#and i don't know if there's any fixing other than like. forcibly removing all of the parts that i don't like.
haarute · 1 year
reading posts about people noticing things that you do being its own form of love, and then thinking that the thought of being perceived at all is actually terrifying to me because i cannot imagine a situation where that wouldn't be a criticism of my person. and the realization that this is not supposed to be the case is wild to me lmao.
#for context: i just saw a post that was about someone singing again while cooking after a period of depression#and their roommate being glad that there's singing once again and the place isn't silent anymore. and how this is a sign of people caring.#people enjoying your presence.#but i would feel HORRIFIED if someone told that to me.#because it is impossible for me to think that isn't a negative comment.#not necessarily because i think the other person would be mean-spirited. but because i genuinely don't see a lot of good in myself.#and i cannot possibly believe anyone would think things about me in a positive light because negatives are all that there is to think about#it's just a fact of life that i am annoying or whatever. none of us should make a big deal out of it. just leave me alone please.#this is also why i don't really take compliments. i am Averse to people who keep complimenting me.#i've been flirted on by excessive compliments and i'm like lmao you're only distancing yourself from your goal further and further#but like. i am learning that while this is such an ingrained part of my being since i was a child#maybe it's not normal to feel this way Actually.#you know i keep saying my sister has done irreparable damage to my psyche but the more i think about it the more true it becomes lmao#not that she's at fault alone. but like. she's probably the biggest offender.#anyway. there's a lot of things fundamental to my person that i'm starting to question only recently#and i don't know if there's any fixing other than like. forcibly removing all of the parts that i don't like.#because i don't think there's any convincing for me. i am pretty stubborn after all.#so we'll see how this develops. bleh.
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wixelt · 2 years
Perhaps her coming into contact with the crystals of the calamity box anchored her to the world of their location, since they are containers for their powers but perhaps not the actual source. The powers ending up in the calamity trio meant the crystals were now empty containers and when a similarly natured power came into contact with them it seeped into them, but since the power is enherent to Gem she and the calamity box will be necessity occupy to same world until her power is removed.
Perhaps like oil and water her powers would simply spill over and out of the crystals in priority and back into her, but with the power not fully leaving Ann some was left in the blue gem, causing Gem to be forcibly transported between worlds when the calamity box ended up on Earth regardless of her proximity to the portal.
When Gem suddenly finds herself torn mid-flight from the deck of the Hermithius, abruptly spawning in some sort of swamp - about 2 meters off the ground, landing face first in a muddy puddle - there's a sudden wrongness she can't place, as if she brushed with something powerful during the transition & came away lesser.
No biggie, she thinks. What's most important is getting back to the other Hermits & working out what just happened. So she reaches out, intending to use her inherent ability to world hop to get to a familiar spot such as MCC Island - easily reachable even from this unknown place - from which she can hop to the ship, wherever it is...
Less than 30 seconds later, Gem's forcing back a wave of panic as she finds the spot in her soul where her powers reside suddenly empty.
She has no way of knowing that - mid warp - she was close enough to an artifact with a similar multidimensional power that drained her natural ability into itself to try & fill what it had lost.
Nor can she know that she & the box are now bound together til the gems are powered up again & her foreign energy's forced to the surface by what's actually meant to be there (which means just coming into contact with the box won't fix things til the box itself is set right, even if she can sense a part of herself inside).
But even when this is all fixed, things get... complicated.
With True Colors rolling around before Gem can get close to the Calamity Box again to remove her power from it (there's repeated dramatic near-misses where she keeps coming so close to getting it back), she's stuck without what was always hers' for a very long time. She's initially with group who dash to the portal with Anne to get to Earth...
...but the gateway forcibly repels her, and she realizes the full extent of how her power being in the box tethers her to this plane. Because the Nether's still technically part of the same reality, they hadn't noticed before past a discomforting tug from using Nether portals.
Even with Marcy handling the gems only a few meters away, a sudden tragedy makes reaching the box kind of difficult.
After that, Gem's fate is unclear, though I will say that if Gem still hasn't recovered her powers by the time of All In, the Newtopia army's heading to Earth - should that still happen - definitely drags Gem along for the ride. Who knows, maybe this even helps her get out of a sticky situation.
In the meantime, though, she's going to have to worry about whether Andrias will be able to do anything with her stolen power.
As for the ties to Anne, you're going to have to explain that to me, because I don't think that'd make any difference (though the idea that a tiny spark of Gem's power remains in Anne later is an interesting one).
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dzpenumbra · 2 years
Holy shit, such a good idea just popped into my head. I absolutely love having my inspiration cracked back open again, man I hate getting blocked up like that. Check this out. So street skating is still fucking illegal. 1 - figure that shit the fuck out. It's an OLYMPIC FUCKING SPORT. Say it with me out loud, sound it out with your mouths, explore the actual concepts behind the words that are being spoken. This is not a whiny punk teen complaining and we're just going to ignore the actual words of what they're writing. This is an actual, real sentiment that is empirically accurate. SKATEBOARDING - in all its forms: transition, freestyle, street, competition, megaramp, etc. - IS AN OLYMPIC SPORT. Please stop making it illegal. For FUCK'S SAKE!
