#and i think about it a lot
gay-jesus-probably · 1 year
I really love how A Series of Unfortunate Events worked Lemony’s narration into the show by just having him show up for casual exposition, without anyone noticing or acknowledging him. It’s such an integral part of the books, and the story really wouldn’t work as well without an outside narrator wandering in to deliver random tangents about philosophy and word definitions, and repeatedly warning the audience that the story is depressing as fuck.
But probably the best use of Lemony as a narrator is in the second episode of the Austere Academy, where they have Lemony doing his usual thing of showing up in Jacques’s cab to talk about philosophy, and Jacques starts whistling halfway through the monologue. Then Lemony clarifies he’s quoting something his brother said, and he’d give anything to sit and talk with him again. And then the monologue just... stops. The entire episode stops, just to linger on this one scene of Jacques and Lemony whistling a song together. Except they aren’t whistling together, Jacques is driving an empty cab down an empty road and whistling to himself, because Lemony isn’t there. He’s telling the story from a decade in the future, Jacques is long dead, but Lemony needs to pretend otherwise for just a minute. Then the story can continue. It almost feels like he’s stalling, in a way - Lemony wants to live in this moment of Jacques being calm and safe, because in this moment, Jacques is alive, but the story is inevitably moving towards his death.
It’s a really important moment, and honestly might be my favourite scene in the whole show. Lemony’s grief and how it colours every part of the narrative is such an integral part of the story; he’s telling a story about three children he cares about going through hell, and that story begins with the death of the woman he loved, has his brother’s murder in the middle, and ends with his sister’s death. Lemony isn’t involved in the story personally, he’s just the guy telling it in the aftermath, but he’s never a detached narrator. He knows the entire story, and he spends the whole time grieving for things he hasn’t told us yet.
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devilat-thedoor · 4 months
Greta Van Fleet as Dazed and Confused characters
Sammy as Kevin Pickford
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Jake as Randall ‘Pink’ Floyd
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Danny as David ‘Woody’ Wooderson
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Josh as Ron Slater
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animnightmare · 7 months
Just had a thought.
Hawkeye meeting Charles sister, Honoria, for whatever reason.
By accident probobly. He and Charles run into eachother and Honoria is either there, or they go back to Charles house and shes there or somthing like that.
In all of his talking about her, Charles never mentioned she has a stutter. (Why would he? Its not noteworthy. You don't point out when sombody doesnt sutter, do you?)
Honoria introduces herself or starts talking about somthing and Hawkeye just...stares at her. Sort of blankly. Lets her finish talking.
Charles is about to get upset, says with a warning tone "Pierce-" but Hawkeye doesnt say what Charles was anticipating. Instead he says, with awe, or perhaps slightly flirtatiously as he does with meeting any woman,
"You have a beautiful voice."
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mlmbug · 4 months
thinking about a guy shotgunning smoke into my mouth because i’ve never smoked before… (fades out of existence)
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blood-orange-juice · 7 months
Once again about Childe and betrayal. I keep thinking of the definition of a hero by a certain psychoanalyst.
A hero is someone who may be betrayed with impunity.
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leslutdepointedulac · 5 months
What's your favorite scene from the VC books? Not necessarily the best scene, just one that you really enjoy.
This is a very hard question to answer. There's too many scenes I count as my favourite but if I had to choose I think I'd probably go with the scene in TOTBT where Lestat goes to Louis for help.
There's something about it I find very compelling about Lestat needing help and out of everyone turning to Louis, and despite his love for him and how he can't (and I quote) 'bear the thought of existence without him', Louis still can't bring himself to do what is asked of him. His guilt at the thought of creating another vampire outweighs the need to turn his own lover.
The last time I read Body Thief, I was listening to an audio book and when I tell you I spent the whole of chapters 17 and 18 (I'm pretty sure it's those two chapters) sat stock still, completely enthralled. Bear in mind I had read it before then too so it wasn't new to me, but those chapters are so *screams into the void* that I got lost in it. I could just feel the visceral pain that Lestat felt at being rejected and I know that despite his decision, of course Louis felt it too.
