#and i hope the creator doesn't feel pressured to keep going with it just for the notoriety. like don't simpsons this thing
batemanofficial · 1 year
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since we're all gonna die i have something to share with you all. i did not care for the mandela catalogue
#speak friend and enter#i keep seeing stuff about it and i really like analog horror as a medium but. idk it insists upon itself#like i loved local 58 and petscop and i really like gemini home entertainment but i feel like mc could've been better#it's a super strong concept that was very well executed in the beginning but as it's gone on....idk i feel like it kinda fell apart#the gabriel/lucifer thing was super cool and the alternate concept is really interesting but imo it doesn't live up to the hype#i feel like the scale got away from it y'know. like it became too big plot-wise too quickly and lost a lot of the stuff that made it good#like there's a saying in screenwriting that goes 'if you start out screaming you've got nowhere left to go' and i think that applies#bc it starts out SO impactfully and that in and of itself isn't a bad thing but like. how do you ramp up from that and keep the impact#i also feel like it's indirectly responsible for the analog horror boom that imo has kinda killed the genre via oversaturation#and that's not the creator's fault ofc it's just bad luck but i feel like every new project takes its cues from mc and it's like. really?#like mc has great ideas dgmw but there are in fact other ideas out there that could work for an analog horror story#anyway i hope they're able to end it in a way that wraps it up logically and in a narratively satisfying way#and i hope the creator doesn't feel pressured to keep going with it just for the notoriety. like don't simpsons this thing
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lehguru · 6 months
friends don't look at friends that way feat. itadori yuuji, gojo satoru, geto suguru, nanami kento
info: friends to lovers with itadori is what i want. itadori is aged up (adult); not proofread
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itadori didn't know when his feelings for you became something more. he always loved you, he always felt the need to protect and care for you, but somewhere along the many years you two spent together, the line between friendship and romance started to blurry. he would never make a move on you, no matter how much nobara and fushiguro told him to – he would still act kindly and lovingly when he interacted with you, though. he would hold your things, open doors for you, let you hold his arm and hug him, anything to make you happy. even if you ended up dating someone else, his eyes would always be on you, shining softly with care and the sweetest puppy love anyone could get.
gojo always loved you. when it comes to him, there isn't a matter of when his feelings stopped being platonic, he just always had them. he couldn't even hide it from you too, satoru would often behave as if he was your boyfriend, giggling to himself even if you denied his claims. he loves to be close to you, go out and have sweets together makes him feel at peace. his blue eyes that are always shining look for you in the crowds, hoping that he would run into you so he gets to spend more time next to you. unlike yuuji, gojo would make his feelings obvious, but he would also never pressure you into actially becoming his partner. he is content with just being your friend. he can't risk losing the only other person that he loved.
geto have a hard time dealing with his emotions, but it's something he tries to keep to himself. but you, he feels like telling you everything and anything. and that's when he realizes he sees you as more than a friend. once he realizes that, he would suddenly pull away from you, cutting the friendship as he hopes it cuts his growing feelings too – it doesn't work; he still finds himself looking for you next to him and thinking about you (even more now). if you try to approach him again, he would feel like spilling everything to you, about his feelings and how he can't stand when you're too close to other guys, about how he wants to belong to you. but he just stays quiet. you accepted him back into your life and he is happy with it.
nanami saw his feelings for you grow slowly, but it never affected him as much as it should. he managed to keep his feelings under control for a really long time, but when he noticed you were making sacrifices for him, he couldn't hold back anymore. kento would shower you with gifts and anything you could want; when you two went out together, he would pay for everything, even going as far as secretly paying so you wouldn't have time to do so. if you confront him about it, he wouldn't be ashamed of just spilling his feelings for you. if you accept him or not, it's up to you, but he wouldn't leave you even if you reject him. you became someone too important, even if he's terrified of that.
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2023 © content belongs to lehguru, but the characters used in them belong to their respective creators!!
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cookierunauprompts · 5 months
I was thinking about Shadow Milk and thought it be cool if like he meets a cookie with similar powers as his... But like.. Dolls. Like they're powerful and can bring sentient life to inanimate dolls and toys they create that do their bidding to protect their creator. But in stark contrast to Shadow Milk, the other just wants to live a peaceful life...
Sorry, I needed to get this out of my head.
added a bit more to this since I got inspired, but here you go anon!
Requested Prompts #17 - 💓
It was a peaceful day within your realm, the toy-box. You, Golden Butter Cookie, had the ability to create dolls with sentient life out of almost nothing, you just needed some basic materials and boom! instant doll servants... You guess. You created this entire realm just to escape the pressure of your duties as one of the saviors of cookie kind, it was a stressful job, y'know? But... these days, you just remained in your realm. Many would call you a coward, or apathetic towards the fate of your people. But it would be a one against five battle! You can't win against your own strength times'd by five! But, even though you're hidden away. That doesn't stop certain annoyances from pestering you. You finished your walk over to the pile of dolls, crouching down to look at the cookie buried underneath them. " ...Shadow Milk Cookie," You began in a tired tone, your eyelids narrowed at him. " How many times have I told you to stop coming here? I already told you my answer." The blue-toned cookie underneath the pile of plushies grinned. " And I keep telling you that you'll change your mind once you see all the fun we're having!" He exclaimed, a light, sadistic glint shimmered in his eyes. You groaned, he was always like this, always so insistent. " I'm not interested, I've already seen what you and the others are now calling 'fun' and I have to say that it's rather boring." You rest your head in your hand, tilted at angle. Witches above you just wanted to get this over with so he'd leave you alone for the next week or so. " Oh come on! You can't seriously be saying that!" He whined, squirming underneath the pile. With a sigh, you released him from your security measures slowly. " Just come watch one of my shows! Then you'll see!" He looked almost desperate for a second before it was covered up with hopeful glee. And yet, as you always had. " I'd rather not, knowing what you're into these days." You'd say, rejecting his offer on the spot. You could see the flash of disappointment go through his eyes, but it soon disappeared. " Suit yourself!" He beamed, but what happened next was rather... different than how these things usually go. He grabbed your cheeks, then leaned in and planted an over-dramatic kiss on your forehead with an exaggerated 'mwah!'. He then let go, taking a step back with a wide grin on his face. " I'll be heading out now, but I'll be back like always! Love you!" Was all he left you with before he left the toy-box. To say you were surprised would be the least of it. You held your hand up to your forehead just to check if he'd done anything, but no, it was just a simple kiss. Yet it wasn't so simple, was it? he'd never done that before, it was new. You both hoped that he'd do it again the next time he visited, and that he wouldn't for fear of your feelings towards him becoming too complicated. Except what both you and he didn't know, was that this would be his last visit.
