#and i know he gets like. progressively nicer as his era goes on so i have that to look forward to
aq2003 · 5 months
it IS weird that the general consensus on twelve is that peter capaldi is an excellent actor but his episodes are bad (esp in comparison to the general consensus on series 5 being that it's some of the best the show gets) bc i am overall really enjoying series 8, a lot more than the last 3
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bobzora · 4 months
more reload thoughts, this time on the characters, heavy spoilers under cut (for p3 content, and also spoilers on some of the new stuff!!)
akihiko and mitsuru got arena era characterization blasted it's actually really sad he is not protein. she is not a helicopter mom. they are equals and friends who respect each other. please get the memo. most of the others' characterization seemed fine but man they got the worst of it
it's really funny that akihiko has gone from best to worst party member. i'm thankful to be free from the shackles that forced me to use him. i beat nyx with junpei aigis yukari. ken and yukari i swapped between for other fights.
yukari is one of my favorites. and she still is. i'm kind of bummed they made her nicer though
this is my first time actually saving chidori. ok time to mention junpei's new english va did a banger job. most of the cast in general killed it. shoutout to yuko (strength sl) ? for an unexpected banger of a natural sounding voice? anyway junpei's second theurgy. goes hard.
i still dont care about koromaru nothing could make me care about koromaru he's cute. i guess. lol. i like that you can pet him.
i love you aigis! there's nothing notably new for me to say about her but i lvoe her i love her i love her. she matters so much if you even care. crazy how i actually used orgia mode in reload
KEN AMADAAAA. ken. ken. ken. ok FIRST of all he's usable now! yay! i love having non-instakill light and dark skills. SECOND of all oh my god the first couple ranks of his not-SL drove me crazy. i went Uh. Uh. Um. it's like awww he likes featherman :) oh. yeah. this ten year old is actively planning a murder-suicide. he wants you to look after his hamster named hamburger if (when) something happens to him. i have such a big soft spot for ken he is my favorite child soldier. jesus christ. slightly sad that they removed some relevant dorm dialogue. i dont have the fes screenshots on me those are on my old laptop. but trust that they are missed.
i'm not a true shinji-er, frankly i mostly care about him (and akihiko) just through his relationship with local justice kid ken. it was nice hanging out with him though...jumpscared by his smile. his last hangout event (the post-mortem one) was good. oh yeah he's such a strong battler i wish i could keep him around. his theurgy is over the top with the bloody tear but i love that lol.
ryoji mochizuki voice "I know I said I wanted us to be friends, but... I actually want to be something more."
not being able to say "same":
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they actually fucking did it. dude. they actually fucking did it. throughout the hangout i was like okay which 5 royal writer was working on this because this is some pretty good bait. and as it progressed i was like there's no way they're actually going for it, right? man they went for it. ryoji makes good on his word that he would love mc whether girl or boy. love wins. or loses i guess. good fucking content. movie ryomina is still on top but well that is the movies and this is video game. and this is the first time minato and ryoji can actually hang out in a video game. i love you bisexuality
i prefer "that was my name for a time. i didn't mind it." over the version in reload but man that's just me being attached to lines lol. also nyx (avatar) gets he/him-ed. shoutout detransitioned ryoji ( :( )
i wish i could put aigis in a butler outfit.
i miss femc.
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Any Curufin headcanons?
eurghhh horrible terrible man whom i love very much
he was a very antisocial kid. fëanor and nerdanel debated a lot during his childhood about trying to get him to make friends within his peer group or just letting him do things his way and trusting that it would work itself out (the route they went with, in the end)
this was the start of his troubled relationship with nerdanel, because she was always pushing him to socialize in a typical way, to be nicer, to be more relaxed, etc. and he felt that as a rejection of who he was (and contrasted with fëanor's whole-hearted support of whatever curufin did, he very quickly came to think of her as the enemy)
he has a bit of a thing about dirt, so he wears gloves most of the time, especially as an adult when the become part of the Aesthetic 
his low-intensity relaxation craft is making wind-up toys or little machines that don’t do much of anything
he’s a super protective parent and works hard to shelter tyelpë from anything he thinks will upset him. their relationship gets rockier as celebrimbor gets older, but his early childhood was really charmed and curufin looks back on it as one of the happiest periods of his life
he doesn’t really like the outdoors
he’s a little shorter than fëanor, putting him at smallest in the family (the indignity of which he never gets over)
he’s known for publicly belittling people he doesn’t like and setting up elaborate schemes to humiliate or discredit rivals (celegorm and maglor think it’s all hilarious. no-one feels the same.)
