#and even when he's 'bad' it's like. welp. i love him for his wrongs too
angelsdean · 10 months
seeing dean takes i disagree with: no, no, no, no, no, no, no. oh, mamma mia, mamma mia, mamma mia, let me go (let me gooooooo)
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blue-jisungs · 1 month
hi omg I loved all ur “u sleep with plushies” for each svt unit, may I req a hhu ver ??? all of the other units were so cute😭💗
you still sleep with plushies ♡
author's note. thank you hehe!!! it was so fun to do, sorry it took so long tho:(
vcu ver && perf ver
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┆彡 SEUNGCHEOL [ 승철 ]
he never considered it a problem?
like he’s been at your place a couple of times and noticed the plushies, thinking it’s just really cute :(
i mean come on, some of his members heave weirder habits (like sleeping with their eyes open…)
so when you asked him if that bothers him, seungcheol was offended that you even thought!!! about it!!!
however . . .
when he does sleep at your place, you two all cuddled up and comfy
and then… he wakes up only to see your back
okay, it happens… maybe you were uncomfortable
he’s so sulky, good luck with that …..
you explain that it’s just your comfort plushie and that you cuddled it out of habit :(
so cheol insists that he can be way better than it and begs you to let him stay one more night to prove his point ☝️
and he kinda does, he becomes your new giant, warm and loving teddy bear <3
┆彡 WONWOO [ 원우 ]
wonwoo noticed before you could tell him
well, you really thought you were slick when you didn’t bother hiding them because you hoped he’d think they’re there for the aesthetics
or when you two went shopping and your eyes widened upon seeing a cute plushie:(
yeah, he knows
but he thinks it’s really cute, especially if you have that one specific plushie ever since you could remember and you always sleep with it
so not to make a fool out of yourself in front of his friends, you don’t take it with you when you go on a trip with them
after whole day of fun, it’s time to sleep in the cabin
and wonwoo notices that you’re constantly squirming around, unable to fall sleep
and you confess that it’s because you didn’t bring your plushie:(
so he offers to be the plushie for the night, reassuring you that he doesn’t mind and you can cuddle him as much you wanna
and that may have been a risky decision because ever since…… well, he is one of your plushies now ^__^
┆彡 MINGYU [ 민규 ]
you decided to invite your boyfriend over and share a secret with him
mentally, you got ready to get teased about it
but you when mingyu entered your bedroom he didn’t even notice the plushies 🧍‍♀️
he was just happy that u let him in your personal space and looked around your room with hearts in his eyes, like a kid in a candy store
"so you don’t mind the plushies?" you mumbled, plopping down on your bed and holding one for emotional support
"the pl– oh? ah, baby…" he groaned and swore his knees got weak; you’re just too cute for his own good
he doesn’t mind, at all - which you’re kinda surprised but happy
he does get pouty if you cuddle a plushie to sleep instead of him >:T
sometimes will spray his cologne on your (or his) favorite one so you could feel like he’s here when he’s out having schedules ☹️
might steal a one or two to his apartment, esp puppy ones 💔
┆彡 VERNON [ 버논 ]
i mean we all know nonnie, he’s really chill about everything (welp, except bugs but—)
so when you were facetiming him once and you noticed your plushies are on camera, you started panicking
"yo, what is it? did something happen?" he asked, noticing something’s wrong
"yeah… no… well…" you stuttered, not sure how to answer "did you see that?"
"what? that big spider behind you?" he stuttered and soon after laughed upon seeing your scared face "sorry, it was a bad joke… hey, don’t get sulky…"
"i meant my plushies…" you mumbled and pulled one closer
"oh them? yeah, and? you always have them. say hi to gerard by the way" vernon nodded
there’s no gerard in your collection but later on you realised he meant (plushie name)
like really,, he doesn’t care in a way that – he doesn’t mind you having them
he does care about them, though :(
will put a blanket on them if he thinks they’ll get cold or carefully reads all the corners of the internet before putting them into a washing machine:(
masterlist <3
taglist. @mirxzii ,, @primoppang ,, @l3visbby ,, @nicholasluvbot ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @slytherinshua ,, @kazmura ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @mon2sunjinsuver ,, @eternalgyuuu ,, @rubywonu ,, @haecien ,, @mine-gyu ,, @nonononranghaee
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luna-lovegreat · 7 months
Twilight and Legends relationship
...I love it
**in this post there's a lot of stuff I didn't notice before. I'm gonna resist the urge to write an essay on each point, and attempt to leave most of it up to the reader's interpretation**
Ok ok there's a ton of stuff here, starting with early character scenes
They're like the rest of the chain: They fight together and talk. Legend is close to Hyrule, and Twilight to Wild and Time.
We see some things Twilight and Legend have in common. One is their dislike of Hyrule knights, and-
As seen in the Gerudo clothes scene, both Twi and Leg like to mess around with pranks and have a lot of snark... wonder what would happen if they worked together
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But there's something really important about how Twilight views Legend:
I wasn't aware this was before looking closely at their interactions but... Twilight didn't originally like Legend. This is shown a lot later on- in his facial expressions and words towards Legend. But from the start he didn't like him much, and here's why:
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From the start, Jojo says this- Twilight judges Legend's actions as too harsh since his mannerisms come across as picking on someone. (Also Sky you are so so pure and cute 10/10 most huggable Link)
Legend is abrasive because he's had so many adventures- he's hardened to the point of being sharp. But it's wonderful that that character can still be so loved- his heart is good (hero duh)
Twilight has always been a big brother. It makes him well loved (rightly so). Jojo says he knows people can change- for good or bad. But because of his past Twilight doesn't like people picking on others "not even a little". It's complicated- we see it affect Twilight's attitude towards Legend a lot.
Anywho moving on to the plot
Wolfie, Aka twilight
Dark mirror stuff happens, and Legend finds out Twi's Wolfie- as we all know. But he can't just. Acknowledge it of course. He's gotta probe and tease, asking pointed questions (snark snark snark)
And in his attempts to be certain about the Wolf stuff, we were blessed with:
Bunny Legend
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Welp. That investigation did not go as planned.
Animal forms:
Bunnies are soft, but Legends actions are not. He is guarded and sharp yet his form shows how sweet his true heart is
Wolves will love/protect their family yet are fierce, they have fangs and will fight. The root of who Twilight is is his kindness and family
Also (sarcastic) good job to Four and Wild for being SO SUBTLE with their emotions when Legend's asking questions hinting he knows Twi's secret
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Legend: asking questions about the secret shhh
Four and Wild: Are having a freaking heart attack about it
Twilight: starts ranting about goats
Once Twilight gets over the shock of Legend like. Absorbing his crystal. He... well, looking at the harshness in his face and words, this is where Legend's attitude and his past with Colin being bullied biased him against Legend.
Look at his face in each panel through the progression- Twilight is more and more confused thinking legend is not who he thought he was...
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And Twilight certainly sympathizes/relates to being hurt by losing someone he loved (in whatever form the relationship took)
And WHY is it always girlfriend trauma with these boys of COURSE it's girlfriend trauma that brings them together NOT SHARING A SPIRIT AND LOVE OF SWINGING GLORIFIED METAL NO THEY HAVE TO BOND OVER RELATIONSHIPS GONE WRONG
Twilight then thinks well that's a good reason to be pretty changed because from the start Jojo said he'll always understand people changing...
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So they go, and make legend human again (with pink hair) and Legend is... surprised. And grateful...
Another few defining moments:
Legend's dialogue thanking him is the real start of them connecting like in Leg's original character description "the most reliable, you want him on your team"
And again Twi's face, Twilight is looking at Leg differently throughout this- contemplating to be honest. Considering...
And remember when I said these two both like to prank? Well the second they have a shared experience and get back to camp they immediately team up and start barraging Warriors with snark
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Heaven help the chain when these two are on the same side
Legend has never been close to people outside of the few he's accepted as his (love him and hyrule's bond). After this? Twilight's one of his people. There's much more expression of caring and closeness towards Twilight- something we don't see with many.
And then, well, Twilight nearly dies. And Legend, he cares
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Bunny boys puppy dog eyes are gonna kill me someday
Twilights pretty injured, he really doesn't see/remember all these moments showing how much Legend wants to help
And then we have this moment
this moment
Matters so so much
Look at Twi's face. Look at his surprise, realization, and acceptance- this is when he realizes- when he sees how much Legend cares for him
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Twi woke from his deathbed for his family
and then in the next few updates it's really cute- he just is barely recovering and legend is just... beside him. Staying by his side
Animal forms later development:
Legend's bunny form is soft- but he is still not totally soft. Looking at Legends actions and facial expressions towards the others, while he's definitely closer to Twi now, he's still the snarky boy we know and love.
Twilight's Wolf form is loyal and loves family: Once he knows legends heart? Full on pack love.
And WHY were they so very intent on petting each other
Legend: I'm gonna go try and pet the wolf since I think he's my dude yes good plan
Here's a few random parallels of them to chew on because I love parallels (them snarky snarking each other, then some brother love parallels)
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The thing with these two is their character bonding and whatever is not all sweet and lovey like some of the others. They have some REALLY sweet caring moments with each other. But snark plus snark equals double snark, meaning them together is the weirdest mix of kindness and teasing you've ever seen
And although at the beginning they were pretty harsh towards each other, it makes their getting closer and learning their similarities all the better.
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tryingtofindava · 2 months
Could you write for Teen Michael & Fem reader who's the exact opposite of him (kind, girly, nice, ect..) and they are in a relationship?🥰 Thank you!!
𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐰 𝐚 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝! 𝐒/𝟎 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬*ೃ༄
: ̗̀➛Back to Source
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THIS MAN LOVES WHEN HIS S/O IS GIRLY!!He just loves total girly girls in general tbh.
He likes that you two are so different from each other, opposites attract ig.
I think he likes girly partners better bcs he gets to call them really feminine pet names.
His pet names would consist of: Darling, Love (He’s British guys, it’s in his blood to call you darling & love.) Baby, Babe, Gorgeous, Angel, Sugar tits. And then they just get progressively worse.
Though, he gets jealous easily. And jealousy with your kindness? Welp, that doesn’t really work well together.
“Babe, I’m telling ya. Justin is a massive prick, why even bother help him with the assignment?”
That’s nothing compared to how he gets when it’s is friends your helping…
He likes it that you’re always by his side to take care of his injuries. He’s the type of guy to start shit with someone, only to get his ass handed to him. So he likes it when you’re there to clean and kiss the wounds better.
He finds it dead cute when you play games w Elizabeth and Evan. (deadass might give him Abby fever ‘til Evan cries again.)
Take your fake lashes off infront of him, he’ll stare at you like it’s the 1400s and you’ve just committed witchcraft.