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kawia-renka · 2 years
Hi, so for a request I was thinking of headcanons for Rantaro, Shuichi, Kokichi, Kiibo, and Kaede slowly developing a crush for the reader.
Sorry if it's a big amount of characters but please take your time, no need to pressure yourself. Again, sorry for the large amount of characters ^^", and have a nice night/day!
Shuichi, Kaede, Kiibo, Rantaro And Kokichi Slowly Developing A Crush On The Reader
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❝ Oh the v3 cast. I could talk about them all day (and I kinda do) uhhm anyway- I really love this request, thank you so much for requesting, dear 💗 I hope you have a wonderful day <3 ❞
Just saying, but... I wouldn't mind if someone requested the rest of the cast
Warning: request written by a person who had to search up what having a crush feels like 💀
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• For a detective... An ultimate detective, it takes him an embarrassingly long amount of time to notice. It would've been a lot easier if someone had spelt it out for him, but, alas...
• Your normal hangouts become much more worrisome for him. And he doesn't even know why he's so worried.
• After finally coming to the conclusion that he does have a crush on you, he calms down. A little.
• Then when he think of you two possible dating, the panic rises again.
• Not only does he struggle with believing in his detective skills, he also doesn't believe you'll like him back. You're friends, sure, but that doesn't mean you'll like him in that way. There's a difference between platonic and romantic feelings, and his definitely aren't only platonic.
• The reason why he's worried is because what if he does something wrong? What if he does something that'll make you not want to ever talk to him again? What if, by confessing his feelings, he'll ruin your friendship? But, then again, if he doesn't confess his feelings, you may eventually feel uncomfortable at the fact he's hidden his crush for so long...
• I don't know how to explain this, but before you two were good friends, he'd get flustered at any sort of touch /like hugs or holding hands. Once you got closer, Shuichi didn't worry about it as much, but when he realized he has a crush on you... Here we go again
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• Out of everyone here, she's the quickest to understand her feelings. <doesn't mean it's fast]
• It was just another one of your casual hangouts. Just two friends chilling. Sometimes you would get closer to Kaede.. Your fingers would brush against hers..
• Kaede couldn't keep herself from smiling like a (lovestruck) idiot. And when you thought of the idea to brush her hair-
• Your fingers gently running through her blonde hair, playing with it. She was on cloud nine, ready to pass out.
• It's not like she's a nervous person. Of course, everyone gets embarrassed or anxious about a social situation every once in a while. While she wasn't a super confident person either, there was a distinct difference in how she interacted with certain people. Which is why it was so strange, that when talking to you, someone so close to her, Kaede couldn't form a proper sentence.
• It only took a few more instances of her blushing while around you, to make her realize- oh! Oooooh...
• Now, with Kaede fully aware of her not-so-platonic feelings towards you, she became more anxious than ever.
• On one hand, she enjoyed the warm and fuzzy feeling she got from you. All the butterflies in her stomach, thanks to you, while scary were also exciting.
• But, on on the other hand, she valued your friendship. She didn't want to ruin it.
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• Probably the most confused out of all of them. 'Cuz you know... He is a robot-
• It all started one day, during yours and Kiibo's hangout. Normally, Kiibo's would be very happy to spend time with you, but this time he felt different. To be fair, he's been feeling that way for the past few weeks (if not months). But this time it was stronger than ever.
• Kiibo wasn't sure what person he shouldn go to. This seemed like a mechanical error (?), so Professor Idabashi it was then! Not only was he the creator of Kiibo he was also like his father figure of sorts. Surely, he would understand this situation!
• Kiibo walked out of the lab, as confused as he was when entering it. He thought of what the professor had said: butterflies in someone's stomach. He had come across that phrase several times, but never truly understood its meaning. It was like encountering an unknown word and guessing its meaning based on the context.
• While searching up the definition of it, Kiibo came across other symptoms (similar to his).
Stumbling over his words - check. Smiling at the sight or thought of you - check. Heart beating fastly- uhm, heart beeping fastly? - ...check
• Cool, and those are the symptoms of having a crush, coo- ⁉️
• Kiibo was excited. I mean, very excited. Also a bit nervous, but that's besides the point. Having a crush is just, so, exciting??
• Don't get me wrong, the boy is nervous x2, but the fact he could have a crush and on you. You're his closest friend, you don't care that he's a robot you simply like Kiibo for him. And the way you smile....
• Oh gosh, the butterflies are coming back..
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• Rantaro seems like the most chill person to have a crush. I mean, he's just- chill. Or, cool. Surely, having a crush isn't anything that would make him panic?
• Ahaha, you'd think so wouldn't you?
• Man is panicking. On the inside. Outside he seem calm and collected, but he's really not.
• People often think he looks like a playboy and therefore assume he is one. Rantaro may have gotten used to it by now, but it doesn't change the fact it's an unpleasant assumption. You however, knew Rantaro. You knew how caring he was. He felt comfortable around you and there was a clear difference in how he acted towards you.
• Having a crush makes him awkward around you. Previously casual activities like hugging make him blush if not flat out decline them. He apologizes for it, if it makes you upset, but explains he's just not in the mood today.
• While spending time together, you may find him staring at you, for just a little too long. When he notices you staring at him, he chuckles nervously and apologizes.
• Rantaro doesn't need any super romantic gestures, all he needs is a person who he can travel with.
