#and her smile is really cute too i tried to capture its cuteness!
pepsiconcoction · 1 year
Discounted Cookies | Han Jisung x Reader
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pairing: barista!han jisung x gn!reaer
tags: coffee shop au, a little bit of angst, minor language, jisung is a lil flirt, reader doesn't wanna put up with it, fluff, no smut
requested? yes! by anon xox
an: i actually don't know how i feel about this, but it's cute regardless, anon i hope i captured what u meant, i tried my best to get reader to be Annoyed but i love jisung too much, sorry ;-;
wc: 3,890
4 times Jisung flirted with you + 1 time you flirted with him.
The first time you see him.
It’s a few minutes past midnight and you think this might be your end. You’re going to pass out, for sure. You had been studying at the library for the past 7 hours straight for an exam worth 60% of your grade. Studying Law was definitely a choice. Specifically, it was the choice you made two and a half years ago, resulting in you, at this moment, halfway through your third year and on the brink of a breakdown. The breakdown? Partially caused by your ex-boyfriend, who had just broken up with you no more than five days ago. You’re fine. People keep asking. You really wish they would stop.
In the distance, you spot a flood of warm, yellow light flooding out of a shop window. As you get closer, you recognise it’s a coffee shop, you think it may even be the one your friend had told you about, saying it was her favourite place to study as it’s open 24 hours. It seems tonight is the night you’re finally going to check it out.
It’s kind of snowy at your feet, thanks to the early month of the year, but you wish it was more picturesque and not just the grey slush that you think you can feel leaking through your boots. At least it’ll be nice to get some warmth for a few minutes.
You push open the door, a small bell jingling above your head, and the warmth hits you like a wall, suffocating in its intensity. There’s only one other person in here: an old trucker-looking guy, face held over a steaming cup of coffee. 
“I’ll be out in a second!” You hear a man shout from behind the counter, you guess he’s even further in the back than you can see. You hear a small commotion that sounds a bit like someone stamping on a cardboard box. A few seconds later, a guy appears, slightly dishevelled and running his hands through his hair as he exhales. His hair parts in the middle and brushes his eyebrows, slightly longer around the edges, as if gone uncut for a few months. A friendly face with round cheeks looks at you, a grin appearing on his face. He brushes down his apron and makes his way to the counter.
“Sorry about that, what can I get ya?” he asks.
“Just an Americano to go, please,” You smile back at him.
“Can I offer you any discounted sweet treats?” He gestures to an almost empty cake counter. “They’re discounted because it’s so late, not because they’re bad.” He quickly adds on. You spot a singular chocolate cookie looking very lonely.
“Sure, I’ll take the cookie,” you say, gesturing to it. 
“Good choice, madam.” He nods his head, punching it into the register.
“Can I take a name?”
“Do you need it?” You ask, looking around at the empty store.
“Not really, but I’d like it.” He shrugs.
“Y/n,” you sigh. This isn’t what you were looking for at the moment, but you decide to just let it go.
“Not having a good day?” he asks, seemingly concerned.
“Not having a good week,” you say flatly, hoping to communicate your disinterest.
“Well, Y/n, feel free to take a seat and I’ll bring it over to you once it’s done.” He grins again and spins around, getting to work on the coffee machine. God, who even has this much energy this late at night? Crazy people, that’s who.
You sit down at one of the tables, taking out your phone and it reads 12:17am. It feels like it’s mocking you. You scroll through your socials, attempting to keep what small semblance of a social life you think you have together, but a few minutes later, a familiar barista comes into your view. You stand up, accepting the coffee from him and he hands you the cookie which is now in a brown, paper bag.
“One Americano, and one discounted cookie.” He hands you each and you stand up, thanking him. 
“And maybe a little extra something, since you’re having a bad week and all,” he adds quietly, shuffling on his feet slightly. You peek inside the bag and notice a candy bar, something chocolatey. 
“Thank you,” You stutter, not expecting the kind gesture.
“Come back again soon!” He says, already heading back to the counter where he starts to mess with something, in a clear attempt to look busy. You turn and 
leave. Despite the cold air outside, there is an unfamiliar warmth in your body.
The second time you see him.
You wake up the next day, surprisingly on time despite the lack of alarm. It’s only 10am and you mentally prepare yourself for the day ahead of you. The exam is in 5 days. Thankfully you’re studying at home today, not needing the library for today’s subjects. The state of your flat reflects your mind, it’s a mess, dishes in the sink, clothes piling up next to the dryer. After an hour or so of quick chores, it’s in a slightly better state, good enough to study in, you think.
And study, you do. Day turns to night and you find yourself closing the last page of a textbook, letting out a deep breath. You could feel your anxiety beginning to fizzle around your body, not fully convinced you’ve properly ingested all the revision you’ve done. You need some food. The second half of a pizza is sitting untouched from earlier and you kinda feel bad for it, poor thing. Your eyes flicker towards the candy bar sitting on your desk, where it was abandoned last night and you think about the guy from the coffee shop. You throw on a slightly warmer outfit and you definitely don’t spend the walk to the coffee shop thinking about whether he might be working. To your surprise, he is.
You can see him behind the counter from outside, he’s pouring frothed milk into a cup, presumably for the customer standing at the counter. It’s slightly busier at this time, you’re not surprised considering it’s only just coming up to 8pm. You push open the door and the bell jingles like it did the night before. He looks up, looking past the customer in front and his mouth quirks up into a smile, recognising you instantly. You look around him, at the large menu boards, you don’t want to give him an ego. 
The customer in front pays for their drink and leaves, and the man’s smile finally points directly at you.
“Hello again, Y/n, what can I get you today?” He grins at you, eyes crinkling. You’re surprised he remembers your name.
“A latte, please,” you say, glancing up at the menu.
“To go, or sit in?” His eyebrow quirks.
“Oh, uh-”
“You’re sitting in,” he answers for you, already punching it into the register.
“Fine.” Your roll your eyes. 
“Take a seat.” He gestures to the barstool-type seating a little further down the counter. You’re not really sure why you actually sit down.
“Is your week any better?” He looks over his shoulder as he makes your drink.
“Not really, no.” You respond. He pauses in his actions, looking at you expectingly.
“Are you going to tell me what’s up?” 
“We don’t know each other,” you said, eyebrows furrowing.
“Okay, so my name is Jisung, Han Jisung, and today, I’m your barista. Tomorrow, maybe more!” He winks as he turns back to the machine which is spewing out your drink. 
“Well, Han Jisung, if you must know, I’m stressed the fuck out for my exam next Monday, I’ve got a practical in two days, and my boyfriend broke up with me a few days ago because I was too much for him. He was just a pathetic, weak little man, I really don’t know how I lasted that long with him.” You found yourself ranting, releasing some of the pent-up frustration you’ve been feeling for the past few days.
“Well,” Jisung starts. “that’s very fair.” He goes quiet for the remainder of the time he is making the drink, leaving a slightly awkward air around you. You focus your eyes on the counter in front of you in an attempt to ignore the stress coming back to you. All of a sudden a drink is slid across the counter.
“Is that a… squirrel?” You look from the cute latte art to the man standing across the counter from you. He looks sheepishly up at you.
“Yeah, looks like me, doesn’t it?” His grin is back, and you can feel a smile creeping onto your face.
“Sure, whatever you say.” Your eyes linger on his for a few moments, until a group of people enter the small cafe and his attention is brought away from you. You discreetly watch him as he works, greeting the customers with a big smile, and using his charisma to get an extra cake sale. You think maybe you fell for the same charisma yesterday, but you don’t really mind because the cookie was pretty good. A few minutes pass, and you sip on your drink, trying to keep the art as intact as possible. Once the last customer had been served he side steps back towards you.
“How is it? Has it fixed your week yet?” He raises his eyebrows, smirking slightly.
“I’m not sure a drink can fix my week,” you respond, letting out a small sigh.
“Nonsense! Of course, it can. Take a sip.” he gestures to you to lift the mug to your lips. You reluctantly take a sip.
“See? It’s working, no?” he chuckles. You put the cup down and try your best not to laugh.
“There’s that pretty smile!” he grins, earning a roll of your eyes. Your phone buzzes with an incoming email from your university, it’s just a random send-to-all type of email but it does remind you of your looming academic responsibilities.
“Thank you, for the squirrel,” you tell him while standing up from the stool. 
“Leaving so soon?” he asks, round eyes looking suddenly lost. 
“I’ve got work to do, I’ll see you around.”
“You better.” His grin is wide as he watches you leave, hoping you do come back soon.
The third time you see him.
“We crushed it!” You celebrate with your best friend, the two of you have just partaken in a mock legal trial as part of an assessment. Your Professor had wanted to challenge the class, setting up fake suspects and witnesses, and had even arranged for a court stenographer to be present. Your group had won the case, despite the opposing team putting up a pretty tough fight.
“Did you see the look on the judged face when you caught out the lying witness? I was trying so hard not to say something.” Your friend gushes, talking faster than you could keep up with.
“I know!” You laugh but break into a yawn as the previous nights studying catches up with you once the excitement is over.
“Coffee?” She asks.
You’re so engrossed in the conversation as the two of you walk that you don’t even realise you’ve made it all the way to the familiar coffee shop. You stop in your tracks a few feet from the door.
“Not here,” you groan.
“Why not? This place does the best coffee on campus.” She looks confused as she turns back to you.
“I always see the same barista, and he always hits on me, I just can’t be bothered today.” You whine a little, trying to convince her.
“Well, is he working right now?” 
You take a step further, enough to look through the window and see the counter. There is a man, but it’s not Jisung.
“I don’t see him.” You trail off, scanning the rest of the shop as much as you can see.
“Alright then, we’re getting coffee here.” Your friend grabs you by the hand and practically pulls you into the small cafe. There is a surprising queue, so you continue to just make conversation with her until you’re next at the counter. The barista who serves you has curly, black hair and biceps that honestly look like they’re about to burst his sleeves. He greets both of you with a smile and begins to punch your orders into the register.
“Changbin! Catch!” You hear a familiar voice. Your heart sinks to your ass. The barista serving you, Changbin, turns back and looks towards the door into the back. Peeking around the cake stand, you catch a glimpse of Jisung. He’s hanging onto the door with a container of what looks like soya milk. He throws it, and Changbin catches it.
“Sorry about that, our delivery was late this morning and only just arrived, so it’s a bit crazy right now,” Changbin explains, replacing an empty soya milk container.
“Don’t worry about it. It happens.” You shrug. He finishes taking your order and the two of you move to the side to wait.
“He’s kind of fit,” your friend leans into you to say, once you’re both out of earshot.
“In more ways than one.” you giggle.
Your attention is quickly averted towards the door to the backroom, particularly to Jisung who is rushing out of it and towards the counter, tying his apron at the same time. 
“Sorry Bin, it’s a nightmare back there.” He says, getting to work on coffee orders.
“No worries, we’re not too busy anymore, the rush seems to be over.” You realise that you and your friend were the last in the queue and the cafe has died down a little since you first entered. Jisung also takes a quick glance around, and that’s when he spots you.
“Y/n,” he says. “Back to see me so soon?” His lips turn up into a small smirk.
“You wish.” You roll your eyes. He just laughs and turns back to the coffee machine. You look at your friend and give her a look, the look you get in return translates to 'message received'. 
“He’s kinda cute,” she whispers to you, thankfully you were far away enough for her not to be heard. You sighed. He is kind of cute but that’s not what you’re looking for right now. You’re in a weird enough head space as it is with all the stress of law school and the breakup, not even two weeks ago! You can’t seriously be thinking about dating so soon. Right…?
You’re ripped from your thoughts by the very same man that caused them.
“A white hot chocolate?” Jisung announces to the two of you, but he’s looking at you.
“Yeah, that’s me.” You step up to the counter and begin to take it.
“You’re looking very fancy today, big plans?” he asks, smiling.
“I had a mock trial this morning.” You say and he looks at you with wide eyes, kind of like a deer in headlights.
“You know, like a court trial?” you ask.
“Law! That’s what you’re studying.” He finally realises.
“I didn’t say?” You’re now the one who’s confused.
“No, you never, I’ve been trying to figure it out, trying to guess.” he laughs. Changbin appears next to him and slides an espresso onto the counter, your friend stepping over to take it.
“Bin, they’re a lawyer! Isn’t that cool?” Jisung gushes a little, looking back at you with big eyes. 
“They won their trial this morning.” Your friend interrupts before you can say anything. You shoot her a look.
“Really?” The big, sparkling doe eyes are back as he leans against the counter.
“I, uh, yeah,” you stutter a little.
“Wow, that’s so cool.”
“Sung, I don’t pay you to stand around and flirt with our customers.” Changbin walks back towards the coffee machine and he begins prepping another order. 
“You don’t pay me at all, you’re not even a manager!” Jisung starts whining as he stands up properly. He turns back to you.
“Enjoy your drinks!” He says. You take this as your queue to leave and make a beeline out of the coffee shop, drink in hand. Your friend follows behind you, honestly a little confused.
Once you’re a safe distance from the shop, you finally feel able to breathe again. 
The fourth time you see him.
Beep… beep… beep…
Your alarm. You reach over and turn it off, groaning as you roll back over, the feeling of dread already seeping into your bones. It’s the morning of the exam. The exam you’ve been dreading. The exam that is responsible for 60% of your grade. You groan again.
You feel heavy as you walk around your flat, attempting to get ready for the day ahead of you. It doesn’t help that you broke the fundamental exam rule of getting a good night’s sleep, tossing and turning until eventually passing out. So many textbooks have been haunting your thoughts that you barely noticed you’ve also been thinking about something else. Or rather someone else.
You can’t stop, he keeps popping up in your mind. His round face, and big smile. You feel yourself smiling just thinking about it. But fuck, it feels wrong. You shouldn’t be thinking about him. You don’t have time! You have a big exam, which conveniently starts in just over an hour. 
You need a coffee.
You get to the familiar coffee shop at 11:31am. Your exam starts at noon. It takes 20 minutes to walk to the campus building it’s being held at. You probably don’t have time for this. 
You see him. He’s behind the counter. You think your head hurts.
“Hey,” he greets you with that smile again. You feel sick. “What can I getcha?”
“Just a black coffee, to go.” Your voice croaks a little from its lack of use.
“You’re not staying with me?” He smirks, punching it into the register.
You see him falter a little at your cold tone. His eyebrows quirk down a little.
“Are you alright?” he asks as you swipe your phone to pay.
“Stop it, Jisung. Can’t you just leave me alone today, God,” you say exasperated, and step away from the counter. You try to ignore the hurt look in his eye and you really try to ignore the way he shrunk in on himself. A different member of staff you’ve never seen before hands you the drink and you leave the coffee shop without looking back at him. 
The exam goes terribly. At least it feels like it goes terribly. Your head is a mess, the guilt chewing at you the entire time. You do your best, writing everything you recall but by the end of it you have a decent headache and the pit in your gut has grown. You leave the exam and go home, collapsing in your bed and you fall asleep telling yourself you’ll feel better when you wake up.
The fifth time you see him.
You wake up in the afternoon the next day. 
You don’t feel much better. Not after binging on a pizza and your favourite chocolate. Not after watching that movie that makes you cry every time. Not even after you’ve journaled about it. You think that particular journal entry is mostly scrambled nonsense. It probably is.
You decide to go for a walk to clear your head. Maybe the cold, winter air will freshen you up, and make you feel a bit better. With a big coat and a warm scarf wrapped around you, you walk into the evening air, it’s already past 11pm so you mostly see young people out drinking despite the weather. You have no destination but of course, you end up there.
The warm, yellow-toned light pours from the window as usual. The bell above the door is jarring to your fragile little heart. 
He’s there.
He has his back to you, cleaning some sort of container in the sink. 
“Two seconds!” he sing-songs. You don’t respond. A few seconds later he’s done and spins around to you. His eyes widen a little and then drop.
“Hi.” He steps towards the register.
“Hi,” you respond.
“Would you like something to drink?” his tone is passive, despite his words being polite. 
“A hot chocolate, please, to sit in.” You try to smile at him, he focuses on the register. He nudges the card reader towards you as he steps away to get started on your drink. You move towards the bar-stool seating you sat on previously.
“Do you mind if I sit here?” you ask. He looks back to you.
“Go ahead,” he glances back at you. You take a seat and look around, and you realise for the first time that you’re the only person in here, apart from Jisung. You look back towards him just as he put the cup down in front of you.
“Thank you,” you smile again, he gives you a small one but it doesn’t reach his eyes. He turns away and starts fiddling with the coffee machine.
“Jisung, can I talk to you?” you ask.
“I thought you wanted me to leave you alone.” He says without turning around.
 That gets him to turn around at least, even if he is still looking at anything but you. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you yesterday. I was just a mess, and that’s not an excuse but I need you to know I didn’t mean it,” you trail off, picking up your drink and taking a sip, appreciating its sweetness. 
“And to be honest, I kind of miss the flirty Jisung. I was beginning to like him.” You take another sip of your hot chocolate, smirking to yourself when you see his head shoot up toward you.
“You do?” His eyes soften a little when you nod.
“I really am sorry.”
“It’s okay. Well, it’s not okay. But it’s okay. To be honest, I probably was coming on weirdly strong, huh?” He scratches the back of his neck while you chuckle.
There is a moment of silence as you look down at your hot chocolate. Until a thought sparks in your head.
“Why do you flirt with me?” 
“What?” His eyes widen and the poor guy looks like he’s about to shit his pants.
“Why do you flirt with me? Or do you just flirt with anyone?” You raise an eyebrow.
“No! I don’t, it’s really just you, and I don’t know why, I just kinda… liked you? I mean, you seemed cool and nice and definitely my type.” He catches himself rambling. 
“I’m your type?” You ask, smirking.
“Well, yeah.” he chuckles. You laugh too.
“Han Jisung, I think we should go on a date.” You say, definitively. 
“Really?!” He stands up from where he was leaning against the back counter and crosses towards you.
“Actually, never mind.” You roll your eyes, chuckling.
“Do not play with my heart like this, I’m sensitive!” he clutches at his chest dramatically, making you laugh louder.
“Fine, but I get to pick where we’re going.”
“Deal! Just tell me a time and I’ll be there.” His grin tells you that he will live up to that. You fall into another silence as you hold each other’s gaze, just smiling.
“Hey, Y/n, you want a discounted cookie?”
“I’d love one.”
taglist - @lethallyprotected
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ladylooch · 3 months
Going Home with You- Timo Meier
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A/N: Just cause I love these two and Timo had a great game today and I know exactly how these two spent the rest of their day 🥰
Word Count: 1.7k
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Inside the group of Devils WAGS, Emma stands beside Kristen Haula, looking down at the newest addition to their family. The baby is in its holder, snuggles up into Kristen’s chest. Emma can’t help but steal glances at the little bundle every so often. Every time Emma sees a baby, she tries to wrap her head around the fact that there is one of those inside of her. It hasn’t quite computed. Maybe it will at their 19 week appointment next week when they get to see the baby again. 
Emma and Timo have told the team and most of their important  friends and family members now. It is starting to get real. As real as the baby yawning next to her while gripping its own fingers tightly. A smile tilts the corner of Emma’s mouth up seeing the baby’s little mouth stretch in a yawn again. 
“Very cute.” Emma murmurs when Kristen catches her looking.
“So cute. Makes all of pregnancy worth it.”
“I hope so.” Emma sighs, thinking back to those rough weeks in the first trimester when her body felt like it was revolting against her. “I am feeling better now.” Emma shrugs. “But my back is really killing me.”
As if on cue, her lower back tightens up and she leans forward, trying to stretch it out. A hand glides along her back, thick fingers beginning to dig into her reoccurring pain spot. Emma turns, looking over her shoulder to see Timo.
“Hi!” She smiles, wrapping her arms around his neck. He played so great today. She has been itching to get him into a hug since he scored early in the second period.
Timo chases her lips as she tries to press her nose into his shoulder. She tilts her head back, capturing his full mouth. His tongue is gliding along the seam of her mouth as his hands press her tighter into his body. Her bump prevents her from getting any closer. She feels pressure and rumbling where her bump pressed into Timo’s stomach. She contemplates, but ultimately unsure if that is the baby or the popcorn she couldn’t stop eating during the second intermission. When her and Timo separate, she is breathless.
“Wow, yeah.” She flutters her eyes closed, feeling blushy and giddy. “Hi.”
“Hi babe.” Timo murmurs. He pecks her one more time, then focuses his hands on her lower back. Emma grips the lapels of his suit as he rubs his fingers in. It feels incredible. She bites her lip to not let out a pregnancy soaked moan. His thumbs rub stretched circles into the back of her hip bones. She rests her forehead on his sternum and he kisses the top of her head. “Do you want to wait for Nico?”
“I should. He scored too.” Emma murmurs. “You guys kept me up and moving today.” Timo chuckles.
“That’s good, after you fell asleep during the Rangers game Thursday.”
“Look, I was tired. I didn’t get my nap in like you. Some of us are working weird hours to help support their business in Switzerland.” 
“This is true. My babies work so hard.” Timo nods, patting her bump. “Nico should be out in a minute. He was right behind me.”
