#and lyria shuts that down
worldwithinworld · 7 months
Someone says something bad about cassius
Lyria waking up in cold sweat: somethings wrong
It's me. I'm Lyria.
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readychilledwine · 8 months
Fours Company - Part 1
Everything is below the cut because this is just pretty much going to turn into porn. -Minors DNI
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Summary - After hearing about Lyria and Azriel's agreement and arrangement with Feyre and Rhys, Nesta and Cassian are desperate for a taste.
Warnings - its long.. Smut. Fingering. Choking. Dom/sub dynamics. Fxf briefly, mxfxfxm dynamics play. Cassian is a switch. Subspace. Voyeurism. Degradation and praise. Free use mentioned.
A/N - I plead the 5th. Part 2 will be up soon. Also, peep "Slow Hand" link in my masterlist to learn about our dearest Lyria Vanserra.
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Word count- Over 4k
Part 2
Lyria stretched her sore fingers, silently praising the Mother that her appointments were all finished for the day, and that she had opted to take a night off.
She loved Velaris, truly she did, and she was beyond thankful and blessed Rhysand had brought her here after her father had publicly disowned her Under the Mountain. 
He had purchased her that very night to protect her, bringing her into the small sanctuary his chambers would become for the two of them down there. She cannot freely touch you anymore. You are safe here, he had held her against his chest, allowing her to cry and be angry.
She had nothing to repay him with, but a gift that the Cauldron, Mother, and love of research had bestowed on her. And the second night she spent in Rhysand's chambers, she had spent it working every ounce of tension the High Lord held out of his body. It became their routine. She'd play the part of his eye candy, never to be marked or touched by another, and she'd repay him by ensuring he was at least out of physical pain and discomfort.
Maybe that was why she was suddenly the most popular massage therapist in the city. Who wouldn't want to pay for the time of the female the High Lord and Lady, along with their Inner Circle, all go to and rave about so loudly in public? She loved Velaris, she reminded herself again, and Gods did she love money and all the expensive things that came with it.
It had been the massage on Lucien that did her in tonight. Her poor older brother was not even a client or booked, but she had found the knot while stretching his neck trying to help with a headache he'd told her he had for days. She'd asked him to lay down and worked his back, shoulders, and neck until it finally came out. It had taken 2 hours. 2 hours on top of the 15 massages she had already given today. 
But she didn't regret it, she didn't regret a single thing as he thanked her and placed a soft kiss on her temple, promising her treats from every court he could manage to get to. 
She didn't even regret it now as she rubbed the cream Madja had made into her own skin, eyes fluttering shut as the pain relieving ointment worked its magic as she slid her hands under a heat pack. 
She could have slept like that, curled up in her soft bed, hands being warmed and relaxed as she used her magic to create the sounds of a forest in her dimmed room, but a knock on her door pulled her from the sleepy blissful state. 
She got up, knowing if it was a knock this late, it was a member of the Inner Circle, and she'd never deny them, no matter how tired or aching her hands were. 
Cassian was leaned against the door frame and she moved to welcome him in, immediately noting the casual sweatpants and t-shirt he wore. "Foxling," he said casually, taking a seat on the new couch Azriel had insisted on purchasing. 
"General," her tone was questioning. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" She didn't miss the twitch in Cassian's lip. Mentally noting it for later when Azriel would get here.
She watched him lean forward, eyes locked on her. "Nesta and I know about the situation with you, Azriel, Rhys, and Feyre." Heat filled Lyria's body as she nodded, immediately feeling a flush hit her face. "We want a similar one." 
"You're very blunt tonight, Cassian." Lyria refused to meet his eyes. The discussion of the agreement with Rhys and Feyre had been done with Azriel present as Rhys approached you. "I would be more comfortable with my mate here."
Cassian smirked again as if he had prepared for that answer. "Azriel is currently in discussion with Nesta. I said "similar", little fox, not the same." He watched as she bit her lip. "We know you and Feyre swap. Rhys takes you out, plays with you with no actual sex, then goes home to his pretty little wife and family to fuck her brains out. Azriel takes Fey out, plays with her, and comes back here to rearrange your pretty little body. Nesta and I don't want to swap or to court. We just solely want to fuck you two. Whenever we'd like, wherever we'd like. With or without our mates involved. Do you understand what I'm asking for, doll?"
Her breath stilled in her throat and she nodded. "I would need to talk to Azriel." Cassian stood, coming over to her and backing her into the wall. "I can tell you right now, he's already agreed. He has conditions, just like he had with Rhysand." His arms came up, caging her between him and the wall. "The first of which is I do not get to be daddy, or sir, or show possession of you, and that's fine. The second is you had to offer submission willingly without him pressing you." 
She nodded, they were similar rules to the ones he had with Rhysand. "I still need to talk to him before I agree." 
"I know, princess," he was ranging pet names with her, she quickly figured out. Trying to see which one his brothers had not taken to ensure he had his own name for her. That one struck, he scent her arousal immediately. Cassian leaned forward, his mouth near the soft shell of her ear. "Don't make me wait too long, Lyria. I'll see you tomorrow for our session." 
He pulled away from her, walking out the door with a soft goodnight. Once the door clicked shut, Lyria sunk against the wall, arousal flooding her mind. Her hand quickly found her heart, feeling it beating erratically as she took long deep breaths. 
She had not noticed her mate appear until he was in front of her, ripping her leggings down and the tank top from her body. 
Azriel quickly sunk two fingers into her soaking wet heat, making her back arch as he rested his forehead against hers. "I got you, babygirl." 
He began pulling her apart. Lowering her completely to the floor. His hand found her throat as he pulled his fingers in and out of her the way she liked. "Does the idea of having Cassian inside of you turn you on, Lyria? Hmm?" He smirked as she whined, back arching as shadows began to play with her nipples and hold her hands down. "Or is it knowing Nesta wants to lick this pretty pink cunt until she's drowning that has you pent up?" 
Lyria felt heat filling her body again as shock set in. Cassian had not even mentioned the possibility of Nesta touching her. Of gorgeous, gorgeous Nesta with her long hair buried between Lyria's legs. "Oh?" Azriel teased, slowing his fingers down. "Did Cassian not mention Nesta wants you, babygirl? Did he not mention how Nesta has started buying toys to fuck you with?" Azriel felt feral as he watched her writhing on the ground. "I can see it now. Cassian and I sat in chairs with whiskey in hand, watching Nesta dominate you while my shadows hold you down and keep you vulnerable to her every whim and wish. Her making you cum again and again and again until your squirting and begging for a break." He could feel his cock struggling, aching to be freed from his pants.
"Or imagine this for me," his fingers picked up pace again, hitting the spongy part of her walls and making her cry out. "Me with you naked in my lap, only letting you cum when Nesta thinks Cassian is being good enough. Or her forcing him to eat you out while I fuck her and he can only listen." 
The deep growl in his voice had her tightening around his fingers. He groaned listening to the wetness of his fingers inside of her. "So delicous, babygirl. Making such a fucking mess on the floor. Should I make you lick it up while I fuck you? Do you want daddy to fuck you?"
Lyria nodded desperately, "Please daddy, Gods please!" 
Azriel wasted no time, ripping his own clothing at the seams. He flipped her to her hands and knees and buried himself deep inside on his mate. He pushed her head down to where a small puddle of her slick had pooled on the floor. "Clean it, little whore."
He fucked her brutally. Holding her head down and watching as she licked her arousal and essence up. He immediately looked to find his and her high as quickly as possible after Ness had riled him up, whispering in his ear all the things she wanted to do to Lyria. All the things Azriel would now be stroking his own cock picturing until they came to life.
Lyria was just as desperate. The tension between her and Cassian had built when she was teaching him how to dance. She was attracted to the male, his hands, his thighs. She was attracted to Nesta. Her aura, her body, her quick wit. Her mind snapped back to her mate as that coil began to threaten to pop, but she knew better. She knew better than to cum without his permission. "Daddy, can I cum please?" His hand found her throat again, growling in appreciation for her submission. 
"Cum on my cock, babygirl." She soaked him, screaming his name, chanting it over and over like a mantra as she milked him. He fell over the edge quickly after she did, collapsing onto his forearms on top of her. 
The room was filled with the sound of their labored breathing and with the scent of sex. She opened the windows using her magic, knowing she'd have to air out her home before clients came tomorrow.
Azriel pulled out of her, falling to his back while pulling her on top of him. "You are under no obligation to say yes, Lyria." He stated as his hands began to run through her hair. He kissed the top of her head. "Your hands have been hurting today, I felt it through the bond." 
Lyria nodded, lifting her hand that hadn't tangled itself in Azriel's dark hair. "I might need to take a week off," she admitted softly. "It's just so hard to say no. I've been working with anywhere from 8 to 15 clients a day depending how much time they book."
Azriel hummed, his chest almost vibrating with the deep sound. "Maybe we could go to Dawn for a week. Rhys has a cabin there near a river. Whenever my hands start to bother me, I go there and lay in the river."
"Cold therapy?" Azriel nodded at the question, admiring his mate's intelligence once again. "Do you want to?"
Azriel knew it was a double question. He looked at her, raising a brow. "Of course I'd love to sit naked with you in a river." 
She shook her head, smiling. "Do you want to have an arrangement with Nesta and Cassian?"
He had already brought it up to Rhys and Feyre after talking to Nesta. The two of them did not care. They were as eager to share Lyria and Azriel's love and devotion with Cassian and Nesta as they were to take it for themselves. They just wanted a rotation and schedule worked out between the 6 of you to ensure Rhys still got his time with Lyria and Feyre her time with Azriel. An easy task in all honesty. "I am not against the idea. But it is your comfort level, my spark." He kissed her lips before moving to stand up with her and carry her to the bedroom. "Just let Cassian know tomorrow what you decided or if you need more time."
Lyria prepared the room for Cassian, her last client of the day. She switched to the custom table she had made for him and Azriel a few months ago, heating it with her magic before adding on the soft coverings and lighting Cassian's favorite candles that he said reminded her of a rainstorm in the mountains. She created that atmosphere with her powers and then waited.
She had Cassian for 2 hours. He had booked a longer session knowing that this would be his first massage since coming home from a 4 week trip the training camps. She had been working with Madja on a special oil and lotion for massages and was excited to use it for the first time on Cassian, knowing the general was open to anything when she had his muscles bending to her every will.
It was made with a certain herb she and Madja kept quiet from Rhysand due to its taboo nature. It had been shown time and time again by countless healers to aid in stopping inflammation, provide pain relief, and it's a wonderful moisturizer, but for some reason a certain High Lord, her father, refused to see use in allowing easy access and regulation to it despite seeing how it had saved Spring's economic state.
A knock pulled her from her thoughts of Beron's stupidity and went to the door, opening it for Cassian with a smile. 
"Hello gorgeous," he smirked at her, "what do you have planned for me today?"
She lead Cassian down the hall. "I was thinking we'd do a deep tissue with hot stone mixed in since it's been awhile. I have you down for 2 hours and if we need longer, that's totally fine since you are my last one for today." 
Cassian was thrilled with the idea. Silently thanking the Mother that Lyria always seemed to know what her clients needed. "Sounds good, princess. Azriel said you had a new oil you wanted to use today?"
Lyria nodded and bit her lip. "You can say no," he nodded and raised his brows. "It's made with mirthroot. You won't get high from it, but it has so many benefits to the muscle system regarding swelling, inflammation-"
"Princess, I've been using mirthroot off and on since before you were born. I am perfectly fine with you testing it on me. So would Rhys and Azriel."
He smiled as she squealed and bounced in place. "I'll let you get comfy then! You can pick which side we start on or if you just want to do your back today!" He watched her practically skip from the room with a small smile and shook his head. 
He laid on his stomach, covering himself as he got comfortable. He had hoped she'd be willing to focus on his back, but knew from Azriel her hands had been killing her the past 2 or 3 days. Rhys wanted to take Lyria on a little vacation, all three couples, as did Azriel. Rhys was hoping on that vacation he'd be able to convince her to cut herself back to 5 to 8 clients a day with a few days off throughout the week instead of just evenings off. They, as selfishly and selflessly as possible, did not want her to have to stop her little business. 
Rhys has spent years trying to find a massage therapist as skilled as she is. He'd have to spent a millenia trying to replace her. 
She re-entered the room, dimming the fae lights. "Just your back today then?" 
"Yes please." 
Lyria knew Cassian was asleep 30 minutes into the massage, he always was. He has told her once it was that special time during the week where he could just focus on himself, on his body, his spirit. It was his self care time, and that had always been a high compliment for her. She worked his shoulders, feeling knots she had previously gotten out trying to form again and sighed as she realized she needed a better angle to get them out. 
The professional line between her and all of the Inner Circle had blurred when Azriel and her were officially known as a couple. She was given liberties and consent with their bodies and with them topics of discussion with her. She climbed on Cassian's back, not fully setting her weight into him, to dig as gently as she could into the spot between his wings that was getting tense again. 
All three of the males had this problem. It was just worse for Cassian for some reason. It was an area the two of them focused on intensely in their sessions, sometimes to where Cassian told the female she was a tiny torturess and terrorist. "Cassian," she stroked his back lightly to wake him.
"Oh top of me already, princess? Could have at least let me roll over." His deep voice was laced with sleep causing it to be slightly gritty. "It's back, isn't it?" 
"Mmmhmm," she confirmed while rubbing his back. "If I get it now, it won't be as bad as if we wait again." 
He groaned, wings falling in a little temper tantrum, "Fine. Just, get it over with. My safeword is pineapple." 
She laughed as she got started. "Does Nesta make you use your safeword a lot?"
Cassian chuckled below her. "No. Your mate used to though when he, Rhys, and I all used to fuck around." They both tensed at the quiet confession. "I didn't tell you that."
"Oh yes you did." Lyria dug into the knot, rolling her elbow in it. "Tell me Cassian."
He let out a slightly pained moan, "We used to bring a single female back to Rhysand's mom's cabin and take turns with her or fuck her two at a time with the third brother shoved down her throat. If it was just one at a time, while one of us was enjoying the fairer sex, the other two would be enjoying each other."
"Oh?" Lyria was blushing. "And they enjoyed this?"
Cassian would have looked back at her offended if her elbow wasn't currently dug into the sole source of his discomfort the past few weeks. "Lyria, I have never failed to make a female cum at least twice in all my sexual interactions. Of course they enjoyed it." She released the hold in Cassian, rubbing the area gently again to feel where the knot had broken into small pieces. "Azriel used to be rougher than I think he is with you. Especially with Rhys and I because he knew we could take it."
"I've told him to stop holding back," she confessed. "I figured he wanted more."
She mentally cursed herself as her hand made contact with the leathery membrane of Cassian's wing as she reached for the oil. "Lyria," Cassian growled in warning. 
"I'm sorry I-" She couldn't respond quickly enough, Cassian had somehow found a way to turn with her on top of him, setting her down directly on his hips and holding her there with his hands. "It was an accident, I swear."
Cassian's eyes were animalistic as he studied her. "I need your answer now." 
Her hands had fallen to his chest, her eyes had gone wide. "Lyria. I was told I do not get to come home until you say yes. Give me your answer now so I can argue with you and change your mind if I have to."
The word fell from her mouth with hesitation. "Yes." Cassian's head fell back as he groaned, gripping her hips tighter. "What are the rules?"
"Only that we have to keep the bonds open." Cassian was eager to start playing with Lyria immediately. He began to grind her core against his hard length with a groan. "Azriel already told me if you agreed I could have fun with you today. Nesta just wanted me to tug the bond twice if you agreed so she could come watch."
"I don't know if I want to do anything today. This is supposed to be me massaging you and taking care of your body." Cassian smirked. Her words said no, but the faint wetness he could feel from her said yes. 
"Are you sure? I can roll back over, princess. We can plan an official start date and sit down. Or I can give you a fun quick ride. Your choice."
"I'd like talking to Nesta first more." She hadn't even gotten to see Nesta yet to speak to her friend about this agreement. She understood why. The dynamic between her and Azriel was clear as day. That daddy babygirl dynamic showed them the control he had over her sexually. "I want to talk to Nesta first." 
Cassian smiled and nodding. His respect for the youngest Vanserra grew, as did his adoration of her, at the respect she was giving his mate. His Ness. "Then let's get this wrapped up so I can fly you to the house, princess." 
The flight to the House of Wind of the fastest she had ever taken. Cassian strolled in the doors, still carrying her. "Ness, I'm home momma!" He walked through the entryway, smiling as he got to the living room. "And I brought a snack."
Lyria waved at her friend, laughing as Nesta began to snicker. "The snack's mate is upstairs in his room. You should leave her here with me and go get him." Cassian set her on the sofa opposite to Ness before bounding up the stairs.
For the 3rd time in under 24 hours, Lyria was under the gaze of a predator waiting to make her it's next meal. Ness moved to the sofa with her. Almost cornering her between the arm of the furniture and her own body. "Don't you just look," Nesta paused, looking her over, breathing in the faded scent of her arousal. "Tasty today?"