Imagine kicking someone out of a parking lot for throwing a frisbee or a football around. Just imagine that. "Oh, but they break shit." Okay, they put wax on ledges, handrails, curbs, stuff like that. It literally scrapes off. Sometimes ledges and stuff get damaged. That happens from normal use anyway. It's not this horrible vandalism people imagine it. It's just scrapes from trucks - paint from board graphics. That's all. It's aluminum dust, cement dust, paint. That's it. And who the fuck is going around saying "man, that's a really pretty loading dock behind the grocery store, I'm really glad it isn't a tiny bit chipped or has what looks like a wet spot from wax. The community is better for it." This is fucking dumb and I'm really tired of it! We would gladly pay to keep these spots in good condition. To fix them up when they get broken. We love skating them! Why would we just trash a sick spot and then just... say fuck it and move on to a new one? Good lord! Like... just think for a minute on that! Skateboarders are not fucking vandals, we are appreciating and using that spot in a different way than you. We revered El Toro - a legendary 20-stairset at a high school in... Vegas, I think. This is a petition to rebuild it. They literally demolished it to stop people from skating it. I don't know if it's a legit petition, it's on change.org and it only has a few signatures on it. But this place was on the cover of Thrasher, absolute legends have been measured by their ability to skate this spot. https://chng.it/ZKGdrSzHSm
We worship skate spots, we think of them in a completely different lens than others. They are landmarks, they are canvases to paint. And you call the cops on us for skating there. And we are forcibly removed. And we leave. Even the pros.
I am writing this because I was watching a Dan Corrigan video on YouTube. This one - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydQJWeH7MUw I wasn't watching with full attention, I was playing with the cat and getting ready for bed, but I noticed the cops kicking them out a few times. These guys are professionals for Powell/Peralta, one of the first ever skate companies. A legendary skate company. One of the OG's. They are on a filming trip for their work, to film a full length skate movie ... I'm assuming, the career has morphed a LOT since the internet came into the picture, a lot of them just do Instagram and shit instead of yearly video parts, but a lot of the old guard are still doing parts. It hit me hard and I wanted to write about how fucked up it is that people are still getting kicked out for skating, how we still have to deal with this. And only the street skaters. The transition are fine, they have their parks. The freestylers are fine, they've got any nice flat space. The street skaters (and street hybrids) are the ones who get fucked. It sucks.
At the tail end of the video, there was a skate spot that just had like... fucking everything. In a natural setting. Not some artificial skatepark trying to be all perfect and shit. Not out at a park or a school like some kind of playground. In the middle of town. Where it belongs. And people were just gravitating towards it. I wish I was paying more attention, I could give more details, but I was just immediately lost in thought by this, it captivated me. The concept of a natural park, an organic street skating park. A spot that exists in a street locale that is preserved and maintained by skaters. Which is basically what a street spot is, but like... officially. Like, legally. Like we bought this spot and we take care of it and we of course will yield to and be mindful of pedestrians who are passing through, and invite them to watch, and encourage them to learn more about how awesome skateboarding is. They like pamphlets and shit, right? Put up a board like a state park and hand out pamphlets like a fuckin zoo, here's what a kickflip is, Susan who's going shopping for a new handbag.
The idea hit me so hard, so quick, it was so... like... this would completely change street skating, this would be fucking perfect. So much that I had to pause the video and just start typing this. I like the parks and all, it's nice to have a local. But man, I just... it's not street skating. It's just not. If you grew up skating a park and you go into the street, you'd be fuckin complaining about the pavement and gravel and sidewalk cracks and how the ledges are all rough and won't slide well, how the stairs are unevenly placed and shit, how the landing isn't perfect, how there's no run-up. If you've ever skated street with a park skater, you know what I mean. I'm a street skater. I always have been. I didn't have a fucking park, I skated what I could find. So skating at the park is kinda just weird for me. It's unnatural. I try, but it's just not what I want to be doing. Give me a halfpipe and I feel the same way. I can do it, I'll figure out shit to do on it, but I'm not pulled towards it the way I am with exploring for a new spot and then seshing that for like 4 hours.
So really the only big thing people bring up with this is liability for injury. That's the only inhibiting factor. If anyone wants to bring up "oh but they're just going to trash the place", just go to any one of the trailheads near me. Look at how much litter is all over that shit. These skate spots look pristine compared to that shit, and these people don't even skate! So the problem is individuals, not stereotypes. So get your prejudice fucking out of here. The injuries is the only hang up. And I really can't imagine how the fuck a kid who's voluntarily trying to kickflip a 5 stair is going to sue a person who preserves the spot specifically for that purpose and win that case. Like... is Darren Brown their fucking lawyer?! Judges aren't fucking dumb. Lawyers aren't dumb. If I was a defense lawyer, I would hop on that shit like white on rice, fuckin hell. This dumb ass kid and his greedy parents think they can take a guy who manages a public park to court to milk him for money because their kid got too cocky and it was all on film. Name one fucking judge that sides with the kid there. That judge should be fuckin sworn out, end of story. That's dumb, people. I'm tired of nodding my head and smiling to this. It's an excuse. People don't sue for shit like that, and if I managed a park and they ever tried that with me, I would gladly win that court case. And seek reputational damages against the parents in a counter-suit. Fuck it.
If someone wants to be "brave" enough to pioneer this idea: privately owned skate spots. Just the skate spot, not the properties near them, just the square footage of the spot itself, the run-up, the landing and a little bit of room for people to safely chill and watch. As organic street skating parks. Get on that shit. I will gladly endorse it just like I did on the El Toro one, and I'll even write a damn speech about it too. I'll manage one, fuck it. I think this is genius and it could really change the accessibility of skating.
Instead of these spots being skate-stopped, looking like absolute garbage, built deliberately to be more difficult to skate and subsequently more dangerous to skate, just put them into the hands of skaters who will keep it safe-to-skate. Who will keep them maintained. Repaint them, fix dents and try to patch up divots. Keepers. SkateKeepers. Don't gatekeep, SkateKeep. Oh god, that's corny as fuck. But people like corny... :/
We really, as a culture, need to get out of this mindset of like... making things as inconvenient and uncomfortable as possible, and then charging people to get rid of that inconvenience. Like having all the parking spots to a store 30 spots away, then charging to park at the closer spot. It's all just built off of making peoples' lives harder as a means to an end. I really feel like we could have more actions that are focused around the intention of making peoples lives better. Helping them find a way to get what they are looking for. As long as it's not like... leading to hurting people or something.