Nico does indeed come sauntering out, hands in his pockets. He offers a hug to his sister and modestly accepts her excitement about his goal. Other than being with Timo, the best part of being in Jersey for Emma is getting to see Nico play consistently. The way this team ignites under his leadership gives Emma chills every night. Together, the three of them head out to the parking ramp. Lexi is working OT at the hospital and won’t be home until after 10:00pm tonight. Nico is going to the store to have dinner ready for her when she arrives. While Nico stops to take pictures and sign autographs for fans, Timo and Emma head home to their apartment. 
Once they are there, they order some pork belly ramen and plan to continue their quest of watching all the Marvel movies together on Disney+. Next up is Captain America: Winter Solider. Curled up under a blanket with Timo Meier is the only place in the world Emma wants to be. She can barely watch the movie because she is so focused on how good Timo’s body feels resting against her. Her pregnant body begins swirling with hormones, inducing thoughts of saddling up right here and giving him his reward now rather than waiting for the end of the night.
Her cheek perches on his pec. Her gaze drags off the TV to the tie of his sweatpants. Her hand moves down from where it was wrapped around his back, gliding along those ties and pulling them apart. Timo’s head turns away from the TV, lips ghosting over her head, watching her hand slide into the waistband of his cotton pants. Her palm glides down his shaft as it thickens in her grasp. She pumps him a few times, squeezing as she does so. Timo’s hand on her hip slides down the back of her yoga pants, gripping her bare ass.
It isn’t long before their pants are gone, shirts still on, as Emma bounces up and down on Timo’s cock. Her head falls back towards the ceiling, nipples pebbling against his callused palms as he holds her swollen breasts under her shirt. Emma is loud as she comes, stretched and used by his powerful body tonight.
“Ah.” Timo grimaces when her last wave releases them both. Emma steadies herself with her hands on his abdomen. “That hurt my ass a bit.”
Emma tilts her head to the side, looking utterly fucked out, not comprehending the issue.
“My butt hurts from the shot I blocked.” 
“Oh.” She rushes trying to get off him. Timo grips her hips tightly.
“No, no, no.” He murmurs, then drifts his eyes down to her belly. She looks so obviously pregnant right now with their baby. It stirs him inside her even as he just filled her up. “Wanna look at you like this some more.” So there she stays, until she absolutely cannot avoid getting off him to go to the bathroom. 
Timo is in bed when she is done. She comes out of the bathroom, smiling at the new panties and pajama pants he has waiting for her on her side of the bed. She slides them on, then gets into bed with him. She curls into his side, ignoring the pregnancy pillow that she itches to wrap around and under her too. She will eventually, but right now she wants to feel all of him against her. Timo rolls onto his side as she maneuvers a leg through both of his. Her socked feet tangle with his in the middle of their California King. 
“How is your butt now?” 
“It’s sore. Gonna have a sick bruise. Probably already do.”
“You think?” Emma murmurs. She shifts up, looking over his back and pulling his sweatpants and underwear down. He has a definitive reddish and purple mark from the puck. Emma cringes then leans forward and puts her lips on his butt cheek, kissing him softly. Timo’s ass tightens in surprise under her mouth.
“Whew, damn, babe. Warn a dude before we start doing butt stuff.” He jokes as she rolls back into her previous position after replacing his clothes. His palm slides across her bump immediately, settling in for his nightly hold of their child. 
“I hope you cleaned that cheek good in the shower.”
“Scrubbed it hard.” He murmurs, eyes shut. Emma leans forward, kissing his chin, then along his jaw until he starts kissing her neck. He sucks her skin in, rolling it over in his mouth. “How is your back?”
“I can’t do another round. Gave you everything I got.”
“Mmm, okay.” He agrees, halting his nibbling of her neck. He lays his head back on the pillow, scanning her face. “I am already missing you.” He confesses, speaking about his upcoming West Coast road trip. It’s about a week, but will drag on due to the large time difference. 
“How are you feeling about San Jose on Tuesday?”
“Um…” He trails off, running a finger along her chest, over the swells of her full breasts. “Weird?” He furrows his eyebrows. “Like I’m excited to go back but also a bit nervous.”
“I’m sure the fans will welcome you back. They loved having you there for so long. You grew up there.”
“Yeah.” He sighs, looking lost in thought.
“But coming here was a good move for you.”
“For us….” He smiles then leans forward to kiss her.
“Us? What, you’re finally going to admit you picked Jersey for me?” Emma murmurs.
“Yeah, babe. Of course I did.” He strokes her hair. “Did I think this is where we would be a year after my trade? No.”
“How disappointing…?” Emma trails off, looking at the red spot on his neck where his shoulder pads rub at him. She leans forward, kissing the irritated skin. 
“How lucky.” He corrects her. “This is everything, Em. Means nothing without you now.” He pauses. "I used to... imagine... in San Jose that one day, you would be waiting for me there after the game to go home with." He breathes in deeply. "But you never were. And I think that stung a few times last year, but it's because we were meant to have this instead. This life." He presses into the baby harder. "I love you so much, Em."
A smile curls along Emma’s lips as tender tears build in her eyes. She sighs happily, pressing her forehead against the heartbeat in his thick neck. Timo strokes his fingers over her back, resting his nose in her hair. Emma runs her hands under Timo’s t-shirt to cup the bare skin of his muscular back.
“I love you, babe. I loved our day too.” Emma whispers.
“Me too, baby. Good night.” 
Read more Timo and Emma here.
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strawbbella · 1 year
Helloo~ I was bored in class one day so I thought "why not do an art study of the artists I like" except it incredibly scuffed and I really just looked at a bunch of art on their page and i tried my best to replicate one of em
So these are the 2 'studies' i did that day
My ver:
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(Art by @izuke-the-zombie )
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What I noticed first while sketching is ofc the super gorgeous cute style. Though not long into the sketching phase noticed her lines are quite sharp and pronouced, for most of her works she keeps her sketch lines making it seem more mmm hazy is the right word? Or effortless, but with every sharp line a rounded(?) line contrasts it, giving it that signature fluffiness. I absolutely adore how well this all mixes together, i dunno just sonethin bout her lines bro
I love the expression, really gives off absolutely love sick, I didn't capture the eyes quite well (I blame my chonk pen because all good artists blames their materials/j) Macaque looks more scared than breath taken and I put the eyes too far apart. I basically deprived the eyes of its soul lmao note for next time I do a study.
Ok this part has not much to do with the ref pic but her art in general and that includes her writing. I adore the cute HCs and little stories/AUs she would post, just so much creativity and its always so comforting to read as theyre so wholesome and cute. Im so sure one of my first posts here were a drawing of one of her HCs LIKE SRSLY SO CREATIVE. I was also surprised as I saw in some artworks she's able to draw structures and environments that draws your into the scene, its fits the universe so well, just adding to that little wonderment of awe. Shes amazing at coloring too, real soft, but still makes the characters pop, i'd say more but my brain is short-circuiting from all this analyzing. Shes just all round incredibly talented and creative honestly. Her style is exactly what i wanted to have as a kid and what im striving to have now. So cuteee
So far 11/10 art style, love the chibiness, cuteness, expressions, the pure and pastel feel and colors, and details. Just love her in general<3 check out her page lol
My ver:
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(Art by @clatteringbats )
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Ok so immediately off the bat I knew I was gonna have some trouble here since I've been drawing chibis from the very start.
Just from observing her art I alr saw it has a lot of movement in em, lots of dynamic poses, and LOTS of embraces, really just pouring with that fluff/angst energy. At first I tried the anime body guidelines and boom instant error. Though not all that noticable the heads have sum chonk in em, especially the cheeks, giving that cute factor despite not being a chibi style. Im all for it. The lines are very soft, not a lot of sharp edges and if there are theyre placed in a very subtle way. The expressions are wonderful: from a subtle hopeless smile from an overwhelming roar of grief and anger, she's mastered the the art of slight details that give these effects their magic. Her lines are sketchy but not messy (does that make sense) they clump together neatly, giving the illustration clarity.
The way she uses color too— just o h m y g o d .
Her colors are so bright and clear, so nicely blended together, so bold, but not in the way that burns your eyes, she keeps them neutral in a way, that envokes that sense of harmony; like a sunset. (I legit have one of her colored artworks as my wallpaper) I have lots more to observe, but so far this is all I have to say. The skill of overflowing
Anways, back to the task at hand. I made the heads bigger than i shoulda , cause well chibi artist ehe. Again, I blame my chonk pencil. I didn't get the embrace quite right, but Ion think I could level with the queen of LITERALLY DRAWING TEARJERKING HUGS LIKE? I tried with the hands, I swear. I knew they were a little small but only now am I realizing its that way cause I made the heads too big. I wanna try drawing more in her style as its really just full of movement and flowiness, I wanna try mastering the way she draws perspectives too. I noticed for perspective shots theres this grid for the sky and ground (which is genius) will try that out when I actually pick up digital art again.
Check out her page, theres lots to see shes amazing 11/10 artstyle<3
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anemonelovesfiction · 11 months
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Fated Mates 2
Ao’nung x fem! Human reader
Warnings ⚠️: Sex, p in v, fingering (bc Ao’s fingers make me drool), obviously these characters are aged tf up
Y’all I included a little tradition within a marriage ceremony (not Ao & Y/n) please someone tell me if its cute bc I thought it was but now idk, I need like hella reassurance for my skxawng ass.
As always, English text is stricken through, except a blurb where I wrote a note bc there is too much English and I refused to strike through a large some of text
I did make a tag list, but personally I don’t think it’s my forte so I don’t believe I’ll be doing it again, I hope y’all can understand🥺
Tag List 🏷️ @shit-i-say-shit-i-think @universal-s1ut @lili-flower03 @deadpool15
Translation Station
Ma’Sempul: My father
Ma’itan: My son
Tawtute: Sky Person (used as “human”)
Tsahik: Spirtual healer
Tsakarem: Tsahik in training
Kinä: Seven (7)
Tìyawn: Love (or “My Love”)
Oel ngati kameie: I see you
Tewng: Loincloth
Yawne: Beloved
Skxawng: Moron
Tsmuke: Sister
Tsmukan: Brother
Sa’nok: Mother
Word count: 7.9K not as long as the other one but still
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“How is she?”
“I’m sorry?” I asked confusion evident in my voice and face as he asks me that question, I turn to face my father as he fails at hiding the amused glint in his eye.
“The girl you have spent your nights with for the past month.” He states as a smile breaks out onto his features and I’m a blushing mess. There was no way for me to hide it since my face had already given it away but I tried to move this along smoothly.
“It’s enough that mom knows, now you. Must you ask such private questions?” I groaned internally, the only reason he could be commenting on it had to be because my mother was growing impatient at finding any new information about it.
“Must you always hide everything from us?” He asks
“Ma’Sempul- we’re hunting, is now the time to ask such questions.” I asked.
“I worry about you ma‘itan.” He places a hand on my shoulder before one of the men hiding a ways from us signals at us.
“Thats the signal, lets go,” I broke the conversation short as I dove, my father following behind me.
We’d gotten up extremely early for this hunt to be successful. Quite a few people had gotten married during the last couple weeks and we had the last of the group marrying today. Every day we gathered together, the male of the couple included, to hunt for the feast at our communal dinner, it was the last test that not only could he provide for his mate, but when extreme circumstances arose, he too could prove useful to the clan.
The male of the soon-to-be mated pair had to plan the hunt the day of their union. Plan out where we were to swim, what we were to hunt, and instruct us on skinning the creature and instruct us how to cook it. We prided ourselves in being the providers for our clan and taking care of our mate, the women stayed behind and prepared our work stations once we got back.
It was a beautiful thing to witness a union of two souls, the night was an entire celebration dedicated to them, their friends and family showing their support toward them. I couldn’t wait for Tsireya’s, I’m sure they would make the decision here soon but I wouldn’t know when.
Capturing the beast wasn’t easy, the human boy was assisting as well and proved useful to us. He was great at holding his breath underwater, not as strong as we were, but could definitely hold his own. He, Lo’ak, and Rotxo worked very well together and it prided me knowing that these were the great men who were a part of Y/n’s life.
“Could we talk about something?” Tsireya asks and her face was filled with worry, maybe happiness, confusion? I was usually good at reading her but today I was off.
“That depends, if it’s about Lo’ak, I’d really prefer to not hear it.” Kiri states as she gathers the same sized seashells into a basket. These were going to be used as decoration for tonights union.
“Kiri, stop being rude.” I tease and playfully roll my eyes before turning to the beautiful teal goddess before me
“Is something bothering you?” I asked her as I continued weaving this humongous garment with Tsireya on the other side of it.
They had a tradition where the two stomp on the middle shell, which happened to be the larger one, and however many pieces it broke into represented the two of them as well as the children they were to have. They would then tie their favorite piece of the shell in their song cord, their children's song cord would start with a piece of the broken shell representing both parents becoming one. This garment was going to be thrown around the two who were finalizing their union today as a means to show the clan that they were coming together after they pick their favorite piece and the rest placed in a small container they would take home.
“It’s about Ao’nung,” She bites her lip and apologetically looks at me.
“There must be something interesting for you to want to talk about your brother,” Kiri mentions and I have to force an angry/disgusted look on my face to keep up with the appearance.
“If I could mentally ascend to Eywa right now, I would.” I commented and she smiles while shaking her head to herself.
“Well, he’s been seeing someone recently.” She admits and I fight the urge to freeze, seem curious, or appear affected by her words.
“The sooner he’s out of our hair the better.” I go back to focusing on the weaving and Kiri laughs at that.
“Isn’t that a good thing, ‘Reya?” Kiri asks her and Tsireya looks kind of bothered.
“Oh, sweets, I’m sorry. Don’t take my comments to heart, but it looks like its bothering you, is this a bad thing?” I asked as the small frown had already edged itself into my heart. She shakes her head at my question.
“No, it’s just-“ She sighs and stops weaving, considering this was a two-person job I too had to stop weaving. She lets out a big sigh but still seems saddened.
“You can tell us, we’ll stop being assholes about it.” Kiri speaks up.
“He’s just different is all.” She states and looks like she’s embarrassed for what she said and just about speaks again- more than likely to change the subject.
“Different how?” I ask and she closes her mouth and looks up at me, her eyes very thankful that I’d asked.
“He just seems more patient and kind. His temper isn’t as harsh as it used to be and he is even kinder to the children because of it. I can only assume it has to do with this person he meets up with.”
“But it bothers you?” I asked again and she shakes her head.
“No! This change is good, it is something he needs. But he has yet to share with me and this big secret has been going on for a month. We share everything together and not being let in on this secret makes me feel like he does not trust me.”
“Don’t say that, I’m sure he is just very nervous about it, or maybe this person is very shy? Don’t take it personal, ‘Reya, when he comes home tonight why don’t you ask him about it, if he doesn’t want to share let him know you’re there for him and he will share when he’s ready.” Kiri offers and I look back and smile at her words of wisdom. She always knew what to say to make anybody feel better.
“I am just too nervous to talk with him about it.” Tsireya mentions.
“Hey, remember how nervous you were when you talked to him about Lo’ak?” I asked her and she nodded.
“He might be feeling that same way, but he was supportive- or at least I think he was, because you’re courting Lo’ak now. I’m sure he’s more nervous to tell you than you are of asking him.” I told her and she nods in understanding.
Just then we all hear the sound of the horn signifying the return of the hunters. Tsireya turns and I take advantage of her eyes being off me to scan the crowd for her brother, unable to find him in the massive crowd of teal bodies, although Lo’ak stood out to me and so did Spider. I’m glad I had the weaved garment nearby as soon as Tsireya turns since my eyes looked at my finger positioning at the same time she turned.
“Don’t worry, Y/n, we’re almost done.” She reassures me and I look back up at her, nodding my head as we started weaving once more.
“How long does that usually take?” I asked her.
“It’s tradition for the tsahik to say a few words and bless the union of the pair. Then we celebrate all night with dancing, singing, drinking, it lasts a long time too.”
“How soon do you think they’ll have kids?” I ask in genuine curiosity before feeling Kiri’s lightest swat at the back of my head and Tsireya full on laughing.
“Sorry, I forget tawtute are more invasive than you guys, but I was genuinely curious Kiri, I swear I wasn’t making a joke.” I turned my head toward her as she was squatting behind me finishing separating the shells.
“It depends on them,” Tsireya answered.
Eclipse was quick to come from the moment we’d all finished cooking and getting ready for the union. The couple always had the tsahik speak blessings on them just before eclipse started and once it was over the two would share with the clan the vows they choose to make for their partner.
After the vows are shared, the tsakarem- Tsireya- lays down the garment behind the two and they turn to step on the shell in the middle. At this very moment the two were sharing their vows about their love for each other and I couldn’t help but let my eyes wander over and catch a glimpse of Y/n.
She had one of her hands covering her mouth in awe as her other hand wiped away the tears escaping her eyes. I could see her sniffle a bit to contain herself and Kiri leans over to pat the girls head gently. I couldn’t help but smile at her reaction toward the ceremony and felt my heart swell with pride at the absolute sweet heart she is.
The couple had turned around and broken the shell, Tsireya kneeling on the floor to count the pieces the shell had broken into.
“Kinä!” Tsireya yells as everyone cheers.
Seven, they’re going to have five children between the two, what a blessing! I turned with a slight smile of my own and capture Y/n’s eyes with my own and she lifts her hand to sign a quick Hello. I signed back and she smiles widely.
It doesn’t take long for the singing to begin after they had gathered their shell pieces and everyone stood up. This would be the perfect opportunity to slip away to the woods with Y/n. I capture her eyes once more and cock my head back toward the woods and she nods her head, turning back to pretend to be paying attention to whatever her brother was saying.
I’d started walking away first, knowing she’d have to find her own way out of the conversation she was in. We often did this to prevent anyone from noticing us slipping away together and starting a rumor that would spread faster than whatever rumor was started that morning.
I knew it would probably take a bit for her to come meet me in the clearing so I’d decided to lurk a bit closer toward the edge of the woods to just watch her. Only to flare my nose when I’d noticed Rotxo walk up to her, wondering what in the great mother he thought he was doing. I’d wanted to walk over to her and pick her up and away from his presence but I knew what would happen if I did.
I didn’t need to be upsetting my mother at this moment, not that I would have cared, but she was due to give birth soon. And having my sibling pop out while my mother was stressed wasn’t a good mix. I also didn’t want to embarrass Y/n in front of her family or let her sweet ears listen to whatever kind of messed up comments the clan would have to say. I also don’t want to upstage the happy couple that decided to stay for a while before heading off toward the spirit tree.
I could see Y/n laugh at whatever Rotxo had said and could feel the pure jealousy filling the pit of my stomach. He smiled at her reaction and seemed overall nervous, I was easily angered and my tail swayed furiously. He’d nodded at what she said and headed off before she looked around to make sure nobody was paying attention to her, once she was in the clear she started heading toward the wooded area again, I’d backed off from plain sight and started trudging my way toward the clearing.
I could hear her tiny footsteps walking near the clearing but I had my back turned toward her as I sat with my thoughts and fidgeted with my fingers. I truly did not want to be jealous, but I couldn’t help to feel that way, I had no idea what else to do.
“Guess who!” She had placed her hands over my eyes. She told me a little bit ago that tawtute often did this to one another, what for I can’t say, but it defeats the purpose when I know her smell, her voice, and I could hear her smacking her feet with every step.
“Tìyawn, you scare the sea life within a five mile radius with how loud you walk.” I stated as her arms slip from my sight, my eyes adjusting toward the bioluminescent lights provided by the plants around us, and her pouty face comes around to greet me. I smile softly and reach for her face, pulling her into a sweet short kiss, pulling back from her and staring at her eyes.
“That was mean.” She stated in fake hurt as she crossed her arms next, stomping her feet as she turned around, acting like a child. But I carefully snake my arm around her waist and pull her back toward me, kissing the back of her neck, her resolve crumbling.
“Thats loser talk, little one.” I nuzzle the back of her neck with my nose and she shivers at the touch, her smell was wonderful and it helped calm me down. I took a couple of sniffs before she pulled herself away from me.
“I need to talk to you about something,” She mentioned seriously and it made my heart drop.
“Does it have to do with why Rotxo was all over you?” I asked and felt like kicking myself in the face, she was confused and another emotion settled onto her features, but I couldn’t pinpoint what.
“Where you watching me?” She asks with a hint of something in her voice but it was frustrating me that I couldn’t figure out what it was.
“No,” I looked away from her gaze but she laughs lightly. Was this amusing to her?
“Look at me,” She stated so gently but I didn’t have to heart to, settling to looking at the ground, but feeling her soft hands on my cheeks as she turned my face to look at hers was making me feel shy.
“Hey,” She coo’s gently and I finally look at her. Her smile was still evident and she looks amused.
“I do not-“ I was cut off as she places the backs of her fingers on my mouth to shush me.
“Theres no need to be jealous, Ao’nung, Rotxo was telling me about how his situationship was going along. He’s confided in me as a friend.”
“I’m not jealous.” I scoff and look away before feeling her hands guiding my stare back toward her.
