#and he was so persistent lmao I was like bro chill
Aight I'm gonna do it... Here are the Runo/Shun headcanons
-I imagine they'd get together pretty slowly. Obviously, there are certain hurdles in the way, so they'd be hesitant to act on their feelings- or at least, Shun would. Runo, however, loves spiting Dan, and hates being tied to him despite him not giving any affection, so she's the one who makes the first move on Shun. It wouldn't be anything too overt or obvious (especially not to Mr. Socially-Inept himself) but she stays persistent about it, so eventually he gets the hint.
-Shun is surprised- not that Dan's maybe-baby is flirting with him, but that she's flirting with him specifically. But he's certainly not against it; he's Dan's best friend, so he knows that Dan barely gives her a second thought unless he's hungry. Why adhere to some made-up "bro code" when Dan had never even called her his girlfriend? Why rob Runo of her agency?...Yeah, he had to jump through quite a few mental hurdles to not feel guilty about it. And to stop feeling guilty about feeling guilty.
-The first thing that drives them to go out would probably just be physical attraction. But after spending one-on-one time with each other, Runo would like how surprisingly empathetic and thoughtful he is and the astoundingly weird vibes he gives off when he's comfortable enough, while Shun grows to appreciate her strong ambition and her deep passion for those she cares about.
-Obviously, Runo's a Big Fucking Tsundere who can't look anyone in the eyes without blushing, but Shun is surprisingly chill with physical affection. He's not big on it, but he'll put his arm around her shoulders or waist, or grab her hand, or even run his fingers through her hair without much thought. It drives Runo crazy just how casual he is about it.
-Of course, when Runo does eventually turn the tables on him with her classic words of affirmation style, he gets very quiet and flustered. He's pretty good at masking it (like most of his emotions lmao) but not from Runo. She knows.
-I think they'd go on a lot of outdoor dates, like picnics, going to the beach (or wherever you can swim in/near Wardington), going to fairs, all that good shit. And of course, because Shun is a try-hard who can't show affection unless it's through actions and he has a lot of affection to show, he was the one who organised them at first. He needs three courses for the picnic and a big blanket in case she wants to lie down and maybe some pillows? I could read her a book? We should go somewhere where the leaves are falling so it'll look nice, but not too many leaves we don't want ticks- yeah, he calms down eventually once they're further into the relationship, but Runo certainly doesn't have a problem with all the hard work he puts into it.
-They also spend a lot of time just chilling quietly together. They'll hang out in one of their beds, Runo scrolling through her phone and Shun reading some old book, one running their fingers through the other's hair or tracing patterns on their skin. Or they'll just have an afternoon snooze together, or a lazy morning makeout. They just love to relax together.
-When she's not working, Runo makes a point to NEVER enter the kitchen- which means she's a shit cook who, if left to fend for herself, is turning straight to good ol' Micky D's. Luckily for her, Mr. Well-Rounded Rich Man Shun is actually a pretty good cook because he had to cook for himself during/after his mum's death lol and a willing malewife who would gladly cook for his girlfriend at any point to stop her from destroying her arteries. Man will travel all the way into the city with a homecooked meal on request- or just at random sometimes.
-Is Dan okay with this? Who fucking cares lol.
-Runo is torn between wanting to flaunt her hot bf and wanting to hide him from her dad. On the one hand, she thinks everyone should know how happy they are and how well she's being treated. On the other hand, if her dad finds out how well he's treating her, he just won't stand for it. Luckily for her, once her dad does find out and tries his usual intimidation tactic, Shun is just. completely unaffected. and there's just not much else that her dad can do unless he wants his daughter's bf to call CPS on his ass.
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OKAY turns out gram has a Big Gay Crush on black and is not in fact secretly dating his girlfriend lmao
also yoks persistence in finding unar is so fucking funny like bro ran into a burning building to save this guy hes never met (which, a valiant thing to do obviously) and even without seeing his face hes instantly entranced ?? and hes like i gotta find out who he is no matter what im not gonna give up no matter how long it takes all from that One interaction they had and he keeps finding him and hes so obvious its embarrassing tbh :/ turns out his guys a cop though so we'll see how that goes 😭😭
also also i really like seans girlfriend shes cool as fuck i wanna be her when i grow up . + the thing at the end where those masked motherfuckers got black fucking got me by surprise even though it was obviously coming lol
why didnt he go with Something (anything) to defend himself with though 😭😭 which probably wouldnt have helped in the long-run but STILL
also i dont think i trust todd very much tbh :/ i mean he seems like a pretty chill dude but k also wouldnt be surprised if he was the one who orchestrated the whole black getting injured thing 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ except that seems too obvious so idk But i cant wait to find out
ajfnsklf i only watched one episode this time but i Couldnt Help It i Had to share my thoughts :P
omg the Gram/Black/Balck gf (who I cannot remember the name of) love triangle is so good but also doesn't have the most satisfying resolution I don't think.
Yok is so me in meeting the guy one time and becoming obsessed lmfao. I also love that Unar is a cop cause it adds so much to the activism and conflict of trying to make change from within a system or choosing to work from outside it. Which is really one of the big reasons I like the show, it explores all the challenges of activism and how different types of activism all have pros and cons. Someone on reddit descibe the show as being "political but intimate" which I think sums it up quite well.
Namo is one of my favourites, I'm pretty sure she's Seans ex? their relationship is honestly really ambiguous.
Really interesting that you don't like Todd, though to be fair he is rich (in contrast to Blacks gang) which is immediate bad vibes.
Dude you are seriously binging this and I love that for you. making me want to rewatch it AGAIN.
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Saturday November 18th, 2023
5:20am thought about him a little, but it hurts so much less now. I know my worth ❤️ also, my tummy hurts from that burger ig, but I will persist 🫡🧑‍🍳
Physical pain/ discomfort once again is being associated with wanting to be comforted emotionally really. If my stomach didn't hurt so bad, I probably would've slept soundly through the night. Plus the stomach achy feeling I think my brain confuses with anxiety/ nausea feelings, even though I think it's just my diet. Better diet = better physically = better emotionally/ spiritually.
My back really hurts too, so there's something else contributing to the generally anxious feeling.
8:41am I want to start waking up earlier I just need a good reason why tbh
4pm! He called me wow I'm kinda surprised bro it's like he was just waiting for a chance to get away from her 🤣 lmao. He was talking about getting a second job bc I guess this one is not giving him enough hours/pay welp. He still obsessed with how he looks and all he does is work, sleep, and go to the gym so what's new ig 😂 girly you already know you're straight so don't let anyone knock you off course 👑 haha he couldn't keep up so he left now he's trying to copy your grind 🤦🙄 he literally couldn't handle having a woman more successful than him that's literally balls crazy 😳
Anyway just got out of work so I'm a free woman! Going to change into my chill outfit and go soak up some sun! Oh and I also got free Thanksgiving lunch at work so yay! Let's keep the good vibes goingggg :)
8:23pm I have a fucking huge bag of kettle popcorn and I'm actually watching silence of the lambs now lol. Also PLEASE stop buying lobster from food trucks it's not WORTH IT. Pro tip I just need to learn how to do that at home 😂
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wanderingpages · 3 years
@ the “I’m still thinking about the ‘thank you’ tattoo anon” not to steal your thunder but girl me too. peach where do you find these men
Lmao idk how I feel abt this tbh 🥲🥲
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Texts from the Lost Tomb, part 5.1
Good thing I didn’t do something like a story arc with this series, bc that would be…well.
Zhang Chat
Zhang Rishan: Could we speak, Patriarch? It is a family matter.
Zhang Qiling: read 12:18pm
Unnamed chat
Zhang Rishan: Good afternoon. I am writing with regard to a development pertaining to a Zhang family heirloom. Its recent activity has provided some potential insight into a long-standing mystery about our family’s longevity. I would deeply appreciate it if you could have Zhang Qiling contact me at his earliest convenience.
Wu Xie: !!!!!!!!!!!
Wu Xie: sorry, I mean yes, absolutely. Is it at the tea house? Can I come too? We won’t break things this time, I swear.
Zhang Rishan: That would be entirely dependent on whether Zhang Qiling contacts me.
Zhang Chat
Zhang Qiling: …Pangzi has several phrases he uses in addressing persistent telemarketers. I believe the more vivid wordings apply to you today.
Zhang Rishan: I apologize for the somewhat underhanded machinations, but the matter is urgent. How much do you remember about the 1800s?
Zhang Qiling: Nothing. Why?
Men in Black Chat
Zhang Qiling: Has he contacted you?
