#and kyungsoo. in his entirety
dmumt · 1 year
just watched all of ladder s3 in one day
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soobadnoonecanstopher · 10 months
I am loving the new story (it's AHmazing!!!!!) but I have to say my favorite thing you have ever written is the Raw scene from All His. I can just imagine the look on Kyungsoo's face when he found that definition. I reread that chapter when I need a good laugh
OMG YESSSSSS THAT SCENE IS UP IN MY FAVORITES along with the entirety of the IGU Deleted scene Dressed up which is equally …uhhh… funny 😮‍💨😮‍💨
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flaredpantsagenda · 2 years
Hi again, it's your exo-l secret santa! 🎅 Sorry I'm a bit late in replying again, but I've been doing alright. I'm glad to have some free time with this holiday weekend and hmm for Dec, I just see myself working per usual lol. I'm really happy that things are looking up for you though and yes this cold weather is definitely making me crave being wrapped up in a burrito and chugging a lot of hot cocoa lol. (1/3)
Oh and yes he looked so cute there. And haha, it's definitely true how biases can sneak up on you...And as for my biases? Well, I love all the members but I love the maknae line especially. Ahh time's really going by fast though, right? I swear it was just the beginning of Nov and I feel like after a blink of an eye, it'll be a new year lol. But in a way I feel like it's a nice thing since that'll make Baekhyun's discharge from the military seem to come that much faster <3. (2/3)
Anyways, for this santa exchange, am I right to assume you'd prefer something cozy/warm and related to Baek, Kyungsoo or Yeol? Lastly, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving if you celebrate it! 🌸 (Sorry, I had to send this ask in 3 parts btw because of I guess a word limit? I didn't even know one existed for asks until this day lol.) 3/3
Hi! Glad to hear you at least get a short break and I hope work isn't too stressful! I did have a nice Thanksgiving! No turkey but I did spend time with family <3
I know exactly what you mean about the time going by so quickly. I still feel so new to the fandom but it's wild to think I'll have been around through the entirety of Chanyeol and Baekhyun's enlistments.
Aww nice the maknae line are such sweethearts. Do you have a favorite comeback/era?
For the gift exchange, yes, I would love anything cozy and warm and colorful, I'm all about that! I know my reply is super last minute, but anything you make will be lovely <3
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PS I had the exact same issues with trying to send asks- sometimes there's a word limit sometimes there isn't?? lol we all make it work on this website.
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blu-joons · 3 years
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At any time, Kyungsoo loved to be affectionate with you, but there was something about seeing you with your bump that made him even more needy and unable to stop himself wrapping his arms around you whenever you were nearby.
He’d often find himself talking to your bump whenever he laid beside it without even realising that he was doing it. It was only when you’d answer his question, thinking that he was talking to you, would Kyungsoo realise who he was talking to, having to repeat the conversation he’d just had so that you could understand it too.
Kyungsoo would get whatever you needed, at whatever time, without saying a negative word. He was more than happy to go out if he needed to in order to satisfy your cravings, but his favourite cravings of yours were when you wanted a specific recipe of his, which he’d happily cook up for you in a heartbeat.
Your due date was something that Kyungsoo tried hard not to focus on, the chances of your baby arriving on that specific day were marginal, and so he’d try and focus more on the week or two surrounding your due date. As your due date neared, he tried to carry on as normal as he possibly could, but secretly, he began to get nervous too as the realisation sunk in that your pregnancy was coming to an end.
Kyungsoo tended to push his emotions to one side throughout your pregnancy and focus on you and protecting you instead. Some people perhaps mistook him for not having an interest in your pregnancy, but you knew that his attention was on his surroundings instead and evaluating whatever situation you found yourselves in so that he could come up with the best possible way to keep you and your bump safe.
The immediate members of your family were closer to the two of you then ever before throughout your pregnancy. Although the two of you were going to be parents, and were wanting to enjoy the intimate moments, you also wanted to enjoy those moments with your own parents and siblings too. They were just as excited as the two of you to welcome a new arrival and take on new responsibilities and roles.
You decided to find out the gender when you were able to in order to help the two of you get more organised. Although you were tempted to wait, knowing that you’d be able to have a nursery and wardrobe completely sorted by the end of your pregnancy was the tipping point you needed to decide to find out.
The sound of your baby’s heart for the first time completely took Kyungsoo’s breath away. He didn’t know what to expect, whether it would be quick or slow, loud or quiet, but as the thuds began to be heard through the monitor, he could only chuckle at how much of an incredible sound it was for him to listen to.
He’d let you know he loved you the most late at night when you were struggling to fall asleep. He’d sit and let you whine about how exhausted you were, and once you were done, he’d try and encourage you the best that he could, whilst also making sure to remind you that he loved you and appreciated you too.
Kyungsoo was a silent jealous whenever someone was around you for a little too long. His arm would move around your waist to either cover up your bump or move you closer into his side and away from the problem that was making him jealous. He didn’t ever make a big deal out of things, but he was also silently clear that the bump carried yours and his baby, not anyone else’s baby as well.
You weren’t quite sure how, but Kyungsoo had a habit of completely missing kicks, and so you’d often have to grab onto him and place his hand in the right spot so that he could feel a kick. You weren’t sure how he always misjudged or mistimed kicks, but you’d always help him find the right spot eventually.
Kyungsoo didn’t stop talking to you throughout the entirety of your labour, his voice was often quiet beside you, but that didn’t stop it being reassuring too. Before every contraction he’d tell you to hold onto his hand, during a contraction, he’d remind you to keep breathing and focus, and at the end, he’d remind you how well you were doing. It was his routine that he kept from the very start, through until the very end.
Although he’d prefer that you weren’t sick in the mornings, morning sickness didn’t faze Kyungsoo at all. He’d sit with you for as long as you needed on the bathroom floor, and only once you were ready to move, he’d help you up whilst also grabbing your toothbrush and toothpaste to help make you feel better again.
He loved getting creative when it came to designing your nursery, although Kyungsoo made sure that every decision was made together, you were happy to let him take control, trusting that he’d come up with something perfect.
Kyungsoo was obsessed with your hands, he loved how you’d reach out and grab him whenever he was close enough so that he could feel a kick with you, or just ask him to hold your bump for a while to make life easier for you.
He was very careful with you especially for the first couple of days after you gave birth. Your baby seemed to settle well with the two of you and the routine that you’d planned in advance, but what you didn’t prepare for was the amount of pain that you would still be in, which definitely startled Kyungsoo for a while.
Although you were the one who was pregnant, the two of you always made sure to check in with each other. Kyungsoo had his moments too, when things could get overwhelming, so you’d look after him as he did for you too.
He loved to talk the ear off anyone who would listen when it came to your pregnancy, letting them know all the tiny details he learnt from your appointments and classes. Although Kyungsoo tended to be quite quiet, he couldn’t get enough of bragging about your baby and showing off how excited he was to become a dad.
Kyungsoo would be dead silent at every single one of your appointments, listening intently to everything that the sonographer had to say. If she had a piece of advice, he put it into practice straight away, or if she found a new little part of your baby that hadn’t been found before, Kyungsoo would obsess over it for days.
The two of you had been planning a baby for a little while, and so seeing the two lines on the test was a welcome relief for you both, that finally you didn’t need to try anymore as you realised your dreams were coming true.
Kyungsoo always made sure to be at your appointments, he cleared his schedule for every one so that you had the whole day together.
Even though the boys were keen to visit as soon as they could, Kyungsoo told them to wait a few days so that you had time to settle back at home with your baby and give you time to recover too so you could spend time with them pain free.
He was incredibly patient, Kyungsoo tended to live in the moment and appreciate each new day that came rather than the nine months ahead.
Kisses weren’t something that Kyungsoo gave often, and so whenever you felt him press a kiss to your cheek, or to your bump, you’d know that he was in deep thought and feeling appreciative for what he had around him.
You were incredible in Kyungsoo’s eyes, he couldn’t believe how strong you were.
Kyungsoo will always lay up with you in the evenings until you fall asleep, even when it reaches the early hours and he struggles to keep his eyes open, he’ll still keep talking and never leave you alone to try and sleep all by yourself.
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guardianofjunmyeon · 4 years
Finding Atlantis (part 11)
Genre: Action/Adventure, Enemies to Lovers, PirateAU
Description: 20 years ago the seas became angry. Unruly and unkind to any sailor, to any ship that dared venture too far out in her waters. Many a man has heard the tales of Atlantis, the lost city, the key the ocean. But fewer men know the tale of it’s missing child. The key to the ocean, the key to Atlantis but a lost little one. The power one would hold should they find this child would be nearly that of Poseidon himself. Thus, the hunt began.  
A/N: another quick update hoohoo. The next update will be shorter bc i cut this in half (read: 2/3 and 1/3). No warnings this is just smth cute
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18
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The two dinghies pulled on land is a welcome sight after all the hours you’ve spent at the mercy of the sirens.
Unfortunately, it seems as though your group is the first to have returned.
“Take them back to the ship. I’ll wait here for Minseok and Seulgi.” Kyungsoo instructs Baekhyun. He almost seems like the Captain of the two –his expression schooled and words confident.
You make a move towards Kyungsoo to offer your help when you feel fingertips press into your side, placating. Biting your tongue you hold in your words. The fingers relax against your side. Kyungsoo offers you a reassuring smile as if he can read the concern on your face.
“We’ll head back as soon as we’re all accounted for,” he says directly to you. He places a hand on Baekhyun’s shoulder and you take the opportunity to slip from Baekhyun’s hold –from his skinny fingers burning their touch into your side. Offering your own nod of acceptance, you turn away from the two of them to avoid having to meet either of their eyes.
You watch as Jongin collapses in the small boat waiting to take you back to your ship. Chanyeol folds his arms across his chest, watches carefully as you take a few steps in his direction. “Won’t he need backup of some kind?” you ask Chanyeol through the exhaustion seeping further into your muscles. You tilt your head towards the two men who came to save you.
Chanyeol smiles a tiny but profoundly proud smile. “No, Kyungsoo has got it. He’s a lot tougher than he looks.” His eyes shine as he looks beyond you. You follow his gaze and then immediately look down at your boots when you catch the fond look Kyungsoo sends to the taller; clearly having overheard his words.
Waddling over to the boat to collapse at Jongin’s side you decide not to dwell on the look. If Chanyeol thinks that Kyungsoo can handle himself then…you’ll trust them.
Baekhyun isn’t as easily convinced of his safety as you. “One hour. If I don’t see you all rowing back by then, I’m coming back for you,” he says sternly.
“Ay Captain,” Kyungsoo laughs out.
Kyungsoo is crushed in a hug by Chanyeol and then a shortened one by Baekhyun before they retreat to the boat where Jongin is fighting off sleep at your side.
Baekhyun takes control of the oars while Chanyeol pushes the boat into the water. As Kyungsoo’s figure gets smaller and farther away, you feel dread settling in your chest. The wave he sends your way feels more foreboding than you’re able to dwell on.
When you can no longer see him, and the sounds of nature surround you, you begin to feel sleep tugging you down into unconsciousness. Chanyeol and Baekhyun talk in quiet voices, but none of the words register in your mind –only the fact that they’re having a hushed conversation. Jongin inevitably dozes off and you stay awake, just so that you can watch your ship come into view.
Docked beyond the rock and reef of the island, it sits lazily atop the water. Its dark sails almost blend into the black of the night.
Baekhyun rows you all to safety the entirety of the near hour it takes to get to the ship. The distance from where Kyungsoo waits for the rest of your crew to your vessel is farther than you anticipated.
Once the conversation between Baekhyun and Chanyeol has died off, you feel the shift in energy as everyone prepares to wait for the other half of the rescue team to arrive.
You shake Jongin awake and Chanyeol helps you begin the climb up the side of the ship. Baekhyun works on securing the boat.