He lives off the attention you give him (since he doesn’t get a lotta attention from his parents n shit), he’s a patter merchant for sure.
He’d take you to the cheap Roller Rink in town, double points if you don’t knowhow to skate and you HAVE to hold his hand the whole time.
He’ll laugh if you fall too. Then feel bad cuz you pout. Then it’s his turn to take care of you if you scrapped a knee!! :D
Solid 10/10.
He’s a total charmer.
He thinks you’re a godsend, and in his eyes you can literally do no wrong.
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toushindai · 3 months
totk spoilers but are we ACTUALLY meant to think it’s poetic or flattering or triumphant that Rauru was like “oh YEAH? Well in thousands of years this guy called Link is gonna kick your ass”
How much has he even heard about Link? He must have had at least one more conversation about him with Zelda because the Master Sword doesn’t come up in the Zelda and Sonia tear, and by the King’s Duty tear Rauru’s just like oh don’t worry, if we don’t finish Ganondorf off I’m sure your bf can handle him. As I’ve said before, his “We rely on your knight” line rubbed me the wrong way starting with its appearance in the trailer, and it really does not feel less entitled after watching said knight (and that legendary sword he carries) very very VERY nearly get one-shotted by Ganondorf at the beginning of the game. And Zelda knows this! What does she feel watching her Better Dad Substitute sacrifice himself and simultaneously sic the evil bad guy on Link—a siccing which explicitly shapes Ganondorf’s attitude towards Link at the beginning of the game? At what point did she have the emotion of “welp. I know why Ganondorf knew Link’s name now.” The musical blending of the LOZ theme/hero’s theme with Rauru’s theme seems to suggest that it’s not an emotion meant to be had at exactly that moment, but I cannot watch Rauru sneer “remember that name” without yelling HE DOESN’T NEED THAT INFORMATION at the screen.
I played through the GSI in Japanese recently and Rauru did seem a touch less entitled to Link than I’ve been reading him—mostly because of the formal, polite, outgroup-equal language he used with him—but I still can’t get over the extent to which Rauru heard about Link a few times and decided, sight unseen, that he was going to clean up Rauru’s mess. My man what made you think that. What gave you the right to decide that. And how frightening to be Zelda and watch Rauru pin all the world’s hope on her beloved knight who Ganondorf absolutely fucking wiped the floor with. We see this worry in her in the Master Sword in Time cutscene! To what extent can Zelda’s transformation and before that her petition to the other tribes of Hyrule for Link’s sake be understood as a forced action due to Rauru’s conviction that Link could do this no sweat? Almost entirely, I feel—but does the game know that?
I just. Isn't it intentional? Doesn't it have to be? The fact that Rauru already needs the correction, once, that he cannot and should not face the Demon King alone. Then his melodramatic claim that Link has got this on lock. Then Zelda being like 😬 not sure about this actually and going through the whole process of talking to the ancient sages + draconifying for the sake of the Master Sword. Because Rauru absolutely set Link up to fail and Zelda is the one making sure Link has the resources, including the support of others, he needs to succeed. And the game is so much about community, about not doing things on your own.
And yet the way the scene is scored and animated and the way all the other characters talk about Rauru's sacrifice seems to treat this as a a moment of culmination, of triumph. I am getting such mixed messages here.
Understand, I’m saying all of this with an aching fondness for this poor self-deluded hypocrite. And also teeth-grinding frustration. I think he deserves to feel suffocatingly humiliated when Link almost didn’t survive Ganondorf’s attack and I also have tremendous sympathy for the shame and terror that it might be far too late to correct his mistake that he must have felt as he waited for Link to wake up. Both of those things. Hopelessly lonely man who found people to love him and built himself into a role he was never adequate for. I wish the game looked at this a little more. I wish I could tell if the game intended this at all.
(This is not the most intelligently written post but I assure you I mean every word of it.)
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pinkdaiisies · 1 year
Someone’s Jealous…Warren Rojas x Reader
summary: jealousy gets the best of warren when you decide to talk to a guy at a party. luckily eddie is there to get warren to confess
notes: i am a slut for love confessions. that’s it.
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camila and billy’s house filled with excitement as more and more people came through the door. the party was supposed to be the band and a couple people from the recording studio. obviously word got around that there was going to be a party at the bands house.
you were sat on the couch with a drink in your hand, sandwiched in between eddie and warren. you were having a nice night. especially since a cute guy kept smiling at you from across the room. warren caught sight of the blush on your cheeks. he followed your gaze and saw the guy that was looking at you. a wave of jealousy washed over him.
the drummer secretly had a crush on you since high school. what he didn’t know is that you did too.
with the drugs and alcohol running through his body, warren felt like he wanted to punch the guy.
“oh c’mon y/n! you could do way better than that guy over there!” warren protested. you looked at the mystery man who was wearing black bel bottoms and a shirt that was probably a size too small for him, which made his happy trail visible.
“whaaaat no he’s cute!!!” you argued.
“y/n. this dude looks like he shops at baby gap.”
“yea his shirt is wayy too small for him.” eddie chimed in.
“see! eddie agrees with me!” warren said.
“eddie agrees with everything you say warren. you two are mean, i’m gonna go talk to him.” you say as you get up from the couch.
“see what i mean! dude doesn’t even have the balls to approach you first! no chivalry! none at all!” warren shouts as you began walking away from him and eddie.
“welp at least you tried man.” eddie says as he takes a drink from his beer.
warren and eddie watch closely you as you go up to tiny shirt man. warren couldn’t help but think about how gorgeous you looked. it upset him that you went to go talk to another guy.
“i don’t know why you don’t just ask her out! i mean she’s so obviously in love with you.” eddie said.
“if she’s so in love with me, why is she talking to another guy right now?”
“because you don’t have the balls to confess your feelings for her!!!” eddie argued. he was tired of seeing his two best friends dance around eachother, and he was getting sick of having to comfort a heartbroken warren every time he had a bad trip.
“i have balls!” warren says loudly. earning a couple of concerning looks from the people around him.
“fine then. prove it.” eddie eggs warren on.
“damn right i’ll prove it!” warren says, still sitting on the couch.
“do it then. right. now.” warrens eyes get larger. he wasn’t planning on confessing his love to you at a crowded party!
“right now…?” warren said nervously.
“i mean… you don’t have to, but if you don’t i guess that means you have no balls.” eddie said, taking another sip from his beer.
“fine then! i’ll be back.” warren downed the last of his drink and promptly got up and made his way over to you and tiny shirt guy. “i’m sorry to interrupt your guys conversation. i’m sure whatever you were saying man was totally interesting, but y/n will be leaving you now.”
and just like that, your conversation with mystery man (whose name you learned was actually nick) was over. warren put his hand on your lower back and guided you through the extremely crowded house.
you couldn’t even be upset with warren because of how good he looked tonight. walking through the house, all you could pay attention to was the feeling of warrens fingers grazing your skin.
“warren what the hell was that?” you asked. he didn’t answer back.
a minute later, you two were standing in the backyard. there was still a lot of people around, but not as much as inside. you two were able to hear each other without having to shout. warren stared at you, he looked like he had something to say, but was scared to say it.
“warren what’s wrong?” you said sincerely. warren was not acting like himself.
“listen, i couldn’t stand seeing you talk to that guy over there.”
“warren, he was nice! his personality didn’t match his style at all! i promise.” you tried to reassure your friend.
“no. it’s not just him. i hate seeing you flirt any guy! i’m about to tell you something extremely serious okay?” warren said as he put his hands on your shoulders.
“i really like you y/n. i really really do. since high school! that’s why i get in a crappy mood whenever we’re at parties like this. you’re a magnet to men! especially me! and i literally cannot take another night seeing desperate men try to flirt with you, because they’re not good enough for you! and i’m pretty drunk right now, and i probably sound so stupid but-”
“warren!” you interrupted his rambling. “you’re jealous aren’t you?!” you laughed.
“maybe a little.” warren shrugged.
“you’re cute when your jealous.” you smiled at him.
suddenly you felt warren pull you against him. warrens lips met yours in a kiss that you’ve been waiting on for what felt like eternity. his hands rested on your cheeks as he pulled apart from the kiss.
“wait… so you do have feelings for me? right?” warren asked.
“yes warren. obviously.”
“oh my god i can’t believe it.” eddie said to graham and karen, who joined him on the couch soon after warren left.
the pair turned their heads to where eddie was looking. it was you and warren walking through the crowded house together, his arm around your shoulder, and your head was turned giving him a kiss on his cheek.
“jesus christ finally,” karen said. “i thought we would have to live with their awkward sexual tension for the rest of our lives.” warren sat on the chair next to the couch, and you joined him on his lap.
“you know eddie, i think you’re the one with no balls.”
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doodles-dearest · 2 years
welp, ask and ye shall recieve, enjoy the happy ending to this
"Shut up." Steve snaps, making Eddie flinch.
"I said shut up."
Steve tensens, hearing the fierceness in his own voice. The fierceness ever present when he was popular. He loathes it.
They sit in silence for what at most is 10 minutes, but it feels like days.
Eddie breaks the silence. "I didn't mean it in the annoyingly perfect way I-"
"Exactly." Steve grumbles.
The quiet resumes.
They sit for another ten minutes before Steve silently gets up to leave, cigarette in hand. He was so sure Eddie would see him properly, but no. He's like everyone else.
Eddie watched him exit the van and walk down the street. Steve's fine with that. He didn't want to be followed anyway.
What hurts the most is the fact Steve likes Eddie so much. He's kind, caring, beautiful- if anything, Steve thinks, he's the perfect one, not me.
Eddie's meant to be the one who can see through him. See his flaws, his insecurities, Eddie's meant to see through that confident act. For the short time Steve's known Eddie, he's done that. Every time those beautiful brown eyes gaze upon him it feels like hes being x-rayed with how well Eddie can read him, but that's gone now.
As soon as he's rounded a corner and he's far enough away from Eddie's van, he throws the cigarette onto the floor and stamps on it. He doesn't want to be perfect. He doesn't want people to like him. He wants people to see his flaws, and if his flaws are so bad that everyone hates him, so be it. He yells curses to himself before collapsing against a wall.
He's been keeping track of his flaws since he was young. He decided a long time ago that was the only way to keep him humble- or was it his parents who'd decided that? Steve can't remember. It doesn't matter anyway.
"Guess I can add tantrums to the list." Steve laughs to himself bitterly.
He rests his head on his knees, recounting all his flaws. His father's repeated them all to him many a time. His posture is terrible, he cries too much, he's too sensitive, he can't speak properly to authority, he acts like a girl, his manners are horrible, he's untidy, his grades were too low, he's an idiot, he can't even get into college- the list goes on and on.
