#and i was really startled when i finished how to train your viking - a mostly light hearted book
aghhh i’ve been thinking about the httyd books again and how Absolutely Insane they are…. i ADORE watching people react to them because there’s this one point in the series where everything just feels different. and they don’t give you time to process what on earth happened before launching you head first full speed into one of the best pieces of literature i think i’ve ever read
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tuffdwightwest · 4 years
You Are My Best Friend Ch. 1
"Snotlout!" Gobbers voice rang out right before a hooked hand smacked a piece of metal. Startling Snotlout back awake as he cried out in fear, forgetting briefly where he was.
Seeing the familiarity of the forge though, his cry quickly turned into a groan as he crossed his arms meeting Gobbers gaze. "What? Can't a viking get a little shut eye around here?" He complained.
"Not when you are working with me, boyo. Perhaps you would like to work on the next shipment of maces needed instead of the meager, sharpen these axes job I have going for ya." Gobber responded. Turning away from the Jorgenson as he went back to what Snotlout assumed was forging some new maces.
For a months now, Snotlout had taken over Hiccups old job in the forge. Working as a second hand to Gobber. He had been promised the 'Official Weapon Tester Position' but that was clearly not the case. In fact the other Riders had a good laugh as even his father piped in and agreed that it would teach him some humility.
If Snotlout's life was a fable this chapter would be called the dark years. Still mumbling he still went back to work as he focused on sharpening the blade. Trying to ignore Gobbers off-key singing as he silently cursed Hiccup's name. As they were nearing being finished however Gobber piped up with something that actually caught his interest.
"-ading off with her cousin Lars to the Northern Markets. With that Zippleback with her, I bet she'll come back with more gold then she could carry!" Gobber boasted with a laugh.
"Uh who? What's going on?" Snotlout cut in having missed the beginning of whatever Gobber was speaking about.
"Ruffnut. She is trying to become a Trader of all things and for a few weeks she'll be training with her Cousin Lars on the business." He explained. Snotlout blinked in surprise at this. Of course he knew that both the twins were planning on trying different avenues for professions, something that their family had been harping on them about, both had been adamant on saying that they were Dragon Riders and that was what they would stay. Although now apparently it seemed that Ruffnut was going to try being a merchant?
"Uh when did she leave?" He asked.
"Just this morning; well done!" Gobber said before quickly switching into something else as he noticed Snotlout for once actually finish his work. Looking down Snotlout hadn't even noticed he was on the last sword. Grinning he set it aside, feeling mighty pleased with himself as he stood.
"This mean I can go?" He questioned.
"Gah, yes! Get more work done without having to deal with your moping anyway." Gobber complained although he still had a small smirk. Excited Snotlout turned to leave as he practically raced out of the Forge.
It wasn't dusk yet and the sun was still decently in the sky which left him a good four hours to actually have some fun for once. Usually he would go straight to Hookfang and the two would go flying together but today he actually veered off course as he remembered the conversation he was just having with Gobber. He was actually kind of curious about why Ruff chose to do that and he figured Tuffnut would be the best one to ask.
After all, he still was gearing for Ruffnuts love and her suddenly up and leaving was quite a shock for him. He thought they were finally getting somewhere!
With those indignant thoughts he found himself in front of the Nuts house. It was further back on the island and looked like it needed its fair share of repairs. With cracks lining the walls and even a few smashed windows. The chicken coop behind the house actually giving a kind of unpleasant odor. Come to think of it. Snotlout had never really visited the twins at their house and at this moment, he kind of wished he still hadn't.
Just as he was about to knock on the door, a squeal sounded from behind him. Turning he came face to what appeared to be a very angry boar. The animal stomping on the ground as it glared at what it deemed an unwelcome trespasser. "Uh... nice boar." Snotlout mumbled trying to calm the animal as he held out his hands, trying to make himself less threatening. The boar however just stomped the ground again, shaking its burly head as it gave a loud snort.
Then with a roar the animal started to rush Snotlout. Screaming out in terror, Snotlout went to move out of the way but before he could he was suddenly pushed to the side as something shot out from behind him. Not suspecting it he fell back on his ass but at least now he could identify Tuff as the twin rode on the Boars back, laughing and giggling as the beast tried to buck him off.
Just as Snotlout was starting to get concerned, the boar finally started to calm as Tuffnut finally jumped off. "Next time. Lets do that in the boar pit okay Bjorn. Also! Good pig telling us when theres strange men at the house." Tuffnuts voice rang out as he petted the boar behind the ears. The once angry animal just snorted as it sniffed at the twins hair, Tuffnut without a helmet, before it started to trot off.
Standing up Tuffnut brushed himself off before crawling up the steps and standing next to Snotlout. His eyes alight with amusement as he looked down at him. Realizing that Snotlout still hadn't gotten back up, he cursed before scrambling to his feet. "Why is there an angry boar guarding your house?" He scoffed already angry at what just happened.
"Why not?" Tuff responded. The retort Snotlout had was lost in the absurdity of that so instead he just threw his hands up, thinking of many reasons why not to have a boar guarding your house. Visitors being maimed being one of them. Before he could though Tuff beat him too it.
"You need something? Not to cut off your imminent rant but none of you have ever come to our house before. Unless its overhead, on dragon and you are yelling at us to get Barf and Belch cause Svens sheep got out again." Tuff explained, "Although still, its not usually you." He added looking at Snotlout warily.
Ignoring it though Snotlout shrugged, "I heard Ruff left and I just came to find out why. I thought you two weren't gonna go through with your tribes demands?" He said jumping right into it. Tuff looked surprised for a moment before he just shrugged, his whole body moving with the effort. Instead of answering though he just gestured Snotlout to follow him inside. Although Snotlout really didn't want to know what the interior looked like, he still followed.
"We weren't initially but Mom convinced Ruff to trail along with Lars. She said she actually enjoyed it so... yeah she's gonna try to be a Merchant or whatever." Tuff said, voice a little detached when he said it. He didn't exactly sound pleased by his sisters decision but it was obvious he was at least trying to be supportive. "They wouldn't let me go with her either." He added at the end.
Glancing around the surprisingly tidy inside, he listened to Tuffs explanation and couldn't help but feel a little bad for him. He was mostly sad that he wouldn't be able to recite his newest poem to her, while Tuff was upset cause he already missed his sister. "Two weeks?"
"Or more. Depends on how it all goes." Tuff responded with a sigh as he went and sat down in the center of the floor. "What am I even gonna do while she's gone? She took Barf and Belch so I don't even have that." He complained.
Snotlout pursed his lips before going and sitting next to him. Whatever he was planning on saying in comfort though was lost as he actually smelt the twin. Now usually they smelt like a mixture of BO, Zippleback gas and cheese. A disgusting scent but they were always proud of it. Today though, today he smelt like, "Why do you smell like freshly baked sugar cookies?" He asked.
Tuffnut looked surprised as he spared a glance at Snotlout. Snotlout was actually surprised to see the twins face redden as he averted his gaze and mumbled something under his breath. "What?" Snotlout shot back leaning in closer to hear.
"My mom made both Ruffnut and me bathe in this special oil she made. She said she didn't want us smelling like a dead rat so she's making Ruff and me bathe more often. Except it has always been me. Ruff always somehow finds a way to avoid it while I walk right into it." Tuffnut huffed crossing his arms.
Snotlout grinned finding Tuffs distress amusing, "I think its an improvement. Might actually want to hang around you more now that I don't gag everytime I'm downwind."
"Haha..." Came Tuffnuts response as he kicked at Snotlouts boat. "Speaking of hanging out though. Do you wanna hang out?" Tuffnut asked offhandedly.
"I really just wanted to know why Ruff left. Was gonna go take Hookfang for a flight. He's been restless." Snotlout responded, moving to get up as he was reminded of his original goal. He was still looking at Tuff however as he caught a flash of hurt cross over his face before the twin quickly covered it up with a half smile.
"Yeah okay, I get it. Maybe later?" He asked.
Snotlout frowned, Tuffnut sounded almost desperate and what was with the hurt look he gave him. It wasn't like they hanged out all the time so why did he suddenly want too today. Feeling wary he just shrugged, "I'm a busy dude." Was his response as he turned to leave.
If Tuff was trying to pull him into a prank he wasn't falling for it. Tuff didn't say anything as he left the house either so Snotlout just assumed he realized that Snotlout was too good to be tricked.
Now to go flying.
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Tea Time
chapter 33
chapter index
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It was grey and overcast, and there was a distinct chill in the air this morning.  It had been a few days since the ship had left with Corona’s emissary and the prince and princess, and Lars was silently counting down the days until the inevitable as he walked down the hallway to the Ambassador’s room. 
“Good morning, Mr. Meyer,” Lars greeted the Ambassador.  The other young man from Corona, the one Lars was training to replace himself, had not arrived yet, even though it was the first full work day since the morning the ship had left him alone in Arendelle.
“Here,” the Ambassador said dryly, handing him something, “it’s an invitation to tea with the Queen.”
“Sir?” Lars took the card from the Ambassador, reading through it.  “This is only for me?”
“Yes,” the Ambassador replied gruffly.  “I assume it will be a briefing for your new position.”
