#and harry gets to be adopted by sirius later
earmo-imni · 2 years
Sometimes a family is an English transfem daughter of a werewolf who can herself into a regular wolf, her half a dozen unusually intelligent wolf siblings, her quiet and lonely werewolf husband, their two adopted kids, their third child who is actually their dead friends’ son and living with his aunt and uncle but they consider him theirs anyway, the trans woman’s Northern Irish, butch lesbian half sibling who would absolutely fight God if ze weren’t Catholic, hir possibly-a-traitor best friend who doesn’t know how he got here but this is the happiest he’s ever been so he’ll take it, the cute shapeshifter girl ze keeps dancing around, and the werewolf husband’s only remaining school friend who keeps fighting with the lesbian and hir best friend but is still ride-or-die for the entire group.
#got so long winded i had to color code to keep track of what was what lol#anyway this is about my hp ocs and the array of canon characters they’re connected to#in order: sarah taylor (oc) her siblings remus lupin their kids harry potter aisling doherty (oc) severus snape nymphadora tonks and sirius#black#anyway random notes on my ocs:#sarah is a gryffindor and aisling is a hufflepuff#fenrir greyback is their dad (they do NOT get along with him for various reasons)#remus and sarah’s kids are adopted. they live in little whinging after james and lily’s deaths to keep an eye on harry and consider him#their third child#aisling was born and raised in the bogside neighborhood of derry northern ireland and lived through a 3 day battle b/t catholics and#protestants about a month before ze left for hogwarts. this contributed to#they ended up marrying but he died later on when he travelled back to england for a visit and greyback got him#aisling is a halfblood. (tw rape mention) fenrir raped hir mom while he was in derry looking for a target. said target managed to escape#him and after realizing what happened to aisling’s mom took her in so she wouldn’t get sent to a laundry#(a place women who had children out of wedlock often got sent to throughout both irish nations. basically prisons)#meanwhile sarah is…idk halfblood maybe? her mother was a halfblood and idk what greyback is#sarah’s mom was part of greyback’s pack and had two sets of children with him: sarah and a litter of wolf pups. problem was greyback kept#trying to bite sarah before she was old enough to survive it so the mom sent sarah and the cubs to her sister. greyback killed sarah’s mom#for the betrayal but was unable to find the kids. meanwhile sarah grew up with remus lupin and was present when he got bit. as a result both#families spent the years until hogwarts moving around to avoid being found or noticed. sarah became an animagus to spend full moons with#remus and spent much of her school years having a novel-worthy romance with him.#oh and aisling would be an oriented aroace nonbinary butch lesbian in today’s very specific modern terms. but in the 70s 80s and 90s people#tended to worry a lot less about specific labels#my ocs#hp#in the first war with voldemort sarah was in the order of course. aisling didnt get involved bc ze was busy dealing with the Troubles in#Northern Ireland at the time. she only got involved when snape switched sides and reached out to aisling for some much needed emotional supp#*support#sarah taylor originated from my first fanfic ever and aisling used to just be called ‘severus snape’s queer irish best friend’#marijn talks
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adriennebarnes · 24 days
The “Affair”
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina Wife! Reader
Summary: After adopting 8 dogs, Charles tells his wife no more dogs. However, as a veterinarian working in an animal shelter, it’s very hard for Y/N to turn down a dog. So when she comes home with a puppy while Charles is away but tries to make it seem like she had an affair…getting a 9th dog doesn’t sound so bad, right?
Warning: the usual spelling and grammatical errors, probably a lot of inaccuracies
A/N: i love Salma Hayek and the story she tells about rescuing Ochoa is so funny.
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When Charles and Y/N first started dating when they were 20, he knew how much she loved dogs. The first time he went to her apartment, he saw her with two German shepherds.
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“Muñeco! Please meet Sirius and Nova.” Y/N said, walking up to Charles, the two dogs following her.
"When you told me you had dogs, I don’t know why, but I pictured you owning like a shih tzu or maybe a Maltese.” Charles admitted, observing the German shepherds who began sniffing him.
“Why? You think because I am Latina I must have a white crusty dog?” Y/N asked, acting all offended.
“No no no, of course not.” Charles responded scared that me might have offended his girlfriend.
“I’m teasing. No, I got them from the shelter. You know how I’m studying to become a vet? So right now I’m just a vet assistant at the shelter and when I walked in for my shift, these two dogs tried to get close to me, they would whine when I would leave the room, when I would take them outside for their walks, they would follow me, I had to adopt them. No one likes getting big dogs from the shelter, pero son tan lindos.” Y/N said, petting her dogs, the dogs were wagging their tails, enjoying the affection. Charles's heart melted. He always wanted his own dog and by the looks of it, he might get his wish with Y/N.
"How did you come up with the names?" Charles asked.
"Well obviously Sirius is named after Sirius Black from Harry Potter, and Nova to fit the space theme. Since they were picked up from the street without collars, we named them at the shelter." Y/N said. Charles leaned down to pet the dogs. Nova began licking his face while Sirius was still smelling him, you know what they say about a male dog being owned by a woman. After a few seconds, Sirius joined Nova in licking him, Charles was as happy as he can be.
"They are so friendly! Think I'll be able to stay the night?" Charles asked.
"I don't know, Char, you just joined F1, shouldn't you be training?" Y/N asked.
"I have a few days before the Monaco Grand Prix, do you want to come?" Charles asked.
"I don't know if I can leave Nova and Sirius alone." Y/N asked.
"It's only a few hours, please?" Charles asked with a pout and puppy dog eyes.
"Fine, I'll see if my neighbor can check in on them." Y/N said and her and Charles kissed.
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A year later, 2019, Charles joined Scuderia Ferrari and he was on his way to Y/N's apartment after he rested a day after the Suzuka Grand prix. He opened the door with the key she gave him and he heard barking.
"Nova, Sirius, its me, you know me." Charles entered the apartment, the two German Shepherds greeted him but he still heard barking. Thats when he saw a bulldog on the couch with Y/N. "Amour, you got another dog?" Charles asked.
"Charlie! This is Hiccup, i got him on Saturday." Y/N said, getting to hug her boyfriend. "Isn't he adorable? He has a lot of health problems because of this breeder, but he is the sweetest. Come meet him." Y/N said, holding Charles's hand to lead him to the couch, sitting next to Hiccup.
"Why did you name him Hiccup?" Charles asked.
"I was watching How To Train Your Dragon, he also had a case of the hiccups when i was...como se dice, revisando...checking him! Yeah, during his checkup, he was hiccupping." Y/N said. Charles pet the bulldog and the bulldog smiled, seemingly happy getting affection.
"He is very cute, but I don't think you'll have space for another dog, mon petit chou." Charles said.
"Hiccup wanted to be with me, he wouldn't let the other shelter workers walk him, just me, it was a sign, Charles." Y/N said.
"I'm sure it was." Charles said smiling. "I'm hungry, do you want to order something?"
"Can you manage ordering Chinese food? I have to give the dogs their bath." Y/N said.
"Sure, mon ange. Same as usual?" Charles asked.
"Yes please. Lets go guys, time for your bath." Y/N said and the dogs walked slowly behind her, not being a fan of baths.
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Another year later, December 2020, Charles and Y/N now live together in his penthouse apartment. One day, Charles went with Y/N to her job since he was on winter break.
"Charlie, can you check if Shaggy needs his bowl to be filled?" Y/N asked.
"Sure, amour." Charles said, He was walking through the shelter until he found the gate with the name 'Shaggy' and he saw a fluffy old English sheepdog. "Hello, Shaggy." Charles said hello to the dog and Shaggy started barking, wagging his tail. Charles went to the supply closet to get the bag of dog food, Y/n bought the brand that was specifically for this breed and pour the food in Shaggy's bowl.
"Shaggy looks very happy." Y/N said appearing next to him. Thats when Shaggy started whining and pawing at her through the gate. "Hi Shaggy, como está mi perrito consentido?" Y/N asked in the baby voice, Shaggy lies on his back, showing that he is ready to receive belly rubs. Charles just observes this interaction.
"Are you going to adopt him, mon ange?" Charles asked.
"I would love to adopt him, but it's your apartment." Y/N said.
"Mon ange, it is your apartment too, I asked you to move in with me, it is your apartment too. We can get him, think of it as a Christmas gift." Charles said and Y/N hugged him.
"Can you fill out the adoption papers? I need to check up on a few cats in the other room. Wish me luck." Y/N said.
"Did you take your allergy medicine?" Charles asked. Y/N shook her head no.
"Thats why i need luck." Y/N said. She went with the cats while Charles filled out the adoption papers for Shaggy, since most people in Monaco want small dogs and the other shelter workers know Charles is doing this for Y/N, the process was easy and they were able to take Shaggy home the same day. When they left Shaggy went with Y/N to buy things he needs while Charles went to buy food for the both of them. Charles got home first and he said hello to Nova, Sirius, and Hiccup, place his takeout on the kitchen counter, and refilled their food and water bowls. Charles washed his hands to serve himself good and that’s when Charles heard the door open and he saw Y/N with dog food, a dog bed, and some new toys.
“Mom Ange, I could have helped you.” Charles said, getting the bed from her and placing it on the living room. “Why does he need new toys?”
“It’s why I do for every dog, Charlie, they get new toys, they only share when they want to, it makes them feel important and that they have a permanent home.” Y/N explained to Charles. “Okay Shaggy, meet your brothers and sister.” Y/N let Shaggy off his leash and all the dogs began sniffing each other. After they got acquainted, they started playing with each other, even sharing some toys.
“Come on, mon coeur, your food will get cold, it’s time to eat.” Charles said and Y/N went to wash her hands after seeing the dogs are getting along great. She sat down to eat.
“Muñeco, do you ever think about getting a bigger place?” Y/N asked.
“Eventually, yes. That way we can raise our future children.” Charles said.
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2 years later, 2022, Charles and Y/N now have a huge villa on Monaco after they got married with enough room for their dogs to run around in the grass and a pool. In those 2 years, Y/N adopted 3 more dogs; a border collie, a Carin terrier mix, and an Australian shepherd. Charles was watching TV with their 7 dogs when the door opened and it revealed Y/N with a Euraiser dog, Charles stared at her and Y/N smiled.
“His name is Koda, his owner just abandoned him like straight up went to the shelter and dropped him off, no good reason, no toys for him specifically, nothing. Me dio cosa, Charlie, like you have no idea." Y/N said and since her eyes were tearing up, he got up to hug her.