"Disappointment." His parents' words echo through his brain. "You are a disappointment. Look at you. You've got such a fortunate life and you've thrown it all away. You bring shame to the Harrington name."
The voices get louder.
Steve can't take it.
"I know!" He yells, standing up. "I fucking know!"
He feels the tears in his eyes and slams back down onto the floor.
"I know." He repeats to himself. "I know."
He hides his face in his knees and hugs his legs, tears running faster than he can wipe them away. Who cares if anyone sees him? Then they can see him as the disappointment he is.
He hears footsteps nearby, but he doesn't move. People in Hawkins are assholes anyway, they won't care. At most they'll berate him, and his head is hidden so well in his knees that if anyone he knows were to see him, they won't recognise him, not unless they'd seen him walk this way.
"Steve? Steve, honey, what's wrong?" a panicked voice says.
"Steve, it's okay, tell me whats wrong." He feels Eddie's arm around him and he flinches away from the movement.
"C'mon, look at me, babe, look." He usually loves Eddie's petnames for him, but this time it just makes his heart ache.
Eddie gently tips Steve's head upwards to look at him after a few seconds of unresponsiveness from Steve. Those stupid doe eyes just make him want to cry more. Why does Eddie care so much? He preferred it when Eddie didn't. Back when Eddie could see his flaws.
He feels anger burn in the back of his mind.
"'M not.. fuckin' perfect.." he mumbles.
"Sorry, love?"
"'M.. I'm not fucking perfect, alright?! I'm not perfect, I'm a damn disappointment, and you used to be able to see it, you could see my flaws, and now you can't okay? I'm. Not. Perfect." Steve yells, making Eddie flinch a little.
"Steve- is that what this is about?" Eddie questions, confusion clouding his eyes.
"Yeah, it is. You're the only person who's ever been able to be fucking real with me, you could always see I'm shitty. But now you can't."
"I- I'm not sure I understand?"
"Back in highschool everyone treated me like some sort of celebrity because I had money and popularity and they wanted a piece of that. I was perfect to them. If everyone thinks I'm perfect now, how can I be any different to back then?" Steve hears his voice break as more tears came flooding.
"Oh- oh Stevie-" Eddie says, pulling Steve closer into a tight hug. "It's okay, Steve, you're nothing that, I promise, you just-"
"Shut up, shut up, shut up. I don't want some stupid lecture about how I am actually perfect because I'm not, and for some reason no one can see my glaring flaws but me."
Eddie opens his mouth to protest but finds no words. He just complies and hugs Steve tightly, comforting him, letting Steve get it all out.
After around ten minutes, Steve's finally starting to calm down. His breathing slows back to a normal rate, and although his head is spinning, the tears have stopped.
Eddie cups his cheek. "I feel like I owe you and explanation for why I've treated you so different lately."
Steve narrows his eyes in confusion. "What do you mean?"
Eddie sighs and looks at the sky, leaning next to Steve. "Y'know how when you and Nancy were together you acted like she hung the moon?"
Steve hesitates, unsure of where this is going. "...Yeah?"
"Well, Stevie, it's like that."
Steve gives him a puzzled look.
Eddie gives him an awkward smile, the type of smile people give when they really don't want to have to say what they're saying.
"Love is a crazy thing, Steve. Makes you go mad. And it can make you see past all someone's flaws."
Steve's mouth goes dry. Surely Eddie can't be saying what he thinks Eddie's saying.
Eddie looks at Steve. "Steve Harrington, when I first met you I knew there was something up. I knew you were a conceited idiot, yes, but I also knew there was something else going on. But when we met again years later things were different, Stevie. You're a new man. You've gone from perfect in the way of a dumbass who gets everything he wants to perfect in a soft mothergoose way. But you're right, you do have flaws. The pressure you put on yourself, your lack of a healthy sleep schedule, your inability to take time for yourself-"
"I don't- what?- That's all wrong-"
"Speaking of which, stubborness." Eddie finishes with a smile, and Steve feels inclined to smile back. "I promise you, I know you have flaws. But I know that those flaws are much less intense than you've been told."
Steve's smile fades.
"And that's okay, I'll help you through that. Because, for all your flaws, Steve, you're pretty damn easy to get a crush on. And like I said, love can make you blind to flaws, which is why I treated you so differently. Why I said you're perfect."
"Eddie, you can't be serious right now." Steve's voice wobbled.
"Well I'm serious enough that if you don't say not to then I'll kiss you."
Steve immediately plants a gentle kiss on Eddie's lips, causing both of them to flush bright red.
Steve smiles.
Eddie loves him, flaws and all.
people who wanted to be tagged:
@youmakemyhearthowl @thesuninyaface @funnymagicman-named-dandy @samcoxramblings @pluto-21
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sage-green-matcha · 11 months
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“The mark they saw on my collarbone. The rust that grew between telephones. The lips I used to call home. So scarlet, it was maroon” - Taylor Swift
Content includes: death, blood, fluff, angst! Idk honestly, just prepare for the worst!
PT. 1 of Maroon | PT. 2 of Maroon | PT. 3 of Maroon |
You shook the nervousness off your body as you waited for Ethan. You'd went home and got ready as quickly as you could, not exactly knowing what time he would be arriving.
You played with the hem of your cardigan, leg bouncing with your mind somewhere else. You couldn't believe you were going out on a date in the middle of this whole situation. You knew it was stupid, and you were right. But you had wasted too many months of your life being scared to care now, when it actually mattered.
"You feeling okay, Y/n?" "I'm better, I guess" Sam rubbed your back in a comforting motion, in reality you knew you should've been the one comforting her. She was the one that had actually been attacked along with Tara, luckily that night you had been too busy crying in your room.
"I should be the one comforting you, none of us are going through it as bad as you are" you glanced back at her and she frowned. "I don't want anymore of you to get hurt, even if it's mentally" she ran her fingers through your hair, finding peace in the feeling of your waves between her fingers.
You heard a knock at the door and jumped up, nervous to see him. "Go, have fun and make sure he's not ghost face for us" you nodded before saying goodbye, opening the door. “Hey…” his face was crinkled in a smile, your heart slightly racing as you stood at the door. “Hi!”
☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~
"Hey! The two newlyweds, come on in! We're just making some food" you smiled, Ethan's arm over your shoulder. "They're not married yet, Chad. Ethan's not good enough for Y/n" you rolled your eyes at Mindy. "She's not wrong..." you blushed, turning away from him before you became a hot mess. "See! He even agreed with me"
She went off to find Chad and Tara, disturbing their tension with more teasing. “Mindy, that is so inappropriate!" you chuckled, looking back at Ethan as he gave you a comforting smile. "Look at you, acting so sweet now" you took his chin into your hands, turning him towards you.
"I'm not acting" you fluffed his hair, turning away as Mindy called you and Sam into the kitchen. "I'll be back" you placed a kiss on his cheek, Anika's mouth open in shock. "You know, we don't have to stay here" "welp, too bad. I insist" you nodded your head. "Safety and numbers"
"This will be so fun, a little slumber party with the fantastic 5" "Fantastic 5?" Sam asked. "Did you just call us that nickname?" Tara raised an eyebrow in disgust. "I sure did, I mean we've been through a lot together, and it's a pretty cool nickname" you stared at Mindy, the both of you equally confused before you laughed. "That's debatable" you added, Tara agreeing. "It's extremely debatable"
"You can't just give yourself a nickname dingus" Mindy teased her brother, a smile on all of your faces. "Oh! Of course I can dingus, because I just did! Fantastic 5 uptop!" He held up his hand for a high-five, being rejected by all of you. "No" "down low" Tara gave him a side eye. "Get that away from me" she shook her head, hiding a smile.
"Please for the love of god Y/n!" You squirmed, Mindy warning you not to do it. "You know, I would actually like a little more respect and support from my fellow members of the fantastic 5" you all groaned, shaking your heads.
"Hey...guys, what the hell?" Anika called, all of you rushing to the living room. You wrapped around the couch, sitting down next to Ethan with your eyes glued to the screen. You watched Sams eyes as they filled with sorrow. She was the main suspect to this whole thing. It didn't make sense to you, the way people thought. She fought for her life and now she has to fight to defend it again.
The video of her attacking the girl from Halloween popped up on the Tv, all of you watching with annoyed expressions. She grabbed the remote, turning the TV off before walking back into the kitchen.
You played with the rings on your fingers, Ethan intertwining your hands before smiling down at you with a reassuring look. You listened to Tara and Sams conversation, your heart feeling guilty about all your opinions about their relationship.
“None of us can relate to what you are experiencing" it's like Tara had stolen the words right out of your mouth. You felt bad for everyone else, of course you did. But your heart ached more for Sam. You knew she did everything in her power to seem strong, but this was just taking over her in a way you'd never seen before. "It's not your fault, and I know I shouldn't care what people think...It just sucks being this hated" she wiped her tears and you couldn't help but now hate what you said about her to Ethan.
"Hey, hey just a reminder. Not a single person in this room hates you. Okay? We have all been through some fucked up shit and we're all coping with it differently" you pulled Ethan over to the table with you, sitting on his lap with his arms around your waist, hugging you tightly. "Look at Y/n! She was so miserable for the longest time till she found someone to be miserable with!" Chad teased and you rolled your eyes. "He's not wrong Sam, we all dealt with it differently, we still are" you moved your eyes back to Ethan, gently swiping away loose curls that covered his eyes.
"We moved here together for one very specific reason...we're a team" you all nodded, Sams eyes tearing up once again. "We are...the fantastic fucking 5" "thank you very much!" Chad high-fiving Mindy excitedly.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom" Ethan looked up at you, getting off his lap before sitting back down in the chair. All of you laughed, smiling as Chad bragged about the newly used nickname. "Say it" "no, I'm not gonna say it" Tara whined. "Come on Tara!" You held your head in your hands, laughing with your friends.
"Ive been sleeping with cute boy from across the hall" your mouth dropped open, "I told you! I told you" you laughed, pointing at chad. "You owe me $20!" "That was a joke!" He shook his head. "Wait you guys made a bet?" Mindy laughed, her hand slammed against the table. "Boom! We fucking knew it" Tara smiled, "I knew it, I knew it" Sam watched in confusion as you all rambled.
"We knew from the day you got that hickey" you teased. “Oh come on Y/n! Look at your neck!” You rolled your eyes. "I see you've been getting it on with my roommate and I respect that, but you will get tired of him eventually" Chads hands were up in defense as you rolled your eyes. "He's not longer a virginnn" Mindy dragged out and you blushed, covering your face.
"You need to tell us everything" Tara added with a hiccuped laugh. "Not to take any credit, but maybe I was the one that gave him some tips" you sunk down on the chair in embarrassment. "Ew Chad!" Mindy hit the back of his head.