“Of course, Sir,” Lars replied, swallowing hard, and hoping the Ambassador thought it was nervousness about his promotion. Lars could only think of one reason that the Queen would ask him, and only him to tea.  Kristoff had obviously told her about their talk.  Lars had absolutely no idea what he might actually say to her, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to know what she might have to say to him.
Meyer had already turned to his papers. “We have a few hours until you need to be ready for that, so let’s get to work here. I hope this new young man doesn’t usually sleep in like this.”
Inga looked out the window of the study, somehow hoping to see something besides grey sky and dark mountains.  Frederick was busy sorting through the letters, and their mother was signing off on some official documents.   She felt a kick from her brother, and noticed that he had just passed along a letter from Count Esterhazy, written in Latin, as usual.
“This is just announcing their annual harvest totals, you know, you didn’t need to kick me,” she whispered.
“No, I didn’t know that, which is why I passed it to you,” he grumbled, “it could have been some wedding invitation or something, I don’t know!”
“Why would a wedding invitation list bushels of wheat and barrels of wine?” 
“Because… well, the wine would make sense for a wedding!” Frederick’s voice rose in frustration.
Their mother looked up suddenly. “Is there something I should know about?” 
“I think Frederick should join Peder and Anton with the Latin tutor again,” Inga smirked as her brother glared.
“Anything else?” their mother asked, her eyes darting suspiciously between the two.
“No,” Inga said quickly.
“Well,” her mother paused, then looked over at Frederick seriously, “it would probably be good for you to spend some time with the tutors this winter if you’re going to go on that trip with Sorensen in the spring.”
Inga could see Frederick tense up on hearing it described as a trip, but was happy that he held back from correcting the detail.  She occupied herself with writing a quick reply to Count Esterhazy, detailing the many varieties of squash they were now growing in Arendelle.  She tried to tune out her mother worrying out loud about Frederick’s safety if he was going to take the naval training seriously.
"It's not dangerous!" Inga heard her brother exclaim.
"I just..." her mother stopped herself, biting her lip. Inga quietly walked over to pick up a Latin dictionary, realizing she had no idea what the word for squash was, but mostly glad to leave her mother and brother alone for a moment.
“I promise I won’t do anything stupid,” Frederick huffed. “Besides, I’m not the one who got thrown from my horse, but I’m the one you worry about being safe.”
“Who got thrown from a horse?” 
Inga turned around to see her brother looking at her, and her mother looking up blankly. Without thinking, she tried to excuse her lack of communication. “I thought you knew.  I just assumed when Aunt Elsa wrote you-”
“Who was supposed to write? What happened?”
Inga stomped back to the table. “I was fine. I fell into the water, I had to change my clothes, that’s all!  Frederick, why did you have to bring this up now?” 
“I thought she knew, too,” he mumbled. 
“Can you just tell me what this is all about? Is it about your trip to Corona?” Their mother sat looking obviously frustrated with them, stopping short of banging the table.
“What’s there to tell? The first day we were in Corona, they only had sidesaddles at Elizabeth’s house, my horse got startled, and I fell into the water.” Inga was feeling rather flushed.
“That’s not the way I heard it,” Frederick laughed. “Wasn’t there something about a Viking shield maiden rising from the water?”
“So, you went riding in Corona?” her mother asked.
“Yes, of course,” Inga replied.
“And you were riding with Elizabeth?”
“Yes, but she had gone ahead, and I was trying to catch up. It was foolish, I know, and I’ve learned my lesson.  Don’t worry about it.  Frederick really can take care of himself, I think.”
“I have the feeling I’m still missing something here,” she sighed, “but let’s take a break for lunch.  I have a meeting to prepare for now.  You two can have the afternoon off, and I’ll see you at dinner,” she said, standing up to go.
“The weather is terrible, I’d rather just help you,” Frederick pleaded, looking out as a few raindrops hit the window.
“No, it’s private business,” their mother replied quickly.
“Well, eventually at least one of us will have to know everything, right?” Frederick insisted.  
She saw her mother briefly glance her way.  “Frederick, let’s find a game to play in the library,” Inga suggested. “We’ll worry about state secrets another day.”
As they left to walk down the hall to the library, Frederick rolled his eyes at her. The library was empty, and he walked straight to the chess board and started setting it up.  
“Do I get a say in the game?” she demanded. 
“No,” he smirked, “but you got a say in how much you told Mother just now.”
“Hardly,” Inga sighed, sitting down at the chessboard opposite her brother, “she just got bored of probing.”
“Why are you acting like you have something to hide?" He made his opening move.
"I'm not. I just don't feel like it's anyone's business right now." Inga didn't particularly like chess, but made her move.
"Nobody will mind," Frederick said, pausing to think after he made the next move. "Although, the council might decide on the succession bill faster."
"What are you talking about?" Inga was glad they were still at the start of the game, because she was too flustered for strategy. 
"They won't want whoever is in the line of succession to be in direct line for somewhere else. Not if they can help it." Inga watched as he took her pawn.
"It doesn't matter, I'm too young still," she replied, trying a move she had read in a book once.
"Fine, if you're too young, and you say it's your own business, then there's nothing to worry about," he said, looking at the board. "What on earth is that move?"
By lunchtime a cold steady rain was coming down.  Lars wasn’t feeling very hungry, but he knew he wouldn’t want to eat during the tea, even if there was food available, and dinner wouldn’t be until evening.  He forced himself to have a few slices of bread with butter, avoiding anything that might upset his stomach.
His replacement had managed to show up an hour late.  The young man apologized, explaining that he generally slept in when the sky was overcast, especially if it was raining.  Lars had never noticed the veins on the Ambassador’s forehead before, but they were quite prominent as he explained to the young man that he would be expected to find a way to show up on time regardless of the weather, and if he needed to hire a servant to knock on his door every morning, it would come out of his own salary. Otherwise he would write to the Emissary to return straight to Arendelle with the other candidates. 
Any other day, Lars would have taken the young man out for lunch and gently explained over some beer that the Ambassador had a point, and he should simply get used to it.  But today was not that day. 
He stepped into his room, and saw Elizabeth seated at the window with his mother.  He was forcing himself to keep thinking of her that way, though that made his upcoming tea all the more awkward to think about.  
“I’m sorry,” Elizabeth said, slightly startled, “I would have had something sent up for you, but I thought you would be going out for lunch.”  
“Don’t worry about it,” he said, coming over to give her a kiss.  He gently touched his mother’s hand before sitting down on the bed.  “It seems I’m expected for tea with the Queen this afternoon.”
“Oh!  Should I change?” Elizabeth asked.
“No, it’s only me she wants to see today,” he said, making eye contact with his mother, who subtly nodded. 
“I left my knitting in my room,” Margit Nilsen said as she finished her lunch.  “Elizabeth, dear, I'll leave you to help Lars get ready.”
As his mother left the room, Elizabeth got up and sat next to him on the bed, leaning her head on his shoulder. "When is this tea?" 
"In an hour," he sighed.
"You'll be fine," she assured him, "they've already selected you, and if you're thinking about turning it down, I need to know first."
"No, I won't turn it down," he said flatly. 
She rubbed his back. "So, I suppose you'll want to change clothes. Your nicest suit has Corona insignia on it. Will that be a problem?"
"That might be too formal, anyway," he said glancing over to the wardrobe, "but I'll let you decide."
"Let's see," she hummed as she walked across the room and leafed through the suits hanging there. "Tell me what you know. That will help."
"What?"  Lars felt a sudden rush of panic at his wife’s request.
"What kind of meeting will it be?" she clarified, not turning around.
“Just tea,” he replied, forcing his voice to be calm as he took off his coat.
She picked out a suit and brought it over, laying it on the chair next to the bed and then sitting back down next to him.  “It's still bothering you... Whatever it was your mother told you last week, I mean.”
“I… did she tell you?”  He knew he should tell her himself, but perhaps it would be better if she found out some other way. He wasn’t sure he could say the words yet.
“No, she hasn’t told me anything, and I haven’t really asked.  Was it something about your father?  I know I’ve heard some rumors.”
“Yes… I mean… no.  No, the rumors aren’t anything,” he stammered.
“Well, that’s good to know,” she smiled, helping him with his necktie while he finished unbuttoning his vest. “Those rumors sounded rather crazy.  Don’t worry about it right now. You can tell me when you feel up to it.  I don't want to make you feel more stressed before this meeting.”
“I’m going to be stressed about this no matter what,” Lars sighed, unbuttoning his shirt as Elizabeth got down to help with his shoes.  “I really don’t know what to expect.”
“You’ll have to tell me all about it tonight,” Elizabeth insisted, setting his shoes out of the way. “In the meantime, you’ll do fine, I know it.”
Anna sat at the end of the table, breathing slowly and deliberately as the rain beat on the windows.  She wasn’t sure she wanted to do this, but Kristoff had insisted it would be a good idea. Kai had set out the tea and some food a moment before, so there would be no interruptions. 
She heard Kai’s familiar knock.  “Your Majesty?” he asked, opening the door a crack.
“Please come in,” she answered, sitting up straight, pressing her fingers to the table as she caught herself fidgeting. 