“My love, I know you love dogs, and I love that about you, you have a big heart, but no more dogs.” Charles said, wiping her tears. Kids barked and Charles looked at him, Koda had his tongue out like he was smiling with his tail wagging. “Nice to meet you Koda, welcome to the family, meet your brothers and sisters.” Charles said. Koda ran to the other dogs. “Don’t be fooled by the size, Mickey is in charge.”
Koda was very happy with his new family. He was playing with Bailey and Bambi very politely using toys but full on wrestling with Sirius, he was very content. Mickey and Hiccup were just observing on their dog beds while Nova chewed on a treat.
“Promise me no more dogs, Y/N.” Charles said, cupping her face.
“I promise no more dogs, muñeco.” Y/N said.
And Y/N kept good on her promise, she was completely devoted to their 8 dogs, taking them to work sometimes for checkups, and it was all going well until.
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Present day, 2024, Y/N was checking a Saint Bernard as a full fledged Shelter Veterinarian.
“Rebecca, where did you get the Saint Bernard? It has worms and I’m afraid he was in the same transport van as the pitbull mixes, I need to check them too.” Y/N said, lowering the Saint Bernard and giving him an oral medication to deworm him.
“He was around Nice.” Rebecca answered.
“Interesting. Have the pitbulls been showing symptoms of having worms?” Y/N asked.
“They are relatively chill, I’ll check them right now though.” Rebecca said. Moments later, another employee named Freddie came in with a dog crate.
“You guys won’t believe what I just found by the docks.” Freddie said.
“Why were you by the docks?” Rebecca asked.
“No reason, but look at this.” Freddie entered the vet exams room with Rebecca and Y/N and opened the crate.
“Oh my god, that’s a pregnant yorkie, who would throw a pregnant dog on the streets?” Y/N asked, petting the yorkie. “Looks like she has fleas too.”
“I’ll take care of her, your shift is over. I’ll give you updates on the yorkie.” Rebecca said.
“Thanks, I’ll come in tomorrow.” Y/N said, she said goodbye to her coworkers and drove home.
When she got home, she saw all her dogs playing in the yard but as soon and they saw her, they stopped playing and ran towards her.
“Hola mis bebés!” Y/N exclaimed, petting every single dog. She got their leashes to take all of them out for a walk so they're not cooped up in one area, no matter how big it is. They walked around Monaco, some children wanted to pet the dogs, other people took photos or videos of Y/N walking the dogs, the dogs were very well behaved and nonreactive, Y/N couldn't be more grateful. She walked back home, let the dogs off their leash, and washed their paws before they stepped foot inside the house.
Charles was away for the Imola Grand Prix and he said he was going to call Y/N when she got out of work. Just like he said, Y/N's laptop started ringing, she washed her hands and answere the video call.
"Hola guapo! How's Imola?" Y/N asked.
"It's good, I'm tired of press, you know? Sometimes they ask the same questions and I can't deal with it." Charles said.
"I'm sorry, mi vida." Y/N said.
"It's fine, darling. How are the babies?" Charles asked.
"Very good, I went to that bakery where they make pastries for dogs and they loved it. I'm going to look up recipes so I can bake it for them. My babies deserve the best." Y/N said and Bambi jumped in her lap. "yes Bambi, you're my baby." Y/N saod, petting the Australian shepherd. "As a kid i always wanted one, their coloring is beautiful, and now i have one. I know we can't bring all the dogs to the Monaco Paddock, but do you think we can take Mickey?" Y/N asked.
"What happened to treating the dogs equally?" Charles asked.
"Then can we bring all of them? I want them to know where their dad works. I also really want them to meet Roscoe, we can just hang around, I'll keep them entertained, also who wouldnt want to see dogs before practice or qualifying? Like come on." Y/N said.
"Y/N.." Charles warned.
"Okay fine, our children won't see where you work, but it is unfair, they're going to be all alone in the house." Y/N said.
"Yeah, with a dog sitter who will feed and play with them, walk them, and the dogs have the entire property to run around. I bought the villas so you wouldn't have to worry about the dogs as much and you worry about the same." Charles said,
"I can't help it, they're innocent creatures." Y/N said, hugging Bambi tightly and Bambi liked her face. "Look at her Charles, no thoughts behind those eyes."
"Alright my dear, I have to go, I love you." Charles said.
"I love you too." Y/N said and hung up her FaceTime and thats when she got a call from Rebecca. "Hey Rebecca, whats up?"
"Hey, so the mama yorkie is about 8 weeks along in her pregnancy, she seems healthy, but I am going to give her a diet for pregnant dogs, make sure shes getting a lot of protein and calcium for the last week of her pregnancy to make sure the birth goes smoothly." Rebecca said.
"Thanks for everything, you are the best." Y/N said and hung up. She made her dinner, making a small dog safe version for them of course, what kind of owner would she be if she didn't?
A week later, it was the Monaco free practice 3 and qualifying session, she was in the paddock with Charles since he just finished the free practice.
"You did great, guapo, I'm positive you'll make pole." Y/N said, kissing him.
"Thanks, mon ange, I just really want to win my home race and i'll have a better shot of winning if i make pole." Charles said.
"And you will, baby." Y/N said. She felt her phone vibrate and saw Freddie was calling. "Freddie, what's going on?"
"The mom is going into labor, we need you here, please! I'm still just an assistant!" Freddie panicked.
"Alright I'm coming, did she start nesting in her kennel?" Y/N asked.
"She's arranging chew toys and blankets." Freddie said.
"Okay, try your best to get her into the whelping box, I'm on my way now." Y/N hung up. "I'm sorry, mi vida, I need to deliver puppies, good luck on qualifying." Y/N kissed him goodbye and ran to her car, drove off to the shelter, and went to Nani's kennel, where she was in stage 1 of labor. "How long has she been like this?"
"About 2 hours." Rebecca answered.
"Alright, we just have to wait a little while, she should start dilating in about 4 or 10 10 hours." Y/N said.
They waited those hours and Nani succesfully whelped 4 puppies, 3 boys and one girl. Y/N helped getting the puppies out of the amniotic saca and cut the umblical cord to make the processs easier for Nani. She cleaned and rubbed the puppies until she heard them cry out, once they cried, she put them near Nani. Now Nani was feeding the puppies.
"Alright team, in 8 weeks those puppies could be adopted. Hopefull the mom will be adopted as well. Goodnight, I'm going home." Y/N said goodbye to her coworkers and drove home.
Once home, Y/N saw Charles in the living room watching 101 Dalmations.
"Ma belle, how did the delivery go?" Charles asked, pausing the movie.
"The mom delivered 4 healthy puppies, I couldn't be happier. How was qualifying?" Y/N asked.
"I got pole." Charles said. Y/N screamed in excitement and hugged him.
"i am so proud of you, we should get ice cream or go out to eat, I am starving, i didn't eat." Y/N said.
"Then lets go out, ma belle, I'll go call to see if they can prepare something so it'll be ready when we get there, I'll wait for you to change." Charles said and Y/N kissed him.
"You are the best husband ever." Y/N said.
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8 weeks went by and in those 8 weeks, Y/N grew extremely close to Bubbles, the female puppy from Nani's litter. Right now, she was carrying Bubbles, comforting her after her first vaccine.
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"Rebecca, he is going to kill me." Y/N said.
"What makes you say that?" Rebecca asked.
"He literally told me that I couldn't get anymore dogs. What do you think he is going to say when he comes home from Hungary and sees her on my lap?" Y/N said, holding Bubble in front of Rebecca's face. Bubbles licked Rebecca's nose.
"Aww come on, who would be mad at a little yorkie?" Rebecca cooed. "Its not like you're bringing home a Saint Bernard, or a Rottweiler."
"Rottweilers are so cute, I would absolutely bring one home if i could." Y/N said.
"You just have to make it seem like getting a puppy isn't the worst thing in the world." Rebecca said, giving the other puppies Chip, Mikey, and Donnie, their first vaccines. Y/N started thinking.
"I got it! I'll make him believe i am having an affair." Y/N said.
"Y/N, that's a little crazy even for you." Rebecca said.
"But it's perfect! I just need to set it up perfectly. Today is Friday, right?" Y/N asked.
"Yeah, why?" Rebecca asked.
"I am not cruel enough to make him worry during the important race events like qualifying or the actual race, during free practice should be fine." Y/N said before she sent the text 'Call me tonight at 8, we need to talk' and she showed it to Rebecca.
"Good luck with that." Rebecca said. Y/N filled out the adoption papers for Bubbles and bought everything a puppy needed, she carried Bubble everywhere because until she has all her Parvo vaccines, she is not touching the ground. Bubbles was wrapped in a blanket and was brought home. When she entered the house, all the dogs came up to her.
"Hello everyone, we have a new member joining the family, her name is Bubbles, everyone, be gentle." Y/N said, emphasizing gentle. She lowered Bubbles a little so everyone had the chance to sniff her. They all went their separate ways. Y/N got a text from Charles. 'What do we need to talk about?' Y/N responded 'It is crucial to our marriage that we talk.' She wants to worry him a little. Y/N had already established and good feeding schedule with her, she just needs to adjust her potty spot. When she checked that this is the time she usually does her business in the shelter, she took her outside and let her pee on the patch of grass thats near the pool. When she was done, Bubbles trotted right to Y/N and Y/N picked her up, giving her little kisses. Thats when she heard her laptop ring.
"It's show time." Y/N said, placing Bubbles on the couch with her blanket. "Watch her." Y/N told Nova and Nova moved to the couch, keeping her eyes on the puppy. Y/N answered the FaceTime.
“Petit Chou, what’s wrong? What do we need to talk about? Can’t it wait until I’m home?” Charles asked.
“No no, I have to tell you know, the guilt is eating me alive.” Y/N said, getting teary eyed, if she wants Charles to believe she had an affair, she really has to sell it.
“Mon coeur, you can tell me anything, what happened?” Charles asked, sounding very worried.
“This isn’t easy for me to say, I love you so much, you have to know that, but my job has me very stressed, I feel like I don't have a life outside of work because you are always traveling and I work late sometimes, we are like two passing ships. Please, have mercy on me, understand where I am coming from, I get so lonely when you're not here.” Y/N finished saying and she covered her face, just waiting to hear Charles’s reaction.