"I feel like...we should high five or something" Tara smiled. "The fantastic 5 high five, please" Chad put his hand up and you all intertwined your fingers. "Come on, come on" you smiled. It was a mutual feeling between all of you, that no matter what happened you would all make it out alive, together.
Sam pulled away, a call coming from her phone. "Ah! Look" Tara snatched her phone out of her hand, holding it up high was Danny, aka cute boys contact number. You tossed it around the table, handing it to Mindy with another laugh. "No no no!" Sam shook her head, a poor attempt to get back her phone. "No, Tara no" "hey, soo what are your intentions with my sister?" She joked, Sam taking back the phone before hanging up. "Oh it's fine, I'll call him back later" she grinned, stuffing her phone back in her pocket.
You heard groans coming from the bathroom, your eyebrow cocked as Chad looked at you confused. "You send him a nude while we weren't watching or something?" "What? No" you shook your head, the familiar sound of Ethan's moans filled not only just your ears, but everyone else's too.
"You liar! Or he probably sneaked one while you were fucked out" Mindy winked. "Explains why he's been taking so long in there" Sam added and you rolled your eyes, embarrassed once again. You all heard a chime from your phones, digging into your pocket to be met with a picture.
Your heart dropped once you saw the full image. The sounds weren't from him getting off to you, but instead it was the sounds of his struggling to fight off ghost face. "Ethan...Ethan!" you got out of the chair quickly, everyone running behind you before Chad pulled you back. "Wait! Wait" you could hear his blood curdling screams throughout the whole apartment, pleading and glass breaking as he cried. "No, no no let me go" Chad held you back as you took heavy breaths, Ethan's struggle finally stopping. Tears flooded your eyes, your cries being the only thing heard before it went quiet.
Everyone stood back, heavy breathing with a mix of fear and anticipation as everyone waited. You watched the door through tears, covering your mouth trying to stop. "Run" Ethan's dead corpse pushed Anika down, your eyes bleeding with tears as you watched him collapse on top of her. "Ethan! Ethan!" you ran over to him, Mindy rolling his body off of Anika. He was covered in blood. There was no way he was alive anymore. You felt your heart shatter inside your body, his deep brown eyes with no life left in them.
"Guys come on!" Tara and chad ran out the door. You held onto his arms, tears falling onto his bloody shirt. "Fuck..fucking kill me" you hiccuped, wiping your tears to see the figure of Ghost Face. "God fuck!" Mindy yelped in pain as he sliced her arm, Sam pulling you away again, before you also got stabbed. "Mindy! Jesus Christ" as much as you tried to stop them, tears continued to fall, blurring your vision.
Anika grabbed him by the legs, Ghost face only responding by gripping her neck tightly. You and Sam ran towards the kitchen, looking for any knives you could find. Someone had taken all of them. "Seriously!?" You screamed, taking a stack of glass plates while Sam grabbed the knife block with no other choice.
When you rushed back into the living room Anika was held up against the wall, the knife plunging deep into her stomach and a scream escaping her mouth. The knife dug inside her, twisting and turning before you came up behind him, smashing the plates onto his head. You felt nauseous, triggered by the bloody mess on her stomach.
He got up surprisingly quickly, Sam leading Anika into the bedroom while you pushed Mindy in, ghost face just seconds away from slicing your arm. "Fuck, fuck!" Sam struggled to hold the door close, the clothed figure pounding himself into the door repeatedly.
You could hear Tara's faint screams from outside the apartment, ripping off your cardigan and tightly tying it around Mindys deep wound. You heard the banging stop, your hands applying pressure to Anika's stomach as she continued to bleed out. "Y/n, bathroom door! Hurry" sam whispered, you ran over and closed the door, Ghost Face right in your view once again. "Shit!" You pushed the door shut anyways, blindly directed stabs from the knife trying to hurt you.
You ran backwards, slamming the door to the bathroom shut. You struggled to lock it, blood covered hands making you slip as kicks were shot into the door. You held it shut with your body, Mindy now helping Sam push her dresser in front of the door. You pulled it into you, struggling but you managed. Ghost face just kicking through the door as you pushed the dresser against the wall. All you felt was anxiety, the horrible rush. You could only think about saving yourself and your friends.
You backed away from the dresser, untying Anika's blouse and holding her stomach, she cursed as you tied the wound, hands and arms covered in blood. "Hey!" You replaced Sam as she ran towards the window. You held the dresser back with all your power, feeling ghost face become tired as the kicks got weaker, or so you'd thought.
He pushed his whole body into it, you and Mindy jolting at the sudden movement. "Don't worry! I got you" you silently prayed as you pushed with all your energy, glancing back at Sam and Anika. You watched as Sam pulled in a ladder, your head falling back and your breath short. "You three go first! Mindy, go" "What? No" she shook her head as you pushed back against the dresser, you held it with all your force, trying the best that you could to not get tired. emotionally you were more than exhausted, you could feel yourself start to give up. god, you were losing all hope. But you had survived once and you knew you could do it again.
"We need to hold the door! I'll send Anika next just go!" You looked back at Mindy, tears in both of your eyes as the nobs from the dresser slammed into your skin. "Come on! Come on!" you heard Sam and Danny call out. "Help her on, i got this" "are you sure?" Mindy cried and you nodded. in reality you weren't sure at all. you were strong, but still a bit on the weaker side.
She rushed over, taking Anika into her arms and placing her on the ladder. "Don't Look down Baby, keep going. You got this, keep going" you pushed back the bloody dresser against the knob of the door, your breath unsteady as you almost gave out, pushing it harder with each kick and slam. Its like you were fighting with pure force itself, doing your best to push back with the same amount of power.
Sam words encouraged you as you kept pushing, Anika making it across safely. Your heart was beating faster than it had ever before. Closing your eyes as you talked to yourself, using your back to hold the dresser. Your legs started to give out, Ghost face knife waving around as he slipped his arm in, trying to slice you. "Y/n! Come on Y/n hurry!" You gave the dresser one more shove, the door slamming into ghost faces arm, making him drop the knife. You grabbed it quickly before running towards the window, letting the knife drop below you. blood splattered onto your top, looking down below at the long drop.
The sound of the dresser falling down made you shake as you crawled onto the ladder, Mindy and Sam holding out their arms for you to take. "Y/n...Y/n hurry!" You sobbed as you looked down, the feeling of the ladder started to shake making you sick. Ghost face was taunting you, shaking the ladder roughly as you crossed. "Shit" you cussed as you almost let go.
"Please y/n, please come on" you held onto the steps, the ladder shaking more and more and you persisted, Sam and Mindy dragging you into the apartment.
"We made it, we made it" you sobbed, watching as ghost face walked away from the window. "Fuck! Fuck, Anika" you laid her down on the floor, tying the fabric around her tighter. "Not bad Y/n" she cried and you couldn't help but smile, shaking your head.
"Ethan...what about Ethan?" You stood up, running towards the door. "Y/n, Y/n no come back" Sam followed behind you as loud sirens were heard in the background. You ran back to the apartment, swinging the half shut door open, running over to Ethan, his eyes still opened as he laid there. "E...Ethan don't do this to me" you pulled him into your lap, sobbing into his his arm as you grabbed his hand. He was still warm.
The cuts on his shirt proved he was stabbed more than just a couple times, blood covering his entire chest. You moved away the curls from his face, your thumb gently rubbing his jaw like you had done earlier that day. You placed a small kiss on his lips, finger running over his features for one last time. His body was limp, wet from blood and your tears that sprinkled over his skin. you wanted to take him in, for the last time. all you felt was pain. You weren't hurt, there wasn't even one scar on you. But this hurt more than any wound you had experienced.
"Y/n...y/n we have to go, they have to mark the crime scene" you shook your head as you cried, Ethan's limp hand in yours while the other brushed through his curls. You didn't know you'd end up like this, getting close to someone just for them to get killed. you felt so extra, so dramatic. But no one could blame you. finally, you decided to open up. But it ended in disaster.
"Y/n, please step out of the apartment" you looked up, Officer Bailey and his team entering as they started to mark the crime scene. You felt so dehumanized. You weren't even aloud to sit there and hold him. He was basically pried away from you, from everyone.
"I'm so sorry" your whisper was just barely heard, tracing his lips one last time before placing his head gently back on the ground. Sam pulled you away as she walked you out of the apartment. "Here" she handed you Ethan's Jacket, pulling you into a hug.
"They're taking Anika and Mindy to the hospital" she sighed. "Where's Chad and Tara?" You wiped away your tears but it was no use, more falling than before. "Sam! Sam!" Tara ran into Sams arms, the reminder that you were always alone amongst them flashing right in your face. You finally had someone, and just like that, he was dead.
A/n: i'm crying my poor bb
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nerdieforpedro · 6 months
Weekend Update
Nerdie, you’re making this a thing now?
Yes! I have to keep ya’ll updated on what’s going on.
Well, what did you read this week?
Many wonderful things:
I will again sing the praises of @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin three part series “When My Time Comes Around.” You’ll feel all the emotions and be thankful that you read something that touches you deep in your soul. 😭 She also attacked my heart again on Frankie Friday with bittersweet angst in Tender is the Night. I'm a fan of the melancholic greatness that is Angie.
So...you like reading about sad things?
There's more to it than that. Just go read her fics! Then you'll know.
Tommy Miller fans unite! @musings-of-a-rose is continuing to feed our younger Miller brother delusions with her series “Falling Slowly.” The slow burn romance is one of the trope I really dig. And Gabriel Luna always. 🫠 Dig into some Tommy…
Nerdie, you’re doing so well, don’t jinx it.
I mean, I'm not wrong. Whatever, moving on...
I also read Honey Stained Hands by the sweet and deceptively naughty @undercoverpena too. Seems to be a Joel fix this week. Post-outbreak. The reader manages to make honey and different sweets in Jackson. Telling ya’ll anymore is a spoiler. Go read it!
There’s also another grizzled man this week. Tim Rockford who in the capable hands of the same writer @secretelephanttattoo who brought us Marcus Pike (Doughnut Debauchery) and the reason I’ll never look at doughnuts the same, I’m sure she’ll find many a use for his gun holsters. She began her new series “Undercover.” I’m throughly looking forward diving into more of the chapters as she releases them.
@linzels-blog wrote another Din Djarin fic that is equal parts sensual and sweet. It’s called Safe to Touch. I’m rather fond of our intrepid Mendalorian and him exploring his body with someone he loves is a treat.
Speaking of which, who doesn’t like baked goods? We’re also being fed by @avastrasposts as she starts her A Baker’s Dozen series with Pedro Pascal characters. Her first one is about our favorite trash cuddle panda Dieter Bravo. It’s adorable. 🥰 Such fluff.