“Mr. Lars Nilsen, Your Majesty,” Kai announced as the young man stepped in, looking straight ahead, but not quite meeting her eyes.
“Your Majesty,” he bowed.  
“Thank you, Kai, that will be all,” she nodded, and the steward quietly shut the door as he left.  
“Please, sit down,” she offered, gesturing at the seat opposite hers. She remained calm on the surface, but it was going to take all she had to maintain this image of poise. The occasional fidgeting was bad enough, but the memories from twenty-one years ago, and the panic and shame she felt, were pressing on her mind.  She had to remember that everything had worked out, probably for the best.  Now, she knew who he was, and he knew who she was.  She studied him closely as he walked over, looking at the obvious resemblances.
“Yes, Your M-”
“No,” she interrupted.  She took a breath.  The whole meeting would be pointless if they were going to be using formal titles and address.  This wasn’t a meeting between the Queen of Arendelle and her new functionary.  “Sorry… I know it’s a habit, but let’s at least drop the ceremony right now.”
He nodded, sitting down. She poured herself some tea and took a sip, not sure whether she would need to hold up the entire conversation.  He looked at his tea cup.
“Please have some tea,” she insisted.  He poured the tea, adding a cube of sugar. 
The rain continued to beat against the windows for a long time while neither of them spoke.  Anna took another sip of the tea.  Lars did likewise, and briefly glanced up as if awaiting more instructions.  She sighed, trying not to sound as frustrated as she felt.  She had hoped that he would have more to say, or at least something to say, so that she could simply listen and answer any questions he might have. 
“You don’t have to wait for me to say something, you know,” she told him, closing her eyes for a moment. “You… if you have any questions, please just ask.”
He set down his cup and stared at it.  She began to think this meeting had been a mistake.
“I’m sorry,” he said a moment later, looking up.  Maybe she was putting too much pressure on him.  Why should he have anything to say if she couldn’t think of something to say?
“You don’t need to say anything if you don’t want to,” she assured him.
“No, I mean, I’m sorry.”
“Sorry? For what?”
“For… for everything, for me.”
She stopped.  “What? Why?”
“No, that came out wrong. I mean... when I was born, and all that entailed.”
“Oh.”  She wasn’t sure why, but she hadn’t been expecting that to come up.  “It was a while ago now,” was all she could think to say.
“I only found out last week.”
“I know,” she told him. 
Frederick sat at the dinner table. It was already dark outside, and the rain continued.  He was the only one who had shown up so far, and dinner was supposed to have started five minutes before.  He had made some conversation with the footman, who offered to bring him an appetizer, but he declined, wanting to wait for the rest of his family.  
His father came in, stopping as he stepped in the door, clearly expecting to see more people present.  “Hello, Frederick.” 
“Hi, Father,” he replied.  “We’re the only ones here.”
“I can see that,” Kristoff laughed.
“I’m starting to think everyone is avoiding me,” Frederick said, “except you’re here, so I guess not.”
“I can’t speak for your sister,” Kristoff sighed, “but I’m not trying to avoid you, and I know your mother isn’t.  You don’t think that I’m trying to avoid you, do you?” 
“I don’t know,” Frederick sighed, “one minute you’re fretting about what to do with me, but then you don’t want me doing the naval training.  I know Mother said I’m too young, but most people start younger than me. I’m going to be fifteen.  That’s not very young, not for them. She was going on and on about my safety this morning.”
“Your mother is worried about you, and I don’t think you’re going to change that, but she’ll get used to the idea,” Kristoff paused. “But when were we talking about what to do with you?  Do you mean the Succession Bill? That’s obviously going nowhere, so I wouldn’t worry about that.”
“I guess I wasn’t supposed to hear, but it was the time I brought you the letter about the American ambassador,” Frederick admitted, "your door wasn't closed all the way when I got there, and I listened in, sorry."
“Oh,” Kristoff groaned, pressing his forehead. “You’re right, you weren’t supposed to hear that, but it wasn’t about you.”
“What was it about then?”
“Never mind that,” his father quickly interjected, “but… you’re doing well.  I should probably remember to tell you that.  Don’t feel like you have to prove something.”
“I’m not trying to prove anything,” Frederick insisted.
Inga showed up then, with some noise in the hallway indicated the twins were coming soon.   
“Did Mother’s meeting go late?” 
“No, but it was… tiring,” Kristoff replied. “She said to start dinner without her.”
“Of course,” Inga said in a tone that made Frederick wonder if he was missing something.  “Shall we?”
The rain had cleared by morning.  It wasn’t even particularly cold, or perhaps Inga had finally accepted it was Fall.
“Good morning, Mother,” Inga said, walking into the study.
“Good morning, Inga,”  Anna smiled up at her before looking back down at what she was reading.
Inga sat down and looked around. “Where’s Frederick?” 
“He’s with his tutors," her mother replied, not looking up from the letter in front of her.
"What? I was joking yesterday.  Mostly."
"He didn’t say anything about that this morning.”  
“Oh, um, good, then, I guess.”
Her mother passed her a stack of letters and continued reading the letter she was examining.  Inga got to work, feeling a twinge of guilt about her words to her brother the day before.  Still, it was his decision to buckle down and study.  Part of her wished she could feel that amount of motivation her brother was starting to show right now.
After a few minutes of silence while both worked, her mother spoke again.  
“So, Frederick seemed to think whatever happened to you in Corona was rather funny…”
“He would.”
"And you?"
"I guess it was,” Inga snorted, catching herself smile a little.
Her mother sighed and went back to signing some documents.
Inga looked out the window, letting her mind wander to planning the next letter she would write to Henry. “I wish things didn’t have to be so very public,” she heard herself say out loud.
Her mother looked at her; the lightheartedness of the past few minutes was gone. “You know very well that plenty of things aren’t public.”
Inga looked down, feeling thoughtless. “Well, I wish that the good things didn’t have to be public, at least sometimes.”
“I’m not asking you to make any announcements or ask official permission or anything like that. Not yet, unless you have plans I don’t know about. But as your mother, I would like to know if you do.”
“If I’m misinterpreting what I saw last week between you and Prince Henry, tell me now.”
“Um, yes, I mean, yes, you’re right,” Inga acknowledged, feeling surprisingly relieved, knowing exactly what her mother was hinting at.  Her mother didn’t need to know every detail, but Inga realized she didn’t want complete secrecy.  She wasn’t about to run off and elope. “And, I guess, thanks?  There’s nothing you need to worry about, at least, no, there's nothing to worry about right now. I'll let you know if that changes."  
"I'll trust you to tell me then," her mother smiled gently.
Inga found her mind racing ahead on the topic, and continued talking. "Frederick seems to have thought through all the political implications, though.  For someone who’s so clueless...”
Her mother chuckled a little and smiled.  Inga went back to her stack of letters, and her mother pulled out the next item from her own pile.
“Oh!” her mother exclaimed, “I almost forgot, we need to plan the harvest festival.  Would you like to help?’ 
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indiacater · 5 years
Chapter Title: The incidents
Rating: Mature/NSFW
Prince Liam and Lady Naima of Valtoria have a strange addiction.... to each other. Their fathers are at their wits end of it and are determined to make it stop once and for all. Can it be done or will it fail?
Tagging: @bobasheebaby @nikkisha16 @carabeth @aworldoffandoms @mfackenthal @ao719 @hopefulmoonobject @elles-choices @darley1101 @desiree-0816 @sashatrr @emceesynonymroll @isporticus1234 @blackcoffee85 @umccall71 @dcbbw @radlovedreamer @sweetest-marbear @whenyourheartskipsabeat @mrsnazariowrites @jessiembruno @sumbarbietingz
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Dr. James Sugar sat across from the two most agitated men he’s ever met in his storied career. “Its not every day you’re summoned by a king.” He thought to himself. James is psychologist and sex therapist with a specialty in addiction. He has dealt with very interesting cases, but without truly knowing what to expect, he feels this might be his most interesting yet. After pulling out his notepad and timer he clears his throat and begins the session.
“Gentlemen.” He began. “I'm very honored you sought out my expertise. Let us begin. How can I--" “OUR CHILDREN ARE ACTING LIKE HORMONE DRIVEN DEVIANTS!” Constantine interrupted. “ITS MAKES A MOCKERY OF THIS COUNTRY, THE NOBILITY AND I WILL NO LONGER STAND BY AND LET IT RUIN MY SON’S REPUTATION!!” He finished seething. Lord Darren waited a few moment before speaking. “As his majesty has loudly stated, we need help with our children’s…. Addiction.” Dr. Sugar leaned in slightly baring a confused. Lord Darren sighed as he explained further. “Since they were young kids, babies even, they have been close. They would attend meetings to understand the roles they will one day inherit.” He takes a deep breath before continuing. “It was after the deaths of both of their mothers that they became more intimate.”
Dr. Sugar shrugged. “Explain to me how it started? Did they begin having a sexual relationship or…” he immediately stopped himself as both men's faces drew hard scowls. “Just walk me through how it developed to where we are now" Constantine then spoke up. “It started pretty tame. Adorable even. When their mothers were alive they would entertain themselves, play chess, watch trivia games. After they were gone the kids became closer. First it began with calls to say good morning or goodnight. Then it grew to holding hands, kissing.” Constantine grimaced. Lord Darren interjected. “We had guards keeping an eye on them. And we were told that they would spend hours holding hands. When they were about 13-14 they began kissing. One guard observed them going at least a few hours of them making out with each other.”