“No, of course not, my mistake.” She runs her thumbs against my cheeks lovingly that I couldn’t help but close my eyes and hum happily. “But you don’t have to worry about me being interested in anyone else, okay?” She makes it sound like a question but I know she wasn’t really awaiting an answer. I’d opened my eyes as she spoke but felt doubtful.
“But what if you find someone else?” I asked her and felt my insecurities rising.
“Never. I only see you, Tìyawn, only you.” She reassures me.
“Oel ngati kameie, little one,” I stated almost immediately after she had and we meet in the middle for a kiss.
“You know what we should do right now?” She asks me as she backs up from my lips and I pout slightly at the loss of her being so close.
“Have sex in the water-“ She tries hiding her amusement but her eyes were twinkling.
Further on closer toward the opposite edge of the woods where we’d come from are more walkways that reach smaller islands within the Metkayina and the other clans nearby. There was usually someone watching post nearby or walking around but due to the celebration, Tonowari was nice enough to let them have a small break and come down to have fun.
“There is something I wanted to tell you,” I stated while panting as his fangs tickled my neck.
“Mm,” He mutter mindlessly but his ears flicker up toward me to listen.
“Your dad is hot-“ I hold back a giggle as he makes a disapproving look, his lips swollen from our heavy make out session, biting my lip as I look down at his mouth and back up his eyes.
“Yeah?” His eyes darkened as his head tilts to the side, hands gingerly gripping my thighs and dragging me toward him. “Why is that?” He asks with a finger on my chin, making sure I don’t shy away from his intense eye contact.
“The tattoo’s that cover his face, he’s very kind, his voice is deep, he’s very strong.” I listed while staring right at Ao’nung, his smirk settling in his face.
“I’ve got tattoos on my face.” He stated as his hands start running across my thighs softly.
“Not very many,” I retort and his big hands start caressing my inner thighs.
“Am I not kind to you, little one?” He asks while kissing at my jaw line and once again down my neck, his fingers dangerously close to where I needed them.
“I-I guess-“ I gasp as he finally pushes my tewng to the side and glides his thumb over my clit.
“Is my voice not deep when I pleasure you?” He asks straight into my ear and plunges one finger straight in and I couldn’t help but moan.
“Hmm?” He grazes my g-spot and I shudder under him, closing my eyes and enjoying his ministrations. I feel his finger remain still and it causes me to open my eyes again.
“Yes!” I whine and he chuckles.
“Look at how pathetic you are and I’ve only used one finger. Do you really think you could handle my father?” He asks cockily.
“Just want you-“ I groan as he slides a second finger in.
“Hmm, are you certain?” He purposely curls them over my G-spot, not even bothering to thrust them anymore, just moving them over my spongey spot repeatedly.
“Am I too weak for you?” He asks and pecks my lips.
“N-no,“ I try concentrating on my words but concentrate on bucking my hips instead, eyes closed tightly, grasping onto his arm for dear life as he continues pleasuring me.
“Fuck,” I moan out loudly and I can hear the smirk in his voice.
“I thought you wanted to do this in the water.”
“Hmm,” I buck my hips against his fingers.
“You gonna come?” He asks and I only nod my head as much as I could just to feel the orgasm ripped away from me as he removes his fingers. But before he says anything I crawl on his lap kissing him and grinding myself over his noticeable bulge.
“It almost feels like you prefer me over my father,” He teases while sliding me against his body as he stands, discarding his tewng in the sand, and walking into the water.
“Wait what about mine-“ I asked but it was too late.
“Just in case anyone comes by unexpectedly, you’ll be safe.” He kisses me and bites my bottom lip teasingly.
“I do prefer you over your father,” I wrapped my arms around his neck answering his previous question.
“I’m not convinced,” he once again moves my tewng to the side, and pushes his penis in one go, after having done this for the past month its safe to say he fits well, and the initial sting does bother me but it doesn’t hurt as bad as before when we’d first done it.
“Oh shit-“ I gasp and shut my eyes and squeeze my legs wrapped around his waist, my arms squeezing his neck, his own hands squeezing my hips.
“You feel so good little one, such a good girl taking my cock like that,”
I tried not to react to what he was saying but I’m sure my pussy was giving it away, his smirk returning on his face causing me to shiver.
“You like that?” He asks but doesn’t giving me a chance to answer before thrusting his hips upward.
“W-wait!” I whine as he continues thrusting rapidly, feeling my orgasm approaching rapidly.
“Can’t believe you’re all mine, pretty girl, all mine.” He grows into my ear and the possessiveness coming from it makes me moan loudly.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” The mantra spills out of my lips so easily and I can hear him grunting with every thrust.
“Touch me, little one, touch my ears-“ He begs and his hands squeeze my hips harder, but I bring my hands up to caress his ears, somehow he thrusts even faster and his hips are meeting mine.
“Fuck!” I yell as his pelvis strokes my clit deliciously with how deep, fast, and hard he was going. I could feel his ears trembling under my touch and the most unexpected constant flow of whimpers coming from his mouth.
“Such a good girl, wanna paint your pretty walls with my come-“ He mutters.
“Come Ao’nung, please!” I cry as I feel myself being tipped over the edge, his own orgasm chasing after mine. I was always curious about their come, it had a slight blue glow to it, shining very brightly in the night.
“You’re wild, Tìyawn,” He states as he gently pulls out, sweeping his fingers inside to make sure to get all of his come off me.
“Do you think your dad fucks as hard as you do?”
He splashes water in my face and I can’t help but laugh at my own comment and the disapproving look he’d given me.
“I only see you, yawne.” I repeat to him and kiss him.
“I only see you, little one.” He connects our foreheads together and I feel at peace as I hold onto him.
“I want to stay like this forever,” I hum in appreciation as he gently runs one of his hands against my back.
“I know but we need to go back soon. We can’t get caught.”
“Speaking of getting caught, when should we tell Tsireya?” I asked as I remembered the conversation we were having at the beach earlier today and the real reason I’d told him I needed to tell him something.
“Are you sure you want to tell her? She can be a loud mouth.” He stated and I pout a bit.
“She mentioned noticing a change in you this past month but was upset that you haven’t told her anything. She would keep our secret.” I stated as he begins walking out of the water.
“Is it something you are sure about?” He asks and I just look at him in surprise.
“Is it something you want to tell her? She is your best friend.” I add on to earn sympathy points from him.
“I do,” He nods. “But, I worry that my mom will find out,”
“No wait, I care more about you than what my mother thinks, but-“
“I know, she’s still scary,” I smile up toward him to let him know I wasn’t offended by his words. His feet had finally touched the sand and I try wriggling off of him.
“Lets stay like this until we get back.”
“You’re naked right now. Nobody else can see you like this.” I narrowed my eyes at him and he just smiles, planting a kiss on my mouth.
“Weren’t you the one who said there was no need to get jealous?”
“I will cut your dick off.”
“You’d wrap those pretty lips around it before you cut it off, little one,”
“Stooop!” I blushed at his words.
“Oh, Hey! Where have you been?” Tsireya had turned right after I tapped her arm gently to gain her attention since she’d been dancing with a group of friends. These girls were friends from her childhood and were known to be gossipers but appeared to have drank a little much at the same time given their sways. I was just thankful we were closer toward the edge of the crowd and not near the singers where it was hard to hold a conversation.
“Could I introduce you to someone?” I’d asked her in a hushed voice. I wanted to be careful with how I’d stated anything around her friends since I had no intention of allowing them to overhear our conversation. I also didn’t want to risk them hearing anything and getting the wrong idea, or allowing their liquid courage to give them any reason to follow us, I just wanted to tell Tsireya, nobody else.
After getting out of the water we’d sat back in the clearing to dry off but her hair seemed to be drying at a slower pace than normal, probably due to no sun or heat being available, and my mind had shifted toward what she had said at the cave where tawtute were sensitive to temperatures. I’d asked her if she wanted a blanket to wrap herself around but she’d refused until I told her I would find Tsireya and bring her over where I felt her shivering and decided to grab a blanket from our marui, bringing it over so she could warm up while I left her to find my sister.
My sisters face goes blank before being switched over toward a new emotion that settles on her face that she fails to hide but she nods either way. She’d turned toward her friends saying I had shown up to escort her home since she had to start early tomorrow morning. It was a wonderful excuse in order for her to part from them, but that meant our trek over toward the clearing would have to take a little longer getting there.
We’d walked in silence toward the marui’s before making sure her friends could not see us anymore to give them the impression that we’d gone home. She pauses behind a random marui but I’m thankful she signs since it is uncertain if anybody else was at home or not.
Where is she? Her giddy smile and the excitement glowing in her eyes were a testament to how she felt at the moment.
She’s in the clearing, we’ll have to walk for a bit. I signed back and turned around to start walking over, and I’m certain she was following behind.
It was just now that I could feel my heart pounding in my chest with each step we took, getting closer to the clearing had my stomach tumbling too, my airway felt constricted and my mouth was dry. I decided to take a deep breath to try to calm myself and slowly exhaled.
“I need you to promise me you won’t tell anyone. You can’t tell your friends at all, you can’t even tell Lo’ak, we’re trying to hide it from mom.” I admitted as we continued walking, we were a littlw ways out from the clearing and all I could think was if this was a good idea or not.
“If that is what you wish I will not tell a soul, but are you certain you want me to meet her?” The lightest touch on my arm caught my attention and I turned, noticing she’d stopped.
No matter how bad she’d wanted to know a secret anyone was hiding, she always made sure to keep her nose out of it, she would always wait for someone to approach her and never shared that secret with anyone else, always keeping it. When we were smaller, our mother forbid me to go hunting with the bigger kids because she knew I’d get hurt, let’s just say I didn’t listen to her and definitely got hurt. Tsireya had walked in on my arm bleeding from a cut I got from coral - since I tried wooing the people I was with- as I searched the salves my mother kept in a box. She’d taken the paste away from my hand and grabbed another one that looked completely different and handed it to me, putting the other one in its place.
She even took the time to place the smallest bits of seaweed on it to help the paste stay in the cut. She’d spent the entire day standing next to me to cover her work so our mother wouldn’t yell at me. She refused to leave my side when her friends called and when our mother asked us why she was stuck on my side she said it was because she loved me.
“I can turn back if you want, no matter how bad I want to know who she is, I can wait.” She adds again and doesn’t even bother trying to sneak a peek around me.
“You’re my best friend, there is nobody else I’d want to introduce her to.” I reassure her and turn to walk again. We were nearing the clearing and I could catch a hint of her wrapped in my blanket.
“Just promise you won’t tell a soul, not even Eywa,” I whispered and she pokes my back for fun.
“Eywa knows all.” She jokes as she whispers back and we are finally here.
“Little one,” I called out to her and she turns her head to face me, her back stiffened as she stands even straighter, Tsireya remained behind me and hadn’t stepped out.
“I brought my sister.” I motion for her to come closer and she does, her footsteps being soft and calculated, she also seemed nervous.
“You ready, ‘Reya?” I asked as I tilted my head back so she could see me, she gives me a nod, and her eyes widened as I stepped out of her way, falling upon the tawtute in a shocked manner. She turns to look between myself and Y/n before uttering her first word.
“Ahh,” It was as if she’d had a sudden moment of clarity as her eyes settled back on Y/n. I could tell ma’tìyawn was letting the doubt fill in, her eyes were knitted upward as she stared up at my sister.
“Hi sweets,” She spoke nervously.
“This actually makes sense.” Tsireya states as if she were in a trance.
“You came back home hours after the storm had stopped, why ai couldn’t find her a little after you’d disappeared, why you’re nicer!” She poked my arm excitedly.
“You are courting my favorite tawtute!” She yells happily and I’m only thankful to Eywa for a celebration happening at this moment, if not I was sure everyone in the clan had heard her.
She had turned and ran up toward my tawtute, picking her up and squealing happily, I could feel my heart slowing down and my stomach settling, a cool feeling overtaking my once erratic nerves as I see the two embracing, a smile settles on my features as the two most important women in my life were embracing each other.
“I was so scared to tell you!” Y/n stated as she too seemed to be at ease.
“I should have pieced it together, but this is a good thing! You’re making him much less grumpy! Only the sweetest of souls could do that, and I should have known it was you!” Tsireya settles her down again as she sits down, crossing her legs.
“Tell me, is he hitting it right?” Tsireya asks and Y/n blushes.
“Who taught you that!” Y/n asks as Tsireya giggles.
“The person whose currently hitting this-“ She points at herself.
“Ugh, gross, Tsireya, don’t taint my tawtute.” I roll my eyes at the conversation being had in front of me.
“I knew you guys were boning,” Y/n comments back with a smile of her own.
“Yawne, thats gross,”
“Awe! Yawne?” Tsireya asks with the widest smile.
“I shouldn’t have let you two meet.” I sigh and place my hand over my face while shaking my head in disappointment.
“I thought you’d hate me for keeping this secret.”
“No no, you have every right to, have you told anyone else?”
“We haven’t told anyone else but we want to eventually, we’re taking small steps.” I speak up and Tsireya nods.
“Come sit,” Y/n pats the grass beside her, I walk over and sit where she’d pointed to and grab her, sitting her on my lap, my arms wrapped around her blanketed form. Tsireya cooing at how cute she thought this whole thing was, it made me blush for sure, I could only imagine my tawtute’s face at the comments. We’d enjoyed each others company throughout the rest of the night.
Walking back toward the back end of the Marui’s we reach the walkways where Y/n stops, turning to face me and taking the blanket off of herself, handing it over to me. I take it and shamelessly smell it, smiling at the change in smell, what once smelled like me now has a hint of her in it. I squat on my toes to kiss her and she wraps her arms around my neck.
“I’ll miss you tonight.” I kiss her forehead.
“We’ll see each other tomorrow,” She lets out a light laugh and I kiss her again.
“You do know your sister is still watching, hmm?” She asks and I kiss her once more.
“Thats her problem.” She takes her arms away from my neck and steps back.
I’ll miss you tonight. She signs with a bright blush on her face and I could only imagine my sister was looking at her, I was correct since I heard the slightest of Awe’s from behind me.
I’ll miss you more I signed back at her and she waves before turning to walk toward the Sully marui.
*this whole conversation is in English until you wake up in the morning, ok? I’d rather make a note here than using strike through on all of the text*
“And where do you think you’ve been?”
I’d long since frozen upon seeing his tall build standing near the walkway, nowhere close to where the entrance of our marui was, just far enough away from being heard from anyone inside it. I could have turned back and walked from where I came but I was sure he’d follow regardless, and I knew Ao’nung and Tsireya weren’t out of sight yet.
“Enjoying the nice fresh air, whats wrong with you?” I asked him, trying to play it off like it was nothing.
“No, because I saw you walk toward the woods earlier, but didn’t see anyone else. I can only assume whoever you went to meet had already gone ahead of you.”
I kept my face as neutral as possible, trying to think of a way out of this situation, but my mind was drawing blanks. If he saw me going into the woods then I’d have to find a way to lie about why I was there.
“I don’t need to explain myself to you.” I scoff and roll my eyes. “But the tree’s remind me of being in the forest. It helps bring my mind at ease during social situations where I feel like I’m suffocating-“
“You really can’t lie your way out of this, lets try that again.”
“I swear, for being born two minutes later you’re the biggest pain in my ass.”
“I may be younger but I’m wiser-“
“No you aren’t, skxawng.”
“You’ve got an answer for me or do I need to find it out myself and follow you around the entire island?”
“With your clear threat, I can only imagine you have a vague idea of why I’m out here.”
“Not really but you buried yourself into a hole with that comment.”
“Spider-“ I stated angrily and pause to try to calm myself down.
“You never hide anything from me, Y/n, I’ve given it some time but I’m worried about you. You disappear several times a day and reappear even more tired. Is someone making you do something, or are you sick and you’re afraid to tell us?”
“Who is all home right now?” I asked aloud and Spider sighs.
“Jake, Neytiri, and Tuk. She got tired and they came back home. Lo’ak and Kiri were staying a bit longer but they should be coming home soon.”
“Give me until tomorrow afternoon and I can answer that question for sure.”
“Y/n-“ He stated immediately before I held my hand up to stop him from continuing.
“I am not being threatened to doing anything, I can assure you I’m fine, I just need to think about it, okay?”
He nods warily as I sigh.
“Just until tomorrow.” He agrees. Spider knew my body language well enough to understand when I’d been lying, but to also tell if I was okay, which I assume he got the hint and thats why he agreed.
“I’m tired, we should go sleep.” I suggested to move this along and he nods, walking over toward the entrance of the marui, and pushing aside the curtain covering the entrance.
Falling asleep had proven to be harsh as I continued tossing to find a comfortable position and no longer finding it comforting after getting settled, leaving me to turn once more and the cycle continued for a while. Jake and Neytiri had already put Tuk in bed and had stayed up until Lo’ak and Kiri came in.
We all talked in hushed voices about how special their ceremony was and how many people they talked to. It didn’t take long for them to have fallen asleep as they were probably tired and I was left to fend for myself. I’d had just about enough of not getting comfortable and stepped out of the marui, surprised that I’d managed to struggle all night since the daylight was starting to creep up onto the water.
I carefully and quietly walked over toward the beach and sat with my back against a tree. Staring out into the water and taking a second to enjoy the tranquility of the gentle waves rolling about, wetting the sand of the shoreline.
“You’re up early,”
“We need to talk.” I stated curtly before turning to make direct eye contact with him, his face had a slight smile but I could tell it had fallen at my tone.
“Whats wrong?” He asked as he squats near me.
I let out a sigh before telling him what had happened right after he dropped me off. I didn’t forget to mention that I’d told my brother I’d give him some kind of answer in the afternoon and Ao’nung smiled weakly toward me.
“What?” I asked.
“We might need to come clean to the whole group.” He suggests and I’m sure the look on my face showed how scared I was.
“Hey, it doesn’t matter what anyone says, I won’t leave you, little one.”
“Thats not what I’m worried about.”
“Then what?” He asks and looks like he’s about to grab onto my arm comfortingly before I see another teal body coming up and my instant reaction is to shake my head at the action, his arm was only slightly outstretched and I am thankful to all of my senses at that moment
“What are you doing?”
Both our heads snap back up toward the woman standing beside us, her own eyes narrowed as she looks directly at me, then sliding back to her son waiting for his response. I should have known she wouldn’t be talking to me and I’m sure if she were she’d believe I was lying.
“Just asking if we were still meeting up later.” He lies through his teeth and I felt a sense of pride run through me. His mother shifts her gaze at me as if to ask ‘alone?’ I couldn’t help but continue staring at her.
“Tsireya told Kiri to convince Y/n to come,” He adds to let her know we weren’t meeting alone and she turns to look at her son and nods as of she were still processing what he’d said. I turn to look at him as his gaze shifts toward mine and he seems panicked. I raised my brow and look at the sand again, essentially telling him to calm down.
“Very well.” She stated and holds an outstretched hand for him to go toward her. “Excuse us, Y/n,” she bows her head lightly and it shocks me at the respect she had just given me, but I have to remind myself its to keep up appearances.
I’d taken it upon myself to head back to the marui to wake everyone up and get started on our day considering we were slightly busy. The quicker we finished our share of work the more time we could spend together and the best opportunity to tell them while everyone else- including Ao’nungs mother- would continue being busy with their works.
“Where have you been?” Tsireya asks as if to scold me for being the only one to have joined the group late.
“I had to throw our mother off my scent. She already caught us this morning.” I explained and her ears flicker upward.
“Technically I have, like, thirty seconds left before I can tell you-“ I can hear my tawtute speaking as her brother looks angrily toward her. Out of habit, I froze and pretended my attention was elsewhere, completely forgetting for a bit why we were all gathered here.
“Thats bullshit Y/n, tell me what stupid thing you’re hiding.”
“I told you I would let you know if I decided to tell you, not that I would for sure tell you!” She yells back at him.
“Well its already been thirty seconds.” Spider crosses his arms and stares at his tsmuke awaiting an answer.
“It’s been fifteen-“ She sticks her tongue out at him.
“It’s been thirty seconds, Yawne.” I agree with her brother aloud and Spider completely misses the point of what I’d said as he shouts a victory toward Y/n.
“You’re supposed to be on my side.” She stated calmly toward me.
Kiri had stood with her mouth agape as Spider just raised a brow at his sister- still missing how we were acting toward each other. Rotxo had his mouth open while forming a shocked smile, looking between us and Kiri. Lo’ak seemed to have just caught on to what was said as his brows furrow.
“Wait a minute- Yawne?” Spider finally catches on and looks between us in shock and I felt like now would have been a perfect time for Kiri to laugh, but I’m assuming it came as too much of a shock for everyone.
“No way-“ Spider states shocked.
“Oh my Eywa,” Kiri places her hands over her mouth but fails to hide her excitement as she lets out a small squeal.
“I should have known someone tamed the beast,” Rotxo comments with a smirk as he shakes his head in surprise.
“Are you serious?”
All heads turned toward the forest boy who’d uttered those words. It definitely didn’t sound like he had been too happy to find out, but he wasn’t yelling about it either, his voice definitely held a calm tone to it, but it was impossible to ignore the harshness that came with it.
