#and ive seen horrible things said and done to black people and others in America online through videos and etc
xhanisai · 9 months
what is it with these weird americans claiming that racism is no longer a thing just because where they live is somewhat regulated or whatever and all that bullshit????
#delete later#long story short i came across this youtube video that was recommended to me#it was a black queer man and I thought he was going to just discuss about the rise of rampant hate against white people in america#and i was like okay let's watch this cos I too believe no one should face any discrimination for who and what they are and that education o#the past is very good#but then he would go on about statistics in America and say that the black community themselves are getting into these unfortunate situatio#s#and the world is much better now compared to decades ago and that they should be lucky at the way we live now because it isn't like back th#n#but im like#sure these dumbass tiktokkers say stupid shit#BUT#even now in the uk almost every POC including myself have experienced discrimination and racism#including black people#and ive seen horrible things said and done to black people and others in America online through videos and etc#like wtf man are YOU BLIND#the world we live in right now is doing the bare minimum and we all should aspire for a better world!!!#insulting all white people in your life isn't the way to the top I know that and that's completely understandable it's hella childish and n#sty#i dunno man this video really pissed me off and I didn't finish it#one of the example videos he also showed was a black man expressing his feelings on what he thinks about non black people using the N word#even in a song#i personally believe no one should use the word at all#but the youtuber was brushing off his feelings and saying it's just a word in a song and I was just#done with it#he was clearly pandering to the people who always scream about how they hate woke culture#so why was i surprised#anyways rant over
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americaswritings · 6 years
Prompt: Gif
Summary: You are locked in a cell when Steve finds you. For months scientists have experimented on you, stealing the memories of your earlier life in the process. But maybe this is not the only thing they did; maybe they made you special.
Words: 2.2k (I got carried away)
Warnings: angst!, fluff
Pairing: Steve x reader
A/N: This is for @shitty-imagines-95‘ writing challenge.
I had zero ideas for this image, but finally I found a plot and the story basically wrote itsself. Also the summary sucks, I know 😅
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You were woken up by loud sirens. Red lights flickered through the hallways, filling your small cell with light for the first time in days. 
You couldn’t remember when you had last seen the daylight, since they kept you in the cell and only took you out for the experiments. They always brought you into another room with no windows. 
White, cold light would shine down at you, putting you on full display. Then they would blind you with their small flaghlights and measure your heart rate and blood pressure. But that was still the best part about it.
The imagination of what procedure followed after that popped into your head and the memories made you groan in pain. 
You were sick of their torture, sick of their experiments on you. They wanted to give you special powers, but you felt nothing but pain and exhaustion.If only you could flee from this horrible place.
You had tried, many times and had failed each one. You had gotten better at it, but they had always caught you and punished you until you felt like your lungs would explode and your body was a trembling mess.
You heared people yell in the corridors and got up to get a look at what was happening. Maybe one of the others tried to break free.
Your knees were shaking and you grabbed the bars for hold. 
Voices were coming closer, but they didn’t have the russian accent you were used to. “Second floor is clear!”, you heared a mans voice cracking through a radio. “I think they keep them in the basement”, somebody answered him, this man coming closer and closer.
“I will send Natasha down to help you. Tony and I will follow when we have knocked off all the guards”, you heared voice through the radio again. The man thanked him and then it went silent.
The sirens stopped, only the red lights continued to flicker. You could hear footsteps coming closer and one part of your brain told you to hide in the shadows of your cell, but the other made you stay where you were.
You were too mesmerized to move. Maybe this was somebody, who was here to free you. But you rejected the thought. You couldn’t dare to hope such things. You had realized that there was no future for you long ago and you had accepted your faith.
The steps stopped next to your cell and you looked up to see a figure gazing at you. The man was wearing a uniform. He was carrying a big shield with a star on it in his hand, but put it on his back in a swift move. 
His blonde hair was tousled and his face sweaty from the heat that lingered in the whole building. For a second you mustered him up and down, then you suddenly felt the panic flood you. What if he would hurt you? What if he would do something even worse than they had done?
You backed away until your back hit the wall. The impact made your knees give away and you sunk to the cold floor.
“You don’t have to be afarid”, the man spoke. He rose his hands in surrender, showing you that he had no intentions to hurt you. “I’m gonna come in now, okay?” 
You didn’t react to his question, but since you didn’t protest either he unlocked the door and opened it. 