“DON’T SUGAR COAT IT DARREN!!!” Constantine shouted. “Their antics are on full display not just here in the palace, but at the estate in Valtoria, hell even their best performances are for when they’re at school or at a social function.” Pinching the bridge of his nose as he wrote down on his notepad, Dr Sugar seem to have a good idea of what to think of the situation, but he needed more specifics. Looking up from his notepad he took a deep breath before asking this question. “Can you both elaborate on these so called antics of your children?” He looks between the two. “Lord Darren. Why don’t you start.”
Darren sighed as he rubbed his hand over his mouth. After a few moments of contemplating he sits up straight, ready to talk. “Okay. There is one incident that happened not too long ago.”
One Week Ago
Darren was never formally given the title of Duke when he married his wife, Aisha. They had met during a spring break in Mexico, had a wild fling and soon after Aisha learned she was pregnant. She then contacted Darren and brought him to Cordonia where she revealed her pregnancy and basically telling him they were to be married so she could secure her rights being Duchess. So it was mutually beneficial for them, Darren received financial security and Aisha's reputation was intact and bonus she became a mother to a gorgeous young woman who like her had tact, sharp wit, and was as violent with her words as she was in her defense training. After the death of her mother Naima was basically in charge but as she was still young allowed her father to have some control to save face but lest the majority of duties to the trusted majordomo. All big decisions were left to her. One the day of the incident Darren was overlooking a new tax agreement for the local business people. Naima and Liam were nearby on the couch watching an American Football game, Seahawks vs Vikings. Darren was from Seattle, and briefly played in the NFL for the Seahawks, plus it was Naima’s way of connecting more with her father. On this day in particular was odd Naima was being her vocal self but Liam was unusually quiet. “Hey Naima!” he called out. Naima slightly turned around to face him. “Yeah dad. What is it?” she responded. “Is the prince okay? He’s awfully quiet.” Naima smiled. “Yeah he’s fine, he’s just acting as my foot stool for losing a bet going against the Seahawks defense. Plus he’s furniture now and furniture doesn’t talk. You have a tax policy that needs your attention more.” She says as she turns back around.
As Darren was unaware of was that Liam was on the floor, Naima’s legs slung over his shoulders as he took to his favorite hobby. Placing light bites on her thighs, as hands snaked over her waist and creeping over her breast playing with her hardened nipples. Liam mostly enjoyed getting her ready. He particularly enjoyed seeing the erotic face she made when she was at peak excitement. Liam smiled as soon as he saw that face. “I wonder how she’ll stay quiet when I do this" he thought as he immediately buried his face down between her legs, Naima made a brief squeal but not loud enough for her father to notice.
Liam began with a slow shallow rhythm, tip of the tongue lightly brushing her clit causing her to shudder a bit. He reveled in the taste of her. Feeling her get wetter by the second. It took everything in him not to give himself away otherwise he have had Naima screaming his name by now. Liam continued at his shallow pace for a bit more before hardening his tongue and making more harder and faster strokes. The sensation made Naima bit down hard on her tongue to keep her from making too much noise. She quickly checked to see if her father noticed anything and luckily for them he was oblivious. Soon she was feeling that pleasurable pressure that could not be stopped no matter what. Bracing herself she had one hand covering her mouth and other hand holding Liam’s head as her hips rocked furiously against his mouth feeling his tongue roughly play with her clit sent her over the edge as she came hard.
“Everything okay there sweetheart” she heard her father say startling her. “Yeah things are good" she responded breathlessly “Or the would be if the damn offense could hold onto the ball.” She continued trying to sound agitated. “Okay let me know when something good happens.” Darren said as he went back to reviewing the papers. Naima leans back on the couch as Liam lifts up head with such a devious smile as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand then bring his lips to her neck as he moves back on the couch lips never detaching. “He can be such a jerk sometimes.” Naima thought as she smiled to herself. Soon she felt Liam’s hard length straining against his pants. Naima knows that they had a push things enough but she had not fully come down from her orgasm to think straight. Immediately she undoes his pants, Liam shoves his pants down enough to free his cock. Naima, making sure to alert her father moves to Liam’s lap and with easy maneuvering slides Liam inside her and it was her turn to watch Liam make a erotic face. Unlike Liam she didn’t have the luxury of time so she had to move her hips at a rapid pace again not trying to raise Darren’s attention. Liam’s neck kisses soon turned into bites as Liam tried to keep quiet but failing miserably. Naima feeling Liam about to explode, pressed her mouth to his in a heated kiss, shooting her tongue inside his mouth to keep him quiet. Naima’s hips moved even faster until she had again erupted and Liam releasing himself soon after.
After a few moments both had detached their lips and immediately pulled apart to fix themselves up to catch the last of the game. The Seahawks had won, just barely. The Vikings kicker completely choked. Darren had finished the tax agreement and left to take the documents to the office to be finalized with Valtoria businessman union. As he came back he over heard their voices.
“Liam, that was stupid and really crossed the line. My dad was right there.” Naima exclaimed as she looks around the couch. “And where the hell are my panties.” “No idea" Liam said, smirking. “Are you sure you wore any today. Besides why don’t we head upstairs and actually make some real noise?” Coming up behind her. “You’re such a bad influence on me. You know that? “ she said as she turn to face him. Immediately she grabbed his hand and they both disappeared to her room. As a shocked Darren stood in the hallway not believing what he just heard.
Present day
Darren looked over at Constantine whose face had gone a shade of dark red. “If this happened that recently why did you not inform me of it until now?” he seethed. “You had already arranged this meeting with the psychiatrist” Darren answered.
“Gentlemen, please.” Dr. Sugar spoke up. “While we are on the subject, Your majesty please enlighten me with the incident you witnessed that brought us here today.” Constantine gave Dr. Sugar a cold stare before finally dropping his shoulders and letting out a huge sigh. “I tried to get Liam to break this habit of his and when I held the government summit I thought I had succeeded. An foreign Ambassador had brought his daughter. She and Liam had met before and got along well. So during the duration of summit I made sure Liam spent any free time he had with her. And things seemed to have been going to plan. Until the gala ball I hosted at the end. Liam had disappeared and a guard and I went to look for him.”
Two weeks ago
Constantine and guard, Andrew walked the halls searching for Liam. He wasn’t in his room, nor was he in the library, his favorite hiding place, and he wasn’t in the garden maze. As he entered the hallway to the training room he came across lady Carmen, crying and visibly upset. “Lady Carmen, have you seen Liam? Why are you so upset?!” he asked already knowing the answer. Carmen pointed in the direction of the training room. “Your majesty. You son is no better than his brother.” She sobbed as she ran away. Against his better judgment both Constantine and Andrew walked towards the training room and cracks open and the training room door and tried to contain his anger.
There he saw his son and Lady Naima passionately kissing on the training room floor. Moments later Liam pushes Naima down as he lays on top. Frantically he undoes his pants and shoves them down while both hurry to remove Naima’s panties. Seconds later and both of them are screaming, panting and moaning like wild animals in heat. “I prinkípissa mou” he could hear Liam say over and over. Disgusted Constantine closed the door and walked to his office.
Present day
Dr. Sugar sat slightly stunned. “This might be one for the record books” he thought, as he finished writing his notes down. Taking a deep breath he looked up to address the men in front of him. “Gentlemen, our time is now up and I think I have of an idea of what’s going on. Before I meet with Liam and Naima respectively I will need to speak with pretty much anyone who is aware of their addiction or antics. Like their friends, maybe a teacher or one of their guards.” He says as he gathered his things. He bid the men good day and as he walked down the halls he saw a young couple, heavily making out, in the hallways. Not even aware of their surroundings as they were desperately looking for a room. After seeing this display Dr. Sugar identified them as Liam and Naima. As soon as he passed them they found a room and then Liam lifted Naima up and she wrapped her legs around him as they disappeared in the room and slam the door behind them. “I think I have my work cut out for me.” He said to himself as he headed out.
"This. is. getting. out of hand. Darren!" Constantine exclaimed as he slammed his glass to the floor causing it to shatter "I thought they had put this disgusting behavior behind them only for both of us to see its escalating." He paces back and forth trying to asses the severity of the situation, glancing at Darren as he sits tensely staring at the clock on the wall. Finally Darren stands up and shrugs his shoulders "What do you suppose we can do? Liam is 19 and Naima is 18. We don't know how long they've been sexually involved like this." He tosses his hands in the air and he begins to pace back and forth. "Maybe the best course of action would be to arrange their marriage?"
Constantine immediately stopped in his tracks. "Darren, you truly are a brainless man." He spat out with irritation. "The media would have a field day if that was to become the agreed upon decision" Constantine would never allow a marriage between them after the gala incident when he heard Liam call Naima “I prinkípissa mou” My Princess.
