#and again. if there is a fight they will probably tuck tail and run so I'll have to swap characters. delicate territory
vampiricsheep · 2 years
Might bring banni to the snow day event if it's at the warm lodge. They struggle with crowds and loud noises and flee at the first sign of conflict, so something really chill would be excellent exposure therapy of sorts. Also everyone deserves to see them
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viennacherries · 1 month
Rolan/Tav | NSFW | 5,210 words
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Read on AO3
after more than a month and probably 6 rewrites it's finally here! sorry for the wait but i hope it was worth it <3
As you drift into consciousness, you slowly become aware that you and Rolan have moved in the night. You fell asleep side by side, with a polite distance between the two of you. Now? Now, you’re pressed so close together that a sheet of parchment wouldn't slide between you, his chest pressed up against your back in a way that has your body rocking with every breath he takes as the air rushes past your ear. One of his arms is crossed over your waist, the comforting weight of it radiating warmth. The other is tucked beneath your neck, with his wrist bent at an angle in front of your face to hook his fingertips and yours together in a loose hold. His tail is wound around your ankle, and you feel the pointed tip of it brushing against your other leg as it moves with his breathing.
Your face flushes as the full force of your situation hits you. These tender moments cause you to unravel an embarrassing amount, especially considering you nearly rode him in the middle of the cursed wilderness just about a day ago. It just feels different when you’re not fuelled by mortal peril and trying not to freeze to death, you suppose.
You shift slightly, and he lets out a sigh in his sleep and tightens his hold on you. The heat in your cheeks is searing and all you can do is bury your face into Rolan’s arm beneath you and try to stifle your laughter.
How the hells did your life become this? Traipsing through cursed lands, fighting cults and various undead creatures, with a tadpole in your brain and a tiefling as a personal heater?
You have to give Rolan some credit, though. You’ve never felt more rested. The aches and pains in your body have dulled almost completely, and you’re reasonably sure if you check all that will be left of the wound on your side is a scar. It’s impressive work for a low-level healing spell, and you’re reasonably sure that's the best sleep you’ve had in months. You’re not sure how much of that is the healing, and how much is Rolan’s presence, but regardless you owe him thanks.
“What are you chuckling about?”
His voice is husky and rough with sleep, and the timbre of it causes a fuzzy feeling to race through your stomach.
“Nothing, really.”
He tightens his grip on your waist, pulling you closer to him, and you feel his nose tracing the shell of your ear.
“Very convincing, however for some reason I don’t seem to believe you.” His words come out lower and richer than usual, and you shiver involuntarily.
“I was just thinking about how insane my life has become these last few months.” You pause. “And about how warm you are.”
He laughs at that, a soft rasped snicker that has his breath tickling the hairline above your ear. “I told you before, tieflings run hot. It's a blessing and a curse at times, though admittedly more of a blessing when one finds themselves in a region shrouded in a supernatural chill.”
You nod gently, humming in agreement thoughtfully, and a silence stretches between you both for a while before he speaks again.
“Are you… Is this… Okay?”
You snort at that, “is it okay that I’m wrapped up warm in the arms of a dashing gentleman? I suppose I can deal with it.”
He chuckles again, and tucks his face down into your neck. You can hear the embarrassment lacing his words as he speaks them into your skin, “Gods, is this what I get for trying to be polite?”
You laugh and lift your hand that's resting underneath you against the mattress, interlocking your fingers with his where they rest against your hip. “I’m comfortable as long as you are.”
“I suppose I’m amenable to the situation.” His tone gives the impression he’s a man suffering, but you can feel his soft smile against your neck. You squeeze his hand tighter.
“Thank you.”
You feel his brow furrow in confusion where it’s pressed against you.
“For what?”
“For yesterday. Looking after me.”
“Oh right. Well,” you feel him shrug, “it’s about time I did something for you, isn’t it? Other than giving you a migraine, that is.”
You bark out a laugh at that, “either way, thank you. I feel amazing. You’ve healed things I didn't even know were hurting.”
“What can I say?” He smirks against your neck. “I’m nothing if not thorough.”
You’re sure he knows exactly what he’s doing, but it sends a bolt of heat through you regardless.
“Do you mind if I turn over?”
He answers by loosening his hold on you, pulling back enough that you can roll onto your other side and face him.
Gods. He really is beautiful. You wonder idly if he actually realises it. The strong, sharp line of his jaw, the freckles mottling his red complexion, and the vibrant yellow of his eyes that reminds you of sunflowers and honey. His gaze darts across your face, and you’re desperate to know what he sees when he looks at you. Desperate to know if his heart rate picks up the way yours does when the pair of you are this close.
It's him that breaks the silence. “You’re feeling better, then?”
You nod, “much, thank you. I appreciate it.”
He rolls his eyes, “I meant it, Tav, it was the least I could do. I’ve been rotten to you, and you saved us.”
“You don't owe me anything, you know.”
He shakes his head resolutely, “on the contrary, I owe you absolutely everything.” He brings his hand up to your face and runs his thumb gently along the apple of your cheek. His eyes are locked with yours, and when he speaks there's a slight shake to his voice. “You saved me, then my family. Gods, you-” he cuts himself off with a scoff, “I owe you more than I could ever possibly repay you in one lifetime.”
“You don’t have to repay me. I like helping the people I care about.”
An emotion you can't place flashes in his eyes, and they flick between both of yours as he analyses you.
“You care about me?”
You feel yourself flush. “Obviously.”
A disbelieving smile spreads across his face, his eyes lighting up with joy. “Well, now I owe you even more than before, because I’m quite sure I’m the happiest man this side of the Realms.”
You can't help but laugh, “well, if you’re dead set on showing me your gratitude, I’m sure we could come to an arrangement.” You wiggle your eyebrows at him and he smirks.
“You’re incorrigible, you know that?”
“I’ve been told.”
He laughs, and then he’s leaning in and you’re kissing. It's the same slow dance as before, a gentle caress of lips and tongues that has heat pooling in your gut. When you bring your hands up to rest against his chest you can feel his heartbeat hammering through it, and it fills you with need. Knowing you have that effect on him, that you make him as nervous and excited as he makes you? It’s almost too much to bear.
You suck his bottom lip into your mouth and the noise that he makes is an obscene moan from low in his stomach. His hand drops from your face to your hip, pulling you against him, and you feel the weight of his hard length push up against your thigh. It has you clenching your legs together with need and kissing him deeper, trying to pry more noises from him. When you roll your hips forward you're rewarded for your efforts with a whine from his throat, his grip on your hip tightening.
Untying the laces at the top of his shirt is simple, loosening them enough to expose some of his chest to you, and you pull back to look at him. His cheeks are flushed, his lips parted slightly as he tries to catch his breath, and his eyes are dark now. They're nearly all black with how dilated his pupils are, eclipsing the yellow of his iris.The exposed skin of his chest is dusted with freckles just like his cheeks, and you trail your eyes along the sternal ridges beneath them. He smiles sheepishly.
“Another joy of my infernal heritage.” The words come out dry, slightly bitter, and you can practically see the self-deprecating thoughts swimming behind his eyes.
“You’re beautiful, Rolan.”
He laughs humourlessly, rolling his eyes and leaning back in to kiss you, but you put a finger to his lips and push him away gently. His brow furrows in confusion.
“I mean it. You’re beautiful.”
He looks up at you, his gaze analytical and calculating as ever, eyes wide as he stares at you in barely contained disbelief. You shake your head and laugh incredulously.
It’s easy enough, with his attention focused on deciphering your words, to push him into his back and straddle his hips. The sudden movement punches a gasp from him, and his hands grab onto your hips as if searching for purchase. You lean forward and press your lips to his forehead. When you speak, you do so right there against his skull, as if it’ll help his brain absorb your words and commit them to memory.
“You’re beautiful. You were beautiful when I met you in the Grove-”, you move to kiss his temple, “-you were beautiful when I found you in those shadows-”, your lips hover over his, your hair creating a curtain around the pair of you, shielding you from the rest of the world. “-and you’re especially beautiful now.”
When you meet his lips in a heated, full kiss, the noise that leaves him is closer to a sob than anything else. His grip on your hips tightens as he fumbles to pull you closer, and you feel your own heartbeat pound in your chest. When you separate for air, words spill from him in desperate waves, like a river breaching it’s bank after a flood.
“Gods, Tav, you- you’re so- how do you always- Hells.” He makes a frustrated noise in the back of his throat, before burying his face in your neck and kissing gently along the length of it between words. “I haven't- I don’t deserve it. I don't deserve to have you like this. I want you so desperately it hurts but- Gods you’re so- you’re perfect and I’m just-”
You grind your hips down on his, his erection pushing deliciously against you between the layers of clothes, silencing his rambling as he tosses his head back with a groan and screws his eyes shut.
“Well I’m here. And I want you.” You grind your hips down on his again, a long drag that has his breath stuttering. “So what are you going to do about it?”
His eyes snap open to meet yours, and you watch in real time as his gaze hardens. He grips your hips tightly and in one twisting movement he’s switched your positions, your head against the pillow as he towers over you. The gasp that leaves you has a smug grin tugging its way onto his lips, and he leans down slowly to whisper against your mouth.
“I’m going to make sure you never want anyone else again.”
His tone is lower than usual, and it shudders through you as he captures your lips in a bruising kiss that has you gasping and writhing beneath him. When he grinds his hips down you arch your back, desperate for whatever friction you can gain. It has him smirking and sighing into the kiss. He drags your bottom lip between his teeth, sucking gently on it, the points of his canines pinching the skin, and a whine wrenches its way up from the pit of your stomach. He breathes it in, swallows it, sucks harder as if your noises are the oxygen he needs to breathe.
His fingertips trace along the hem of your shirt, his knuckles just barely grazing your stomach, and even that light contact of his skin against yours has your pulse racing. He breaks the kiss and his eyes meet yours. There’s a silent question in them, which you’re sure he already knows the answer to, but he asks anyway.
“May I?”
You don’t trust your voice, so instead you just nod, and he slowly starts to peel the fabric upwards. His pace is torturously unhurried, to the point that by the time your naked torso is exposed to him you’re practically vibrating with anticipation. He notices, because of course he does, and the self-satisfied smirk that crawls onto his face shows you just how much he’s enjoying it.
He raises one hand to cup your breast and palms it gently. The air in the room is cold, but his touch is warm as always, and the contrast has you sucking in a breath.
“Look at you.” His tone is reverent. “You’re divine, Tav, you know that? All power and glory and incredible beauty, and yet you’re here in bed with me. I should think I’m dreaming.”
His words have your heart squeezing. Of course he’s a romantic.
“I won't be in bed with you much longer if you don’t start touching me properly.”
He barks out a laugh. “Oh yes, I forgot to mention impatient, didn’t I?” He leans forward, ghosting his lips against yours. “So eager. So greedy.”
He punctuates his sentence with a brisk tweak of your nipple, and a moan punches its way out of you as your spine arches into his touch. It spins him into action, and suddenly his fingers are incessant in their movements, caressing and rubbing and twisting the sensitive buds on your chest with both of his hands until the skin is puckered and tense beneath his touch. His lips find their way to your neck, sucking and teasing with light scrapes of his canines.
Every touch shoots through you, and if it wasn't for the fact that his mouth and hands are incredibly occupied, you’d think he’s casting a spell on you. It’s a different kind of magic; a different energy enveloping you than that of the cloak of the weave. It’s warm and fuzzy and it smells like sandalwood, it creeps into your pores with every caress of his skin against yours, and not for the first time around him you feel yourself slipping over a line you know you won't be able to cross back over. His lips slide down the column of your throat, inching towards your collarbone, and it feels like he’s working his way directly to your heart. Like he’s going to stroke and kiss and caress his way right into the deepest part of your aorta and make a home in the middle of it.
You know it that moment that you’ll let him.
When his tongue laps over your nipple you keen and buck your hips, but he anticipates the movement and pins your hip down with a hand before you can get any kind of friction against him. It wrenches another noise from you and he makes an approving sound around his mouthful of your sensitive skin, grinding himself down against your thigh in a way that's maddening. He replaces his mouth with his hand and lifts himself up, staring down at you with so much emotion in his eyes it almost hurts to meet his gaze.
“Hells, Tav…” His voice is strained, breathless, and the sound of it sends more heat flooding through you. “Gods above, you’re perfect. Writhing and shaking for me already. I’ll make you feel so good, darling. Let me, please? Please?”
You can’t help a breathless laugh, which turns into a stuttered moan as he scratches his nails gently over your nipple. “You already are.”
He shakes his head, leaning down to brush his lips over yours. “I want to do more. I need to. I need to make you cum around my hands and against my mouth and-” He cuts himself with a stumbling breath, brushing the side of his nose up against your own. “Can I have you, Tav? Please? Can I have all of you?”
You bring your hands up to his cheeks, pull him back just enough so you can look in his eyes. His gaze is hungry and desperate, a silent plea to match his verbal one. The words slip from you easily.
“You have me, Rolan. I’m yours.”
His breath hitches, his eyes darting between yours.
“Say it again.”
Your heart hammers against your chest.
“I’m yours, Rolan.”
The force of his kiss knocks the breath out of you, and it’s all tongue and passion as he pulls gasping breaths from you, sliding his hands down over your sides. His lips slip away, nipping and kissing their way over your jaw, your neck, your chest, your stomach. With every breath he makes more promises into your skin, promises to make you feel good, thanks you for the privilege, and you feel drunk on it. As he descends down your body, he strips you of your bottoms, and they disappear somewhere over his shoulder that neither of you particularly care to pay attention to.
He spreads your legs gently, peeling them apart with a reverence you’re sure he usually reserves for his most precious tomes. He spreads you wide, open before him, and his eyes trace you like words on a page he’s trying to memorise. Bared wide to his gaze, you feel suddenly nervous, but then he’s trailing a finger along your slit so softly it’s barely there and you stop thinking.
“I’d like to taste you, if that's okay?”
You nod eagerly, and a mischievous look flickers across his face.
“Strange, I’m certain I remember you speaking the common tongue before. I’m quite sure I can’t touch you further without your verbal assent-”
“Gods, please.”
As much as he seems to enjoy teasing you, he evidently isn't interested in wasting any more time. He lowers his mouth down to your core and, with a tentative touch, presses his mouth against your clit.
Rolan gives head like he practices his spellcraft. He’s methodical and purposeful in every movement, learning how to wrench unintelligible streams of babbled praise and gasping breaths from you. When he flattens his tongue and drags it hard against your clit your whole body spasms with the lightning hot pleasure, and he grips onto your hips and does it again and again until all coherent thoughts have melted out of your ears and into the puddle he’s making of you on the mattress. You gasp and choke on your own tongue as he uses his to take you apart.
Your climax crashes through you before you can warn him, but he doesn't falter. He laps at you hungrily, stroking you through every shudder of your orgasm as if he’s spent months in the desert and you’re the only spring for miles. All the air has left your chest and you gasp greedily as his movements bring you to the edge of overstimulation.
When he lifts his head, his lips and chin glisten with your slick. His eyes are blown wide in arousal, his hair tousled and messy, his shirt unlaced to the centre of his sternum and pulled in awkward angles to expose flashes of his skin. He brings a hand up and wipes the back of it across his chin, looks down at the mess it leaves with an expression somewhere between pride and fervour, like he craves more even as your legs quake with the force of the orgasm he pulled from you.
“Rolan.” Your voice is breathless and desperate even to your own ears, but you muster as much strength into it as you can. “Fuck me.”
A shiver runs its way down his spine, and he pulls his shirt up and off of his torso in one fluid movement before moving straight to the laces at his breeches.
“It would be my pleasure.”
He covers your body with his carefully, skin pressing against skin as you spread your legs wider to accommodate him. His breath is staccatoed, betraying his anticipation, and when you hook a leg up and around his hip he gasps.
His eyes look into yours, so soft and tender that your heart flutters. He brings a hand up to your cheek, traces the skin below your eye reverently, follows it around and trails his fingers into your hair. His nails scrape against your scalp, gentle and loving as he holds you as if you’re precious.
“Did you mean it?”
“Mean what?”
He swallows hard. “That I’m important to you. That you're mine. Did you mean that?”
His eyes are so hopeful, but you can see the uncertainty there; like he’s expecting you to take it back. You bring a hand up to his face and he leans into the touch greedily.
Another night, you’ll show him just how much he means to you. Another night, you’ll take him apart until he forgets he ever had to ask. For now, you pray your word is enough.
“I meant it. Every word.”
His breath stutters again, and he leans down to press his forehead against yours.
“Then I’m yours. You’re mine, and I’m yours.”
The head of his cock catches on your entrance and you both gasp in tandem. When he presses into your heat he does it so slowly, so gently, and every inch of his length is lined with ridges that drag along your walls maddeningly. The stretch of him burns in a way that’s almost too painful, and yet you still need more. He makes shallow, testing thrusts to help ease the rest of his shaft into you, and the friction as his ridges catch against you steals your breath as your skull swims with pleasure.
When he’s fully seated inside you, the heavy weight of his balls pressing against your ass and his tail wrapped tight around your calf, he pauses his movements. The sound of both of your panting breaths fills the otherwise silent, still air of the room. His hand in your hair is still gentle, but his other hand has an iron grip on your hip, his nails pinching the flesh there.