As soon as both of your feet are on deck, Yixing is at your side holding you in a firm hug.
“You made it,” he sighs out in relief.
“Barely.” You grimace and let your muscles give in. You fall with an uncoordinated drop to the ground. Jongin crawls up the ladder and lies face flat on your right. Not even half awake as he lifted himself on deck. Chanyeol and Baekhyun have to step over him just to get on the ship. They plop on the ground not far from you –Baekhyun catching his breath and Chanyeol finally succumbing to the exertion used throughout the day. The adrenaline running out and jelly settling in his bones. Your own adrenaline ran out long ago.
“Can you make it to the infirmary?” Yixing asks, crouched down in front of you.
You think that you could, but honestly you really don’t fucking feel like it. “No, not right now.”
Yixing nods empathetically and pats your calf. “I’ll bring the supplies out here then. Wait for me,” he instructs. Standing up and looking quickly over the four of you sprawled across the deck, he kicks Baekhyun in the leg with his boot. “Get up and gauge injuries. I’ll be back.”
A long suffering groan is the only reply he gets.
You close your eyes and rest your back against the wooden railing of the ship.
The rest of your crew is nowhere to be seen. It doesn’t surprise you. If you had to guess you would assume that it was anywhere from 2 to 4 in the morning. What’s the point in everyone on the crew staying awake above deck with worry when only a handful of people are reasonably needed for a rescue mission?
If anything, you hope that everyone else is getting plenty of rest so that when Junmyeon is brought back, you all can continue the mission. You can’t afford another chunk of lost time like that after you and Baekhyun were rescued from the island. You’re a week behind your nonexistent schedule. You hope that the lost time won’t be detrimental to the mission.
The feeling of a hand gently grabbing your forearm shakes you from your thoughts. You open your eyes figuring Yixing is back to look at your injuries. You don’t expect to be met with the sight of Baekhyun looking down at the blood encrusting your wrist with a small frown on his face.
You notice that your hand is shaking in his grasp. Clenching your fist and pulling away to try and hide it, you’re immediately met with resistance.
“Don’t,” he murmurs. His grip on your arm doesn't relax until you stop trying to pull away. From the corner of your eye you see Yixing tending to Jongin while Chanyeol dozes off on his back at Yixing’s side.
With long and careful fingers, Baekhyun turns over your hand to look at the full damage of your wound before his frown deepens and he lets out a puff of air.
“You’re a fucking idiot.”
You yank your hand away from him and hold back a hiss of pain at the stinging it causes your wrist. He lets out another breath of air, this one more annoyed than the last.
He reaches out and yanks both of your arms towards him, and when you let out a noise of pain his irked expression melts into something softer. Something apologetic.
This time you don’t fight him as he takes a look at your reddened, cracking skin. “You’re an idiot,” he emphasizes again, looking into your eyes pointedly. You frown. “But I’m going to help you heal anyway.”
“Thanks,” you breathe out sarcastically.
He settles on his butt and drags a bucket that had been partially hidden behind him to his side. You fold your legs beneath yourself and let your arms lie limp between the two of you. He twists out the water from the rag sitting in the bucket. You hear Chanyeol whining somewhere near you and Yixing hushing him like a parent would their noisy child.
The feeling of the cold rag on your skin forces you to focus your attention fully on the man in front of you. Baekhyun wipes farthest from the actual wound and works inward.
It doesn’t start to hurt until he begins to wash off the thick layer of blood that had caked right above where the rope dug in the deepest.
The sting is so abrupt that you straighten in your spot and choke out a pitiful moan of anguish. His eyes flicker from your wrist to your face only momentarily. “You deserve this for turning your wrist into shredded meat,” he laments.
“Fuck you,” you whimper out.
His lips quirk up in amusement. The rag dips into the bucket; red seeps into the once clear water staining it crimson. Baekhyun presses it to your skin again. It doesn’t hurt as much as it did before.
A pout settles on his lips as he concentrates on disinfecting and bandaging your wounds. You watch his face closely as he works in silence. The careful cleaning of your blood, the attentive way he tries to avoid hurting you where he can, the soft and reassuring press of his fingertips against your skin when you tense in pain. All of the actions only reaffirm the truth you’ve come to accept.
You like Baekhyun.
You fucking like Baekhyun.
You like Baekhyun and you told Jongin and Chanyeol.
You like Baekhyun and he’s cleaning the blood from your skin with so much care that you could trick yourself into believing that he actually cares about you.
He’s probably just tired and being gentle because he lacks the energy to be a dick. That would be reason enough for you –after all he did row the four of you an hour to safety. Even you wouldn’t have the energy to continue hating someone after that.
When the bandage is done being wrapped and the blood is no longer coating your arms, Baekhyun stands up and tosses the dirty water into the ocean.
“Captain, we’ll get you all something to eat and drink, but first we should get each of you to a bed,” Yixing says gently. You can only nod at his words –body giving in to exhaustion. “You take the Captain and I’ll get Sehun to come help me get Chanyeol and Jongin below deck.”
“Me?” Baekhyun asks in shock.
“Yes, you-”
“Yixing I can walk there on my own it’s really fi-” Yixing’s glare is enough to quiet you instantly.
“I said: you take the Captain to her room. Someone will bring you food afterwards,” his pitch drops angrily.
Baekhyun squats back down immediately to hoist you to your feet. You put as much energy as you have left into getting up. When Baekhyun’s arm is wrapped around you again and you’re leaning into his side, Yixing breaks out into a pleased grin. Smiling as if his voice hadn’t been threatening a minute before.
“Good. Now go,” he commands. Baekhyun nods quickly and ushers you towards your quarters.  
You hobble out from under his arm and flop heavily onto your bed as he closes the door behind himself. Baekhyun leans against your closed door and lets out an exhale.
“That man is fucking terrifying,” he says.
“There’s a reason he’s quartermaster,” you manage to say. Yixing seems nothing but gentle and kind. Despite the fact that he genuinely is gentle and kind, it’s also a mask that he uses to fool others. A facade he knowingly uses to his advantage. Behind Minseok, Yixing is the most experienced with a gun, and behind you, the best with a blade.
He’s smart about when he actually decides to strike, and can be more cold-blooded than he lets on, but he is still the sweetest person you have ever come to know.
The urge to change clothes and fall asleep in bed is stronger now that you’re surrounded by the familiarity of your room, but you have to stay awake until Junmyeon arrives. Your clothes are dirty with blood of all kinds; dirt and mud coats you like a second skin.
You bend down to unlace your boots. You figure it’s the least you can do to get comfortable until all your men are present and accounted for. It hurts a bit to flex and bend your wrists, but it’s not unbearable. The stinging from where the rope was rubbing into your abdomen is a bit more apparent now. It has turned into the most painful part of moving your body.
A smack to the back of your hand has you pulling away from your shoes.
“You do know that you can ask for help every now and then right?” Baekhyun grumbles out. You open your mouth to protest and utter out a ‘what the fuck?’ when he bends down to unlace your shoes for you.
“What are you doing?”
“Helping you take your shoes off. I’m sure it hurts to bend like that.”
You pause. He slips the first boot off your foot and tosses it haphazardly to the side. “Baekhyun!” you scold.
“Relax. It’s just a shoe.”
The other comes off and gets tossed to the side more aggressively than the first. When you snort at the careless treatment of your boot, Baekhyun smiles and hides it behind a cough and scrunch of his nose.
“You smell rancid,” he says.
“You don't exactly smell like lavender or fresh bread either-”
“Shut up.”
“You started it.”
A pause.
“I’ll get you water so that you can clean yourself up. Wait here.” He moves towards the door and then quickly turns around to point at you with narrowed eyes. “Do not fucking move.”
You roll your eyes and wave him away with weak flicks of your fingers.
Once he’s gone you count to 15 before standing on your feet, walking to your mirror, and lifting your shirt to look at the rough darkening line that colors the top of your abdomen. It isn’t bleeding, but you can tell that it will bruise darker and be tender for days to come. Prodding at it with gentle fingertips you grimace at the pain any touch creates.
You do know that you can ask for help every now and then right?
You scoff out a laugh. As if he’d help even if you asked.
The two of you are friendly now, as you have to be given the circumstances. You doubt that any kindness Baekhyun offers you extends passed respectful ally-ship for the sake of your crews.
You can’t read his mind. You don’t know what he’s thinking or feeling, but his actions lend towards your theory of civil respect. Nothing less, but definitely nothing more.
How you ended up being the one liking him one-sidedly you’ll never fucking understand, but it bothers the ever-loving fuck out of you.  
Your door is pushed open without preamble and Baekhyun stumbles in balancing food in one hand, a bucket and a cup of water in the other.
He looks so dumb.
He looks cute.
“Need help?” you ask.
“I got it,” he puffs out.
The cup spills out half of its contents when he sits it on the table. The food doesn’t spill but it clatters noisily as it’s set down clumsily. He sits the large bucket of water on the ground roughly as if it has personally angered him. First collecting his breath and glaring down at the bucket for a second longer, he then turns around to face you.
“I thought I told you not to move.”
“I didn’t realize you were my master,” you reply petulantly. Shuffling over and downing what’s left of the water in the cup, you smack your lips in satisfaction.
Baekhyun grumbles under his breath and sits heavily in the chair next to you while you continue to stand and pick at the food on the tray.
Vegetable buns and porridge. Boring, but it will fill you up.
“Are you not sitting because of bruise on your stomach?” Baekhyun asks out of nowhere. The bun you were holding up to your mouth after a bite gets stuck in your throat.
“What?” you cough out in horror. How did he find out?
He reaches towards the hem of your shirt and you flinch away. He balls his hand around air and brings it back to his lap. For a second, you feel bad for your reaction, but you cover it up by busying yourself with rearranging the half eaten bun next to the untouched one.
“Chanyeol and Jongin also have bruises around where the rope was tied around you all.” You frown down at the food at his words. “Were you not going to mention it?”
You know this is heading towards an argument.
You exhale and turn your body to face him head on.
“To you? No. I probably would have told Yixing if it got bad enough,” you say evenly.
His expression turns sour. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“If it got bad enough? Means if I-”
“No. You know exactly what I’m talking about,” he cuts in.
You exhale to calm the beating of your heart, pumping double time in preparation for yet another screaming match that you know is inevitable. “You and I both know that you’re just here being nice for the sake of everyone else. I know you don’t really care or want to bother patching me up, so I don’t bother asking for you to put in any more effort than necessary. Yeah, I’m bruised and it hurts to touch. What do you care? What does it matter if you know or not? It’s not like I’m going to die of it and it’s not like it would affect you in any way.”
Baekhyun closes his eyes and roughly drags his fingers through his bangs. Holding in a shout through closed lips, he sounds like he’s growling in frustration.
You clench your fist, bracing yourself for the explosion.
It never comes.
Baekhyun doesn’t shout, he doesn’t scream, he doesn’t curse. All he does…is laugh. A short tired laugh. More an exhale of breath than a laugh really.
You deflate in confusion. Fingers uncurling, eyebrows rising, head cocking to the side.
“You’re right. It doesn’t matter if I know or not. It doesn’t matter and it doesn’t affect me in any way. I just-” He brushes both of his hands through his hair and lets out a long suffering sigh. “Whatever. I’m tired of arguing with you.”
He walks towards the door and you stare, mouth agape. He’s…not going to fight you? “I- Baekhyun wait I-” you reach out to grab the sleeve of his shirt. You barely catch any of the material between your thumb and index finger.
He stops but doesn’t turn around. “Baekhyun, look at me…please.”
Trying to lessen the distance and get a better hold of his shirt you walk closer. He refuses to face you.
You have to thread your fingers through his to get him to react to you. His eyes close and he groans quietly in defeat before turning around. “I…I…”
“What? What do you want? Just let me go.”
He pulls but you hold on tighter. Knuckles going light from how tight you’re gripping his fingers. “What do you want?” he asks again.
