#the audiobooks only enhance it
aghhh i’ve been thinking about the httyd books again and how Absolutely Insane they are…. i ADORE watching people react to them because there’s this one point in the series where everything just feels different. and they don’t give you time to process what on earth happened before launching you head first full speed into one of the best pieces of literature i think i’ve ever read
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aroaessidhe · 4 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
The Liar’s Knot & Labyrinth’s Heart
books 2&3 in a fantasy trilogy set in a Venetian inspired city full of political intrigue
follows a young woman who conned her way into a noble family, a masked vigilante, and a crime boss, who eventually become allies while juggling multiple identities
and trying to save their people and city by joining a secret society to find origins of a corrupting curse, to eventually destroy the powerful magical objects at the heart of it
tarot magic & sigil/geometry magic, dreamworlds, sentient magical disguises
#the liar's knot#labyrinth's heart#rook and rose#aroaessidhe 2024 reads#the summaries at the start are helpful. bc I forgot what happened in book one lol#I enjoyed these better - I think listening to the audiobooks helped with that a lot. They’re quite long books!#the accents in the audiobooks also enhance it a lot#I def enjoyed the series overall & listening to a whole book in a day or 2 (rather than dragging out if i did text format) is better#the overall plot and magic stuff. im not gonna lie and say i understood it all LMAO but I thought it was pretty good & def some great char#don’t super care about romance. like I don’t dislike it - & much prefer the slow burn to instalove that's everywhere - but also eh whateve#also not to be like miraculous ladybug but high fantasy. but#yeah of course the aromantic crime boss w a telepathically linked spider hosting the ghost of a dead guy as his closest companion is my fav#yeah i cried. im tearing up thinking about it now. they’re so good#his little spider gloves for his spider feet?#there's a good amount of queer characters scattered around#(vargo's aromanticism is hinted a few times; and it's pretty clear imo if you're looking; but not explicit)#i see there’s tons of people shipping him/disappointed it wasn’t polyam...I wish it was clearer bc of that. but otherwise it was fine#like. solidly developed in depth character is just as/more important to me overall#but also why'd [redacted] have to leave....nooo :(#also spider on the cover!!! i only noticed that at the end of that book sjdghsf#queer books#aromantic books#bisexual books
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phosphoenolpyruvat · 2 years
What was Boromir’s plan?
With the ring, what was his plan? how would having the ring benefit him? All it does to frodo is stop his aging and make him invisible. Was Boromir’s plan to become an eternally young assassin against the orc army next doors? did he think it would give him any superpowers despite seeing that it didn’t do that with frodo? did he only plan to give it to Denethor, assuming he would have a masterplan for it? If so, did Denethor? Is there anything he could have actually used the ring for other than staying his age and being invisible? did he think it would have given him the mental power to somehow defeat sauron via palantir? would it have? What was the plan?
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crunchycrystals · 10 months
love when i start recognizing audiobook narrators
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arcxus-of-altihex · 1 year
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No thoughts just spidersona >:D!!
He's blind btw! The venom played mixology with his genes and while he did lose his sight he has an enhanced spider-sense that bleeds into echo-location. The hair ornaments are actually little pieces of tech that send constant pings at a frequency only he can hear, so that is how he "sees."
That being said his hobbies include audiobooks, attempting to learn music from his bf, and also relaxing while his bf does his hair
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dduane · 3 months
In the Young Wizards 'verse, how would the universe handle two wizard-potentials going for the same manual at the same time, like reaching for the same book at the library? Would it somehow magically duplicate itself? Would it avoid the question entirely by waiting to choose the potentials until later? Would either (or both) of them get a notification of the manual installing itself as an app on their phones, thus distracting them from grabbing the book? (So many options!)
The Young Wizards series is one of my all-time favorites, by the way. Thank you for putting it into the world ❤️❤️ I need to reread it again soon!
First of all: thanks for the nice words! Delighted that the books were there for you. 😊
As to your question: I'm not sure this is a problem that's likely to come up, for an array of reasons that have to do with the basic nature of YW-'verse wizardry.
Basically, though: every wizard (like every other human, and every other sentient being) occupies a unique temporospatial position that doesn't just involve where they are, and when they are, but who they are; as well as where they've been, and what they've experienced. Different people, born in different places and raised in different ways by other different people, are inevitably going to have different personalities and different worldviews... and therefore, also, different preferred ways to engage with wizardry.* The chances that a given instrumentality offered to a given person is going to be an exact or even near-exact duplicate of the one offered to another person are pretty small. I don't think we need to worry too much about the two-hands-reaching-for-the-same-Manual-at-the-same-time paradigm.