he doesn’t get along with maedhros. their equally strong urges to micromanage other people because they think they know better clash like laserbeams in a cartoon. (curufin complains a ton about maedhros being condescending and butting in, but honestly he’s the same just less benevolent about it)
he’s actually much stronger than people think he is, he just looks vampiric and malnourished next to celegorm and doesn’t do sports with anyone except family
he has an on-again off-again sexual fling with finrod during the nargothrond era. it’s fun at the beginning (their mutual dislike/admiration for each other is hot and the rivals thing is a bonus rather than a problem), but then it just devolves into both of them trying to out-manipulate the other until everything goes to shit
he grudgingly respects dwarves but actively refuses to tolerate humans
he likes falconry and breeds birds to pass the time
*slaps curufin* this bad boy can fit so many daddy issues. problems distinguishing between his own identity and fëanor’s? yes. complete adherence to fëanor’s point of view being the only thing keeping him going? definitely. refusal to even consider his father having messed up ever in his life despite constantly feeling niggling doubt about it all? that’s him! never feeling like enough compared with his father? yup
the bedrock principles of his existence could be summed up as: a. we are the victims in every scenario, b. fëanor was right about everything, and c. the ends always justify the means. he refuses to hear anything other than that he--and by extension, fëanor--has the moral high ground that he built his entire life moored into
he feels very complexly towards finwë because he always felt like his relationship with his father was an inferior copy of what fëanor and finwë had. (he doesn’t know how to feel about indis, because on the one hand, she seems really nice to him, but on the other, he thinks of her as the villain of his father’s story)
his relationship with celegorm is very much an “i hate you; please don’t leave me” kind of thing. they get progressively more codependent and blur more and more lines the more time they spend in beleriand. curufin hates owing anyone anything and resents being dependent on celegorm, while celegorm gets more and more fed up with curufin’s constant denial. and of course they just take out their issues on each other through emotional manipulation or physical violence or sex so everything just builds up and nothing gets resolved
he toyed with the idea of trying to seduce and/or harm finduilas (more probably he would’ve just had celegorm do it) to try and get more purchase over nargothrond, but he felt that 1. it would be too hard to hide from celebrimbor and 2. might actually get them kicked out or killed
he hid a lot of stuff that went on at aglon from the powers that be (aka maedhros) including fun things like money laundering and how much his soldiers hated him
he got a reputation in beleriand for being really cruel as a leader (probably because he was dealing with mutiny all the time and decided after a while to skip diplomacy or trust-winning and just punish people instead)
anyways i want to put this awful little man in a terrarium and study him like a rare beetle
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turtle-steverogers · 2 years
“soft steve thoughts” or whatever
Stevie has got the most RIDICULOUS and DIVERSE collection of socks. Even though his body is perfect now and his poor circulation is gone & he never really gets cold, sometimes he feels cold…and Bucky’s foggy memories remind him of this before anything else. In the post-TWS recovery era, one of Bucky’s first peace offerings was a pair of bed socks and a note scribbled, “stay warm”. It was the middle of August and Steve was on mission in Cancún, and he hadn’t SEEN Buck but it had smelt just like him, just like their old apartment and all the right spices and warmth and home. (He wore the socks all the time, hand washed them and dried with hairdryers, bathroom blow dryers, even a towel and a straightener once out of desperation to get them back on—he couldn’t be apart from them, from this living memory of Bucky, any longer than absolutely necessary. Steve wore holes straight through them. Bucky had to deliver another pair in secret.) This goes on for…a while. The number of pairs and the patterns, prints and colours gradually varying in brightness and intensity. Sometimes they’re novelty socks— “so you never jump without a fuckin’ parachute again” accompanies a bright blue pair with lots and lots (and lots) of mini parachutes depicted— and sometimes they’re a lot nicer, sweeter on Bucky’d clearer days. “only one today, because you and I are a pair” on a single pastel-green fruit covered sock for February 14. Anyway, they progress like this for sometime, and their first Christmas together- “Buck, I know you don’t like Christmas you really didn’t have to get me anything”, is met with “yes I’m Jewish and we just celebrated Hanukkah but shut the fuck up Steve this is a gift for ME” and it’s. Every single pair of socks Bucky bought him during their time apart, during his time on run and trying to recover. It’s a whole laundry basket FULL, with a big shiny red showroom bow on top like he’s just bought a brand new car. Steve is hysterical, laughing like a hyena while full-body sobbing at the rush of emotion that comes with this moment. “Oh baby, baby, don’t cry - I just don’t want your icicle toes anywhere near me in our new bed.” Calming his breathing quickly to squeeze out a, “New?”, Steve wipes his eyes enough to see Bucky holding a single pastel-green fruit covered sock. “Oh no, the fruit pun again?” he quips. “No you asshat,” bites back Bucky, “it’s a pun and a promise.” And when Steve looks inside, it’s a key. “Move in with me?” Buck says with a million dollar smile and a soft Pat to Steve’s shoulder. “I’ve got an electric blanket, already.”
This is literally so perfect, I have nothing to add. Just. The sweetness, the quips, the odd love language of SOCKS that's so goddamn fitting for Stucky that I will absolutely go insane, because they would. THEY WOULD
thank you for blessing me with this. Thank YOU
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justkeeptrekkin · 5 years
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Hi M anon!! I’m so sorry this took me so long. I’ve played around with the idea a bit, hope you don’t mind. Tagging @a-shipping-life who requested something similar. Enjoy!!
“This is....”
