#and descriptive skills
Who Made Me a Villain (6)
[Masterlist] [Ao3]
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)(Part 5) This is a Halloween special as a treat. ------
Clark Kent, a mild mannered reporter, was drinking his coffee. Just like any other average Joe while editing Lois Lane’s latest scoop so there were no spelling mistakes and grammar errors.
Then, his super hearing picked up Lois’s heartbeat speedup. There was an ear-piercing scream that had him jumping out of his seat.
“Woah, Kent, what’s wrong?” A concerned colleague asked.
“Indigestion. Bathroom. Real quick.” Clark threw out the first excuse that came to mind before speeding down to the nearest bathroom. Being careful to keep it to human speed.
He had just finished changing into Superman when his phone rang, the caller ID showing Lois’s name.
“Who are you and what do you want?” Superman demanded.
“Name’s Rebel. And don’t worry your darling, I need her alive to do something I want.”
The voice sounded young and female. Superman went through his mental list of supervillains, trying to figure out who took Lois.
“Rebel…” Superman repeated, trying to put a face to the name. Then, he remembered Batman grumbling about Robin sending a picture of him covered in neon green paint and feathers to the Young Justice unofficial group chat who all were happy to show their mentors. It took everything for Superman not to burst out laughing when Kon had shown him the picture. The one responsible for Batman’s misfortune had been no other than Rebel.
“Aren’t you supposed to be Gotham, Rebel?” Superman asked as he flew towards where he knew Lois was.
“Ah. So the great Captain America has heard of me.”
Superman stopped in mid-air, purely due to confusion because Rebel sounded so confident that it was his name.
“Excuse me what?”
The French accent didn’t really help but make Clark think of those terrible Hollywood bad guys.
“You are excused. As I was saying, Captain, your beloved love is fine. I just need her to do this one little thing for me. Then, she’ll be free to go.”
“What do you want from me?” Superman asked again.
“Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Captain America, the world does not revolve around you. You aren’t the high and mighty god everyone thinks you are. I just need Mrs. Lane’s help in releasing a certain truth.”
“You will let her go right now!” Superman said.
He was narrowing on his wife’s location.
“I just told you that I will do that after I am done.” Rebel replied.
Superman arrived at the location but,
“This can’t be right.”
Rebel giggled over the phone. “Plot twist! Gotta love them.”
Superman was currently floating above Stryker's Island Penitentiary where the worst offenders of Metropolis were kept.
He scanned the buildings but couldn’t locate Lois.
“What did you do to her?”
“Chill, Captain. She’s fine. I just did something so you went after a fake heartbeat while I hid Lois.”
The fact that she tricked him using a complicated method that sounded like something Bruce would come up with had Superman raising his guard up. She was not an opponent to be underestimated.
“I am not going to repeat myself. What did you do to her?”
“Urgh. Can’t you overlook this little thing just this once?” Rebel complained, not concerned about the fact that she was provoking a man who could bend metal like it was rubber. “I am just stealing her for a few hours and then you can have her back. I even swear that she will be in the condition you last saw her in.”
“No. Give Lois back. Now.”
Rebel huffed. “You aren’t going to make this easy, huh? Then… beep.”
Superman was confused for a second when she made that sound with her voice.
Then, an explosion rocked the island below Superman. Instantly, the place was swarming with freed prisoners and guards trying to put them back.
“That should keep you busy. After all, the people of Metropolis need to be kept safe from the vicious criminals. Lois and I would probably be done with our girls’ day out by the time you are done. Au revoir.”
The phone hung up.
Trapped between the decision to save his wife and his city, Superman went to save the day.
“Man, your husband was a pain to deal with.” Rebel said after she hung up on Superman.
She turned back to Lois who was sitting unbound on a sofa with her recorder, notepad and pencil out. In front of her was a delicious spread of cakes, pastries and cookies with a mouth-watering scent which Lois tried her best to ignore.
“You kidnapped me and blew up a prison. I don’t think he would be happy to see you.” Lois pointed out. “This isn’t about him.” Rebel dismissed. “This is about you, helping me expose one of the biggest cover ups in history.”
“What makes you think I would help you?”
“What if I told you that four years ago. There was a supervillain in Paris that used negative emotions to turn people into monsters and the mayor had made sure news of it never got out.”
Lois snorted. “I don’t write fantasy, kid. I only write the truth.”
Rebel slapped down a bunch of newspapers dated from four years ago to the most recent one and a lot of documents.
“Here’s evidence. I promise that they aren’t faked. You can even use your phone to search all of this up if you still don’t believe me.”
Lois grabbed the one that was oldest and the front page talked about some stone golems wrecking the city. She read through it. Then, she looked at another paper dated a week later and read the front page talking about evil butterflies.
Fifteen minutes later and some google searches, Lois put down her phone and the newspapers.
She gave Rebel a professional smile. “Now… about that scoop you were going to give me.”
She watched Rebel’s eyes lit up.
Hours later…
Superman landed on the roof of the Daily Planet where Lois stood safe and sound. He scanned her with his x-ray vision and felt relieved to see that she was fine.
“Lois, are you okay?” Clark asked with worry as he hugged her.
“I’m fine. Honestly, it was the best kidnapping I've ever been in.” Lois replied, hugging back.
“Thanks for the compliment, Ms. Lane.” The unwanted spectator to their reunion said.
Rebel cheerfully waved from where she was on her bike as Superman glared at her.
“I am going to-”
“That’s my cue to leave.” Rebel cut off his threat as she took out a lead box. “Really lucky I stole this off the Big Bat the other day.”
Superman immediately backed away when the box was opened, revealing a glowing green rock.
“Bye, Captain America.”
Rebel tossed it onto the ground and sped off on her bike.
It took a moment for Superman to remember that they were on a roof and that Rebel was insane.
He watched Rebel drop down as gravity took hold. Superman immediately flew after her, only to find that she had disappeared in between the seconds his eyes were off her.
His brain finally caught up and Superman realised that he wasn’t feeling any effect of Kryptonite.