He buries his face in your neck and takes deep, steadying breaths. You feel your forehead crease with concern.
“Rolan? Are you okay?”
His words come through gritted teeth. “Yes. It’s just- I’m just-” He takes a deep breath. “You’re so tight. I just need a second.”
You smirk, though he can't see it.
“Does it feel good?”
He scoffs breathlessly, lifting his head to look at you with a withering look. “You’re joking, right? Yes, Tav, you feel fucking incredib-”
You cut him off with a tight clench of your walls around him and his words dissolve into a gasping and choked moan. His hips slam into you of their own violation and you gasp as you feel the head of his cock hit your cervix.
When he meets your eyes again, the tenderness is gone from his gaze.
“You.” His hands find your hips, clenching tight, and he rocks all the way out of you before slamming his hips back into you. The pleasure shoots through you and you grasp onto him anywhere you can for stability; his hip, his shoulder, his forearm. “You are a fucking minx.”
He repeats the movement, pulling out and slamming into you, and you can’t breathe, can’t think, can’t even begin to try and reply to him as more words spill from his lips.
“Fuck - you drive me absolutely insane, you know that? Ever since I- ever since- since you stuck your nose in at the Grove. Hells. You occupy all of my fucking thoughts, Tav. You terrify me and you put me in my place and I love it- fuck, you feel so good.”
His words flow through you, sinking into your muscles and swimming through your blood vessels like they’re cells that keep you going, and you know in this moment there’s no going back to a life before this. Before loving him.
“Please don’t stop, Rolan, holy hells please don’t- fuck!”
He slides his arms underneath you, hooking his hands over your shoulders and pulling you down onto his cock even harder. You’re so full of him and every ridge on his body is rubbing against yours, and he’s pressing his face into your neck and placing open mouthed kisses there as he fights for breath against his own thrusts. He’s whispering into your throat but you can’t make out the words over the sound of rushing blood in your ears, the wet slapping of his skin against yours, the harmony of both of your breathless moans. His skin is hot under your hands, his muscles tensing and rippling below them as he uses his whole body to pull you together as deep as he can. He nips at your lobe, and you gasp and tense up, and you feel his dick twitch inside of you as he groans against the shell of your ear.
“Tav, I’m close, I don't-” there’s an edge of panic to his voice.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, I want it. Please don’t stop.”
He bites into the meat of your shoulder to stifle the noise he makes at your words, a loud whimper that has goosebumps rising along your skin, and untangles one of his arms from you, snakes it between your bodies and presses it hard against your clit. With a choked gasp, your second orgasm of the evening wrenches through your whole body, sending spasms and shivers throughout your core as you tense around his shaft.
Rolan splutters a gasping moan at the feeling of you clenching around his length, and his hips falter in their rhythm. His movement is frantic, snapping and twitching and desperate as he chases his own release. With an abrupt shout, and another bite down onto your shoulder, you feel him spill himself inside of you, his cock twitching with every rope of spend as it paints your walls.
You don’t know how long you both lay there, his dick slowly softening inside you as you gasp for air, but eventually he lets out an uncomfortable groan and rolls to the side. The mixture of his seed and your own slick spills out of you as he does, and the puddle that it creates below you pulls you back to reality.
“Rolan, can you…?”
You glance sidelong at him where he lays on his back beside you, his chest heaving with laboured breaths. He opens just the eye closest to you, looks sideways at you through it, and with a wave of his hand and a muttered incantation you feel the sticky warmth evaporate, leaving only the tingling feeling of the weave in its wake. He casts another spell, and the ache in your hips from the angle he held you at dissipates. You sigh in relief.
A silence falls over the two of you. It’s such a stark contrast to moments that came before that you can't help feeling slightly awkward, exposed in a way that makes you shift uncomfortably.
“Rolan, I-”
“That was-”
You turn your head to look at him, and he does the same. Your eyes meet, and there’s a long pause before you both burst into laughter.
It breaks whatever discomfort had been lingering. Rolan turns to face you, an elbow propping up his head so he can look at you properly.
It’s him that speaks again first.
“That was incredible. You-” he shakes his head, chuckles to himself. “You’re incredible.”
He brings a hand out to rest on your stomach, and you interlock your fingers with his.
“So are you. I can’t believe you hide all of this beneath those robes.” You cast an approving gaze across his body to illustrate your point. He laughs, a full, proper laugh where he tips his head back. You continue, between your own chuckles, “and you- you did- how did you do that? Any of that! Who taught you that?! I need to write them a letter. Maybe send them a bouquet.”
His laugh morphs into a guffaw and he drops back onto the pillow, his hand leaving yours to cover the rising blush on his face. “No one taught me anything, Tav. I was quite worried I’d be awful, if you must know.”
Your laugh dies in your throat. You blink at him, mouth agape. When you still haven't replied some moments later, he spreads his fingers and peeks at you through them.
“You’re a virgin?”
He snorts, “was a virgin, I believe. Unless my performance was so poor that it doesn't count.”
At your lack of response, he snorts again, nudging a finger beneath your chin to shut your jaw.
“Careful, dear, you’ll catch flies.”
You shake your head, incredulous, “you’re lying. That wasn’t your first time. I don't believe you. No one knows how to do that the first time.”
He flushes, averts his gaze. “... I’m an academic. I studied the matter.”
A snort wrenches out of you, “you ‘studied the matter’? That’s an incredibly polite way of saying you read porn.”
He goes redder if that’s possible, but he shrugs as though unaffected.
You laugh and plonk your head down on his chest, and he brings his arm up and around to hold you against him. It feels safe. You stay like that for what feels like forever until he speaks again.
“... You truly meant it? Everything you said?”
His voice is quiet, as though he’s scared to ask.
You sit up, staring him straight in the eyes, and he continues.
“I have to check, before-” he cuts himself off, takes a deep breath. “I have to know because I won't survive this if you don’t. I have to know.”
He looks so vulnerable like this, chest exposed, hair loose and spread on the pillows beneath him. There's a tenderness in his eyes that tells you everything he doesn't say. You think your own are probably saying it back. You almost say it aloud, but you stop yourself.
Not yet.
You glance down at his chest, tracing the ridges along his ribs, and say everything else instead. “I meant it. I’m yours, if you want me. I can’t promise for how long, everything we’re doing is so-” you cut yourself off. It doesn’t need to be said. He knows how dangerous things are for you. He knows, and he’s here anyway. “But I’m yours. If you want me to be.”
His eyes look slightly damp when you finally find the courage to meet them, soft and open and full of that thing that neither of you will say.
“I want nothing more.”
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moonlightbvcky · 11 months
Kate Bishop x girlfriend!reader
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summary: the thought of dating a hero sounds all fun in games, until they’re away fighting crime on your birthday. But knowing Kate, she always has something up her sleeve.
warnings: fluff! Reader is sad because Kate can’t be there for her birthday- or can she? 👀 implied smut at the end.
note: this originally was just going to be a very little something, but while making the moodboard- I got inspired! I’m new at writing, please be nice <3
Happy birthday Ria, you deserve all the good things. I love you so much, you’re the best 🫶 this one’s for you! @belovaskitkat
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Your eyes blinked a few times, trying to register your surroundings. You stretched out in your and your girlfriend’s shared bed, a wide smile plastered on your face. Today was your birthday!
You rolled over a little too quickly to where your girlfriend usually would be laying, almost always still asleep. Kate never was and still isn’t a morning person.
The smile quickly faded as you noticed the empty and cold sheets.
“Oh yeah,” you said to yourself in a whisper, remembering her and Clint were on a mission today.
You felt the happiness and excitement in your chest quickly start to fade, until you noticed a little folded note on Kate’s pillow.
Quickly you snatched it up as you sat up in bed, rubbing your eyes more to adjust to the sunlight creeping through the curtains.
You unfolded the note, and began to read your girlfriend’s beautifully sloppy handwriting.
“Dear my love,
Happy birthday princess! I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to wake you up with kisses and pancakes. However, there’s a little something in the kitchen waiting for you!
- love, your dork.”
You were out of bed faster than you were done reading the darn note. Excitement filling you up again as you were running through your both shared apartment to the kitchen.
Lucky was quick to join in on the excitement, running along beside you as his tail went crazy.
You giggled at the cute dog, and stopped right as you got to the kitchen.
“Oh Lucky, look!” You were immediately in awe at the sight. Two big stuffed teddy bears sitting next to a beautiful cake on the kitchen table. Another folded note tucked into one of the arms of the bears.
Hand on your heart as you walked up to the table, tears forming quickly. Happy yet sad tears.
“I should call and thank her, shouldn’t I? Or do you think she’s in the middle of kicking ass?” You laughed, talking to Lucky as if he could answer you.
You shook away the idea, knowing Kate probably wouldn’t answer, and she’d be home tomorrow anyway.
Picking the note from the teddy bears arms as you admired them both with love in your eyes. You really do have the best girlfriend.
Your shifted towards the cake, taking your pointer finger while holding the note in the other hand, you lightly took some of the frosting off the side of the cake.
“Well- it is my cake,” you shrugged and popped the frosting into your mouth. The cake was just as delicious as it looked!
Pulling the note to your attention finally, you laughed immediately at the sight of Kate’s failed attempt at a heart on the face of the letter. You opened it and your eyes began to follow her writing yet again-
“Dear my beautiful girl,
Happy birthday, baby. I just wanted to remind you that you’re always loved by me. Even on your not so good days, bad days, and even worse days. The day I met you, that was when my life began. It will always start and end with you, y/n. I don’t exactly know who to thank for putting us on this big ball we call earth, for letting our paths cross at the right time. Maybe the stars? I’m not sure. But I’d never be able to thank them enough. You’re always the light I need, the soft place to land, and the one who always hears me when no one else does. You’re always enough. Always. I love you.
- love, your KitKat.”
You felt the warm tears fall onto your cheeks as you finished the letter, a soft cry of happiness leaving your lips.
Just as you were about to get your phone out to call Kate, even on the chance she won’t answer- you heard the front door open behind you.
Quickly you turned around ready to fight, but the person who came into eyesight made your arms and legs go weak.
“Hey birthday girl,” Kate said with a smirk on her face, a couple bags dangling in her hands. More gifts probably.
Immediately you ran to her, engulfing your girlfriend into probably one of your tightest shared hugs yet.
You attacked her face in kisses, Kate laughing and holding you just as tight in response.
“You’re! Here! You’re! Really! Here!” You said between kisses, giggling as the tears didn’t stop.
“Y/n, baby- I’m not about to be if you keep squeezing me so tight!” Kate laughed as you continued to spam her face in kisses yet loosened your grip eventually.
Finally you both shared a soft and tender kiss, Kate’s hands going to your hips as usual. Yours on her shoulders despite her being taller.
Pulling away Kate looked at you in adoration, “happy tears I hope?”
You nodded slightly as Kate whipped them away with her thumbs.
“Very happy. Thank you for my gifts, and my notes. And just- for being you Kate Bishop.” You said softly, the tears slowing as you took in the smell of her.
“Anything for you baby. Happy birthday,” Kate leaned in once more, but this time for a forehead kiss.
You leaned against her lips, “I love you.”
“I love you more,” Kate responded against your head.
“I love you most,” you smiled and closed your eyes. Your heart full. This birthday couldn’t get any better.
“What’re you doing home? Not that I’m complaining..” you pulled away looking up at her.
“Clint called me last night while you were sleeping, said the mission was off. I thought it’d be fun to surprise you,” Kate smirked.
“Ya know, I stopped by a little shop on the way home, got a few new little things I think my birthday girl would look good in.” Her hands suddenly tighter on your hips.
Okay.. maybe this birthday could get better after all.
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hyperfixat · 10 months
sun and moon rpg au that i forgot to post here for like a year >.< ~4000 words
this was written at the peak of world of warcraft hyperfixation btw
Healers are vital to parties and guilds. It’s rare to find one on their own, unclaimed. Priests and Druids tend to be weaker when it comes to fighting, seeing as it wasn’t what they trained for.
You’re a Priest, on the low end of the average level of the humans and beasts around you. In the Hollowed Woods, beasts range from the thirties to the fifties. Your current leveling placed you at a thirty-five.
Your base is set up in a secluded area of the edge of the woods, near the beginning of a small creek. The only beasts you had to deal with were in the lower thirties; Vengeful Sprites, Were-Hounds, and the stray Fiery Spirit. Very rarely did parties run through your spot in the woods, with their numbers they charge into the deep.
There is safety in numbers, you knew this, and you had previously been in a small guild. Three Paladins, two mages, a warrior, and you. During an adventure in the Barren Lands, you’d failed as a healer. The party fought a Dessert Tumbler, they fought well, but you couldn’t heal them quick enough. Both Mages and two of the Paladins fell before the three of you remaining turned tail and ran.
After the monster had cleared you went back to the spot of the fight and tried your hardest to resurrect your friends, but your Mana kept faltering before you could bring them back.
From there you’d fought your way to the Hollowed Woods, a place you knew you could probably survive alone.
You’re too scared of failure to join another party or guild. At first there were offers from groups of humans traveling through, but soon word traveled and some became resentful that you were greedy. A Priest keeping their oh so desired Magic all to themself.
But humans like those tend to be far and few between.
Morning comes with sunrise and the shuffling of forest critters rushing around, scavenging for food and avoiding their predators. The sounds of the woods wake you as always.
Your morning routine consists of filling your flask at the creek’s edge and splashing some of the cool on your face. You don your usual armor, a simple cloth cloak, and you tuck your dagger into the small sheath in your pocket.
There’s no point in carrying a wand with you, Magic comes from within. Besides, wands are expensive. It would take a month's worth of pelts to get you the money that you’d need to buy one. Money gets spent on supplies and repairs, important things.
The weather is pleasant, warm spring air. Sunlight shines down through the tree branches creating intricate patterns on the floor of the woods.
The sound of rustling from a bush a couple yards away disrupts you from filling your flask. Your head flies up at the sound, expecting a deer or rabbit.
A Warrior, brandishing two large silver maces, covered in blood stumbles into your view. They haven’t seen you yet, so you duck behind a tree to observe the warrior.
They’re panting, staring into the direction they’d run from, maces shaking in their hands. When they take a moment to glance around, your blood chills. You know this fighter.
Raphael was once an ally, he was kind to you, and supplied occasional companionship. After a few weeks of friendship, he kept pressuring you to join his party. After you declined about a million times, he grew resentful. Raphael fought you, hurt you. He said if he ever found you again, you’d be dead.
Raphael looks to have lost his party. From the brush a long thin hand reaches through, grasping the thin branches of the bush and pushing them aside to stick a head through.
You’ve never seen anything like the monster. A large circular face with a large, cruel grin, one side a waxing moon, colored a deep gray, the other a dark, midnight blue. Upon the Lovecraftian horror’s head perched a beat up, torn nightcap decorated with stars.
The monster stalked Raphael, its large eyes glowing a bright red. Raphael backed up into the clearing and the monster followed, revealing a long humanoid body. You couldn’t recognize the clothing it wore, too unfamiliar with the deeper woods.
Raphael readied himself in preparation for the attack. The monster lunged at him and Raphael attempted to dislodge the monster’s path with his weapons, but he only threw his own body to the side. He stumbled and in the moment of weakness he was pinned.
You watch with bated breath as the monster’s slender hands wrapped around Raphael’s throat and held. It looked up around the tree tops, and you did too.
In the branches of one of the thicker trees crouched another creature akin to the one currently holding Raphael captive. This monster however was yellow with orange triangular rays shooting out around its head.
The monster on the ground’s head twisted 360degrees unnaturally spinning from its base at the neck. The voice that comes out of the beast is deep and scratchy as it calls to its partner up above, “he’s down, Sunny.”
The beast in the trees climbs down with the skill of an acrobat. As he descends you see that this beast is scratched all along its yellow chest, a thick deep blue oozes out of the gashes slowly. Sunny, its partner had called it, approached Raphael with caution.
Once the solar beast was in Raphael’s line of sight, he began struggling with a renewed vigor. The lunar beast hissed at him and he stilled.
Sunny’s large grin never faltered as he glared down at Raphael.
“You wish to fight me like a true warrior would?” Sunny mocked, voice warbled, yet sweet like honey. “Let him up, Moon.”
Moon stepped up and off of the struggling human, who quickly scampered away and backed against a tree.
Sunny’s head turned to an angle a little less than natural. “Come on, little human this is what you wanted, is it not?”
Raphael’s eyes went everywhere, as soon as he recognized the small shadow of your hut in the woods he cried out desperately for you. His voice was broken and dry as he sobbed your name.
You stiffened at the call. Of course he’d come crawling back in his time of need, begging to not be sent to the Other Side. You aren’t going to help him, and you don’t even feel bad about it. When the humanoids send him away, he’ll waste away into the ground for a week before he’ll resurrect.
From the brush where the fighters had come from, a Mage ran through. All eyes flicked to her, she licked her dry lips and froze as the two monsters stared at her. She quickly began casting a spell, blue magic swirling between her hands. Moon approaches her, leaving Sunny to the Warrior.
The pairs began to fight, Moon and the Mage’s fight was much more eventful, the two seeming uninjured. You were in a daze as their fight distracted you, a whirl of different shades of blues. You hear a shriek from the other pair and see that Raphael had thrown one of his maces at Sunny, hitting him in his chest, dead center.