Then he walked into the cell, careful to make slow and small steps so he wouldn’t scare you.
“Is it okay if I help you get up?”, he asked softly, but you immediately shook your head. As if you would believe he was here to help you.
“I need to get you out of here, okay? We are here to save you, all of you and I promise I won’t do anything you don’t want.” His voice was forceful but gentle and he crouched down next to your body.
You hugged your knees even tighter when he did that. “I can’t help you, if you don’t let me.” 
He was right, he couldn’t help you, but he couldn’t hurt you either. But if he had the plan to harm you, wouldn’t he had done it by now?
“How can I know that I can trust you?”, you whispered. To hear your own voice freightened you. You hadn’t heared it in ages, only when you had screamed out in agony. It sounded dull and hoarse, not like the voice you were used to hear before all of this happened. 
Your memories were gone, but the image of your voice was clear in your head.
The man thought about your words for a second. “I was an experiment as well.” The words surprised you and you gazed up at him. “I know you feel like you don’t belong anywhere, but trust me you do belong. I felt the same way and I found a good life.”
You clung to every word he said. Maybe, he could really save you.
He held out his hand and you stared at it for a moment, before you put your hand in his. Compared to his your hand felt small and while he was calm, you were shaking from the lack of sleep and food. 
The man didn’t move any further, he only held your hand and squezzed it gentle. His eyes were locked with yours and slowly but surely you started to gain confidence and courage.
“Natasha and I have the others. Can you return to the quinjet?”, the voice spoke through the radio again. It made both of you jump and you let go of his hand. The man seemed unpleased about the interruption, then grabbed his radio from his belt. 
“We are coming.”
He stood up and held out his hand again, but this time to pull you up. You didn’t want to be anymore of a burden, so you grabbed it and let him steady you until you stood again. 
Your body was still trembling and it required all your focus not to stumble. At first you rejected his help, but while you were walking out of the bulding you realized you couldn’t make all the way on your own. 
So you let him support you until you reached a big metal door. The sight of it made you both reliefed and frustrated. You had never come this far, never made it through the door. 
Now it was different. You would see the sunlight again, feel the fresh air fill your lungs and the wind play with your hair. 
You had lost tracks of the day and you didn’t know whether it was summer, winter or any other season.
The man noticed your hesitation and gave you a minute to brace yourself for the next steps. Patiently he watched your features until you gave him a little nod.
He pushed the door open, but before you could see the light, you felt your body falling and you blacked out.
When you came back to consciousness you were lying in a soft bed. A steady beeping filled the room and you felt something was sticked to your upper arm. 
You tried to open your eyes, but had to blink a few times before you could take in your surroundings. You were in a white room, a window front on one side of it, leading to a hallway. 
A needle was stuck in your arm, which lead to an IV bag. Next to it where monitors, one showing your steady heart rate. You didn’t know what the others were for.
On your left side was a nightstand. You were suprised to find a bunch of flowers. It made you wonder if they were a part of the basic equipment of the room or if somebody had brought them during a visit. 
But who would visit you? Maybe someone from your past life?
The door to the hallway was pushed open and you could see someone in a white coat entering. 
When you spotted the white coat your mind went blank. Your body tensed and you heared the heart monitor start to beat rapidly. 
“Hey calm down, I just want to check on you.” The womans voice seemed to be miles away. You squeezed your eyes shot, trying to fight the panic that filled your body, but you couldn’t. 
The next time you opened your eyes, the woman was holding a needle in her hand. The sight encouraged your terror even more and you struggled to get the needle, which led to the IV bag, out of your skin so you could flee from the doctor. 
“Stop!” The voice made both you and the woman look up. It belonged to the blonde man, who had saved you. You weren’t sure if he was speaking to you or the woman, but when he signaled her to leave the room, you knew he had meant her. 
You were still with one half of your body on the bed and with the other out of it, not daring to move.
“I knew this was gonna happen, but they didn’t listen to me”, the man sighed and pulled over a chair. He sat down next to the bed and when he didn’t move near you, the heart monitors beeping started to decrease.
“Why don’t we start with easy things, huh?”, he suggested and you slowly moved back into the bed. “I am Steve. You may have heared of me as Captain America.” You shook your head and he chuckled.
“What is your name?”, he asked and you debatted whether to trust him or not. But from all the people you knew, he was the only one who hadn’t tried to hurt you.