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• It takes him a long time to develop a crush and an even longer time to acknowledge it, and the fact it won't go away very soon. So to say he develops a crush slowly is an understatement.
• Don't be surprised if it takes him months to finally notice this. How he always seems to be in a better mood when you're around, or how he enjoys teasing you and seeing that cute grumpy face you make. It's little things like those, that keep him awake at night. It's 3am and all he can think about is you. That's when he finally starts realizing his feelings.
• But despite this, Kokichi will hide it for as long as possible. He smiles because you're happy? Nah, it's cuz Miu just tripped. He gave you a gift? It's just some random thing he found laying around in his room. Which is kinda true, it was hidden there for weeks. One noticeable difference, however, is the fact he bought it specifically for you.
• And when he's fully aware of his feelings, Kokichi starts ignoring you for some time. Hoping, that his crush will go away and you could just go back to being friends.
• And when it doesn't go away, because obviously it doesn't, he slowly starts seeing you again. You know what? The weird mix of nervousness and excitement he gets near is you, is actually pretty nice. He could get used to it.
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frannyzooey · 2 months
hi Kelli !! hope you’re having a lovely day :) i’m not sure if you’ve answered something like this before, and no pressure for one!
do you have any advice for getting a fic out to more people, or increasing engagement? i am super new to actually posting what i’ve written, and while it’s so heartwarming seeing the likes, tumblr is very much about reblogs and comments 😃 are there actually any tricks to this, or is it basically just down to luck and the algorithm?
also a huge thank you for the write nights you’ve done, which seriously motivated me to get my ass into gear 🫶🏻
hope you have an amazing rest of your day/night! <3
First of all, I am so glad that you like the write nights! Part of the thing I feel (imo) that has been missing around here is creative encouragement of others? I know it's hard to find your people, and I know it's hard to share, and I know it's hard to find the time in busy schedules to make space for creating and I wanted to sort of tackle all those issues with that night. I myself have found it super motivating, but also just so heartwarming to think of the other people out there all sitting down to create, knowing they are with "their people" while doing so ❤
In terms of engagement, I wish I had a better answer for you my lovely, but the one I have is slightly defeating 😔 that said, here are some things I've noticed:
The site has definitely changed. The likes to reblogs ratio has been off for over a year and has only gotten worse as the fandom has expanded, due to the migration of users from other platforms where engagement IS liking. Tumblr was never meant to be used this way, as the dash is created by reblogs, but it doesn't seem that people participating in the fandom are interested in learning the correct way (in my observation). I don't think this will get better any time soon - in fact, I only think it's going to get worse.
That said, I would: reblog your own work several times a day just to get it into the algorithm/tags, respond to all reblogs with your own reblog to boost it back into circulation (and engage with people who like it!), make friends who will in turn reblog your work (though it should never be an assumption/one should not feel entitled to it because of the friendship because that just makes for hurt feelings, not everything is for everyone), don't be afraid to rec your own stuff when people ask for recommendations and above all else, just keep writing and posting. It took me ages to get interaction on my work, and even now it's hit or miss depending on the subject/character/trope.
I know it can feel defeating when you see some things that have a billion notes, but remember that there are so many factors that can come into it: fandom (marvel and tlou have enormous fanbases and I have noticed their metrics are often super skewed), creators that have been posting for years and have built up a base during that time, or even something as simple as it "hitting the dash at the right time" aka people just seem to like it for whatever reason on that given day aka luck, lol.
Something I like to do when I feel bummed about engagement is work on my own skills - not because you need to be super talented in order to get notes, but it helps me feel better about the piece itself, which helps me think less about the actual engagement because I found so much satisfaction within the creative process alone, if that makes sense? Another reason behind the write nights ❤
I wish I had something more concrete for you, but it really does boil down to: persistence, working on your skills, engaging meaningfully with others in the fandom and luck. ❤
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Not a request but a question because I'm trying to work out if I'm being silly and need to chill or if this is a thing other writers deal with. (Ignore if you don't want to answer of course)
Do you ever get really frustrated when you write something you're proud of/ actually really excited to write/ have put a lot into doesn't do well for one, but then a post you put a lot less into (Still effort ofc) or wanted to write way less does way better and it's even worse?
You're not alone in this feeling AT ALL. A lot of creators, including myself feel this often. The TLDR of what I'm about to say is: you're not being silly, but you do need to chill. Let's dive into what I mean by that! 💕
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A lot of creators, including myself put a lot of love into what we do. So of course we want the work we spend extra time and effort on to do better. Unfortunately, what happens a lot of the time is our original works, more heartfelt works, more polished stuff, etc. tend to go on the backburner compared to our memes, sketches, and sexual content. People online are drawn to instant serotonin. It's not that your more polished stuff isn't incredible, it's that they're just drawn to what requires less of an attention span.
Does this mean you should stop trying? NO!!! Do what makes you happy, but also realize that it may not always get the recognition it deserves. Being a creator in a modern age requires finding a balance of self-worth and chasing numbers. It's okay to research ways to extend your reach. Celebrate your growth and the posts that do well! But learn to make peace with the fact that sometimes the post is just not going to get as much of a response as you hope. Learn to celebrate what you've made for yourself.
I'm constantly fighting the urge to check my numbers. I also feel disappointed when something I post that I thought was really good doesn't get much attention. This isn't coming from someone who has all the answers and doesn't get bothered by numbers. This is coming from someone who struggles with that feeling all the time. It's a form of love. It's part of self-love. Love is a choice you make every day. Sometimes that choice can be harder than other days and that's okay.
Keep doing what you love. Keep striving to do well. But learn to let go. Learn not to put so much pressure on your posts. It's okay to repost them too! If the initial post didn't do well, just try posting it again! Try different things to grab attention! Sometimes it has nothing to do with the content and just with timing, algorithm, tags, etc.
The two things I've started doing to help combat that association of success with numbers are:
Find that one friend, mutual, family member, etc. who will always celebrate what you make, even if they may not fully understand it. Bless my mom, she doesn't understand 90% of what I make. I don't show her my writing, but I show her my art, my streaming, my music, etc. I'm very blessed to have her always there to be like "WOAH THAT'S NEAT". Find that person for you.