“I don't…I don’t know. I …” your voice catches in your throat.
He scoffs in disbelief.
“Let me go-”
“No!” You squeeze his hand again in yours and look down where the warmth of his hand seeps into yours. “No…” you repeat again, softer. More honest. More vulnerable. You bite your lip to hold back the words that want to slip out. Keeping your fingers twined, you let your free hand rest on his arm.
There’s no talking. Only your rapid breaths as you think through your next movement. You don’t know how long he’ll stand there before walking off and leaving you alone in your room. Alone with all the words that you’re too cowardly to say.
You slide your hand from his arm to his shoulder. From his shoulder to his neck.
A shiver runs through his body as he leans into the touch. His neck has always been sensitive. You’ve known that about him for years.
His fingers squeeze against yours. When you finally make it to his face, hand cupping his cheek as you look into his eyes and hope –no you pray that maybe what you can’t say you can show.
Show through your actions. Show through your eyes.
You take a step forward to close the last of the distance between you, chests touching. Hearts pumping, chests rising and falling as one. His fingers slip from yours and rest heavily at the small of your back, holding you even closer.
He exhales shakily, tongue peeking out to wet his lips.
“Is this your way of asking to kiss me?” he asks –nervousness uncharacteristically creeping in at the edges. You smile softly. You thumb at his bottom lip and watch his mouth fall open in response to the touch. His stupid wet stupid pink lips.
“Can…can I?” you breathe out.
“You’ve never had to ask before,” he whispers a breath away from your lips.
You want a taste of him again. You want to surround yourself with him and to never forget the sight of him, the smell of him, the feeling of him. You want him. Every piece of him. The annoying argumentative side. The ugly jealous side. The headstrong proud side. The beautiful caring side. The sweet kind side.
All of it.
You’d just have to lean in a bit more to complete the kiss. Just a centimeter more.
“Captain! Junmyeon is back!”
You pull away and smack a hand to Baekhyun’s mouth to push his face away from yours.
“Junmyeon!?” Excitement runs through your veins, the moment from mere moments ago already evaporated. You don’t even care that Yeri just walked in and caught you in a semi-compromising position with Baekhyun.
Junmyeon is back.
You shove passed Baekhyun to run beyond Yeri and out to the main deck. You don’t care that your abdomen smarts or that Baekhyun lets out a sound of frustration behind you.
You have to make sure that Junmyeon is okay. You have to see him with your own eyes.
You stumble out to the main deck and look around the lantern lit ship frantically. You finally catch sight of him held on both sides by Kyungsoo and Minseok. Seulgi is standing in front of Yixing, mouth moving rapidly as she motions wildly from Junmyeon to Yixing. Her hair matted with blue blood and a red slice down her arm, thick with drying blood.
Your excited stumbling slows to a worried walk as you take in the scene. Junmyeon’s left leg is lifted a bit off the ground and his expression is twisted in pain. There’s fresh blood on his cheek and his clothes are heavy with what you hope is water. Minseok and Kyungsoo look drained at his sides. Purple streaks their skin, a mix of their blood and that of the sirens.
At least they’re all real.
Minseok sees you coming first.
“Captain! You’re okay!”
You smile sadly. “I should be the one saying that. You all look terrible…”
Kyungsoo laughs out tiredly. Junmyeon smiles dazedly. He looks beat.
You punch him in the chest.
“Dumb fuck. Getting pushed off the ship,” you growl out.
He smiles lazily. “I missed you too.”
He unloops himself from Kyungsoo and Minseok to hop over and wrap you in a weak hug. You hug him back just as gently, holding in tears that threaten to spill out and over. “You had me so worried.”
“I know, but I’m okay. We’re okay,” he tries to soothe. Pulling away you cup his cheeks and scan his face sadly. He’s dirty and looks as dead tired as you’re sure he feels. You brush the hair off his forehead tenderly and thumb off a spot of mud on his cheek. “You should let me go. I think your boyfriend is getting jealous again,” he tries to joke, but his voice comes out weak.
“Again?” you question as he limps back to Minseok. Wait… “Boyfriend?!” you hiss.
Despite his exhaustion, despite how awful a day it’s been, Junmyeon laughs. He can still manage to laugh.
“Junmyeon, stop moving around,” Yixing barks out.
You see Baekhyun walking up to your side with his arms over his chest and a childish pout on his lips. Even if you didn’t know him as well as you do, you’d be able to tell that he’s upset.
You cringe and take an inconspicuous step farther away from him.
“Is he going to be alright Yixing?” Seulgi asks.
Yixing prods at Junmyeon’s obviously injured leg. “His leg is broken, but he’ll be alright. I’ll have to reset it and look him over for any other injuries, but it doesn’t seem any worse than that.”
“We’ll give you the debriefing in the morning Cap’n. I think everyone needs a good night’s sleep,” Minseok offers.
“Yeah…let’s…reconvene in the morning. Everyone wash up, attend to your injuries and then we’ll get everyone together and figure out what the fuck happened and what the fuck we’re going to do next.” You reach toward the bruise growing in pain on your stomach but lower your fingers when you feel Baekhyun’s eyes on you from your periphery. You clear your throat. “Let’s try to keep moving. We can’t let this slow us down for long.”
“I’ll take care of Junmyeon. You all go rest,” Yixing says, taking it upon himself to guide your injured first mate to the infirmary.
You wait in your place until nearly everyone has cleared the deck.
Nearly everyone.
“Baekhyun,” you call. He startles in his spot still pouting at your side. You sigh and lick your lips nervously. He blinks down at them dumbly. “I need help getting my clothes off so that I can bathe.”
A toothy smile plasters itself across his face and you want to kiss him.
God. Stupid. So fucking dumb.
“Don’t say anything. Just help me out of my clothes and then fucking leave my room so I can clean up.”
He nods slowly. “Yeah of course. Why else would you want me to help get you naked- ouch.”
You scowl and raise your fist to punch him in the chest again. “Don’t make me regret asking for your help.”
He smiles again, gentler, eyes shining with an emotion you haven’t seen since you were on the island together. When he brings his hand up to your fist and wedges his fingers between yours to bring your intertwined digits down, you let him.
Mostly shocked, and a bit flustered by the action, you gape at him.
“Let’s go.” With another squeeze of your fingers that sends tingles up your spine you let Baekhyun guide you back to your room.
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sugar-petals · 4 years
Hey🙃, who in superm do you think is most to least likely to be into choking?
oh man. this group has done... some things. prepare yourself for this.
starting with a straightforward nomination: i’d be a fraud if i said the god of k-pop isn’t a raging candidate. everywhere you look, this guy has a hand on his neck. taemin is obsessed with choking himself. it can’t be said otherwise.
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in any situation, taemin:
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he also seems to be fascinated with what his adam’s apple does so there’s that. lee taemin i swear...
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and remember. the criminal mv literally has some hardcore self-asphyxiation in it. not superficial acting or cgi, he actually went for that. not my personal cup of tea but wow taemin is mad for doing this. i think you get why i list him here. we knew he’s new levels of intense.
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second, byun baekhyun. that kyungsoo headlocks him all day and even instructed everyone on how to do it is already international knowledge. 
his entire surrounding is literally this desparate to make baekhyun hold his outrageous tongue for one minute. meanwhile, baekhyun is mighty entertained at people trying so hard. in fact, he just keeps teasing until he gets what he wants and people tame him. over and over. god. fucking. dammit. 
he even gets his female seniors involved. baekhyun has once agreed to actress gayeon choking him out as a drama reenactment. on that very show, he also said he’s interested in her.
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add that one strange af moment to my list of reasons. baekhyun clowned lee soo man at full throttle, and things went out of control because lee soo man clowned him back and took matters into his own hands: literally. once again, the tale ends with baekhyun laughing demonically because he succeeded in driving everybody up the wall. i swear. he even makes his own boss feral. 
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conclusion, baekhyun is a pro at provoking people into doing things with his neck. he literally bullies even the higher ups so they would punish him. i admit it’s a masterful brat strategy but also what on earth. he is puppeteering everybody just so he can suffer and giggle about it.
a less provocative case but an even more cursed one: lee taeyong. i think as a fellow foodie he took notes from jin’s vlives...
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...because he enjoys choking himself with food on live broadcast. look. this is not him doing it accidentally so he would ask for help. nope, he’s doing it with deliberation and stuffs himself even more. the. hell. we know he’s a different man but oh boy. taeyong’s a worrying case. almost dies and then just smiles. what do we do with him, ladies and gents, what do we do.
as for the other members, except lucas who is surprisingly tame they’re busy choking other people. even damn mark is.
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there’s one guy in particular who really enjoys doing it.
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meanwhile jongin, he likes grabbing his dear colleagues by the nape so you know what’s going on. as for choking i’m convinced kai stans have some secret material, not sure. as for me, i think he’s sort of neutral but he likes touch there. you frequently see him like this somewhere. (and what a great image 😍)
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phew okay... final verdict: 
taemin: most likely. he chokes himself just because. 
even if he’s definitely enjoying the pain a lot, baekhyun takes the second place because it’s not entirely clear whether it’s standard choking he finds so entertaining or the fact that he gets punished, scolded, and manhandled.
taeyong is more about... well well... gagging and crying rather than choking. internal, not external, you get what i’m saying. this man is something else and i dunno whether to congratulate him or to be scared of his recklessness.
kai might like some stimulation there. he’s touchy for sure. we’re talking sensual though.
mark, you never know... but so far, no signs he enjoys choking. chains are a different topic.
lucas is a wild card. i dunno how he prefers to use those big hands.
in soviet russia, necks choke you. in kpop, ten does.
bonus — while we’re at it, more candidates i observed doing suspicious things with their neck:
seokjin as mentioned
han jisung
the entirety of A.C.E
and namjoon who has once done this the heck:
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channieswife21 · 4 years
The Greatest Game
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Yandere Chanyeol Imagine
“I need you to pay close attention right now (Y/N)” Baek said to me, I wrapped my arms around my body in the cold Seoul winter wind. I'd heard this spill 25 times on the way to the train station. I was exhausted emotionally and physically and the way that Baek was focused on me only made me want to curl in on myself. I only glanced away before turning my eyes to the concrete below my feet, giving a miniscule nod.
“A nod is not good enough, love. I need you to repeat the plan back to me. ”
He didn’t have to look out for me, a person he had only known for a couple of months from uni. I couldn't help that my mind started to wander...If only things had been different.
“I board the train out of Seoul and head towards Daegu. From Daegu, I will take the plane waiting for me to Barcelona.” I stop when I realize I've forgotten what happens when I get there. Xiumin chimed in patiently. “Then from Barcelona you meet Marlana and she takes you to the airport and you fly to LA.”
The journey across the world sounded excessive, but in reality, it might not be enough.
“And you don’t stop until you’ve gotten to LA. Meet my sister at UCLA” I turn to look at Sehun who was speaking who no doubt feels guilty for all this. He was the one that set us up after all but he couldn't have known this would happen.
“Where's your phone?” Jumyeon asks. “He's a computer science major sweetheart. I'm sure he could track you, don't make it too easy for him that isn't like you.” I ignore the fact that he just insinuated that I'm difficult and handed him my phone.
He was right Chanyeol would never stop looking for me once he got home and realized I was gone. He's always been the right kind of possessive...until now.
“Jesus H. Christ (Y/N)” I look up at myeon with a confused face. “You have 30 missed calls and 60 messages, guess he's back home now which means we're running out of time.” I checked the last message.
“I just know there's a reason my peaches isn't here now. I know there's a reason your shit is gone isn't there? I thought we discussed why you need not run from me, peaches.”  
Looking at the scared look on my face Xiumin takes my phone and puts it in the trash. Kyungsoo looks up and grabs my arm tightly. “We have to go before he gets real smart real quick and finds where we are.”