Nerdie, you actually read fluff? This is surprising.
What do ya’ll take me for? I told you, 80% smut. This is in the 20%. Geez. 🙄
I will say though, this next one, 100% smut, not watered down, will burn your throat and you’ll love it and want more. You’ll want it other places. 😘
Welp, we knew it was gonna end here eventually.
Yes! @morallyinept had me removing my socks and pants in an effort to cool down, it did not help. I will think of this version of Dieter Bravo when I’m out at night. Heck, maybe as I walk across the parking lot to get in my car after a shift. That honestly would be the perfect time… long story short, wild back alley sex with both Dieter and the reader being complete and utter lust filled humans. It is called, Back Alley Bang if you enjoy Pedro Pascal characters smut, it’s required reading or at least highly recommended.
Anything new for you this week Nerdie?
Session Two of my “Sard’ika Sessions” will be out on early Wednesday AM in EST. Session One and all sessions will be linked to the Sard’ika Sessions Masterlist. I’m currently writing sessions 3 and 4 from my notebook because I wrote them down. Wild what you think of between the hours of 12 mid and 4am.
I finally started writing for our Pickled Peña prompt! I might even have it in on time. If you’d like to join in, see all the details here. I’m on the fence about smut, odd I know. 🤨
I also started a Benny Miller fic (likely fluff with food) and a Christmas fic with Joel and Layla (on OFC I wrote three fics on a few months ago - I love them very much ❤️). Joel and Layla are on my Masterlist.
Anything outside of fanfiction Nerdie? Please say that’s not the only thing you do. 🙄
I have a job you know. I actually worked this weekend. I visited my mom while she had a cold earlier this week. She’s very into Tom Hiddleston. Not a bad choice, I too appreciate his accent and baritone voice. She enjoys his dancing. 🕺🏽 I’d watching Loki with her and finally got her to watch Andor - she liked it but called it “low budget Star Wars” because she didn’t know any of the actors. I swear she’s so goofy. I love her. She also said that Andor grew on her like The Mandalorian and she wants to see more. I may be able to get her on board with both Lunas eventually. 😝
I’ve been working on my Statistics class. It’s difficult but I’m pushing through. 😵
Finally watched two Garrett Hedland movies this week! Country Strong and Four Brothers. The first was bittersweet but I liked it. He did sing a lot which was wonderful. The second one I’ve seen multiple times with little brother (he loved the movie when we were younger.) Garrett looked so young! It was from 2005 though.
Well Nerdie, your week sounds full. Good luck!
Have a great week everyone!
I jammed to while some music while looking at a picture of Gabriel Luna that @musings-of-a-rose sent me because she knows me well and is always willing to share: 😍
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One of the songs was:
Stay safe and feel better to all those who are feeling under the weather,
Love Nerdie ❤️
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cupidsdescendant · 1 year
Mercs helping with period cramps! (Part 2)
Hiya babes <3! I hope you all are having a happy holiday! If u don’t celebrate Christmas I hope you have a happy whatever-day!💗💗💗💗 thank you for all the support I’ve been getting on my last posts I appreciate it beyond words!
-clueless but considerate
-when he sees you struggling they try to help however he can
-pryo sees the world different from her view so whenever she sees you hurt or bleeding she believes that your period is a real life devil stabbing you
-yes ik it’s sorta weird but this is how I imagine pyros mind handling things
-usually he’ll punch the air as you lay on the floor or chop the wind believing they’re saving you
-you tell them to relax ! Explaining your menstrual cycle yourself to him in the simplest terms
-you give pryo a small list of what you need and he agrees
-he gets all the things you need in the…maybe more violent ways by killing the workers at the market in retaliation or not getting the stuff for free
-you know she loves you tho <3 and he tries his best!
-a respect full lad, but he doesn’t help much
-he doesn’t really know how to and he could care less
-“Dontcha got arms? You can get this yourself, mate” he says as he focuses on his rifle
-instead you insist he gets you things so he can visit you more often and hang out
-Spy him in the head after he saw Sniper ask if he was okay
-“YOU FOOL!” Spy says as he points to snipers chest and pushes him back a little
-“What the bloody hell is wrong with you, mate?!!” He says in retaliation
-spy gives him a lecture about being considerate to a woman and respectful blah blah and sniper reluctantly agrees
-Sniper legit tries but never gets the hang of it, he helps out in all sorta ways but it’ll always be wrong
-Months go by like this and Sniper always dreads when it’s your cycle because he feels bad he can never be the best for you
-“I can shoot at attah things” Sniper says as he shoots off the head of a Scout “but I cant finish the shot at this thing, doc.”
-Sniper begged Medic to come up to his camper to talk about it, reluctantly Medic listens
-Medic also teaches him how to be proper (spy also helps too lol) but after hours and days of training it’s no use
-Sniper will always tell you how much he loves you when he messes up at it and that he’ll try again next time, so rlly it’s the thought that counts <3
-Engi is already a sweet man and he’s even sweeter when you’re on your cycle
-he understands despite not having any experience with it before and he’s a wonderful listener
-he gets you everything you need no matter what, he gets them quickly!
-Engi will try to make devices to stop your cycle (all of them failing) but when you’re in bed with cramps he’ll sketch and write about a new design
-“it’s okay, pumpkin. This one will work I have a good feeling-!” He says as he kisses your cheek
-he feeds you southern dishes and foods in bed <33
-“uh ahuh-..uhm hello, darling..” Engi says nervously, he’s sweating like crazy and his entire face is red
-“yes Engi? Is something a matter?”
-“well..you see I have an ..idea for uhm..an “invention” he says with quotation marks “well it’s been done-e. befor-e.. but uh i’d like to customize it to fit you-..so I would-..l-like some measurem-ents…”
-“oh of course! What do ya need measured” Y/N says back with a warm smile
-“Uhm. I would need to-..measure your uh.. “ he clears his throat and whispers
“Your hoo-ha-“
“HE MEANS YA PUSSY!” Scout screams out as he laughs as a shook Engi
“WILL YOU GET OUT BOY!” Engi angrily yells back with
-You find out that Engineer wanted to measure your uh..yeah..so then he could make you a custom period cup
-you agree and in the end he makes it and gives it to you in a little bag with a bow
-“I’m very sorry, pumpkin. I should’ve been a lot more ..uh..better with the way I acted.”
-you kiss Engi on the cheek “it’s okay you didn’t do anything wrong. Thank you, hon”
Welp that’s all folks ! It’s currently 2:22 (make a wish <3) and I would love to sleep now from a long day. I hope you all stay safe and have a good day! Mwah! XOXOXO (part 3 will be out soon!)
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bosskie · 21 days
Git Yer Bundle Today
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This post is sponsored by Molluck's MouthLube 'n' Cigars. [Just joking, sadly... I mean, I would be glad to collaborate with him! Not encouraging anyone to smoke tho', but maybe in Oddworld... I don't even smoke; I'm just a cigar owner!]
Yeah, I have had this idea on my mind for some time and decided to draw it now, especially when I'm struggling with cold or something right now... So, Molluck had also invented his own cigar brand and that Molluck's MouthLube we hear about in Abe's Exoddus (I kinda love how 'wrong' it sounds) but they were flops...
I'm wasn't really sure how to design those products, so I used the one Exoddus uses for the bottle. Felt also drawing that ad image from the game but with my edits since it's basically just that yelling Gluk with a bottle. So yeah, just used his basic logo for his stuff, like the SoulStorm Brewery has basically the same Gluk there and it's also Molluck's... Maybe he could have slapped his own face on them too but well, it was simplier to draw them like that...
Frankly, I had no idea about the slogan either but I guess that it would work on Gluks. 'Wanna be as successful as Molluck the Glukkon? Use this stuff, ya chump!' Yeah, dunno how well Molluck could market his stuff but just look at him! I mean, he is such a beautiful Glukkon, he is a perfect commercial model! While drawing this and looking at him I have been just thinking how huggable he is... He is just so cute! I know, it doesn't relate to this but I just cannot resist that face... He is the most beautiful creature to me. He is OWI's masterpiece or at least the most important thing OWI has given to my life!
I'm not sure what else to say... But welp, related to this, I have been wondering how much health issues smoking really causes to Glukkons, like would they live longer than 65 years which is their average lifespan if they didn't smoke. In SoulStorm, Molluck is 50-something, so he has lived about 80-90 % of his life, making him indeed being close to retirement. Though, I don't know if this 65 years is still the case since back then it was said that Molluck is 40-something but Lorne answerer to me that he is 50-something (it was a part of my question). Don't really know if he has actually changed his age or something but yeah, Molluck being 50-something makes more sense to me actually. But we at least know from Munch's Oddysee that Molluck's mother, Lady Margaret, seems to have health issues from smoking, needing new lungs. We don't know her age though, like how long it has taken that this health issue appeared. But we don't really see Glukkons having a cough or any other issues from smoking really. Maybe their species is so used to that stuff, heh, I don't know. Frankly, I would suppose Molluck's teeth being more yellow from smoking but maybe he uses something to whiten them or Glukkon teeth are somehow more resistant...
Oh, and yeah, that Molluck's MouthLube has 'bothered' me since I heard about it... 'Say it, don't spray it!' Whatever that slogan means... Maybe it's used to keep the mouth moistured making smoking better. I have been also joking that it's the reason why Molluck's cigar stays so well in his mouth since well, I have been looking at those animations quite closely and sometimes, his cigar looks more like glued to his lips... So, I could point out some animation flaws I have found but you know, nothing is perfect. Still showing what I mean here though:
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If you look at this part of the bad ending, you can see how his cigar does look like glued to his lips... Or maybe Molluck got some talent there! Yeah, I have just been looking at those cutscenes so much that I also basically know which cutscene to open for reference material...
But yeah, just more of this beautiful Glukkon! ✨
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Your Help is so Sugary Sweet
Thoma x Fem!Reader
Summary:   Y/N has never been the best at baking now or ever. But when your very adorable baby cousin asks you to bake cookies, welp time to go to the kitchen. Even though the first round was a struggle it can’t be too bad, especially with some newly acquired help.
Words: 2,135
AN: Thank you @milkstore for the confidence boost while I was writing this fic. Also for confirming that this was as funny as I thought it was and for catching an error I had. You are the best!
“Thank you so much for showing up so last minute.” Y/N rushed Thoma inside her home. “My baby cousin signed me up to bring sugar cookies for his class’s bake sale. I told him it was okay. I mean it's just sugar cookies, right? It can't be that hard. Ugh, I’m such a fool.”
“Calm down. I’m sure what you made isn't that bad.” He placed down a few grocery bags on a dining table nearby. 