I lost my train of thought, I didn't wanna get political or something, or make a general statement that someone might take offense to or something. Seems like a reflex nowadays, I see it everywhere. Ugh. Anxiety, I guess. I think it came from thinking about peoples' intentions. And how some people just do not have good intentions. They just want to hurt people, for whatever reason. It's... so hard to relate to. Like how it's hard to relate to my cat easily being able to kill animals, and even find pleasure in it. I am not wired like that. I find it hard to even understand how people think that way, to empathize with it, to put myself in their POV. Like... I would legitimately struggle to roleplay a character like that, I would struggle to understand how my character would think, it would just kinda be a cartoon and imitation of characters I have seen before. So it makes it hard for me to believe that that kind of person actually exists. I know they do, it's just like trying to believe that aliens are real for me. I want to believe, but I probably wouldn't know one if I saw one. That's a scary feeling.
I feel like sometimes I come across people who are actors. Some are very bad, some are exceptionally good. And it's hard for me to tell what they are underneath, in their inner thoughts, because I assume they are good. I assume they have good intentions, they are loving, they think about "we" and not just "me". I assume they are interested in what I have to say, not just waiting for their turn to speak. I assume they are looking for how they can participate in my life, as much as what I can do for them. I assume they are being truthful with me. And I stay loyal to them through a lot of dysfunction and... not good shit.
I know this is a problem. I'm identifying it, which is part of working on it, I wanted to say "I'm working on it" really bad. XD It's hard because I really do genuinely want to help every person I meet. I want to help them heal, I want to help them become the potential I can see in them. But I don't think they look at me the same way. I don't know. I'm still trying to figure out how they do see me.
This is on my mind because of social stuff. My friend came back from Scotland, we talked a bit tonight. It was back and forth, casual and serious, fun and intense. He's in an incredibly difficult place and I admire his fortitude. I wish he didn't have to endure it. I see that a lot. I wish I could do something to help, to relieve that burden.
I also have this on my mind because of getting back into streaming, which will likely be happening tomorrow. I just looked at my last stream notification on my Discord and it was from 9/5/21. I haven't streamed in over a year. That fucked my head up real good. A month or two break from streaming, then holidays, then falling into the GTARP rabbithole, then a really rough spring, then reconnecting with hippie-self barefoot-in-nature making-organic-outdoors-art for summer, then losing my dog, then a few months later I'm here.
My last stream was the final session of drawing the Barred Owl that is my profile picture on here. It's like my subconscious is just fucking laying out neon goddamn signs for me sometimes and I just feel foolish not seeing them. It's so easy to get caught in the "what ifs" and blinded by the day-to-day. To let the fears consume and start taking control. What if I'm not emotionally good with being on stream after a big fight with my mom? What if I'm so stressed from my only viewer being a high school kid who just wants a friend and watches me on his phone, who doesn't really seem that interested in what I'm doing, just kinda wants company and a friendly presence to talk to... what if I get upset at him one day and ban him. Then I'm broadcasting to no one. I banned my audience! XD How fuckin sad is that! What if I say something on stream that I regret, or that someone just takes out of context, and it gets clipped and I get a mob with torches and pitchforks outside my window the next morning. With like 1000 notifications on my phone. What if my life stress leaks through when I'm trying to set a vibe? When I'm trying to provide entertainment. That's not what I'm here to do! I can't risk doing those things!
So I take a break and wait for the fights to stop. And a year goes by. Yeah. So, I guess as I'm here prepping for the next step in my life, I'm finally getting some clear focus on where I've been stuck the past year. Avoidance. Confronting the inner, exploring the self, but avoiding the outside. Avoiding threats. So... PTSD. Makes sense.
Welcome to my mind. If this is familiar, if this makes sense, you might have PTSD too. It's not the end of the world, it hits people differently. I think it has to do with how much of a conscience you let yourself have, and the quality of your moral character. But also it kinda is a mirror to how healthy your emotional support system is. I think... speaking from my own experience.
This has been a rollercoaster of a post, but I'm very glad I wrote it and thank you for sticking with me for the ride. I'm very serious about that SkateKeepers thing, the name is kinda dumb but the concept is fucking cool. I might try to hit up the guy who owns the local skateshop and throw the idea his way, see if its something he's interested in brainstorming. They keep raising money for this extravagant skate park, and it's cool and all, but if street skating could happen too, and if it were like... cheaper than building a spot from scratch because the spot literally already exists... I don't know, I think I'm kinda sitting on a golden idea there. I hope I can override my anxiety and propose it to him. Maybe its a good excuse to finally go buy a new board. Mine is from like 2009.
I have to pee. I'm gonna read this back and then pass out. Yep, still like the post after reading it and correcting minor grammatical errors. Journaling ritual complete. Just gotta send out a good vibe and say goodbye, like a Ouija board or some shit. Idk, I like the idea of ending with a kind wish. Because goodbye is short for "god be with ye", so it's pretty much the best wish you could end on. I hope life brings you love, peace and good fortune. Is that a good modern equivalent, or is it too deep in the patchouli? XD
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jcmorrigan · 3 years
Blakeworther headcanons. I don't have a specific theme or anything in mind. Go ham
Go ham, you say?
Sorry not sorry but this is about to become mega cringe time. Because I do *have* a specific set of headcanons preloaded but it is not at ALL what you asked for
I love crossovers, and I want to import the Bastard Trio into my current crossover hell fic. So I was kind of playing with their dynamic in my mind, and one of the ways I test out character dynamics is to send them on little imaginary missions to other crossover worlds in my mind. Now, I’m in the midst of watching a playthrough of Skyward Sword, which I have heretofore not experienced. And I’m not exactly finished with it. But for some mental warm-ups, I was thinking, “Okay. SkSw is the other big fandom I’m trying, and it’s as far from the G4 as you can get, so what if you put three sci-fi guys in a high fantasy setting and watched them go? What if they had to take Link’s journey, except their goal is most certainly not to save anything because they’re swaggering murderers? What would happen then?”