I didn't always feel like this about Chanyeol, scared and distant, I used to feel the cliche butterflies in my stomach as I looked at his smile and the way he would look at me.
Now I just feel numb.
I met Chanyeol on a blind date Sehun had set us up on. He said he had a friend that needed someone to bring him out of his loner type life. I was that someone, focused on my studies so much that I had forgotten to have a social life, we were the perfect match, he gave me a life and I gave him purpose. I helped him focus on his studies at Yonsei and even helped him discover his love for computer science and technology in general and he had a real gift for it. He would take me on dates to places I had no idea existed. The most beautiful places in Seoul and even Jeju island. Going to parties and public places was a bit of a hassle with him sometimes. He would always get into arguments with other men because they got too close or because they would simply look my way. Once at a bar this man turned and bumped into me on accident and as he turned to apologize Chanyeol decked him right in the face and we were thrown out. I simply took it as him being a little more possessive than others..oh how i was wrong. Sehun had warned me of Chanyeol's possessiveness but none of us could have known the extent it would go.
When I came home late from my shift at the hospital I found Chanyeol asleep on the couch in front of his laptop. I smiled thinking he had fallen asleep waiting on me again. As I went to wake him I glanced at his laptop and saw the familiar hallways of the hospital I had just been relieved from. Confused and but not yet scared I look closer and see one camera focused on the desk area I reside at and the patient rooms I had been servicing. I gasped slightly. Was he spying on me? I had gasped a little too loudly because he woke up with panicked eyes and started gathering his laptop and had the nerve to start questioning me as if I was the one that had something to explain. “Why are you meddling in my things while i'm sleeping!” “ME? You were the one spying on ME!” “I wasn't spying, I was trying to make sure you were ok! It's passed the time you're usually home.” so he felt that he had a right to hack into the cameras at my job? We talked it out but I was still uneasy.
He had a knack for tying me up during sex.
I had been tied to a chair in our room after him not seeing me for a week because of our finals and work. “Oh my god, I missed this,” I gasped, his mouth closing around my nipple and his teeth tugging softly on it. I could feel him smile against me. “Who do you belong to?” 
“You daddy only you.” “That's a good girl.” he unties me and throws me onto the bed and crawls up towards me. His tongue darted down to lick me in my entirety before circling my clit again. I managed to grip the top of his head through the blankets and press him closer. He worked on me and added fingers to help stimulation. He bites the inside of my thigh and leaves marks all over my lower body. He liked to leave marks on me. Whenever some would fade away he would just add more. He was rough holding my thighs tightly and biting every so often. But he never failed to make me feel good. I whined in pleasure as my release finally came, his hands held me down with force as my hips started to buck. “Fucking shit,” I panted, as I felt my body relax. His lips kissed a trail up my pelvis, my abdomen, his head finally revealing itself again as he pressed a kiss to my lips with the sheet framing his euphoric face.
What was the last straw was 4 weeks ago. I had gone out with friends yet I kept feeling a pair of eyes on me. I brushed it off and kept enjoying my night. I started dancing with my friends and this guy came up behind me and started dancing on me. I turned around and politely let him know I had a boyfriend and he left me alone. As we were on our way out we heard yelling and turned around to see a man on the ground with another man punching him repeatedly till he was bloody in the face. I noticed the man as the one that tried to dance with me and….Chanyeol?!?!?!? What the actual hell. “CHANYEOL!!” When he sees me I notice, his eyes go from fiery to soft. “Oh peaches..”
When we got home he slammed the door and turned to me “What have I told you about going out with other people? You're mine! No one is allowed to be that close to you.” “Chanyeol, you cannot stalk me!!” “you're mine peaches, i'll do as I please and you do well to remember that!!”
“Myeon I can't do this alone I can't be alone.” For some reason I still loved him. I didn't wanna leave but it was for my own safety. “He’s never gonna leave you alone if you're still here.”
“Um we have a problem.” “What Jongin?”
“He’s here.”
We all turn around and see him brooding towards us.
All aboard!
“Go, i'll go hold him off” Thank the lord for jongdae. I board the train with my head down and find a seat furthest away from the door. I look straight out of the window and lock eyes with Chanyeol and can't help but freeze. Our relationship flashes before my eyes and I start to think about how maybe the good outweighed the bad and I should stay. Then I remember 
“You'll never escape me.” 
I know I have to get out of here. He looked so heartbroken and defeated as he whispered “peaches…” and I feel a heart string pull at the fond nickname. Then that side comes out and he mouths….
“You're mine. I'll find you. I promise.”
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onewfantaesy · 3 years
I knew theyd have that twinsies thing lol.
Does Jongin or his brothers ever actually ask why Taemin was abandoned? Like, yeah hes cursed and bad for the rep but did he have to be thrown away? Did they not care if he lived or died? Does Suho or anyone even know about Taemin before Hogwarts? It has to feel weird/guilty for Jongin to know the same parents that loved and raised them so well could toss Taemin away.
Maledictus AU 
The older brothers all knew from the beginning that there was a seventh brother. They had seen their mother pregnant with twins, had seen two baby boys come home, had seen their parents take one twin and hide him away for over a month every night. They could never see their babiest brother after sundown. The younger brothers didn’t understand why, didn’t yet understand the meaning of a blood curse. But the older brothers - Suho and Xiumin - they knew why. And they were upset and confused about everything going on.
Then one day, just a couple months after their baby brothers came home, one of them was gone. And Jongin cried nonstop for months.
They thought the younger twin had died. That the blood curse was too much for him to endure. They were young and they didn’t fully understand.
Then when their baby brother is six, he makes a new friend. A little boy named Taemin. And they’re inseparable for months, Jongin talks endlessly about his new best friend, Taemin. Then they learn this other little boy is a maledictus. A maledictus who turns into a snake at night. And Jongin can never see this boy again, their father has forbidden it. Then their father sits all six of them down and explains their family’s blood curse.
And suddenly the older brothers start to understand. Their baby brother didn’t die, he was given up. Abandoned somewhere. They overheard his new father telling their father how he found Taemin at a circus, being used for entertainment, forced to transform. 
Suho was horrified. He was old enough to really understand what that meant, to understand that his parents just abandoned their baby brother, left him to be tortured because they couldn’t bare the shame of having a child with a blood curse. Suho was fifteen at the time, was already at Hogwarts and old enough to comprehend and come to his own conclusion. 
The other brothers at the time were still fairly young as well, but they were old enough to realize this other boy was their other brother. The one they barely remembered. 
But they see the way their father gets so angry at the mention of this boy - the Maledictus - and they assume he must be evil. He must have been given up because something was wrong with him, there was something wrong with his blood. It’s why they find it so easy to justify their bullying of him. Although Xiumin, the second oldest and a 7th year, does battle himself over it a lot. It’s why, on the night they decide to go Maledictus hunting, all he does is guard the corridor leading to the Hufflepuff dorms. He doesn’t actually want to be involved in hurting the kid, but he doesn’t want to go against his brothers either. He may be older, but he’s easily outnumbered, and he doesn’t want to end up in a body bind all night like Jongin.
Chanyeol is the ringleader when it comes to bullying though. He manages to convince Baekhyun, the 5th year, and Kyungsoo, the 3rd year, to go along with whatever he says. He can be very persuasive. 
But the entire week leading up to Christmas break, and the entirety of the break, Jongin is pretty much inconsolable. He’s upset and confused and he misses his twin more than anything, feels like a terrible brother and twin and person. He’s just sad.
“Why did you give him to a circus?” Jongin questions his father one day. 
“We didn’t,” Sooman says carefully. “We just - left him somewhere one day. We didn’t expect him to be taken by anyone.”
“So you just - you just left him? To die?” Jongin asks, the tears welling in his eyes starting to fall.
“We thought it would be best for him,” Sooman tries to explain gently. “Living life as a maledictus isn’t easy. And until just a couple years ago, there was absolutely no way to suppress the nightly transformations.”
“But you just left him to die,” Jongin accuses. “You didn’t care what happened to him.”
“What if it was me?” Jongin asks, his voice cracking. “What if Taemin was born first, and then me?”
Sooman is quiet for a long time, and Jongin really starts crying then.
“You would have just left me to die too?” Jongin asks, a strangled sob leaving his lips.
Jongin runs away from him then, goes to find Suho, and stays glued to him the entirety of the break. He’s confused and upset, and Suho is the only one who seems to understand why, the only one who seems to want to help.
“Mommy and Daddy love you so much,” Suho says gently, holding Jongin on his bed.
“Only because I was born sixth,” Jongin cries. “I want my Taemin.”
“I know,” Suho whispers, holding him tight. “I want him too.”
“He’s mine,” Jongin insists. “And now I’m never gonna see him again.”
Suho just continues to hold him, continues to comfort him as best he can, continues to reassure him that he loves him and that none of what has happened is his fault. 
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kaisooficrec · 4 years
Well I feel down lately and all I need is some angsty fics. But nothing super heavy( I can't handle that sh*t). Like one of them mocks the other (bullying, tbh) and later he feels guilty, (you know they hurt the other but in deep, he likes him). I know I'm not good at explaining, I hope you guys know what I mean :/
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Hey there! I’m profusely sorry we couldn’t get this ask out on time but I really hope you’re doing better. But angst is always (ironically) positive, so enjoy!
They Were Not Friends - Age swap, oneshot. Jongin refused the friendship of his new neighbour back when they were kids, and even through middle school. When he gives them a chance, he realizes Kyungsoo is more than an owl-eyed dongsaeng. Light angst and some nice mild fluff to top it all.
Black Magic - A classic by now. Mama Powers!AU, dragons!AU, OT-12 and multiple pairings. The criminal turned student who can “hear” stones fascinates teleporter Kai and triggers instinctive tension between them. Kyungsoo is bullied for basically the entirety of the fic, but magic and smut and tons of plot, so an important read. 
What We Find - Soulmates!AU by Indigomini (a.k.a a certified masterpiece). Jongin waited his whole life to find his soulmate but once he does, his entire beliefs are shaken. Kyungsoo is just a heartbroken jerk and Jongin is the most precious human being. Read for guaranteed heart squeezes, laughs and frEAKY times. 
Boundless - Abusive relationship, dubcon. While massaging Jongin’s scared body, Kyungsoo doesn’t know if he passionately hates or horribly loves the manipulative bully terrified by storms. Pretty nice and dark. 
Omega Nini - Jongin is an omega who has been bullied for long before turning into a bully himself, which is a major turnoff to rich bulky alpha!Kyungsoo. Not angsty but mentions of violence.
loving can hurt, loving can heal - Or how a bee causes Kyungsoo and Jongin to break up. Could’ve been angstier but the hurt is there.
Unlikely Friends - Harry Potter!AU, (kind of) enemies to lovers. Hufflepuff!Jongin and Gryffindor!Kyungsoo hate each other but only because their pets don’t accept to be separated. The angst is very minimal but they have some bad times. (side XiuHan and SuChen)
Hurts the other but regrets later:
Everlasting Light - Well, WELL. That was some intense beautiful writing there. I don’t wanna spoil, but both are hurt and both go extreme lengths to forget each other. An awesome fic, more on the heavy side but it won’t leave you sad. I wish I knew it earlier.
SUNFLOWER - Kaileidohscope! They break up in college because of Kyungsoo’s addictions and meet years later in Chanyeol’s wedding. Jongin is basically perfect in this fic and the feelings are portrayed really realistically and beautifully. Great angst.
Anything You Can Do - Yes, another one by Indigomini, I’m barely sorry. A fiery love-hate relationship that lasts for too long before they allow themselves second chances. Not too angsty but not light neither, and hehe, smut.
Eunoia - That’s a short one, more poetic than angsty. But I actually loved the vibe, and Kyungsoo gets hurt in the process oops.
forest fires - Awesome mild angst. Kyungsoo and Jongin are students in Cambridge in the 20s but from different social casts. It’s beautifully written, Jongin is the best poet irl anyway and Kyungsoo’s a stuttering artist.