“Lo’ak,” Tsireya begins as his eyes go over toward hers.
“You knew?” He asks in disbelief and her ears flicker down a bit, her face changing to show her apology.
“She only found out yesterday, Lo.” Y/n states upon seeing my sisters immediate change in mood.
“You mean to tell me you told Tsireya before telling anyone else?” He asks a little louder this time.
“Maybe now you can see why we decided to tell her?” She sasses back at Lo’ak.
“Look, Y/n,” He pinches the bridge of his nose as he exhales. “Theres no way you can be with this-“ He points toward me and stops talking.
“You loved my brother.” He stated firmly.
“Yes, I do love Neteyam. But I love Ao’nung too.”
“No you don’t.” He stated just as quick. “You think you do, but you don’t.”
“You love me?” I asked in shock.
“Not now,” She states at me while holding her hand up to acknowledge me but continuing to stare at Lo’ak. “You cannot tell me what I feel. Or are you suddenly becoming your dad and think you know whats best for me?” She asks in anger.
“Guys, we should take a second to cool down.” Kiri breaks their angered animosity toward them and both Lo’ak and Y/n’s faces soften.
“I just-“ Lo’ak states as a sudden realization hits him and he sighs. “I just don’t want you to get hurt, especially since you’ve been hurt before when you didn’t even get to say goodbye. And especially with him.” Lo’ak looks toward me but I can understand why.
“Lo,” Y/n stated softly as she walks toward him and hugs him, knowing how close they were and their kind of relationship I had no reason to be jealous, but wondered if he would hurt her due to his anger from before.
“You’re my tsmukan. And I loved your tsmukan. But moving on is part of the healing.” She stated and he wraps his arms around her.
“I’m sorry,” He apologizes.
“He is good to me, I promise.”
“Sometimes it feels like Lo’ak is a better brother than I am, should I have reacted that way-“ Spider started before letting a loud oof escape his lips, nobody spared him a glance as it was obvious Kiri had smacked him upside the head.
“You break her heart, and I’ll break your face with my fists.” Lo’ak threatens as Y/n giggles.
“I am aware of my actions from the past and have also asked for an apology from all of you. I do not plan to break that trust nor break your tsmuke’s heart. I would also like to point out I was not expecting to be hit in the face that time.” I stated and could hear my tawtute giggling.
“Don’t feel sorry for yourself now Tìyawn,” I can feel her little fingers on my face as I’d failed to hear her come up to me for the first time. She’d stood on a rock behind me to reach me and I’d taken her by the waist to slide her off the rock and holding her close onto myself.
“He hit me many times-“ I pouted and she started laughing.
“Yes, I praised him when I heard the story,”
“Hey.” She pecks my lips and a chorus of eww’s are heard from our friend group.
“Not like you all don’t kiss each other anyway-“ She sticks her tongue out at them and its my turn to join in on the laughter.
“Are you planning on telling sa’nok and sempul too?” Lo’ak asks and Y/n’s face falls slightly again.
“We’re trying to keep that from happening. Ronal is definitely the last person that needs to know and if we told your parents I’m sure they’d tell her next. And I don’t want to face Neytiri’s wrath from another native woman again.” She shivers and I can tell its a sore subject for her.
“She’ll find out eventually, but it’ll be too late by then, Tìyawn. And I’m not letting you go either, yeah?”
“Yeah,” She agrees as I set her down.
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Ghost of the Ten
Horizon: Forbidden West
Hekarro x Fem!OldOne OC
Chapter 21
Part 3: Ghost of the Ten
"Hope is this thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all." --Emily Dickinson
Day Whatever The Fuck This Is,
I still think this whole diary thing is the stupidest thing on the planet, but….
Beta gets so proud every time she sees the charcoal stains on my hands. She says that she’s proud of me for trying, even if I do think this whole exercise is pointless. She’s a cute kid, her and her sister, though they couldn’t be anymore different than night and day. Beta’s a quiet kid, she likes to keep to herself, fiddle with little machines she tinkers with. She showed me a workshop that Petra set up for her in the Oseram Camp, she’s been helping them build the cranes the workers are gonna use to repair the crater walls.
Aloy’s the tough one, though. I can see it in her eyes; a hardness there that I know all too well. Like she had to build a wall between herself and the entire world. But when she’s with Beta I can see that wall soften, I can see the love and care they have for each other. It should make me angry; I don’t have that anymore. But all it does is just make me sad. Petra says that I’m incredible, but I just feel lost and lonely all the time despite how hard everyone is trying to keep me going. I wish they’d just stop.
It’d be so much easier to give up if they didn’t care.
The room was quiet aside from Victoria’s soft humming, who sat at her desk with a piece of charcoal in hand. Her fingers glided effortlessly over the parchment, leaving behind a trail of dark dust that she skillfully shaped into precise and purposeful strokes. As she worked, her gaze would occasionally drift to the delicate orchid sitting on the edge of her desk, its dewy petals glistening in the morning sun. She took a moment to appreciate its beauty before returning to her sketch. With each movement of the charcoal, she captured the intricate details of the flower's petals, carefully blending and shading to create depth and texture. She lost herself in the calming focus of her task until she finally leaned back to admire her work, the orchid nearly mirrored on the parchment.
It felt good to have some time for this again. She struggled to recall the last time she had sat and drawn; definitely before the Swarm. Victoria furrowed her brow as her gaze drifted to the wall above her desk. She remembered arguing with Maria then, though she couldn't quite recall what started the fight. She was home for the first time in months, sitting with a canvas and some paint in her apartment while her mama fussed around in the kitchen. Maria wanted her to take a break from her humanitarian work overseas - there had been a health scare and she just wanted their family together. But Victoria was always away, hardly ever returning for holidays or even calling (a guilt that still gnawed at her).
She had been determined not to budge. She finally found a career that brought fulfillment and purpose; something that made her feel like she was really making a difference.
It wasn't until after the Faro Plague reached its peak that Victoria spoke to Maria again, but even then it didn't feel like they had reconciled.
She should have spent more time with them. She should have been there.
Why are you alive and they’re not.
Closing her eyes, Victoria tried to block out the voices in her head.
“Victoria?” Hekarro called out from the other side of the curtained door, “May I come in?”
She frowned; he sounded sterner than usual. “Yeah.” she replied, “Sure.”
He ducked through, all dressed for business today in his armor and crown. He greeted her with a polite smile, but she could tell he was here for a purpose. Victoria then noticed the extra shuffle of feet and murmurs of voices outside the door, and then was surprised to see Dekka enter soon after Hekarro.
"I apologize for interrupting your peace, Victoria," Hekarro said with a slight bow and hand over his heart, “But I fear I must ask you to leave your room for a time.”
Her brow furrowed in confusion. "Why?"
"There is a storm approaching from the west," Hekarro explained, "and we need to prepare the Grove before it arrives. Your room needs to be secured as soon as possible."
Dekka stepped forward and offered her a smile, “I can imagine you don't want to share your space while others are working, so I thought I'd ask if you'd like to join me for breakfast until they're done."
Victoria hesitated for a moment before muttering, "Sure, why not?" She moved the journal aside and got up from her spot. Hekarro gave her another smile as she walked past him and out the door, with Dekka close behind. The Tenakth guards quickly averted their gazes when they saw Victoria, their conversation falling into an uneasy silence. Dekka motioned towards the left down the hallway leading to the crater. She looked up at the bright blue sky as they stepped onto the crater's edge, following it towards the Maw.
"Didn't Hekarro say there would be a storm?" she asked. Dekka nodded and shooed away some of the guards away from the gates.
"Don't be deceived by the clear sky. Even on the outskirts of the Lowlands, a storm can appear before you know it. But for those who are aware, there are signs that give away its approach. The winds have been picking up from the west, and it carries the scent of thunder and rain. Our luck also held with a messenger from Thornmarsh arriving to warn us beforehand."
They entered the dimly lit mess hall, which was mostly empty except for a small group of exhausted Tenakth gathered around a table in one corner. In the center of the room stood a large, well-stocked kitchen with a blazing fire and a boar roasting on a spit. The delicious aroma filled her senses as they approached the counter, where a small Tenakth woman was bustling around cleaning.
"Chaplain," the woman greeted, "I was wondering if you would come by this morning."
Dekka chuckled, "It's been quite a busy start to the day."
"I heard. Poor thing ran all the way here from Thornmarsh. I made sure to give him some food; he's sleeping now."
"Good. Two bowls for us this morning." Dekka paused, thinking for a moment. "And also the Strike board, if you don't mind."
The cook grinned, "Right away, Chaplain."
The woman set to work in an instant, bringing over an intriguing-looking board and a heavy leather bag for Dekka to take. Both were handed to Victoria and she was directed towards a table against the far wall. "Could you bring these over there?"
"Uhhhh, sure?" Victoria responded with a shrug, doing as she was told. Dekka followed closely behind, carrying two piping hot bowls of breakfast. Once they reached the table, Victoria settled into her seat while Dekka sat across from her, placing one of the bowls in front of her before turning her attention to the board. As she removed tile pieces from the bag and arranged them on the board, Victoria couldn't help but watch curiously as she ate her rice, meat, and eggs. “Am I allowed to ask what we’re doing?”
The older woman chuckled, "Of course, there are no secrets here." She pulled out what looked like game pieces from the bag. Victoria picked one up and immediately recognized it as a machine similar to the one Aloy had saved her from. "We're going to play Machine Strike, or Strike for short. It's a simple game played on this board with different landscape tiles that determine movement and defense. Since you're new to the game, we'll stick with grassland tiles which offer no penalties or advantages. Then we choose our pieces, each worth a certain number of setup points. If your opponent destroys your machine, they receive those points. Each set can only have pieces whose points add up to ten. The first player to reach seven points or eliminate all of their opponent's machines wins. Each piece also has its own attack and defense powers listed at the bottom. Any questions?"
Victoria shrugged, shifting in her seat for comfort and leaning forward. “No, but I learn better by doing anyway.”
Dekka smirked, “Then pick your pieces.”
They fell into a comfortable as Victoria carefully picked out her Strike pieces, eventually deciding on a few that caught her eye. Dekka instructed her on how to position the pieces on the board, humming softly as they set up the game. "Bristleback, Bellowback, and Scrapper. An interesting combination choice. Let's see how it plays out. You first.”
The game started slowly, with Victoria stumbling through her turns as Dekka patiently corrected and guided her. Predictably, Victoria lost the first game by a landslide. She was allowed to switch out some of her pieces for the second round, choosing a Leaplasher instead of the Bellowback and a Grazer instead of the burrower. This time, she put up more of a fight but still ended up losing. Dekka smiled at her as they both collected their pieces and returned them to their respective sides of the board, nearly forgetting about their bowls in the process.
"You catch on quickly," Dekka commented. "I'm impressed. But your tendency to rush blindly into battle won't do you any favors in a strategy game like this."
“Yeah, mi mama always used to tell me I was too hotheaded for my own good.” Victoria chuckled and began gathering up her pieces, adding the Burrower back on her side of the board.
“A trait that has its time and place,” Dekka replied, the game starting again. She hummed as Victoria moved across the board, hesitate, then looked up at her with a curious look in her eye, “How are you adjusting?”
“Fine,” Victoria shrugged, “I guess.”
“I'm glad to hear that. I'll admit I was worried about you for a while,” Dekka said, her focus back on the Strike board. “It's good to see that you've been going on more walks with Hekarro and Beta lately.”
“Well, it's not like they give me much of a choice,” Victoria grumped.
Dekka laughed heartily, “I suppose they don't. Beta can be quite stubborn in her own way. And I know the Chief well enough to know he wouldn't let you languish if he could help it.”
Victoria tried not to perk up at that and instead focused on her next move, frowning when Dekka's Plowhorn took out her Burrower. “You've known Hekarro for a long time then?”
"Since he was just a little boy. I still remember the day he was born, so small compared to his parents. Oh, how proud they would be of him now. He's become more of a legend than a mere man these days."
"Hekarro? Small?" Victoria couldn't help but smirk, and Dekka chuckled again.
"It's hard to believe, isn't it? There was a time when we were worried he wouldn't make it. Life was tough for the Clans back then. The Clan Wars claimed Hekarro's parents before he could even walk, so how could a young boy like that survive in our world? But even at such a young age, you could tell Hekarro was sharp. Much sharper than most people gave him credit for, much more adaptable. That served him well during those early years. And when he finally came into his own, after spending years at Fenrise, under the supervision of the Enduring, his cleverness only made him a force to be reckoned with.”
Victoria moved her Leaplasher closer to Dekka's Grazer, smirking as she destroyed Dekka's Scrounger. "So is that how Hekarro became chief?"
"In part," Dekka replied, retaliating by taking out the Leaplasher with her Plowhorn. "Hekarro was Commander of Thornmarsh before becoming chief. He led the Lowland Clan to numerous victories against the Desert and Sky Clans."
Victoria scowled at the game board. "You’d mentioned a Clan War."
"Exactly so," Dekka confirmed. "A war that lasted countless generations, since our tribe's founding. Differences in lifestyle and interpretations of the Visions found in the Grove led to conflicts, which only fueled more resentment and retaliation among the clans. It wasn't uncommon for Tenakth to die at a very young age back then."
"So, what? Hekarro was just a warlord then? How did he become chief if you all couldn't even get along? What changed?"
There was a long pause as Dekka strategized her next move with her Plowhorn, "Hekarro changed. Don't let his current demeanor fool you, Victoria. He is still a formidable warrior, and like all warriors, he had ambition. The Grove has always been sacred to us, even before the unification of the Tenakth. What better way for Hekarro to solidify his legacy and legend than by laying claim to something no one else ever could? And when he stood among the fallen in the aftermath of his victory, your Mother's Vision came to him alone. Anne Faraday's call for peace resonated with him, and it changed him. It changed all of us, and our lives have only been better because of it. Without her Vision, I doubt our tribe would still exist today."
Victoria moved her Grazer back and inched her Bellowback forward, “How so?”
“Not long after we united under Chief Hekarro, a tribe from the east began to lay waste to our Utaru allies across the mountains. This conflict became known as the Red Raids, and if we had been fighting amongst ourselves instead of joining the Utaru against a common enemy, it's likely we would have been wiped out. Then came the Derangement of the machines, the Blight, the Blood Choke… All of which we survived because we were stronger together as a Tribe, than apart as the Clans.”
Dekka emerged triumphant after the third round, taking the board and bowls to the counter while Victoria was lost in her own thoughts. The fact that she had slept for a thousand years hit her with full force once again. It was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the rich history of the tribe she coexisted with, and even harder to dismiss the impact her mother had on it all. She couldn't help but feel frustrated that even after a millennium and with Anne long gone, Victoria was still unable to escape her mother's shadow.
Movement caught her eye, and she looked over to see Hekarro entering the mess hall. The Tenakth in the corner immediately perked up, greeting their chief loudly as he walked past them. Hekarro stopped to chat with them, filling the room with laughter and his deep baritone voice. It was hard to reconcile this man with the image of a bloodthirsty warlord. While Hekarro could be stern when necessary, Victoria couldn't imagine him being terrifying or merciless when he had worried about her enough to force her to eat and accompany her on walks just so she wouldn't be alone. And hanging orchid vines above her bedroom tree because they made her happy? A warlord just… wouldn’t do something like that. Maybe, deep down, he had always had the capacity to care about others because people like what he was before hardly ever changed.
“Victoria?” Her heart skipped a beat as she looked up, surprised to see Hekarro's warm, honey-gold gaze. Lost in her thoughts, she hadn't even noticed him approaching her. He tilted his head and smiled softly, “Is everything alright?”
She shook her head, “Yeah, sorry. My mind was somewhere else.”
“It is of no consequence, Victoria. We’ve finished securing your room, and are free to return to it when you want. Did you enjoy your morning with Dekka?”
Victoria shrugged, “Yeah, I guess. She taught me how to play Strike? And she taught me a little of your tribe’s history.”
Hekarro chuckled, “I fear much of our history is quite tedious across the generations.” He watched her as she stood, a curious look in his eye as he fell into an easy stride next to her. Victoria nodded as they left the mess hall and veered right towards the gates to the main road.
“Yeah, Dekka said you tribe suffered from Clan Wars and… the Red Raids?”
“Yes, we did. I suppose it must be ironic for you, considering your own experiences with this place. A monument to death and loss, as you called it. Something that the Tenakth can't seem to escape.”
"You're working towards a new name for it though. A different history.” As they walked down the road, she furrowed her brow and looked out at the ruins. “Maybe… maybe losing your past isn't entirely a bad thing."
“Why do you say that?”
"Well, sometimes it's easier to let go of a curse if you don't know its origins." She hesitated before adding, "This place used to bring you comfort, but now it's tainted because I can't let go of everything it took from me. You have the opportunity to give it a new purpose."
They paused to look over the museum—The Grove— and Hekarro hummed softly at her side, offering another smile that sent her nerves fluttering in her stomach, “A purpose, I should think, that I hope you get to see, Victoria. A poetic justice to see this monument turned from death and loss to one of hope.”
Day Whatever The Fuck This Is,
Note to self, learn how to play Strike better.
I challenged Petra to a match and got my ass kicked, and if I have to hear her gloat one more time over it, I’m gonna fucking lose it.
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itstheoneshot · 9 months
He’s a Model, Darling
Summary: There is nothing better than on-set chemistry, and working with someone as attractive and charming as this makes it so, so easy.
Word Count: 3.2k
Pairing: Wang Yibo x Reader
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Exhibitionism, Unprotected Sex.
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Being a model has its pros and cons. You adhere to a strict diet and exercise regime, with that comes intense emotions, fluctuating energy levels and a twisted sense of self. On the other hand, you travel the world, and meet all kinds of amazing people. You have friends in every country that you have been to, and you never go without anything material-wise, always owning the latest clothes, tech, accessories. Brand deals are never ending, and for that you are so grateful.
Today marks another two day shoot, this time in Beijing, with a model whom you know of, but have yet to meet.
Wang Yibo, idol, actor, dancer, model. You are thrilled at the opportunity, sure that you can learn something from him, even though you too are at the top of the game, there is always an excitement in meeting other highly successful models.
Seeing him in person blew you away, twice as handsome as any photo could capture. You were overwhelmed at first, racking your brain to try and remember anything you learnt through Mandarin classes at school, worried that you will be unable to communicate with your co-model, when he interrupts your train of thought.
“Hi,” He smiles at you, speaking English, “It’s nice to meet you.”
A wave of relief washes over you, though you don’t know if he is fluent, his accent and intonation is good.
“It’s nice to meet you too,” You reply, “I look forward to working with you.”
You watch Yibo’s expression, examining his features, and you can see him translating in his head, processing the words that you said.
“Oh me too,” He nods, “Your work is so good.”
Are you really blushing? How embarrassing, and he definitely notices. Though there is no further time for conversation as you hear your manager call your name, requesting for you to go to your dressing room to prepare.
“I’ll see you on set!” You say with a little bow of your head, waving softly before you turn in the direction of your manager, as Yibo does the same with his.
Soon you are ready, handing your water bottle to your manager before walking out on set. The lights are bright, and the backdrop is a floral, forest kind of scene. Coming into Spring, you are modelling the new season’s collection, and you could not be more thrilled. The dress you are wearing is stunning, low cut but classy neck, the length sits just above your knee. Yibo is in a casual suit, open blazer with a button up shirt and slacks. You wear high heels and he in sneakers, and everything just fits.
“Looking good,” You comment as the director puts you in position, “This might be the best season yet.”
Yibo eyes you up and down so openly, and although in this business that is something you are used to, you feel that same blush crawl up your cheeks. You thank the heavens that you have enough makeup on to hide it, and you glance away for a second to try to calm down.
“You do too,” He replies, moving closer to you on instruction, “These are your colours.”
It’s cute, the way that he tries to communicate with you, and your chemistry is unreal. The day flies by, with you two laughing and making jokes, testing both of your language skills, and having so much fun. You don’t remember the last time you enjoyed a shoot so much, and you are happy that it will continue on to tomorrow.
“Do you want to get coffee?” Yibo asks, looking at you with a soft expectancy, no pressure.
“I’d love to,” You nod, “I’ll just let my manager know that I don’t need her to drive me home.”
Yibo smiles at you as you turn around, heading back to your dressing room to change, and to tell your manager about your plans. She is happy for you to go, but does warn you not to stay out late, reminding you of the early start tomorrow. You hadn’t planned on that anyway, all you are doing is getting a drink, but you thank her again before leaving to find your new friend.
“I can drive us,” Yibo tells you, holding his arm out for you to take, “I drove here alone.”
Touching him now off set, brings a whole new feeling, it is electric, and you realise the chemistry was not just put on for show. You try to pay no mind to the goosebumps raised on your skin, and focus on following his lead, out to the parking lot where his expensive sports car is parked. 
He opens the door for you, and continues to hold onto you as you get down into the car. He finally relinquishes his grip, though lingers momentarily with his hand up by your cheek before he pulls back to close the door. Not a moment later he is in the driver’s seat, pressing the ignition to fire up the engine, and reversing out of his parking spot to leave the set. You wouldn’t consider yourself that into cars, but there’s just something about an insanely hot man, driving a fast and powerful vehicle, that is just so attractive.