This...is that story. But only up through the part where I watched (the first of the Silent Realms). Maybe a part II later if I keep doing this?
-To blend in, our boys have gotten themselves some Loftwings. While Vincent’s and Victor’s look like ordinary giant shoebills...oh. Oh, dear. Albert...how did you manage to turn it into a Dream Eater so fast? Its beak is white, its feathers are black, it has no eyes and people are STARING.
-Albert refuses to discard or fix the Dream Eater Loftwing. It’s going to be his steed for this entire quest. Joy.
-NOBODY played fair when they had to race against Groose. They teamed up to knock him off his bird and it’s a miracle he survived. Especially since he wasn’t supposed to survive that.
-Like I said, I have no idea what their endgame goal is here because they’re certainly not trying to stop Demise. Or are they? Because they befriend Ghirahim right the heck away and it’s entirely possible they’re like “We’re from the future, this guy will shatter you, you deserve better, please leave Demise in the ground and join our team”
-And when I say they befriend Ghirahim right away I mean ESPECIALLY ALBERT
-Victor loves shopping at the bazaar because he can play-flirt with Peatrice and she’ll flirt right back. Meanwhile if the fortune teller attempts to reel in Vincent ONE MORE TIME there will be blood.
-Vincent Edgeworth is forcibly removed from the Skyloft bazaar
-Victor is the only person who remotely likes Fi, probably because she’s quite visibly supposed to be an AI and he is quite visibly part robot.
-They hit the ground and get going!
-Oh no. Kikwis. They hate Kikwis so much.
-The one that’s up in the tree, the three of them debate how to most quickly get down. Vincent: “We don’t bother and just say we did.” Victor: “If we threw a rock at it, it would fall out.” Albert: “I think we should set the whole tree on fire.”
-They get into the first dungeon, and you know that one segment where you have to vine-swing and the motion controls are so unforgiving? Vincent fell off those vines like twelve times and Victor and Albert lost their shit
-They get the beetle and now that thing’s a Dream Eater, too. Albert please stop doing this
-Back at Skyloft, doing sidequests is their least favorite thing. They do not give a SHIT about Gratitude Crystals if they don’t have to do so. The missing girl’s mom comes up to tell her problems and Vincent just goes “This affects me how?”. The brother says his sister went missing and Victor’s just like “We’ll take care of it!” and as soon as he’s out of earshot “Let’s not take care of it.” Cawlin hands them the love letter to deliver to Karane or Phoeni, Albert rips it in half in front of Cawlin, Cawlin starts bawling, Victor just goes “Actually I kinda wanted to do that one and see if we could start romance drama”
-Into Eldin Province and Mogmas are...only slightly less aggravating than Kikwis
-So then there’s that one passage in the valley where if you don’t just book it, your clothes will catch on fire. They blaze through it, and Fi determines that they’ve sustained no damage, which is good, because if they’d been exposed a moment longer, then surely one of them would be naked. Victor, hearing this, promptly tosses some personal item of his back into the high-heat area; “Oops. I dropped it. Go get it, Vincent.” Albert: “YES! GO GET IT, VINCENT!”
-It is only sheer willpower and Victor’s physical restraint that keeps Vincent from beating Ledd to a pulp.
-They actually kinda like hanging around the sacred springs, though. They’re tranquil places. A good way to just...not have to deal with all that noise. They can sit by the water quietly for a while, just watching it ripple.
-And back to business! They enter Lanayru, discover that the Time Crystals can revert this desert into a technological paradise and...yeah, it was way, WAY better in the past than it is now. They poke around some of the tech, taking notes for later in case they can reverse-engineer any of it.
-Dream Eater Beetle has been replaced by a brand-new shiny Hook Beetle! Albert, please don’t turn this one into a - GOD DAMMIT ALBERT. HOW ARE YOU EVEN DOING THIS WITH INANIMATE OBJECTS.
-They get in such a fight about how to place the generator switches. Victor is trying his best but he’s SURE they don’t arrange the way the other two are trying to tell him they arrange
-Every time they pass Ghirahim they stop to chat with him about how the demon uprising is going, also aren’t heroines just so freaking annoying? Zelda, Vanora, why are they always getting in the way?
-Victor of course tries to put the verbal moves on Impa. At this point Vincent and Albert know he just does this for fun, he’s faithful to the two of them, but still, they gotta do the obligatory eyeroll and groan
-”Yes, Victor. She’s very pretty. We’re gay, not blind”
-Vincent actually enjoys playing the Goddess Harp, surprisingly. He can just zone into the music.
-The Imprisoned gets out and hoo boy, they’re really not supposed to be DEFEATING evil just yet but Albert wants to cut off some TOES (and this ends up yielding them knowledge about the Isle of Songs so it’s all good)
-Scrapper annoys them all and visibly offends Victor.
-Vincent likes to use the bellows from the Eldin dungeon to blow away anyone who tries to rope him into a sidequest. Albert then goes “I’ve just realized the potential we have!” and tries to blow people off the edge of Skyloft.
-They hate the remlits until they find out that the remlits go feral at night and now they love the remlits but only after dark
-Down to Faron’s realm to get to the Silent Realm. Once they’re in there and have learned about the guardians...
-Vincent: “Now we have to be CAREFUL and QUICK or else the guardians will expel us immediately, maybe even kill us.” Victor: “You might want to tell him that.” Vincent: “Wh - ALBERT NO”
-Albert is investigating a dormant guardian close-up and decides “I want to take one of these home.”
-Vincent: “NO, Albert, we can’t...hmmmm. Actually, we could probably weaponize them...” Victor: “CAN WE NOT?”