“Please don’t tell me you got another dog.” Charles said and Y/N uncovered her face.
“How did you know I adopted another dog?” Y/N asked.
“My love, I know you, you would never cheat on me.” Charles said.
“I could have.” Y/N argued.
“You love me too much.” Charles argued back.
“You didn’t believe me?” Y/N asked.
“Not at all.” Charles said.
“Oh come on, that was phenomenal acting, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Y/N said.
“I think you overdid it.” Charles said.
“Well i acted better than you did for that Shell commercial.” Y/N said.
“Forget about it, can i see the dog? Did you get a big one?” Charles said. Y/N moved off screen to pick up the yorkie.
“Actually she’s a little puppy, I named her Bubbles, apparently this awful person put her dog out on the street because she was pregnant so the mama yorkie was actually with us for a while, i supervised the birth, i was bonding with the mom and her litter, but i guess this one really liked me and she would seek me out. Isn’t she adorable?” Y/N said, putting Bubbles closer to the screen so Charles can see her in all her glory.
“She is adorable, can’t wait to meet her.” Charles said,
“Im so excited for you to meet her too! This is the first time we can raise a puppy together, i can take her with me to work for her vaccines, we need a lot of bonding time with her. I honesty hope the other yorkies get adopted though, they’re so cute! I would adopt them all if I could.” Y/N confessed.
“I know you would. Please let Bubble be the final dog, I really mean it this time, Y/N." Charles said.
"Okay, okay, i promised Bubbles will be our last dog...for now." Y/N said.
"Y/N!" Charles shouted.
"Okay okay, te lo juro juradito por las haditas that Bubbles will be our last dog." Y/N said.
"That's more like it." Charles said.
"So how was free parctice?" Y/N asked Charles, placing Bubbles on her lap, giving her a small chew toy since she's teething.
"Well what happened was..." Charles said.
The End
Hope y'all liked it! I know the buildup was VERY long but i wanted to show you how much Y/N loved dogs.
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starrystormwritings · 10 months
Master List <3 Request list <3 Marauders Master List
Regulus Black x Slytherin! Potter! Reader
A/n: This had no plot as I began writing it I had no idea what I was doing and just winged it. I'm desperately looking for requests because I have no ideas at the moment lol. Anyway this is my first time writing anything Harry Potter/ Marauders so if anything is ooc let me know and bare with me <3
Summery: You and Regulus have been keeping your relationship secret from fear of your brother and his friends approval.
Warnings: Swearing, judgment, a little ooc (James and Sirius come across kind of mean I cant lie), reader is James's sister but no mention of their parents or appearance so you can imagine being adopted.
Word Count: 2367
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"Hey guys!" I said with a smile, taking a seat next to my brother and his friends at the Gryffindor table for breakfast.
"Why were you talking to him?" James asked me with a frown, my brother has forever hated the Slytherin house and as much as I can't blame him when I see the way that some of them act I also feel as if I need to defend them, seeming as it is my house.
James was devastated when the sorting hat placed me in Slytherin.
He spent weeks arguing with Professor Mcgonigal about how it was wrong and how I needed a do over because there is no way his 'good hearted and kind little sister could be one of those snakes'
I'd be lying if I said it didn't sting a little, I fit in with the other Slytherins in my year and made friends easily. I stayed away from the ones who shared the likes and opinions of people like Snape because I couldn't bring myself to be friends with people with such hurtful and outdated views.
But a lot of the people I met were nice and friendly.
But James would refuse to ever see that.
"I was taking to him because he's my friend, and we were walking to breakfast together." I said with a roll of my eyes, leaning over to grab myself some food.
"You are not friends with that snake." James said with a look of disgust.
He went to continue his complaints but Sirius cut him off.
"Evan Rosier is one of my brothers friends. Stay away from him." He said with a frown glaring over at the Slytherin table over my shoulder.
"Well even though he is your brothers friend he's also mine. I know shocking crossover for you. He's a nice guy, we do potions study sessions together and he's helped me with charms. He's a nice enough guy." I shook my head at Sirius with a frown, fed up of having the same conversation again and again.
"He's a pure blood Y/n." James said with a frown.
"And so are we, and Sirius." I said with a chuckle, looking to Remus for help but he just looked straight back down at his book.
"Yeah but we're not like them. They're mean and well snakes." James said, trying to keep his voice down despite his growing annoyance.
"They're family's made them like that. Not everyone could get away like Sirius luckily did. Evans a nice enough guy, and if he wasn't you know I'd stop talking to him."
"Yeah but-" James started before I cut him off.
"Remus help me here please." I sighed looking over at Remus pleadingly as he gave me a 'keep me out of this' look.
"Guys leave her alone, she can be friends with who she wants to be." He offered me a small smile before looking back down at his book "Now leave me out of this I'm trying to study."
"Fine fine. Anyway do you guys want to head to the library to pull a prank, I was thinking we could hex the books to make them scream if you fold the paper. Will probably make some people jump out of their skin." James said with a laugh, elbowing Sirius to hype him up about this stupid idea.
"As stupid as that sounds I need to study and since all the books in the library will be screaming I think I'll go to my dorm, I'll see you guys later." I smiled at my friends, waving at them as I stood up.
They all said they're goodbyes in return as I walked out of the hall.
I could feel a familiar Slytherins eyes on me as I left, slowing my pace down in the corridor as I heard the same familiar footsteps approaching me.
"Guess who?" He said from behind me with a chuckle, covering my eyes with his hands.
"Judging from this very shaky blindfold I'm gonna guess Regulus." I said with a laugh, turning around to face the smiling boy.
His hair was still messy despite his obvious efforts to style it, he grinned at me with that stupid lopsided smile you wouldn't expect from him if you were anyone else passing him in the corridor. A stern unemotional expression usually painting his face if he was around anyone else.
My relationship with Regulus started a few months ago when he caught me on the verge of throwing a book at some seventh years who were laughing at me over something so stupid I can't even remember what it was anymore.
He'd told them to piss off and then sat next to me, we spoke for a bit and despite my efforts to brush him off due to Sirius's warnings I couldn't help but be encapsulated by him.
Next thing I knew we were having secret meetings in empty dorms and broom closets.
"How's my favourite girl?" He asked, planting a small kiss on my forehead.
I swatted him away, taking a step to the side. I began walking again, him following close behind.
"What're you doing, someone could've saw." I said with a roll of my eyes, looking for a quite corner or broom cupboard we could duck into to talk.
"Why do you care, we have every right to speak to each other." He said with a groan, he'd been fed up of the secrecy for a while.
He was a private person, and it wasn't like he was looking for a relationship with heavy PDA but the secrecy was beginning to bother Regulus. Just the other day the head of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team asked me on a date to Hogsmead and Regulus just stood there biting his tongue as this guy just continued to flirt out of the excuses I was giving him.
He just wants people to know we are in a relationship, or at least see us together so often they don't bother asking.
But I wouldn't even let him speak to me in public.
"No we don't. I just think spent breakfast getting lectured about walking with Evan. I still haven't lived down when James saw me laugh at a joke Barty made the other week, and that's because they're friends with you. It would cause a war if James and Sirius found out we were together." I frowned at him as we slipped into a quiet corner of the castle.
He stood as close to me as he could and I found myself looking around to check no one was looking.
He put his finger under my chin, tilting my head up to look at him, taking all my attention away from worrying and onto him.
"I know your worried but I couldn't care less. What're you so scared of? James is your brother he's not going to hate you." He brushed a piece of hair out of my face and behind my ear as he spoke, leaving his hand to linger on the side of my face.
"Sirius is your brother and he seems to hate you." He frowned at that, taking his hand away and stepping back.
I quickly realised what I said, reaching out for his hand and pulling him close to me again.
"I'm sorry, that was mean. I didn't mean that. I just mean me and James have always been so close and I don't want that to change. I love him so much and I love Sirius and Remus and Peter so much as well. I can't loose them over something like this. But I can't loose you either, so if keeping this a secret is the only way I can keep all of you that's what I want to do." I gave him a small smile, holding my breath as I waited for him to respond, hoping he'd just drop the whole conversation.
"Okay I understand. More dates in broom cupboards it is." His hand returned to my face and I giggled lightly.
I looked up at his face with a smile taking in everything about him as I did so.
He was just so perfect I couldn't understand how anybody could hate him.
He leant down to plant a soft kiss on my lips, leaving me breathless despite the chasteness of it.
I smiled at him completely entranced by how amazing he was.
"What the fuck."
Sirius voice made me jump, pulling me out of the daydream I was in as I moved away from Regulus, trying to come up with some sort of explanation.
"Sirius I can explain."
"Explain what? Explain how your kissing my brother? Explain how your betraying me, one of your closest friends? Sure Y/n I'd love a fucking explanation." He glared at me with a look I'd never really seen from him before.
"I just,,, Sirius." I couldn't think of an excuse, I looked between the two brothers as I weighed my options. I didn't have many "Sirius I love him. Please just let me love him. Don't be angry or turn it into something, please don't bring James into this. Please." I looked at him with pleading eyes as I felt Regulus's hand touch my shoulder comfortingly.
"Take your fucking hand off her." Sirius said with a glare, causing Regulus to back away from me. "How could you do this to me, to James. He cares about you so much he's trying to protect you from people like him. But I guess we were wrong you really are just a snake."
His words stung as I just looked at him speechless.
"Don't speak to her like that, none of this is her fault. What happens between me and you is between me and you, not her." Regulus said, stepping up to his brother.
"You don't get to talk to me like that, your the one in the wrong here not me. That's the way it always is." Sirius said, glaring daggers at him before giving me another hurt look and turning to walk away.
"Your the one who left me! Not the other way around." Regulus said, voice cracking at the end of his sentence.
Sirius stopped for a second before continuing to storm off without turning back around.
The next morning I walked to breakfast with Barty and Evan on my one side and Regulus on my other, holding my hand with a small smile.
Despite the drama of yesterday and the sinking feeling I had all night the weight of the secret had been lifted off both of our chests and it was nice to be able to be together in public without worrying.
I glanced over at the Gryffindor table, hoping to take my usual seat.
I saw the eyes of mine and Regulus's brother staring at me with daggers. I went to take a step towards them, dropping Regulus's hand but Sirius took the book that Remus was reading and slammed it into the empty seat next to him. Earning an annoyed and disapproving look from Remus who then looked up at me with a supportive smile.
I offered him a small smile back before sighing at the other boy's behaviour.
