#and obvs i was not gonna tell my family to leave just to meet my friends for 10 min or wt:
heavenknowsffs · 2 years
#i have to say this#so my bff's boyfriend i think he's toxic just bc vibes i got from him#and today he was really trying to get me to get mad even tho it was my birthday and i tried to accomodate everyone#and like i took a while to get to my friends nut they all said theyd only#stay like 30min and i was having dinner with my family#and obvs i was not gonna tell my family to leave just to meet my friends for 10 min or wt:#anyway i went to get a friend in our village (30min away) just bc i wanted her to e there in my party#and he gor mad (mind you hes not even my friend)#and i told my bff i was gonna take a while bc of that anf etc and she was fine#when we went to the club he started shit and tried to get her pitted against me#even tho i did not invite him at all and said that ir was okay if she didn't want to go to a nightclub#but she ended up want>#wanting to go to a nightclub and i wanted it too#he then started being a lil shit talking abt how much i took to get there and wtv#and i was like i told her what was going on i don't need to justify it to you you're#noy friend#sorry about the tags and the order of it#but anyway i noticed in t÷#the actual nightclub he started to pay me a lot of drinks#i guess he thought i'd get too drunk and do something mean or embarrass myself#but instead i drank it all and was doing great#and found a friend and he thought i just had met him and wanted to bang#which no it was literally my friend and he tried to get beef going on but my friend was just chill#and he got#so pissed he left lmaooooo baby#if you want to pit against someone find someone as weak as you#because i am stronger bitch and i will destroy you#and i just spent you about 5 euros for nothing ✌🏼🤭😉#fuck off
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prosciuttoon · 1 month
Anyway, Shuro isn't the only character with problems, he isn't even the only Japanese/ Eastern Archipelago character, so not the only one with that specific background. And yet, he sure is the only one who acted out the way he did.
If you like him for .. whatever reason (narcissism? Based on your posts, I guess), that's fine, but like. There's extremely valid reasons for not liking him that aren't just "ur racist" or "you just don't understand!!!!"
hes the only one that acted out bc he was the only one that laios was interacting with that was the reason they fought?? laios wasnt talking to hien or benchidori or maizuru like that he didnt even meet them until he reunited w shuro in the dungeon
and when did i ever say “you’re racist if you hate him” all i did was talk abt the cultural context of his upbringing that would make him a terrible communicator. also, narcissism is such a weird word for liking a character a lot? and its not like im making him look innocent and flawless bc im literally explaining his flaws and where they come from. if someone doesnt like him bc he reminds them of someone that hurt them im not gonna try to change their mind, wouldnt hurt to know Why he acts like that but if theyre informed and still dont like him thats perfectly fine!!!
since i think u sent 2 asks ill just put the first one here and answer it too:
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in the post abt him leaving izutsumi in the dungeon to come back “if she wants to” the “nuance” i was talking abt was the fact that he said “if she wants to” i.e giving her a choice to return (which she didnt do because she hated that place obv). also sorry hes not powerful enough to abolish slavery in his country, hes not even the heir to the family. dont think the eastern archipelago is strictly based on a specific time or reality in japan, probably just inspired by reality but not based on it, so shuros family is likely one of many families serving their “feudal lord” who rules a province of the country. in history, feudal lords were also under shogun and the emperor, but neither are mentioned in the manga iirc so i will guess that wasnt the case.
my aim w my posts isnt to force ppl to change their minds on whether or not they like a fictional character. im just giving an extra perspective w stuff from extra content plus my own experience (i.e being asian too) that some people may not know about. what they do w the info is up to them im not trying to tell people how to think. if they learn smth that changes their opinion fine if they dont also fine its not that serious. im just talking about my interpretations of the character.
if i see a critique i may think “wait but do they know about [insert notable info]”. if they dont know, would maybe be good to know bc its important to the character, if they do know and thats the conclusion they came to, thats it! i dont do any more than that n ur acting like im forcing everyone to like him.
tldr; just cuz i am explaining the root of his flaws doesnt mean im ignoring them. i still call him what he is! a loner who cant set boundaries and it only makes problems for himself and people around him, but i also happen to be interested in Where the behaviour comes from! (which happens to be heavily due to culture). doesnt mean im calling u racist if u dont like him wut
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stealingpotatoes · 8 months
Invitation to talk about Sayuri and Nymie?
:D CAN OF WORMS: OPENED!! i'll tell u abt how they got found as Jedi
ok so Sayuri is one of the students that doesn't rlly go home bc there isn't much to go back to. Basically her parents were Rebellion pilots (or one was a pilot the other a mechanic. kinda unsure) but were both killed in action against the Empire abt 3-4ABY ish. obvs the Rebellion couldn't look after a 7-8yo while fighting the Empire
so the remainder of the squad manage to get her back to her parents' home village/ where she was born. so having like Everything change all at once leaves her pretty ?? and gives her some serious trusting-her-environment issues. her coolgirl "i dont care" persona is very much a result of this bc she's worried abt getting too comfy in smthn. (which is at odds w the OTHER issue she got from this event which is "deathly afraid of flying" an issue not helped if Master "traffic laws are just guidelines" Skywalker is piloting. but she tries 2 act like shes fine)
this is gonna get kinda long so im gonna smack some unposted art here and then go into a readmore
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anyway fast forwarding to when Sayuri's abt 13 (roughly 9aby) she's visiting her parent's old squadron on a New Republic bc they'd all come visit whenever she could and after the Empire's fall they did a lot more pick her up and fly her to a base to ALL see her. and they're like omg Sayuri you came at the PERFECT time bc this rlly amazing pilot war hero who's also some like. mystical whatever is here!! he's on his way to some magic place we heard. maybe u can meet him!! which sayuri meets w her usual whatever bc she's not that gassed abt war heroes.
very worth noting that the squad's probably all seen her move shit with her mind, but theyre like oh you know how it is with teenage girls. the "nobody knows what a jedi is" + "the empire existed for a decent bit of her childhood" thing has kept anyone from being like yeahh sayuri should like. talk to someone abt this.
anyway she goes along when the squad are like c'mon let's see if we can see him. ok the only way i can describe this is you know the spiderverse like... spidey-sense recognition thing? that's basically what happens LOL Luke and Sayuri both have a FORCE USER RECOGNISED?? moment and Luke then makes a beeline for her then realises oh shit tiny teenager not jedi. would you LIKE to be a jedi?? and sayuri who hates her village and is feeling the strongest emotional connection she's felt in forever w this stranger she met 2 seconds ago is like okay fuckin sure yeah. and woo jedi!!
i posted my unposted nymie art yesterday but likkeeee pretend theres some here <3
So Sayuri falls into the "one of the Jedi found them thru the force or by chance" category of students who get found. However Nymie very much falls into the second category, which is "CAN SOMEONE DEAL WITH THIS WEIRD SUPERPOWERED CHILD FOR US????"
So 2 things about Nymie: 1. like i've said before, she's from a very rich high class pantoran family. super stuck up, mostly raised by nannies & tutors, but somehow Nymie just didn't get the stuck-up genes like all her (4!!) siblings who are just obsessed w their social standing etc and is instead just :D all the time. 2. her proficiency ig is the living force esp in the 'good at connecting to animals' way (which I think means I legally need to draw her w Ezra).
so the former often led her to escaping her family's stuffy parties and galas or whatever (usually to whoever's house it is' garden or somewhere she wasnt meant to be) to find something interesting. usually a pet <3 one particular time when she was 9 she was following her Pet Sense but couldnt find anything in the house. so she kinda just reached out more and long story short thats how Nymie managed to call this hugemassive beast (i'd tell u what it was if i knew pantoran animals LOL) out of the nearby countryside to her. massively distressing for everyone, all these rich ppl were like "OH MY GOD I NEARLY DIED" (it didnt attack anyone). very funny exciting time for Nymie who was enjoying this new beastie friend til animal control showed up. saddening. everyone is confused bc HOW did that happen
a dude old (and cool) enough to have seen more than one jedi in their heyday (+ idk uni researcher knows his shit) noticed what happened w it going straight to Nymie and overheard her account and realised what happened and was like hi nymie's parents. i think u need to get into contact w the new republic bc thats a jedi right there (which they take and go oo social climbing. we have a jedi child people will think we're cooler. bc theyre assholes)
and yeah im losing steam now but luke shows up and she joins the academyyay!
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dragonfly0808 · 7 months
Riven: The Thesis
First things First
If you checked out my Fate rant, smth that truly pissed me off was how they made Riven just straight up unlikable, an ass and low-key a villain.
To me, Riven’s story was always one about how you can change for the better. That it’s okay to be a bit of a prick as a teen cause you’re just a teen and you still have time to grow and change.
So you can imagine my frustration when in the OG, Riven’s character arc was pretty much reset at the start of every season, especially when I feel that they did a great job at showing Riven’s introspection and his wish to change in s1, all for nothing.
And thus… my version of Riven was born.
I tried very hard in s1 to give him a hard shell and a few outbursts but still showing that he’s got a soft heart deep down and is really only lashing out due to how he’s always depended on only himself to survive. And I think I did a pretty good job at that if I do say so myself.
And post s1 we see Riven slowly learn to lower his guard and realize that he’s not on his own anymore. He has a few slip ups because obvs he’s not gonna magically be great at communication but he gets there eventually.
Shirley Holmes and Riven Watson
So, I think that, aside from Tecna, Riven was prob the one that benefited the most story-wise in the changes I made to his family.
Riven has pretty much no one. His dad is very abusive and never truly cared for him and his mom left when Riven was about eight years old, leaving him not only on his own, but to take care of his five year old sister, Shirley.
I gave Riven a little sister to give him even more reasons to have his guard up, because it’s not just his own back he has to watch out for, but he has a sister that depends on him. Shirley herself tells the squad that Riven pretty much raised her on his own.
I love writing these two, who only had each other growing up and are so very close. Up until the age of fifteen, Shirley only ever really trusts her brother.
I think that dynamic adds a lot to Riven’s character. Showing that he is a really caring and protective person, even in the worst of circumstances he always did his best to keep Shirley not only safe but also happy.
Nothing Good Starts in a Getaway Car
Yep, we’re talking bout Darcy.