Raphael was beginning to heal and gain energy the more he sat still and rested, Sunny was going to lose. Moon’s fight wouldn’t end for a long while.
It was a spur of the moment decision as you began a quick Rejuvenation spell to send to Sunny. As soon as the sparkly green Magic appeared around it, Sunny looked around for the source, but upon seeing no one turned back to Raphael.
Their fight continued on a more even playing field and after about ten minutes of the sound of grunting and hissing coming from both groups, Sunny and Moon reigned victorious. They had, to your distaste, consumed some of their opponents' remains after winning.
You continued to stay behind your tree and waited for the deep forest beasts to return to their home, but to your horror, they began searching around for the mysterious source of healing Sunny claimed it had felt mid-fight.
The two separated and began their hunt for you. You were stuck if you ran they’d see you; if you stood like an idiot behind a tree they’d find you. Who’s to say they won’t kill you as well?
Moon was coming in your direction, head spinning a continuous 180, side to side.
The leaves of the forest floor crunched as he wove between the trees, and all too soon his red eyes landed on you.
“Healer?” Its tone was softer than it had been in battle.
You, in a panic, glanced back in the direction of your house before thinking better of running. You nodded at Moon. It’s tall, much taller than you, and deadly as you had seen.
“Thank you. I’m not sure why you did what you did, but you are in my and Sun’s debt.” It bowed at you, silly hat jingling as it did so.
He turned to the direction Sun had gone and shouted for it.
The yellow counterpart quickly ran over to where you and Moon stood. You shrunk back a little as Sun stopped in front of you.
“Thank you, little healer.” Just like Moon, its tone softened and sincerity bleed through his words.
You meekly nodded with wide, shy eyes.
“You’re welcome to our part of the forest anytime, Priest.” Sun began saying as he untied one of the jingling bracelets on his wrist and held it out to you. “Make sure you purposely shake this a couple times and me and Moon will escort you to safety.”
And with that the two were off, not even gleaning your name.
Deep within the Hollowed Woods, Sun and Moon reside in a humble treehouse decked with mere necessities. They lie upon their shared bed thoughts of you in their minds. Why would a human help them? They’re natural enemies.
The Warrior and Mage they’d defeated crossed their minds as well, did you know them? Were you at war with their group? You had been alone, so surely you wouldn’t wage a war by yourself.
They’d help you if you were to fight, a sweet little Priest that helped them out.
Sun recounted his side of the day aloud, describing the cool chill that your healing had done. He said it was like a cup of ice water on a hot summer’s day.
They hoped you called for them soon.
You grasp Sun’s bracelet in your hand, observing it. The red linen was heavy in your hand as you pondered the implications of calling the monsters back to you. They were so large compared to you, easily two to three feet taller than you. The image of their hands bloodied with blood of your kin as they ate flashed through your mind.
What if you called them at a bad time, when they were much too hungry? Maybe turn on you, not that they wouldn’t attack in any other scenario.
With a trembling hand you tucked the bangle into your pocket, securing it. You don’t want to have to call for the monsters, but emergencies will be emergencies.
The next few weeks went by quietly. You managed to hunt a boar down, meat and leather that would provide you with food and money for a couple weeks.
Summer days were the loudest of the year, animals, monsters, and humans alike wandered the woods more in the pleasant weather. With the travelers came enemies, of course.
Rouges are stealthy, quiet, and blend in with their surroundings well. The ambient noise of wildlife is calming and you’re relaxing against the river bank. A small rustle came from across the clearing. You get a sense of deja vu for the incident a couple weeks ago.
You lean up with your hands supporting you as a figure looks around the environment. They spot you and pull a dagger from their waistband. You scramble to your feet. They’re rapidly approaching you, posture hostile and aggressive.
You’re frozen as they charge toward you and grab you by your neck.
You’re pushed against their body with the knife dull against your throat, pressing in. Your chest is rising and falling rapidly.
“You’re gonna come with me and help me out a little, okay? This can be easy or hard, Priest.” Their breath is hot in your ear and you repress a shudder.
You nod your head rapidly, fear coursing through your veins. “I’ll do what you need.”
“Good,” a curt response and they pick you up by your waist and throw you over their shoulder. Temporarily out of breath you stare at the ground as the Rouge begins walking back into the deep of the woods.
The trip isn’t long, maybe five minutes. The sounds of battle greets you and you struggle to look up and see what’s happening around you. Unceremoniously you hit the ground as you’re dropped. The Rouge looms above you and gives you a simple command.
“Heal them.”
You look at the fight, two Warriors, a Hunter, and a wolf (probably the Hunter’s pet). The humans look rough, but the large bird-like Screecher they’re fighting doesn’t look much better.
With the command and still standing threat holding you down, you begin to cast heals onto the fighters. The fight goes on and with your help the party manages to take down the bird.
You stand to your feet, legs shaking a bit from the Mana excursion it took to keep the group in good health. You turn from the fight, in the direction of your home, but before you can even take another step the Rouge reaches out for you.
“Ya know we’ve been needing a healer. You’re mighty useful, Priest. Might just need to keep you around for a bit.”
You shake your head side to side, no, you don’t want to join these people. You don’t know them and one of their party practically kidnapped you. “Thank you, but I really-,” you can’t finish your nervous declination.
“We weren’t asking, Priest. Make yourself useful; we’ve seen you hoard your Magic to yourself.” The Hunter sneers at you, the wolf sitting by his side, staring you down.
“Greedy bitch (and or) bastard.” One of the Warriors jeers at you. The other warrior, a tall, busty woman sneers at you and walks closer to your shaky form. She grabs the back of your neck and inspects your face. Eyes emotionless as she does so.
You stare back at her long face and she leans back from you to return and sit next to her fellow Warrior.
As you fill with dread, you remember something. Sun’s bell.
The ribbon is still in your pocket!
As inconspicuous as you can manage you slip your hand into your robe’s pocket and grab the small metal bell and as quiet as you can shake it a couple times.
Luckily none of your captor seem to have realized you did anything. They’re sitting around the corpse of their kill, some holding pieces of bread or bottles of water. They chat mildly like they aren’t in the middle of kidnapping a healer.
You aren’t sure how the bell in your pocket works or how soon Sun or Moon will get to you, but God you hope it’s soon.
It’s been almost a month with no call from you, no summon, no nothing. A few times Sun felt the bell with you jingle, but he always deflates when he realizes that it wasn’t a call, merely a jostle from you. Moon can’t feel the bell, but his chest aches for a call from the strange human healer.
Sun shoots up from his bed and Moon flinches back at the sudden jump.
“They called!”
Moon quickly gets to his feet, and stares at Sun.
“For real?”
“For real.” Sun’s permanent smile seems even brighter if possible.
“Lead the way, lead the way,” Moon urges quickly.
The duo make their way into the forest, heading in the direction they had found you last, at least that’s where they assumed they were going. About a quarter mile from the place you had met Sun stops. He tilts his head to the side, sensing where his bell is. Moon hesitates.
Nevertheless they head where the bell called from, slowing as they approach a group of humans. They know you’re there, but can’t recognize the other people with you. You’re shifting uncomfortably as an outcast from the group.
Sun and Moon felt a surge of wariness. Not at you, never at you, but these other humans… they seemed mean. You didn’t look like you wanted to be there, surely that’s why you called for them.
A bit hurt that you would only call in a time of dire need, a bit happy that you felt they could help you. Sun walks broad into the clearing as Moon slips away to get to you.
Sun bursts into the clearing where you stood, turning to face the humans with a snarl. Relief floods you as you realize he came. A hand on your shoulder makes you flinch and you turn to see Moon. He’s staring down at you, eyes emanating a soft red. He scans your form checking for any injuries. His gloved hand reaches to your neck.
The knife must’ve bruised you, you thought mildly as you get lost in letting Moon check you over for injuries. The sound of Sun fighting in the background isn’t on your mind as Moon rubs his thin fingers over your marks. To check on you, he has to crouch to reach your height, and it’s a bit embarrassing.
Too soon for your taste Moon pulls away to join the fight. You don’t seem to mind the humans destruction.
The whole group is yelling at you, shouting curses, and other foul things, telling you to heal them. Your mana is pretty low, but you weren’t going to help them in any way.
Sun and Moon are holding up well against the humans, which is good. You take the time to sit and try to regain what Magic strength you can.
After about five minutes you split-cast a Rejuvenation spell on Sun and Moon. From there their movements get stronger, and the fight quickly ends.
They’re dirty, the both of them, covered in blotches of blood, but they’re grinning at you so joyously. Like dogs expecting praise from a master.
You’re still cross legged on the ground and you have to look up to meet their eyes. Sun and Moon are ungodly large, at least nine feet tall. Sun is swaying in his place and he’s breathing heavily as he stares right at you.
“Did we do good to you, little healer?” Sun prompted.
You gaze up at them with mild disbelief, but you manage to respond. “Thank— Thank you for coming for me.”
“Oh, we’ve been dying to see you again!” Sun responded, dropping down into a crouch so he was at about half his height, still a foot larger than you. His hand, still with some tiny splotches of blood on it, reaches out to cup your face. He’s staring at you like you hung the stars in the sky.
After a moment of just letting your face be held, Moon drops down to your level as well.
“You’ll come with us for tonight, right? We’ve missed you so.” Moon speaks up. His voice is at the meekest you’ve heard from him.
You bite your lip, in thought. They saved you, spared you. Yet you know nothing of these two. They ate people. Their level wasn’t known to you, and they showed such strength in battle. They’re kind to you.
They both brighten immediately. Sun and Moon each move to grasp one of your arms and assist you to your feet. You’re grateful for the help, still weak from lack of Mana.
They help you through the depths of the forest, reassuring your safety. It gets darker and darker as you travel. You’ve never been this far away from home nor so deep into danger. Without Sun and Moon you’d be dead meat. Mild fright grips your heart as you’re gently led through the dark.
At some point a Wild Thorn Beast attempts to attack you and your friends (maybe allies, what were you to them?). Sun and Moon growl at the beast and their grips on your upper arms tighten, not looking to start another fight. When the Thorn Beast realizes you won’t make an easy meal, it quickly scampers off.
Your heart is still thumping wildly in your chest from that encounter.
Sun and Moon reside in a large treehouse, small star shaped bots line the way up to the front door like decorative lights. You’re passed back and forth between Sun and Moon as they climb their way up to the entrance.
The inside of their hovel is dim, and slightly dirty, but better than most monsters have.
“I’m sure it’s not as nice as your home, but I hope it’ll be enough for now.” Sun spoke sheepishly.
“Thank you, for a lot of things,” you spoke quietly. “This is quite wild from my point of view. I don’t quite understand what’s going on.”
Moon grabs your hand and leads you over to one of the two discolored mattresses on the floor. Both him and you sit down on the soft, limp thing.
“You helped us, and that is… rare. Never have we met a human quite like you. For your help we wish to thank you, and you’re one of a kind. We don’t wish to lose you.”
Sun sat across from you on the other mattress. “Besides, you’re such a lovely little human, and the others out there don’t seem to appreciate that.”
“You don’t have to heal us if you don’t wish to,” Moon added. “However I do hope you stay in contact with us.”
“But why not just get rid of me? I'm at such a low level compared to you two.”
Moon and Sun shifted uncomfortably at that suggestion. “That means nothing to us, your level. And I wouldn’t dream of hurting you when you’ve helped us so.” Sun counters you quickly.
From beside you, you can sense Moon’s own Mana at work and when you look over you can see he’s revealed all of his stats to you. Health, Mana, Level, and Energy. His Health is about ninety percent full, along with his Mana. His Energy is about three quarters of the way full, and his Level you can’t even decipher.
When anyone or anything’s Level is over ten levels higher than you own, you can’t figure out what it is, and in place of a number simply a skull lies.
“I can’t read your Level, Moon.” You’re shy to say it, but his hand simply comes to lay on your shoulder.
“I figured as much, it’s a fifty.” Moon is as quiet as you.
Oh, that’s… high.
“But that’s good, right, little healer? We can defend you against any beast in the forest.” Sun’s face twists one-twenty degrees as he asks.
“You’re protecting me.” Spoken like a question, but a statement. Fact.
You’re in a bit of a trancelike shock. The rest of the night, you’re treated with care and soft hands. Cuddled up in Moon’s arms like a rag doll, you fall asleep.
The adventures of tomorrow are unknown, yet you know you’re going to be just fine with Sun and Moon on your side.
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bylertruther · 1 year
do you ever think about how will probably wishes he was braver?
that he could tell mike the truth about himself without having to speak in code. that he could stick to his guns when he's been wronged and stand up for himself rather than tucking tail and turning the other cheek. that he could be less shy, less sensitive, less cowardly, and maybe then his loved ones wouldn't forget about him as often as they do.
maybe then they would pick him first, rather than leaving him for last. maybe then they would want to hang out with him and hear what he has to say. maybe then they would treat him like they used to, like he can still take care of himself just like they can, instead of like a fragile little thing that they pick up only when they need him. maybe then they would care about him as much as he cares about them. maybe then he wouldn't doubt that it could all come crashing down once they know who he really is, and always has been, because the rest of him would've been enough.
like, maybe he wishes he didn't freeze or run away so much. maybe he wishes he wasn't so afraid all the time, of every little thing. that he could be brave like mike, el, or his mom. i mean, el's been through so much, too. why can't he be more like her? why does he have to hide behind her? he hides behind her when the monsters come crawling back, and he hides behind her when he can't bring himself to say what he really means—even after getting on her case about it.
he spent so much time on that painting. he didn't let anyone see it��it was that special to him. why couldn't he own up to that? there's no monster in the van with him; it's just him and mike and this painting of the party, nothing inherently incriminating or romantic, and still—he can't help himself. he retreats back into the shadow, shrinks into himself, and tells lie after lie to the person that he never lies to, that he knows doesn't fucking deserve that, just because he's too scared.
of course he'd feel like a mistake sometimes. of course he'd hate who he is (if That script is to be believed), when he can't even talk to the one person that would understand without lying straight to his face, over and over again, like a fucking hypocrite. of course he'd feel so lost without the person that tells him it's okay to be this way and shows him that there is indeed strength in it. of course he'd hate who he is when he's encouraging someone to be true and speaking about their courage, all while being incapable of taking his own advice, and giving the credit for all of his love and efforts and emotions to someone else.
so many people died to bring him back, so many people died just because he didn't stay dead when maybe he should have, and for what? so that he can continue to hide rather than live his life? so that he can turn into a "worse" version of himself? so that he can live in fear? so that he can continue to ache for a past that he can never return to, while everyone else moves forward and berates him for not doing the same? time stopped in the upside down when will went missing, and he's been stuck there ever since, too. too much has happened for him to move on from. too much has changed—he's changed. he's too different now, in every way, and the older he gets the more clear it becomes.
of course he'd feel like a mistake. of course he'd hate who he is. he's the common denominator here: in his loneliness and in this war. the boy who came back to life when others didn't. the boy that got possessed and couldn't fight it. the boy that turned into a liar and a coward and must learn to live with it, even if it's at his own expense. the boy that can't let go of the past and whom the past won't let go of either, because even after everything, he's still connected to this great evil that won't let him go. they got it out of him, and yet the tether remains, because of-fucking-course it would.
just—why? why him? why can't anything ever go right with him? why is he always the outlier? i think that overwhelming amount of fear, shame, grief, guilt, exhaustion, and loneliness would wear anyone down, let alone a teenager that never asked for any of it and has experiences so unfathomably unique that the only other people that could have possibly understood are literally dead.
#will byers#byler#mine#long post#will#anyway. this is how i always interpreted the i hate WHO i am line especially in conjunction with the word ''mistake'' + being different#within the context of EVERYTHING that's happened to will and continues to happen to him and how unique it is to him in this narrative#bc rly. if you were will.... wouldn't you feel like a mistake? even outside of that outside of the supernatural i'm speaking to my#friends that have ''Something Wrong'' with them. when something happens to you and you're not the same after and you're surrounded#by people who are able to move on and be normal—don't you ever have those moments where you feel like a mistake? when you're#growing up and still interested in your same old interests but your friends start moving on and then you see that they went back to#those interests in your absence—don't you feel like you were the problem then? when people are able to be brave and you can't#find it within yourself to overcome your fear—don't you hate that feeling? don't you feel that negativity towards yourself when you#know that you SHOULD do something but you can't bring yourself to and it works against yourself? like. everything that has happened#to will E V E R Y T H I N G !!!!!!!!!!!!! can easily make anyone no matter what part of him you relate to the most understand that#u kno wht i mean? anyway. i jus wanted to bring this up bc his life is a fucking tragedy even without the gay stuff n his current pov on th#and the way that That conversation always centers on fear and bravery it's like. obviously being gay is not easy in that era but i don't#think that line is ''i hate being gay'' with no factoring in of the great many things that have happened to him which alienate him further#as well as with how he does want mike to know and his alan turing poster and his talk with jonathan etc etc#his conflict has always centered around how other people treat him and his issue with that bc that's what makes him feel bad#that just because he's different that doesn't mean that he's Different and must be treated as such#he's different and has people that make him feel BETTER for it like look at s2 for example all of those talks abt using what he perceives#as a weakness abt himself as a strength that no one else can bring to the table. and in s3 when he still believed in being a nerd#and never getting girlfriends etc but when it came from mike thts when he called himself stupid n started down this path bc now#there's that sprinkle of doubt. n tht doubt is the scariest thing in the world—understandably so#also. he literally has an evil monster in his brain like bdkfjhsbkdjhfbskj IT'S JUST A LOT.#he is different for many reasons and has even more reasons to hate Who he is the kind of person that he is#jus my take 😁👍
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moonhowler · 18 days
More of my Hazbin oc Maya!