Yibo catches you staring, and you watch his lips curl up in a smirk before he glances over at you while he is pulled up at a red light.
“What’s on your mind, beautiful?” He asks, “Don’t think I don’t see you.”
He is so cheeky. Butterflies flutter in your stomach and heat rushes to your cheeks as he stares at you, and you are lost for words. He looks away, back to the road ahead as he takes off at the lights, and you find the courage to speak again once you are no longer lost in his eyes.
“Oh nothing,” You reply with a defiant edge, “Why, is something on yours?”
Yibo rolls his eyes with a playful laugh, shaking his head, “Oh, nothing,” He mimics you, diverting the topic, “The cafe is just over here.”
He turns down a side street and pulls up on the side of the road, quickly getting out of the car to open your door for you again. You aren’t used to chivalry, but you take it gracefully, any excuse to hold his hand again, a little overwhelmed when he doesn’t let go, interlocking your fingers while you walk a few stores down to the cafe. 
He lets go of you once you are seated, moving to take his own seat opposite of you. He calls a waiter over and orders an iced americano for you both, before focusing his attention on you and you only. He has you giggling and blushing non-stop, a natural flirtatious energy that you try your hardest to match. A confirmation of the connection you shared, it is so easy to spend time with him, and you are disappointed when you look down at your watch and realise that it is late and you need to go back to your hotel.
“I’ll drop you off,” Yibo offers, “And I’ll see you on set again in the morning.”
This time you reach for his hand first, and hold it with him on the gearshift while he drives. Your hotel isn’t far, and you are saddened again when you need to say goodbye. He lets go of your hand, to gently grab your thigh. You let out a surprised whimper, in shock but not complaining, but the moment passes quickly, and he moves out of the car to come around and help you from your seat. He pulls you in to hug you goodbye, and if you had any less restraint, you would be asking him upstairs, but instead you breathe him in for the time that he holds you, memorising the way that his hands feel on your waist, burning his dark, woody perfume scent into your senses.
“I’ll see you in the morning,” You mumble breathlessly, letting your gaze wander when he steps back, “Thank you, for today, and tonight.”
Yibo nods in agreement, “I can’t wait, I’ll see you then.”
He sits in his car and watches you walk into the hotel lobby, turning to wave once more before you make your way to the elevator, riding it up to the 30th floor where your room is. Your phone buzzes in your pocket when you exit, but you wait until you are in your room before you answer it.
The first message is from your manager, wanting confirmation that you made it back to your accommodation safely. You reply with your confirmation before opening the conversation that you are actually interested in.
I enjoyed your company today, and I realised I didn’t say thank you yet, so thank you.
As did I, and I’ll be thinking of the way your hands felt on me for a long while.
You couldn’t help yourself, mind still racing from the sparks that flew between you. The anxiety of being so forward over text is short-lived as another message pops up on screen.
Maybe I’ll keep them there longer next time, so it’s harder to forget.
Go get some sleep, sweetheart.
I’ll see you tomorrow x
You bite your tongue to stop yourself from screaming. The implication is enough to make heat surge between your thighs. You reply with a simple goodnight, Yibo gē, before stripping off to shower and do your skincare routine. It is hard to wind down to sleep, but you get comfortable between the sheets and find yourself drifting off imagining the way that he kisses, and silently praying that you would find out for real.
In the morning you walk onto the set with an iced coffee in hand and your manager by your side, greeting the staff politely on your way through to your dressing room. You see Yibo ahead but he is already halfway through the door, so disappointingly you do not get to greet him, instead having to wait until you are dressed and made up, and out in front of the cameras.
“Did you sleep okay?” Yibo asks, “I like your style today.”
Today’s concept is a bit darker, leathers and straps and chains. If you thought Yibo looked good yesterday, that feeling is only tenfold today. You openly stare him up and down, admiring the outfit and makeup that they have him in.
“I did, did you?” You reply, “This look suits you a lot.”
Yibo nods, but is interrupted by the director before he can answer. You begin another day of modelling, this time a lot of the poses are closer than yesterday, more touching, more eye contact, and it drives you crazy. You are sure that the chemistry will show on camera, but that will only be portrayed as skill and talent, which works in both yours and Yibo’s favour. This concept requires a lot more seriousness, less laughter and fun, but you make the most of it, enjoying the change of pace and the challenge of holding yourself together. Yibo is hilarious off camera, and he makes it known that he is playfully trying to mess with you, but you love it.
You get through the shoot faster than expected, and are sent off to your dressing room while the managers and directors break for their lunch, and then to look through the photography to see whether anything else needs to be done. You are grateful for the free time, after changing back into your own clothes, a skirt and crop top combination, relaxing on one of the chairs with your legs up on the table, scrolling through your phone mindlessly.
You know you could come see me for our break, right?
YouIs that your way of asking me to your dressing room?
YiboI’ll see you soon.
You roll your eyes, but find yourself standing up to leave the room. You quickly glance down the hall to see nobody around, and take quick strides to the room you saw Yibo enter earlier. You knock a few times before the door opens, and Yibo opens the door, grabbing your wrist to pull you in. His grip is strong, and you already feel yourself faltering. You aren’t sure what he wanted you to see him for, but when he moves his hands to your waist, you begin to get an idea.
“Is this better?” He asks, “Don’t want you to forget this.”
You are sure that you look like a deer in headlights, eyes wide as you try to process what is happening. Yibo stares at you with a brooding gaze, lids heavy as he stares at your lips. You lick them subconsciously, and that is when he leans in to kiss you. You are addicted from the second that your lips connect, gasping at the feeling, Yibo takes the opportunity to taste you, tongue fighting with yours, as one hand moves from your waist up to your hair, fingers carding through it to settle at the base of your scalp. He pulls you further into the room, over to one of the dressing tables where he guides you to sit up on it, spreading your legs to fit in between them. Kisses getting heavier, you whine as he nibbles on your bottom lip, grasping to the collar of his shirt to keep him close to you, crossing your ankles behind him.
“I won’t forget,” You breathe, “How could I? Just look at you.”
Yibo smirks into the kiss, hands now on your thighs to spread them further apart, loving the way that you give in to him, knowing that you want him just as bad as he wants you. Your hands slip under his shirt, desperate to feel the body that he is hiding under there. He is so fit, and you trace his muscles with your fingertips, wanting to learn every single one of them, burn them into your memory forever, knowing that this is more than likely a one time thing.
“You want this, don’t you?” He asks as his hands travel further upwards, under your skirt and increasingly closer to where you are most desperate for, “I need you.”
“Please,” You beg, moaning into his mouth as his fingers trail over your core, “I need you, too.”
It is thrilling, getting frisky in a dressing room, knowing that you could be walked in on at any moment. Do these doors even lock? Too late now… You grab at Yibo’s waist, hands working at the button and fly on his jeans, needing him desperately, and as quickly as possible. Yibo reaches further, fingers hooking into the elastic waistband of your panties, and you obediently lift your hips to allow him to pull them down. Simultaneously you free him from his jeans, tugging them down his legs enough to palm at his hardened cock, sheathed away in his underwear.
“Don’t make me wait,” He growls, furiously pulling his own underwear down and directing you to wrap your hand around his shaft, “Oh, fuck yes…”
You stroke him gently, only wanting to tease him a bit, enjoying it maybe too much how riled up he is getting. You hope that the more you tease, the harder he will go on you, but right now you would be happy with anything that he is willing to give to you. 
Yibo doesn’t make you wait long, his hand moving to wrap around yours as you shuffle closer to the edge of the dressing table. Yibo teases you back, sliding the tip of his cock up your slit, letting your arousal slick him up, but nothing more. He waits until you are whimpering, legs tightening around him before he enters you, slow and cautious, allowing you to take him in all the way. Your breath hitches, gulping as you adjust to the initial stretch, he fills you so well. He lets out a low groan, in comparison with your breathy whine, and he kisses you to keep you quiet as he pulls out to enter you again, this time faster, more forceful, the angle hitting you in all the right places.
He speeds up, unable to hold back anymore. It is so hard to be quiet, with the way that he fucks into you with no reprieve at all. You worry that he is going to tear your hair out, his grip ever-tightening as he tries to keep you still. Each passing second, you know that the chances of you being caught increase, but his cock makes you feel so good, you wouldn’t be opposed to the whole world seeing. You swear that you hear footsteps, but this only spurs Yibo on, picking up the pace to a point that you can barely cope with, overstimulated is an understatement, you are close, Yibo’s hand on your clit to make sure of that, and you know he must be too.
“Gonna cum,” He warns you, “You want that, don’t you?” It’s hard to talk, with your orgasm threatening to take over, you try your hardest to compose yourself, to find the strength to reply.
“I need it,” You whine, “Please, Yibo, please…”
With permission, and the continuous stimulation, you release, thighs shaking as he continues to fuck you through it. You hold him tight, kissing him over and over to try and keep yourself even a little bit quiet, and only moments later does he follow suit, his high washing over him with breathless groans of your name. You are fucked out by the time he slows down, and he is hesitant to pull out of you, but you both know that if you take any longer, you will be caught for sure, and now that your high is subsiding, you are not too keen on that idea.
“I needed that,” He murmurs, kissing you as he pulls out, “I don’t think I could’ve gone on if I had not been able to have you.”
He is so smooth, it makes you blush. You stand to dress yourself, as Yibo steps back to make room for you to do so. Once dressed, you know that you need to leave, not wanting to raise too much suspicion, knowing that if your manager can’t find you there will be hell to pay.
“I did too,” You reply as you fix your hair in the mirror, glancing at Yibo over your shoulder, “At least I’ll be able to focus now if we have to take more photos.”
Yibo reaches forward to tuck your hair behind your ear, trailing his fingers down your neck before he moves back to give you the space to get past him. You are a little unsteady on your feet, but not noticeably, which you are glad about.
“Maybe we should go out for drinks after work?” He suggests, “You aren’t flying home today, are you?”
He has a devilish grin when you turn to face him, one that makes you want to jump him again. Instead, you smirk back, raising an eyebrow indicating that you know what he is looking for, and wondering what he will be like once he’s got alcohol in his system. You are intrigued, and more than interested, and you know that you would regret it if you turned him down.
“I’m here for a few more days,” You tell him, “Yes, let’s do that, I’m sure you know all the best places to go.”
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Quick. Chris Evans. Puppy interview. Thoughts.
Puppy Love
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Summary: You are the one. Your boss wants you to do the puppy interview with Chris Evans.
Pairing: Chris Evans x fem!Reader
Warnings: fluff, puppies, so many puppies, implied flirting, language
A/N: So anon, you made me write this one. It's your fault completely.
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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“ME? Really? I can do the interview,” you squeal as your boss just told you the interview you wanted to do so badly is all yours. “I’m going to interview Chris Evans while he plays with puppies. OH, MY FUCKING GOD!”
“Jesus, get a hold of yourself,” your boss grumbles. He doesn’t understand that it was your dream to interview Chris Evans since you first saw him in a movie. “Do not make me regret I chose you. I only gave you the interview as you are good with dogs and know everything about Chris Evans. Don’t embarrass us in front of him.”
“Sir, I’m always professional. Being a fan of Mr. Evans won’t turn me into a creep fangirl ruining the interview,” you don’t tell your boss that your heart threatens to jump out of your chest or that you are excited to finally meet your favorite actor. “I’ll check on the questions people sent to us.”
“Good…that’s good. We have been waiting for Mr. Evans to do this interview. Don’t mess up,” you’d like to roll your eyes but stop yourself to not ruin your chance to interview Chris Evans.
You do a little dance the moment your boss is out of sight. “Girl, get a hold of yourself. You need to calm the fuck down and not jump at Chris Evans,” you scold. “Now take a deep breath and act professionally.”
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“Mr. Evans, I’m honored to meet you. May I introduce you to Ms. Y/N Y/L/N?” your boss hastily says. “She will do the interview.”
“Oh, hello. Nice to meet you,” Chris' eyes already drift toward the puppies, and you chuckle as he excitedly picks one of them up as the little dog just ran off. “I guess he can smell Dodger on me.”
“I guess,” you crouch down to pick another puppy up. “They’re on the run, Kerry. We are not ready yet.”
“Sorry,” Kerry runs after the next bunch of puppies, struggling to keep up with the puppies. “This never happened before.”
“They are as excited as I’m for the interview,” you nod at Chris, smiling softly as he refuses to let go of the puppy he captured. “Where did you get the puppies?”
“Oh, a friend of mine works at an animal shelter. They had a pregnant dog. Its owner couldn’t keep the poor soul. He got sick and—” your boss clears his throat, telling you to stop babbling. “Anyways. We asked her if we can borrow the dogs. I hope many people see the interview and are willing to adopt one of the dogs.”
Chris watches you kiss the head of the puppy you captured. “A cute one,” he muses as you look down at the puppy in your arms, sighing. “Do you have a dog too?”
“I got two German shepherds,” you guide Chris toward the puppies while Kerry tries to keep them from running the actor over. “They are troublemakers.”
“What are their names?” you feel like Chris is the interviewer. He sits on the ground, holding out his arms for the puppies as Kerry finally releases the furry pack. “If I may ask.”
“Sure. Their names are Max and Charlie. I got them from the same animal shelter,” as Chris is busy getting “attacked” by the puppies, you decide to sit next to him. You look at the cameraman, nodding as he gives you a thumb up.
“I like the names. Are they around too? Can I see them?” you chuckle at Chris’ eagerness to see more dogs today.
“They are out with my dog sitter, or rather my sister has them today. I can’t bring them here, so I try to make sure someone is taking care of them while I’m at work,” you explain, just watching Chris play with the puppies.
He has this cute smile on his face as he looks at the puppies. Chris doesn’t look like a famous actor right now. He looks more like a little boy seeing puppies for the very first time.
“Let’s start with the questions, shall we?” Chris is so distracted by the puppies that he can barely hear you. He laughs and chuckles as one of the puppies starts to lick his hand. “Aw, you found a special friend.”
“Questions, right,” he finally looks at you, smiling wildly. “Shoot me.”
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“I—uh,” Chris looks at the puppies gathered around your friend who tries to bring them back to the animal shelter. “Did I answer a single question?” you laugh at his question. “I got a little carried away.“
“Don’t worry. You did well. I struggled to keep my hands off y—,” there is something in his eyes for a moment before it’s gone. You bite your tongue and shake your head,” the puppies.” You hastily add. An awkward second ticks by and then another before you continue. “You answered all questions. We must bring the puppies back now.”
“Wait—” he suddenly places his hand on your shoulder. “Can I…I mean…”
“You want to adopt one, right?” he nods eagerly, laughing as you pick the one he cuddled the most up. “That one?”
“Dodger will love having a little brother,” Chris is all jittery when you place the puppy in his arms. “Where do I sign up for adopting him?”
“Just a minute. I’ll ask my friend.”
“After we are done here,” he steps a little closer to look down at you, smirking as you nervously play with your phone, “I’d like to meet your dogs too…”
>> Part 2
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emocka · 9 months
Bedroom wedding
It was the biggest event of the year. Your wedding with Xiao from 6breeze.
But hell rained down. Your cake was destroyed from the fans, the venue destroyed from the stampede, your dress ruined because the jealous Xiao fans dumped red wine down it, the police arresting every single fan of sixth breeze, a small fire that burned the wedding gifts. You were crying Xiao screaming bloody murder at the people who were getting arrested, he friends trying to calm him down, the officator confessing what he had done.
So how did it end up like this?
- a week before the wedding-
'X-xiao?' You stuttered quietly.
'Yes?' He smiled as he looked over at you.
'My viewers have been b-bugging me to get a special g-guest on s-stream.' You said very anxious and nervous.
You were a vtuber. A very popular one. You little character was a cute human wearing a very adorable butterfly jacket.The character had a small septum piercing and a spider bite piercing. A pair of butterfly wings attached to your character. They were black and teal.
Xiao choose the colors off the wings awhile back when you choose to update your look.
He also drew the current models hairstyle.
'When?' He asked.
You looked at him surprised. You thought he'd reject the offer.
'Is tomorrow ok?' You asked.
He nodded.
He knew this was coming. It why he drew up a design as well. He had it set up too.
His avatar wore a giant black Hoodie, hair the same color as his, the avatar had cat ear with piercing going through them.
The next day came Xiao was in the shared room setting up his model. He got it set next to yours. He had another motion capture camera next to yours.
You were very nervous your stutter getting worse. Xiao started up the stream.
He whispered in your ear. You nodded calming down.
'Hi guys!'
He smiled as the stream went into a frenzy.
You were adding the finishing touches to you wedding dress. You were a seamstress when not streaming. You made your wedding dress by hand. Same with the brides maid dresses. Hand made.
Xiao knocked on the door.
'Yes?' You said. You had your days were the stutter didn't show up.
He entered the room.
'Hey I have some seats reserved for wangshu if you would like to have a date night.' He said scrolling through his phone. 'After that we can go to the new desert shop that just opened up.'
He looked up. God you looked so beautiful. Pin cushion on your wrist tongue slightly poking out revealing a tongue piercing. Your tongue peiricng glittering in the light. It had a small butterfly stopper something Xiao got for your anniversary. It was a matching one to his ear piercing.
You looked up.
'Sounds great...ow' you poked your finger.
Great seamstress bad habit of sewing with out looking.
'Put that down. Come on let's get going.' He said. You nodded putting everything away.
The date was nice. It was relaxing. You were able to iron out a few details.
You looked lumine. Something had happened and you were in full panic mode.
'B-b-b-but th-th-they said it would b-b-be here' You stuttered out. 'I-i-i need the arch h-here!'
'Its ok. I have kaveh working on something. The wedding is this Saturday. He says he'll have it done by Friday. All he asks is that you be patient. Hell do it free. Think of it as a gift.'
You nodded.
'Hey I know this a a multi million mora private wedding you'll pull this off. Besides what the worse that can happen? A few late guests.' She said patting your shoulder.
Oh how wrong she was.
You stared at the venue door. You weren't picky you really weren't, but you had a very very bad feeling. So you demanded extra security for Saturday. The wedding planner tried her best to assure you that it would be ok. After some convincing you dropped the subject.
Xiao ripped the wedding planner a new one that fateful day.
You gasped. The arch was pretty. Kaveh smiled.
'From your reaction I take it you love it' He said. 'I looked at the original one and changed the design a bit.'
'Thank you' You said. 'I'll pay you.'
'Please don't. Think of this as a wedding gift.' He said smiling.
'But you had to rush to make it' You started but he cut you off.
'Please dont.' He said.
Friday evening
That night you and Xiao were at the hotel across the street from the venue. Your wedding dress and bridesmaids dresses in the changing room at the venue.
You stared at the building the feeling getting worse. Xiao was in the shower.
'Why won't it go away?' You asked quietly.
'Why won't what go away?' Xiao asked causing you to jump. 'Sorry.'
'Its f-fine' you said averting your eyes.
Xiao was out of the shower towel around his waist. His hair was still dripping.
You hid behind your hands.
'Youve seen it so many times' Xiao said small smile appearing. 'Why do you hide everytime?'
'I-i don't know' your voice muffled by your hands.
Xiao just smiled walking over to you. Wrapping his arms around your body he looked at the building.
'What feeling were you talking about' He asked.
'I asked for more security on Thursday. Wedding planner said not to worry about what they have is plenty. ' You said looking up at him. 'I have a bad feeling that this wedding is going to end in a disaster. We spent so much money on it. Lumine agreed with me on the security when I texted her.'
Xiao nodded pulling away.
'Ill see what I can do. Go shower.' He kissed the top of your head. 'And wear this.'
He gave you something. You looked at it then him.
Xiao was a man with very few demands but he knew what he wanted and when he wanted it.
You smiled.
'Ok.' You said closing the curtains heading for the bathroom.
It was the big.
You woke up first. You didn't have to be up till ten and it was currently seven thirty. Xiao sensing you awake woke up as well.
'What's wrong?' He asked pulling you close.
'The feelings back' you said sitting up slowly.
Xiao followed the action pulling you into his lap.
'I'll take care of it' He said.
You nodded.
'Lets sleep a little more' He said kissing your cheek.
You smiled at the thought.
'Huh?!' Your mom was here? You never gave her an invitation. 'But she threw me out at sixteen. I haven't spoken to her in over ten years! Who fucking spilled! I haven't spoken to my family in ten fucking years! Who fucking told her'
You were mad. No one answering lumine leaving to kick your mom out. The other girls scrambling to figure out how.
The make up artist made a face before she turned you to face her.
You kept silent lumine returning holding what looked like an invite.
'She says she bribed the mail man for this. Turns out she lives next to me.' Lumine said.
You made a noise. The make up artist looked at you smiling.
'And done. What do you think?' She asked holding up the hand mirror.
You had turquoise eye shadow, the wings small but big enough to suit your face nicely. The inner eye lid had a nice green.
'Wait...did you color match my fiance hair to do my makeup?' You asked.
She nodded.
'Thanks.' You said.
She smiled back as you handed her the check.
'Have a lovely day and heres to a long and happy marriage.