Crowley’s voice trails off as he views his surroundings. When he’d imagined post-armageddon, he had always thought of fire and brimstone. Or, depending on how the war ended, sickening rounds of celestial harmonies, on repeat- listening to it all from behind bars in a pit. Instead, three years into the Third Testament, the New Era, the Age of Satan’s Spawn, and Crowley’s attending children’s birthday parties. Apparently.
The back garden of the Young family household is perfect for a party- according to Azirphale. A nice little closed off area, with some nice bunting and nice cake and a nice view of the Cotswolds rolling in the distance. Kids and family friends, together, having a nice time. All a bit too nice for Crowley’s taste, who’d preferred the bratty parties Warlock’d had, with nasty children and inappropriately dangerous presents (Nanny Ashtoreth had been the one to anonymously give Warlock a bow and arrow set).
Crowley takes his stand beside Aziraphale, wincing at the ensuing fourteenth birthday party. He needs a shot of insulin with how sweet this event is. He eventually manages: “This is. Ugh.”
“It is not ugh,” Aziraphale tuts, rolls his eyes. “Birthdays are nice.”
“Exactly. Nice is ugh.”
Aziraphale casts him a reprimanding glance, but a smile is pulling at the corners of his lips. He looks Crowley up and down judgmentally and passes him a plastic cup. “Here.”
“What’s this?”
“I’m assuming not the alcoholic variety.”
“It’s a fourteenth birthday party, Crowley.”
“What? The Youngs could be more progressive than you think. What harm did a bit of vodka do a teenager. Do teenagers not drink nowadays? I find it hard to keep track.”
“Not till his sixteenth,” Aziraphale says. Eyes scanning the party with as much wariness as Crowley’s had. Adults eating cake from paper plates, teenagers sitting on the grass and sulking at how lame this is.
“I can- I can almost guarantee that lot will have had a cheeky WKD before sixteen,” Crowley mutters into the plastic cup of punch.
Their gazes find The Them, who are sat on the garden bench and on the grass, conspiring amongst themselves. And Crowley thinks that whilst a couple of them aren’t really that badly behaved, Adam has a mischievous streak about him, and the others follow suit. The Youngs are probably struggling to keep up with their teenage son. But then, better the little devil use his powers to make a fake ID to grab a six pack of Strongbow from the corner shop, than to destroy the world.
Just as he’s considering this, the four of them look up at Aziraphale and Crowley. As if they’ve been talking about them.
Crowley sighs, peering at them over the rim of his glasses. “Yep. That lot are trouble makers.”
“It- are they talking about us?”
“Looks like.”
Aziraphale pouts his lips. “Teenagers.”
For a moment, they simply stand at the periphery of the party and survey. Newt and Anathema are here, who they could probably hold some awkward conversation with (“So… world didn’t end then.” “Apparently.”), however, they’re currently occupied by some of the guests from the village. And there’s a lot of other people who’ve been invited by Mr and Mrs Young who seem to be here for their benefit rather than Adam’s.
“Why are we here again?” Crowley whines.
“Because we’re his godparents.”
Crowley wrinkles his nose, peers down at the red juice that’s calling itself punch and doesn’t have nearly enough rum in it. “Not officially.”
“You were the one who assigned us that term, remember?” Aziraphale prompts.
“Suppose.” Then, because he’s feeling brave. And he gets these bouts of bravery when he’s in Tadfield. “How’s about after this we find the nearest pub and pissed. You can crash at mine afterwards.”
There’s a moment when he looks like he’s going to argue, twisting his lips primly and casting fleeting glances at Crowley. All coy. Crowley loves every daft bit of him. “Yes. That does sound good.”
“We can wash down the niceness of this pa- uh-oh. Here they come.”
Aziraphale picks up the slice of cake that he’d laid on the table behind him. A forkful hovering just in front of his mouth. “Sorry?”
“Teenagers, twelve o’clock.”
Aziraphale reluctantly lowers the fork, puts it down on the paper plate and surveys The Approaching Them. Adam at the front. And then the others disperse- going inside to do something more interesting, Crowley supposes. Now, with just Adam, it feels less like they’re about to be ambushed. The boy looks at them with that quietly expectant look he has, and has had since he was eleven when they first met. Though he’s a few inches taller than he used to be.
Dog trots by Adam’s side, and looks up at Aziraphale, pleading silently. Aziraphale brings the plate of cake closer to his chest and narrows his eyes at Dog.
“Thanks for coming,” Adam says, though he doesn’t look massively excited.
“Are you having a nice time?” Aziraphale asks pleasantly.
Adam shrugs. “Not really. Mum and dad invited all their friends and none of mine. Apart from you two, and Anathema and Newt. And obviously Pepper and people. It would be a lot nicer if there weren’t all these annoying old people, too.”
Crowley nods in grim understanding, curls his lips in disregard for said old people.
“Oh,” is Aziraphale’s reply. Then, smile wavering, “Well, it’s nice to see at least that there are people here who care about you, no?”
“They don’t even really know me,” Adam shrugs. “They aren’t here for my birthday. They’re here for the free cake and to boast about their lovely little middle class lives. It’s the perfect opportunity for bourgeoisie posturing under the guise of a birthday party- it’s actually really shallow.”