-And then cue them risking life and limb not to get what they even came here for but to pick up AS MANY DARK RELICS AS THEY CAN CARRY
And that’s as far as I’ve watched in SkSw so far. Not sure whether or not I’ll keep using it as a Blakeworther ground, but there, have the AU you *never* wanted
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oh-my-otome · 6 years
Hello and I wish you to have a good day. I don't know if this question had been asked before, but when I read your post about the lords and their dere leanings...I couldn't help but to ponder a bit more. Can you give me your opinion on how good the overall psychological health of the lords and main npcs are, in a scale from 1 to 100 (1 being downright nuts and 100 being perfect)? Also maybe some reasoning behind your opinion if it isn't too much of a hassle. Thanks before~
Hello, my lovely! Thank you for your patience!
Purely for fun: 
0=unstable, 50=borderline, 100=normal
Mother (100):
She’s grounded, with her head on her shoulders, and her only negative characteristics seem to be the immediate acceptance of her daughter marrying the first man dragged over the threshold (gross Magistrate notwithstanding), and working so hard that she throws out her back. 
Yahiko (100):
Yahiko is spunky but humble, and also very brave. He doesn’t hesitate to defend his sister, and also the girl that he likes, even when his opponent is twice his size. He shows loyalty to Inuchiyo, who grew up along side him, but also openness to his sister’s suitors. Always willing to help out, Yahiko is developing steadily into a fine young man with his head on his shoulders.
Magistrate (20):
It’s bad enough that the Magistrate has his eyes on you, because of your beauty, but it turns out that you’re not the only one he’s interested. In Shigezane and Nobuyuki’s event story, it was revealed that the Magistrate is courting several other young beauties– who are willingly consenting! The Magistrate has other women whom he– ugh! –“spends time” with, and yet, you’re the only one that he levels his ire on, when you say that you don’t want to be with him. Since he can apparently have his pick (??), it makes no sense why he’s fixated on you.
Nobunaga (65):
Nobunaga’s got a lot on his shoulders, but he’s also part of his own problem. More than once, he’s gotten in his own way, with his rash actions. He also wallows in guilt so deep that it must be a struggle for him to decide if it’s worth coming up for air, or just sinking to the bottom. No amount of reverent sake sipping will bring his brothers back, and the cost of seeing his ambition bear becomes harder with each battle. Fortunately, he is surrounded by those who truly have his back.
Mitsuhide (85):
Mitsuhide is over-worked, and that’s exactly the type of masochism that gets him going. While anyone else would break under the pressure, Mitsuhide is in the zone when he feels he’s being depended on. He does have a stubborn side, on occasion, and has a tendency to let his co-dependent relationship with Nobunaga go to far by being so willing to accept almost anything.
Katsuie (85):
Sometimes a little hard-headed for his age, Katsuie is affable and warm, nurturing and kind. He provides the stability that many of the retainers need in their chaotic world, and is always willing to help out.
Yukimura (70):
What takes Yukimura’s score down is his bizarre relationship not with his mother, but with her memory. He purposefully distorts it to suit his needs, and everyone around him just lets him. The other thing is the glee he shows for giving his life for his lord which, while romanticized in the game, isn’t normal. His overconfidence hasn’t killed him yet, only because he has plot armor. 
Even with it, he shows disregard for the feelings of those who wish him to come home alive. What he says to his MC’s face about coming home safe is all well and good, but when he’s actually on the battlefield and eagerly throwing himself face first into a mass of swords, spears and guns, with a smile– if his MC could see him in that moment, his words would look like nothing more than platitudes.
Nobuyuki (15):
It’s all well and good to describe Nobuyuki as a yandere– because he definitely is one –but he’s even scarier than that. He lacks true empathy, but knows how to feign it well enough to get by, which only ups the creep factor. Not only can he can mimic the emotions that others display and mime them without detection, he doesn’t hesitate to ensnare another person and manipulate them to suit his needs. 
Without a hint of remorse, he also utilizes the help of others in facilitating the captivity of others. If he would do it to the woman he claims is “perfect” for him, imagine how he’d treat an enemy. 
Saizo (75):
Saizo refuses to let himself forget how he played a hand in the demise of his friend, even though he knows that not only were his hands tied, but that he was duped, to boot. In an odd way, his rehashing his guilt every time it rains serves to provide some measure of comfort for him, in his grief. 
Even when facing ridicule, Saizo is quick to step in to help those who need him, and his jealous streak rarely goes out of the bounds of what most would consider normal.
Hotaru (70):
If he would be allowed to actually learn things like a regular person, Hotaru’s score would be much higher. With his heart firmly in a good place, Hotaru’s mishaps stem from him being forcibly stunted socially, and his continued isolation, rather than from any fault of his own. 
Easily fixed with patience and kindness.
Kotaro (60):
Having the misfortune of being part of the Hojo clan, it is surprising that Kotaro is actually normal, when in a normal setting. Excluding situational triggers– such as being around Saizo, Ujiyasu, or when he has a migraine –Kotaro is basically a more world-wise Hotaru. 
When he’s around his triggers, you can forget it. He’s basically not even himself anymore, performing actions far removed from how he behaves when away from them. 
With the triggers, he lacks control, self-preservation, and empathy.Without the triggers, he’s calm, reserved, and respectful.
When he was crying out for his mother, in his event story, and apologizing for being alive, my first thought wasn’t that he desired to die because his mother didn’t like him for some reason, but that perhaps his mother was dead and he wanted to be by her side, but was still alive.
That’s my headcanon, anyway.
The way that Kotaro speaks of himself also reflects the Hojo way or thinking– that everything is beneath them. He refers to himself as a worm, and worms are literally beneath everything. It is when he meets his MC, in his event, that he walks straighter and taller, making the symbolic transition from the ground (worm) up (holding one’s head with pride)
Masamune (75):
Masamune is only holding it together, initially, because he’s propped up on both sides by Kojuro and Shigezane. He very strongly desires a relationship with his mother, but does little in being the forward-moving action to help get started on that venture, past brief chats avoiding the topic entirely, and merely nodding his assent.