With that she left. Lumine approached you.
'Come on love, let's get you in the dress. Everyone else is waiting for you.' She smiled.
'Lumine. Your the best maid of honor' you said.
'Aw thanks love come on' She said pulling you up.
You looked around the room. A strange noise coming from outside. The whole room dead silent. The officator not talking.
'Xiao...somethings not right' you said.
Xiao nodded. He had called for extra security but he felt the same.
You both looked out the window just in time for something to shatter it. A girl climbed through. Suddenly windows started breaking more girls climbing through even boys. You looked on in horror then heard a Crack. Looking at the door you cursed yourself quietly as the door broke.
This was a private wedding. Yes it was the main event of the year but it was private. Only your fellow classmates from teyvat university were allowed.
'XIAO NO! YOUR MINE' a girl shrieked running towards you.
More followed.
Suddenly the whole building was over run by 6th breeze fans. Your guests scattered around trying to handle everything. You looked over at the gift table. Some fan had set it on fire. You looked at the cake just in time to see someone knock it over. Fans grabbing bottles of wine. They ran toward you opening them. Xiao was suddenly carried off. You watched as the fans dumped the wine on you. You were in shock you just let them.
Aether, kazuha, kazuha fiancee rin, lumine, tighnari, and ganyu were on their phones calling for the police. Itto was trying to put the fire out with kuki and yan fei. Zhongli was prying girls off Xiao with venti scaramouche and cyno. Dehya was tackling the girls who had dumped red wine on your dress.
All of your guests were trying to get the entire thing under control.
You started crying the banquet of flowers falling from your hands so you could cover your face.
It went dead silent everyone looking at your shaking figure. You fell to the ground.
There you sat on the ground.
'I have something to confess.' The officator said. 'I- in my excitement- may have leaked the location and time'
You sobbed harder.
It was ruined. Three and a half million mora down the drain. Three and a half million mora you couldn't get back. All because some dumb ass decided to leak the location.
Soon the police arrived. They came in big numbers having been told what the situation was and how bad it was. Without a glance they started handcuffing the fans. Xiao had managed to escape the girls and run to your side. He tried his best to comfort you. Your wedding planner next to him.
He stood up and looked at her.
'Thanks to you trying to convince my fiancee that it was safe we now have no wedding ceremony! If you had just shut up and done something about her feelings we wouldn't be in this situation!' He began.
The wedding planner trying to utter an explanation but he wasn't having it. 'Don't you start I have her word. Next time someone says something you listen. And you!'
He turned to face the fans. Aether kazuha scaramouche, heizou and venti trying to calm him down.
'You are all insane! Your my fans?! Last I checked they don't make my fiancee cry! They don't destroy a wedding ceremony, they don't ruin a dress my fiancee spent two years working on. You will be hearing from my lawyers and you will be paying the damages.'
Xiao bent down scooping you up.
'Wedding is off. Someone call the cleaners tell them I'll pay them double if they can clean up this mess. I'll triple it if its too much.' He said walking away with you in his arms.
You were still crying. Xiao did his best to calm you down. He walked across the street to the hotel.
You were in the middle of the bathroom Xiao undoing the dress. It was stained from all the red wine.
'There we go' He said undoing the zipper. The dress fell off your body slowly. Xiao prepped the shower as you stood there.
The only thing that could be salvage was the garter. It was white with a turquoise flower sewn on it.
You removed it dropping it next to the dress. Xiao stared at you. You were a mess. Eyes red, make up running hair in a loose messy bun. You smelled of wine.
'Come here love' He said.
You approached him slowly. He hugged you.
'Let get you out of these and in the shower' you nodded doing as said while he stripped down.
You stood under the shower head crying quietly. Xiao hugging you trying his best to comfort you.
That night you slept breathing uneven. Xiao scrolling on his phone one hand one your back.
New of the wedding made it, news of your face being revealed to be the famous blind butterfly vtuber, news of your agency cutting ties with you due the incident, news of Xiao loosing his cool.
So he went of social media calling out his 'fans' the wedding planners company, the vtuber agency.
*I want to give a very big FUCK YOU to the people involved in today's disasters. Thanks to you I now have an inconsolable fiancee who won't stop crying. She not only lost her dream wedding but has also lost her vtubing career. Her streaming days are now over because you couldn't keep the picture off the internet. The officator is stupid for having leaked the location of my private wedding. The wedding planner for not listening to my baby girl. I'm beyond pissed. You don't crash a private event. You definitely don't pour wine down someone's significant other. That dress was coming in at a million mora. Trust me she had an official dress designer take a look at it. That was two years of work down the drain. Two year of work only for me to see her in it for an hour. You will be paying for the damages. You will make an apology to my fiancee and it better be a sincere apology. I'm canceling the meet and greet as a punishment to those who caused this disaster.*
He watched as the media went wild. 6th breeze sharing his post. The guests reposting it. Fans pleading begging him to not cancel the meet and greet. The vtuber agency you were signed with responding to the post stating you had broken an agreement in your contract. Xiao called bs doing what he could to save your favorite thing in the world.
Eventually he went to sleep pulling your figure close.
Morning came and you had your dress on the hanger.
Xiao had woken up because your side was cold. He sat up spotting you on the ground. You had several bottles of cleaner next to you. You were dabbing at the red stain trying to get it out. Tears stained your cheeks a bunch of tissues surrounding you all red. But the damage was to big for you to clean.
Xiao slipped off the bed quielty approaching you. He sat next to you grabbing a tissue to help you. You thanked him quietly. He just nodded and started dabbing at the dress.
After a few hours you threw your hands up in frustration.
'I don't even know if the dry cleaners can save this. I had the dress design in my art book for years! Now it's ruined.' You said.
'They can try. I know you spent two years sewing the dress together. I know you spent long hours working on it.' Xiao cupped your cheek. 'Come on let take it to them and see if they can save it'
You nodded standing up with him. Together you managed to get the dress off the hanger and in packed neatly in a duffel bag.
The dry cleaner lady smiled when she saw the dress.
'Yes my time to shine.' She said. 'I can clean this. It'll be a couple days. But I can get this cleaned off and looking like it just came off the shelf.'
Xiao nodded sighing in relief. You were in the car scared to come in.
'Leave me you number and I'll call when it's done.' She said.
Xiao did as told then left. He walked up to the car and entered.
'She says she can rescue the dress.' He heard you sigh in relief. 'Would you...like to get something to eat?'
You guys haven't eaten in the last 24 hours.
Yes full twenty-four hours of no food.
'Please' you said.
'What sounds good?' He asked looking at you.
'Good hunter' you looked back at him.
He nodded starting the car.
You were in just a shirt when Xiao asked the question.
'Hey y/n' Xiao voice came from behind you. 'What if...we just got married here?'
'Huh?' You looked up from the book.
Xiao was in his shorts shirtless.
'What if we just got married in this room. My dad can officiate. We could have our guests in this room.' He said sitting next to you. 'No fancy dresses, no fancy building. Just us my dad and our college friends.'
You thought about it before nodding.
'I'll send a mass text to everyone. Come in what their wearing. Call zhongli.' You said grabbing your phone.
Lumine almost took the door off its hinges with scaramouche behind her. She was literally in her pj's scaramouche fully dressed in everyday clothes, aether right behind her, kazuha and his fiancee rin followed. Soon all the teyvat university students were here waiting.
Zhongli arrived smiling. Making sure everyone was settled he began.
'You may kiss the bride.' Zhongli said.
Xiao happily kissed you. Everyone clapping. He pulled away hugging you.
'Alright! Let reserve the Celestia building for a party! Lumine smiled.
'Are you kidding me?! You spent last night drinking heavily and suddenly your hang over is gone!' Aether said looking at her 'now your planning parties!'
'Joy killer!' She said pointing at him.
'We may be adults but that doesn't mean I cant kick your ass' Aether said launching himself at his sister.
You giggled as the twins fought.
'DONT FORGET YOUR VISIONS!' Lumine shouted as she tackled aether to the ground.
True to lumines word she reserved the Celestia building.
That night you guys celebrated your marriage. Everyone in casual clothes. Xiao had his arms around you. You were hiding in the corner smiling, watching everyone interact.
Cyno playing tcg with dehya, tighnari nilou and albedo discussing something, Jean Lisa kaeya and diluc talking, aether holding venti in a headlock to prevent him from emptying out the bar tap, lumine talking to zhongli who had nahidas hand ei right behind him. Childe trying to flirt with lumine.
Xiao leaned in close.
'While this is great I have a surprise for you' He said pulling his phone out.
You watched as he showed you a transaction. The name sounded familiar.
'Wait! Xiao did you?' You asked looking at him.
He nodded.
'I purchased your model just so you could keep it.' He kissed your cheek 'I argued with the agency for a bit before they agreed to let me buy it. This is my gift to you.'
You started tearing up thanking him profusely. He just smiled nuzzling your cheek.
You guy did redo the wedding this time with heavy security. Were you going over the top? Maybe.
You had guards at every single window, door, and bathroom.
Did your guests think you were going overboard? Nope. All guest brought their visions.
6th breeze fans had apologized, payed the damages.
Your dress was saved and you tipped the cleaner a big one as a thanks.
For the flower toss you just walked over to kazuha fiancee and handed it to her. Xiao did the same with the garter he gave it to kazuha.
You looked at the crowd.
Venti got drunk discovering his limit, he also got aether and Xiao drunk as well. Lumine was having too much fun with scaramouche. Childe trying his darn best to presuade an unsuspecting razor for a fight. Kaveh and alhaitham were doing....things in a private closet. Barbara was helping Bennett who once again fell on his butt because of a rock. Zhongli was holding nahidas hand keeping ei away from the kitchen. Cyno was playing tcg with dehya Candice and tighnari trying to keep the peace between the two players. Nilou albedo and diluc having a discussion.
Everyone had smiles on their faces happy and at peace.
Your fellow vtubers came along in their vtuber forms as well. You had signed a new contact with a brand new agency hence the new vtuber friends.
You smiled as PRETTY HAVØC came on watching people dance. Xiao stumbled over to you barely missing the chair.
'I'm so happy we managed to get the dream wedding' He said slurring his words. 'But im going to kill that idiot'
You giggled patting his cheek.
Yea this was better. But not as good as getting married in a hotel room. Everyone in their everyday clothes, pajamas, bathing suits (that was dehya having a spa day that morning she just jumped in her car).
'I think I liked the wedding we held in the hotel room.' You said to him.
Xiao looked out at the crowd agreeing.
'Lets start this marriage off with our friends' He said sitting up leaning over to kiss you.
You looked at Xiao test in hand. It was positive.
'This is real?' He asked looking at the test.
You nodded.
'How long?' He asked.
'Possibly a month and a half' you said fearing the worse.
You watched as he stared at the test before wrapping his arms around you.
'Thank you' He whispered.
You smiled into his chest.
You had a little girl months later. Her name was guizhong.
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sovio-studio · 1 year
Day 7: Weapon
Every day weaponry
Word count: 1247
Desc: When Danny is unavailable and a ghost targets the whole school, the others have to improvise. Really improvise.
Sam and Tucker dove into the next classroom, slamming the door shut behind them. They immediately locked eyes with a gang of their classmates bundled together in the corner of the room on full alert. Dash quickly tried to replace his nervous stare with his usual confident one, while Paulina and Star just seemed to become agitated.
"What are you losers doing in here, this is our hiding spot."
"Noone owns hiding spots!" Sam snapped back before turning her gaze back to the door to back away cautiously. They watched them both in uncertainty for a second before someone spoke.
"Did you lead the fucking ghost to us!?" One of the football players exclaimed. Half of the group held their breath at the sudden anticipation while the others glared daggers at the pair.
"Tucker, message him." Sam muttered through her teeth.
"But I thought-"
"Just do it."
Without another word Tucker pulled out his phone, immediately bumping into a desk as they were still backing up. He almost fell into the front of the huddle, three people trying to shove him away again.
Just as Dash finally regained enough composure to speak without giving away his nerves, the door burst open. Despite their ability to pass through anything, many of the ghosts seemed to like a dramatic entrance. A young adult spirit dressed like a teacher they'd never seen before marched inside smiling widely.
"Are the little kiddies playing hide and seek? How cute." She hummed, her smile seeming to grow brighter but eerily more threatening. "But it's time to come back to learning now."
She held up a hand and a mess of green string shot out towards them in an instant, breaking the quiet with a chorus of gasps and screams as everyone cowered. After most of them realised they weren't hurt, they slowly peeked up again to see that Star was now gripped tightly by the rope, pulled back towards the woman who held onto the other end tightly. Star was squirming as much as it'd let her, breathing frantically.
The fear in her eyes shook Paulina to her core.
"Get away from my bestie!" She screamed, barely thinking and grabbing the closest item to her.
"Hey what are you-"
She lobbed the item as fast as she could at the ghost, not really knowing or caring if it hit. She just felt like she had to do something in the moment.
"Ow! Shit!"
Star yelped as the ropes dissipated and she was dropped to the ground. She looked back at Paulina, who was just blinking bewildered at her.
"How did that-"
"Who cares why it worked, let's go!" Sam shouted, seeming to snap everyone back to reality. She and Tucker didn't hesitate to head for the exit behind the ghost, who was now bent over with a hand over its eye. Star did the same, first grabbing Paulina's wrist, who was basically running on all adrenaline no thoughts right now.
Everyone in the classroom followed, people dragging along anyone who seemed too frozen in place. Tucker went to grab his phone as they passed, Sam reprimanding him and yanking him back to his feet so they could keep moving. As the first few reached the door, a low growl echoed from behind them. Everyone got faster.
The door was too much of a chokepoint, and a few of the back were captured. Their sacrifice did however give everyone else the time, as rather than chase the escapees, she dragged her prey down the hall in the other direction, likely to wherever she had taken everyone else.
The new group made it all the way to the bend in the corridor where the main entrance would come into view. When they got there however, they were met with what can only be described as life sized ghostly wooden puppets, hung by green strings that faded into nothing in the air. A couple noticed them there and began hobbling towards them like zombies.
"Oh what the hell!" Dash exclaimed, turning around to run back.
"Wait!" Sam took charge again. Despite her 'loser' social status she could be quite authoritative when she wanted to be. "She's back that way remember! And don't you think the other exits will be guarded too?"
"How are we meant to get to it through them!" He gestured to the hoard that they were now having to swiftly back away from.
"Tucker, you haven't changed your phone since Technus last infected it right?"
"No, why?"
"It's contaminated. I think that's why it hurt the ghost despite being a normal object."
"There's no way no matter what happened to it that that thing hurt it that much!" Someone else interjected.
"It did hit it in the eye." Tucker pointed out.
"Then let's test it." Sam decided, speaking over him and yanking his phone.
The device smacked a puppet in the head, and the thing promptly stubbled backwards onto the floor, as if it had been hit with something far heavier.
"Not again…" Tucker complained quietly, "But hey, it works."
"Pretty well too." Sam observed proudly. "Does anyone have anything that a ghost has interacted with. Anything more than just holding it should do."
After a moment of no one moving, a few people made quiet theories or notes to themselves.
"Yeah I might do."
"Now that you mention it…"
"Oh that!"
"Well let's split into teams based on where your lockers are and go get your stuff, whatever it is." Sam explained
Dash inhaled as if he was about to object to following orders from her, but ultimately decided against it.
After sectioning people oft as best she could, she and Tucker set off quickly, seperating from the pack despite some of them heading in the same direction.
"Why don't we just use the weapons in our lockers?" He asked now he actually had the chance.
"We are doing. I don't want to deal with those idiots deciding that they also deserve ecto weapons just because we have some."
"Oh, good point."
Before they even got close, they found themselves abruptly stopped in place, bound in green strings.
"Now kiddos," a silky voice called from behind them, "What's the rules about running in the halls."
Danny took the spare thermos from Tucker and inspected it in disbelief.
"Let me get this straight. You guys got captured, so a bunch of regular teenagers broke everyone free using… a pair of trainers, a makeup kit, a regular thermos, a ruler, the torn off door of a locker, four mobile phones, and about twenty boxes?"
Sam and Tucker glanced at one another before Sam shrugged, smiling reluctantly.
"I don't really believe it either, but yeah. Other than the actual capturing part they did most of the work."
Danny chuckled "I guess everything can be a weapon if you use it wrong enough… maybe keep your actual weapons nearby next time though."
"But your weapons are regular objects now apparently." Danny noted, still amused by that. He was about to ask if they had any more details on it before Sam interjected.
"Hey, it's not like we can just take them to class with us." Tucker retorted, "Unlike you, our weapons aren't our hands."
"Speaking of, can you like leave my boots in the ghost zone for a day or something? I'd really enjoy getting to roundhouse kick a ghost for once."
"As much as I'd love to see that, I'm not sure if that's a good idea."
I wrote this in one go and barely checked it so it might be a mess. Sorry I didn't actually include the rescue part, I wasn't sure exactly how to tackle that, but I will say I think they'd use any cardboard boxes as makeshift armour. Who knows how effective that'd be, even if contaminated, but it's funny.
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scalamore · 6 months
YM Idioms localization
So for the readers that try to support the novel by purchasing the and using MTL to get a good idea of the events, here's some fun extra information to enhance ur reading experience. YM is slightly unique, in that some of its idioms are almost impossible to localize to English 1:1 because 1) the usual differences in idioms by the country and 2) because of POV issues. When I translate/edit, I'm the type that tries to retain as much of the original language's intention while making it easy to understand for English readers. Some examples I'm having particular trouble with are:
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Literal translation: "isn't seeing or hearing anything" It's a common idiom in KR meaning "too busy/no time to look or listen to anything" I could just leave it as is, but the nuance will be lost: Rupert is still frazzled by seeing her in the bathroom and is pretending to ignore her for his peace of mind, and that's why he's so shook when she pops up close to him again. That's a super cute detail that's really difficult to localize, because the story is written in Lari's POV, and she has no idea that Rupert is suffering because of HER (loool). I could translate it as "Although it felt like I was talking to myself, It was intended more for Rupert, who appeared to be too busy to notice me" ... or maybe even "who appeared to be too distracted to notice me" <--- will probably go with this. "Although it felt like I was talking to myself, It was intended more for Rupert, who appeared to be too distracted (reading) to notice me" ✅ Without actually saying "isn't seeing or hearing anything", by replacing it with "notice", it's evident he's not seeing/listening to her --> aka ignoring ✅ If I use distracted, it captures the continuity that he's distracted... by seeing her in the bath ^^ ✅ original author's intent retained -- Here's another one:
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This is the ridiculous one: Literal translation: If you lie, you'll develop horns on your butt
KR idiom: A naughty calf grows horns on its buttocks
The meaning: this is a common KR expression that is often used by parents scolding a kid for continuing to do the bad thing. The nuance: In this case, Lari's basically scolding Rupert. She KNOWS he's hurt, and he's lying that he's fine, and she tries to get him to admit he's hurt but he refuses, and even tells her that she's lying - then she thinks he's so stubborn for insisting he's fine (continuing to lie) The request from my translator buddy:
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So if I leave it as "If you lie, you'll develop horns on your butt", that's easy to do, but it does not capture AT ALL, Lari scolding Rupert like a kid and calling him out for his bad behavior of lying. The closest ENG idiom is "putting on a false front", but it's not the best.
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"Doesn't it hurt?" I attempted to grasp Rupert's forearm, but he concealed his arm. "It doesn't hurt." "You're lying." "Really." "I've heard that if you continue to lie, you will develop horns on your butt. Be cautious." "…You should stop lying too." So stubborn. Options: "You should stop lying and pretending you're fine. If you're not careful, and keep making that face it's gonna get stuck that way forever. "
(idiom that if you keep the same ugly face expression, it''ll stick that way)
"You should stop lying and pretending you're fine. If you're not careful, your nose will grow "
(Pinocchio reference, more popular/well-known) "You should stop lying and pretending you're fine. If you're not careful, your nose will twitch " (Australian scolding) In the end, by popular vote, I have decided to go with
"You should stop lying and pretending you're fine. If you're not careful, and keep making that face it's gonna get stuck that way forever. " because of Lari's current belief that he always looks dissatisfied and cranky and frowning, and basically tells him that if he continues to lie/scowl it'll be his permanent expression --> which we know doesn't happen because he's all smiles around her later ^^.
So, I'll probably go with -->
"Doesn't it hurt?" I attempted to grasp Rupert's forearm, but he concealed his arm. "It doesn't hurt." "You're lying." "Really." "You should stop lying and pretending you're fine. If you're not careful, and keep making that face it's gonna get stuck that way forever. "…You should stop lying too." So stubborn.
✅clear she's scolding him like a kid ✅ uses a common English idiom ✅ written especially clear for those who might not know the English idiom ✅ Rupert's next line of calling her a liar also makes sense ✅ original author's intent retained
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midnightcreator12 · 1 year
Hi again!
In your “Lone Hunter and Turtle” story, pictures of their families seem to be very important talismans to both Leo and Chula while they’re lost away from home. Given that Chula only expected to have temporary guardianship of Leo and that she would probably never see him again after she got him back to his family, do you think she took lots of pictures of/with Leo so that she could sort of keep him with her once he was gone (cause Force dammit that kid is family now too)?