Bear in mind also that there are a lot of different ways to get at Speech-based wizardly info besides books. Offered instrumentalities can vary wildly due not just to cultural norms, but personal preferences. Someone who likes stories but doesn't care for reading physical books might have their Manual turn up as an (apparent) audiobook. (Or maybe a podcast: or a videoblog: who am I to judge?) After all, we've already had wizards who manage spells or otherwise engage with wizardry by listening to the Sea, acquiring the Speech through sentient laptops, hearing it as in-mind speech which they manage by (probably somewhat Speech-enhanced) memory; by direct communications with the Powers that Be via an (apparent) little magical light source they carry around with them, and numerous other methods. (And don't forget the slightly unusual instrumentality that turns up in the YW 30-Day OTP sequence, in which one new probationary wizard obtains his Manual access via what appears to be Tuxedo Mask's rose from Sailor Moon.) ...Additionally, I have a vague memory of one wizard carrying around a Manual access that seems to be the one and only Magic 8-Ball featuring answers that are not hazy. Don't ask me which book it's in, though. Might be Games Wizards Play, but that's a guess.
As for app installations—no reason that Manual access might not turn up as an app update. Also, in terms of dedicated devices, wizPads and wizPhones (formerly wizPods) have been around for a while now, and both have become canonical over time: Darryl McAllister's using one of the wizPhone-based Manual versions in A Wizard of Mars. (Though these may occasionally present problems for practitioners testing out a new paradigm.) As a wizard grows into their practice of the Art, it's not at all unusual to change instrumentalities as one finds something that works better for them than what the Powers sent them the first time out.
Anyway: hope this helps! 😀
*As for the probably inevitable question, "But what if they're twins?" To quote a well-known authority, "It's never twins." :) (And that said: starting with Wizards at War, we see that occasionally, it is twins... and I'm pretty sure they acquired their delivery instrumentalities separately, though I can't recall whether this gets dealt with in canon.)
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valrvn · 1 month
So I found possibly the most wg fetish bait-y book ever. It's For//est Mage by Rob//in Ho//bb. It's a fantasy/western with magic system wherein mages get their magic from food, and store excess magic as fat. When they cast spells, they lose weight, so their body counteracts the weight loss by giving them huge appetites, enhancing their sense of taste, and decreasing their metabolism to the point where they're pretty much constantly gaining weight, even if they fast. I've been listening to the audiobook and I'm only three hours in, but the main character has already gone from a fit soldier to being fat enough that his family don't immediately recognize him (though he has no clue why yet).
It's also written really well, and is surprisingly not particularly fatphobic. The main character faces a lot of fatphobia, but that comes from his culture, which the book is criticizing.
Here's a section from the book where he hasn't fully realized how much weight he's putting on yet, gets mocked for it, and then (unknowingly) uses his magic to break his harasser's leg.
and this is from the scene where he actually looks at himself in the mirror for the first time since the weight gain started.
(sorry for the audio quality, my recording software isn't very good)
Anyway, the audiobook is on youtube, and I'd really recommend it so far.
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that1fangirrl · 2 months
Dating a Ballet Dancer...
Cw: some 18+,food mentions
A/N: This was honestly so adorable to me. I think I might write so more for it later on. If you have any ideas for this or other concepts, my inbox is always open. Enjoy!
He does not understand why ballerinas wear so many layers to practice. Especially because they are mostly thin and mesh garments, but with leg warmers
Yoga and stretch “dates”
Forcing her to eat more food so she can build up strength… or at least him sneaking a few snacks in her bag before she leaves for practice
Helping her stay in shape and healthy always
Something tells me he’d be curious to try a move… maybe stick to plié or tendu. Just like small footwork. Nothing extreme
He probably helps her with choreography. His enhanced senses pick up on slight changes so i definitely see him being like “oh that pirouette wasn’t as strong” or “your elbows aren’t tucked in right”
He doesn’t seem like a nervous person, but knowing with any sport you can get hurt has him on edge all the time. “What if you don’t land right and break an ankle?”
But he’s fairly confident in his babygirl… she's a professional after all
He's a huge stickler when it comes to her health. I know I said it before, but he's constantly watching what she eats, how much sleep and rest she gets. Cause he knows what the body needs to feel good and function better
Maybe it even motivates him to be better about his own health
It doesn’t help that they’re in college which always somehow means snacks over real food
If practice goes longer into the night, he’ll wait in the building or in the studio, so they can walk back to his or her dorm
Classical music is a must for them both. Just picture it. Him sitting on the bed studying with the music softly in the background while his adorable lover mimics the movements in her head along to the music. He would have the cutest little soft smile on his face(y'know the one)
When it’s tech/rehearsal week and he's not allowed to be around, it’s the worst. He’s only allowed to sit on one of the benches outside of the theater/auditorium. He can hear her jagged breathing, the nerves bounces off the walls, the constant frustration running through her veins. It makes him super antsy that he can’t barge in and console his sweet angel. 