She tucked a long red strand of hair behind Lyria's pointed ear. "I've missed you." 
"I missed you too," Lyria admitted. "I wanted to talk." She became distracted quickly as Nesta trailed a long finger down the column of her neck. She raised a perfect arched brow waiting for her to continue. "About the arrangement."
Nesta's eyes sparkled with something Lyria instantly realized was arousal. "What's there to discuss? You are free use for Cassian, Azriel, and I. The bonds stay open at all times." 
"What about boundaries?"
"Do you have boundaries, pretty girl?" Nesta began to kiss her throat. "Anything you don't want us to do, you just say the word and we stop." Cassian and Azriel had come back downstairs. Sitting across from them and watching as Nesta kissed up and down her neck, nipping along the way. "What's her safe word, Azriel?"
Her mate was smirking, shirtless in his sweatpants as he leaned back. "It's a color system. Green is good, yellow is slow down, orange for when she needs praise to continue, red for stop completely." 
Lyria knew she was drenched at this point. Falling into that safe place and haze she always did with Azriel. "Fuck," her mate groaned as sensed it down the bond. "Free use, Nesta." He reminded the oldest sister.
Her hands were squeezing Lyria's breasts, playing with her peaked nipples through the fabric. "Cassian, undress my toy for me."
"Yes, mistress." Cassian pulled Lyria up, forcing her back against his chest. He had started to lift her shirt until Nesta tutted.
"Rip them off of her. She made us wait. She doesn't get fully gentle." Lyria whimpered as Cassian grabbed the tanktop she was wearing and tore it, then her bra, pulling the fabric from her body. "Just the seam of her leggings, they're wet enough." Nesta commanded as she removed her dress. Cassian's hand trailed from her collarbones down, stopping to pinch both of her nipples and making moan. Nesta was bare on the couch, legs spread wide as she began playing with herself. 
Lyria gasped as Cassian reached her soaked core through her leggings. Both hands tore the ruined fabric with easy. "Play with her but don't let her cum. I want her punished for making us wait." 
"Of course, mistress." Cassian forced her into his lap on the chair, forcing her legs to be spread wide for Nesta to watch. 
"What a pretty pussy, Azriel. No wonder you've kept her to yourself." Lyria watched as her mate moved behind her and Cassian.
"You were given an order, general. Do not disobey your mistress. We do not want to have to punish both of you." Cassian's calloused fingers immediately found Lyria's folds, gathering her wetness before circling her clit and making her moan out. "Good boy," Azriel praised. His hand found Lyria's chin, ripping her gaze away from him and forcing her to watch Nesta. "She's been dripping like that for you for several days, Lyria." His mate whimpered. Drool forming as she saw Ness gather her own juices and squeeze her breasts with the other hand. "I expect you to lick her clean when she's done with you, babygirl. Do you understand?" Cassian chose that moment to push a single thick finger into her, making her cry out and wiggle against him.
Azriel watched, a smirk building on his face as he realized slowly they may get to truly punish Lyria. "One," Azriel began to count. Cassian curled a finger into her gspot, and Nesta picked up speed with her own teasing touches. "Two," Lyria's brain was screaming for her to say "yes daddy," but she was too lost in the feeling of Cassian pushing in a second finger, stretching her cunt. "Three," Nesta's smirk had grown feral, her moans picking up as she grew excited about them getting taken to Azriel's dungeon. "Last warning, babygirl. Four," Cassian curled his fingers again, stopping any thoughts she had other than moan and panting. "You asked of this, baby. Remember that." 
Azriel walked to Nesta, darkness surrounding them first as Cassian chuckled behind her, his fingers still playing in her sloppy cunt. "I can't wait to see you, dripping, chained, and bruised by my mate." He whispered as he kissed her neck. "Be a good girl and cum for me. Cum on my hand, princess." His palm pressed down on her bundle of nerves and she screamed Cassian's name. He groaned at how tight she became, at how her sweet cunt milked his fingers as her release coated his hand. 
He took his fingers from her drenched core, raising them to her mouth. "And you've broken two rules." A deep timber came from behind them and Lyria stiffened her eyes going wide as Cassian pushed his fingers into her mouth and gagged her. "I hope you mentally prepared for this, angel." And darkness surrounded them.
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gojoidyll · 16 days
"What are you so scared for?"
You clung to his neck for dear life whilst your legs wrapped tightly around his waist, "because I know you're going to drop me!"
You couldn't help but to look down. There were no floating islands below you, just endless blue skies and white, fluffy clouds.
"I'm not going to drop you," Sandalphon scoffs, "besides, you ride on the Grandcypher all the time, and that thing will probably drop you before I do."
"You saying that doesn't make me feel any better!"
You screwed your eyes shut as you cling to your boyfriend. Even after all the chaos you had went through with Gran and Lyria, you never would have imagined dating someone like Sandalphon or being swept off your feet and into the sky for a little "date" as Sandalphon likes to call it.
"Don't you trust me?"
You responded by holding onto him that much tighter.
You could feel him chuckle, his laugh reverbated against your cheek as you pressed your face to his chest.
"Open your eyes, and fly with me. Enjoy the view. It's just us here, and I promise I won't drop you."
Sandalphon was many things, but he never dis give you a reason not to trust him.
"Drop me once as a prank, and I will never kiss you again."
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crashdevlin · 1 year
Left in the Cold (A Witcher fic)
Author’s Note: Again, I'm very aware that not everyone likes the Witcher but this is what demanded my attention this week. TBLP and Permission Granted are being worked on right now though lol
This is a sequel to Opposites Don't Attract I took bits of lore from the show, the books, and the games and mixed them all up into a cohesive awesomeness...I switch between calling the bard 'Jaskier' and 'Dandelion' because he goes by Dandelion in the games/books, because he doesn't like people know he's a noble. No smut in this one, just lovely angst.
Summary:  Y/n doesn't think Geralt really wants her so she's leaving before she can be left.
Pairing: Geralt x Female Witcher!Reader, mentions of Geralt x Yennefer and Geralt x Triss Merigold
Word count: 3303
Story Warnings: angst... just mostly a lot of that shit lol
“Here’s the other half, Madam Witcher,” the museum curator who hired you said, handing you a bag of gold Crowns.
“Not a ‘madam’ anything,” you disputed, tying the bag to your potions belt. “What are you going to do with all the fakes Lery sold you?”
“They might not be authentic artifacts, but it could be argued that they are very well-done art pieces.”
You shook your head. Humans. So greedy. “Is that how you’re gonna be getting your money’s worth? You’re gonna charge people to see a set of fake Elven ‘art’?”
“I won’t present it as authentic. Don’t worry about-”
“I don’t care enough to worry,” you interrupted. “You just be careful not to get the attention of the guard. Nilfgard doesn’t like frauds.”
The man nodded solemnly as you walked away and jumped easily up onto your horse, Daisy. You rode out of the East gate of Novigrad and started down the path, cutting across a field as you turned North. A flash of pink caught your attention and you slowed Daisy to a trot as another horse came up behind you.
You raised an eyebrow at the sight of Jaskier's fluffy pink hat. "What pink nightmare is that on your head, Dandelion?"
"It was a gift, thank you, from a very prominent Redanian Duke."
"Ah. Which of his daughters did you bed?"
"The youngest," he said nonchalantly. "But he legitimately liked my rhymes before he found out I had defiled his sweetest." You shook your head. At least the bard was consistent. "Where are you going?"
The way he asked the question made your eyebrows scrunch together. "I just finished a job in Novigrad. I was going to search for another contract in-"
"You're going North. Kagen is South."
You bristled slightly at the mention of the town where you left Geralt. "Why would I go to Kagen?"
"I just spoke to Geralt yesterday and he said that you were meeting him in-"
"I'm absolutely certain that Geralt has too much sense to be waiting around for me."
"Wait, did something happen?" Jaskier asked, reaching out to put a hand on your shoulder. "You can talk to me, Y/n."
"Remove your hand from my shoulder or I'll remove your hand from your wrist," you warned.
"Well, someone's touchy today." He pulled his hand back and sighed. "Why aren't you going to meet with Geralt?"
You rolled your eyes. "Why would I go meet with Geralt?"
"Now, I thought you two were together, at least in a physical sense. Highly compatible, right? He's a witcher; you're a witcher. You've got parts that match up nicely. Everyone in the tavern heard you in Lyria. I thought that was the start of something-"
"Gezras save me. Jaskier, shut up." You licked your bottom lip between your teeth and bit into it harshly as you debated the best way to get the bard to stifle his questions. "We are compatible. Of course we are. Physically, we're a perfect match. However...I am not a sorceress...which means I'm not his type...and he will be bored of me before a moon has gone and I am...just getting ahead of that. All right? Have I bared enough of my inner workings to you, Bard? Or shall I pull out a flask of liquor and tell you of my childhood and lack of emotional stability?" you finished, a defensive sarcasm on your words.
"If that's what you want to do, sure, but I get the feeling that's not what you want to do," he responded, making you roll your eyes. "So, you're just going to leave him waiting in Kagen?"
"I'm sure he'll figure out I'm not coming back before too long."
"Do you want me to tell him-"
"I don't want you involved. I don't want you to say a thing about this. I just want to go find a contract to get some coin and put a few more miles between me and the Butcher of Blaviken, all right?"
"Oh, come on. He hates being called that."
"Then revise your song," you snapped. You took a deep breath and adjusted your hold on Daisy's reins. You were losing control of your emotions. You were straying dangerously close back into Feline territory. "I'm going to go. Enjoy your...just farewell, Jaskier."
"And when you run into him again?" He adjusted his hat and patted his horse's head. "It's bound to happen. He was actively avoiding me for years and we still managed to cross paths. What will you do?"
You shrugged. "If he's alone, we'll have sex. If he's with one of the others, I'll go my own way. As I am doing now."
You couldn't keep up the conversation. Jaskier called out after you as your horse sped away down the path, but you didn't turn back. You could not go back to Kagen. You could not go back to Geralt.
You felt...deeply...horribly...terrifyingly. You felt in a way that Geralt of Rivia did not. You cared easily. You loved freely. You desired in a way that Geralt could never even begin to understand. You felt...which meant you could, and would, feel pain. You were left wide open to heartbreak. After analyzing everything, you were left with a single option: walk away. Walk away and leave the White Wolf a sweet memory.
You stared at the stars, lying out on your bed roll waiting for sleep to take you. In the three weeks since you left Geralt in Kagen, you’d gone Northwest. Away from Temeria where Geralt was, away from Redania where the king seemed to have a vendetta forming against all nonhuman entities, away from Nilfgard and their dark armies. Tredam in Poviss was a safe, calm place. A witcher would likely be the craziest thing to enter the gates in years. Once you were there, you could take some coin and rent a small cabin for the winter. Hide a while with nothing but your meditation. Force your emotions down. Force your feelings away.
If you made it that far.
There was no sound of boots on frosted grass approaching you, but there was a smell and a sense of movement. You didn't have to ask. You didn't have to look. You knew before he'd rounded the tree closest to you who was approaching.
"You can come out now, Joel," you called, sitting up.
"Quite a bit further up North than I expected, sister," he said, quietly, walking around the tree to look down at you. He was tall with dark skin and his brilliant eyes shined in the dark just like yours did. Joel was a witcher, a Cat School graduate, your brother in every way but blood. You could see pain and anger on his face and it took no guessing to figure out why those emotions were there. He knew, just as well as you did, that you had abandoned him when you left the Caravan. When you saddled your horse in the dead of night and took off without a word almost twenty years before, you left him behind.
"I've been all over the Continent...and Skellige. This is the first time I've been North of Redania in years, actually." You licked your lips and leaned forward, eyes narrowing to take in more of the man. He was scarred, just as you were, but your scars were monsters claws embedded in your skin as constant reminder to move faster, be better, hunt harder...his looked to be knife wounds. The scar across his throat made your heart ache; someone had slashed him from ear to ear. But he'd obviously survived. Gods have pity on the one who tried to kill that Cat.
"Oh, I've heard." He nodded as he came to stand in front of you. "A giant in Skellige, wasn't it? And that trio of trolls in Temeria."
"Just to name a few, of course." You analyzed Joel as he rocked a bit on his feet in front of you. He was on edge. He was anxious. He was in fight mode already.
"Just to name the ones songs have been written about."
You rolled your eyes. Jaskier would need to be throttled. "The songs were...not my decision."
"I noticed, in the songs that weren't your decision...those songs of a White Wolf and a Stray Cat, you seem to denigrate our teachers. Have you spent the last twenty years talking shit about the people who saved you?"
"You can't sully the reputation of a school of assassins and mercenaries." His eyes cut away at the mention and his heart rate doubled for a few seconds. "Is that why you're here, Joel? Are you here to dispatch a naysayer? Here to kill a traitor to your school?"
He scoffed and shook his head. "No. Of course not. I'd never kill you over something like ideology."
"Then what are you going to kill me for?"
"A witcher always fulfills a contract," he said, quietly.
That shocked you. "And there's a price on my head?"
"A woman approached the Caravan. Well-dressed, human, obviously uncomfortable around nomads...but she came anyway." You swallowed as he shifted slightly to stand between you and your swords. "She said her name was Marchioness Taran Woudsly and-" Your eyes closed in silent exasperation at the name. You knew what this was about. "-she needed a witcher to take down the witcher who murdered her husband."
"I did not murder her husband," you argued. "I have not murdered a soul in over twenty years. I have killed monsters and I have killed in defense of my own life, but it has been since the Quadrell contract-" You shook your head and sighed. Joel didn't care. "Her husband was cursed, wolf-bitten. He was killing people because he refused to be locked away on the full moon. I had to kill him. I waited until the wolf took hold of him and then I took him down. I did my job as a witcher. That his wife would rather have sacrificed the peasants of their lands than chained her husband, that she would rather they die than her cursed spouse...that she thinks what I have done is murder but not what he did to those families...well, that's telling, isn't it?"
“She’s put a contract out on you. I’ve taken that contract. It is my job as a witcher to-”
You jumped up and looked into his eyes. “Your job as a witcher is not to murder people. Just because our teachers taught us that was the way, that doesn’t mean-”
“Fulfilling a contract is our job. Witchers do not back down from our obligations.”
“She has no right to see me dead, Joel!” you exclaimed. Your emotions were high. Your adrenaline pumping. You were in peak Cat School condition. "She has no right to force my brother to bear the weight of my-"
"Your brothers and sisters have been bearing the weight of your absence, why should I not bear the weight of your death?!" he snapped, hand moving to grab his steel.
"If you draw your blade on me, I will be forced to fight against you. Please, do not force my hand to-" His sword answered for him. You jumped back as he slashed at you. "Joel, don't do this!" you begged.
He gave no indication that your words even penetrated his mind. He continued to attack you as you rolled and dodged, trying desperately to reason with him as he ignored you. His blade slashed into your chest as you tried to avoid him and you screamed in pain as you fell haphazardly to your bedroll. Regret flashed across his face, but he raised his sword above his head anyway.
He had a contract to fulfill. He was going to go through to the end.
You drew a sign in the air and a pulse of energy burst from your hand, knocking him back. It gave you enough time to grab your own steel sword and raise it to him. "Brother, please. In the name of all that is good, don't do this!"
"Do you remember the Trial of Dreams?" he asked. His hands shaking caused his sword to quake above him. You nodded. You remembered your visions. You remembered the sickness and pain. "Did I ever tell you what I saw?"
"No, Joel. None of us wanted to talk after."
"I saw you," he whispered. "I saw you transform into a wolf." Your eyebrows came together. "You stopped being a cat and you became a wolf and I never understood what that vision meant until I heard that song. I never put it together that you left to become a wolf until I heard-"
"That’s not why I left! I can't change my medallion any more than you can! I left to change my life!" You stepped back and he stepped forward. "I didn't want to be a murderer anymore. I just wanted to kill monsters. The-the Wolf was right, but I wasn’t trying to be like him! I was just trying to find myself!"
"You changed. You left and you changed."
"And that’s why I couldn’t come home! That's why I've been alone for twenty years! That's why I've spent nineteen winters renting rooms in inns and taking small contracts to make coin to survive. I changed for the better and I knew our teachers wouldn't be able to see that!"
Your chest wound stung as you panted, blood leaking down the front of you.
"Should I pity you? Should I feel sympathy for your loneliness? You chose this!" He swung his sword and you caught the edge with your own.
"And you chose to take a contract on me!" You parried his sword and swung at him, stepping around and slashing at his back. "Because I left? Because I betrayed you? Because I walked away from Dyn Marv? Not because some noble asked you! This is personal, isn't it?"
"Of course it is!" He twisted away and slashed at you. You parried again and knocked him back, readying to hit him with another Sign. He hit you first, a jet of flame emitting from his palm and burning your face. "You abandoned me!"