If so, what kind of pictures do you think she took? Some options might include:
Candids: Chula tries to only take pics of Leo behaving as naturally as possible. This might include pics of him falling asleep in strange places, him playing in the water from a distance when they landed to let him swim/soak, him reacting to new worlds/societies they stopped at, etc.
Selfies: At any and all opportunities, Chula slings an arm around Leo and takes a selfie with him (or vis versa!). Some of these may have been taken at less-than-advisable moments, with a few showing tied up prisoners they were taking in for bounties or blurry angry charging animals in the background that they should probably be running from.
Portraits: If Chula is anything like my Nana, she would spend so much time getting Leo to pose, then adjusting where he’s standing because the background isn’t right, then adjusting the lighting/realizing Leo isn’t showing up because he’s standing in the shade so she faces him into the sunlight to make sure his face is well lit. (Please Nana I’ve been staring into the sun for 10 minutes I am going cross-eyed and my face hurts from smiling). She may also carefully set up her camera then set a timer so she can quickly jump into frame with Leo. It takes at least 5 tries to get it right. Occasionally tries to stage “candids” and tells Leo to “just act natural” to which he proceeds to act the most unnaturally anyone ever has in the galaxy.
If she has been taking photos of Leo, does she start taking pictures of/with the rest of his family once she meets them? If so, early pics of Donnie would probably be really blurry with him baring his teeth and hissing/growling. (These are some of Chula’s favorites)
Hope you are having a good week!
Oh yeah, Leo and Chula both have pictures of their misadventures. But out of the pair, Leo definitely has way more and his are mostly selfies with the most absurd stuff happening in the background.
Chula is a bit of a sporadic picture taker. She does have a few pictures on her holoprojector, a few of her squad, some of her life on Mandalore, a few very old ones that her father took of himself and her mother. The majority of the ones she takes are candid shots where capturing the moment just felt like the right thing to do.
But she did take a few more pics of Leo doing his thing than she normally would. Because she is fully aware from day one that Leo being in her life is temporary, but instead of doing the stereotypical 'keep the kid at arms length, must not get attached' she does the 'I will treasure this time with this awesome kid because this might be all we have.'
And she absolutely snags a pic of Donnie's hissing face because she thinks its cute.
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jaelaxies · 2 years
𝒁𝒆𝒓𝒐 𝑶' 𝑪𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒌
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・
fluff; wc 1k.
fem sun reader x Jungkook moon au! w: none, only tooth rotting fluff for the birthday boy.
Jungkook ran like a kid to the familiar field, memories rushing through his mind and pumping the adrenaline on his body. Thank God and Selene that no one was here, because they would be able to see the glistening sparkles on his eyes, the way his body radiated his original true aura in such a characteristic form, a mist of silver sparkles infused in what could be only be described as angelic like. The onyx locks of hair freely turning themselves in and out into dusty silvery strands of hair. Jungkook was really magical. His hoodie and jogger gone and replaced by his original celestial attire when being in this body. The long black cape acting as imitation of wings and his all-black uniform with all kinds of silver decorations being even more enchanting as he basked in his natural outlet: the night.
—      Y/N!
Again, she was caught staring, but who wouldn’t? Like a proper moon, Jungkook was as gorgeous and ethereal as he could; his eyes held the whole galaxy in them. Every single time they were looking at each other she couldn’t help but think that in her whole entire existence, no one looked at the sun liked that and she felt a little bit narcissistic to think that all the love in the world was captured in those big doe eyes who stared at her with so much passion. Like the burning flame that rose within her as she ran with a big grin to him, each step leaving rays of light that could only be seen in the daylight and flickers of gold in her eyes when she jumped to his arms.
Safe and sound.
Maybe being selfish just for tonight wouldn’t hurt anyone, so with the upmost love and care in her eyes she cupped his face to hold him even closer.
—      Why are you looking at me like that? — He teased, his lips now morphed into a big grin and his forehead lightly nuzzling with hers.
—      Stop! Jungkook… They will…— With the last statement and a slight chuckle from him, a bunch of bright rays of light emanated from her cheeks. To Jungkook they were even more beautiful than fireworks. An eruption of giggles from the man with such an elegant aura only served as a façade when you could listen to that full sound of melodic laughter, bright in its own way but beautiful, just like him. — You just like to see them, don’t you?
—      I do, I love them. — He held his breath for a moment before settling both of them into the grass. — Like I…
—      Love you. — They spoke at the same time, in the same tone: a whisper for only the two of them to hear. A vow.
—      Can I kiss you, Y/N? — A gold flicker in her orbs and a warm smile confirmed everything that Jungkook needed to know. If he teased, she would too.
—      A million years together yet you still ask, you’re so cute Koo! — She tilted her head as he slowly started to fade into this thin black veil that only he could do. — Nope, not this time. Come back here Jungkook!
With a quick peck on the lips, he gasped and regained his natural form. — I was the one asking for a kiss!
—      And the one who tried to hide! — Hair flipping and eyes darting to his lips again, she thought it could wait. That wasn’t what was important tonight, it was about to be his important day. And she wanted to make it special, something that he couldn’t even do himself but something worthy of seeing him smile. Her favorite expression: an honest, so beautiful and charming smile. Standing up from his lap, the girl held her tiny hand to be engulfed from the man coking a brow at her but still, taking it in his; where it always belonged.
Walking with hands intertwined, the ticking of the clock signaling the start of the show. Her speech began. — You know, Jungkook. I wanted a kiss too but that could wait, I think. But now! — That was too much of a confession but she couldn’t ruin this moment not now, it was only a matter of seconds. — Close your eyes and when you open them, you’ll see that view you always wished to the stars about.
—      Open! — She was in front of him, a meteor shower behind her illuminating her silhouette just so much that it could only reflect her big toothy like smile, one that she didn’t show often but when she did, it could make butterflies erupt from Jungkook’s whole entire body. — Happy Birthday My Forever!
And that was it, he could have so much auto control when it came to her. So, after hugging her tightly, he cupped her face and connected their lips into a sweet kiss.   It wasn’t the meteor shower, nor anything else; it was the way it complimented her so much, his big ray of sun basking in the night because as much as people could say. They existed and belonged to each other. Lips caressing each other with delicacy and time, it was like Jungkook suddenly never wanted this moment to stop, asking for access to deepen the kiss and getting it was sending him to Cloud 9; so, he traced with his mind every little corner where she would make a noise or giggle even where he would smile himself breaking the kiss a little bit. Now, seeing her with plump lips and touching them with a smile; he wanted one more. Just how in love he was. — Forever.
—      Forever, my love. — She pecked his lip piercing, making Jungkook emit the same fireworks but in platinum and even more visible because of the meteor shower. — See! You have them too Koo! I knew it!
He didn’t like to be teased. But if it was his beloved sun, Y/N. He thought about a million ways of making them appear again just to see that bright smile again.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・
I mean writing for Jungkook has made everything so fun and easy nowadays so i thought i would share a present in my own way for the one and only birthday boy!  
I still have so many things to convey bc well 1k is not enough but i’ll thank and pray to God for another healthy and lovely year to the cause of my euphoria.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
Ooo for the 300 event may I request an OC interaction between Alistar and Vivian please 🥺? I can dm some Alistar fics on Discord if you need me too 🥺?
You may indeed request that, @lyranova! And not to worry, I was able to find Alistar content on my own. Did a bit of reading before sitting down to write. Hopefully I capture Alistar's personality well.
This isn't a super cute or fluffy display of Alistar and Vivian's friendship but I wanted to show him interacting with her more deadpan side. Because that's also cute in my opinion.
Summary: Alistar and Vivian have set aside a little time to hang out, during which Vivian provokes a bit of thought in Alistar. Genre: general Word count: ~800
Alistar and Vivian walked up a short hill, hand-in-hand. Well, it was more like Vivian raced up the hill while dragging Alistar along behind her. She took quick, energetic strides while looking devoid of energy, not out of the ordinary for the young girl. Alistar couldn’t help but smile at the contradiction.
Upon reaching the crest, Alistar set his hand on the ground and created a shady oak. Alistar laid out his cloak to sit on in lieu of a blanket only for Vivian to kneel directly on the grass.
As usual, not much care towards her appearance, Alistar thought as he sat down. “So what would you like for today, Vivi?” he asked once she finished smoothing out her skirt.
Vivian looked up at Alistar and, with her usual blank expression, answered, “If it’s not too troubling for you, would you please grow Papaver rhoeas for me?”
 “It’s no trouble, but you almost always ask for those,” remarked Alistar with a quick chuckle. “You know I can make more than that, right?”
“Certainly. But I’m sure you’re aware that individuals have preferences for such things as flowers.”
“Ah right. Your favorite.” Alistar nodded. “Alright then.” He set his hand on the ground and, in the matter of seconds, brightly colored poppies bloomed in a circle around Vivian. “What do you think?”
The girl’s lips twitched in a smile that quickly faded. She then began plucking the flowers and gathering them in her lap. As Vivian picked her flowers, Alistar created a cluster of white clovers beside his cloak. The shape of the little, white flowers reminded Alistar of his own messy head of hair. When their laps filled with blossoms, Vivian looked at Alistar.
“Pardon if this is abrupt or too personal but…” Vivian twirled one poppy by its stem between her fingers. “Would you say your magic is stronger in the spring or summertime?”
Alistar tilted his head and muttered, “What kind of question is that?”
“Recently, my siblings discussed environmental factors related to magic,” Vivian began to explain. With her hands, she started the process of weaving the flowers together. “Such as Water Magic growing stronger with a full moon.”
“Ah, I see what you’re getting at,” said Alistar with a nod.
“So is there an observable difference?” Vivian questioned.
Alistar looked at the clover blossoms. In silence, still mulling the question in his head, he began work on a flower crown.
Was there really a difference? Did something as distant-seeming as the alignment of celestial bodies really influence the strength of magic as well? Sounded like a loose theory at best. How would attributes such as Mirror or Emotion Magic be affected, if at all? Seemed unfair if the universe worked that way.
“Alistar?” Vivian’s voice cut into the young man’s thoughts. “I apologize. Perhaps it was a strange inquiry…”
“No, it’s fine,” said Alistar with a shake of his head. “I just… never actually thought about it before.”
“Is that so? I would think you would be more mindful considering the…” Vivian paused and pursed her lips. “Reactionary nature of your powers.”
Against his will, Alistar snorted. Still critical but Vivian had tried to soften the blow against him. Ever the kind soul, just like her parents and siblings. And hopefully like him too.
“Well turns out I don’t pay as close attention as you think,” he replied and gave a shrug. “Sorry to disappoint you.”
“You have done nothing of the sort.” Though Vivian didn’t smile, her eyes held a gentle shine. “Let us change the topic then.”
“Before that…” Alistar absentmindedly connected the ends of the chain of flowers he’d been working on, completing the crown. “There!” He placed the clovers atop Vivian’s head. “A crown for the birthday girl.”
“Thank you, Alistar, you truly are a valiant knight,” Vivian stated as she smiled again. This time, the happy look stayed on her face.
Alistar smiled back. He then pointed to Vivian’s incomplete chain of poppies.
“So will I get to wear that when it’s done?”
“No. I intend to bring this and more back for my family.”
“Well now I’m disappointed.” Alistar faked a pout to which Vivian shook her head, still smiling though.
He never expected to befriend Vivian Faust but he was happy to be there for her. It was moments such as that one, where Alistar’s kindness could reach another and they returned it, where he felt like a protector and not a danger due to his magic. Perhaps he wouldn’t always be successful and perhaps it wouldn’t be forever, but he would try to be Vivian’s knight.
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floopers · 1 year
Capturing Time
Series: Octopath Traveler II Pairing: Throné/Castti Word count: 4509 Rating: T Summary: It's never a dull moment with Ochette, as both Castti and Throné find out.
just wanted to write something fun with ochette and her monsters
spoilers for the whole game
If Castti had thought that her journey to finding her memories would entail running a zoo, she would think better of it. Ochette has been nothing but a ball of bright, bouncing energy compared to Throné's taciturnity. Castti appreciates them both in her own way.
Still, she has to remember that Ochette is... perhaps, a bit enthusiastic about keeping... companions.
Throné's flat on her back, holding up Acta in the air as it slithers all over her hands. Castti's not sure if she understands what they're doing; maybe Throné is trying to catch it in her hands? That might explain why it keeps moving around and Throné looks so concentrated.
She can't say it's a sight she expected, but it's not unwelcome. It doesn't take much deducing to figure out Throné would rather keep to herself than open up to either of them but to see her playing with one of Ochette's companions is rather heartwarming. Not even someone like Throné can resist cute things, it appears.
"You've taken a liking to Acta, haven't you?"
Throné glances at her and seems to shrug her shoulders. Castti can't really tell when she's laying on the ground like that. "I think it's the other way around."
Acta stops suddenly, turning to Castti. It reaches out, forked tongue flickering in the air. She holds out her hand and it bumps its head against her palm before slithering down Throné's arm and moves across her body.
"H-hey! That tickles!" Throné is trying to grab it again, sitting upright. There's a faint smile on her face though, and even Castti smiles at the sight. Throné catches her watching and she quickly smooths over her expression. "Hm? Need something?"
"It is nothing," Castti says, turning away as to save Throné the embarrassment of being caught. Perhaps it is not humans but animals that will slowly thaw out Throné's heart.
"I'm back!" Ochette emerges from the bushes with her arm in the air and whistles. From behind her is... some kind of vividly colored slug... thing. Castti doesn't know how else to describe it. A giant snail thing? She'd been fighting with those monsters since arriving on the island and now there's one following Ochette around.
"... what is that, Ochette?" Castti asks.
"Jerky!" Ochette answers, holding up a piece of meat.
"I meant behind you!"
"Oh, him?" She gives it a pat on the head and Castti doesn't miss the way it comes out viscous. Ochette doesn't seem to mind at all, laughing as she flings away the slime. "A new friend I found!" She turns to Throné, now watching her warily. "Thanks for taking care of Acta, Néné! You wanna play with this guy too?"
"... I'll be fine."
It's never a dull moment with these two, at least, Castti decides.
If there's one thing Throné is, rather unsurprisingly, good at, it's keeping Castti on her toes. How else is Castti to explain when she comes upon Throné at the edge of Winterbloom after leaving Rosa's mansion, obviously trying to hide a wound? Throné sees her and tries to straighten herself but there's no hiding the bloody hand or the dark stain on her dress.
"Throné!" Castti is dashing before she even realizes, the panic welling inside of her. She had said it would be a simple job and here she is...
"S-sorry, might have messed up a bit," Throné says with a strained smile once she catches up to her. "Said it was... nonlethal, it'll be fine, just a scratch." She tries to wave away Castti but Castti sets her foot down and swats away Throné's hand.
"Don't you dare try to tell me this is okay." Castti shakes her head, examining the wound. Throné's been holding it shut with her hand but she'll still need immediate care to see that this won't become infected. She might need Temenos' help as well, to heal the inside of the wound. An injury like this would keep most people off their feet for a few weeks but she knows Throné would never allow herself that luxury. As steadfast as Throné can be, she can also be just as exceedingly stubborn and headstrong to a degree.
"Castti? Néné!" Ochette comes bounding right over, her ears flat against her head. no doubt smelling the blood. Castti can see Throné grimace and look away. She knows that Throné would rather not have Ochette see her like this either.
"Ochette, give me a ha—er, claw?—some help please, we need to get Throné to the inn as fast as possible so I can treat her."
"You need some help with healing?" Ochette whistles with her fingers before anyone can stop her. The both of them startle at the loud sound and share a look while Ochette grins at them. "Don't you worry, I've got the perfect help on the way."
And it hits Castti exactly what she means when she catches a flurry of movement off to the side and sees a plant-like monster shambling over a mound of snow toward them. Throné understands now too, her eyes widening as she furiously shakes her head, too injured to make a speedy getaway.
"N-no—Ochette, hold on, wait—"
Castti backs away just as the plant monster crawls over to Throné with lightning speed and opens its mouth—
"... well! The wound's closed now," Castti only says after a cursory examination while Throné sputters. Ochette's healing plant monster... thing shambles away, its job done now.
"I need a bath," Throné mutters.
Going through the mines is unnerving. There's people trapped inside that need saving but Castti doesn't like this feeling. Whatever is waiting for them deep inside... she only hopes that the miners are still alive.
"Afraid of the dark?" Throné asks, coming next to her.
"No, but the air here is stale. It doesn't make me feel good." Castti glances over at Throné. "How about you?"
"... nothing I'm not used to," Throné only says with a shrug.
Once again, Castti is more than glad that she has someone like Throné traveling with her. Even in a situation like this where danger lurks in the unknown, Throné's kept a cool head, calmly surveying everything and taking it all in stride. On the other hand, Agnea is having some trouble, skittish as she keeps close behind Castti.
"O-oh gosh, it's just so dark here," Agnea whispers, as if she's afraid to speak any longer. It might attract the bats so Castti doesn't blame her.
"It's okay, Aggie, you can hold my hand! Or Mahina. Mahina might help you feel better if you hold her instead," Ochette says. Castti doesn't miss the way Throné suddenly inclines her head back toward them, her hands twitching.
"I'm sure Ochette will let you," Castti whispers to her and Throné only straightens herself up, trying to pretend she hadn't been caught. She sends a look to Castti though, who only smiles back. It's easy sometimes, to tease Throné about this. If only Throné could be a little more honest with her desires.
They continue to travel further into the mines until they reach the ground floor. They smell rather than see the monster, the overwhelming stench of something noxious nearly overpowering them. Even Throné is grimacing. Castti can't imagine how Ochette must be feeling with her powerful nose.
The monster shambles into view and they all freeze. It's a sort of giant plant-like monster, with several flowers that have fangs inside of them. It slithers up to them, fangs snapping.
There's also all the eyes over the beast.
"Can we... walk away and pretend we didn't see it?" Throné whispers to her. Castti sends her a look and points to behind the beast, where there are bodies, and Throné sighs. Behind them, Agnea's frozen up, hands gripping Castti's arms for dear life. Castti feels bad about it; she had wanted to come with them this time around to become more battle experienced and they've gone and found... this instead.
"C'mon, everyone! The hunt awaits!" Ochette yells, readying her bow as Mahina flies ahead.
... well, they still have to save the miners inside. Castti readies her concoctions as Throné runs ahead and Agnea, even though she'd been shaking earlier, readies her dances for them.
When it looks like they've been finally wearing the monster down, it bellow suddenly, putrid smoke coming out of its mouth—mouths?—all of its holes. Castti covers her mouth and pulls Agnea back, trusting Throné and Ochette to take care of themselves.
"Hey, Castti!" Ochette slides up to her then, a certain gleam in her eyes that Castti isn't sure she's going to like. "I think I can capture this monster!"
"... huh?"
Ochette whistles.
"Throné! Just one more push—Throné?" Castti is looking all around for her, to deal the finishing blow—Throné is already gone from sight. When Castti finally finds her, she's hiding behind a group of barrels, frantically scanning all around—oh.
"She didn't call her healing plants, did she?" Throné hisses at her.
Ochette is whooping now, and when Castti turns around, she's riding atop the dreadful plant beast... monster... thing. Castti still doesn't know what it is.
"... I think we've got a bigger problem."
Throné slowly turns her head toward Ochette, stares, and curses under her breath.
Castti emerges onto the deck of the ship, stretching her arms over her head. She'd been resting in her cabin since boarding but some fresh air would be nice. Some of the others are also on deck, Partitio up at the helm with a wild grin on his face and Osvald next to him with what looks like a chart.
And there's Throné near the middle, leaning against the railing as she stares out toward the ocean. Castti wonders what she must be looking at, what she must be thinking of. As Castti approaches, she looks up. There's barely any change to her expression but Castti catches the slightest curl of her lips. In response, Castti lets herself smile openly.
"Had a good rest?" Throné asks.
"As good as can be with Partitio's sailing," Castti replies, and they both share a chuckle. Castti joins her in leaning against the railing, staring out toward the ocean. It's nighttime so there really isn't much to see, not with the ocean so dark and murky, even with the stars so bright above them. In a way, it's almost like... her memories. She hasn't yet recovered them all but hopefully what she'll find in Sai might help her.
"Feels a bit strange," Throné says suddenly.
"What does?"
"Just... being able to sail around the ocean like this. We've taken ferries but just sailing around like this with no particular destination in sight..." Throné pauses, and Castti sees it, how that slight smile on her face, "just sort of feels nice."
"You think so?"
"You don't?" Throné looks over at her.
"No... I agree, just being able to sail around like this has its own perks too," Castti says, her eyes flitting briefly to the collar on Throné's neck. She can't imagine how that feels.
"Maybe I should ask Partitio if I can borrow his ship for a bit after I get this off," Throné says.
"You want to travel all over the world then?"
"... maybe." Throné looks back out over the ocean. "I never knew much beyond New Delsta and wherever I needed to go for a mission. Just would be nice to go someplace... new. Different. Far away from here."
Castti hears what she doesn't say: to go where no one knows of her, to go where her tattoo will not immediately brand her, to simply go... and be free.