Do a little something nice for yourself after posting something you're proud of! It doesn't have to be anything huge. Just go get your favorite snack or maybe take a bubble bath. Just a little bite of serotonin to celebrate what you've done.
Ultimately, your feelings are super valid my dude. It's tough out there! And if you're anything like me, you care a lot about what you do. Of course, you want it to be seen. Keep doing what you love and find ways to grow without letting the numbers define the worth of what you make. You got this!
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nameofbeinghcnest · 3 months
i love the qsmp - i think the concept was so genuinely sick and i do think it achieved its goal of bringing communities together through language barriers. it encouraged people to learn new languages they wouldn't have thought of prior and even introduced an entirely new way to play the game.
but if im being completely honest, i think it's reached its peak and i do not think the server should have reopened. whether thats indefinitely or up until the restructures are finalized, it should not have reopened as quickly as it did. telling us to have patience and that total restructures take time in the same breath where you reopen the server and announce events without having the problems fixed to add new creators feels gross to me. to me, it shows where the priorities lie and that is not with the fair compensation of the free fan labor that was exploited. (i always thought it was strange how heavily emphasized volunteer was)
there is a huge lack of accountability and inability to take constructive criticism, especially in that last stream, that really rubbed me the wrong way. im sure there's plenty of people hating just to hate, but all ive seen has been constructive criticism and lumping that in with hate will literally get us nowhere. the egg merch feels like very ill timing at an attempt to make the money to pay the employees but feels counter-productive when all it's done is piss people off. its just a mess
and i think what really confuses me the most is how hands-off he's been about his own project, knowing his name is attached but not being more involved to ensure stuff like this doesn't happen. im also confused as to why they wouldn't just keep the server closed until everything is fixed because in theory, they'd be saving more money to pay the workers by not paying to translate words and what not.
i dont know, seeing more and more admins come forwards and talk about their experiences and how they're leaving because they're being left completely in the dark just makes me sad for them and the way they were treated. i dont really have any hopes for the server going forwards, which sucks especially when they'd invite new creators when theres no internal structure because it's being completely rebuilt. i'm honestly really proud of the creators who aren't playing on the server because of this too. its a really good way at putting pressure for a change to be made without rushing said change and i wish other streamers would do the same
i do hope they can come up with a solution so the server can continue, i have no ill wishes for the server but if things keep up the way they are currently, i would not be surprised if it ended (and if not that, i would no longer support the server) 🤷‍♀️
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gb-patch · 2 years
Hi, the 'refund ask' person here. Please don't feel pressured to give an answer, I just want to clarify and apologize for a few things, for whoever is behind this acc, reading and taking their time to give detailed answers :)
First, I am sorry, truly, for coming across as a rude person who would scam a small business, and such valuable creators and artists. It was not my intention. I didn't think of it in the moment, I didn't even think that my question would be answered. (Which obviously changes nothing because you would still read it, and it apparently took me a while to realize, but you are a real person. A personal 'sorry' here.)
Like you said, it definitely was an 'it doesn't hurt to ask' mindset that I wrote the question with. Thank you for assuming I meant well, I really did. But I do see my fault now, so really, really thanks for taking your time to explain it in detail. In retrospect, no matter how 'well' I meant, I was in the wrong. To put it mildly, I was ignorant. It feels stupid to say it, but I guess I needed to hear from someone that I couldn't just give someone money, take what they're offering, and ask for my money back. It wasn't how I viewed my question then, but it definitely is now. Also, they might not see this, but a sincere thank-you to the other people who commented on my ask, for making me see how wrong my words sounded when they weren't just in my head. It was a lesson learned, to say the least.
Also, please understand that I didn't mean to say it wasn't worth $5 for 'just a moment', even though I did say it that way. I see how I could've worded that differently. Each and every moment of the story is super important to me, and believe me, I do think thay they all are worth way more than what you're charging, or mostly, not charging. However, it was silly and greedy to ask you to just give away even more of those beautifully made moments. Of course it is your right to charge for your hard work, and I am actually glad you're doing so.
I know it doesn't change anything, or take back what I previously said (no matter how much I wish it could) but I really wanted to make sure you didn't think there was someone in your audience who would be willing to scam you and even shamelessly ask for permission to see if they could. Again, not the intention at all.
Finally, it is actually so nice to see that a small company like yours has a lot of supporters willing to defend it. My question definitely wasn't a scam attempt, but if it were, I'm so glad to see that it wouldn't succeed or go unnoticed.
I will keep on supporting you, albeit silently for the time being, and playing your games for as long as I can. Our Life is an absolute delight of an experience, it inspired me a bunch, helped me through some tough moments in my own life, and is a game that is far more than just a game to me. I can't wait to see what you put out there next. You guys are some of the best out there in my opinion. Love what you do, love the way you communicate with your audience, and love how you handle crises like this. Hope you all have very nice lives where you can create to your heart's content :)
Sorry for the drama I caused, and sorry again, bc this ask is too long :) Thank you for reading.
It's alright. You don't need to apologize. I'm happy you were sympathetic to where I was coming from and that's all I would want. You didn't upset me or cause me any harm and I absolutely don't want you feel unwelcome over asking a question. It took years to make a game that could make people happy, but in only minutes I can sour the experience for people forever with what I post in these ask answers. I hope to avoid that as much as possible.
Not long before you sent your answer, there was another ask about this that was understanding of your situation.
"Im NOT that anon but I'm kind of sad how many other anons are judging them and seem to be a bit eurocentric? not everyone who plays these games have the same currency or similar currency conversiom rate as someone whos family is from venezuela, $5 is barely enough to buy flour, rice, and fish so what may seem like pocket change to you might be all someone else could live on. scummy would be to do so without ask. just disappointed bc i thought this community was more open-minded"
I agree that money is a difficult thing to get and people can't be blamed for not being able, or simply not wanting, to use it on visual novel content. Though, it is also a sore spot for artists who are very familiar with people who flat out devalue their time/effort and think there's no reason to pay for it. It can be hard to always take the question of 'can I get your hard work for free?' with no frustration. But that wasn't the intention of the original question.
