#and lina still holding her arm up cause shes kinda scared that if she moves rn harley will fall down
leoleolovesdc · 10 months
Selina [pushing Harley away from her]: Pamela, get your woman off me.
Harley: Uh, actually I've been thinking a lot about my gender, not like I hadn't done that before, but like, when I started it was different. I always thought you could only be a man or woman and even when I was first introduced to transness the only change was that now I could "choose" instead of just having no say in the equation, which seemed great at first, but I never actually felt 100 percent comfortable with the label of being a man, it always felt like I didn't exactly have a gender, but I didn't know how to describe that so I never told anyone about it. I only understood what was happening with me at my early thirties and I was so sure that I was too old for this and couldn't come out now, especially as something like being agender, but with time I kinda realized that it's never too late for self discovery and--
Harley: I'd appreciate it if you used less gendered terms when referring to me.
Selina: Pamela, get your partner off me.
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sinplisticshawn · 4 years
get your kicks - prologue: home
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pic cred shawnmendesgallery
A/N: hello hello happy new year friends!!!!! this shitshow of a story is brought to u by my procrastination and @evansweaters​ ’s 2k writing challenge. i haven’t written in a loooooong ass time, but i really wanna get back into it so even if it sucks im kinda okay with that. gotta start somewhere!!!! so yeah here we go. hope i do ya proud sami. 
prompt: road trip au + shawn mendes (ft. college!shawn and best friend!shawn)
warnings: language, some heavy-handed exposition pls forgive me lol
word count: 1.7k
Amelina had fully expected the house to be empty when she walked in. Four in the afternoon on a Thursday meant her parents were both still at work, and if she remembered correctly, Luis would still be in his last period history class that he raved about every time he called. All of this in mind, she found it completely fair that she screamed bloody murder when all six feet and two inches of white man greeted her with a tackle from behind and a shout of her name.
“Shawn, you absolute ass, what are you doing?” she questioned with a glare when he laughed with his whole body.
“Waiting for you to get home?” he said as if it should be obvious why he was in her house alone when his own home was right next door. “Rosalia said you were coming home today and that I was welcome to wait on you. So I did. I missed you.”
Amelina finally caught her breath and relaxed into his tackle, letting it become a hug. His grip loosened when he dropped his head beside hers and spoke — a little softer that time with his voice muffled in her shoulder.
“Seven months was too long, Lina.”
She squeezed his arm.
“I know.”
“Oh my god, and did I even tell you Liyah has a boyfriend now too?”
The incredulous look on Shawn’s face and the way he dramatically dropped the butter knife and bun he had been holding made Lina snort before casting her mother a knowing glance. Lina and Shawn had spent some time at the dining table catching up on their semester apart before her mother arrived shortly after her. After properly welcoming her daughter home, Rosalia asked them to make themselves useful and get started on dinner.
“Does she now?” Lina said, doing her best to seem oblivious as she tossed the veggies in the pan.
“Yeah! I’m gone for half a semester and I come back and she’s all curled up with this Rohail kid on our couch!”
“Rohail? That’s one of Luis’s friends. Nice boy,” Rosalia said.
“I don’t care if he’s a nice boy, she’s fifteen. Why does she even—”
“Lina, have you booked your flight yet?”
Shawn’s tantrum was cut short when Lina’s father called out to her from just outside the kitchen. He had arrived a bit after her mother and made a beeline for his bathroom after giving his daughter a hug. Fully refreshed and having changed out of his work suit and into his favorite cargo shorts, he walked in with his head down, phone in hand.
Lina could feel Shawn’s eyes boring into her back.
“Uh no– no, I haven’t.”
“Your flight?”
The two spoke at the same time, her voice suddenly nervous and his almost concerned. She didn’t take her eyes off of the sautéing onions and peppers.
“Yeah. LAX. I have an interview.”
Her voice stayed steady, but she let herself sneak a peek over her shoulder. Confusion was clear on Shawn’s face, but the slight tilt to his lip suggested hurt. 
“Interview?” was all he managed to stutter out.
“My little Lina is in the final round of interviews for a very prestigious internship,” her father announced, pocketing his phone and crossing the kitchen to kiss her head with a massive grin. He really couldn’t be prouder, but in that moment, Lina found herself almost wishing he cared just a little less. Or at least was quieter about it.