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golden-pickaxe · 6 years
Odal - Part 13
Fandom: Vikings
Paring: Ivar x Reader
Type: Viking Times
Word Count: 2230
Warnings: none
[All Parts Here]
A/N: Between uni and longsword classes I managed to use some in between time to finish this! Short but important ;)
Summary: When you were just a child, you had been adopted by two shieldmaidens, as one of six sisters. Now, all grown up, the lot of you join king Harald to avenge the death of Ragnar in England. A journey, that is going to change the life you’ve known before.
Tags: @lightningwitcher @lovelynerdytraveler @everlasting9 @cbouvier23 @hallowed-heathen @twilight-loveer
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Frost came much earlier than expected this year, and so the army decided to spend the winter in Wessex. Hallgrim had been more than angry about it, being nervous for weeks and spending time mostly by herself, until Yeva had yelled at her, that your mothers were not so old to not be able to survive a winter on their own.
 In contrary to what you were used from Norway, the winter in England was rather mild, although very wet, just like the rest of the year. It rained more, and everything was constantly muddy, but there was no snow, and barely any frost that lasted longer than the morning hours. The days also grew shorter, but never as short as they did back home.
 There was a weird mood in the army, with the tension that arose after the death of Sigurd, and with everyone already decided what they would do as soon as spring came around. You spent most of your time either training with Asta, speaking with Gudrun or taking long walks through the fields and woods around the villa by yourself, deep in thought. The foul mood that had overcome you after finding out that two of your sisters would soon not be with you anymore, had not left, and the whole situation with Ivar did not do much to improve it.
 Thinking of him, you had barely talked to Ivar since he had killed his brother. You were not sure if he was avoiding you, or if you were avoiding him, as the words of your sister, the parts of the poem she had recited, were still ringing in your ear.
You rarely saw Ivar outside of the villa, who seemed to seclude himself, from the army and from his brothers. You were not sure if he was mourning, or simply not wanting to show his face so soon after what he had done.
 With a sigh, and a thick cloak around your shoulders, you wandered along the riverbank of the small stream running near the villa, your warm breath forming small clouds in the cold air in front of your face. You were, as so often, on one of your many walks, as always hoping that it would clear your mind, although it never did.
 You were deep in thought, barely paying attention to the world around you, letting the past months, as so often, go by in your head, trying to pinpoint the moment where it had all started to change, where you had lost control over your fate.
Was it when you had reached England? When you had left Vestfold? Or when you all had decided to join your king in the pursuit of revenge?
 You stopped, staring down at the slow moving water of the river, your eyes moving over the muddy ground and up to the cloud covered sky. It would certainly rain again this night, as the clouds were dark and heavy, making it seem as if it was already late afternoon, and not before midday.
 “Why are we sent on such different paths? Why had fate brought us together, only to pull us apart again?” you asked, not even knowing to which of the gods you were speaking. To all of them, probably, to anyone of them who would listen to you.
 “Fate is not fair.” You suddenly heard a voice behind you, causing you to turn around quickly, hand immediately grabbing the axe on your hip.
 There, sitting rather hidden between the leafless bushes on the riverbed was Ivar, his figure wrapped up in a thick, dark cloak, a hood over his head.
 “You startled me.” Was all you could say, lowering your weapon with a shaking head, before you secured it back to your hip. You mustered Ivar. You had not seen him for weeks, only had caught quick glances when you had crossed the halls of the villa.
 “You know that it was an accident, don’t you? You know that I did not mean to kill him!” his blue eyes were pleading, so open and honest that you had to look away. You had not been quite prepared for this, had not thought that he would start your conversation with this heavy topic already.
 In truth, you did not know what to think, even though you had thought about it quite a deal in the past weeks.
“Deliberately throwing an axe into someone’s chest is not an accident, Ivar.” You said, trying to sound calm, like Ubbe always did, looking down at your hands. “No matter how angry you are.”
 “He insulted me!” Ivar hissed, causing you to huff.
 “And you accused him of Ergi! Yet he did not kill you!” with that you turned back to him, shaking your head once more.
 Ivar’s breathing was heavy, as he looked up at you. You could see that he was boiling inside, barely containing his anger. He knew that your words were true, and that he had been lying to himself, but he still did not want to admit it.
 You sighed deeply.
“Look, Ivar, despite what you have done, I respect you. And I will still follow you into battle, attack and raid England.” You started, mustering his sitting form. “But only if you realise what you have done. You are not a child and even if you are a prince, you must learn that your actions have consequences.”
 You were not sure how you mustered up the bravery to talk with Ivar like this, but you knew it had to be done. And in your past conversations, it had always seemed as if he respected your opinion and listened to you, in a way he never listened to his brothers.
 “You killed Sigurd. That is a fact. And even if you did not intend to kill him, it was not just an accident.” You ended, folding your hands in front of you.
 “What do you propose, then?” Ivar tilted his head at you, raising his eyebrows. He was still angry, you could see that, but it lifted a weight from your heart to hear that he was at least taking your words seriously.
 “Accept it. Learn from it. Don’t do it again.” You spoke. “You only have so many brothers.” You added, a bit more silently, but Ivar heard it nevertheless.
 Your words made him chuckle, but then he looked away from you, over the slow running river. He must be cold, you thought, sitting the gods knew how long on the cold, moist ground, barely shielded against the wind.
 “I am.. just so angry all the time.” Ivar spoke up again after a few minutes of silence between the two of you.
 “When I was a child, Hrafna used to have such moments of anger and rage, that she forgot herself. She would destroy things, fight without thinking about herself.. in one of her rages she hurt Gudrun, and from that moment she knew she had to change.” You started, remembering how the red head had set at her sister’s bed, her hand clutched with hers, crying streams of hot tears.
 “What did she do?” Ivar sounded curious, looking up to you once more.
 “She used it. And so should you. Use your anger, but don’t forget to think, Ivar. You’re smart and you are wise, so use your head before you act. You don’t need to do more things you will regret.” You looked to the ground, shaking your head one last time before you turned away from the prince, starting to walk away from him.
 “Y/N!” Ivar called after you, his voice once more so pleading that you stopped and turned to face him.
 He looked kind of lost, how he was sitting there all alone on the riverbed on the cold ground on this gloomy day, his blue eyes filled with both regret and sadness. Your heart melted a bit, and your shoulders sacked a bit.
“Don’t leave.”
 You almost did not hear him over the distance, so low, so weak his voice was, but your heart ached at his words. He was very lonely, you could see it in his face, and you knew that his brothers avoided him after what he had done. You had to be honest, you could not blame them, as you did not know what you would do in their place. You did not even want to entertain the thought of what would happen if one of your sisters slayed another.
 You could not hold back the faint, sad smile that formed on your lips, but you finally nodded, walking back to him, and sitting down on the cold, moist ground beside him, wrapping your thick cloak tightly around your shoulders, and pulling your legs up to your chest.
 A few ravens flew overhead, and there was little sound besides the wind rustling through the leafless branches of the few trees around you. It was tranquil, and you suddenly understood why Ivar had been sitting here on his own.
 “I know why I am angry. But why are you?” his voice startled you once more, after you had sat next to each other for a few minutes of silence.
 “What?” you looked over to him, noticing how he was mustering you.
 “I watched you sulking around the villa. Your jaw clenched and your teeth grinding. What has happened?” he tilted his handsome face, his lips almost blue from the cold. You wondered how long he had been sitting here already.
 You sighed deeply, and shook your head.
You did not really want to talk about it, especially not with Ivar right now, as for one, you were not entirely sure what to think of him after he had killed his brother, but also as he was a big part of what frustrated you so much. Nevertheless, as you were sitting here so close next to him, on the cold, hard ground, far away from the rest of the army, the intense longing that pulled your heart to him, and which you had managed to ignore for the past few weeks, returned full force.
 You swallowed, deciding to tell him at least a part of your troubles.
“My sisters.” You started with a sign, looking down at your hands to avoid the gaze of the man next to you. “Hrafna is going to go with Halfdan to explore the Mediterranean sea with Bjorn. Hallgrim wants to go home to the farm, to help our mothers..” you looked up from your hands, towards the thick, dark clouds in the sky. “I have never been to battle without all five of them. We.. complete each other, and I don’t know.. I’m not sure if I can make it without them at my side.” You admitted.
 “From what I have seen of you, in life and in battle, you are a complete person on your own.” Ivar said. “You fight well enough, even without them.”
 You chewed your lower lip in thought.
Part of you of course knew that his words were true, but nevertheless, you were still scared. It had been bad enough for you to go to England without your mothers, the excitement at first drowning out your worries about going to war without the two women who raised you. But now, thinking that our numbers would shrink even more, ultimately halving the size of your band of shieldmaidens, it sparked the irrational fear in your mind, that you would lose more and more until it was just you. And you could not imagine a life without your family.
 “Y/N..” you looked down at your knee, that was not covered by your cloak, when you felt Ivar’s cold hand touching it. You turned your head to look at him, to look into his blue eyes, his expression open and completely vacant of his usual anger, even a faint smile on his pale lips.
 He was so beautiful, you thought.
The image of the serpent yet again came into your mind again like an unwelcomed guest, like it always did when you found yourself looking at Ivar for a bit too long, but this time it was different. This time it strangely did not scare you, this time it felt just as comforting as it had felt in the dream.