So this is teenaged Adam. And no less, Adam as a teenager being influenced by Anathema. Aziraphale looks a bit lost for words, but Crowley’s grinning like a loon.
“Well said,” he drawls through his smirk. “Any good presents?”
“Got a Nintendo Switch.”
“Very good,” Crowley replies seriously.
“Anyway,” Adam sighs, “The others have gone inside to find lactose free snacks. I should go help.Brian’s lactose intolerant now.”
“Oh, what a shame,” Aziraphale says sincerely.
“See you later.”
Adam traipses inside, and Dog follows chirpily. Aziraphale and Crowley watch them disappear.
“He’s going to be…” Aziraphale shakes his head, exhales through pursed lips.
“Ball-buster, that one.”
Some very nondescript music plays distantly. It looks as if Mr Young is attempting to hook up his phone to bluetooth speakers and is struggling, crouching on all fours to inspect the wiring. There isn’t any wiring, is the problem. It’s a wireless speaker system. But that doesn’t seem to have occurred to Mr Young- bum in the air and face buried in Apple technology.
“Oh- oh bother. Why am I like this?”
Crowley turns to see Aziraphale has dropped cake down his waistcoat. He’s holding out the offending plate of cake and frowning at the mess- multi-coloured frosting and sprinkles everywhere. Dog is absolutely delighted, eating the scraps by Aziraphale’s feet.
Aziraphale gives Crowley his sad, cherub eyes. Crowley looks back, pouts his bottom lip. Oh, diddums.
“Would you…?” Aziraphale asks. Looking at him through his lashes.
He gives it a long moment- gives Aziraphale a few seconds to enjoy himself, gives Aziraphale the impression that he needs to work to convince Crowley. He doesn’t.
Crowley snaps his fingers, cake gone. More than that, he turns to fetch him another slice.
And he makes that little flustered smile. The one that makes Crowley putty in his stupid angelic hands. “Oh, thank you.”
“Alright, alright,” Crowley waves a dismissive hand over his shoulder as he goes to get more cake.
There’s the cake- half of it left, at least eight slices. There’s the stack of paper plates. He looks up- no one around. He takes a slice as quickly as he can, not wanting to be cornered by any of the horrifically boring guests.
“Can I ask you a question?”
Crowley spins round to find Adam. Oh, that’s fine. Adam’s not a boring octogenarian. “Questions? Love questions. Shoot.”
“None of the others believe me,” Adam starts, hands in his pockets, expression as cool and collected as ever. “I’m pretty convinced, but it seems rude to tell them I know when I haven’t even asked.”
“Asked what?”
He’s busying himself with cutting a slice of cake, paying attention but not feeling the need to give Adam his undivided attention. That is until:
“You two are married. Aren’t you?”
A perfect slice of cake had been balanced on the knife in Crowley’s hand. And then Adam had said that. So now, he’s got a perfect slice of cake splattered all over the table. And Adam’s got a speechless demon, steaming from the ears. Literally, steaming from the ears.
“So,” Adam’s eyes widen a little, and he nods slowly. “You’re… not. Married.”
“I’m- you’re- what? Who- why’re- listen,” he says, pointing a paper plate at the son of Satan, “You have no- what did- did he? Where did-”
This could take forever, and they both know it. Crowley’s mouth is a broken record. His brain has disconnected itself entirely from the rest of his body. For a demon who can speak multiple languages, who can speak tongues, he can’t for the life of him speak any of them well. Thus, Adam makes the executive decision of saving him from this never-ending, hellish loop of inarticulacy.
“Sorry for making it weird,” he says, not looking that sorry, “The two of you are just so obviously in love, I figured you guys were married. And gay marriage was only legalised recently, cause, like, homophobia and stuff. So I figured that you didn’t have rings because- are you OK? There’s smoke.”
“There’s smoke. Coming from your head.”
Right, so he’s progressed straight from steaming from the ears to smoking. Fantastic, perfect, excellent. It’s probably from the speed that his thoughts are spinning; his brain going so fast, so out of control that it’s generated enough mental friction to cause a fire. Thoughts like-
-me and Aziraphale married a wedding what would we wear where would we live would we live together perhaps we’d have a garden and I could cook for him and he could knit me socks like the socks he gave me for Christmas two years ago and oh holy fuck is it that obvious that I love him does he realise does Aziraphale know does he love me back he loves me he loves me not he loves me he loves me not he loves me-
-OK, he can smell the smoke now. Just wonderful.
Then, from across the garden, Crowley hears Aziraphale exclaim: “Married?”
Pepper is staring at him like he’s an idiot. Aziraphale’s staring back at her like he’s gone catatonic. Holding an empty paper plate. Mouth hanging open. Eyes widening slowly, like the THX theme music should be playing in the background.
And then Aziraphale’s head snaps round to look at Crowley. Looking, as far as he can tell, absolutely mortified.
Crowley stares back.
Adam stares.
Pepper stares.
Crowley puts down the cake knife and takes a deep, nerve-steadying breath. Because whilst the world hadn’t really ended three years ago, it feels a bit like it has now.