November Sky - Blind!Kyungsoo is the only one who was prepared enough to survive the apocalypse, alone, or at least until he opens his door and his house to a starved Southerner. Angsty towards the end, but mostly fluffy in a vague cozy way. 
Been Through - Non AU, around 2016. Kyungsoo flies to Japan with friends to spend his and Jongin’s birthdays away and sets off Jongin’s mixed feelings. It’s a pretty intense smutty oneshot, and the ending is barely happy but INDIGOMINI AGAIN SO YOU BET IT’S GOOD.
I know now (we were meant to be) - Kyungsoo is a wealthy man who despises his privileged life. It gets even worse when his new bodyguard appears to be his ex from his military days. I love lowkey tsundere/rebellious Kyungsoo and strong Jongin. 
Take Off - Jongin is an exceptional ballet dancer and Kyungsoo can’t live with the fact that he’s holding him back from his dreams. Typical angst, so on the intense side of mild. Actually really good.
Smile - Kyungsoo is a war survivor and Jongin loves everything about him. I know this is not really what you asked for, but *this* is the angst I read when I’m feeling down. Just CJ’s bonus.
Storm in a Teacup - Vampire AU. Kyungsoo is a human, and he really IS fine without a vampire bodyguard abut Jongin just wants to get his job done. It takes both of them near death experiences for Soo to accept him and hurts him pretty badly in the process. Still (bitter?)sweet and well written.
Says something that makes the other cry (pertains to some fics above, too):
Garnet Hearts - everybody should have read it at this point but!!!  royalty au and arranged marriage, uhm how many times we cried too when kyungsoo said something hurtful to poor jongin?? yea :oovv//
Through the Midnight Streets - Jongin’s bestfriend and long time crush dates a girl and doesn’t reciprocate his feelings when he finally expresses them. Years later, in Paris where Jongin is a ballet dancer, they meet again and Kyungsoo inadvertently hurts him again. This is a masterpiece. The angst is perfect but the setting is even more mesmerizing.
The last of The Wilds - supernatural / nymph / forest spirit and human. jongin can see kyungsoo, the forest spirit who was cursed by a witch and lost his lover and jongin is a carbon copy of him. jongin falls in love with kyungsoo but ksoo is so stubborn he hurts jongin many times jefhfhsdf
Well I really love angst and I actually have way more that I read when I’m feeling blue but I tried my best to stick to your request. Please don’t hesitate to check older asks for bully!Jongin, bully!Kyungsoo or angst in general here, here and here. Stay safe and happy!
- Admin Cookie
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sooibian · 4 years
An Eye For An Eye
Pairing: Kyungsoo x Reader
Genre: Angst, Ambiguous AU
Themes / Warnings: Mildly suggestive, exes, mentions of blood, murder and abortion, dark!kyungsoo, poor life decisions. Nothing too graphic but please proceed with caution!!
A/N: I have obsessed over this little piece over the last two weeks. I am literally shaking as I upload this simply because of how vastly different it is from the stuff I usually write. Anxiously await your feedback :) 
Shy tagging @changshapatrol ! Not Baek or Yeol but hopefully worth your time
Word Count: ~ 1.2k
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Photocreds to @sefuns​
The heady redolence of cigarette, musk and whiskey makes your dwelling it’s own by coercion and sheer habit. The unmistakable gleam of anguish in his eyes hooded by strong brows and the intimacy of it all, re-acquaints you with the relativity of time. Maybe it had only been six fleeting months. Or one hundred and eighty excruciatingly endless nights of you waging war against your moral scruples that you’d held in high regard for the entirety of your existence. Only he could make you question everything you’d known to be true. Everything that you thought was virtuous and just. With the blood on his hands he'd exquisitely smeared the unambiguous line that distinguished good from evil. Or maybe it was the doing of your own imprudent heart. One massive heartache caused you to lose your bearings, it made you the evil that you deplore, the evil you always sought to escape. You trudge your feet through the cobweb of life with mind forged manacles of guilt and a heart ensnared with phantom memories of the devil.
The click-clack of your high heels against the wooden floorboard doesn’t intimidate the intruder. He revels in the auditory sensation, instead. Drawing in a sharp breath, he throws his head back as though inundated by a bittersweet symphony. The barely perceptible curve of his lips entices you. Makes you want to plunge straight into the familiar pit of deceit and malignity with the hope of feeling something different, even if it kills you. 
Albeit harrowing, you pick survival. 
What are you doing here? How did you get in? We agreed to never see each other again.
Impotent arguments - certain of disintegrating the ounce of sanity you held so dear. You laugh inwardly at your own foolishness.
Trespassing is the least Doh Kyungsoo is capable of.
“Get out.” The slight part in your nude lips and your clenched fists tend to the shiver that his overwhelming presence maledicts you with.
“You’ve not been eating well.” He says languidly, shooting a quick glance at the mouldering fruits in the basket that sat before him, in stark contrast to the opulent periphery. The leather-jacket clad man reclines further into the bergère chair, flirting with the silver bands on his slender digits while you’ve held the graceless stance of an unwelcome guest in your own living room. 
You drop all sense of propriety with Doh Kyungsoo, for your own sake. “Just leave”, you say to him in your inherent voice of authority, crossing your arms over your chest. You are nothing if not adept at masking your inner turmoil. It was a skill you’d finely honed by years of experience. His incisive stare is invading your most surreptitious thoughts, it’s demanding you to come clean. And with each passing second you feel frost settle deep in your bones.
It takes him three easy, self-assured strides and a slight crouch. His face is levelled with yours and he explores your desolate soul through the depths of your parched eyes. Patiently, in a meticulous manner, as if making up for the lost time. You fix your gaze on the little scar peeking through the hinge of his heavy glasses as his scent continues to obscure your senses. He says nothing and you find succour in the unsettling silence, terrified of your own unbidden justifications. His calloused fingers tentatively seek the warmth of your emaciated cheek and you feel your heart stop and start simultaneously.
The PVC card bore the identification of an infamous name that was ruthlessly dragged through the mud by every media outlet barely two months ago, even in his death - your estranged brother’s. The shattered glass case of the phone that lay dead beside it, screamed at you to refocus your now muddled senses. Your eyes then fell on the smashed car keys and the battered wallet. Your trembling fingers, misty eyes and perplexed mind worked in tandem to confirm your worst suspicion - they all belonged to him. Your heart lurches to your throat in panic.
The mental image of a man in his late twenties being run over by a truck is stuck on loop in your head as you scurry to the window to snatch a breath of air, miserable in your out-of-body experience. A numbness sweeps over you, your vision blurs and your head pounds. 
The bottle of champagne comes crashing to the floor. You realise it’s the kind of celebration you’ll probably never have. Especially after this, you think, it’s best to not tell him. Kyungsoo’s eyes fall on the nefariousness that you weren’t meant to unveil. You ransack his conscience for answers to the questions you were too petrified to ask. 
Sweet, sweet Doh Kyungsoo. Was that even his name or an alias? Was his restaurant business just a front for something notorious? Did he have a part to play in the death of your brother? Were you an unwitting accomplice?
Did he ever truly love you?
Teary eyed, he anxiously inched closer to you, scarcely avoiding the glass shards.
Your mind is a whirlpool of dread and disbelief. The tentative touch of his hand on your shoulder fails at softening the shock. Instead it makes you squirm in disgust.
“He was bad news. That’s all you need to know. I beg you not to look into this further. For your own sake and mine.” He surmises with a severe finality in dulcet sounds of a string quartet, leaving you with more questions than answers.
“He was my brother.” Your voice is but a quiver as you wrestle with what to say next. An inferno of feelings rage within you.
This was it. The point of no return.
He drops to his knees at the thought that this could be the last time he sees you. The static in your head scrambles his earth shattering cry of agony as you bolt out of the apartment of the man you thought you knew.
Two weeks later
Sleep evades you. The pull of betrayal and fear is stronger than better judgement. 
You finally begin to move, your feet sinking into the snow with each step you take. Your fingers are instinctively wrapped around the ultrasound, as you shed bitter tears at the sad provenance of the object.
The sterility of the ward takes you in. Cold. It’s the last feeling you remember before they rip the remnants of your soul out.
His lips on yours catapult you into wakefulness. Breathless, you tear away from him in outrage and your heart threatens to burst out of your chest. A grim smile spreads across his face as he takes two rueful steps away from you.
“If I leave today, I am never coming back.” The primacy in his voice warns you but the glint of yearning in his eyes tell an entirely different story.
He’s clearly unaware of your transgression.
Anguish and hostility dominate in the darkness of your living room causing you to collapse in silent tears. The sound of his heavy footsteps finding their way out magnifies the guilt you’ve solemnly carried in every fragment of your being. 
What’s left of you is the inviolable string that binds your heart with his in broken promises and unresolved mysteries.
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gone4neow · 4 years
c h a p t e r t e n
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- park chanyeol x oc
- mulan rewrite [very loosely inspired by the disney version]
- warnings : cursing, dark themes, extreme violence
- work count : 2,970
previous chapter or next chapter
Eunyeong sat outside of the general's tent with Baekhyun next to her side. The moon was officially high in the sky, accompanied by all of its twinkling friends. The general and his second hand in command had decided to keep the mole hidden in the forest until night arrived. Then, the escorted him back to the general's tent to question him.
"What's taking so long?" Baekhyun whined with a pout apparent on his face. Eunyeong only glanced at him in response. She was feeling antsy herself after the day's events. It had been half an hour and there was no sign of any activity in the tent.
"Does your head feel okay?" The woman asked after a few seconds of silence passed.
Baekhyun gave a small sigh as he lifted his hand up to his head. "It doesn't hurt as much as it did earlier."
"Good," the woman hummed. "I'll make sure it never happens again."
Just as she finished speaking, the tent entrance flew open. The general stepped out in a rush, only pausing his movements when he saw the pair of soldiers sitting outside of his tent. His eyes narrowed in annoyance when he meet Eunyeong's eyes.
"He won't speak to us," the man explained.
"Of course not," the woman huffed in exhaustion as she picked at the grass beneath her. "The other two we brought back with us didn't say anything, either. These people are impressively silent."
The general stood with his hands resting on his hips. He looked off into the distance for a few moments, his eyebrows furrowed with concentration. Baekhyun complained about wanting to sleep as they sat there unsure of what to do next.
"Maybe you should just go sleep. I doubt anything exciting will happen tonight," the woman told the man. "Besides, you should get rest after what happened to you today anyways."
Baekhyun didn't smack the woman's hand away as she reach up and pushed his hair away from the scratch on his forehead. A deep frown rest on her face as she stared at the small injury.
"Goodnight," the general suddenly snapped. Both of the soldiers turned to look at the man who was staring down at them with a scowl.
"Uh," Baekhyun gave a nervous laugh. "Goodnight?"
"Go," the general instructed the man. Eunyeong watched as the tall man lifted his hand and pointed in the direction of the soldiers' tents. Baekhyun scrambled to his feet and bowed respectfully before he trotted off to sleep for the night. Eunyeong went to follow after him, but was stopped by a large hand wrapping around her forearm. She stopped and looked up, meeting the general's dark eyes as she did so.
"Not you," he told her. The woman's face contoured into an expression of confusion. The man dropped his hold on her arm before he ducked back into the tent. Eunyeong hesitated before she entered behind him.
Inside sat Kyungsoo and the mole. Kyungsoo was staring at the man with a glare so hateful that Eunyeong felt afraid to even breath in the same air as him. How the mole hadn't spoken up about anything yet was a mystery to her. One look from the intimidating man would have her spilling her entire catalog of secrets within seconds.
The mole turned to look when the general and soldier entered the tent. His eyes lit up at the sight of Eunyeong, before they quickly narrowed with anger. This didn't go undetected by Chanyeol.