Hei Yangjing: oh shit whaddup it’s dat xiaoge
in some parts of the world, ya know—people lead into conversations with dumbass small talk and actual context for their demands
i know it’s crazy but like lord what fools these mortals be and shit amirite
How’s bae and the loudmouth
Zhang Qiling: Your descriptor for Pangzi is somewhat hypocritical, I would argue. Wu Xie is well; he had a bad cold last week but has mostly recovered.
The Shakespeare reference is noted and appreciated. Although I personally prefer The Tempest.
Has he contacted you?
Hei Yangjing: omg this is a xiaoge trivia plot twist thx
although tbqfh I figured you’d be more into Romeo and Juliet
lmao get it
…too soon?
Zhang Qiling: Has he contacted you?
Hei Yangjing: sadly, dear A-Xie and I just don’t talk daily the way we did when you were making snowmen for ten years or whatever. don’t be jealous, whats a Wu Xie to do but the other black-clad immortal in town who’s…teaching him stuff;)
The last time I heard from our mutual boo was on one of my birthdays (i tell people different days to maximize consistent presents, got the idea from something in the news)
Zhang Qiling: Your attempt at levity is not humorous in the least. Wu Xie is not interested in you and any attempts you make to express your own interest will be blocked with extreme prejudice.
I was referring to Zhang Rishan. At the start of this conversation, five years ago.
Hei Yangjing: yikes chill tf out jelly bro you know I was joking
Cool your Qilin
Admit it tho, we would be hot
Also yikes on the Zhang Rishan front
Lead with that next time tf use ur words
No I never talk to the bitch unless he pays why
Ew what does he want now
Tell him i died, make it tragic
Bonnie and Clyde Chat
Hei Yangjing: psst hey sexy got some big news
Xie Yuchen: Change the chat name.
Hei Yangjing: uhh lemme think no anyway how would ur fine ass like to hear some spicy info for the low low price I just sent?
Xie Yuchen: …This had better be good.
Hei Yangjing: face it ur the rich and rational version of Wu Xie I knew u would be curious
So here’s the 411
Xie Yuchen: The what?
Hei Yangjing: ugh
So the sitch is, zhang bois got some special necklace from someone somewhere
That is supposed to make the wearer invulnerable or somesuch
Idek man at this point I’m just accepting it, like sure u have a magical necklace, makes sense
I wonder if the Zhangs are like lotr??
I would totes be gandalf. u can be galadriel in that one HBIC scene.
Except this weirdass family jewelry hasn’t done fuckall for years, shit was broke af
then said necklace started glowing last week like yikes it was lit kinda glowing
Hehe I guess this is its glowup
Get it
Xie Yuchen: So, a mysterious Zhang artifact has suddenly become active.
Hei Yangjing: duh that’s what i said
Xie Yuchen: Is Zhang Qiling involved?
Hei Yangjing: he didn’t wanna be but you know Wu Xie has the Zhang Qiling equivalent of beatlemania and got them involved lol
Qilinmania, i dub it
And so now they are headed to the haus of scalding hot tea
Xie Yuchen: Try and stop me.
Hei Yangjing: bitch I’m inviting u to crash the potentially dangerous Zhang drama WITH me
It’s basically a date;)
Xie Yuchen: No, it is not. Pick me up in an hour.
Hei Yangjing: feisty, I love to see it
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cweetpea · 3 years
Law School Characters And Their Zodiac Signs
i’m not a professional astrologer and i read about zodiacs only as a hobby so the stuff i write may not be the most accurate but these are just my opinions and based on knowledge i have on zodiacs! but feel free to disagree respectfully, thank you :)
p.s. i used some stereotypical traits of the signs so please don’t get offended lmao
Tumblr media
Han Joon Hwi - CAPRICORN
Protective and caring (overall, a gentleman to his friends and especially his girl. like how he changed seats to keep Sol A away from Lee Man Ho and how he is just so concerned every time something happens to our pretty Sol A)
Lots of integrity and strong moral principles (to the point he exposed his own uncle believing that his uncle should turn himself in for his wrongdoings)
Down-to-earth (free of pretension, humble and straight-forward)
Uses his knowledge and proficiency to get what he wants 
Behind the serious and aloof exterior, he is actually a big softie and someone you can turn to for help
Kang Sol A - ARIES
Determined and bold (just look at that interview she had with Yangcrates for the special admission exercise and how she takes stuff into her own hands)
Direct (not afraid to speak her mind)
Cheerful disposition and youth-like innocence (Sol A literals brightens up my life and makes me smile whenever I look at her, just like how she makes Joon Hwi do the same heheh)
Selfless (she is not one to show her selflessness overtly but the little things she does tells you a lot, for example, going all out to help with the Bad Fama case and basically things she does for Joon Hwi)
Optimistic (throughout the show, no matter what kind of challenges she is plagued with, she never complains/break down. like nothing can get her down really. remember when the test she did really well for was said to not be counted into their grades or something, she kind of fretted over it a little but then she told Yangcrates that she’ll be fine after awhile)
Yangcrates - AQUARIUS
Eccentric (he can be a little bit weird and have an unconventional and strange way of thinking and behaving)
Unpredictable (he never fails to surprise me and his students throughout the show and does stuff at the most unexpected times, for example, giving hints to Sol A on what resources she can use for Prof Kim’s Civil Law class and helping Yeseul as her public defender)
Sees right through everything (he just knows everything, from Sol B plagiarising to Assemblyman Ko’s hidden intentions)
Non-judgemental (never indulges in the weaknesses/negativities of others and sees things objectively, explaining why his students trust and favour him)
Old soul with a wise, emotionally detached attitude
Professor Kim - SAGITTARIUS
Fun loving and enthusiastic
Speaks the truth and fair-minded (she is honest with her opinions and even though she favours Seungjae, she does not try to defend his serious offence of cheating. she even pushed for permanent exclusion for his own good, was open about it and did not try to hide the fact that she requested for it)
Devoted and generous (look how devoted she is to her students, and even considered resigning to be Yeseul’s attorney)
Hot-headed (I can’t really remember instances of her hot-headedness but she sure looks like that aunt you would not want to mess with)
Kang Sol B - SCORPIO
I smell burning ambition
Headstrong and stubborn (she was so persistent on the fact that she did not plagiarise that I almost believed her had not Joon Hwi be the smoking gun)
Honest and blunt (ouch)
Aura of mystery and darkness around her
Pretty loyal (she is always with the gang even though sometimes I question whether she truly likes them lol. and she also helped Yeseul’s case by searching for precedents that could help, and it did)
Seo Jiho - VIRGO
Practical and logical
Dependable and reliable
Hard to decode actually and proves that he is a worthy challenge (even Joon Hwi agrees)
Stubborn (but in a good way, look at how he tried to seek justice for his father relentlessly despite Jin constantly deriding him)
Uptight as hell (like bro chill you have friends like Sol A and Joon Hwi. if i had friends like them i would LOVE life :)
Jeon Yeseul - PISCES
One of the purest characters in Law School with a good heart
Highly compassionate and empathetic (how she took pity for Yeong Chang and did not want to press charges)
Loyal (still called Joon Hwi ��Oppa’ despite her bf being salty about it and not showing an ounce of jealousy when her friends all did better than her on a test)
Private and closed off (keeping her abusive relationship a secret and also, when the gang is together, she hardly talks sometimes and acts in ways that may sometimes be hard to read)
Min Bokgi - CANCER
Caring (shows care and concern for his friends, especially Yeseul)
Sulky (i do remember him sulking a lot more than the other characters)
Likes romance (openly shows his affection for Yeseul and he is the only one that shows reactions/interest in solhwi’s interactions)
Yoo Seung Jae - LIBRA
Sweet and chivalrous (the way he talks and treats others like Prof Kim assures me that chivalry is not dead)
Detached (he doesn’t seem that emotionally invested in the things happening around him, like he is there but not or maybe he is just caught up in his own problems)
Indecisive (i just ran out of traits to talk about but the fact that he went from medicine to law makes me think he is indecisive lol)
Jo Ye Beom - GEMINI
Talkative and chatty (pretty self-explanatory)
Two-faced (look how this kid betrayed his own friends)
Actually intelligent and bright not gonna lie
Nosy af (like stop trying to take notes from a study group you don’t belong to like damn)
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Group 4 Adult hc’s please 😭 they’re all precious! Thank you for loving Group 4
YES OMG! I love this! And you’re so right 😭 They are so precious and I adore them 💜
WAIT. I wasn’t sure if you meant individual hc’s or ones of them all together 😭 If I messed this up, lmk and I’ll do new hc’s!!
Karma Akabane
He’s a distinguished bureaucrat by day, a compete fucking disaster by night
No who am I kidding
He brings chaos no matter what time
Lives to drive his co-workers insane, even if he gets along with them. It’s just a habit of him being around anyone lmao
His apartment is really expensive and nice...except it’s also a fucking mess.