But after each night of rehearsing, he makes sure Foggy isn’t at their dorm, so he can give her a well deserved night of comfort. Whether that be a nice massage, cuddling with an audiobook or some music, or everyone’s favorite… sex!!
Speaking of sex… he’s 100% her first. He’s so sweet and gentle. Constantly asking if she’s okay, if she wants to try something else, etc. It’s always a good time. Vanilla, but who cares? They're only in college.
Back to our charmer, he might’ve flirted with the dance instructor a little so he could be allowed into the dance studio after hours or during sessions. She’s an older lady, so of course she’s gonna love that little catholic boy who’s “too much”.
Now when the tickets for each show goes on sale, he is the first and i repeat THE FIRST to get a ticket. He’s up bright and early waiting for the doors to open so he can get one and be prepared for the night. 
During the day, he tries his best to keep her head up. Makes her stand in front of a mirror and say only positive things to herself. Even texts in the middle of his day, that she's gonna kill it. 
He even has Foggy tag along. Has him help pick out flowers and a cute card. Maybe even some cute jewelry, like a little dainty bracelet that has a ballet charm on it. Foggy doesn’t mind though, he’s their number 1 supporter. 
At the end of the show, he finds her backstage crying. Something about how she messed up on her turns and everyone noticed. To which he assures her with the biggest and tightest hug. “The crowd loved you Angel. They were absolutely breathless and amazed. If you did mess up, they didn’t even notice because your beauty hypnotized them too much.” Ending it with a billion kisses all over the face and on her forehead. 
She kept those flowers by the way. Dried them out and has them in a special area of their apartment. Probably in some cute little keepsake box. 
 After all these years, they’re still together. Graduated from school. Successful lawyer and Ballet Dancer of Hell’s Kitchen.
He still goes to all of her shows. Brings Foggy and Karen. Has a cute new bouquet of flowers each time. 
One night, he brings a ring. And after the show, they go for a small walk in the park nearby and he gets on one knee and proposes to her. The rest from there is history.
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theflyindutchwoman · 9 months
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You did good work today. I've been told that it's important for a supervisor to give praise. Oh. Well, thank you. What else do you appreciate about me? That you know when not to push your luck.
These two and their pranks… This is something that started as a way for Lucy to get back at Tim for his tests, and has now blossomed into a love language between them… Into a little tradition of theirs : baby powder to celebrate her graduation to P2, booties to celebrate his promotion to Sergeant… At least, it's less messy this time!
The fact that only Lucy's mischievous smirk gives us a hint that something is afoot when Nolan brings out that Tim is now technically a rookie Sergeant is excellent. It makes the final reveal that much sweeter. Tim is looking so proud in the locker room, holding his new uniform, happy to be moving on with his career, even smiling… until he unlocks the door. The way his face falls once he sees all the baby boots and the sign… He looks already so done and annoyed. The only thing missing in this is Lucy witnessing his reaction… So having a follow-up at the end of the episode is perfect.
And that second scene just enhances the whole prank. It's full of flirting / bickering. Starting with Lucy tiptoeing her way back to his locker with more booties, before being busted… Or Tim trying his hardest to look stern despite the glimpse of a smile peeking through and giving him away… His dorky thumbs up, his discomfort at giving her a compliment and Lucy's face of disbelief, as if she's two seconds away from asking him if he's feeling alright… Tim admitting he was forced by Grey to 'give praise' more often, as if he's personally offended by the suggestion… Or Lucy immediately taking advantage of this and asking for more… This is them. Simple as that. She's being playful while he's pretending to be grumpy. The whole exchange comes off as completely good-natured, especially since he complimented her recently, when he was comparing Barnes to her or after her undercover op. And the second she is out of his sight, he can't help but smile and laugh… His little head shake at the end has such a 'she's driving me crazy but I love her' vibe. And her prank was flawless : it was a good way to get back at him for all the times he called her 'boots' and to celebrate his promotion in a fun manner that she knew would both irk and amuse him. She really took the time and made the effort to do this for him (not to mention the amount of money she must have spent). It also concluded beautifully this arc : Tim started his journey to become a sergeant with her. After the audiobooks, the turned-down promotion, they can now add the booties.