“If you don’t think it's that bad why do you have all of that?” Y/N motioned towards the bags he had brought. “Even then it just smells like burnt flour in here. How am I ever gonna get that smell out of my home?"
Thoma pulled a candle out of one of the bags he brought. "Well, Ayaka and I tried candle-making last week. You could try lighting this if the smell bothers you so much." He handed the candle over. It was in a Mason jar with a wick pre-cut down ready to be lit. The wax was placed in uneven layers of reds and blues swirling together to create a few shades of purple. 
Y/N took the candle. The label was homemade as well. Sticker paper with a marker telling the scent was vanilla blueberry. There were drawn-out silver sparkles with a pen that had been slightly rubbed off from being touched too early. "I love it. How could I ever light this?"
"We're supposed to try again next week with Ayato. There will be more so just light it before I do it for you. I remember where you put your lighter still."
"There's no way you do." She looked back up at his face trying to read if there was any sign that he was bluffing.
"In the second drawer on the left near your fridge pushed all the way to the back because you'd rather use wax melts than a candle most days." 
Frustrated yet impressed, Y/N threw a kitchen towel that was lying on the table before going to light the candle to hopefully shut up Thoma's laughter at knowing her all too well.
Thoma followed behind heading into the kitchen only to be met with the sight of burned sugar cookies and ingredients used up on the counter. It was his own personal nightmare. Dishes were stacked high in the sink. Flour and sugar covered the floor except for the gaps where someone had walked. On the counter where the cookies were rolled out, there were spots where dough stuck to the counter from not enough flour being placed down. There was a bowl that contained the yolks from eggs for some ungodly reason. 
"I was wrong to have faith in you," was all he could say as he processed what he was witnessing.
Y/N turned around, lighter in hand. “Thoma!” She whined.
“You have a bowl of egg yolk on the counter. How else am I supposed to react? It's like a tornado came through here.”
“I thought the cookies would look less yellow. If there’s white cake and yellow cake, doesn't that mean there should be white and yellow sugar cookies?” It was a genuine question with a train of thought that ran off the rails off a cliff into the ocean in the middle of a hurricane.
“The yolk is an important ingredient for the cookies.” He rubbed his forehead with flashes of some of the horrible things that Ayato had come up with maybe the same train of logic. “What else did you do?”
“I may have used half the recommended amount of sugar. You know so the kids that eat them don’t get a sugar high. It's more healthy for them anyway. That way they can snack on the cookies and they would still be tasty since there would still be sugar anyway. Why is it when I say this aloud I just know I’m in trouble?”
“Cause you’re evil. A villain!”
"A villain?"
"Yes, a villain. Don't you know when baking, that the recipe is the law." 
"Aren't baking and cooking the same thing? If you can throw spices around as you please when cooking, why can't you when baking?" Y/N lit the candle and placed it on top of the counter before placing the lighter down next to it. Poor candle trying its best to cover the burnt flour smell.
"Baking is more of an exact science. And even then you shouldn't throw spices around while cooking. You'll put something in that shouldn't be there. You are doing it out of not knowing better, Ayato does it out of curiosity, and Ayato’s ideas rubbed off on Ayaka. It's a miracle how the three of you made it this far."
"I'm genuinely trying to get better though.” She explained. “Doesn't that count for something? The only reason my baby cousin signed me up to help him out was cause that one time you helped me babysit him we all baked brownies together. The memory really stuck for him. I just didn't want to let him down."
Thoma sighed. "Go start washing the dishes. I'll start cleaning up in here and then we can start baking."
Y/N perked up. "So you aren't upset with me?"
"I knew what I was signing myself up for. Even then I'm just glad you didn't burn your kitchen down yet."
"I wouldn't go that far. I know how to put out a kitchen fire. I've done it before." Y/N spoke with way too much pride for someone who just admitted to actually almost burning down a kitchen.
"Please start the dishes before I get a headache." He couldn’t be that mad anyway but was still very worried about the lack of general baking knowledge.
Y/N laughed before following her savior's wishes.
“Even though the recipe says two and three-fourths of flour we are putting a little less in so when we roll out the dough the cookies won't have too much flour on them and fall apart on us,” Thoma explained as he measured out the dry ingredients before setting them aside in a bowl. “And we are doubling the batch so that means there should be five and a half cups of flour.”
“So you can adjust the recipe!” Y/N stood nearby watching tasked with the vital job of not touching anything and paying attention to hopefully learn what were her many mistakes. 
“Yes, I can adjust the recipe. You have to know what you are doing before you do whatever you want. If the batter is too wet, we add more flour. If the batter is too dry then you can add milk or eggs. But you add very little until you reach the correct consistency.”
“And when we add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, mix it in slowly.”
“I remembered that part. It’s so easy.”
“You want to do it?”
“Yes. It’s the least I can do.” Y/N took over happily, finally having a real task again, ready for redemption.
“While you work on that, I’ll prep the cookie sheets and the counter for when the dough is ready.” 
"Then we can cut them out to bake?"
"Yes. It's the easiest part. You should be able to do it by yourself while I make the frosting."
"You should wait to make the frosting. When I rolled out the dough before I couldn't get it thin enough without it falling apart and then it was uneven too."
"I'll give you a pass on that one. Learning the best way to roll out the dough can be tricky."
“So I’m not a lost cause.” Y/N teased
“I never said that.”
"But you were thinking about it."
"If I was, I wouldn't have given you the dough to mix. Are you finished with it yet?"
"Yes. Show me how it's done please." She brought the bowl over to where Thoma had cleared off the counter.
Thoma grabbed a clean measuring cup, dipped it into the bag, and took out the flour before sprinkling it over the counter. He rolled up his sleeves before hands with flour reaching in the bowl to grab the cookie dough and splitting it up in twos and then in twos again. 
He took one part of the dough placing it on the center of where he had flour on the counter. "There's some rolling pins that have bands you can place on them. You just place the height you want on them and don't even have to think."
"My rolling pin is just wood and didn't come with those. How does that help me?" 
"If your cousin wants you to make cookies again and I'm not around to help."
Y/N stuck her tongue out at him. "Just teach me already you meanie."
He continued trying to make his point. "If you don't get that rolling pin you should get a heavier one, this one is too light."
"Wouldn’t that just smash that dough down and be harder to move?"
"We want the dough to get smashed evenly but a heavier rolling pin isn't that hard to move around. The weight makes it easier to do the pulls and pushes more evenly since you aren't personally putting so much pressure on the dough."
"Ohhhh so I was pressing too hard into the dough."
He nodded his head. "You also need to turn the dough as you work so that when you are rolling it the pressure is placed around evenly."
"Yeah, I definitely wasn’t doing that."
"Then if you want to check to make sure it's the right size you should kneel down so you're at eye level with the counter. If you work it slowly and check every so often you should have no problem. Other than that, I think that’s all the advice I can give you.”
“So demonstration time then I get to try again?”
“That was the plan but like I said, your rolling pin is really light. It’s going to be hard to learn on this so I’ll do it for you this time if that’s alright?”
“Yeah, that’s fine. I think I'd rather watch to see if I even understand first anyway."
Thoma took some more flour covering the rolling pin before getting to work, easily demonstrating his own advice. Roll the dough out, turn the dough, and repeat. It was so mundane yet surprisingly hypnotic. Odd. 
It wasn’t normally a task that Y/N found herself distracted by. It had to be the sight of the dough becoming wider and thinner that she must have been enchanted. That couldn't be it though as her eyes kept drifting towards Thoma's arms. Even more odd.
Yes, Thoma was an attractive guy but it’s Thoma. That was her friend. He’s a sweetheart and a goof. His arms looked amazing as he worked on the cookies but this was the same guy who had made countless sweaters for Taromaru. Then again that might be a plus. Maybe Y/N was just overthinking things. Instead of thinking of how nice it would be to be held by those arms, it would be better to think back on when Thoma had tried the Kamisatos’ latest hotpot creations and how he remained on the floor for 30 minutes after consuming it.
Actually no. She had been late to that dinner and should have been there earlier to stop him. For someone so helpful and important in their lives, they could at least help him out every now and then and not put him through things like that. Even though he laughs through it and says it’s fine, isn’t better to see him smiling like he was doing now.
His smile was so warm and comforting, filled with so much love for those around him. With everything he was doing right now, it wasn’t hard to admire him. Which led her back to staring at his arms. It’s just from a sense of admiration, so it must be alright to do.
Thoma’s hand began to snap in front of her face. “You there? Left space yet?”
She blinked stumbling back a bit. “I’m here. I’m here!”
“I asked if you could get the cookie cutters three times now. What were you even thinking about?” He question. The rolling pin had been placed on the side of the counter.
“Uh, It was nothing. I just zoned out. That’s all.” She moved quickly out of the way heading to the drying rack to to grab what he had asked for. 
Thoma frowned. He didn’t like being lied to but he didn’t want to push for an answer. Especially for something that over all wasn’t too important. “I’ll let you cut these out while I start the frosting. I’ll roll out the next batch once you’re done.”
“Thanks. I appreciate it.”
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straycalamities · 10 months
oh wait i wanna do hug post too tf?
entre...needs to be split hold on mainverse entre: is not a hugger really, but will if it's like...the Social Moment. like if someone else initiates it and ppl Been Huggin he's like welp okay! but he does hug his loved ones...when he can. its rare he'll initiate tho. very rare. and when he does its got uhhh depth to it. social hugging is a light embrace with a friendly pat. emotional hugging is a tighter squeeze and sometimes a burying of the face depending
trufflu entre: is more of a hugger but still bad at initiating bc he would (rightly) assume most ppl dont want a hug from the guy who ended the world. getting hugs absolutely melts the man. hugs are everything to him. he never expects them so when he gets them? man...he will liquify in your very arms. he initiates them more often with swag? thats abt it. when he gets over the shock of being hugged (or when he initiates) hes hugging and squeezing with every muscle fiber in his body ppl might be crushed tbh and he's trying to hide himself in the other person's body with how hard he's pressing into them
spook: not a hugger. do not hug. it will not hug you. do not hug it. exceptions made for ppl that've passed the vibe check and also gotten through all the layers of distrust and other icky things. it can enjoy hugs with its Closest People :tm: but otherwise. Do Not The Hug. its hugs are comfortable? it's careful about how tight it squeezes, but if ur in the hugging privilege, it likes to be squeezed
andrew: hugger! not like supremely because he's got awful social anxiety so he's very afraid of making a wrong move and doing Something Bad Socially. like oh i misread this as a hugging moment. or oh i thought we were close enough i could hug and it would be fine but maybe its not? always worrying about stuff like that (less so when inebriated. becomes super hugger 9000 when on a substance) but he is..liking to hug. hug him. he'll hug you back real tight
ace: absoLUTELY not a hugger. just dont touch him in general? ew? who do you think you are? literally loathes touching ppl so you think you can have a hug? even if its a Social Moment, he will find some way to play it off or manipulate the situation so the hug is forgotten or smth. but okay say youve gotten through his labyrinth of onion layers of defenses and facades......youre In with him good...still not a huge hugger bc like...physical affection...scary. especially intense like hugging, but if someone else initiates he will..be frozen up like a deer in headlights but eventually give you a few awkward back pats back, maybe a little squeeze if youre super special.
daisy: HUGGER! she loves to hug! one of her trademark greetings is basically a glomp. she's a glomper. overexcited catgirl who loves people! she loves getting hugs too! maybe if someones being a little too overfamiliar she'll be a little awkward about it, but she won't turn down a hug despite all that.
eren: hmm complicated... it depends on who and what mood shes in. typically tho she'll hug! more of a return-hugger than an initiator. it's a casual kinda hug, sometimes with a few pats. she honestly feels sort of awkward receiving genuine affection from people because of the complicated feelings she has towards herself and her misunderstanding of how ppl perceive her. if she initiates the hug shes either like...drunk or like something significant and emotional has happened.