“I’m (y/n).” He smiled at the mention of your name and you blushed a little. “Can you tell me something about you? Perhaps where you come from?” You thought about it, but your head was empty. There were no memories.
You shook your head and Steve nodded in understanding. “You said you were an experiment”, you whispered and he blinked in surprise, hearing you speak without him having asked another question. 
“Yes, yes I was”, he mumbled, visible in thought. 
“It made me strong and all of what I am now. But it also threw me out of the normal world”, he explained. “I am not like other people”, he added and gave you a small smile.
“How did you adjust? To the world after-”, you trailed off, not knowing what words to use. 
“I used my new powers for the good. I fought for my country and now I am trying to save people. Whether the missions are about stopping terrorists or saving others like you, I do everything to protect the people as best as I can.”
“And you think I could do that too?” Your voice displays your insecurity and you hate to be so weak in front of him. 
“I believe you can do great things for the people.” You stared at him again and although you knew you had to stop, you couldn’t break eye contact. He was just too full of good to avert your eyes.
“But how?” The desperation was clear on your face and Steve grabbed your hand in ressurance. 
“We are here at the avengers headquarters, a place for people with special abilities and the will to save the world. You would fit in perfectly. We’re going to build you a new life, based on new memories we will create and you will learn to control your powers and accept them. They are a part of you now and maybe you feel like you are overpowered, but I promise you it will get better. And before you can even blink you will have control over them and an amazing team by your side.”
You teared up at his speech and you didn’t know what you were doing when you leaned forward to hug him. 
He embraced you and for the first time in months you felt safe. You knew that you had to open up about what they had done to you eventually, but you trusted Steve enough to do it. He was the light that filled the darkness, which surrounded you like a shadow, and you welcomed it.
The warmth of the hug and the protectivness you felt, made your whole body relax for the first time in ages. 
When you let go, you had stopped trembling and the pain had eased a little. Instead you felt a wave of energy flod your body and when you opened your eyes to look at Steve you could feel something was different.
You couldn’t describe the feeling, but you knew that one of your eyes had started to glow a little. Steve watched you with a proud grin on his face. 
“My powers”, you whispered, still not believing what was happening and Steve nodded. He gave you a mirror that was lying on the nightstand and held it so you could see yourself.
At first you were shocked by how pale you were. Dark bags were under your eyes and your lips weren’t as bright as they usually were. But what caught the most of your attention were your eyes.
One was shimmering golden and you had to smile at the image. 
“It’s beautiful”, Steve whispered and you couldn’t agree with him more.
Perhaps you could really start a new life. 
Maybe your powers were a part of you now.
Tags: Permanent Tags: @capkilljoy @white-chocolate-mocha-fan@justanotherfangirl272 @theshortegg @not-reptilian @breezy1415 Marvel Tags: @iamwarrenspeace Steve Tags: @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory
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darrycurtises · 7 years
1-100 ;)
damb,,, thas a lot
1. What is you middle name? Louise!2. How old are you? Seventeen3. When is your birthday? March 244. What is your zodiac sign? Aries 5. What is your favorite color? Orange!6. What’s your lucky number? Nine7. Do you have any pets? Yes! I have two pups, one’s a big fat old beagle, and the other is a young sweet coonhound. The beagle is named Cooper, the coonhound is named Elvis, and they’re married. 8. Where are you from? Florida 9. How tall are you? 5′610. What shoe size are you? listen,,, don’t make fun of me,,, 9.511. How many pairs of shoes do you own? like 4? not many12. What was your last dream about? it was a while ago, and i was like mowing the lawn in the dark ? that was my whole dream?13. What talents do you have? im a really good baker 14. Are you psychic in any way? no15. Favorite song? listen i cant pick one so im just gonna list the top most played on my phone: white winter hymnal by fleet foxes, while you were sleeping by elvis perkins, postcards from italy by beirut, the plains/bitter dancer by fleet foxes, the transfiguration by sufjan stevens16. Favorite movie? its a tie between the martian and interstellar17. Who would be your ideal partner? I DONT KNOW AH18. Do you want children? yes i love babies but im gonna need the world to calm down a lil i cant subject someone to Hell World19. Do you want a church wedding? yes!20. Are you religious? yes im roman catholic and also im italian so im like,, religious strega nona21. Have you ever been to the hospital? yea i passed out while public speaking once and hit my head so they called an ambulance.22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? not really like i got pulled over for speeding once but thats it (im Quick)23. Have you ever met any celebrities? ALMOST. i went to tampa bay comic con in 2015 and we waited in line to see carrie fischer but then we had to leave early i was so pissed and im still pissed24. Baths or showers? both25. What color socks are you wearing? one’s grey, one’s pink w buffalos26. Have you ever been famous?  