See when he was a kid and lived alone, there was still a maid around. He didn’t live like a slob.
But as an adult with no supervision whatsoever....well, he kinda lets loose. A lot.
Drops his $500 suits right onto his floor, has piles of clothing around, his official government papers are laying everywhere, like Karma, isn’t that illegal??? Lmao
Invites his co-workers out for drinks, or he happily goes along if someone else invites him. Actually makes more of an effort to be social as an adult, surprisingly.
Irritates Terasaka whenever he gets to see him...which is fairly often hehe
Also likes to barge into Group 4’s lives...literally. Like he’ll randomly show up to Nagisa’s classroom, sneak onto Kayano’s film set, invite himself into the nursing home Kanzaki is at and befriend elderly people, etc.
No matter what though, you can’t change Karma lmao. He will go to ridiculous and edgy methods in his job, even snoop on government officials outside of work
You DO NOT want him as an enemy. If any politician crosses him, Terasaka tears up on their behalf. “Just try to survive, man.” “Uh, what?” “You’ll see.”
Competent adult rating: 5/10
Manami Okuda
It’s not surprising of course, but she’s totally dedicated to her work and research. Her loved ones have to remind her to take breaks often.
Her apartment is generally tidy because she’s barely there.
Her work desk space on the other hand...is hella messy lol. She tends to throw papers around in the middle of stuff, and there are a few old food containers or takeout boxes from late night work.
She likes to tie her hair up in a braided bun often, to keep it out of the way. That’s mandatory for lab work anyways.
Dresses in a lot of casual but comfy attire, like blouses, jeans, skirts and boots, etc.
Gets along well with her colleagues, but she still has that habit of being a little reserved. Like she won’t jump right into hanging out with them, only if she’s invited to.
Her communication skills have improved so much omg, let’s all be proud of her <3
She has a pet chameleon!! It’s name is Rutherford, after the chemist lol
Tomohito Sugino
He actually lives by the strictest guidelines out of all of them
Since he’s a professional athlete, he really has to take care of his body and maintain his physique.
So like...a diet focusing on proteins, vitamins, nutrients, lean meats, vegetables, etc. All that good stuff.
And he works out twice a day. Once in the morning, he goes out for a jog as cardio. Then in the evening, he’ll do a more strength-based workout for his core and biceps.
As usual, he is very social and makes friends super easily UwU. When he’s not focusing on work (this is rare) he likes to make plans with people often.
Can’t handle being alone for too long
Gets confused/annoyed by finance matters a lot lmao. Hates filing taxes and doing paperwork, treats it like a chore rather a necessity for adulting
He has a really popular Instagram page actually, given that he’s a well-known baseball player. He posts mostly selfies, pics with friends, workout mirror selfie’s lmao, and of course pics of his dog
She’s a golden Labrador named Kimi, and he adores her so much. She’s a puppy still but she’s very active and loving.
He becomes a really popular meme for his very tired facial expression during a particularly rough game. Sugino takes great pride in this lmao
Credit to @assclass-dump for this amazing idea: Sugino being like Tony Hawke, and literally no one recognizes him outside of his baseball uniform lmaooooo. I love that.
Kaede Kayano
She has her shit together...for the most part
Kayano’s fame as an actress only grows more and more as she gets older. She has a ton of awesome big roles, even internationally.
This is canon: she does her own stunts and she always amazes the entire crew, especially if her co-star is new to meeting her and had no idea.
Kayano tends to not always take care of herself that well though. She exercises and maintains a strong physique daily, but her meals tend to consist of like...a flimsy salad and a pudding cup and that’s it.
Her apartment is pretty taken care of for the most part, especially when she’s filming and only comes back for sleep.
On her off-months though, best believe this girl tries to chill at home for as much as she can lol. She needs that well-deserved rest.
Kayano visits Aguri’s grave once every month. She brings her favorite flowers and gives kind of a life update on everything. She cries every time.
During her lowest moments, she’ll open up the yearbook that Korosensei left for her. She’ll read all his encouraging notes, laugh at the goofy memories they made...
She stays in contact with Kanzaki and Sugino the most. It’s harder with Karma and Okuda who have very demanding jobs too...and Nagisa who is hyper-focused on teaching
Gets involved in a couple dating scandals and such because the media is bored and nosy. But she shuts that shit down so fast and ruthlessly.
Yukiko Kanzaki
Adulting definitely comes the easiest for her, out of all of them
At the residence care facility she works at, she’s known for being the chillest and prettiest nurse
Bonds with most of her patients very easily. She especially has a sweet spot for elderly women, since they remind her of her beloved grandmother
She also had learned to be more open and comfortable with expressing herself. Unlike her junior high self, she isn’t envied or disliked or treated as an idol.
She actively communicates with her co-workers and has become better at making connections.
In true Kanzaki fashion, she absolutely will speak out if an injustice happens near her, and this sadly can be common in elderly care homes.
She doesn’t tolerate mistreatment at all. She voices her concerns and objections in her usual classy way, but if nothing changes, she’ll be persistent and more aggressive.
Kanzaki lives in a fairly modest apartment not too far from work. She walks every morning to get fresh air and enjoy being outside. She also stops by a cafe for breakfast and brings something for a co-worker she’s especially close to.
Even though her family could afford to get something way nicer and more expensive, Kanzaki insisted they don’t. She wants to work hard and achieve things through effort.
Besides she’s always been curious about a more humble lifestyle. She finds that she actually enjoys it immensely.
Nagisa Shiota
Hey hey hey, it’s our favorite new teacher <3
Seriously Nagisa is super dedicated to his job. He spends a good portion of his free time making more plans and ideas for future lessons.
He’s also just...such a spectacular teacher.
No matter how difficult his students may be, he never treats them like they’re problems. He always gives them a lot of kindness and respect, which sadly they don’t get a lot from others.
Disciplines in a really good way, like he’ll correct them but won’t sound condescending. He doesn’t sugarcoat, he’ll be honest but absolutely will give new chances.
Also can be totally fun and goofy if the time calls for it. Doesn’t want his students to ever fear him or feel like he’s unapproachable.
Makes learning to be fun and creative, also connects with each student one-on-one for sure.
He lives in a super tiny apartment. That teacher salary bro 😔
Takes a train everyday for a short commute to get to work.
His apartment also is prone to being littered around with a bunch of teaching stuff until he gets to organizing it.
Is generally very liked by his colleagues! Some of them don’t really agree with his teaching style and think he’s too lenient, Nagisa doesn’t pay them mind.
Can cook really well but is prone to buying convenience store meals often, because of his schedule.
Keeps a photo of 3-E on his nightstand.
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yunsoh · 4 years
'a sohma man'.... kyokeru???? kyokeru????? is this a thing wait they wld be SO funny please elaborate
kyokeru absolutely has a handful of diehards out there (i’ve only seen them on twitter but i’m sure they’re lurking somewhere here too) but i would be lying if i said that i haven’t thought about them LMAO.... okay first of all i think kyo would loathe kakeru on principle -- he’s loud, annoying, invasive, and yuki’s best friend. the only reason uo gets a pass at being loud, annoying, and invasive is that she’s tohru’s best friend. yes he thinks about the fact that he does consider uo a friend and that maybe maaaaybe it’s shitty of him to completely disregard kakeru altogether just because he’s best friends with yuki but then kakeru says something like “wow, no wonder you and yun-yun are related, you’re both so serious and moody lol” that he’s officially like, fuck this dude. 
kakeru on the other hand is super fascinated by kyo just on the basis that he’s another sohma enigma™ and that he finds him hot, and is not put off by kyo not wanting to have anything to do with him like, whatsoever. he kind of sort of knows he and yuki have beef with each other, but he’s not exactly sensitive to that -- yuki isn’t thrilled or anything talking about kyo, but he’s very much like “if you want to be friends with him, fine” (it’s the principle of autonomy, but also. he doesn’t exactly say this kindly. kakeru knows this but runs with it). kakeru tries again to talk to kyo but kyo has more or less put him on the dni list and is pretty aggressive about not wanting anything to do with him. cold, brushes him off, tries (and fails lmao) to ignore him, etc. finally he just has to snap and tell kakeru straight up that he doesn’t want anything to do with him, and kakeru’s just “?? why? because of yuki?” not rlly understanding at all the depths of their baggage, and kyo -- at this point being more mindful abt his anger but still so fuckin sensitive -- more or less snaps like “don’t fuckin talk to me about him.” meanwhile i just imagine uo hana and tohru chilling in the bg watching all of this unfold, hana and uo being like “oh tasty drama” and tohru being like “um!!! 🙃” 
oh my god anyways so kyo and kakeru do not start out on the right foot whatsoever BUT kakeru is nothing if persistent and even though he’s a little mad at kyo for shutting him out completely just on the basis that he’s friends with yuki, he is still really intrigued by him and has seen with his own two eyeballs that kyo isn’t always so prickly and standoffish -- he’s seen from the sidelines that he acts esp different with tohru (which by the way, i’m ignoring the whole kakeru and tohru knowing each other thing, i do not care for it so away it goes) and honestly seeing just how gentle and different kyo’s whole aura becomes maybe makes kakeru a little.... piney.... he tries not to question himself too much but he does question for just a moment WHY exactly he’s trying so hard to get to know this guy only to fall on his face over and over, and while he can chalk it up to stubbornness he does also chalk it up to finding him attractive. he tries to leave the thought cut and dry there and tbh. succeeds lmfao. 