If it the question had gotten a different type of response people wouldn't have felt the need to come to my defense over it. At the end of the day, I'm the one who could've avoided this and answered the question in a way that left the asker and the other readers satisfied/informed. It went too far this time.
It's always hard to know how to manage these situations. When a question comes along about a touchy topic but I think it's important to answer, I try to make it definitive and also to make clear that this doesn't open the gates for future asks about this. If I don't, then inevitably more asks come in and I either have to keep addressing/arguing a topic or ignoring them without explanation. It can make a development blog about posting previews a pretty unpleasant place. But if I use one ask to make an overall statement, it can come across unnecessarily strong against the single question the asker sent in.
To the OP, I'm sorry for making you feel like what you did was a huge mistake. It really wasn't. It was a just question over a policy that was intended as neutral and ended up with extra meaning put on it because of outside circumstances/other people's prior and potential actions. I hope you're able to feel reassured after all of this.
And the last thing I'll say is that future asks commentating about the situation won't be posted.
Thank you again for playing!
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charmspoint · 3 months
🌿for the writers truth or dare!
Thank you for the ask!
Ask game
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
Cradling your face in my hands
Idk about you anon in particular, but I've found that I often have writers blocks the most when I push myself too much. I'm currently in a writing low, which is normal because I'm right off a really really big project and I need to replenish my energy. I also had a really big writing block when I came crashing down from 2021 when I wrote a truly dumb number of fics for me. This one happened because I got caught up in the fandom craze and tried to pump out a lot of high quality fics fast, because that is what fandom demands from writers and artists these days. Fast and quality. This of course wasted a lot of mental and emotional energy which couldn't be compensated by the at the time abysmal comment frequency (Recently I've been getting a lot more comments and I hope everyone else is too. It would feel nice to be out of this dark feedback era).
So to reiterate.
Your body is not a machine.
Think about what is happening around you in life. Are you stressed about school, college, work? Are you having social problems? Are you spending too much time online? Do you feel like you constantly have to be pumping out projects or people will stop paying attention?
From my experience, writing block is very rarely about the inability to write itself. Inability to write is a side effect of something else. A big project, complicated outside factors, external pressure, or just the fact that you got a new game and you are using all your time to play your game and not doing anything else (person who is not obsessed with BG3 atm). Usually when these are dealt with and you renew energy after them, writing will come back on its own.
You need to be kind to yourself.
I find this to be the best advice in many situations.
Pushing yourself to do what you can't do at the moment will only result in further frustration. Yes, it's good to have a writing habit, but I advocate for that to be a low goal one. My goal is 200 words a day. Sometimes I don't manage to do this because life is complicated but 6 days out of 7 I do. This keeps you on track, doesn't let your brain stale, but also isn't just torturing you.
If you are lacking in creativity you need to EXPERIENCE THINGS. Read that book you've been putting off, start a new manga, watch a movie, beyond that, take a daily walk, go to a museum, discuss ideas with your friends. I hate the phrase media consumption but I do like eating imagery and your brain NEEDS to eat. It needs to experience different art forms to be able to produce ideas of its own. Fanfiction is fine too, but unless you know a really amazing writer who brings a lot of new things into their work, I wouldn't recommend it, because in the end fanfiction is just exploration of a familiar thing. Thing you are stuck on. DON'T function only on fanfiction.
Let your material REST. If you are stuck on the fic, shove it in a folder and don't look at it for a week. Try not to think about it too much, do some of the things above and let your work rest. After a week you'll forget the finer details of it and will be able to look at it more objectively, which might help you resolve the thing you were stuck on. Also sometimes when you read your own fic a fresh you get those 'I´m a fucking genius' moments which is always great.
Don't create on anyone's schedule but your own. I know how incredibly hard it is, I've felt it too, with fandom today which is overly picky, overly judgy and not very grateful. With a fandom that seems to more and more treat its creators as content machines instead of people sharing their passion projects. DON'T WRITE FOR THOSE PEOPLE. It's hard but don't write for the comments in your inbox. Don't set a schedule you can't meet. I've been writing a 17 chapter fic for almost 3 years now because I want a weekly release schedule but I don't want a weekly writing schedule. If your fic takes 6 months, a year or 10, let it take that times, don't shove it out before you feel ready.
Realize that sometimes writing just won't go, no matter what you do. Realize that you aren't a failure or a fraud for this, that it means nothing when it comes to your skill and ability, that the greatest writers ever had struggled with the same thing. Some days you don't have time to write, some days you aren't in the mood to even do the bare minimum. These days will exist and be kind to yourself on them. Your writing won't escape anywhere. Come to terms with being human and come back to it tomorrow.
Hope any of that rant helps hzbjhvh!!!
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engazed · 2 years
Writing Group Proposal
I'm going to put an idea out there with no expectation of interest or response:
I very much want to finish this next chapter (and the rest of Blackbird, Fly) in the coming weeks and months. I've been struggling to find the time to just sit down and do it, and I think part of that is lack of pressure, deadlines, and accountability. So I'm going to make a proposal: a writing group.
For the month of December, I want to write. A little here, and little there, and add a little to a little and you get quite a lot over time. I'm sure many of you out there have similar goals but could use a little extra motivation that like-minded creators can provide.
So why don't we form a small writing group? Here's how it would work:
Anyone interested, send me a message on Tumblr, and come December 1, we'll hit the play button. We'll announce our individual goals for December: Week 1. It could be anything: "This week, I want to write 1000 words" or "I want to write 300-500 words a day for five days" or "I want to write notes on character/chapter/scene" or whatever it might be. It doesn't even have to be fanfiction. Maybe you're working on a paper for school, or want to journal more, or want to read a dozen stories and leave comments, or, I don't know, want to try your hand at an epic ballad (I hope it's that one!). We'll declare our goals, and at the end of that week, we'll check back in with each other, report on our progress, congratulate and encourage one another. Then we can move on to December: Week 2.