He turned around to see that the box was still open. Cautiously, Lois picked it up and closed it.
“You okay, Clark?” She asked.
“Can you give me the box, Lois?”
She nodded with confusion and slowly handed it over.
Clark slowly opened the lead box and laughed in disbelief. Inside was just some clear plastic crystals with a glowing green light underneath.
“Superman.” Batman nodded in acknowledgement. “Why are you here?”
“I need you to run some tests on Lois’s blood. She had a run in with one of your Rogues. She said that she feels fine. But I want to be sure.” Superman answered. He handed Batman the vial of blood. He accepted it and put it in his pocket.
“I will do that as soon as I get back to the Cave. Who was it that she encountered?”
Batman stiffened at the mention of her name. “I see. What did she do to Lois?”
“Gave an interview I suppose. Lois was immediately on research binge about something that happened in France afterwards. She also had a few of the food Rebel laid out because she was hungry and I quote ‘they were the most delicious pastries ever’. She insisted that she was fine but I wanted to be sure.”
Batman’s frown deepened at that answer.
“Is something wrong?” Superman asked anxiously. This was the mother of his child and the love of his life that was in danger here.
“Lois is most probably fine but I will still run the test to ease your mind. I know Rebel won’t do something to the food unless it was for a prank. Even then, it’s nothing toxic or lethal.” Batman answered.
The answer didn’t reassure Superman.
“She blew up Stryker's Island, Batman.”
He couldn’t understand why Batman seemed so unbothered that such a dangerous villain was running around freely and causing chaos wherever she went.
“She regularly does it to Arkham.”
“Bruce. She lured me into a trap with a fake heartbeat of Lois. She fooled me into thinking she had kryptonite. She rode off the roof of the Daily Planet on her bike and disappeared into thin air. And Rao knows why she keeps calling me Captain America!” Superman ranted.
He took a deep breath to calm down before asking his question. “Rebel is clearly dangerous so why aren’t you taking her as a serious threat?”
Batman stared at him. Clark knew that this was his decision making face.
“You said that Lois was looking into something that happened in France.”
Superman nodded. “Yeah. Is Rebel related to it?”
Batman sighed. It was filled with regret and shame.
Superman knew that this was not good news.
“I was going to bring this up at the next League meeting but Rebel appeared to be getting impatient.” Batman started.
“What happened in France?”
“We, as the League, had made a huge oversight. There was a major problem in Paris for many years. A villain who could turn people into monsters had the city hostage. Rebel intends on making sure that we rectify our mistake.” Batman started.
He told Superman everything. About how Rebel brought the issue to his attention. What her plans were. Her past.
“Bruce, are you sure? She could be lying.” Superman said.
“I did my research. It’s all true. There is too much evidence to be faked. Some parts are still being investigated but it is largely the truth.”
Superman looked solemn. He couldn’t understand how something like this never fell on his radar. Batman had to rely on reports and technology to get his information. He was just a man after all. It would be easy for something like this to slip past his radar, especially how tightly controlled the information was.
Clark had super-hearing and this news about Paris had completely blindsided him.
“How could we have missed something so big for so long?” He muttered.
“Too many factors prevented news about it from reaching us. The past is done. What we can do is prepare so nothing like won’t ever happen again.” Batman said firmly.
Superman agreed. They had to do better.
“First, we have to catch a moth.”
It wasn’t the threat of Rebel unleashing her plans on the world that had him motivated to capture Hawkmoth. It was the determination to atone for his ignorance while a city suffered hell on a daily basis.
October 30th, Halloween Eve…
Spoiler looked through the binoculars to spy on the group of men moving a crate gently into a warehouse. Plastered in stickers that said ‘Fragile’, the crate was an object of interest for the vigilantes. 
“I got eyes on the target, O.” Spoiler reported. “They are moving it into warehouse number 32. East side of the Gotham Docks.”
“Hear that, Robin?” Oracle asked.
“Got it.” Robin replied as he ran towards the location.
“Oh. I see you, Robin.” Spoiler said.
“Eyes on the target, Spoiler.” Oracle admonished her.
“Sorry, O.”
“Hey. Can you tell me what you Bats are doing here?” A mechanical voice came from Spoiler’s left. 
It was lucky that Spoiler didn’t immediately scream and instead tried to punch the new arrival. He caught her attack easily with his one hand.
“Red Hood.” Spoiler greeted once she recognised who it was.
“I am asking again. What are you Bats doing here?”
“Spoiler, you okay?” Robin’s worried voice came over the comms.
“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just Red Hood.” Spoiler replied.
Looking back at Red Hood, she said, “I will tell you if you tell me what you are doing here.”
“I think we are both after the same thing.” Red Hood said, tilting his head in the direction of the warehouse.
“Black Mask’s mysterious package.” Spoiler nodded.
“It’s actually Rebel’s.” Red Hood explained. “Black Mask’s men intercepted the delivery and she asked for my help to get it back.”
“Do you know what’s inside?”
“She said it was supposed to be a fun Halloween surprise.”
“So it’s harmless.”
Red Hood shrugged. “All I know is that I should not be within a mile of it when the clock strikes midnight tonight.”
“We have five hours then.” Oracle’s voice came through Spoiler’s comms and inside Red Hood’s helmet.
“Jesus, don’t just hack into people’s helmets.” Jason complained.
“Well, we don’t have extra comms on hand.” she retorted.
“Hood, did Rebel tell you anything else about the package?” Robin asked.
“Just that it’s set to be unleashed the minute it is Halloween. Oh and don’t open it. I think it’s some kind of special bomb.”
“You didn’t ask?” “It’s Rebel. What harm can she do? It’s probably some kind of high quality glitter bomb.” Red Hood replied casually.
“You have no idea how destructive she has gotten lately.” Oracle said. “Last month, she blew up Stryker's Island. That was after she had kidnapped Lois.”
“Is she trying to go after Superman?”
“She wanted Lois to spread her ‘take down Hawkmoth’ agenda.”
“Hawkmoth? Never heard of him. Who the hell is that?” Red Hood asked.