sooooo how does kakeru make things right and can he...... okay so in this universe i think it would make absolute sense that he has a rapport with uo and i think they would be really fucking funny together as friends, so he ends up getting a moment with her to just be like “what the hell is up with kyo and why does he hate me” and she tells him straight up that he’s just Like That but he’s especially like that because kakeru’s so close with yuki. kakeru brings up that tohru’s also really close with yuki, and tbh uo straight up laughs in his face like “okay but tohru’s a tranq and you’re like a bomb in the middle of the room” and she more or less tells him that kyo will come around if he wants to comes around. but for kakeru, that’s a hard “if.” 
kyo meanwhile has been extremely broody about kakeru if only because he’s aggravating the part of his internal dialogue that is soooo so sensitive to the fact that he can’t justifiably blame yuki for all of the things he blames him for and that it’s something he’s been aggressively avoiding thinking about because i mean. it’s his lifeline basically. like he knows he doesn’t want to allow kakeru into his circle for the sole reason that he doesn’t trust the fact that he’s so close with yuki, and he knows that this is directly combatting the fact that tohru’s also close with yuki (+ was arguably friends with yuki first), and that who yuki chooses as friends cannot by that logic be terrible people. he also can’t reject him on the basis of being an annoying asshole because over half of his friend group is made up of annoying assholes. so he spends more energy thinking about kakeru than he wishes to admit to and this ofc only makes him crankier every time he sees him. 
all things considered kakeru is able to maintain a fair amount of distance from kyo being that they’re not in the same class and don’t usually bump into one another unless kakeru is specifically seeking him out, so kakeru does take some time to consider what he should do (he feels that maybe he should apologize but he’s also finally getting the gist that kyo’s on edge whenever he comes around, and he doesn’t want to just waste an apology yk). at most he tries to give kyo a “totally inconspicuous” stare across the room when he comes along to grab yuki from class for a meeting but kyo just pointedly stares out the window instead so it’s a no-go. during this time kyo has been battling between “am i being an asshole to this dude for no reason” and “who gives a shit if i ignore him he’s annoying” and this is made prominent by the fact that his friends chucklefucks #1 and #2 have decided, suddenly, to be annoying to him specifically about why the vice president keeps looking at him funny and uo stoking the flames by saying kyo keeps rejecting him. they then go on to say how cruel and mean kyo is and that he’s breaking their vp’s heart and he’s actually about to triple frontflip out the window again before tohru pipes up like “i think he’s probably really nice actually!! :)” because of course she does she has essentially entrusted kakeru to handling yuki’s heart and soul and. i think she wants kyo to have more friends. i mean i think we all want kyo to have more friends. kyo ofc only listens to tohru but man is he mad about it. he consoled only by the fact that if he gives kakeru a chance and he still doesn’t fuckin like him he can drop him for good.
i’m getting so fucking carried away with this anyway kyo actually kind of runs into kakeru after school and. there’s a funny thing abt kakeru where when he’s completely alone he’s actually just quiet and non-abrasive and normal, and this seems obvious but kyo just realizes he never considered kakeru has any semblance of an off button. it’s awkward on kyo’s part (as usual) and kakeru is both delighted and confused as kyo makes his way through a very gritted apology for being an ass, to which after waaaay too long a contemplative pause he just says sorry in return because he knows he pissed kyo off in one way or another and that he’s kind of an idiot sometimes. which i think is a level of straightforwardness and self-awareness that kyo doesn’t expect from him LMAO so he’s taken slightly off-guard, but still it’s just. awkward. for him anyway. kakeru though is feeling a little bit of a win for himself and just says he has to bail and that he’ll catch him tomorrow, which kyo just kind of absently agrees with...... by the time he considers taking it back and going “this doesn’t mean we’re friends” or smth the moment’s long passed and kakeru’s way down the street, walking off to the station alone........ pause for quiet scene.......
so i just realized i wrote like seven paragraphs about just the leadup of them becoming anything close to friends BUT i do wanna say that i think a big breakthrough moment for them actually becoming friends is really just about kakeru being very obviously his own entity who is actually not like yuki in the slightest (yk how friends take on each others mannerisms and mind-meld and shit like that........ yeah this is something way more apparent for yuki in their relationship LMAO yuki’s influences on kakeru are much much quieter). which is another thing that should be obvious, but considering kakeru is someone who willingly and overtly befriends yuki (vs other people like haru, who has a long family history w him, and tohru, who literally lives with him and is. well, tohru.), and considering kyo never gets to know him prior to this, i want to imagine that he’s just plainly biased and had more or less disliked him by association more than anything. so getting to know him as an individual and carving out a space for just him in his brain.... yeah. 
i’m a big sap for friends-to-lovers so ofc the real pining doesn’t start until they’ve actually started to become better friends, which i think is very much full of stupid bullshit instigated by kakeru begging kyo to teach him how to fight (after asking yuki a quarter million times and getting rejected every time. kyo does not know that this is because kakeru is a power rangers fanboy but absolutely wants to use this as a moment of “fuck that guy i’ll show it to you better than he could anyway” which has this unaware flirty tone to it that kakeru wants so badly to comment on but doesn’t want to lose his chance to learn how to defeat evil with his own two fists so he just. stores that away for himself 2 think about later). kyo trying to teach him would be intimate if kakeru had an ounce more talent and concentration and kyo had an ounce more patience. anyways they play wrestle instead bc kakeru is bored of the basics and it’s actually fun for the both of them until kyo pins kakeru and they have this mutual moment of. uhhhhh. bro? haha. bro?? at which point kakeru finally has to admit to himself “oh this isn’t just normal attraction this is some real shit” and kyo is in full “what the fuck was that” mode. 
i have no resolution for this post i’ve decided i’m just going to leave it at that because as u can see it’s mad easy to run in circles with these two. they’ve got a good hypothetical chemistry going on and have the nice lil kick of drama a la “this is my rival’s best friend/my best friend is friends with my rival” and a good ol sexuality crisis. and what more could u ask for really
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sunnibunniwrld · 3 years
bakugou angst lmao,,,,,, tellme if u want a part 2 ig
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He was doing what he did best. It was upsetting, what he does isn’t useful. Destruction and pain sought out those who were weak enough to have a chink in their armor. He had built himself what he thought was a thick layer of diamonds, so unbreakable and beautifully strong, that his view of his reflection was obstructed by the layers of metal, cloth, and muscle. He would drag his feet along the vinyl tiles, his back was hunched over from the weight, but he would not admit defeat. He would not become frail and succumb to the satisfaction of others, he knew that they would laugh, and stare, and watch as his armor crumbled as if it were talc all along. His parents would watch as he fell, and scold him for not being the best. He would rather die than be weak, but that's all he is. He’ll knock others over to appear taller, better. He’d destroy cities to claim that his home was the best. He’d break everything that made him feel less than what he was-- a god. He was Harrison Beregeron, but better; He was a version who refused to die. He was Katsuki Bakugou.
The sky was cold and the air struggled to filter through the population’s noses without the sharp pain of microscopic crystals tearing at their nasal tissue. Breaths huffed and puffed, visible in the air like cigarette smoke on a summer’s day. Light pedaling feet fell upon the crunchy Mid-January snow, and crowds waited for their respective trains. It was a blizzard of people, and Katsuki could barely see the tracks. Among the flurry of people, the most special snowflake stood, staring down at their phone. Your skin looked so delicate, though not visibly chilled. Katsuki was in awe, had you gotten more beautiful over the winter holidays? Was it even possible for the most beautiful being to grow to new heights of godliness? You had him on planet Neptune, in a dreamy state of awe. Neptunian illusions swirled around him, the prospects of love and a perfect world filled his senses. It was such a Pisces ideology-- that the world could instantaneously become perfect. But the world is fragile, and the push of a button, the strike of a match, could end it all. For a moment, you look up, breath huffing out of your mouth. The shape of your lips entrance katsuki, and for a moment, he prays that one day he can call those lips his.