You covered your face with one hand and stumbled backward. He grabbed your shirt and pulled you closer, his sword at your throat. Both of you heard the sound of flesh being ripped by the blade of a Witcher's steel blade, but only one of you felt it.
Your eyes went wide and you looked down at the place where your sword was embedded in his chest. "I'm so sorry," you whispered. There was nothing else to say. He let out a few gasping breaths before he fell to your bedroll.
Tears rolled down your cheeks as the pain of watching your brother die settled into your bleeding chest. You'd likely always feel guilty about this moment, but there was nothing you could have done. You tried to convince him. You tried to stop him. He refused. He wouldn't let both of you live.
You collapsed to the ground, eyes on Joel's lifeless body prone on your bedding. The pain in your chest was almost as bad as the pain in your heart, but you couldn't move to clean or bandage the deep gash. Your mutations would save you, or you would meet your brother on the other side.
Your blood loss made you cold, or maybe it was the sting of Northern air on blood-sticky skin. You shivered. Your teeth chattered. Your vision tunneled. The darkness took over.
Warmth permeated the air and sunk into your body. Pain was gone. Cold was gone. Sadness and guilt remained. You could sense movement to your left, breathing and someone turning pages on a book. A smell of lilac and gooseberries filled the air.
"Shit," you whispered, opening your eyes. The canvas top of a tent greeted your vision. A fire crackled in the middle of the enclosed space. A raven-haired woman sat at a small desk on the opposite side of the tent from the cot you occupied, a book in front of her.
"Are all witchers so vulgar and uncultured? I thought it was just Geralt," she mused, not looking up from her book. You didn't respond. You weren't sure what to say to her. "There's a pitcher of water beside you...if you're thirsty."
You licked your lips as you sat up, looking down to see your bandaged chest. She must have put a healing salve on you, because you felt no sign of pain from it. "Th-thank you...ma'am."
"Don't pretend you don't know who I am and I won't do the same," she said, finally looking up. Her violet eyes caught yours and you swallowed thickly before looking away and reaching down to retrieve the offered water. "We're the stuff of bardic legend, aren't we? Ballads Dandelion has written about us...and Geralt. 'Wolven Storm' sounds so much prettier from Priscilla but I don't think I've ever heard her take on 'Made In Blood'. Do you think it's better than when Dandelion sings it?"
"I've never heard Jaskier's lover sing, so I cannot speak to it." You took a drink of water and sighed. "Yennefer of Vengerberg. If you've heard the song...why would you save me?"
"I should let a woman die simply because she's a rival for the romantic attentions of a man?" She sat back and tapped a finger against her perfect jawline. "I suppose a lesser woman would. Get you out of the way...help Geralt grieve once he's heard the news of your untimely passing. But that would be the lesser woman...and I am am anything but lesser." She stood and stepped closer.
"He wouldn't," you whispered, focusing on her black boots.
'Wouldn't what?"
"Grieve." You looked up. "Geralt barely knows me. He doesn't trust me. We have had...some time together but...I'm no more important to him than the whores he visits in every city he comes to."
Violet eyes searched your face. "Geralt is a man who does not form attachments lightly. So the attachments he does form are special. He's not attached to the whores, Cat."
"Who says he's attached to me?"
"Dandelion, for one," she started. "Ciri, for another." You swallowed down another drink of water and looked away again. You'd never even met Geralt's adopted daughter. How could she possibly know- "Geralt talks about you."
"To Dandelion, I understand, but to Ciri?"
"He trusts her."
"I'm sure he didn't talk about me to Ciri because I mean anything to him." You shook your head. "He's in love with you."
She rolled her eyes. "We were only ever together because Geralt made a wish to a genie," she argued.
"Are you insane?" You stood. "You're gorgeous, intelligent, powerful, men the world over fall at your feet. You honestly believe Geralt only loved you because of the wish?"
"Are you insane?" She flicked her hair off of her shoulder and looked away from you. "You're a witcher. You are more alike to Geralt than I could-"
"No. You're a sorceress," you exclaimed. "You are just as alike. You went through the same sort of-"
"No." She shook her head, ending the conversation. "Try to keep yourself warm, in the future."
You nodded. "Fine. Thank you for your...assistance, Yennefer."
"I won't help for free next time."
You stepped toward the entrance to the tent and pulled the cloth out of the way. "If you...see Geralt…"
"I haven't seen you, of course," she dismissed.
"Of course." You smiled tightly for a moment before walking out of the tent into the crisp Northern air.
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hyena-frog · 1 year
Light Bringer predictions post
I’ve been jotting down notes all day, trying to remember all my big and little predictions for Light Bringer. Some of these have already been discussed to death, some have been idle thoughts floating in my head. But I want to write it all out before LB finally comes out, so I can look back on this and either laugh at my naivete or feel vindicated by my genius.
I’m sure I’m still forgetting some things, so I may end up editing this later.
The new POV is either Diomedes or Volga.
Two or more POVs interact.
Light Bringer starts off in some way no one has theorized, because that's what Pierce Brown does best. (This happened with Dark Age too.)
Pierce Brown introduces even more plot points that won't be resolved until Red God.
There will absolutely be at least three huge things happen that no one predicted or even considered might happen. This is how Pierce Brown do.
Not everything will be resolved by the end of Light Bringer. (This is a given of course; I mean some of the things people are theorizing or want won't happen until next book.)
The Morning Star was originally commissioned by Octavia as a gift to Lysander. Since it is now in enemy hands, it is repaired and handed over to Lysander, as the "rightful" owner.
Cicero becomes important.
Someone we don't expect is sympathetic to the Republic, or is otherwise an unexpected Reformer (ie not Diomedes because everyone suspects him).
There is an epic showdown at Lorn's castle, or on Europa in general.
Rhonna and Char survived and fight on Mercury still.
Holiday remains true to the ideals of the Republic; she was never a traitor, and the people who keep repeating that theory despite having zero evidence will finally shut the fuck up.
We learn more about whatever Oculus is and what Quicksilver's intentions are.
Mickey comes back.
Evey comes back.
Evey is working with the remaining Sons in the Rim.
Faust/The Duke of Hands comes back.
Deanna dies. Holiday dies. Screwface, Pebble, and/or Clown die. I don’t want these to happen but I also don’t want to think about what kind of death made Pierce Brown cry. I don’t truly think any of these would really make him cry, but this is as close as I want to get to considering what the real answer is.
Lysander plots to kill Atalantia.
Atalantia becomes pregnant with Lysander's child but dies by DNA poison backfire.
Atalantia dies, Atlas remains alive to deal with in Red God.
Lysander gets worse, despite the guilt over Cassius.
Lysander doesn't face consequences yet but the winds shift against him.
Ajax seeks revenge on Lysander.
Ajax and Diomedes bond as cousins. Alternatively, they duel, but I think that is too obvious.
Ajax joins Darrow (out of revenge against Atalantia, not love for the Republic).
Cassius confronts Lysander. In person? Over holos? It is epic and emotional.
Pytha turns against Lysander and returns to the Archimedes. Alternatively, she remains with Lysander as a spy for Cassius.
Darrow and Cassius have a heart to heart.
Cassius talks to his mom. For better or worse. Julia will help Cassius despite hating the Republic because he is her only remaining family.
Cassius finds closure with Virginia.
Diomedes/Cassius or Screwface/Cassius becomes canon. Listen, I know these have a snowball's chance in hell, but I can dream.
We get a detailed explanation of how Cassius escaped the Rim. Either Diomedes and Aurae worked together, or Aurae worked independently. There’s not enough information yet to guess.
Cassius meets Pax and Electra; Pax has a celebrity crush on him but Electra is not happy, since Cassius literally murdered her grandpa.
Cassius demonstrates that he has matured as a person.
Cassius faces consequences for killing Fitchner or otherwise expresses regret for doing so.
Cassius returns to Eagle Rest. He repairs it and the city ransacked by Fa.
Lyria finds Volga and they kick Fa's ass together.
Lyria and Volga fall in love.
Volga is changed by her time with Fa, more hardened, but Lyria brings out her kindness again.
Volga gets that damn farm, and a womb, and has a child.
Volga’s heart being on the opposite side becomes plot relevant when Fa tries to kill her but goes for the wrong side of her chest.
Volga becomes queen of the Obsidian.
Valdir shows up again and joins Darrow.
Valdir is confirmed to love Darrow romantically.
Fa is being slowly poisoned by the DNA poison in Sefi after eating her heart. Alternatively, Fa does not get sick, proving he is not her real father.
Pax is involved in the war effort somehow. Maybe helping Lyria? Darrow has complex emotions about this.
Darrow is able to show Pax that he still has his hoverbike key and it's a touching father/son moment.
Darrow and Pax ride the hoverbike together again -- for fun? In battle?
Pax makes more friends his age. Diomedes' younger siblings? Baldur comes back??
Pax struggles with the weight of essentially sending Ephraim to his death; logically he knows it’s not his fault, and that Ephraim knew the risks, but by god, Pax is only a child. Darrow is able to help ease his distress with an epic dad speech or something.
Pax kicks the Abomination's ass.
The Abomination becomes good, or otherwise decides being the Jackal sucks, actually
Lilath dies for real. Painfully. But definitively.
Atlas is the big bad; a blind spot even in the Jackal's plans.
Virginia and Victra save Sevro.
Darrow and Cassius save Sevro.
Sevro is brainwashed by the Jackal and Virginia has to fix him.
Sevro learns what happened to Ulysses. Pierce Brown writes this scene in such a profoundly sad way, the entire the fandom dies instantly.
Darrow and Sevro have a heart to heart.
The Darrow/Sevro/Cassius trio do something epic again, like they did when they stole the Minerva standard in the first book. I am starving for these three.
Cassius is jealous of Darrow/Sevro. I think that would be very funny.
Virginia and Victra bash sisters moment.
Virginia and Victra actually become friends, not friends by virtue of their husbands being best friends.
Mars becomes the capital of the Republic under Virginia.
PsychoSpike tech comes back in a big way, as either a boon or a detriment to the Republic.
Victra is called on by Volga and Lyria to fulfill her promise to aid them whenever they need it.
Darrow and/or Victra will face (or at least be threatened with) consequences for the destruction of the Docks of Ganymede.
Eagle Rest becomes a campus to teach lowcolors important life skills they might lack, following what Sefi was doing for Obsidians, but expanding the idea.
Rhea is resurrected and becomes habitable again; possibly a new home for the Obsidian, depending on how the Rim ends up.
Diomedes joins the Republic/Darrow.
Diomedes is captured by Darrow's crew and comes to an understanding with them while in captivity.
Diomedes discovers Atlas' plans, which include destroying the Rim, which motivates him to join Darrow.
Diomedes becomes Sovereign of the Rim.
Aurae joins the Republic/Darrow with Diomedes. Alternatively, Aurae is revealed to be a Sons of Ares agent, perhaps one of the survivors of the SOA purge in the Rim.
In Iron Gold, Aurae played music during the dinner scene. So my predication is, if she joins Darrow's crew, she will entertain them with music. idk I just think that would be a nice moment.
Diomedes is confirmed to love Aurae (beyond Lysander assuming so for a brief sentence), or at least this is expanded on in some way.
Apollonius tries to duel Diomedes but the latter is Not Interested in a moment of comedy.
Reaperstang reunion??? Please???
We see more of the Raa family, and get to know established members better. Vela, Gaia, Diomedes' remaining siblings, etc.
Virginia, Diomedes, and Volga become a Triumvirate, ruling over Republic, Rim, and Obsidian factions respectfully, in a peaceful political alliance, rather than warring to get everyone under the same empire banner again.
Big damn Reaperstang reunion kiss.
At the end of it all, somehow Darrow's banishment is the only way to maintain peace.
Darrow is believed to be dead throughout Light Bringer, until an epic reveal at the very end. This miraculous second resurrection is why he is the Red God.
Darrow lives. He lives and he is happy. (Shh I know there is another book coming, let me have this.)
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toestalucia · 6 days
(man at podium) hello. captain & lyria separating effects & this and that post of what i reread of main story today
Suddenly Captain's entire body is overcome with nausea. There's no discernable change to the room, yet Captain is clearly suffering from adverse effects. The captain's body trembles violently despite not being sick. Then the door to the room suddenly swings open. Vyrn: You gotta come quick, Captain! The principal kidnapped Lyria! Captain and Patia are thunderstruck by Vyrn's revelation.
this is the later one but its also the lighter one...<33 but also aaughhhh i think about this one in particular sm.......
Captain whose own life is intertwined with Lyria's, feels the strain of the distance being put between them.
Choice: We have to save them… Eugen: I ain't tryin' to mutiny against captain's orders… But as your elder, I can't let you go out and fight in your condition. You can barely stand. I bet you can't even see straight.
Choice: I said I'm fine… Loki: Get on the ship. Considering how volatile Bestia is, we could be swarmed at any given moment. I'd break down and cry if I witnessed your journey end here. Although Captain heeds Loki's suggestion, the captain more or less has to be dragged onto the Grandcypher.
when the one u share ur life with gets dragged to the otherworld and u immediadetly feel like ur dying ( u literally are slowly dying). also the funniest line loki has ever had WHAT ARE U SAYIINNNGGGGGG (loki fan)
Loki brings Fenrir with him to give the crew some parting words. Fenrir expresses her shock when she sees Captain in such a dejected state. Fenrir: Who's this sad sack? So this is what happens when the girl in blue is taken away from you, huh? Io: Is that all you came to say? Well, if you're done being a meanie-pants, then go back to your own ship!
Loki: I came to pay my respects. You never know, right? This might be the last time I get to see a breathing Captain. Choice1: Not in the mood. Choice2: Shut up. Loki: Ouch. Are you sure you want your last words to be so full of vitriol?
the rest r mika things ill take them on multi later. (mika obsession) + lokis talk about the otherworld is interesting......unique to the otherworld....the otherworld thats a threat to even astrals......(mikas 'im gonna create echidna so i can have the otherworld kill the astrals' excellent plan)
Choice: Our hearts beat as one.
Captain's heart begins to pound at the prospect of battle. But unlike the typical adrenaline rush, this throbbing of the heart signals a far greater danger. Red—the color of blood and danger. It dyes Captain's vision as the world starts to fade.
rip. but also i think about this part a lot too. fatally wounded at the start of act1, falls off an island at the end of act2, literally is so close to dying again in act3.............
Envoy: But you are the worst off, Singularity. The reason your father left you behind to go on his journey is because of those two gods. Can't you see? They deprived you of the family life you deserved. The bonds you've forged with the girl and the dragon are next to be severed. You will lose them beyond a shadow of a doubt. Make no mistake, Singularity. You are the biggest victim in this conflict between deities. You are justified in demanding their destruction. Your revenge is waiting to be served. We Precursors loathe both gods as much as you do. If you plan to strike back against them, then our goals are the same. Will you join hands with us? Choice1: I don't think so. Choice2: Get real. Unprepared for Captain's outright refusal, the envoy scrambles to come up with something to say.
when u go on a big speech but the dude says get real. true king experienced that. anyway the entire initial meeting parts with the otherworld is sooooo........+ i forgot they mention maxwell alrdy when necesaria killed violet knight & spoke to his superiors.........+namedropped some other ones. on one hand i nvr expected society in msq on the other. in hindsight. ofc they were gonna be introduced LOLLL i need to reread the society parts where maxwell shows up....
i did grab the holy seat of genesis stuff too, but i think i wanna grab reptis talk about estalucia first and post it together..........dude i love main story
also. there IS the part where another timelines lyria died because captain got laser'd. im so sad about ebisu too still;_; leave it alone fk u otherworld
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lunarcry · 2 months
did a foolish thing and went through my libertaria screenshots. teehee (none of the very important loki parts tho thats for later
Fenrir: Ugh, I've had it, Loki! Can I take this stupid stuff off now? Loki: I thought we discussed this already. A little modesty goes a long way. Fenrir: I'm a primal beast! B-e-a-s-t! Why should I give a crap about showing modesty to mortals! Lyria: But, Fenrir… It looks so nice on you. It would be a shame to take it off now. Fenrir: It does not look nice on me! My natural looks are all I need!
Lyria: Oh, Fenrir! What do you think of this ribbon? If you let me tie up your hair with it, I just know you'll look— Fenrir: Stay away from me, and mind your own business! I'm not a doll! I don't care how many primal beasts you have, I can devour you in a single gulp! Lyria: Okay… Sorry. Fenrir: Ugh… Listen! I'm not part of your crew, so—
conversations im obsessed with (also again how weak fenrir actually is LOLLLLL
Loki: Then I'd like to offer my services. I know I'm an Astral, but wouldn't you rather have that over no one at all? Lyria: A-are you really okay with that? Fenrir: I'm not!
'i consent' 'is there someone u forgot to ask?' meme
The guard prepares to usher Lyria away, when a voice sounds from behind them. Fenrir: Sister! Where the he—I mean, I'm over here, dear Sis!