“Rebel’s personal vendetta.” Spoiler answered.
“Sorry to cut this short, guys but Black Mask is coming.” Robin said. “We can fill you in on what happened later”
“Truce?” Red Hood offered. “I still owe Roman a beating.”
“No killing, Hood.” Oracle set as her condition.
“Fine. Let’s go.”
Red Hood loaded his guns and jumped into the fray with Spoiler in her purple glory following.
Robin spotted Black Mask running into the warehouse. He slammed the goon he was fighting against the ground as hard as he could. 
“Somebody go and stop Black Mask! He’s going into the warehouse.” Robin said to everyone before he picked up his dropped staff and went back to fighting.
They were outnumbered and a few of the goons were trained from what Robin could tell.
“Oracle, what’s the ETA on back up?”
“Hang in there, Robin. Batman and Batgirl’s ETA is under one minute.”
“Good. Let’s hope that someone can stop Black Mask before we find out what Rebel’s Pandora box holds.”
Red Hood ran towards the warehouse as soon as he heard the report from Robin.
He had a score to settle with the other crime lord.
“Sionis, where are you?” Red Hood bellowed into the warehouse.
His helmet picked up the sound of someone running and Red Hood sprinted in the direction of the sound.
It became a chase and a gunfight with the two crime lords exchanging gunfire and one trying to lose the other in the maze that was the warehouse. Black Mask used every trick he had to throw Red Hood off his track.
However, it was fruitless as Red Hood continued to chase him like a bloodhound.
As desperation seized him, Black Mask picked up a crowbar that was lying around and ran towards the box he had stolen from that upstart Rebel.
Rumour has it that it is a weapon she had made for the Bats. Intended to drive them mad.
Red Hood rounded around the corner, just in time to see Black Mask pry the box open.
The lid was off. 
Last Month in Metropolis. A day before Lois’s kidnapping…
A young woman sauntered through the hallways of Stryker's Island Penitentiary. Then, she stopped in front of the cell she was looking for.
“Hello, Toyman.”
“Rebel.” Toyman greeted back. “What a pleasure to see you again.”
“I would like to contract you to make a few things for me.” Rebel went straight to the point.
Toyman gave her an interested look. “What would be in it for me?”
“Would getting you out of this place give me a discount?” Rebel asked.
Toyman smiled. “I suppose that might be possible. I’m a generous man after all. But that still doesn’t answer what you want me to make.”
Rebel chuckled. “It’s September. It’s practically nearly Halloween. And I really really want to make it a memorable one. Especially for the heroes in my city. I would like to commission a few toys. Here’s a list.”
She handed it to him.
Toyman hummed as he read it over. This could be a good deal. He would get his freedom and just make a few dolls with a bit of profit.
“How many would you like to make?”
“As much as you can before the deadline which is a few days before Halloween. Say the twenty-eight? Would that be possible? I would pay a set price for each one you can finish.” Rebel said.
“Can you back it up? I am not saying that you are not trustworthy but...” Toyman didn’t manage to finish before Rebel took out a wad of cash, all in hundred dollar bills.
She took half of it and handed it to Toyman through the bars.
“This is for the materials. Once I get you out of here, we are going to make a legal contract to discuss the finer details.”
“It is going to be an honour to work with you.” Toyman said.
Rebel grinned under her mask. “It’s nice doing business with you, Toyman.”
“So when do I get started?”
“Tomorrow afternoon-ish. That’s when something would happen and you escape in the chaos.” 
“How would I know it happened?”
“You will know. And try not to get caught by the guy who wears the ‘S’. A second breakout might not be easy to plan.”
After she left, Toyman felt giddy at the taste of freedom and to make so many new toys.
Black Mask reached into the box and took its content out.
“WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?” Black Mask said in angry disbelief as he held a doll in his hands.
Red Hood took that opportunity to tackle the man and handcuff him.
In his curiosity, Red Hood glanced into the box and saw that the box just contained dolls.
There was your typical Raggedy Ann, clowns, ventriloquist dummies, string puppets, those collector’s dolls with the pretty frilled dresses, a few Barbie dolls and some plushies that resembled some of the Bat vigilantes.
“Hood. Come in, Hood.” Batman’s voice came from his comms.
“Cool your jets, Batman. I got Black Mask. He managed to open the box but it’s just dolls inside. Rebel probably tried to scare us into not opening the box because they’re for a prank and it would ruin the surprise.”
“Good to hear.” Batman said with a hint of relief.
Tim curiously picked up the Robin plushie and inspected it.
The Bats had taken the box of dolls with them to the Batcave to later give back to Rebel.
“The quality is so good. The details are amazing and so accurate. Wonder who made it.” Tim wondered curiously before he discovered initials stitched in the inner lining of the cape of the toy.
“W.S.J” Tim read out as he traced the letters. There was a niggling thought at the back of his head that he should look into who the mysterious toymaker was.
Meanwhile, Steph was tentatively holding the Raggedy Ann doll and telling Jason about the true story behind the Annabelle movies.
“Did you know that the real Annabelle doesn’t actually look like the doll in the movies?” Steph said as she held up the Raggedy Ann to Jason, “It was actually a Raggedy Ann doll that looked just like this one.”
Jason frowned as he gave the doll a slightly wary look. “It doesn’t look creepy at all.”
“That’s what makes it so unsettling. Something innocent hiding its sinister nature.” Steph explained.
Damain frowned as he picked up one of the collector’s dolls. “I don’t see what is creepy about some toys.”
“It’s the terror of something that should be lifeless moving around. Something that should be harmless becomes something dangerous.” Jason mused.
“But why dolls? I don’t think a piece of porcelain dressed in lace could scare anyone. I would be sc…alarmed if Father’s dinosaur came to life but not these.” Damian said as he held up one of the dolls.
“You should try watching some horror movies.” Jason told Damian.
Cass picked up a ballerina string puppet she had found and showed it to Bruce with a questioning look.
“It’s a string puppet. Have you seen Pinocchio yet?”