Katsuki is shaken back into the cold day, as if his head were a snowglobe. As his friend's voice rings out to him, the glitter settles in his sculpted world, drenched with false hopes. Kirishima shakes his shoulder, and no glitter rises, only the front of anger he should’ve had the entire time. He must’ve looked so weak. 
“What do you want??” He shouts, Throwing Eijirou’s hand off of his shoulder. “The train’s here, bro.” Kirishima laughs and starts walking as Katsuki follows suit. They sit near the back, which is where the best seats are, of course. “What were you so invested in back there,” Kirisima starts, looking out of the window to the platform you two were just standing at. “Aw, looks like someone dropped a sanrio key chain-- which one is that? Kokomi? Wait, that's not its name… hmmm...” Kirishima was fixated on the object, as Katsuki pushed past him and ran out of the train to grab the little plastic trinket. It was yours. He glanced at it in his hand after the slow buildup the train’s whirring grew to a consistent, singular sound. Katsuki looked up and over to kirishima giving him a quizzical look through the window of the train. Katsuki shot an angry MYOB look at him as the train hummed away. The back of the train had an advertisement for hero polls, to determine a hero’s rank. The advertisement featured All Might in his golden suit, winking and holding his finger up to the viewer.
All Might’s never had an s/o in his career, or at least nothing was public. Katsuki warms his hand using his quirk, and melts some snow on a bench. He’s always been fine on his own. I’m sure he’s had some flings, maybe they’d been paid off to keep them quiet in an effort to keep his image professional. To have him show no other emotion but happiness. To ripple that effect throughout society. He’s never let anyone close enough to get through his armor. I bet that behind his warm smile, he’s cold and alone. Fragile.
The snow persists in the empty train station.
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costellos · 4 years
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐬 𝐛𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮! 
—asks received between Sept. 1 and Sept. 16.
anonymous asked: My all time favorite concept is cuddly Stands. Wingman Stands. The ones that figure out that I like someone and then proceed to act on it. I can just picture sitting there, beating down my feelings for Polnareff or Kakyoin and all of a sudden, my Stand just starts nuzzling into their neck and we make direct eye contact. I start trying to apologize but my Stand just keeps hugging and kissing them. I firmly believe someone (probably Joseph) would tease me about it. 😂🥺
AHHHHH I LOVE THIS!!! stands are basically a shadow of yourself sooo 👀 I think Silver Chariot and Emerald Splash would be flustered. especially Chariot; Polnareff acts suave but I like to think that the moment his flirting is returned the man just shuts down. Emerald Splash would handle it a lil better, but Kakyoin is doing everything he can to downplay the situation. you? like him? ugh, that’s unimaginable. although he’d tease you about it, that pink blush is unmistakable. 
anonymous asked: Ight, concept time. Im in college for massage therapy, and we spend a lot of out lab time massaging one another (and it's soooo niiiice. My touch starved quarantined ass LOVES it.) Anyway. Now I can't get it out of my head of treating my faves to a nice massage. Ceasar and Joseph after training. Literally all of the Crusaders, especially sweet Polnareff. Using swords is tough work! Id love to help him relax. (Something tells me Joot wouldn't want to cooperate. No matter. I'll massage Star. 🥰)
omg that sounds amazing! I’m so envious.... can I come to your massage therapy class? anyway, I think all of them would appreciate it! some would be more excited than others (Joseph, Polnareff), but most would be super hesitant (Caesar, Avdol, Kakyoin) or would straight up reject you (Oldseph, Jotaro). just put those hands to work and they’d melt to your touch. they’d be in the middle of protesting and the moment u so much as pinch their shoulders they just go “hhhggghh... nice......” (Star would be your best client, he’s so happy to have any sort of attention from you 😊)
💘 anon asked: 😔😔i’m here to openly confess my love for pannacotta fugo, i’m gathering my brain cells to write you good concepts but for now, i wanna give him a hug and tell him it’s okay and purple haze isn’t that scary bc have you seen a depressed bitch’s dirty ass room before?? that’s scary purple haze ain’t nothing (ps i’m bitch)
hmmm... it depends on the situation on whether or not Fugo would accept your words. if you’re just coming up to him out of the blue, I think he’d brush you off. but if you’re calming him down after an outburst and you’re persistent about talking with him, he’d be much more receptive. he’s so lost and so, so scared yet having you here, holding him, would remind him that not all things in the world are terrible. although he still doesn’t think he deserves you, he’s glad that you’re here nonetheless. 
just a soft anon 💖 asked:  Bro. I'm taking my fine art entrance exams tomorrow morning and I'm 😃 afraid because it's gonna be my third attempt and I can't stand the idea of spending another year of my life on prep for that stupid school. I just hope Mista would be proud of me. Ftuefhsjjagj anyway I hope you're doing ok Toya bby
just a soft anon!!! I’m so sorry about the late reply! but I know you put your best effort in your entrance exams and I’m so proud of you for getting it done and over with 💕 please let me know how you did!
Mista would 100% be proud of you! he’d be waiting outside of the entrance, and the moment he sees you come out, his face would just light up. he’d be so proud of you for finishing your exam. and even if you’re not sure of your results, he’d pick you up in a giant hug and tell you that those admissions directors would be stupid to not accept you. I hope you’re ready to celebrate by going to your favorite restaurant, courtesy of Mista himself!!
anonymous asked: Not a request but I like to think despite appearances, Risotto likes playing cute games. Imagine his s/o showing him Pitter Patter Pop and gushing over how cute his character is. (I know Pitter Patter Pop is a Jojo game BUT LIKE. THE GAME IS SO CUTE.)
LMAOOO. it probably starts as something he plays to pass the time. like, Formaggio has been raving about it for a week now, what’s the harm in downloading it? but then it turns into a minor obsession. wow. this game is pretty cute. but what’s cuter (and funnier) is seeing Risotto show you his phone and say, “[Name]. look. they got all my poses down."
anonymous asked: Concept: Going in for a hug with Polnareff except you both lean your heads the same way and accidentally kiss 😳😂 (alternate answer, i can totally see this happening with Joseph) (I've literally done this on accident before lmao)
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Polnareff would be so embarrassed! he’d immediately pull back, eyes wide and a hand over his mouth. how he’d respond after that relies entirely on you. if you’re embarrassed too, he’d try to change the subject to diffuse the situation. if you’re into it, however, Polnareff would waste no time going in for another smooch 👀 gentler, this time. and correctly!
anonymous asked: But just think GoT universe and Ris is a targaryen. Uffff he has a sword forged from the blood of his enemies and an armour of leather and steel, and he rides into the battlefield on his massive dragon Metallica, and his king's guard's leader is Prosciutto Lannister and Ris has an alliance with the northern lord bruno stark. ufffff...
my knowledge of GoT is super limited but! imagine Risotto’s skin stained with blood and dirt. his breathing heavy and rugged. his eyes vermilion, as red as the fire that burns behind him. his muscles ache and his mouth is dry, but he’s not done with battle. not yet, at least. Prosciutto watches as Risotto advances. his armor is as beaten as his king’s, and though he’s capable of assisting Risotto, he merely places a paper rolled with fine tobacco in his mouth. he knows that this this the king’s fight.
anonymous asked: I can't imagine the circumstances, but I like to imagine Risotto teasing his s/o by holding stuff over their head (for example, the t.v remote). Maybe s/o wants to watch a certain movie but he doesn't want to lmao. Alternatively maybe they'll try to wrestle the remote from his hand but he's just sitting there, chilling while his fingers won't budge at all--
omg.... yes...... I think he’d do it with a super blank expression too. like he’s amused, he just won’t show it. the most you’ll get is a quirked brow. sometimes you see the slightest hint of a smile, and you can’t help but smile yourself. you know that action is reserved for you and you only. also his just sitting there, chillin, while his s/o tries to wrestle the remote from his hand is CANON u can’t convince me otherwise.