Loki: I'll star in the lead role this time, Fenrir, do what you did before. Fenrir: … Lyria: Gosh! Fenrir's tail is standing on end! Loki: Excuse me, I'm looking for my little sis— Fenrir: Raagh! Istavion Soldier: Awagh! Loki: Fenrir! That's not how a graceful lady should act! Fenrir: Shut up! I'm done playing along with your little games! Sneaking in this far was good enough. If they want to come at me, then I'll take them all out.
Lyria: Oh no! The door is locked! Fenrir: Move! I'm gonna smash it down! Lejos leaps out of the way just in time—the door, its frame, and parts of the surrounding wall suddenly implode into the room.
White Knight: Though I ask that the viceroy make no further movements. That youngster is most likely the Astral the True King spoke of. Loki: What do you know, Fenrir? We're celebrities. Fenrir: More like infamous fugitives wanted for interrogation.
thinking about that before nalhe scene w/ true king.....i rlyyy wish theyd talk about loki & true king... (but also fenrir recognizing that white knight is strong
anyway knowing white knights real name. help. out of all names.
Fenrir: If you plan on making me do more things I hate, I'll bite your head off in front of all these people. Loki: Show some class, Fenrir. The world is finally getting a view of your cute side. Fenrir: Okay, you just said your last words. Who do you want me to tell them to? Loki: Just deliver it to whoever would be most saddened by my passing. You can decide that one for me, Fenrir.
i lvoe them so so much
The White Knight trails off while looking at Mikaboshi, hoping she'll fill in the blanks about the mystery Astral but she pouts instead. Mikaboshi: I don't know anything. I'm still not complete yet. My power might be stronger than Loki's, but his nose is sharper at sniffing out weird stuff. White Knight: (Judging by their responses, even Loki finds the presence of another Astral irregular?)
aurgh i love them. i love them.....
Mikaboshi: Well, I wanted to go watch a fight in the coliseum…
Necesaria: (Of course, the real reason is because my orders from the higher-ups are to collect data on Mikaboshi. Trying out different perfumes, foundations, and makeup was a ruse to test an Astral's resistance to poison.)
Vyrn: Loki mentioned you guys split off. Sounds like everyone found something fun to do. Necesaria: Nothing wrong with that. After all, our crew is a collection of misfits. Mikaboshi: I'm not having any fun! I don't care about cosmetics or whatever. And if there is another Astral here, I don't want to go near them.
I LOVE THEEEMMMMMM still loving how loki just picked necesaria up. like ok yeah u can join welcome!!!!! obsessed with lokis crew
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icharchivist · 3 months
Lunalu's ancestor knows what's up
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
bold statement from granblue to say that the Fangirl existed since the dawn of times.
i passed it down to Salt for confirmation and yeah this is about how because Ra commented on Atum and Abramelin's relationship in public (about how they fight like cat and dog, which Atum tells her to shut up about), which was interpreted by "Unrelated to Lunalu" artist as "they come closer to each other by talking with their fists... a relationship like that would be...." so like, enemies to lovers and started to make content about this doomed relationship, which Abramelin has to live with ever since.
as salt translated:
lyria: ah………that's definitely lunalu's fault present-day lunalu, taking the hit: WHY ME
this is so fucking funny. RIP Abramelin.
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janesmitish · 10 months
Thoughts on Iron Gold after finishing
Finally done with this one, what a ride, goddamn. When I started Iron Gold, I was a bit worried. The first trilogy of the series is largely held up by it's portrayal of Darrow, it's use of a single PoV to show us the growth, degradation, and redemption of a young man who struggles to find a true purpose in a world built around the explicit goal of keeping him a slave. A multi PoV book from the perspective of antagonists to the Rising, while interesting, really worried me. Could Pierce handle this, would this crash and burn, would characters get too sidelined, etc. My worry was absolutely misplaced.
This is absolutely one of the best Red Rising books so far. An amazing look at a society gone wrong, a revolution aborted halfway through, and the effects that Darrow's actions have had on all the people across the system, from the lowest Red to the most royal Gold. Lyria was a gem. I loved basically getting Darrow 2.0, a headstrong, confident, determined young adult who's willing to do whatever it takes to keep the people she cares about safe, just in... less violent ways. Her stumbling into so many different conspiracies and plots was adorable, and I'm so excited to see what happened to her after that cliffhanger. Lysander was fun, in the sort of way that watching a racist constantly screw up and ruin their life even more is fun. It's evident from the first page we see Lysander that he's following in his grandmother's ways, and as much as he claims that he's an Iron Gold and wants to save the system from Darrow's wake, all I can see is a boy wrenched out of a privlidged society and shown the real world for once, who wants to just shut his eyes and hide. Love him, 10/10 character. Ephraim, I kinda jumped back and forth on, but by the end really just settled on enjoying. A former soldier of the Rising, disillusioned by the death of his husband and the actions taken by Mustang, he now uses his skills as a freelancer, working for the highest bidder. The best part of Ephraim's chapters, similar to Lyria, was the anger and hatred towards our previous main cast, seeing the Rising's typically glorious or heroic actions in a more neutral or even antagonistic light. Ephraim was one of the most fun characters in the book, fun to read, fun to hate, and fun to watch try and fix his actions. His relationship with the more innocent Volga was especially enjoyable, and getting to see him wash his entire cushy life down the drain, lose everything that he'd built, before trying to fix things, was great.
Darrow. Oh Darrow. My Reaper. I think I enjoyed Darrow's PoV the least in this book, if I'm being honest. While he's my beloved, and there's amazing moments of self reflection throughout Iron Gold with him, especially with Pax, the story of him hunting down the Ash Lord just really wasn't as compelling as Lyria's attempt to find stability, or Ephraim's spiraling.
Up until the end, that is. The twist of the book, that everything had been coordinated by Atalantia, the Ash Lord's daughter, was genius. Manipulating the senate so that Darrow would be ostracized and try and take power, fracturing the government, was a genius move, to the point that it still succeeded even with Darrow pulling a lateral. Atalantia kidnapping Pax and Electra as leverage against the most powerful people in the system, while maintaining her cover as a simple daughter of the Ash Lord, while she alone controls the army coming for the solar republic, is just a perfect twist, and does an amazing job of setting up a truly terrifying villain. I'm super excited to get started on Dark Age, and see where all these characters are headed to. Hopefully none but Lysander bite the dust...
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readychilledwine · 2 months
Schedule Conflicts
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Summary - Azriel shouldn't plan dates when he's tired. Luckily, Lyria finds a solution that makes everyone happy. Game Night.
Warning - just wholesome Fluff, slight mention of smut, Liz's dream of a friendship between Nesta and Rhys forming
Prompt - Day 7 - Free day
A/n - As @polyacotarweek comes to a close *and I post 3 fics for today* I want to make sure to thank @acourtofladydeath and anyone else involved for organizing this week. I personally believe that ending stereotypes involved with "alternative" lifestyles is so important. I genuinely enjoyed this week, and hopefully, we will all get to partake again next year!
💕Poly+ACOTAR Week Masterlist💕
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“Cassian!” Panic hit Azriel the second Lyria was throwing her arms around Cass, smiling wide as she did before immediately leaving him in favor of Nesta.
He checked his calendar again, growing pale as he realized in his exhausted state from his previous mission he had double scheduled a date.
He looked to Cassian who immediately seemed to know and moved over. “We can leave.”
“She's been looking forward to this all week.”
“Rhysand has been looking forward to her all week, too, Az. He has a kid. He needs her, we can-”
“No. Let me talk to her. Lyria, baby, can I fix your dress?” Confused eyes met his before she nodded and followed. He sighed as he shut her bedroom door behind them. “I fucked up.”
Lyria made a face, nodding for him to continue. “I accidentally planned date night for you with Cass and Rhys. Feyre, Nesta, and I were all planning on going to Rita's anyway, but you have Rhys and Cass tonight.”
“Oh. That's not a big deal. Cassian and I were talking about him teaching me poker anyways. A third body would be helpful.”
Azriel felt his brows go up. “Cassian only plays strip poker.”
“I am aware,” the smirk had Azriel smiling at his mate. “Rhys knows he can't touch.”
“He'll watch, though.”
“Feyre won't mind. He goes home to her and it will rile him up for her.”
Azriel smiled softly. “Rhys will mind because he genuinely loves you. He and Feyre would like to change our rules a bit, but are waiting for you."
“Then we should all hang out here.” He watched Lyria walk to a closet he had yet to explore, jaw falling slightly as she opened in. “You said you all like board games, right? I have plenty.”
Plenty was an understatement. Lining the shelves of this closet were games from every court. Trelis from Spring, Mancala from Dawn, Risk from Night. Azriel picked his jaw up as he went to look. “Why have you been hiding all of this?”
“I normally only play with Eris and Lucien.”
Azriel smiled before picking several games they had all been wanting to get a hold of and play a few days ago before kissing his mate. “You are so smart, angel. Let's see if we can compromise.”
Rhysand and Feyre had arrived, luckily dressed casually and were laughing with Nesta and Cassian. Azriel set the board games down on the counter and turned to Rhys. “No more planning dates when I'm half asleep from missions.” 
The High lord was too stunned at the collect to even respond. “Are these all hers?” They all turned to where Lyria had came out, several bottles of alcohol and a wooden box in hand. 
“Who wants to take me to go get snacks?” Rhys and Cassian looked to each other before Rhysand came to her. “Perfect. Ness, you want cake?”
“Cass? Something crunchy?”
“Of course, princess.”
“Feyfey, lots of fruits?”
“Ooooh strawberries if you two can find them!”
She turned to Az, “I won't expose you.”
Rhysand then coughed, “The bakery. We'll just get whatever the bakery has.” Cassian glared as Rhys smirked and smacked Lyria on the ass as they walked out. 
“I get her all night.”
“Excuse me?” Feyre laughed as Nesta glared to Cassian. 
“You three were supposed to go to Ritas.”
Feyre gasped, looking to Nesta and grabbing her hands, “We could still go! Play a couple games and leave Rhys, Lyria, and Cassian alone.” 
Nesta nodded eagerly. “Only if you're okay with sharing Az.”
“Az was made to be shared. Rhys already said he was okay with sharing her with Cass.”
Cassian sighed, “In case Cassian's opinion matters, I also told Rhys I'd love to spend the night with them. It's Lyria and Az. Az feels guilty, and we know how Lyria is.”
Feyre smiled. “Little people pleaser.”
Nesta hummed, “The cutest people pleaser. Can we play that one?” Cassian followed Nesta's deadly finger, laughing as he realized she was pointing at a game called “Wingspan.” 
They began taking the game out of its protective box. Feyre was admiring the artwork, as Nesta read the rules. Cassian began opening and setting up drinks.
Azriel was moving the table, ensuring his mate's home had enough room as Feyre rested her head on his shoulder, pointing at little brush stroke details.
Rhys and Feyre returned moments later, bags in hand and faint blush on the female's cheeks as the High Lord whispered into her ear. 
Lyria has not been expecting the competitive nature of her new circle to come out so heavily during game time. They had switched to partner games, her, Cassian, and Rhys on one team while Azriel sat across from her with Feyre and Nesta. Large hands rested on her thighs, occasionally their pinkies touching as well. 
The arguing in the room soon turned to laughter. Laughter into deep conversation, and before all the couples knew, Lyria's home began to mimic a picture perfect sunrise instead of the Night sky. 
“Holy fuck,” Cassian looked to the window. “How long were Elain and Lucien planning on watching Nyx?”
“All night,” Rhys replied from his spot next to Nesta. The two were in a heavy discussion regarding proper uses of magical objects. “We had planned to stay the night away from home.”
“I enjoyed this,” Feyre leaned against Azriel, eyes half shut.
“My mate did too. She enjoyed it so much she fell asleep on Cassian.” 
They all looked to the mentioned male and where he held the now known Day Court Heiress. She had curled into his lap an hour ago, falling asleep as he whispered to her and wrapped his wings around them to keep her warm. 
“Let's do it again, maybe a once a month thing?” Rhys squeezed Nesta's hand. “I enjoyed spending time with you, Ness.”
“It's the first time we haven't ripped each other's heads off.” Feyre smiled bright as did Cassian. “I think we'll still do that from time to time, though.”
“Absolutely.” Rhysand's face was serious, but his eyes sparkled. “Not in front of our starlight, though. Agreed?” 
Everyone in the room nodded as Cassian went to carry Lyria to her room. Feyre smiled as Rhysand pulled her up from Azriel. “She's so sweet, Azriel. I'm so glad we all get to enjoy her this way.”
“Me too,” the shadowsinger stretched. “Her heart has so much love to give. I'm glad we all can bask in it.”
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @azrielsmate3 @daughterofthemoons-stuff @meritxellao @aria-chikage @hungryforbatboys @lilah-asteria
Poly+ACOTAR Week Taglist
@amara-moonlight @toporecall @littlestw01f @prettylittlewrites @anuttellaa @nayaniasworld @123345566
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deck16 · 2 years
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Adventures in Lyria Retrospective
I’ve done it! DMed a campaign from minimum to maximum level. No cheats or shortcuts; the real thing. Achievement unlocked.
It happened to be D&D Fifth Edition, though really, I’d probably feel the same if I’d done it in any similar system.
This post is me reflecting back on it. Three real-life years of gameplay. I don’t know this post will be of much interest to those outside the campaign; but such readers are welcome anyway. Apologies if it’s a bit rambly: my priority was to put thoughts to paper.
This post isn’t a re-telling of the story: you can find other posts that do that here, starting here (though at the time of writing I’m quite behind and have a lot of catch-up to do).
I’m putting this section first, so you can potentially listen while you read.
I think music and/or ambient sound adds a lot to the RPG experience. While I do have some generic playlists, most are customised to fit the mood and setting.
Here’s a very non-exhaustive list. You will find the inspiration behind many of these quite obvious.
Aarakocra Theme. Mostly used in the dungeon beneath Silvercap Mountain. Exotic. With quirky, sad, and menacing tracks.
Aarakocran Ghost. The theme of the flute-playing child ghost that haunted the dungeon beneath Silvercap Mountain.
Asurath’s Theme. Bygone prestige.
Breathy Combat Music. One. Two. Three. Just some of the many, many “generic combat” tracks; these would become player favourites.
Celestial Theme. Holy, yet cold and aloof.
Charun’s Theme. Ghosts of civilisations past.
Katarina’s Theme. Pure; with a mix of sad and hopeful tracks.
Lady Xilo’s Theme. Beautiful and regal; but melancholy.
Laila Akeldama’s Theme. Yeah… the NPC’s name came from the music.
Lyria’s Might Theme. Mighty, ponderous, and oppressive. Used often for Strabo.
Illuminates Theme. One. Two. Holy, yet tinged with a sinister darkness.
Moon Theme. One. Two. Rarefied and hypnotic.
Nyctimene Theme. For Ezekial’s abandoned village. Sad and nostalgic.
Port CS College Theme. Lighthearted and wacky, suitable for a shenanigans in a wizard college.
Port CS Theme. One. Two. Three. Four. Maritime and a bit roguish.
Port CS Countryside Theme. Calm and serene. For a quiet island once at the edge of the known world.
Second Legion Chant.
Valerius Family Theme. Refined yet passionate.
Yudibug Theme. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Alien and primitive.
Playing Online
The Technology
We started with Roll20’s free tier. Then I forked out for a paid tier, with API access. Finally we moved to Foundry once it was available.
Roll20 is not bad. The free tier includes a lot of functionality; and it’s totally possible to play D&D or a similar RPG with it. The paid tiers offer very useful extra tools, but in my opinion it is a bit pricey.
Foundry is cheaper than Roll20, because you pay-to-own rather than pay-per-year. (Like Roll20, players don’t have to pay to join.) But that’s not the main reason why I moved. Foundry is software you own and run on your own machine, and so not beholden to a third-party company’s whims. No-one can shut my self-run server down, and no-one can tell me what addons I can and can’t use.
The Experience
People often say playing in-person is better. I actually think I prefer online because of the tools you get with something like Foundry. If I ever played in-person again, it would be with the aid of Foundry.
An example? A tool like Foundry can handle vision for your combats, taking into account darkness, light sources, and line-of-sight. None of that is possible with miniatures on a grid. We’ve had some fantastic battles where players had to deal with incomplete knowledge due to limited vision, and it’s a blast when the player is surprised to see something when they round a corner, rather than simply role-play-pretending its a surprise to their character.
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The party battle with Master Tarquin inside the Tiger’s Nest monastery. The coloured golems are part of the morality puzzle they’d have to solve next.
The System
I am not brand-loyal to Hasbro or Wizards of the Coast. I think they’re a typical greedy corporation, willing to double-dip by making customers pay for books, then pay again for online resources, then pay again for official Roll20 content.
So keep that in mind when I say I quite like D&D 5e. As a system, it manages to both be simple to understand and learn while keeping some depth. That’s no easy thing to do.
D&D 5e is a little simple for my tastes, but not by much. I enjoyed it for this campaign and would enjoy it again.