Regulus noticed and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, leading me over to the Slytherin table.
I focused my attention back on my friends as Barty continued telling some crude joke, trying to cheer me up a little.
"I'm sure they'll come around. He's your brother, he loves you." Regulus said whilst running a hand through my hair.
We were cuddling on the floor of a study room in the library, surrounded by books as we chatted and helped each other with potions homework.
"It's been three weeks and the only one of them that's spoken to me is Remus and that's only when we bump into each other. James is avoiding me like the plague, Sirius looks like he's about to kill me and Peters afraid to talk to me as if he'll get excommunicated as well if he does." I sighed, scribbling the notes I was writing out since I'd gotten distracted and lost what I was trying to write.
"They're just adjusting, this is new information they just need time." He kissed my forehead before leaning down to kiss my lips properly, causing me to smile again.
A cough from the door broke us apart.
"Am I intruding?" He asked, leaning against the door frame with a frown.
"James! Hi, your speaking to me?" I said with a small smile, getting out of Regulus's hug and onto my feet, walking over to him.
Regulus looked back down at his book, pretending to study and not listen to the conversation.
"I figured we should talk, I think this is the longest we've ever been apart. I just wanted to clear the air I guess." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
"I've missed you."
"I've missed you too."
"I'm still beyond angry at you though, how could you date someone like him and not tell me." He said with a sigh, pinching his nose.
"Someone like him? I'm so fed up of you speaking about my friends and boyfriend like they're these evil people before you've even met them! He's a loving, caring, sweet boy who I love and who loves me. He just happens to come from a shitty family with shitty ideals. The exact same one your best friend comes from may I add. I'm sorry I kept this a secret from you, I was scared of what your reaction would be and obviously I had a right to be. But I will not apologise for being with him and loving him because I have every right to. I want nothing more than for us to be close again and to hang out like we were but if you can't deal with this then I'm sorry but I'm not going to break up with him over it, so it's you that's going to loose me." I watched his face, searching for some reaction but there wasn't one.
The room went silent for a second as James just stood there staring at me.
"Alright." He said, standing up straight and clearing his throat.
"Alright. Your important to me, I can learn to get over it. No matter how gross it makes me feel."
I chuckled lightly and hugged him, feeling like a weight had been taken off my shoulders knowing we weren't fighting anymore.
"Are you going to introduce me to lover boy then?" He asked with a strained laugh.
He was trying his best.
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bimoonphases · 3 months
@wolfstarmicrofic March 5 – prompt 5: Wolfsbane Potion – word count 922
Wolfsbane Potion - eases the symptoms of lycanthropy; prevents werewolves from losing their minds post-transformation
The call had come right as Remus was finishing gulping down his Wolfsbane Potion with a grimace, Sirius sitting by his side on the couch, his favourite chocolate ready in hand. The fireplace had suddenly lit up and Mary’s face had appeared.
“What happened?” they chorused.
Even after three whole years of peace, of amends from the Ministry to the both of them, of their quiet, happy life in their cottage, of the frequent visits their godson paid them, of being hailed among the heroes of two wizarding wars, their first instinct was to think something was wrong.
“Nothing bad,” Mary said soothingly. “I’m sorry, I know it’s late but someone just dropped their newborn off before disappearing and you’re first on our adoption list, so…”
Remus looked at his husband for a split second. Sirius nodded.
“We’ll be right there!” he said.
A couple of minutes later, they apparated in front of the main doors of St Mungo’s and walked inside. Remus didn’t really like the place, he had spent way too much time in there after the end of the war, helping the staff both with magical treatments to lycanthropy and the way to deal gently with those who shared his condition. The clink of his cane on the white floor echoed as they walked past the reception and crossed paths with two Elf doctors discussing a patient. Remus felt more than saw Sirius slow down as they passed by the doors leading to the Regulus Arcturus Black Wing for Elves. Since the rehabilitation of his name, and the fact there was now a branch of the Ministry dedicated and run by every non-human creature, many things had changed in the way the wizarding world saw the Elves. Still, it was just another reminder of all the people they had lost in the two wars. Remus took Sirius’s hand in his and they walked on, reaching the newborn wing, where Mary was waiting right by the door.
“Are you ready?” she asked.
“We’ve been waiting for a long time, so obviously not,” Sirius laughed, but Remus noticed the slight tremble in his voice.
When they had moved in their cottage at the end of the war they had agreed on giving themselves a year to adapt then check in with each other to see if they still wished to adopt children. They had asked to be put on the waiting list for abandoned children at St Mungo’s three months later.
“We checked, and he’s healthy and strong,” Mary went on.
“It’s a boy?” Sirius said slowly.
“I know you wanted a little girl to spoil, Sirius,” Mary laughed.
“Bold of you to think I wouldn’t spoil a little boy,” Sirius muttered.
“What else do you know?” Remus asked.
“There was no note or objects with him, but he’s a magical kid as well. He’s really perfectly fine, just unwanted.”
“Not anymore,” Sirius said, clasping Remus’s hand.
They followed Mary in a room and watched her take a bundle wrapped in blankets from a crib and turn towards them.
“Here he is,” she said softly. “Would you like to hold him?”
Remus nudged Sirius forward.
“I have to sit down first, I don’t want to drop him,” he said.
Sirius delicately took the bundle from Mary’s hands and sat down by Remus’s side. Only the little face was visible, eyes closed and jet-black hair already curling at the ends.
“He looks like you,” Remus whispered.
“I’ll leave you to get acquainted,” Mary said, quietly walking out of the room.
The baby moved, and managed to get a tiny hand out of the blanket to rub against his cheek.
“He’s so beautiful…” Sirius chocked. “Our son. We have a son, Moony.”
“We do, my love,” Remus answered, kissing Sirius’s cheek.
“Our little nameless son,” Sirius smiled. “What shall we name him?”
Remus took a deep breath.
“We discussed it, remember? About how to use names?” he asked.
“No first names after someone because he deserves to have his own,” Sirius nodded.
“And James as middle name is Harry’s to use if he has a son one day,” Remus added.
They had lost so much in all those years, they had had to write those rules down to not get overwhelmed once the moment came. Even with that, Remus’s first instinct if the baby would have been a girl would have been to name her Lily, and that one too was Harry’s name to use if he wanted.
“The name you said the other day, the one in your book,” Sirius looked at Remus.
“You said it meant ‘beloved’ in Welsh. And he’ll be so beloved, won’t he?”
The baby babbled in his sleep.
“I think he likes it,” Sirius chuckled.
“If he gets my surname and a Welsh name, you get to pick the middle one,” Remus said, mesmerised by the way the tiny mouth was moving.
“I’d like…”
Remus looked up at Sirius, noticing tears forming in his eyes. He knew what his husband was about to say, but he waited all the same.
“I’d like it to be Regulus,” Sirius whispered. “To give him the happy life his namesake never got to have. If it’s alright for you, Moony.”
“Of course it is.”
Sirius nodded, tears now streaming on his cheeks.
“Go with Dad, Papa needs to cry a bit,” he said, delicately placing the baby in Remus’s arms.
Remus looked down at the baby, his heart swelling with happiness.
“Welcome to the world, Anwell Regulus Lupin,” he whispered.
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cursed-byesexual · 1 year
Marauders fic in which James' family adopts Sirius formally so he goes by Sirius Potter, years later he and Remus get married and Remus also takes the last name Potter solely to confuse people. They would absolutely abuse this and sign stuff just as 'Potter' to mess with each other or with the ministry. Any takers?
(today on 'is this funny, or am I just severely sleep deprived ?')
Look, I just want Harry to have a ridiculously big family instead of none at all, is that too much to ask?
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soloorganaas · 1 year
cw: child abuse, implied homophobia
It was Remus’s idea to try and get Harry the muggle way.
“Moony, why the fuck would Dumbledore listen to the bloody council? He got the fucking wizengamot to ignore Lily and James’s will!”
“We make such a fuss that it’s impossible to ignore,” Remus said calmly.
Sirius gaped at him, angry and uncomprehending.
“If we wind Harry into every layer of muggle bureaucracy there’ll be too much for the Ministry to obliviate.”
“I…” Sirius shook his head. “Okay, say that insane idea works, they’ll just fucking forge the legal documents or whatever and stop Harry going to us!” he said, his voice rising more hysterically. “Or they’ll physically stop us getting him - come on, Moony, they’re pretty much doing that already!”
“So we keep making a fuss until they can’t manipulate their way out of it!” Remus shouted. “Newspapers, breakfast shows, feed them a sob story!”
“He isn’t a bloody-”
“That’s not the point!”
“Yes it is the point!” yelled Sirius. “He’s ours! We shouldn’t have to go cry in a fucking newspaper when it’s no one else’s - he’s ours, Moony! He should be with us!”
Sirius was crying now, swiping angrily at his eyes and turning away from Remus as he sniffed. They stood at opposite ends of their small living room, chests heaving, with the helpless tragedy of it all hanging between them.
“I know,” Remus said, more quietly and bitterly. “I’m not - I’m just trying to think of how we can use this against him. Against Dumbledore.”
Sirius sniffed again, and looked round. “How do we - how do we even get the muggles involved?”
They started with the council, then the NSPCC. An investigation was launched against the Dursleys but it was too slow, too small. So they surveilled them almost day and night, taking covert photos and watching and waiting for anything they could take to the authorities.
Until one morning Sirius caught Petunia through the window slapping Harry round the cheek - and that was it.
Remus wouldn’t have tried to hold him back even if he could. Instead he jumped three steps ahead, following him inside to find the nearest phone and call the police whilst Sirius was brandishing his wand at two terrified muggles and grabbing a screaming baby.
The Ministry tried to intervene with Surrey County Council child protection, but Sirius and Remus were already one step ahead - Harry’s story was in the local papers, then the tabloids, then the Daily Prophet, running articles about how The Boy Who Lived had been abandoned with Lily Evans’s intolerant and backwards muggle sister. They wrote to every friend, every professor, everyone left from the war they could think of and told them to pass on the story too.
“We will need to consider other… arrangements,” Dumbledore said, when he no longer had any option but to concede. “For when threats to his safety much more serious than a challenging family return.”
Sirius’s jaw clenched, and he was half way to shouting before Remus’s hand on his leg anchored him down. “We are his guardians and we’ll be making the decisions on how to keep Harry safe,” he said coldly.