You felt the snake wrap itself around you, holding you tightly, Nidhogg the herald of Ragnarök setting your mind at ease, and calming your nerves.
It was this one moment, when you realised, that whatever you would do, whatever you would decide, fate would always bring you to this one man in front of you.
 You were not sure what to say now, or if you should say anything at all. You drowned in the blue of Ivar’s eyes, completely lost in the shifting clouds reflected inside of them, not noticing how Ivar leaned closer to you. The faint smile slowly left his handsome face, and all that was left was a mirror of the same longing that lived inside of you.
 Your gaze dropped down to his slightly parted lips for less than a second, but this was, as it seemed, all that it took to make Ivar decide, all that he needed to finally close the remaining distance between the two of you, closing his mesmerising blue eyes and pressing his cold lips against yours.
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greennightspider · 6 years
A Drunk Time, A Fun Morning After Part 2
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When you say it’s going to be a oneshot and out comes a sequel oml WELL I hope you guys enjoy this continuation, this part does get more intimate and serious real quick *but spoiler alert, no smut warning needed* (...yet). This part is also twice as long as the last one and yet I regret nothiiiiiiiiiiiiiing Ivar x Reader
@laketaj24 @cbouvier23 
The rest of the day Ivar didn’t so much and as look in your direction. It was clear he was avoiding you, and while it was a great source of entertainment for Ubbe and the rest of the brothers, it was starting to grow tiring. So, you decided to confront him about it that evening.
“Ohohoho, is someone trying to give our brother a private viewing?” Hvitserk smirks, as he catches you walking towards Ivar’s bedroom. Ivar had taken to dinner in his room, and so no one had seen even a glimpse of Ivar tonight. 
“Jealous Hvitserk?” You smirk back, wiggling your eyebrow at him, to which Ubbe and Bjorn holler and laugh, still seated at the dinner table. 
Hvitserk mock acts like he has just been struck in the chest. Ubbe then pipes up from where he’s sitting as Bjorn finishes his plate. “Leave Y/N to her workings brother, at least maybe she can fix Ivar, since she has clearly broken our war machine.”
You roll your eyes with a smile and give the brothers a passing wave as you continue to walk down the hallway towards Ivar’s room, knocking twice before announcing yourself. “Ivar? Its Y/N. Can I come in?”
“That depends, are you decent?” A distrusting voice asks from the other side. Trying to stifle a laugh, you slyly answer “Well Ivar, is not my chest decent enough?” as you quickly whip open the door, startling Ivar and making him jump in his seat, not exactly looking for a round two of this morning. Ivar was sitting next to the fire in his room and he had turned his back fully in his seat in an attempt to shield his eyes from the ambush. However as soon as Ivar peeked over his shoulder towards you and realizes you’re clothed he threw his water pitcher at you, which you promptly dodge. “Disappointed my prince?” You couldn’t help teasing Ivar, it was so different to see the boy who would usually fly into a hysteric rage silently simmering under hot flushed cheeks. “That was underhanded.” He grumbles.
“Well isn’t that rich, coming from you.” You retort, still staring at the clearly uncomfortable prince. You sigh, and decide that the time for teasing is passed. “Ivar, you’ve been avoiding me all day. And not very subtly I might add.” Ivar was concentrating his stare towards the fire, but you saw your comments crawl their way under his armour. Even though he didn’t lock eyes with you, you keep your gaze trained on him as you close the door behind you. Slowly you make your way towards him, saying softly, “And Ivar… I do think I have a solution.”
“And what is that?” Ivar asks in a condescending tone before his face freezes up as he sees you lift your shirt up over your head and throw it on the bed. Immediately his eyes dart back to the fire, only this time they were each as round as the full moon.
“Ivar, look at me.”
Ivar continues to stare at the fire intently, not moving a muscle.
“Ivar.” You say in a commanding tone, one he could not ignore. He dragged his eyes from the fire, resting his eyes on yours. “Ivar, in order for us to work well together, not only here in Kattegat but also in battle, you need to be comfortable with me. And that means..” Taking a few slow steps towards Ivar until you were a foot apart. “All of me.”
Ivar did well to keep his gaze up. His eyes were more confident now, but still held apprehension, as if he was nervous to admit that for once he did not know how to proceed. He also looked like he was looking for… permission?
“Ivar, it’s okay, you can look at me, I’m not ashamed.” You chuckle a bit and stretch your arms out before resting your hands on your hips. Ivar takes a gulp and then shifts his gaze. You watch as Ivar’s eyes travelled from shoulder to shoulder, where your armour had left small indents near each end of your clavicle. His gaze moves lower towards your hips and taught stomach, which had hardened substantially after years of training. He then slowly brings his gaze up to rest lastly on your breasts. They weren’t what one would consider small, but they did not get in the way of battle, which was of course your main concern. As Ivar stared your nipples started to become hard due to the cold of the night, to which Ivar tilted his head curiously. And to add to this display the roaring fire gave your whole body a warm glow that was matched in the reflection of your hazel eyes. “So, what do you think, prince?” Ivar didn’t respond, almost hypnotized.
“Ivar?” A second calling snapped Ivar out of his trance. “It is- I mean, you are, um.” Ivar struggled to find words, not only because of the subject matter, but because you knew he wasn’t used to giving genuine (not sarcastic) compliments. And at this point, you decided to up the game.
“Ivar, you can touch me if you want.”
Ivar’s eyes grew wider (if that was even possible), trying to figure out whether you actually meant what you said. “Lucky for you Ivar, I am in a VERY generous mood.” You remark, as you stretch your arms out, leaning back all the while smiling playfully at the bashful prince. He looked so uncomfortable, which was interesting considering YOU were the one half naked.
You watch as he wrestles with himself until finally straightening up in his chair and giving his answer. “Well, if you insist.” He had tried to sound like his usually cocky self, but his nervousness had made its way to his voice box, making his voice crack. And you were loving every minute of it.
Ivar then grabs his crutch from the floor beside him and props himself up. You were expecting to be summoned to his lap, but it seems as though Ivar wants as much high ground as he can get right now. Ivar pushes himself up and stands tall. When standing, Ivar is half a head taller than you, which was a great viewpoint for him as he was now looking down at you. Or more specifically, at everything below your neck.
“Well then.” Attempting to clear his throat, Ivar slowly brings his free hand around your waist. His fingers tracing the curve of your hips, travelling up your back almost ghostlike. He then brought his hand back down and around to your midriff, his hands not leaving your skin, his eyes not leaving his hands. Meanwhile your eyes never left his face, never imagining that the most ruthless warrior you had ever faced could have the softest of strokes. You enjoyed seeing him like this, not helpless but definitely guard down, and curiosity out.
Ivar wasn’t the only one feasting his eyes tonight, as you studied Ivar’s tight braids, still a bit bloody from the raid. His brow was furrowed as he studied you, clearly concentrating on his task. His rugged jawline was hinged on his clenched jaw, making sure he showed no emotion, no weakness. You continued to stare at Ivar as his hand slowly made its way to your breasts. He casually brushed against one of your hardened nipples, almost earning from you a small yelp. He then cups the same breast in his hands, feeling the weight of it, as he slowly lifts it up and down. Ivar then started moving your breast in a circular motion, his fingers mimicking the same motion around your nipple. It took all the strength you had not to moan, and all the willpower you could muster not to lean into his touch. Ivar didn’t seem to notice, and if you wanted to keep him in his calm curious state it needed to stay that way. You knew as soon as Ivar knew he was giving you pleasure he wouldn’t hesitate holding it over you, quickly transforming back into the cocky dominating Ivar everyone knew.
But damn, for someone who had never even seen a woman before, Ivar was doing pretty well turning you the fuck on. Ivar’s slow and careful touch teased you, baiting your body for more. You were wondering how such small ministrations could turn you on so much, and then realised your mistake: Coming to the room of an inexperienced Ivar who was so very much your type, in the middle of the night, while you can’t remember the last time you had sex. 
Which explained why your body was so extra sensitive. 
Thankfully Ivar stopped his ministrations on your chest before you could let out a lust-filled moan, but at the same time you had to stifle a whimper at the absence of his hand. However instead his hand had found his way up to your neck and cupped your cheeks, tilting your face up to his. Conflict dances in Ivar’s blue eyes, which are once again searching your face for any sign, any hint of reluctance or - hell forbid - joking. He then tilts your face higher and almost in a whisper he says, “What are you playing at, Y/N?”