To keep this from being overwhelming, I'm only proposing this for December (though, if we are successful, we may want to do this again in a month or so). I know December can be a hectic month, so we can keep goals small and manageable (or, you know, go nuts, you do you). I just know that sometimes writing groups can be great fun and helpful, which is what I'm looking for at the moment.
So anyone who is interested, anyone at all, whether you follow me or my work or not, whether you've ever interacted with me or not (I'm a friendly person, I promise), just shoot me a message and we'll get this party started. It can be two of us or a dozen, we can grow or shrink at will, and we can make this whatever we want it to be.
Feel free to reblog, tag your friends, or just keep scrolling. Like I said, no expectations, no demands. Just an invitation to write.
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lab-trash · 13 days
hi!! aplogies if this is pushing but i really really really love your michie fic titled “H̶e̶r̶” and i was wondering if you’re planning on updating it at some point?? no pressure i just love the premise a lot and i am HOOKED
[also i really hope i have the right blog lol]
Okay, so first off. Right blog? Yes and no? I am the person who wrote Her, but this is more of my... sci-fi, supernatural blog? Which I suppose NPMD could key into, but it's much more sitcoms and movies. (Also just my personal rants, vents and other bullshit)
That being said, I've gotten a confused person looking for my musical theatre blog enough times that I definitely should create a pinned post including my other blogs.
My musical theatre blog, for future reference, is @im-not-a-l0ser . Very fitting if you ask me ^-^
Anyway! About your question! I do plan on updating it at some point, I just don't know when that point will be. Something that keeps me on top of my stories is writing chapters in advance so I don't get burnout. Example, I'm writing Beanies right now and there are nine chapters posted. Chapter 10 is complete, but I haven't yet finished chapter 11, so I'm not posting Chapter 10, and Chapter 11 won't be out until Chapter 12 is complete. (This also allows me to double-post chapters when I'm finishing a book, although this has not actually happened yet.)
I did not start doing this until after starting Her. I'm stuck with Her, because I don't know what direction I'm going into, and I don't know where to start. Also doesn't help that my parents were never formally divorced (they have 6 kids and had been married for over 20 years by the time they separated; can't blame them) so I really don't know anything about the process. I know it's long and gruelling and stuff, but I don't know how quickly I'd be able to just gloss over it. But I suppose maybe Gary Goldstein (Attorney At Law) is a good enough lawyer to get it wrapped up real quick lol.
I understand that Her is more of an angst and trans-comfort gold mine, but feel free to take a peak into my other books, which are updated slightly more frequently, such as Beanies or Zeek: The Fighting Nighthawk. Beanies is more building friendship secretly between them, while Zeek: The Fighting Nighthawk has them becoming friends with one under false identity (obviously, that's Zeek.) Beanies does also include the same character being trans, but it's not a major plot/talking point (yet). I really appreciate the support, I'm just going to be very busy between planning for pride and writing for Beanies (I have a trio of chapters coming out that I want to get out of the way before I pick up something else; I don't want burnt out on this before I even finish the pride event stories.)
If you want something of mine that's complete, I have a handful of one-shots, such as Dance with Death (spoilers for Workin' Boys and Abstinence Camp), Max Jagerman's Socks, r/TrueOffMyChest (you can actually find some backstory for that on my blog under an ask @/24-guy sent in), and Max Jagerman's Private Story.
I also have an ongoing porn saga but we're not gonna talk about that right now
Hi! If you follow me for LREF, Stranger Things, It, etc. and you for some reason read this whole thing. You should totally go watch the Hatchetfield musicals! If you like musicals (some people don't lmao)
If you're interested, they have a rich lore, many meta-jokes, and a currently active fandom which you might enjoy (looking at you LREF fandom. That is to say, like six people.)
If you are interested, it's The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals, Black Friday, and Nerdy Prudes Must Die. They're all free on YouTube, recorded by the creators and they're all absolutely fantastic IMO. Watch them in that order though! If you don't, you'll be really confused! This is a trilogy (kinda), the world is the same (kinda), the previous shows give context for world building and jokes.
If you do watch them, please please come talk to me about it over on @im-not-a-l0ser . I do highly recommend blocking the tags though before you've finished them. Spoilers can happen really easily, and when it comes to Hatchetfield, something that might seem small or insignificant (or maybe just extremely confusing) probably means something pretty big overall.
(Ps, there's also a 'mini series' called Nightmare Time. It definitely gives some context and it expands upon Hatchetfield as a whole, but it's not technically necessary to watch. I'm not gonna force anyone to watch it, just because there's so goddamn much of it.)
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laughableillusions · 10 months
Hii, hope you doing good! ✨
Are you still doing the “Uncommon Questions for OCs” ? I’d love ask 5, 22, 24, 30 and B, F, E (is that too much??? no pressure to answer everything, of course!) for Nick and Amber!
I am still doing it!!! And I will absolutely be answering all of these questions! I just had to get to my computer bc its easier for me to like copy the question and paste it etc etc
Uncommon Questions for OCs and their creators:
5. How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
For Nick: very easy honestly, honestly you'd earn mistrust before trust anyway. Especially if you're a certain fae king (he doesn't believe a word Jareth says unless he knows Jareth is being serious). But for humankind, he's still kind of picking up the pieces that his wife left when she took off. He's open to friendships, he really is, it would just take him a long time to really open up. For Amber: She's incredibly passionate, but its hard to get her to mistrust someone. She may be rude and callous on the outside, and deny that she cares- but she does. She holds very impossible standards for the people she cares about, and even the smallest (seeming) betrayal can cause her to blow up. But within a day or two she'd forget about it. People that she does mistrust she is simply hostile to.