Dumbledore was silent, holding their gaze with impenetrable blue eyes. Then he nodded, just once, and he was gone.
They stood in front of the muggle judge a week later, clutching Harry whilst she surveyed them with a curious smile.
“I’ve evaluated the report from child services extensively, as well as the will left by Lily and James Potter, and I don’t see too many complications here. I do have a question though - you are both requesting to be legal guardians of Harry, correct?”
“Yes,” they replied simultaneously.
“And you are all co-habitating?”
Remus shifted uncomfortably.
“Yes,” Sirius said firmly.
The judge nodded, surveying them carefully. “You are aware, of course, that it’s illegal for a homosexual couple to jointly adopt a child?”
Sirius tensed, clutching Harry tightly.
“We’re both close friends of James and Lily,” Remus said, a small tremor running though his voice. “They entrusted Sirius, but he can’t - he can’t do this alone.”
The judge gave a small smile.
“One of my close friends from university left her husband taking her small child with her. She also needed… similar assistance, from me.”
The two of them held their breath, trying to discern the knowing glimmer in the judge’s eyes.
“You clearly have an immense attachment to Harry. And I am confident that you will both be excellent parents to him.”
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What are your fav headcanons for Hinny and Romione?
They divide cooking tasks because they both don’t care for it, but Harry will cook more often because he knows how much Ginny doesn’t care about it
They pretty much adopted Teddy when he was four as Andromeda was too sick to care for him, she passed a few weeks later
Harry knows how to drive, but Ginny refuses to learn, but all of their know how to drive too
Harry always takes their kids out for their first fly, but Ginny is the one that teaches them how to mount and kick off when their a little older
Ginny will sometimes dress Harry for an event, because she knows that he gets stressed out over the little details
Ginny has a tattoo of a snitch for Harry, while Harry has a tattoo of a horse for Ginny (among many other tattoos that Harry has)
Harry handles more of the big discipline moments while Ginny takes care of more of the day to day bs their kids get into
They flipped a coin when it came to naming the boys, Ginny won first, Harry second, though Ginny always had a soft spot for the name James and she wanted to name one of their babies after Sirius. She didn’t however expect Harry to name their second son what he did, she rarely ever calls him Albus.
Ginny knew that her third pregnancy was going to be her last as of how much stress it put on her body, so when she found out they were having a girl, she knew without a doubt her first name would be Lily.
They like to share a bottle of wine on nice nights out in their garden, they have a pair of lawn chairs that sit outside waiting for them on long summer nights
They like to travel, and they do it a lot as just the pair of them and as a family, often taking Rose and Hugo to either France or Spain for a week in the summers
They make it a point to have lunch together at least once a week, just the pair of them, as they’ll sometimes go a whole work week without really seeing each other (if Harry crashes their lunch they make it up the next time they can)
Ron does most of the cooking until Rose decides to take over, while Hermione has made it clear that she can burn water, but she does have some baking skills
Their bathroom has a double sink and a very large mirror, so Hermione can do her hair, Ron remodeled it specially for her when they moved into their home
They did buy their house when they found out about Rose, as much as they loved their flat, they wanted their children to grow up feeling like they had plenty of room to run around and play in
They have matching tattoos, Hermione has a Jack Russell Terrier, while Ron has an Otter
Ron named both of their kids, coming up with their names the second they found out their genders, but they fought over middle names up until their babies were born
There have been plenty of times when Ron has had to physically make Hermione leave her work behind and come home. She always ends up cuddling with the kids on the couch and sleeping until noon the next day, but coming back with the perfect solution to the problem
Even though Ron has his drivers license, Hermione, Hugo, or Rose will always drive with him as a passenger, there have been way too many close calls
For as long as they have been friends, have really know each other, they found comfort in the others arms. They have been dancing together since they were eleven, and kept it up even when they weren’t talking to one another because they’ve always needed one another
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limetimo · 5 months
RAB fics i read (Nov 23)
The Devil's White Knight by orphan_account drarry dimension travel ft jegulus raising harry
After Everything, Always by Reggie4dayzz jegulus are stupid nad horny and slowburning
toys to be toyed with by aimlesscalamity regulus is not happy about taking a bet that he can break up the jily, but he does end up dating both of them, some angst, regulily. neato
More than Magic by Hometown_Nerd regulus comes out of the cave a squib, kidnaps harry, yay, we love to see it
Tous les Mêmes by TheFaeSys Sirius has a highly inaccurate case of DID, and his alter ego is fucking Regulus
I promised myself I'd learn to be the one who leaves by AlistairIsLost regulus and his besties all fuck off to the muggle world and start a band
the hairpin turn by quynhorlose  they're motorbike racers your honour and riddle fucks with sirius' motorbike and almost kills him. reporter James potter on the investigation! can he persuade regulus to testify against his boss?
Wormhole by melissamwrites i honestly dont recall teh plot but there's sirius raising regulus, incest, and "this is going to be short" followed by 21 chapters and 50k sooo
Unsorted by SwissCheesePlant *stares balnkly* i shouldn't have procrastinated on these summaries. it was good writing even tho i don't remeber how regulus came into play. I think he hunted down remus and made him adopt Harry???
Do I Wanna Know? by monet_ember barty and regulus are fucking to make evan and james jealous and date them
when i met you by vlavlavla regulus doesn't realise james is practically on his knees proposing, cute
then over the river you'll go by Thealmostrhetoricalquestion fae Regulus takes human james prisoner then lets him go
Meddling by OrangeColoredSky hermioe and theo are fucking around... and find out when they drag a regulus through the time to them
Did you think I had forgotten about you by theheartofthelion regulus obliviates his bf and fucks off to die. 4 years later Sirius is determined to play matchmaker for his brother and bestie
Dahlias for my Darling by swampthingking florist james, baker regulus
Regulus Black's Guide to Face Painting and Falling in Love by swampthingking reggie is face painting at a fair and falls in love with a hot dad
in the fires of our youth (oh, brother of mine) by quynhorlose james and sirius are in a band, remus works in a coffee shop and regulus in a planetarium, wolfstar jegulus
My Baby by reggie_loves_swimming regulus raises baby draco in wales (on Narcissa's orders), Bartylus
Flightless Bird, American Mouth by A_Grim_Ate_My_Starry_Cupcakes severus gets involved in regulus's scheme and somehow ends up as potters' cat?? i need an update desperately
I'll Do Right By Them While You're Gone. by WereAllGoingtoHell regulus raises harry
hope blooms in the darkest hours by vazaha_tya harry gets reincarnated in marauders era
Runaway Spare by WideEyesAtNight regulus runs away to alphard, jegulus slowburn
Little Star, Lionheart by ChenDaJin_02 deaged regulus
A Violent Kind of Spin by Cassiara james and regulus have a one night stand and now they're all going to fuck voldy up so bad!
keep his name out of your mouth by introvertedhufflepuff actors au, regulus smacks lockhart for shittalking james
lifeline by introvertedhufflepuff jegulus, sweet
blinding lights by introvertedhufflepuff fame au, narcissa arranges regulus a pr boyfriend (it's james) (it becomes real pretty quick)
I knew you were trouble by melissamwrites texting jegulus
L'homme auquel j'appartiens by melissamwrites blackcest
World's Greatest Uncle by Rollingwiththepunches regulus is the worlds greatest uncle to harry, much to Sirius' surprise (he's supposed to be dead!¨)
The good that we've done by diphylleigrayi regulus faked his death, offed horcruxes, and reaises harry
Learning to rest by messymoony james is regulus' gay awakening
To rest (is to love and to be loved) by messymoony regulus goes on a really bad date and james saves him
Midnight Sun by WorldWithoutYou (Katelyndotsonn) regulus opens a bookshop at pivet's drive
August by melissamwrites blackcest
So Willing To Submit by KrisKikstorky ♥♥♥♥♥ omega regulus is mated with aplha voldy adhaihdfao
speak in tongues ('til you listen) by PsychiatristGirl james/remus/sirisu/regulus are having a smut
when you love these broken bones, can you feel them mend? by cryystal_m00n regulus is a uni student and james walk into a wrong lesson with baby harry strapped to his chest, v cute!
i have little use for threats, only promises by apricity_and_soulshine past jegulily, dumbledore fucks with regulus' head to make him believe harry was dead too
when you go (leave your shadow behind) by ravena_wrote harry pulls reg out of the cave
A Baby by reggie_loves_swimming james finds regulus.... and their child :D
so tired of being afraid by teddyismycat hurt comfort jegulus
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riddle means misery | part 12.
Summary: Y/N Riddle. Not much more has to be said. Everyone hates her. She’s evil... she has to be.
Warnings for the Series: 18+, this series is dark. Manipulation, dubcon verging on noncon, abuse of power, violence, ed mentions, death, blood
Pairing: Bill Weasley x black!reader 
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: one more part left because I think there should be a sweet smutty scene to bring closure but as you can tell, the series is coming to its end
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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About a month or so later Bill came by with lunch like he always did, a little surprised to see various students in your classroom. Unfortunately that included all of his siblings that still went to Hogwarts. He awkwardly held up the bag. 
“It’s three cup chicken and some brownies for dessert. We’ve officially finished that cookbook, time for another.” 
“Thank you, just set it up and I’ll go wash my hands.” 
“Sounds great.” 
Bill tried to keep his back to your students as much as possible. The two of you hadn’t really told anybody about the new update in your relationship. Not even Molly or Arthur. There wasn’t much to tell. You were very unsure of how you wanted it to go and Bill was very respectful of that. He held your hand whenever he felt like it. And, because you said that you liked it, he gave you hugs all the time. Of course, his siblings didn’t care about any of that. They immediately came up to him and started asking questions. 
The rest of your students left when you ushered them out but the Weasleys, Potters, and Lupins didn’t. They had been working on a very elaborate plan to make all of them family which involved setting Tonks up with Charlie to connect the Weasleys to the Lupins who are already connected to the Potters by way of Sirius having been officially adopted by the Potters all those years ago. If you were with Bill then that added you a lot easier than whatever they were thinking of. Ginny leaned on your desk. 
“Professor, Bill won’t answer our questions. Are you two dating?” 
Your boyfriend looked over at you. Bill had no idea how much you wanted people to know. He was okay with keeping a low profile. A smile involuntary crossed his face when you nodded and his siblings squealed. Confirming your relationship was the first big step for you. The children ran out of the classroom with excitement, definitely going to go tell their parents and potentially all their other friends. Ron came running back. 
