#and know how to remedy
paeinovis · 6 months
Christ I wish I had been given a better heads-up abt what iud insertion entailed. If you have bad cramps on periods, know that they like. Grab Your Cervix which, for me, Induced the worst cramps of my entire whole life even on painkillers and weed gummy, and continued for a day
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thelastdayalive · 4 months
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lemongogo · 11 months
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sry i dont know what 2 draw anymore T_T . elendira portrait #999
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mobius-m-mobius · 8 months
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Wait a second, wait a second. Simpler. We need to scale the Loom’s capacity to manage all those new branches, otherwise it will fail.
OWEN WILSON, KE HUY QUAN, and TOM HIDDLESTON in Loki 2x03 - "1893"
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siins · 1 year
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I finally played Control and I absolutely fell in love with it! I wish I played it sooner!! :'^) Here's a bunch of doodles it inspired me to create lol
meme edit by @deerfests 
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a-flappy-bat · 2 months
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I guess I just wanted to paint Darling in a tank top? It started as a whole other thing and that didn’t happen so there’s this.
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Feeling sapphic in The Oldest House tonight...
(Please take this very silly thing that I spent far to much time on for how it came out...)
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deltastorm101 · 6 months
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i have been OBSESSED with zane's spiral painting in room 665 ever since the second i saw it. 
i needed it in my life sooo i decided to just paint it myself hehe
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velvetjune · 2 months
I don’t care if it’s actually because of supernatural reasons, I’m choosing to believe Emily and Jesse are so in sync throughout the game and foundation dlc because they’re just that compatible and perfect for each other. soulmates. paranatural power of love or something.
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proxentauri · 9 months
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i love my lil funky unhinged science dudes (who have committed at least one war crime)
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thelivingautomaton · 7 months
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i started playing max payne 2 and was immediately so put off by how he no longer has sam lake's face that i decided to put together a collection of some of the max payne 1 panels that i really liked. enjoy <3
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theconsciouscrow · 5 months
I made a thingy
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petr1kov · 3 months
what any upcoming silent hill game needs to understand is that silent hill is first and foremost surreal. like, a lot is said about how strange the voice acting and cutscenes in the early games is and although some of that may be just the product of ps1/ps2 era jank, it's also undeniable that the games really are weird on purpose. i feel like later games feel almost ashamed to go full out on this aspect and stick with a more traditional and easy to follow narrative and presentation, with the bizarre moments sprinkled in for flavor. that's why none of them really capture the vibe of the early games, imo
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sunnfish · 4 months
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[ID: Digital drawings of Shirahama Kyouji from Sasaki to Miyano. There are several loose bust sketches of him in various expressions, including tired, blushing, and smiling. One sketch is rendered in a stereotypical, exaggerated anime style, with the words “anime self insert” pointed at it and “とてもかっこいい!!” (“totemo kakkoii”; very cool) and “きゃぁぁ” (“kyaa”) written around it. There are small shaped drawings of Miyano and Shirahama in the top left corner, and the words “November 9” written in the corner. /End ID]
Shirahamaaaaa kyouji. 👍 REALIZING I NEVER POSTED THIS.? Went to reblog it in light of recent chapters but couldn’t find it. Lo and behold. In my drafts. Anyways. It’s here now. Those chapters craaazzyyyy huh. Ha ha.
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honestlyvan · 4 months
(Crossposted from DW)
There’s some interesting parallels to be drawn with the way Scratch is an aspect of Alan, just like the Casey of the Dark Place is. One reflects all his darkest fears, the most self-destructive narratives he can tell about himself, and the other encapsulates the skills and virtues he needs to push himself forward, one wearing his face and another one wearing the face of someone he admires.
So you could do quite a bit with Scratch inheriting that obsession with Casey from Alan, but in a furious, bitter, jealous form where Casey is an interloper, a challenger to Scratch's ownership of Alan, coming between him and his Alan, a stranger, an intruder. Because that's what Casey is -- a tool and a shield, the impression of someone Alan trusts -- someone for Alan to cling to, someone who can disrupt Alan’s internal narrative, and he's taking Alan from Scratch.
Casey is just as much a prop to Scratch as he is to Alan, he's just there to be the hero so Alan can be the victim and Scratch the monster. And just like Scratch's love of Alan is a warped mirror image of Alan's hatred of himself, Scratch's jealousy of Casey is a mirror of Alan's suppressed desire to be a better person. To be a hero, to drive the story forward on his own terms, to have agency.
Which is how you get Scratch hissing “You're not going to get what you want” against Casey's lips, shoving him against a wall in an alleyway when Casey has once again showed up as a diversion, letting Alan run away, taking Casey away from Alan the way he took Alan from Scratch. “You think you know. You know shit. You don't really wanna know”, while bleeding venomous jealousy into the air because he is Alan and Alan is him and Alan is his and this outsider thinks he can take Alan from him. Like Alan isn't just using Casey, too, like Casey is something more than a just an empty vessel for Alan's wants when that should be Scratch, that should have been Scratch from the start.
Because Casey doesn't hate Scratch any more than he loves Alan. His role is to have compassion for the victim, to protect him, to move the plot forward for him, just like Scratch's role is to antagonise and delay and stop Alan from progressing. Scratch knows what he's dealing with. But there's more to Casey than just what he got from Alan, he is a reflection of the real Casey through the lens of Alan – and that’s the really fucking offensive part. That Alan can so scarcely accept himself that he’ll bring in this outsider, discarding Scratch, using a stranger’s face instead.
Scratch is Alan, after all. He has Alan's face and he has his voice, and he knows Alan better than Alan knows himself. “You're going to get what's coming to you”, he tells Casey, loop after loop, until he can get him out of the way for good.
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thots-to-the-void · 7 months
y'all i'm replaying Control rn and just listened to the Dylan Dream Stories™, and one of them was of Mr. Door existing on all overlapping universes/dimensions at the same time, which i dismissed my first time around (ahh sweet oblivion of not knowing anything about remedy) but this time i was fully like:
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And boy oh boy did i go from Confused to e̶n̶l̶i̶g̶h̶t̶e̶n̶e̶d̶ even more Confused, but in a way that i understand more now...yea that makes sense
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