"I hope you're able to, Throné," she says. Throné looks over at her again before returning her gaze back to the open seas.
"... yeah."
They watch the waters roll by. It's interesting to Castti, how much she's grown used to Throné's presence. She remembers the distance Throné had kept from her, from all of them. It makes her feel warm, knowing how much Throné has grown to trust them now.
Throné shifts suddenly, sliding her hand down—their hands brush. Castti blinks just as Throné snaps her hand back.
"Sorry," Throné murmurs, but Castti is already looking over at her. Throné catches her gaze, and now they're both staring at each other. For some reason, Castti can't seem to look away, can't seem to pull away from how intense Throné's eyes always are, can't seem to... stop thinking about Throné and worry over her. She wonders what Throné must think of her, if she thinks her constant fretting is a bother.
Throné seems to watch her for something but whatever it is, there's a slight curl to her lips now. Something bids Castti to step closer, using the railing to keep herself steady, waiting. Throné doesn't move away, and she even raises her arm, almost as if to encircle it around her and Castti leans up—
And it's the perfect time for a whistle to ring through the air and the water to explode.
Something rises out of the ocean. Castti and Throné scream, scrambling backward away from the railing. The ship rocks as a giant figure emerges from the ocean, giant yellow orbs now blinking owlishly at them. Castti is realizing with horror exactly what it is—that sea monster that tried to sink them when they approached the whirlpool near Tropu'hopu.
"T-Throné! That monster is back! We need to alert—"
"Hey, hey!" Ochette pops out suddenly, now sitting atop its head. "Check out my new friend, Ma, Néné!"
Throné is gaping and Castti... isn't even sure if she should be surprised at this point. The Scourge makes another sound, a deep and terrible rumble that sounds like a groan echoing through a cavern, somehow. It moves closer to the ship, as if trying to peer at them. Ochette jumps off its head and strikes a pose.
"Just like Aggie taught me!" she says, laughing afterward. She turns to Throné. "You wanna pet this one too, Néné?"
"I'm... good," Throné says, looking ready to bolt instead. Castti doesn't blame her; the Scourge has... brought a particularly pungent smell to the rest of the air that makes even Castti want to retreat back to the cabins underneath as fast as possible and take some slumber sage.
"Aw, your loss!" Ochette whistles and the Scourge backs away, sinking back underneath the waters. "Now, you think we can run into that shark again? I wanna try to catch it!"
"As... food or a friend?" Castti asks.
"... all right."
Castti thought all the time she spent in Winterbloom would prepare her for the cold, except she's found out in the first five minutes of being here that Stormhail is nothing like Winterbloom. The chill here seems to cut deep to the very bone. Even after Ochette has calmed down Glacies, the frigid sting still lingers in the air though it does feel less icy than before.
But that's not the reason they're back here in Stormhail though.
"The scholars near Winterbloom told me the Stone of Truth was last rumored to be around the Great Wall," Osvald had told them one day. Temenos and Partitio had expressed their interest in trying to find it and once Ochette added her enthusiastic input for wanting to see human treasures, they set off. Once they arrived back in Stormhail, the four of them made for the wall, dragging other scholars and researchers in tow with them.
Castti only prays that the researchers knew what they were getting into, with a group like that...
Truthfully, she's not sure why she's out here, just outside the town and looking up at the ancient walls outside. It'd be nicer if she were back at the inn, curled up next to the fireplace with a mug of hot tea. Agnea and Hikari have the right idea, spending their time inside while waiting for everyone.
Maybe it's the Sanctum Knights. She doesn't think she's ever been in an area with such an oppressive air. Even Sai with war looming over them did not feel this... bleak. She understands it now though, why Temenos is always quick to tell them to never take the word of the Church at face value.
... still, perhaps she should have thought to take an extra coat or something. She hunches her shoulders and pushes her hands together, trying to warm them. Her gloves help but they aren't meant to warm her hands.
Castti hears the voice first and then feels something being laid over her shoulders, a thick fur coat almost instantly warming her. She looks up to see Throné frowning down at her now.
"Agnea said she saw you heading out. Took a while to find you though, didn't realize you were outside town."
"Ah... I should have thought to mention that to someone before leaving. My apologies, Throné, and thank you for the coat." Castti pulls it closer around herself. It smells a bit like the perfume Throné wears—Castti blinks, the realization coming to her shortly after, confirmed now when she sees Throné's shoulder bare of a coat. "Throné, did you—"
"You look like you need it more than me," Throné says before Castti can finish, shrugging. "If you're going to be out here in the cold."
"Are you going to be heading back then?"
"... maybe later. It's a bit too... stuffy inside the town. Knights look ready to throw anyone that looks at them wrong into a cell," she grumbles.
"Throné," Castti chides though there's very little heat to it. She's already long grown used to Throné having twitchy fingers. "But you're right about that town. I don't... like it much, myself."
Throné says nothing else but makes a sound of agreement with her. Never one for words but Castti appreciates that nature of hers; the way she willingly offers her presence speaks louder than any words she can say.
There's the sound of a faint whistle off in the distance. The both of them tense, expecting something to spring out at them before they realize nothing is coming.
"Underground," Throné mutters, to their relief. She opens her mouth to speak before pausing and abruptly turns her head to sneeze.
"Throné!" Castti is already moving, peeling off the coat and passing it back to her. "You need it more than me now."
"And what of you?" Throné shoots back. It's childish, the way they're acting.
"Then... I suppose we'll have to either head back or share the coat, or... we'll be warmer if we stand closer," she muses absently, unaware of the way Throné seems to stiffen at that suggestion.
Not that it matters much to them, because that's exactly when a giant wolf bursts out of the snow.
Castti has little warning before she's suddenly pulled to the side and crashes against something warm and soft. It takes her another moment to realize that it's Throné herself, having pulled Castti against her and holding out a knife toward the beast now. The wolf barks, a loud and terrifying roar, before it leaps over them instead, running further into town. As Castti expects, Ochette soon comes into sight, chasing after the wolf with a grin on her face. "Hold on! We still have some more playing to do!" she yells after it. She sends a wave over to the two before running after it. There's the sound of townspeople yelling, nothing but chaos happening.
"Are you all right, Castti?" Throné says now, pulling back and looking down at her. Castti is blinking up at her, slightly stunned at... well, everything. She hadn't expected the wolf, and she certainly didn't expect Throné to react like that. Throné doesn't even seem to realize either what she's done, frowning slightly as she looks at her. "Castti?"
"I—ah—erm, yes, I'm quite all right, thanks to you, Throné," Castti says. Throné blinks, looks down at themselves and her eyes widen. Her hands slowly release Castti but Castti is still stunned, staring up at Throné. Their faces are closer than either of them realize, and Throné is warm amidst the snow and cold.
The wolf lands next to them.
Ochette sits atop its head, grinning down at them. "Hey, hey! Did you guys know there was a thief inside the shop in town? Wolfie here got rid of her though!" Ochette laughs as the wolf lowers its head to butt against hers. The wolf is easily about five times their size. She knows and trusts Ochette but sometimes... she hopes the laugh she makes doesn't sound nervous. She looks over at Throné—
Throné's eyes are wide, fixated on the wolf. Ochette notices her expression and pats the side of its face and the wolf places its head on the ground toward them. Throné raises her hand, giving a tenative pat to its snout. The wolf huffs but does nothing else though its ears are flat against its head and Castti can see the slow wag of its tail, moving the same way Ochette's is. Throné's expression doesn't change other than the slight widening of her eyes but she takes a step forward, running her hand through the fur behind its snout now. Ochette and Castti share a look, Ochette beaming so brightly that even Castti can't help but let out her own fond smile.
Maybe this time hadn't been so bad, Castti thinks.
Going through a graveyard isn't one of the better decisions Castti has made.
Going through a graveyard and being jumped by a giant goat monster is certainly not one of the better situations Castti has ever been in.
The goat beast opens its mouth and screams suddenly. It's like they can hear the damnations of the dead coming out of its mouth, the gravestones around them rattling and the darkness at their feet howling and crying.
Ochette turns to Castti, eyes sparkling.
From behind, Throné and Temenos are yelling at each other, sparks of light flashing from Temenos' staff and letting the light rain through the darkness while Throné dances around the beast, narrowly avoiding being crushed by its paws. Temenos yells something to Throné and she sees him raise his staff, a bright glow of light, and instead whacks the goat beast on its head multiple times. The goat beast shrieks again as it crumples to the ground. Castti's ears are ringing.
Ochette is covering her ears but her eyes sparkle even brighter.
Castti sets her jaw and carefully places her hands on Ochette's shoulders. Ochette's eyes get impossibly wider somehow, her tail wagging furiously in anticipation. Castti smiles—every memory of every interruption rapidly flashing through her mind in this moment—and yells as she throws a canister over Ochette, the glass shattering and the whiff of pomegranate filling the air now. "Throné!"
Throné looks over at her—Castti points at Ochette—and she disappears from sight immediately. "Aeber! Prince of—"
"No! My new friend!"
New Delsta feels different.
It's been a while since Castti's set foot back here. The last time she'd come... months ago, she suspects. She just hasn't had the chance to come, not with all the traveling she's done. Today's a special day though, and she's more than glad to be back and see so many familiar faces lining the streets.
And there's Throné just down the stairs where Castti had first met her, that same puppy following at her heels. It's bigger now—can it be considered a dog now? Throné looks up once Castti comes closer.
"Hey," Throné says, a small smile at her lips.
"Throné, good to see you," Castti says, the smile already on her face once she saw her. The puppy barks and runs up to Castti, her tail wagging so hard that Castti is afraid she might just shake it off. She bends down, unable to resist playing with it. "Oh! You're just so cute, aren't you?"
"She is, isn't she?" Throné's joined her now as well, crouching to the ground and scratching the puppy's back. Castti almost finds herself staring at her. Throné seems like a different person entirely, the way she's allowing herself to be so open like this. She looks up, catching Castti's gaze, and tilts her head. "What is it?"
"I was thinking just how more beautiful you've gotten since I've last seen you," Castti says with a slight laugh, and delights in the way Throné turns red.
"... I could say the same of you," Throné returns, and now it's Castti's turn to be caught off guard. They watch each other, but slowly, Castti finds herself cracking a smile, one that Throné returns as well.
A whistle rings through the air.
The both of them freeze. Seconds later, Mahina descends from the sky, flapping her wings. She looks at both of them and Throné tentatively holds her arm out, which Mahina perches on, cooing. A soft smile comes to Throné's face as she reaches over to scratch Mahina's beak. Even Castti feels herself melting at the sight, seeing Throné letting herself be a little more honest.
"Ma! Néné!" Ochette comes bounding right over, nearly barreling into Castti. She looks up at Castti, tail wagging furiously.
"Ochette!" Castti can't help but ruffle her head. Ochette beams up at her.
"I'm so happy to see you two! You guys wanna see everyone else too?" Ochette puts her fingers together, about to whistle again—Castti manages to grab her arm in record time.
"M-maybe after. If they all came through the town right now, you'd scare everyone off!"
"Oh, right. Master Juvah could handle it though." Ochette pulls back and throws herself at Throné too, hugging her tightly. Mahina takes off from Throné's arm just in time, trilling rapidly now.
"Good to see you too, Ochette," Throné says, also ruffling her head. Castti sees how her other hand twitches though, hovering near her tail.
"Agnea's already waiting at the theater," Ochette tells them once she pulls away. "We gotta go find everyone and then we get to see Aggie!"
"Yes, of course," Castti says, and watches as Ochette runs away to do just that. Even that puppy is running after her, barking. "Oh, she's captured your dog too, Throné!"
"That's one I'm not going to allow her to have," Throné mutters though she has a fond smile on her face as she watches them. Once Ochette rounds a corner and disappears from sight, they turn to each other.
"It really is good to see you again, though," Castti says, feeling bashful now that there isn't anything else to distract. Throné blinks at her for a moment before she offers Castti a soft smile.
"... yeah. It's... good to see you too, Castti," she says, and Castti feels a warmth bloom inside of her.
As they walk through the theater, their hands bump together. Castti debates for a moment if she should find her courage but it's Throné who reaches out instead, letting their fingers tangle together, and that's more than fine for her.
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
[ taste ] Lynette and Mellow
[ seduce ] Geoffrey and Julian
[ look ] Flynn and Chizuko
Nonverbal Memes
[ taste ] for your muse to cook for mine 
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Mellows face lit up in happiness as he got a text from Lynette about stopping by. She was already in the kitchen in a cute apron and made one of his favourite soups... the smell was putting him at ease and letting him calm a little from the stress at least untill she lend him a spoon to taste it.
“Here, say ahh.”
He grew very red but did as she said smiling lightly after it.
“Its really good. I l-love it.”
“Hehe I am glad then... watch out or my food might capture your heart.”
“L-Lynette please.”
“Sorry its cute seeing you like this.”
He held his heart a little and looked away.
“At least let me help you when you need it.”
“No its fine Mellow, you worked the whole day so rest a little.”
He layed back on the couch and smiled to himself... he was glad to have her around even if it made his heart beat out of his chest.
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[ look ] for your muse to catch mine staring 
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For once Flynn did manage to get Chizuko on board for one of his plays, mainly cause Ruby had an injury and she was asked politely... but it also caught him to stare at her a little in this black feathery dress... In this play they were supposed to be a ruthless married couple that fool others to be rich.
As she red her script her eyes wandered from the paper to see his loving eyes at her.
“Hey idiot, would you stop looking at me like that?”
“But Onyx, how can you blame me... you look stunning and also... I practise my eyes for the play.”
He wrapped one arm around her waist and looked deeply into her eyes.
“Or should I call you my wife to stay in my role.”
Her face got red in an instant...
“Just focus on the text... “
She sighed and tried to not get distracted by his teases and advances.
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The next is below cut so i can make it more spicy
[ seduce ] for your muse to touch mine sexually 
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Preparations to finish the show were done. Most of the dorm members left and packed their things, some of the last still were too occupied to carry equipment out as Julian passed by Geoffrey and let his hand wander to his butt, squeezing it a little. He let a whisper out before walking by so others won’t notice what he did.
“You know Boss... if you wanted to, you could have me all to yourself  after this.”
Geoffrey gave him a look as if accepting this... and so after he overseen that things were finished he followed after where Julian told him to come... awaiting him already at his room with a sly smile... his shirt was already off and he just layed down comfortably...
“These secret meetings of yours do have me excited every time... why not come a bit closer.”
As Geoffrey layed down Julian got on top of him mainly to place some hickeys and bites over his neck and body in all, letting his fingers run over it... Putting one finger to his own mouth.
“God seeing you like this... its just the best view I could have..”
“Shut up already, Julian... you know what I want.”
“I know... let me at least tease you a little bit more.”
And with one grab to his butt pulling him closer into a long and steamy kiss it was like the contract was sealed between them... their relationship being a thing only they share with no one else... and even though Geoffrey knew he feel sore after everytime it still felt good.
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ra1ndrop5-on-ro5e5 · 5 months
30 Cuffing Season and Fake Dating for the Holidays // Rose's and Ratts
Finn didn’t have the time or money to fly all the way home, and even if in a covert way, Ryan wanted his partner to be able to enjoy the holidays at his partents house. They all had something to gain from the arrangement. Throwing suspension and a hist family for Christmas. It may come with its own down sides, but that didn't negate that fact Matt and Ryan would be there to get in trouble with in a new town and that Ryan's parents treated him very kindly.
Treated Rose very kindly.
She had worn flats to not stand taller than Ryan, and tried not to laugh when he tried to hold her by the waist as casually possessive as he did to Matt. He didn't seem to know where his hand should go to look like they were dating and not look horny in the loving room with his family.
Dinner was great and the conversation was easy to observe more than speak, but as coffee and desert rolled out focus shifted.
"So how did you two meet?" He mother asked with a kind smile that made Finn feel just a bit guilty.
"We were at a party-" Ryan tried to jump in and take the lead but hes quickly but liggtly smacked on the arm.
"For God sakes! will you let the girl speak!" He dad, maybe a step dad, Finn forgot, intersects. Rose chuckles and lays a hand over Ryan's, like a loving girlfriend might do to show quiet support for her boyfriend.
"He always says we met at a party, but he doesn't like to admit he came to a poety club meeting to pick up chicks." Rose smirks at him, giving a wink to show he had this. In fact he'd done very well to make it look like Ryan had found a well read woman instead of some party girl. Matt can not help a smile, amused but respectful of the clever lie. This would be easy.
Finn had thought for a just a moment it be too easy, thinking he might be placed in his own room as to "separate the sexes" but he had misunderstood a key component in all of this. They weren't religious, not in the real way. They were conservative. Rose is helping Ryan's mom gather dishes and bring them to the sink when she overhears a comment that captures her brain for a few minutes. Nothing too graphic, but something about the bed squeaking but the desk being sturdy, and to be courteous. Premarital sex could be allowed, even expected, but not Ryan's boyfriend.
It breaks Finn's heart into smaller peices the more he thinks of it. When he looks to Matt he can see it too. He can see how heis worn down by Ryan having to hold Rose's hand, to kiss her on the head, to say how lucky he was. Hear Rose's voice tell made up stories about Ryan that he could have told told for real. The way he knew he could have charmed his parents if he just had the chance. Matt excuses himself to bed first, but Ryan and Rose use it as an excuse to head off too, citing a long day of travel as their earlier out.
Finn and Ryan fill their time getting washed up and getting ready for bed. Ryan does this by changing and laying in bed. Finn dies a skin routine and braids his hair while he listens to the audio from Ryan's phone. He really wasnt talkative. At least he wasn't for almost a full hour until Finn sits next to him in the bed to watch the videos he'd been hearing.
"Why are you in a cute little nighty? My parents aren't going to bust in her to make sure were boning." He scoffs and looks away from his screen just long enough to scan Finn's body. "You don't have any tips to fill it out anyways." Ouch, low blow.
"Thats no way to talk to your girlfriend." Finn replies, crossing his arms over his chest. "Maybe I wanted my luggage to look the part in case your step dad gets weird and desides to go through it." He taunts and gets a laugh out of Ryan. "You consider at all that I just sleep like this?"
"No, cause Corpse told up you sleep in a shirt and panties." What a dog. He'd have to get him back for kissing and telling
"When I'm trying to get head, maybe!" He laughs out of discomfort, trying to play off the joke but he was flushed thinking of what Ryan might know about him now.
"Tshirt and panties when you want head, okay. And what are you trying to get with that on?" He asks and snaps the black spaghetti strap on Finn's silky pink tank top. He's relentless and pulls at the hem of the shorts that match right after leaving Finn scattering a few inches away from him as he fixed his closes. "I already said I'm paying for eveything on the trip. What are you trying to ge?" his phone was down now, attention on the other fully, a sly little smile knowing he had the other bashful and stammering.
"I wanted- you just- I didn't know if- if any was going to- to see me- if you'd see me getting in bed and i- I wanted you to... think I was pretty... if you did." He looks away and shrugs, trying to dismiss the whole thing. "Shut up! Like fuck you for real, I try to look nice for you and no appreciation." He scoffs and smacks at his arm. Ryan smacks his with the blanket. A pillow is about to be used as a weapon when the door suddenly opens and just a quickly closes.
"Jusus fuck, Matt!" Ryan hisses and signals everyone to be quiet. Matt shakes his head as he sits on the bed too.
"I heard them go to sleep like 20 minutes ago."
"You sure?"
"Would I be here?" Ryan must think that's a good enough answer because he doesn't waste another second to crawl across the bed to Matt and kiss him feverishly. Like he'd be starved of it for days. It wasn't often Finn saw much softness in the pair, but their was too much need in the way they kissed to not make it to their faces. The witness of their knuckles as the grabbed eachothers clothes. The mixing of their breaths when they the know they have to stop but don't want to part. Forehead to forehead, but Ryan still looks at Finn.
"I Appreciate you, Finn." He says softly panting, his eyes big and almost too vulnerable for Finn to be comfortable with. He needs to look away. "They ate up evey word, you did fantastic tonight. Go get some rest, I know that must have been exhausting." Finn nods before he gets up. It really was a lot of mental energy now that he was out of it that fatigue could catch up to him. Before he could leave Matt has gently grabbed his hand.
"I'll wake you up in the morning to switch back. Thank you." Matt looks guilt riddled, shameful, it's confusing to Finn. Two of the most shamelessly men he'd ever met. It rivaled his own lack of it even.
"Of couse." He says with another nod, grabbing his nught bag he prepared and quietly tiptoeing across the house to get to the guset room that had been made up for Matt. As he lays down he can't deny the ache in his chest. Matt and Ryan were somehow the least exclusive and most devoted couple he's known. While he could have probably earlier have fooled around with Ryan as they waited, Ryan would have only told Matt about it to be met with congratulations when he entered. He'd never kiss him like that though. Neither one would Ling for him like that. That definitely hurt a little, thinking how he doesn't know if anyone could long for him like that, but even more that they have to do all this to feel safe in eachothers arms tonight. What a shit show.
Well one thing was for sure, Ryan's dad was right about that creaky bed.... good for them. @iron-magee-giant
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