgive Zuko (two separate times!)? All of these seem completely unworthy of hanging her arc on, and I have to say, I don't think Katara has much of a coherent arc past Book 1.
If we had to order these characters in terms of coherence of arc from most to least, it would probably go something like: Aang, Zuko, Yue, Jet, Sokka, Katara, Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, Iroh, Toph, Suki.
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