“No.” Cass replied as she shook her head.
“Remind me at our next movie night. So the strings make the puppet move. Here look.” Bruce took the puppet from Cass and expertly manipulated the strings so the ballerina waved and walked a bit before breaking out a few ballet moves. Cass clapped with wonder at the end of his performance.
“Teach me?” Cass asked.
“Sure.” Bruce promised.
Next, Cass took out the ventriloquist dummy and inspected it.
“Scarface?” She asked.
“Yes. It’s a ventriloquist dummy just like Scarface. How it works is that the ventriloquist holds the dummy and throws his voice so it looks like it is the dummy that’s talking instead of the ventriloquist.”
“Show me.”
Bruce obliged as he slipped his hand into the dummy and the dummy started to move its mouth.
“Hello, Cass, nice to meet you.” said the Dummy as it held out its hand.
Cass shook its hand. “Hello.”
She asked Bruce, “Can I try?”
“Of course.” Bruce said as he gave her back the dummy.
Cass breathed in and out a few times and then raised the dummy up.
“Hello. Nice to meet you.” Cass’s voice came from the dummy this time.
Bruce smiled as he ruffled her hair. “You’re good at this.”
“Thank you.” said the Dummy.
“If you are all done playing, it’s time you all went to bed.” Alfred said as he brought in his famous after patrol snacks; cucumber sandwiches. “After a shower.”
Jason put the Raggedy Ann doll back into the box.
“Well, it’s late and I need to get back home.” Jason said as he walked towards his bike.
“You can stay the night, Master Jason.” Alfred said. “I have taken the liberty of cleaning your room.”
“Thank you, Alfred but…” Jason trailed off, not knowing how to convey that he didn’t want to stay in the Manor despite his truce tonight with Bruce but also not wanting to offend the butler/grandfather-figure.
“I understand, Master Jason. Perhaps another time.” Alfred said in his wise way.
“Thank you, Alfred.” This time, there was a look of gratitude in Jason’s eyes.
The morning after was a busy and bustling day but there was something not right in the Wayne Manor.
Tim woke up from having fallen asleep while working on trying to find the maker of the dolls. His laptop had turned itself off sometime during the night. He stretched and yawned.
Out of the corner of his eyes, he spied the Robin plushie sitting on his bed.
“That’s strange. I could have sworn that I left you in the box last night.” Tim said, scratching his head. He picked the plushie up and examined it again in the morning light.
It was more accurate than Tim had initially found. In fact, it was like it was an exact likeness of him. Which was a very scary thought. He wondered how Toyman knew that he had a mole on his arm near his elbow and the birthmark on the side of his hips. Tim theorised that Rebel must be a very good stalker.
He put the plushie back on bed and headed down for breakfast. Tim didn’t see the plushie morphed its uniform into the outfit that Tim was wearing.
Tim walked down to the kitchen and sat down.
He thanked Alfred who set down a delicious plate of pancakes in front of him.
“Morning, Steph.” Tim said to the blonde who was dressed in a purple cowgirl outfit and a white Stetson hat.
“Morning, Tim.”
“Who are you supposed to be anyways?” He asked.
“Barbie but with the Stephanie twist.” She replied.
“Ah. Gotcha.” Tim said after he finished his mouthful of pancake. “You look so realistic by the way.”
Bruce entered the kitchen and sat down with a groan, his hand massaging his neck.
“You okay, B?” “Just feeling a bit stiff. I’m not as young as I used to be.” Bruce replied with a grimace.
Slowly, the other occupants of the house trickled in and the kitchen was filled with the Waynes and Steph dug into their breakfast.
Dick came all the way from Bludhaven to help out on what is annually one of the worst nights of the year in Gotham. At least one Rouge would have plans for Halloween.
To break this peaceful moment would be one Jason Tood who angrily stomped into the kitchen, clutching a Raggedy Ann doll.
“Didn’t we agree on leaving me alone? That includes not finding out where my safehouses are.” Jason said.
He held up the doll and asked, “Which one of you left this at my place this morning as a prank?”
Several confused faces stared back at him.
“Was it you?” Jason pointed at Steph and demanded.
She put her hands up in surrender. “It wasn’t me. I was busy studying for the test I have today. Ask Bruce. He can tell you that he helped me with flashcards.”
“Then, was it you, Tim?”
Tim blinked at Jason. His mind took a few seconds to answer because Tim was not a morning person.
He shook his head.
“No. I was looking into who made these dolls.” Tim answered.
“The dolls all have the initial W.S.J. and they were all incredibly detailed. I also wanted to know why Rebel would need them. The maker turned out to be no one other than…” Tim dramatically paused: “Toyman.”
“Suddenly, I feel like we should have burned that box when we could.” Steph said to break the silence.
They should have.
“So how bad is it?” Dick asked Zatanna, anxious about what curse had befallen his family.
They had gone down to the Batcave to get rid of the box. Only to find it empty. It led to hours of searching for them. Except Tim never came back from his room to retrieve the Robin plushie.
Dick went to check on Tim only to find that he had turned into the plushie.
Imagine finding your brother missing and suddenly the mini plushie replica of your brother started moving and talking. It immediately went onto the top ten weirdest and scariest list of things Dick had experienced.
Then, the next to go was Steph who slowly became plastic. Her face was stuck in a smile while her skin hardened into shiny plastic. She was in class when it happened and they had to go pick her up.
Cass found the dummy but it got attached to her hand and started to speak on its own in Cass’s voice. Cass herself was unable to utter a word.
The stiffness that Bruce had complained about was the fact that he was slowly turning into wood and almost invisible strings controlling his every move.
The final terror was the Raggedy Ann doll that suddenly gained life and proceeded to hunt Jason down for sport. No matter how far Jason managed to get away from the doll and Dick’s best efforts to keep the doll contained, it still managed to escape to go after Jason.
Somehow, Dick, Alfred and Damian were the only ones unaffected by the ‘curse’. They managed to figure out why when Babara told them that Black Mask and his men were attacked by the missing dolls and some of them were experiencing the same things as the Bats and about Jason’s warning from Rebel before everything went down.