Time to face the music, he thinks.
Part two possibly will be written if people want one...
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beneaththetangles · 4 years
Spy x Family x Random Thoughts
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I had the pleasure of reading Spy x Family, vol. 1, thanks to the dynamic duo of VIZ and Twwk.
At first blush, it’s a normal (?) family: a father, a mother, and a six-year-old girl. But one of them is a spy, one is an assassin, and one is a psychic, and two of the three don’t realize just how complicated their situation is. Spy x Family is a droll genre mashup with a lot of heart. It draws on classic spy thrillers like the James Bond and Mission: Impossible films, mistaken identity comedies, two-people-pretend-to-be-in-a-relationship-but-fall-in-love-for-real romcoms, and reluctant-adult-suddenly-becomes-parent-to-cute-kid-and-family-ensues stories. Volume 1 details the start of this peculiar relationship dynamic.
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Twilight is a covert intelligence operative in a world roughly modeled after Cold War-era Europe. He’s assigned to investigate a reclusive politician whose only known public appearances are at events as his son’s school. So Twilight has a week to find a wife and kid and enroll said child at the same elite private academy. This will, theoretically, grant Twilight a chance to get closer to his target. Under the alias Loid Forger, he finds an apartment, then visits a rundown orphanage that’s undoubtedly in violation of multiple laws and adopts a seemingly clever little girl named Anya. Of course, Twilight expects to ditch the girl and send her back to an orphanage as soon as his mission is over.
Anya truly is a gifted child, but not in the way Twilight hopes. Unbeknownst to him, this six-year-old girl escaped from some creepy mad science project after they did something that turned her into telepath, which has utterly hilarious results! For one, Anya easily learns her new papa is a spy, and thinks it’s super cool. Moreover, as a spy, Twilight often doesn’t want to share what he’s thinking…except Anya knows it anyway and often responds unpredictably to words he didn’t actually speak. She quickly gets attached to her cool new spy papa, and determines not to let him go. The next major hurdle arises when the super elite private school’s admissions process requires a family interview…which both of a child’s parents must attend. So Twilight needs to recruit an accomplice a wife within forty-eight hours.
Separate and apart, a clerk at city hall named Yor Briar faces pressure from coworkers and her younger brother to get a boyfriend. She ends up telling her brother she already has one…and quickly winds up in a situation where she’ll need to provide an actual human being to prove it to him. Also, Yor is an assassin known as the Thorn Princess. After she rips her nicest dress while slaughtering a bunch of dudes at a hotel, she goes to a clothing store, and chances upon Twilight and Anya out shopping for nicer clothes to the replace the ones Anya received at the orphanage. Despite their unwitting mutual interest (Twilight needs a shame wife, Yor needs a sham boyfriend), nothing happens…almost.
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Fortunately, Anya is a telepath. She quickly learns that Yor is a super cool assassin and decides wants Yor for a mother. Anya also realizes that Yor and Twilight need each other for their respective situations. Thus the six-year-old cleverly plays matchmaker between the spy and the assassin. Initially, Twilight agrees to accompany Yor to a party to uphold her lie to her brother, and Yor agrees to pose as Anya’s mother for the family interview. After a bit of a violent sidequest the same evening as the party, Twilight arrives late, bloody, and battered…and he mixes up his roles, claiming to be Yor’s husband instead of her boyfriend. But Yor is actually on board with this – a marriage will better provide cover for her work as an assassin than remaining single. Stuff happens, as they end up legally married.
The resulting family contains three members, each trying to keep a huge secret to keep from the others, allthough Anya already knows their big secrets because, hey, telepathy. Both Twilight and Yor expect this to be a temporary arrangement in which they use the other to provide cover for their real work. Anya, meanwhile, is doing her best to make them a real family. And there are some cute hints that Twilight and Yor are starting to actually like each other.
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Lots of other stuff happens in vol. 1, but that summarizes the main cast and how they wind up together. But you didn’t come here to read my scintillating summary, did you, dear reader? Of course not. Fortunately, while it seems this manga probably won’t be taking itself too terribly seriously, there were a couple of thought-provoking moments on which I shall pontificate further.
The story opens with this declaration: “Everyone has a secret they don’t show to other people.” Certainly secrets are a defining force in the lives of Twilight, Anya, and Yor. Those of us who aren’t spies or assassins don’t tend to find quite so much need for secrecy. Yet even we plebes can have secrets, both trivial and terrible. Secrets sometimes arise for positive reasons, but often they seem to stem from less healthy sources: shame and fear at best, or outright evil motives at worst. Secrets of this sort tend to be burdens. Of course, in the manga, someone does know the secrets of both Twilight and Yor: their adoptive daughter Anya (who knows thanks to her own secret!).
Anya brings to mind the one who knows all our secrets. Or, perhaps, it would be better to say that when it comes to God, we have no secrets. Long before we existed, God already knew everything about us. He knew every sin we’d ever commit. He knew exactly how flawed and broken and foolish and weak we’d be. Knowing all of that didn’t stop him from taking on human form, sacrificing himself for us, and creating us. I find this reminder especially relevant when it comes to prayer. There’s nothing so trivial or embarrassing that we can’t talk to God about it. Indeed, considering how much the Bible says about prayer, it seems God actually very much wants us to talk to him about our lives.