“Oh shit,” Shawn said, his voice much softer than it was mere minutes before when he was talking about his sister. “Congrats, Lina. That’s real big.”
“Thanks,” she said quietly.
Sensing the tension, her mother cleared her throat and gestured to the window that faced the street.
“Looks like your parents are back, mijo. Amelina, why don’t you go say hello and invite them over? You dad can finish up here.”
Rosalia took the spatula and pan from her daughter and shoved them towards her confused husband. Lina nodded, thankful for her mother. She kissed her father’s cheek as a quick way of saying don’t worry, you’re only kind of in trouble before she gestured to the door at Shawn.
“So LA, huh?”
He fought to keep his voice even, walking casually with his hands in his pockets and kicking at rocks as they crossed the street to his house.
“Yeah. Yeah, LA.”
“So would you like… leave UC?”
“Nah, it’s just a one-semester co-op kinda thing. I’d be in LA for the spring taking online classes and working full time, then I go back next fall.”
“Oh okay.”
Before the front door of the Mendes house was full open, Aaliyah barreled towards Lina.
“I missed you. Don’t leave me again for that long, damn.”
“Missed you too, hun,” Lina responded, finally letting go of Shawn’s little sister. “How is my favorite girl doing? How’d your one-month go?”
“It was so cute, Lina, oh my god. We went to the drive-in and—”
“You what?!” Shawn broke his silence, quickly moving from where he had been watching from the door. The smile he wore watching the reunion fell immediately and was replaced with a scowl. “And you!” he whipped his head towards his best friend. “You knew!”
Lina shrugged. Shawn huffed.
“No respect in this damn house.”
He brushed past his mom, quickly kissing her head before stalking off to the bathroom. Karen threw Aaliyah an inquisitive look as she entered the living room before rolling her eyes at her son’s dramatics. Finally, she made it to Amelina and enveloped her in a hug.
“Welcome home, love.”
Evening found the Mendes clan spread out through the Moreno’s living room in a post-dinner laze. Lina’s parents were in deep conversation with Manny while Karen, Lina, and Shawn grilled Aaliyah about her new relationship, but Lina’s attention was admittedly elsewhere. From where she was sitting, her entire left side pressed against Shawn’s right, she could feel his other leg shaking and his fingers picking at a thread in her jeans – an old habit of his that she had grown used to when they were younger but which felt oddly foreign after months apart. Like hers, his attention seemed split as he was only barely participating in the conversation he was so passionate about just hours earlier. While Aaliyah gave a dramatic retelling of her adorably disastrous first date, Lina turned to Shawn.
“You okay?”
As if the string suddenly stung, his movements froze, and he jerked his hand away. He mashed his lips the way he did when he was deciding whether or not to tell the truth.
“Can we— can we go outside for a bit?”
Lina nodded with some concerned hesitation, following as he stood and pulled her with him. No one seemed to notice or care as they made their way out onto the patio swing where he pulled them both down with a huff. They sat quietly, pushing off against the fire pit in front of them to make the seat swing. Amidst the silence, it was like the words had been punched out of him when Shawn finally spoke.
“Why didn’t you tell me about LA?”
“It’s not a sure thing yet,” Lina mumbled. “I didn’t want to cause a fuss.”
“That’s the shit we’re supposed to talk about though! The not-sure-yet things. The ‘maybe’s and the ‘hopefully’s and the ‘I don’t know’s. I mean, fuck, since when do you avoid causing a fuss with me? Since when am I the last to find out?”
Shawn had sprung out of his seat and was pacing in front of her. Everything he hadn’t said since they were in the kitchen together that afternoon came pouring out between short huffing breaths, and Lina didn’t know what to do except sit still and quiet and listen as her best friend told her everything she already knew.
“I had to find out about Andy through my mom. I had no idea you broke up with her until two weeks later, and by then, I felt like an idiot even asking about it.”
“Shawn, I’m sorry.”
“And we said we’d never go longer than three months. We just doubled that and—”
“I know, and I’m really sorry that I couldn’t—”
“I don’t want you to apologize, Lina, goddammit. I get it. Life happens. I just…” His voice caught in his throat. With a sigh, he fell back into the seat beside her with his eyes closed. His voice was softer when he spoke again.
“I feel like I’m losing my best friend.”