Desperate, Dick asked Superman to track down Toyman and asked him how to reverse the effect only to find out that he only made the dolls. The curse was someone else's doing. 
Which was why they had called Zatanna to see if she could reverse it.
“Well, there’s the good news and the bad news.” she announced. “Good news is that it is reversible and the curse only lasts for a day. I recommend to just wait it out because the reversing would take longer than the deadline. The curse is too complicated to simply undo.”
“So that’s the bad news?” “No. The bad news is that I recognised a bit of the spellwork. It is a bit similar to how my father would do it so chances are that whoever did this is a student of my father. The thing is I know most of my father’s students and what is bad is that I don’t recognise the magical signature of who put this curse on the dolls.”
Puppet Bruce jerked his head at the information that Zatanna had given them. Dick noticed.
“Paris.” Bruce managed to get past with his wooden lips.
“Paris? Are you talking about the Miraculous?”
“Wait, you think one of the Miraculous heroes is involved in this?”
Zatanna gasped. “I remember Batman telling me that Ladybug was a student of my father. I looked into his old journals and he mentioned a student named Marinette during his stay in Paris.”
“Marinette. Marinette. Why does it sound so familiar?” Dick tried to recall where he had heard that name before.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” Damian answered for him. “It’s Rebel’s legal name.”
Just like that, pieces of the puzzle fell into place.
“Rebel used to be Ladybug.”
The revelation felt bitter on Dick’s tongue. He had seen the videos of Ladybug in action. He would say that she was inexperienced but she was compassionate and willing to lend a hand to anyone in need. He thought that it was nice of her to forgive her enemy instead of causing pain on the man who had caused her so much grief.
He couldn’t believe he saw the similarities between the two girls sooner.
Rebel was cunning and sharp enough to always stay a step ahead of them. Her planning and paranoia on par with the Batman himself. Useful skills to have as a hero.
Then again, Rebel couldn’t be more different from Ladybug. She was more cynical and petty. Rebel caused chaos wherever she goes instead of cleaning up the mess. She saw everything as a game and never took anything seriously. 
Dick wondered what it was that pushed Rebel over the edge. The line drawn between heroism and villainy. Then he remembered how Rebel was sent to Gotham in the first place.
“Damn. Rebel has really good valid reason to fuck that Hawkmoth guy up.” Jason said. “In fact, I am surprised she hasn’t razed Paris to ashes yet.”
“Can you imagine?” Zatanna said, having been briefed a bit on the Paris situation and had heard about Rebel’s kidnapping of Lois, “The city you gave so much to save, branding you as a criminal and sending you to one of the worst places on Earth.”
“People have turned to crime for less.” Damian pointed out.
“But Rebel used to be a hero. One of us essentially. It’s just sad that we had to meet her as people on opposite sides.” Dick said.
“It only shows her lack of will.” Damian said.
“I think Rebel had reached her breaking point and honestly, I might too if I face it all alone like she did.”
The Cave was in a sombre silence for the hero that once was Ladybug. Dick remembered something Bruce once said about Two-Face and Harvey Dent.
‘You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become a villain.’
The next day, just as Zatanna said, the spell wore off and everyone was human again and able to freely talk again. Other than some nightmares about the experience for a month or so, they were fine.
The Batfamily had a meeting about the new revelation that they had discovered last night.
“Bruce, tell us the truth. Did you know from the beginning?” Tim asked. “I only had suspicions but Zatanna confirmed them with her father’s journal.” Bruce answered. “This changes nothing.”
“It does, Bruce. You failed another young hero.” Jason said, his tone sharp and accusing. “Not even one of the ‘sidekicks’. You turned your back on the One Main Hero who had been there since the beginning and saw through it to the end. She didn’t get the happy ending she deserved. Instead, she was rewarded for her sacrifices by being sent to fucking Arkam Asylum in one of the most dangerous city in the world.”
“Todd, stop projecting. The way I see it, Rebel had seen the errors of her way and intended to fix her mistake regarding Hawkmoth. She should have locked him up when she had her chance.” Damian shot back.
“Boys, settle down. The fact of the matter is that whether Rebel used to be Ladybug or not, Hawkmoth needs to be arrested before Rebel does something more sinister than what she did yesterday.”
“Wasn’t it an accident?” Steph asked.
“According to Toyman, we had always been the intended recipients of that particular gift.” Dick answered. “It was dumb luck that Black Mask opened it while most of you were in the area.”
“After this latest incident, the League and I have decided that Rebel must be contained.” Bruce announced.
Jason jumped out of his seat. “Bruce, she’s just a kid!”
“But she’s a formidable threat. Who knows what else she might do if she is left unchecked and she doesn’t like the progress on the Hawkmoth investigation.”
Jason growled and then left.
Bruce told everyone that they should catch Rebel if they saw her before he ended the meeting.
Rebel stood in front of a half-finished mural, a spray can in hand.
“So we finally met, my dear daughter.” The voice belonged to the man who starred in Gotham’s nightmare.
Rebel didn’t bother to turn around and simply looked at him from over her shoulder.
“Which one are you?” She asked.
“I’m sorry?”
Rebel went back to spray-painting as she explained, “I know that there are at least three of you running around Gotham. I want to know which one you are.”
Joker laughed. A genuine laugh instead of the mad one he usually makes.
“You really do live up to your reputation, Rebel. I can tell that you are a real wildcard.” Joker said excitedly.
“You still haven’t answered my question.”
“Very well then. I am the Joker. The original one. Not the copycats I made because I was bored. And Rebel, I am your father.”