You attempt to sound half as confident as Ivar on a regular day. “Trying to make sure that you are used to a pair of pretty eyes, and as well as a pretty chest.” You smirk, although the smirk is mostly due to you imagining topping the bloodthirsty Viking on the floor. “Oh really?” Ivar quips, “Because I think this is some dirty trick you and my brothers wanted to pull on the cri-
As soon as you started hearing Ivar’s voice get low and his eyes darken, without thinking you grab the back of his head and pull him towards you. You catch his lips mid-sentence, and you can feel Ivar freeze up like a stunned deer. You made sure your grip on his head was strong as you gently caress his lips with yours, willing him to calm down, willing him to believe you. His lips were cold from the night air, but you could taste the ale on them as you gently continued playfully lapping up all the ale you find with the tip of your tongue. Ivar was stiff, but he wasn’t frigidly reluctant, as he let you continue the kiss. You don’t dare open your eyes lest you see his dark angry gaze piercing your soul. But also…. partly… because you’re so fully getting lost in Ivar. You gently bit on his bottom lip before gradually pulling yourself away, slowly opening your eyes to find that Ivar’s were now starting to glaze over. "Still think this is a game?” You ask, obviously still in a haze yourself. You look down at the ground, and before you know it you softly mutter, “Do you really think I would have shown myself to you if I did not want you to see me?” Of all the warriors you knew, Ivar was definitely the cruelest, and the most cunning, but he was also the most tenacious and steadfast man you had ever come across. In short, you had realized early on that there was no way you would ever settle for anyone less. On top of that, Ivar’s taste was addictive, and damn everything to hell you wanted more. But, you need to know if he wanted more as well.
“Well Ivar, it seems as though my work here is done. You seem plenty used to seeing a woman now eh?” You try to smile and catch Ivar’s eye, but his eyes are glued to the floor. You look for any noticeable hints of pleasure, enjoyment, just any sign that he doesn’t want you to leave. But he says nothing, and you take that as your cue that he isn’t interested. As you start to turn around, trying hard not to let the disappointment and longing in your voice show, you remark, “Well I guess I had better-
Suddenly you feel a hand grab your arm and whip you around so that you’re face to face with Ivar again, his hand that once held your arm now around your waist, gripping you against his chest. His eyes have darkened slightly, but you see resolve in his face now. Not questioning. Not doubting. Just wanting. Leaning in closely to the nape of your neck he lets his lips softly brush against your skin until he reaches your ear, making you shiver as he tentatively utters one word.
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The Absent Heart
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((~Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9))
Ao3 Link: Here
GIF Credit: paradiseofimagines
 ~Part 2~ 
The day started off just like any other. 
Freya and the other girls were up before the sun, preparing the morning meal and completing other various chores around the Lothbrok home. She helped ready Queen Aslaug, just as she had been entrusted to, many times before. She brought her breakfast, laid out her dress for the day, and plaited a number of small, intricate braids into her hair; always finishing by mid-morning. The Queen would always thank and dismiss her with a smile. Leaving her to the remainder of her day, which was usually spent with Helga.
But today, their usual work took up less time than usual. There were few people for them to tend too, and they were well stocked on the many herbs and other various materials they used for their work; and Helga’s garden had been tended to several days prior, which left the remainder of the afternoon open for little work.
“Go.” Helga insisted with a smile. “There is no sense in sitting around, wasting a perfectly beautiful day.”
“Are you sure?” Freya asked? “I don’t mind staying if you need me too.” Helga simply laughed and shook her head, earning her a confused look. 
“You work enough as it is already.” She assured Freya. “Go enjoy an afternoon. I am sure if you know where too look, you’ll find the brother’s causing some form of mischief somewhere.” 
And sure enough, Helga was right. As Freya wandered farther into the woods towards the small clearing, she could hear the familiar sounds of metal striking metal as the brother’s sparred. Noting as she approached the treeline, that they still left her things in their usual spot against one of the many large trees.
Ubbe was the first to catch sight of her, grinning wildly but choosing not to give away her presence as she nocked an arrow and drew back the bowstring. Watching as she held steady for several seconds before taking her opening and loosing it in the direction of Hvitserk and Sigurd; watching as they leap apart, startled as it struck the tree beside them. Ubbe laughing heartily at their expressions as they turned, ready to skin whoever fired the arrow alive. Their expressions softening when they caught sight of Freya as she emerged into the clearing from the trees. Bowing several times as she laughed.
“Have you lost your mind?!” Sigurd questioned, eyes still wide with shock before they narrowed themselves at Ivar who was trying to control his laughter along with Ubbe. “You’ve not shot that thing in years! You could have killed one of us!” 
Freya scoffed, rolling her eyes at him as she planted her hands against her hips firmly.
“If I do so recall correctly, Sigurd, I never miss.” She replied, green gaze narrowed briefly before widening; a small startled shriek leaving her lips as she was swept up off the ground and thrown over, she was guessing Hvitserk’s, shoulder. Flailing her hands wildly against his leather clad back and she demanded to be put down. Knowing they remembered good and well she always hated when they did that.
“Hvitserk, I swear to the God’s! I will castrate you right here and now if you do not--” Her sentence was cut short as he dropped her small frame to the hard ground below. The harsh ‘THUD’ of her rear connecting with the ground echoing through the clearing as their laughter ceased.
“I think I would run run if I were you, Brother.” Ivar stated with a devilish grin as he watched Freya’s face turn red, all the way to the tip of her ears.
“You forget, I’m a better shot when I’m angry.” She stated seriously as she climbed to her feet, brushing the dirt and grass from her skirts.
“I-I didn’t- I mean I- I just- ...” Hvitserk stumbled over his words as Freya glared at him.
“I think what bone-head here means, is we are excited to see you.” Ubbe stated, patting his younger brothers shoulder reassuringly with a grin before scooping Freya up himself into a bone crushing hug. Setting her down after a few seconds of trying to struggle out of his grip, next to Ivar.
“Which begs the real question here,” Ivar stated as he elbowed her in the ribs playfully. “Why are you not with Helga?” 
“Because,” She replied, pushing back against him with her shoulder. “There was very little for us to do this morning, therefore, I have an afternoon with nothing to do.” 
“I think we can change that.” Ivar grinned as he held up his sword for her to take. Watching as she practically bounced out of her seat with excitement, snatching the blade from his hand, spinning gracefully into a fighting stance as she challenged Hvitserk.
The afternoon worn on with the clash of swords and laughter as the boys taught her new techniques and helped her brush up on past ones. Oh how Freya had missed this. It was rare that she saw them much anymore; save for evening meals, when they usually joined their mother for a few short hours. It was refreshing to join them like this, as she once did when they were children. It felt amazing to have that small freedom back, even if it was only for a short time. She would enjoy it to it’s fullest.
The day was warm, and soon her muscles ached with exhaustion from the mock combat moves they performed repeatedly for several hours. Her feet thanking her when they finally decided enough was enough and ventured down to the small river inlet to cool off. Freya was even to exhausted to be mad when Ubbe pitched her into the water, still fully clothed. 
She finally emerged back to land sometime later, sopping wet and grinning mischievously, noting that Ivar to be the only one still in her company. He was also completely unaware of what was about to happen as she crept quietly out of the water and around the log where he sat comfortably in the shade with his eyes closed. A startled yelp escaping his lips as the sopping wet mass tackled him in to the ground. Freya giggling hysterically as they rolled to a stop, Ivar landing on top of her with a menacing glare. Though the look had the opposite affect as she only laughed harder, Ivar rolling his eyes in annoyance as he pushed himself over into the grass.
“Oh come on, Ivar. I’m just having fun.” She giggled, standing and striping her wet clothes off, leaving on only a thin knee length shift as she hung the rest up to dry in the sun. Laying back down on her belly, in the grass beside Ivar. 
“We have two very different ideas of fun.” He replied, suppressing a smirk as he propped himself up with his hands behind him, shifting as Freya rolled between his legs and made herself comfortable in his lap. A contented sigh leaving her lips as his fingers found their way to her hair, toying with the long dark curls that spiraled past her shoulders.
“If you say so.”  She yawned lazily, green eyes opening to gaze up into those of familiar sapphire blue before closing again as she relaxed. Enjoying the comfortable silence that fell between them; nearly nodding off until he spoke sometime later, startling her eyes open once more.
“You should come with me too Wessex.” He watched as her brows knit together in a brief moment of confusion, green eyes searching his own, trying to judge if he was being serious or not. 
“And why ever would you want me to do such a thing?” She asked, now straddling his lap to better look at him, semi convinced of his serious...but still somewhat skeptical as she narrowed her gaze at him.
“We need the extra Healers, for one.” He shrugged. “It is a lot handle for only Tovi and Helga. They are the most trained, aside from you now.”
“And?” She pressed, knowing that couldn’t possibly be the only reason he’d be asking.
“And I think it would be good for you to see more than just Kattegat.” He added. “Just because you are technically a slave, does not mean you can’t travel.” 
“I don’t know.” Freya sighed as she relaxed a little, though her gaze was still skeptical.
“You only need answer yes or no.” He replied. “I will take care of the rest. At least promise me you’ll think about it?” She nodded in response but said no more, sighing as she realized the sun was starting it’s decent into early evening, and that she should be getting back. 
Pushing herself to her feet, she pulled on her now mostly dry clothes before extending her hand out to Ivar; helping him to his feet and handing him the crutch that aided his walking nowadays. Allowing him to lean some of his weight on her as they walked back to the Village in comfortable silence. Though Freya couldn’t stop her mind from wandering back to their previous conversation. 
It being the only thing on her mind for the remainder of the evening after they parted ways; and well into the night as she tossed and turned, the welcoming embrace of sleep, held just far enough out of her reach by the many questions that had begun to surface in her mind.
Was he telling the truth?
Did they really need more healers?