In my version of events, it would not have made sense for Riven to ever trust Darcy out of nowhere, due to how high he has his guard and the fact that he’s not dumb.
How did I chose to solve this?
Well… Darcy and Riven were childhood friends and had planned to runaway together before Darcy betrayed him, took the money and ran. He knew her as Jennie, his best friend.
Riven only ever had her. Of course he’s got Shirley but… it’s different cause Shirley is his responsibility, while Jennie helped him steal and do whatever they had to do to survive.
Their relationship is def a tragic one due to the fact that they truly loved each other and had each others backs for so long and they were oh so very close to making it, to running together and starting a new life.
But then… Darcy meets the Trix and makes the choice of leaving Jennie behind, which included betraying Riven when they’re fourteen and so close to running.
This is obvs another reason why Riven is especially prickly when we meet him in s1, a betrayal like that was bound to make him even more angry at the world.
But again, Riven is incredibly protective and, once he loves someone, that means he’s also loyal to them, and Riven isn’t someone who stops loving easily. And so… he trusts Darcy. And it nearly costs him his life.
But this is also the thing that truly makes him realize that he doesn’t want to keep on like this. That he wants to change and let his friends in. That he wants to let go of his anger before it consumes him the way it did Jennie… Darcy.
You Don’t Have to be Sorry, for Leaving and Growing Up (Matilda is low-key a Riven song) 
A big thing for me about Riven, especially early on was, again, showing his softer side mainly through Flora, Shirley, Timmy and even Darcy.
His rougher side is on full display in his arguments with Sky.
At the end of s1, something happens that allows Riven to finally be safe enough to lower his guard and start growing, he moves in with his maternal grandparents along with Shirley. And, while it takes both of them a while to trust their grandparents, once they do, Riven can finally, finally, focus on himself for the first time in his life.
He develops a close relationship with his grandma, and starts doing some introspection (with help from Flora and Helia) and starts working on himself.
A big help in this is Musa, who also struggles a lot with letting herself be vulnerable.
Now, this journey of Riven’s is not smooth sailing because you can’t just snap your fingers and undo years of abuse and survival instincts, but he works hard on it and we can see that through his relationships.
Season 2 is Riven learning to be vulnerable and fully trusting his friends. His nicknames are kinda a way to let the squad know how important they are to him, he allows himself to be more goofy and more relaxed and comfortable in his own skin.
He struggles the most with Musa due to the fact that, before a relationship, there is a friendship. He and Musa find themselves being vulnerable with one another, which is huge for the two of them. But as they grow closer, Riven is reminded of his relationship with Darcy and finds himself pulling away.
He eventually makes this right but it was very important for me to have him stumble a bit in his relationship with Musa at least at the beginning cause my boy has Darcy PTSD kay? And that was not going to go smoothly if we’re realistic.
Season 3 was for Riven fully coming into his own, embracing what little magic he has (which he never did before cause he got his magic from his father that he hates so yeah…) and just fully getting a good grade in communication something that is both possible to achieve and normal to want.
In season 3 it’s mainly Musa who struggles with communication, which makes them both struggle but they work through it, this time as a couple. Wooooo. Hoorah for two traumatized kids learning how to communicate in a healthy way!
Thoughts Behind his Main Relationships
These boys are two sides of the same coin.
They both have had anger issues and, surprisingly enough, Helia was a lot more violent than Riven ever was since Riven had a better hold on his anger due to facing major consequences (*cough* *cough* his dad *cough* *cough*) but they bond over trying to better themselves.
Riven learns to meditate with Helia and occasionally even paints with him. Helia learns to fix stuff with Riven and they both love the routine that comes with being Specialists second only to Brandon so they often do work-outs and bets with each other.
Their friendship is one of very different yet similar lives. They get each other in a: we’ve both come face to face with the darkest versions of ourselves and came out on top, we’ve both hit rock bottom and we’re both working on figuring out how to be better.
They’re both very aware of their darker emotions but never judge the other for it. They both have nightmares regarding their pasts and they can open up because they know that they get one another.
Riven trusts Helia surprisingly quickly, seeing himself in the Wizard. The two can trust each other with their past and their shame, knowing they will only get full support from the other.
I always loved the idea of Rivusa but hated the original execution.
I really like the idea of two kids who have been so hurt by the people that were meant to protect them figuring out how to love each other. How to be open and trusting and just how to work as a couple.
Riven and Musa fall very slowly over the course of a year and a half, they get to know each other, be friends, quite crucially: they’re able to be vulnerable with each other. Which is huge for both of them.
And, when they realize that these feelings are serious and more than just a crush, they are both terrified.
I talk a bit more about Musa’s feelings on her thesis but for Riven, he’s terrified of being betrayed yet again. Of giving his heart just to have it shattered.
He’s also very afraid of Musa not wanting him if she learns more about his past and all the things he did to stay alive.
The part I love about this is that this means that even after they get together we get to see them fuck up. Because just because they’re together doesn’t mean they’re just going to forget years of trauma and having their walls up.
And, in my version, once they’re together, it’s Musa who fucks up by keeping secrets and not being able to bring herself to be vulnerable.
I think my fave part about writing these two is writing about how they grow together both as individuals and as a couple, how they learn to communicate and be vulnerable and realize that they are both here to stay and that this relationship is soft and safe and everything that they have been denied for so long.
That’s what this couple is to me. Two kids learning to love and not be afraid of it.
Riven and Flora are soulmates. I have no other word to describe their bond. Even soulmates doesn’t feel like it can fully encompass their bond and how important they are to one another.
They have similar fears and traumas, though they respond in wildly different ways. He can’t let himself be vulnerable, she can’t stand her ground. But they find each other and somehow, they start healing and growing together
Their bond is ‘there are people that you just have to meet in order to become the best version of yourself and I know that if I hadn’t met you I would never have been able to become my best self. There are people that just have something to teach you just by knowing them, there are people that love you so purely that you can do nothing but want to grow with them and teach each other so much just by existing together. And you know that if there are other lives, you’ve met them in every past life and will meet them in every future life because you own a piece of each others puzzles that you both need to complete yourselves.’
Their love is absolutely pure, I just love it and can’t quite find the words to describe just how special it is.
Who is Riven in this Rewrite?
Riven’s arc is one that I just have really loved to write. The story of an abused, angry boy that struggled to survive finally being safe and getting to work on himself and let go of that anger.
Riven is someone who has had to look out for himself his whole life, who always been pretty much on his own, the only people he trusted stabbing him in the back.
What is most important to me is that Riven is someone who refuses to let his past define him.
He gets the chance to go to Red Fountain after jumping and trying to rob one of the teachers (James) but, when he gets that chance, he decides to make the most of it, to make a good life for both himself and for his sister.
At his very core, the most important part of Riven’s character is that he is first and foremost, a protector.
He’s the big brother who took beatings to keep his baby sister safe. He stole for his sister and for Darcy to keep them both fed. He’s the boy who, before s1 even started made a friendship with Timmy and dared anyone to make fun of him.
He would do anything for his friends, for Helia, for Flora, for Musa and of course, for Shirley. Because once he gives even a small piece of his heart to someone, they have it for good. For better or for worse.
Riven is a boy growing into an amazing young man against all odds. He’s a boy who took the cards he was dealt with and made a royal flush.
Riven is someone who chose to let go of his anger and grow. He’s someone who decided to become someone he could be proud of.
Riven Moodboard
Riven’s Instagram
Riven and Helia Moodboard
Riven and Musa Moodboard
Riven and Flora Moodboard
Shirley Moodboard
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brookiidookiii · 1 year
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okay so i am having a lot of thoughts abt a killer elizabeth fnaf au.....
(in this au CC survived the bite of 83 but has permanent brain damage from the accident. michael never got scooped or changed his name)
im thinking mmmaybe elizabeth goes apeshit after learning that willy killed a few kids + charlie and murders then decides to murder him to avenge the kids. well elizabeths always been a little bit messed up even from childhood (like killing dead animals and the behavior was usually endorsed by william too) and this time she finalllllyyyy snaps and decides to actually do it then that leads her down a rabbithole of violent tendencies
and eventually she kinda gets driven to madness and needs to tell someone and she decides to go to henry bc she knows he hates william and tells him the truth that willy killed charlie (by now henry has abandoned the company and just makes animatronics as a side job). obv henrys pissed off and believes williams death is justified so he decides to help her cover it up so they stuff william in the spring bonnie suit and leave it behind a sealed off room to rot away
meanwhile because after a while william is pronounced death when nobody can find him and michael inherits the company against his will and is now the only owner of both fazbear entertainment AND afton robotics
basically kind of the evnts of sister location take place. michael goes into the weird underground place and finds old blueprints and realizes uh oh!!!! his dad is a psycho!!!! probably planning to kill kids with these robots!!! and then links the deaths of the 5 kids + charlie with william and comes to the conclusion ohhhhhhh so yeah he did it.
mike tries to contact CC (i call him evan buttttt yea) to ask him if he knows about any of this but CC basically is seperated from anything related to the afton family or fazbear so mike cant get in touch with him, so he goes to henry if he knew anything abt william being the killer and eventaully they meet up in person and henry tells him everything he knows and mike is just horrified beyond comprehension
basically he goes on the same journey of trying to find william but henry refuses to tell him the whereabouts of his location and just replies with stuff like "i cant tell you" or "its better if you didnt investigate" and mike gives up
soon after mikes got no clue what to do with freddys and needs money so he turns it into fazbears freights, finds springtrap but doesnt rlly theres a corpse inside and just thinks it smells from all those years of decaying, and decides to use it as display. while hes in the midst of construction and revamping, he doesnt have that much cash to hire a security guard so he decides to take up the position himself, and fnaf 3 happens from there
after that the rest of the timeline goes on. mike decides to reopen a new restaurant to lure springtrap and take him apart, and his original idea isnt to burn down the place, but instead, elizabeth hears that hes reopening a new restaurant, is infuriated, and burns it down herself with springtrap and mike inside, also killing herself in the fire as an act of suicide. henry kind of moved on from charlies death once he got total closure that will was dead and his death freed the spirits of all the kids
im stilllll working out the details idk if im gonna do anything with it (probably not) but i needed to get my thoughts out and have someway to make elizabeth follow in her fathers footsteps, intentionally or not
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pocketramblr · 6 months
Five ask game: au where Endeavor is shopping for quirk marriages for his kids after todoroki started doing his rebellion thing
(ideas for who he would probably approach for each child
Manual or Aizawa for Fuyumi: adding water to ice or quirk nullification to ice would both be super op
Mount Lady or Midnight for Natsuo: gigantification + ice = giant ice obv (and ice that knocks people out when it touches them would also be nice)
I feel like he would be actively shopping around UA for someone for todoroki for whenever he "comes to his senses", so I imagine he's just always on campus in this au to everyone's dismay)
Man's gonna wear down the few threads keeping Natsuo from jumping on the patricide train if he keeps this up
1- ok so the divergence of him actually caring about this is Rei's mother immediately coming to the house after hearing her daughter shout and drop the call. Then she doesn't leave. And she brings that wonderfully eugenicsy Himura family values with her. When she sees Touya and Natsuo and Fuyumi ignored, she purses her lips and tells Enji that the Himuras have not been creating stronger quirks for generations for nothing, and they didn't do it by ignoring the middle steps on the way. Enji tries to tell her he's not really interested in further quirk marriages since Shoto was a perfect success, and she looks at the six year old who's ten seconds from biting into his father's ankle and tearing his tendon out, and goes, "oh, of course, that'll work out perfectly for you, why didn't I realize you'd just give up on them like you did my daughter, no no, I won't worry about it if you won't, I need to get started on dinner now," and leaves.