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bluespiderlilies · 5 years
Pillars x Modern reader? Please if it alright with you
hi!! i was going to say no tbh bc my rules say only two charas max but,, i'll let it slide i guess lmao 
modern! pillars x reader!hcs: 
himejima gyoumei:
okay so like,, in a modern au i like to imagine that gyoumei would be a sculptor hehe (yes, i know, not v original).
and you a painter!! 
and like,, the two of you are secret admirers of one another 
like he would often see you at the art gallery he frequents just staring at his sculptures & just,,, looking at them w pure awe?
 which he finds so heartwarming & makes him super motivated & happy in what he does!! 
and at art auctions when he buys your paintings? you feel like fainting from happiness bc the guy you admire so much BUYS YOUR PAINTINGS?!?! 
so then one day the two of you just,, bumped into each other coincidentally while at the art gallery the two of you go to often
the two of you chat comfortably before asking for one another's numbers & discuss about a potential coffee date!! 
and so, after that & a couple more dates, the two of you became official!!
iguro obanai:
hmm i feel like snek boi would be a tattoo artist 
you a florist (FUCK i hate my unoriginal ideas) 
your shops are right beside each other's haha
you sometimes talked but it was only about small awkward things like the weather BYE
but then one day you got locked out of your shop oops
so you,, sort of stayed w/ obanai in his shop until the person you called to help came
 which he didn't mind at all btw
surprisingly, the two of you got along really well? not to mention you guys liked a lot of the same things & had similar hobbies??
 from then on the two of you were kinda Whipped™™™™™ for each other lmaoo,, you often went to each other's shops when you guys didn't have any customers/had a slow day 
so then you decided to confess and!! he accepted your feelings & said he felt the same way!! (screams) & ever since then the two of you began to date uwu
rengoku kyoujurou:
okay so kyoujurou in the kimetsu academy au is a history teacher, right? 
and you are the english teacher!! 
honestly the entire school love the two of you so much
 and they even ship the two of you super hard\ but!! the thing is? the two of you are already dating, haha~ the students just don't know that yet
so it's hella amusing when the two of you witness them trying to set the two of you up with one another 
so you and kyoujurou had a mutual agreement to just act innocent and go along w what they do (which the students totally fall for)
until one day you accidentally let it slip (whoops) 
"hi guys, sorry for being late, kyoujurou won't be here today 'cause he's sick and i had to take care of him for a bit—oops did i just spill everything?"
 from then on the entire school knew the two of you were dating (and thank god, bc now you guys could be affectionate in public lmaoooo)
tokitou muichirou:
muichirou would be like that quiet, asocial first year *wheeze*
& like...there's tons of rumors of him being rude n closed off to others that try to be friends w him
n you're like!! haha!! fuck those rumors i want to be friends w him!! (plus he's cute wink wink) 
so, you try to approach him by sitting in front of his desk during lunch, or talk to him front time to time in your close (surprise!! the two of you are in the same class) 
he ignores you tbh & even tries to push you away,,, but you're super persistent (in an annoyingly,, cute way?) 
but like one day, you're absent from class two days in a row, and he's like,, fuck?? is it my fault??? did i do something to them?? is (name) not here bc of me?? i miss (name) surprisingly a lot and idk why???
and like for the two days he feels like he's fuckin hallucinating or some shit bc he always turns his head to the direction he expects you to be, or like hears your voice even if you're not there? 
but then you came after those two days, and he immediately comes up to you and questions you as to why you were absent 
you just laugh and smile, telling him that you were sick (& tease him too) which he gets really flustered at and even blushes bc he missed you a lot bye 
so then he confesses to you, and tells you that even if it was two days, it felt like forever and he just really missed you and wanted you to be by his side?? and you found that hella cute (also bc of his blushing face) so like uh,, ever since then the two of you started to date
tomioka giyuu:
kimetsu academy au where he's the gym teacher (duh it's canon) & ur the assistant nurse of tamayo uwu
you often supervise whenever giyuu has a class bc you know how rough he can be,, so you're just there in case anything happens
 cue the students being in love w you bc you're the literal opposite of giyuu
cue the students lowkey shipping the two of you too (& the two of you are HELLA oblivious about about, too) 
you like to chat w him sometimes, even if you're the one who's doing most of the talking
despite his rough nature you actually find him really cute and like??? attractive 
and giyuu?? is naturally attracted to you too?? but then one day a student fight breaks out and while giyuu tries to stop it he ends up getting injured
so you, of course, treat him the best you can—tending to the bruises on his face & the cuts on his arms & legs,, and like your touch is so fucking good and gentle and like??? bitch is about to melt too
he ends up telling you that he likes you,, and you're shocked bc omg?? the guy i like just confessed & asked me out (btw u said yes haha)
uzui tengen:
aight so spy!au where he is sent to spy on you bc you're under suspicion working under an illegal organization (wait this counts as a modern au right? yeah anyways,,) 
he moves in to the apartment right across from you as your new "neighbor" 
he also works as the cashier at the bakery you work at too!!
 bc of that, naturally, the two of you got close
you thought he was v attractive and funny lmao,, you especially found his "flamboyant" catch phrase hella endearing too 
yeah right lmao bc he did end up falling in love w you. so he even asked you out (which ofc you said yes?? like bro tengen is literally the person of you're dreams) 
but he reminded himself that he still had a mission to do, so he used it the fact that the two of you were dating to his advantage to find more about you (aka snooping) 
you didn't really mind that + the fact that he asked lots of questions about you
but once he found out that you were completely clear, he was?? highkey happy and relieved, so he could date you comfortably without being paranoid lmao
kanroji mitsuri:
idol! mitsuri and manager! reader au hehe 
honestly you have been w mitsuri ever since she debuted
you watched her grow as both a singer and as a person—you saw all the sides of her personality, habits, flaws, etc; which honestly? made you fall in love w her 
however, you kept your feelings a secret bc you didn't want anybody to find out plus ruin mitsuri's reputation?
like okay you get fired but you don't want to hurt mitsuri or the years of hard work to be destroyed 
but it's so fuckin hard you know? bc she's super affectionate w you, and you're over here trying to keep your feelings in? 
so eventually you just,,, confess to her—all the feelings you had pent up just finally spill out
unexpectedly?? she says she feels the same way?? but she's been in love w you ever since she first laid eyes on you?? 
so lmao you keep your relationship a secret, even from the agency you work at lmao 
despite the hardships that you guys often face, you get through them together and the two of you couldn't be anymore happier w one another??
kochou shinobu: 
roommates au in which the two of you are college students 
shinobu a pharmacology major & you in toxicology!!
bc of you living together and even sharing some classes, the two of you spend a lot of time w each other 
you guys have plenty of study dates too haha 
and cute stuff like night outs or movies nights!!! 
honestly the more time you spend w her, the more time you?? fall in love shinobu. like. head over heels for her. 
and shinobu's like??? I FEEL REALLY NICE AND FUZZY AROUND YOU (in her brain, though) 
so the two of you end up confessing at the same time during movie night bc the movie reminded the two of you of each other a lot?? uh?? 
when the two of you realize what you said two each other, the two of you laugh it off and just? begin dating 
nothing really changes tbh!! just more affection, dates, spending time w each other, and being more intimate ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
shinazugawa sanemi:
bodyguard au :D in which sanemi is your newly appointed bodyguard and you're a millionaire that needs to be protected 
honestly he thought you'd be snobby as fuck considering that's how rich people usually are in his eyes
 but?? you're really freakin chill and cool?? not like he'd admit that aloud lmaoo
you like to tease him a lot bc he's so uptight w you, but apologize & give him ohagi (which he really fuckin loves?? Uh??)
you always try to convince him to play video games w you lmaoo esp mario kart (he declines though *eyeroll emoji*)
since he's almost always serious around you, when you find him tending to your dogs and being so soft around them you're like?? fuck?? my heart?? 
so basically the two of u dumbasses have feelings for each other but are oblivious + don't want to confess,,, like the more time you spend w one another the more you fall in love?
and he absolutely just,, loves it when you visit orphanages and help w the kids and the way you treat them is so sweet? 
yeah. he's so in love. 
but it wasn't until you ended up in a life-threatening situation that he actually confessed to you—which, as serious as the moment was, you cracked a joke and accepted his feelings.
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gelenka-daria · 4 years
Do you think Manwë ever popped for a visit to Melkor in Angband? I mean, he's a Vala it shouldn't be that hard, I know it's impossible canon-wise but do you ever THINK ;_;
lmao melkor would instantly know he was there because - aside form their bond that no betrayal nor time could ever sever, they were one being split in two after all, that's his other half he's sensing - the weather does a complete 180, traces of soot and ash receding, infested angband air clearing. around him, his subordinates gasp as clean, crisp air enters their ragged lungs, looking at each other like, bro, are we high? WHAT IS THIS? and a couple of steps down from him, his lieutenant is confused but already halfway to putting two and two together.
"leave me," melkor would command, "all of you." he stresses when sauron doesn't budge. the maia jolts at the chilly tone and glare he's given, hunching after a hesitant pause and following gothmog out of the throne chamber.