"What's the interest with my soldier?" He asked bluntly. Eunyeong blinked in surprise. Kyungsoo looked over at her, his eyes scanning her as if trying to see what the mole saw.
"There's a rumor circling through our group about a tiny soldier who stole away our men," the man began. "And now we have reason to believe the same man took the general from us when we finally got our hands on him."
"Ah, you've made quite the name for yourself - haven't you?" Chanyeol asked Eunyeong as he poured himself a glass of wine. She stood rigidly next to the entrance of the tent with her hands laced together. Her thumbs chased once another nervously.
"I guess my first message made it back to everyone," Eunyeong awkwardly said with a small laugh. The general looked up at the woman with disbelief.
"Of course it did, you son of a bitch," the mole hissed. "Now those men will never be able to return to their families after what you did to them."
"And what about your men?" Eunyeong immediately bit back, her hands separating and curling into fists as she spoke. "Look at our men! Look at the graves we've had to dig because of you bastards!"
"Hey," the general called out softly to the woman. She found his eyes soon after and felt her tense muscles gradually relax. The man motioned for her to join him on the floor of the tent and so she did. When she was seated, he passed his glass of wine to her. Quickly, she emptied the entirety of the glass down her throat.
"Where is your group located?" Kyungsoo asked the mole. The man looked over at him with an expression of distaste.
"I told you I wasn't going to say anything," he answered with a bitterness to his voice.
"What if we reward you?" Kyungsoo suggested.
"No," the man said instantly. "I won't betray my people."
"Do you think your people really care about you?" Chanyeol asked the man.
"Of course they do. When they find out my identity has been given up then they'll come back to finish you all off," the man remarked with pride. The general snickered at this.
"You're delusional," he told the man. "You have no value to them now. You're as good to them as a broken blade."
"Shut up!" The man exclaimed angrily.
"In fact, they'll probably want to kill you more than any of us after you've failed your job," Chanyeol continued.
"I said shut up!"
"We can help you," Kyungsoo interjected. "If you give us the information we need then we can protect you from dying. We can help you get back to your family. Wouldn't that be nice?"
The man was silent now. His nostrils still flared with anger, but it was obvious that the men' s words was getting to him.
"You know," Eunyeong started. "We don't judge you for doing what you've done - you have to do what you have to do to survive."
The man looked over at the soldier right away. Eunyeong felt her heart quicken at the gaze in his eyes. A grin slowly formed on his face.
"When my people come for me, I'll show them to you directly. And while they rip you apart limb from limb, I'll watch and I'll laugh. And when I make it back home I'll tell everyone about how I helped burn a tiny little bastard who couldn't stay out of everyone's business," the man told the woman.
Eunyeong felt her stomach twist. For a moment she felt as if she were going to throw up from the visuals that ran through her mind, but she had to remind herself that the man was trying to get under her skin. Obviously he recognized her as the weakest in the room, which made her an easy target. If she wanted to win this she couldn't allow him to get under her skin so easily.
"Go ahead and fantasize about my death, but just remember that it's me with the blood of your men on my hands already. I'm not afraid of getting my hands a little more dirty if it means defeating corruption," the woman replied gravely. 
The man began to shake with rage at her words. Then, he began to throw his body wildly while shouting loudly. Within just a few seconds, Kyungsoo sat on top of the man and delivered two fatal blows that sent the man into unconsciousness. Finally, he was completely silent.
"Take him to the others," Chanyeol commanded the man. Kyungsoo obeyed without complaint. Eunyeong watched as he stood up and began dragging the man out of the tent.
"You have a way with words," the general noted quietly as he poured himself some more wine.
"I got a bit carried away," Eunyeong admitted, suddenly embarrassed for speaking the way she had. Her cheeks began to feel warm and she wasn't sure if it was due to her embarrassment or the wine she had consumed minutes ago.
"I was impressed," the general confessed. When the woman looked up at him, she saw a small smirk on his face. This prompted a smile to stretch across her face.
"Is there a reason you wanted me to stay behind tonight?" The woman wondered aloud after a few seconds passed.
The general glanced over at the woman, the smirk on his face long gone. His eyes scanned her face as if trying to understand her curiosity. "I figured the chances that he would speak would be better if you were here. Those who have emotionally wounded us are always the ones to get under our skin the easiest."
"Ah," the woman hummed. "That's clever. I'll have to remember that."
"Do you plan to be in this situation often?"
"You never know what tomorrow will bring."
That was the truth. When the next day arrived, the general announced that it was time to get a move on again. While the other soldiers packed up the camp and prepared to depart, Kyungsoo and Eunyeong snuck away into the forest with their newest prisoner. They planned to question the man, but knew it would be difficult to get any answers out of him.
"Are you guys serious?" The man scoffed as Kyungsoo pushed him to the ground. The sound of his knees hitting the fallen leaves on the ground emitted a crunching sound. Eunyeong realized only in that moment that summer was beginning to fade away.
"You think a guy with an expression like that on his face is ever anything but serious?" Eunyeong asked the man as she pointed over at Kyungsoo. She received a glare from both of the men in return.
"I'm not telling you bastards anything," the man spat angrily. Eunyeong and Kyungsoo shared a look of annoyance.
"We'll see," Kyungsoo told the man in a voice so calm that it was almost unsettling. His words made a sinister grin break out across the man's face.
"What are you going to do, kill me?" The man taunted. "Then you really won't get any information."
"Don't think of yourself so highly. We're going to end this war with or without your information. It's up to you whether you want to die now rather than later," Kyungsoo responded to the man.
Eunyeong watched the man closely as he contemplated his options. It was interesting to see someone so deranged from reality try to cope with a stressful situation. There was no doubt that he was struggling to keep up his act. When his eyes found hers watching him closely, his fake smile began to fall. The way his eyes instantly grew darker was a dead giveaway of his feelings towards the woman.
"Who's going to kill me?" He asked. "Do you think shorty's got it in him? Because I don't."
"Is that so?" Eunyeong asked in amusement.
"Yeah, that pretty little general would be a better option. Where is he anyways? Does he always let others do his dirty work for him?"
Eunyeong eyed the arrow that was still stuck through the man's hand and stopped herself from releasing a laugh. "Isn't your hand evidence enough that he's more than capable of doing it himself?"
"You always have something to say," the man snapped. "I can't wait till I'm free again. I'll make sure to strangle you myself. I've daydreamed about watching the life slip out of your eyes for the last two days!"
"Enough," Kyungsoo grunted as he kicked the man backwards. The man released a sharp breath of air as his back collided with the ground. Eunyeong watched as her senior stepped over the man and pressed his foot to the mole's throat.
"If you don't give us information in the next minute, I'll make sure you won't live to share another word with anyone," Kyungsoo threatened the man. Eunyeong felt goosebumps form on her skin.
In response, the man began to laugh - though the sound was more comparable to a wheeze than anything else. The woman thought he was completely insane as she watched his chest shake.
"You want information?" The man breathed out. "I'll only speak to the short one from now on."
"What?" Eunyeong asked in surprise as she met Kyungsoo's eyes. He removed his foot from the man's throat and walked over to the woman.
"Let's try it. You talk to him and see if he speaks. If he doesn't, try to scare him," the man told her in a low voice as he turned to watch the man on the ground breath harshly. The woman hesitantly nodded her head in agreement.
She walked over and looked down at the man. He stared up at her with wild eyes. If she looked close enough, she thought maybe she could see fear swimming in them. It was this small observation that made her frown. It was true, this man was this enemy, but she had never paid much mind to the fact that he was still very much human.
"I don't want to hurt you," she confessed to the man in a gentle voice as she crouched down next to him. "If you work with us then it'll be easier for you. If you're afraid of the other guys, I can promise my protection to you."
The man rolled eyes eyes at her words. "I don't want to be on your side. I'm fighting for my cause."
"Right... and that's clearly working out for you," she remarked.
"When we get rid of you then things will work out," the man said. The woman blinked with surprise at the way it sounded as if the man were convinced his words were true. He truly believed that she was the sole reason for the enemies' loss so far?
"You think too highly of me," she told the man. "I was simply in the wrong place at the right time."
"You'll be in the right place soon enough. Hell was made for bastards of your kind," the man hissed. It was Eunyeong's turn to roll her eyes.
"You make it hard to be polite," she commented with a sigh.
"Then don't be," the man commanded. "Show your true colors, you demon. I've already heard the stories. I know what you're like."
Eunyeong glanced up at Kyungsoo, who was watching the pair with intense eyes. Slowly she lifted her hand and let it hover over her dagger. Her eyes were silently asking Kyungsoo for permission to take it up a notch. When he realized, he gave her an affirmative nod.
"You really want to take it there?" The woman asked in that dark voice of hers. The shift in tone instantly got the man's attention.
"I'm beginning to think you don't have it in you. You a bluff. A fraud," the man pressed on. Eunyeong wrapped her hand around the handle of her dagger before swiftly removing it from its place. She brought it to the man's throat in such speed that it caught the man off guard. His eyes grew wide and he began to squirm.
"You heard Kyungsoo earlier," she cooed darkly. "If you don't want to bleed out on this forest floor on this beautiful morning, then I suggest you start speaking."
The three returned back to camp a few minutes later. The general caught them before they could officially step out of the forest. He scanned them for any signs of progress and found nothing out of the ordinary until his eyes landed on the prisoner's throat. There was a straight, bloody line that wasn't deep enough to threaten the man's life yet it was enough to alarm any onlookers.
"We got some information," Kyungsoo announced. The general nodded at the news before he turned his torso slightly and gave a sharp whistle. Right away, two soldiers came jogging up to the small crowd. Eunyeong listened as the general instructed the men to take the mole and dispose of him.
While the man spoke, she looked off towards camp at all the busy soldiers. She spotted Bakehyun talking to some of his friends. When he caught sight of her, a wide grin broke out on his face and he waved enthusiastically. Eunyeong stopped listening to the general and smiled while she gave a small, subtle wave in her friend's direction.
The sound of someone clearing their throat garnered the woman's attention. She looked over at the general, who was looking over his shoulder at Baekhyun. When he turned back to look at her, he had a disapproving look on his face.
"Sorry, sir," she quickly apologized while bowing over.
"If you're so eager to join him then perhaps you should excuse yourself," the man told her with a slight bitterness in his voice.
"No," she rushed out. "I would much rather go over the new information than to help pack up."
Kyungsoo couldn't help but snicker at the soldier's honesty. She felt her face flush at the way the general scowled at both her and his second hand in command.
"Your honesty is admirable," Kyungsoo commented, ignoring the way Chanyeol looked at him as he spoke. The woman smiled at his words. It was rare for Kyungsoo to be in such a light mood.
"Right," Chanyeol sighed with a roll of his eyes. "Let's go."
a / n : sorry again for the late post. not a whole lot of chanyeol in this chapter, but i really wanted to kind of explore the relation between kyungsoo and eunyeong. i think their personalities will really help both of them grow, even more so than any of the other relationships in this story. it’s important to have platonic relationships like that in life guys! anyways, hope everyone enjoys the new chapter. xx
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goodnightkisseu · 4 years
Do Kyungsoo - A Quiet Love
→ request: @prettywordsyouleft​​ “ Final one I promise! #51 - “You didn’t have to marry me, you know.” with Kyungsoo please! Possibly either arranged marriage au or enemies to lovers! Thank youuuuu ”
→ pairing: do kyungsoo x reader
→ genre: fluff
→ word count: 2034
→ warnings: none~
→ summary: growing up with wealth meant that everything was decided for Kyungsoo before he was even born. But the one thing he never thought he would easily find was love. And yet, how he felt for you was just so... effortlessly simple...