2- "oh great, I think I hate my father second most now." Shoto says and is ignored, but the thought sticks in Enji's head even after a few years when Grandmother Himura returns home after saying Fuyumi can care for the family now. A few more years, when Fuyumi is eighteen, the Himuras make oh-so-subtle comments about if she's seeing anyone, and an aunt offers to make a match for Fuyumi, since poor Rei is still in the hospital and can't, though Enji must have better connections in the hero field, and Fuyumi says she couldn't possibly think about leaving her family alone right now. She thinks she won't have to worry about it but on the car ride back home, Enji asks what sort of man she is looking for- he does have more connections as a hero, and there's sure to be many quirks that would work well with ice, so she can be selective with the personality too. Fuyumi repeats that she couldn't think about that right now, while desperately being glad Natsuo didn't want to come to the Himuras and Shoto skipped out by saying he'd train instead, and Enji nods, deciding Fuyumi is still too young and he can just keep an eye on on matches in the meantime.
3- After that meeting in Vigs when Manual had the deep misfortune to be awkwardly sitting at the table with Endeavor, Enji thinks his quiet temperament might be a good match for sweet Fuyumi, and the quirks line up. Manual, on being asked a few questions, catches on to "being set up" almost as quick as he does "this guy is plotting murder" and awkwardly stammers out that he's gay and really needs to go now. Ingenium looks up to ask "really?", Midnight laughs at how hopeful he sounded, Enji crosses off both Tensei and Masaki from the potential list, and then they get distracted by an attempted bombing.
4- Literally whenever Natsuo is dating someone, Fuyumi talks about it at length in front of Enji, hoping something will sink in and dissuade him from looking, because the day he says something to his middle son about a match is the day Fuyumi never sees one of them again because Natsuo either leaves to not return or puts their father in the ground. Fuyumi's words don't actually sink in because Enji is great at selective listening but she manages to keep Natsuo from being around enough to prevent any discussions about the matches that Enji is consistently failing to set up.
5- once Shoto is at UA, Enji uses that to try to check out the teachers there, because somehow he still hasn't found a match for Fuyumi, but hey she's a teacher so maybe a common interest will work? What do girls like? Do girls like cowboys? (Snipe: I'm gay and also married) Enji gives up after the SF because he's distracted by the joy of Shoto using his fire, and also assumes that since All Might is teaching at the school he's just cursed to find no success there.
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malboraslihan · 8 months
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hello friends <3 it's been a while since i posted a plotting call / interest post so i finally sat down today and wrote (more like assembled) plots / threads ideas i've been wanting to do. if you're interested in any of those LIKE THIS POST and i'll send you a message. just an important observation: we don't need to actually plot out most of these (some require working out details but that's it), if you want to write that plot with me just tell me which one and which muse you're interested and i'll write you a starter! so yeah basically, if you like any of those: * like the post * tell me which plot and which muse you want me to use (or which muse you think would work from your end so i can figure out who to use!) * i'll write you that starter
some need to knows... ig?
please do not worry about "making it fair" or anything like that, most of these plots are for my males and they're actual muses i want to develop so don't feel pressured to only choose one or all that.
on that same note, do not ask for a plot with one my girls just because you want one from my men. i honestly prepfer you pick plots you actually want to do instead of doubling threads and shit like that.
i'm open to plotting! but if we're gonna do it, i'd prefer we do it on discord cause the tumblr ims are always glitching to me and i keep losing tracks of things. so, if you wanna talk about things AND I'D LOVE TO, just lmk and i'll message you / give you my discord as well. (also, if we rp on discord and you wanna write some of these there, i'm obvs open<3)
these plots do not all need to be f/m ! i'm very open to make most of them f/f and while i'm a little more selective with who i write m/m plots, i'm willing to work things out if you have an idea :)
the bianchi reign
you're dating the mob boss / you're his sister / daughter and i'm his second in command but i can't stay away from you and you quickly realize it and we're flirting but if anyone finds out i'm dead
i'm infiltrating your gang to try and destroy it but we started sleeping together and it turns out there's feelings now but i just got an order to murder / kidnap you so now what
we were never close, i always thought you were annoying and now you fucked up big time on a mission and my father who's your boss wants to kill you but i marry you to stop him (insp)
i faked my own death to protect you/stop people from killing me/save our people and now three years later i send you a text asking you to meet me and at first you think it's a joke but then you come anyway and hi i'm alive (for noah!!!)
“we got framed for a crime we didn’t commit so now we’re on the run and having to kill and steal to survive and avoid arrest and now we really are dangerous criminals” au (maybe the crime was actually a fuck up inside the gang so now they're wanted <3) (for lorenzo or hazel)
the hawthorne family
you're dating my brother but he's constantly leaving you alone during events or even family trips to kiss my dad's ass and try to maintain his job so i keep you company until we're both drunk one night and i let it slip that i would love to kiss you
a plot where he’s a little too old for her but she doesn’t care. he thinks she’s immature and too reckless with her behavior. but she’s hellbent on proving him otherwise. so she applies for the position of his new personal assistant and he can’t help but appreciate her determination. of course he hires her but he does nothing short of giving her a hard time because this is her first job and she has no idea what she’s doing. but crap he finds her crying in the bathroom and his first instinct is to hold her and comfort her. he can’t believe he’s the cause of this and wises up fast. also maybe it has to do with his now urge to protect her. (for arthur)
not another rockstar by maisie peters.. just that toxic good old fangirl x stupid rockstar dynamic (for jean/hunter)
“you read one of my thirst tweets on a talk show and now my thirst is a minor internet sensation, so thanks for that” au (for hunter, jean)
‘we had a one night stand a couple of weekends ago and i really didn’t think i’d ever see you again but wow, now i’m sitting in your office interviewing for a job but all i can think about is the incredible s3x we had’ (for adam or arthur)
rich kids
a poly relationship, could someone who is just as rich as them or someone who isn't and they're spoiling the fuck out of them... someone who worked for one of them before or a friend idk (mostly for gigi, hunter and sara) (insp)
since i’m on a sugar baby phase imagine a plot where a college student is absolutely pampered by annoymous guy. all he asks in return is to be remained mysterious, occasion nudes, and all the attention he craves. she’s all too willing to give it for the pretty penny he’s offering. but her birthday comes around and he surprises her with a trip to see her favorite singer / actor with vip access / meet & oh hold a second, how does he know my name ? (for jean or hunter / hae park (nicha yontararak fc) / angel)
someone give me a thread where this rich dude falls for the normal down to earth girl nd introduces her to his world full of private jets nd yachts nd all that stuff and yES PLEASE
we're fighting in different sides of a war and when we meet during a negotiation we find out we're mated
stuck in a mission together and we've always hated each other but then it's freezing cold and we have only one bed in this shitty cabin we're staying for the night so we should cuddle
you are supposed to get married to make peace between our countries/courts but we hate each other and we're constantly bickering and fighting and i think you might have actually tried to kill me once or twice (insp)
harbor springs
a plot based on ‘tis the damn season…. small town, childhood friends, one stayed put and the other moved away for college… now comes back for the holidays ten years later… pls
based on stick season by noah kahan: we were best friend since day one, dated during high school and broke up because you left for college / pursue your dreams and i stayed behind but one day i get a notification from you that you liked a photo or you shared a by pic and i liked and we just go back to talking and we're getting close again until you invite me to spend summer with you wherever you are and i actually been saving up money to leave town so i go and when i see you again i know i'm definitely still in love with you (for videl, keegan, ivy, patrick, angel, rani)
sports themed
(the nationals + tobias + gregory)
based on the trade by ki stephens: the hockey team has a tradition of trading dates during the end of season dinner and i invite you and make my best friend invite your roommate cause i wanna get with her but we actually start getting close and i fall in love with you but at the night of the dinner one of the guy spills everything (for benny or gael)
based on the deal by elle kennedy: i'll pretend i'm your boyfriend if you agree to tutor me and of course we fall in love (for benny, keegan or dane)
based on icebreaker by hannah grace: you hate hockey players and you say that to my face after i make a move on you so now i have to prove you wrong (bonus points if she's a figure skater and he has to help her after her partner bails or smt) (bonus points if they share the same rink so they're always bickering about late practices and shit) (for benny, keegan or gael)
he left his hometown to play professional and ended up breaking up with high school sweetheart because the distance and the busy schedule was just too much but a few years later he's won the superbowl and he's miserable and he meets her at some random party in his new town and wait she's engaged to someone else (for tobias, greg, benny, keegan)
plot where muse a is a star athlete on a professional team, and they go to a bar/pub after a great victory, where they meet muse b - a very attractive, bitter stranger wearing a fan jersey from the rival team.