But this serves another purpose as well : with all the changes that went through since they stopped riding together, their dynamic needed to be reestablished. They barely interacted after her last day as a rookie, both being busy with their own lives… And then, there were those sizzling moments at Angela's ill-fated wedding and at Tim's place… Jackson's death… A three-month time-jump. A lot of things had changed so we needed to see where they were standing after all of this. They may not be there yet, still not completely fully aware of the implications of what may have happened or denying it… But their relationship is as strong as ever and they both are ready to fully embrace their friendship without the constraints of their former mentorship.
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floral-poisons · 1 year
driving with prefects
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in honor of constantly being reminded that leona can drive, i am writing up a brief dorm leader head canon post. i just think it would be a fun set of head canons, you know? (also it’s been a bit since i’ve posted like content).
i haven’t read any translations for the new event ft. leona and whatnot. so if my head canons don’t align with canon...take it with a grain of salt.
for the sake of these head canons, i’m mostly thinking about manual cars. because i know magic enhanced technology exists within twst. but when i think about driving, i’m thinking about like...regular cars, you know.
malleus draconia
unfamiliar is malleus with manual cars. after all, they’re so different from vehicles operated by magic alone. when he gets behind the wheel, he’s very cautious. sometimes, the things he does are reckless (your heart was beating so fast it would have exploded). but that’s because he isn’t used to driving with stick. or even having experience with manually shifting the car into different modes. he also needs to put his seat as far back as possible because of how tall he is and he needs a tall car so his horns aren’t squished. it can get very uncomfortable very quickly.
child of man, this car is very confusing. how do i activate the windshield wipers? i would not want us to get into an accident.
riddle rosehearts
getting on the road is honestly the worst for him. riddle is an anxious driver. he hates traffic, hates people honking at him, and most certainly hates getting on parkways and highways. he doesn’t mind driving in the countryside where he can drive smoothly and as fast as he desires. no one’s around after all. but with other people, he becomes a mess. he also has a bit of road rage within him. you’ve never heard someone curse as much as he did when someone cut him off. riddle also happens to follow the rules a little too well. he’s always going under or at the speed limit, always checking his blind spots, always signalling his turns even in parking lots. he is, arguably, the best parker.
oh come on! didn’t even signal while switching lanes! cut me off and everyone else too! there’s more than you in the world you know!
vil schoenheit
vil is an awful driver. not in the sense that he doesn’t follow the general rules of driving (because great seven forbid he gets into an accident and it becomes a scandal) but in the way that his braking tends to be...janky. his turns can range from being smooth to jarring. and the man lacks the ability to park. he’s horrible at parking. you learned your lesson when you got into the car with him driving (better off with rook). ironically, he’s a lot better at driving while he’s multitasking, like touching up his makeup or answering phone calls. honestly, he just needs a little practice. with every drive, he improves even in the slightest. he has no problem dedicating hours to practicing driving either. he just doesn’t have the time right now.
normally i don’t drive. my father had drivers for me. but i can. it’s just...been a while. i’m a little rusty is all.
leona kingscholar
leona, having driven for a while now, is one of the best drivers amongst the prefects (and arguably the whole school). he follows the general rules but definitely enjoys going fast. he especially likes to take scenic routes (there’s something peaceful about late night drives, you know). however, he is very possessive of the aux. you’re not allowed to play your playlists unless it’s a really long trip. besides, he prefers to listen to podcasts and audiobooks while driving. he kind of has a conversation with the audiobook or podcast. it’s cute to watch leona react in real time.
that is ridiculous! doesn’t she understand that he’s the bad guy? that he’s awful? she’s better off getting with the second lead anyways!
azul ashengrotto
putting a creature from the seat into a car is a bad idea. there’s only one person that is, arguably, worse than vil. and that is azul. now, it’s not really azul’s fault. he’s not really used to land traffic rules. but that doesn’t take away from the fact that you have almost gotten into a plethora of accidents with azul behind the wheel. he gets pretty anxious while on the road and does his turn signals, lane changes. but he’s pretty awful at guessing distance and lacks spatial awareness. naturally, this also inhibits his parking skills. his parking skills are pretty awful.
the coral sea traffic is not nearly as bad. i mean half of these rules don’t even make sense (y/n)!
kalim al-asim
kalim is a wonderful driver! his driving is really smooth and he’s a joy with to be in the car. there’s always something to talk about while he’s driving. and he’ll let you play your music, podcast, audiobook. the two of you have had so many lovely conversations while driving. there isn’t much to say. plus, kalim is pretty great at parking too. he’s always willing to go on errand runs with you and take you out on late night drives.
oh (y/n)! you need to get something from the grocery store? i was heading there anyways. hop in!
idia shroud
much to your surprise, you learned that idia is not an anxious driver. he seems like he would be. but no. he feels like he’s in a video game whenever he drives. and he absolutely loves the adrenaline rush that he gets from going fast. slamming on that gas petal is extremely satisfying to him. furthermore, traffic becomes a puzzle to him. a puzzle to solve on how to get out of traffic. everyone else becomes npcs. and you have almost thrown up from how motion sick you’ve gotten in his car.
ohohoho! traffic? guess we can play a game of how to escape! it should be relatively easy considering how all the normies drive.