→ masterlist // exo masterlist // goodnightkisseu’s 1k follow drabbles
note: after spending the entirety of December planning for what to do in the coming months, I’m finally back with another fic! Things may be a bit slow for a bit as I ramp back up, but I hope that I can provide all of you with some wonderful stories. This particular drabble request was timely as today is also Kyungsoo’s birthday! So I hope that you all enjoy this one ^^
- ash <3
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Navigating a normal life within regular social norms was already hard enough. Trying to figure out if your behavior was acceptable, how others perceived you, as well as where you stood with someone was trying. Add wealth, power, and greed to this, and you had the complicated web of relationships that Kyungsoo had been trying to navigate ever since birth. Kyungsoo came from a well-off family. His great grandfather had built a business that skyrocketed in success about fifty years ago. Though his family didn't have the type of power to run the country, as some would hear of others, they were still quite renowned.
This, of course, meant that Kyungsoo grew up differently than other kids. He had his life mapped out for him before he was even born. He was sent to the most prestigious institutions for his education so that he could take over his portion of the business when the time was right. Every day was packed with additional coursework outside of schoolwork, the family priming him to be a well-rounded individual. Sometimes, he would get to play with his friends, but that wasn't often. And honestly, he could never tell if his friends were really his friends or just people that wanted to befriend him because of his family. Though as complicated as this all was. There was one thing that Kyungsoo was sure of.
He loved you.
Kyungsoo had loved you for a long time, likely before he even knew the meaning of the word. Many things in Kyungsoo's life were already etched in stone, and one of them, in particular, was his engagement with you. Your family was also rather wealthy, and it was projected to be a union that would help both families. But as children, neither of you understood this. You just enjoyed your time playing together, running through the large homes and gardens, playing hide and seek. You didn't have a care in the world back then.
But as you grew older, the two of you started to understand. You understood your roles in your families, as well as your future roles towards each other. Strangely, it didn't bother either of you. By that point, you were already close. You spent a lot of time with each other every day, so it was natural for you to depend on the other. And whether you knew it or not, that might have been when those first seeds of love were planted in your hearts.
Still, even if everything was planned, growing up was hard, mainly through the teen years. Although Kyungsoo expertly navigating these new social circles, like many of his peers,  he noticed that you were having a much harder time. You were naturally rather shy, to begin with, and everything that was changing probably didn't help. Whereas girls your age were developing into beautiful swans, using makeup to enhance their maturing features, Kyungsoo noticed you shrinking away. You wore more clothes to hide, grew quieter, and this was what got the school talking.
Kids were cruel, and you were subjected to a handful of baseless rumors. Kyungsoo shot every one of them down, but that didn't stop people from talking. Amongst the sea of wealthy children who spent their family's money to get into all sorts of trouble, the only person you had left was Kyungsoo. But honestly, he was all you needed. All of the drama in high school pulled the two of you closer. Your bond grew stronger.
Kyungsoo didn't leave you for his new group of friends. Instead, he found himself spending more time with you. You would always do your coursework together. You would still eat together. And most importantly, you spent your free time together. While you pursued your passion for painting, Kyungsoo would be nearby, face buried in a book. Those small seeds of love were blossoming into beautiful flowers that thrived on your support for each other.
Age eventually led Kyungsoo to start working for his family's business. This was expected, but it did mean that the two of you spent less time together. Your engagement was kept quiet for the time being, allowing you both to focus on your new jobs. You also worked at your parents' company, though a lot of the work you did was behind the scenes. You never really got over your shyness, and you preferred to handle business that didn't require you to be in the spotlight, and your parents respected that. It did make things a bit harder in some respects, but you all worked through it the best that you could.
Though you were both busy, Kyungsoo had worked hard to maintain that connection the two of you had over the years. Because as much as he wanted to be there for you, he appreciated you being there for him too. He wasn't going to let the stress of his family's work get in the way of your relationship.
Naturally, after the two of you grew comfortable with your roles, your families were back to talking about your marriage. For something that had been agreed upon so long ago, there wasn't much arranged for it.  So all of the wedding planning had to be completed within a few hectic months. This did make some things difficult, of course. While you were trying to plan the wedding, old friends and the general public felt the need to comment on the arrangement. They posited that someone as successful as Kyungsoo could have found someone better, someone more fitting for the limelight. These comments were hard to see, even hear, but Kyungsoo stayed close. He knew what you needed, and not once, over all of these years together, had that changed. And eventually, the chatter from your social circles died down.
That night, Kyungsoo arrived home a bit later than usual from his business meeting. He had some people coming from overseas, and due to some flight delays and overall time differences, the meeting ran for longer than expected. He was exhausted now, and he figured that you probably would have been asleep yourself. From what he had gathered from your messages throughout the day, work had been hectic for you as well. Yet, much to his surprise,  you weren't. The moment he walked through the front door, he saw the light of your studio, the yellow hue dancing across the floorboards of your hallway. With a faint smile, he dropped off his jacket and bag by the door before he made his way over, eyes peering into the gently lit space to see what you were up to.
One of the first things that the two of you did when you moved in together was to set up this little art studio for you. Something that hadn't changed since you were children was your love for painting. Even now, your brush effortlessly danced across the canvas as you laid down the first layers to your next masterpiece. Though art was always a hobby, you had sold a handful of pieces under a pseudonym. And though it made Kyungsoo happy to see others appreciating your work, part of his did wish that you would make yourself known… instead of hiding behind a façade.
"Looking lovely as always," he stated, his low voice cutting through the calming music that you had playing in the background.
Though you were startled, you had learned not to jump. One, for the sake of your painting, and two, because this was pretty typical of your husband. Kyungsoo was always rather good at sneaking up behind you when you least expected it. As much as that bothered you sometimes, you were glad when he was around.
"Are you talking about me or the painting that I'm working on?" you inquired, turning around a bit in your stool so that you could get a good look at him. He smiled when your eyes met, and you received a chuckle in response.
"Both. Though, I think that your painting may outshine you this time," he teased, watching as your eyes narrowed slightly, a scoff leaving your lips in return. Kyungsoo's smile spread as he made his way across the studio, the space much more natural to traverse now that the two of you found some proper shelving for your supplies. He gave you a gentle kiss on the cheek, and the moment that he felt your lips pulling into a smile, he knew that you weren't upset. His hands found their way to your shoulders, and his eyes gazed at the piece of art before him.
"The colors are really nice for this piece. You went for warmer colors than you usually work with. I think it's stunning," Kyungsoo complimented.
You gave a small nod before resting your head against his arm. "I wanted to try something a bit different this time," you explained. "Since I'm usually partial to cooler colors, I wanted to step outside of my comfort zone, work on something that can bring warmth to a room."
"Will we be hanging this one up, or will you be looking for a buyer for it?"
You hummed softly, your mind trying to come up with the right decision. "I think I'd like to keep it. I think it could look really nice in our living room, in that one empty space along the back wall. I always thought it felt a bit cold, so this could help?"
Kyungsoo nodded. "I think it would look really nice there," he agreed. "Maybe someday, we could actually tell our friends that the artist they are so in love with is you…"
You let out a quiet sigh, knowing what Kyungsoo meant. He always wanted you to be more confident in yourself, to share your passion with others. Though you had become more comfortable in your own skin, it was still hard for you to in a room with too many people. He wanted to be able to bring you to events, but extravagant events were always too much for you. Small ones were fine, but when they reached a certain level, it was hard. "You know that isn't like me…"
"I know," he said softly. "Part of me wants to show you off to the world, to show off your talent to others. I think people feel like I purposefully keep you hidden away. I... I just want others to appreciate you the way that I do…"
"You didn't have to marry me, you know," you reminded him. "You could have chosen someone that liked the spotlight more than I did. They would love to go to those big and fancy events and have people ogle them…"
Kyungsoo nodded, his hands gently sliding down your arms as they reached for your hands, helping you up on your feet so that he could slip his arms around you, holding you in his embrace. "I could have. My parents told me that there were a lot of other families that were interested in an arranged marriage," he told you truthfully. "But, I know that I could never have the same connection with any of them that I have with you. We grew up together. We were there for each other, and you managed to take over every inch of my heart, little by little. You didn't do anything big, but each of your little gestures showed me how much you cared. I couldn't find that anywhere else…"
You couldn't help but the smile that crept onto your features, the way that the heat rose to your cheese. "You, Do Kyungsoo, have become very cheesy since we were kids," you stated, your own hands finding their way around his neck.
"Only because I love you so much," he reaffirmed. "Our parents may have arranged this marriage, but what I feel for you isn't fake. If I had to marry anyone else, I wouldn't feel the same. I don't want you to ever forget that."
"I won't," you told him earnestly, as he leaned down to seal your lips with a kiss. Though your lives were anything from average, Kyungsoo wouldn't have changed this quieter and more private love for anything in the world…
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relaxedreptile · 5 years
Road Trip
Pairing: Chanyeol X Female Reader 
A/N: A gender isn’t necessarily specified but getting a period is mentioned, so do with that what you will.
Also! I wrote this probably over a year ago and completely forgot to post it! I was reading through my old works and stumbled upon it randomly, I hope it aged well.
Happy Holidays.
“Y/N, get your feet off the dashboard!”
“Jeez, Chanyeol, why do you have to be such a buzzkill.”
You reached over the center console to reach the bag of potato chips Chanyeol had stolen from you to keep in between his legs.
“I don’t need your feet stinking up my car,” your best friend teased.
You wiggled your toes from their comfy spot (still) on the dashboard, before catching the glare Chanyeol was shooting you through the rearview mirror, deciding it was best to avoid any conflict and just put your feet back in their respective shoes.
While your legs were busy shuffling around the carpeted floor of the car, your hands resumed collecting handfuls of potato chips for you to feast on during the next four hours of this car ride.
After what must’ve been your sixth handful (no match to Chanyeol’s occasional fingerpicking), the giant grunted from behind the wheel before tossing the bag in your direction.
You were about to yell at him for getting a few chips on the floor (because you knew you would be forced to pick them up later) before you were rudely interrupted.
“Driving is distracting enough without you shoving your hand in my crotch,” Chanyeol explained, shooting you a look that reminded you of the time your dad lectured you for having a boy in your bedroom with the door closed.
Oddly enough, that boy was Chanyeol.
Maybe he picked up a few pointers from your dad after all the time he ended up spending at your house.
Your slouched down in your seat, upset after being reprimanded like a child. Chanyeol tended to do this to you, regardless of where you two were.
He’s announced to an entire mall food court that you had failed a math test you neglected to study for and that that was the reason he refused to buy you ice cream. 
He’s showed up at your dorm past two in the morning to instruct your roommate to hide all of the chocolate (your favorite treat) because you had guzzled his last grape soda (his favorite treat).
He’s even marched you down to your “Economics 101” teacher to make you apologize for skipping class that morning because you slept in after pulling an all-nighter for an essay from another class you had had that afternoon.
He’s also wrapped his oversized sweatshirt around your waist so that it trailed behind you two on the floor to cover up the stain from the blood that had leaked through your shorts before shuffling you to your class and rushing to your dorm on his own to get you a new pair of pants by the time your class was over.
He’s also ripped a guy that was at least twice your size off of your drunk body at one of Byun Baekhyun’s iconic parties, carrying you bridal style back to your dorm so that he could clean you up and tuck you in before retreating to his own room and helping Baekhyun clean up the mess the guy’s blood from Chanyeol’s punches had made on the carpet.
He’s also lifted you up and onto his shoulders by your waist when he noticed you struggling to see over everybody else to get an actual look at your college’s football field.
Park Chanyeol was your one and only, your ride or die, the only person you could imagine being stuck in a car with for eleven hours. 
You watched out of the corner of your eye as Chanyeol did the same.
Picking up on your change of tone immediately, he turned down the car speakers so that all of his attention was undoubtedly on you.
“Why did you want to go on this trip with me, of all people?”
It was no question that you had been bugging Chanyeol for the entirety of your journey and you were starting to think that maybe he regretted dragging you along to this concert with him instead of one of his guy friends like Kyungsoo or Sehun.