“I take back everything I said. You are so not an older me, Harry, and Hermione. I could never date her, that’d be weird.” 
You and Bill chuckled as he left once more. Bill came up behind you, hugging you tightly. You turned so you could bury your face in his chest for a moment. Sometimes it was rough to just let go around Bill. There was still always a little thought that everything would come crashing down at any moment. He had been nothing but good to you. However, you were still worried. Bill felt your head move and looked down to see you staring at him. 
“What’s wrong, love?” 
“Will you please kiss me?” 
Bill gave you a small smile before leaning down. He knew that he was your first kiss ever and was careful to keep it soft and sweet. His lips just barely brushed against yours before he closed the small gap. Bill’s hands slowly moved up your body to hold your face.
“Relax, Y/N. I got you, love, okay?” Bill murmured against your lips. 
You let yourself relax like he said, melting into the way he gently caressed your face. Rather reluctantly, Bill pulled away. He pressed a quick peck to your lips before suggesting that you both eat lunch before it gets cold. The two of you kept inching closer to each other as you ate until you were practically in your boyfriend’s lap. Bill rubbed small circles on your back and thighs. Kissing you was even better than he thought it would be. He was happy that the first kiss you got was a nice one. He leaned over to kiss you again when he noticed how you kept staring at his lips, too afraid to ask him to kiss you again. 
Even before dating, Bill had gotten pretty good at reading your tells. You tried as hard as possible to verbally communicate your needs to the people around you so they didn’t have to play guessing games. But sometimes it was hard. You were still a bit scared to approach people and ask questions. And even if you weren’t capable, you always did stuff by yourself first instead of asking for help. 
No one ever pushed. The progress you had made in only two years of being free— less considering you were taken back to St. Barney’s for a few months before the trials had started— was incredible. The fact that you actually talked to people was good enough for them. 
The Marauders and everyone else had been thinking about it. If they had been tortured since being a first year at Hogwarts an it didn’t stop until their thirties, they weren’t sure they would handle it as well as you seemed to be. Still, some days were better than others. On your worst days, you were barely able to teach and wouldn’t speak outside of a lesson. That was usually when you stayed in your room the entire day. When you would get home, Bill would make tea and get you a blanket and just sit next to you. If you wanted to cuddle then he was more than glad to provide that. If you just sat on the couch until you fell asleep then he would carry you to your bedroom and just hope that the next day was a better one. 
Bill pressed a final kiss to your forehead before leaving to get back to his job. He liked the new addition to your routine and was happy to give forehead and cheek kisses whenever. He still waited for you to ask or for him to notice you looking at his lips before fully kissing you. Sometimes, he’d ask outright but didn’t want to do it often for fear of your feeling pressured. 
Instead of meeting you for lunch in your classroom, Bill came into the Great Hall. He was followed by Lily, Dorcas, and another Ministry employee. With great care, they explained that the Ministry was asking to speak with you. Living history was what the Order of the Phoenix had become. 
Dumbledore had a whole section in the Hogwarts’ Library about him. Mad-Eye had a few thick books himself. As the object of Voldemort’s prophecies, the Potters and Longbottoms also got their own books. Everyone else was mentioned in chapters of textbooks, newspaper articles, several radio and tv interviews. Everyone but you. The actual you. 
Books had been taken out of production and re-edited, newspaper articles were updated to state the information was incorrect, recorded interviews had the parts that mentioned you redacted. Written history had to be changed. It had to show that you were always on their side and paid a terrible price because of everyone’s judgment.  
Dorcas handed you the letter. “It doesn’t have to be a book, it can be whatever you’re comfortable with.” 
“You can always say no, Y/N,” Bill reminded you. “If it’s too much, you don’t have to. They still have your trial recordings they can use. You don’t have to do anything.” 
“I don’t really want to speak with anyone,” you admitted. 
“Okay.” Lily nodded. “Would you like to at least review the book before it goes into print? Confirm everything’s correct.”
You agreed to that bit, not willing to let anyone paint you in a bad light again. Everyone but Bill left. He didn’t have time to stay for lunch because of a curse-breaking mission he had to go on. Your boyfriend set a small gift on the professor’s table. 
“Mum wants to know if we’re coming for Christmas. I said it’s up to you.” 
Naturally, you agreed. Visiting Molly and Arthur was always a good time for you. You loved how warm and cozy the Burrow was. Bill leaned all the way over the table to peck your lips before running out to get to his job. The Marauders watched the small smile appear on your face as you brought the little gift closer to you. A gasp left your mouth and you wanted to go run and hug your boyfriend but he was already gone. It was a pearl necklace. You picked up the little card that came with it. 
I remember you looking at something like this a while ago. Couldn’t afford the whole set right now without dipping into our budget but I wanted to get you something nice. I’ll see you later, love. 
The necklace was a single pearl on a pendant but it was beautiful. You were always excited to see Bill but you were going to be a bit more excited when he finally got home. Your boyfriend was starting to be a really bright spot in your life.
@thirsty4nonlivingmen @0collectiveworld0​ @motomamita​ @queen-stars2​ @222brooke​​​
@venomsvl @peaches-n-sunscreen @summerellaz @supernaturallover2002 @sambucky8 @9daykrisr @thebitchinleo @23victoria @scarlets-widow @pagetpagetpagetpaget @lovexnatasha @awesomebooklover17 @1234-angelika @imatrisk @blackreaderatrisk @princess-jules47 @alexloveskili @a-marie-a @siriuslysirius1107
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jmagnabo92 · 2 months
WIP Wednesday
CROSS OVER FIC with Alex/Henry + Sirius/James (and itty bitty Harry).
Not exactly Wednesday but close enough.
Alex alternates being looking at his phone and watching David wistfully and after ten minutes, he’s thrown when a big shaggy black dog that may or may not be some sort of sheep dog or deerhound brings him a toy ball and drops it in his lap. 
He blinks and looks around, totally confused.  No one’s looking at him or the dog, and clearly, the dog wants him to play so he puts his phone to the side and throws the ball.  The dog races after it, disappearing in the sea of dogs and so Alex returns to his phone trying to be unphased. 
The dog returns a minute later, dropping the ball in his lap and clearly expecting Alex to keep playing.  He looks around once again, but doesn’t see anyone looking so he does it, again.  And again, and again.
He gets lost playing fetch with a lovely, happy dog that is decidedly not his dog, but makes him feel a little less alone.  He’s so fluffy and loveable and clearly is determined to get Alex smiling (and succeeding) that he kind of wants to adopt him (especially since he doesn’t appear to have a collar)... maybe he’s a stray?   David could use a friend and he could name him properly and Henry might love bringing home a stray…
“Paddy!” a small voice yells to the left.
Alex and Paddy(?) both turn to the voice, which appears to be coming from a little boy with the messiest black hair that Alex has ever seen, and judging by the man behind him that looks like an older version of the boy with the same messy hair, although he looks far too young to be the father, he’s gotta be barely a year or two older than Alex. 
They reach Alex and Paddy(?), and the man says in a British accent, “Padfoot, you know better.”
Padfoot – not Paddy, apparently – doesn’t appear to care as he drops the ball in Alex’s lap and nudges his hand. 
Alex looks at the dog, the ball, and the man, who rolls his eyes and laughs.  “Go on, he’s stubborn sometimes.”
Alex laughs at the thought of a stubborn dog and throws it.  
The dog takes off and the man says, “I’m sorry if he’s been bothering you.  When he’s Padfoot, he tends to want to make people happy and he’s taken to bugging people that look sad,” he pauses as if realizing he shouldn’t have said that, and adds, “Not that you were sad or anything… I don’t know what you were or are – he’s just … he’s Padfoot.”
The man shakes his head and sits down, pulling the little boy in his lap.  “I’m James, this is Harry, and I’m going to stop talking now.”
@onthewaytosomewhere @roalinda @fiendishfyre
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black-occamy · 8 months
Cocoa By Night
A little Drarry fluff, 1630 words, #occamy-verse
I wanted to create this as a birthday gift, hoping that I could return at least a tiny bit of the joy I have every time @basiatlu posts anything on her Tumblr. I love your Sirius, totally. Also, you encouraged me to incorporate this idea in my main, so it seemed fitting to mention the whole Draco-runs-from-home-and-kind-of-gets-adopted-at-Grimmauld in something dedicated for you for the first time :D So, without further ado - the prompt for #boshhptober2023 was NIGHTMARE.
Harry stared at the ceiling above his bed, the pattern of the old wooden panels blurry without his glasses on. It was shortly after midnight, his smartphone informed him, and Harry had spent a couple minutes scrolling absent-mindedly through Fwooper, before he put it down and tried to fall asleep again.
It wasn’t that Ron was snoring softly in the other bed in the room; Harry got used to that over the last five years of sleeping in one dormitory with him. It wasn’t the soft tap-tapping sound of the summer night rain falling on London outside the opened window, either. Hazy memory of the nightmare was difficult to put in words or even concepts, but it was there. Skulking in the corner of his brain, ready to extend its imaginary tendrils towards him the moment he would close his eyes. A menace, waiting to haunt him as soon as he dozes off.
Harry sighed, massaging his temples and reached out for his glasses on the bedside table. If he wasn’t falling asleep any time soon, he could at least use the opportunity to make himself a cup of cocoa.
Read under cut or on AO3 🖤
Floorboards squeaked under his bare feet. He cast a quick glance towards Ron, not wanting to wake his friend up, but then somewhat also hoping he wouldn’t have to face the darkness of the ancient house alone. To his slight disappointment, Ron had just mumbled something in his sleep and rolled over away from the source of the sound.
There was a certain spooky air to the house on Grimmauld Place 12 that resisted all the attempts of renovation. Harry walked carefully through the corridors that always seemed way too long for the size of the building, especially in the middle of the night. Floorboards here were covered by a thick carpet, muffling his steps, as he slowly made his way downstairs, past the portrait of Walburga Black, who was whispering something to herself. It wasn’t unusual in itself - they got used to the portrait trying to have a say in everything they were doing. The uneasy truce of last summer was at least paying off in that she didn’t scream her painted lungs off at anyone that crossed the corridor. There was something different in the tone of her whispers tonight, however. Something bordering on excitement, a certain unnerving giddiness in the unrecognisable words. Harry felt his hand slowly trailing to the pocket of his night robe, fingers wrapped around the wand on instinct.