This was a bit of a ramble and I'm not sure how coherent this is 😅 but when it comes to Loustat I can't help but bang on and on about them and my brain turns to mush, they're so special to me.
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othystt · 10 months
one of my favourite things about good omens (the show. for those who have read the book you know what happens at the birthday party) is that nobody questions queerness. not the archangel of heaven, not the duke of hell, not an angel or demon, and not even a single human. there are openly trans and gay characters and nobody bats an eye. every supernatural being is non-binary, chooses what pronouns they want to use and, if they so want to, can become whatever gender they please. i think this is really important because the majority of people under the christian umbrella are taught that queerness is a sin and should be shunned, but in good omens it's the complete opposite.
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lenievi · 5 months
After Kirk decided to retire from Starfleet a few years before TWOK, I wonder what it was that brought him back just to teach at the Academy, especially since he found it so miserable.
Was he brought back for some mission and then he just accepted the teaching position because it, at that moment, felt like being closer to the real thing? And after all, he did enjoy being an instructor in his youth (but I believe that was a mandatory period for those in the command path)
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margumis · 1 year
do you guys remember when Michael Cera met snookie and jwoww
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wellnoe · 9 months
it is really interesting to me the way that children of the atom's depiction of scott's backstory has become really widely accepted/incorporated into people's views of canon, at least in the scott-liking corner of tumblr i'm familiar with. like why is that yk. what privileges this version over other versions. it's not any more attached to mainline canon, in fact it is LESS attached, as its told in a au mini. maybe that's the appeal. its a starting point w/out the necessity of reading other comics.
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nicksmoderncouch · 5 months
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he looks so Beefy in this pic. so big for us
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vekovoysoldat-moved · 10 months
thinking about bucky's "im gonna miss you buddy." AND WONDERING WHY ENDGAME HAD TO END LIKETHAT.
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sga-owns-my-soul · 6 months
John really wants to say no. He wants to tell McKay to fuck off and leave him alone for five goddamn minutes, because John's sore and exhausted from fighting a one man guerrilla war, because apparently that's what his fucking job has become out here. John doesn't say that though, instead he just sighs to himself and turns to McKay.
"Sure, what do you need?"
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robotslenderman · 2 years
Every now and then I have feelings about the time someone witnessed an “intimate moment” between Roger de Camden and Mithras and like
On first glance it’s written like the witness stumbled on a sex scene but like. Whatever it actually was, it absolutely convinced the person who saw it that they were in love. That it wasn’t just sex or even a passing fling, but actual sincere love.
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primalvessel · 10 months
The other scions have gone, moved on to tackle the next problem on their never-ending procession of tasks and save for a lingering glance from his gunbreaker ally, they've accepted that Maru is hale and whole and just needs rest after his ordeal.
But he's still sat there on the cold, hard ground long after his companions have moved away.
Without their distraction, he stares ahead at nothing, sight glazed and ears barely so much as twitching in the direction of the ambient sounds of the camp around him.
He's back in his own body but it feels like it doesn't fit properly.
Is there more of Griever's aether inside him than before? Did Zenos do something while in possession of his body? Had something of him been left behind? Did all of Maru make it back or did he lose something in the transfer?
The wounds he'd sustained while in the Garlean soldier's body were not present on his own but his mind remembered suffering the wounds and the phantom pains would not be ignored. The cold was good. The cold numbed it.
Nothing numbed the sense of wrongness.
Maybe he should rise.
Maybe he should go and find something to strike him that he might feel the pain of it, see it reflected on his own body to be sure that it was his.
Anything to chase away the feeling that he didn't fit right in his own body anymore...
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luminiera-merge · 6 months
oh to be a japanese girl in the 80s using intricate pager codes to communicate with her friends using only numbers
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