no27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? i would rather do anything else, ever, before being famous, it seems so horrible28. What type of music do you like? mostly indie? im pretentious29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? no, ive gone topless tho30. How many pillows do you sleep with?331. What position do you usually sleep in? on my side, facing the wall, knees tucked a lil32. How big is your house? 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms33. What do you typically have for breakfast? i don’t eat breakfast i get nauseous. only coffee for me thank u34. Have you ever fired a gun? yes im a good shot35. Have you ever tried archery? yes im a horrible shot36. Favorite clean word? ?? idk there’s too many. poodle.37. Favorite swear word? ass38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? 2.5 days, it was an AP class39. Do you have any scars?all over my legs bc im shit at shaving40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?  yea41. Are you a good liar? really good actually like i think on my feet a lot42. Are you a good judge of character? yes43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? british but its probably offensive lmao44. Do you have a strong accent? i don’t think so. i had someone tell me i had a bit of a southern accent but not like they have out in the boonies45. What is your favorite accent? southern, but like a new orleans style46. What is your personality type? INFP47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? my decent pair of workout shoes lmao48. Can you curl your tongue? yup49. Are you an innie or an outie?  innie50. Left or right handed? right51. Are you scared of spiders? yes, deathly52. Favorite food?  chicken parmesan53. Favorite foreign food? chicken pho ga54. Are you a clean or messy person? as an individual clean but my room and car are messy55. Most used phrased? lordy lordy janet’s turning forty56. Most used word? idk??57. How long does it take for you to get ready? 10 mins w out make up 40 mins w make up58. Do you have much of an ego? i have a black hole of self deprecation where an ego would be59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? s u c c60. Do you talk to yourself? ye61. Do you sing to yourself? ye62. Are you a good singer? no!63. Biggest Fear? american girl dolls and mediocrity64. Are you a gossip? a lil bit65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? whiplas 201466. Do you like long or short hair? both! i have long hair and i wouldn’t look good w short hair but my sister has short hair and she’d look funny with long hair67. Can you name all 50 states of America? if i had a pen and paper otherwise id probably do a lot of repeating and id forget wyoming, sorry wyoming68. Favorite school subject? english and history both69. Extrovert or Introvert? introvert70. Have you ever been scuba diving? no71. What makes you nervous? any and all horror movies72. Are you scared of the dark? no73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? only if the mistake really matters, like lil mistakes don’t really matter74. Are you ticklish? yea75. Have you ever started a rumor? no! rumor people suck lmao76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? just like club president/babysitter that sort of thing77. Have you ever drank underage? listen ill tell u my family has tried to get me to drink my mom will order me daiquiris in restaurants, my sister offers me drinks, and the rest of my family always asks me if i want wine but alcohol is so gross idc if taste isn’t the point if it’s got that many calories it should taste better, i ain’t wasting time, money, and calories on drinks78. Have you ever done drugs? no 79. Who was your first real crush? ,,,,,,,,,,,,y’all are gonna make fun of me,,,,, wesley crusher,,,,80. How many piercings do you have? none i just never got around to it81. Can you roll your Rs? no82. How fast can you type? 60 wpm83. How fast can you run? i can go a mile at 6.5 w out dying84. What color is your hair? dark brown85. What color is your eyes? also dark brown86. What are you allergic to? nothing87. Do you keep a journal? nope88. What do your parents do? my mom is a claims adjuster, my dad is a professional ass89. Do you like your age? yes im the dancing queen90. What makes you angry? when people talk down to me91. Do you like your own name? yea, my initials spell ELF92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? i like Genevieve for a girl, boy idk yet 93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? i want three, older and younger are girls, middle is a boy 94. What are you strengths? what is this a job interview?95. What are your weaknesses? i don’t have any, ass whole96. How did you get your name? my mom said to my dad “you can’t name this child Hunter if you did not carry it in ur stomach for nine months”97. Were your ancestors royalty? we were italian fishermen 98. Do you have any scars? you asked that in question 39 99. Color of your bedspread? white with the alphabet in black over and over100. Color of your room? orange!
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