Another interesting moment in the manga was a realization Twilight has. He had remarked earlier about how he can’t stand to be around crying children. Later, he recognizes why: suffering children (like Anya) remind him of his own difficult childhood. Twilight acknowledges that trying to avoid these painful memories was warping his attitude toward children. In this, Twilight illustrates the reality that our childhood experiences have profound, dramatic, and often unexpected effects on us.
When I was a kid, my emotionally abusive dad was always right about everything. His authority was absolute, and anything other than instant compliance with his commands was sinful disobedience. As an adult, I learned that my dad was anything but always right, that parental authority is not absolute, and that my dad wasn’t remotely deserving of the extreme reverence I’d been raised to have for him. This has affected my attitude toward all authorities and is something I still wrestle with. After all, the central authority of my childhood, toward whom I had this warped sense of veneration, turned out to be wrong and untrustworthy in some really big ways. I can’t help but project that experience onto most other human authorities, leaving me leery of giving any of them too much trust, too much respect, too much obedience.
Whether those around Twilight will help him develop a healthy relationship with authority matches my own life: a progression that remains to be seen. Putting aside my own transformation, though, I’m eager to see how Twilight grows throughout the course of Spy x Family, and the same for the rest of his makeshift family. And so, I recommend volume one of Spy x Family—a most oddly cute and romantic comedy-action-spy-manga.
Spy x Family is updated regularly on VIZ, where the most recent chapters are always free. Volume one can be purchased on Amazon.
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tawneybel · 5 years
1st Cartoon Crush
That hashtag was trending on Twitter and it made me sad that the first animated crush I remember having is so obscure. But it’s cool that I can actually pinpoint the moment I got into monster transformation haha. 
Other early ones were Nergal Jr. from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy and Mark Chang from The Fairly OddParents... before he got a human disguise. I was like six. Them and Gil Moss from Kim Possible made me realize I had a type. XD
Memorial Day weekend was good. Saturday was cooler than I thought it would be and I finally was able to go on a day trip with my two besties. The week before I went to a festival and got souvlaki, which is like one of my favorite foods that I don’t get to eat a lot. Ooh, and on Memorial Day proper I got homemade key lime pie. 
Friday the 13th franchise: I finished the original series, will hold off on watching Freddy vs. Jason till I rewatch Elm Street.
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan: Not as good as the previous one, sadly. Why was the dance room so much cooler than either of my homecomings/proms? More of the movie should have taken place there. I like how Jason just pulled his mask up and those punks left him alone.
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday: It’s been nine films. ‘Bout time they did something to stop him. Also, Jason infests other people, so I get to expand the male possession list. :D   
Jason X: Hockey is outlawed in 2024? Noooo. Anyway, Kay-Em is best robot. I thought Tsunaron said “check her c3rvix.” 
Friday the 13th 2009: Was not expecting to see Jared Padalecki. It was decent. 
The 100: I’m going to get caught up on season six later. McCreary’s cute. And nubile. He reminds me of Halfdan from Vikings, which I oughta start season five of eventually. But the most important thing is that my favorite cockroach, John Murphy, is still alive. 
Mandy feels like a drug-fueled haze, I guess, or someone else’s fever dream. I’ll admit for the first ten minutes I was waiting for it to get better. And, boy howdy, it did. That cinematography. Great dark fantasy that progresses into a revenge horror... fantasy. Now I gotta see Panos Cosmatos’s Beyond the Black Rainbow. (“To me, ya know, a story is kind of like the least interesting part of a film.”)  
Modern and 1983 standards would probably label the title character as plain, so I loved how Mandy Bloom is considered ethereally attractive in-universe. I keep thinking of the seventies as a dull era style-wise but the simple makeup and long hair, which make Mandy look a teensy bit behind the times, isn’t that bad. XD
Also, demon bikers. The Black Skulls were not supposed to be sexy. P3rverse? Yes. Sexy? No. Probably not. I liked the blad3 cr0tch thingy that one dude on the couch had. 
Mmm, I’m just going to make a bulleted list of my other thoughts.
The conversation between Marlene and Jeremiah reminded me of something out of AHS.
Jeremiah trying to seduce Mandy was the skeeviest (fictional) thing I’ve seen all year, probably. 
Seriously, I want to see him interact with Michael Langdon or Kai Anderson. 
Also, the Black Skulls and the Cenobites from Hellraiser would get along along, probably. 
The goblin commercial. 
“You ripped my shirt! You ripped my shirt!” 
Jamie Ashen did what I’d want my husband to do in that situation, and so did Red.
Red let Lucy live because she’s apparently capable of empathy.
The only part I would have cutout was the tiger. That probably sounds weird, because the whole movie is surreal, but it felt out of place.
Halloween 2018 was preferable to the remake from 2007 but I think I like the original the best. At first I was like “Nooo Dr. Loomis? D:” 
The inflating jack-o’-lantern in the opening was funny to me. 