When she died and went to hell, Maya was deeply confused, disoriented, and scared. Imagine the last thing you remember is getting hit by a truck, and then waking up in a city that looks like Las Vegas but with scary looking demons and murder/cannibalism being legal? That's exactly what happened to her.
Frightened and shaky, Maya walked aimlessly around the streets of hell trying to keep a low profile. She was never religious in life and simply assumed that nothing came after death and you would fall into a permament sleep like state. She figured it suited her to be in hell though, after all she was convinced she was an awful person...
And that's when she saw her reflection in a random store glass. Maya was utterly shocked! Scared looking goat like eyes stared back at her. She no longer looked human, she was just as hellish and creepy looking as the other demons walking around her.
Everything became too much for her. Suddenly dying, going to hell, the new smells, bright lights, demons, and chaos around her, plus knowing she probably would never see her siblings again...the poor thing ended up having a meltdown.
Maya covered her now pointy ears and screamed loudly. She was hyperventilating and crying her heart out. She was terrified. She needed to flee! She started running as fast as she could, looking for a safe space to hide. She was so out of it she didn't notice that everyone around was staring at her.
After a while, the new sinner ended up in a quiet alley. Since Maya was rather short, she managed to get in a big box that was next to some trash bags. She kept her ears covered and her eyes shut, her new tail tucked between her legs as she sobbed.
And that's how Charlie and Vaggie found her. They had followed, as the couple had witnessed everything that happened and decided to help this girl out. They exchanged worried glances and nodded, both managing to communicate without saying a single word.
After like 15 minutes, both girls managed to calm Maya down. They talked to her sofly, as if she was a frightened child. Eventually her cries turned into sniffles and whimpering. Maya was still scared, but this new strangers didn't seem so bad or as frightening as everyone else. They made her feel oddly safe.
Made her feel oddly little too. Maya found this new sensation very weird and confusing. She had never experienced such a thing before. Maya felt...younger? She didn't fully understand it, but she was too tired to fight it off. Her body was on autopilot as she started nibbling on her fingers.
Both Charlie and Vaggie understood what was going on and decided to take the girl to the hotel. They weren't sure if the girl knew what age regression was and they didn't want to scare her any further, so they took care of her simply by being there for her, trying to not baby talk or offer her any little gear, but still give comfort and cuddles if needed.
The next morning Maya snapped out of it and could finally have a conversation with the couple. Even though she was embarrassed, she was still grateful and made sure to thank them.
Charlie then explained everything to the new sinner! How hell worked, her plan to redeem the souls of her people, the exterminations, and also about age regression and how they thought she involuntary regressed yesterday.
Maya didn't say a word, just nodded. It was a lot to take in, but figured that she would understand everything better over time. Charlie and Vaggie also offered her to stay at the hotel, which Maya accepted as these 2 women seemed very kind so far and she didn't have anywhere to go.
And that's how Maya ended up becoming a resident at the hotel! Her age regression unfortunately, (according to her) came to stay, as she started regressing more often even if she tried to push it away. Vaggie and Charlie didn't mind, assured her it was a healthy coping mechanism, and made sure to take care of her whenever it happened.
Maya felt guilty about it though. These two girls gave her a warm place to stay and took care of her while she gave nothing in return. She felt like a burden...and that's when she decided to help them out! She fully supported Charlie's dream and wanted to help them make it into a reality, so whenever she was in her normal headspace, she helped them fix stuff around the hotel and also became a general assistant.
That's it for now! I dunno if anyone is interested in her as a character, but if you are feel free to ask.
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writingwhimsey · 1 year
All's Fair In Love and War Prologue Pt 1
Alright, here is the opening of my new fic! Featuring my MC (Ava in place of Mai), as a warrior/warlord herself! The prologue will be the same and as I write the chapters for the suitors, those will break off from the prologue. The Prologue has 3 parts. Alright, here we go and I hope you guys enjoy!
Prologue Part 1
I stood, panting as I looked around me, my sword still held defensively in my hands. My enemies lay in a circle of bodies at my feet. I turned my gaze from the ground to the group that still remained, ready to challenge me. Or at least they had been.
“Fall back! Retreat! Retreat!” Their commander ordered.
The groups that had been fighting around me began to break up as the enemy began to run away, their proverbial tails tucked between their legs. My forces had won.
“Do we pursue, commander?” Jiro, my right-hand man asked.
“No.” I answered. “They won’t be returning to threaten our lands again.”
It was hours later that my men and I were returning home. I walked up to the manor of my family, Father waiting on the veranda and Mother rushing out to the path to greet me. “Ava! Dear! You’re covered in blood! We must get you to the healers right away!”
“There’s no need, Mother...” I began to protest.
“Ava, being covered in this much blood is not normal. You’re clearly hurt!”
“Kaede, calm down.” Father said as we reached him on the porch. “None of that is her blood.”
She turned to look at me. “I should have known…just like your father.” She said with a sigh as she pulled a hand towel from her robes and began to wipe at my face.
“I probably should have cleaned up better before coming back home.” I said.
“Probably.” Father agreed with a smile. “But your mother would have found something to fuss over anyways.”
Mother looked at Father. “Riku, you know I only do this because I love our daughter and worry for her, just as I have loved and worried over your sorry butt all these years.”
“Come on, let’s get inside. Ava get cleaned up and then give me a full report.”
“Yes, Father.” I replied with a bow before heading to get a bath and fresh clothes. Afterwards I was sitting in the main hall with Father and Jiro. Apparently while I had been getting cleaned up, Father had sent for Jiro and asked for a report from him as well.
“The word is already started to get around about how fierce our lady commander is, Lord Riku.” Jiro informed my father.
“Is that so?” Father asked.
Jiro nodded. “Yup, they’re calling her the Tiny Terror of the Yamada clan.”
“I had no idea I’d already earned such a moniker.” I said with a look of indifference, though I had to admit I liked it.
Father chuckled. “I would expect nothing less from my daughter.” He said, smiling with pride. “You were born into this world in battle. Clearly you were made for it.”
“Only because I had excellent teachers.” I replied. Father had taught me everything I knew. Jiro had also been by my side in my training. It hadn’t always been the easiest relationship between us, but eventually he came to see me as his equal…and accept me as my father’s successor.
It was strange how I had come to be in this role in the first place. I wasn’t always the daughter of a daimyo. I wasn’t always in this place of chaos and war at all. I had actually been born centuries later…and yet I somehow ended up here. Though it had happened so long ago now that I knew this was my true home. I had been here longer than I had in my original time now…or at least very close to it.
You see, I had been a teenager when I arrived in the Sengoku…a bit of a troubled one from my time in fact. My parents had died when I was young and I had spent my modern life in an orphanage…or girls’ home as it had been called. I had a lot of anger and resentment…and well it had me in and out of trouble. Constantly getting in fights at school and the like.
Anyway, I had been on a school trip to Kyoto. I was visiting the Hono-ji monument when a sudden storm hit. Lightning struck close by…for a moment I thought I had been hit as the world slipped away around me. I couldn’t see or feel anything. Then when the world came rushing back to me…it did so with frightening clarity. I was suddenly in the middle of a battlefield, surrounded by men in armor and bodies.
I hadn’t been sure of what exactly to do, but I knew I had to do something so that I didn’t get completely clobbered. I really didn’t want to die and especially not like a frightened child. So, I grabbed a random sword from one of the dead and started trying to fight my way out. I think adrenaline had completely taken over me at that time as I had no idea what I was doing. Just randomly swinging the sword and hoping to hit something.
Riku had been in that battle and eventually found me and helped me out. That was how I ended up meeting the man I would come to call my father. He took me into his home, cared for me, and trained me. Kaede had instantly taken a liking to me and fussed over me as if I were her daughter right from the start. Eventually they decided to adopt me and make me theirs as they had never been able to have children of their own. Honestly, I felt more suited to this life than I ever had in my original time anyways. I had a family now…and something to fight for. Something to protect. I had a family and a land filled with everyday citizens to keep safe. I had a home.
After finishing giving our report, my mother was coming in to let us know the banquet preparations had been completed. We were soon gathering in the main hall with all of our men for a victory celebration.
Sake flowed and food was gobbled up. Tales of our most recent battle rang out as our soldiers filled my father in on everything.
“There I was surrounded by our enemy, I was prepared to go down swinging…but then the commander came and she took out the entire ring surrounding me!” Junichiro, one of the younger members of our forces spoke.
“The Tiny Terror of the Yamada Clan is a force to be reckoned with for sure!”
“It was her quick thinking and ability to change strategy quickly that really got us out of a couple of tough spots!”
I could feel my cheeks reddening at all of their praise. “And what good is a commander if she doesn’t have the best forces in all the land behind her?” I reminded them. “You’re all just as responsible for our victory as I am. Not a single one of you is to forget your worth.”
There was plenty of fun had that night. Everyone was drinking and enjoying themselves. I decided to slip out to the garden for some fresh air and was looking up at the moon and stars. The sky was so much more beautiful here than it was in my time since there was no light pollution. You could really see all the stars.
“It’s a beautiful night.”
I turned as I saw Jiro coming out of the banquet room to join me. “It really is. Hopefully we’ll have more peaceful nights before our next battle.”
“Hopefully.” Jiro agreed. “You know I notice you looking up at the night sky a lot. You always have…though not in the same way you did when Lord Riku first brought you home.”
I smiled wistfully as I recalled the many nights I spent outside. “I used to look up at the stars for answers.” I said after a moment. “Why was I here? What was my purpose? Would I ever be the same person I was again?”
“And now you don’t look for those answers?” JIro inquired.
I shook my head. “No. Because I found those answers in the clan and in our fight to help create a better world.” I answered.
“Okay, but if you’re not looking for those answers, what answers are you looking for?” Jiro asked.
“No answers now.” I answered. “Now I just think the night sky is beautiful. All of those twinkling stars…each a light in the vastness of it all…”
“Oh, so staying humble then I see.” Jiro said with a teasing grin.
I laughed. “Something like that.” I replied. “We are small and insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but like each star we can bring a little light and hope to others.”
“You always surprise me, my lady.” JIro said.
“Oh, is that a compliment from you?” I asked, returning his teasing grin. “The man who once told me he would never follow me in battle or recognize me as a warrior or the leader of the Yamada Clan?”
“I was a stupid and jealous kid then.” Jiro replied, his face gentling. “Now, it is my honor to serve you, my lady.”
“And it is my honor to fight alongside you.” I replied.
Silence lingered between us as we both turned our gazes back to the night sky. The moon was full and shining its light down perfectly on us. After a bit, we returned to the party which went on well into the night before we were all returning to our homes and our beds.
My futon felt especially warm and welcoming after everything. It felt like I had just gotten to sleep when I jolted awake. Though I heard nothing…SOMETHING was WRONG. Every nerve ending in my body was alive and my senses on full alert.
I moved quickly and quietly, grabbing my sword. Quietly, I slipped from my room and through the halls, something compelling me to head towards my parents’ room. I wasn’t far from their room when I became aware of another presence. I turned holding my sword in a defensive stance, ready to fend off an intruder, only to be met with Jiro’s face.
We shared a look and then nodded, walking towards my parents’ room and watching each other’s backs. There was a reason Jiro was my right hand. We worked well together and had for so long now. There was no one I trusted more besides my father.
As we got closer to their room, I could hear movement. Then I heard my father, “Don’t you dare…” Before what sounded like metal connecting with a skull. Jiro and I were rushing down the hall and bursting into the room just as there was the sound of sharp metal slicing through human flesh. As soon as we were in, I saw the bodies of the only parents I had ever known hitting the floor. Blood was flowing quickly from their bodies where the swords had sliced their necks open.
I felt tears of pain, anger, and rage stinging my eyes as I looked at the enemy commander who was wiping his blade clean. He smirked at me. “Looks like we’ll get to wipe out the entire clan tonight.” He said.
I glared hard at him. “No, you signed your death warrant! You dishonorable coward! Slaughtering them in their beds!”
Though it wasn’t always wise to fight from a place of strong emotion, I had nothing but rage and anguish inside me at that moment. I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins. The only thing that mattered in that moment was taking down the man who had killed my parents. There were ten other men in the room, but that didn’t matter. I knew I would make them all pay.
An anguished cry of unholy anguish and rage left my lips as I raised my sword. Jiro was at my side, fighting with me as we cut through our enemies. By the time it was over, I had the man who had killed my parents on his knees, looking up at me and begging for mercy as he soon realized he had made a grave mistake.
“I’ll show you mercy by ending your miserable existence here.” I told him, my voice cold as ice.
That was when I felt Jiro’s hand on my arm. “My lady…we’ll need him for information.”
I nodded. “Take him to the dungeons…and call on Sato…she’ll make him talk.”
More of our soldiers were coming into the room, having found my parents’ guards dead. The enemy commander was taken to the dungeons and word was sent for Sato. “Let us help…with their preparations, my lady…” Ichiro, one of my men said.
“In…in a moment.” I told him. “Leave…everyone leave.”
My men looked at me a moment before leaving the room, closing the door behind them. I knelt down by the bodies of my parents. I reached my hand to my father’s face, touching his cheek. The bodies were still warm as I reached to close their eyes.
“You were too good for this, Father.” I whispered. “They never would have been able to defeat you had they fought with honor.” I looked over at my mother, a woman too good and kind for the world she was born into. “You both deserved better than…than this.”
It was in this moment, alone with their bodies that I let myself cry. I lost all control of my emotions. They didn’t deserve this fate…and here I was an orphan once more. Even as a grown woman…that was what I considered myself.
Days later, I stood dressed in my black funeral robes as I stood by the tombs where my parents were being buried. A monk was burning a special incense not far away as Jiro approached me. We both stood a moment, silent as we paid our respects to my father and mother.
“Word from Sato yet?” I asked.
“Yes.” Jiro answered. “They were mercenaries hired by the Ishihara Clan.”
“I knew those bastards wanted Father gone…wanted our land gone.” I said. “They think with Father gone that our people…our land will be for the taking.”
“What are your orders, my lady?” Jiro asked. “You are the head of the Yamada clan now. Your father left everything to you.”
I looked at my parents’ bodies, determination flooding through me. “I won’t let Father’s faith in me be destroyed…he entrusted our people to me…prepare for war. We’ll protect what’s ours and make an example of the Ishihara and anyone else who dares to think they can attack our clan and take what is ours.”
“As you command, my lady.” Jiro replied, bowing respectfully to me. “Or shall I call you Lord Yamada?”
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cerberusthenking3 · 2 months
A Miasma's Mealtime
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I love the Girros and especially enjoy the Great Girros, and while fighting the Great Girros, I realized that it was in the perfect place for and decided to write a story for it
Warning:This story contains soft,safe,protective vore,child prey,feral prey,multiple prey,suffocation,gore,accidental fearplay,fear of death,aftercare
Miazuma POV.
I lie on the cold stone floor while holding my little friends near me,Gia,Ganna,Toric,Maldrick,Venera,Maxu,and Teruza.My little Girros pals are snuggling up to me for warmth before I hear someone gasping outside and Venera wakes up with a big stretch and yawn as she stands up and mutters"Probably a hurt animal,I'll go put it out of its misery and then you can get a snack Miazuma"and I happily smile and say"Thanks,Venera"before she walks out and I hear a loud gasp and hear her yell'Um,Miazuma,I don't think you can eat this"So I confusedly say"What,why,is it sick because I can eat sick things"As the the others get up and she yells back"Not exactly"So I stand up and walk out the mouth of the cave to see what's wrong and notice her standing over something so I look past her and see a small,weak looking human trying to shoo her off while laying on the ground with ragged breaths.My eyes widen and I lean down and grab the back of his shirt and pull him into my cave and out of the effluvium and into the sorta fresh air.The others run over and Gia softly asks"Is he......?"I shake my head and say"He's alive,but I wouldn't say that he's okay"With a slightly sad tone.He groans in pain before slowly sitting up and coughing his lungs out while Gia and Maxu help him move over to a rock sticking out of the a bit off of the floor.He softly says"T-thanks,Don't worry,I'll be out once I get all this crap outta my lungs"I shake my head with a worried growl before walking to the mouth of the cave and begin to cover it with vines and return to my sleeping spot while Ganna,Toric,Maldrick,and Teruza return to me and I see Gia and Maxu struggling to stop the human from leaving while Venera is attempting to push him towards me and I smell that he's not quite full grown and is likely only eleven or twelve years old.
Ochan POV.