Masamune is also passive-aggressive– sometimes even straight aggressive, with no sugar-coating –and is quick to pull a sword on someone for daring to give him a compliment.
Being around his MC gets him to calm down, and Masamune, having found someone his own age who truly cares for him, is able to display his feelings more naturally. He becomes calmer and gentler by comparison, and is able to open up more.
Yoshihime (30):
Yoshihime takes her grieving to the extreme, starting first with her child, whom she shuns out of ignorance, and then for her husband, believing the lies that her own brother told her.
Throughout the game, we see Yoshihime making very realistic strides.
Kojiro (100):
Caught between his brother and mother, Kojiro struggles to maintain two different types of loyalties, and does the best that he can. Generous and kind by nature, he desires stability.
Shigezane (80):
Shigezane clearly has his secrets, and even when it comes to his feelings of inadequacy, which he readily admits to, he appears to handle himself well. Shigezane is the type of person who knows exactly what he needs in order to be happy, but he remains respectful to others and doesn’t take what’s not his. 
He is more independent and proactive than Masamune, which is why his score is higher.
Kojuro (75):
He may have no house training, but Kojuro is very capable in other areas. Kojuro doesn’t work himself quite as hard as Mitsuhide, but he’s up there, diligently working away to buoy up his lord.
Kojuro admits that he occasionally has a problem nannying Masamune and shunning Shigezane, but he also knows where to draw the line, to let his lords figure things out on their own.
@saizoswifey How could I forget what you very helpfully reminded me: Kojuro’s undermining of Shigezane’s relationships!
He was unaware that he was doing it, however, and it is unclear if the women were potentially using Shigezane to get closer to Kojuro.
See this post.
Having the same type and moving in before someone else can is very similar to how Hideyoshi behaves with both his own MC and Toshiie’s, as in each route Hideyoshi makes the first move.
Thank you!
Hideyoshi (65):
Hideyoshi always has a ready smile and it quick to placate his lord, but under the surface, he can snap back quite easily to the scrappy young man that he used to be, left in the world to fend for himself. 
The difference is that now that he’s grown, he has a man’s strength to go along with that rage, and if one isn’t careful, they might find themselves on the receiving end of him having a flashback.
Adept at hiding the pain in his heart, Hideyoshi throws himself into performing acts of service to others, and appears confident even when he doesn’t feel like that on the inside.
Hanbei (95):
Coping with a terminal illness, Hanbei does all that he can to make himself of use to those that he cares about, even when the odds are against him. However, he is stubborn.
Toshiie (75):
Toshiie’s insistence that he tell his MC about her father “when the time is right” is nothing more than cowardice and selfishness, but he holds on to it as if keeping such a secret will somehow protect her.  What he doesn’t realize is that doing so will only make her trust him less, as the first thing out of anyone’s mouth would be “why did you wait so long!?”
Hopping around from father-figure to father-figure highlights his need to fill a void in his life, and is an area in which Toshiie misses a chance to strengthen his tie to the woman he loves.
Instead, he chooses to make stronger a bond that was never weak to begin with– by going to save Katsuie –rather than saving his MC, to whom he has already nearly broken his connection with, through his poor choices.
Keiji (80):
Keiji plays up the part of the wild, sloppy-kissing, lazy bones good-for-nothing, but it turns out that he has more stability and common sense than he’s given credit for. Throughout Toshiie’s route, Keiji is there to bolster the MC’s confidence in herself, even when she lacks the energy and will. 
Ieyasu (65):
Ieyasu’s demons may be in the closet, but the door isn’t closed– it’s half-open. At the back of his mind are all of the horrors that he faced in the past, and they are easily dragged to the forefront of his mind, should the situation present itself, where he becomes upset about something, or at someone, and then there he is again, losing control. He is reactionary, with a tendency to lapse into old behavior.
Once he meets his MC, Ieyasu improved dramatically, but when he’s presented with knowledge that she betrayed him, he launches into a knee-jerk reaction without even considering that he’s been lied to. Once he’s had a few minutes to think, only then does he realize that he’s not in the past anymore, and that he has the means to protect himself and others.
Toramatsu (90):
Toramatsu is moved very quickly to exasperation, and can be a little melodramatic and passive-aggressive, even manipulative, but he is otherwise normal, as these situations are far from frequent.
Tadakatsu (65):
Tadakatsu’s desires may not be the norm around the castle, but it’s not the desires themselves which are the issue. Tadakatsu will go out of his way to get what he wants, even knowing that his lord takes no pleasure in taking part in it, but is merely humoring him because it helps him remove himself from the situation faster. Finding Ieyasu’s complacency suits him just fine, Tadakatsu actively seeks out situations which will get him his desired results, anyway.
He has also said that it doesn’t matter who it is, so long as they give him what he wants, and to that end, Tadakatsu would likely continue to ignore other people’s boundaries, as even his speech has no filter.
Yasumasa (55):
Yasumasa’s hatred of women seems to come from different aspects of his psyche. From being socially awkward, to wanting to impress his lord, to wanting to dominate his lord’s decisions, to disregarding his lord’s will entirely, Yasumasa can’t seem to figure out what exactly it is that he wants.
He flits like a butterfly from flower to flower, from standpoint to standpoint, each soapbox he stands on changing slightly every time he opens his mouth.
In one breath, he’s saying women have no place in the clan, in the next, he’s asking the Lady of the clan for forgiveness. On one hand, he desperately wants to curry favor with Ieyasu, the next time he turns around, he’s forcing Ieyasu’s hand, and making him uncomfortable.
Mitsunari (65):
Mitsunari is undoubtedly teeming with an unholy amount of fanboyism toward his lord, but he’s also– put bluntly –an ass.