But there were some things in the system that were trouble.
The Adventuring Day
5e is balanced around “the adventuring day”, where a party has many encounters before they can stop for a serious rest.
You can make encounters harder to compensate, but that only works up to a point before combat gets very luck-based and un-fun. And you can’t ignore The Adventuring Day guidelines or you’ll be affecting class balance.
That’s really annoying as a DM. I felt like I was stuffing in encounters that weren’t needed. They weren’t fun. They weren’t necessary to the story.
There are workarounds, and some I used and they did help, but the core idea is busted. It felt like a straight-jacket limiting me from certain kinds of adventures. For example, I couldn’t have a stand-alone short-and-sweet mini-adventure that involved a bit of exploration or social interaction cumulating in a single fight; that would break the balance.
I remember an early combat during Vinalia that was just an optional sparring match with gladiators. Lukil requested a fighter harder than the hardest one I had put on offer. And the party won handily. That, I think, helped me realised I had to push this party a little harder than simple CR math suggested.
That isn’t a complaint about the Challenge Rating system. It worked well enough, and when I learned to factor in this “handicap”, it worked even better and consistently so. Most fights were decent challenges.
If I had to pick, I’d say I strayed on the side of “too easy”.
There were only two-and-a-half character deaths (Flutter’s is only one-half because it was loosely planned). There were many more moments of danger – low hit points or other precarious situations. But I don’t think the party were often pushed to the edge.
I have a few thoughts on that.
Firstly, that may be a valid way to play, especially with more linear adventures. It’s a bit mean to put in an encounter that the party will likely lose if they’ve no choice in the matter. Usually extreme difficulty is for optional things, like gladiator sparring matches, or ancient dragons that are safely chained up. Or for sandbox adventures with more than one path.
Secondly, I put some blame on the Adventuring Day, which I discuss above. When done the “proper D&D way”, the first few encounters of a day are not ever going to be dangerous; just a matter of how many resources they waste.
Thirdly, pushing the party to the edge is harsh. It usually means flirting with a TPK. A TPK kills beloved characters and may even derail a campaign. Very likely I was sensible to avoid this and err on the side of easy. Who knows: if I had done the opposite would I be lamenting now about being too harsh?
So in conclusion? I think I did a pretty good job overall as combat was consistently challenging. If I was to do it again I might lean harder on the party, gradually and slowly over time, and re-evaluate. I’d probably do a better job just because of more experience.
High Level Complexity
High level play is fun to experience. But I wouldn’t want to live there.
As the characters ascended above level 15, they got a lot of powers. That was trouble for two reasons:
It gets complicated. Not as bad as this. But a little like that. Mentally draining.
The balance gets a little off. There are certain things that approach the level of being “I win” buttons unless the enemy has a very particular counter. Those kinds of features are “balanced” in the sense that can’t be used often enough for every encounter. But the encounters they are used in often get trivialised, which makes them boring, which is a shame. Doubly so they were meant to be a climactic boss fight. Some examples of “trouble abilities”:
Forcecage. No-save, no-concentration crowd-control. If the trapped baddie can’t teleport, it’s screwed. It’s basically out of the fight until it can be dog-piled when it’s alone at the end.
Paladin Auras +5 to saving throws in an aura is powerful. It makes the party extremely hard to affect with certain spells (the fun ones). With a 10-foot radius it’s not too bad, but when it blooms out to 30 feet it’s pretty much always in play. I believe one of the players said, in reference to the series of encounters leading to the final BBEG, “If it wasn’t for Garo we’d be dead.”
Thankfully 5e seems to be quite linear in level progression, so the party were high level only for a while; and level 20 only for a handful of sessions.
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A play is put on honouring the heroes’ exploits in saving Cantia from the lycanthrope threat. Here, the actors playing the heroes fight against actors playing the role of Strabo et al.
A DM has to be a very exceptional writer to have a really amazing story that is simultaneously shapeable by the players. That flexibility destroys the careful crafting that clever twists and revelations require.
But I think this campaign had a serviceable story, given that handicap. It’s not something laden with brilliance to be pulled apart in an English Literature degree. But I think it was coherent and engaging.
Character Arcs
Every long- or medium-term PC got a story. The depth of the story was related to the character’s longevity. A few characters came and went before getting a story; either because the player left, the player swapped them out, or the character died.
Here’s my take on the arcs:
Cyrus. Lady Xilo did well as a mysterious patron, and potential villain. Cyrus had a bit of a slow-burn story that took off when the party visited Helicalis. Cyrus’ story didn’t exactly resolve, but it was left unresolved in a tantalising way. That said, it did see some kind of resolution, as the intra-party tension on Silvercap Mountain served as a satisfying chapter-point.
Ezekial. The story of Ezekial is mostly the story of Asurath. Both in game-mechanic terms and story-terms I think I could have been a bit more consistent with Asurath. Anyone looking back would find inconsistencies aplenty, but thankfully that can just add a mysterious mythic feel to a story element like Asurath. Asurath lent itself to being an end-game plot point, and it was great for that. But Zeke’s longer-term story was all about maturing from hot-headed and naive to properly heroic.
Flutter. Apparently meant to be something of a throw-away temporary character, Flutter became a mid-to-late-game mainstay. Flutter stands out to me for his Gandalf-like transformation: starting as an exasperated, put-upon (and cute) kenku driven almost-helplessly along by fate; turning into a powerful yet compassionate aarakocran wizard who steered important events. Flutter’s illumination-magic theme strongly pervaded the character concept. His story arc involving the history of his people was more of a side-story to that, though it did include a fun “mega-dungeon”.
Garo. Garo didn’t have a major plot-point introduced by me. Rather, bringing Strabo to justice became his plot-point, which led to a fantastic chapter in the campaign. There was something of a small story involving Garo’s interactions with St Cuthbert. Garo’s evolution was almost the inverse of Zeke’s: the inflexible crusader learned to chillax and see the bigger picture. Garo and Zeke are to this campaign what Leonardo and Rapheal are to the ninja turtles.
Lukil. Lukil got to free her father; I’m glad we managed to do that before the player left. But there was more to Lukul’s story. We saw the start of her emerging from her fiercely independent and proud shell. I would’ve liked to see that carry on long-term.
Trystan. I really wanted to make Trystan’s story a multi-session arc about his election to Consul. Complete with political intrigue, involvement of his family, and probably some interference in Veronica Veneno’s marriage. Trystan’s player gave me a lot to work with, and I put in the early setup work, introducing the NPCs and such. I also would have loved to showcase Lyria as a city more. Sadly, the available space in the campaign shrunk and this was squeezed out. Also, I struggled to think of ways to mesh high-level play with “lowly” politics, especially given D&D’s “need” for combat. Politics seems too easy for a party with access to high-level spells and abilities.
Zilt. First player; first story. A lovely little story about a cautious kobold with a tender heart who dared to improve life for his kin. An ideal plot for low-level play. Zilt was the perfect party member for the early-game party: his exasperated realism brilliantly contrasted and complimented the dreamy Cyrus and stoic Lukil.
Alexandros, Adan, Algo, Clever Clover, Kytah, Surkiv, Valerius. These were all short-term PCs. Alexandros and Surkiv had backstories that did tie them into the Strabo plot, but no special arc was done for either. I had an idea for a story for Clever Clover involving visiting the tabaxi homelands. As for the rest? They were too short-lived for me to think seriously on.
Special PC Mechanics
Cyrus had a variety of special magical talents revolving around chaos and disrupting magic; mostly tied to his sorcerery points. These grew over time as he destroyed powerful magics.
Ezekial had Asurath. The sword took on the powers of the things it killed, which mostly allowed him to expand his spell list. And it became very powerful indeed for the last few sessions of the game. Some of the sword’s stronger powers were meant to drain Ezekial, and I had rules in place for that, but it didn’t really play a strong role in the game. Possibly because they weren’t debilitating enough, or they were too easily rested away, or because they just weren’t used often enough.
Zilt had a poisoner’s kit. I gave him region-specific ways to collect ingredients and make special poisons out of them. The skill was crucially important in infiltrating the yudibug lair.
I didn’t give Garo any special mechanical feature. I probably should have.
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Legend lore was often spiced up with a little interactive encounter. When learning about the cudgel of St Cuthbert, the players took on the roles of historic heroes battling against the arch-devil Arcadion. “I’m not trapped in here with you. You’re trapped in here with me.”
Intra-party Conflict
I like when PCs have some disagreements. Provided it doesn’t lead to hurt feelings out-of-character, or disrupt the party’s ability to adventure (and, you know, play the game).
The first conflict between Cyrus and Lukil was all Lukil’s idea, and it was a good example of this kind of thing done well. Annoyed with his sacrilegious nature and perceived lack of honour and bravery, she chided him, until he ultimately defeated her in first-blood hand-to-hand combat (with a lucky critical hit).
The conflict between Cyrus and Flutter was good, though as a DM it did scare me as it seemed to walk very close to the out-of-character cliff edge. Cliff-edges aside, it had a perfect arc to it. It was nuanced and complex and driven by the character personalities. Flutter found Cyrus’ selfish nature disgusting, and Cyrus’ reaction to being judged was to grow more cold and distant in return, thus making selfish acts more likely (or less hidden). The feud boiled over at Silvercap Mountain, after defeating that chapter’s BBEG. The two did reconcile, somewhat, after a long time apart.
I was considering a final show-down between Ezekial and Garo, likely brought about by refusal to give up an empowered Asurath. There were hints to this in prophecy and carnival divination magics. The other PCs would have to choose sides. But this ending seemed less and less of a valid option as the story approached its end. It would’ve been wrong to force Zeke and Garo to conflict, given how they had both changed.
Place and Time
We’d often joke that, in-universe, the whole story probably lasted only a month or two. Driving the plot along is good, but I should’ve given more opportunity for down-time. At least for the wizard’s sake.
Other than that, I probably wouldn’t change much when it came to place and time.
The locales were not richly detailed lore-wise, but I don’t think that’s a problem, as no player enjoys a lore-dump. But I feel that the players appreciated and understood the necessary stuff: the important NPCs, factions, history, and current events.
I like to think that the game lingered in some locations long enough to get a good feel for them while also not over-staying to the point of boredom. Places like the early swamp, Port CS, Helicalis, and even Asurath’s pocket dimension.
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The party are caught by Charun on the roof of the bridge-chateau in Cortona, and are forced to flee.
The Supernatural
This is a fantasy setting in a fantasy game, so of course there will be magic spells, supernatural monsters, and such.
But I take great care to shroud the extremis of things in mystery. The nature of gods and the fate of souls is unknown. Visiting “inner” planes like the Feywild is non-trivial. The “outer” planes may not exist at all.
My approach is for two reasons:
It’s easier to focus on the fate of mortals when the fate of the rest of the cosmos is unknown and largely unknowable.
It makes contact with these things – fey, fiends, celestials, moon-creatures – all the more special. The mystery and alien-ness enhances them.
The Villains
I suppose there were four BBEGs:
Simserion the Necromancer.
Pheland Phylund the werewolf rebel leader.
Magnus Strabo the army general.
Charun the Senectifier, the ancient black/shadow dragon.
I don’t think it would be controversial to say Strabo was the favourite. Unlike the others, the party got to interact with him a good amount. His evil nature was partly motived out of an overactive sense of duty and desire to protect his nation. And he was considered by society as a hero, and so the party couldn’t just simply find and kill him.
Strabo probably also had the most interesting combat mechanics. He was powerful (of course) but not super-powerful like a dragon. It wasn’t deadly to go up and duel him, but as Zeke found out, it wasn’t easy!
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Garo takes the stand as a witness in the court case against Strabo.
Happy Ending
The campaign was pretty happy overall. Apart from releasing Charun, the party had no major failings.
They can largely congratulate themselves for this. Efforts like the Feywild play or the court case against Strabo succeeded phenomenally. I am confident enough to say that’s mostly (or entirely) down to players thinking well rather than me screwing up the difficulty.
In future games I may toy with this balance. Of course I wouldn’t force bad outcomes. But I may make the pathway to the happy ending more narrow and/or harder to find. Some failures amongst the successes could make for more a more interesting story.
The party’s ending discussion hinted at some still-present foes:
Arcadion will be back at some point.
While Charun’s destructive and genocidal days are over, Lady Xilo confessed to still being a foe to Material Plane civilisation.
Laila still schemes back in Laconia.
There’ll no doubt be some political wrangling now that the churches of the Theocratic States have lost so much, and are potentially being reformed. If laws against the Tetrarchy change, the Imperial Cult might make something of a come-back.
My Favourite Bits
Strabo’s Trial and Coup. The court victory felt thoroughly earned, and the fight across Port CS afterward was dramatic and engaging. And that end fight was epic and also a little bit hilarious. (Remember the polymorphed giant pistol shrimps?)
Ascending Silvercap. An epic push to the top of the mountain. An epic boss fight that had a variety of foes and also a bit of a puzzle element with the disenchanting. Capped off by a stand-off between Flutter and Cyrus/Xanaphia. And some genuinely risky and consequential choices/rolls made by Cyrus.
Silvercap Mega-dungeon. This was an experiment using DungeonDraft. It was a big dungeon to explore, classic D&D style, but with some puzzles and a story that was revealed by exploration.
The Moon. Such a dangerous, alien place. And I loved the party’s conflict at the end with exploring the depths of the permanent shadow.
Rapid Rivers Mine. The jaunt into the Underdark was fun. But I especially liked the horror-movie vibe of the start of that section of play.
Vinalia A chance for the party to relax and RP. Not heroic, not driving the story along, but well worth it. Vinalia was my favourite “beach episode”, but I also enjoyed the Fisherman Festival at Port CS and the festival right before the false moon was revealed.
The Play. An outstanding success. Even with Tumbleclick trying to assassinate Myra.
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The final battle against Strabo was chaotic. At the pictured moment, Flutter and Trystan hold off legionnaire reinforcements. Clever Clover fights Strabo’s right-hand-man Lepidus. Garo (glowing with some paladin buff) fights the Imperial Cult arcane trickster Claudius Ensis. Ezekial duels Strabo, while his daughter Katarina watches on.
Of Campaign Story
My philosophy was to let the players drive the story, provided they told me in-advance their plans, and never changed direction suddenly. To this end, I’d ask them at the end of each session what they planned to do next. It could be motivated in-character or out-of-character.
This worked well, I think. There were times the story took a turn that I wasn’t anticipating.
Example: Magnus Strabo, the evil general and mid-game BBEG, was waging a brutal crackdown on the people of Cantia. The players wanted him stopped. I was thinking they’d maybe gather some allies and confront him on the field in a battle. What they did instead was follow a lead about possible crimes he committed. This led to the Port CS story arc, which was at least half a legal thriller and court-room drama. It worked, though; they drew him away from his crackdown and revealed him for the villain he was.
I had vague ideas floating in my head for longer-term story arcs, but these were very fluid. Figures like Strabo and Charun weren’t dreamt up too much earlier than their first metion. I genuinely feel that I would’ve been open to have the story taken almost anywhere. (As long as it was at least semi-heroic.) With different player input, the story may have gone in a totally different direction.
Of Individual Sessions
On a granular level I feel the individual sessions were a bit linear. A series of encounters/scenes/challenges that really only had one way through.
There were a few notable exceptions that could be approached however the players wanted:
Fort Nelissa, where the party infiltrated with a combination of stealth, deception, magic, and hidden marksman kobold.
Tumbleclick’s headquarters. Finding a way in to the hidden guild base, then dealing with those inside.
The “mega-dungeon” under Silvercap Mountain.
I think partly the system is to blame for my too-linear adventures. I spoke above how The Adventuring Day can necessitate encounters be crammed in. Partly, though, it’s simply easier to make non-sandbox adventures.
Going forward I want a healthier mix of the two. This is probably the biggest “style change” I have in mind for whatever I do next. I am hoping a system like Pathfinder 2e gives me flexibility to make non-combat encounters fun, and to be able to have just one or two combat encounters without it being a balance issue.
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The party battle the monks of Tiger’s Nest monastery, and their summoned elementals.
Overall? It was a lot of fun.
Think of your favourite actual-play RPG series or podcast; or at least the reputation of one. I think this campaign was as good as that. The only things we lacked?
We’re hobbyists, so real life had to take priority. Disruptions were inevitable.
We’re hobbyists, so we lacked the talents of actors or voice artists.
We’re hobbyists, so we couldn’t buy expensive microphones, fancy miniatures, hand-crafted battle sets, etc.
But we had what matters:
Enthused players, creating a shared-story experience.
Enthused players, knowing rules (or willing to learn) and enjoying the game-mechanic side of things.
Friendly players, who were generally fun to hang around with.
Diligent players, who showed up every session on-time. (Or as near enough as real life allows.)
Very few campaigns last the “full run” like ours did. Most fizzle out or fall apart before any kind of satisfactory conclusion is had. In some ways we’re lucky, but mostly it’s because we all put the effort in.