Why was this different than any other trip?
Was he really that afraid of losing her to someone else?
Surly taking her into battle couldn’t be much better...could it? Twice as many Viking men --lonely and aroused by gore and violence-- to contend with. Not that she saw herself venturing far from his side in such a situation. Why not just admit his feelings? She knew they were there, buried beneath his rough exterior. He wasn’t fooling anyone, no matter how much he thought he was. Even his own Mother could see it. Whether he wanted her too or not was a different story.
The endless possibilities were enough to drive her mad with exhaustion. But sleep still hung just out of her grasp as the faint light of a new day began to dawn. Leaving her even more vexed than she had been all night. Grumbling under her breath crankily as she dressed for the new day, knowing it would be twice as long due to not getting any sleep.
“Damn you Ivar Lothbrok.”
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Dragonhunters:Trollhunters HTTYD au
Summary: While Jim is in the forest, he comes across a dead dragon, holding an amulet that will ultimately change his life forever.
Warnings: Not much, besides some blood and death.
Words: no clue. I just wanted to write this.
Extra: For my friend aloraashton and have fun reading and looking for parallels from this AU and the original show!
I woke up to the cold wood floor smushing my face and the din of the raid alarm in the air. Groaning in exhaustion, i sluggishly rolled over onto my back and stared at the ceiling. ‘Not again...’ i thought begrudgingly. My muscles ached as i attempted to get up and i couldn’t help but wonder which idiot i would have to treat today. Throwing on a blue leather vest and fur boots, i tried to mentally prepare myself for what i would have to encounter from today’s dragon raid.  
On my way downstairs, I found my mother already awake and bustling through all of our herbs and medical instruments. Making sure that we had everything that we would need.  She was the village healer you see, and she was one of the best in the land. Barbara the Red they called her; since she had such bright hair and she was, well... a healer. I’m sure you could figure out the rest. Her fiery red hair was in its bun, as usual, and her brown and blue tunic was ruffled up and wrinkled. Instantly, I could tell that she hadn’t slept last night. I sighed.
“Mom, you gotta get some sleep! You know you need it.” she jolted at my sudden voice, turning to see what had made her jump. My mother sighed in relief. “Oh, James... it’s just you. You really gave my a startle there.” i rolled my eyes. “I know i did. But seriously, you need to get some sleep. Promise me you’ll head straight to bed after this raid is done.”
“James I-”
“Straight to bed! I can handle the hut for a day and you really need the rest.” She sighed and gave me a small smile. Knowing that i wouldn’t back down or compromise, she yielded and gave me a hug. “Of course James.” 
Just then, a bang resonated from the hut’s large door. Mom looked up and hurriedly made her way to open the wooden entrance. There were two men, one who’s leg was bleeding profusely and the other supporting him. Mom quickly led them to a bed and immediately began to cut the man’s pant leg. “James! Will you get me some fresh water, a clean rag, some goldenrod and fresh bandages?” I gave a quick nod before rushing to get what my mother needed. And that was how the day that changed my life began.
After the raid was over, it was well into mid-morning and my mom, true to her word, went straight to bed. Meanwhile i cleaned up the bloody bandages, bowls of water, put away the medicinal herbs, and remade the beds. There were still a few injured lying in the beds, but they were mostly asleep and didn’t really care about what i was doing. And once everything was settled down, I gave a great sigh of relief and collapsed in a nearby chair. I bet that i could have fallen asleep had it not been for my growling stomach. A groan escaped my throat. I didn’t want to get up! But alas, i had no choice. So grabbing my leather messenger bag, i left home to head to the dining hall. 
On the way there, i noticed some drastic changes in the landscape. I realized that this was probably the worst raid yet, having noticed six houses burned down, two barns and a well destroyed, and three boats slowly sinking into the bay with a ‘glub’ or two. It was gonna be one Helhiem of a clean up. 
I got to the dining hall which was, unfortunately, on the far edge of the village and was met with the surprising sight of my best friend. Tobias. But i just call him Toby or Tobes. Depending on the day. He was stout for our age, and was rather large too, and even though that affected his ability to run away from collapsing buildings or sudden dragon fires, it didn’t affect the way that he was still my best friend. I jogged up the rest of the way to catch up with him just as he entered the pavilion.
“Jimbo! How’s it going dude! I almost started thinking that you got carried off by one of those Monstrous Nightmares. What a sad day that will be.” I chuckled at his strange jokes. “Hi Toby, i’m doing just fine. Totally exhausted though! I had to take care of people nonstop for three hours! I’m pretty sure that i’m going to fall asleep at any given moment.” And just to prove my point, a huge yawn escaped my mouth. We walked over to an empty table near the great fire pit and sat down across from each other.   
“Jeez man, you do look tired. Why don’t you go take a nap or something?” 
“Can’t. I have to eat first and then i gotta go get some more herbs. I’m gonna be working all day.” Toby hummed in reply. 
“Well why don’t i come with you? I’m sure you could use another set of eyes!” I scoffed a little at the suggestion. “No offense Toby, but i don’t think you’d be the best person to come herb searching with me.” Said person crossed his arms and leaned back. 
“Why not?”
“Last time you helped my gather herbs you mistook hemlock for yarrow. If i hadn’t noticed it, it could’ve hurt somebody. Need i say more?” Toby pouted, but nonetheless nodded his head in agreement. “Yeah okay, i see your point.” My head nodded in finality. “Good. Now let’s get something to eat. I’m starving.” 
Once we were finished eating, we both stood up and walked out of the dining hall saying our goodbyes to each other when we had to go our separate ways. Him to his grandmother’s to work on rebuilding their kitchen, and me to the woods to gather some more herbs for my mother’s storage supply. 
The forest was alive with the sounds of birds singing and trees clapping their hands to an unrecognizable rhythm. I walked along the familiar trails and stooped down every once in a while to check for any medicinal herbs. The trail got rougher the farther i traveled and sooner or later i had become very tired and my legs ached. Deciding to rest, i sat down on a strange boulder and got out the water flask i had taken with me. 
I took this moment of peace and rest to get a look at my surroundings. Golden light filtering through the fluttering leaves, the song of a babbling brook not too far off, the calming rush of the spring wind ruffling up my raven hair. It was certainly a wonderful day.  
But not too long after sitting down on the large rock, did i notice that something was off. The boulder began to look too narrow and too long, with strange spires jutting out of it. And that wasn’t all! The boulder had weird fissures on it’s surface, almost like a pattern. And the longer i looked at it, the more life-like it felt! ‘There’s something strange about this boulder.’ i thought as i poked at it’s scale like fissures. ‘It looks almost like a....’ My eyes widened and i jumped off of the ‘boulder’ as fast as i could.
My heart pounded against my rib cage as my blue eyes trained on the petrified dragon. ‘How had I MISSED that!?’ I thought. Hands frozen to my side and legs stiff, i couldn’t help but gaze on in fear and wonder at the stone dragon. And it wasn’t just any dragon either. It was a Titan Monstrous Nightmare! I tried to gulp down the frog that had leaped into my throat, same way i did with my astonishment. 
The Nightmare laid there, frozen in rock, with it’s talons clenched and wings spread as if it had failed to fly. It was encased in strange armor, that was also made of stone, that spread from it’s tail to it’s wings to the snout. There was a large crack in one of it’s wings, which i could imagine had been a gash, as well as many fractures that could have been cuts or chunks ripped out of it.
‘But what could have defeated a Titan Monstrous Nightmare?’I wondered in fear. Could this have been a horde of Vikings? Another Titan Wing? An accident? But the longer i gazed at the dead Nightmare, the more questions i had spinning around my head. Then all of a sudden, a voice spoke. 
“James...Lake.” a yelped escaped my throat and i fell backwards onto the cold, hard ground. Breath speeding up and chest heaving, i froze there until the voice spoke again. “James...Lake.” I didn’t know what to do except gawk at the dragon that had apparently uttered my name. That was until, i noticed the odd blue glow coming from it’s clenched talons.   
Intrigued by the glow, i crept up to the dragon and carefully placed my hand on the cracked talons. But just when i did, the entire dragon crumbled into dust before me. A cough erupted from my throat since i accidentally breathed in the stuff, and my eyes stung from the exposure to dragon-dust or whatever. 
Once the dust cloud had settled, the only thing remaining of the Monstrous Nightmare was an amulet. A glowing blue amulet. Captivated by the enticing glow, i shuffled my way through the dust and picked up the talisman. It was an intricate amulet, with a blue gemstone glowing softly at it’s center, silver gears ticking inside of it, and encased in a silver ring with small dragons formed on it’s edges. 
It was beautiful, to say the least. But why would a dead dragon have it?
I understood that dragons liked their treasures and food just as much as humans did, but why would this Nightmare be willing to die for this one simple trinket? 
Baffled by this mystery, i looked up to see the sun just starting to set. Orange and red against navy blue. Gasping, I hadn’t realized how late it had gotten, so without a second thought i raced out of the dust pile and grabbed my leather bag; packing the amulet inside of it as i ran. Unbeknownst to me, as i ran, six glowing eyes emerged from the brush and eyeballed me with eagerness.
“It chose...a human!?”
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