 a frat boy who’s like every normal frat boy. he drinks too much, he parties, and he sleeps with random girls but everything changes when he’s around the girl from back home. the girl that really matters to him. he doesn’t want to admit that he likes her a lot but, that’s what it comes down to when one of the guys in his frat house wants to hook up with her and she’s perfectly willing. (for benny or keegan)
horror plots
some spooky muses i made <3
muse a and muse b get stranded on a roadtrip and are offered a place to stay by a friendly looking local, only to find out they’re a serial killer looking to make them their next two victims. ( + bonus points if they’re exes who literally just broke up minutes before their car broke down??? the drama )
based on x, we're renting a farm house to film a college project / independent horror film / porn and one of our friends disappears on the first day and then our car disappears and now we don't know what to do cause there's no one around and the nearest stop was a forty minutes car drive away
i made you join a cult with me (recruited you / joined with you / made you join whatever) but now shit is happening and you're miserable and i can't bear to see you like this cause i actually grew too fond of you so i don't know what to do but i keep protecting you a little too much and people are going to realize at some point (for ubon or milo)
popular girl x her best friend.. bonus points if the popular girl has a boyfriend or is constantly hooking up with different people (for ivy, giovana, madeline, rani)
church girl + unholy bf (for rani) and the opposite church boy + unholy gf (for jacob, videl)
lacy by olivia rodrigo: you're dating my ex boyfriend but i'm actually obsessed with you and not really sorry that i lost him. (bonus points if they're in the same friend group) (for giovana, madeline, anastasia, grace, hazal, saja)
i really want a plot based two weeks ago by maisie peters.. the whole vibe of being in love with someone and have it finally happen before they need to get on a plane and go somewhere else? really want to explore the long distance relationship situation with all the jealousy and missed calls, timezones that don’t match (for literally anyone.. but some that i could see this working with are: jacob, videl, benny thompson, gigi, rani, ivy, pinar)
i'm pretty sure my husband/boyfriend is cheating on me so i go out to do the same but i can't just sleep with a random but then i meet you, my long time friend and we end up talking and laughing until i kiss you and we hook up but now i'm trying to work things out with my husband/boyfriend but i can't stop thinking about you (insp) (for anastasia, fatma, grace, nari / arthur, finnley, keegan, tobias)
“your ex hired me to make you fall in love with me then break your heart but oops i think i fell in love and now i’m conflicted what the fuck is happening i’m supposed to hurt you ow what am i sUPPOSED TO DO” (for gigi, gael, theo hughes (kaden h fc))
he fucked up big time but he never forgot about her and was constantly trying to fix their relationship until at some point he gives up and that's when she finally texts back / shows up at his door (for jacob, patrick, videl, arthur / hazal, verda) insp
a nice, shy, nerdy boy who literally no one pays attention to asks the popular, outgoing, ray of sunshine out and she was so confused and didn’t think he meant it at first but she agrees anyway because she doesn’t want him to feel bad because she sees that he really tried so hard to ask her out? and maybe it didn’t work out so well at first but he tries again anyway? it doesn’t work a few times because of her schedule but he’s really sweet so she agrees to another more because it wouldn’t hurt and by the end of the date he works up the courage to ask if he could kiss her and she reluctantly says okay - and completely underestimates him but holy shit that wasn’t a chaste kiss? and before she knows it her clothes are on the floor and he’s fucking her like a whore but she’s so intO IT? (for sebastian aka my luke hemmings fc muse)
accidentally swapped phones with someone at a party and don’t realize until their mom calls in the morning and you spend like three hours talking to this hilarious woman about life and when you go to her house to return her kid’s phone wow the kid is the really good kisser from the party last night au (for maddie, videl, benny, aurora, tobias)
we dated in high school, i wrote a book about you five years later and now you’re at a fan event asking for an autograph.. (for the writer: maddie / for the ex: benny, benny hawthorne, tobias, videl)
“i’ve lost my memory and idk who you are but i just have this feeling that i’m supposed to trust you” (for arthur, videl, jacob)
“i’m in love with you and i just watched you get proposed to by your boyfriend right before my eyes and now i’m upset”  (for jacob, patrick, keegan)
before trilogy inspired: we were the only ones waiting for a train but it was delayed for twelve hours / our next flight connection is not until tomorrow and we just decide to walk around the city and we end up kissing, i like you too much and i don't wanna lose this but it's time to go and we make a pact to come back here next month but we never actually do for different reasons and then 3/5/10 years later we meet again somewhere else.. (for ivy, rani, hunter or saja)
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 7 months
Babe I'm js gonna rant abt the past two days so this might be a bit long
So basically what happened was on Friday my dad pulled me out of school to talk to me and add his number in my phone, and obv I want to see him so I didn't tell mum that he took me out of school.
The next day we call and he wants to know if mum would let me stay at his house, and so I ask.
Doesn't go well.
Basically what happens is mum unlocks my phone and sees my msgs to dad and flips out
She calls me a lying cunt and smashes my phone repetitively on the ground
Tumblr media
It's broken as shit
So we get into a screaming match until she realised that I can and will put scream her, so she takes my laptop and drives away.
To sum it all up I told her that I'm not leaving her room until she calls my dad to come and get me and arrange smth to let me see him.
She calls and I get to stay the night but I didn't have a phone so dad had to get me a wollies phone
He picks me up W his family and we talk more
I'm allowed to get a cat??
And his wife is like letting me buy a binder?? I'm so happy?? They're calling me the right name and pronouns and I js started bawling
I also told them abt Michael and they want to invite him to dinner??
I found out the reason they are being good people is BC both dad and his wife got therapy??
So I get to see my sister next weekend when I stay again, I had a phone call with her and it was basically just us crying into the phone BC we hadn't heard each others voice in 8 months
So I'm happy asf
I thought he would be mad about Michael but since we have been together for a few months and I speak well of him, he's up to meeting him
I'm getting a cat babe.
reading this has given me whiplash and also i’m concerned. are you okay? like, your meds and shit?
(also @mydarlingdearestdead @rythebluealien why he’s not around much today)
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mainprotagonist · 2 months
ok ill bite, tell me about your ocs!
YES PERFECT... IVE GOT MANY!!!! You can see all of them on my toyhouse!!! A lot of them are WIP until I get their basics down but theres a lot of them that have icons so at least you can see what they look like
I do fandom ocs but since these stretch from fandom to fandom i wont go all over them but my Big OCs I talk about the most are Kelsey (one piece oc) or Prince (osomatsu san oc).... and i love oc/canon pairs sooo much and the biggest reason I make fandom ocs.... But look out for me making a dungeon meshi oc bc its def gonna happen.
as for my other ocs, I've currently have uhhh (checks hand) 8 'verses' I talk about which is basically just different worlds with different settings and stories that I jump around with working on.. EXPIER, Danger, OI!, Kingdom, Rampage, Red Wire Burn (RWB), V•RSE and Virus.....
I'll put descriptions in a read more so i dont spam up the dash <:)
EXPIER - newest verse of mine where all the characters are some sort of glee performer, drag performer so on so forth. all based on a very specific emotion and I'll give them playlists for songs that fit them. these guys help connect my love for music and ocs. Story follows the whole cast.
Danger, OI! - My oldest verse that I havent worked on in years and obvs needs overhauling and planning but its about people called animal whisperers who can command demons and free them from having no self control that cause them to attack civilians. Follows main character, Bibion.
Kingdom - A verse I work on with my bff milo most of the time and a lot of it wouldnt be possible without him. A world divided into multiple kingdoms: Astral, Angel, Dragon, Lava, Shadow, Spirit, Glacier, Flora n Fauna, Underdwelling and Reef.... All separated by lands considered neutral territory that many live outside of influence of the rulers. Story focuses on the aftermath of a long running war against the Shadow Kingdom rebelling against the others, which had left them devastated and leaving the rest to start anew to deal with their scars and rebuilding what was lost.
Rampage - Follows a train hopping, nonbinary shapeshifting duo named Fyle and Garrett!! Very casual loose verse I also havent worked on in a bit. They are thieves and pick up jobs that involve petty thievery in order to make ends meet.
Red Wire Burn - Usually abbreviated to RWB. Focuses on a vampire run bar and the entertainer that performs there and is given room and board, Desta who is an introverted magician; loves people but needs a lot of alone time, especially after his performances
Seasons - A family of huldrekalls living and surviving in a group or separated depending on the season. Huge plant motifs as they are tree creatures. They help local farmers with their fields and other tasks plus protecting them. Focuses heavily on Melian; the middle child of the family who catches the attention of a half giant by the name of Rexus (belongs to @not-amh). Lore related is that their names are chosen by their significant other as they are born n found no need for a name. Formerly simply known as Huldrekall until he meets Rexus and is given his name.
V•RSE - second oldest verse and arguably the more developed with almost all the ocs having their profile finished.... Its my fictional fashion industry, queer led and many of the workers are LGBT.... Creating clothes for all shapes and sizes regardless of gender; only separating the genres of clothing by the style and size rather than gender. Focuses a lot on Kåre who is the newest worker and learning the ropes of working at V•RSE
Virus - My lil scifi horror verse... An exploration team is sent to an inhabited planet as a means to research the lands. Jason, the teams head researcher, wakens a long dead alien virus, becoming infected and killing the rest of the crew and turning them into almost unrecognizable monsters; the only way to tell theyre the original crew is because of distinct physical features. A team is sent to rescue them or to find what happened to them.