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pancake-breakfast · 9 months
This is it, everyone. The last volume. The final week. The end of an era.
I'm not ready.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 14, Chapters 1-3 below.
Chapter 14 Covers
Mind Games, huh? I think Nightow is playing his own mind games with the readers with this bright-and-cheerful fully-blond Vash image here.
Oh, he just HAD to sneak a tiny Wolfwood into the joke cover. Rude.
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The back cover is Vash doing his whole love and peace thing. But will this manga end with love and peace? Guess we'll be finding out real soon, huh?
Haahhaha, Chibi Legato looks terrified he's going to fall. It's cute.
These titles are all so dramatic.
Chapter 1: When Rivalry Comes To An End
CW: Body horror
Gotta get that full ensemble shot in here before the end. I particularly appreciate that the way he drew Livio suggests Razlo is there, too. Though I'll note even here we're not allowed to see Wolfwood's full face.
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"I've been livin' by my gun longer than you've been alive!" Hahahahahaha, that's what YOU think.
LOL, Vash's whole reaction to this is gold. He's so casual, and then he realizes the sheer level of discordance with his looks versus his age when people think he's human, panics, and rapidly changes the subject.
I feel like it's unfair to call this a rivalry. The whole of the rivalry is located in Legato's head.
Ugh, them fighting with all the debris falling around them. It's crazy. I wonder if we'll get to see this animated in Stampede.
Vash isn't gonna have any energy or power left for Knives at this rate.
Look at him. He looks so happy.
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Yeah, Legato's right. This seems like a severe lack of foresight on Vash's part. Legato was literally giving him trouble back at the beginning of all this before Legato gave him the activated box.
*sigh* Vash is really into burning this Last Run juice here, isn't he. Idiot.
Dude, Legato, now you're polar opposites? I thought you just decided you and Vash were kinnies in the last volume.
I have no idea what's going on here. Legato is screaming. I got that much. I think maybe he destroyed Vash's prosthetic arm?
Awww, is that Little Elendira? What, did Knives just find a bunch of bitter, bitter children and decide to raise them to be bitter, bitter adults??
If Vash pulls the trigger, he simultaneously loses and wins. But... I know how this fight ends.
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Heh. And here Vash is, still refusing.
Legato, honey, baby, my boy. Don't. It's ok if you don't get shot. It really really is.
Welp, that's grotesque and terrifying.
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Godsdammit, I know how this is gonna play out, but part of me really, REALLY hoped I just heard wrong. It wouldn't be the first time. But the pieces are all in place now, and set up in the right positions, so....
Legato, you asshole. How dare you reduce Livio to only having worth as a tool! I mean, I get it. It's how Legato sees himself, and thus it's how he defines things, but it still stings.
And suddenly Vash is faced with a trolley problem he's not sure he can avoid or solve by other means.
WhAT is THIS??!!!?!?! Sudden Wolfwood?!
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Chapter 2: Overkill
Oh, this isn't even Livio here. It's Raz. Not that the result wouldn't be the same.
Did... Vash shoot?
Yeah.... Yeah, he did. I like how Nightow doesn't focus on the violence of it, but instead on the grief of it. Just the simplicity of Vash's knee hitting the ground in defeat, and the place where Legato should be standing or kneeling or whatever in front of him is empty, instead replaced by just his feet and the edge of his cloak.
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Just the way he couldn't let humans die because Rem gave her life to protect them, Vash can't let Livio die when Wolfwood gave his life to save him. He's still mourning that he had to make this choice. He still hates this situation. It's not a deed done with a clear conscious. It's just the path he can live with better.
Aww, Livio's trying to get Vash out of there. He knows Vash is in a bad place. I honestly think he could figure that out even if Vash's hair hadn't gone so dark.
Meanwhile, all Vash can think of is Wolfwood.
Meanwhile, it looks like Knives has gone to space to meet his new friends up close and personal.
Either whatever he's paying attention to is REALLY important or he's just lying a trap for them. Maybe both?
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Well, if the Earth Fleet can't stop itself, then I guess Knives will have to stop them.
Heh, Milly having to call Meryl by her actual name to get her attention.
They've found Vash! And Livio!
Oooh, Meryl just took one look at this situation and already knows how bad it is before Livio starts explaining.
This panel is... I dunno. This panel is feels.
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Is Vash having a bit of a breakdown? What's he gonna shoot at??
Bless Meryl. She's doing so much for him right now. She's probably been thinking about this sort of thing since they parted ways before. She's ready now, and she's going to do her best. Just because it's a non-combat maneuver doesn't mean it's not important.
Six ships all aimed at each other with Knives in the middle, going for a smoosh move? Welp, this is bad.
Wait, are they talking to the Plants Knives has absorbed?? Silly me, I thought they were just gonna chat with the bulbed ones.
Chapter 3: Side By Side
What in the zombie wasteland even are these first few pages??
Knives looks very unconcerned by his supposed impending smooshing.
Are these flashes to just after the Great Fall, maybe?
Gods, these random dramatic floating feathers are so late '90's/early 2000's. All you kidses don't even know. Personally, I blame CLAMP.
Hahahaha, this kid got biffed on the head by one. Also, there sure are a lot of them. Is this the Plants bleeding themselves off of Knives, maybe?
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Oh, the Plants are making the people resonate with each other the way the Plants resonate with each other. That's... a thing.
Ah, yeah, these are definitely flashbacks. The town is growing up around the Plant.
Oh, NOW Knives decides to pay attention to his whole body going all vibratey.
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"We need the support of more people." This reminds me of Horton Hears a Who. Like, they just need more individuals making noise and then the Plants will hear them.
Yeah.... Really, it doesn't even take 100 years for abuse to leave a very nasty mark that might be impossible to reach past.
"Be on the lookout for any retaliation." Knives looks VERY ready to retaliate.
This Plant just wanted to help, but everything kept dissolving into violence....
...but there were good people, too. People who wanted to help and to learn and to teach others and to give thanks.
Hahahahaha, this is the "more people." They're the people in the past. This feels soooo much like Vash remembering the people of July and thinking that, regardless of what else they were or could have been, there were so many he knew that were just... kind.
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Dude, this guy here just telling Knives off. Not sure if he's got balls of steel or if he's just ignorant or if he's just dealt with enough renegade Independents to call them as he sees 'em.
Trigun Vol. 1: Covers + 1-3, 4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 || Vol. 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Vol. 1: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Vol. 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Vol. 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Vol. 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 6: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 7: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 8: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5 + Bonus || Vol. 9: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 10: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-8 || Vol. 11: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 12: Covers + 1-3, 4-6, 7-9 || Vol. 13: Covers + 1-3, 4-6, 7-9
Extra Credit: Trigun Vol. 1: Nebraska vs. Vash's Motivations, Vash's Loneliness, Vash's Depression (pt. 2 of post), Soupy Brains || Vol. 2: Coin Factoids || TriMax Vol. 1: Lina, Vash, and a Haircut || Meryl, Vash, and the Pursuit of Happiness || Vol. 5: Knives, Vash, and Hatred for Humanity || Vol. 6: Coping Series: Wolfwood, Meryl, Vash || Vol. 8: The Uncoordinated Counterattack || Vol. 9: Justice, Punishment, and Mercy, The Tolling of an Iron Bell || Vol. 10: Crucifixion Symbology (pt. 2 of post), Merging of Families, Being Childlike (And Why God Hates Chapel) || Vol. 11: New Hair, New Outlook
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chatxkilluaxnoir · 1 year
Man, I really regretted looking up Undertale Characters and Undertale Sans analyses on this here site:
Like, there is a reason I avoid doing that more often than not on tumblr (and some other sites), because a lot of the time I just across takes/analyses/etc. that I just really (personally) don’t agree with and/or like.
Even by creators that I can, have, do, and/or did like, and seemingly “well-liked”/”well-accepted” and/or “popular” takes.
Disclaimer:  If you like or agree with any these takes or similar ones; that is fine, we all have different opinions.  I just tend to not really like these takes.
The takes in question.  These are just UT/DR takes and ones I have mainly come across today and fairly recently (some of these takes are actually done by fans of these characters; that doesn’t mean I like or agree with them still though (putting the rest under a “read more” cut, because this gets pretty long, and in case people don’t want to read about these takes):
“Toriel is homophobic” (just uggghh, no.  Just no).
“Sans is useless and/or serves no purpose (in the game, battle, narratively, thematically, and/or etc.)” (basically) (this, just isn’t true at all, and I really, really (like, just a lot), hate this take/these takes).
“Sans is weak” (also hate this take).
“Sans is just some guy and/or a nobody now”, because he now can’t be a badass and cool and powerful and smart (which, he is), while also being dorky and edgy and vague and a generally nuanced and a flawed person with layers.  I guess.  Not allowed.  Talk about fandom over-correction (imo).
“Toriel is just a Mom and basically has no other character traits or flaws.” pretty much (Just no and is a huge oversimplification of her character).
“Chara is abusive/Chara abused Asriel” (Chara, who is also, just a iteral child.  And someone who was probably traumatized and hurt in the past.  Chara wasn’t perfect, but to say this, I just can’t agree with it really).
“Papruys is now the strongest character in Undertale” (he is strong and powerful in his own right, but this is just unfair to the other characters, and is kind of over-stretching stuff imo.  Like some Sans take(s); I also mostly blame this on fandom over-correction).