----- (Part 7)
Taglist:  @toodaloo-kangaroo, @iloontjeboontje, @buginetye, @angelwreckedd, @anoires-blog, @ever-since-i-was-young, @shutupandactuallylisten, @its-maemain, @vel-vee, @kashlyn, @officiallydarkgeek, @jayjayspixiepop, @cmouse, @transheso, @thecrazyfantrolls, @just-a-random-girl-loves-anime, @maddiesupdates, @the-dumber-scaramouche,
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micer2012 · 1 year
Brassius was in ORAS 8 years ago! 🌻
hello everyone! :] when i was watching gameplay of scarlet and violet on call w my friends i screamed aloud and scared them seeing these:
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These (and 1 other in the town) are secret base decorations from ORAS, and when interacted with they say the same name and that they're from an 'unknown artist'. but given all the other art in the town was made by Brassius, I wanted to go look at these in ORAS
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In ORAS, in the Lilycove Museum there is an artist (using the Kindler model probably because of the apron and gloves, ORAS doesn't have an artist trainer class) who says he just tried to submit his art to the museum and had it denied, and offers to sell it to you for ¥100000
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(his dialouge if you refuse to buy anything ^ i can cry)
this museum also has a sculpture of a Shroomish by an "up and coming artist", and a painting of grass pokemon (...🌻 in RSE?)
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(Brassius also has a Breloom on his team in his rematch)
Now, some guy selling his sculptures for a profit in the same museum that just rejected them seems to fit with Brassius saying there was a time he only cared about money and fame (possibly after his art was already featured in the museum) and made shallow trash
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it makes sense that he wouldn't put his name on this old work, and that perhaps Surrendering Sunflora was an attempt at a return to form of his first popular work, the Shroomish. the last bit of evidence:
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an artist saying it must be a brassius original, though the style is off.
(to be clear i don't think they were planning this for 8 years or anything (though the Kindler and shroomish specifically were added in ORAS) but that theyre tying Brassius into this Lilycove Museum guy retroactively, and its really cool!!! more people need to know!!)
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higgsbison · 5 months
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Randomly updates that one fic where Jean has custom skills and they're all absolutely, horrifically useless.
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bluastro-yellow · 8 months
Kurvitz stresses that Kim doesn't actually have a character sheet hidden in Disco Elysium's code. Imagining that Lieutenant Kitsuragi has only one natural attribute point in Motorics helps the ZA/UM team to understand the depth of his character beyond what's referenced in the game's dialogue. "We just came up with this stuff for coherency," says Kurvitz. "And because we're nerds."
"I like to think Kim has a Thought Cabinet project called Revolutionary Aerostatic Brigades that he's worked on since he was a teenager," Kurvitz says. "This raises the learning caps for his Reaction Speed and Interfacing."
Kim's high Volition skill makes him impervious to prying, Kurvitz says, as the detective can find out on occasions being met with Kim's brick-wall resolve. Kim often chastises these whims of the detective's, but will occasionally play along. The Lieutenant finds his new partner funny, says Kurvitz.
Kim is naturally shit at Motorics and thinks Harry is funny source
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you know those Nefarious Trap Doors cartoon villains are so obsessed with? the ones that lead inevitably to acid-shark-piranha-infested-radiation-lava moats? ok so I appreciate and respect the gimmick, BUT.
I think more swirly slides should be involved
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soledadcatalina · 1 year
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[id: a digital sketch of kim kitsuragi and harry du bois from disco elysium playing boggle. the two are frantically scribbling down words in their respective notes while studying the boggle board. harry on the right is being consulted by his skills visual calculus, encyclopedia, reaction speed, and hand/eye coordination, who are all similarly absorbed and frantic over the game. /end id]
you know how it is with boggle
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equill · 28 days
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Another Otsutsuki?!
we’re messing up the timeline for this one. (I lost this crack idea but then it came back… the abyss stare back and I jumped in.)
anyways, now some kids meeting the new kid
Panel 1: There’s something wrong here.
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Comic 1: Attention.
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they’re both in the same boat
Comic 2: Day Off (with confusion.)
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he just a little insecure,, (kakashi still told him to get it together)
back to the future now
Comic 3: What. (huh?)
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Panel 2: very tiny.
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pencildragons · 4 months
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is this anything (i made this in powerpoint)
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pelipper · 7 months
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Kenshi using his telekinesis to lift up and bring Johnny Cage closer to him so he can give him a big smooch.
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thegracefulwillow · 7 months
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Pandora Hearts Month day 20: Pocketwatch
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pratchettquotes · 11 months
She wished, oh, how she wished, to be like Nanny Ogg, who understood things and knew how to hammer silence into laughter.
Terry Pratchett, I Shall Wear Midnight
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dinosquad-central · 8 months
Thanks to @quinnsteria we have some Dino Squad concepts! And the character notes are gold (transcriptions below)
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Max/T-Rex: good instincts, charm, class president, BMOC; risk-taker, hot-dogger, jock, easy smile and laid-back demeanor, serous de facto leader. Tom Cruise's "Maverick”, big ego, feels like he's leading the Marx Brothers onto the beaches of Normandy. He was winning in life and lost this so he's now a bit bitter
Fiona/Spinosaurus: Billy Murray + "Old" Rosie O'Donnell, speed freak. easy going, fast driving, tomboy-athlete, quick wit, need for speed. When not burning rubber she's “kicking it” with the guys.
Caruso/Stegosaurus: wants to be cool at any price, changes personality at will, bit funny, bit like Scooby, empty headed ego. Thinks he's better than others, ultimate wannabe, incredibly vain and self-centered, attention span of a gnat. Every new passion is his ticket to mega-stardom. A teen version of Ben Stiller's Zoolander, "I'm too sexy for my shirt”.
Buzz/Pteranodon: false hero, scared, bitchy funny, bit like Shaggy, tough-talking loudmouth, all show no guts. Wants to be a tough hero, but afraid of own shadow. The bigger they are, the harder they fear! Joe Pesci as the Cowardly Lion, turned Cowardly Dino.
Rodger/Styracosaurus: Chris Rock + MacGiver, under appreciated, gets no respect, makes cool multi-tools... “and it also makes great cappuccino!” Why? Because it can! wise-cracking, limitless technical skills, drives others crazy with an endless practical jokes.