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hahahahawk · 12 days
(Words of Radiance re-read)
Not even three minutes in and I already have TWO things to say.
We glimpse Elhokar while Gavilar is still alive! So odd to see him as anything other than a weak king. As the story goes, he was just a weak and craven prince beforehand, but still. I wonder when his fate was sealed. What sort of intervention could have made him a better king? Was Gavilar such a pillar in his son’s life that only the king’s influence or absence were capable of shaping the prince? Elhokar is such a piece of shit worm (*an opinion I’m very willing to say has been shaped by the audiobook performance), but still ultimately a tragic story.
The glimpse of him here is just fascinating to me. It’s the only time we see him as anything other than the king. This Elhokar could have a different future than the one we know. It feels like something rare and special, like seeing pictures and videos of elder family members when they were young.
Secondly, Jasnah’s characterization in the first pages is *wild*. Not really, just heavy handed. But not necessarily in a bad way. There’s a line about how Jasnah draws stares like rotten meat draws flies. Colorful, right?
This is from Jasnah’s own pov!
She’s comparing herself to rotten meat!
I’ve always fallen for the temptation to revere Jasnah as much as Shallan does. She’s independent! A scholar and a heretic!
Mmm. While we most frequently see Jasnah being idolized through Shallan’s eyes, it is true that the rest of her family put her on a pedestal as well. I can’t remember Dalinar or Navani ever implying that she’s anything less than the smartest, most capable person in the known world. Maybe Navani mentions Jasnah’s aloofness/lack of soft skills a time or two. Her relationship with Wit, however, only enhances her untouchable/superior status.
Even though she clearly has her flaws, it’s a little frustrating that everyone who knows her defers to her so much.
In this first part of her prologue, I’m struck both by her disdain for… basically everything and everyone at the party… and the way she compares herself to rotten meat. Perhaps not in a self-deprecating way. Perhaps it’s an extension of her disdain for other people, believing that *they* think she’s rotten meat and therefor send their gaze-flies to rest upon her.
Jasnah’s TLDR is that she doesn’t have much respect for other people. This thought isn’t very shocking in light of her behavior in the last book, but still a little shocking to put it in those blunt words.
I look forward to expanding upon this determination when we spend time with Jasnah. Whenever that might come about. 🙄
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isagrimorie · 9 months
do you perhaps have any fave fanvids (or anything really, but I prefer something visual) telling ahsoka history you could recommend? I really like the series so far, but I don’t know much backstory. I have started clone wars, but it’s taking too long, and and I’m impatient and only reaaally interested in ahsoka. (okay the others are fine too, but my brain really wants the ahsoka lore asap!) thanks either way :)
My favorite Ahsoka vid is unfortunately offline but I think I've seen a few that can help but also some episode guides to 'speedrun' Ahsoka's arc.
First the episode guide:
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Btw in Season 3 of Rebels, I'd add episode 19, Twin Suns. Thematically and stylistically relevant to the Ahsoka show.
From this reddit
**The Abridged version **
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from here
Some fanvids:
This video has audio clips from the audiobook, Star Wars Ahsoka, and it really enhances the fanvid.
Anakin is a big part of Ahsoka's life and the reason why I like Anakin so much is because of Ahsoka. They shaped each other's lives.
So understanding Ahsoka also means understanding her relationship with Anakin.
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thetarotsequence · 8 days
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Part Two - Half House and The Tower
✨From here on out, there will be spoilers ✨
Half House:
This chapter is foundational knowledge, in my opinion, on how to build a lovable character and then let them do disagreeable things. Honestly, THE LAST SUN is a masterclass in character building, already, but this chapter is the cornerstone of getting the reader sucked in, and the next chapter (which I'll get to, pinky promise) is the string that tugs the stick out from under the edge of the box, effectively trapping the reader in complete and total love for these stories. I don't make the rules, that's just how it happens.