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hella1975 · 2 years
hey you guys seem to like my atla wips and im currently ignoring my lecture notes on exponential and logarithmic functions so here's another one for you:
i have an au that surrounds an Object - currently it's a necklace bc i think the 'overpowered magical necklace' trope fucks astronomically - that has the power to enhance any bending by tenfold. it's the equivalent of comet-powered bending except you can have it All The Time bc it's a necklace. traditionally, it was handed down through the avatars just bc it's so powerful that in the wrong hands it could become very dangerous (👀) so obvs it goes to the peaceful symbol of balance. it's very draining and most benders can only use it once IN THEIR ENTIRE LIFE because that's how fucking overpowered this necklace is, so it's more of a keepsake that the avatars have. THIS IS WHY AZULON GETS OZAI TO MARRY URSA. her grandfather is roku and since aang wasn't on the scene, the necklace stayed in ursa's family and they were charged with protecting it. azulon then took the necklace for his own gain. he didn't actually use it for years bc it's one of those 'knowing you can only use it once actually just makes you hoard it and never use it at all' things but he became OBSESSED with it and ozai was nervous of confronting him for a very long time but he wants that necklace. eventually, when zuko is 11 (aka the canon timeline for this), ozai makes a deal with ursa. now when i say her family were charged with protecting the necklace, i mean it becomes their whole thing. ursa was raised to believe this necklace came before her own life and it's one of the reasons she stays with ozai, bc she refuses to stray from it. ozai says to her that if she kills azulon and takes the necklace, then ozai will let her hold onto it as long as she remembers that it's HIS. she agrees bc at that point she's just desperate to get it back and she's very worn down by ozai at this point also, so she does as she's told, but instead of going straight to ozai, she hesitates, and goes to zuko instead. she gives HIM the necklace, tells him she's sorry, tells him to run. he doesnt understand what's going on but ursa is a mess (she's pretty hysterical and not making sound decisions hence her going 'hey im gonna give the most powerful object in the world to my eleven-year-old child who very easily could have stayed out of this') and eventually zuko runs with the necklace. to buy him some time, ursa confronts ozai and says that she's destroyed the necklace and thrown the remains in the fire. ozai is enraged and kills ursa. zuko sees this all happen and realise just how much danger he's in, and leaves.
he's 11 with absolutely nothing to keep him alive aside a hastily packed dagger and some money that he immediately has to spend on buying clothes that aren't immediately recognisable as imperial fire nation clothing. he goes to the earth kingdom, hungry and desperate and scared, and notices a stall selling food. he goes to steal, but he meets another boy trying to steal at the same time and they almost get caught. the other boy is very much 'fuck you i was here first this is MY town i know all the hot digs when it comes to stealing' and zuko's like 'my brother in christ NO ONE ASKED'. they're the same age and they're both angry, and they HATE each other at first. the other boy can tell zuko is fire nation and tries to kill him, but zuko already has quite a bit of training under his belt so it's not a fair fight. they both leave bruised and with their tail between their legs, but it starts a rivalry because they both keep coming to the same food stall. in the end, an unlikely friendship starts when zuko extends an olive branch by stealing from the stall and giving half of what he stole to the boy. they're both way too hungry to refuse. there's a comradery to it. it's a VERY slow-to-build friendship bc the other boy is soooo against being friends with a fire nationer, but zuko is still just so scared and alone and he just lost EVERYTHING and watched his mother die at his father's hands, so he's stubborn with it and keeps persisting in his growly, abrasive way. in the end, the other boy caves, and they start to talk. zuko finds out his name is jet, and that he very recently just lost his family to firebenders (it's very brutal bc while i dont think jet NEEDS a tragic backstory to hate firebenders so much i also think he must have seen something really awful to make him as extreme as he is). zuko is honest with jet and tells him he got kicked out of the fire nation, that his dad was a dick and killed his mum, and jet is like 'oh you're a victim of the fire nation too'. it takes a little longer for zuko to reveal exactly who he is, and jet is naturally furious and betrayed. they fight (like PROPERLY) and dont speak for a long time bc jet actually kicks zuko out of town and zuko's like 'fair enough' and goes, but at that point they're already kinda reliant on each other bc they're literally CHILDREN who witnessed horrific trauma and have no one else in the entire world, so jet comes after zuko. in this au, jet isn't as much of a jerk and he would never hurt normal civilians, and that's zuko's influence on him and what he learnt from this firebender who's actually good, but on the other end of that, jet's influence on zuko in this au is that zuko is a lot more brutal and sarky. he's kind of a bitch actually <3. jet teaches him how to steal. zuko teaches him how to fight. they become SUPER fucking close and start the freedom fighters together. it's very much steddie parenting the kids in stranger things like they're literally like an old married couple together (bc jet and zuko's friendship is based around just pure insulting each other) and act very much as the Adults despite only being teenagers at this point.
by the time canon catches up with us and the gaang arrive, jet knows all about zuko, from his royalty to his bending to the necklace. he's sworn to protect him. now, in this au the gaang actually catch wind of this necklace, and monk gyatsu spent a lot of time teaching aang about it bc he was meant to be the next inheritor of it. aang is VERY aware of how powerful it is and almost everyone knows the story now of how the lost fire nation prince stole it from his grandfather in the night, killing his mother when she caught him, powerhungry and cruel. sokka and katara are both very much WE CANT LET THIS NECKLACE STAY IN THE HANDS OF SOME CRAZY FIRE NATION PRINCE WTF WE HAVE TO FIND HIM so that's actually part of their whole mission. cut to them meeting the freedom fighters. sokka and zuko IMMEDIATELY hit it off bc what is an atla wip without zukka, and sokka's actually having a whale of a time bc he's finally with guys his age and zuko teaches him swordfighting and jet isn't murderous in this so things are actually Good, but then one day when zukka are sparring, zuko's living it up in some slutty low cut top and sokka SEES THE NECKLACE (bc zuko never takes it off, this is relevant). now normally it wouldnt be a big deal but sokka's a genius AND very cynical AND already hunting this necklace down, so he starts questioning when zuko left home - bc he's clearly fire nation - and all that and realises the timeline is exactly right. there's a whole betrayal there and zukka argue AND THEN THE GAANG TAKE ZUKO PRISONER EXCEPT IT'S A REALLY ODD SITUATION BC THE FREEDOM FIGHTERS ARE READY TO GO TO WAR FOR HIM RN AND THE GAANG ARE READY FOR A FIGHT BUT ZUKO KNOWS THAT THE AVATAR IS SUPPOSED TO HAVE THE NECKLACE ANYWAY AND HE'S ALSO KNOWN FOR A LONG TIME THAT HE CANT RUN FROM THIS FOREVER, SO HE JUST STOPS EVERYONE FROM SCRAPPING LIKE 'IT'S OKAY I'LL GO'. so he's a prisoner but he's also?? willing?? basically everyone thinks he's a prisoner except zuko who knows he could leave at any time if he put his mind to it. jet is reluctant bc those two have the STRANGEST relationship like they are more than besties it's not romantic but it's very much 'we have silent conversations based purely on the twitch of your eye or a nod of your head we are telepathic at this point' and they've not been separated since they were kids and had that fight, but it's for the good of the world so it happens.
so there we go! we get zuko travelling with the gaang from jet's episode onwards! except he's a 'prisoner' and zukka already have a pre-existing relationship before zuko became their prisoner so it's SUPER awkward for them and also because zuko has worn this necklace non-stop for five years his bending is now FUCKED (rainbow fire but also zuko is insanely powerful with very poor control) and it's just a whole canon rewrite on all that basis /\/\ it's so fun <3
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hiveswap · 8 months
Ok sorry to do this again despite admitting I don't know shit the first time (I'm the "isn't it both" anon) but I had some more thoughts.
So, even tho being ex eastern bloc is defo relevant for certain analyses of current situations, I don't think it should play too hard into tryna determine whether a country you aren't from can be considered eastern Europe (tho i think it's valid to bring into it if it's about your own country probably? I am not a politically versed person) and one of the reasons I say this is that my mum is from Saxony which was part of the GDR.
The family had been preparing to leave for years and eventually did so a few months before reunification (kinda hilarious tbh) and I myself grew up in (former) western germany (tho i was born years after reuni anyway) so I never lived in the GDR or even in any former GDR states myself but my mother has always shared a lot of stories but that's besides the point.
And like... nobody is calling the ex GDR states (let alone germany as a whole) eastern Europe. There's even ppl who consider us western Europe (I think we're pretty firmly central but tbh western vs central as a distinction isn't as important (bc I do know central vs eastern carries a lot more weight n stuff) so I don't really care) despite part of our country having been eastern bloc. So when people (specifically non ex eastern bloc folks, you're obviously fine) use it as an argument it feels hypocritical.
And obviously ex GDR states had the support of other german states so it was much easier for them to recover but imo the modern day economics are way closer to helping determine whether a country is eastern Europe? Not geographically obvs but in my mind (feel free to correct me) eastern european is kinda like asian in that it shouldn't be an important distinction going by geography but in terms of politics and dynamics and stuff it very much is and it matters.
Like, eastern europeans, at least within Europe, dunno how true it is elsewhere, are kinda oppressed? Like, if I meet a western european (esp an english person) they're prolly not gonna be xenophobic to me when I tell them where I'm from but if I was like Belarusian or something, they might. And then there's the economic stuff and also like social progression.
I've heard a lot about eg LGBT rights in Hungary and stuff like that and no shade or anything ofc, especially to the LGBT ppl living there such as (i think?) yourself and the other Hungarians I follow, but it does feel a lot less progressive.
Things aren't perfect here either or anything but they're getting better, we've had marriage equality for same sex couples (not (all) nb or intersex ppl tho) for over half a decade, forced trans sterilisation was declared unconstitutional 12 years ago and we're finally getting that self-determination bill put into place next year and then I can get that d. D stands for diverse in this case, it's our third legal gender (tho we also have "none", none gender can't get married)
Meanwhile transitioning in Hungary was outlawed three years ago and there's plenty of other countries where it's still a struggle and all in all it just feels kinda... distinct? Like how scandinavian (or nordic in general) countries feel like they're on a different economic and societal level from us(excl), the latter especially in regards to sexism, education and incarceration but also other stuff.
Obvs there's always so many factors but it's always felt to me like they were, forgive me for simplifying, the "higher" tier of europeans in at least those areas compared to my life in central Europe. Grass is always greener somewhere I guess. But I'm gonna get back on track.
So even tho geographically it's hard to argue that Hungary isn't central Europe, I think it might be politically. And it's not the only country that feels like this to me, like eg Romania is geographically southeast but politically I personally view it as firmly eastern tho obvs I'm no authority.
Anyway, sorry this got so long lmao I have not been awake for long yet and my brain's a little squished lol. Hope this wasn't a completely useless read, sorry if it was. Keep on keeping on 👍
Oh hi i got scared for a sec when i saw that i got a whole block of text. I'm not really up to politics talk rn, but what you're saying makes a lot of sense to me!! Though i havent seen anyone consider romania central before, i've always thought of the border between us as the edge of central europe. Probably because of the timezone difference ngl
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humanchara-cter · 2 years
Mandatory intro post
My memories will be below the cut if anyone remembers something similar or the same I’d love to talk
My name is Chara, but I go by Gold when in public servers and when talking with/around other Charas as it feels selfish to keep the name lmao.