The smaller Girros try pushing me towards the bigger one,but I don't understand why their helping me.I finally relinquish and let them push me over while the main two pushing me and the one who found me lays on my lap and the Great Girros wraps around us and begins falling asleep while all the other Girros fall asleep around me so I wait about an hour before I carefully push the Girros off my lap and stand up.I walk over the the rock that they set me on earlier and reach into my bag,pulling out a long bandage and begin wrapping it around my face to try and resist the noxious gas around the rotten vale and take a deep breath before approaching the vine door and push it open when suddenly,I'm pulled off my feet and turn to see the great Girros has grabbed me with his tail so I shake my head and say"I have to go,thank you for the help though"He shakes his head and places me back against his stomach.I sigh and attempt to get out again as his tail pushes me back into the position between the two Girros who helped me inside.I sigh and ask"You aren't gonna let me leave,are you?"He shakes his head, and I groan before pulling my bag while digging through it and pulling the bandage off my face and tucking it into the bag before pulling a bag of beef jerky out and offer him a handful of it,which he seems interested in and happily accepts.
Miazuma POV.
This little human isn't the brightest, but he is very persistent and has some delicious food.I pull my tail onto his lap to make sure he can't leave and settle down to sleep.After a good night's rest I wake up to the sound of my little friends laughing and playing quietly.I stand up and stretch deeply before looking down and seeing Gia,Ganna,Toric,Maldrick,Venera,Maxu,and Teruza all laying infront of me as Toric gives me a sharp grin before saying"Come on Miazuma,don't tell me you forgot what today is"My tail begins rapidly wagging as I begin getting really excited when I finally remember,today they promised to let me hold them in my pouch.I open my mouth and take Gia,Maldrick,and Teruza in all in one mouthful,I care fully lick them all over and and swallow them down.Gia playfully jabs my in the side of my pouch as I gather Ganna,Toric,Venera,and Maxu into my maw,licking them all over and gently swallowing.I happily hold my slightly bulging stomach and hear a slightly panicked gasp so I turn and see the human quickly wrapping the bandage over his lower face before saying hurriedly"Well,I think it's time for me to go,thanks again"and pushing the vines out of his way.I cock my head in confusion which slowly turns into horror as I realize what he thinks I just did.I run out after him and see him attempting to climb up one of the tendrils into a den where I know an aggressive Radobaan resides.Swifly I leap up and catch the human halfway in my mouth as he begins panicking and struggling against me.I wasn't planning on swallowing him but as he struggles I feel a flare of protectiveness shoot through me so I quickly pull him in and begin quickly swallowing.He arrives in my pouch with the rest of them where he begins struggling and I hear my pack unhappily groaning as their woken up but after a minute I feel him calm down as Gia and Maxu cuddle up to him.
Ochan POV.
I slowly calm down as I realize that the Girros are all alive here and the two one who have been helping me lay on me to have me stop moving.I take a few deep breaths before feeling him stand and move somewhere.The combination of my exhaustion from my escape attempt and the warmth of the stomach as well as the weight from the other Girros slowly places into a deep sleep.Hours later my eyes slowly crack open as bright light assaults my eyes and I look around to realize that I'm in the some human village with multiple weights on my and laying on something slick and warm.I groan and sit up before seeing someone coming near me so I automatically get into a defensive position as a man with a large mizutsune behind stops infront of me and holds out a water bottle and sandwich before saying"Here,drink and eat,you dehydrate easily when you're in their pouches"I mutter"Thanks"And crack the water bottle open as the cold liquid graces my tongue.I chug the bottle down and eat the sandwich in two bites.He pats me on the shoulder and says"You're pretty lucky,most don't survive the Rotten Vale,feel grateful that Miazuma and his pack helped you out"I nod and say"Yeah,I almost died out there,they saved my life"I stand up and look through my slightly damp satchel before pulling out the bandages and wrap them around my face and begin walking away when I hear a distressed growl and turn to see Miazuma looking very upset as I confusedly ask"Whats wrong bud?"The man from earlier realizes the lack of information I have and says."Oh,he stored you, so now he considers you a part of his pack, He thinks you're abandoning him,"I mentally smack myself,I quickly correct. "Im just going to stretch my legs, bud,I'll be back in a few minutes,"he nods before waking up one of the Girros and chattering to her before she walks up to my side and walks with me.This monster seems very clingy but I guess being alive in a clingy home is better than being dead without one.I wipe my face and come to a realization"I'm probably gonna wind up as a meal a lot more from now on,and I guess I'm fine with that"I think to myself.
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koala-fluff · 8 months
Tickletober Day 2: Accidental
Ocs: Cordraego
Warning: tiny bit of blood.
Cyran bolted through the trees, the scratch on his cheek stinging. His breath was heavy as he heard the crashing of footsteps behind him.
"Don't let that beast get away! His hide will adorn our captain's cloak!" Someone shouted, quickly followed by another arrow barely missing his leg.
He cursed and leapt over a log. He glanced around, looking desperately for his companion. The Blood ran down his face, dripping into his mouth and filling his nose with the scent of blood.
"Where is she?" He growled to himself, ducking under a low-hanging branch.
There was a tug on his collar and he was hoisted upwards. He opened his mouth to yell, but a hand soon covered it.
"Quiet!" His companion, Zundra, hissed, tucking them into a hollow in the tree. She wrapped her free arm around his waist, squishing him against her front. "Stop breathing so loud, they'll hear you!"
He huffed, lashing his tail against her leg. What was he supposed to do? Stop his adrenaline? Only the most skilled lycaons could do that.
She kneed his back in response. "Then my hand stays on your mouth. And don't you dare lick it!"
Logically, despite their life and death situation, he licked her hand.
"Ew!" She kneed him again. It hurt a bit more than the last one.
They both froze as they heard their enemies stalking below them. The hunting crew stopped right under the tree, probably searching for clues on where he went.
Zundra's grip tightened as her heart sped up. Cyran flexed his claws, trying to ignore the quaking in his legs.
He couldn't hear what the hunters were saying, but then again, his companion always had better ears than him. That was probably why her fingers were so twitchy.
Speaking of which, it was becoming increasingly harder for him to stay still because of those hands. Her nails periodically squeezed into his side, making him want to squirm away. The hand on his face would've been fine, if not for the fact that her pinkie was lodged under his chin, causing her to lightly scratch at his neck.
He scrunched his nose and resisted the need to lean his head into his shoulder. He twitched as she pinched his side again, and swallowed to keep from giggling.
Curse his ticklishness! He never thought it could get him killed, but Eulb just had to prove him wrong.
Zundra suddenly squeezed his side, purposefully this time. It was probably to stop him from wiggling, but it only caused him to jolt. He barely withheld the snort that tried to burst forth and he stomped on her foot.
She gasped and growled quietly. The nail on his neck twitched again, making him scrunch up. He kicked her this time, huffing in an attempt to communicate.
She froze, then squeezed his side again. He jolted and stomped on her foot again, harder than before. She bent slightly, chuckling silently behind him.
He kicked her again, his face warming slightly.
She wheezed in a mix of pain and amusement and kicked his ankle in response. He winced and tipped his head back, hitting her forehead.
The sounds of the hunters got quieter as they continued silently fighting each other in the tree. Soon enough, the jungle was silent.
Until two lycaons fell onto the ground with a thud.
"You're stihill ticklish!" Zundra wheezed, gasping for breath.
"Shut up!" Cyran growled, red in the face and similarly winded.
Zundra just laughed and sat up with a groan, her eyes sparkling in mischief. Cyran bolted upright, glaring at her.
"Don't you dare!" He shouted, running the opposite way the hunters had gone.
"Oh, I dare!" She retorted, sprinting after him.
Finally, the jungle fell silent, for sure this time. Excluding the distant laughter, that is.
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Chapters 1-11 here
hey guys! this is gonna be a good long chapter, had a lot of editing to do, but finally felt like doing some work tonight!
- "Bio engineer. I actually work in a lab, and have been working on a project" - "We made a project to go up against our sister company. On the brink to discovering the last key factors of it" that was a tidbit of VERY important information. -
"He's going back to the lab. Ain't he?" Raph said from next to me as he put a blanket over me for me to cover me up, save whatever dignity I had left.
"Yes. And something tells me we are about to go up against what he was talking about. What better thing to save him?" Leo said darkly as he stayed on their tails.
Warning: Blood, fighting, guns. 18+ as per usual. ENJOY!
Competition 11
Leo followed the Lincoln until it stopped in front of a massive building. Farther back in the parking lot is where we all waited as we watched them, yet again, the black town car pulled right up to the building.
Everyone waited as the man had the door opened for him, courtesy of a body guard in a tux. He was then ushered into the looming facility. It looked like a large industrial building, not a lab, far too large for that, it appeared silver had some money as well.
"Welp. I guess we're about to meet your competition" Raph muttered to me as he handed me a bag. I opened it curiously, and my eyes lit up when I realized it was clothes. Some cargo pants, a tank top, and a sports bra.
"Figured you'd want that" I moved in for a kiss from him, cheeks pink with both my blush and happiness. He was such a life saver.
"Alright. We're going in, you 3 stay in the van." Leo turned to look at all the stubborn women in the back, his eyes showed a warning for us not to disobey.
"I'm serious. Whatever is in there can pose as a serious threat" the leader had a solemn tone, but any and all tolerance for our bs seemed out the window with this one.
"Then shouldn't I be coming with you?" I shifted in the blanket, I did not like this idea, what happened to fighting fire with fire? Why leave me behind?
"No" Leo said very quickly. My concern for the reptilian brothers only grew.
"Leo. He said it's a project to go against their sister company. The "star" (if that's what you want to call me) project for TCRI is me. Letting me go up against this threat would be in your best interest" I didn't like arguing with anyone, but this was their safety we are talking about here.
"She has a point, Leo" Donnie nodded.
"So far she's the only one TCRI has had success with. And she's been their biggest project so far. Probably why she was locked up so tightly" the smart turtle pointed out.
"And if they get their hands on her, nothing good will come out of it. They'll make more. That nerd bitch said they had some missing key factors. Abby could be it" Raph quickly countered. I gave a huff, he and Leo were about to not let me go.
"I'm sorry babe. But its too dangerous. Stay here. Please. Hey. Look at me" I didn't want to. I was so scared for them, what were they going to run in to there? Would I be able to track them and help them if shit went south?
A large finger ever so gently tucked under my chin, and guided me to look up at him. His green/hazel eyes look at me so intensely.
"Promise you'll stay here. And keep your sisters safe" I hesitated for another moment, but the warning look he gave me made me cave, not that he was scary or anything, I wasn't intimidated by him anymore. I didn't want to ruin his trust and what we had, so I nodded. They had more important things to worry about besides us, I needed to play the waiting game and card right.
"Say it"
"Ill stay in here and keep my sisters safe" I sighed. He leaned in and gave me quite the kiss my heart raced until he pulled away. Before he could get too far I grabbed his arm, my own eyes showing intensely.
"Please be safe. All of you" I was absolutely dreading this, especially after seeing them get hurt so many times, sure they always managed to get out of a situation somehow, and they always healed quickly. But that didn't matter, it only took one mission going horribly wrong to take them all out.
"We will, babe. I promise" Raph gently placed his hands on each side of my face, holding that position until some tension physically left my body.
"Alright. Lets go" Leo hopped out of the driver's seat. The rest of the brothers cleared out quickly, and I began to get dressed in a rapid pace. Both women wouldn't be seeing anything new.
"Are you going in?" I put my ear piece in my bra, tucked away safely.
"Yes. But not yet."
"Not without a gun" She opened a compartment in the side of the garbage truck, in the back, and 2 Ar-15s fell out.
"Sorry. Only had room for 2" she said to April.
"All good. I don't know how to work those" she shrugged.
"We can teach you, later" Ana assured as she handed me one.
"How the-" my sister was such a wild card, like how did she even know about the van and to smuggle stuff INTO it?? She probably hypnotized Mikey and got him to spill so she could arm everything she could, just like our house.
"Do you care?" My sister asked. I realized I didn't and was so relieved she snuck them in, I could keep up my form for a while, but not long enough to scope out the scene, protect whoever I needed to AND fight whatever was in there. Ana then took off her backpack, and opened it, inside, there was a lot of ammo and pre loaded magazines.
"Ana. You're amazing. This will help a lot" I grinned.
"Ooooh. This is the AR with the Aero precision barrel, hairpin trigger and my good scope" I said, thanking God. I trained the most with this one, it would also be the most fitting for the mission, it shot faster than regular semi.
"Come on. Ill go with you" Ana said, she was hell bent and I completely understood it. She handed me several magazines, poor Raph didn't know just how useful my cargo pockets would be. I stuff them full without making them too pregnant.
"Can you stay here April? Worse case we will need a get away, and you'll be perfect for the job" I smiled at her.
"Normally I'd say no and not wait here, but I understand your logic" April slid up the van and got into the driver's seat.
"Hurry up and be safe" Was the last thing we heard.
We opened the van up and did precisely what they told us not to do. Slinging our guns until we got to the building but immediately went to low ready once getting inside. We stalked down the large white hallway, I was huffing the air. Tracking the boys down.
"You seem real sure of yourself on where they went" my sister noticed and said quietly.
"My mutation um… give me the ability to track other mutants" I admitted.
"So you can smell exactly where they went?" She got to a break off in the hallway, pivoting to point her gun down it. Clear. She straightened back out and came back up next to me.
"Yes" the guards were probably going after the boys, so we shouldn't have TOO much to worry about. So they had guards out the ass to worry about and whatever beast was waiting for them. Fantastic. I wanted to move a lot faster, but that’s how you get killed, my human form couldn't take a hit.
We heard footsteps storming down the hall, my sister and I shared confused looks. It was only one set of footsteps. And they sounded like they were staggering.
Just in case, we quickly hid in the adjacent hallway we already cleared, and waited. A brown haired, woman in a uniform started to run by, my sister and I quickly hopped out of hiding and pointed our guns at her.
"Shit" she muttered. We didn't know who she was, so we kept our guard up, I didn’t want to focus on her uniform, I was transfixed on her in case she tried to make a move.
"You don't look like Silver guards, and those don't look like their standard weaponry" she said in a flat tone. We lowered our weapons a little, eyeing her.
"I'm NYPD" she explained. Now we lowered them all the way, back to low ready, barrel safely facing away from her.
"Who are you?"
"We're with the turtles" I spoke up.
"Oh thank god"
"You're here alone?" Ana raised a brow. Cops usually travel in packs. The woman lowered her bleeding arm, and went back to holding it, wincing in pain.
"No. My team… They're dead. Something attacked. I don't even know how to explain it. Bullets didn't work, I tried everything and they-" she choked, trying to reign herself in, the poor woman.
"Hey. Its ok. Sis, can you get her back to the van?" We didn't have time to both escort her back.
"You're going alone?? Fuck no!" My sister bristled.
"Look. You've seen one of my forms and it wasn't the big and scary one. I'll be fine" I put a hand on her shoulder
"She's injured and she needs help. Please help her" Ana looked at her, then me.
"Oh hell no, we're already doing dumb shit and defying them" my sibling snapped, her temper resurfacing, it was faltering but not enough.
"I'm not going and staying hidden away. That thing killed my men. I was just trying to get distance and recoup" Her fiery brown eyes assured, she looked very determined. But she was definitely exhausted and injured. I looked at her for a long moment, we didn't have time for this.
I sighed and nodded for us to keep moving, luckily, the smaller (even smaller than my sister and I) was armed with a hand gun. Hopefully she was left handed or able to shoot it with that arm.
I got my gun ready, taking the lead, and began to move a little more quickly. As we got closer we could hear holes being punched in the walls, screams? It was Mikey's scream! CRAP!
"Fuck!" Ana was running ahead, I wasn't about to stop her, just cover her, I understood her concern and panic, I felt it too.
Some guards ran up in a large group, directly at us but they weren't trying to attack any of us as we ran the opposite direction of them all. I noticed their faces immediately: scared. They were running from the fight, my stomach sank. Whatever was just unleashed onto the boys? It was out of control entirely.
I slung my gun, and started to run full sprint towards the sound, following my sister, keeping an eye on the officer behind us, she lagged behind a little, but she was staying strong. I went to round the corner, hot on my sister's heels, but Leo was thrown right past us. He was thrown so hard he bounced off the ground and into a wall, going cleanly through it. He was starting to move again, trying to get back up, but he was moving slow, he's taken too many hits.
I snagged Ana by the hood of her sweatshirt yanking her back, we were at the fight now, we needed to evaluate, and figure out what to do. We were the last line of defense now, and we could not accept failure.
I now took the lead, going around the corner and froze at the horrific scene I saw. All 3 brothers were down, and towering above them? Was a massive green creature, it had what looked like porcupine spikes out of its back, terrifying small beady eyes, it was bipedal. It was also glowing ever so slightly like radioactive.
Donnie and Mikey were beaten to hell at its feet, I don't even know if they are alive. Raph was in its grasp, a large spike protruding from its hand, and it was about to run him through. Time to do some dumb shit.
"HEY!" I shouted. Watching Raph's reaction, he wasn't even cognizant enough to realize I was here. My worry grew, shit. They were in really bad shape. The creature stopped, looked at me. But didn't seem too interested.
"Abby! Get out of here!" That was Leo behind me. Good, he was still awake, and alive. I lined my sites at the monster who was hurting my family, and took aim making sure I wasn't anywhere near Raph, I know the boys were bullet proof but I wasn't about to test it. I let a round off. It DID NOT like that, dropping the injured turtle roughly, and turned to me. It's roar was painful to my ears, even at this distance.
"Uh, what are you doing?" Ana and the officer said in unison. I pulled off my gun and gave it to the nypd.