The key, I think, is how relatable Rune is. From his claim that the stories about the worst night of his life "Just. Won't. Fucking. Die," to the pause he has for the unsettling feeling of did I just fuck up? that he feels after the encounter with Max in the bathroom, Rune is just a regular guy. I mean, yeah, he's technically a fallen prince with the capability to incinerate everything in an as-yet-undetermined radius, but he's a normal dude with a shitty day job, spooky boss, and bills to pay! He worries about his weight and wears laundry of questionable cleanliness! Just me? Listen, once you start having a chair pile, you never go back. But I digress.
I will die on the hill that these books - while fantastic to read - are even better when listened to. Josh Hurley, the narrator, is my dream narrator for my OWN book (if I get lucky enough to be published one day - I hope he can do a British accent). I hated audiobooks, legitimately hated them, until these stories, because the narration just feels like listening to a friend tell you about what's going on in their life, until all of a sudden it doesn't and you're in an epic battle with a lich, or struggling not to cry as your worst fears and biggest hopes are confirmed one right after the other (but that's HOURGLASS THRONE talk). So, if you're a hands-on reader who hates audiobooks, just trust me. I've listened to these books so many times I don't hear my own brain voice when I read them anymore. It's just the incredible talents of Mr. Hurley that have been engraved on my memory like grooves in a vinyl record.
It's the narration, too, that enhances that relatable factor, especially where Brand is concerned. He's definitely doing a violence on Max that would get American CPS called, but the narration makes it funny, the way I think it was intended to be. And again, they all clearly grow from this point over the series, and moreover, no one is perfect, and if you haven't wanted to stick someone's head in a toilet and flush, you're probably a liar.
Speaking of liars - Queenie. Settle in and grab some tinfoil for your hat, because I Have A Theory:
I think Brand went fucking nuts on Max - and granted, this is mild considering what he, a literal sharpshooter mercenary, is capable of - because he was programmed to do so. I have the benefit of having read all the way through the 3rd book and the EIDOLON, so I know that evidence supporting my theory exists, but that's an essay for a different day. What matters now, dear reader, is that I think that Queenie fucked up, and she's realizing it in the background of this scene when she tries to stop Brand, only to have him steamroll the conversation right over her. He goes oddly (and humorously) formal in his recount of what he did and why, and the ferocity of his protectiveness coupled with his recount of events just never sat well with me. It was disproportionate; there's no doubting that. I've always been suspicious of this sequence of events, specifically because this happened on the heels of Rune mentioning that the Empress, in her "unhinged grief" (such a mood) vanished into thin air and obtained Cryptid Status. From the first time I read these books, I thought (and continue to think) this bitch is the Empress, isn't she? Every time.
But! More on that theory soon.
Queenie's gentle manipulation, asking Rune how it was for him, after he lost everything, was masterfully done, Empress or not. It speaks to someone who has been a parent, or at least has been responsible for giving guidance (which, ahem, the Empress is the Mother archetype in the Tarot soooo...I am, as the kids say, standing on business) and knows that a delicate hand is needed. Where she couldn't stop Brand's irate retelling, she is able to successfully pull one of Rune's heartstrings and get him thinking about what she wants him to think about.
Overall, I genuinely enjoyed this passage not only for the breadcrumb trail beginning in front of us as readers, but also for the dynamic emerging between the characters. Especially knowing how much trauma exists between the three of them now, and being a parent of a child with trauma (she's bootleg, don't worry, I didn't give it to her) and being a parental figure with my OWN trauma, I could really relate to the feeling of fucking up because of a trigger being set off when I was unprepared.
The last thing I loved about this chapter is how Brand and Rune work a case. It's incredibly smooth, subtle world-building that SHOULD, by rights, feel like an info-dump, but it doesn't, because of how expertly this is written. The personality embedded in Rune and Brand saturates the page and obfuscates any sense of things being spelled out for the reader. Plus, the way Rune and Brand riff off of one another is fun, and funny, and 100% the reason why my wife ships them romantically, because they DO bicker like an old married couple. It feels more than anything to me, like conversations I would have with my wife (if we were magic-case-solving-mercenaries, obviously). It's impossible not to love Rune and Brand. They're iconic.
Favorite Quote:
Not so much a quote, but the way Josh Hurley narrates Rune proudly theorizing "Maybe he wants to give me a big fat check" is stuck permanently in my vernacular, cadence, tone, everything. I have quoted it while opening the mail several times. There is never a big fat check.