Jamie Lee Curtis continuing her scream queen career for how many years now? Good for her. 
The podcast duo were insensitive b00bs. 
I was wondering why Cameron looked familiar and it turns out his actor played Henry on The Purge TV show. 
What kind of school has a dance on a week night? 
“Well, that was a dumb thing to pray for.”
Nice flash-o’-lantern, Michael.
Happy D3ath Day 2U: Look at Tumblr. Making me censor words like a wiener. You know, I bet I can’t even search “wiener”- Wait, no, I can. Carry on.
You get an explanation for the time loop. Definitely watch the first film, though.
I’m surprised only Ryan got a “clone.”
Dr. Butler was hot when he took the mask off. 
I didn’t like the post-credit scene. They should have kept the deleted scene where Tree got the idea for the magnet thingy. 
I had trouble taking my eyes off the screen. It was good. 
I’m kind of sad the nicer version of Lori couldn’t come with them.
Songs of the Day: “Play with Me” by Thompson Twins and “The Devil Does Drugs” by My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult. I’ve just been thinking about Cool World lately, for some reason. We need like, a male equivalent of Holli Would or Jessica Rabbit. Frank Harris’s toon form is sadly nowhere near as luscious as Brad Pitt. 
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I’m proud of myself, for the first time ever I actually managed to keep a travel journal while I was away on vacation. A part of me has always wanted to be a travel blogger, or some sort of travel blogger, but I haven’t exactly gone a ton of places to do so, and definitely none that are very exotic. Nor do I travel more than once or twice a year... yeah, I would be a lousy travel blogger, but still, it would be fun. Anyways, point is, I figured I would share my travel experiences on here, just to be a little bit of a travel blogger myself. (I went to Atlantic City by the way, sorry to its residents, but I would not recommend travelling there)
Day 1: 1) The U.S. is as bad as home when it comes to summer road construction 2) All the feels. A portion of our route was the same route we took to NYC which made me really want to go back. Especially once I started seeing the signs for NYC 3) I have now seen 2 Ivy League schools: Columbia and Penn State. They’re both beautiful, but they aren’t Ryerson 4) It is in fact NOT always sunny in Philadelphia. It was actually quite cloudy when we drove through, but it’s a really pretty cit 5) Not going to lie, Atlantic City is kind of sketchy looking. Maybe it’ll just take some getting used to, but right now I’m not loving it 6) I’ve been resigned to sleeping on the pullout couch because of my cold. It’s not the most comfortable but I guess it’ll have to do 7) I look like a ghost. This sickness has made all the colour leave my body. What the heck?
Day 2:  I didn’t actually write about this day, I just wrote down an idea to consider pursuing and I’m not in the business of having that idea taken right out from under me, so moving on.
Day 3: TEEN WOLF TEEN WOLF TEEN WOLF So this is what it feels like to watch an episode of Teen Wolf live. Not going to lie, it was a bit of a lack lustre premiere, but damn, Dylan O’Brien in his FBI attire. A solid 10/10. Also Derek’s back, that’s a win. He’s wanted for mass murder, but still, Derek’s back. I’m going to miss this show. It’s ironic how it’s coming to an end as I’m starting the next chapter of my life. It’s almost like it’s signifying the end of an era. Now that’s sad.
Day 4: My God it is hot here. It’s probably the same kind of hot here that it is at home... when it’s not raining a ton that is. You’d think that there would be a bit of an ocean breeze while walking the boardwalk, but nope, it’s all just sweltering heat. Thank God for the pool and hot tub (ironic, I know). Correction: thank God for the pool and hot tub when they’re both not busy and filled with screaming kids.
Day 5: 1) Ryerson released the schedules! My schedule isn’t bad, the only downside is this really big chunk of time between my Friday classes, and the fact that my last class of the week is from 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. The poor sis had to sit with me for almost an hour while I tried to figure out how to change my lab times around. If all goes according to plan on Tuesday, I should have Mondays off and be done downtown by noonish on Fridays. Overall this is getting me more pumped for school to start. 2) Something happened down at the beach. Don’t know what exactly happened, but something happened. There were a bunch of ambulances, then helicopters and a boat scanning the water. I think they were looking for someone. I’m going to keep an ear out and see if I can figure out what happened. 3) Update on the cold: the cold is almost fully gone. Now just to clear my nose and get rid of this damn cough.
Day 6: 1) If I get melanoma it’ll be on my legs. My bad habit of not putting sunscreen on is being put to an end by the mother and sister. Unfortunately my legs are already a different shade than my torso which did have sunscreen on. Hopefully I just tanned though. Mum and the sis are already pink/burnt. Thank God that doesn’t usually happen to me. 2) Yeah, so I got a bit burnt. Whoops.
Day 7: 1) Wow we are in the sketchiest area of Atlantic CIty. Brigantine, Ventnoor (?) and Ocean City are so much nicer than where we’re staying. Brigantine beach patrol is also HOT to top it off. The sis and I turned some heads too which is always a compliment. 2) Suicide Squad isn’t bad. The character development was probably the best part in my opinion. I think I’ll stick to my Marvel movies though.