“To make Paps interesting we now have to make him edgy” basically (less a statement, and more a trend I see sometimes).  There are many ways you can make a character interesting for instance.  And 2nd of all; why try to make a non-character edgy, when we got more actual edgy characters like Sans, Chara, Flowey/Asriel, Gaster I guess, Muffet, I guess, heck, maybe even Toriel, and/or etc.?  Not saying Paps isn’t interesting btw; he is.  Just saying some people seem to only think they can make him interesting by making him edgy.  Not even against edgy Paps completely; I’m not.  Just trying to say there are other ways to do things/you could do things.
“That somehow Flowey/Asriel (and in the case of some fan stories; Gaster too), is a better person than Sans is” (don’t get me wrong, Sans is a morally questionable/morally grey character (and I love that about him).  But the amount the shit he gets sometimes, while arguably, characters who are just as bad, worse, and/or (more) ill-intentioned than Sans get more of a pass is just like, “what?”
“Flowey did nothing wrong” basically (this comment kind of goes hand-in-hand with what I say in the previous paragraph.  I do get he is technically a child still, and he is a good character.  But like, he still did many, many things wrong).
Not really a character, just a take I didn’t agree with at all, “Undertale’s meta aspects and time travel isn’t needed and basically make the game worse, and game would have been just as good, if not better without them”, (and I am like just "????”, about those things.  Those things are so important to Undertale man, and they don’t make the game worse, they make it better.  Like, what do you even mean?)
Etc., etc.
So yeah, really didn’t like these takes at all.  And I mean, AT ALL.
Welp, at least the somewhat sour taste these left in my mouth hopefully helps me more careful while searching for and/or looking up analyses, metas, etc. on tumblr and/or etc.
I have hopefully, learned my lessons now.
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cazperx-x · 2 years
I was wondering if you could write a Gareth Emerson x reader where the reader is friends with Jason and has a massive crush on Gareth. They get into a verbal fight with Jason after they hear Jason call Gareth (or any member of hellfire) a freak for the first time and they punch Jason before they are pulled away from him.
i may or may have gone a bit overboard with this idea-
The Cafeteria
Gareth Emerson x GN!reader
1.7k words
Summary is basically the request, they/them pronouns are used (tell me if i messed up anywhere-)
You were walking down the hallway of Hawkins High, Jason next to you. He was on his way to the cafeteria, and you were on your way to the library. Rather than eat in the busy and loud cafeteria, you’d rather relax in the quiet and calming library. 
Jason had just finished telling a bizarre story about one of his most recent basketball games, and you were not impressed. 
“Oh shut up,” You chuckled, playfully shoving Jason in the shoulder. 
“What? I’m being serious.”
When you rolled your eyes in response, he put his hands up in defense. 
“Well maybe if you actually showed up to my games you’d know.” Jason crossed his arms. You two had been best friends practically since you were born. Your families were close, meaning even though he was a year older you two had been inseparable before you were even in grade school. 
But over the years, you two had been growing apart. While Jason easily fits in with the popular crowd, becoming one of the best players on the basketball team, you fit in better with the “freaks”. Most days you were missing his games to play DnD with Hellfire. You didn’t tell him though, since you figured it would hurt his feelings. 
Hellfire. Although you loved the roleplaying game, that wasn’t the only reason you went. 
Gareth Emerson. The Fluffy-haired drummer boy. He was short-tempered and liked to act all tough, but you knew he was a softie. 
“Helloooo? Y/n? Are you listening?” Jason waved his hand in front of your face, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Hm? I wasn't paying attention, sorry.” you gave him a small smile. 
“Typical. Well, I was saying you better show up to this game. If we win this one we go to the championship game! Pleaseee?” 
You rolled your eyes with a sigh, but finally, you agreed. 
“Welp, I’ll see you later Jay,” You said, walking towards the library. 
But Jason grabbed your sleeve as you started to walk away. “How about you eat in the cafeteria for once? With me and the other basketball players. It’s not a good image if my best friend eats lunch in the library like a loner. “ 
You sighed but thought it over. Maybe eating in the cafeteria wasn’t so bad. And who knows, perhaps you’d be able to slink away and sit with Gareth. Jason wouldn’t mind that much, would he?
“Fine, Jay. But only this once because I’m feeling nice okay? This is not going to become a regular thing. Got it?”
Jason chuckled. “Got it.”
You walked into the cafeteria, looking around. Each table was divided into cliques, but you could easily find the Hellfire table. 
You watch as Jeff looked up and noticed you, promptly elbowing Gareth and pointing towards you. Once the boy saw you his face lit up, and he started frantically waving. 
You giggled and waved back, but Jason cut in. 
“Hey is that-” He paused mid-sentence, seeming to think over his words carefully. “-Kid bothering you?” He motioned at Gareth, who was still smiling like a crazy person. 
“He’s fine Jay. I don’t need you going all big brother mode on me in the cafeteria.” You shook your head and walked over to Jason’s table. 
“Why do you think they were walking in with Jason?” Jeff asked, glancing at Gareth who was still smiling at an idiot. 
“They’re sitting with him too,” Dustin pointed out, watching as you sat down next to Jason. 
“Do you think they’re friends?” Jeff asked.
“Hell no. Y/n isn’t an asshole. They’re probably just mixed in with the wrong crowd. They told me they don’t eat lunch in the cafeteria. I’ll invite them over.” Gareth said, getting up from his seat. 
“It’s your funeral man.” Jeff shook his head, watching Gareth make his way to the other table. 
You were picking at your lunch when you felt a sharp pain in your shoulder. 
“Hey! What was that for J-” You stopped yourself once you looked up and saw Gareth standing at the end of the table, ignoring Jason's face twisted into a scowl. 
“Hey, Gare!” You cheerfully said, smiling up at the boy. 
“Hey, Y/n! So uhh, why exactly are you sitting over here?” Gareth questioned, tilting his head to the side. 
“What's that supposed to mean?” Jason scoffed, resulting in a light shove from you. 
“Be nice Jay.” 
“Jay?” Gareth raised an eyebrow, looking from you to Jason.
“Yep! This is my friend Jason, I’m gonna guess you two know each other..?”
“Oh do we know each other,” Gareth muttered under his breath with a chuckle. 
“What do you want?” Jason was glaring lazers into Gareth’s forehead. 
“Well, I was gonna ask Y/n if they wanted to eat lunch with hellfire,” Gareth said, looking past Jason and at you with a small smile. 
Before you could answer, Jason cut in. 
“Hell no. Y/n is not sitting at the freak table with you people.”
“Jason! That's a mean thing to call someone.”  You frowned. 
“Whatever.” He rolled his eyes. 
“Sooo, do you want to sit with us?” Gareth asked again, bouncing on his heels. 
“Of course!” You smiled, and Gareth’s face lit up. 
“Cool! C’mon, let’s go.” He smiled and reached for your hand. 
But quickly, Jason grabbed his wrist, tightly. 
“Don’t you dare touch them. Freak.” Jason said through gritted teeth, tightening his grip with every word. 
“What the hell Jason?!” You pulled him by his collar, separating the two boys. 
“I’m just trying to protect you from those freaks Y/n.”
“Why do you keep calling them that? Is this how you normally act when I’m not around?” You crossed your arms frowning. 
“It’s not my fault you can’t handle the real world.” Jason rolled his eyes, using the tone you would scold a small child in for running into the street during ongoing traffic.
“I can handle the real world, Jason. But you’re being such a bitch for no reason.”
“Oh, I’m being the bitch?”
“Yes, you’re being the bitch. You’re calling those poor boys freaks and for what?” 
“You’re the one willing to leave your best friend the second some boy your age you don't even know shows any interest in you.”
“As if you wouldn’t do the same for some girl. And since you didn’t know, his name is Gareth and we’re friends. In fact, I’m friends with all the hellfire members. Do you want to know why I miss all your games? Because I’m doing something I actually like, playing DnD with my friends.”
“Oh wow, guess I don't need to hang out with you anymore.”
When you gave Jason a confused look, he laughed. 
“Wow, you haven’t figured it out yet? I only hang out with you because you’re a pathetic loser with no friends who eats lunch in the library. And my mom wants me to. She worried her friend's only daughter’s gonna grow up a loner with no social life and no friends. And judging by your so-called friend group, that would’ve been a lot better.”
At this point, tears were building in your eyes, and both you and Jason were standing up. Everyone was staring at you, but you either didn’t notice or care. Maybe both.
You pushed him in the chest, causing him to stumble back.
“Oh wow, that's the best you can do? Tch, pathetic. Just like you.”
“You are such a bitch Jason Carver.” 
“Oh yeah? And what’re you gonna do? Go on, cry to your little freak boyfriend.” He smirked, arms crossed. 
And at this point, you just couldn’t help it. You propelled yourself forward and punched him in the face. Hard. it knocked him to the ground, but before you could get another punch in you felt someone pulling you back by your waist. 
You were crying now, hot tears falling down your face as you saw blurry figures help Jason up. 
“Ughhhhhh, put me down.” You whined, still being pulled away from the scene in the middle of the cafeteria. 
You sniffled and struggled, but by the time you and whoever had been pulling you back were in the empty hallway outside the cafeteria you felt tired and burnt out. 
You were gently placed on the floor and finally found out who’d dragged you from the fight.
“Hey, are you okay?”
It was Gareth Emerson.
He sat down on his knees in front of you, carrying a worried expression on his face, looking you up and down for any scratches or bruises. 
“I-i’m fine. Just- god I embarrassed myself out there didn’t I?” You blubbered with a sad smile. 
Gareth frantically shook his head. “Hell no! You punched Jason Carver. In front of everyone. It was pretty badass if you ask me. “ 
“Really?” You wiped your eyes with your sleeve, a small genuine smile slipping through your lips. Someone Gareth’s presence just made you feel better. 
“Yeah really!” He chuckled before it fell silent again. 
It was a comfortable silence, but it still carried a fog of awkwardness. 
Gareth sighed, breaking it. 
“Hey, I could tell you and Jason have some erm- history. You don't have to talk about it if you don’t want to, but I’m always here if you need to. And so is hellfire. If you don’t go back to the library, you can sit with us at lunch. I’ll save you a seat. Oh! You can also hang out with us after school too, not that you couldn’t before, but now that jackass isn’t here to stop you.” 
Everything was building up. Even though those words weren’t much, you realized how much you needed them. 
Jason was never an emotional guy, and in the 16+ years you’d known him he’d never even said anything remotely close to that. 
You don't have to talk about it if you don’t want to, but I’m always here if you need to.
Before you knew it, the tears were building up again. 
One sniffle quickly turned into weeping, and Gareth pulled you closer. 
“Everything’s gonna be okay. You’ve got us now Y/n. You’ve got me. For better or for worse, got it?”
You nodded, your head against his chest as hot tears streamed down your face. 
You breathed him in. 
Gareth Emerson. 
Maybe eating in the cafeteria was the best thing to happen to you after all.
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