The Tower:
This, as I said before, is where the string gets pulled, and we, the readers, get trapped. It's not the hook - that was buried back in the sparkly lure of the Heart Throne chapter - this is us being reeled in so swiftly we can't even struggle on the line. The continued world-building is seamless, concise, and vivid. I love the line where Rune says the rest of the world thought New Atlantis pulled their Gotham out of a cereal box, and the way he follows it up with "not a bad rep to have". This sentence does so many things at once: it establishes how New Atlantis came to be, it establishes what other people thought of it happening, and it establishes that it was costly on multiple levels, AND it establishes that it is incredibly unlikely to happen again. This makes New Atlantis feel more real, to me, because it's the difference between living somewhere and just visiting, or seeing photos online. Y'all might see a picture of bluebonnets in a meadow and think "Wow, so pretty," and I would see it and definitely think "God, it was probably 102 degrees when this was taken."
Speaking of differences in perspectives! When Rune said that Lord Tower and Brand "didn't get along" my first instinct is best described as uh huh...sure, Jan. HOURGLASS THRONE survivors know what I'm talking about.
I also loved the stealth-worldbuilding of wandering the streets of New Atlantis with Rune and Max on their way to the Pac Bell. And did you notice the seamless way Rune interrogates Max? I literally didn't notice that that was what it was, an interrogation, until THIS REREAD, so like...yesterday. And then Rune effortlessly provokes Max to reveal his true feelings about the situation? Slow clap goes here.
Another thing I just realized this reread is that IF QUEENIE IS THE EMPRESS, IS SHE THE ONE WHO TOLD LORD TOWER MAX WAS THERE????? Because who was holding New Atlantis together in her wake? Oh, just good ol' L.T. That takes LOYALTY, a deep kind of loyalty that most political figures don't deserve, and I'm curious to see if I'm right, if the loyalty was reciprocal, or if Queenie/The Empress was still trying to call the shots from behind the scenes instead of stepping back. Also, calling it now: I don't think it was just grief that sent Queenie to ground. I think she had something to be legitimately scared of coming for her, and she bolted for her own survival. I feel this way because New Atlantis, according to Rune, treats grief differently than we might. He refers to himself as a cautionary tale, even - why would a society designed to not support victims have space for grief? So my next question is - did she participate in the raid? Or does she know something about it?
Going back to Lord Tower - this is a weird experience, this reread, because of the loss of my own Dad, but it's even weirder to realize that I can see how Rune identifies L.T. as a father figure, now. It's right there on the page, but in THT, the recognition of that role in his life was a sucker punch for me. So that's interesting. I look forward to seeing what else this reread elicits for me.
Also, what happened to that AI, KD? It's been a while...I'm just saying. Is this Chekov's AI?
Another 'love it' moment for this chapter, to close out my TEDx talk, is yet more casework, this time in the form of Rune getting info from L.T. It initially felt like a mysterious-benefactor-and-protege situation before, but like I said, this reread, I can feel the difference, and like a paperback that's gone soft as fabric from too many rereads, I hear the soft affection in Lord Tower's sigh and "Must you make me so terrifying?" quote. I also hear that paternal vibe in "Addam is special, and I worry." You even hear it in the OBVIOUS (except to Rune) matchmaking energy from Lord Tower calling Addam a "confirmed bachelor, much like you." Which I love, every time.
Favorite Quote:
"His walkabouts?" (Emphasis to try to capture Josh Hurley's narration). Honestly, Rune's entire snarky commentary is just so funny, especially now that I know what happens, and it's obvious just how not like what he expected Addam turned out to be. But that's another topic for another day.
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6-atlas-6 · 11 months
A work of art
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Vincent x (gn) Lovely
Word count: 763
"Are you going to help me or just sit there and watch the love of your life suffer?" Lovely was sitting on the floor, screwdriver in hand, trying to open a paint can. They were this close to risking the inevitable cuts they'd get by just ripping the damn thing open.
"if I remember correctly you were the one who unceremoniously ripped the screwdriver from my hands and told me, and I quote, you could do it yourself." Vincent was sitting behind Lovely with his hands wrapped around their waist. His head was placed in its usual spot on their shoulder, showering their neck in kisses. He had just finished taping the room.
The paint can lid suddenly popped open causing lovely to jump. They lean down and place their head in their hands, laughing at themself for getting jump scared by a paint can. Vincent takes Lovely's cheek in his hand, guiding their face so that their lips meet his. He was giggling at their reaction.
"Don't laugh at me you ass." Lovely playfully hits his shoulder. They pick up the paint can to pour paint into the tray. They hand Vincent a brush before dipping their own in paint.
"So what am I supposed to do? Are we painting the whole room?" Vincent question, twirling the paint brush between his fingers.
"Vince we talked about this earlier today. We were gonna paint the whole thing remember?" Lovely crouched down starting to paint near the bottom of the wall, a very concentrated look on their face.