He’s quick to point out how stupid someone else is, and then the next thing you know, he can’t figure out something simple, because it has nothing to do with Hideyoshi, or it wasn’t in a book, or the information in the book is different, or it has to do with women.
He expects to be apologized to, but can barely move his tongue to offer an apology, himself.
Fiercely loyal, Mitsunari throws his hat in with those who have shown him consistency, devotion, and good-will. Once they have earned his trust, those close to Mitsunari can expect that he will give his all, in all ways, and find in him an ever-lasting friend.
Kenshin (45):
Suicidal, and mercurial, Kenshin needs a keeper, and Kanetsugu knows it. Kenshin will do anything so long as it is as far as he can get from the castle, and although it is usually played for laughs a careful read will reveal that the further away from the castle Kenshin gets, the happier he becomes– because he is trying to distance himself from his role.
Once he connects the dots that there is a spy in the castle, sent to kill him, Kenshin, who has long-since grown tired of being the blood-thirsty “God of War,” allows himself to fall into the trap, being so depressed that he sees no way out.
Yoshichi (100):
Cheerful and sweet, Yoshichi does everything that he can to be of help to his lord and his brother.
Kageie (75):
Kageie’s negative traits a few compared to his ability to do his job so well. And it is because he does his job so well that he is cocky, especially with newcomers. 
Because he tends to live in his own head, being satisfied with his reasons for doing things, but not always voicing them aloud so that others know why he behaves a certain way, his actions sometimes come across as bizarre, leaving others to wonder how he is able to do certain things. The end result is that it creates mystery, but also confusion for those who want to get close to him.
Kagetsugu (45):
I won’t spoil it, and you can say whatever you want, but the motivations for his actions make no damn sense.
Outside of that, Kagetsugu, like Inuchiyo, tends to realize his own feelings for those around him so late that he has let the opportunity to act on them sail by. Even platonically, he nearly burns every bridge he has.
Shingen (70):
Shingen is trying to hold his clan together, against the rising force of an unlikely opponent. He’s trying to hold it together, and when he can’t, he would rather seeing his empire razed than taken over. He’s also in deep denial about his illness, and very stubborn.
Kansuke (80):
Kansuke is under enormous pressure to keep his lord alive, both in his capacity as a retainer, and as a friend so close that he’s family.
He is a tsundere and a kuudere, and while his emotions tend to not show on his face, he can transition from one dere-type to the other at breakneck speed, when he’s crossed.
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dimensionsblog · 6 years
Chapter 9: Devilovania part 1
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"He can't dodge forever. Move!"
She stood still, even though her knife was forcibly raised towards him. If she could, she would have dropped the knife too.
"Magic isn't his strong suit, strike now!" He ordered, but she still refused. "This is not the real Chara! Kill him now or I WILL!"
She opened her mouth to warn Chara, and was forced to stop again. "Frisk, so help me, if you try to warn him again you will die! Now FIGHT!"
She looked over at Chara, he wasn't preparing an attack, he was watching her. Almost observing her.
"Ya know, I realized something as we've been fighting." Chara said, looking directly at her. He couldn't see what was really going on, not yet. "You're not Mirror, I can tell. Even if she chose to find out the consequences of this path, she would have stopped long before Rei. She would have SPARED him." His words were laced with malice, rightfully so, through force she'd taken everything away from him. "So, did you kill her too? You don't seem like the type to let innocent people live."
"I said...MOVE!"
Frisk was forced to attack, Chara dodged it easily, kicking her backwards. That's when he noticed something odd about the knife they were using. There were some kind of weird blue strings on it, he found them as he picked it up. "What? Painting? You've got a sick sense of humor kid." He started. "I mean really..." He trailed off, she was tapping something, but it wasn't random tapping. Some kind of code, almost like she was warning him, but why? What was behind her?
Look behind me, please, you'll understand.
"What the...? He started, quietly. He saw it alright, a huge black void behind her that wasn't there before, and now he could see she was caught in those blue strings from the knife.
"Damn you! I warned ya kid!"
"Oh no you don't!"
Two knife slashes later, and that void was now a reflection of the kid, and Chara had the unconscious kid in his arms. "No free will of her own. I should've known when she was so hesitant to fight." He started, setting her down behind the closest pillar for protection, then standing up.
Lifting his hood up, Chara smirked, his eyes appearing to become brighter. "No sense in asking for your name...YOU DIRTY BROTHER KILLER."
What?! I can't move!
Even only using a fraction of his magic, Chara could be worn down pretty easily. He had to be careful, whatever this thing was, it knew exactly how to get him. Taking a quick glance over at the kid, still unconscious, he decided to stop playing it safe and really fight. He still had to avenge Rei, to avenge his family, everyone that thing stole from him.
"Ha! Have I already worn you out?!"
Glaring back at it, it now seemed like Chara's left eye emitted a magical flame. This actually surprised his enemy, it wasn't expected.
Error! Shift now, this timeline is lost! You still have a job to do!
Reluctantly, he listened, sending his blue vines everywhere around himself to disguise his escape.
Chara dodged easily, landing near the kid and getting them out of danger. He set them just outside of the exit, no attack ever left this corridor, they'd be safe for now. But...now something didn't feel right at all. That thing, whatever it was, it just suddenly felt more malicious. Like if he made the wrong move, it would take great pleasure in tearing him apart. "Looks like I'll need to use this a bit more.." He said to himself.
His magic helped a lot, despite the toll it took on him. Without it, he wouldn't be able to see most of his enemy's attacks, just the weird vines they used. With both beings dodging, however, the battle would be drawn out far longer than his body could handle. Dodging another knife blow, he slid a bit as he landed. During the dodge, he'd managed to hide his cough, and upon landing he wiped the blood off of the corner of his mouth. He knew then, whatever this thing was, it was starting to predict his moves.
Gods kid, what the hell did you get yourself into?!
He thought, dodging another attack.