Your eyes stayed on Chanyeol as his face broke out in a knowing grin before turning his head forward to face the road head-on.
“Because you’re like a sister to me, Y/N. You’re my best friend and I love you.”
You broke out into a grin of your own.
“And you’re my only friend who said yes.”
Chanyeol faked hurt after you punched him in the arm before returning to pouting and slouching in the passenger’s seat.
As you readjusted your body to place your feet back on the dashboard, Chanyeol turned the music back up.
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inarichi · 4 years
Timed Prompt (15 min)
Prompt: “Don’t touch that.”
“Ah, wait! Please don’t touch that.” Kyungsoo rushes to stop curious hands. “That’s not something you should touch.” he repositions the highly expensive vase—courtesy of a nearly extinct African tribe—on the wooden table before straightening his circular rimmed glasses.
“I see.” the customer smiles tight-lipped. “Anything in here that I can touch?” he reaches out for an antique statue and Kyungsoo is quick to push his wandering hand down.
“No, that...definitely not that.” he awkwardly adjusts the navy bow tie around his neck. “What can I help you with this time, Jongin?” he asks. Nothing would please him more than having this guy out of his antique store. He doesn’t favor the idea of a curious man whose life remains a mystery in his shop on a regular basis.
However, Jongin stops by occasionally, his attire stark black along with an ebony cloak that travels to his calf. The man is intriguing within his own merit, but Kyungsoo has learned that such men possessing dark secrets aren’t the kind he should dance with.
As breathtakingly beautiful as Jongin is, he dares not to ask more of his occupation or any personal questions. Instead, he ushers him around quickly aiding him in choosing his item of the day so he’d be on his merry way.
Yet, today is different.
“I’m looking for something which belonged to my grandfather. I heard that it could be found here.”
There’s an inkling of his past hidden behind those words, perhaps something which could tell him more about this man in front of him. Kyungsoo wants this opportunity to learn more. “Your grandfather? W-who was he?” he steps closer, his body leaning into Jongin, who humors him with a delicate smile, so small, so charming that Kyungsoo is winded for a brief second.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Jongin raises a brow, and Kyungsoo’s shoulders visibly fall. “You’re so obvious, you really should work on that.” Jongin lifts his chin with his index finger, and the entirety of Kyungsoo’s body stiffens, his breaths halting. “You’re interested in me, aren’t you Professor Do?” Jongin leans in close before pulling back with an impish grin, dropping his fingers from Kyungsoo’s face which has now reddened deeply.
“You insist on toying with my emotions, coming in here at odd hours and leaving whenever you please...” he grumbles as he walks away from the silhouette of mysteries whose face is settled into an amusing smile. “...Always talking like you know everything…” Kyungsoo continues to mutter while straightening golden goblets from the middle ages.
“Kyungsoo.” Jongin calls, his breath inching along Kyungsoo’s neck, and he jumps from the proximity, turning around quickly.
“J-jongin, don’t do that,” he slaps the man’s chest, eliciting a snicker from the taller. “You want to give me a heart attack?”
Jongin chuckles. “You’re far too serious. You always are. Loosen up a bit, won’t you?” Jongin moves closer and Kyungsoo backs away from his advances until he collides into a table and staggers over his feet. “Don’t run from me.” Jongin says as he takes that one last step to close the distance.
Kyungsoo swallows hard, and straightens his glasses before looking Jongin directly in his eyes, resolution at the center of his focus. “I do not run,” he states.
“Good.” Jongin says before taking Kyungsoo’s lips in his own. The professor jolts from the unexpectant turn of events, but falls into the intimate gesture moments later.
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meangirls2004 · 5 years
hi remember how there were ppl trapped in the cube behind the members in the tempo mv
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and then they literally all GLITCH (multiple times throughout the entirety of the mv too) except ksoo look at this shit
anyway . tempo wasn’t exo it was X-EXO and the original exos (sans kyungsoo bc hes the ringleader or smth) are trapped. also someone pointed out on twt that the speedometer fucking. bounces from S-O-S
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minsugapie · 4 years
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The Eve: part 5 (1713 words) - when pigs fly
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Lumi is down on her luck. After graduating university with a business degree, she has yet to secure a career in that path, reluctantly working and living at an old motel instead.
Kim Jongin is on the run. He’s been framed for embezzlement, and someone faked his death while he was out of town. With only a handful of bills and a false identity, he had been only able to survive for so long until breaking down in front of an old motel, hoping that whoever found him wouldn’t report him to the authorities.
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It had been a long, long day inside the lobby of the motel. There were now three people  (excluding Lumi) occupying the 12 rooms…but that still made it slow. She got a call from the owner of the motel that she’d be coming in today for a surprise visit, so Lumi had to make sure that everything was in its place. Granted, she never let things get out of hand either way. 
The handsome man that had come yesterday called Sehun had said good morning to her when he exited her room. He had been sitting at the table outside his room with a big winter jacket and a coffee. She had no idea who would want to have their morning coffee like that in the cold, but she wasn’t going to judge him.
That night, after the long few hours with the owner and having to stay in the lobby in case any of the guests needed something, Lumi fell asleep. It wasn’t the first time she’s let her head rest on the desk, and she doubted it would be the last time. The only sound that could be heard was from the crickets outside, which were surprisingly still alive in this transitioning weather. 
She was only asleep for about half an hour when she shifted and almost fell off the chair, waking herself up. Looking around and deciding that there was nothing that she missed, she headed to bed. She locked the lobby and sneakily made her way back into the room, where she found Jongin sleeping. Actually, she wasn’t sure, but she guessed from his deep breaths. 
She kept her pyjamas in the bathroom now that Jongin lived with her so she tiptoed there. A warm shower felt nice against her muscles as she stood under the pouring water for longer than necessary. Lumi thought about how she was starting to suffocate. And by that, she knew that she needed to stop thinking about Jongin the way that she was. Now that he was looking more healthy, eating, and actually smiling, she knew that she was royally fucked. Unfortunately, the deep thinking mixed with the hot water made her almost fallen asleep in the shower. She even still felt groggy as she walked out of the bathroom. 
Lumi stumbled towards the bed, completely forgetting the fact that Jongin was even in it. In fact, she didn’t remember until she lifted the comforter and plopped herself right onto his chest. He grunted, clearly, as her weight knocked some air out of him. She was there for a full second before realizing and scrambled to try to get off of him. 
Jongin’s arms slid around her waist before she could, however, and he whispered, “you shouldn’t be sleeping on the chair, Lumi. The bed is big enough for the both of us.”
She didn’t know if it was because of her fatigue or because of being this close to him, but she let herself relax in his arms. It was as awkward as it sounded because a moment after she calmed, he twisted, pulling her body to the side on the bed. 
“I can’t sleep with you Jongin,” she argued, yet still didn’t move. She couldn’t see any bit of him, but his arms were still around her waist. When she finally made a move to lay on her back, he must have been convinced that she wasn’t going to sleep on the chair once again because he took his hands back to himself. 
“It’s been three days and you still wanted to sleep on the chair? That can’t have been a very good sleep at all,” he commented, taking a deep breath. Lumi felt him turn over to turn on the lamp. She was met with a muscular back, perfect in its entirety. When he turned back to her, Lumi answered his question, “I can’t really sleep that well anyways.”
“Well you have to be sore?” His eyes didn’t leave hers as he asked her another question. She wondered what exactly was going on. If someone would have told her last week that she would be in this close proximity with him, she would have told them that it would have only happened when pigs fly. But here she was, breathing the same air as the most beautiful man in the world. 
She was too distracted by her thoughts, ideas from earlier in the shower coming to mind. She had to look away from him before she broke her own heart. 
“I’ll take that as a yes then,” he chuckled. His voice brought her eyes right back to his face. She looked at his mouth in fascination. His smile was adorable, and his eyes were crinkled. It was as if nothing serious was going on and the two of them were just casually sharing a bed. 
It was a dangerous situation both outside the doors of this motel for him and emotionally for her. What made it even worse was the fact that she had no idea what he was thinking about. He clearly didn’t think of her as gross or he wouldn’t have told her to stay in bed with him, but there was still her underlying lack of confidence that she acquired from Suho. 
All Lumi could manage was a nod of her head. She didn’t even know at that moment if she was sore from the chair or sleeping in the lobby. “Can I tell you something, Jongin?” She whispered, grabbing at her shirt to stop herself from reaching out to grab him. 
Jongin stared at Lumi as he waited for her to continue. He was staring at her with his full attention. He shifted and brought his arm up and under he is head, laying on his elbow. “Mmm, go ahead.”
Lumi gave his a small smile and then started, “Have I ever mentioned a man named Suho to you?”
His answer was automatic, “No.”
“He was my husband,” she admitted, eyes not leaving his to gauge his reaction. His face twitched, and she could have sworn that a small frown appeared on his face for a millisecond. 
“Emphasis on the past tense,” she continued, scrunching up her face in disgust just thinking about him. “I met him in university, the very place where we heard about you and Kyungsoo. Actually, I do have a degree.”
Jongin’s facial expression perked up at Lumi's clarification. “You have a degree?” He questioned. She knew he probably wondered what she was doing here. 
Lumi nodded her head. “I do. But that’s where Suho comes in again. After we got married, he didn’t want me to use it. He wanted me to stay at home, which I did. So, I didn’t make any money for myself. I found out that he had a second life with someone else, and so I decide to divorce him. But I still didn't have a penny to my name and a whole load of student loans. Rent in the city is too expensive, so I’ve been living and working here to slowly pay off my students loans. I still have a long way to go.”
“Why don’t you go back home?” His voice was soft, lips barely moving with his words. 
“My parent moved to Europe to pursue what they’ve always wanted, and I didn’t want to take away anything more from them. They had me when they were still in high school, so I’ve already ruined their lives enough,” she admitted. 
“Do you still talk to them?” 
“We write each other letters because they can’t use technology,” she smiled. She did love her parents, and if they wanted to write her letters, she would let them. “Actually, they still think I’m married to Suho because their letters come to this town.”
“You deserve to get out of here,” he admitted, moving his hand under the covers. Lumi thought he might have been moving to hold her hand, but he stopped before he did. 
“I actually wanted to work for you,” she admitted with a laugh. 
Jongin smiled with her, and she revelled in how nice it felt to talk with someone like this again. She didn’t have anybody else really at all. “Tell you what,” he started, moving a piece of your hair from in front of your face to behind you ear, “once my name is cleared, I’ll hire you as a thank you for saving my life.”
“But,” you tried to argue but he quickly placed his hand over your lips, stopping you from talking. 
“No buts…it’s the least I can do. You’re lucky I don’t offer to pay off your loans as well. But I won’t because I know that you don’t want to have to owe me anything more.”
Lumi was surprised that he understood that she didn’t want anyone ever taking care of her expenses ever again, and she silently thanked him for that. “Well, byun better tell us some good news then!”
“Byun’s my only friend now. His real name is Baekhyun,” Jongin admitted, turning onto his back. Lumi thought about how weird it was that she felt cold now that his gaze wasn’t directed onto her. “Goodnight, Lumi. You deserve better than what you settle for.” His voice was barely audible, and as soon as he was finished talking, he turned his back completely to her. She didn’t know if it was something she said, but he seemed sad now.
Lumi realized that falling asleep on the motel desk was easier than falling asleep beside Jongin. His scent was everywhere—on her pillow, on the blankets, and even in the air. She wouldn’t complain because it was amazing, but as soon as she was about to fall asleep, probably twenty minutes after him, he turned to her completely and grabbed at the loose material of the hoodie she was wearing. He looked peaceful as he was mumbling to someone in his dream. His whimpers from the previous nights turned into talking, and even though he was still audible, she was glad that he was no longer sad as he slept. 
He pulled her closer to him by her sweater, and she wasn’t going to object—not only because she didn’t want to wake him up.
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