"The only thing I can remember is how captivating your eyes were~" Vincent winks at Lovely causing them to roll their eyes. He takes in the concentrated look on their face, making a mental note of how cute they looked in this moment. He grabbed a stool and stepped onto it, starting at the top of the wall.
Lovely paused in their painting to grab their phone. They connected it to the speaker in the room. There was no way they were getting through this entire room without some sort of background noise. They doubted Vincent would want to listen to their audiobook, so they opted for music.
Lovely had already gotten the outline of the entire wall done. They grabbed a roller so they could fill in the wall, dipping it in paint. They looked over to Vincent who was barely halfway done.
"You're a vampire with enhanced speed and you still paint slower than anyone I've ever met." Lovely starts filling in the wall they were working on.
Vincent was going terribly slow. It may have been due to how many times he looked back to stare at Lovely while they painted.
"Can you blame me? This wall is so terribly boring and your face is so gorgeous. My eyes needed a break from the blandness and you were right there." Vincent smiles as he walks towards the paint tray to dip his brush in again.
Lovely smiles before bending over. They dip the tips of their fingers in paint and flick it towards Vincent, small paint splatters now littering his t-shirt. Vincent looks up at them like he had just suffered the biggest betrayal of his life. He dips his paint brush in the tray before flinging paint off of it at Lovely.
"How dare you.” Lovely laughs. Vincent loved when they looked like that. He loved when they smiled. He never knew something could feel so wonderful. Every time they were happy it was like it was contagious. The light from their smile projecting onto him and making him smile in return.
They went back and forth flicking small amounts of paint at each other like children in a splash fight. Eventually Vincent grabbed their waist, his paint soaked fingers inevitably staining their pants. He took their face in his hands and kissed them like they were the oxygen he needed to breathe. When they pulled away from eachother, Vincent brushed a strand of lovely's hair behind their ear and kissed the tip of their nose.
They were both covered in splotches of paint, obviously having long forgotten their earlier task of painting the room. Vincent stared at Lovely as the light from the window seeped into the room, illuminating their face like they were an angel. In Vincent's eyes, they were.
They were covered in paint and in clothes they both didn't care about or didn't fit them like people usually are when they paint. They both looked a mess, but in each other's eyes, they were a work of art.
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jealousofthetea · 7 months
I've been AWARE of the lymond chronicles for...idk, forever? They were around the house when I was growing up bc my mum read them, and I'll occasionally see people on tumblr talking about the series and it seems like a good time?
I'm not sure audiobook is the best way to experience these books bc i've only just started but it's like...dense. I have enough familiarity with the historical period (in scotland in particular) that for the big picture stuff I'm like yeah cool, rough wooing, reformation rumbling along, gotcha, we all know about the flodden wall. But there's lots of little references that I feel it would enhance my enjoyment to understand, but I don't.
And of course there's so many fucking languages happening and I would definitely understand more of the random quotes in french, latin, german and (i think) spanish if i was seeing them written down instead of hearing some guy (David Monteath, I believe) say them.
Anyway so far we have our main character Lymond who is a Bad Boy (TM) and we're just in the process of meeting Will, and it would be clear he's going to be important even if I hadn't seen him mentioned in tumblr posts. He's here doing some sort of teenage rebellion thing? Lymond is bullying him in a vaguely flirty way which seems to be one of his main ways of interacting with people.
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drunkenskunk · 5 months
Last night, I performed an experiment.
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I stream on The Purple App as often as I can, usually at 4pm PST every weekday after the Day Job, when I can manage it. I don't always manage it, mind you, because sometimes the Day Job is just so awful that I'm too exhausted for anything.
Anyway, last night I played some Brigador. But with a bit of a twist: I turned my mic off, I turned my facecam off, I turned the in-game music off, and had the first half of the Brigador Audiobook playing while trying to complete as many of the few remaining incomplete campaign missions as possible.
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See, I only have one more achievement left in that game, and I kinda want to get it before the sequel, Brigador Killers, comes out. Whenever it does. And for reasons I can't explain, I want to get that last achievement live on stream. Didn't manage it this time, but hey.
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During the stream, one of my friends (shoutout to @scrubdowner!) came in the chat and said "This is a vibe." And that's kinda what I was going for, because the Audiobook is excellent, and further enhanced by the sound of gunfire and explosions. So I thought, hey, maybe this is a success?
Here's the analytics:
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It may have been a vibe, but apparently it's not a vibe worth watching for more than an hour or so. The average viewership of that last two hours feels embarrassing, even for someone like me who barely gets any viewers at all.
Maybe it's because my facecam was off and people were missing the cat ears?
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