22. How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)? 
Nick really isn't the jealous type, nor does he get possesive (and it drives Jareth crazy). He is very patient and understanding. Any jealousy usually just manifests in either disappointment or sadness, usually with his friends (if he isn't invited to something etc). With Jareth, he really knows how to really get under Nick's skin. And if Jareth catches Nick in a bad mood, or if he needs Jareth's support, and ignores him- Nick will seethe and seethe and seethe, both hurt and dissapointed, even though he knows Jareth is doing it on purpose- his temper flares up anyway, and he demands Jareth's attention. (which is what Jareth wanted him to do, the bastard.) Amber is very insecure, she is still grappling with the fact that her mother just tossed her aside- and also with the fact that she doesn't feel attracted to any boys at her school when her other classmates are (she's a lesbian). So she can get jealous over little things, after going through the labyrinth, she tries to be more patient- but she's very sensitive poor thing.
24. Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom? 
(Answering only for Nick bc Amber is 16). Nick is very private about his sex life. As a closested bisexual man in 1988 during the AIDs crisis, he keeps that shit under wraps. Even to his closest friends who accept him, he still doesn't discuss it. With Jareth of course he does, because he's his romantic partner, but he can get a bit embarrassed or shy about some things (Jareth finds this adorable.) But besides that, he says nothing.
 30. Who do they most regret meeting? 
Nick regrets meeting his wife, even if she did give him Amber- if he had known it would've ended the way it did he never would've married her. But also because, when she left, he realized that he had always sort of followed her lead. He kept to himself, he cooked, he did what she told him to do...but he didn't even really love her- at least not anymore. He lived for her, and didn't really allow himself time for his own interests. Nick was the one who did most of the parenting with Amber, while his wife would treat her and buy her things. Amber doesn't like to remember things like that. And she will sometimes simply refuse to do that. Its not that she regrets meeting the people she did, but she regrets what she did to them to make them leave. Self reflection is tough when you feel like there's something wrong with you already. But what she most regrets doing is pushing Sarah down the stairs and breaking her arm. She realizes now how wrong she really was, and that Sarah is actually quite a nice girl with similar interests.
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B) What inspired you to create them?
I had a really low grade fever one day like, a year and a half ago or smth, and I randomly got back into labyrinth for a second and decided i had the best idea for an oc. At first the original story was that Amber was a 6 year old girl who wished both herself and Nick away because Nick was crying about their eviction notice. I scribbled this in my notes app and then fell asleep I think. But then months later when I found that scribbling, I realized it would be funnier, if instead of a teen wishing away their younger sibling, it would be funny if it was their parent. Because Jareth would probably not be expecting an adult, and you can't really turn a 35 year old man into a goblin, so it was this kind of awkward situation. Of course, Amber and Nick took a life of their own and now I have crafted a full story. But its funny how my desire to be funny created them.
F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?
A mix of pride, embarrassment, and also a feeling that they're lacking somewhat. The embarrassment simply comes from getting bullied and made fun of as a small child, and I just push through that. The want that I'm lacking is mostly due to Jareth. He's a very mysterious and layered figure that nobody has a read on, and I feel like committing to one story will shallow him out somewhat.- or the story I have shallows him out, and also that the self indulgent fluff I write is OOC or something. Also (I get this from my dad), I just have a curse where I sometimes think all that I write is terrible. Don't get me wrong though, I love Nick and Amber, they're OCs I'm quite proud of due to the fact that I'm writing their story by myself (I usually do roleplay). But I like how different they are, and how different yet similar their story is to the original Labyrinth. It's not so similar that it's a copy, but not different enough that it's not a completely different universe. It's a legacy sequel I guess.
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
Not really. Amber is very hot headed and takes things much to seriously, also I'm not in high school anymore so I'd probably tell her to just chill out (she would hate that). Nick is a lot like Loius De Point Du Lac and 16 years older than me so we wouldn't have much to talk about. I would like how creative he is, but he's got a bit of a chip on his shoulder as well and I would just feel bad for him.
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inazuman · 1 year
all smut fics are being auto-labelled as mature content and hidden by tumblr, and you have to manually choose to see this content in your settings.
content 1. how to show all mature content (e.g. smut fics) on tumblr by choosing to show community labels  - on browser and in the app 2. what are community labels? 3. why do i need to do this?
how to enable posts with community labels
on browser: settings > content you see > community labels
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tumblr's default is to hide all. make sure to click show for at least mature and se.xual themes, and turn off "hide additional potentially mature content"
on mobile app: settings > content you see > community labels
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you'll have to click where it says "show" for me ("hide" for you) and choose the option to show. pls do this for the various options below it as well
2. what are community labels? community labels are auto-given to content that tumblr screens as potentially mature, and cannot be removed by op/the author. it's tumblr's attempt at keeping an app teenager-friendly
3. why do i need to do this? - tldr: even if you are still seeing smut fics, most of them are or will be hidden in the future. if you click on a fic and it doesn't load, or you can't find a fic, it may be because you haven't enabled this. - tumblr will often add the label a few days later. you will no longer have access to the fic after that unless you enable these settings. - a lot of smut writers, including myself, find that as soon as our content gets labelled, interaction + notes go down drastically. - idk about everyone else, but when i put something out in the world, i do hope for it to be interacted with and read and appreciated by someone else. i think sharing with others, human interaction, and external validation (not excessively ofc) are all just part of human nature. knowing that less people are seeing and interacting with my stuff does make me feel sad, and i would like to change that for myself and all creators.
this is just a lil thing i wrote to link on my future fics on my blog. feel free to use it if u want but no pressure
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dualityvn · 2 years
i am giving myself a brain break from my other obligations by writing you another unhinged theory post. (and because i miss sending you these wait who said that) enjoy <3
ight so, i was close last time and my main points then were [redacted] and [redacted] (bc i don't know if this is gonna be closer or not so i dunno if ur gonna post it) since one of those points has been all but confirmed due to recent ask answers and you not posting my theory, im gonna skip right over top of it. ( i am trying to be vague you'll get the picture)
So instead were gonna talk about the part im pretty sure i got wrong, or at least not close, which is where Tenebris/ maybe Keith? still up in the air on if Keith is aware when he's not in direct control, go when not physically present in the world. Due to being able to give ask answers more weight now i do think Tenebris is at least visible to most other people. It could be that as they've both grown, Tenebris has become able to hide his presence a little bit better, resulting in Keith being able to have negative relationships with his exs because why else would anyone think to hurt the poor flower boy when he has a literal monster standing behind him. unless they were just stupid, which is a very real possibility because of the aforementioned being mean to the sweet and adorable Keith. Tenebris' general existence provides some reasoning behind Keiths' parents actions, once again not excusing them because they suck and i hate them, but in one of the asks you said that their relationship with Keith would probably have at least been better if they had only had Keith alone, they didn't want Tenebris too. (which once again sucks i get that its not the ideal situation to have some sort of violent 'monster' living a very attached life with your son but maybe if you had treated them both with human decency and they wouldn't be such 'monsters' huh? bet you didn't think about that did you. god i hate them)
Moving on.