"you have some nerve," melkor says when he's finally alone, "coming here." 
glistening mist gathers in the middle of the room, taking shape, tendrils of gray smoke shifting and there he is, grace given form and sticking out like a sore thumb despite his dark simple robes because imagine beautiful, ethereal manwë in gloomy, grisly angband. i digress.
manwë says nothing, eyes trailing over melkor's form. melkor sits there, steaming in slowly shriveling self-esteem, aware of the contrast in his looks between last time they'd seen each other and now. melkor remembers it, all too well. he had held manwë, kissed him, touched him with then whole hands now tarnished, face devoid of scars, an endless chorus of one last time, one last time, just one last time cause bitch knew he was about to do some seriously fucked up shit and it was probably his last chance to tap that ass.
"melkor," is all manwë says, looking less guarded and more calm and collected, as you do.
"manwë," melkor reclines back, all blasé nonchalance cause homeboy would rather give up his remaining silmarils than admit to having pined for his brother for a millennia, it's already hard enough to keep still and chill after hearing that voice after such a long time, "you are here by yourself?"
tension leaks out of melkor like blood from an open wound, thank dad, the last thing he needs is tulkas around swinging his fist about and punching melkor's teeth in. "how unwise."
"i suppose." manwë looks like he wants to get closer, but opts to letting his gaze sweep about the room before settling back on melkor, "even so, what can you do to me?" 
CAUSE WHAT CAN YOU DO TO THE LORD OF THE WINDS? NO ONE CAN TOUCH A HAIR OF MANWË'S UNLESS HE LETS THEM HE IS FREE AND UNATTAINABLE AND COULD  FADE AWAY BEFORE MELKOR HAS THE CHANCE TO REACH OUT I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL. plus you can't kill a vala and melkor is very much aware of this fact and is put under much stress by it courtesy to his ever residing mortality and decreasing power. 
melkor's mouth curls into something twisted. manwë wouldn't be here if he wasn't so sure. "what brings you, then, oh highest, to my humble abode? dare i presume to have been missed?" 
"terribly," manwë says, very much matter-of-factly, it is what it is.
"is that so," melkor says, coolly, as if his inner-workings have not capsized. "you have always been a sentimental fool, little brother." 
manwë doesn't say anything for a minute, then finally moves, closing the distance between himself and a large window with leisurely strides, his hair gently fluttering behind him, boundless strands of silver moonlight which melkor absolutely, definitely, and without question does not want to run his fingers through. manwë radiates a gentle, holy light, a light of which melkor had long since lost, illuminating this dark chamber and he must feel like home, smell like home. melkor just knows he does. 
"i wanted to see for myself," manwë finally says, "no matter how hard i try, how long i persist, my eyes could not go through, whatever it is you did here, i was blind to," before melkor starts priding himself on succeeding to hide his stronghold from his brother's all-seeing gaze, manwë speaks again, his tone hushed, "do you recall, brother, in days long past, when you used to tell us of how you wanted to shape arda in your vision?" 
no. melkor's grip on the armrests tighten and pain pulses through his already aching hands. "do not." 
manwë looks out, eyes taking in barren ground, jarring sharp angles from rocky surfaces, darkened, fumy skies, orcs warped and bowed to the point of no recognition by melkor's own hands, balrogs, dragons. so many trapped souls in this place, so many. melkor would never confess to being one of them. "is this it?"
"is this your vision, mbelekhūrūz?" there is sorrow in manwë's voice, in his eyes, melkor sees it all the better once there is barely any space between them to speak of, he doesn't know how he'd gotten this close, only hopes he'd been steady about it, manwë cannot, will not, see him limp. impaired by a damned elf. he'd been disgraced enough times as it is.
"how dare you," he seethes, burning amber locking unto bitter blues, petulancy and sulkiness leaking from his sour expression into the marginal space between them like sulphur, rotten and stale and dense, his black, brutal hands aching to grab, to tear, to inflect pain, to never let go, ever again, "have you forgotten who is at fault here?"
cue obligatory melkor rant-speech of how his creativity was hampered, his crown stolen, his brethren turning on him, he had no choice, his hand was forced, YOU made me do this manwë.
said elder king counters back, just as furiously, how melkor had always had the habit of bending the truth in the direction of his own interest, warping it with such vigor that it began to barely resemble its mould in his own mind. even after everything he'd done, manwë let him out, forgave him, kept him by his side, had trusted in his change. he'd been doing so good. did he have to break his promise to manwë? did he have to spread lies and turn the noldor against them? did he have to kill finwë? steal the silmarils? destroy the trees? is his creativity hampered here too? manwë would ask while pointing outside. would this have been valinor? the whole of arda? had you had your way? look what you'd done. look. is this your vision, mbelekhūrūz?
in the end manwë wouldn't be able to take being there, and leaves as quickly as he came after letting off all this steam, leaving melkor absolutely enraged, but most of all, feeling alone and heartsore and absolutely wretched. 
on a side note i do headcanon that melkor tried to do good after being released from the halls but you can't take the melkor out of the melkor in the end i guess.
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atopearth · 4 years
Shall We Date? Ninja Shadow Part 32 - Oboro Route
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Oboro is an interesting character, mainly because I do want some sort of “better” ending for him since he’s the one who is burdened with the death of so many people due to Rasetsu possessing him. It’s kinda sad to think about how he tries to avoid people because he causes misfortune, yet he seems to be unable to really get away from people. Anyway, it was really nice of the heroine to pick him up after he slipped on the mud so many times lol, poor guy. I thought it was so sweet when the heroine bought Oboro a bell to attach to his wallet so he would know if it dropped this time around (since he loses it all the time due to his misfortune). She’s so thoughtful and smart! The cutest thing was when he bought a bell for her as well so they got matching black and white bells haha, they’re so adorable~~
Honestly though, I think the heroine is right, Oboro getting his hair caught on the door is better than his hand or something! These little misfortunes can be seen as “good” too haha! I feel sorry for Oboro that Rasetsu appeared and tried to attack the heroine, but at least she was able to kick him to his senses lol. I have to agree with Makoto and them that it’s too dangerous to keep Oboro here especially since they’re vigilantes, but I can see why Yahiro is such a bro to want them to take care of Oboro here lol. Honestly, I’ve been rather iffy about Oboro’s character this whole time, like he’s kinda cute but kinda boring at the same time since he always feels like he’ll cause misfortune to others, but my heart kinda broke when he told the heroine that he’s been alone for so long, it felt nice to have company, and that having her beside him was a true blessing for him. Oboro has probably wandered around everywhere trying his best to avoid people, yet can’t help but be near people due to Rasetsu controlling him and probably also due to his need to be amongst people, so he’s always carried the burden that his existence would cause trouble for others. So, seeing him actually feel happy and content amongst others instead of feeling bad that he’s causing problems is such progress for him, it’s a great thing to be happy about! I can understand why the heroine would be touched and happy about it. Lolll the eating competition between Hayato and Oboro was definitely a great way to promote Haru’s dumplings haha! Can’t believe Oboro ate a hundred plates lmao, his stomach is a black hole. It was sweet how he gave the soba coupon he won to the heroine, and she said she’d use it as long as he was there to eat them with her. In that sense, she showed that even if he really was to disappear now (which he did), she’ll be waiting for him to come back to eat soba with her, and I just found that really cute. 
I found it pretty saddening for Oboro to finally reappear in front of the heroine holding Rasetsu and telling her to kill him.. Honestly, the heroine’s indecision of whether to kill Oboro while he suppressed Rasetsu was one I could really feel. She really treasures him as a friend and doesn’t want to kill him, but at the same time, it’s true that Rasetsu is killing a lot of people and needs to be stopped, and who knows if they’ll get another chance like this. It was kind of Ryunosuke to offer to be the one to kill him instead of her, but I’m not surprised she recognised it as being her duty and didn’t allow that moment of hesitation to really stop her. I guess it was good that Rasetsu got away because she hesitated, since now they’re agreeing on trying to save Oboro. Omg, Oboro’s past is terrible. Ever since he was born, the people around him kept dying, whether it be his parents, his swordsman teacher or even the people he guarded as a bodyguard, they all passed away around him, making him think that he’s got to be a figure of misfortune, and that’s why he decided to wander the land away from people, yet craving human interaction. One day, he saved a guy from a slasher (who held Rasetsu probably) and that guy warmly took him back to his family to eat dinner and stay the night, but who knew that Rasetsu would have possessed him and killed the whole family when he came to his senses. It’s…a pretty saddening thing to see and think about tbh. Oboro tried to reject the guy’s offer, but due to his loneliness, a part of him couldn’t help but accept it, and it all backfired on him so terribly, it’s just terrible. I find it so devastating that the more Oboro wants to live, the more his consciousness gets taken over by Rasetsu. It’s such a simple thing to want to live and yet he can’t even wish for it. Although I found the confession of love from the heroine rather random, since I feel like they’re more good friends than romantic partners, but it’s okay, since I think her strong feelings for wanting him to live were conveyed well, I honestly really felt it.