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atinywriter · 1 year
kitchen confessions
[ yunho x reader ] [ bestfriendstolovers!au]
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[ listen to: dance, baby! by boy pablo // fallingforyou by the 1975 ]
[ wordcount: 2.2k ]
[ warnings: unedited, paragraph or two of a creep, little bit of kissing, soft yunho hours, my first imagine so please bear with me. ]
The pulse of the bass and the strobe of the lights had put [y/n] into a trance on the dance floor. San and Wooyoung were on either side of her swaying body, the three of them chatting away excitedly with grins on their faces. Every now and then San and Wooyoung would try to out do each others funky little dance moves, which would lead to the three of them giggling hysterically. With the group of bodies moving together [y/n] could feel herself overheating. She let both of the boys know that she was going back to their table for her drink, and started making her way between people to get there.
The bar that her friends had chosen was fairly popular, and the crowd was only growing the longer the night went on. After shimmying her way through a group of giggling girls, her eyes on their groups table in the corner, she’s stopped by a hand grasping her arm. She is turned abruptly by the firm grip, and her eyes meet the eyes of a plain boy clearly trolling on the dance floor. Without letting go of her arm, the boy starts to speak.
“I saw you over there dancing with your friends, it looked like you were giving them a real good time. Now that you’re all alone I think it’s my turn to take you for a spin, cmon and have a dance with me,” the rude boy insists, not letting up on her arm. [Y/n] takes a step back, trying to create some distance, but he steps closer again.
“No, thank you. I’m going over to meet my friends,” [Y/n] says, trying to tug her arm out of his grasp. His hold on her tightens to a bruising force and he pulls her even closer to the point where she could smell his putrid alcohol based breath. [Y/n] could feel the panic start in her lungs, making the air feel hot and her palms sweaty.
“A couple of songs won’t hurt you love, might even make you want to come home with me,” he says lewdly, a sneer on his face. From the corner of her eye, [Y/n] could see a familiar hand coming down to rest on the rude man’s wrist.
“I’m not sure if you’re deaf or stupid, but she said no. Leave, now,” she heard her best friends low tones over her shoulder. She should have known that Yunho would keep an eye on her. Taking her eyes off of the sleazy man in front of her, [Y/n] looks up at Yunho and takes in the anger rolling off of him. Yunho has always been fiercely protective of his friends, and she was no exception- if anything he was more protective and sheltering of her than anyone. The rude man sneers at both of them and scoffs before releasing her arm and walking back into the crowd of dancers.
“Are you okay, [Y/n]?” Yunho asks, putting his arm around her shoulder and pulling her away towards the edge of the crowd. Taking her arm is his gentle hands, he looks over the bruising that is already starting to form and his frown deepens.
“Thank you for coming to my rescue, Yu. Some creeps don’t know when to take no for an answer,” she huffs before sending a small smile up at him. Yunho smiles gently at her and pulls her into a hug, careful not to crush her bruised arm, and rests his head on top of hers. She takes in a deep breathe and feels the tension leave her shoulders with his comforting scent.
“You know i’ll always protect you, [Y/n]. Let’s go get a drink, hmm?” He says, releasing her from his hug and slinging his arm around her shoulder again, pulling her close and tugging her over to their booth.
Mingi, Yeosang , and Jongho were seated in the booth, while Hongjoong and Seongwha were competing against each other in a game of pool. Mingi slides over leaving enough space for the two of them. [Y/n] sinks into the seat between Mingi and Yunho, picking up her drink and taking a few refreshing swigs. Rubbing her arm absentmindedly, she heard Yunho speak up from next to her.
“This bar is just not the vibe right now, let’s go onto the next one,” Yunho says, and the others agree but not before they take another round of shots. Seongwha goes out onto the dance floor to collect San and Wooyoung, while Yeosang walks over to the bar to order the shots for the table.
Everyone crowds together in a circle, each holding a shot in their hand.
“To [Y/n], congratulations on your new promotion, you’ve worked very hard and we can’t wait to see where your career takes off from here,” Hongjoong lifts his glass and slightly bows his head to you. There’s a chorus of “cheers, [Y/n]’s” and large smiles from all around while simultaneously shooting back the drinks. Gathering all of the coats and bags they’re brought, the group leaves this bar and starts walking towards the next one they had planned. Seonghwa and Hongjoong were walking together in the front, the rest of the boys were behind them goofing off and jumping around, and Yunho and [Y/n] are trailing along behind them.
“Yu, let me take a picture of you,” [Y/n] requests, leading him by the hand over to a bike post on the edge of the street. It was well lit and empty, and [Y/n] thought Yunho looked angelic, and wanted to capture a nice moment in their evening. Yunho smiles and plays along, posing while [Y/n] snaps pictures on her phone. After taking a few she hums and smiles before sending them to Yunho. Reaching out her hand, she pulls him alongside her again. The group had reached the bar, and [Y/n] and Yunho weren’t far behind.
Into the late evening and early morning, the group started breaking off and heading back to the dorms. [Y/n]’s apartment wasn’t far from their dorm, and Yunho sent the others off with the intention of seeing her home safely. He was nothing if not a gentleman.
They end up taking a cab back to her apartment, [Y/n]’s light snores flowing up from her head resting on Yunho’s shoulder. Yunho smiles softly while looking down at her soft cheeks and long lashes, resting his head against hers gently so not to wake her. The ride in the cab is not very long, so soon Yunho is unbuckling [Y/n]’s seatbelt and coaxing her out of the car. They walk up the stairs together, one surefooted and the other slightly stumbling.
Reaching the door to her apartment, [Y/n] hands her keys off to Yunho to unlock the door, which he does quickly. Holding her hand and tugging her inside, Yunho locks the door behind him and gets down on his knees in front of [Y/n]. He starts untying her shoelaces and looks up at her with a small grin on his face. [Y/n]’s eyes are wide and her full cheeks are dusted with blush. His grin widens, and he quickly works the shoes off of her feet. Slipping his off with ease when finished with your shoes, he takes your hand in his again.
“I know you’re tired, but we should really eat something. Can I make you a grilled cheese,” Yunho asks as they walk through to her kitchen. [Y/n] plops down into one of her barstools and nods.