He blamed that for his reaction a couple of seconds later, when he crossed the living room towards the kitchen and something moved in the pile of blankets on one of the sofas. Startled like that, Harry immediately jumped into a battle stance, wand pointed in the direction of the movement, his breath held.
“Are you going to hex me, Potter?” The voice that came from beneath the pile of blankets was annoyingly familiar.
“What… Malfoy?” Harry blinked, squinting to see better in the darkness. “What the… Lumos!”
Light revealed Draco’s pale face and the rest of him dressed in what looked like one of Sirius’ pyjamas. He lifted his hand to shield his eyes, grimacing and shooting Harry an annoyed stare.
“Blind me, then?”
“What the hell are you doing in my house, Malfoy?” Harry hissed, trying not to be too loud. A series of possible scenarios ran through his head, each one wilder than the previous and all equally unlikely. Draco Malfoy. In the living room. At Grimmauld Place. These three phrases didn’t actually fit, regardless how he slammed them together.
“Your house?” Draco rubbed his eyes and groaned. “Can you stop that? I cannot see shit right now.”
“It’s Sirius’ house, so it’s my house,” Harry lowered the wand, dimming the spell so that it was just enough to illuminate the room a little. “Again, where the hell did you come from?”
“The street,” Malfoy snapped. “I climbed through the kitchen window like a stray cat and crashed into this room, what do you think?”
“Your… guardian, my cousin, let me stay the night,” Draco explained, rolling his eyes. “Isn’t it obvious someone had to let me in here? Merlin, one would have thought your grasp on magic was better after those five years, Potter. This is a bloody fort, this house, with all the charms around it.”
“That still doesn’t explain anything, Malfoy,” Harry pointed out. He was not going to let the all-too-familiar dismissive tone of Draco's voice get to him. “It’s not like you could stumble on the front porch by accident and get yourself invited.”
“No, it’s not, is it?”
They stared at each other in tense silence, Draco hunched defensively on the makeshift bed in argyle pyjamas that was a couple sizes too big for him. His sleek hair was tousled, but not only from sleeping. Harry suddenly realised that Malfoy’s face was much paler than usual, bags under his eyes making him look tired and surprisingly older. And - somehow - on the run.
He lowered his wand. If Draco didn’t want to explain why, at least he wasn’t lying about the how. There was no way he would get inside Grimmauld Place without someone of the family members letting him in - Gemma made sure the spells on the front door would recognise their own and them only.
Regardless of the reasons for the heir of the Malfoy family to end up on a sofa in Grimmauld Place this summer night, common courtesy was to treat him as a guest, after all. Especially after waking him up like this.
“I was going to make myself some cocoa. Want to join?”
Malfoy stared at him with an incredulous look on his face. “For cocoa?”
“Or butterbeer. Sirius thinks he hides it well, but I know in which cupboard he stashes it,” Harry smirked. “Nothing too heavy, of course. He keeps those in his study.”
Draco opened his mouth, hesitated, then nodded. “Cocoa sounds good.”
Harry turned around and walked towards the kitchen, further dimming the light from his wand. Rustling sounds behind let him know that the other boy left the sofa and quickly followed in his footsteps. He resisted the urge to tease Malfoy for being scared of the dark. After all, it was the Grimmauld Place they were in.
He switched on the light in the kitchen and started rummaging through the shelves in search of the cocoa box. Draco was watching him from the seat he took at the table, narrowing his eyes when the cocoa turned out to be store-bought, but he said nothing. Not until the fridge was opened, at least.
“Are all the appliances Muggle around here?” he scoffed out loud and Harry felt himself grin at that.
“Careful. We use the phrase ‘non-magical’ in this house,” he warned. “Auntie Gem can hear the other one through the walls.”
The expression on Malfoy’s face was worth it, Harry decided in his head. Even if he did feel a little bad for him.
“Oat milk or rice milk?” Harry lifted up both containers and Draco stared at him with visible confusion for a long while. “Remus is vegan,” he explained. “So, which one?”
“Lupin is…”
“Oat is open, so we’re taking this one,” Harry decided, closing the fridge.
“You are all crazy here.”
“Yeah, well, you’re going to fit right in. If you’re going to stay, that is.”
Draco scoffed and said nothing, eyeing him suspiciously while the milk heated up on the stove. When Harry put the steaming cup in front of him, his grey eyes brightened. Long fingers wrapped around the mug carefully, as if he was trying to absorb the warmth through his skin. Harry quickly decided to focus on his own cocoa.
They sat in silence for a while, with the only sounds being them drinking short careful sips and blowing over the surface of their drinks. Draco was the first to speak.
“It’s actually quite tasty,” he declared, then winced slightly and added. “For a non-magical beverage, that is.”
“Don’t burn yourself.”
“Sod off, Potter.”
Harry grinned. “You know, Malfoy, if someone had told me yesterday we’d be drinking hot cocoa in this kitchen together, I’d laugh my ass off.”
Draco stared at his mug for a long moment in silence.
“If you’d like to tell me why…”
“Not planning to!” Malfoy snapped, not looking at him. Harry raised his hands, palms up.
“Okay, okay, whatever. If Sirius let you borrow his pyjamas and stay in the house, that’s good enough for me. All I’m saying is, we don’t need to be fighting anymore, right? Not after…”
“Whatever, Potter.”
“Yeah, okay.”
He watched Draco’s fingers move around the mug nervously, tapping a rhythm. Slowly, the lines of his face softened into a careful smile. A nice one, Harry thought, somewhat more real than the usual, disdainful smirks Malfoy was known for in Hogwarts.
“If someone had told me yesterday I’d be happy to drink Mu… non-magical cocoa today, I’d hex them,” he said finally. “And if they told me you’d be the one making it…” his voice trailed off and Draco sighed.
“You’d hex them twice?” Harry suggested.
“Yeah, for real.”
It was surprisingly freeing to share a laugh with him, the boy who had been hell-bent on making his life miserable since the first year of school. Harry decided he wouldn’t mind doing it more often.
“It’s weird, Potter. Laughing with you other than at you, I mean.”
“I’d say it’s an improvement, wouldn’t you?”
Malfoy’s pale-grey eyes stared at him thoughtfully from above the cocoa mug. Then he grinned.
“I’ll take it,” Harry returned the smile. Funny, he thought, how it was the first time ever that he was glad for having his nightmares.
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dark-elf-writes · 8 months
Carlisle and Edward would be so fucking pressed about not being liked. Carlisle has spent his fucking centuries befriend everyone he meets and being a 'good person' and there is not one person who looks at him and doesn't think 'what a *nice* man, he's a doctor, and he adopted all those kids?' until Harry gets there and is just absolute stink eye all the time (also depending on how much Twilight canon you use, Carlisle does some incredibly fucked things)
And Edward has spent the last couple of decades hearing how everyone can't help but swoon in his presence. And firstly he can't even hear Harry, and then Harry isn't instantly smitten like everyone else is (Bella included) it just really throws him off. I mean Harry has had experience with Veelas, he knows what too much perfection looks like (omg the description off Harry's reaction to Veelas in Of capture weapons and lightning bolts was everything, just have to add this here.)
Do you think that Harry would really try to find some magic to help Rosalie get pregnant?
Like if it were before the main Twilight canon Harry would still be incredibly untrusting of both of them but if this was like New Moon or later? Bitemaimkillbitemaim all the time. Constant snide comments to Edward when he was going to leave again, pointedly asking Carlisle who his favorite child of the week is, just full angry little guy all the time.
(He can understand Jasper leaving. Can understand the others leaving too to an extent. He cannot understand claiming to love someone and abandoning them. He didn’t understand it when Remus came to him after Teddy was born. He doesn’t understand it now.
A very very small part of him is still upset with Sirius about it, though he would deny it until his.. well, for the rest of time he supposes now.)
God forbid he comes before New Moon and they still leave. He would hunt Edward around the globe to kick his ass for making Bella sad.
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Word count: 735
CW: SAPPY cuteness.
Harry had been acting weird all month… for an 8 year old. Sirius had noticed that Harry had taken to reorganizing the guest room next to his as if it was a second room for himself, but a younger version of himself. The dressers were filled with his old clothes he no longer wore, his old toys that he out grew in the corner, the bed made with his crib sheets, even though they lay on top of the queen size mattress like a small throw. He even put up framed pictures of the three of them, and one of his favorite nightlights.
Sirius could not figure out what the reason was for, so after lunch, Remus and him had decided to sit they're adopted son down in said room and just ask.
"Harry, baby, can we talk about this room?" Remus hedged gently as the two men crouched in front of him. Harry's eyes lit up as he sat on the end of the bed.
"Is it ok? It's not ready yet! But I wanted to help you so you didn't have to do all of the work. I like to be a good helper."
They were…very confused by this, sharing a look and then looking back at Harry.
"Well that's wonderful baby prongs. You are, always, a very good helper. Um," Sirius tried. "Unfortunately, daddy Moons and I are a little confused about what you're being such a great big helper on."
"I know you work a lot, Pads, and I know you're busy, so I wanted to help with getting the baby's room ready!" He beamed, so very proud of himself.
Sirius's stomach dropped even more confused, and again, shared a look with his husband. "Love, umm, is there something you forgot to tell me?"
"Me!?" Remus blanched. "I was about to ask you the same! Are we having a baby?"
"Is the baby not coming anymore?" Harry said so quietly; so timidly.
"Baby, what made you think a baby was coming?" Remus took his little hand in his own and rubbed circles into it.
"After dinner, you said, I heard you! You said you had a food baby in your tummy, that he was full and would be coming soon. And then I heard you say to daddy pads the other day that you wanted to give me a sibling. And I asked cousin Tonks what that is and she told me. And I thought he was coming soon." Harry looked so perplexed and disappointed.
Remus's eyebrows shot up so high, his mouth falling open, speechless. Sirius however, after a moment burst into laughter, throwing his head back, falling into his butt from his crouched spot. Remus rubbed hard at his face trying to figure out what to say next.
It took a bit to get Harry and Sirius to stop laughing and to settle down before Remus asked "Well, do you want a brother or sister Har?"
Harry's face transformed into pure joy as he shook his head fervently. It took a bit if round about comments but they finally got him to bed with promises to talk more about it later.
Once they themselves were in bed, the snuggled up close, facing each other, nose to nose, holding hands under the covers. They stared into each other's eyes trying to read the other, and Sirius finally broke the silence with a whisper.