"Don't let anyone hurt them" referring to the boys, them being down and out like this would be a dream come true for a ballsy scientist to come across my happenstance.
"Protect them, stay here" I said sternly, not really realizing how much I sounded like the leader in blue.
This is what I was scared about! If they just let me come we could've fought it together! Now they were down and out and it was up to me to finish the fight. I jumped back out from cover, waving my arms.
"Abby stop!" Leo couldn't even make it back to his feet. I had to clear the battle away from him! From all of them!
"Come at me!" I shouted at the creature. And yeah, it did, it was charging me and it was coming at me fast. I ran back out the hallway, took a turn, and hauled ass in that direction. I had to get this thing away from everyone.
"WHAT IS SHE DOING!" the officer seemed more panicked, Ana had a slight understanding, but still looked nervous.
Alopex, you better be a heavy hitter, and fast. Because this creature was big enough to even give my fox form a run for its money. My body was losing momentum as I got tired, but we should be far enough away.
I quickly thought fox, willing my skin to go white and grow fur. I was able to transform while running, so that was a neat trick, and I seemed to be in control, though it was wearing me down A LOT mentally to STAY in control.
My form skidded to a stop, drifting to look at my opponent, and growl. It stomped again and growled back, and then charged at me.
My mind was not my own, thoughts I typically didn't think invaded my mind as my body reacted before I could. This body seemed almost excited for the fight, the creature raised its fist. But Alopex knew better than to take the brunt of the blow.
Quickly I jumped out of the way to the wall as the creature slammed its fist into the ground, a massive dent in the ground where I was perviously. And jumped it's back, careful to not land the wrong way on the spikes. And bit it's head, not drawing blood, but it did hurt the creature as it tried to bat me off, flailing its arms frantically at me.
I jumped again gracefully, swinging around as the porcupine creature used both fists this time. But again, I was too swift, out of the way I went, luckily the creature was either a little slower or Alopex was A LOT faster. Something tells me if it lands a hit. I would be screwed though.
This time I went for it's leg, biting and I did draw blood. Worse case, I had it's DNA, and could now transform into it if it came down to it, I was insanely concerned about losing control like this creature too though. It howled again, and a punch went to my spine, the middle of my back. I yelped as my nerves spazzed, causing my legs to twitch, and the ground crumbled under me in a spider web, large chunks of floor scattering.
The creature brought another fist around and punched me in the face. Sending me skidding along the linoleum floor, yeah I put a hole in the wall I hit. I was very right, I would not be able to take too many more hits from this thing.
I shakily got back up to all fours, shaking myself off. Even with the adrenaline pumping my body, I was already feeling all the damage. Shit.
Luckily, it threw me away from it, if it kept me close and kept hammering on me, I would be down with the boys, I was in luck though, it was slowing down from the bite, limping a little. I ducked out of the way from another punch. Being quick enough to bite its arm, my claws swiping at its face, throwing it off guard and balance.
I dodged another blow, it's salty blood filling my mouth from the sheer force. What I was not ready for, was it's arm to shift into a blade, and it being rammed into my midsection.
I yelped, and quickly moved away, not that I needed to to removed the blade. It made sure to give a twist before it yanked back out. The sound of tearing muscle and flesh consumed my sensitive ears. I was scurrying to get some distance. I needed to see the damage, I could still move, so I could still fight. Before the shock went off and I went down. My own blood was dumping out my side, making the floor slippery.
The porcupine stopped it's massive green self to me, also trying to get its bearings probably. Thankfully it was slowing down, which was fantastic because I was feeling every injury it gave me.
The blood I drank seemed to be helping, but not at the pace I wished it would. I looked at the floor, and an idea formulated as I began to back up, the creature kept stalking it's way in.
I hunched, ready to lunge, I saw how it kept protecting its chest during the fight. Let's see how much damage I could get it from there.
The second it made it to the puddle of blood, it began to slip, it was two legged, so it had nothing to catch itself. I jumped, landed on its face, and threw every ounce of strength I had to make it go down. Riding the creature to the ground.
It slammed its head into the floor hard, adding the fact my body was still on it, it was a hard blow. Hard, still not out, I then aggressively clawed at its chest. Like a dog who's life depended on the hole it dug.
They didn't have time to armor this creature up in it's weak spot. So I was going to use that to my advantage, and keep that in mind if I ever changed into it. My claws carved through the softer flesh, as I took out layer after layer.
When the being below me started to cough and shake, I knew it was out of the fight. Problem being. So was I, and I still had 4 large mutant turtles to help out.
I got off of the porcupine who looked like a hunter from freaking halo if they were way bigger. And I transformed down to my human form, immediately collapsing to my feet with a yell of pain.
I was on my side on the ground, my lower ribs, it hurt to breathe, my side was still gushing blood profusely, and my face was covered in bruises. Not to mention my spine was tender, but it was the least of my concerns.
I needed a moment before I could even walk. I pulled myself to a wall, and very slowly heaved myself to a sitting position, leaning on the wall, pulling a small knife from my pocket, and began to cut up my cargo pants.
A long, thick streak of clothing, I needed pressure on my wound, and I needed it fast before I passed out and turned into one more body to carry out instead of helping. I found the earpiece on the ground.
"Ana. You got me?" I huffed, it was so hard to breathe, and my pain was immeasurable.
"Abby! Thank god! Are you ok??" Came the excited response over the ear piece.
"Y-gah. Yeah. I'm fine, can you call April to get the van in here?" I had to control my breathing, try not to give my injuries away too badly.
"Alright, working on it now. Where are you and how are we getting 260lb plus turtles into the truck?"
"Ill handle all of that. Just make sure she gets here quickl" I was so worried for them, I hope I wasn't too late. I looked at the porcupine creature, and stared at its blood, swallowing, maybe if I drank some, I could find enough strength to do all of this.
I slowly and carefully made my way to the creature, I wanted to hold my breath to try to get my pain to subside near my lungs. But I needed to suck in oxygen, that fight took so much out of me, looks like I was going to have to suck it up. I got to the puddle of blood, using my hand to scoop it up so I didn't have to bend over to drink. I shakily brought the precious fluid to my mouth and began to slurp it up.
I hungrily took it, feeling a little more energized but nothing more than that. I frowned, well that was a dud. And got to my feet, feeling incredibly light headed, and dizzy from blood loss. I was still losing blood rapidly, despite my homemade bandage.
A groan came from the creature right next to me and I staggered away from it, no way! Was it about to get back up??
I fell on my ass and let out a pained grunt, shaking, the force of the fall made sure to aggrevate every injury I had with the shock. But my attention quickly moved back to the new mutant I had just defeated. It… it was shrinking down.
My eyes widened, and my breath picked up in my shock. There laid another brown haired woman, she… she was like me! A hunter! She was the project they were talking about! What did they turn her into?
But she was also dying, her chest was carved up, and she had bite marks everywhere. She was losing blood faster than me.
I heard a diesel engine and large crashes. That was April in the garbage truck up ahead, and I now had 5 bodies to move. I wasn't about to leave this woman here.
I had enough energy to transform, I needed a stronger form. So I turned into my turtle self, gently picking her up. I figured it would, but I kind of was hoping my injuries to one form wouldn't translate to all of them.
The woman was cradled in one arm so I could hold my bleeding side. My plastron wasn't damaged it was more of an internal bleeding type thing.
I hadn't realized how far away I ran, from them, I could hear the truck up ahead idling, but I still had a ways to travel. Leaving a blood trail from both my mutant sister, and myself in my wake. When the truck was in sight April ran up to me her face covered with a hand and in shock.
"What happened? Who is that?" She exclaimed.
"Fight. She was my opponent. She's like me. We have to get her help" the woman's blood was pooling up against my plastron. And between my transformation, and my injuries I was fading fast. But I can rest later, there were far more important matters to attend to, like my brothers.
"Are you ok?" April and my sister asked in unison. But Ana never left Mike's side she only paused in checking him over for a second.
"Better than them. Come on, we need to get everyone out of here, get them patched up. Are they all alive?" I was scared to know the answer, especially when I saw how close to death Raph was when I saw him and shot that thing.
"Y-yeah" Ana was getting emotional, but she looked determined still.
"Thank god. Come on" I climbed onto the truck, and moved the brunette to the very back. I needed to keep the space near the door free for the much heavier patients. I limped back out.
"You sure you can do this?" Anastasia frowned.
"You're really hurt, you should probably stop" the nypd frowned, still holding her own injury, the gun was slung on her good shoulder.
"I have to. Can you get Don's glasses? Maybe any other belongings of theirs?" so I wouldn't have to make an extra trip to get anything. April trotted over to Leo, who was through the wall, unconscious.
She ran a hand over his head with worry, he groaned, but wasn't coming to, some injured men around he and his brothers, some with bullet wounds. I couldn't help some pride at the police officer and my sister for keeping their word and fiercely protecting the boys.
I went for Mikey first, the second I bent over I hissed in pain, but said fuck it and quickly grabbed him, hooking my arms under his. Lifting his upper body up, and moved back towards the van. I felt so bad, I wish I could be more gentle with them, but I didn't have the means.
Now the hard part, lifting him in the truck, I cried out with effort as I got his upper body hauled up, and gently placed him on the ground which was covered by a rubber mat in the truck. I needed to drag him to the back with the woman.
Leo and Raph were going to be a trip. I was already seeing spots from my pain. sorry body, you still had a lot of work to do, and you are going to do it before you can rest.
Donnie would have to be next, I could move him more easily to the back and save room at the front for the heaviest.
I went through the same excruciating process with Don, and Leo. I wasn't going to be able to do this with Raph. I realized that when I moved towards him and collapsed to a knee. Groaning loudly. I held my side, desperate to get more pressure on my wound, eyes squeezed shut.
"Abby. We'll figure something else out for Raph"
"No" I said. My energy was low, so if I transformed I'd have to make it quick. But I was not leaving him here! No chance in hell!
My transformation was very slow, and staying within my right mind was even harder. Stay focused, I needed to get Raph into the van! My fox form was fighting me hard but was still groggy, which also made me worried. This form was that weak, this was new, and probably really bad.
Alopex was panting in its effort to Even walk. I moved over to Raph, ever so gently grabbing his gear in my teeth. My whole body jolted when I felt the deep wound in my side flex with my muscles. It was already clotting and closing, that didn't last long.
I did my best to ignore it along with the thoughts of the beast. And made my way back to the van, whimpers coming out of my mouth. Ana and April backed up nervously when I got to the very full van, and carefully placed the injured turtle in.
That was all I could muster, I immediately transitioned to my human form and fell to my ass, using the van door opening to support myself as I held my side, and sat on the cold ground of this accursed place. My bandaid ripped when I went between forms. I was losing blood fast.
April and Ana quickly moved to me, my sisters grabbed my upper body, April my legs, and then very carefully put me into the van, where I clung to Raph.
"Careful going to sleep. You might be going into shock" the nypd said, hopping on the truck as well.
If I went into shock and went to sleep, I was dead. Something told me my body was tougher than that, otherwise that was quite the flaw, but I shouldn't risk it. I needed to be cognizant until we safely locked the woman up, anyway.
"I-" I had to pause due to my pain sucking the voice out of me, breath catching in the middle of my sentence.
"I need to stay awake anyway. She was the one causing all the trouble. If she recovers and tries to pick another fight I need to be awake" oh I wanted to sleep so badly. Ana put a blanket over me to cover me up, doing the same for the other naked mutant woman in the back.
Then she hopped in the driver's seat, April getting into the passenger seat after closing the sliding door.
"How did you know how to drive this?"
"I work on cars. You drive a little of everything" my sister explained
I was so relieved to be sitting, well, I was actually leaning against Raph, watching him, I was praying with every fiber in my being that the drive home would be uneventful. And that they'd all be ok.
"You seem fairly versed in medical knowledge" I told the officer. She nodded. I was trying to distract myself, but if I could get someone to start their extensive care, of course I'd do so.
"I was a field medic in the marines" my eyes lit up.
"There's a large med kit in here. Can you start patching them up? They heal quickly, but anything helps" the former medic nodded quickly, and gently moved over the woman and all the turtles.
I sat up and moved to the side, opening the bottom drawer of a bolted down tool box, in it was bandages, tourniquets, tampons (for bullet wounds) you name it.
"I can do a thing or two with this"
"Good. Because I won't be able to move them to the lab. They'll have to recover in here. But there's more stuff there"
"I don't know what or how much to administer to them though" the former marine bit her lip.
"I know how much all of them weigh I also know the basics of their biology to help them out. Just ask" I was so relieved this woman could help them. She nodded and started to work on Raph since he was the closest.
"Turn up here"
"It says dead end, my guy" Anastasia argued with April.
"Just trust me" April insisted. Ana used her whole body to turn the wheel, and they went through the alleyway where a door quickly opened. And we were going underground.
"I'm so sorry I can't help" I sighed. I wanted to so badly, but it was getting harder to breathe and move. My body was shaking in its effort to stay awake even sitting up.
"Don't sweat it. They're going to need fluids. But the damage doesn't look too bad from what I can tell. Their shells seem to take the blunt of the blows very well.
The truck came to a stop in the lair, April and Anastasia scrambled out of vehicle. Opening the sliding door. Splinter was meditating near by, and the second he saw Anastasia driving the truck, he knew something was wrong.
"What happened?" He was calm, but moving with purpose, storming to the diesel vehicle quickly.
"They. They got hit hard, sensei" my emotional stability was quickly leaving me. My worry for the boys surfacing. I gently ran a hand over Raph's face, tears coming to my eyes. I could finally process it now, they were safe at home and they were getting help. I was allowed to worry for those I so deeply cared about.
Splinter was examining Raph, when he saw the newcomer he didn't really seem to mind at this point.
"She's working on patching them up" I quickly explained.
"I will assist" I kept my eyes on the passed out brunette as Splinter kept to his word and began to scramble around the medic.
"We're going to need to figure out if there's a way to refrain her. We don't know who's side she's on yet" yes she was attacking them, but was that her? Or the lab?
"What?" Splinter missed quite a lot.
"The one passed out in the back and carved up? She's like me sensei" I wanted to get into details, my body wasn't letting me though.
"And we don't know if she was fighting of her own free will. Like you" Splinter summed it up perfectly. I nodded, not feeling up to talking at this point. Splinter and the officer were moving quick to stabilize them.
"Don't worry, they'll be alright" Splinter announced as he kept working. If anyone knew their limits, it would be him. I sighed in relief, I wish I had the strength to move Raph's head to my lap. But I already pressed every ounce of my luck getting them back.
"What did he mean?" Ana asked as she sat next to me, wanting to be near Mikey but not wanting to get in the way.
"Sometimes. In my fox form. I lose control. And cant remember" I explained very quickly.
"Dude. You look pale as hell" she noticed I was surprised she was able to notice with the splits and bruises all over my face.
"M'fine" I mumbled. Ana gasped when she noticed the ground next to me was soaked in blood. Oh. I did not see that, Splinter didn't because I was covered in a blanket. Ana's gasp DID catch splinters attention, when he saw the blood on her hand, his eyes zeroed in on me.
"Are you injured?" I nodded.
"Hey. She's waking up" my eyes shot over to the passed out brunette, sure enough, she was stirring.
"Sensei. Can you get them out of here?" I wasn't demanding. I was begging, as I forced myself to me feet and watched her. This fight I had very little hopes for.