“Only if I get to choose the music,” [Y/n] requests exuberantly, already pulling out her phone and scrolling through songs.
“That’s fine with me, just don’t let it get too loud so we don’t disturb the neighbors, right darling?” Yunho says it so nonchalantly while warming up the pan that she almost misses it. Yunho had always been sweet but he didn’t usually use pet names with her, rather using endearing ones to poke fun at each other. It made her thoughts wander, pupils darkened and eyes staring holes into the middle of his back. She could think of a lot of different ways for him to call her darling.
“I thought you were going to turn on some music,” Yunho questions before her daydreams get away with her. She smiles at him and presses play on an upbeat boy pablo song, dancing along in her seat for a second before hopping up and holding out her hand to Yunho. He waves his spatula at her as if he didn’t want to dance, but knowing Yunho he always wanted to dance. [Y/n] gets closer to him and tries enticing him even more.
“C’mon Yu, you didn’t dance with me at the club at all. You owe me a dance,” [Y/n] states matter of factly, wiggling her fingers.
“That’s because you were too busy being sandwiched between Wooyoung and San,” Yunho sighs and pouts while putting down the spatula. He folds his arms and looks down at her with his plump lips still pouted. She giggles and pulls his arms apart, waving them in the air until he loosens up and a genuine smile takes over his pout.
They bop and dance around together for a few minutes while Yunho multitasks and finishes up their grilled cheese. They eat them while the song continues on, the fun beat making them both giggle together.
The song ended and the dulcet tones of Matty Healy singing fallingforyou began, making [Y/n]’s eyes fall shut and swaying her body to the ethereal sound. Yunho looks down at her with a fond smile on his face, thinking about how much this song applies to their relationship. As far as he was aware, she was clueless to his overwhelming feelings for her. They had been friends for years, and recently he’s been feeling more for her. His tenderness had become so obvious, to the point where his friends tease him, and dare him, and try to do anything in their power to match Yunho and [Y/n] up. Yunho doesn’t mind though, it always felt like having her close kept him sane.
On the other side of things, [Y/n] knew she had feelings for Yunho. I mean honestly, how could she not. He was charming and smart, tall and handsome, the literal human embodiment of sunshine. He was her light in the darkness, but she knew how unattainable he was. Someone like him liking someone like her? Highly improbable. A fun daydream to have in moments like this. In her eyes, Yunho was so far out of her league it wasn’t even funny.
[Y/n] could feel Yunho’s hands pulling her closer to dance to the slower song. Her eyes opened and looked up into Yunho’s soft brown ones. He pulled her into his chest, her head resting against it while his warm arm wrapped around her back. They swayed together while he hummed, his low reverb vibrating through her. It felt very intimate to her, and she couldn’t stop the flush and nerves that zapped through her body. Listening to the lyrics of the song, she couldn’t help but feel a lump in her throat, wanting to confess her never ending fondness for him. She wanted to, more than anything, but the anxiety was making tears build up in the corners of her eyes.
“I don’t want to be your friend, I want to kiss your neck,” Yunho’s soft voice sang along quietly while swaying them, and [Y/n] couldn’t help but stop and look up at him.
“I can’t hold it in anymore, Yu. I think I’m in love with you. I know that this is gonna be awkward now because there’s no way you could ever like me but I just couldn’t hold onto it anymore,” [Y/n] rushes out in one breath. Her face heats up and a tear falls from her eye, the heat of embarrassment enfolding her body.
“Oh baby, why are you crying?” Yunho’s warm hang reaches up to wipe the tear from her cheek.
“I’m so scared you’re never going to want to hold my hand again… and your hand is the only hand I ever want to hold,” [Y/n] says, being as honest as she can now that all of her cards are on the table. She sniffles and looks down at her feet.
“You’re hand was made to fit in mine, you take my breath away with everything you do. I can’t believe it took me all these years to figure out how I truly feel about you. You are everything to me [Y/n], I love you,” Yunho confesses, feeling weight leave his shoulders at knowing you feel the same. It’s exhilarating.
His hand still resting on her soft cheek, Yunho tilts her head upwards towards him, and leans down 80% of the way. He wants to give her the chance to back away if she needs to. Instead, [Y/n] pushes her pillow soft lips into his, and Yunho’s eyes close at the feeling. He had imagined it so many times, and his imagination could never compare to the real thing. Pulling you closer Yunho deepens the kiss between them, a soft moan leaving her lips at the feeling of his hands on her hips. His grip tightens before he backs his head away from yours a bit.
“Please, be mine?” He asks, looking intently into her eyes.
“As if I could be anyone else’s.”
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veroinfaciem · 11 months
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saraminia · 2 months
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I just think that he + a piano (reprise)
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soledadcatalina · 9 months
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[id: 4 digital sketches of harry du bois and skills from disco elysium with their political prompt. first drawing is rhetoric hiding behind a bush wearing the revolutionary hat and the groucho marx sunglasses/moustache combo. it calls out to harry, who is looking over his shoulder, as it says: "Hey, psst… Psst, hey, YOU! Word on the street is you're ready to start building Communism again!"
the second sketch is of harry, in underwear, undershirt, and hat, holding open a door. savoir faire stands in the doorway, using one set of arms to shoot finger huns, one arm against the door frame, another pair crossed, and holding a briefcase. it says "Wow. You work hard." harry has his open mouth agape.
the third sketch is harry sitting on the toilet, reading, wearing the hjelmdallerman shirt. rumbling from his stomach is endurance's speech bubble: "It's clear you like the hard stuff, brother."
the last drawing is a mock screenshot of a news anchor booth. empathy, in suit and bowtie holding a stack of paper says: "What's this? We're getting reports of normal, reasonable, temperate political opinions somewhere in Martinaise…." Beside empathy is a picture of harry picking his nose with the caption: "LIVE CENTRIST CAM" undernerath. the newsplash underneath reads: "BREAKING NEWS: GET A LOAD OF THIS GUY." /end id]
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