As much as she wanted to reassure him, to flick him on the forehead and ask are you stupid?! she knew he was right. She had felt it too, and she didn’t have the will to lie to him and say that she didn’t.
“It’s not…” she paused, gathering her thoughts. “You aren’t losing me. We’ve just drifted, I guess.”
“That’s almost worse. That’s what adults say.”
“I guess that makes us adults now.”
“I don’t wanna drift, though, Lina,” Shawn admitted in a small voice as her reached for her hand. She let him have it on instinct, and he relaxed just a bit.
A moment of thought spent tracing her thumb over his swallow tattoo bred an idea, and the grin that overtook her face had Shawn confused and a little scared.
“Then we won’t.”
“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather just fly, mija?”
“I’m sure. This will be so much better,” Lina told her dad, beaming as she pulled on the straps of her backpack.
“Ready?” Shawn called out to her as he approached from across the street with his own backpack slung over one shoulder.
Between them was the large white van that would be their home for the next several days. Packed with luggage and pillows and blankets to last them until California and painted with phrases like “ROUTE 66 BABY!” and “SUMMER BREAK 2K19” courtesy of Aaliyah and Luis, it was truly an eyesore. And Lina absolutely loved the sight of it.
A/N: i don’t have an update schedule for this, but i hope to stay somewhat regular. feel free to yell at me if i don’t. i also don’t have a taglist yet but if yall would be interested in that just shoot me an ask! hope you liked it and happy new year!
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avengerdragoness · 7 years
Birthday On A Planet of Monsters [Lance x Reader]
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAREN!!! (@crazymangaluv​)I know it had been a little rough so I’ve been working on this and I hope it can brighten your mood. I also know you were talking about doing Fright Night at Universal for your bday so that kinda inspired the spookiness of this lmao! Love you!!! 🎊🎂🎉🍰❤️😘
(Also thank you @jxsontxdds​ for helping me with the spooky idea! YOU’RE THE BEST AND I LOVE YOU LINA!) ______
Honestly, this was not where you expected to spend your birthday. Aboard a Castle Space Ship, with two aliens, five lion robots, five paladins of Voltron, and caught in the middle of a full on universe war. Yeah, you imagined more of a dinner with family at your favorite restaurant. But hey, universe war is good too. Surely it’s exciting. Plus, those two aliens and five paladins had become quite like a second family to you.
Though, there was a certain Blue Paladin you wished you could have a more serious relationship with. But, you felt it’d never happen, especially with the amount of flirting the boy does. You just never felt your relationship would progress further than where it is. It’s something you had come to terms with and were glad with just being his friend...for now.
It was his idea though to give you the gift of going on a mission with the team as a birthday gift. You had been training a lot, and there was no doubt that you could hold your ground. So Lance, along with some help from Pidge, Hunk, and Keith, convinced Shiro to allow you out on a mission. When Lance told you, there was no way to hold yourself back from throwing your arms around him and chanting out a chain of ‘thank you’s and ‘you’re the best’s. Completely missing the light tinge of pink on his cheeks when you pulled away from him.
Before leaving Allura gifted you a proper suit to wear on the mission, it looking very similar to her own but a few color modifications. She knew of the plan and had gotten it for you in your favorite colors. When the others first saw you in it, you got plenty of compliments from them, but again, didn’t notice Lance’s blush so red it would give Keith’s lion a run for her money.
After a bit of recap on the plan, you learned it was a recon mission on a more of a mystery planet. There wasn’t much information on it, even in the Altean computer. It was kind of like a ghost planet, all it had was a name really and intel that the galra were there. Before heading out you stood a bit confused, not wondering who to go with. Shiro noticed, “Hey [F/n] why don’t you ride in Blue with Lance?” He nodded over to the Blue Paladin who smiled, liking the idea. “You got it!” Responding before following Lance to get to his lion.
“Are you excited?” He asked from his seat, you stood behind him, holding onto the back of the chair as he flew behind Pidge and the Green Lion. You nodded, “Yeah, thanks again for convincing Shiro that I’m ready. This is such a cool birthday gift!”
Lance grinned, “Yeah, you’ve been training really hard. I bet you’ll come on more missions. I’ll even teach you how to be a top notch sharpshooter like me.” He pointed to himself with his thumb, making you laugh. Gosh does he love your laugh. “Yeah Lance, I’d like that.” The rest of the ride to the planet was pretty fun, he told a lot of jokes and did his flirting. However, he seemed to be a bit more flirty than usual. Causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach.