@mysticboomboxx @thelaundrybitchch​ @selfless1978​ @katecupcakekate
4 notes · View notes
garlic-gun · 2 years
shit dust says
(do people still use that format)
after four months (EXTREMELY on and off), i've officially watched half of dbz. to commemorate this milestone, i invite you into my mind... i've been taking notes for each episode, and honestly sometimes i just kinda be saying shit. without further ado, notes without context
(also it got kinda long so it's under the cut but there are also image descriptions for each image)
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[ID: Text that says "Mole", followed by a smiley face. Below the text is a screenshot of Dragon Ball Z of a small brown creature peeking out of a burrow in a field. End ID]
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[ID: The first image is three screenshots of Dragon Ball Z. Goku, holding Raditz's tail, asks "You really mean it?". Raditz, incapacitated on the ground, pleads "I really do! I'm begging you, Kakarot! Believe me!" End ID]
[ID: The second image is a screenshot in which Raditz, after being freed, elbows Goku, sending him flying back. The image below is a dramatic, black and white edit of a dog in high winds with the words "He was lying" along the top in all caps. End ID]
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[ID: Text that says "creatura", followed by a pleading emoji. The "creatura" in question is a small orange mammal with a face vaguely reminiscent of both a rabbit and a small dog. It has whiskers, longer hair on its head, and arms tucked near its chest that end in claws. It is in a somewhat alien jungle, with vegetation in a blue-green hue and trees bearing fluffy blue fruit. End ID]
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[ID: A screenshot of Gohan, at about 4 years old. He's visibly trying not to cry, with tears in the corners of his large, round eyes. Text below says "boy said (pleading emoji)". End ID]
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[ID: The first image has "E023" on the first line, acting as a label for episode 23 in my notes. The next line is "it hurts." Below is a screenshot of the title card of the episode, titled "Saibamen Attack!", with the captions reading "Yamucha dies! The terror of the Saibaimen." End ID]
[ID: The second image is a screenshot of Yamcha with a smirk on his face, saying "Let me handle this. I'm going to take care of the other five all at the same time." I salute him in the form of text. End ID]
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[ID: This first image is exclusively text, in which I reflect on the artstyle shift from late Dragon Ball and early Dragon Ball Z to what Dragon Ball Z will look like later on. It reads "Okay, looking back, it's a thing that varies but I think there really is some precedent to the idea that 'the way it looks during fights' ends up becoming just 'the way it looks', with the straighter stress of the tensed eyes. But again, from what I've seen, it doesn't really take full effect until... probably post-Frieza." The focus quickly shifts completely, in all caps with typos as I frantically type, "It's unhinged Salmon Run for the next hour and a half I gotta finish this fucking episode right now". End ID]
[ID: The second image is also only text. It's dated May 30th of 2022. The notes read "Thirteen hours later I am fucking... It started with deciding to play Splatoon and it ended with... 4AM. Anyways". End ID]
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[ID: Text that reads "Goku, meanwhile, is itching to leave, having recovered significantly, and Chichi is knitting the world's smallest sweater. I don't think it would fit Gohan so I can only assume someone has a chihuahua." End ID]
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[ID: Text that reads "Oh, also Goku turned himself into a piñata". End ID]
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[ID: This image is a mixture of text and screenshots of Vegeta in which, frankly, his ass is fat. It's labeled episode 106, with two lines following which say "I am being killed", with emphasis placed on the words "being" and "killed", and "I saw this and started fucking breaking down", though "started" is misspelled. Directly below is Vegeta turning toward the camera with a strange smile. The next lines are attributed to Vegeta. Facing away from the camera, he starts, "What is it, Kakarot? Could it be..." He turns with a smirk. "You're craving my McNuggies?" End ID]
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[ID: A note for episode 109. It says "I want to leave", followed by a smiley face. End ID]
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[ID: Notes taken while watching an episode. I wrote "You know, I think purling is basically just knitting but coming around the other side of the needle so hypothetically I can just—", I interrupt myself, incredulous, "His hair is prehensile??", before returning to my train of thought "Hypothetically I can just go on and do whatever." End ID]
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[ID: The first image is Future Trunks looking downward with a smile, though his forehead is a little large. Text below reads "I think this is an omen". End ID] [ID: The second image has text reading "Boy's forehead got me flabbergasted", emphasis on the final word, followed by two screenshots of Future Trunks, one in his base form and one as a Super Saiyan where his forehead has so much real estate on his face that he looks like Jimmy Neutron. End ID]
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[ID: A screenshot of Piccolo, Tien Shinhan, and Krillin with the caption "All right, let's go! We have to find it before Vegeta does!". Text above says "Bald podcast". End ID]
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[ID: Android 17 smirks with a forehead somehow larger than usual, while Android 18 stands in the background. They're in Gero's lab. Text above reads "No future?" End ID]
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[ID: Notes for episode 141. The text says "Stop making me look at Mr. Popo". End ID]
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[ID: Text that reads "The Kamehameha is a Son Goku Original (Trademarked). He invented it when he got really annoyed at a car because it wasn't a firetruck". End ID]
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unhingedselfships · 1 year
Kimi went out and got hurt and then tried to hide it
CW : choking, referenced attempted sexual assault
She was a stupid woman who made stupid decisions. Kimi knew this about herself.
So it wasn’t surprising that she’d ended up in the state she was in. 
Going out had been easy enough, normally it was well established that Kimi did not go out alone. It was always a bad idea. But. Kadokura was distracted, with his two old combat buddies visiting.
So she’d dolled herself up, told him she was going into town, and slipped out the door.
She wondered if he’d notice anything off.
Oh well. If he did, well, it would probably be too late by then.
She found a bar in a seedier part of town, not the worst, but nowhere great, or that she should be.
She thought she'd gotten what she wanted, but as usual things went tits up when she thought she had anything under control.
Instead she'd ended up a different kind of upset, and running home with her tail between her legs.
And several marks to hide.
Really, she probably shouldn't even be allowed out of the house anymore.
Not alone, anyway.
She was glad for the fall weather, as she pulled on the soft, thin, maroon turtleneck. French tucking it into a brown plaid skirt hitting just about her knees. Cream thigh highs. If they went anywhere she had a cute pair of brown flats to toss on. 
Maybe she'd dig out a beret. Go totally ham with it.
They didn't end up going anywhere, at least not for the first half of the day. Kenshi had told her she looked nice, he pretty much always did when she bothered to get properly dressed, and she'd preened and was glad he hadn't commented on how unusually covered she was for staying home.
It was edging into mid-afternoon when she slipped. And so did her shirt.
She really should have gone for the full tuck.
"Kimberly," his voice was mild, albeit commanding, for the moment anyway, "What happened here?"
He'd stopped her as she passed, hand on her hip, further moving the shirt that had shifted, the dark bruises stark on her pale skin.
She was quiet for a moment, before speaking softly.
"Please don't ask me that. I don't want to lie to you."
Pulling back, tensing, he blinked at her for a moment, before his hand flexed where it held her. Something dark and ominous flooded his gaze, pinning her in place.
"Then be a big girl and tell me the truth."
She paled further, skin losing any of its usual pink. Shaking her head, she denied the command, lower lip trembling.
His fingers curled into the fabric of her skirt, tugging her to stand between his knees. He reached up to cup her face firmly, tugging her down to be eye to eye with him.
"You have one more chance to be honest and tell me, before I decide what happened and act accordingly."
She sucked in a sharp breath, heart fluttering in her chest. Her hands shook lightly. She wasn't afraid, not really, not of him. But his effect on her was palpable. Her small fingers curled around his wrists. Not to pull him away, but to cling.
"I went out."
"Yes, Kimberly, I am aware. I fail to see how that led to this. It's not like you to pick fights. Not in bars or with strangers, anyway."
Fidgeting, she tried to break eye contact, but Kadokura didn't let her go.
"I- I just wanted-"
Thumbs brushing gently across her cheek bones, his voice dipped into dark, "Spit it out, sweetheart."
"My usual is back in Tokyo and you never learned," she blurted out suddenly, "So I went looking for someone to do it for me. I thought- I thought I'd found someone but- When I came to he was- He was still- I didn't want it to go past what we'd discussed but- He didn't want to stick to that agreement. Wasn't interested in stopping where we'd said. I really should have known better but-"
She swallowed thickly, nervous, and remembering, "Um, he uh-"
Kadokura was tense. Had she been… hurt, again? When he should have been watching her? Again?
"Sweetheart, do we need to take you in somewhere?" he kept his voice low, soft, he knew how skittish she could be, but if she needed to see a doctor- It was important she get whatever help she needed.
Shaking her head, she quietly denied it, "No um, no. It didn't- Didn't get that far. Promise. I was able to um. To get away. He just uh, yanno. Managed to get a few decent hits in first. I'm ok. I'll be- I'll be ok. S'not a big deal."
He scoffed, "Not a big deal. You're injured, hid it from me, tried to lie about it, and you think it's not a big deal?"
"I didn't want to upset you," her contrite whisper.
His incredulous laugh made her flinch, "I'm more upset now than if you'd just told me!"
"I'm sorry."
"Whatever, is there anything else I need to be aware of?"
She worried at her lip, before reaching to tug lightly at the collar of her shirt, throat carefully covered.
He knew what she meant, even before she spoke.
"His um. His technique wasn't actually all that good. He wasn't careful."
Letting out a slow breath, trying not to yell at her, he let his hands slip from her face. 
"You realize I'm never letting you out of this house alone again, right?"
She wasn't sure if he meant it or not, but said nothing. Just fidgeted where she stood.
Pinching the bridge of his nose, he sighed deeply, "Go get undressed and wait for me. Am I going to need anything other than the arnica gel?"
Another nervous fidget, "Um. Maybe? I don't- it's just a few scrapes, I don't think it's that bad?"
"Go, I'll decide when I've gotten a good look at you."
"Ok. Sorry, Kenshi," her voice was soft, small, and she slipped away to their room on nervous feet.
Tossing his head against the back of the couch, he drug his hand down his face. 
"Exhausting, stupid girl," he mumbled to himself, before standing.
Looking at their guests, he gave a quiet, almost awkward, "I'll be back shortly," before leaving to follow after her.
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sunnydayzed · 1 year
Working on a fic and i keep wanting to post an excerpt
Some characters working through some feelings together.
I wanna eventually start posting the fic to ao3, but i wanna get together the first five chapters together and beta read.
btw, Alastor is my self insert
"Look, I- I just…" Alastor paused, rubbing his shoulder in a self soothing gesture, looking away from Leo. "I don't know what you want. To gloat? I've been trying to make it clear I've given up. Why come back if all you're interested in is hurting me?"
Leo froze at that, looking down at the man in front of him. Alastor flattened his ears, balling his fists and staring at the ground as the silence dragged on.
"You know, I tried for a really, really long time to figure out what I did that made you hate me. Was it something I said? Something of my past that reminded you of her? Was I not good enough?"
He laughed, though it was high pitched, nervous energy bleeding into empty giggles as Alastor hid his face in his hands. "It took me a really long time to accept I'd probably never be good enough for you." Alastor continued, mirth gone as he frowned, going silent. The words hung between them for several seconds, heavy with meaning, Alastors breathing becoming more shaky as he waited.
Finally, Leo spoke up, his tongue heavy in his mouth with the unfamiliar and uncomfortable words. "I… apologize."
"Oh." Alastor seemed surprised by Leo's statement, stuttering for a few seconds. "...I don't know why you're apologizing." Alastor shifted his weight, his shoulders tensing like he was preparing to fight, but wasn't ready to try attacking Leo just yet.
Leo couldn't help wondering how often this had played through Alastor's head over the years. But as he considered his next words, Leo came to a realization. It felt like someone had just pulled a layer of cloth away from his eyes, leaving details of the scene in stark clarity. Alastor's pose wasn't hostile, it was scared. Defensive, even.
Suddenly the headache, the anxiety, his hands shaking even after Leo had crossed his arms to try and steady himself. It all made a horrid amount of sense. It wasn't his feelings, after all. It was so easy to just forget Alastor could radiate his feelings onto others, like how Lukas could project his thoughts and opinions to anyone nearby, should he choose to.
But it also meant that Alastor was currently terrified of him, and it sent Leo's non-existent stomach turning in knots, feeling like he was back in an all too familiar situation, although this time, on the opposite side he once took up. It took him a few moments to find the words to use, inhaling needlessly to ground himself before speaking them out loud.
"Hey, I'm sorry." He offered, not knowing what else to say, and instead reached out, intending to cradle Alastor's head in his hands, only to freeze as the dragon hybrid flinched away, as if expecting Leo to hit him. Leo froze, that feeling returning swiftly and while he understood why, Alastor's reaction had hurt.
"...Do you want me to leave?" Leo asked after a pause, his voice unusually quiet over Alastor's ragged breathing. There was a moment when neither one of them spoke, Leo watching his every reaction, sure that if he still needed to breathe, he would have suffocated at this point.
"...No." Came Alastor's soft, breathy response, the dragon hybrid's eyes flickering from left to right, darting around wildly. His wings shifted slightly in agitation – they were still tucked closely against his sides, his tail tucked between his legs, though he was starting to stand back up. "...I don't think I can be alone right now."
"How about this…" Leo paused, an idea running through his head, despite Lukas's warning of it being a bad idea. "Just for a little bit… You can do anything to me you want." Leo hesitated, holding out his arms in invitation as he forced down his near overwhelming anxiety to speak again "No consequences."
Alastor paused, staring at him now, his expression wary, and boarding on what Leo could only assume is hurt. "...No consequences?" Alastor asked, after a moment, slowly straightening up fully, his tail swishing against the marble floor, catching on the sitting area rug.
"No consequences." Leo repeated, assuring him, and internally preparing himself as Alastor approached him, looking unsure about himself as he reached out, pushing Leo into the sitting couch behind the god of night.
He was glad he didn't have to breathe, or else the wind would have been knocked out of him with the poor way he handled the fall. By the time he'd recovered, Alastor had crawled onto the couch next to him, and seemed to be judging his reaction before...
Curling up on Leo's chest, white wings wrapping around the ghost's torso like a larger, softer hug as his mind reeled for a moment- He hadn't expected this. If anything, he'd expected rage, hatred, a fight. But instead the dragon hybrid seemed to instead take the chance for physical affection, his face buried in the god of night's mane.
Leo lay there, for a long moment, before finally raising a hand, placing it on top of Alastor's head, and feeling the smaller male flinch with his full body, but not pull away. Feeling like he could continue to press ahead, Leo gently began to pet Alastor's head, slowly feeling him relax with the affection.
"You don't know how long I've wanted to do this." Alastor finally spoke up, his voice muffled by Leo's mane. "And part of me is mad because of it. Mostly because..." Alastor hesitated for a moment before he pulled back, and looked up at Leo with large golden eyes, a small frown pulling down one side of his mouth as he shook his head. "Like… Imagine if your bonded denied you any connection with them. Treated you as if you were nothing more than an insect that'd stain their shoe. Compared you to their abuser. All on assumptions they'd made about you."
Alastor stopped, taking several breaths as he tried to calm down, finally continuing once he'd blinked back the tears threatening to form. "And then they only start to care about you when it's revealed you have some kind of connection with them. Not when you were fighting for your life. Not when you were suffering. No, they only care about you when you have value to them. When their reputation is at stake with you. It's just..."
Alastor took another shaky breath, seeming to curl even tighter into Leo's chest. "The fact that they are bound to you doesn't seem to bother them much as much as what other people think about them, you know?"
Leo shifted, moving from half flopped across the couch to laying down properly, giving Alastor a more steady surface to curl up on his chest. "Is that how you feel we've treated you?" He asked, as Alastor's ears pinned back, the hybrid going silent. "Do you feel that we've belittled you? Do you think it's true that my bondmates haven't thought about you enough, and that the fact that you don't receive their care isn't an issue for them?"
For a moment, Alastor remained silent. Then he nodded hesitantly, and wrapped his tail tight around Leo's waist, nuzzling into the space where Leo's neck would be beneath his mane. He didn't say anything, so Leo decided to keep talking. "...How about I promise never to treat you like that anymore?" He said softly, as Alastor nodded again. "Okay? And that's a promise."
Alastor didn't respond immediately, so Leo gave him some time to collect himself. "...Alright." Alastor eventually responded, sounding reluctant, and he looked up at Leo, eyes bright with gratitude, "Thank you."
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shorkbrian · 3 years
Street Cat hybrid shoto seems to like you so much, even more than he likes his owner Momo
When you come to see momo, he is 24/7 by your side, following you around all day long, touching you and your things, licking your neck just like he always did since he was a lil baby cat *W* and even worst, he still cries when you have tô tô home!
Why aren’t you his owner? It was you who saved him, but you couldn’t have a hybrid at your apartment, so you left him with your best friend.
It was you who made him more human. Without you, shoto would be still living in the street. But how could he feel at home when his home is you?
One day, Momo sends a message asking you to take care of him while she works for a few days in another country. She says he only wants you, and gets pissy and teary when someone else comes
You are happy to help— i mean, things are being so stressful at your new work! It has been a week since you saw Shoto.
It just happen that you carry so many new smells
Shoto doesn’t like that >:(
(This is a prompt/request. Feel free to change things or deny this shit. I just want some beastial sex with yandere shoto who cries while humping your pussy bc he finally feels at peace)
hoooooo my gosh 
(What to expect - NSFW, noncon, scenting, thoughts of watersports)
Hybrid Shouto who’s long and lean, milky skin scarred and marred in places from the various fights he’s had while living on the street.
He’s got enough muscles to crush you when he hugs you, to put significant weight on you when he tries to cuddle up in your lap as you talk to Momo. 
You’re close with Momo, having fun “girls night” when you and Jirou go over and drink wine, do each others nails, and talk about whatever been’s going on that week.
Shouto never interrupts, is always quiet as long as he’s by your side, purring when you scratch behind his ear, stretching out so he’s sprawled across your legs where you’re sitting on the floor.
Jirou and Momo think it’s cute how attached the hybrid is to you, coo at him whenever the hybrid jumps to follow you around Momo’s house, touching everything you touch, rubbing his cheek against your shoulder, hovering one step behind you like a clingy shadow.
It’s hard to say goodbye, especially with Shouto clinging to you, jaw set, unshed tears shining in his eyes as he begs you to stay, just a little longer.
So “girls night” turns into a fun sleepover, no big deal.
It’s adorable when you wake up to find the hybrid curled up at your feet, tail tucked around his body as he snores softly, ears twitching. When you go to make coffee, you bump into Momo, and barely begin telling her about the cute occurrence, before Shouto is padding into the kitchen, frown on his face, immediately jumping towards you.
Crushes you in a hug, pushes you against the counter as he comforts himself by stroking your shoulder, licking at your neck. “Thought you left...” The hybrid whines.
It’s easy to see how much he cares for his savior.
When Momo asks you to watch him, of course you say yes. He’s easy to please, with an even temperament and hardly any bad habits. You’d say his worst habit is his clinginess, how you can’t even go to the bathroom without the hybrid lurking outside of the door, waiting for you to get out so he can be close to you again.
But it seems he’s developed some unsavory traits living on the streets, as he pushes you to the floor as soon as you cross into Momo’s home.