0 notes
tomtenadia · 3 years
Rowaelin month day 10: Single parents
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Here we go with my day ten fic. The ending is quite open and I have an idea for a couple of more parts...
Rowan hated kids birthday parties. They were full of screaming toddlers and annoying parents who felt the need to judge at every possible occasion. He was a single dad and he had raised his girl alone without their help but it seemed that the whole group of parents of her class felt the need to remind him that a child needed a mother figure at her side while growing up. They even had the courage to tell him that he was doing an injustice to her daughter and that he was not raising her properly. He did not thump the people who dared that much because they were women and he could never hit a woman, no matter how much they pissed him off.
His wife had passed seven years prior during childbirth. In a matter of seconds his world was upturned. A little bit later he had moved away from Wendlyn, the memories too painful and settled down in Terrasen. He loved Orynth, but apparently some people believed that being a single parents was a crime. They had no idea of the sacrifices to manage raising a daughter and juggle work as well. None of them had a clue of the pain of explaining to his daughter why she did not have a mum like the other kids. The day she came home from school in tears asking why she didn’t have a mum, it had broken his heart. So he told her that her mum had died while bringing her to the world. He tried to do in a way to avoid having her feeling guilty for her mother’s death. But Lyria’s pregnancy had been difficult from the start and she was put on bed rest almost immediately. The night Astrid was born he almost lost them both. During the c-section she had bled out on the OR table. The doctor had managed to save the girl by pure skill, but for Lyria there had been no hope.
His daughter was his life and he’d be the best dad possible for her.
Luckily his neighbour was an elderly lady who loved Astrid with all her heart and was happy to babysit the girl so he could go to work or run errands when she was not at school. She was a blessing.
One of his daughter’s classmates was turning eight and his mother had decided to throw a party for the entire class.
He accepted because Astrid had wanted to go and was close to Aisling, the birthday girl. Of course he could not refuse her. He wanted her to have friends and be happy. He’d do anything for his daughter’s happiness.
“Did you take the present for Aisling?”
“Yes.” The girl grabbed the present from the car floor. And showed it to her father.
She had wanted to wrap it herself and he had helped with scissors and sellotape.
He parked in front of the house and stopped for a second, Aelin, Aisling’s mum was a single parent too. They knew each other and she was the only parent in Astrid’s class he actually liked.
“Come on, young lady. It’s time to party.” Astrid squealed in delight and got out of the car, waiting for her dad on the pavement.
He took her hand and they walked to the door. He raised his hand to knock but someone flung the door open “Whitethorn you made it.” Said a blonde woman with a very bright pink party hat “hi Astrid, go inside, Aisling is waiting for you.” 
The girl left her father’s hand and run inside to meet her friend.
Aelin then placed a sparkly pink party hat on his head “I am sorry, my daughter decided the dress code and alas for us, she is still in the pink obsessed phase.”
Rowan liked Aelin. They had met a few times at school and quite often he would take his daughter to Aelin’s place. The two girls were very close according to Aelin.
She had lost her husband over seven years before when their daughter was only a few months old. He was a police officer and got killed during a mission gone south. He knew her story because some mums could not keep their mouth shut and had told him. And soon after they had gone ahead and judged her as well for being single and not having remarried. He guessed that for a woman was even worse. But when they interacted they never spoke of the reason why they were in that situation. They mostly talked about their daughters and complained about homework. He would not mind getting to know her a little better.
“It’s a shame it’s a kids party because I think I need a drink to survive this.” And pointed at the pink sparkly hat.
“If you behave you can get a bit of adult orange juice later on.”
Rowan smiled.
“Come on, let’s go inside and see what state my house is in.”
Once in the living room he noticed other parents in the room. And if he could not stand the gossiper and the critics, whom he hated the most were a handful of married women who lost no opportunity to flirt with him. He noticed a couple of women eye him as their usual and then their expression changed and he realised that it was because Aelin had moved closer to his side as if to mark the territory. There was nothing between them but in that instant he was grateful to her for the assist. She looked at him and winked. The woman was wicked and he liked her. A few parents left, but a few more remained.
Aelin asked him to go to the kitchen to grab more orange juice, but he stopped on in his tracks when he overheard the conversation happening.
“Do you think they are dating?”
“They have both been widowed for a very long time. Those two girls need a proper family. That is not the way to raise a child.”
“He is way far out of her league. He is a doctor, she is just a university lecturer. He could do so much better.”
Rowan felt rage surge. How dared these people? Had they nothing else to do than judge him and Aelin for their lives decisions? He was furious.
Silently he walked into the kitchen and one of the mums noticed him “Rowan, darling, do you need anything?”
“Yes, I need you to leave me and Aelin alone. I need you to stop judging us for our choice to raise our daughters as single parents, because you have no idea.” In that instant he spotted Aelin joining them, but he kept going “I am so sick and tired to hear that the way I raise my daughter is a crime, that I should marry again. You need to stay out of our lives. Aelin and I are doing our best with the means we have.” He paused “and one last thing. Saying that Aelin is just a university lecturer and cannot date a doctor is insulting and degrading. She got there on her own whilst raising a kid. I call it a grand fucking achievement. Much better than a trio of kept women who have never worked a day in their lives. So shut up.”
Aelin stared at Rowan and his outburst surprised her. He must have been at his limit because she knew it was very hard to upset him.
The three women left and Aelin walked to him “you didn’t have to, but thanks.”
He shook his head “you should have heard them. The way they said university professor as if it was a horrible thing. Damn it, Aelin you got tenure. All they can do is spend their days yapping at the salon and spend their husband’s money. They are jealous and I can’t stand it anymore.”
“I hope your daughter is proud of the amazing dad she has.”
Rowan chuckled “wait till she becomes a teenager and starts to hate me or even worse when she begins dating.”
Aelin leaned against the kitchen counter and laughed “I am so not looking forward that stage.”
“I am terrified of the day when she will come home and tells me she got her first period. I have no idea how to deal with that.”
She passed him a glass of juice. She could hear the party in full swing but she felt she needed to be with him for a moment.
“I know you are a doctor, just don’t be too clinical. It’s much more than just ‘Welcome to the next thirty years of your life. You’ll hate it. Enjoy being a woman.’ ”
Rowan sighed and ran a hand through his hair “I am a man. I have no idea. As a doctor I know what happens but I can’t relate, how am I going to help my daughter understand? And do I buy the supplies for her? Shall I give her money to do it herself?”
Aelin’s hand went to his shoulder and could feel his anguish in his voice “Lyria should have been here for this.”
“How did you lose her?” Aelin knew just as she was sure he knew about Sam too. But they had to say it out loud to each other.
“Childbirth. She had a very complicated pregnancy and died of complications during the c-section. I have Astrid only thanks to the doctor.”
“I am sorry.”
“How did you lose your husband?”
“He was a cop. Got killed while doing his job.” Then she looked away and took a sip from her cup “just buy it the first time, then let her decide what she wants to use. It might be embarrassing. I remember when it happened to me. Mum was away for work. Dad panicked, he went to the corner shop and bought a type of each and tried to read the instructions with me. Then, once I was done, he started the dreaded conversation of how now I had to learn and be wary of boys.”
“Yeah, that will be me.” He laughed “I feel sorry for her.”
“Support her, Rowan, it will be a confusing and scary time. She just needs you at her side.”
“Raising a boy would have been much easier. I went through that at least.” Then his gaze got dark “I didn’t mean it that way. I love my daughter, madly. And having her is the best thing in my life. It’s just so hard sometimes as it is… without having people judging me.”
Aelin took his hand “come on, I can hear some shouting, I think Aisling is about to open the presents.”
They both rejoined the party and as Aelin predicted, her daughter had started opening all her presents.
Rowan looked at his daughter playing and laughing and being happy with her friends. He hoped to be enough for her, to be able to be at her side through her life and support her. She was growing up so fast and knew that the day in which she would not need her father was approaching fast. She was his princess, she will always be his princess even when she was older and with her own family. He looked at Aelin and thought about the conversation they had. That was the closest they had ever been. Speaking with her helped. She knew what he was going through, they could support each other and he thought that maybe, he should start inviting them to his place more often.
He woke up from his thought when he heard the kids shouting for cake.
A moment later Aelin walked to him with a fork in her hands with a piece of cake on it “open.”
“I don’t eat sugary stuff.”
“Now, that is what I called a crime and be careful, I know a lot of cops. I can get you arrested.” She pushed the fork to his mouth once more until Rowan huffed and finally opened his mouth.
“See? Was that difficult?”
“Did you just feed this to my daughter?”
Aelin smiled and Rowan shook his head.
Later in the afternoon all the guests had left and Rowan had stayed behind to help her clean while Aisling and Astrid where in the bedroom playing with her new toys.
Aelin was walking around throwing away stuff while Rowan was in the kitchen washing the dishes. Aelin had told him that she was happy to do them later but he had insisted and she admitted to herself that she enjoyed his company.
“I will find bits of paper for days.” One of the kids had the bad idea of using party poppers with paper confetti and they had gone everywhere. No matter that she already hoovered three times.
“Some kids should deserve a spanking from time to time”
“Even some adults.”
Rowan’s laughter sounded from the kitchen “some adults mike like it, though.”
“The girls are upstairs, it’s fine.”
Half an hour later they were both done and sat on the sofa exhausted. Aelin grabbed a glass and passed it to him “your adult orange juice. There is very little alcohol, you have to drive.”
He took a sip “perfect.”
“I was thinking about what you said earlier,” she said placing the glass on the coffee table “our daughters seem to get along pretty well. We could be a bit more involved in each other’s life. We can support each other. And I can be there when your daughter needs a bit of a woman’s help.” She paused “I am not trying to be her mum. I just thought that you might like a hand.”
Rowan stared at her and feeling things that were beyond being grateful.
“I’d love to and Astrid likes you. The two girls could spend time together.”
Aelin stared at Rowan and felt like there was a second chance at happiness somewhere in those deep green eyes.
And maybe, maybe she and Rowan could try and take that path. 
For the sake of their daughters.
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lunarcry · 2 months
"It's okay to have to learn how to live on your own, you know. No one ever has all the answers." He's not scared of Fenrir, despite what she is: he could be, if it weren't for the fact that he had bonded himself to an echo of something that had in fact, by all research and all speaking with her himself, been a much more frightening thing in life (it is hard to fear anything knowing what you love could outclass most). Sarunan's ears show a state similar to relaxation, tilted slightly to the side, angled forward, the expression on his face inscrutable. One gloved hand carefully extends, placing itself between the girl's ears -- not rubbing her head or fluffing her hair, just calmly placing his hand there as reassurance. "It doesn't matter how old you are or how long you've been alive. The people on this ship aren't exactly the type who abandon anyone. Trust me."
And what's meant as reassurance has the opposite effect; bored, judging eyes flashing with anger once he touches her, and fangs laid bare.
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"Get your hands off me!!"
However, she doesn't bite. A low growl lingering as she snaps at him and pulls away, it's okay to have to learn how to live alone and they won't abandon anyone, she knew all of that already. Walder had pressed on despite being near death, all for the friend that she herself couldn't save. Io yelled when she had been letting out her frustrations on Rosetta, and despite their earlier fight Lyria had asked if she could put a bow in her hair when Loki had been speaking with them at that annoying island. She knew all of that already.
And still he's yapping about love and peace and acceptance as if he expects her to break down and sob. Who was going to abandon her? Why should she live on her own? Poor little primal beast who was thrown away by her creators and denied by the world. You need help, don't you? You need love, don't you? Everyone on this damn ship acted like him, just shut up.
"Trust you?" she had considered being sarcastic, but that was before he had decided to encroach on her personal space. "All you've done is blabber about yourself, don't try and act like you know me. Why the hell should I care about any of that, you're no better than those researchers who created us for their own selfish gains. Take your ego and go feel good about yourself somewhere else", despite her words, the one who ends up storming off is Fenrir herself. "Gah! I can't stand you people!"
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whimsicallyreading · 3 years
Dark Roast, No Sugar
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“Do you feel the same when I'm away from you? Do you know the line that I'd walk for you? We could turn around and we could give it up But we'll take what comes-” Imagine Dragons
CW- Blood, mentions of weight loss
Chapter Ten~
"Rowan, Fenrys, are you alright?" Maeve's black bob sweeps side to side as she rushes towards the three of them. She reaches up to place a hand against Fenry's ash-smeared cheek, but he shies away. Glancing down, the captain caught sight of Aelin, and her eyes nearly bulged from her head.
"Dear, are you okay?" She extended a hand to Aelin, who gladly accepted the help, eyeing her midsection worriedly.
It would be a lie to say she was feeling fantastic after having a whole-ass detective pancaked her into the ground, but Aelin was more concerned about the state of Rowan's back.
The dark stains were growing, and he didn't even seem to notice.
Bloody scraps of flesh, gouged eyes, burnt skin.
"Rowan needs a medic," Aelin pulls away from Maeve, and Fenrys' swearing could be heard across the parking lot when he spies his partner's back.
Aelin and Fenrys grab either side of the jacket to help him maneuver out of the sleeves, but Rowan grabs his collar and tugs it back down. "I'm fine." He hisses, but the tightening of his jaw betrays the pain he's feeling. "She's pregnant, and I just tackled her like a rutting linebacker. Check Aelin first."
"I'm not the one bleeding," Aelin glares at the medics, daring them to cross her. "There's glass everywhere and probably enough in your back fragments in your back to open a china shop. If you don't let someone get them out, they will need to be surgically removed later."
"Yeah, bro-" Fenrys says, eyeing his friend worriedly. "Please just stay down until someone can take a look at you."
"No," Rowan snaps at Fenrys. "She gets looked at first."
"She looks fine," Fenrys argues, and Aelin blocks him from standing.
"Rowan," she presses on his shoulder. "I am fine. Sit your ass down."
Rowan stands up, wincing as he does. "Do you want to have a miscarriage?"  
Aelin's eyes burn. "I'm going to assume that's the pain talking, and you aren't enough of an ass to actually say that. I would be in a lot more pain if that were the case. Now shut your insensitive mouth and listen to someone for once in your damned life."
"Get looked at first, and I will let someone check me." She and Rowan are nose-to-nose, and Aelin is seconds away from losing her mind. Why couldn't he listen to reason? There shouldn't even be an argument over who needed more attention. He was bleeding.
"Aelin, listen to me, please." Rowan's voice cracks, and so does his face. His hands are white-knuckled at his side. The white hair that he rigorously tames back hangs over his eyes, but she can see the dampness building there.
There are tears in his eyes.
Understanding hits Aelin harder than an anvil.
She recalls the story he told his wife's death. Lyria hadn't died alone. Rowan's child was lost to him along with his wife. He wasn't there when it happened, and there was nothing he possibly could have done to save them.
Aelin knew the taste of being unable to rescue a loved one well.
The feeling of him colliding with her back as they crashed to the asphalt was still vivid in Aelin's mind. Hitting the ground hadn't been comfortable, but eating a face full of a car bomb would have sucked a lot worse. Rowan put his body between her and possible mutilation, but the fear he may have hurt her in the process was prominent.
Rowan couldn't bear the weight of another lost child on his shoulders. He was a man trying to right the tragedies of his past, and damned if that didn't strike a chord in Aelin's own soul.
"Do you want me to get on my knees and beg you?" His tone was a fragile, quiet thing that broke her resolve into pieces. Aelin swallows thickly.
"Fine, but you walk with me. As soon as they clear me, your ass is on a gurney." Aelin sniffles.
Damn hormones.
"Fine," Rowan agrees with a twisting grimace. "They are just going to slap a bandage on me, though. It's a waste of time."
Aelin notices how he stiffens as he tries to straighten his back. Despite his bravado, she knows there is no way Rowan is walking away without a few stitches.
Fenrys is dragged away by Maeve to discuss the car bomb while Rowan and Aelin hobble over to the ambulance with the concerned paramedics.
Their worried hands flutter over her. Fingers on her pulse. Lights in her eyes. Hands poke and prod her belly. She winces as they strike a sore spot on her ribs.
Rowan sits on the back of the ambulance beside her. A man in a medical uniform cuts the back of his suit jacket to expose the wounded flesh.
By the god's ashes, Aelin purses her lips at the sight of his back. The burns weren't deep, but he had a few lacerations that were jagged and weeping blood. A shimmer catches the lights, and Aelin can see a piece of jagged glass poking from the skin, and her gut sinks.
Rowan looks at her as if he can tell what she's thinking. I'm fine. Keep your eyes to yourself.
I can look where I want, Bastard. Aelin glares at him.
Neither of them pays attention to the looks the medics are exchanging behind them.
This is so stupid.
Aelin wants to bang her head on the inside of the ambulance. Neither her nor Rowan were in critical danger, but the medics determined they should both be transferred to the hospital for good measure.
Rowan going made sense to her. He needs stitches, some more sophisticated tools to remove the glass, and possibly antibiotics.