I’ve been told I’m not very talkative and a little dry until we get into a conversation and I’m really bad at starting those I’m sorry
Anti endos can fuck right off <3 :) we’re traumagenic but we don’t see how telling people how to live their life and obsessing over that is at all healthy.
Also if you use anything other than they/them for me or Frisk fuck off (Fictives if you use something else your fine but singlets and people who arent undertale Fictives of chara or frisk I’m going to bite you.
Also a fair warning is that I had (have? I dunno) a huge crush on Frisk, I look up to them a lot. I might rb charisk art lmao
Also I am now 19, and the body is an adult. Okay now onto memories; tw for suicidal behavior in my past and death obv lmao
But so like, I was a part of a small farming village, heavily religious, all that jazz. It was like a fucking cult it was horrible. Not to mention my parents just Sucked majorly. The only thing I really liked there was this fountain that was in the middle of the town, it had these flowers around it, buttercups, they’ve always been my favorite. Very painful to ingest so don’t try that.
But at the flowers I met this other kid who didn’t seem to believe in the bullshit the other villagers were on either, and we became friends. But then she disappeared, I have no idea what happened to her no one would tell me shit.
I was also born with red eyes, which came out of fucking no where, neither of my parents had them and everyone thought I was cursed or some sort of test from whatever the fuck they worshiped. I have no idea I was like eight okay?
But I got bullied, a lot because of it. And eventually I went to the mountain that was filled with “freaks” (monsters) because if I didn’t die from jumping then at least I’d get to meet other beings who were outcasted by society. Lucky me I got taken in as Asriels little sibling, which was probably one of the only things that saved me.
People think I was shitty to him?? For some reason?? Like damn he’s the second being to show me kindness and be accepting of the person I was? I wasn’t going to make him sad or upset if there was another way.
But then I heard about how my adoptive family and all the other monsters wanted to get back to the surface and to live in peace, and I didn’t believe it was gonna work, but I didn’t wanna leave them without happiness. And so I tried to get enough souls to break the barrier, and asriel helped. I wasn’t even gonna involve him but he wanted to help.
Yeah it didn’t work out as planned, I got burried where asriel first found me (it was where we hung out the most) and I was pretty much a ghost hanging around and following any humans who fell below, and had to watch my family get torn apart and everything change. And then Frisk happened… and Frisk fixed everything, even if it wasn’t the same they succeeded where I failed. And I helped them because they’d talk to me, and then they gave me half their soul after working out the ideas of how to give me a body to inhabit and a way to stay on the physical plane with alphys behind everyone’s back so it could be a surprise for them, and we also got asriel as well,even if he did struggle with sorting out how he wanted to approach everything as both asriel and flowey. It was nice, and I know it’s weird but I had such a huge crush on Frisk because they were everything I wasn’t and they were so confident when talking to others when ID have panic attacks about even going outside hfjdjd
Though outside of political meetings Frisk often wouldn’t talk to anyone but their close ones (mostly me and Asriel) and we’d translate for them.
I always get angry with how people call me evil or a bad person because, I was just a child! It’s all because asriel says “chara… wasn’t the greatest person” Which like, yeah I fucked up a lot, I was clingy to Asriel and he got almost no alone time because he was my “safe person” and I was mentally I’ll and traumatized and often flipped on a switch on him, but he also loved me as a sibling, I wasn’t the greatest person and I’m still not, but I’m an okay person, and I’m trying my best. And I know Asriel didn’t mean it like that.
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liloinkoink · 3 years
I'm pretty sure the reason I binge read Weapon Reforged was you. For that I shall be grateful, what a good read but also ASKDHAKAHA :^(
my boy Techno had a bad time lol
(if you weren't the blog crying over Weapon Reforged yesterday this is going to get really awkward)
Anyhow. Do you have any long fic recs? Not necessarily complete, at least over 30k and perhaps Techno-centric?
I WAS THE ONE CRYING OVER WEAPON REFORGED THE OTHER DAY YES (link if anyone wants it, its very good)
oh i absolutely have fic recs. i find that it is... exceeding difficult to find well-written and long fic in dsmp fandom--WAY MORE than it was in, say, tma fandom, which is where i was before this. granted, my standards are also stupid high, which might be part of the problem. but im nothing if not tenacious, so i have some fic i find up to snuff enough to recommend. to you i present these things
1. my favorite is Visage by third_crow (133k words). ill recommend this to anyone who will listen and also anyone who will not. more ranboo centric, but its phil and techno find ranboo and, despite the fact theres obvs smth off abt him (the offputting and near-possessed state they found him in, his missing memories, and the fact they can't tell what kind of mob he's meant to be, to name a few), they decide to take him in. the mystery of this fic is really fun--a cool way to examine what having a server cut off from the end would do to their culture. also a neat adaption of ranboo's lore when the entire rest of the cast minus boreal trio, dream, and a few others ill leave as a surprise Simply Arent There. i also ADORE their techno characterization, and they have fantastic worldbuilding/mystery unveiling/cliffhanger abuse. i could talk abt this fic for hours. i love it
2. i read and posted about this one earlier today! the extradition by onelituli (103k words). its more dream centric, but its techno breaks dream out of prison and the two of them flee to hypixel skyblock. its just dream and techno becoming Real Friends while dream gets his shit together and heals/grows. the banter and dialogue is really nice and i had a good time reading it
3. angel, arson, blade, and void by thatbllladie (85k words). this one is more ranboo centric, but tis abt his involement in the syndicate, so techno plays a major role. its a hero au (...antihero au? the syndicate is just as legally iffy as they are in the dsmp). i really like what they did with techno in this fic, like, the bit w his powers was super clever and im so enamored with it
4. guitar strings and keyrings are what it takes to build a home by anonymous (63k words). techno pov foster au. he's been w phil for a while, and they deicde to take in tommy and wilbur, much to techno's chagrin. while i did almost close out of this fic midway thru do their choice to make techno a foil fencer (i simply think epee techno real), i Really enjoyed this and i thought it was a lot of fun.
5. actually speaking of sbi family dynamic, change fate by being aggressively kind by sircantus (91k words) was fun. i get the impression this is a popular author so you might know this one already? but its phil learns about a prophecy abt three kids who will one day end the world and decides to adopt all three of them. just sparks joy. (i also quite liked this author's stay underneath my wing (61k words), a zombie apoc sbi au, but not as much)
6. leave me your starlight by findingkairos (50k). its been a little bit since i read this one, but i remember its emerald duo, phil pov but techno centric. the plot's essentially phil meeting a young techno as a lonely teenage warrior, going "is anyone gonna befriend that" and not waiting for an answer. i really enjoyed the writing style, and also im learning im a sucker for any fic where techno is amking a friend and everyone techno knows pulls that friend aside to say "yknow techno? he acts scary and tough but hes actually very sweet. and if you hurt him we'll destroy you." also the adaption of stuff like tournaments and hypixel and the antarctic empire and phil's hardcore world was all really neat. this fic also comes in a series of mostly unrelated other pieces called to you i gift the end of things. i havent read all of them, but i really enjoyed the ones i did. special shoutout to these three fics from that series:
a. Home, a oneshot about techno making a single player world and having peace (think retirement but it simply does not end)
b. oh dear, can you see me?, a very long fic (63k) abt kidza being used as a weapon and techno helping him heal. very heavy
c. the lilting dance of binary stars, a oneshot where every time techno or phil die, theyre reincarnated into kids. phil dies while techno is in retirement, and techno takes him in.
iiii think thats enough for now? a quick run on the calculator app tells me this is about 661k words, so, thsi should last you like. idk. a week? at least
also. anon. im grabbing your shoulders now. if you have any good, well written, long, techno-centric fic(s), i should hope you will return the favor and send me some. the pact is forged now.
feel free to come find me over message or send me more asks if you have fic recs or want to yell at me abt weapon reforged and/or any of these fics here. happy readin my friend
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dr-fumbles-mcstupid · 4 years
Happy pride month everyone! A friendly reminder that I identify as asexual aromantic. There is a lot of bullshit discourse in the Lgbtqia community about a lot of things. One of those things is that Aro & Ace people don't belong, they aren't discriminated against. Or they aren't "actually queer."
Fun fact #1. I first heard the term asexual as a 22 year old. I found it through a fanfic online, it was so underrepresented I didn't know it was a thing. No form of published media had ever told me about it, no person I knew had ever used the word. To this day
in popular media, off the top of my head I can think of 3 asexual characters, only one of which identifies as aromantic. Jughead from Archie comics (but not in Riverdale, because aro/ace isn't part of LGBTQ+ so it isn't erasure right?), Todd from BoJack Horseman, and apparently there was an ace character in the SYFY channel series lost girl.
Fun fact #2, I went on a few dates with a guy at the age of 20, it didn't go any further. He apparently told people I slept with him. I found out my older sister was close friends with a mutual friend of his, and when Briana (my sister) spoke up to that friend and said that was 100% a lie because she knew I did not (we didn't talk about a lot of sex things, but I think she had an inkling about me being ace even then), her close friend said that I had obviously lied to mysister becuase no one got to the age of 20 without having sex.
Fun fact #3, our whole society is really based upon the ideas of cohabitation and romance in particular. Almost all forms of media portray romance, and it often shows that a person isn't happy, or that their life hasn't really started until they find their perfect romantic partner. Leaving out how toxic that is to people romantically inclined (the need to constantly be with a partner, making it seem like you need to find 'the one', bad portrayals of what a relationship should actually be) it is incredibly disheartening to an aro person, and it makes it much much harder for non aro people to relate to, or even comprehend aro people.