"Well… I was not expecting that." Remus snorted, still in shock. "So, you really want to adopt another?" Sirius had thought a lot about the moment Harry overheard last month. They were watching Harry kick the football around the yard and Remus sighed, so happily and whispered I'd love to give him a sibling. But they never talked about it. Now was the moment.
"No," Remus blushed and looked down to their hands. He brought up Sirius's and kissed his fingers, then looked back up into his eyes. "I want to have one of our own. Your blood or mine, I don't care. But yes… I want another one. I want a few more of them."
Now Sirius blushed, and felt warm, and oddly, so excited and content. He grabbed for Remus's neck, pulled him close and kissed him deep and warmly and said, "ok, let's have one hundred of them." They both laughed, then there was no more laughing as they sent the next hour loving.
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impishtubist · 1 year
Post OOTP when sirius lives, harry spends every sunday, all day, on the mirror with sirius. Like brings him to the great hall for meals and to the common room and wherever harry does homework and sirius is just chillin there. And everyone just KNOWS and everyone says hi to sirius as they walk around and its cute and everyones happy the end
And Harry's friends and classmates sometimes wander over to chat with Sirius sometimes, too, so after several months Sirius suddenly has a whole crowd of kids who want to chat with him on Sundays. Like Harry and Sirius will be chilling under a tree outside, and then Dean comes over to once again ask for advice about this boy that he likes. (Seamus comes over later to ask Sirius the exact same thing, and Sirius wonders when they'll finally get their act together and start dating.) Ginny chats with Sirius about Quidditch maneuvers. Fred and George wrangle stories about the Marauders out of Sirius. Luna asks Sirius to put Remus on the mirror, so she can talk to him about nargles. It's extremely wholesome and this is how Remus and Sirius accidentally adopt half the school, the end.
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headcanonandburn · 1 year
Headcanons about the Weasley Potters i found on Reddit
That Albus Severus' family were completely accepting of him being in Slytherin, and James would threaten while Lily would hex anyone who said othewise.
-They were also fine with the fact that him and Scorpius Malfoy were best friends, and this was the reason Harry became determined to get on somewhat OK terms with Draco. He succeeded, and the Potter residence is like a second home for Scorpius (not to mention that James is extremely overprotective over him, since he believes him and Albus are meant to be and that he'll get over Rose soon enough).
-Harry cries every year on May 2, and Ginny has to assure him there's nothing he could've done. He couldn't have pulled Fred out of the way, he couldn't have defeated Dolohov so Remus wouldn't have to duel him, he couldn't have kept Tonks at home, he couldn't have caught Lavender when she fell off the balcony or stopped Fenrir from getting to her, he couldn't have made sure Colin had gotten on the train, couldn't have distracted Vodemort and gotten Snape out so he could tell them everything. They both know it's a lie, that he could've done those things, but he didn't know and it breaks both of them.
-For his 11th birthday, James got an owl, and it looked exactly like Hedwig, a bittersweet coincidence. What he didn't know was that it was one of her grandkids, as she had mated with another Snowy Owl in 6th year, seemingly knowing her time was coming. -Albus' ferret is something Harry always reminds Draco of whenever he gets the chance. Albus himself didn't get what was so funny until Scorpius mentioned in passing that his father had been turned into one by Barty Crouch Jr and he nearly spit out his orange juice. -Dean and Seamus adopted a girl when she was two, and she went on to date James. It's somewhat of a tradition to bet which one of them will kiss the Gryffindor seeker, either on a dare or because of their true feelings, and if the other will break a glass afterward. They dated from 4th year up until their marriage, so needless to say, everyone lost.
-Lily's bat-boogey hex is even better then her mother's; some poor boys who were hitting on her found out the hard way, not to mention, to add insult to injury, got a hard lecture from both Potter boy's afterward.
-Harry has seen the Mirror of Erised only once after first year, when it was brought into his Department to get inspected. When he looked into it, he saw himself, his wife, his kids and their friends, as well as his old schoolmates and those who had taken him in he still remembered or kept in touch with. Nothing very unusual. However, it expanded, and he also saw his parent's, and Cedric and Cho happily married, Sirius next to his dad while Remus and Tonks stood with her parent's, including a content Ted behind a smiling Teddy, Mad-Eye with the Weasley's, Fred and George both with their trademark mischievous grins, a blonde girl with a purple headband blowing a kiss, an all-too-familiar camera flash from "the one who should've taken those pictures", a slightly happy? looking Snape with a peaceful Dumbledore next to Ariana and Aberforth, together once again, and above it all, a snowy-white owl, flying high. It was no wonder the other's found him staring into it still, an hour later, a faraway look in his eyes.
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atyd1960 · 3 months
Here’s an in depth explanation about why if the plot holes in Harry Potter weren’t bigger than the of the plot itself and things actually MADE SENSE, the books wouldn’t have had any plot and everyone would’ve been happy and alive:
Voldemort’s attempted murder:
How do you fail to kill a 1 year old baby? I truly couldn’t come up with an easier murder scenario. DROP HIM FROM THE WINDOW. SLICE HIS THROAT. PUNCH HIM REALLY HARD OVER HIS HEART. If Harry actually died Voldemort would win the war.
Harry’s residence with the Dursleys:
1. Dumbledore said that the only way to keep Harry safe was to keep him living with Petunia, but he was comfortable with putting Harry in Grimmauld place 2 month after Voldy came back, or having him living him with the Weasleys at the height of the war a year later? So he clearly could’ve let Harry live with a good a loving adoptive wizarding family with means to defend/protect him magically instead of by blood or whatever it is the Petunia had.
2. If the UK is the center of the war and the place where Voldemort was most powerful then why putting Harry there? He could’ve lived in some little village in France and then go to Hogwarts when he was 11 (I know only people from the UK can get into Hogwarts but I’m sure they could make and exception for Harry). In that scenario Harry also would’ve had a choice between Hogwarts and Beauxbatons \ the magical school of whatever country he lived in, and I think any school that isn’t Hogwarts would’ve been safer for him.
3. Even if for some reason Harry really did have to grow up in London with the Dursleys, that’s no excuse for the neglect he got from Dumbledore. The man could’ve gotten the Muggle Child Protection Services involved, he could’ve kept track on Harry’s life- like put a guard or something, or visit/make someone else visit him regularly to threaten the Dursleys and make them give Harry a ROOM??? And treat him better?? He could’ve let Ms Figg be actually kind and good to Harry and be somewhat a mother figure to him bc god knows little Harry needed somebody like that in his life. He could’ve been PRESENT in Harry’s childhood??? He could’ve gotten Harry into a good elementary boarding school or whatever. SO MANY OPTIONS. Harry deserves better.
Harry’s first year in Hogwarts:
1. Dumbledore could put the philosopher’s stone in a magically secured vault and hide it in his office and then not tell to anyone about it / lie about its whereabouts.
2. It’s explained that Dumbledore KNEW that Quirrell had some sort of involvement with Voldy/the dark forces, so he could just FIRE HIM???
3. Dumbledore could confront Quirrell and kill him by himself instead of leavig it to a dumb 11 y/o?
4. The options are literally endless.
Side note: it’s definitely not talked about enough in the fandom or in the books that Harry literally murdered a guy on his first year in Hogwarts? That’s some heavy shit.
Harry’s second year:
Dumbledore could’ve just sent all the tiny little helpless pupils back to their homes after a cat got PETRIFIED in a hate crime and hung on a wall with a racist writing that’s a warning to all the muggle borns in the school?? And then he could’ve found the chamber of secrets himself and confront Tom Riddle and bring the kids back when everything’s safe. Who keeps their school open when there’s a continues terrorism attack going on in it???
Side note- if in MY school a cat got petrified and hung on the wall, with her blood used to deliver a hateful message, I would call my mom crying and shaking and ask her if I can move to different school. And possibly a different country while we’re at it:)
Harry’s third year:
None of that shit would’ve happened if Sirius just got his trial like he should’ve and like what’s required in any civilized society??? Dumbledore really did him dirty- that’s your student of 7 years and the guy who gave up his youth to fight by your side, he put his life on the line under your order countless times and then you just give up on him at the first sign that something’s wrong???? FOUL.
They could give Sirius the truth serum after locking him up at the end of the book. And then they would know that he’s telling the truth and they would let him go.
Harry’s fourth year:
2. All the signs were there and were so obvious, Dumbledore should’ve acted to reveal Barty before everything went down. All it took was an OFFICE CHECK??? Bro.
Also- Barty could just kidnap Harry on his first day back in school and apparate to the graveyard with him. Why wait a whole year?? Why give Harry such an easy way out (the Portkey)???
Harry’s fifth year:
1. If the ministry of magic put their truth serum and ability to read minds to use they could confirm that Voldy’s back and join Dumbledore in his efforts to prevent the upcoming war. Voldy was fairly weak at that point so if the ministry did a sufficient investigation and properly warned everyone, Voldemort could’ve been locked up and killed very quickly.
1. We all know this book is nothing but a big 896 pages long chunk of MISCOMMUNICATION. If Dumbledore just told Harry the truth about the prophecy and about his mom’s spell in the beginning and not in the end everything would’ve been fine.
2. Dumbledore could just let someone from the order blow the prophecy up or something. Set it on fire and shit. Make it gone.
Harry’s sixth year:
1. If Dummydore actually gave a shit about his students he would have helped Draco and give him and his parents a shelter and work harder to make the school impossible for death eaters to get into.
2. If he didn’t willingly refuse the privilege of treatment to his curse then he wouldn’t have DIED and left poor 16 y/o Harry all by himself.
3. Dummydore could’ve just kept dumbass 16 y/o Harry Potter out of the hunt after the cursed&deadly soul pieces of his parents’s murderer. He could get someone appropriately old and competent to help him.
Harry’s seventh year:
1. If Dumbledore didn’t refuse medical treatment he could’ve just hunt for the horcruxes himself.
2. Dumbledore could’ve left Harry & Hermione & Ron a little more than a children’s book and a lighter??? Like he could actually give them means to protect themselves.
3. Dumbledore could’ve gotten older more competent order members to go after the horcruxes and not leave it in the hands of a bunch of teens.
4. The only thing that must involve Harry in the whole of the 7 books JK wrote about him, is his death. Harry had to die for Voldy to be defeated. And that’s the only thing he had to do. Ever.
In conclusion: Everything’s Dumbledore’s fault
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