According to the paramedic who practically dragged Aelin into the ambulance, her blood pressure was deeply concerning. Yrene was already waiting there for Aelin so she could do a more thorough examination. It felt so excessive. She just survived an explosion- of course her heart was going to be going a little faster than average.
They dismissed her complaints, so now Aelin was squished next to a shirtless Rowan who looked even less happy.
They don't say much, which is fine with her. Aelin can feel the adrenalin fleeing her veins. Tiredness washes across her shoulders more forcefully with every bump in the road.
Rowan fidgets constantly. Unlike her, his senses must still be prickling from the danger. The pain from his exposed back was probably keeping him alert while the rocking of the vehicle lulled her to sleep.
Another minute passes, and Aelin's head nods against Rowan's shoulder accidentally.
"Hey, don't go to sleep now. We are almost to the hospital." Rowan jostles his shoulder to wake her.
Aelin hums a non-answer. Her eyelids felt taped together. She doubted the paramedics would mind if she rested her eyes for just a moment. Sleep was creeping upon her, its velvet-soft fingers caressing her cheek and easing her into its embrace. Rowan could rouse her when they arrive at the hospital.
"Aelin?" A strong hand pushes her shoulder, but she's far enough gone that her head rolls off of Rowan and dips against her chest. Thankfully he doesn't let go, or her body would tilt right off the bench.
"Hey, something's wrong," Rowan says.
Aelin tries to lift her head and see what he's talking about, but her neck feels like jelly. Whatever it was would have to wait.
She is vaguely aware of a figure sliding onto their knees in front of her. "Miss? Can you hear me?" A finger lifts an eyelid for her, but her vision is blurry. Everything looks and sounds like she's underwater. A bright light is shined in her eye, and suddenly she's horizontal.
Hands are under her head and legs as they lift her body onto a hard, flat surface. The cab of the ambulance fills with noise and movement. They wrap something tight around her bicep, and it squeezes uncomfortably.
"Her blood pressure is plummeting."
A foil blanket is draped over her body. It's not soft. How did they know she was cold?
Warm fingers wrap around her hand.
They aren't soft either.
There are two heavy thumps. "David, turn on the sirens."
Something slides over her mouth. It forces air up her nose and into her mouth. Aelin frowns. She was breathing just fine. Why wouldn't they just let her rest?"
"Did I do this to her?" A low voice cracks.
She can feel the ambulance speed up, and the wail of sirens sends a jolt through her. The hand in Aelin's brings some peace. It reminds her of when Sam would grab her hand under the table during meetings or meals. Out of sight of Arobynn's prying eyes, he would declare his love with soft touches that melted her should. Words could be faked, but loving hands can't lie.
"I swear I didn't mean to hurt her. Rutting hell, please tell me? Did I do this to her?"
There's a flutter in Aelin's heart. Not the heart that forces blood through her veins, but the one that lay in her abdomen. It feels like she swallowed butterflies. It's so soft against her. If Aelin didn't feel so numb, she would smile ear to ear. She'd been waiting for so long to feel those feet.
Something warm and wet falls against her wrist. "I'm so sorry."
Sam squeezes her hand tighter, and Aelin wants to console him so bad. He wasn't to blame. Sam shouldn't be sorry for anything.
Finally, that sweet bringer of rest reaches her, and Aelin yields herself into its arms gladly.
It feels like only a few minutes pass before her eyes open again—Aelin bolts into a sitting position when cold hands press against her exposed torso. Expletives fall from her lips, and she grabs the offending limb by reflex.
"It's good to see you up, Aelin." Yrene towers blinding smile, and brassy eyes look down at her. "I'm thrilled to see you awake, but if you could please let go of me, I would be appreciative."
Aelin releases her wrist, "I'm so sorry."
"No need for apologies. I would be startled as well." Yrene probes her stomach a little more gently, "I'm just checking up on baby. You took a pretty hard fall from what I hear."
"Is it okay?" Aelin frowns. Now that Rowan wasn't bleeding in front of her denying himself medical care, she could consider the ramifications of being slammed to the ground. She had hit the asphalt pretty harshly. Right on her front. Why hadn't she taken the time to be more concerned over this? Weren't motherly instincts supposed to take over when your child was in harm's way?
"I don't see anything to be immediately concerned over." Yrene lifts Aelin's arm and exposes her bandaged palm. "It looks like you fell hands first, which released most of the impact. If I were worried, I would have done the ultrasound while you slept, but I figured it could wait until you were awake to watch."
A sigh of relief escapes Aelin. "What happened?"
Yrene tugs down her shirt and picks up a chart. "You are anemic with low blood pressure. That's not abnormal for pregnancy, but you need to be eating more. We should see a more significant weight gain at this point than what you are at right now. Not eating can be a symptom of stress," Yrene's look is pointed. "Have you been stressed?"
Aelin mentally laughs. Stressed is an understatement. "A little."
"The paramedics that brought you here described the situation, what they didn't know your friend fille me in on. It sounds like the incident may have created a spike in adrenalin which elevates blood pressure." Yrene describes the medical in's and out's first in doctor's speech and then again in plain English. "After the adrenalin faded, your body couldn't regulate itself due to the anemia and caused your BP to lower too rapidly."
"The baby is alright, though?" Aelin leaned back into the hospital bed.
"Yes. We will do an ultrasound just to be sure." Yrene frowns a little, her expression that of a disappointed mother. "You've missed a few appointments. I know we discussed the concern around your condition. The baby is okay for now, but you are still a high-risk patient with your family history."
"I know," Aelin rubs her forehead to ease the tension there. "I've been watching my caffeine and trying to relax more-"
"Working for the police isn't relaxing," Yrene deadpans, catching Aelin off guard. "We will be going over this more, but now that you are awake, that nice man has been pacing the halls for an hour. Would you like to see him and put him out of his misery?"
Nice man? Yrene can see Aelin's confusion and laughs good-naturedly. "The detective that came in with you? He's been asking about you relentlessly. He tried to come see you, but we couldn't let him in since he's not immediate family." She waves an eyebrow at Aelin with a conspiratory look. "He's rather nice to look at."
Rowan wanted to see her? Of his own free will? Her memories of the ambulance ride were hazy at best, but she remembers his gruff silence. His actions of the day seemed so contrary to the way he's been treating her. First, he saves her life. Now he wants to visit her hospital room?
"I guess you can let him in, has someone called Lysandra?" Aelin asks, recalling that she should have gotten notified as her emergency contact.
"She's on her way. I'll go let Detective Muscles know you are awake," Yrene winks and can't control her bubbling laughter at Aelin's scowl.
When the door shuts behind the good doctor, Aelin slumps her head back against the pillows. She still feels tired even after sleeping for supposed hours. Closing her eyes, she's intent on resting just until Yrene fetches Rowan. That is- until she feels a flutter.
Aelin's eyes shoot open. Her hands smooth over the front of her shirt, but she feels nothing but her puffy stomach. For a heartbreaking second, Aelin wonders if she imagined the sensation.
Then it happens again.
It's barely a tickle against her ribs. Unnoticeable from the outside. A sign of life only she has the privilege of witnessing. After waiting for so long, the moment is surreal to Aelin, and a rare grin splits her face.
The door creaks, heavy shoes scuffle across the floor, and Aelin immediately knows who it is without looking up. "I'm surprised you came to see me."
Rowan hesitates at the door, reluctant to disturb her. Aelin is also a bit upset her private moment was interrupted, she looked up to say as much, but the words catch in her throat.
The detective looked terrible.
His suit and tie were gone. The medics scrapped those before he even got into the ambulance. So instead, he now wore a loosely fitted Orynth Blood Drive shirt. Bandages peeked out from the collar and sleeves, covering his tattoos in some places. Aelin hoped for his sake that the blast hadn't ruined any of the designs. Rowan may not be her favorite person, but she could appreciate good art.
The color of his face was off. It was grey as if he'd tried to wipe the dust and soot away but only managed to smear the dirt around. Rowan's neat hair was disheveled, probably for the first time in his life, and red-rimmed his eyes.
"Aelin," his voice cracks on the second syllable. "You look like shit."
"You don't look great either, Detective Muscles." The flush that rises to his cheeks lets Aelin know Yrene hadn't been shy about throwing the nickname around.
He clears his throat, "Are you okay?"
"Perfectly fine," Aelin assures. Sitting up, she leans towards a pitcher of water sitting beside her bed, but Rowan is suddenly there pouring her a cup himself.
"I find that hard to believe after the eventful ambulance ride." He hands her the cup with a napkin wrapped around the side. "What happened?"
"Nothing serious, my blood pressure was stooping a bit low, and adrenalin brought it up and down again too quickly." Aelin offers him a bare-bones explanation. She wasn't going to give Rowan a chance to question her value to the case, especially now that she has a vested interest in finding out who tried to blow her up. "Has Aedion been released?"
He looks skeptical but accepts her answer. "I'm glad you are okay. Did-" Rowan runs a worried hand through his birds' nest of hair. "Is the baby okay?"
"Nothing seems to be wrong. Yrene is giving me an ultrasound just in case. What about Aedion-" Aelin hopes that the car bomb hadn't delayed his release. "Have they let him go? Did he have a ride home?"
Rowan lifts his phone, "I'll text Fenrys and ask."
Aelin releases a relieved breath. Once Aedion was walking as a free man again, the world would begin to correct itself. She needed her cousin. The Bane needed him. All Aedion has ever done is defend his family, and he didn't deserve to be kept in some tiny cell like a common criminal. Aelin would happily pay the price of his freedom again and again.
Yrene knocks on the door and pokes her head in, "I'm here with the machine. Are we good to come in?"
"Yeah," Rowan opens the door for them. "I'll get out of your way."
"No-" Aelin says before she can catch the word.
Rowan looks perplexed, "What do you mean, no?"
Aelin points to the chair beside the bed. "You might as well stay. We have a lot to discuss afterward."
He didn't have a reply as Yrene toted in the machine with another nurse. "This is long overdue, so doing the scans may take a bit longer than average. First, we have to take some measurements and make sure she or he is growing at a healthy rate."
Yrene runs through a list of questions. Any morning sickness? How many times a day is she eating. What does her sleep schedule look like? Aelin answers each question as the good doctor gets to work. Yrene applies an icy gel to her stomach with a wand, making Aelin flinch from the chill.
Rowan remains sitting at her side through the prep and exam, keeping his gaze averted to the wall, a light flush to his cheeks.
"You know you can look, right?" Aelin feels a wicked king of glee as that blush darkens.
"I'm just trying to respect your privacy," Rowan grumbles, still not looking.
Aelin laughs outright, and even Yrene has a smile tugging at her lips. "My privacy? You mean my exposed stomach?" Aelin smiles wickedly. "I'll have you know, detective, I've worn more risque nightgowns into stores for snacks."
His head turns, and his eyes are comically wide. "Nightgowns?" Rowan cringes at the word as if he hadn't meant to say it out loud.
"Yes. Tiny, colorful ones." Aelin reveled in the surprise on his face. "Who knew you'd be so curious about my negligees, detective?"
Red. Rowan's face is crimson. "I-I'm not-"
Unfortunately, despite her obvious enjoyment Yrene comes to Rowan's rescue. "Alright, Aelin. Here they are."
A blurry grey blop appears on the screen, but unlike the previous ultrasound where Yrene had to point out the different parts of the baby, she could see a clear, human outline.
She could see the skull, a couple of flailing limbs- it even appeared to be sucking a thumb.
"Look at that nose," Yrene gushes, moving the wand to get a clearer look at the face. "Dare I say, that's your nose. I have a feeling this kid is going to look a lot like you."
Aelin wasn't prepared for the rush of emotion those words evoked. Tears burned the corners of her eyes, and for a moment, she forgot the fear- forgot how hard it was to get to this point. Out of Adarlan. Off the streets. Even with all of the chaos still in her life, this is what it had all been for.
Her child.
Rowan is looking at the screen with rapt fascination. "It's big."
Yrene hums her agreement. "It's about the size of an avocado right now. Of course, the screen makes it look larger. At this point in gestation, they have eyebrows, lashes, and they can even see and hear."
"Wow," Aelin says in a small voice, stupified by the tiny squirming thing.
"Wow," Rowan agrees. It's oddly reassuring to Aelin that he's as blown away as her.
"Would you like to know the sex?" Yrene drags the wand up her stomach. "If they cooperate, I may be able to tell today."
"Yes," Aelin says without hesitation. She has no desire to wait. There was already enough uncertainty in their lives. Another surprise, even one like this, which changes nothing, doesn't sound enjoyable.
It's quiet for a moment as Yrene searches, then, a smile. "It's a girl."
A girl.
Aelin wishes her mother was there. Ashryver's and Galathynius's both tended to have mainly boys. Her father and mother had both been shocked when they'd had a daughter instead of a son. Uncle Orlon even cried happy tears at the sight of his new niece.
Now, there was another.
"Is she okay?" Rowan's voice breaks her trance.
"As far as I can tell, she's doing perfectly fine. There are no distressing signs. If anything, she's a little more active than I expected."
"That's all her father," Aelin whispers. "He could never stay still."
Yrene takes her measurements and checks the heartbeat. Everything on the baby's end is perfectly normal, and Aelin's health remains the only concerning part. Next, the doctor hands her a list of highly suggested foods for her to start eating on top of the absolutely do not eat list she'd been given months ago at her initial visit.
"I mean it, Aelin. I want to see you in two weeks. You can't be skipping appointments anymore. Both of you are in good health for now, but that could easily change." Yrene lectures as she wipes the goop off of Aelin.
"I'll make sure she has time between helping at the station," Rowan stands from his chair at last. "We keep our consultants in good health."
"I'm glad to hear it," Yrene pats Aelin's arm as if they aren't both openly conspiring in front of her. "I will see you in two weeks."
They make their farewells, Aelin is still feeling a bit dizzy, but Yrene said that was to be expected. She has her stamp of approval to go home, and Lysandra should be by any minute to pick her up.
"Have you heard from Fenrys, are there any updates on my cousin?" Aelin asks between a yawn. She's tired. The involuntary catnap she took in the ambulance was not enough to fully recharge her batteries. Exhaustion weighed down on her enough that she even accepts the steadying arm Rowan offers as they descend the staircase.
"Not yet. Fen is probably held up at the station. I can call him once you and Lysandra get settled at the house."
"What? Aelin stops walking. "What do you mean?"
"We aren't sure if the bomb was intended for you, me, Fen, or all of us. But, until we know who planted it, your safety is compromised- especially if it's Arobynn's doing."
"So what? You are moving Lysandra and me in because it's easier to kill us all in one place?" Aelin scoffs, even as she clutches his arm tighter for balance.
"No. The Stag is nice, but it's been broken into once before, and your loft isn't precisely a fortress-"
"If you think that, then you haven't seen inside my closet."
Rowan raises an eyebrow. "Careful what you say. If you admit to having more illegal firearms, I can authorize a search warrant."
"Please, you wouldn't even be able to get past my panty drawer without swooning, Whitethorn," maybe she was trying to scandelize him a little.
Rowan who had thrown himself between her and a bomb, who gave people more shit than she did, coudln't look directly at her exposed midriff without floundering. It was so, human of him. Now that Aelin knew he was capable of more than cold apathy, she was gunning to see that flush again.
"You keep guns next to your lingerie?" It's not the answer she expected, but Aelin smiles like a cheshire cat.
"I like to keep all of my weapons together," she drawls out.
Rowan doesn't dignify that with a response. "The twins and I also dole out a pretty penny for a high-end security system. Does your loft have that?"
"Then it's settled. You and Lysandra will crash with us until the coast is clear."
Aelin sighs. "I'm not happy about this. The loft may not be a secured military base, but it's my home."
"I know," Rowan empathizes. "This is just temporary. I promise it won't be like last time."
"This is one of the first conversations we've had that hasn't ended in a disaster and you are already asking me to move in with you." Aelin sighs. "Fine, I guess. Is someone coming to give us a lift?" There is no way between her sore body and dizzy head she can walk all the way to Rowan's. Her feet ached just at the thought.
"I think Connal is coming to get us, if Lysandra is already on her way then he we can all head to the house together," Rowan scans their premiter and tugs Aelin over to a bench near a bus stop. "Does Lys have a car?"
"No. This is a good spot to wait for her," they both sit gingerly on the seat. The quiet between them isn't awkward for once, they are equally exhausted and stressed.
A bus arrives, but Lys doesn't come out. An elderly woman stares at them down angrily when hobbles down into the port and neither her or Rowan offer to yield their seat. Aelin glares right back, until the woman is forced to look away.
Connal doesn't keep them waiting long, to her joy. He pulls up in a vintage, blue ride. Similar to the one Fenrys lost, but with even less of a back seat. Aelin itches to call shot gun, but one look at Rowan's bandages and she knows it would be cruel to make him squeeze into the back seat.
Before they can get into the car, Connal is already rolling down the window, a grave look on his face. "Ro, I know you've had a shit day but Fen just called."