Day 8: According to my family, today is my birthday, or at least it is at Rainforest Cafe. I strongly dislike being sung to at restaurants. It’s quite embarrassing. Yes, the (typically) free dessert is nice, but please spare me the singing and clapping. Especially when there’s a cute bus boy working. If tonight’s dinner extravaganza is any indication, I will forever not know what to do while people sing happy birthday to me.
Day 9: Wasaga Boy texted me, which was really out of the blue. A lot of people have been texting me like that lately. It turned a rather uneventful day into something somewhat interesting. Otherwise I would simply be writing about how in a day’s course I’ve read 75% of my new book and how Dad and I watched Rogue One again. Man, there really isn’t a lot to say about Day 9.
Day 10: Okay, so we weren’t really in New Jersey today, but it’s close enough. Philly’s a lovely city, it kind of reminds me of Montreal with the mix of the old and the new. It’s very American though, considering so much of American history happened there, but when you’re driving down the old streets lined with townhouses you start to forget. It’s days like these that remind me how much of a city girl I am, and how that’s where I feel the most at ease. Or at least in the non-sketchy parts of town. I can’t wait to be downtown everyday come September.
Day 11: Today was a lazy day. It was raining and I really didn’t want to do anything. So I didn’t. I sat and finished writing the next episode in my TV series. Then I formatted it. And then I proof read it. I’m probably going to have to proof read it again before I start writing the next episode. Either way, I’m happy because it’s progress. I forgot (or at least temporarily forgot) how much I love writing, and this show practically writes itself. It feels good to have an actual show up my sleeve. Now just to finish writing this season.
Day 12: 1) Course Selection: ☑️ Ideal Schedule: ☑️ I survived the semi-annual Ryerson Hunger Games. It was stressful as all hell, but at least it’s done now. Plus it was good practice for all those mornings I’ll be waking up at 5:00 a.m. to make it to my 8:00 a.m. classes. This definitely makes it feel more real, like it’s actually happening now. 20 days from now frosh week will begin and I’ll officially be part of the Ramily. My excitement levels could not be higher; if only my sleep deprivation didn’t mask it. 2) Finally some cute boys.They’re probably younger than I am, but who cares, I’m just glad to know that they exist in my vacation universe. That, and I have a boy anyways. 3) Passengers is a really good movie. 10/10 would recommend. For such a limited cast it was so human too. I really enjoyed it. 4) Baths are kind of overrated. At least ones without bath bombs. They’re relaxing sure, but when you think about it, unless you showered first, you’re sitting in your own filth. Which is gross.
Day 13: Even though this building doesn’t have a floor 13. 1) So some idiot thought it was a good idea to clear the smoke from their kitchen out by leaving the door to their room open so it would escape into the hallway. At 7:20 a.m. setting off an alarm for the whole building. This annoying buzzing sound plus a recording saying that an emergency has been reported and to listen for further instructions. That went on for like 10 - 15 minutes before the “All Clear” message took over... for another 10 minutes. That was exactly how I wanted to wake up. Because waking up before 8:00 two days in a row is at the top of my list. 2) Well then, cute boys really do exist here, and this time there were actually two that are the right age for me. These two boys who we’re guessing are cousins are 19 which is good for me. It was so cute to watch them playing with some little boys and goofing around with them. They were definitely the kind of eye candy I want while lounging around the pool. And of course it was pretty nice to have them checking the sis and I out. It was a good day at the pool.
Day 14: The last day is always pretty bittersweet. Sweet, because it’s a day to enjoy and make the most of. Bitter, because it means packing up and heading back to the same old same old. Usually by the time the 2 weeks is over the condo and area feel like home (okay, Atlantic City does NOT feel like home, but the condo is home-like). It’s almost as if we could actually live our lives out of the condo if we decluttered and brought all our stuff out to meet us. Am I going to miss New Jersey? Probably not. Will I want to come back to Atlantic City? Definitely not. It was nice while it lasted: the sun, the hot tub, the pool; but I think I’m actually ready to go home. Maybe it’s the anticipation building up for university. Maybe it’s the fact that I miss my people back home. Whatever the reasoning, it’s been good, but it’s time.
Day 15: A.K.A. checkout day A.K.A. my birthday (my 18th to be exact) and what better way to spend it than in my favourite city? Not only did I get to relive bits and pieces of my NYC trip, but I got to play tour guide too and stay in one of those hotels that the main character in a film stays in when they go to the city. It’s been the best birthday yet, even if the sis picks fights, even if tomorrow is going to be a mad dash. 18, has been a great one.
Day 16: Today it’s the mad race against time as the Shawn Mendes concert looms in front of us. The only thing standing in our way is the 8 hour drive and the threat of traffic, construction, and getting stuck at the border. This definitely wasn’t our best plan but it makes for an interesting journey and a fun story. After all, not many people wake up in NYC to finish with a night out in TO. This should be fun.
P.S. If you made it all the way to the end, thank you for sitting through this, you’ve got my gratitude
P.P.S. we made it to the concert, time to spare and all
- 08/15/2017
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