Upon landing on the planet it was immediate that everyone realized why this place wasn’t known well. It was covered in dark forests that seemed to expand the entire planet. The sounds of creatures echoed through the trees. Giving it an ominous undertone. You were waiting for zombies and ghouls to jump out at any second. Subconsciously you moved closer to Lance, feeling safer being closer to him. Looking around everyone on the team felt a strange aura coming from the planet.
Shiro turned to everyone, looking at them through the visor of his helmet. “Stay together, this place is foreign and we don’t need to get separated. There are too many unknown variables so stay close.” Everyone nodded before following Shiro. Lance had his laser gun out as you hugged closer to him, armed with your sword. “You okay?” He asked quietly so the others wouldn’t here. You nodded, “Yeah, yeah fine.” He smirked, “Don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe then maybe you can treat me with a --” “LANCE!” Shiro said from the front, making Lance grumble under his breath.
After traveling further into the thick jungle-like planet, strange noises from creatures came every so often. Though you jumped and clinged to Lance’s arm when hearing a low growl come from what sounded like a foot away. “Lance, d-did you hear that?” Whispering to him. He pointed his blaster in that direction, slowly he crept toward it, not noticing the group still moving forward. Seeing a small fluffy, cat like creature. “Aw” He cooed, “Aren’t you just the cutest..” He started but soon heard the same growl you had heard. Looking up he saw a pair of glowing yellow eyes. He froze, seeing a creature of the same species but had to be almost 7 feet tall on all fours, some of its fur was replaced with scales, bearing it’s sword-like teeth. It roared as he stumbled back.
“Guys!” Looking to see the other paladins gone before noticing the creature jump out of the brush. Before it could land on Lance you jumped forward and swung your sword. It struck across it’s snout, making it roar in pain. Lance got back to his feet and grabbed your arm, “Come on!” You ran with him, the creature hot on your heels. Ducking and weaving through branches as the beast rampaged behind you both.
“Shit shit shit!” You followed behind Lance, but met a cliffside. It blocked your way with the monster barrelling at your back. “Lance! What do we do?!” Gripping his arm, forgetting your training to stay calm in situations. “I.. I’m not ready, I never should’ve come on this mission. This is my fault.” You babbled but Lance soon shushed you with his lips on yours. It successfully shut you up, “Stop [F/n], you were more than ready. It’s okay to be scared, I am too.”
He pulled away from you and yanked up his blaster. Pointing it toward where the pounding of the creature’s footsteps came from. “If I don’t make it out of this, know that I love you!” He yelled before warrior screaming and running at the creature. “What?! LANCE NO!” You yelled after him.
Right as Lance was about to blast the creature Pidge’s grappling hook came through the trees and hit the creature on the side it’s head. Distracting it as Shiro and Keith both charged at it. Shiro with his Galra arm and Keith with his sword, knocking it back as Hunk took the final blow with his cannon. Lance stood shocked and a bit agitated. “YOU GUYS STOLE MY MOMENT!” Yelling as the others turned to him. Keith cocked an eyebrow, “Um you’re welcome? We just saved you.” Hunk nodded, “I do believe a thanks is in order.”
Lance just pouted as Shiro and Pidge walked over to you. “Are you okay [F/n]?” Pidge asked while Shiro put a hand on your shoulder. But you just stood shocked, not saying anything until you ran and launched yourself at Lance. Wrapping your arms around his neck, “You love me?”
A deep blush spread on his face as he smiled and chuckled nervously. “Um, yeah. I do.” A wider grin spread on your face before cupping his cheeks and pulling his lips to yours. He was caught off guard but melted into it. The kiss was passionate and loving and the best gift you could’ve ever gotten.
Well... until someone broke it up by clearing their voice. Pulling away you saw Pidge and Hunk smirking, Keith looked disgusted, and Shiro, well, he seemed proud. “We should get back to the castle” Shiro said with a small smile, obviously happy for you both.
“That sounds like a great idea!” Hunk grinned, “Let’s go have some birthday cake!” At that everyone was on board and headed toward their lions. Though this time upon returning, you and Lance walked in with intertwined hands as he leaned over to whisper “Happy birthday my love.”
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