Fun fact # 3b, a number of years ago a close friend of mine started a new relationship and had been in the "puppy love" phase where They dropped everyone but their Significant other for almost 7 month. I asked Facebook what the normal timeline for 'puppy love' or what they thought it should be was. Almost 99% of people said that when they met their significant other, or when they got married they dropped Almost all of their non familial aquentences including friends. People argued that this was normal and expected. They believe that once they found their romantic love that no other relationships were needed
Fun fact #4, I don't identify as sex repulsed, talking about sex or even engaging in sex with others, doesn't disgust or trigger me. Despite this people often treat me as ignorant of sex, and sexual urges, Sex Ed in general, and even if I was, like so what? Where this gets worse, is there is a perception that I am inoocent, or infantile becuase I haven't had the experience of sex, or have no desire to. This goes to relationships as well. I did have one serious relationship, and I dated people casually as well. Even if I didn't I am a smart person, romantic relationships are built on the foundation of compatability, honest open conversation, and friendship. I know this Even though I don't want a romantic partner. 😱 I still like movies and books with romance in them!!! 😱 I understand the concept of romance!!! 😱 You don't have to treat me like an idiot, or think I can't have advice for you/somone who is in a relationship!
Fun fact #5, I experience multiple micro aggressions every day, even from friends and family members. Every time I go to a new therapist I will mention being asexual, and their response will be "well that is probably because of your medication." I know some medications can erase your libido, but I have been on over 20 different medications over a period of 15 years. I still have a libido (sexual desire does not = sexual attraction, look up sex favorable and sex repulsed asexuals). I will explain this to them and yet every therapist I have ever had has still tried to persuade me that I was wrong about this.
People in my life will make jokes about me going on dates or meeting the mother of a friend becuase you know, I'm obvs gonna fall in love! People can't be friends, and "I don't think aromanticism is a thing." On the other side of the spectrum I have a few friends who say they support me, but then whenever I say "Chris Hemsworth is so attractive" or "She-Hulk is Bae, 10/10" , they automatically use it as ammo for discourse on why "maybe you are confused?". Being able to tell that someone is aesthitcally pleasing does not = sexual attraction. Even aro and ace people talk in this manner a lot becuase of fandom and online discourse, and how people Interact in general.
And finally, if I was wrong and I am just confused and not "really aromantic or asexual becuase it is just a mental or physical disease" (it's not) how does this hurt me or you? I am happy without sex or a romantic partner, I would be fine living the rest of my life without it, friends are enough! (although a queer platonic partner would be 👌👌👌). Even if I was misinformed and misguided (I am not), It isn't hurting anyone.
TLDR, #Aromantic and #Asexual people are #LGBTQIA, we are discriminated against, and it is a valid identity. The more you know #Pride2019
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seancekitsch · 4 years
Ebb & Flow
part 2 for Heat. diego x reader
warnings: angst, hints of diego’s self loathing, low key set in the prize buck universe but obvs not the same reader character, drinking, oblivious idiot love birds, unprotected pre-marital missionary, edgar allen poe reference, corny ass shit
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Four days pass, and every day he debates trying to reach out to you. He wakes up in a cold bed that feels empty without you. But he doesn’t; because you made it very clear you did not want to sleep with Diego Hargreeves specifically. He decides to try to go back to what his life was like before you fell into it. Before he fell for you. He tries to pretend that hair pin (which he’s now tucked away into a drawer) isn’t literally haunting and taunting him every second he’s in his boiler room bedroom. It’s hard for him to sleep or function with it in the room with him, like it screams it’s presence as a trace of you. The hair pin is a tell-tale heart of all of Diego’s misguided feelings and how he so severely misread the situation between the two of you. The hair pin is the constant thrumming of his mind telling him over and over that of course you’d never feel the same way as he does. You were a therapist, he was a gym janitor. Of course you’d tire of slumming it with a man that regularly plays crime fighter at night. Diego is constantly reminded of you even without seeing the hair pin because he just knows where he put it. And that address. That damn address carefully written in blue pen on the back of one of your business cards. Would it be wrong of him to still look into the warehouse? You had to have left it for him on purpose, you had to have taken it out of your bag and left it there purposely on the bed; there was no way it could have fallen out of the bag that was on his table and onto the middle of his bed as you were leaving. Diego tries to bury his thoughts of you in vigilante work, tries to stay out late. He succeeds and returns just before the gym opens in the morning. When he finally gets back to his boiler room, Al offhandedly mentions that a woman had inquired about his whereabouts. Part of Diego desperately hopes and wishes it’s you, but he doesn’t do anything about it. You probably don’t actually want to see him. Or it's one of his sisters. Probably just Allison or Vanya. Family stuff. Maybe they had another dad die or something. 
Twelve days later, he finally works up the courage to call the owner of the warehouse to ask about pricing and zoning if he wanted to start his own gym there. He had enough in savings that he could have moved out of his current situation and into a studio like Klaus had, but he wanted to put as much money together for his own gym before he thought of himself. He could sleep peacefully alone on a cot in a gym that he happened to own. The current owner remarks that he had heard Diego would be calling, and says he likes the idea of a gym going into the space there. He thanks the man, and they strike a deal, talk about a title and deed change to be drafted and signed for the beginning of the next month. Diego unofficially owns his own gym now. Normally he would be calling you to celebrate, but instead he dials and hopes the landline at Klaus’ apartment is still connected. Klaus’ partner answers and congratulates Diego, and invites him out to the bar with them this weekend. Diego’s voice declines before his mind can stop himself. Maybe because he didn't want to celebrate with anyone but you. 
It’s fifteen days later, Friday, when Diego regrets not going to the bar with Klaus and his partner. It's Diego, a six pack, and that damn hair pin having what looked more like a pity party than a celebration of a major life event. But maybe that's not the worst thing, now he can focus himself for the job ahead, get a good night's sleep. Well, he would have gotten a good night's sleep, if there weren't suddenly shouting coming from the hallway outside his door. 
“Klaus, I don't want to be here!”
That was clearly, unmistakably your voice. You were outside his door and vehemently expressing that you wanted nothing to do with this place. What were you doing with his brother? Oh, right. Friday night at the bar. He was supposed to have been there too, but he bailed. 
“Well it was either this or you officially become part of my harem for the night”
“I have a home, thank you very much! I could go to it”
“But you left your car at the club, and you live across the city. You’re safe here, even if you are afraid of my brother now.”
Afraid. Afraid. Your opinion of him had gone from disgust to fear. He presses his ear now to the door and can only hear one set of retreating footsteps. Someone is leaving, and if hes right, its Klaus. 
Then he hears,
“FUCK,” a frustrated half-groan, half-scream. He has to admit to himself, even hearing how unhappy you seemed, he missed hearing your voice. He missed you. And you were outside his door right now in the middle of the night. Fuck it, he thought, I’m not missing my chance. 
When Diego opens the door, he sees you sitting on the ground, tight jean clad legs spread and chunky high heeled boot toes pointed outwards. He always loved those shoes on you. When his eyes meet your face, there’s an indignant pout on your lips, but your eyes are apologetic. 
“How much of that did you hear?”
“Enough. C’mon, I’m not leaving you in the hallway.” He opens the door a little wider, enough that he could usher you in, but you don't budge.
“Y’know, i’m not even drunk it's just my-”
“-your rule, yeah, I remember,” You had this rule that no matter what, you wouldn't get behind the wheel if you'd had more than one beer or even one drink stronger than a beer. Always best to err on the side of caution, you’d said. Better to not get pulled over at the very least or kill anyone else at the very worst, and you could handle being inconvenienced if it meant safety. But the fact of the matter is that it's the dead of winter and you live across town. You actually live in pretty close proximity to his new gym. 
“Come in, you can take my bed, I’ll sleep on the couch in Al’s office. It’s two am and you are not walking home looking like that. I’ll stay away from you,” He's trying his best to sound comforting and respectful, but it hurts. It hurts to be inviting you in and knowing you want nothing to do with him. 
“You don't have to-” you pause, as if trying to find the right words, “I’m not gonna put you out like that”
Diego nods, and turns back inside the boiler room, holding the door open, and you catch it, following him. It's just like old times, except it isn't. 
“Here, I've got a shirt and some pants you can sleep in,” Diego’s rifling through his drawers as he talks, worried he’ll look at you too long and seem as desperate as he is. He manages to throw a clean tee and a pair of jogger sweatpants on the bed, two of the only clean items he has currently because tomorrow is laundry day. Diego turns completely around to avoid looking at you while he can hear you changing, something he never would have done before, but there are boundaries now. He can imagine exactly what you look like right now, beautiful as ever and tired, changing into his clothes, just as it had happened dozens of times before. Only before he would have watched in awe and then grabbed you all to himself. 
“You can turn around now, nothing you haven't seen before,” your voice is soft, you don't sound annoyed anymore and he can’t help but feel a twinge of hope at that. 
When he turns around, he sees you've neglected the pants all together. Your bare legs end where the hem of his shirt meets the tops of your thighs and - why the fuck would you tell him to turn around with you dressed like this?
You gesture to his bed, and he sits on it, but you don't. You stay standing, looking more apprehensive and nervous by the second. 
“K-klaus said you're afraid of me now?” Stupid thing to say. Diego’s tired. His insecurities are showing. You're the last person he would want to be afraid of him.
Your face crumbles into something unreadable, but what he would guess is pity or guilt. Which are maybe worse than fear and disgust by his standards. He lets his head drop, suddenly finding his draped hands between his legs to be extremely interesting. 
You shift from one foot to another, unsure of how to answer, but then it comes to you. 
You place yourself in his line of vision, not allowing him to look away as you kneel down on your knees between his own. The sight alone is more than Diego can bear.
“No, no I'm not. I'm sorry you heard that and he said that. Look, I wanted to talk to you, not like this, not right now. I came by last week but you weren't here.” So it was you that had come around. Not his sisters like he had convinced himself. You wanted to talk to him. 
“I wanted to apologize. I-I shouldn't have left like that. I need to explain to you why I left.” He nods, and lets you continue. “I crossed a line. I was wrong. Our arrangement, I know it was like a no strings attached thing, but I started to have strings! I have so many strings. I broke our agreement, it wasn't casual for me. I broke your trust. I had to leave. I couldn't do that to you.”
Strings. You had strings, attached. To him of all people. You broke the rules. So did he. He searches your face, as if there's something to read on your features, and feels your hands slide into his own. 