“You smell different.” And it’s not a question. The hybrid’s cold nose is tickling your skin, first at your hands, then your throat, ghosting over your face before he drops down, pushes up your shirt a little so he can nose at your stomach.
“Hey! Shouto wha-”
“You smell awful.” He hisses, tail puffing up, ears flat against his head. 
“I’m-I’m so sorry, I didn’t even realize.... I’ll go shower and change right now, okay? I’m sorry Sho’, I forgot you have such a sensitive nose.”
That calms him down a little bit, until you’re locking the bathroom door, Shouto stuck on the outside while you turn on the shower.
“Please let me in, I won’t look, just want to be close to you.” Comes his soft voice, and he sounds so sad, so plaintive, and you find yourself biting your lip.
“No, Shouto, I would like some privacy please while I shower. Afterwards we can cuddle or something, alright?”
There’s silence from the other side of the door, which is a tad worrying, but the quicker you can shower and change, the quicker you can go comfort the sensitive hybrid.
You find him curled up in his bed, buried underneath his blankets, frown on his face. It’s easy to slip in behind the hybrid, snuggling up against his furnace-like body heat.
No words are spoken, but the hybrid turns, buries his face into your neck, huffing and chuffing against your skin while you try not to squirm from the sensation. His little kitten licks tickle, especially when he starts grooming you, rough, textured tongue pulling rhythmically at your skin.
He dips too close to your chest, licking over your collarbone, but it’s innocent, harmless. Cats do this to each other when they feel safe, when they have a bond. You know Shouto is probably just trying to self-soothe after being left home all day. You know he’s a needy hybrid.
Shouto moves to lick at your arms, and that tickles even more, and you can’t stop from squirming and giggling a little when he licks at the crease of your elbow. Next thing you know, he has both of his slender, pale hands wrapped around one of your own hands, stuffing a few of your fingers into his mouth so he can suck on them.
You’re gasping in shock, surprised as you feel his fangs scrape over your flesh, the sensation strange and unexpected. “Shouto-!”
But the hybrid has his eyes closed, nose wiggling a bit as he falls into a rhythm, muscles relaxing as he settles down.
Another self-soothing gesture, you figure.
Today was a long day, and it doesn’t take too long before you get used to the unusual sensation of the hybrid’s tongue working over your fingers; it’s easy to fall asleep.
But when you wake up from your nap? Chaos.
Your shirt was askew, half your chest exposed, nipple pebbling in the cold as a neatly manicured hand rested over the meat of your breast.
The shorts you had slipped into out of the shower were still in place, but you were able to clearly feel the meat of Shouto’s erection as it rubbed against your mound, the hybrid’s hips stuttering forward as he panted above you, resting on an elbow.
He was gasping into your neck, quiet little breaths and held-back moans, trying not to wake you up.
But as soon as you got your bearings, began pushing at the hybrid, not even sure what to feel in this situation; Shouto lifted his head, blinking slowly.
“Want you to smell like me.” Is all the explanation that he offers, completely unmoving even as you get your hands underneath his chest and push.
“No-no, stop it, stop it right now Sho’.” Your voice is filled with panic, scratchy from sleep, weak.
Shouto shakes his head, buries it back into your neck as he starts licking at your skin, trying to comfort you, soothe you, calm you down. “I can’t...” But you knew what he was really saying, what was really running through his mind. I won’t.
The hybrid doesn’t settle until you’re drenched in sweat, wet and sticky from his cum as he’d pulled his cock out of his sleep shorts, came on your stomach, and thighs, and all over your shorts.
It doesn’t matter how much you squirm, how much you tell him that it’s wrong, how obviously unwanting you are of this treatment, Shouto doesn’t care.
Cum gets smeared on your face, into your hair, rubbed messily into your skin as Shouto nuzzles against you, purring as you tire from fighting him, grow limp underneath him, eyes staring blankly ahead as he violates you.
A small part of himself wants to go even further, to spread his seed into your mouth, down your throat, into your stomach. Shoot it deep into your womb, make you sticky and wet on not only the outside, but the inside too. An even worse, disgusting part of himself, a voice that Shouto refuses to listen to, gives him an urge to mark his territory in a primal, animalistic way.
Piss all over you, your belongings, until no one will come near you without smelling him.
Shouto wants you to smell like him, to smell claimed. By the time he’s done with you, it won’t matter how many showers you take - you won’t be able to rid yourself of his scent.
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How the ghouls react when they’re angry/upset about something and how they deal with it, because why not? Below the cut.
Aether: It takes a lot to really, really get under his skin, but when it happens, it’s not a pretty sight to behold. He doesn’t yell per say, but the tone of his voice shifts in a way that would probably make most other ghouls shrink back and tuck their tails between their legs. 
If he’s well and truly pissed off, he’s not going to get into the other’s face or fight them unless they instigate it first. He’s more likely to walk off to cool his head for a bit, maybe even have a cry about it if he’s really frustrated, and then come back when he’s calmer. 
It’s definitely a learned way of dealing with his anger, and not something that he did before arriving on the surface, but now he knows a bit better how to handle his emotions and not let himself get too worked up without an outlet for it.
Dewdrop: He’s very quick to anger, but as fast as it comes, so it goes. When he’s actually upset about something, it’s probably because he’s really hurt by what happened, so he’s more likely to slink off and hide until he feels better or the other person apologizes. 
He’s the type who snaps and yells first, but it’s the result of not feeling like he’s being heard or an inability to articulate his thoughts/feelings properly in the heat of the moment. 
When he’s really, really trying to say something without getting worked up about it again, he simplifies the way he’s speaking and is a bit more inclined to using gestures or body language to convey how he’s feeling. Keeping his sentences short helps him breathe and calm down.
Multi/Swiss: He gets quiet when he’s mad, and he probably won’t say anything for a while, but he doesn’t have to talk, because his body speaks for him. He tenses up, he taps his foot, bounces his leg if he’s sitting down, and clenches his jaw so hard that anyone might think he’s going to crack a tooth.
Sometimes, if he’s really steamed about something, he’ll say, “fuck it” and go for a run or see if anyone wants to fight him so he can tire himself out, but, much like Aether, he might need to have a little cry about the situation to actually feel better.
Once he’s cooled off, he’ll probably lead with an apology before getting into the reason he was upset.
Rain: His anger is scary, because he’s really such a sweet and easygoing ghoul, but when he’s mad? Whoo boy. It’s bad. It’s very, very bad, but it’s usually justified. 
Like Aether and Swiss, he’s going to cry, but the difference is that he’ll cry during the argument as opposed to after the fact, and that’s usually all it takes for the other person to start apologizing. 
And if they don’t? Well, they’ve got at least seven people prepared to leap on them at any given moment and make them regret it.
Mountain: Have you ever made eye contact with someone and immediately felt your blood run cold, and you’re not even the one they’re looking at? Yeah. The whole “gentle giant” vibe goes out the window when he’s mad.
He doesn’t yell that often, but when he does it’s usually because he’s worried more than anything else. Like if one of his buddies gets hurt doing something stupid, and he knows they’re going to be fine, he will shout and fret over them and just go through every emotion at once.
If he’s upset because of the latter reason, he’s probably going to make a point of being nearby so he can watch over his friend, but he’s going to pout the whole time.
Cumulus: The queen of the “I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed.” response. Really, she’s not mad. No, really, it’s fine. Everything is okay-Okay it’s not. 
Like Mountain, she’s usually only going to get really worked up if someone gets hurt, because while she is aware that ghouls are very durable, knowing that doesn’t exactly make her feel better. If anything, knowing how much it takes for them to get hurt makes it worse.
Will scold the other person thoroughly and then give them a hug to make up.
Cirrus: No one has seen her properly pissed off before, and that in and of itself is scary. 
None of the other ghouls are really sure how that would go down, and no one is willing to find out. Not even Dew and his infinite curiosity wants to find out what would happen.
In reality, she’s just better at navigating conflicts than some of the other ghouls, so she gets into less obvious altercations and arguments.
Sunshine: The smile goes away and she gets serious real fast, because, no, we’re not doing this today. She’s not going to let anyone leave until whatever argument or misunderstanding is cleared up, because they’re adults dammit. 
However, if all else fails?
She’s going to bite them.
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2-cute-4-school · 4 years
𝘕𝘊𝘛 𝘋𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘭𝘢𝘱 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺'𝘳𝘦 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘷𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘰 𝘨𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘴
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Mark Lee
so we all know mark is a quite expressive person with his emotions
and come on when playing video games we all rage and throw fits so emotions are running especially high ‎(ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻
what i’m trying to say is that mark is yelling, banging fists against his desk, laughing his ass off and pissing you off
i mean mark’s laugh is very cute and ENTIRE BLESSING TO HEAR but ♡ sleep ♡ is also precious 
but mark can’t hear your exaggerated sighs nor see your ever-lasting pout
so you lift your tired self from the bed and plop down on his lap
mark : “hUH??¿¿ B-BABE?!¿¿” (*〇□〇)……!
haechan, audible through the headphones: mark, not in front of the boys, you wild beast (๑⁍᷄౪⁍᷅๑)
mark opens his mouth to shout in protest but you bury your head in his shoulder and let out a soft whine and mark.just.COMBUSTS!!!
he grumbles something about how haechan is due for a good beating and nuzzles the side of his face against the top of your head  ♡(.◜ω◝.)♡
whenever he has a break and doesn’t need both hands to play, he brings one arm around you, cuddling you closer to himself and running his hand along the length of your spine
or just LAYS HIS HAND ON YOUR THIGH askfafwsr- ya know (˵ ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°˵)
doesn’t have the heart to break the atmsophere even after he shuts down his computer and just cocoons you in his warm arms and hums a song softly as you doze off intertwined together UwU
Huang Renjun
you’re just trying to be cute and create a romantic enviroment as you cuddle up to your boyfriend who is immersed in his game
“y/n?” his voice is soft, almost a hush and it could almost lull you to sleep
“yeah?” ෆ╹ .̮ ╹ෆ
“i can’t see because of your head”
FIRST HIT HOME but you didn’t give up of course, just flattened your cheek against his shoulder to accomodate his complaint 
just as you settle downs drowsily, glued to his frint, he covers his mic to grumble to you again  ಠ╭╮ಠ
“it’s getting hot” 
SECOND HIT HOME and you’re starting to get discouraged as you scoot a little further away from his body and loosen the grip of your hands around his neck (๑′°︿°๑)
but of course ever grumpy renjun still had complaints karen who
“my legs are falling asleep” 
*SIGH* “eye roll* *definetely not pouting* you start pulling yourself away from him and trudge defeatedly and bury yourself under a ton of blankets
but he just chickles, has the AUDACITY to chuckle, and brings you back on his lap, squeezing the life out of you  (≧д≦ヾ)
“i was just kidding babe don’t leave me!!” says renjun as he sways you kinda violently may i add from side to side and rubs his cheek against yours cuz he’s a kitty and adorable confirmed  ε=(。♡ˇд ˇ♡。)
rough love you have other there as you can see
Lee Jeno
jeno is GENTLE GIANT (ノ。≧◇≦)ノ
gentle loving giant in this case actually so even better
so we all know how the dreamies exposed this boy TWICE for playing video games 25/8 and he got scolded by his mum lol so i’m thinking
you’re trying to get him to go to sleep or at least rest his eyes he’s already blind enough i WONDER WHY damn
all this started when you settled in front of his computer to block his view
and as he argued with you he decided enough is enough and pulled you into his lap, traping you against his chest (╬ Ò ‸ Ó)
“jeno it’s 3 am!!” :<
“ just one more round baby” of video games ya nasties...no? only me?ok
he tries to give you a *smooch* but you move your face away and refuse to turn around and let him kiss you
and that’s where jeno draws the line (; ・`д・´)​
kithes are something that can’t berefused between you two, an unspoken rule you apparenly weren’t aware of
so with a ‘eep!!!’ from you, he simly stands up from his seat with you latched onto him like a koala like (^ω^ ≡ °д°)
“jeno put me down!!!11!!1! NOW!!” 
“kiss first” (.◜ ᵕ ◝.)  
“are you nuts??!!!?” *exaggerated smooch* “now put me down!!”
needless to say he’s not letting go anytime soon, he just plops into bed and you cuddle until you fall asleep you’ve been scammed
Lee Donghyuck
haechan is a very VERY petty brat person ಠ_ಠ
so guess what... fights with him are a national competition of petty acts
and you know what his ultimate move in your most recent fight is? *drum rolls* turning off the central heating really original hyuck i applaud you
and this kid knows exactly what he’s doing when he sits down in his gaming chair with a shit-eating grin  (ง ͠ ͠° ل͜ °)
he hears you stumble around the house in your dora the explorer exploration in the search of a blanket
but guess what? they’re all under his flat cake  ( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖)
so when you bardge in the room and find him hogging all the warmth you hope to intimidate him with your  ✨ highly horrific glare ✨
but he pretends to be too busy to notice you so you just defeatedly settle on his lap and under the blankets
“well well well look who’s crawling back with their tail between their legs”
“i might just cut off your front microscopic tail” (눈_눈)
but i just know he’s gonna cuddle you until you sweat your ass off under that mountain of blankets
and even when he can’t hold you, he’ll press his lips against your forehead, lingering there as his warm breath fanned across your skin
he also made a deal with you to which you didn’t necessarily agree with but that’s a minor detail am i rite
if he wins the round he gets a kiss as a reward (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
if he loses, he gets 2 kisses as a consolation (ฅ⁍̴̀◊⁍̴́)و ̑̑
you’re getting suspicious of his 4 consecutive losses
Na Jaemin
he’s a fluff ball we all know it, we all love it
he’d DIG THAT KIND OF SHIT  ٩̋(ˊ•͈ ꇴ •͈ˋ)و
and he babies you to the end of earth
99.8% chance that he’s gonna stop playing just to cradle you against his chest properly because YOU’RE. HIS. BABY!!! periodt.
cue yelling from his teammates for abadoning them in the middle of the game but that’s inevitable
“na jaemin you SIMP!!!!” 
but jaemin is too busy making puppy eyes at you (●♡∀♡))ヾ☆*。
he’d kiss you everywhere he could reach and then scoop your hands in his and bring them to his lips for another shower of kithes  (*'、^*)chu
and if you kiss him back??  
this man will literally COMUST with uwus istg
like just imagine you brush your lips against his neck and then you gently nuzzle against him??
jaemin would melt in your embrace ♡(。- ω -)
even if he did eventually go back to playing, he’d press kises anywhere in reach periodically cuz he’s soft like that
would also LOVE feeling your breath fan his neck he gets a unique feeling of comfort knowing that he has you so close to him  (๑˃ᴗ˂)
“even if you were the impostor i’d still vote myself out for you”
the romanticism of this decade 
Zhong Chenle
this boi is ruthless when playing video games
god frobid you’re in his way cuz you’re getting SQUASHED (「⊙Д⊙)「
 he obvioulsy LOVES winning
but ya know what he loves more than winning???
𝓨𝓞𝓤  ♡(㋭ ਊ ㋲)♡
so chenle is all (。+・`ω・´)
“you waste of space move along!!!!”  “shoot that gun straight dammit or i’ll shove it up yo- oh hey baby°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°“
the moment you plop down on his lap and curl yourself up with your head tucked under his chin, his blazing eyes soften so cutely
and so raging kid chenle turns into best babyboi chenle (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑
he M E L T S like he just leans into your touch and continues gaming  A LOT more silently and just smiles absent-mindedly the entire time
“yo chenle you dead????” most likely jisung on the other side of the headphones
“no?” 「(゚<゚)゙??
“... guys he’s plotting something, reatreat!! i repeat, RETREAT!!!”
“what?? no, what do you mean by that !??!!!”
you stir as his voice rises in volume and chenle immediately settles down again and shushes you while patting your heah and threading his fingers through your hair carefully (*-ω-)
goes straight for jisung after that teammate or not rip jisung you’ll be missed but also bad choice to annoy a soft-for-only-my-baby chenle
Park Jisung
a bit flustered but just couldn’t refuse you when you cutely asked him with wide puppy eyes if you could sit in his lap to watch him play
probably short circuited for a good 2 minutes before he could produce and intelligible answer (ง ´͈౪`͈)ว
and that’s how you found yourself perched on his lap, facing the screen with curious eyes as jisung struggled as if his LIFE depended on it
“how do you jump?” (,Ծ_Ծ,)
“you can’t jump”
“what do you mean you can’t jump?? gravity doesn’t work like that” Σ(・ิ¬・ิ)
you’re like 2 newborn babies running wild and unsupervised
“jisung, that character looks like you when you’re constipated” (๑꒪▿꒪)*
cue cackling from the devil spawns on the other side
he’s gonna keep in mind this betrayal UNTIL THE END OF TIME beware
if you catch sight of one of his hands not working away i bet my allowance you’ll have this uncontrollable urge to hold it in yours DO IT I NEED MY ALLOWANCE DON’T BE SHY
of course he’ll automatically intertwine your fingers together and bring them up for a chaste kiss  ~(^з^)-♡
and i know for sure that he won’t have the heart to let go of it even when he needs it to play sigh jisung you SIMP
he’s gonna get scolded and teased by the other later but ya know
at least he ain’t no touch starved coward ¯\(°_o)/¯
he gets grounded for that by jaemin
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