Although the way they saved Oboro was rather anticlimactic considering all they needed to do was break Rasetsu, in which they probably could have done in the other routes he died in but I guess the heroine needs to be persistent about saving him for it to actually happen I guess lol. Anyway, lmao at Oboro saying he didn’t want to join the Kyoto Vigilantes when Yahiro told him to join as punishment lollll. But it’s nice that Oboro was able to join the Nagasaki Vigilantes in the end, so now he doesn’t need to separate from the heroine, I mean, after everything and all that loneliness, he needs to spend time with people he likes! It’s kinda funny how everyone slips when they’re near Oboro but they’re so chill about it, also nice to see that the heroine never gets bad luck around him! Probably because of their matching bells or something but it’s cute haha.
Overall, Oboro’s route was better than I thought. I honestly thought it would be boring and cliche, and I don’t deny that it does kinda go as you expect it to; where the heroine is persistent about saving him due to their bond etc, but I think the route really showed how nicely their relationship built up. Although his misfortune and self deprecation can get repetitive, I found the heroine and his relationship really sweet because of the positive outlook she shared for his circumstances. Not only did she encourage him to bond more with people, she also spent a lot of time with him sharing in the good and the bad, and honestly, her desire to save him against his desire to be killed was a nice and impactful contrast. It really makes his death in the other route pretty saddening. Definitely one of the better recent routes imo!
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alkhale · 5 years
I'm a sucker for underdogs do you have any headcannons for the less popular ships with fuyu?
FuShi won’t be included here because y’all lowkey really into that one ain’t cha
KiriKi (Kirishima/Kouki)
- this is probably one of the softest and most wholesome of all the ships, like y’all thought Midoriya and Fuyu is soft but they actually butt heads we just haven’t gotten there yet
- Kirishima sees more than he lets on because he comes from a place of wanting to change and become something better, he can see that a lot in those who want it
- Fuyu has always seemed like someone who toes a darker line that what he’s used to and as someone who was about to quit everything he’d ever wanted to be, he pushes support and tries to be sturdy for her
- it’s the sturdiness that gets her, for someone who’s never felt the ground solid beneath her feet, Kirishima is this big, loveable hunk of rock she can’t move or shake, it makes her gravitate
- they’re the type to show up at each other’s houses with a surprise and find out the other isn’t home because they picked the same day to show up and surprise them (they meet halfway and go somewhere then)
- it’s a duo that’s plus infinity defense and health stats, people cry tears of joy when they pair up for rescue missions, they want them to open up an emergency rescue team clinic
-supportive, supportive, supportive
YamaYu (Aoyama/Fuyu)
- literally no one sees this coming except for Tokoyami
- not even Fuyu would see it coming
- Aoyama is the type to do things flashy, very flashy, but he’s a proper gentleman and he does this whole courtship process in style, total peacock mode
- it’s really extravagant gifts Fuyu tells him not to waste money on, flowers, lots of flowers, beautiful notes left on her desk with his face drawn beautifully in every corner
- Fuyu’s just like lmao typical Yama, you’re such a weirdo
- she heals his stomachaches out of secondhand habit at some point, someone points it out and she’s just like well who else is going to help him
- he throws flower petals onto her and she’s sitting there like what and Aoyama says she’s beautiful
- this is where Fuyu loses it and might fall very hard
YoaYu (Inasa/Fuyu)
- he’s loud, Fuyu tends to avoid super loud and energetic people but he’s a persistent, steadfast sort of guy
- he blows into her life like a hurricane, Fuyu gives him credit for his vigor but is always yelling at him to tone it down
-the kind of guy to drag her around and push her very far our of her comfort zone, she puts up a fight but eventually he wears her down because Fuyu isnt equipped to fight with these kinda people
- it’s the feeling he gets on the first connection when she links with him once to heal him, it rushes through him and there’s something about the wild look in her eyes and the bit of danger she flashes with feral grins and it takes one practice match where he sees her ready to pummel and decimate, blood all around her and she catches him with a glance over her shoulder
- oh shit, she’s hot
- he’s always been the type to be drawn to the things that strike him, power, vigor, gusto, hotbloodedness, but there’s an energy to her and something he can’t shake
- a good majority of friends from his school advise him against it (”Bro, you do not have the hots for that crazy Yuuei third year. You know she nearly pummeled that guy during the school tournament–” “I know, she’s so hot.”)
- Fuyu’s always barking at yapping at him, he’s often reminded of a stray dog that does bite but hey, he’s never been afraid of a little hardwork
- Fuyu loses her shit with him when he casually picks up roaches, he thinks its cute because she climbs onto his shoulders and starts screaming
- he’s real tall so she kinda hates it cause she’s just average height
- good luck, Inasa
FuJi (Fuyu/Jirou)
- Jirou always makes playlists for her, Fuyu is easily won by these small acts of kindness and she’s so bad at gathering these things together herself that she just can’t
- she sends her good music and downloads it to cassettes or burns cds, whatever Fuyu needs, she loves that Fuyu has a record player (”So vintage, dude.”)
- she finds the song that Fuyu loved because her mother loved it, they spend hours listening to it and the album and Jirou realizes that Fuyu has fallen asleep on her shoulder and she takes very quiet pictures because Fuyu not punching someone in the face for touching her head is a very rare Fuyu, she tries not to be flustered and weird about this
- Fuyu spends a really long fucking time making her a playlist that’s hours long to finally thank her
- Fuyu loves to hear her play and sing, the beautiful voice reminds her of Naomi and her mom and it’s the fastest way to calm her down
- everyone is chilling in a common space and sometimes Jirou hums, it becomes super quick for everyone to realize whenever Fuyu’s stressed out and edgy, hearing humming and any kind of singing just instantly get her settled again (many try to sing but they fail very miserably so Jirou is the go-to)
“Jirou, she’s cutting every fake limb and sewing them all back together repeatedly again–”
“Got it.”
“She’s trying to sneak a pack again–”
“Toss ‘em out. I’ll be right there.”
- Fuyu is actually lowkey a good singer so Jirou drops everything when she finds out
- it’s the kind of relationship that’s built over a lot of time and moments, trust and gradual comfort found in each other’s presence that becomes something that can’t be filled by anyone else
I’m not sure what else u guys ship but just lemme know and i’ll do mah best :^
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eatpraytell-blog · 5 years
God Rescues Lot [Genesis 19:1-22]
These two angels come to Sodom and Lot’s chillin at the gate, and when he sees them, he bows like face-to-ground bow and says, “Please come into your servant’s house and spend the night and wash your feet, and you can wake up early and head back out.” (Wait...angel feet get dirty? Angels have feet?) And they’re like “nah we wanna spend the night in the town square.” But Lot was persistent so they were like aight and went in his house, and he made them a big ole feast and they ate.
But then before they went to sleep all the fuckin men in the town showed up at Lot’s door and were like, “Where are those men that came here? Bring them here and introduce us.” And Lot goes out solo and is like, “C’mon bro chill. Listen, I have two virgin daughters. How about I bring them out and y’all can do whatever you want to them? Please don’t do anything to these men, I told them they were safe in my house” (???!!!!!! Problematic AF) And all the men were like, “lmao you came here on holiday and now you think you can tell us what to do. Now we’re gonna fuck you up worse than we were gonna them.” And they pushed him up on the door, almost breaking it down, but one of them just opens the door and brings Lot in with them. AND THEN all the fucking sudden, all the men by the door go blind, so they’re like reaching out blindly groping for the door lol
And so the angels tell Lot, “Is there anyone else in Sodom that’s related to you? Like anyone here has to because we’re about to destroy the fuck out of this place because the people here are so shit that God has received too many prayers/cries about them. And so God has sent us to end them.” So Lot goes out and tells his sons-in-law, “Everyone needs to leave because God’s about to destroy Sodom.” But they’re like, “lmao haha good one” and think he’s kidding.
So when morning comes, the angels are like, “No fr dude take your family and go. It’s about to get really sucky up in here.” But he just chilled idk like in shock? So they’re like “omfg” and they take him and his wife and his daughters outside the city and as they leave them there they’re like, “Okay just fucking leave and don’t turn back. Don’t stop in the valley. Go to the hills and literally do not look back.”
But Lot is so annoying and is like, “Hmm the hills are kinda far though...Like thank you so much for being so nice to me but can I please just escape to this small town that’s closer instead?”
And the angels are like, “Aight fine whatever. We won’t destroy that city but just get there quick because I can’t do anything until you get there.”
So that city is called Zoar because that means “little” which is super creative.
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