Sudden thought that was Not planned for this, but what if the line "he is speaking, speaking for me" from the song means like, Tenebris can see the world when he's not physically present but cant talk, he has to talk through Keith. and Keith is just like, a prisoner in his own body when this happens. oooo that's neat. i had something else planned but that's a cool concept im gonna rock with that.
im fairly certain this isnt going to get posted so hi nightmare how are you. hope ur feeling better, shitty life stuff sucks, but it'll get better i pwomise mwah (that and the heart earlier are platonic btw i wouldn't wanna step on Tads creators toes and get excommunicated from the church of Tad that would be very unradical)
Speaking of Tad since this is just me talking to you now apparently, i saw the outcry for a Tad theory and while I do have Thoughts i don't have anything super concrete yet. Plus notamonsterfucker wanted to work with me on theory stuff sometime and i lov them so we're thinking about Tad Together so it'll be a bit unless your boyfriend wants to feed us some more crumbs. Thatd be pretty cool, but no pressure obviously. This isn't a Tad blog and i as much as i enjoy Tad, i enjoy Keith and Tenebris more so keep making what you wanna make and i will continue to stew on your vagueness.
uuhh not much theory there at the end but yeah. also this received even less than my usual amount of proofreading because it is nearly midnight here and i am Tired so if its is unreadable that is why.
I'm gonna show this, cause it still doesn't mention their explicit situation. Last one had something that was spot on, hehe. But yeah, you're doing good, but some things are still not quite there yet
And hello, I'm doing better today, thank you for asking :D
I'm glad you guys are bonding over Tad lore, lmao. I know my bf is cooking something, cause that ending to the restaurant ad had a sus end. Or maybe he has no idea what he's doing, who knows? He's definitely enjoying the attention Tad is getting though.
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the-heaminator · 10 months
✧・゚: ✧・゚:  ANON LOVE  :・゚✧:・゚✧
Just wanted to stop by and share what I love about you and it's your writing and general energy in the fandom! Tbh, your energy and excitement, the way you hype up others? It reminds me so much of early days of this fandom. In a good way, I swear! I know "the early days of the hetalia fandom" has a lot of bad, but some of the good is how much people hyped each other up, squeeing and cheering everyone on. It didn't feel like trying to compete with fellow creators back then, which sometimes it does now, and seeing the way you're so kind to fellow creators, cheering them on, it brings back wonderful memories of amazing friendships, even if I only ever knew them as their avatars/usernames. But you're also an amazing creator too, and that deserves so much more recognition. You have a very interesting writing style that is VERY engaging and keeps me reading, so even if it's a long chapter, it honestly doesn't feel like I've been reading all that long. You write in an almost interactive way, where I feel like I'm part of the story, even if it feels like I'm being held in place and forced to watch whatever madness is happening (no complaints, honestly, I'm loving every moment). I haven't gotten a chance to read the UK bros horror fic yet, but based on what I skimmed over before saving it for later reading, it already looks good! This is getting long, but I also needed to mention your art, too. I saw your art progression post, comparing a current and old drawing you did of Canada, and it's amazing! You're already doing so much better, drawing different body shapes, and I can only see you getting even better and better as time goes on.
Now spread the love! (But no pressure!) You can tag someone to say what you love about them, or if you're shy like me, drop some love as anon in their inbox! There's never too much love for us to share with each other 💖
I hope you know anon, whoever the fuck you are, is that you made my WEEK, I'm so happy right now oh my lord thank you.
Also as for my vibes, what more can I say, a homie is a homie even if it's an internet one, excersise safe caution ofc but also just vibe and dont be a cunt to others man, just dont.
Also thank you about my writing QwQ, someone said it was like lemony snicket but 83% more chaotic and yknow what I'll take that, and hahdjejdjdjd thank you for saying my writing is engaging oh my god I literally do not know what to say AAAAAAAA
and as for the art fuxk fuck fuck I never liked art at school but I'm acc growing to love it bc of this bloody fandom. and thank you thank you thank you for being so fucking nice I'm going to cherish this oh my god
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armeleia · 1 year
Thank you very much for your anxious/depressed creators post. I have a question about burnout: does constantly thinking about what you want to create but not creating count as “rest”? I haven’t found the time to draw or write for many weeks, but I do think about my ideas a lot because I really want to get to them. But, when I do finally snatch a little time for myself I suddenly have zero interest in actually doing the thing. I’ve been thinking maybe I’m just tired from work but maybe it’s something else too…? Thank you!
If thinking about what you want to create makes you feel happy or excited, I think it's great that you're thinking and planning! If it makes you feel guilty or stressed - or if it's just an opportunity to beat yourself up for what you're not doing - it is probably not productive.
Being worn out sucks. If you don't feel like creating anything, it's okay to do something that has less pressure. I've been dealing with burnout since lockdown, and the ability to create comes and goes. It's really frustrating. Sometimes I can't do anything at all, and sometimes the projects I work on aren't the big, magical ideas I have. Sometimes it's just something that seems fun. Sometimes it's also just a matter of getting started and rebuilding the habit of working on things - next time, you could always try pushing through to work a little on your project. If it doesn't feel good, do something else. If you find that you are enjoying it, keep going. :)
I hope your life settles a little for you!
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