He stayed still for a moment, just to catch his breath and plan his next move, and that's when it took the opportunity it had. He saw the light from the Blaster, one similar to his own, start to get brighter and brighter. When he tried to move, he saw the vines wrapped around his legs. Chara was pinned.
What?! I can't move!
He took out his knife and worked on removing the vines as quickly as he could. Not like this! Not yet!
He wasn't fast enough, he knew it, Asriel always told him he was slow. But he refused to stand and take it, he was determined to see this through, he refused to die like that. Hearing the Blaster launch its attack at him, he looked up in time to see a familiar sweater in front of him, protecting him at the last second.
"M-Mirror!" He exclaimed, catching her. If she hadn't shared his determination, she would have been killed, she was that lucky. "You..how..?!" He started. "Why?!"
Around his legs, he felt someone cut off the vines, he had movement again. But who...?
"You can't die outside of your own timeline, you won't be able to reset with it then." An unfamiliar voice came from the exit, next to the unconscious kid. He had no idea who it was. "She knew that, she wanted to protect you."
In response, Mirror smiled weakly at him. He felt guilty, she wouldn't be hurt at all if he wasn't so slow. But..then there was anger again. She'd travelled across time to help and this thing wanted to kill her too? Unacceptable.
Chara helped Mirror stand properly, letting the unfamiliar voice's owner come to help. He himself stepped forward, both eyes now appearing to have that magical flame in them.
Mirror could tell he was angry, she tried to warn him not to do what he was about to do, but Chara was angry beyond listening.
"Oh no.." Her travel partner, spoke quietly to himself. He helped her stand against a nearby pillar before taking a step towards Chara. Instead of trying to get him to stop, it seemed the young man was going to help.
Luckily, the battle was directed towards the entrance to the corridor, no more harm came to the kid or Mirror, which was good. He'd gotten some good hits in, the evil being actually managed to nick him a few times, and his silent companion kept creating illusions of him attacking elsewhere to allow the real Chara a chance to strike.
This...has gone on long enough.
The sudden voice made them all stop in their tracks, if only for a moment to find out what was going on.
Your timeline will be purged.
"Like hell it will!" Chara shouted. He had no choice, he had to use his Blasters now or this would drag on endlessly. No one would survive otherwise. Sticking his arm out, they fired, seemingly destroying whatever entity that was.
Coughing, Chara sank to his knees, he'd used his magic for so long that the toll on his body was hard to handle.
Did you not hear me?!
Before anyone had a chance to react to what was going on with Chara, one final knife blow was fiercely directed not at him, but at Mirror. And unlike him, she wouldn't be able to dodge.
But like her, Chara stepped in front of the attack at the last second, being viciously slashed acoss the back.
Their companion saw the entity forming again and made a choice. Grabbing the kid and taking Mirror's hand as she held onto Chara, he quickly teleported them out of there.
Opening her eyes, Mirror saw nothing but darkness, all around them. She thought she was dreaming for a moment, until she remembered what happened before ending up here.
"Chara?!" She said, looking at him leaned against the wall next to her...if it was a wall anyways. "Hey wait, Cloak?!" She called.
He was catching his breath a bit away from her, the kid he brought with them was still out like a light. "I'm alright! I just went too quickly, it's okay though." He responded. "Undyne, she might be able to help. This...this is what's left of her timeline now.."
Worried, Mirror redirected her attention to Chara. She felt his pulse, just to be absolutely sure, before he both scared and surprised her by grabbing her hand. "...Not dead yet..." Mirror wiped her eyes, prompting a soft pat on the head from him. "...We need to get back...to our timeline..."
"No way! Not like this, you won't make it!" She protested.
"Um..I can try to help. If..if that's alright." A shy, yet semi-confident voice came, and it belonged to who they could only assume was Undyne. But the Undyne they knew...well, she was more of a star to say the least. "I..I already healed your injuries..t-they were magic based so..."
Mirror inspected herself, and found that Undyne was telling the truth, she wasn't injured anymore.
After a few tense moments, Undyne started to look more and more worried as her invention didn't seem to work at all on Chara, minus helping him recover from the magic toll on his body. "I...I don't know..." She started, being interrupted by Chara. "...Not a magical attack..." He started. "...It was a knife...that's physical..."
"Then what..what do we do?!" Mirror asked.
"We take you back, isn't it obvious?" Cloak interjected. "Mirror, you're the only one who can reset things in your timeline."
"Y-yeah! You'll be able to f-fix everything!"
"Problem, there's only one part of it left." Cloak started. "With his injuries, I really can't guarantee-"
"...It's Snowdin...it has to be..." Chara interrupted. "...Take me back...reset after..."
"No! Chara, no. I won't let you die." Mirror said sternly. "There's gotta be another way."
"...I'll be dead any other way...then I won't be able to come back..." Chara responded. "...We have to go back..."
"I'll stay with you, until you have to reset." Cloak offered. "I...I know a way to make it easier. Trust me. With the reset, you won't even remember this."
Mirror looked hesitant at first, but she eventually gave in and let Cloak take them back.
"Here right? It looks like...where we first met."
"...I calcium what you mean..."
He laughed a bit, weakly, as Cloak set him down in front of the largest tree in Snowdin. The last area left in his timeline for now. In their timeline. Stepping just out of Chara's sight, Cloak made another illusion for him...well one of two. The first was a vivid sunset in front of them.
"...Heh...I haven't seen ome of these in ages..." Chara said, half smiling as he leaned against the tree. Mirror sat down next to him, watching with him. "...Already left huh...?"
The next gift from Cloak surprised both of them. Somehow, some way, he was able to make a realistic illusion of Asriel and have him come and sit down next to Chara. This in turn finally made Chara smile fully for once, and he closed his eyes and relaxed, leaning his head against the base of the tree as well. "...This place isn't so bad for a nap...Could use one..."
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