"Is he okay?" Rowan asks, genuine concern etched on his face. Fenrys was okay the last time they'd seen him. When Connal locks eyes with her, Aelin's gut sinks. This isn't about Fen at all.
"Aedion is gone."
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Okay, I’m super happy with how some parts of this turned out and annoyed with others. In good news, I am back in business and hopefully updates will be regular once again. Thank you all for being so patient with me. I hope you enjoyed it, I am going to sleep finally. XD I will wake up in the morning and clean up the last of the major grammatical errors I assuredly missed.
Tag list- Let me know if you would like to be added or removed. :D ( names in bold won’t tag)
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readychilledwine · 9 months
Long post ahead lovelies!
We hit ✨️100✨️ friends!
Thank you to all of the beautiful humans who've taken the time to interact with my posts, with me, and to follow me.
In celebration- Part 2 of Slow Hands will be posted soon. Here's a little preview of that:
Lyria sighed softly as Azriel's hands ran along her back. He was being so gentle with her, and she appreciated this, even if it was clear he didn't exactly know what he was doing. She moaned as he applied more pressure to a tighter area, causing the male to grin with satisfaction. "Like that, little fox?"
"Just like that," her voice had become breathy, eyes fluttering shut. He was doing the best he could to remember her motions from the week before, copying them as closely as possible.
Azriel was almost desperate to see her fall apart the way he had. He was desperate to repay that favor. He allowed his shadows to begin exploring. Watching as they played in her hair, down her back, over the perfect ass he'd been dreaming about. His goal was set as she moaned again. Lyria was going to cum for him tonight, and he honestly did not care how.
I have a dark Eris piece I am working on, along with other Eris week pieces. I do not want to preview it yet since I am still in what I call my rough write process. I am going to try to get it ready by the time I am posting all of my "Here's to 100" pieces, though!
And, as promised, here's a sneaky-sneak at 5 little pieces I have written. Take a vote below on which one you'd like to see. The top 2 will be posted in celebration of 100+ people taking a shot following me for their entertainment 💜
Option A - Cassian x Illyrian Female OC - (domestic Cassian Fluff) - Cassian, ever the morning person, found himself madly in love and mated to a female who hates the world before her morning coffee
Cassian adored mornings. He loved watching the sun as it began its ascend over the mountains. He loved the crisp chilled air. He loved breakfast. Early morning training. Cassian was an early bird.  His mate, however, adored their nightlife. She was the last to rise out of bed. The last to leave the table at Rita's with Mor. The last to bed. She loved dinners, the stars reflecting on the Sindra. She worshiped the moon, and he, the sun. 
The one thing the two truly shared in common, though, was their love and need for coffee. Cass was approachable before his first cup, chipper even. He glanced over his shoulder where his mate sat, her wings wrapped tight around her. Her hands held her head. Her long dark hair was falling over her shoulders. "Almost done, babe."
"Fuck. Off." His mate? Not so much.
Option B - Lucien Vanserra x Archeron reader - pure smut set during ACOTAR. Takes place the morning after Calanmai. Y/N is set for an interesting morning after breaking Lucien's rules regarding fire night.
"Lucien," I whispered softly. "Please, bed."
He chuckled darkly against me before pulling away enough to speak to me, "Such a picky demanding little human." He tutted me, squeezing my ass tighter in his grip. "After your little slip up last night, you will take what I give you. Shut your mouth like a good little girl, and let me enjoy my early morning treat."
Option C - Rhys x Night Court OC - angst, angst, angst - post UTM - Rhys and Aelia are married and when he arrives home, the first thing he tells his wife is he found his mate. (Very much the opposite of my previous multi part fic)
"You found your mate, Rhys. That's going to change."
His eyes were squeezed shut as he forced her into his chest. "No, it won't. I'll reject the bond." She shook her head softly. Azriel would murder her if she asked this of Rhysand. Azriel had dreamed of finding his mate. He had begged them to think getting married through, but they impulsively had. And Rhys had sworn her in as High Lady. And now they had a son together. A son who was 60 and would understand exactly what all of this meant. 
Option D - Eris Vanserra x Winter Court Reader - Autumn Equinox themed due to having extra Eris Week Pieces - NSFW at all - sex pollen/magic - 4some with 2 Autumn Court Ocs - takes place during an orgy - Reader is a Winter Court Emissary invited to the Autumn Court during their equinox celebration. Little did she know, Eris had other hopes when he brought her here.
"What happens during the hunt?" Eris kissed below your ear, causing a haze to set in as you relaxed and sighed.
"My father will shift into something different and more animalistic. He will go through the forest to find his fawn for the night and bring her here. They begin coupling, and we all will as well. It helps us thank the land for a successful harvest and keeps the population of Autumn higher than other courts."
"So this is a breeding festival?"
"Yes, little moth, it is." You watched as his friend smirked, repositioning the pretty female in his lap so she was straddling him and facing him before kissing her deeply. Eris began to roam his fingers along the neckline of your dress. "And we can just watch them all if you'd like, we can play if you'd like, or I can winnow you to the Forest House and find myself a new little moth. It is all your choice."
Option E - Azriel x Archeron Sister OC - set before they are made by hybern - NSFW - Body Worship, Dom/sub dynamics - ends with angst - Kaylee is the youngest of the Archeron sisters. After her older sister returns home with 3 attractive men, everything changes for her.
Her skin was on fire with every touch of his hand, only to be instantly cooled by his shadows. "So fucking beautiful," Azriel groaned into her neck. "Look at yourself in the mirror and say you're beautiful." 
His hands roamed lower and lower, finger tips leaving goosebumps in their wake as he continued to kiss her neck. "Az-"
"I gave you an order, little one," he bit harshly at her pulse point, soaking in her gasp and moan. "I expect you to follow it."
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cloudywriter · 3 years
rowaelin month - september 1st
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prompt: i just realized i’m desperately in love with you 
hey guys!! it’s finally rowaelin month and i’m literally so excited you have no idea. sadly, i don’t have time to do every day but i’ll do as many as i can. i can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with. happy writing/reading! (this is just some straight fluff) 
masterlist, AO3
The school was abuzz, anticipation hung thick in the hallways during each passing period. It had been that way for a week or so now with prom on the horizon. Everyone was constantly on high alert for the next promposal, most desperately hoping it would be their own. Girls hung around their lockers inconspicuously for far longer than necessary and boys tried to play it cool while secretly fretting over who to ask and how to do it.
Rowan was over it pretty quickly, but he’d likely have to suffer through the next month of promposal after promposal. Today was no different, there was an asking in the parking lot before school, one in his first-period English class, another in the hallway after. He couldn’t escape it. 
Thankfully, Rowan wasn’t quite as grumpy as he used to be due to a certain blonde worming into his life a few years ago but he was still Rowan. Sullen and reserved as ever. That fateful blonde being the only one to draw him from his shell. 
Rowan sighed, aimlessly scrolling around on his phone. It was the passing period before his 3rd-period class, AP Biology, and Rowan was leaning against Aelin’s locker.
Aelin always stopped by her locker after her photography class to put her camera away and then they’d head to class together. It was their routine, the same every day. Not yet broken during their entire senior year which was quickly coming to a close. That was a subject Rowan didn’t want to broach though.
He cleared his head of those unsavory thoughts. Rowan could tell yet another proposal was gearing up, Ilias came around the corner holding a poster board in one hand and a bouquet of assorted flowers in the other. At that moment too, Aelin turned the corner, giving Rowan a small smile as she hurried towards him. 
Rowan’s cold resting face tugged into a smirk as she approached her already open locker. Rowan always took it upon himself to open it for her in advance, Aelin tended to fumble with the locks that required a specific number combination and artful twisting. 
As Aelin stored away her camera and shut her locker door with a thud, a gasp down the hallway had them both turning around. 
Ansel was there, her hand cupping her mouth, clearly unsuspecting of Ilias and his proposal. They both watched as Ansel excitedly agreed to prom with Ilias and took the flowers from his outstretched hand, pulling him into a hug. 
Aelin turned her attention away from the happy couple and began to walk towards their next class, Rowan following suit. They progressed for a bit in silence until Aelin spoke up. 
“I hope Chaol asks me to prom soon,” she confessed. 
Rowan almost choked, that single sentence baffling him. “Chaol?” He asked incredulously. 
“Or Dorian,” Aelin shrugged, crossing her arms in front of her. Rowan was suddenly feeling very panicked, like a fish that had accidentally discovered land, flopping around in search of water in a frenzy. To say he felt confused was an understatement. Rowan hadn’t given prom much of his brainpower. He hadn’t even considered asking anyone. He’d just assumed he’d go with Aelin. Why would he have thought otherwise? They did everything together; he’d expected prom would be no different.
When they sat down at their blacktop table in biology Rowan silently floundered as he tried to think over this revelation. Why would Aelin want to go with someone else? Usually, before class started, he and Aelin would joke around until the teacher told them it was time to reel it in but today Rowan stared ahead, picking at the skin of his thumb. A nervous tick he’d developed throughout high school. 
Should he ask someone else then? He couldn’t even think of anyone else he tolerated enough to spend the night with. Maybe Lyria? She was nice enough, always sharing her notes with him in English when he was too busy with lacrosse to do the reading. She was quiet, soft-spoken. Absolutely nothing like the girl sat next to him. That thought made him frown. Remelle? No, he could barely stand Remelle, but he knew she liked him so at least she’d definitely say yes. 
Rowan was pretty much out of luck. Aelin and his friend group were to whom his time was devoted to, he didn’t branch out much beyond them. 
He thought of Aelin all dressed up, maybe in a golden gown that catered to her love of theatrics. Possibly in a deep green that complemented her bright eyes and skin tone. He imagined her with her hair loosely curled and flowing down her back. The delicate, golden Kingsflame silhouette necklace he’d gotten her for her 18th birthday clasped around her neck. It was easy for Rowan to conjure up that image but he couldn’t picture her looking like that and holding onto Chaol’s arm. It felt so intensely wrong to even consider it. 
It was always him. He always imagined her with him. They were a package deal in Rowan’s mind, but apparently not in Aelin’s. 
Aelin seemed to be catching onto Rowan’s internal dilemma. Throughout the duration of the class, he could feel her watching him out of the corner of her peripheral, trying to gauge what could be wrong. She stayed quiet though and dutifully continued her notes that mostly consisted of a collection of small doodles. Rowan couldn’t help but watch and wonder how she truly felt about him.
For the rest of the school day, Rowan pretty much blew Aelin off. He sat between Lorcan and Fenrys at lunch instead of the 2 seats on the right side of the circular table that always housed Aelin and himself. He told her not to wait up in the stands during his lacrosse practice and to head home on her own instead. He could tell she was confused maybe even a little hurt but Rowan couldn’t bring himself to push aside his mass of feelings that had him acting strange. 
He wasn’t even completely sure what was wrong with himself. The thought of Aelin accompanying another guy to prom shouldn’t affect him like it was; they were only best friends nothing more. She had free reign to go with whoever she wanted and she could get whoever, Aelin was a beautiful girl he wasn’t blind to that. He’d just thought it’d be him. 
All throughout lacrosse practice, Rowan was distracted, missing the ball or the goal when he had it, a stark difference from his usual skill. His coach had already pulled him aside once and asked if he was feeling okay only to be given a grunted yeah before putting him back in. He only grew more upset with Aelin as he pondered the day’s events instead of keeping his head in the game. Some part of him knew it was irrational but he couldn’t help it. Why wouldn’t she want to share one of their last big moments of high school together?  
And that’s how he continued to feel as he made the short drive home with his hefty lacrosse bag weighing down his shoulder and his school bag heavy on his back. When he finally entered the home he sighed, the scent of his mother’s cooking filling his nostrils. Honestly, he’d rather stay up in his room and stew than sit through family dinner right now but he knew it’d only prompt more questions from his parents. So he dropped his things by the door much to his mother’s chagrin and collapsed into one of the dining table’s chairs. 
“Feeling alright, son?” His father’s silver brow rose, already catching on to his foul mood. 
“Yeah, just tired,” Rowan confirmed, taking a sip of water. 
His mother entered then, a dish of pasta cupped between her oven mitts that she placed in the center of the table. “How was practice?” She asked sweetly, stripping her hands of their cover and sitting down. 
“It was fine.”
Rowan’s mother and father exchanged a look between themselves. He was normally much more talkative, always giving them updates on school, on plays they’d done during practice, on Aelin. Rowan chose to ignore their concerned expressions and instead served himself a helping of dinner silently. 
His phone buzzed then from inside the pocket of his shorts. Rowan pulled it out to check the message and frowned at the screen. 
fire-breathing b queen👑 : r u okay? 
He stuck his phone back into his pocket instead of typing a reply and forced himself to eat the rest of his dinner. He only half-listened to his parents’ conversation about their days and what was going on in his dad’s office. Rowan knew he was stewing again, falling into a spiral of uncertainty. 
“Rowan, honey, are you sure you’re okay?” His mother pressed, worry lining her brow. 
Rowan’s lips formed a thin line. No, he wasn’t okay. 
In a split-second decision, Rowan decided he was done dancing around whatever was going on between him and Aelin. “I need to go,” Rowan said suddenly, standing up from his chair that loudly scraped across the floor. His parents looked surprised by his outburst but didn’t stop him as he grabbed his keys from the little table by the front entrance and left. 
Rowan didn’t even need to look at the road to know the way to Aelin’s house. The route was in his bones now and within a few minutes he was pulling up in front of her large white house. He hopped out of his truck, not even bothering to lock the doors before he pounded on her green-painted front door. 
The door opened with a squeak and he saw Aelin standing there in one of her nightgowns that drove Rowan absolutely mad. 
“You’re not going to prom with Chaol,” he rasped, pushing the hair falling on his forehead back with his hand. 
“Huh?” Aelin was clearly confused as to why Rowan had come knocking at her door without preamble. 
“You’re not going with him,” Rowan once again declared, standing his ground, ready to get everything off his chest before he lost the courage. 
“Ro, I don’t get what you’re going on about. He hasn’t even asked me and if he doesn’t ask me I don’t know who’d I go with,” she admitted, her hand still holding the door open and her mouth in a serious line. 
Rowan surges forward at that, gripping both of Aelin’s hands in his own. “You’d go with me, Aelin. I want you to go with me,” he pleaded with her, lifting her hands up to his chest. “Aelin,” he continued, “I don’t want to go with anyone else but you. I want to do everything with you, go everywhere with you. Gods, Aelin, you’re like my reason to breathe, to get up in the morning.”
“Row-” Aelin tried to interrupt, her blue eyes going wide. 
“No, just let me finish, I- I know that sounds crazy and I know it’s so out of the blue and you didn’t expect me to show up outside your door like this and start professing my feelings,” Rowan was rambling now he knew. Everything he wanted to say to her was running through his mind like a freight train so much so he struggled to express it. The words were jumbled in his mind as if they were a bowl of alphabet soup in a blender. He just needed her to know how he felt. 
“I- I just, I thought about you going to prom with Chaol or some other guy all damn day and I hated it. Gods, I couldn’t figure out why I hated it so much, it just it- it felt so wrong. Fireheart, I want you to be with me. Gods, I think I’m so desperately in love with you I’m going to combust or something.” Rowan was getting flustered now, he knew his face was burning and he was sweating, maybe from the humidity or maybe from the sheer weight of what he was confessing to his best friend.  “Rowan,” Aelin started once again, her face contorted in pure shock. 
“I know you might not feel the same Aelin, I knew I came here risking that, and if you don’t feel the same-”
“Rowan!” Aelin said with more force, bringing her hands to cup his face. “Listen to me,” she pleaded. 
Rowan stopped trying to fight her and looked at her. He felt as though his stomach might fall out. His nerves were so intense as he stared into Aelin’s golden-ringed eyes. 
“You’re just so fucking stupid,” Aelin breathed. 
Rowan’s brow furrowed, he certainly hadn’t expected her to say that. “Wha-” he began. 
He couldn’t even finish his thought before Aelin’s lips descended upon his own. She cradled his face in her hands as her soft lips moved against his in a slow rhythm. Rowan’s brain stalled and struggled to catch up with what the hell was happening. 
He just knew this felt right, this felt so gods-damn right. 
His hands were loosely wrapped around her wrists and they traveled lightly over her arms and moved to rest on her back and pull her into him. 
Her body molded against his own. It felt like the final bit of a 50,000 piece puzzle had finally fallen into place after years of pouring over it. Rowan kissed Aelin back with just as much fever, desperate to keep her lips on his own. He brushed his tongue along the seam of her lips and she pulled back. 
They both stood there, gulping down air as they stared at each other trying to navigate this unimaginable revelation. 
“You’re- you’re not going to prom with Chaol, right?” Rowan finally managed to ask. 
“No,” Aelin breathed. “I’ll go with you, I’ll always go with you.” 
Their lips met once again.
day one down. stay tuned and have a wonderful day, xoxo
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