“I-I-I’m sh-shitty at t-tying knots.” Diego what the fuck was that? He was more nervous than he thought. But you break into a watery grin, understanding the meaning in his words. You nod, and reply,
“I can teach you, if you've got strings to spare.” That was extremely sappy, and he loved it. He had so many strings to spare. He loved you. And he could show it now.
He tugs on your hands to pull them up to his shoulders, and you lean up into it, lips coming together as his hands wrap around your back to hold you tight. He easily lifts you up until he can gather you in his lap and keeps kissing you, over and over and over until you're dizzy. He holds you tightly, not unlike the last time you were in his bed, but this time his hands roam and grasp and touch, exploring you like it's the first time you're doing this. In a way, it is. It's the first time you're doing this so vulnerable and open with one another. You don't have to hide the smile that forms against his lips, you don't have to feel shame in the way that your lips chase after his own when he tries to pull away. You are taking from each other as much as you are giving, and for once you are giving everything.
His hands slide from your back, to the hem of his shirt, to your ass under the shirt. Diego is, at heart, an ass man you remember. He squeezes one cheek, then slaps it. Not hard, just enough to feel the slight jiggle at the contact. He chuckles against your mouth and then continues south, still kneading his hands into the flesh of your ass as his kisses meet the hem of his shirt at the other side, at your neck. You kiss his cheek, his nose, the scar that connects from behind his ear to his eye. Diego takes the time to lick the base of your neck, making you shudder and moan into it before he flips the both of you, surprising you when your back hits the blankets below. Looking up at him, his eyes are full of lust and admiration. 
“You look beautiful in my shirt, baby,” he whispers.
“And you are wearing entirely too much, dear” you reply.
He groans, and it turns into a chuckle as he whips his shirt off his torso, revealing his broad, scarred chest to you, which your hands immediately reach for to pull him back down onto you. He makes no move to remove the shirt covering you, but you think this might be doing something for him. Instead, his hands roam under the shirt again, and tease at the hem of your underwear. They aren't a particularly sexy pair, because the last thing you expected to happen tonight is this. It doesn't matter to Diego, who just pulls them down as far as his arm can reach, letting you kick them the rest of the way off as he fumbles with pulling his sweatpants down. There isn't the usual teasing game tonight, no. You'd spent too much time apart, you are full to the brim with love that even a little teasing would have the two of you spilling and in pain. This is fuck-or-die with no real consequences but your own impatience and need for each other. 
Diego wastes no time gently spreading your legs with a smooth slowness you didn't know he possessed before easing inside of you. You gasp, close your eyes, and breathe, taking a moment to remember this. This is what it felt like to make love. Another first for both of you. His pace, when he finally begins moving, is slow and steady, he's in no rush now that he has you. He’s quieter than usual, opting to just kiss you until he's sure you can read his mind and just understand what he's thinking. You rock peacefully, like a boat on the ocean, cresting waves within you mounting, exhaling with low moans he's never heard from you before. You never thought slow and careful would bring you to climax, but here you are feeling it steadily build and build. Waves now beginning to crash instead of ebb and flow, Diego’s only warning being your moans beginning to rise an octave. The release hits you in an all encompassing mighty tidal wave, leaving you shaking in his arms, holding onto him tightly like a lighthouse to the shore. This was not a white hot explosion, this was the tides coming home. As you subside, you almost feel ashamed at how quickly you came for him, but Diego is close behind you, your body pulling him to shore after you. He comes with a tight, close-lipped hum of a moan pressed against the side of your neck, and stills above you. His body cages yours to the bed, a willing prisoner of whatever Diego Hargreeves had in store for you. Whatever happened next for him, you were along for the voyage.
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hottie0 · 3 years
k so i had an idea for a chameron ao3 series of all the fics being conan gray songs but i got lazy and only wrote 1.5 stories for it so because i’m not acc gonna do it imma share the ideas i had cuz someone might find them useful so (btw these will be copied directly from notes the first time i wrote them, they can also be used for other ships if u want but i made them for chameron):
grow: a year after hs cam and charlie run into eachother in vermont and then u see a bunch of flashbacks of old nights and things at welton. they exchange numbers at the end or smth. (i did this one)
idle town: charlie can’t sleep at his new school. he reminisces and whatever. a little more focused on cam. he looks over at the other side of the room but cam isn’t there anymore. instead it’s his new roommate who he doesn’t even know the last name of. end it somehow.
generation why: pre-canon cam and charlie just talking on the roof. banter. romantics ensue on cams behalf. charlie doesn’t feel the same way. that’s why charlie treats him the way he does.
crush culture: charlie pining after cam. a bunch of little things cam does to push charlie over the edge. charlie talks to neil and neil says cam likes him too. he doesn’t. charlie kisses cam one night while studying and cam rejects him and they argue. this is the night of neils death. that’s why cam didn’t find out through charlie and everything hurt a little bit more than it should’ve.
greek god: cameron’s being made fun of all the time by charlie and he knows charlie likes him and idk tbh this one got deleted and idk what i had written
lookalike: pre-neils death cam and charlie dated in their time at welton then broke up which caused tension going into senior year. the dead poets knew. when the dps started charlie got a gf and wouldn’t stop talking about her. her name was elaine. he brought her to a meeting and she looks just like cam. damn.
the other side: falling out of love. the process.
the king: cameron accidentally reads a poem charlie had written for/about him. he stresses all day and acts weird. everyone else is like ??? at night cam decides f it and confronts him. it ends cute
comfort crowd: night time. tomorrow morning charlie was meant to leave welton so all his stuff was packed up. hed already punched cam so it was tense. to say the least. cam randomly gets up out of bed and charlie is like wtf?? cam fuddles around then he’s like “u coming” they go to the cave and have a meaningful talk and if they end up cuddling then that’s their business
wish you were sober: charlie and cameron get drunk in their dorm. cam can’t hold his alcohol well so he gets wayy more drunk. he tells charlie some personal shit. some of which includes the fact that he used to have feelings for charlie. charlie has feelings for cam. he’s sad and sends cam to bed.
maniac: short one. they’re at the same bar a few years later. not with eachother but cam knows charlie’s there. charlie is talking shit abt cam and calling him weird and blah blah. but just that night, charlie had called cam desperate after years. cam thinks abt everything. he gets up and leaves but doesn’t leave w/o saying a big ol’ f u to charlie. this ones so mean to charlie. sucks. anyways.
online love): they’re doing long distance because charlie got expelled. they break up over the phone. aw. make it depressing. maybe by them being interrupted before rly saying goodbye and shii.
checkmate: they’re playing chess idk i couldn’t think of anything better. just cute and fluffy cuz i say so.
the cut that always bleeds: cameron is in a problematic relationship w a girl he met at uni. they just went through one of their fight episodes. cam went back to his room but he needed company. he decides to go to charlie’s dorm for comfort. but they haven’t spoke since that evening years ago. charlie says “i thought i’d never see you again” yadda yadda cam tells charlie everything and they just hold eachother. the gf is like “plz take me back” so cam does and he never sees charlie ever again. cry abt it.
fight or flight: charlie has a gf but little does he know she’s cheating on him. he ends up catching her with her side piece in their apartment. it’s cameron. there’s a whole wtf moment and the gf is like “u two know eachother???”. cams like “i swear i didn’t know” the girl leaves but cam stays. they argue or whatever or just talk not sure yet. then they kiss and charlie says something dumb and it ends. also cameron is hot as shit in this btw.
affluenza: probs short. when charlie is getting ready to leave cam is like “so money can’t buy happiness” and charlie’s like tf did u say to me. they talk abt where charlie’s going and whatnot and money. “i can’t do the things you do charlie, don’t you get anything” charlie leaves feeling a bit more guilty.
(can we be friends?): cam and charlie’s life growing up together. cute moments of them falling for the other. “now charlie knows why he and cameron could never be friends.”
heather: charlie and knox are together. cameron likes charlie. one night charlie is drunk and it’s just cam and him in the dorm. charlie ends up kissing cameron as a joke and cameron doesn’t know. there’s a fic like this. after the kiss it’s never the same. knox doesn’t know what happened. cameron has to watch them be all buddy buddy and shit- even if they’re not out to the rest of the group, cam knows. cameron knows not to interfere with their relationship no matter how much he wants to. he chooses to sit and watch and keep all his feelings inside.
little league: charlie stops by a cafe one night because he has nothing else to do. it turns out it’s open mic night. someone gets up to read. that someone is cameron. cameron performs a poem called little league. charlie remembers things. he leaves before the poem is over. /OR/ Cameron is an adult, he's a doctor or smth bouj, he has a family, a house, the embodiment of the american middle aged straight white man dream life. But sometimes, in secret, he takes Welton's Yearbook out of the shelf, and he traces Charlie face, and he remembers.
the story: cameron and charlie are late-night swimming in the lake together. they’re fantasizing abt whatever and charlie says “we should run away” they continue the convo like they did the others. a few days later charlie brings it up again, seriously this time. “what? dalton are you on something?” no. they get into an argument and shit. about a week later cameron wakes up to charlie sneaking out, but this isn’t sneaking out like dps meeting sneaking out, he’s running away. cam: “charlie? what are you doing up?” charlie: “this is your last chance. you coming?” cam: *thinks* no.
fake: ratting on keating and more angsty mess
overdrive: first kiss moment. they’re meant to be studying but they got distracted and are just talking instead. charlie’s like “cam have u ever kissed sum1” cam: “i think u know the answer to that dalton” charlie: “do you want to” cam: “ha! that’s a laugh! who can i find within a mile of here that i could kiss” charlie: me. whole carpe diem whatever- “charlie are you kidding do you know what would happen if someone found out!?” “so i won’t let them” but they kiss and it’s cute
astronomy: au: cam never ratted out keating but neil still died but just that whole thing never happened. ok. ever since neil died both cam and char were different. their relationship was tense. before it had been perf and everyone was envious of them but after neil everything changed. cameron was more agressive and easily irritable. charlie was more reserved and quiet. they tried to fix it but they decided it would be best to split. they still saw eachother in hallways and stuff, but were no longer roommates. after a couple months, they were strangers.
people watching: a view on the cameron/charlie relationship from other people. they’re opposites obv. when ppl were first informed they were taken aback to say the least. but when they see how they are together they get it yk? yeah u do.
ur welcome for my genius guys u need it.
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